path: root/ScoreConverter/Umainform.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/ScoreConverter/Umainform.pas b/ScoreConverter/Umainform.pas
index c5cc5347..647cf3a4 100644
--- a/ScoreConverter/Umainform.pas
+++ b/ScoreConverter/Umainform.pas
@@ -1,230 +1,230 @@
-unit Umainform;
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, UDataBase, ShellAPI, ShlObj, USongs;
- Tmainform = class(TForm)
- Label1: TLabel;
- lFolder: TLabel;
- bFLoad: TButton;
- Label2: TLabel;
- lDatabase: TLabel;
- bDLoad: TButton;
- lDatabase2: TLabel;
- lFolder2: TLabel;
- bToDB: TButton;
- bFromDB: TButton;
- pProgress: TProgressBar;
- oDatabase: TOpenDialog;
- lStatus: TLabel;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure bDLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
- function BrowseDialog (const Title: string; const Flag: integer): string;
- procedure bFLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure UpdateLoadedSongs(Path: String; Count: integer);
- procedure bToDBClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure bFromDBClick(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private-Deklarationen }
- public
- { Public-Deklarationen }
- end;
- mainform: Tmainform;
- DBLoaded: Boolean;
- SFLoaded: Boolean;
-uses UScores;
-{$R *.dfm}
-function Tmainform.BrowseDialog
- (const Title: string; const Flag: integer): string;
- lpItemID : PItemIDList;
- BrowseInfo : TBrowseInfo;
- DisplayName : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
- TempPath : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
- Result:='';
- FillChar(BrowseInfo, sizeof(TBrowseInfo), #0);
- with BrowseInfo do begin
- hwndOwner := Application.Handle;
- pszDisplayName := @DisplayName;
- lpszTitle := PChar(Title);
- ulFlags := Flag;
- end;
- lpItemID := SHBrowseForFolder(BrowseInfo);
- if lpItemId <> nil then begin
- SHGetPathFromIDList(lpItemID, TempPath);
- Result := TempPath;
- GlobalFreePtr(lpItemID);
- end;
-procedure Tmainform.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- Database := TDataBaseSystem.Create;
- Songs := TSongs.Create;
- lStatus.Caption := 'Welcome to USD Score Converter';
- lFolder2.Caption := 'No Songs loaded';
- lFolder.Caption := '';
- lDataBase2.Caption := 'No Database loaded';
- lDataBase.Caption := '';
-procedure Tmainform.bDLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
- if oDatabase.Execute then
- begin
- try
- Database.Init(oDataBase.FileName);
- lDataBase2.Caption := 'Database loaded';
- lDataBase.Caption := oDataBase.FileName;
- DBLoaded := True;
- except
- lDataBase2.Caption := 'No Database loaded';
- lDataBase.Caption := '';
- DBLoaded := False;
- end;
- end;
- bToDB.Enabled := DBLoaded and SFLoaded;
- bFromDB.Enabled := bToDB.Enabled;
-procedure Tmainform.bFLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
- Path: String;
- Path := BrowseDialog('Select UltraStar SongFolder', BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS);
- if Path <> '' then
- begin
- SetLength(Songs.Song, 0);
- try
- Songs.BrowseDir(Path + '\');
- lFolder2.Caption := Inttostr(Length(Songs.Song)) + ' Songs loaded';
- lFolder.Caption := Path;
- SFLoaded := True;
- except
- lFolder2.Caption := 'No Songs loaded';
- lFolder.Caption := '';
- SFLoaded := False;
- end;
- end;
- bToDB.Enabled := DBLoaded and SFLoaded;
- bFromDB.Enabled := bToDB.Enabled;
-procedure Tmainform.UpdateLoadedSongs(Path: String; Count: integer);
- lFolder2.Caption := Inttostr(Count) + ' Songs loaded';
- lFolder.Caption := Path;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
-procedure Tmainform.bToDBClick(Sender: TObject);
- I, J, K: Integer;
- LastI: integer;
- if (Messagebox(0, PChar('If the same directory is added more than one time the Score-File will be useless. Contėnue ?'), PChar(Mainform.Caption), MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO) = IDYes) then
- begin
- pProgress.Max := high(Songs.Song);
- pProgress.Position := 0;
- // Go through all Songs
- For I := 0 to high(Songs.Song) do
- begin
- try
- //Read Scores from .SCO File
- ReadScore (Songs.Song[I]);
