path: root/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenStatMain.pas (unfollow)
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2008-07-12unit UDataBase;GogolNr11-31/+2
interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses USongs, USong, SQLiteTable3; //-------------------- //DataBaseSystem - Class including all DB Methods //-------------------- type TStatResult = record Case Typ: Byte of 0: (Singer: ShortString; Score: Word; Difficulty: Byte; SongArtist: ShortString; SongTitle: ShortString); 1: (Player: ShortString; AverageScore: Word); 2: (Artist: ShortString; Title: ShortString; TimesSung: Word); 3: (ArtistName: ShortString; TimesSungtot: Word); end; AStatResult = Array of TStatResult; TDataBaseSystem = class private ScoreDB: TSqliteDatabase; sFilename: string; public property Filename: String read sFilename; Destructor Destroy; override; Procedure Init(const Filename: string); procedure ReadScore(Song: TSong); procedure AddScore(Song: TSong; Level: integer; Name: string; Score: integer); procedure WriteScore(Song: TSong); Function GetStats(var Stats: AStatResult; const Typ, Count: Byte; const Page: Cardinal; const Reversed: Boolean): Boolean; Function GetTotalEntrys(const Typ: Byte): Cardinal; Function GetStatReset: TDateTime; end; var DataBase: TDataBaseSystem; implementation uses IniFiles, ULog, StrUtils, SysUtils; const cUS_Scores = 'us_scores'; cUS_Songs = 'us_songs'; cUS_Statistics_Info = 'us_statistics_info'; //-------------------- //Create - Opens Database and Create Tables if not Exist //-------------------- Procedure TDataBaseSystem.Init(const Filename: string); begin Log.LogStatus('Initializing database: "'+Filename+'"', 'TDataBaseSystem.Init'); //Open Database ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create( Filename ); sFilename := Filename; try //Look for Tables => When not exist Create them if not ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Scores ) then begin ScoreDB.execsql('CREATE TABLE `'+cUS_Scores+'` (`SongID` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL , `Difficulty` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL , `Player` VARCHAR( 150 ) NOT NULL , `Score` INT( 5 ) NOT NULL );'); debugWriteln( 'TDataBaseSystem.Init - CREATED US_Scores' ); end; if not ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Songs ) then begin ScoreDB.execsql('CREATE TABLE `'+cUS_Songs+'` (`ID` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `Artist` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `TimesPlayed` int(5) NOT NULL );'); debugWriteln( 'TDataBaseSystem.Init - CREATED US_Songs' ); end; if not ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Statistics_Info ) then begin ScoreDB.execsql('CREATE TABLE `'+cUS_Statistics_Info+'` (`ResetTime` VARCHAR(17) );'); ScoreDB.execsql('INSERT INTO `'+cUS_Statistics_Info+'` (`ResetTime`) VALUES ("'+datetimetostr(now)+'");'); debugWriteln( 'TDataBaseSystem.Init - CREATED US_Statistics_Info' ); end; //Not possible because of String Limitation to 255 Chars //Need to rewrite Wrapper {if not ScoreDB.TableExists('US_SongCache') then ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE `US_SongCache` (`Path` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Filename` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Artist` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Folder` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Genre` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Edition` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Language` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Creator` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Cover` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Background` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Video` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `VideoGap` FLOAT NOT NULL , `Gap` FLOAT NOT NULL , `Start` FLOAT NOT NULL , `Finish` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL , `BPM` INT( 5 ) NOT NULL , `Relative` BOOLEAN NOT NULL , `NotesGap` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL);');} finally Log.LogInfo( cUS_Songs +' exists: ' + IfThen(ScoreDB.TableExists(cUS_Songs), 'true', 'false'), 'TDataBaseSystem.Init'); Log.LogInfo( cUS_Scores +' exists: ' + IfThen(ScoreDB.TableExists(cUS_Scores), 'true', 'false'), 'TDataBaseSystem.Init'); //ScoreDB.Free; end; end; //-------------------- //Destroy - Frees Database //-------------------- Destructor TDataBaseSystem.Destroy; begin Log.LogInfo('TDataBaseSystem.Free', 'TDataBaseSystem.Destroy'); freeandnil( ScoreDB ); inherited; end; //-------------------- //ReadScore - Read Scores into SongArray //-------------------- procedure TDataBaseSystem.ReadScore(Song: TSong); var TableData: TSqliteTable; Difficulty: Integer; begin if not assigned( ScoreDB ) then exit; //ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create(sFilename); try try //Search Song in DB TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable('SELECT `Difficulty`, `Player`, `Score` FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'` WHERE `SongID` = (SELECT `ID` FROM `us_songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '" LIMIT 1) ORDER BY `Score` DESC LIMIT 15'); //Empty Old Scores SetLength (Song.Score[0], 0); SetLength (Song.Score[1], 0); SetLength (Song.Score[2], 0); while not TableData.Eof do //Go through all Entrys begin //Add one Entry to Array Difficulty := StrToIntDef(TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Difficulty']), -1); if (Difficulty >= 0) AND (Difficulty <= 2) then begin SetLength(Song.Score[Difficulty], Length(Song.Score[Difficulty]) + 1); Song.Score[Difficulty, high(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Name := TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Player']); Song.Score[Difficulty, high(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Score := StrtoInt(TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Score'])); end; TableData.Next; end; // While not TableData.EOF except for Difficulty := 0 to 2 do begin SetLength(Song.Score[Difficulty], 1); Song.Score[Difficulty, 1].Name := 'Error Reading ScoreDB'; end; end; finally //ScoreDb.Free; end; end; //-------------------- //AddScore - Add one new Score to DB //-------------------- procedure TDataBaseSystem.AddScore(Song: TSong; Level: integer; Name: string; Score: integer); var ID: Integer; TableData: TSqliteTable; begin if not assigned( ScoreDB ) then exit; //ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create(sFilename); try //Prevent 0 Scores from being added if (Score > 0) then begin ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `'+cUS_Songs+'` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '"'); if ID = 0 then //Song doesn't exist -> Create begin ScoreDB.ExecSQL ('INSERT INTO `'+cUS_Songs+'` ( `ID` , `Artist` , `Title` , `TimesPlayed` ) VALUES (NULL , "' + Song.Artist + '", "' + Song.Title + '", "0");'); ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `US_Songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '"'); if ID = 0 then //Could not Create Table exit; end; //Create new Entry ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO `'+cUS_Scores+'` ( `SongID` , `Difficulty` , `Player` , `Score` ) VALUES ("' + InttoStr(ID) + '", "' + InttoStr(Level) + '", "' + Name + '", "' + InttoStr(Score) + '");'); //Delete Last Position when there are more than 5 Entrys if ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT COUNT(`SongID`) FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'` WHERE `SongID` = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'"') > 5 then begin TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable('SELECT `Player`, `Score` FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'` WHERE SongID = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'" ORDER BY `Score` ASC LIMIT 1'); ScoreDB.ExecSQL('DELETE FROM `US_Scores` WHERE SongID = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'" AND `Player` = "' + TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Player']) + '" AND `Score` = "' + TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Score']) + '"'); end; end; finally //ScoreDB.Free; end; end; //-------------------- //WriteScore - Not needed with new System; But used for Increment Played Count //-------------------- procedure TDataBaseSystem.WriteScore(Song: TSong); begin if not assigned( ScoreDB ) then exit; try //Increase TimesPlayed ScoreDB.ExecSQL ('UPDATE `'+cUS_Songs+'` SET `TimesPlayed` = `TimesPlayed` + "1" WHERE `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '" AND `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '";'); except end; end; //-------------------- //GetStats - Write some Stats to Array, Returns True if Chossen Page has Entrys //Case Typ of //0 - Best Scores //1 - Best Singers //2 - Most sung Songs //3 - Most popular Band //-------------------- Function TDataBaseSystem.GetStats(var Stats: AStatResult; const Typ, Count: Byte; const Page: Cardinal; const Reversed: Boolean): Boolean; var Query: String; TableData: TSqliteTable; begin Result := False; if not assigned( ScoreDB ) then exit; if (Length(Stats) < Count) then Exit; {Todo: Add Prevention that only Players with more than 5 Scores are Selected at Typ 2} //Create Query Case Typ of 0: Query := 'SELECT `Player` , `Difficulty` , `Score` , `Artist` , `Title` FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'` INNER JOIN `US_Songs` ON (`SongID` = `ID`) ORDER BY `Score`'; 1: Query := 'SELECT `Player` , ROUND (Sum(`Score`) / COUNT(`Score`)) FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'` GROUP BY `Player` ORDER BY (Sum(`Score`) / COUNT(`Score`))'; 2: Query := 'SELECT `Artist` , `Title` , `TimesPlayed` FROM `'+cUS_Songs+'` ORDER BY `TimesPlayed`'; 3: Query := 'SELECT `Artist` , Sum(`TimesPlayed`) FROM `'+cUS_Songs+'` GROUP BY `Artist` ORDER BY Sum(`TimesPlayed`)'; end; //Add Order Direction If Reversed then Query := Query + ' ASC' else Query := Query + ' DESC'; //Add Limit Query := Query + ' LIMIT ' + InttoStr(Count * Page) + ', ' + InttoStr(Count) + ';'; //Execute Query try TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable(Query); except exit; // this has a try except, because ( on linux at least ) it seems that doing a GetTable, that returns nothing // causes an exception. and in the case of a new Database file, with no scores stored yet... this seems to except here. end; //if Result empty -> Exit if (TableData.RowCount < 1) then exit; //Copy Result to Stats Array while not TableData.Eof do begin Stats[TableData.Row].Typ := Typ; Case Typ of 0:begin Stats[TableData.Row].Singer := TableData.Fields[0]; Stats[TableData.Row].Difficulty := StrtoIntDef(TableData.Fields[1], 0); Stats[TableData.Row].Score := StrtoIntDef(TableData.Fields[2], 0){TableData.FieldAsInteger(2)}; Stats[TableData.Row].SongArtist := TableData.Fields[3]; Stats[TableData.Row].SongTitle := TableData.Fields[4]; end; 1:begin Stats[TableData.Row].Player := TableData.Fields[0]; Stats[TableData.Row].AverageScore := StrtoIntDef(TableData.Fields[1], 0); end; 2:begin Stats[TableData.Row].Artist := TableData.Fields[0]; Stats[TableData.Row].Title := TableData.Fields[1]; Stats[TableData.Row].TimesSung := StrtoIntDef(TableData.Fields[2], 0); end; 3:begin Stats[TableData.Row].ArtistName := TableData.Fields[0]; Stats[TableData.Row].TimesSungtot := StrtoIntDef(TableData.Fields[1], 0); end; end; TableData.Next; end; Result := True; end; //-------------------- //GetTotalEntrys - Get Total Num of entrys for a Stats Query //-------------------- Function TDataBaseSystem.GetTotalEntrys(const Typ: Byte): Cardinal; var Query: String; begin Result := 0; if not assigned( ScoreDB ) then exit; try //Create Query Case Typ of 0: begin Query := 'SELECT COUNT(`SongID`) FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'`;'; if not ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Scores ) then exit; end; 1: begin Query := 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `Player`) FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'`;'; if not ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Scores ) then exit; end; 2: begin Query := 'SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `'+cUS_Songs+'`;'; if not ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Songs ) then exit; end; 3: begin Query := 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `Artist`) FROM `'+cUS_Songs+'`;'; if not ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Songs ) then exit; end; end; Result := ScoreDB.GetTableValue(Query); except // TODO : JB_Linux - Why do we get these exceptions on linux !! -> should be solved! on E:ESQLiteException DO begin exit; end; end; end; //-------------------- //GetStatReset - Get reset date of statistic data //-------------------- Function TDataBaseSystem.GetStatReset: TDateTime; var Query: String; TableData: TSqliteTable; begin if not assigned( ScoreDB ) then exit; Query := 'SELECT `ResetTime` FROM `'+cUS_Statistics_Info+'`;'; TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable(Query); result:=StrToDateTime(TableData.Fields[0]); end; end. git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@1185 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2008-03-25Fixed compilation on the mac.eddie-08151-8/+8
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@972 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2008-03-22Support for non-US (QWERTY) keyboard layout.tobigun1-5/+10
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@970 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2008-03-21ParseInput(... ScanCode: byte; ...) -> ParseInput(... CharCode: WideChar; ...)tobigun1-2/+2
See: http://trac2.assembla.com/usdx/ticket/35 git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@966 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2008-02-20all screens now inherit their OnShowjaybinks1-0/+2
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@870 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
- cleanup and adaption of SingDrawOscilloscope Portaudio/SDL audio output: - stuttering in portaudio output has been fixed (SDL_MixBuffers cannot be used without initializing the SDL audio stuff first, so it is not usable with portaudio. Now SDL is used for audio-output instead of portaudio (although the file-name is UAudioPlayback_Portaudio.pas at the moment). - cleaner file closing - volume adjustment UMusic: - cleanup of the audio-interfaces - introduced TNoteType = (ntFreestyle, ntNormal, ntGolden) - some bug-fixes - introduced TSoundLibrary. This is library for all in-game sounds used by USDX. Instead of calling AudioPlayer.PlaySwoosh you should call AudioPlayer.PlaySound(SoundLib.Swoosh) now. You might call SoundLib.Swoosh.Play too, but this is not recommended at the moment because SoundLib.Swoosh could be nil if the file was not found. The SoundLibrary approach is much cleaner than the previous one. The AudioPlayer does not have to specify a Play... and Stop... method for every available sound anymore. In addition it is not an AudioPlayers responsibility to init the in-game sounds. URecord: - polish to english translation of some variables - CaptureSoundLeft/Right is CaptureChannel[0/1] now - TSoundCardInput -> TAudioInputDeviceSource - TGenericSoundCard.Input -> TGenericSoundCard.Source - autocorrelation algorithm more readable now - Clean-up of the audio-input interface - moved cloned code of the input-classes to one base class (TAudioInputBase) - Cleaner finalization - Start-/StopCapture will not crash anymore in the recording-options menu - Fixed several bugs in the autocorrelation stuff (e.g. wrong usage of $10000) - SzczytJest (now ToneValid) was not used correctly. ToneValid is set to true if a valid tone was found (= the sound was louder than the threshold -> no background noise). If i remember correctly the sound was accepted although the tone was invalid. So the old data was used although noone was singing. This resulted in some sort of ghost-singer effect. UIni: - moved TIni.Card to TScreenOptionsRecord.Card because it is not stored in the ini-file and will not be in the future. - TIni.CardList ist now TIni.InputDeviceConfig. The name cardlist was misleading because it just specifies input- but no output-devices. In addition a soundcard can have multiple input-devices (at least in