path: root/src/lib/JEDI-SDL
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diff --git a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/JEDI-SDL-README.txt b/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/JEDI-SDL-README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e0d25f9..00000000
--- a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/JEDI-SDL-README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-This is the based on the SDL ( http://www.libsdl.org ) headers, and has been converted, comments and all, to the Pascal unit called sdl.pas.
-Other conversions that have also been done are SDL_Mixer.h, SDL_Net.h, SDL_Image.h, SDL_ttf, SMPEG.h, SDL_sound and the SFont library,
-which are all included in this distribution.
-It allows you to access all the functions within the SDL libraries under Windows, Linux and FreeBSD, so you can write cross-platform games or multimedia applications.
-Installation Instructions
-Windows - We now have a semi-automated setup under Windows ( thanks to David House and the Jedi JCL team ).
- Once you have extracted the zip file, simply double click on the "JEDISDLWin32Installer.exe" to have the correct paths added to your respective
- IDEs. All IDEs from Delphi 4 - 7 are supported and it also adds a link to the .CHM help file under the Tools menu.
-Linux - Alternatively if you use Linux or want to to manually install the paths, then make sure you read the "Getting Started.html" file ( ideal for those who are new to JEDI-SDL ) and is now included as a guide to help getting everything setup for smooth compilation.
-Also included is a guide of how to use Sourceforge using TortoiseCVS under Windows ( Linux guide is under development ).
-Both documents can be found in the "documentation" directory.
-Release History
-1.0 : Yeah!! The Official v1.0 Release of JEDI-SDL!!
- JEDI-SDL now updated to SDL v1.2.11, SDL_Image v1.2.5, SDL_Mixer v1.2.7, SDL_Net v1.2.6 & SDL_ttf v2.0.8
- Added Improved FreePascal, TMT Pascal and GnuPascal support as well as maintaining Delphi/Kylix support.
- Fixed Various bugs as pointed out on the JEDI-SDL mailing list.
-Now works on MacOS X and a MacOS X disk image is available for download.
-// DLL/Shared object functions
-function SDL_LoadObject( const sofile : PChar ) : Pointer;
-function SDL_LoadFunction( handle : Pointer; const name : PChar ) : Pointer;
-procedure SDL_UnloadObject( handle : Pointer );
-//Added function to create RWops from const memory: SDL_RWFromConstMem()
-function SDL_RWFromConstMem(const mem: Pointer; size: Integer) : PSDL_RWops;
-//Added support for environment variables SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS and SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED on Windows
- New Units :
- -----------
- sdl_cpuinfo.pas - ported SDL_cpuinfo.h so Now you can test for Specific CPU types.
- sdlinput.pas - Input wrapper class
- sdlwindow.pas - Window wrapper class
- sdltruetypefont.pas - True Type Font wrapper class
- tcputils.pas - SDL_Net utility functions
- sdlweb.pas - SDL_Net Web class
- sdlwebhttp.pas - SDL_Net http protocol wrapper class
- sdlwebftp.pas - SDL_Net ftp protocol wrapper class
- New 2D Demos :
- --------------
- New 3D Demos :
- --------------
- Other New Stuff :
- -----------------
-0.5 : The JEDI-SDL project is now also set up on Sourceforge ( http://sf.net/projects/jedi-sdl/ ) so the latest code is available from there.
- Improved FreePascal support has been added.
- Various bug fixes as pointed out on the JEDI-SDL mailing list.
- SDL_Mixer has been updated to version 1.2.1 and includes an Effects API.
- Demo directories are now split into 2D and 3D related sub-directories.
- There are now both Kylix ( K prefix ) and Delphi ( D prefix ) project groups for all the demos.
- They can be found in Demos and the 2D and 3D directories.
- New Units
- ---------
- SDLStreams.pas - Chris Bruner has created a wrapper that uses Streams to load BMPs
- SDLUtils.pas - Pascal only version of some Utility functions
- SDLi386Utils.pas - Intel Assembler versions of the SDLUtils.pas functions.
- SDL_ttf.pas - Port of the SDL True Type font support unit.
- SDL_Sound.pas - Port of the SDL Sound library ( untested ).
- New 2D Demos :
- --------------
- Pan and Zoom Demo - How to Pan and Zoom an SDL surface.
- Isometric Demo - I ported my old DelphiX isometric demo over to SDL.
- TestTimer demo - Shows hows how to use AddTimer and RemoveTimer.
- MpegPlayer - I have updated and improved Anders Ohlsson's CLX MPegPlayer and component and it now works
- and installs into D4, D5, D6, D7, K1, K2 & K3.
- Showfont - Demo to show how to us SDL_ttf.dll
- SmpegPlayer - is a console MPEG player that use smpeg and SDL_Mixer
- New 3D Demos :
- --------------
- DeathTruckTion 1.1 - A slightly updated version of this fully functional 3D network game.
- TerrainDemo - Terrain demo ported from the book "OpenGL Game programming" by Hawkins and Astle.
- TestGL - the standard SDL/OpenGL Test demo. Shows how to mix 2D and 3D rendering using OpenGL.
- glfont - Demo to show how to us SDL_ttf with OpenGL.
- Particle Engine - Ariel's OpenGL Particle Engine.
- Picking - Phil Freeman's Picking Demo
- Motion Blur - Phil Freeman's Motion Blur Demo
- Dynamic Light - Phil Freeman's Dynamic Light Demo
- Environment Map - Phil Freeman's Environment Map Demo
- GLMovie - is an MPEG Player that uses OpenGL to render the movie.
- NeHe - Quite a few more NeHe demos are now included.
- New Network Demos :
- -------------------
- There are now 3 SDL_Net Server demos and 4 SDL_Client demos as submitted by Dean Ellis.
-Beta 4 : The JEDI-SDL home page is now located @ http://www.delphi-jedi.org/Jedi:TEAM_SDL_HOME
- All Demos ( including OpenGL Demos ) now compile under both Kylix and Delphi.
- I have added quite a few more OpenGL examples, we are now up to Nehe tutorial 12.
- All OpenGL demos also show how to handle Window resizing.
- Included an OpenGL demo called Puntos by Gustavo Maximo.
- Ported Jan Horn's OpenGL MetaBalls and also SkyBox demo to SDL.
- Ported Ilkka Tuomioja's OpenGL Quake 2 Model Viewer/Animator to SDL.
- NOTE : All OpenGL demos require OpenGL12.pas which can be found at...
- http://www.lischke-online.de/Graphics.html#OpenGL12
- I also fixed a conversion bug to do with SDL_MustLock and also a conversion omission to do with various events.
- Fixed a conversion bug with SDL_CDOpen ( as suggested on the mailing list ).
- Added the GetPixel and PuxPixel functions to the SDLUtils.pas file.
- Jason Farmer has donated SFont, a simple, yet effective Font library he converted for JEDI-SDL.
- It contains 4 Demos show how to best use it.
- Added TUInt8Array and PUIntArray to SDL.pas after suggestions from Matthias Thoma and Eric Grange.
- In the file area of the JEDI-SDL mailing list ( http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JEDI-SDL/files/DTTSrc/ there
- is a fully functional 3D network game called DeathTruckTion v1.0 written by the TNTeam that makes use of
- JEDI-SDL and is just too big to include with this distribution but is well worth looking at as it works under Windows and Linux!
- Gustavo Maxima is working on translating the JEDI-SDL Documentation to Spanish and Portugese.
- The Mouse Demo has now been speeded up considerably and it is very responsive now.
- Dean Ellis will provide steps on how to compile the demos using the Free Pascal compiler.
- Jason Farmer and I are working on a series of Tutorials that should hopefully be out soon.
- David Aclan has donated a SMpeg component that should work under Kylix.
- Róbert Kisnémeth, has been hard at work, and has donated some new demos he has created with a SpriteEngine ( which he also donated ).
- He has also donated a couple of games called BlitzBomber and Oxygene ( which uses the SpriteEngine ) and added a couple of useful
- functions to SDLUtils.pas.
- The Functions added are SDL_FlipV, SDL_FlipH, SDL_NewPutPixel ( assembler version ), SDL_AddPixel, SDL_SubPixel, SDL_DrawLine, SDL_AddLine,
- SDL_SubLine, SDL_AddSurface, SDL_SubSurface, SDL_MonoSurface & SDL_TexturedSurface.
- He has also donated a Font Blitting class and demo called SDL_MonoFonts which supports alignment like Left, Right and Center.
- He and Thomas are also working on a GUI library.
- Jason Farmer has donated a set of Image Filtering functions which add quite a few interesting effects. Check the SDL_Filter sub-directory for more
- info.
- Christian Hackbart also donated an OpenGL BlockOut clone.
-Beta 3 : I have added conversions for SDL_env.h, SDL_Mixer.h and SDL_Net.h while Matthias Thoma has added conversions for SDL_Image.h and SMPEG.h.
- This version is also SDL version 1.2.0 compliant.
- This release also adds demos for the SDL_Image, SDL_Mixer and SDL_Net libraries.
- There are now also some OpenGL demos that make some use of SDL as well as a demo on how to use the Mouse with Clickable regions.
- A conversion bug, that was pointed out by Clem Vasseur, has also been fixed.
- There is now a mailing list that has been set up at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JEDI-SDL/join/ so we can all learn from each other how to use
- these libraries.
- Demos have not been unified into single .dpr files for each demo, thus showing how you would write a crossplatform game using only 1 .dpr file.
- There is also a documentation directory that is currently in HTML format. All code examples in the documentation have been converted to Object
- Pascal but are untested.
- I Also fixed a few conversion bugs which I came across while converting the documentation.
-Beta 2 : I have added conversions for SDL_active.h, SDL_thread.h, SDL_mutex.h and
- SDL_error.h, Matthias Thoma has added Linux Support and JEDI compliancy so these
- units and examples are now x-platform and x-compiler compilable.
