path: root/Lua/src/base
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r--Lua/src/encoding/Locale.inc (renamed from Lua/src/base/UModules.pas)56
52 files changed, 8526 insertions, 7822 deletions
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/TextGL.pas b/Lua/src/base/TextGL.pas
index bd505f51..7fe98d29 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/TextGL.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/TextGL.pas
@@ -33,169 +33,101 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
-// as long as the transition to freetype is not finished
-// use the old implementation
-{$IFDEF UseFreetype}
- {$INCLUDE TextGLFreetype.pas}
+ glext,
+ Classes,
+ UFont,
+ UPath,
+ PGLFont = ^TGLFont;
+ TGLFont = record
+ Font: TScalableFont;
+ X, Y, Z: real;
+ end;
+ Fonts: array of TGLFont;
+ ActFont: integer;
procedure BuildFont; // build our bitmap font
procedure KillFont; // delete the font
-function glTextWidth(const text: string): real; // returns text width
-procedure glPrint(const text: string); // custom GL "Print" routine
+function glTextWidth(const text: UTF8String): real; // returns text width
+procedure glPrint(const text: UTF8String); // custom GL "Print" routine
procedure ResetFont(); // reset font settings of active font
procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real); // sets X and Y
procedure SetFontZ(Z: real); // sets Z
procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer); // sets active font style (normal, bold, etc)
procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean); // sets italic type letter (works for all fonts)
-procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
procedure SetFontReflection(Enable:boolean;Spacing: real); // enables/disables text reflection
-//function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: integer): integer;
-// Checks if the ttf exists, if yes then a SDL_ttf is returned
-//function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
-// Does the renderstuff, color is in $ffeecc style
-//function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal):PSDL_Surface;
- TTextGL = record
- X: real;
- Y: real;
- Z: real;
- Text: string;
- Size: real;
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- end;
- PFont = ^TFont;
- TFont = record
- Tex: TTexture;
- Width: array[0..255] of byte;
- AspectW: real;
- Centered: boolean;
- Outline: real;
- Italic: boolean;
- Reflection: boolean;
- ReflectionSpacing: real;
- end;
- Fonts: array of TFont;
- ActFont: integer;
- UMain,
- UCommon,
+ UTextEncoding,
- Classes,
- UGraphic;
- // Colours for the reflection
- TempColor: array[0..3] of GLfloat;
+ UCommon,
+ UMain,
+ UPathUtils;
- * Load font info.
- * FontFile is the name of the image (.png) not the data (.dat) file
- *}
-procedure LoadFontInfo(FontID: integer; const FontFile: string);
+function FindFontFile(FontIni: TCustomIniFile; Font: string): IPath;
- Stream: TFileStream;
- DatFile: string;
+ Filename: IPath;
- DatFile := ChangeFileExt(FontFile, '.dat');
- FillChar(Fonts[FontID].Width[0], Length(Fonts[FontID].Width), 0);
- Stream := nil;
- try
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(DatFile, fmOpenRead);
- Stream.Read(Fonts[FontID].Width, 256);
- except
- Log.LogError('Error while reading font['+ inttostr(FontID) +']', 'LoadFontInfo');
- end;
- Stream.Free;
+ Filename := Path(FontIni.ReadString(Font, 'File', ''));
+ Result := FontPath.Append(Filename);
+ // if path does not exist, try as an absolute path
+ if (not Result.IsFile) then
+ Result := Filename;
-// Builds bitmap fonts
procedure BuildFont;
- Count: integer;
FontIni: TMemIniFile;
- FontFile: string; // filename of the image (with .png/... ending)
+ FontFile: IPath;
ActFont := 0;
SetLength(Fonts, 4);
- FontIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FontPath + 'fonts.ini');
- // Normal
- FontFile := FontPath + FontIni.ReadString('Normal', 'File', '');
- Fonts[0].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, FontFile, TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- Fonts[0].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[0].AspectW := 0.9;
- Fonts[0].Outline := 0;
- LoadFontInfo(0, FontFile);
- // Bold
+ FontIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FontPath.Append('fonts.ini').ToNative);
- FontFile := FontPath + FontIni.ReadString('Bold', 'File', '');
- Fonts[1].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, FontFile, TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- Fonts[1].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[1].AspectW := 1;
- Fonts[1].Outline := 0;
- LoadFontInfo(1, FontFile);
- for Count := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[1].Width[Count] := Fonts[1].Width[Count] div 2;
- // Outline1
- FontFile := FontPath + FontIni.ReadString('Outline1', 'File', '');
- Fonts[2].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, FontFile, TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- Fonts[2].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[2].AspectW := 0.95;
- Fonts[2].Outline := 5;
- LoadFontInfo(2, FontFile);
- for Count := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[2].Width[Count] := Fonts[2].Width[Count] div 2 + 2;
+ try
- // Outline2
+ // Normal
+ FontFile := FindFontFile(FontIni, 'Normal');
+ Fonts[0].Font := TFTScalableFont.Create(FontFile, 64);
+ //Fonts[0].Font.GlyphSpacing := 1.4;
+ //Fonts[0].Font.Aspect := 1.2;
- FontFile := FontPath + FontIni.ReadString('Outline2', 'File', '');
+ // Bold
+ FontFile := FindFontFile(FontIni, 'Bold');
+ Fonts[1].Font := TFTScalableFont.Create(FontFile, 64);
- Fonts[3].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, FontFile, TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- Fonts[3].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[3].AspectW := 0.95;
- Fonts[3].Outline := 4;
+ // Outline1
+ FontFile := FindFontFile(FontIni, 'Outline1');
+ Fonts[2].Font := TFTScalableOutlineFont.Create(FontFile, 64, 0.06);
+ //TFTScalableOutlineFont(Fonts[2].Font).SetOutlineColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
- LoadFontInfo(3, FontFile);
- for Count := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[3].Width[Count] := Fonts[3].Width[Count] + 1;
+ // Outline2
+ FontFile := FindFontFile(FontIni, 'Outline2');
+ Fonts[3].Font := TFTScalableOutlineFont.Create(FontFile, 64, 0.08);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ Log.LogCritical(E.Message, 'BuildFont');
+ end;
// close ini-file
// Deletes the font
procedure KillFont;
@@ -203,133 +135,31 @@ begin
//glDeleteLists(..., 256);
-function glTextWidth(const text: string): real;
+function glTextWidth(const text: UTF8String): real;
- Letter: char;
- i: integer;
- Font: PFont;
+ Bounds: TBoundsDbl;
- Result := 0;
- Font := @Fonts[ActFont];
- for i := 1 to Length(text) do
- begin
- Letter := Text[i];
- Result := Result + Font.Width[Ord(Letter)] * Font.Tex.H / 30 * Font.AspectW;
- end;
- if ((Result > 0) and Font.Italic) then
- Result := Result + 12 * Font.Tex.H / 60 * Font.AspectW;
-procedure glPrintLetter(Letter: char);
- TexX, TexY: real;
- TexR, TexB: real;
- TexHeight: real;
- FWidth: real;
- PL, PT: real;
- PR, PB: real;
- XItal: real; // X shift for italic type letter
- ReflectionSpacing: real; // Distance of the reflection
- Font: PFont;
- Tex: PTexture;
- Font := @Fonts[ActFont];
- Tex := @Font.Tex;
- FWidth := Font.Width[Ord(Letter)];
- Tex.W := FWidth * (Tex.H/30) * Font.AspectW;
- // set texture positions
- TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Font.Outline/1024;
- TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024;
- TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Font.Outline/1024;
- TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
- TexHeight := TexB - TexY;
- // set vector positions
- PL := Tex.X - Font.Outline * (Tex.H/30) * Font.AspectW /2;
- PT := Tex.Y;
- PR := PL + Tex.W + Font.Outline * (Tex.H/30) * Font.AspectW;
- PB := PT + Tex.H;
- if (not Font.Italic) then
- XItal := 0
- else
- XItal := 12;
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex.TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT);
- glEnd;
- // <mog> Reflection
- // Yes it would make sense to put this in an extra procedure,
- // but this works, doesn't take much lines, and is almost lightweight
- if Font.Reflection then
- begin
- ReflectionSpacing := Font.ReflectionSpacing + Tex.H/2;
- glDepthRange(0, 10);
- glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glColor4f(TempColor[0], TempColor[1], TempColor[2], 0);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY + TexHeight/2);
- glVertex3f(PL, PB + ReflectionSpacing - Tex.H/2, Tex.z);
- glColor4f(TempColor[0], TempColor[1], TempColor[2], Tex.Alpha-0.3);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB );
- glVertex3f(PL + XItal, PT + ReflectionSpacing, Tex.z);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB );
- glVertex3f(PR + XItal, PT + ReflectionSpacing, Tex.z);
- glColor4f(TempColor[0], TempColor[1], TempColor[2], 0);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY + TexHeight/2);
- glVertex3f(PR, PB + ReflectionSpacing - Tex.H/2, Tex.z);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- end; // reflection
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- Tex.X := Tex.X + Tex.W;
- //write the colour back
- glColor4fv(@TempColor);
+ Bounds := Fonts[ActFont].Font.BBox(Text, true);
+ Result := Bounds.Right - Bounds.Left;
// Custom GL "Print" Routine
-procedure glPrint(const Text: string);
+procedure glPrint(const Text: UTF8String);
- Pos: integer;
+ GLFont: PGLFont;
// if there is no text do nothing
if (Text = '') then
- //Save the actual color and alpha (for reflection)
- glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, @TempColor);
+ GLFont := @Fonts[ActFont];
