path: root/src/lib/FreeImage/FreeBitmap.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/FreeImage/FreeBitmap.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1742 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/FreeImage/FreeBitmap.pas b/src/lib/FreeImage/FreeBitmap.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index d32fb5cb..00000000
--- a/src/lib/FreeImage/FreeBitmap.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1742 +0,0 @@
-unit FreeBitmap;
-// ==========================================================
-// Delphi wrapper for FreeImage 3
-// Design and implementation by
-// - Anatoliy Pulyaevskiy (xvel84@rambler.ru)
-// Contributors:
-// - Enzo Costantini (enzocostantini@libero.it)
-// This file is part of FreeImage 3
-// Use at your own risk!
-// ==========================================================
-// From begining all code of this file is based on C++ wrapper to
-// FreeImage - FreeImagePlus.
-// ==========================================================
- {$MODE Delphi}
- {$H+} // use long strings
- SysUtils, Classes, Windows, FreeImage;
- { TFreeObject }
- TFreeObject = class(TObject)
- public
- function IsValid: Boolean; virtual;
- end;
- { TFreeTag }
- TFreeTag = class(TFreeObject)
- private
- // fields
- // getters & setters
- function GetCount: Cardinal;
- function GetDescription: string;
- function GetID: Word;
- function GetKey: string;
- function GetLength: Cardinal;
- function GetTagType: FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE;
- function GetValue: Pointer;
- procedure SetCount(const Value: Cardinal);
- procedure SetDescription(const Value: string);
- procedure SetID(const Value: Word);
- procedure SetKey(const Value: string);
- procedure SetLength(const Value: Cardinal);
- procedure SetTagType(const Value: FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE);
- procedure SetValue(const Value: Pointer);
- public
- // construction & destruction
- constructor Create(ATag: PFITAG = nil); virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // methods
- function Clone: TFreeTag;
- function IsValid: Boolean; override;
- function ToString(Model: FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL; Make: PChar = nil): string;
- // properties
- property Key: string read GetKey write SetKey;
- property Description: string read GetDescription write SetDescription;
- property ID: Word read GetID write SetID;
- property TagType: FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE read GetTagType write SetTagType;
- property Count: Cardinal read GetCount write SetCount;
- property Length: Cardinal read GetLength write SetLength;
- property Value: Pointer read GetValue write SetValue;
- property Tag: PFITAG read FTag;
- end;
- { forward declarations }
- TFreeBitmap = class;
- TFreeMemoryIO = class;
- { TFreeBitmap }
- TFreeBitmapChangingEvent = procedure(Sender: TFreeBitmap; var OldDib, NewDib: PFIBITMAP; var Handled: Boolean) of object;
- TFreeBitmap = class(TFreeObject)
- private
- // fields
- FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnChanging: TFreeBitmapChangingEvent;
- procedure SetDib(Value: PFIBITMAP);
- protected
- function DoChanging(var OldDib, NewDib: PFIBITMAP): Boolean; dynamic;
- function Replace(NewDib: PFIBITMAP): Boolean; dynamic;
- public
- constructor Create(ImageType: FREE_IMAGE_TYPE = FIT_BITMAP; Width: Integer = 0; Height: Integer = 0; Bpp: Integer = 0);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function SetSize(ImageType: FREE_IMAGE_TYPE; Width, Height, Bpp: Integer; RedMask: Cardinal = 0; GreenMask: Cardinal = 0; BlueMask: Cardinal = 0): Boolean;
- procedure Change; dynamic;
- procedure Assign(Source: TFreeBitmap);
- function CopySubImage(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer; Dest: TFreeBitmap): Boolean;
- function PasteSubImage(Src: TFreeBitmap; Left, Top: Integer; Alpha: Integer = 256): Boolean;
- procedure Clear; virtual;
- function Load(const FileName: string; Flag: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- function LoadU(const FileName: WideString; Flag: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- function LoadFromHandle(IO: PFreeImageIO; Handle: fi_handle; Flag: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- function LoadFromMemory(MemIO: TFreeMemoryIO; Flag: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- function LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream; Flag: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- // save functions
- function CanSave(fif: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT): Boolean;
- function Save(const FileName: string; Flag: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- function SaveU(const FileName: WideString; Flag: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- function SaveToHandle(fif: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT; IO: PFreeImageIO; Handle: fi_handle; Flag: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- function SaveToMemory(fif: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT; MemIO: TFreeMemoryIO; Flag: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- function SaveToStream(fif: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT; Stream: TStream; Flag: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- // image information
- function GetImageType: FREE_IMAGE_TYPE;
- function GetWidth: Integer;
- function GetHeight: Integer;
- function GetScanWidth: Integer;
- function IsValid: Boolean; override;
- function GetInfo: PBitmapInfo;
- function GetInfoHeader: PBitmapInfoHeader;
- function GetImageSize: Cardinal;
- function GetBitsPerPixel: Integer;
- function GetLine: Integer;
- function GetHorizontalResolution: Double;
- function GetVerticalResolution: Double;
- procedure SetHorizontalResolution(Value: Double);
- procedure SetVerticalResolution(Value: Double);
- // palette operations
- function GetPalette: PRGBQUAD;
- function GetPaletteSize: Integer;
- function GetColorsUsed: Integer;