- //Go from Easy to Difficult
- For J := 0 to 2 do
- begin
- //Go through all Score Entrys with Difficulty J
- For K := 0 to high(Songs.Song[I].Score[J]) do
- begin
- //Add to DataBase
- DataBase.AddScore(Songs.Song[I], J, Songs.Song[I].Score[J][K].Name, Songs.Song[I].Score[J][K].Score);
- end;
- end;
- except
- showmessage ('Error Converting Score From Song: ' + Songs.Song[I].Path + Songs.Song[I].FileName);
- end;
- //Update ProgressBar
- J := I div 30;
- if (LastI <> J) then
- begin
- LastI := J;
- pProgress.Position := I;
- lStatus.Caption := 'Adding Songscore: ' + Songs.Song[I].Artist + ' - ' + Songs.Song[I].Title;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- end;
- pProgress.Position := pProgress.Max;
- lStatus.Caption := 'Finished';
- end;
-procedure Tmainform.bFromDBClick(Sender: TObject);
- I, J: Integer;
- LastI: integer;
- anyScoreinthere: boolean;
- if (Messagebox(0, PChar('All Score Entrys in the Song Directory having an equivalent will be Overwritten. Contėnue ?'), PChar(Mainform.Caption), MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO) = IDYes) then
- begin
- pProgress.Max := high(Songs.Song);
- pProgress.Position := 0;
- // Go through all Songs
- For I := 0 to high(Songs.Song) do
- begin
- try
- //Not Write ScoreFile when there are no Scores for this File
- anyScoreinthere := false;
- //Read Scores from DB File
- Database.ReadScore (Songs.Song[I]);
- //Go from Easy to Difficult
- For J := 0 to 2 do
- begin
- anyScoreinthere := anyScoreinthere or (Length(Songs.Song[I].Score[J]) > 0);
- end;
- if AnyScoreinThere then
- WriteScore(Songs.Song[I]);
- except
- showmessage ('Error Converting Score From Song: ' + Songs.Song[I].Path + Songs.Song[I].FileName);
- end;
- //Update ProgressBar
- J := I div 30;
- if (LastI <> J) then
- begin
- LastI := J;
- pProgress.Position := I;
- lStatus.Caption := 'Writing ScoreFile: ' + Songs.Song[I].Artist + ' - ' + Songs.Song[I].Title;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- end;
- pProgress.Position := pProgress.Max;
- lStatus.Caption := 'Finished';
- end;
+unit Umainform;
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
+ Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, UDataBase, ShellAPI, ShlObj, USongs;
+ Tmainform = class(TForm)
+ Label1: TLabel;
+ lFolder: TLabel;
+ bFLoad: TButton;
+ Label2: TLabel;
+ lDatabase: TLabel;
+ bDLoad: TButton;
+ lDatabase2: TLabel;
+ lFolder2: TLabel;
+ bToDB: TButton;
+ bFromDB: TButton;
+ pProgress: TProgressBar;
+ oDatabase: TOpenDialog;
+ lStatus: TLabel;
+ procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure bDLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
+ function BrowseDialog (const Title: string; const Flag: integer): string;
+ procedure bFLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure UpdateLoadedSongs(Path: String; Count: integer);
+ procedure bToDBClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure bFromDBClick(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ { Private-Deklarationen }
+ public
+ { Public-Deklarationen }
+ end;
+ mainform: Tmainform;
+ DBLoaded: Boolean;
+ SFLoaded: Boolean;
+uses UScores;
+{$R *.dfm}
+function Tmainform.BrowseDialog
+ (const Title: string; const Flag: integer): string;
+ lpItemID : PItemIDList;
+ BrowseInfo : TBrowseInfo;
+ DisplayName : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
+ TempPath : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
+ Result:='';
+ FillChar(BrowseInfo, sizeof(TBrowseInfo), #0);
+ with BrowseInfo do begin
+ hwndOwner := Application.Handle;
+ pszDisplayName := @DisplayName;
+ lpszTitle := PChar(Title);
+ ulFlags := Flag;
+ end;
+ lpItemID := SHBrowseForFolder(BrowseInfo);
+ if lpItemId <> nil then begin
+ SHGetPathFromIDList(lpItemID, TempPath);
+ Result := TempPath;
+ GlobalFreePtr(lpItemID);
+ end;
+procedure Tmainform.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ Database := TDataBaseSystem.Create;
+ Songs := TSongs.Create;
+ lStatus.Caption := 'Welcome to USD Score Converter';
+ lFolder2.Caption := 'No Songs loaded';