- I also added Tom Jones' SDLUtils.pas file;
- Matthias also cleaned up the 2 new demos and made them work on both Linux and
- Windows.
-Beta 1 : Initial Release;
-There are now 5 examples included with this JEDI-SDL distribution.
-1. Is the TestWin application, which is based on the testwin application that comes with the SDL SDK, only my version has a gui front end to the options available and has been compiled under Delphi 4.03. It should be compatible with Delphi 3.0 onwards ( though Delphi 2 compatibility has not been tested ).
-2. A Plasma example which was converted from one found on the Demos page of the SDL site.
-3. A Voxel terrain following demo, which was converted from one found on the Demos page of the SDL site. This one should be of interest to others as it shows how to handle keyboard events when using SDL.
-4. A Mouse handling demo that shows how to use transparency and clickable regions.
-5. A Space Invaders style game called Aliens which shows the use of SDL, SDL_Image and SDL_Mixer. This game shows how to handle sound, keyboards and some basic collision detection. It is a conversion of one found on the SDL Demos page.
-There are also 14 OpenGL demos that are based on the NeHe tutorials <nehe.gamedev.net>. The other 3 OpenGL demos are Jan Horns' OpenGL demo, A Quake 2 Model viewer that I ported and a Demo by Gustavo Maxima called Puntos.
-If writing your own, just make sure that the SDL.pas file is in your projects path for compiling and that the SDL.dll file is in your path when running the compiled app.
-Please test these units and report problems to the JEDI-SDL mailing list @ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JEDI-SDL/ outlining steps under which the error occurred. If you convert any more demos please send them to me so that I can
-include them in the ditribution for others to learn from.
-Also if you are using these Units to write any games
-please let me know about it so that I can post the information to the http://www.DelphiGamer.com site.
-The plan is to have this unit JEDI certified at some point so that it can be included on the Delphi and Kylix CDs, so all feedback is greatly welcomed.
-Compilers supported Tested
-------------------- ------
-Delphi Yes
-Kylix Yes
-FreePascal Yes
-TMT Pascal compiler Not Yet.
-Virtual Pascal No
-Gnu Pascal No
-Matthias Thoma <ma.thoma@gmx.de> for is endless help with my conversion bugs.
-Jason Farmer <jason@cerebral-bicycle.co.uk> for donating the SFont Font Library.
-Gustavo Maximo <gmaximo@secretariaplus.com> for the Puntos OpenGL Demo and work he is doing on the documentation
-Róbert Kisnémeth <mikrobi@freemail.hu> for his numerous contributions
-Chris Bruner <cryst@golden.net> for testing under Kylix
-August Logan Bear Jr.<augustjr@columbus.rr.com> for testing under Kylix
-Dean Ellis<dean_ellis@yahoo.com> for FreePascal Compiler compatability testing and SDL_Net demos and testing
-David House<david@dahsoftware.com> for Windows Insaller and testing.
-Romi Kuntsman<romik12345@lycos.co.uk> for helping out on some OpenGL issues.
-Everyone on the JEDI-SDL <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JEDI-SDL/join/> mailing list for their feedback and support.
-Everyone on the Delphi-JEDI <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Delphi-JEDI/join/> mailing for answering my conversion questions.
-Tom Jones for inspiring this conversion.
-The JEDI-SDL Home page can be found @ http://www.delphi-jedi.org/Jedi:TEAM_SDL_HOME
-The JEDI-SDL source code archive can be found @ http://www.sf.net/projects/jedi-sdl/
-The JEDI-SDL mailing list can be found @ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JEDI-SDL/join/
-The Latest Stable Release version of the JEDI-SDL.zip file can always be found on the Delphi-JEDI site <http://www.delphi-jedi.org/Jedi:TEAM_SDL_HOME>
-The Latest Alpha/Unstable version can always be grabbed from the SourceForge CVS http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=43805
-Dominique Louis
-Delphi Game Developer.
-** To Do Nothing is to Collaborate with the oppressor **
-** -------------------------------------------------- **
-From . . . . . . . : Dominique Louis
-Email. . . . . . . : Dominique@SavageSoftware.com.au
-Company. . . . . . : Savage Software Solutions
-Delphi Games Site. : http://www.DelphiGamer.com
-Delphi JEDI Site . : http://www.delphi-jedi.org
diff --git a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/OpenGL-Set8087CW.patch b/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/OpenGL-Set8087CW.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e08ca63e..00000000
--- a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/OpenGL-Set8087CW.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Index: OpenGL/Pas/gl.pas
---- OpenGL/Pas/gl.pas (revision 961)
-+++ OpenGL/Pas/gl.pas (working copy)
-@@ -2287,9 +2287,9 @@
- end;
- initialization
-- {$ifdef x86}
-+ {$IF Defined(CPU386) or Defined(CPUI386) or Defined(CPUX86_64)}
- Set8087CW($133F);
-- {$endif x86}
-+ {$IFEND}
- LoadOpenGL( GLLibName );
diff --git a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/Readme.txt b/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/Readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f176d0c9..00000000
--- a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/Readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Delphi interface unit for OpenGL version 1.2 compilable with Delphi 3-6 and Kylix.
-This unit is open source under the Mozilla Public License and
-the original author is Dipl. Ing. Mike Lischke (public@lischke-online.de).
-You can obtain this unit also from the JEDI (Joint Endeavor of Delphi Innovators)
-API page at www.delphi-jedi.org.
-Note for GLScene users: Eric Grange has provided a general vector types unit which
-resolves conflicts for types which are defined in OpenGL12.pas as well as Geometry.pas.
-This unit is located in the sub folder "GLScene AddOn".
-Please add this unit to the uses clause of OpenGL12.pas and remove the few types which
-are already declared in VectorTypes.pas.
-For tests and as starting point three demos are included into the package. Two of them (GLDiag and GLTest)
-need the (also provided) simple OpenGL control GLControl (see "GLControl\Package").
-- Basic is a very simple test program which only uses an empty form.
-- GLTest (in GLControl) uses GLControl to show four rendering contexts simultanously.
-- GLDiag is a diagnosis tool similar to DXDiag which shows some properties of the current
- OpenGL driver implementation.
-Have fun and
-Ciao, Mike
-www.delphi-unicode.net \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/jedi-sdl.inc b/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/jedi-sdl.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index fed972b5..00000000
--- a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/jedi-sdl.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
- $Id: jedi-sdl.inc,v 1.15 2007/05/29 21:30:48 savage Exp $
-{ }
-{ Borland Delphi SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer }
-{ Global Conditional Definitions for JEDI-SDL cross-compilation }
-{ }
-{ }
-{ The initial developer of this Pascal code was : }
-{ Prof. Abimbola Olowofoyeku <http://www.bigfoot.com/~African_Chief/> }
-{ }
-{ Portions created by Prof. Abimbola Olowofoyeku are }
-{ Copyright (C) 2000 - 2100 Prof. Abimbola Olowofoyeku. }
-{ }
-{ }
-{ Contributor(s) }
-{ -------------- }
-{ Prof. Abimbola Olowofoyeku <http://www.bigfoot.com/~African_Chief/> }
-{ Dominqiue Louis <Dominique@SavageSoftware.com.au> }
-{ }
-{ Obtained through: }
-{ Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators ( Project JEDI ) }
-{ }
-{ You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project }
-{ JEDI home page, located at http://delphi-jedi.org }
-{ }
-{ The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to }
-{ the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may }
-{ not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may }
-{ obtain a copy of the License at }
-{ http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html }
-{ }
-{ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an }
-{ "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or }
-{ implied. See the License for the specific language governing }
-{ rights and limitations under the License. }
-{ }
-{ Description }
-{ ----------- }
-{ This code has been copied from... }
-{ Global Conditional Definitions for Chief's UNZIP package }
-{ By Prof. Abimbola Olowofoyeku (The African Chief) }
-{ http://www.bigfoot.com/~African_Chief/ }
-{ }
-{ }
-{ Requires }
-{ -------- }
-{ The SDL Runtime libraris on Win32 : SDL.dll on Linux : libSDL.so }
-{ They are available from... }
-{ http://www.libsdl.org . }
-{ }
-{ Programming Notes }
-{ ----------------- }
-{ }
-{ }
-{ }
-{ }
-{ Revision History }
-{ ---------------- }
-{ 2003-04-03 DL - Initial addition }
-{ }
-{ 2003-04-07 DL - Added Macro ON derective for FPC and OpenGL and removed }
-{ WEAKPACKAGE derective. WEAKPACKAGE should be set when }
-{ appropriate. }
-{ }
-{ 2003-04-23 - DL : under instruction from Alexey Barkovoy I have added }
-{ better TMT Pascal support and under instruction }
-{ from Prof. Abimbola Olowofoyeku (The African Chief) }
-{ I have added better Gnu Pascal support }
-{ }
-{ 2004-01-19 - DL : Under instruction from Marco van de Voort, I have added }
-{ Better FPC support for FreeBSD. }
-{ }
- $Log: jedi-sdl.inc,v $
- Revision 1.15 2007/05/29 21:30:48 savage
- Changes as suggested by Almindor for 64bit compatibility.
- Revision 1.14 2007/05/20 20:29:11 savage
- Initial Changes to Handle 64 Bits
- Revision 1.13 2007/01/21 15:51:45 savage
- Added Delphi 2006 support
- Revision 1.12 2006/11/19 18:41:01 savage
- removed THREADING ON flag as it is no longer needed in latest versions of FPC.
- Revision 1.11 2006/01/04 00:52:41 drellis
- Updated to include defined for ENDIAN values, SDL_BYTEORDER should now be correctly defined depending onthe platform. Code taken from sdl_mixer
- Revision 1.10 2005/05/22 18:42:31 savage
- Changes as suggested by Michalis Kamburelis. Thanks again.
