path: root/src/lib/other/DirWatch.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/other/DirWatch.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 345 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/other/DirWatch.pas b/src/lib/other/DirWatch.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e00ec5d..00000000
--- a/src/lib/other/DirWatch.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-unit DirWatch;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Component Name: TDirectoryWatch .
-// Module: DirWatch .
-// Description: Implements watching for file changes in a designated .
-// directory (or directories). .
-// Version: 1.4 .
-// Date: 10-MAR-2003 .
-// Target: Win32, Delphi 3 - Delphi 7 .
-// Author: Angus Johnson, angusj-AT-myrealbox-DOT-com .
-// A portion of code has been copied from the Drag & Drop .
-// Component Suite which I co-authored with Anders Melander. .
-// Copyright: © 2003 Angus Johnson .
-// .
-// Usage: 1. Add a TDirectoryWatch component to your form. .
-// 2. Set its Directory property .
-// 3. If you wish to watch its subdirectories too then set .
-// the WatchSubDir property to true .
-// 4. Assign the OnChange event .
-// 5. Set Active to true .
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {$MODE Delphi}
- {$H+} // use long strings
- Windows,
- Messages,
- Classes,
- WinAllocation,
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils;
- TNotifyFilters = set of (nfFilename, nfDirname, nfAttrib,
- nfSize, nfLastWrite, nfSecurity);
- TWatchThread = class; //forward declaration
- TDirectoryWatch = class(TComponent)
- private
- fWindowHandle: THandle;
- fWatchThread: TWatchThread;
- fWatchSubDirs: boolean;
- fDirectory: string;
- fActive: boolean;
- fNotifyFilters: TNotifyFilters; //see FindFirstChangeNotification in winAPI
- fOnChangeEvent: TNotifyEvent;
- procedure SetActive(aActive: boolean);
- procedure SetDirectory(aDir: string);
- procedure SetWatchSubDirs(aWatchSubDirs: boolean);
- procedure SetNotifyFilters(aNotifyFilters: TNotifyFilters);
- procedure WndProc(var aMsg: TMessage);
- public
- constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- property Directory: string read fDirectory write SetDirectory;
- property NotifyFilters: TNotifyFilters
- read fNotifyFilters write SetNotifyFilters;
- property WatchSubDirs: boolean read fWatchSubDirs write SetWatchSubDirs;
- property Active: boolean read fActive write SetActive;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read fOnChangeEvent write fOnChangeEvent;
- end;
- TWatchThread = class(TThread)
- private
- fOwnerHdl: Thandle;
- fChangeNotify : THandle; //Signals whenever Windows detects a change in .
- //the watched directory .
- fBreakEvent: THandle; //Signals when either the Directory property .
- //changes or when the thread terminates .
- fDirectory: string;
- fWatchSubDirs: longbool;
- fNotifyFilters: dword;
- fFinished: boolean;
- protected
- procedure SetDirectory(const Value: string);
- procedure ProcessFilenameChanges;
- procedure Execute; override;
- public
- constructor Create( OwnerHdl: THandle;
- const InitialDir: string; WatchSubDirs: boolean; NotifyFilters: dword);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Terminate;
- property Directory: string write SetDirectory;
- end;
-procedure Register;
- sInvalidDir = 'Invalid Directory: ';
-// Miscellaneous functions ...
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents('Samples', [TDirectoryWatch]);
-function DirectoryExists(const Name: string): Boolean;
- Code: Integer;
- Code := GetFileAttributes(PChar(Name));
- Result := (Code <> -1) and (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY and Code <> 0);
-// TDirectoryWatch methods ...
-constructor TDirectoryWatch.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
- inherited Create(aOwner);
- //default Notify values - notify if either a file name or a directory name
- //changes or if a file is modified ...
- fNotifyFilters := [nfFilename, nfDirname, nfLastWrite];
- fDirectory := 'C:\';
- //this non-visual control needs to handle messages, so ...