- for Pos := 1 to Length(Text) do
- begin
- glPrintLetter(Text[Pos]);
- end;
+ glPushMatrix();
+ // set font position
+ glTranslatef(GLFont.X, GLFont.Y + GLFont.Font.Ascender, GLFont.Z);
+ // draw string
+ GLFont.Font.Print(Text);
+ glPopMatrix();
procedure ResetFont();
@@ -342,18 +172,18 @@ end;
procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.X := X;
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.Y := Y;
+ Fonts[ActFont].X := X;
+ Fonts[ActFont].Y := Y;
procedure SetFontZ(Z: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.Z := Z;
+ Fonts[ActFont].Z := Z;
procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H := Size;
+ Fonts[ActFont].Font.Height := Size;
procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer);
@@ -363,21 +193,19 @@ end;
procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean);
- Fonts[ActFont].Italic := Enable;
-procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].AspectW := Aspect;
+ if (Enable) then
+ Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style := Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style + [Italic]
+ else
+ Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style := Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style - [Italic]
procedure SetFontReflection(Enable: boolean; Spacing: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Reflection := Enable;
- Fonts[ActFont].ReflectionSpacing := Spacing;
+ if (Enable) then
+ Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style := Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style + [Reflect]
+ else
+ Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style := Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style - [Reflect];
+ Fonts[ActFont].Font.ReflectionSpacing := Spacing - Fonts[ActFont].Font.Descender;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/TextGLFreetype.pas b/Lua/src/base/TextGLFreetype.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 61b26693..00000000
--- a/Lua/src/base/TextGLFreetype.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
- *
- * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL: https://ultrastardx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ultrastardx/trunk/src/base/TextGL.pas $
- * $Id: TextGL.pas 1483 2008-10-28 19:01:20Z tobigun $
- *}
-unit TextGL;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- gl,
- glext,
- SDL,
- UTexture,
- UFont,
- Classes,
- ULog;
- PGLFont = ^TGLFont;
- TGLFont = record
- Font: TScalableFont;
- X, Y, Z: real;
- end;
- Fonts: array of TGLFont;
- ActFont: integer;
-procedure BuildFont; // build our bitmap font
-procedure KillFont; // delete the font
-function glTextWidth(const text: string): real; // returns text width
-procedure glPrint(const text: string); // custom GL "Print" routine
-procedure ResetFont(); // reset font settings of active font
-procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real); // sets X and Y
-procedure SetFontZ(Z: real); // sets Z
-procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
-procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer); // sets active font style (normal, bold, etc)
-procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean); // sets italic type letter (works for all fonts)
-procedure SetFontReflection(Enable:boolean;Spacing: real); // enables/disables text reflection
- UMain,
- UCommon,
- UTextEncoding,
- SysUtils,
- IniFiles;
-function FindFontFile(FontIni: TCustomIniFile; Font: string): string;
- Filename: string;
- Filename := FontIni.ReadString(Font, 'File', '');
- Result := FontPath + Filename;
- // if path does not exist, try as an absolute path
- if (not FileExists(Result)) then
- Result := Filename;
-procedure BuildFont;
- FontIni: TMemIniFile;
- //BitmapFont: TBitmapFont;
- FontFile: string;
- ActFont := 0;
- SetLength(Fonts, 4);
- FontIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FontPath + 'fontsTTF.ini');
- //FontIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FontPath + 'fonts.ini');
- try
- // Normal
- FontFile := FindFontFile(FontIni, 'Normal');
- Fonts[0].Font := TFTScalableFont.Create(FontFile, 64);
- //Fonts[0].Font.GlyphSpacing := 1.4;
- //Fonts[0].Font.Aspect := 1.2;
- {
- BitmapFont := TBitmapFont.Create(FontFile, 0, 19, 35, -10);
- BitmapFont.CorrectWidths(2, 0);
- Fonts[0].Font := TScalableFont.Create(BitmapFont, false);
- }
- //Fonts[0].Font.Aspect := 0.9;
- // Bold
- FontFile := FindFontFile(FontIni, 'Bold');
- Fonts[1].Font := TFTScalableFont.Create(FontFile, 64);
- // Outline1
- FontFile := FindFontFile(FontIni, 'Outline1');
- Fonts[2].Font := TFTScalableOutlineFont.Create(FontFile, 64, 0.06);
- //TFTScalableOutlineFont(Fonts[2].Font).SetOutlineColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
- // Outline2
- FontFile := FindFontFile(FontIni, 'Outline2');
- Fonts[3].Font := TFTScalableOutlineFont.Create(FontFile, 64, 0.08);
- except on E: Exception do
- Log.LogCritical(E.Message, 'BuildFont');
- end;
- // close ini-file
- FontIni.Free;
-// Deletes the font
-procedure KillFont;
- // delete all characters
- //glDeleteLists(..., 256);
-function glTextWidth(const text: string): real;
- Bounds: TBoundsDbl;
- // FIXME: remove conversion
- Bounds := Fonts[ActFont].Font.BBox(RecodeString(Text, encCP1252), true);
- Result := Bounds.Right - Bounds.Left;
-// Custom GL "Print" Routine
-procedure glPrint(const Text: string);
- GLFont: PGLFont;
- // if there is no text do nothing
- if (Text = '') then
- Exit;
- GLFont := @Fonts[ActFont];
- glPushMatrix();
- // set font position
- glTranslatef(GLFont.X, GLFont.Y + GLFont.Font.Ascender, GLFont.Z);
- // draw string
- // FIXME: remove conversion
- GLFont.Font.Print(RecodeString(Text, encCP1252));
- glPopMatrix();
-procedure ResetFont();
- SetFontPos(0, 0);
- SetFontZ(0);
- SetFontItalic(False);
- SetFontReflection(False, 0);
-procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].X := X;
- Fonts[ActFont].Y := Y;
-procedure SetFontZ(Z: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Z := Z;
-procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Font.Height := Size;
-procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer);
- ActFont := Style;
-procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean);
- if (Enable) then
- Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style := Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style + [Italic]
- else
- Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style := Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style - [Italic]
-procedure SetFontReflection(Enable: boolean; Spacing: real);
- if (Enable) then
- Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style := Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style + [Reflect]
- else
- Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style := Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style - [Reflect];
- Fonts[ActFont].Font.ReflectionSpacing := Spacing - Fonts[ActFont].Font.Descender;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UBeatTimer.pas b/Lua/src/base/UBeatTimer.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..310a49cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UBeatTimer.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
+ *
+ * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *}
+unit UBeatTimer;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ UTime;
+ (**
+ * TLyricsState contains all information concerning the
+ * state of the lyrics, e.g. the current beat or duration of the lyrics.
+ *)
+ TLyricsState = class
+ private
+ Timer: TRelativeTimer; // keeps track of the current time
+ public
+ OldBeat: integer; // previous discovered beat
+ CurrentBeat: integer; // current beat (rounded)
+ MidBeat: real; // current beat (float)
+ // now we use this for super synchronization!
+ // only used when analyzing voice
+ // TODO: change ...D to ...Detect(ed)
+ OldBeatD: integer; // previous discovered beat
+ CurrentBeatD: integer; // current discovered beat (rounded)
+ MidBeatD: real; // current discovered beat (float)
+ // we use this for audible clicks
+ // TODO: Change ...C to ...Click
+ OldBeatC: integer; // previous discovered beat
+ CurrentBeatC: integer;
+ MidBeatC: real; // like CurrentBeatC
+ OldLine: integer; // previous displayed sentence
+ StartTime: real; // time till start of lyrics (= Gap)
+ TotalTime: real; // total song time
+ constructor Create();
+ procedure Pause();
+ procedure Resume();
+ procedure Reset();
+ procedure UpdateBeats();
+ (**
+ * current song time (in seconds) used as base-timer for lyrics etc.
+ *)
+ function GetCurrentTime(): real;
+ procedure SetCurrentTime(Time: real);
+ end;
+uses UNote, Math;
+constructor TLyricsState.Create();
+ // create a triggered timer, so we can Pause() it, set the time
+ // and Resume() it afterwards for better synching.
+ Timer := TRelativeTimer.Create(true);
+ // reset state
+ Reset();
+procedure TLyricsState.Pause();
+ Timer.Pause();
+procedure TLyricsState.Resume();
+ Timer.Resume();
+procedure TLyricsState.SetCurrentTime(Time: real);
+ // do not start the timer (if not started already),
+ // after setting the current time
+ Timer.SetTime(Time, false);
+function TLyricsState.GetCurrentTime(): real;
+ Result := Timer.GetTime();
+ * Resets the timer and state of the lyrics.
+ * The timer will be stopped afterwards so you have to call Resume()
+ * to start the lyrics timer.
+ *)
+procedure TLyricsState.Reset();
+ Pause();
+ SetCurrentTime(0);
+ StartTime := 0;
+ TotalTime := 0;
+ OldBeat := -1;
+ MidBeat := -1;
+ CurrentBeat := -1;
+ OldBeatC := -1;
+ MidBeatC := -1;
+ CurrentBeatC := -1;
+ OldBeatD := -1;
+ MidBeatD := -1;
+ CurrentBeatD := -1;
+ * Updates the beat information (CurrentBeat/MidBeat/...) according to the
+ * current lyric time.