- Revision 1.9 2004/12/23 23:42:17 savage
- Applied Patches supplied by Michalis Kamburelis ( THANKS! ), for greater FreePascal compatability.
- Revision 1.8 2004/10/20 22:43:04 savage
- Ensure that UNSAFE type warning are off in D9 as well
- Revision 1.7 2004/04/05 09:59:51 savage
- Changes for FreePacal as suggested by Marco
- Revision 1.6 2004/03/31 22:18:15 savage
- Small comment for turning off warning under GnuPascal
- Revision 1.5 2004/03/30 22:41:02 savage
- Added extra commenting due to previous compiler directive
- Revision 1.4 2004/03/30 22:08:33 savage
- Added Kylix Define
- Revision 1.3 2004/03/30 21:34:40 savage
- {$H+} needed for FPC compatiblity
- Revision 1.2 2004/02/14 00:23:39 savage
- As UNIX is defined in jedi-sdl.inc this will be used to check linux compatability as well. Units have been changed to reflect this change.
-{.$define Debug} { uncomment for debugging }
- {$IFDEF __GPC__}
- {$I-}
- {$W-} // turn off GPC warnings
- {$X+}
- {$ELSE} {__GPC__}
- {$IFDEF Debug}
- {$F+,D+,Q-,L+,R+,I-,S+,Y+,A+}
- {$ELSE}
- {$F+,Q-,R-,S-,I-,A+}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF} {__GPC__}
-{$ELSE} {FPC}
- //{$M+}
-{$IFDEF ver70}
- {$IFDEF Windows}
- {$DEFINE Win16}
- {$ENDIF Windows}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$DEFINE __OS_DOS__}
-{$ENDIF ver70}
-{$IFDEF ver80}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {Delphi 1.x}
- {$DEFINE Delphi16}
- {$DEFINE Win16}
- {$DEFINE __OS_DOS__}
-{$ENDIF ver80}
-{$IFDEF ver90}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {Delphi 2.x}
- {$DEFINE Delphi32}
-{$ENDIF ver90}
-{$IFDEF ver100}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {Delphi 3.x}
- {$DEFINE Delphi32}
-{$ENDIF ver100}
-{$IFDEF ver93}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {C++ Builder 1.x}
- {$DEFINE Delphi32}
-{$ENDIF ver93}
-{$IFDEF ver110}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {C++ Builder 3.x}
- {$DEFINE Delphi32}
-{$ENDIF ver110}
-{$IFDEF ver120}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {Delphi 4.x}
- {$DEFINE Delphi32}
- {$DEFINE Delphi4UP}
- {$DEFINE Has_Int64}
-{$ENDIF ver120}
-{$IFDEF ver130}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {Delphi 5.x}
- {$DEFINE Delphi32}
- {$DEFINE Delphi4UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi5UP}
- {$DEFINE Has_Int64}
-{$ENDIF ver130}
-{$IFDEF ver140}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {Delphi 6.x}
- {$DEFINE Delphi32}
- {$DEFINE Delphi4UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi5UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi6UP}
- {$DEFINE Has_Int64}
-{$ENDIF ver140}
-{$IFDEF ver150}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {Delphi 7.x}
- {$DEFINE Delphi32}
- {$DEFINE Delphi4UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi5UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi6UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi7UP}
- {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} {Disable warning for unsafe types in Delphi 7}
- {$DEFINE Has_Int64}
-{$ENDIF ver150}
-{$IFDEF ver160}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {Delphi 8}
- {$DEFINE Delphi32}
- {$DEFINE Delphi4UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi5UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi6UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi7UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi8UP}
- {$DEFINE Has_Int64}
-{$ENDIF ver160}
-{$IFDEF ver170}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {Delphi 2005}
- {$DEFINE Delphi32}
- {$DEFINE Delphi4UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi5UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi6UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi7UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi8UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi9UP}
- {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} {Disable warning for unsafe types in Delphi 7}
- {$DEFINE Has_Int64}
-{$ENDIF ver170}
-{$IFDEF ver180}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {Delphi 2006}
- {$DEFINE Delphi32}
- {$DEFINE Delphi4UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi5UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi6UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi7UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi8UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi9UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi10UP}
- {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} {Disable warning for unsafe types in Delphi 7}
- {$DEFINE Has_Int64}
-{$ENDIF ver180}
-{$IFDEF ver185}
- {$DEFINE Delphi} {Delphi 2007}
- {$DEFINE Delphi32}
- {$DEFINE Delphi4UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi5UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi6UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi7UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi8UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi9UP}
- {$DEFINE Delphi10UP}
- {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} {Disable warning for unsafe types in Delphi 7}
- {$DEFINE Has_Int64}
-{$ENDIF ver180}
- {$ifdef VER140} // Kylix 1 & 2
- {$endif}
- {$ifdef VER150} // Kylix 3
- {$endif}
-{$IFDEF VirtualPascal} { Virtual Pascal 2.x }
- {$DEFINE Delphi} { Use Delphi Syntax }
- {&Delphi+}
-{$ENDIF VirtualPascal}
-{$IFDEF Delphi}
- {$DEFINE Windows}
- //{$ALIGN ON}
-{$ENDIF Delphi}
- {$MODE Delphi} { use Delphi compatibility mode }
- {$H+}
- {$PACKRECORDS C} // Added for record
- {$PACKENUM 4} // Use 4-byte enums
- {$MACRO ON} // Added For OpenGL
- {$DEFINE Delphi}
- {$DEFINE OS_BigMem}
- {$DEFINE Has_Int64}
- {$DEFINE fpc_unix}
- {$ELSE}
- {$DEFINE __OS_DOS__}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- {$DEFINE UseWin}
- {$ENDIF}
-{$IFDEF Win16}
- {$K+} {smart callbacks}
-{$ENDIF Win16}
- {$IFDEF OS2}
- {$UNDEF Windows}
- {$DEFINE UseWin}
- {$DEFINE OS_BigMem}
- {$ENDIF OS2}
-{$IFDEF __GPC__}
- {$UNDEF UseWin}
- {$DEFINE OS_BigMem}
- {$DEFINE cdecl attribute(cdecl)}
-{$IFDEF __TMT__}
- {$DEFINE OS_BigMem}
- {$DEFINE __OS_DOS__}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF __WIN32__}
- {$DEFINE Win32}
- {$DEFINE UseWin}
- {$DEFINE Win32}
- {$IFNDEF __CON__}
- {$DEFINE Windows}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$A+} // Word alignment data
- {$OA+} // Objects and structures align
-{$IFDEF Win32}
- {$DEFINE OS_BigMem}
-{$ELSE Win32}
- {$IFDEF ver70}
- {$DEFINE assembler}
- {$ENDIF} { use 16-bit assembler! }
-{$ENDIF Win32}
-{ ************************** dos/dos-like platforms **************}
-{$IFDEF Windows}
- {$DEFINE __OS_DOS__}
- {$DEFINE UseWin}
-{$ENDIF Delphi}
- {$DEFINE __OS_DOS__}
- {$DEFINE Can_Use_DLL}
-{$ENDIF Delphi}
-{$IFDEF UseWin}
- {$DEFINE Can_Use_DLL}
-{$IFDEF Win16}
- {$DEFINE Can_Use_DLL}
- {$DEFINE Can_Use_DLL}
- {$IFNDEF __TMT__}
- {$ENDIF}
-{$IFNDEF ver70}
- {$UNDEF assembler}
-{*************** define LITTLE ENDIAN platforms ********************}
-{$IFDEF Delphi}
- {$DEFINE IA32}
- {$UNDEF IA32}
diff --git a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/fpc-install.sh b/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/fpc-install.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index b7a5cf69..00000000
--- a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/fpc-install.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-# FreePascal & Delphi Installation script for JEDI-SDL
-# portions of which are based on the FreePascal install script
-# Copyright 1996-2002 Michael Van Canneyt and Peter Vreman
-# Copyright (c)2004-2100, JEDI-SDL Team
-# All Rights Reserved
-# Don NOT edit this file.
-# Everything should be configuration while the script is running.
-# Release Version
-# some useful functions
-# ask displays 1st parameter, and ask new value for variable, whose name is
-# in the second parameter.
-ask ()
-eval old=\$$askvar
-eval echo -n \""$1 [$old] : "\"
-read $askvar
-eval test -z \"\$$askvar\" && eval $askvar=\'$old\'
-# yesno gives 1 on no, 0 on yes $1 gives text to display.
-yesno ()
- while true; do
- echo -n "$1 (Y/n) ? "
- read ans
- case X$ans in
- X|Xy|XY) return 0;;
- Xn|XN) return 1;;
- esac
- done
-# Untar files ($3,optional) from file ($1) to the given directory ($2)
-unztar ()
- tar -xzf $HERE/$1 --directory $2 $3
-# Untar tar.gz file ($2) from file ($1) and untar result to the given directory ($3)
-unztarfromtar ()
- tar -xOf $HERE/$1 $2 | tar --directory $3 -xzf -
-# Get file list from tar archive ($1) in variable ($2)
-# optionally filter result through sed ($3)
-listtarfiles ()
- askvar=$2
- if [ ! -z $3 ]; then
- list=`tar tvf $1 | awk '{ print $(NF) }' | sed -n /$3/p`
- else
- list=`tar tvf $1 | awk '{ print $(NF) }'`
- fi
- eval $askvar='$list'
-# Make all the necessary directories to get $1
-makedirhierarch ()
- OLDDIR=`pwd`
- case $1 in
- /*) cd /;;
- esac
- OLDIFS=$IFS;IFS=/;eval set $1; IFS=$OLDIFS
- for i
- do
- test -d $i || mkdir $i || break
- cd $i ||break
- done
- cd $OLDDIR
-# check to see if something is in the path
-checkpath ()
- ARG=$1
- for i
- do
- if [ $i = $ARG ]; then
- return 0
- fi
- done
- return 1
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# welcome message.