- function GetColorType: FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_TYPE;
- function IsGrayScale: Boolean;
- // pixels access
- function AccessPixels: PByte;
- function GetScanLine(ScanLine: Integer): PByte;
- function GetPixelIndex(X, Y: Cardinal; var Value: PByte): Boolean;
- function GetPixelColor(X, Y: Cardinal; Value: PRGBQUAD): Boolean;
- function SetPixelIndex(X, Y: Cardinal; Value: PByte): Boolean;
- function SetPixelColor(X, Y: Cardinal; Value: PRGBQUAD): Boolean;
- // convertion
- function ConvertToStandardType(ScaleLinear: Boolean): Boolean;
- function ConvertToType(ImageType: FREE_IMAGE_TYPE; ScaleLinear: Boolean): Boolean;
- function Threshold(T: Byte): Boolean;
- function ConvertTo4Bits: Boolean;
- function ConvertTo8Bits: Boolean;
- function ConvertTo16Bits555: Boolean;
- function ConvertTo16Bits565: Boolean;
- function ConvertTo24Bits: Boolean;
- function ConvertTo32Bits: Boolean;
- function ConvertToGrayscale: Boolean;
- function ColorQuantize(Algorithm: FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE): Boolean;
- function Dither(Algorithm: FREE_IMAGE_DITHER): Boolean;
- function ConvertToRGBF: Boolean;
- function ToneMapping(TMO: FREE_IMAGE_TMO; FirstParam, SecondParam: Double): Boolean;
- // transparency
- function IsTransparent: Boolean;
- function GetTransparencyCount: Cardinal;
- function GetTransparencyTable: PByte;
- procedure SetTransparencyTable(Table: PByte; Count: Integer);
- function HasFileBkColor: Boolean;
- function GetFileBkColor(var BkColor: PRGBQuad): Boolean;
- function SetFileBkColor(BkColor: PRGBQuad): Boolean;
- // channel processing routines
- function GetChannel(Bitmap: TFreeBitmap; Channel: FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_CHANNEL): Boolean;
- function SetChannel(Bitmap: TFreeBitmap; Channel: FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_CHANNEL): Boolean;
- function SplitChannels(RedChannel, GreenChannel, BlueChannel: TFreeBitmap): Boolean;
- function CombineChannels(Red, Green, Blue: TFreeBitmap): Boolean;
- // rotation and flipping
- function RotateEx(Angle, XShift, YShift, XOrigin, YOrigin: Double; UseMask: Boolean): Boolean;
- function Rotate(Angle: Double): Boolean;
- function FlipHorizontal: Boolean;
- function FlipVertical: Boolean;
- // color manipulation routines
- function Invert: Boolean;
- function AdjustCurve(Lut: PByte; Channel: FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_CHANNEL): Boolean;
- function AdjustGamma(Gamma: Double): Boolean;
- function AdjustBrightness(Percentage: Double): Boolean;
- function AdjustContrast(Percentage: Double): Boolean;
- function GetHistogram(Histo: PDWORD; Channel: FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_CHANNEL = FICC_BLACK): Boolean;
- // upsampling / downsampling
- procedure MakeThumbnail(const Width, Height: Integer; DestBitmap: TFreeBitmap);
- function Rescale(NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer; Filter: FREE_IMAGE_FILTER; Dest: TFreeBitmap = nil): Boolean;
- // metadata routines
- function FindFirstMetadata(Model: FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL; var Tag: TFreeTag): PFIMETADATA;
- function FindNextMetadata(MDHandle: PFIMETADATA; var Tag: TFreeTag): Boolean;
- procedure FindCloseMetadata(MDHandle: PFIMETADATA);
- function SetMetadata(Model: FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL; const Key: string; Tag: TFreeTag): Boolean;
- function GetMetadata(Model: FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL; const Key: string; var Tag: TFreeTag): Boolean;
- function GetMetadataCount(Model: FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL): Cardinal;
- // properties
- property Dib: PFIBITMAP read FDib write SetDib;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- property OnChanging: TFreeBitmapChangingEvent read FOnChanging write FOnChanging;
- end;
- { TFreeWinBitmap }
- { TFreeMemoryIO }
- TFreeMemoryIO = class(TFreeObject)
- private
- public
- // construction and destruction
- constructor Create(Data: PByte = nil; SizeInBytes: DWORD = 0);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetFileType: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT;
- function Read(fif: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT; Flag: Integer = 0): PFIBITMAP;
- function Write(fif: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT; dib: PFIBITMAP; Flag: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- function Tell: Longint;
- function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Boolean;
- function Acquire(var Data: PByte; var SizeInBytes: DWORD): Boolean;
- // overriden methods
- function IsValid: Boolean; override;
- end;
- { TFreeMultiBitmap }
- TFreeMultiBitmap = class(TFreeObject)
- private
- FMemoryCache: Boolean;
- public
- // constructor and destructor
- constructor Create(KeepCacheInMemory: Boolean = False);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // methods
- function Open(const FileName: string; CreateNew, ReadOnly: Boolean; Flags: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- function Close(Flags: Integer = 0): Boolean;
- function GetPageCount: Integer;
- procedure AppendPage(Bitmap: TFreeBitmap);
- procedure InsertPage(Page: Integer; Bitmap: TFreeBitmap);
- procedure DeletePage(Page: Integer);
- function MovePage(Target, Source: Integer): Boolean;
- procedure LockPage(Page: Integer; DestBitmap: TFreeBitmap);
- procedure UnlockPage(Bitmap: TFreeBitmap; Changed: Boolean);
- function GetLockedPageNumbers(var Pages: Integer; var Count: Integer): Boolean;
- // overriden methods
- function IsValid: Boolean; override;
- // properties
- // change of this property influences only on the next opening of a file
- property MemoryCache: Boolean read FMemoryCache write FMemoryCache;
- end;
- ThumbSize = 150;
-// marker used for clipboard copy / paste
-procedure SetFreeImageMarker(bmih: PBitmapInfoHeader; dib: PFIBITMAP);
- // Windows constants goes from 0L to 5L
- // Add $FF to avoid conflicts
