path: root/src/lib/freetype/demo/nehe/lesson43.dpr
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/freetype/demo/nehe/lesson43.dpr b/src/lib/freetype/demo/nehe/lesson43.dpr
deleted file mode 100644
index fe296fb5..00000000
--- a/src/lib/freetype/demo/nehe/lesson43.dpr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-program lesson43;
- * This code was created by Jeff Molofee '99
- * (ported to Linux/SDL by Ti Leggett '01)
- *
- * If you've found this code useful, please let me know.
- *
- * Visit Jeff at http://nehe.gamedev.net/
- *
- * or for port-specific comments, questions, bugreports etc.
- * email to leggett@eecs.tulane.edu
- *)
- {$mode delphi}{$H+}
-{$APPTYPE Console}
- moduleloader in '../../../JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/moduleloader.pas',
- SDL in '../../../JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/sdl.pas',
- gl in '../../../JEDI-SDL/OpenGL/Pas/gl.pas',
- glu in '../../../JEDI-SDL/OpenGL/Pas/glu.pas',
- ctypes in '../../../ctypes/ctypes.pas',
- FreeType in '../../freetype.pas',
- UFreeType in 'UFreeType.pas',
- math,
- sysutils;
- // screen width, height, and bit depth
- SCREEN_BPP = 16;
- our_font: TFontData;
- // This is our SDL surface
- surface: PSDL_Surface;
- cnt1, cnt2: GLfloat;
-(* function to release/destroy our resources and restoring the old desktop *)
-procedure Quit(returnCode: integer);
- // clean up the window
- SDL_Quit( );
- // and exit appropriately
- Halt( returnCode );
-(* function to reset our viewport after a window resize *)
-function resizeWindow(width: integer; height: integer): boolean;
- // Height / width ration
- ratio: GLfloat;
- // Protect against a divide by zero
- if ( height = 0 ) then
- height := 1;
- ratio := width / height;
- // Setup our viewport.
- glViewport( 0, 0, GLsizei(width), GLsizei(height) );
- // change to the projection matrix and set our viewing volume.
- glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
- glLoadIdentity( );
- // Set our perspective
- gluPerspective( 45.0, ratio, 0.1, 100.0 );
- // Make sure we're chaning the model view and not the projection
- glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
- // Reset The View
- glLoadIdentity( );
- Result := true;
-(* function to handle key press events *)
-procedure handleKeyPress(keysym: PSDL_keysym);
- case ( keysym^.sym ) of
- begin
- // ESC key was pressed
- Quit( 0 );
- end;
- SDLK_F1:
- begin
- // F1 key was pressed
- // this toggles fullscreen mode
- SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen( surface );
- end;
- end;
-(* general OpenGL initialization function *)
-function initGL(): boolean;
- // Enable smooth shading
- glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
- // Set the background black
- glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
- // Depth buffer setup
- glClearDepth( 1.0 );
- // Enables Depth Testing
- glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
- // The Type Of Depth Test To Do
- glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );
- // Really Nice Perspective Calculations
- our_font := TFontData.Create('Test.ttf', 16);
- Result := true;
-(* Here goes our drawing code *)
-function drawGLScene(): boolean;
- glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT or GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear Screen And Depth Buffer
- glLoadIdentity(); // Reset The Current Modelview Matrix
- glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -1.0); // Move One Unit Into The Screen
- // Blue Text
- glColor3ub(0, 0, $ff);
- // Position The WGL Text On The Screen
- glRasterPos2f(-0.40, 0.35);
- // Here We Print Some Text Using Our FreeType Font
- // The only really important command is the actual print() call,
- // but for the sake of making the results a bit more interesting
- // I have put in some code to rotate and scale the text.
- // Red text
- glColor3ub($ff, 0, 0);
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glRotatef(cnt1, 0, 0,1);
- glScalef(1, 0.8 + 0.3*cos(cnt1/5) ,1);
- glTranslatef(-180, 0, 0);
- TFreeType.print(our_font, 320, 240, 'Active FreeType Text - ' + FloatToStr(cnt1));
- glPopMatrix();
- //Uncomment this to test out print's ability to handle newlines.
- //TFreeType.print(our_font, 320, 200, 'Here'#13'there'#13'be'#13#13'newlines'#13'.');
- cnt1 := cnt1 + 0.051; // Increase The First Counter
- cnt2 := cnt2 + 0.005; // Increase The First Counter
- SDL_GL_SwapBuffers( );
- Result := true;
- // Flags to pass to SDL_SetVideoMode
- videoFlags: integer;
- // main loop variable
- done: boolean = false;
- // used to collect events
- event: TSDL_Event;
- // this holds some info about our display
- videoInfo: PSDL_VideoInfo;
- // whether or not the window is active
- isActive: boolean = true;
- // initialize SDL
- if ( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO ) < 0 ) then
- begin
- writeln( ErrOutput, 'Video initialization failed: ' + SDL_GetError() );
- Quit( 1 );
- end;
- // Fetch the video info
- videoInfo := SDL_GetVideoInfo( );
- if ( videoInfo = nil ) then
- begin
- writeln( ErrOutput, 'Video query failed: ' + SDL_GetError() );
- Quit( 1 );
- end;
- SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 ); // Enable double buffering
- // the flags to pass to SDL_SetVideoMode
- videoFlags := SDL_OPENGL; // Enable OpenGL in SDL
- videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_HWPALETTE; // Store the palette in hardware
- videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_RESIZABLE; // Enable window resizing
- // This checks to see if surfaces can be stored in memory
- if ( videoInfo^.hw_available <> 0 ) then
- videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_HWSURFACE
- else
- videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_SWSURFACE;
- // This checks if hardware blits can be done
- if ( videoInfo^.blit_hw <> 0 ) then
- videoFlags := videoFlags or SDL_HWACCEL;
- // Sets up OpenGL double buffering
- SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 );
- // get a SDL surface
- videoFlags );
- // Verify there is a surface
- if ( surface = nil ) then
- begin
- writeln( ErrOutput, 'Video mode set failed: ' + SDL_GetError() );
- Quit( 1 );
- end;
- // initialize OpenGL
- initGL();
- // resize the initial window
- // wait for events
- while ( not done ) do
- begin
- { handle the events in the queue }
- while ( SDL_PollEvent( @event ) <> 0 ) do
- begin
- case( event.type_ ) of
- begin
- // Something's happend with our focus
- // If we are iconified, we shouldn't draw the screen
- if ( (event.active.state and SDL_APPACTIVE) <> 0 ) then
- begin
- if ( event.active.gain = 0 ) then
- isActive := false
- else
- isActive := true;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- // handle resize event
- surface := SDL_SetVideoMode( event.resize.w,
- event.resize.h,
- 16, videoFlags );
- if ( surface = nil ) then
- begin
- writeln( ErrOutput, 'Could not get a surface after resize: ' + SDL_GetError( ) );
- Quit( 1 );
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- resizeWindow( event.resize.w, event.resize.h );
- end;
- begin
- // handle key presses
- handleKeyPress( @event.key.keysym );
- end;
- begin
- // handle quit requests
- done := true;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // draw the scene
- if ( isActive ) then
- drawGLScene( );
- end;
- // clean ourselves up and exit
- Quit( 0 );