path: root/unicode/src
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1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/unicode/src/base/UCommon.pas b/unicode/src/base/UCommon.pas
index 1bee9d29..187c21fb 100644
--- a/unicode/src/base/UCommon.pas
+++ b/unicode/src/base/UCommon.pas
@@ -44,6 +44,25 @@ uses
+ TStringDynArray = array of string;
+ SepWhitespace = [#9, #10, #13, ' ']; // tab, lf, cr, space
+ * Splits a string into pieces separated by Separators.
+ * MaxCount specifies the max. number of pieces. If it is <= 0 the number is
+ * not limited. If > 0 the last array element will hold the rest of the string
+ * (with leading separators removed).
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ * SplitString(' split me now ', 0) -> ['split', 'me', 'now']
+ * SplitString(' split me now ', 1) -> ['split', 'me now']
+ *}
+function SplitString(const Str: string; MaxCount: integer = 0; Separators: TSysCharSet = SepWhitespace): TStringDynArray;
TMessageType = (mtInfo, mtError);
procedure ShowMessage(const msg: string; msgType: TMessageType = mtInfo);
@@ -93,6 +112,58 @@ uses
+function SplitString(const Str: string; MaxCount: integer; Separators: TSysCharSet): TStringDynArray;
+ {*
+ * Adds Str[StartPos..Endpos-1] to the result array.
+ *}
+ procedure AddSplit(StartPos, EndPos: integer);
+ begin
+ SetLength(Result, Length(Result)+1);
+ Result[High(Result)] := Copy(Str, StartPos, EndPos-StartPos);
+ end;
+ I: integer;
+ Start: integer;
+ Last: integer;
+ Start := 0;
+ SetLength(Result, 0);
+ for I := 1 to Length(Str) do
+ begin
+ if (Str[I] in Separators) then
+ begin
+ // end of component found
+ if (Start > 0) then
+ begin
+ AddSplit(Start, I);
+ Start := 0;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (Start = 0) then
+ begin
+ // mark beginning of component
+ Start := I;
+ // check if this is the last component
+ if (Length(Result) = MaxCount-1) then
+ begin
+ // find last non-separator char
+ Last := Length(Str);
+ while (Str[Last] in Separators) do
+ Dec(Last);
+ // add component up to last non-separator
+ AddSplit(Start, Last);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // last component
+ if (Start > 0) then
+ AddSplit(Start, Length(Str)+1);
// data used by the ...Locale() functions
{$IF Defined(Linux) or Defined(FreeBSD)}