- bmih.biCompression := $FF + FreeImage_GetImageType(dib);
-function GetFreeImageMarker(bmih: PBitmapInfoHeader): FREE_IMAGE_TYPE;
- Result := FREE_IMAGE_TYPE(bmih.biCompression - $FF);
-{ TFreePersistent }
-function TFreeObject.IsValid: Boolean;
- Result := False
-{ TFreeBitmap }
-function TFreeBitmap.AccessPixels: PByte;
- Result := FreeImage_GetBits(FDib)
-function TFreeBitmap.AdjustBrightness(Percentage: Double): Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Result := FreeImage_AdjustBrightness(FDib, Percentage);
- Change;
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.AdjustContrast(Percentage: Double): Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Result := FreeImage_AdjustContrast(FDib, Percentage);
- Change;
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.AdjustCurve(Lut: PByte;
- Channel: FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_CHANNEL): Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Result := FreeImage_AdjustCurve(FDib, Lut, Channel);
- Change;
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.AdjustGamma(Gamma: Double): Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Result := FreeImage_AdjustGamma(FDib, Gamma);
- Change;
- end
- else
- Result := False
-procedure TFreeBitmap.Assign(Source: TFreeBitmap);
- SourceBmp: TFreeBitmap;
- if Source = nil then
- begin
- Clear;
- Exit;
- end;
- if Source is TFreeBitmap then
- begin
- SourceBmp := TFreeBitmap(Source);
- if SourceBmp <> Self then
- begin
- if SourceBmp.IsValid then
- begin
- Clone := FreeImage_Clone(SourceBmp.FDib);
- Replace(Clone);
- end
- else
- Clear;
- end;
- end;
-function TFreeBitmap.CanSave(fif: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT): Boolean;
- Bpp: Word;
- Result := False;
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- if fif <> FIF_UNKNOWN then
- begin
- // check that the dib can be saved in this format
- ImageType := FreeImage_GetImageType(FDib);
- if ImageType = FIT_BITMAP then
- begin
- // standard bitmap type
- Bpp := FreeImage_GetBPP(FDib);
- Result := FreeImage_FIFSupportsWriting(fif)
- and FreeImage_FIFSupportsExportBPP(fif, Bpp);
- end
- else // special bitmap type
- Result := FreeImage_FIFSupportsExportType(fif, ImageType);
- end;
-procedure TFreeBitmap.Change;
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self)
-procedure TFreeBitmap.Clear;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- FreeImage_Unload(FDib);
- FDib := nil;
- Change;
- end;
-function TFreeBitmap.ColorQuantize(
- Algorithm: FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE): Boolean;
- dib8: PFIBITMAP;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- dib8 := FreeImage_ColorQuantize(FDib, Algorithm);
- Result := Replace(dib8);
- end
- else
- Result := False;
-function TFreeBitmap.CombineChannels(Red, Green,
- Blue: TFreeBitmap): Boolean;
- Width, Height: Integer;
- if FDib = nil then
- begin
- Width := Red.GetWidth;
- Height := Red.GetHeight;
- FDib := FreeImage_Allocate(Width, Height, 24, FI_RGBA_RED_MASK,
- end;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Result := FreeImage_SetChannel(FDib, Red.FDib, FICC_RED) and
- FreeImage_SetChannel(FDib, Green.FDib, FICC_GREEN) and
- FreeImage_SetChannel(FDib, Blue.FDib, FICC_BLUE);
- Change
- end
- else
- Result := False;
-function TFreeBitmap.ConvertTo16Bits555: Boolean;
- dib16_555: PFIBITMAP;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- dib16_555 := FreeImage_ConvertTo16Bits555(FDib);
- Result := Replace(dib16_555);
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.ConvertTo16Bits565: Boolean;
- dib16_565: PFIBITMAP;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- dib16_565 := FreeImage_ConvertTo16Bits565(FDib);
- Result := Replace(dib16_565);
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.ConvertTo24Bits: Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- dibRGB := FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits(FDib);
- Result := Replace(dibRGB);
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.ConvertTo32Bits: Boolean;
- dib32: PFIBITMAP;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- dib32 := FreeImage_ConvertTo32Bits(FDib);
- Result := Replace(dib32);
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.ConvertTo4Bits: Boolean;
- dib4: PFIBITMAP;
- Result := False;
- if IsValid then
- begin
- dib4 := FreeImage_ConvertTo4Bits(FDib);
- Result := Replace(dib4);
- end;
-function TFreeBitmap.ConvertTo8Bits: Boolean;
- dib8: PFIBITMAP;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- dib8 := FreeImage_ConvertTo8Bits(FDib);
- Result := Replace(dib8);
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.ConvertToGrayscale: Boolean;
- dib8: PFIBITMAP;
- Result := False;
- if IsValid then
- begin
- dib8 := FreeImage_ConvertToGreyscale(FDib);
- Result := Replace(dib8);
- end
-function TFreeBitmap.ConvertToRGBF: Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- ImageType := GetImageType;
- if (ImageType = FIT_BITMAP) then
- begin
- if GetBitsPerPixel < 24 then
- if not ConvertTo24Bits then
- Exit
- end;
- NewDib := FreeImage_ConvertToRGBF(FDib);
- Result := Replace(NewDib);
-function TFreeBitmap.ConvertToStandardType(ScaleLinear: Boolean): Boolean;
- dibStandard: PFIBITMAP;
- if IsValid then
- begin
- dibStandard := FreeImage_ConvertToStandardType(FDib, ScaleLinear);
- Result := Replace(dibStandard);
- end
- else
- Result := False;
-function TFreeBitmap.ConvertToType(ImageType: FREE_IMAGE_TYPE;
- ScaleLinear: Boolean): Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- dib := FreeImage_ConvertToType(FDib, ImageType, ScaleLinear);
- Result := Replace(dib)
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.CopySubImage(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer;
- Dest: TFreeBitmap): Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Dest.FDib := FreeImage_Copy(FDib, Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
- Result := Dest.IsValid;
- end else
- Result := False;