+ *)
+procedure TLyricsState.UpdateBeats();
+ CurLyricsTime: real;
+ CurLyricsTime := GetCurrentTime();
+ OldBeat := CurrentBeat;
+ MidBeat := GetMidBeat(CurLyricsTime - StartTime / 1000);
+ CurrentBeat := Floor(MidBeat);
+ OldBeatC := CurrentBeatC;
+ MidBeatC := GetMidBeat(CurLyricsTime - StartTime / 1000);
+ CurrentBeatC := Floor(MidBeatC);
+ OldBeatD := CurrentBeatD;
+ // MidBeatD = MidBeat with additional GAP
+ MidBeatD := -0.5 + GetMidBeat(CurLyricsTime - (StartTime + 120 + 20) / 1000);
+ CurrentBeatD := Floor(MidBeatD);
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UCatCovers.pas b/Lua/src/base/UCatCovers.pas
index 4fc54199..d33bbbe1 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UCatCovers.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UCatCovers.pas
@@ -38,20 +38,21 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
- UIni;
+ UIni,
+ UPath;
TCatCovers = class
- cNames: array [0..high(ISorting)] of array of string;
- cFiles: array [0..high(ISorting)] of array of string;
+ cNames: array [0..high(ISorting)] of array of UTF8String;
+ cFiles: array [0..high(ISorting)] of array of IPath;
constructor Create;
procedure Load; //Load Cover aus Cover.ini and Cover Folder
- procedure LoadPath(const CoversPath: string);
- procedure Add(Sorting: integer; Name, Filename: string); //Add a Cover
- function CoverExists(Sorting: integer; Name: string): boolean; //Returns True when a cover with the given Name exists
- function GetCover(Sorting: integer; Name: string): string; //Returns the Filename of a Cover
+ procedure LoadPath(const CoversPath: IPath);
+ procedure Add(Sorting: integer; const Name: UTF8String; const Filename: IPath); //Add a Cover
+ function CoverExists(Sorting: integer; const Name: UTF8String): boolean; //Returns True when a cover with the given Name exists
+ function GetCover(Sorting: integer; const Name: UTF8String): IPath; //Returns the Filename of a Cover
@@ -63,9 +64,11 @@ uses
- // UFiles,
+ UFilesystem,
+ ULog,
- ULog;
+ UUnicodeUtils,
+ UPathUtils;
constructor TCatCovers.Create;
@@ -78,25 +81,28 @@ var
I: integer;
for I := 0 to CoverPaths.Count-1 do
- LoadPath(CoverPaths[I]);
+ LoadPath(CoverPaths[I] as IPath);
* Load Cover from Cover.ini and Cover Folder
-procedure TCatCovers.LoadPath(const CoversPath: string);
+procedure TCatCovers.LoadPath(const CoversPath: IPath);
Ini: TMemIniFile;
- SR: TSearchRec;
List: TStringlist;
I, J: Integer;
- Name, Filename, Temp: string;
+ Filename: IPath;
+ Name, TmpName: UTF8String;
+ CatCover: IPath;
+ Iter: IFileIterator;
+ FileInfo: TFileInfo;
Ini := nil;
List := nil;
- Ini := TMemIniFile.Create(CoversPath + 'covers.ini');
+ Ini := TMemIniFile.Create(CoversPath.Append('covers.ini').ToNative);
List := TStringlist.Create;
//Add every Cover in Covers Ini for Every Sorting option
@@ -105,63 +111,65 @@ begin
Ini.ReadSection(ISorting[I], List);
for J := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
- Add(I, List.Strings[J], CoversPath + Ini.ReadString(ISorting[I], List.Strings[J], 'NoCover.jpg'));
+ begin
+ CatCover := Path(Ini.ReadString(ISorting[I], List.Strings[J], 'NoCover.jpg'));
+ Add(I, List.Strings[J], CoversPath.Append(CatCover));
+ end;
- try
- //Add Covers from Folder
- if (FindFirst (CoversPath + '*.jpg', faAnyFile, SR) = 0) then
- repeat
- //Add Cover if it doesn't exist for every Section
- Name := SR.Name;
- Filename := CoversPath + Name;
- Delete (Name, length(Name) - 3, 4);
- for I := 0 to high(ISorting) do
- begin
- Temp := Name;
- if ((I = sTitle) or (I = sTitle2)) and (Pos ('Title', Temp) <> 0) then
- Delete (Temp, Pos ('Title', Temp), 5)
- else if (I = sArtist) or (I = sArtist2) and (Pos ('Artist', Temp) <> 0) then
- Delete (Temp, Pos ('Artist', Temp), 6);
- if not CoverExists(I, Temp) then
- Add (I, Temp, Filename);
- end;
- until FindNext (SR) <> 0;
- finally
- FindClose (SR);
+ //Add Covers from Folder
+ Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(CoversPath.Append('*.jpg'), 0);
+ while Iter.HasNext do
+ begin
+ FileInfo := Iter.Next;
+ //Add Cover if it doesn't exist for every Section
+ Filename := CoversPath.Append(FileInfo.Name);
+ Name := FileInfo.Name.SetExtension('').ToUTF8;
+ for I := 0 to high(ISorting) do
+ begin
+ TmpName := Name;
+ if (I = sTitle) and (UTF8Pos('Title', TmpName) <> 0) then
+ UTF8Delete(TmpName, UTF8Pos('Title', TmpName), 5)
+ else if (I = sArtist) and (UTF8Pos('Artist', TmpName) <> 0) then
+ UTF8Delete(TmpName, UTF8Pos('Artist', TmpName), 6);
+ if not CoverExists(I, TmpName) then
+ Add(I, TmpName, Filename);
+ end;
//Add a Cover
-procedure TCatCovers.Add(Sorting: integer; Name, Filename: string);
+procedure TCatCovers.Add(Sorting: integer; const Name: UTF8String; const Filename: IPath);
- if FileExists (Filename) then //If Exists -> Add
+ if Filename.IsFile then //If Exists -> Add
- SetLength (CNames[Sorting], Length(CNames[Sorting]) + 1);
- SetLength (CFiles[Sorting], Length(CNames[Sorting]) + 1);
+ SetLength(CNames[Sorting], Length(CNames[Sorting]) + 1);
+ SetLength(CFiles[Sorting], Length(CNames[Sorting]) + 1);
- CNames[Sorting][high(cNames[Sorting])] := Uppercase(Name);
+ CNames[Sorting][high(cNames[Sorting])] := UTF8Uppercase(Name);
CFiles[Sorting][high(cNames[Sorting])] := FileName;
//Returns True when a cover with the given Name exists
-function TCatCovers.CoverExists(Sorting: integer; Name: string): boolean;
+function TCatCovers.CoverExists(Sorting: integer; const Name: UTF8String): boolean;
I: Integer;
+ UpperName: UTF8String;
Result := False;
- Name := Uppercase(Name); //Case Insensitiv
+ UpperName := UTF8Uppercase(Name); //Case Insensitiv
for I := 0 to high(cNames[Sorting]) do
- if (cNames[Sorting][I] = Name) then //Found Name
+ if (cNames[Sorting][I] = UpperName) then //Found Name
Result := true;
break; //Break For Loop
@@ -170,16 +178,18 @@ begin
//Returns the Filename of a Cover
-function TCatCovers.GetCover(Sorting: integer; Name: string): string;
+function TCatCovers.GetCover(Sorting: integer; const Name: UTF8String): IPath;
I: Integer;
+ UpperName: UTF8String;
+ NoCoverPath: IPath;
- Result := '';
- Name := Uppercase(Name);
+ Result := PATH_NONE;
+ UpperName := UTF8Uppercase(Name);
for I := 0 to high(cNames[Sorting]) do
- if cNames[Sorting][I] = Name then
+ if cNames[Sorting][I] = UpperName then
Result := cFiles[Sorting][I];
@@ -187,13 +197,14 @@ begin
//No Cover
- if (Result = '') then
+ if (Result.IsUnset) then
for I := 0 to CoverPaths.Count-1 do
- if (FileExists(CoverPaths[I] + 'NoCover.jpg')) then
+ NoCoverPath := (CoverPaths[I] as IPath).Append('NoCover.jpg');
+ if (NoCoverPath.IsFile) then
- Result := CoverPaths[I] + 'NoCover.jpg';
+ Result := NoCoverPath;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UCommandLine.pas b/Lua/src/base/UCommandLine.pas
index 281a480d..ac0db2c2 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UCommandLine.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UCommandLine.pas
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
+ UPath;
TScreenMode = (scmDefault, scmFullscreen, scmWindowed);
@@ -64,9 +67,9 @@ type
Screens: integer;
// some strings set when reading infos {Length=0: Not Set}
- SongPath: string;
- ConfigFile: string;
- ScoreFile: string;
+ SongPath: IPath;
+ ConfigFile: IPath;
+ ScoreFile: IPath;
// pseudo integer values
property Language: integer read GetLanguage;
@@ -144,9 +147,9 @@ begin
Screens := -1;
// some strings set when reading infos {Length=0 Not Set}
- SongPath := '';
- ConfigFile := '';
- ScoreFile := '';
+ SongPath := PATH_NONE;
+ ConfigFile := PATH_NONE;
+ ScoreFile := PATH_NONE;
@@ -248,7 +251,7 @@ begin
if (PCount > I) then
// write value to string
- SongPath := ParamStr(I + 1);
+ SongPath := Path(ParamStr(I + 1));
@@ -258,11 +261,11 @@ begin
if (PCount > I) then
// write value to string
- ConfigFile := ParamStr(I + 1);
+ ConfigFile := Path(ParamStr(I + 1));
// is this a relative path -> then add gamepath
- if Not ((Length(ConfigFile) > 2) AND (ConfigFile[2] = ':')) then
- ConfigFile := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + Configfile;
+ if (not ConfigFile.IsAbsolute) then
+ ConfigFile := Platform.GetExecutionDir().Append(ConfigFile);
@@ -272,7 +275,7 @@ begin
if (PCount > I) then
// write value to string
- ScoreFile := ParamStr(I + 1);
+ ScoreFile := Path(ParamStr(I + 1));
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UCommon.pas b/Lua/src/base/UCommon.pas
index a52349c0..fa0faf3c 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UCommon.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UCommon.pas
@@ -39,59 +39,54 @@ uses
- sdl,
- ULog;
+ ULog,
+ UPath;
- TMessageType = ( mtInfo, mtError );
+ TStringDynArray = array of string;
-procedure ShowMessage( const msg : String; msgType: TMessageType = mtInfo );
+ SepWhitespace = [#9, #10, #13, ' ']; // tab, lf, cr, space
-procedure ConsoleWriteLn(const msg: string);
+ * Splits a string into pieces separated by Separators.
+ * MaxCount specifies the max. number of pieces. If it is <= 0 the number is
+ * not limited. If > 0 the last array element will hold the rest of the string
+ * (with leading separators removed).
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ * SplitString(' split me now ', 0) -> ['split', 'me', 'now']
+ * SplitString(' split me now ', 1) -> ['split', 'me now']
+ *}
+function SplitString(const Str: string; MaxCount: integer = 0; Separators: TSysCharSet = SepWhitespace): TStringDynArray;
+ TMessageType = (mtInfo, mtError);
-function RWopsFromStream(Stream: TStream): PSDL_RWops;
+procedure ShowMessage(const msg: string; msgType: TMessageType = mtInfo);
+procedure ConsoleWriteLn(const msg: string);
-function RandomRange(aMin: Integer; aMax: Integer) : Integer;
+function RandomRange(aMin: integer; aMax: integer): integer;
-function StringReplaceW(text : WideString; search, rep: WideChar):WideString;
-function AdaptFilePaths( const aPath : widestring ): widestring;
procedure DisableFloatingPointExceptions();
procedure SetDefaultNumericLocale();
procedure RestoreNumericLocale();
- procedure ZeroMemory( Destination: Pointer; Length: DWORD );
- function MakeLong(a, b: Word): Longint;
- (*
- #define LOBYTE(a) (BYTE)(a)
- #define HIBYTE(a) (BYTE)((a)>>8)
- #define LOWORD(a) (WORD)(a)
- #define HIWORD(a) (WORD)((a)>>16)
- #define MAKEWORD(a,b) (WORD)(((a)&0xff)|((b)<<8))
- *)
+procedure ZeroMemory(Destination: pointer; Length: dword);
+function MakeLong(a, b: word): longint;
-function FileExistsInsensitive(var FileName: string): boolean;
- * Character classes
- *)
-function IsAlphaChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
-function IsNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
-function IsAlphaNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
-function IsPunctuationChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
-function IsControlChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
// A stable alternative to TList.Sort() (use TList.Sort() if applicable, see below)
procedure MergeSort(List: TList; CompareFunc: TListSortCompare);
-function GetAlignedMem(Size: cardinal; Alignment: integer): Pointer;
-procedure FreeAlignedMem(P: Pointer);
+function GetAlignedMem(Size: cardinal; Alignment: integer): pointer;
+procedure FreeAlignedMem(P: pointer);
@@ -101,8 +96,63 @@ uses
{$IFDEF Delphi}
- UMain;
+ sdl,
+ UFilesystem,
+ UMain,
+ UUnicodeUtils;
+function SplitString(const Str: string; MaxCount: integer; Separators: TSysCharSet): TStringDynArray;
+ {*
+ * Adds Str[StartPos..Endpos-1] to the result array.