+ lFolder.Caption := '';
+ lDataBase2.Caption := 'No Database loaded';
+ lDataBase.Caption := '';
+procedure Tmainform.bDLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if oDatabase.Execute then
+ begin
+ try
+ Database.Init(oDataBase.FileName);
+ lDataBase2.Caption := 'Database loaded';
+ lDataBase.Caption := oDataBase.FileName;
+ DBLoaded := True;
+ except
+ lDataBase2.Caption := 'No Database loaded';
+ lDataBase.Caption := '';
+ DBLoaded := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ bToDB.Enabled := DBLoaded and SFLoaded;
+ bFromDB.Enabled := bToDB.Enabled;
+procedure Tmainform.bFLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
+ Path: String;
+ Path := BrowseDialog('Select UltraStar SongFolder', BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS);
+ if Path <> '' then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Songs.Song, 0);
+ try
+ Songs.BrowseDir(Path + '\');
+ lFolder2.Caption := Inttostr(Length(Songs.Song)) + ' Songs loaded';
+ lFolder.Caption := Path;
+ SFLoaded := True;
+ except
+ lFolder2.Caption := 'No Songs loaded';
+ lFolder.Caption := '';
+ SFLoaded := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ bToDB.Enabled := DBLoaded and SFLoaded;
+ bFromDB.Enabled := bToDB.Enabled;
+procedure Tmainform.UpdateLoadedSongs(Path: String; Count: integer);
+ lFolder2.Caption := Inttostr(Count) + ' Songs loaded';
+ lFolder.Caption := Path;
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+procedure Tmainform.bToDBClick(Sender: TObject);
+ I, J, K: Integer;
+ LastI: integer;
+ if (Messagebox(0, PChar('If the same directory is added more than one time the Score-File will be useless. Contėnue ?'), PChar(Mainform.Caption), MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO) = IDYes) then
+ begin
+ pProgress.Max := high(Songs.Song);
+ pProgress.Position := 0;
+ // Go through all Songs
+ For I := 0 to high(Songs.Song) do
+ begin
+ try
+ //Read Scores from .SCO File
+ ReadScore (Songs.Song[I]);
+ //Go from Easy to Difficult
+ For J := 0 to 2 do
+ begin
+ //Go through all Score Entrys with Difficulty J
+ For K := 0 to high(Songs.Song[I].Score[J]) do
+ begin
+ //Add to DataBase
+ DataBase.AddScore(Songs.Song[I], J, Songs.Song[I].Score[J][K].Name, Songs.Song[I].Score[J][K].Score);
+ end;
+ end;
+ except
+ showmessage ('Error Converting Score From Song: ' + Songs.Song[I].Path + Songs.Song[I].FileName);
+ end;
+ //Update ProgressBar
+ J := I div 30;
+ if (LastI <> J) then
+ begin
+ LastI := J;
+ pProgress.Position := I;
+ lStatus.Caption := 'Adding Songscore: ' + Songs.Song[I].Artist + ' - ' + Songs.Song[I].Title;
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+ end;
+ end;
+ pProgress.Position := pProgress.Max;
+ lStatus.Caption := 'Finished';
+ end;
+procedure Tmainform.bFromDBClick(Sender: TObject);
+ I, J: Integer;
+ LastI: integer;
+ anyScoreinthere: boolean;
+ if (Messagebox(0, PChar('All Score Entrys in the Song Directory having an equivalent will be Overwritten. Contėnue ?'), PChar(Mainform.Caption), MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO) = IDYes) then
+ begin
+ pProgress.Max := high(Songs.Song);
+ pProgress.Position := 0;
+ // Go through all Songs
+ For I := 0 to high(Songs.Song) do
+ begin
+ try
+ //Not Write ScoreFile when there are no Scores for this File
+ anyScoreinthere := false;
+ //Read Scores from DB File
+ Database.ReadScore (Songs.Song[I]);
+ //Go from Easy to Difficult
+ For J := 0 to 2 do
+ begin
+ anyScoreinthere := anyScoreinthere or (Length(Songs.Song[I].Score[J]) > 0);
+ end;
+ if AnyScoreinThere then
+ WriteScore(Songs.Song[I]);
+ except
+ showmessage ('Error Converting Score From Song: ' + Songs.Song[I].Path + Songs.Song[I].FileName);
+ end;
+ //Update ProgressBar
+ J := I div 30;
+ if (LastI <> J) then
+ begin
+ LastI := J;
+ pProgress.Position := I;
+ lStatus.Caption := 'Writing ScoreFile: ' + Songs.Song[I].Artist + ' - ' + Songs.Song[I].Title;
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+ end;
+ end;
+ pProgress.Position := pProgress.Max;
+ lStatus.Caption := 'Finished';
+ end;