-constructor TFreeBitmap.Create(ImageType: FREE_IMAGE_TYPE; Width, Height,
- Bpp: Integer);
- inherited Create;
- FDib := nil;
- if (Width > 0) and (Height > 0) and (Bpp > 0) then
- SetSize(ImageType, Width, Height, Bpp);
-destructor TFreeBitmap.Destroy;
- if FDib <> nil then
- FreeImage_Unload(FDib);
- inherited;
-function TFreeBitmap.Dither(Algorithm: FREE_IMAGE_DITHER): Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- dib := FreeImage_Dither(FDib, Algorithm);
- Result := Replace(dib);
- end
- else
- Result := False;
-function TFreeBitmap.DoChanging(var OldDib, NewDib: PFIBITMAP): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if (OldDib <> NewDib) and Assigned(FOnChanging) then
- FOnChanging(Self, OldDib, NewDib, Result);
-procedure TFreeBitmap.FindCloseMetadata(MDHandle: PFIMETADATA);
- FreeImage_FindCloseMetadata(MDHandle);
-function TFreeBitmap.FindFirstMetadata(Model: FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL;
- var Tag: TFreeTag): PFIMETADATA;
- Result := FreeImage_FindFirstMetadata(Model, FDib, Tag.FTag);
-function TFreeBitmap.FindNextMetadata(MDHandle: PFIMETADATA;
- var Tag: TFreeTag): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_FindNextMetadata(MDHandle, Tag.FTag);
-function TFreeBitmap.FlipHorizontal: Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Result := FreeImage_FlipHorizontal(FDib);
- Change;
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.FlipVertical: Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Result := FreeImage_FlipVertical(FDib);
- Change;
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.GetBitsPerPixel: Integer;
- Result := FreeImage_GetBPP(FDib)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetChannel(Bitmap: TFreeBitmap;
- Channel: FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_CHANNEL): Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Bitmap.Dib := FreeImage_GetChannel(FDib, Channel);
- Result := Bitmap.IsValid;
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.GetColorsUsed: Integer;
- Result := FreeImage_GetColorsUsed(FDib)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetColorType: FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_TYPE;
- Result := FreeImage_GetColorType(FDib);
-function TFreeBitmap.GetFileBkColor(var BkColor: PRGBQuad): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_GetBackgroundColor(FDib, BkColor)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetHeight: Integer;
- Result := FreeImage_GetHeight(FDib)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetHistogram(Histo: PDWORD;
- Channel: FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_CHANNEL): Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- Result := FreeImage_GetHistogram(FDib, Histo, Channel)
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.GetHorizontalResolution: Double;
- Result := FreeImage_GetDotsPerMeterX(FDib) / 100
-function TFreeBitmap.GetImageSize: Cardinal;
- Result := FreeImage_GetDIBSize(FDib);
-function TFreeBitmap.GetImageType: FREE_IMAGE_TYPE;
- Result := FreeImage_GetImageType(FDib);
-function TFreeBitmap.GetInfo: PBitmapInfo;
- Result := FreeImage_GetInfo(FDib^)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetInfoHeader: PBITMAPINFOHEADER;
- Result := FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(FDib)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetLine: Integer;
- Result := FreeImage_GetLine(FDib)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetMetadata(Model: FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL;
- const Key: string; var Tag: TFreeTag): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_GetMetaData(Model, FDib, PChar(Key), Tag.FTag);
-function TFreeBitmap.GetMetadataCount(Model: FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL): Cardinal;
- Result := FreeImage_GetMetadataCount(Model, FDib);
-function TFreeBitmap.GetPalette: PRGBQUAD;
- Result := FreeImage_GetPalette(FDib)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetPaletteSize: Integer;
- Result := FreeImage_GetColorsUsed(FDib) * SizeOf(RGBQUAD)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetPixelColor(X, Y: Cardinal; Value: PRGBQUAD): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_GetPixelColor(FDib, X, Y, Value)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetPixelIndex(X, Y: Cardinal;
- var Value: PByte): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_GetPixelIndex(FDib, X, Y, Value)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetScanLine(ScanLine: Integer): PByte;
- H: Integer;
- H := FreeImage_GetHeight(FDib);
- if ScanLine < H then
- Result := FreeImage_GetScanLine(FDib, ScanLine)
- else
- Result := nil;
-function TFreeBitmap.GetScanWidth: Integer;
- Result := FreeImage_GetPitch(FDib)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetTransparencyCount: Cardinal;
- Result := FreeImage_GetTransparencyCount(FDib)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetTransparencyTable: PByte;
- Result := FreeImage_GetTransparencyTable(FDib)
-function TFreeBitmap.GetVerticalResolution: Double;
- Result := FreeImage_GetDotsPerMeterY(Fdib) / 100
-function TFreeBitmap.GetWidth: Integer;
- Result := FreeImage_GetWidth(FDib)
-function TFreeBitmap.HasFileBkColor: Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_HasBackgroundColor(FDib)
-function TFreeBitmap.Invert: Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Result := FreeImage_Invert(FDib);
- Change;
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.IsGrayScale: Boolean;
- Result := (FreeImage_GetBPP(FDib) = 8)
- and (FreeImage_GetColorType(FDib) = FIC_PALETTE);
-function TFreeBitmap.IsTransparent: Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_IsTransparent(FDib);
-function TFreeBitmap.IsValid: Boolean;
- Result := FDib <> nil
-function TFreeBitmap.Load(const FileName: string; Flag: Integer): Boolean;
- // check the file signature and get its format
- fif := FreeImage_GetFileType(PChar(Filename), 0);
- if fif = FIF_UNKNOWN then
- // no signature?