+ *}
+ procedure AddSplit(StartPos, EndPos: integer);
+ begin
+ SetLength(Result, Length(Result)+1);
+ Result[High(Result)] := Copy(Str, StartPos, EndPos-StartPos);
+ end;
+ I: integer;
+ Start: integer;
+ Last: integer;
+ Start := 0;
+ SetLength(Result, 0);
+ for I := 1 to Length(Str) do
+ begin
+ if (Str[I] in Separators) then
+ begin
+ // end of component found
+ if (Start > 0) then
+ begin
+ AddSplit(Start, I);
+ Start := 0;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (Start = 0) then
+ begin
+ // mark beginning of component
+ Start := I;
+ // check if this is the last component
+ if (Length(Result) = MaxCount-1) then
+ begin
+ // find last non-separator char
+ Last := Length(Str);
+ while (Str[Last] in Separators) do
+ Dec(Last);
+ // add component up to last non-separator
+ AddSplit(Start, Last);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // last component
+ if (Start > 0) then
+ AddSplit(Start, Length(Str)+1);
// data used by the ...Locale() functions
{$IF Defined(Linux) or Defined(FreeBSD)}
@@ -224,185 +274,23 @@ begin
exOverflow, exUnderflow, exPrecision]);
-function StringReplaceW(text : WideString; search, rep: WideChar) : WideString;
- iPos : integer;
-// sTemp : WideString;
- result := text;
- iPos := Pos(search, result);
- while (iPos > 0) do
- begin
- sTemp := copy(result, iPos + length(search), length(result));
- result := copy(result, 1, iPos - 1) + rep + sTEmp;
- iPos := Pos(search, result);
- end;
- result := text;
- if search = rep then
- exit;
- for iPos := 1 to length(result) do
- begin
- if result[iPos] = search then
- result[iPos] := rep;
- end;
-function AdaptFilePaths( const aPath : widestring ): widestring;
- result := StringReplaceW( aPath, '\', PathDelim );//, [rfReplaceAll] );
-procedure ZeroMemory( Destination: Pointer; Length: DWORD );
+procedure ZeroMemory(Destination: pointer; Length: dword);
- FillChar( Destination^, Length, 0 );
+ FillChar(Destination^, Length, 0);
-function MakeLong(A, B: Word): Longint;
+function MakeLong(A, B: word): longint;
Result := (LongInt(B) shl 16) + A;
-function QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
- // From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDTSC
- function RDTSC: Int64; register;
- asm
- rdtsc
- end;
- // Use clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, ...) here (but not from the libc unit)
- lpPerformanceCount := RDTSC();
- result := true;
-function QueryPerformanceFrequency(lpFrequency:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
- // clock_getres(CLOCK_REALTIME, ...)
- lpFrequency := 0;
- result := true;
-// Checks if a regular files or directory with the given name exists.
-// The comparison is case insensitive.
-function FileExistsInsensitive(var FileName: string): boolean;
- FilePath, LocalFileName: string;
- SearchInfo: TSearchRec;
-{$IF Defined(Linux) or Defined(FreeBSD)}
- // speed up standard case
- if FileExists(FileName) then
- begin
- Result := true;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := false;
- FilePath := ExtractFilePath(FileName);
- if (FindFirst(FilePath+'*', faAnyFile, SearchInfo) = 0) then
- begin
- LocalFileName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
- repeat
- if (AnsiSameText(LocalFileName, SearchInfo.Name)) then
- begin
- FileName := FilePath + SearchInfo.Name;
- Result := true;
- break;
- end;
- until (FindNext(SearchInfo) <> 0);
- end;
- FindClose(SearchInfo);
- // Windows and Mac OS X do not have case sensitive file systems
- Result := FileExists(FileName);
-// +++++++++++++++++++++ helpers for RWOpsFromStream() +++++++++++++++
-function SdlStreamSeek( context : PSDL_RWops; offset : Integer; whence : Integer ) : integer; cdecl;
- stream : TStream;
- origin : Word;
- stream := TStream( context.unknown );
- if ( stream = nil ) then
- raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamSeek on nil' );
- case whence of
- 0 : origin := soFromBeginning; // Offset is from the beginning of the resource. Seek moves to the position Offset. Offset must be >= 0.
- 1 : origin := soFromCurrent; // Offset is from the current position in the resource. Seek moves to Position + Offset.
- 2 : origin := soFromEnd;
- else
- origin := soFromBeginning; // just in case
- end;
- Result := stream.Seek( offset, origin );
-function SdlStreamRead( context : PSDL_RWops; Ptr : Pointer; size : Integer; maxnum: Integer ) : Integer; cdecl;
- stream : TStream;
- stream := TStream( context.unknown );
- if ( stream = nil ) then
- raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamRead on nil' );
- try
- Result := stream.read( Ptr^, Size * maxnum ) div size;
- except
- Result := -1;
- end;
-function SDLStreamClose( context : PSDL_RWops ) : Integer; cdecl;
- stream : TStream;
- stream := TStream( context.unknown );
- if ( stream = nil ) then
- raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamClose on nil' );
- stream.Free;
- Result := 1;
-// -----------------------------------------------
- * Creates an SDL_RWops handle from a TStream.
- * The stream and RWops must be freed by the user after usage.
- * Use SDL_FreeRW(...) to free the RWops data-struct.
- *)
-function RWopsFromStream(Stream: TStream): PSDL_RWops;
- Result := SDL_AllocRW();
- if (Result = nil) then
- Exit;
- // set RW-callbacks
- with Result^ do
- begin
- unknown := TUnknown(Stream);
- seek := SDLStreamSeek;
- read := SDLStreamRead;
- write := nil;
- close := SDLStreamClose;
- type_ := 2;
- end;
-function RandomRange(aMin: Integer; aMax: Integer) : Integer;
+function RandomRange(aMin: integer; aMax: integer): integer;
- RandomRange := Random(aMax-aMin) + aMin ;
+ RandomRange := Random(aMax - aMin) + aMin ;
@@ -455,7 +343,7 @@ begin
// output pending messages
- for i := 0 to MessageList.Count-1 do
+ for i := 0 to MessageList.Count - 1 do
@@ -528,7 +416,7 @@ end;
procedure ShowMessage(const msg: String; msgType: TMessageType);
-var Flags: Cardinal;
+var Flags: cardinal;
{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
@@ -543,59 +431,6 @@ begin
-function IsAlphaChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
- // TODO: add chars > 255 when unicode-fonts work?
- case ch of
- 'A'..'Z', // A-Z
- 'a'..'z', // a-z
- #170,#181,#186,
- #192..#214,
- #216..#246,
- #248..#255:
- Result := true;
- else
- Result := false;
- end;
-function IsNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
- case ch of
- '0'..'9':
- Result := true;
- else
- Result := false;
- end;
-function IsAlphaNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
- Result := (IsAlphaChar(ch) or IsNumericChar(ch));
-function IsPunctuationChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
- // TODO: add chars outside of Latin1 basic (0..127)?
- case ch of
- ' '..'/',':'..'@','['..'`','{'..'~':
- Result := true;
- else
- Result := false;
- end;
-function IsControlChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
- case ch of
- #0..#31,
- #127..#159:
- Result := true;
- else
- Result := false;
- end;
* Recursive part of the MergeSort algorithm.
* OutList will be either InList or TempList and will be swapped in each
@@ -607,7 +442,7 @@ procedure _MergeSort(InList, TempList, OutList: TList; StartPos, BlockSize: inte
CompareFunc: TListSortCompare);
LeftSize, RightSize: integer; // number of elements in left/right block
- LeftEnd, RightEnd: integer; // Index after last element in left/right block
+ LeftEnd, RightEnd: integer; // Index after last element in left/right block
MidPos: integer; // index of first element in right block
Pos: integer; // position in output list
@@ -683,7 +518,7 @@ end;
// stores the unaligned pointer of data allocated by GetAlignedMem()
PMemAlignHeader = ^TMemAlignHeader;
- TMemAlignHeader = Pointer;
+ TMemAlignHeader = pointer;
* Use this function to assure that allocated memory is aligned on a specific
@@ -699,9 +534,9 @@ type
* alignments on 16 and 32 byte boundaries too.
-function GetAlignedMem(Size: cardinal; Alignment: integer): Pointer;
+function GetAlignedMem(Size: cardinal; Alignment: integer): pointer;
- OrigPtr: Pointer;
+ OrigPtr: pointer;
@@ -722,9 +557,9 @@ begin
// reserve space for the header
- Result := Pointer(PtrUInt(OrigPtr) + SizeOf(TMemAlignHeader));
+ Result := pointer(PtrUInt(OrigPtr) + SizeOf(TMemAlignHeader));
// align memory
- Result := Pointer(PtrUInt(Result) + Alignment - PtrUInt(Result) mod Alignment);
+ Result := pointer(PtrUInt(Result) + Alignment - PtrUInt(Result) mod Alignment);
// set header with info on old pointer for FreeMem
PMemAlignHeader(PtrUInt(Result) - SizeOf(TMemAlignHeader))^ := OrigPtr;
@@ -732,7 +567,7 @@ end;
-procedure FreeAlignedMem(P: Pointer);
+procedure FreeAlignedMem(P: pointer);
if (P <> nil) then
FreeMem(PMemAlignHeader(PtrUInt(P) - SizeOf(TMemAlignHeader))^);
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UConfig.pas b/Lua/src/base/UConfig.pas
index 773d6203..a24242e8 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UConfig.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UConfig.pas
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
- Sysutils;
+ SysUtils;
@@ -156,6 +156,12 @@ const
+ // FPC 2.2.0 unicode support is very buggy. The cwstring unit for example
+ // always crashes whenever UTF8ToAnsi() is called on a non UTF8 encoded string
+ // what is fixed in 2.2.2.