-echo "This shell script will attempt to install the Free Pascal Compiler"
-echo "version $VERSION with the items you select"
-# Here we start the thing.
-# Install in /usr/local or /usr ?
-if checkpath /usr/local/bin; then
- PREFIX=/usr/local
- PREFIX=/usr
-# If we can't write on prefix, select subdir of home dir
-if [ ! -w $PREFIX ]; then
-ask "Install prefix (/usr or /usr/local) " PREFIX
-makedirhierarch $PREFIX
-# Set some defaults.
-OSNAME=`uname -s | tr A-Z a-z`
-case $OSNAME in
-if [ "${BSDHIER}" = "1" ]; then
-echo $DOCDIR
-# Install SDL headers
-if yesno "Install SDL headers"; then
-# Install SDL_image headers
-if yesno "Install SDL_image headers"; then
-# Install compiler/RTL. Mandatory.
-echo Installing compiler and RTL ...
-unztarfromtar binary.tar base${OSNAME}.tar.gz $PREFIX
-rm -f $EXECDIR/ppc386
-ln -sf $LIBDIR/ppc386 $EXECDIR/ppc386
-echo Installing utilities...
-unztarfromtar binary.tar util${OSNAME}.tar.gz $PREFIX
-if yesno "Install FCL"; then
- unztarfromtar binary.tar unitsfcl${OSNAME}.tar.gz $PREFIX
-if yesno "Install packages"; then
- listtarfiles binary.tar packages units
- for f in $packages
- do
- if [ $f != unitsfcl${OSNAME}.tar.gz ]; then
- basename $f .tar.gz |\
- sed -e s/units// -e s/${OSNAME}// |\
- xargs echo Installing
- unztarfromtar binary.tar $f $PREFIX
- fi
- done
-rm -f *${OSNAME}.tar.gz
-echo Done.
-# Install the sources. Optional.
-if yesno "Install sources"; then
- echo Installing sources in $SRCDIR ...
- unztarfromtar sources.tar basesrc.tar.gz $PREFIX
- if yesno "Install compiler source"; then
- unztarfromtar sources.tar compilersrc.tar.gz $PREFIX
- fi
- if yesno "Install RTL source"; then
- unztarfromtar sources.tar rtlsrc.tar.gz $PREFIX
- fi
- if yesno "Install FCL source"; then
- unztarfromtar sources.tar fclsrc.tar.gz $PREFIX
- fi
- if yesno "Install IDE source"; then
- unztarfromtar sources.tar idesrc.tar.gz $PREFIX
- fi
- if yesno "Install installer source"; then
- unztarfromtar sources.tar installersrc.tar.gz $PREFIX
- fi
- if yesno "Install Packages source"; then
- listtarfiles sources.tar packages units
- for f in $packages
- do
- basename $f .tar.gz |\
- sed -e s/units// -e s/src// |\
- xargs echo Installing sources for
- unztarfromtar sources.tar $f $PREFIX
- done
- fi
- # rm -f *src.tar.gz
- echo Done.
-# Install the documentation. Optional.
-if yesno "Install documentation"; then
- echo Installing documentation in $DOCDIR ...
- unztar docs.tar.gz $DOCDIR
- echo Done.
-# Install the demos. Optional.
-if yesno "Install demos"; then
- ask "Install demos in" DEMODIR
- echo Installing demos in $DEMODIR ...
- makedirhierarch $DEMODIR
- unztar demo.tar.gz $DEMODIR
- echo Done.
-# update fpc.cfg file
-if yesno "Update fpc.cfg file automagically"; then
- echo Updating fpc.cfg in $DOCDIR ...
- echo
- echo Done.
-# update Borland IDE file
-if yesno "Update the Kylix IDE automagically"; then
- echo Updating the Kylix IDE in $DOCDIR ...
- echo
- echo Done.
-$LIBDIR/samplecfg $LIBDIR
-# The End
-echo End of installation.
-echo Refer to the documentation for more information.
-echo \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/jedi-sdl-64bit.patch b/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/jedi-sdl-64bit.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 582ebe6a..00000000
--- a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/jedi-sdl-64bit.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1280 +0,0 @@
-cvs diff: Diffing .
-cvs diff: Diffing Cal3D
-cvs diff: Diffing Cal3D/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing Cal3D/Demos/DCally
-cvs diff: Diffing Cal3D/Demos/DCally/data
-cvs diff: Diffing Cal3D/Demos/DCally/data/cally
-cvs diff: Diffing Cal3D/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/Aliens
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/Aliens/data
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/BlitzBomber
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/BlitzBomber/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/CustomCursors
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/CustomCursors/cursors
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/CustomCursors/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/Fading
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/Fading/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/Isometric
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/Isometric/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/Isometric/maps
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/Mouse
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/Mouse/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/PanAndZoom
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/Plasma
-Index: Demos/2D/Plasma/JEDISDLPlasma.dpr
-RCS file: /cvsroot/jedi-sdl/JEDI-SDLv1.0/Demos/2D/Plasma/JEDISDLPlasma.dpr,v
-retrieving revision 1.1
-diff -u -r1.1 JEDISDLPlasma.dpr
---- Demos/2D/Plasma/JEDISDLPlasma.dpr 30 Sep 2006 17:20:08 -0000 1.1
-+++ Demos/2D/Plasma/JEDISDLPlasma.dpr 27 Feb 2008 09:15:58 -0000
-@@ -107,13 +107,13 @@
- X3_ := trunc(x3 * (TABLEX / 2));
- Y3_ := trunc(y3 * (TABLEY / 2));
-- t1 := Pointer(Integer(t) + X1_ + Y1_ * TABLEX);
-- t2 := Pointer(Integer(t) + X2_ + Y2_ * TABLEX);
-- t3 := Pointer(Integer(t) + X3_ + Y3_ * TABLEX);
-+ t1 := Pointer(PtrInt(t) + X1_ + Y1_ * TABLEX);
-+ t2 := Pointer(PtrInt(t) + X2_ + Y2_ * TABLEX);
-+ t3 := Pointer(PtrInt(t) + X3_ + Y3_ * TABLEX);
- for y := 0 to SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1 do
- begin
-- tmp := PByte(Integer(surface.pixels) + y * surface.pitch);
-+ tmp := PByte(PtrInt(surface.pixels) + y * surface.pitch);
- tmin := y * TABLEX;
- tmax := tmin + SCREEN_WIDTH;
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLTests
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLTests/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLTests/testalpha
-Index: Demos/2D/SDLTests/testalpha/testalpha.dpr
-RCS file: /cvsroot/jedi-sdl/JEDI-SDLv1.0/Demos/2D/SDLTests/testalpha/testalpha.dpr,v
-retrieving revision 1.1
-diff -u -r1.1 testalpha.dpr
---- Demos/2D/SDLTests/testalpha/testalpha.dpr 30 Sep 2006 17:20:08 -0000 1.1
-+++ Demos/2D/SDLTests/testalpha/testalpha.dpr 27 Feb 2008 09:15:59 -0000
-@@ -371,7 +371,6 @@
- ticks, lastticks : Uint32;
- clip, area : TSDL_Rect;
- begin
- (* Initialize SDL *)
- if ( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO ) < 0 ) then
- begin
-@@ -392,11 +391,13 @@
- end;
- videoflags := SDL_SWSURFACE;
-- for i := 0 to ParamCount - 1 do
-+ i := 1;
-+ while i <= ParamCount do
- begin
- if ( ParamStr( i ) = '-bpp' ) then
- begin
-- video_bpp := StrToInt( ParamStr( i + 1 ) );
-+ Inc(i);
-+ video_bpp := StrToInt( ParamStr( i ) );
- end
- else if ( ParamStr( i ) = '-hw' ) then
- begin
-@@ -416,7 +417,9 @@
- 'MAIN' );
- halt( 1 );
- end;
-+ Inc(i);
- end;
- (* Set 640 x 480 video mode *)
- screen := SDL_SetVideoMode( 640, 480, video_bpp, videoflags );
- if ( Screen = nil ) then
-@@ -442,7 +445,7 @@
- buffer := PUint8( screen.pixels );
- for i := 0 to screen.h - 1 do
- begin
-- FillChar( buffer, Screen.pitch, ( i * 255 ) div screen.h );
-+ FillChar( buffer^, Screen.pitch, ( i * 255 ) div screen.h );
- //memset(buffer, (i * 255) div screen.h , screen.pitch);
- Inc( buffer, screen.pitch );
- end;
-@@ -469,7 +472,7 @@
- clip.w := screen.w - ( 2 * 32 );
- clip.h := screen.h - ( 2 * 32 );
- SDL_SetClipRect( screen, @clip );
- (* Wait for a keystroke *)
- lastticks := SDL_GetTicks;
- done := False;
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLTests/testgamma
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLTests/testjoystick
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLTests/testwin
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLUtilsTests
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLUtilsTests/MainTest
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLUtilsTests/MainTest/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLUtilsTests/PixelTest
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLUtilsTests/PixelTest/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLUtilsTests/RotateSurface
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLUtilsTests/RotateSurface/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/SDLUtilsTests/WormHole
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/TimerTest
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/Voxel
-Index: Demos/2D/Voxel/JEDISDLNewVox.dpr
-RCS file: /cvsroot/jedi-sdl/JEDI-SDLv1.0/Demos/2D/Voxel/JEDISDLNewVox.dpr,v
-retrieving revision 1.2
-diff -u -r1.2 JEDISDLNewVox.dpr
---- Demos/2D/Voxel/JEDISDLNewVox.dpr 29 May 2007 21:44:24 -0000 1.2
-+++ Demos/2D/Voxel/JEDISDLNewVox.dpr 27 Feb 2008 09:16:00 -0000
-@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
- // Draw the column from a (last height) to y (current height)
- if ( y < a ) then
- begin
-- b1 := PByte(Integer(@Video[0]) + a * SCREEN_WIDTH + i);
-+ b1 := PByte(PtrInt(@Video[0]) + a * SCREEN_WIDTH + i);
- if lastc[i] = -1 then
- lastc[i] := c;
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/2D/YuvPlayer
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/BasicShader
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 10
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 10/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 10/levels
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 11
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 11/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 12