- // try to guess the file format from the file extention
- fif := FreeImage_GetFIFFromFilename(PChar(FileName));
- // check that the plugin has reading capabilities ...
- if (fif <> FIF_UNKNOWN) and FreeImage_FIFSupportsReading(FIF) then
- begin
- // free the previous dib
- if FDib <> nil then
- FreeImage_Unload(dib);
- // load the file
- FDib := FreeImage_Load(fif, PChar(FileName), Flag);
- Change;
- Result := IsValid;
- end else
- Result := False;
-function TFreeBitmap.LoadFromHandle(IO: PFreeImageIO; Handle: fi_handle;
- Flag: Integer): Boolean;
- // check the file signature and get its format
- fif := FreeImage_GetFileTypeFromHandle(IO, Handle, 16);
- if (fif <> FIF_UNKNOWN) and FreeImage_FIFSupportsReading(fif) then
- begin
- // free the previous dib
- if FDib <> nil then
- FreeImage_Unload(FDib);
- // load the file
- FDib := FreeImage_LoadFromHandle(fif, IO, Handle, Flag);
- Change;
- Result := IsValid;
- end else
- Result := False;
-function TFreeBitmap.LoadFromMemory(MemIO: TFreeMemoryIO;
- Flag: Integer): Boolean;
- // check the file signature and get its format
- fif := MemIO.GetFileType;
- if (fif <> FIF_UNKNOWN) and FreeImage_FIFSupportsReading(fif) then
- begin
- // free the previous dib
- if FDib <> nil then
- FreeImage_Unload(FDib);
- // load the file
- FDib := MemIO.Read(fif, Flag);
- Result := IsValid;
- Change;
- end else
- Result := False;
-function TFreeBitmap.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream;
- Flag: Integer): Boolean;
- MemIO: TFreeMemoryIO;
- Data: PByte;
- MemStream: TMemoryStream;
- Size: Cardinal;
- Size := Stream.Size;
- MemStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- MemStream.CopyFrom(Stream, Size);
- Data := MemStream.Memory;
- MemIO := TFreeMemoryIO.Create(Data, Size);
- try
- Result := LoadFromMemory(MemIO);
- finally
- MemIO.Free;
- end;
- finally
- MemStream.Free;
- end;
-function TFreeBitmap.LoadU(const FileName: WideString;
- Flag: Integer): Boolean;
- // check the file signature and get its format
- fif := FreeImage_GetFileTypeU(PWideChar(Filename), 0);
- if fif = FIF_UNKNOWN then
- // no signature?
- // try to guess the file format from the file extention
- fif := FreeImage_GetFIFFromFilenameU(PWideChar(FileName));
- // check that the plugin has reading capabilities ...
- if (fif <> FIF_UNKNOWN) and FreeImage_FIFSupportsReading(FIF) then
- begin
- // free the previous dib
- if FDib <> nil then
- FreeImage_Unload(dib);
- // load the file
- FDib := FreeImage_LoadU(fif, PWideChar(FileName), Flag);
- Change;
- Result := IsValid;
- end else
- Result := False;
-procedure TFreeBitmap.MakeThumbnail(const Width, Height: Integer;
- DestBitmap: TFreeBitmap);
- PRGB24 = ^TRGB24;
- TRGB24 = packed record
- B: Byte;
- G: Byte;
- R: Byte;
- end;
- x, y, ix, iy: integer;
- x1, x2, x3: integer;
- xscale, yscale: single;
- iRed, iGrn, iBlu, iRatio: Longword;
- p, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5: TRGB24;
- pt, pt1: PRGB24;
- iSrc, iDst, s1: integer;
- i, j, r, g, b, tmpY: integer;
- RowDest, RowSource, RowSourceStart: integer;
- w, h: Integer;
- dxmin, dymin: integer;
- ny1, ny2, ny3: integer;
- dx, dy: integer;
- lutX, lutY: array of integer;
- SrcBmp, DestBmp: PFIBITMAP;
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- if (GetWidth <= ThumbSize) and (GetHeight <= ThumbSize) then
- begin
- DestBitmap.Assign(Self);
- Exit;
- end;
- w := Width;
- h := Height;
- // prepare bitmaps
- if GetBitsPerPixel <> 24 then
- SrcBmp := FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits(FDib)
- else
- SrcBmp := FDib;
- DestBmp := FreeImage_Allocate(w, h, 24);
- Assert(DestBmp <> nil, 'TFreeBitmap.MakeThumbnail error');
-{ iDst := (w * 24 + 31) and not 31;
- iDst := iDst div 8; //BytesPerScanline
- iSrc := (GetWidth * 24 + 31) and not 31;
- iSrc := iSrc div 8;
- // BytesPerScanline
- iDst := FreeImage_GetPitch(DestBmp);
- iSrc := FreeImage_GetPitch(SrcBmp);
- xscale := 1 / (w / FreeImage_GetWidth(SrcBmp));
- yscale := 1 / (h / FreeImage_GetHeight(SrcBmp));
- // X lookup table
- SetLength(lutX, w);
- x1 := 0;
- x2 := trunc(xscale);
- for x := 0 to w - 1 do
- begin
- lutX[x] := x2 - x1;
- x1 := x2;
- x2 := trunc((x + 2) * xscale);
- end;
- // Y lookup table
- SetLength(lutY, h);
- x1 := 0;
- x2 := trunc(yscale);
- for x := 0 to h - 1 do
- begin
- lutY[x] := x2 - x1;
- x1 := x2;
- x2 := trunc((x + 2) * yscale);
- end;
- Dec(w);
- Dec(h);
- RowDest := integer(FreeImage_GetScanLine(DestBmp, 0));
- RowSourceStart := integer(FreeImage_GetScanLine(SrcBmp, 0));
- RowSource := RowSourceStart;
- for y := 0 to h do
- // resampling
- begin
- dy := lutY[y];
- x1 := 0;
- x3 := 0;
- for x := 0 to w do // loop through row
- begin
- dx:= lutX[x];
- iRed:= 0;
- iGrn:= 0;
- iBlu:= 0;
- RowSource := RowSourceStart;
- for iy := 1 to dy do
- begin
- pt := PRGB24(RowSource + x1);
- for ix := 1 to dx do
- begin
- iRed := iRed + pt.R;
- iGrn := iGrn + pt.G;
- iBlu := iBlu + pt.B;
- inc(pt);
- end;
- RowSource := RowSource + iSrc;
- end;
- iRatio := 65535 div (dx * dy);
- pt1 := PRGB24(RowDest + x3);
- pt1.R := (iRed * iRatio) shr 16;
- pt1.G := (iGrn * iRatio) shr 16;
- pt1.B := (iBlu * iRatio) shr 16;
- x1 := x1 + 3 * dx;
- inc(x3,3);
- end;
- RowDest := RowDest + iDst;
- RowSourceStart := RowSource;
- end; // resampling
- if FreeImage_GetHeight(DestBmp) >= 3 then
- // Sharpening...