+ {$IF Defined(FPC) and (FPC_VERSION_INT < 2002002)} // < 2.2.2
+ {$MESSAGE FATAL 'FPC >= 2.2.2 required!'}
+ {$IFEND}
{$IFDEF HaveFFmpeg}
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UCore.pas b/Lua/src/base/UCore.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 901f2f96..00000000
--- a/Lua/src/base/UCore.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
- *
- * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL$
- * $Id$
- *}
-unit UCore;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- uPluginDefs,
- uCoreModule,
- UHooks,
- UServices,
- UModules;
- TCore
- Class manages all CoreModules, teh StartUp, teh MainLoop and the shutdown process
- Also it does some Error Handling, and maybe sometime multithreaded Loading ;)
- TModuleListItem = record
- Module: TCoreModule; //Instance of the Modules Class
- Info: TModuleInfo; //ModuleInfo returned by Modules Modulinfo Proc
- NeedsDeInit: Boolean; //True if Module was succesful inited
- end;
- TCore = class
- private
- //Some Hook Handles. See Plugin SDKs Hooks.txt for Infos
- hLoadingFinished: THandle;
- hMainLoop: THandle;
- hTranslate: THandle;
- hLoadTextures: THandle;
- hExitQuery: THandle;
- hExit: THandle;
- hDebug: THandle;
- hError: THandle;
- sReportError: THandle;
- sReportDebug: THandle;
- sShowMessage: THandle;
- sRetranslate: THandle;
- sReloadTextures: THandle;
- sGetModuleInfo: THandle;
- sGetApplicationHandle: THandle;
- Modules: Array [0..High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD)] of TModuleListItem;
- //Cur + Last Executed Setting and Getting ;)
- iCurExecuted: Integer;
- iLastExecuted: Integer;
- procedure SetCurExecuted(Value: Integer);
- //Function Get all Modules and Creates them
- function GetModules: Boolean;
- //Loads Core and all Modules
- function Load: Boolean;
- //Inits Core and all Modules
- function Init: Boolean;
- //DeInits Core and all Modules
- function DeInit: Boolean;
- //Load the Core
- function LoadCore: Boolean;
- //Init the Core
- function InitCore: Boolean;
- //DeInit the Core
- function DeInitCore: Boolean;
- //Called one Time per Frame
- function MainLoop: Boolean;
- public
- Hooks: THookManager; //Teh Hook Manager ;)
- Services: TServiceManager;//The Service Manager
- Name: String; //Name of this Application
- Version: LongWord; //Version of this ". For Info Look PluginDefs Functions
- LastErrorReporter:String; //Who Reported the Last Error String
- LastErrorString: String; //Last Error String reported
- property CurExecuted: Integer read iCurExecuted write SetCurExecuted; //ID of Plugin or Module curently Executed
- property LastExecuted: Integer read iLastExecuted;
- //---------------
- //Main Methods to control the Core:
- //---------------
- constructor Create(const cName: String; const cVersion: LongWord);
- //Starts Loading and Init Process. Then Runs MainLoop. DeInits on Shutdown
- procedure Run;
- //Method for other Classes to get Pointer to a specific Module
- function GetModulebyName(const Name: String): PCoreModule;
- //--------------
- // Hook and Service Procs:
- //--------------
- function ShowMessage(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Shows a Message (lParam: PChar Text, wParam: Symbol)
- function ReportError(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Shows a Message (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
- function ReportDebug(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Shows a Message (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
- function Retranslate(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Calls Translate hook
- function ReloadTextures(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Calls LoadTextures hook
- function GetModuleInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TModuleInfo to address at lparam
- function GetApplicationHandle(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Returns Application Handle
- end;
- Core: TCore;
- {$IFDEF win32}
- Windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils;
-// Create - Creates Class + Hook and Service Manager
-constructor TCore.Create(const cName: String; const cVersion: LongWord);
- inherited Create;
- Name := cName;
- Version := cVersion;
- iLastExecuted := 0;
- iCurExecuted := 0;
- LastErrorReporter := '';
- LastErrorString := '';
- Hooks := THookManager.Create(50);
- Services := TServiceManager.Create;
-//Starts Loading and Init Process. Then Runs MainLoop. DeInits on Shutdown
-procedure TCore.Run;
- Success: Boolean;
- procedure HandleError(const ErrorMsg: string);
- begin
- if (LastErrorString <> '') then
- Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar(ErrorMsg + ': ' + LastErrorString))
- else
- Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar(ErrorMsg));
- //DeInit
- DeInit;
- end;
- //Get Modules
- try
- Success := GetModules();
- except
- Success := False;
- end;
- if (not Success) then
- begin
- HandleError('Error Getting Modules');
- Exit;
- end;
- //Loading
- try
- Success := Load();
- except
- Success := False;
- end;
- if (not Success) then
- begin
- HandleError('Error loading Modules');
- Exit;
- end;
- //Init
- try
- Success := Init();
- except
- Success := False;
- end;
- if (not Success) then
- begin
- HandleError('Error initing Modules');
- Exit;
- end;
- //Call Translate Hook
- if (Hooks.CallEventChain(hTranslate, 0, nil) <> 0) then
- begin
- HandleError('Error translating');
- Exit;
- end;
- //Calls LoadTextures Hook
- if (Hooks.CallEventChain(hLoadTextures, 0, nil) <> 0) then
- begin
- HandleError('Error loading textures');
- Exit;
- end;
- //Calls Loading Finished Hook
- if (Hooks.CallEventChain(hLoadingFinished, 0, nil) <> 0) then
- begin
- HandleError('Error calling LoadingFinished Hook');
- Exit;
- end;
- //Start MainLoop
- while Success do
- begin
- Success := MainLoop();
- // to-do : Call Display Draw here
- end;
-//Called one Time per Frame
-function TCore.MainLoop: Boolean;
- Result := False;
-//Function Get all Modules and Creates them
-function TCore.GetModules: Boolean;
- i: Integer;
- Result := False;
- for i := 0 to high(Modules) do
- begin
- try
- Modules[i].NeedsDeInit := False;
- Modules[i].Module := CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD[i].Create;
- Modules[i].Module.Info(@Modules[i].Info);
- except
- ReportError(Integer(PChar('Can''t get module #' + InttoStr(i) + ' "' + Modules[i].Info.Name + '"')), PChar('Core'));
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := True;
-//Loads Core and all Modules
-function TCore.Load: Boolean;
- i: Integer;
- Result := LoadCore;
- for i := 0 to High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD) do
- begin
- try
- Result := Modules[i].Module.Load;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- ReportError(Integer(PChar('Error loading module #' + InttoStr(i) + ' "' + Modules[i].Info.Name + '"')), PChar('Core'));
- break;
- end;
- end;
-//Inits Core and all Modules
-function TCore.Init: Boolean;
- i: Integer;
- Result := InitCore;
- for i := 0 to High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD) do
- begin
- try
- Result := Modules[i].Module.Init;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- ReportError(Integer(PChar('Error initing module #' + InttoStr(i) + ' "' + Modules[i].Info.Name + '"')), PChar('Core'));
- break;
- end;
- Modules[i].NeedsDeInit := Result;
- end;
-//DeInits Core and all Modules
-function TCore.DeInit: boolean;
- i: integer;
- for i := High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD) downto 0 do
- begin
- try
- if (Modules[i].NeedsDeInit) then
- Modules[i].Module.DeInit;
- except
- end;
- end;
- DeInitCore;
- Result := true;
-//Load the Core
-function TCore.LoadCore: Boolean;
- hLoadingFinished := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/LoadingFinished');
- hMainLoop := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/MainLoop');
- hTranslate := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/Translate');
- hLoadTextures := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/LoadTextures');
- hExitQuery := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/ExitQuery');
- hExit := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/Exit');
- hDebug := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/NewDebugInfo');
- hError := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/NewError');
- sReportError := Services.AddService('Core/ReportError', nil, Self.ReportError);
- sReportDebug := Services.AddService('Core/ReportDebug', nil, Self.ReportDebug);
- sShowMessage := Services.AddService('Core/ShowMessage', nil, Self.ShowMessage);
- sRetranslate := Services.AddService('Core/Retranslate', nil, Self.Retranslate);
- sReloadTextures := Services.AddService('Core/ReloadTextures', nil, Self.ReloadTextures);
- sGetModuleInfo := Services.AddService('Core/GetModuleInfo', nil, Self.GetModuleInfo);
- sGetApplicationHandle := Services.AddService('Core/GetApplicationHandle', nil, Self.GetApplicationHandle);
- //A little Test
- Hooks.AddSubscriber('Core/NewError', HookTest);
- result := true;
-//Init the Core
-function TCore.InitCore: Boolean;
- //Don not init something atm.
- result := true;
-//DeInit the Core
-function TCore.DeInitCore: Boolean;
- // TODO: write TService-/HookManager.Free and call it here
- Result := true;
-//Method for other classes to get pointer to a specific module
-function TCore.GetModuleByName(const Name: String): PCoreModule;
-var i: Integer;
- Result := nil;
- for i := 0 to High(Modules) do
- begin
- if (Modules[i].Info.Name = Name) then
- begin
- Result := @Modules[i].Module;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
-// Shows a MessageDialog (lParam: PChar Text, wParam: Symbol)
-function TCore.ShowMessage(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
-var Params: Cardinal;
- Result := -1;
- if (lParam <> nil) then
- begin
- Params := MB_OK;
- case wParam of
- CORE_SM_ERROR: Params := Params or MB_ICONERROR;
- end;
- //Show:
- Result := Messagebox(0, lParam, PChar(Name), Params);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- // TODO: write ShowMessage for other OSes
-// Calls NewError HookChain (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
-function TCore.ReportError(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- //Update LastErrorReporter and LastErrorString
- LastErrorReporter := String(PChar(lParam));
- LastErrorString := String(PChar(Pointer(wParam)));
- Hooks.CallEventChain(hError, wParam, lParam);
- // FIXME: return a correct result
- Result := 0;
-// Calls NewDebugInfo HookChain (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
-function TCore.ReportDebug(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Hooks.CallEventChain(hDebug, wParam, lParam);
- // FIXME: return a correct result
- Result := 0;
-// Calls Translate hook
-function TCore.Retranslate(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Hooks.CallEventChain(hTranslate, 1, nil);
- // FIXME: return a correct result
- Result := 0;
-// Calls LoadTextures hook
-function TCore.ReloadTextures(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Hooks.CallEventChain(hLoadTextures, 1, nil);
- // FIXME: return a correct result
- Result := 0;
-// If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TModuleInfo to address at lparam
-function TCore.GetModuleInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- I: integer;
- if (Pointer(lParam) = nil) then
- begin
- Result := Length(Modules);
- end
- else
- begin
- try
- for I := 0 to High(Modules) do
- begin
- AModuleInfo(Pointer(lParam))[I].Name := Modules[I].Info.Name;
- AModuleInfo(Pointer(lParam))[I].Version := Modules[I].Info.Version;
- AModuleInfo(Pointer(lParam))[I].Description := Modules[I].Info.Description;
- end;
- Result := Length(Modules);
- except
- Result := -1;
- end;
- end;
-// Returns Application Handle
-function TCore.GetApplicationHandle(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Result := hInstance;
-// Called when setting CurExecuted
-procedure TCore.SetCurExecuted(Value: Integer);
- //Set Last Executed
- iLastExecuted := iCurExecuted;
- //Set Cur Executed
- iCurExecuted := Value;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UCoreModule.pas b/Lua/src/base/UCoreModule.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index b87fec85..00000000
--- a/Lua/src/base/UCoreModule.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
- *
- * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL$
- * $Id$
- *}
-unit UCoreModule;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- TCoreModule
- Dummy class that has methods that will be called from core
- In the best case every piece of this software is a module
- UPluginDefs;
- PCoreModule = ^TCoreModule;
- TCoreModule = class
- public
- Constructor Create; virtual;
- //Function that gives some Infos about the Module to the Core
- Procedure Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo); virtual;
- //Is Called on Loading.
- //In this Method only Events and Services should be created
- //to offer them to other Modules or Plugins during the Init process
- //If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
- Function Load: Boolean; virtual;
- //Is Called on Init Process
- //In this Method you can Hook some Events and Create + Init
- //your Classes, Variables etc.