linux). - bugfix on InputDeviceConfig (formerly CardList) usage. USDX expected that the indices of the corresponding elements in TIni.InputDeviceConfig[] and TAudioInputProcessor.Device[] were the same. This is wrong. If device 2 was defined at first place in the ini and device 1 at the second, the indices of the two arrays didn't match (they were swapped) erroneously. To fix this and to support the item listed below the index to TIni.InputDeviceConfig[] is now stored in TAudioInputDevice.CfgIndex. NOTE: InputDeviceConfig[] contains configurations of non-available (unplugged) devices. Iterate over TAudioInputProcessor.Device[] for available devices. - configurations of external devices that are not plugged in will not be deleted anymore. - multiple definitions of one device in the ini-file will not crash USDX anymore - CardList[I].ChannelL/R now are InputDeviceConfig[I].ChannelToPlayerMap[0/1]. I think the new name is more intuitive because it maps a channel to a player number. Now the both vars are joint to one array. Now it is possible to use loops to process them and we might support more than two input channels on one device in the future (if such devices exist) git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@827 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2008-01-12bunch of smaller changes...jaybinks1-3/+4
some changes to song loading... Record global changed to singleton object started implementing mic volume display in Settings-Record hope this dosnt break anything.. :P git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@789 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2007-11-01fixed failed buildsjaybinks1-0/+4
build:USDX-LAZLIN-75 build:USDX-LAZLIN-76 for some reason we can not use {$MODE Delphi} in an included file. ( Probably because of the way the compier scopes this switch to each pas file ) ive had to revert this part of eddies changes. git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@548 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2007-11-01Mac OS X version compiles and links. I hope I didn't break too many files on ↵eddie-08151-6/+3
windows/linux. Added switches.inc to all files. Changed many IFDEFs. For Windows-only code please use MSWINDOWS instead of WIN32 now. WIN32 is also used by the Mac port. git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@546 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2007-10-11Added IAudioPlayback Interface and implementation for BASS.jaybinks1-4/+5
Created "AudioPlayback" Global Singleton, which removed the need for the "Music" Global variable. This was done because global singleton objects are a recognized better "design pattern" achieving the same thing as global variables, but in a nicer way. I will be working to a) separate IAudioPlayback in to separate "Playback" and "Input" Interfaces b) build a FFMpeg class that implements IAudioPlayback git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@504 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2007-09-20Ultrastar-DX now compiles in linux jaybinks1-231/+285
(using lazarus) Bass etc is commented out.. but it compiles, and im working through the runtime errors. git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@408 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2007-09-18changes in order to compile in lazarus...jaybinks1-1/+6
minor tidy ups and removal of big old comment blocks.. git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@394 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2007-09-05modified ParseInput so Backspace will perform same function as ESC in most ↵jaybinks1-1/+3
screens ( Except where text input is required, and backspace is used for text input ) This has been done, so that when used with Windows Media Center IR Remotes ( needs SDL 1.2 dll at runtime ) users can navigate throug the game without sitting in front of the PC keyboard. git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@370 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2007-07-09Fixed Bug in Stat Main: Categorys was counted as Songswhiteshark01-1/+1
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@283 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2007-05-17Video Tag will now only be read when the VideoFile exists. whiteshark01-1/+1
-> Better usability of VideoIcon git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@214 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2007-04-29Added 2 new Buttons to ScreenMain: Multi and Statswhiteshark01-9/+4
Updated Language Fiels to Fit with new Buttons Some CodeClean Up in Menu Class and in Screens Some minor Bug fixes I forgot about Added ability to group Buttons within a Screen New Theme Object: ButtonCollection: Same Attributes as a Button Plus FirstChild: Defining the First Button in the Group. For Example: SingSolo is 1, SingMulti Button is 2, in ScreenMain Added Attribute to Theme Button: Parent: Number of the assigned Group, 0 for no Group Used new Abilitys in MainScreen git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@149 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
2007-04-19Added Statistic Screens to C0de and to Themewhiteshark01-0/+229
Moved some Translated Strings from UScreenPartyOptions to UTheme to use it with the Statistic Screens, too. Fixed use of /n Tag istead of the correct \n git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@118 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c