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- fWindowHandle := AllocateHWnd(WndProc);
-destructor TDirectoryWatch.Destroy;
- Active := false;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- DeallocateHWnd(fWindowHandle);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TDirectoryWatch.WndProc(var aMsg: TMessage);
- with aMsg do
- begin
- if assigned(OnChange) then OnChange(self);
- end else
- Result := DefWindowProc(FWindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam);
-procedure TDirectoryWatch.SetNotifyFilters(aNotifyFilters: TNotifyFilters);
- if aNotifyFilters = fNotifyFilters then exit;
- fNotifyFilters := aNotifyFilters;
- if assigned(fWatchThread) then
- begin
- Active := false;
- Active := true;
- end;
-procedure TDirectoryWatch.SetWatchSubDirs(aWatchSubDirs: boolean);
- if aWatchSubDirs = fWatchSubDirs then exit;
- fWatchSubDirs := aWatchSubDirs;
- if assigned(fWatchThread) then
- begin
- Active := false;
- Active := true;
- end;
-procedure TDirectoryWatch.SetDirectory(aDir: string);
- if aDir = '' then
- begin
- Active := false;
- fDirectory := '';
- exit;
- end;
- if (aDir[length(aDir)] <> '\') then aDir := aDir + '\';
- if aDir = fDirectory then exit;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and not DirectoryExists(aDir) then
- raise Exception.Create( sInvalidDir + aDir);
- fDirectory := aDir;
- if assigned(fWatchThread) then
- fWatchThread.Directory := fDirectory;
-procedure TDirectoryWatch.SetActive(aActive: boolean);
- nf: dword;
- if aActive = fActive then exit;
- fActive := aActive;
- if csDesigning in ComponentState then exit;
- if fActive then
- begin
- if not DirectoryExists(fDirectory) then
- begin
- fActive := false;
- raise Exception.Create(sInvalidDir + fDirectory);
- end;
- nf := 0;
- if nfFilename in fNotifyFilters then
- if nfDirname in fNotifyFilters then
- if nfAttrib in fNotifyFilters then
- if nfSize in fNotifyFilters then
- if nfLastWrite in fNotifyFilters then
- if nfSecurity in fNotifyFilters then
- fWatchThread := TWatchThread.Create(
- fWindowHandle, fDirectory, fWatchSubDirs, nf);
- end else
- begin
- fWatchThread.Terminate;
- fWatchThread := nil;
- end;
-// TWatchThread methods ...
-constructor TWatchThread.Create(OwnerHdl: THandle;
- const InitialDir: string; WatchSubDirs: boolean; NotifyFilters: dword);
- inherited Create(True);
- fOwnerHdl := OwnerHdl;
- if WatchSubDirs then
- cardinal(fWatchSubDirs) := 1 //workaround a Win9x OS issue
- else
- fWatchSubDirs := false;
- FreeOnTerminate := true;
- Priority := tpLowest;
- fDirectory := InitialDir;
- fNotifyFilters := NotifyFilters;
- fBreakEvent := windows.CreateEvent(nil, False, False, nil);
- Resume;
-destructor TWatchThread.Destroy;
- CloseHandle(fBreakEvent);
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TWatchThread.SetDirectory(const Value: string);
- if (Value = FDirectory) then exit;
- FDirectory := Value;
- SetEvent(fBreakEvent);
-procedure TWatchThread.Terminate;
- inherited Terminate;
- SetEvent(fBreakEvent);
- while not fFinished do sleep(10); //avoids a reported resource leak
- //if called while closing the application.
-procedure TWatchThread.Execute;
- //OUTER LOOP - manages Directory property reassignments
- while (not Terminated) do
- begin
- fChangeNotify := FindFirstChangeNotification(pchar(fDirectory),
- fWatchSubDirs, fNotifyFilters);
- if (fChangeNotify = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then
- //Can't monitor the specified directory so we'll just wait for
- //a new Directory assignment or the thread terminating ...
- WaitForSingleObject(fBreakEvent, INFINITE)
- else
- try
- //Now do the INNER loop...
- ProcessFilenameChanges;
- finally
- FindCloseChangeNotification(fChangeNotify);
- end;
- end;
- fFinished := true;
-procedure TWatchThread.ProcessFilenameChanges;
- WaitResult : DWORD;
- HandleArray : array[0..1] of THandle;
- TEN_MSECS = 10;
- HandleArray[0] := fBreakEvent;
- HandleArray[1] := fChangeNotify;
- //INNER LOOP - exits only when fBreakEvent signaled
- while (not Terminated) do
- begin
- //waits for either fChangeNotify or fBreakEvent ...
- WaitResult := WaitForMultipleObjects(2, @HandleArray, False, INFINITE);
- if (WaitResult = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) then //fChangeNotify
- begin
- repeat //ie: if a number of files are changing in a block
- //just post the one notification message ...
- FindNextChangeNotification(fChangeNotify);
- until Terminated or
- (WaitForSingleObject(fChangeNotify, TEN_MSECS) <> WAIT_OBJECT_0);
- if Terminated then break;
- //OK, now notify the main thread (before restarting inner loop)...
- PostMessage(fOwnerHdl, NOTIFYCHANGE_MESSAGE, 0, 0);
- end else //fBreakEvent ...
- begin
- //If the Directory property is undergoing multiple rapid reassignments
- //wait 'til this stops before restarting monitoring of a new directory ...
- while (not Terminated) and
- (WaitForSingleObject(fBreakEvent, HUNDRED_MSECS) = WAIT_OBJECT_0) do;
- break; //EXIT LOOP HERE
- end;
- end;
-end. \ No newline at end of file