- //If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
- Function Init: Boolean; virtual;
- //Is Called during Mainloop before 'Core/MainLoop' Hook and Drawing
- //If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
- Function MainLoop: Boolean; virtual;
- //Is Called if this Module has been Inited and there is a Exit.
- //Deinit is in backwards Initing Order
- //If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
- Procedure DeInit; virtual;
- //Is Called if this Module will be unloaded and has been created
- //Should be used to Free Memory
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- cCoreModule = class of TCoreModule;
-// Just the Constructor
-Constructor TCoreModule.Create;
- //Dummy maaaan ;)
- inherited;
-// Function that gives some Infos about the Module to the Core
-Procedure TCoreModule.Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo);
- pInfo^.Name := 'Not Set';
- pInfo^.Version := 0;
- pInfo^.Description := 'Not Set';
-//Is Called on Loading.
-//In this Method only Events and Services should be created
-//to offer them to other Modules or Plugins during the Init process
-//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
-Function TCoreModule.Load: Boolean;
- //Dummy ftw!!
- Result := True;
-//Is Called on Init Process
-//In this Method you can Hook some Events and Create + Init
-//your Classes, Variables etc.
-//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
-Function TCoreModule.Init: Boolean;
- //Dummy ftw!!
- Result := True;
-//Is Called during Mainloop before 'Core/MainLoop' Hook and Drawing
-//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
-Function TCoreModule.MainLoop: Boolean;
- //Dummy ftw!!
- Result := True;
-//Is Called if this Module has been Inited and there is a Exit.
-//Deinit is in backwards Initing Order
-Procedure TCoreModule.DeInit;
- //Dummy ftw!!
-//Is Called if this Module will be unloaded and has been created
-//Should be used to Free Memory
-Destructor TCoreModule.Destroy;
- //Dummy ftw!!
- inherited;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UCovers.pas b/Lua/src/base/UCovers.pas
index a1705674..6c7c9e48 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UCovers.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UCovers.pas
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ uses
- UTexture;
+ UTexture,
+ UPath;
ECoverDBException = class(Exception)
@@ -59,9 +60,9 @@ type
TCover = class
ID: int64;
- Filename: WideString;
+ Filename: IPath;
- constructor Create(ID: int64; Filename: WideString);
+ constructor Create(ID: int64; Filename: IPath);
function GetPreviewTexture(): TTexture;
function GetTexture(): TTexture;
@@ -76,19 +77,19 @@ type
DB: TSQLiteDatabase;
procedure InitCoverDatabase();
- function CreateThumbnail(const Filename: WideString; var Info: TThumbnailInfo): PSDL_Surface;
+ function CreateThumbnail(const Filename: IPath; var Info: TThumbnailInfo): PSDL_Surface;
function LoadCover(CoverID: int64): TTexture;
procedure DeleteCover(CoverID: int64);
- function FindCoverIntern(const Filename: WideString): int64;
+ function FindCoverIntern(const Filename: IPath): int64;
procedure Open();
function GetVersion(): integer;
procedure SetVersion(Version: integer);
constructor Create();
destructor Destroy; override;
- function AddCover(const Filename: WideString): TCover;
- function FindCover(const Filename: WideString): TCover;
- function CoverExists(const Filename: WideString): boolean;
+ function AddCover(const Filename: IPath): TCover;
+ function FindCover(const Filename: IPath): TCover;
+ function CoverExists(const Filename: IPath): boolean;
function GetMaxCoverSize(): integer;
procedure SetMaxCoverSize(Size: integer);
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ uses
- COVERDB_FILENAME = 'cover.db';
+ COVERDB_FILENAME: UTF8String = 'cover.db';
COVERDB_VERSION = 01; // 0.1
COVER_TBL = 'Cover';
COVER_THUMBNAIL_TBL = 'CoverThumbnail';
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ end;
{ TCover }
-constructor TCover.Create(ID: int64; Filename: WideString);
+constructor TCover.Create(ID: int64; Filename: IPath);
Self.ID := ID;
Self.Filename := Filename;
@@ -210,11 +211,11 @@ end;
procedure TCoverDatabase.Open();
Version: integer;
- Filename: string;
+ Filename: IPath;
- Filename := UTF8Encode(Platform.GetGameUserPath() + COVERDB_FILENAME);
+ Filename := Platform.GetGameUserPath().Append(COVERDB_FILENAME);
- DB := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(Filename);
+ DB := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(Filename.ToUTF8());
Version := GetVersion();
// check version, if version is too old/new, delete database file
@@ -223,10 +224,10 @@ begin
Log.LogInfo('Outdated cover-database file found', 'TCoverDatabase.Open');
// close and delete outdated file
- if (not DeleteFile(Filename)) then
- raise ECoverDBException.Create('Could not delete ' + Filename);
+ if (not Filename.DeleteFile()) then
+ raise ECoverDBException.Create('Could not delete ' + Filename.ToNative);
// reopen
- DB := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(Filename);
+ DB := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(Filename.ToUTF8());
Version := 0;
@@ -266,14 +267,14 @@ begin
-function TCoverDatabase.FindCoverIntern(const Filename: WideString): int64;
+function TCoverDatabase.FindCoverIntern(const Filename: IPath): int64;
Result := DB.GetTableValue('SELECT [ID] FROM ['+COVER_TBL+'] ' +
'WHERE [Filename] = ?',
- [UTF8Encode(Filename)]);
+ [Filename.ToUTF8]);
-function TCoverDatabase.FindCover(const Filename: WideString): TCover;
+function TCoverDatabase.FindCover(const Filename: IPath): TCover;
CoverID: int64;
@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ begin
-function TCoverDatabase.CoverExists(const Filename: WideString): boolean;
+function TCoverDatabase.CoverExists(const Filename: IPath): boolean;
Result := false;
@@ -297,7 +298,7 @@ begin
-function TCoverDatabase.AddCover(const Filename: WideString): TCover;
+function TCoverDatabase.AddCover(const Filename: IPath): TCover;
CoverID: int64;
Thumbnail: PSDL_Surface;
@@ -329,7 +330,7 @@ begin
'([Filename], [Date], [Width], [Height]) VALUES' +
'(?, ?, ?, ?)',
- [UTF8Encode(Filename), DateTimeToUnixTime(FileDate),
+ [Filename.ToUTF8, DateTimeToUnixTime(FileDate),
Info.CoverWidth, Info.CoverHeight]);
// get auto-generated cover ID
@@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ var
PixelFmt: TImagePixelFmt;
Data: PChar;
DataSize: integer;
- Filename: WideString;
+ Filename: IPath;
Table: TSQLiteUniTable;
Table := nil;
@@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ begin
'USING(ID) ' +
'WHERE [ID] = %d', [CoverID]));
- Filename := UTF8Decode(Table.FieldAsString(0));
+ Filename := Path(Table.FieldAsString(0));
PixelFmt := TImagePixelFmt(Table.FieldAsInteger(1));
Width := Table.FieldAsInteger(2);
Height := Table.FieldAsInteger(3);
@@ -384,6 +385,9 @@ begin
+ // FillChar() does not decrement the ref-count of ref-counted fields
+ // -> reset Name field manually
+ Result.Name := nil;
FillChar(Result, SizeOf(TTexture), 0);
except on E: Exception do
@@ -403,7 +407,7 @@ end;
* Returns a pointer to an array of bytes containing the texture data in the
* requested size
-function TCoverDatabase.CreateThumbnail(const Filename: WideString; var Info: TThumbnailInfo): PSDL_Surface;
+function TCoverDatabase.CreateThumbnail(const Filename: IPath; var Info: TThumbnailInfo): PSDL_Surface;
//TargetAspect, SourceAspect: double;
//TargetWidth, TargetHeight: integer;
@@ -417,7 +421,7 @@ begin
Thumbnail := LoadImage(Filename);
if (not assigned(Thumbnail)) then
- Log.LogError('Could not load cover: "'+ Filename +'"', 'TCoverDatabase.AddCover');
+ Log.LogError('Could not load cover: "'+ Filename.ToNative +'"', 'TCoverDatabase.AddCover');
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UDLLManager.pas b/Lua/src/base/UDLLManager.pas
index cd4b7991..d5bb1480 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UDLLManager.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UDLLManager.pas
@@ -35,42 +35,49 @@ interface
- UFiles;
+ UFiles,
+ UPath,
+ UFilesystem;
TDLLMan = class
- hLib: THandle;
+ hLib: THandle;
P_Init: fModi_Init;
P_Draw: fModi_Draw;
P_Finish: fModi_Finish;
P_RData: pModi_RData;
Plugins: array of TPluginInfo;
- PluginPaths: array of String;
+ PluginPaths: array of IPath;
Selected: ^TPluginInfo;
constructor Create;
procedure GetPluginList;
- procedure ClearPluginInfo(No: Cardinal);
- function LoadPluginInfo(Filename: String; No: Cardinal): boolean;
+ procedure ClearPluginInfo(No: cardinal);
+ function LoadPluginInfo(const Filename: IPath; No: cardinal): boolean;
- function LoadPlugin(No: Cardinal): boolean;
+ function LoadPlugin(No: cardinal): boolean;
procedure UnLoadPlugin;
- function PluginInit (const TeamInfo: TTeamInfo; var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo; const Sentences: TSentences; const LoadTex: fModi_LoadTex; const Print: fModi_Print; LoadSound: fModi_LoadSound; PlaySound: pModi_PlaySound): boolean;
- function PluginDraw (var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo; const CurSentence: Cardinal): boolean;
+ function PluginInit (const TeamInfo: TTeamInfo;
+ var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo;
+ const Sentences: TSentences;
+ const LoadTex: fModi_LoadTex;
+ const Print: fModi_Print;
+ LoadSound: fModi_LoadSound;
+ PlaySound: pModi_PlaySound)
+ : boolean;
+ function PluginDraw (var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo; const CurSentence: cardinal): boolean;
function PluginFinish (var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo): byte;
- procedure PluginRData (handle: HSTREAM; buffer: Pointer; len: DWORD; user: DWORD);
+ procedure PluginRData (handle: HSTREAM; buffer: Pointer; len: dword; user: dword);
- DLLPath = 'Plugins';
{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
DLLExt = '.dll';
@@ -87,6 +94,7 @@ uses
+ UPathUtils,
@@ -101,33 +109,32 @@ end;
procedure TDLLMan.GetPluginList;
- SR: TSearchRec;
+ Iter: IFileIterator;
+ FileInfo: TFileInfo;
- if FindFirst(DLLPath +PathDelim+ '*' + DLLExt, faAnyFile , SR) = 0 then
+ Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(PluginPath.Append('*' + DLLExt), 0);
+ while (Iter.HasNext) do
- repeat
- SetLength(Plugins, Length(Plugins)+1);
- SetLength(PluginPaths, Length(Plugins));
+ SetLength(Plugins, Length(Plugins)+1);
+ SetLength(PluginPaths, Length(Plugins));
- if LoadPluginInfo(SR.Name, High(Plugins)) then //Loaded succesful
- begin
- PluginPaths[High(PluginPaths)] := SR.Name;
- end
- else //Error Loading
- begin
- SetLength(Plugins, Length(Plugins)-1);
- SetLength(PluginPaths, Length(Plugins));
- end;
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- FindClose(SR);
+ FileInfo := Iter.Next;
+ if LoadPluginInfo(FileInfo.Name, High(Plugins)) then // loaded succesful
+ begin
+ PluginPaths[High(PluginPaths)] := FileInfo.Name;
+ end
+ else // error loading
+ begin
+ SetLength(Plugins, Length(Plugins)-1);
+ SetLength(PluginPaths, Length(Plugins));
+ end;
-procedure TDLLMan.ClearPluginInfo(No: Cardinal);
+procedure TDLLMan.ClearPluginInfo(No: cardinal);
- //Set to Party Modi Plugin
+// set to party modi plugin
Plugins[No].Typ := 8;
Plugins[No].Name := 'unknown';