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 12/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 13
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 13/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 16
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 16/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 17
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 17/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 18
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 18/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 19
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 19/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 2
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 20
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 20/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 21
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 21/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 21/sound
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 3
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 37
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 4
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 5
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 6
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 6/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 7
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 7/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 8
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 8/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 9
-cvs diff: Diffing Demos/3D/NeHe/Tutorial 9/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Documentation
-cvs diff: Diffing Documentation/HLP
-cvs diff: Diffing Documentation/html
-cvs diff: Diffing Documentation/html/images
-cvs diff: Diffing HawkVoice
-cvs diff: Diffing HawkVoice/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing HawkVoice/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton/Demos/SDLBasic
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton/Demos/SDLBuoyancy
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton/Demos/SDLCharacterController
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton/Demos/SDLCharacterController/data
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton/Demos/SDLJoints
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton/Demos/SDLRagDoll
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton/Demos/SDLVehicle
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton/Demos/Tutorial 1
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton/Demos/Tutorial 1/images
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton/Demos/common
-cvs diff: Diffing Newton/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing ODE
-cvs diff: Diffing ODE/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing ODE/Demos/RagDoll
-Index: ODE/Demos/RagDoll/JEDISDLRagDoll.dpr
-RCS file: /cvsroot/jedi-sdl/JEDI-SDLv1.0/ODE/Demos/RagDoll/JEDISDLRagDoll.dpr,v
-retrieving revision 1.3
-diff -u -r1.3 JEDISDLRagDoll.dpr
---- ODE/Demos/RagDoll/JEDISDLRagDoll.dpr 20 May 2007 20:27:45 -0000 1.3
-+++ ODE/Demos/RagDoll/JEDISDLRagDoll.dpr 27 Feb 2008 09:16:11 -0000
-@@ -83,8 +83,7 @@
- glext,
- logger,
- sdl,
-- odeimport,
-- ragdoll;
-+ odeimport;
- const
- // screen width, height, and bit depth
-cvs diff: Diffing ODE/Demos/TruckOff
-cvs diff: Diffing ODE/Demos/TruckOff/images
-cvs diff: Diffing ODE/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing OpenGL
-cvs diff: Diffing OpenGL/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing PixelPrachtFX
-cvs diff: Diffing PixelPrachtFX/Demo
-Index: PixelPrachtFX/Demo/Textures.pas
-RCS file: /cvsroot/jedi-sdl/JEDI-SDLv1.0/PixelPrachtFX/Demo/Textures.pas,v
-retrieving revision 1.2
-diff -u -r1.2 Textures.pas
---- PixelPrachtFX/Demo/Textures.pas 20 Dec 2005 20:26:54 -0000 1.2
-+++ PixelPrachtFX/Demo/Textures.pas 27 Feb 2008 09:16:11 -0000
-@@ -33,25 +33,6 @@
- implementation
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
--{ Swap bitmap format from BGR to RGB }
--procedure SwapRGB(data : Pointer; Size : Integer);
-- mov ebx, eax
-- mov ecx, size
--@@loop :
-- mov al,[ebx+0]
-- mov ah,[ebx+2]
-- mov [ebx+2],al
-- mov [ebx+0],ah
-- add ebx,3
-- dec ecx
-- jnz @@loop
- { Create the Texture }
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function CreateTexture(Width, Height, Format : Word; pData : Pointer) : Integer;
-Index: PixelPrachtFX/Demo/fxBurn.pas
-RCS file: /cvsroot/jedi-sdl/JEDI-SDLv1.0/PixelPrachtFX/Demo/fxBurn.pas,v
-retrieving revision 1.1
-diff -u -r1.1 fxBurn.pas
---- PixelPrachtFX/Demo/fxBurn.pas 5 Dec 2005 01:09:29 -0000 1.1
-+++ PixelPrachtFX/Demo/fxBurn.pas 27 Feb 2008 09:16:11 -0000
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- interface
--uses ppFXcore, ppFXlib, textures, gl;
-+uses ppFXcore, ppFXlib, Textures, gl;
- type
-cvs diff: Diffing PixelPrachtFX/Demo/gfx
-cvs diff: Diffing PixelPrachtFX/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL/Pas
-Index: SDL/Pas/sdl.pas
-RCS file: /cvsroot/jedi-sdl/JEDI-SDLv1.0/SDL/Pas/sdl.pas,v
-retrieving revision 1.38
-diff -u -r1.38 sdl.pas
---- SDL/Pas/sdl.pas 26 Jan 2008 10:09:32 -0000 1.38
-+++ SDL/Pas/sdl.pas 27 Feb 2008 09:16:11 -0000
-@@ -355,6 +355,12 @@
- GPCMacOSAll;
- {$ENDIF}
-+{$ifndef FPC}
-+ PtrInt = LongInt;
-+ PtrUInt = LongWord;
- const
- SDLLibName = 'SDL.dll';
-Index: SDL/Pas/sdlutils.pas
-RCS file: /cvsroot/jedi-sdl/JEDI-SDLv1.0/SDL/Pas/sdlutils.pas,v
-retrieving revision 1.5
-diff -u -r1.5 sdlutils.pas
---- SDL/Pas/sdlutils.pas 19 Nov 2006 18:56:44 -0000 1.5
-+++ SDL/Pas/sdlutils.pas 27 Feb 2008 09:16:12 -0000
-@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
- right2, bottom2 : integer;
- Scan1Start, Scan2Start, ScanWidth, ScanHeight : cardinal;
- Mod1, Mod2 : cardinal;
-- Addr1, Addr2 : cardinal;
-+ Addr1, Addr2 : PtrUInt;
- BPP : cardinal;
- Pitch1, Pitch2 : cardinal;
- TransparentColor1, TransparentColor2 : cardinal;
-@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
- with SrcSurface1^ do
- begin
- Pitch1 := Pitch;
-- Addr1 := cardinal( Pixels );
-+ Addr1 := PtrUInt( Pixels );
- inc( Addr1, Pitch1 * UInt32( Src_Rect1.y ) );
- with format^ do
- begin
-@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
- begin
- TransparentColor2 := format.colorkey;
- Pitch2 := Pitch;
-- Addr2 := cardinal( Pixels );
-+ Addr2 := PtrUInt( Pixels );
- inc( Addr2, Pitch2 * UInt32( Src_Rect2.y ) );
- end;
- Mod1 := Pitch1 - ( ScanWidth * BPP );
-@@ -442,14 +442,14 @@
- cardinal );
- var
- SrcColor : cardinal;
-- Addr : cardinal;
-+ Addr : PtrUInt;
- R, G, B : cardinal;
- begin
- if Color = 0 then
- exit;
- with DstSurface^ do
- begin
-- Addr := cardinal( Pixels ) + y * Pitch + x * format.BytesPerPixel;
-+ Addr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + y * Pitch + x * format.BytesPerPixel;
- SrcColor := PUInt32( Addr )^;
- case format.BitsPerPixel of
- 8 :
-@@ -525,14 +525,14 @@
- cardinal );
- var
- SrcColor : cardinal;
-- Addr : cardinal;
-+ Addr : PtrUInt;
- R, G, B : cardinal;
- begin
- if Color = 0 then
- exit;
- with DstSurface^ do
- begin
-- Addr := cardinal( Pixels ) + y * Pitch + x * format.BytesPerPixel;
-+ Addr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + y * Pitch + x * format.BytesPerPixel;
- SrcColor := PUInt32( Addr )^;
- case format.BitsPerPixel of
- 8 :
-@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
- R, G, B, Pixel1, Pixel2, TransparentColor : cardinal;
- Src, Dest : TSDL_Rect;
- Diff : integer;
-- SrcAddr, DestAddr : cardinal;
-+ SrcAddr, DestAddr : PtrUInt;
- WorkX, WorkY : word;
- SrcMod, DestMod : cardinal;
- Bits : cardinal;
-@@ -686,14 +686,14 @@
- end;
- with SrcSurface^ do
- begin
-- SrcAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
-+ SrcAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- SrcMod := Pitch - Src.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- TransparentColor := Format.colorkey;
- end;
- with DestSurface^ do
- begin
-- DestAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
-+ DestAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- DestMod := Pitch - Dest.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- Bits := Format.BitsPerPixel;
-@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@
- R, G, B, Pixel1, Pixel2, TransparentColor : cardinal;
- Src, Dest : TSDL_Rect;
- Diff : integer;
-- SrcAddr, DestAddr : cardinal;
-+ SrcAddr, DestAddr : PtrUInt;
- _ebx, _esi, _edi, _esp : cardinal;
- WorkX, WorkY : word;
- SrcMod, DestMod : cardinal;
-@@ -957,14 +957,14 @@
- end;
- with SrcSurface^ do
- begin
-- SrcAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
-+ SrcAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- SrcMod := Pitch - Src.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- TransparentColor := Format.colorkey;
- end;
- with DestSurface^ do
- begin
-- DestAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
-+ DestAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- DestMod := Pitch - Dest.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- Bits := DestSurface.Format.BitsPerPixel;
-@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@
- var
- Src, Dest : TSDL_Rect;
- Diff : integer;
-- SrcAddr, DestAddr : cardinal;
-+ SrcAddr, DestAddr : PtrUInt;
- _ebx, _esi, _edi, _esp : cardinal;
- WorkX, WorkY : word;
- SrcMod, DestMod : cardinal;
-@@ -1220,14 +1220,14 @@
- end;
- with SrcSurface^ do
- begin
-- SrcAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