- begin
- s1 := integer(FreeImage_GetScanLine(DestBmp, 0));
- iDst := integer(FreeImage_GetScanLine(DestBmp, 1)) - s1;
- ny1 := Integer(s1);
- ny2 := ny1 + iDst;
- ny3 := ny2 + iDst;
- for y := 1 to FreeImage_GetHeight(DestBmp) - 2 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to FreeImage_GetWidth(DestBmp) - 3 do
- begin
- x1 := x * 3;
- x2 := x1 + 3;
- x3 := x1 + 6;
- c1 := pRGB24(ny1 + x1)^;
- c2 := pRGB24(ny1 + x3)^;
- c3 := pRGB24(ny2 + x2)^;
- c4 := pRGB24(ny3 + x1)^;
- c5 := pRGB24(ny3 + x3)^;
- r := (c1.R + c2.R + (c3.R * -12) + c4.R + c5.R) div -8;
- g := (c1.G + c2.G + (c3.G * -12) + c4.G + c5.G) div -8;
- b := (c1.B + c2.B + (c3.B * -12) + c4.B + c5.B) div -8;
- if r < 0 then r := 0 else if r > 255 then r := 255;
- if g < 0 then g := 0 else if g > 255 then g := 255;
- if b < 0 then b := 0 else if b > 255 then b := 255;
- pt1 := pRGB24(ny2 + x2);
- pt1.R := r;
- pt1.G := g;
- pt1.B := b;
- end;
- inc(ny1, iDst);
- inc(ny2, iDst);
- inc(ny3, iDst);
- end;
- end; // sharpening
- if SrcBmp <> FDib then
- FreeImage_Unload(SrcBmp);
- DestBitmap.Replace(DestBmp);
-function TFreeBitmap.PasteSubImage(Src: TFreeBitmap; Left, Top,
- Alpha: Integer): Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Result := FreeImage_Paste(FDib, Src.Dib, Left, Top, Alpha);
- Change;
- end else
- Result := False;
-function TFreeBitmap.Replace(NewDib: PFIBITMAP): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if NewDib = nil then Exit;
- if not DoChanging(FDib, NewDib) and IsValid then
- FreeImage_Unload(FDib);
- FDib := NewDib;
- Result := True;
- Change;
-function TFreeBitmap.Rescale(NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer;
- Filter: FREE_IMAGE_FILTER; Dest: TFreeBitmap): Boolean;
- Bpp: Integer;
- Result := False;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Bpp := FreeImage_GetBPP(FDib);
- if Bpp < 8 then
- if not ConvertToGrayscale then Exit
- else
- if Bpp = 16 then
- // convert to 24-bit
- if not ConvertTo24Bits then Exit;
- // perform upsampling / downsampling
- DstDib := FreeImage_Rescale(FDib, NewWidth, NewHeight, Filter);
- if Dest = nil then
- Result := Replace(DstDib)
- else
- Result := Dest.Replace(DstDib)
- end
-function TFreeBitmap.Rotate(Angle: Double): Boolean;
- Bpp: Integer;
- Rotated: PFIBITMAP;
- Result := False;
- if IsValid then
- begin
- Bpp := FreeImage_GetBPP(FDib);
- if Bpp in [1, 8, 24, 32] then
- begin
- Rotated := FreeImage_RotateClassic(FDib, Angle);
- Result := Replace(Rotated);
- end
- end;
-function TFreeBitmap.RotateEx(Angle, XShift, YShift, XOrigin,
- YOrigin: Double; UseMask: Boolean): Boolean;
- Rotated: PFIBITMAP;
- Result := False;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- if FreeImage_GetBPP(FDib) >= 8 then
- begin
- Rotated := FreeImage_RotateEx(FDib, Angle, XShift, YShift, XOrigin, YOrigin, UseMask);
- Result := Replace(Rotated);
- end
- end;
-function TFreeBitmap.Save(const FileName: string; Flag: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- // try to guess the file format from the file extension
- fif := FreeImage_GetFIFFromFilename(PChar(Filename));
- if CanSave(fif) then
- Result := FreeImage_Save(fif, FDib, PChar(FileName), Flag);
-function TFreeBitmap.SaveToHandle(fif: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT; IO: PFreeImageIO;
- Handle: fi_handle; Flag: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if CanSave(fif) then
- Result := FreeImage_SaveToHandle(fif, FDib, IO, Handle, Flag)
-function TFreeBitmap.SaveToMemory(fif: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT;
- MemIO: TFreeMemoryIO; Flag: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if CanSave(fif) then
- Result := MemIO.Write(fif, FDib, Flag)
-function TFreeBitmap.SaveToStream(fif: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT; Stream: TStream;
- Flag: Integer): Boolean;
- MemIO: TFreeMemoryIO;
- Data: PByte;
- Size: Cardinal;
- MemIO := TFreeMemoryIO.Create;
- try
- Result := SaveToMemory(fif, MemIO, Flag);
- if Result then
- begin
- MemIO.Acquire(Data, Size);
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Data^, Size);
- end;
- finally
- MemIO.Free;
- end;
-function TFreeBitmap.SaveU(const FileName: WideString;
- Flag: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- // try to guess the file format from the file extension
- fif := FreeImage_GetFIFFromFilenameU(PWideChar(Filename));
- if CanSave(fif) then
- Result := FreeImage_SaveU(fif, FDib, PWideChar(FileName), Flag);
-function TFreeBitmap.SetChannel(Bitmap: TFreeBitmap;
- Channel: FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_CHANNEL): Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- Result := FreeImage_SetChannel(FDib, Bitmap.FDib, Channel);
- Change;
- end
- else
- Result := False
-procedure TFreeBitmap.SetDib(Value: PFIBITMAP);
- Replace(Value);
-function TFreeBitmap.SetFileBkColor(BkColor: PRGBQuad): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_SetBackgroundColor(FDib, BkColor);