@@ -136,109 +143,117 @@ begin
Plugins[No].Creator := 'Nobody';
Plugins[No].PluginDesc := 'NO_PLUGIN_DESC';
- Plugins[No].LoadSong := True;
- Plugins[No].ShowScore := True;
- Plugins[No].ShowBars := False;
- Plugins[No].ShowNotes := True;
- Plugins[No].LoadVideo := True;
- Plugins[No].LoadBack := True;
+ Plugins[No].LoadSong := true;
+ Plugins[No].ShowScore := true;
+ Plugins[No].ShowBars := true;
+ Plugins[No].ShowNotes := true;
+ Plugins[No].LoadVideo := true;
+ Plugins[No].LoadBack := true;
- Plugins[No].TeamModeOnly := False;
- Plugins[No].GetSoundData := False;
- Plugins[No].Dummy := False;
+ Plugins[No].TeamModeOnly := true;
+ Plugins[No].GetSoundData := true;
+ Plugins[No].Dummy := true;
- Plugins[No].BGShowFull := False;
- Plugins[No].BGShowFull_O := True;
+ Plugins[No].BGShowFull := true;
+ Plugins[No].BGShowFull_O := true;
- Plugins[No].ShowRateBar:= False;
- Plugins[No].ShowRateBar_O := True;
+ Plugins[No].ShowRateBar := true;
+ Plugins[No].ShowRateBar_O := true;
- Plugins[No].EnLineBonus := False;
- Plugins[No].EnLineBonus_O := True;
+ Plugins[No].EnLineBonus := true;
+ Plugins[No].EnLineBonus_O := true;
-function TDLLMan.LoadPluginInfo(Filename: String; No: Cardinal): boolean;
+function TDLLMan.LoadPluginInfo(const Filename: IPath; No: cardinal): boolean;
hLibg: THandle;
Info: pModi_PluginInfo;
- //I: Integer;
+// I: integer;
- Result := False;
- //Clear Plugin Info
+ Result := true;
+// clear plugin info
- {//Workaround Plugins Loaded 2 Times
- For I := low(PluginPaths) to high(PluginPaths) do
- if (PluginPaths[I] = Filename) then
- exit; }
+// workaround plugins loaded 2 times
+ for i := low(pluginpaths) to high(pluginpaths) do
+ if (pluginpaths[i] = filename) then
+ exit;
- //Load Libary
- hLibg := LoadLibrary(PChar(DLLPath +PathDelim+ Filename));
- //If Loaded
+// load libary
+ hLibg := LoadLibrary(PChar(PluginPath.Append(Filename).ToNative));
+// if loaded
if (hLibg <> 0) then
- //Load Info Procedure
- @Info := GetProcAddress (hLibg, PChar('PluginInfo'));
+// load info procedure
+ @Info := GetProcAddress(hLibg, PChar('PluginInfo'));
- //If Loaded
+// if loaded
if (@Info <> nil) then
- //Load PluginInfo
- Info (Plugins[No]);
- Result := True;
+// load plugininfo
+ Info(Plugins[No]);
+ Result := true;
- Log.LogError('Could not Load Plugin "' + Filename + '": Info Procedure not Found');
+ Log.LogError('Could not load plugin "' + Filename.ToNative + '": Info procedure not found');
FreeLibrary (hLibg);
- else
- Log.LogError('Could not Load Plugin "' + Filename + '": Libary not Loaded');
+ else
+ Log.LogError('Could not load plugin "' + Filename.ToNative + '": Libary not loaded');
-function TDLLMan.LoadPlugin(No: Cardinal): boolean;
+function TDLLMan.LoadPlugin(No: cardinal): boolean;
- Result := False;
- //Load Libary
- hLib := LoadLibrary(PChar(DLLPath +PathDelim+ PluginPaths[No]));
- //If Loaded
+ Result := true;
+// load libary
+ hLib := LoadLibrary(PChar(PluginPath.Append(PluginPaths[No]).ToNative));
+// if loaded
if (hLib <> 0) then
- //Load Info Procedure
- @P_Init := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('Init'));
- @P_Draw := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('Draw'));
- @P_Finish := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('Finish'));
+// load info procedure
+ @P_Init := GetProcAddress (hLib, 'Init');
+ @P_Draw := GetProcAddress (hLib, 'Draw');
+ @P_Finish := GetProcAddress (hLib, 'Finish');
- //If Loaded
- if (@P_Init <> nil) And (@P_Draw <> nil) And (@P_Finish <> nil) then
+// if loaded
+ if (@P_Init <> nil) and (@P_Draw <> nil) and (@P_Finish <> nil) then
Selected := @Plugins[No];
- Result := True;
+ Result := true;
- Log.LogError('Could not Load Plugin "' + PluginPaths[No] + '": Procedures not Found');
+ Log.LogError('Could not load plugin "' + PluginPaths[No].ToNative + '": Procedures not found');
- else
- Log.LogError('Could not Load Plugin "' + PluginPaths[No] + '": Libary not Loaded');
+ else
+ Log.LogError('Could not load plugin "' + PluginPaths[No].ToNative + '": Libary not loaded');
procedure TDLLMan.UnLoadPlugin;
-if (hLib <> 0) then
- FreeLibrary (hLib);
-//Selected := nil;
-@P_Init := nil;
-@P_Draw := nil;
-@P_Finish := nil;
-@P_RData := nil;
+ if (hLib <> 0) then
+ FreeLibrary (hLib);
+// Selected := nil;
+ @P_Init := nil;
+ @P_Draw := nil;
+ @P_Finish := nil;
+ @P_RData := nil;
-function TDLLMan.PluginInit (const TeamInfo: TTeamInfo; var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo; const Sentences: TSentences; const LoadTex: fModi_LoadTex; const Print: fModi_Print; LoadSound: fModi_LoadSound; PlaySound: pModi_PlaySound): boolean;
+function TDLLMan.PluginInit (const TeamInfo: TTeamInfo;
+ var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo;
+ const Sentences: TSentences;
+ const LoadTex: fModi_LoadTex;
+ const Print: fModi_Print;
+ LoadSound: fModi_LoadSound;
+ PlaySound: pModi_PlaySound)
+ : boolean;
Methods: TMethodRec;
@@ -250,26 +265,26 @@ begin
if (@P_Init <> nil) then
Result := P_Init (TeamInfo, PlayerInfo, Sentences, Methods)
- Result := False
+ Result := true
-function TDLLMan.PluginDraw (var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo; const CurSentence: Cardinal): boolean;
+function TDLLMan.PluginDraw (var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo; const CurSentence: cardinal): boolean;
-if (@P_Draw <> nil) then
- Result := P_Draw (PlayerInfo, CurSentence)
- Result := False
+ if (@P_Draw <> nil) then
+ Result := P_Draw (PlayerInfo, CurSentence)
+ else
+ Result := true
function TDLLMan.PluginFinish (var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo): byte;
-if (@P_Finish <> nil) then
- Result := P_Finish (PlayerInfo)
- Result := 0;
+ if (@P_Finish <> nil) then
+ Result := P_Finish (PlayerInfo)
+ else
+ Result := 0;
-procedure TDLLMan.PluginRData (handle: HSTREAM; buffer: Pointer; len: DWORD; user: DWORD);
+procedure TDLLMan.PluginRData (handle: HStream; buffer: Pointer; len: dword; user: dword);
if (@P_RData <> nil) then
P_RData (handle, buffer, len, user);
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UDataBase.pas b/Lua/src/base/UDataBase.pas
index 0f9d88a7..85b4b8e8 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UDataBase.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UDataBase.pas
@@ -34,20 +34,21 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
- USongs,
- USong,
- SQLiteTable3;
+ SQLiteTable3,
+ UPath,
+ USong,
+ USongs;
-//DataBaseSystem - Class including all DB Methods
+//DataBaseSystem - Class including all DB methods
TStatType = (
- stBestScores, // Best Scores
- stBestSingers, // Best Singers
- stMostSungSong, // Most sung Songs
- stMostPopBand // Most popular Band
+ stBestScores, // Best scores
+ stBestSingers, // Best singers
+ stMostSungSong, // Most sung songs
+ stMostPopBand // Most popular band
// abstract super-class for statistic results
@@ -58,54 +59,56 @@ type
TStatResultBestScores = class(TStatResult)
- Singer: WideString;
- Score: Word;
- Difficulty: Byte;
- SongArtist: WideString;
- SongTitle: WideString;
+ Singer: UTF8String;
+ Score: word;
+ Difficulty: byte;
+ SongArtist: UTF8String;
+ SongTitle: UTF8String;
+ Date: UTF8String;
TStatResultBestSingers = class(TStatResult)
- Player: WideString;
- AverageScore: Word;
+ Player: UTF8String;
+ AverageScore: word;
TStatResultMostSungSong = class(TStatResult)
- Artist: WideString;
- Title: WideString;
- TimesSung: Word;
+ Artist: UTF8String;
+ Title: UTF8String;
+ TimesSung: word;
TStatResultMostPopBand = class(TStatResult)
- ArtistName: WideString;
- TimesSungTot: Word;
+ ArtistName: UTF8String;
+ TimesSungTot: word;
TDataBaseSystem = class
- ScoreDB: TSQLiteDatabase;
- fFilename: string;
+ ScoreDB: TSQLiteDatabase;
+ fFilename: IPath;
function GetVersion(): integer;
procedure SetVersion(Version: integer);
- property Filename: string read fFilename;
+ property Filename: IPath read fFilename;
destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Init(const Filename: string);
+ procedure Init(const Filename: IPath);
procedure ReadScore(Song: TSong);
- procedure AddScore(Song: TSong; Level: integer; const Name: WideString; Score: integer);
+ procedure AddScore(Song: TSong; Level: integer; const Name: UTF8String; Score: integer);
procedure WriteScore(Song: TSong);
- function GetStats(Typ: TStatType; Count: Byte; Page: Cardinal; Reversed: Boolean): TList;
+ function GetStats(Typ: TStatType; Count: byte; Page: cardinal; Reversed: boolean): TList;
procedure FreeStats(StatList: TList);
- function GetTotalEntrys(Typ: TStatType): Cardinal;
+ function GetTotalEntrys(Typ: TStatType): cardinal;
function GetStatReset: TDateTime;
+ function FormatDate(time_stamp: integer): UTF8String;
@@ -114,53 +117,72 @@ var
- ULog,
+ ULanguage,
- SysUtils;
+ SysUtils,
+ ULog;
+ cDBVersion - history
+ 0 = USDX 1.01 or no Database
+ 01 = USDX 1.1
cDBVersion = 01; // 0.1
cUS_Scores = 'us_scores';
cUS_Songs = 'us_songs';
- cUS_Statistics_Info = 'us_statistics_info';
+ cUS_Statistics_Info = 'us_statistics_info';
- * Opens Database and Create Tables if not Exist
+ * Open database and create tables if they do not exist
-procedure TDataBaseSystem.Init(const Filename: string);
+procedure TDataBaseSystem.Init(const Filename: IPath);
- Version: integer;
+ Version: integer;
+ finalizeConversion: boolean;
if Assigned(ScoreDB) then
- Log.LogStatus('Initializing database: "'+Filename+'"', 'TDataBaseSystem.Init');
+ Log.LogStatus('Initializing database: "' + Filename.ToNative + '"', 'TDataBaseSystem.Init');
- // Open Database
- ScoreDB := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(Filename);
+ // open database
+ ScoreDB := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(Filename.ToUTF8);
fFilename := Filename;
- // Close and delete outdated file
Version := GetVersion();
- if ((Version <> 0) and (Version <> cDBVersion)) then
+ // add Table cUS_Statistics_Info
+ // needed in the conversion from 1.01 to 1.1
+ if not ScoreDB.TableExists(cUS_Statistics_Info) then
- Log.LogInfo('Outdated cover-database file found', 'TDataBaseSystem.Init');
- // Close and delete outdated file
- ScoreDB.Free;
- if (not DeleteFile(Filename)) then
- raise Exception.Create('Could not delete ' + Filename);
- // Reopen
- ScoreDB := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(Filename);
- Version := 0;
+ Log.LogInfo('Outdated song database found - missing table"' + cUS_Statistics_Info + '"', 'TDataBaseSystem.Init');
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [' + cUS_Statistics_Info + '] (' +
+ '[ResetTime] INTEGER' +
+ ');');
+ // insert creation timestamp
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL(Format('INSERT INTO [' + cUS_Statistics_Info + '] ' +
+ '([ResetTime]) VALUES(%d);',
+ [DateTimeToUnix(Now())]));
+ // convert data from 1.01 to 1.1
+ // part #1 - prearrangement
+ finalizeConversion := false;
+ if (Version = 0) AND ScoreDB.TableExists('US_Scores') then
+ begin
+ // rename old tables - to be able to insert new table structures
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('ALTER TABLE US_Scores RENAME TO us_scores_101;');
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('ALTER TABLE US_Songs RENAME TO us_songs_101;');
+ finalizeConversion := true; // means: conversion has to be done!