-+ SrcAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- SrcMod := Pitch - Src.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- TransparentColor := Format.colorkey;
- end;
- with DestSurface^ do
- begin
-- DestAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
-+ DestAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- DestMod := Pitch - Dest.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- BPP := DestSurface.Format.BytesPerPixel;
-@@ -1317,7 +1317,7 @@
- var
- Src, Dest : TSDL_Rect;
- Diff : integer;
-- SrcAddr, DestAddr, TextAddr : cardinal;
-+ SrcAddr, DestAddr, TextAddr : PtrUInt;
- _ebx, _esi, _edi, _esp : cardinal;
- WorkX, WorkY : word;
- SrcMod, DestMod, TextMod : cardinal;
-@@ -1392,21 +1392,21 @@
- end;
- with SrcSurface^ do
- begin
-- SrcAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
-+ SrcAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- SrcMod := Pitch - Src.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- TransparentColor := format.colorkey;
- end;
- with DestSurface^ do
- begin
-- DestAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
-+ DestAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- DestMod := Pitch - Dest.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- BPP := DestSurface.Format.BitsPerPixel;
- end;
- with Texture^ do
- begin
-- TextAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( TextureRect.y ) * Pitch +
-+ TextAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( TextureRect.y ) * Pitch +
- UInt32( TextureRect.x ) * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- TextMod := Pitch - Src.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- end;
-@@ -1910,17 +1910,17 @@
- end
- else
- Locked := false;
-- Row1 := pointer( cardinal( DstSurface^.Pixels ) + UInt32( Rect^.y ) *
-+ Row1 := pointer( PtrUInt( DstSurface^.Pixels ) + UInt32( Rect^.y ) *
- DstSurface^.Pitch );
-- Row2 := pointer( cardinal( DstSurface^.Pixels ) + ( UInt32( Rect^.y ) + Rect^.h - 1 )
-+ Row2 := pointer( PtrUInt( DstSurface^.Pixels ) + ( UInt32( Rect^.y ) + Rect^.h - 1 )
- * DstSurface^.Pitch );
- for y := 0 to FlipLength do
- begin
- Move( Row1^, OneRow, RowLength );
- Move( Row2^, Row1^, RowLength );
- Move( OneRow, Row2^, RowLength );
-- inc( cardinal( Row1 ), DstSurface^.Pitch );
-- dec( cardinal( Row2 ), DstSurface^.Pitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Row1 ), DstSurface^.Pitch );
-+ dec( PtrUInt( Row2 ), DstSurface^.Pitch );
- end;
- if Locked then
- SDL_UnlockSurface( DstSurface );
-@@ -1965,7 +1965,7 @@
- case DstSurface^.format.BytesPerPixel of
- 1 :
- begin
-- Row8Bit := pointer( cardinal( DstSurface^.pixels ) + UInt32( Rect^.y ) *
-+ Row8Bit := pointer( PtrUInt( DstSurface^.pixels ) + UInt32( Rect^.y ) *
- DstSurface^.pitch );
- for y := 1 to Rect^.h do
- begin
-@@ -1977,12 +1977,12 @@
- Row8Bit^[ RightSide ] := Pixel;
- dec( RightSide );
- end;
-- inc( cardinal( Row8Bit ), DstSurface^.pitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Row8Bit ), DstSurface^.pitch );
- end;
- end;
- 2 :
- begin
-- Row16Bit := pointer( cardinal( DstSurface^.pixels ) + UInt32( Rect^.y ) *
-+ Row16Bit := pointer( PtrUInt( DstSurface^.pixels ) + UInt32( Rect^.y ) *
- DstSurface^.pitch );
- for y := 1 to Rect^.h do
- begin
-@@ -1994,12 +1994,12 @@
- Row16Bit^[ RightSide ] := Pixel;
- dec( RightSide );
- end;
-- inc( cardinal( Row16Bit ), DstSurface^.pitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Row16Bit ), DstSurface^.pitch );
- end;
- end;
- 3 :
- begin
-- Row24Bit := pointer( cardinal( DstSurface^.pixels ) + UInt32( Rect^.y ) *
-+ Row24Bit := pointer( PtrUInt( DstSurface^.pixels ) + UInt32( Rect^.y ) *
- DstSurface^.pitch );
- for y := 1 to Rect^.h do
- begin
-@@ -2011,12 +2011,12 @@
- Row24Bit^[ RightSide ] := Pixel24;
- dec( RightSide );
- end;
-- inc( cardinal( Row24Bit ), DstSurface^.pitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Row24Bit ), DstSurface^.pitch );
- end;
- end;
- 4 :
- begin
-- Row32Bit := pointer( cardinal( DstSurface^.pixels ) + UInt32( Rect^.y ) *
-+ Row32Bit := pointer( PtrUInt( DstSurface^.pixels ) + UInt32( Rect^.y ) *
- DstSurface^.pitch );
- for y := 1 to Rect^.h do
- begin
-@@ -2028,7 +2028,7 @@
- Row32Bit^[ RightSide ] := Pixel;
- dec( RightSide );
- end;
-- inc( cardinal( Row32Bit ), DstSurface^.pitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Row32Bit ), DstSurface^.pitch );
- end;
- end;
- end;
-@@ -2088,8 +2088,8 @@
- dx2 := dx shl 1;
- src_pitch := Surface^.pitch;
- dst_pitch := dst_surface^.pitch;
-- src_pixels := PUint8( integer( Surface^.pixels ) + yr * src_pitch + y1 * depth );
-- dst_pixels := PUint8( integer( dst_surface^.pixels ) + yw * dst_pitch + x1 *
-+ src_pixels := PUint8( PtrUInt( Surface^.pixels ) + yr * src_pitch + y1 * depth );
-+ dst_pixels := PUint8( PtrUInt( dst_surface^.pixels ) + yw * dst_pitch + x1 *
- depth );
- for d := 0 to dx - 1 do
- begin
-@@ -2166,9 +2166,9 @@
- src_pixels, dst_pixels : PUint8;
- i : integer;
- begin
-- src_pixels := PUint8( integer( Surface^.pixels ) + Surface^.w * y1 * depth + x2 *
-+ src_pixels := PUint8( PtrUInt( Surface^.pixels ) + Surface^.w * y1 * depth + x2 *
- depth );
-- dst_pixels := PUint8( integer( Surface^.pixels ) + Surface^.w * y1 * depth + ( x2
-+ dst_pixels := PUint8( PtrUInt( Surface^.pixels ) + Surface^.w * y1 * depth + ( x2
- + xofs ) * depth );
- for i := x2 downto x1 do
- begin
-@@ -2187,7 +2187,7 @@
- begin
- bpp := SrcSurface.format.BytesPerPixel;
- // Here p is the address to the pixel we want to retrieve
-- p := Pointer( Uint32( SrcSurface.pixels ) + UInt32( y ) * SrcSurface.pitch + UInt32( x ) *
-+ p := Pointer( PtrUInt( SrcSurface.pixels ) + UInt32( y ) * SrcSurface.pitch + UInt32( x ) *
- bpp );
- case bpp of
- 1 : result := PUint8( p )^;
-@@ -2214,7 +2214,7 @@
- p : PInteger;
- begin
- bpp := DstSurface.format.BytesPerPixel;
-- p := Pointer( Uint32( DstSurface.pixels ) + UInt32( y ) * DstSurface.pitch + UInt32( x )
-+ p := Pointer( PtrUInt( DstSurface.pixels ) + UInt32( y ) * DstSurface.pitch + UInt32( x )
- * bpp );
- case bpp of
- 1 : PUint8( p )^ := pixel;
-@@ -2480,7 +2480,7 @@
- BPP := DstSurface.format.BytesPerPixel;
- with DstSurface^ do
- begin
-- Addr := pointer( UInt32( pixels ) + UInt32( RealRect.y ) * pitch + UInt32( RealRect.x ) * BPP );
-+ Addr := pointer( PtrUInt( pixels ) + UInt32( RealRect.y ) * pitch + UInt32( RealRect.x ) * BPP );
- ModX := Pitch - UInt32( RealRect.w ) * BPP;
- end;
- case DstSurface.format.BitsPerPixel of
-@@ -2501,9 +2501,9 @@
- if B > $03 then
- B := $03;
- PUInt8( Addr )^ := R or G or B;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), BPP );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), BPP );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), ModX );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), ModX );
- end;
- end;
- 15 :
-@@ -2523,9 +2523,9 @@
- if B > $001F then
- B := $001F;
- PUInt16( Addr )^ := R or G or B;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), BPP );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), BPP );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), ModX );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), ModX );
- end;
- end;
- 16 :
-@@ -2545,9 +2545,9 @@
- if B > $001F then
- B := $001F;
- PUInt16( Addr )^ := R or G or B;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), BPP );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), BPP );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), ModX );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), ModX );
- end;
- end;
- 24 :
-@@ -2567,9 +2567,9 @@
- if B > $0000FF then
- B := $0000FF;
- PUInt32( Addr )^ := SrcColor and $FF000000 or R or G or B;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), BPP );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), BPP );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), ModX );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), ModX );
- end;
- end;
- 32 :
-@@ -2589,9 +2589,9 @@
- if B > $0000FF then
- B := $0000FF;
- PUInt32( Addr )^ := R or G or B;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), BPP );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), BPP );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), ModX );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), ModX );
- end;
- end;
- end;
-@@ -2613,7 +2613,7 @@
- BPP := DstSurface.format.BytesPerPixel;
- with DstSurface^ do
- begin
-- Addr := pointer( UInt32( pixels ) + UInt32( RealRect.y ) * pitch + UInt32( RealRect.x ) * BPP );
-+ Addr := pointer( PtrUInt( pixels ) + UInt32( RealRect.y ) * pitch + UInt32( RealRect.x ) * BPP );
- ModX := Pitch - UInt32( RealRect.w ) * BPP;
- end;
- case DstSurface.format.BitsPerPixel of
-@@ -2634,9 +2634,9 @@
- if B > $03 then
- B := 0;
- PUInt8( Addr )^ := R or G or B;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), BPP );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), BPP );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), ModX );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), ModX );
- end;
- end;
- 15 :
-@@ -2656,9 +2656,9 @@
- if B > $001F then
- B := 0;
- PUInt16( Addr )^ := R or G or B;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), BPP );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), BPP );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), ModX );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), ModX );
- end;
- end;
- 16 :
-@@ -2678,9 +2678,9 @@
- if B > $001F then
- B := 0;