- Change;
-procedure TFreeBitmap.SetHorizontalResolution(Value: Double);
- if IsValid then
- begin
- FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterX(FDib, Trunc(Value * 100 + 0.5));
- Change;
- end;
-function TFreeBitmap.SetMetadata(Model: FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL;
- const Key: string; Tag: TFreeTag): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_SetMetadata(Model, FDib, PChar(Key), Tag.Tag);
-function TFreeBitmap.SetPixelColor(X, Y: Cardinal;
- Value: PRGBQUAD): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_SetPixelColor(FDib, X, Y, Value);
- Change;
-function TFreeBitmap.SetPixelIndex(X, Y: Cardinal; Value: PByte): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_SetPixelIndex(FDib, X, Y, Value);
- Change;
-function TFreeBitmap.SetSize(ImageType: FREE_IMAGE_TYPE; Width, Height,
- Bpp: Integer; RedMask, GreenMask, BlueMask: Cardinal): Boolean;
- Pal: PRGBQuad;
- I: Cardinal;
- Result := False;
- if FDib <> nil then
- FreeImage_Unload(FDib);
- FDib := FreeImage_Allocate(Width, Height, Bpp, RedMask, GreenMask, BlueMask);
- if FDib = nil then Exit;
- if ImageType = FIT_BITMAP then
- case Bpp of
- 1, 4, 8:
- begin
- Pal := FreeImage_GetPalette(FDib);
- for I := 0 to FreeImage_GetColorsUsed(FDib) - 1 do
- begin
- Pal.rgbBlue := I;
- Pal.rgbGreen := I;
- Pal.rgbRed := I;
- Inc(Pal, SizeOf(RGBQUAD));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Result := True;
- Change;
-procedure TFreeBitmap.SetTransparencyTable(Table: PByte; Count: Integer);
- FreeImage_SetTransparencyTable(FDib, Table, Count);
- Change;
-procedure TFreeBitmap.SetVerticalResolution(Value: Double);
- if IsValid then
- begin
- FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterY(FDib, Trunc(Value * 100 + 0.5));
- Change;
- end;
-function TFreeBitmap.SplitChannels(RedChannel, GreenChannel,
- BlueChannel: TFreeBitmap): Boolean;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- RedChannel.FDib := FreeImage_GetChannel(FDib, FICC_RED);
- GreenChannel.FDib := FreeImage_GetChannel(FDib, FICC_GREEN);
- BlueChannel.FDib := FreeImage_GetChannel(FDib, FICC_BLUE);
- Result := RedChannel.IsValid and GreenChannel.IsValid and BlueChannel.IsValid;
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.Threshold(T: Byte): Boolean;
- dib1: PFIBITMAP;
- if FDib <> nil then
- begin
- dib1 := FreeImage_Threshold(FDib, T);
- Result := Replace(dib1);
- end
- else
- Result := False
-function TFreeBitmap.ToneMapping(TMO: FREE_IMAGE_TMO; FirstParam,
- SecondParam: Double): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- NewDib := FreeImage_ToneMapping(Fdib, TMO, FirstParam, SecondParam);
- Result := Replace(NewDib);
-{ TFreeMultiBitmap }
-procedure TFreeMultiBitmap.AppendPage(Bitmap: TFreeBitmap);
- if IsValid then
- FreeImage_AppendPage(FMPage, Bitmap.FDib);
-function TFreeMultiBitmap.Close(Flags: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_CloseMultiBitmap(FMPage, Flags);
- FMPage := nil;
-constructor TFreeMultiBitmap.Create(KeepCacheInMemory: Boolean);
- inherited Create;
- FMemoryCache := KeepCacheInMemory;
-procedure TFreeMultiBitmap.DeletePage(Page: Integer);
- if IsValid then
- FreeImage_DeletePage(FMPage, Page);
-destructor TFreeMultiBitmap.Destroy;
- if FMPage <> nil then Close;
- inherited;
-function TFreeMultiBitmap.GetLockedPageNumbers(var Pages,
- Count: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- Result := FreeImage_GetLockedPageNumbers(FMPage, Pages, Count)
-function TFreeMultiBitmap.GetPageCount: Integer;
- Result := 0;
- if IsValid then
- Result := FreeImage_GetPageCount(FMPage)
-procedure TFreeMultiBitmap.InsertPage(Page: Integer; Bitmap: TFreeBitmap);
- if IsValid then
- FreeImage_InsertPage(FMPage, Page, Bitmap.FDib);
-function TFreeMultiBitmap.IsValid: Boolean;
- Result := FMPage <> nil
-procedure TFreeMultiBitmap.LockPage(Page: Integer; DestBitmap: TFreeBitmap);
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- if Assigned(DestBitmap) then
- begin
- DestBitmap.Replace(FreeImage_LockPage(FMPage, Page));
- end;
-function TFreeMultiBitmap.MovePage(Target, Source: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- Result := FreeImage_MovePage(FMPage, Target, Source);
-function TFreeMultiBitmap.Open(const FileName: string; CreateNew,
- ReadOnly: Boolean; Flags: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := False;
- // try to guess the file format from the filename
- fif := FreeImage_GetFIFFromFilename(PChar(FileName));
- // check for supported file types
- if (fif <> FIF_UNKNOWN) and (not fif in [FIF_TIFF, FIF_ICO, FIF_GIF]) then
- Exit;
- // open the stream
- FMPage := FreeImage_OpenMultiBitmap(fif, PChar(FileName), CreateNew, ReadOnly, FMemoryCache, Flags);
- Result := FMPage <> nil;
-procedure TFreeMultiBitmap.UnlockPage(Bitmap: TFreeBitmap;
- Changed: Boolean);
- if IsValid then
- begin
- FreeImage_UnlockPage(FMPage, Bitmap.FDib, Changed);
- // clear the image so that it becomes invalid.
- // don't use Bitmap.Clear method because it calls FreeImage_Unload
- // just clear the pointer
- Bitmap.FDib := nil;
- Bitmap.Change;
- end;
-{ TFreeMemoryIO }
-function TFreeMemoryIO.Acquire(var Data: PByte;
- var SizeInBytes: DWORD): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_AcquireMemory(FHMem, Data, SizeInBytes);
-constructor TFreeMemoryIO.Create(Data: PByte; SizeInBytes: DWORD);
- inherited Create;
- FHMem := FreeImage_OpenMemory(Data, SizeInBytes);
-destructor TFreeMemoryIO.Destroy;
- FreeImage_CloseMemory(FHMem);
- inherited;
-function TFreeMemoryIO.GetFileType: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT;
- Result := FreeImage_GetFileTypeFromMemory(FHMem);
-function TFreeMemoryIO.IsValid: Boolean;
- Result := FHMem <> nil
-function TFreeMemoryIO.Read(fif: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT;
- Flag: Integer): PFIBITMAP;
- Result := FreeImage_LoadFromMemory(fif, FHMem, Flag)
-function TFreeMemoryIO.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_SeekMemory(FHMem, Offset, Origin)
-function TFreeMemoryIO.Tell: Longint;
- Result := FreeImage_TellMemory(FHMem)
-function TFreeMemoryIO.Write(fif: FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT; dib: PFIBITMAP;
- Flag: Integer): Boolean;
- Result := FreeImage_SaveToMemory(fif, dib, FHMem, Flag)
-{ TFreeTag }
-function TFreeTag.Clone: TFreeTag;
- CloneTag: PFITAG;
- Result := nil;
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- CloneTag := FreeImage_CloneTag(FTag);
- Result := TFreeTag.Create(CloneTag);
-constructor TFreeTag.Create(ATag: PFITAG);
- inherited Create;
- if ATag <> nil then
- FTag := ATag
- else
- FTag := FreeImage_CreateTag;
-destructor TFreeTag.Destroy;
- if IsValid then
- FreeImage_DeleteTag(FTag);
- inherited;
-function TFreeTag.GetCount: Cardinal;
- Result := 0;
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- Result := FreeImage_GetTagCount(FTag);
-function TFreeTag.GetDescription: string;
- Result := '';
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- Result := FreeImage_GetTagDescription(FTag);
-function TFreeTag.GetID: Word;
- Result := 0;
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- Result := FreeImage_GetTagID(FTag);
-function TFreeTag.GetKey: string;
- Result := '';
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- Result := FreeImage_GetTagKey(FTag);
-function TFreeTag.GetLength: Cardinal;
- Result := 0;
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- Result := FreeImage_GetTagLength(FTag);
-function TFreeTag.GetTagType: FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE;
- Result := FIDT_NOTYPE;
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- Result := FreeImage_GetTagType(FTag);
-function TFreeTag.GetValue: Pointer;
- Result := nil;
- if not IsValid then Exit;
- Result := FreeImage_GetTagValue(FTag);
-function TFreeTag.IsValid: Boolean;
- Result := FTag <> nil;
-procedure TFreeTag.SetCount(const Value: Cardinal);
- if IsValid then
- FreeImage_SetTagCount(FTag, Value);
-procedure TFreeTag.SetDescription(const Value: string);
- if IsValid then
- FreeImage_SetTagDescription(FTag, PChar(Value));
-procedure TFreeTag.SetID(const Value: Word);
- if IsValid then
- FreeImage_SetTagID(FTag, Value);
-procedure TFreeTag.SetKey(const Value: string);
- if IsValid then
- FreeImage_SetTagKey(FTag, PChar(Value));
-procedure TFreeTag.SetLength(const Value: Cardinal);
- if IsValid then
- FreeImage_SetTagLength(FTag, Value);
-procedure TFreeTag.SetTagType(const Value: FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE);
- if IsValid then
- FreeImage_SetTagType(FTag, Value);
-procedure TFreeTag.SetValue(const Value: Pointer);
- if IsValid then
- FreeImage_SetTagValue(FTag, Value);
-function TFreeTag.ToString(Model: FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL; Make: PChar): string;
- Result := FreeImage_TagToString(Model, FTag, Make);