- PUInt16( Addr )^ := R or G or B;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), BPP );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), BPP );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), ModX );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), ModX );
- end;
- end;
- 24 :
-@@ -2700,9 +2700,9 @@
- if B > $0000FF then
- B := 0;
- PUInt32( Addr )^ := SrcColor and $FF000000 or R or G or B;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), BPP );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), BPP );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), ModX );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), ModX );
- end;
- end;
- 32 :
-@@ -2722,9 +2722,9 @@
- if B > $0000FF then
- B := 0;
- PUInt32( Addr )^ := R or G or B;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), BPP );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), BPP );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( Addr ), ModX );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( Addr ), ModX );
- end;
- end;
- end;
-@@ -2800,7 +2800,7 @@
- procedure SDL_2xBlit( Src, Dest : PSDL_Surface );
- var
-- ReadAddr, WriteAddr, ReadRow, WriteRow : UInt32;
-+ ReadAddr, WriteAddr, ReadRow, WriteRow : PtrUInt;
- SrcPitch, DestPitch, x, y : UInt32;
- begin
- if ( Src = nil ) or ( Dest = nil ) then
-@@ -2815,8 +2815,8 @@
- if SDL_MustLock( Dest ) then
- SDL_LockSurface( Dest );
-- ReadRow := UInt32( Src.Pixels );
-- WriteRow := UInt32( Dest.Pixels );
-+ ReadRow := PtrUInt( Src.Pixels );
-+ WriteRow := PtrUInt( Dest.Pixels );
- SrcPitch := Src.pitch;
- DestPitch := Dest.pitch;
-@@ -2835,8 +2835,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr );
- inc( WriteAddr, 2 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- 2 : for y := 1 to Src.h do
- begin
-@@ -2851,8 +2851,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr, 2 );
- inc( WriteAddr, 4 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- 3 : for y := 1 to Src.h do
- begin
-@@ -2867,8 +2867,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr, 3 );
- inc( WriteAddr, 6 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- 4 : for y := 1 to Src.h do
- begin
-@@ -2883,8 +2883,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr, 4 );
- inc( WriteAddr, 8 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- end;
-@@ -2896,7 +2896,7 @@
- procedure SDL_Scanline2xBlit( Src, Dest : PSDL_Surface );
- var
-- ReadAddr, WriteAddr, ReadRow, WriteRow : UInt32;
-+ ReadAddr, WriteAddr, ReadRow, WriteRow : PtrUInt;
- SrcPitch, DestPitch, x, y : UInt32;
- begin
- if ( Src = nil ) or ( Dest = nil ) then
-@@ -2911,8 +2911,8 @@
- if SDL_MustLock( Dest ) then
- SDL_LockSurface( Dest );
-- ReadRow := UInt32( Src.Pixels );
-- WriteRow := UInt32( Dest.Pixels );
-+ ReadRow := PtrUInt( Src.Pixels );
-+ WriteRow := PtrUInt( Dest.Pixels );
- SrcPitch := Src.pitch;
- DestPitch := Dest.pitch;
-@@ -2929,8 +2929,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr );
- inc( WriteAddr, 2 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- 2 : for y := 1 to Src.h do
- begin
-@@ -2943,8 +2943,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr, 2 );
- inc( WriteAddr, 4 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- 3 : for y := 1 to Src.h do
- begin
-@@ -2957,8 +2957,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr, 3 );
- inc( WriteAddr, 6 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- 4 : for y := 1 to Src.h do
- begin
-@@ -2971,8 +2971,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr, 4 );
- inc( WriteAddr, 8 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- end;
-@@ -2984,7 +2984,7 @@
- procedure SDL_50Scanline2xBlit( Src, Dest : PSDL_Surface );
- var
-- ReadAddr, WriteAddr, ReadRow, WriteRow : UInt32;
-+ ReadAddr, WriteAddr, ReadRow, WriteRow : PtrUInt;
- SrcPitch, DestPitch, x, y, Color : UInt32;
- begin
- if ( Src = nil ) or ( Dest = nil ) then
-@@ -2999,8 +2999,8 @@
- if SDL_MustLock( Dest ) then
- SDL_LockSurface( Dest );
-- ReadRow := UInt32( Src.Pixels );
-- WriteRow := UInt32( Dest.Pixels );
-+ ReadRow := PtrUInt( Src.Pixels );
-+ WriteRow := PtrUInt( Dest.Pixels );
- SrcPitch := Src.pitch;
- DestPitch := Dest.pitch;
-@@ -3021,8 +3021,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr );
- inc( WriteAddr, 2 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- 15 : for y := 1 to Src.h do
- begin
-@@ -3039,8 +3039,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr, 2 );
- inc( WriteAddr, 4 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- 16 : for y := 1 to Src.h do
- begin
-@@ -3057,8 +3057,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr, 2 );
- inc( WriteAddr, 4 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- 24 : for y := 1 to Src.h do
- begin
-@@ -3075,8 +3075,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr, 3 );
- inc( WriteAddr, 6 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- 32 : for y := 1 to Src.h do
- begin
-@@ -3093,8 +3093,8 @@
- inc( ReadAddr, 4 );
- inc( WriteAddr, 8 );
- end;
-- inc( UInt32( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-- inc( UInt32( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( ReadRow ), SrcPitch );
-+ inc( PtrUInt( WriteRow ), DestPitch * 2 );
- end;
- end;
-@@ -3113,7 +3113,7 @@
- right2, bottom2 : integer;
- Scan1Start, {Scan2Start,} ScanWidth, ScanHeight : cardinal;
- Mod1 : cardinal;
-- Addr1 : cardinal;
-+ Addr1 : PtrUInt;
- BPP : cardinal;
- Pitch1 : cardinal;
- TransparentColor1 : cardinal;
-@@ -3171,7 +3171,7 @@
- with SrcSurface1^ do
- begin
- Pitch1 := Pitch;
-- Addr1 := cardinal( Pixels );
-+ Addr1 := PtrUInt( Pixels );
- inc( Addr1, Pitch1 * UInt32( Src_Rect1.y ) );
- with format^ do
- begin
-@@ -3277,7 +3277,7 @@
- R, G, B, Pixel1, Pixel2, TransparentColor : cardinal;
- Src, Dest : TSDL_Rect;
- Diff : integer;
-- SrcAddr, DestAddr : cardinal;
-+ SrcAddr, DestAddr : PtrUInt;
- WorkX, WorkY : word;
- SrcMod, DestMod : cardinal;
- Bits : cardinal;
-@@ -3350,14 +3350,14 @@
- end;
- with SrcSurface^ do
- begin
-- SrcAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
-+ SrcAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- SrcMod := Pitch - Src.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- TransparentColor := Format.colorkey;
- end;
- with DestSurface^ do
- begin
-- DestAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
-+ DestAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- DestMod := Pitch - Dest.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- Bits := Format.BitsPerPixel;
-@@ -3483,7 +3483,7 @@
- R, G, B, Pixel1, Pixel2, TransparentColor : cardinal;
- Src, Dest : TSDL_Rect;
- Diff : integer;
-- SrcAddr, DestAddr : cardinal;
-+ SrcAddr, DestAddr : PtrUInt;
- WorkX, WorkY : word;
- SrcMod, DestMod : cardinal;
- Bits : cardinal;
-@@ -3556,14 +3556,14 @@
- end;
- with SrcSurface^ do
- begin
-- SrcAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
-+ SrcAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- SrcMod := Pitch - Src.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- TransparentColor := Format.colorkey;
- end;
- with DestSurface^ do
- begin
-- DestAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
-+ DestAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- DestMod := Pitch - Dest.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- Bits := Format.BitsPerPixel;
-@@ -3691,7 +3691,7 @@
- R, G, B, Pixel1, Pixel2, TransparentColor : cardinal;
- Src, Dest : TSDL_Rect;
- Diff : integer;
-- SrcAddr, DestAddr : cardinal;
-+ SrcAddr, DestAddr : PtrUInt;
- WorkX, WorkY : word;
- SrcMod, DestMod : cardinal;
- Bits : cardinal;
-@@ -3764,14 +3764,14 @@
- end;
- with SrcSurface^ do
- begin
-- SrcAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
-+ SrcAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- SrcMod := Pitch - Src.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- TransparentColor := Format.colorkey;
- end;
- with DestSurface^ do
- begin
-- DestAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
-+ DestAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- DestMod := Pitch - Dest.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- Bits := Format.BitsPerPixel;
-@@ -3992,7 +3992,7 @@
- R, G, B, Pixel1, Pixel2, TransparentColor : cardinal;
- Src, Dest : TSDL_Rect;
- Diff : integer;
-- SrcAddr, DestAddr : cardinal;
-+ SrcAddr, DestAddr : PtrUInt;
- WorkX, WorkY : word;
- SrcMod, DestMod : cardinal;
- Bits : cardinal;
-@@ -4065,14 +4065,14 @@
- end;
- with SrcSurface^ do
- begin
-- SrcAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
-+ SrcAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Src.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Src.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- SrcMod := Pitch - Src.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- TransparentColor := Format.colorkey;
- end;
- with DestSurface^ do
- begin
-- DestAddr := cardinal( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
-+ DestAddr := PtrUInt( Pixels ) + UInt32( Dest.y ) * Pitch + UInt32( Dest.x ) *
- Format.BytesPerPixel;
- DestMod := Pitch - Dest.w * Format.BytesPerPixel;
- Bits := Format.BitsPerPixel;
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/Demos/SDLCtrls
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/Demos/SDLCtrls/Graphic
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/Tools
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/Tools/SDLFDesign
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/Tools/SDLFDesign/Data
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/Tools/SDLFDesign/Source
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/Tools/SDLImages
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/Tools/SGFont
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/Tools/SGFont/SGFontConv
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/docs
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/docs/images
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLCtrls/zlib
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLFilter
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLFilter/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLFilter/Demos/Test
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLFilter/Demos/Test/images
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLFilter/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLMonoFonts
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLMonoFonts/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLMonoFonts/Demos/Test
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLMonoFonts/Images
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLMonoFonts/Pas
-Index: SDLMonoFonts/Pas/sdlmonofonts.pas
-RCS file: /cvsroot/jedi-sdl/JEDI-SDLv1.0/SDLMonoFonts/Pas/sdlmonofonts.pas,v
-retrieving revision 1.3
-diff -u -r1.3 sdlmonofonts.pas
---- SDLMonoFonts/Pas/sdlmonofonts.pas 26 Nov 2006 10:25:19 -0000 1.3
-+++ SDLMonoFonts/Pas/sdlmonofonts.pas 27 Feb 2008 09:16:12 -0000
-@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
- end;
- inc( ReadPos );
- until ReadPos >= TextLength;
-- FoundWord := pointer( cardinal( Txt ) + StartPos );
-+ FoundWord := pointer( PtrUInt( Txt ) + StartPos );
- ItsLength := ReadPos - StartPos;
- end;
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLSpriteEngine
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLSpriteEngine/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/CollisionTest
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/Oxygene
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/Oxygene/Caverns
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/Oxygene/Gfx
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/Oxygene/Music
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/Oxygene/Sounds
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/Shooting
-Index: SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/Shooting/Shooting.dpr
-RCS file: /cvsroot/jedi-sdl/JEDI-SDLv1.0/SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/Shooting/Shooting.dpr,v
-retrieving revision 1.2
-diff -u -r1.2 Shooting.dpr
---- SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/Shooting/Shooting.dpr 23 Dec 2004 23:37:27 -0000 1.2
-+++ SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/Shooting/Shooting.dpr 27 Feb 2008 09:16:13 -0000
-@@ -445,13 +445,13 @@
- y : integer;
- Row : array[ 0..319 ] of byte;
- MustLock : boolean;
-- Video1, Video2 : cardinal;
-+ Video1, Video2 : PtrUInt;
- begin
- MustLock := SDL_MustLock( Background );
- if MustLock then
- SDL_LockSurface( Background );
-- Video1 := cardinal( Background.pixels ) + 238 * Background.pitch; { from }
-- Video2 := cardinal( Background.pixels ) + 239 * Background.pitch; { to }
-+ Video1 := PtrUInt( Background.pixels ) + 238 * Background.pitch; { from }
-+ Video2 := PtrUInt( Background.pixels ) + 239 * Background.pitch; { to }
- { store lowest row }
- Move( pointer( Video2 )^, Row[ 0 ], 320 );
- for y := 0 to 238 do
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/ZTest
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLSpriteEngine/Demos/images
-cvs diff: Diffing SDLSpriteEngine/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Gfx
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Gfx/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Image
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Image/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Mixer
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Mixer/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Mixer/Demos/WavTest
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Mixer/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos/Clients
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos/Clients/TCPConsole
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos/Clients/TCPGUI
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos/Clients/TimeSync
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos/Clients/UDPConsole
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos/Servers
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos/Servers/TCPMulti
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos/Servers/TimeSync
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos/Servers/UDP
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos/WebUpdate
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos/WebUpdate/fonts
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Demos/WebUpdate/images
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Net/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Sound
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_Sound/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_flic
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_flic/Demo
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_flic/Pas
-Index: SDL_flic/Pas/sdl_flic.pas
-RCS file: /cvsroot/jedi-sdl/JEDI-SDLv1.0/SDL_flic/Pas/sdl_flic.pas,v
-retrieving revision 1.1
-diff -u -r1.1 sdl_flic.pas
---- SDL_flic/Pas/sdl_flic.pas 4 Jan 2006 00:49:06 -0000 1.1
-+++ SDL_flic/Pas/sdl_flic.pas 27 Feb 2008 09:16:14 -0000
-@@ -276,16 +276,16 @@
- var line , p: PUInt8;
- numlines, numpackets, size: Integer;
- begin
-- line :=PUint8( Integer(flic.Surface.pixels) + readu16(flic) * flic.Surface.pitch);
-+ line :=PUint8( PtrInt(flic.Surface.pixels) + readu16(flic) * flic.Surface.pitch);
- numlines := readu16(flic);
- while (numlines > 0) do
- begin
- p := line;
-- line := PUint8(Integer(line) + flic.Surface.pitch);
-+ line := PUint8(PtrInt(line) + flic.Surface.pitch);
- numpackets := readu8(flic);
- while numpackets > 0 do
- begin
-- p := PUint8(Integer(p)+ readu8(flic));
-+ p := PUint8(PtrInt(p)+ readu8(flic));
- size := Sint8(readu8(flic));
- if size >= 0 then
- readbuffer(flic, p, size)
-@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
- size := -size;
- FillChar(p^, size, readu8(flic));
- end;
-- p := PUint8(Integer(p) + Size);
-+ p := PUint8(PtrInt(p) + Size);
- dec(numpackets);
- end;
- dec(numlines);
-@@ -316,8 +316,8 @@
- begin
- //* The number of packages is ignored, packets run until the next line is reached. */
- readu8(flic);
-- next := PUint8(Integer(p) + flic.Surface.pitch);
-- while (Integer(p) < Integer(next)) do
-+ next := PUint8(PtrInt(p) + flic.Surface.pitch);
-+ while (PtrInt(p) < PtrInt(next)) do
- begin
- // size pixels will change. */
- size := SInt8(readu8(flic));
-@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
- //* One pixel to be repeated follow. */
- FillChar(p^, size, readu8(flic));
- end;
-- p := PUint8(Integer(p) + size);
-+ p := PUint8(PtrInt(p) + size);
- end;
- dec(numlines);
- end;
-@@ -382,11 +382,11 @@
- case ((code shr 14) and $03) of
- $00:
- begin
-- p := PUint8(Uint32(flic.Surface.pixels) + flic.Surface.pitch * y);
-+ p := PUint8(PtrUInt(flic.Surface.pixels) + flic.Surface.pitch * y);
- while (code > 0) do
- begin
- // Skip some pixels.
-- p := PUint8(Integer(p) + readu8(flic));
-+ p := PUint8(PtrInt(p) + readu8(flic));
- size := SInt8(readu8(flic)) * 2;
- if (size >= 0) then
- begin
-@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@
- readu8(flic);
- FillChar(p, size, readu8(flic));
- end;
-- p := PUint8(Integer(p)+size);
-+ p := PUint8(PtrInt(p)+size);
- dec(code);
- end;
- y := y + 1;
-@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
- $02:
- begin
- // Last pixel of the line. */
-- p := Pointer(UInt32(flic.Surface.pixels) + flic.Surface.pitch * UInt32(y + 1));
-+ p := Pointer(PtrUInt(flic.Surface.pixels) + flic.Surface.pitch * UInt32(y + 1));
- //p[-1] = code & 0xFF;
- PUint8(p^-1)^ := code and $FF;
- end;
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_ttf
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_ttf/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_ttf/Demos/GLFont
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_ttf/Demos/ShowFont
-cvs diff: Diffing SDL_ttf/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing SFont
-cvs diff: Diffing SFont/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing SFont/Demos/Tests
-cvs diff: Diffing SFont/Demos/Tests/images
-cvs diff: Diffing SFont/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing fmod
-cvs diff: Diffing fmod/Pas
-cvs diff: Diffing smpeg
-cvs diff: Diffing smpeg/Demos
-cvs diff: Diffing smpeg/Demos/GLMovie
-cvs diff: Diffing smpeg/Demos/MpegPlayer
-cvs diff: Diffing smpeg/Demos/SMpegPlayer
-cvs diff: Diffing smpeg/Pas
diff --git a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/moduleloader-libc.patch b/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/moduleloader-libc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 02255db0..00000000
--- a/src/lib/JEDI-SDL/moduleloader-libc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Index: SDL/Pas/moduleloader.pas
---- SDL/Pas/moduleloader.pas (revision 1144)
-+++ SDL/Pas/moduleloader.pas (working copy)
-@@ -185,15 +185,16 @@
- {$IFDEF Unix}
- uses
--{$ifdef Linux}
-- Types,
-- Libc;
-+{$ifdef FPC}
- dl,
- Types,
- Baseunix,
- Unix;
-+ Types,
-+ Libc;
- {$endif}
- type
- // Handle to a loaded .so
- TModuleHandle = Pointer;