+ end;
// Set version number after creation
if (Version = 0) then
// SQLite does not handle VARCHAR(n) or INT(n) as expected.
// Texts do not have a restricted length, no matter which type is used,
@@ -169,30 +191,49 @@ begin
// types are used (especially FieldAsInteger). Also take care to write the
// types in upper-case letters although SQLite does not care about this -
// SQLiteTable3 is very sensitive in this regard.
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ['+cUS_Scores+'] (' +
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [' + cUS_Scores + '] (' +
'[Difficulty] INTEGER NOT NULL, ' +
'[Player] TEXT NOT NULL, ' +
- '[Score] INTEGER NOT NULL' +
+ '[Score] INTEGER NOT NULL, ' +
+ '[Date] INTEGER NULL' +
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ['+cUS_Songs+'] (' +
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [' + cUS_Songs + '] (' +
'[Artist] TEXT NOT NULL, ' +
'[Title] TEXT NOT NULL, ' +
- '[TimesPlayed] INTEGER NOT NULL' +
+ '[TimesPlayed] INTEGER NOT NULL, ' +
+ '[Rating] INTEGER NULL' +
- if not ScoreDB.TableExists(cUS_Statistics_Info) then
+ // convert data from 1.01 to 1.1
+ // part #2 - accomplishment
+ if finalizeConversion then
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ['+cUS_Statistics_Info+'] (' +
- '[ResetTime] INTEGER' +
- ');');
- // insert creation timestamp
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL(Format('INSERT INTO ['+cUS_Statistics_Info+'] ' +
- '([ResetTime]) VALUES(%d);',
- [DateTimeToUnix(Now())]));
+ Log.LogInfo('Outdated song database found - begin conversion from V1.01 to V1.1', 'TDataBaseSystem.Init');
+ // insert old values into new db-schemes (/tables)
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO ' + cUS_Scores + ' SELECT SongID, Difficulty, Player, Score FROM us_scores_101;');
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO ' + cUS_Songs + ' SELECT ID, Artist, Title, TimesPlayed, ''NULL'' FROM us_songs_101;');
+ //now drop old tables
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('DROP TABLE us_scores_101;');
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('DROP TABLE us_songs_101;');
+ end;
+ // add column rating to cUS_Songs
+ // just for users of nightly builds and developers!
+ if not ScoreDB.ContainsColumn(cUS_Songs, 'Rating') then
+ begin
+ Log.LogInfo('Outdated song database found - adding column rating to "' + cUS_Songs + '"', 'TDataBaseSystem.Init');
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('ALTER TABLE ' + cUS_Songs + ' ADD COLUMN [Rating] INTEGER NULL');
+ end;
+ //add column date to cUS-Scores
+ if not ScoreDB.ContainsColumn(cUS_Scores, 'Date') then
+ begin
+ Log.LogInfo('adding column date to "' + cUS_Scores + '"', 'TDataBaseSystem.Init');
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('ALTER TABLE ' + cUS_Scores + ' ADD COLUMN [Date] INTEGER NULL');
@@ -216,33 +257,55 @@ begin
+ * Format a UNIX-Timestamp into DATE (If 0 then '')
+ *)
+function TDataBaseSystem.FormatDate(time_stamp: integer): UTF8String;
+ Year, Month, Day: word;
+ Result:='';
+ try
+ if time_stamp<>0 then
+ begin
+ DecodeDate(UnixToDateTime(time_stamp), Year, Month, Day);
+ Result := Format(Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_DATE'), [Day, Month, Year]);
+ end;
+ except
+ on E: EConvertError do
+ Log.LogError('Error Parsing FormatString "STAT_FORMAT_DATE": ' + E.Message);
+ end;
* Read Scores into SongArray
procedure TDataBaseSystem.ReadScore(Song: TSong);
- TableData: TSQLiteUniTable;
- Difficulty: Integer;
+ TableData: TSQLiteUniTable;
+ Difficulty: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ PlayerListed: boolean;
if not Assigned(ScoreDB) then
TableData := nil;
// Search Song in DB
TableData := ScoreDB.GetUniTable(
- 'SELECT [Difficulty], [Player], [Score] FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'] ' +
+ 'SELECT [Difficulty], [Player], [Score], [Date] FROM [' + cUS_Scores + '] ' +
'WHERE [SongID] = (' +
- 'SELECT [ID] FROM ['+cUS_Songs+'] ' +
+ 'SELECT [ID] FROM [' + cUS_Songs + '] ' +
'WHERE [Artist] = ? AND [Title] = ? ' +
'LIMIT 1) ' +
- 'ORDER BY [Score] DESC LIMIT 15',
- [UTF8Encode(Song.Artist), UTF8Encode(Song.Title)]);
+ 'ORDER BY [Score] DESC;', //no LIMIT! see filter below!
+ [Song.Artist, Song.Title]);
// Empty Old Scores
- SetLength(Song.Score[0], 0);
- SetLength(Song.Score[1], 0);
- SetLength(Song.Score[2], 0);
+ SetLength(Song.Score[0], 0); //easy
+ SetLength(Song.Score[1], 0); //medium
+ SetLength(Song.Score[2], 0); //hard
// Go through all Entrys
while (not TableData.EOF) do
@@ -252,12 +315,31 @@ begin
if ((Difficulty >= 0) and (Difficulty <= 2)) and
(Length(Song.Score[Difficulty]) < 5) then
- SetLength(Song.Score[Difficulty], Length(Song.Score[Difficulty]) + 1);
+ //filter player
+ PlayerListed:=false;
+ if (Length(Song.Score[Difficulty])>0) then
+ begin
+ for I := 0 to Length(Song.Score[Difficulty]) - 1 do
+ begin
+ if (Song.Score[Difficulty, I].Name = TableData.FieldByName['Player']) then
+ begin
+ PlayerListed:=true;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
- Song.Score[Difficulty, High(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Name :=
- UTF8Decode(TableData.FieldByName['Player']);
- Song.Score[Difficulty, High(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Score :=
+ if not PlayerListed then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Song.Score[Difficulty], Length(Song.Score[Difficulty]) + 1);
+ Song.Score[Difficulty, High(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Name :=
+ TableData.FieldByName['Player'];
+ Song.Score[Difficulty, High(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Score :=
+ Song.Score[Difficulty, High(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Date :=
+ FormatDate(TableData.FieldAsInteger(TableData.FieldIndex['Date']));
+ end;
@@ -277,70 +359,43 @@ end;
* Adds one new score to DB
-procedure TDataBaseSystem.AddScore(Song: TSong; Level: integer; const Name: WideString; Score: integer);
+procedure TDataBaseSystem.AddScore(Song: TSong; Level: integer; const Name: UTF8String; Score: integer);
- ID: Integer;
+ ID: integer;
TableData: TSQLiteTable;
if not Assigned(ScoreDB) then
- // Prevent 0 Scores from being added
- if (Score <= 0) then
- Exit;
+ // Prevent 0 Scores from being added EDIT: ==> UScreenTop5.pas!
+ //if (Score <= 0) then
+ // Exit;
TableData := nil;
ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue(
- 'SELECT [ID] FROM ['+cUS_Songs+'] ' +
+ 'SELECT [ID] FROM [' + cUS_Songs + '] ' +
'WHERE [Artist] = ? AND [Title] = ?',
- [UTF8Encode(Song.Artist), UTF8Encode(Song.Title)]);
+ [Song.Artist, Song.Title]);
if (ID = 0) then
// Create song if it does not exist
- 'INSERT INTO ['+cUS_Songs+'] ' +
+ 'INSERT INTO [' + cUS_Songs + '] ' +
'([ID], [Artist], [Title], [TimesPlayed]) VALUES ' +
'(NULL, ?, ?, 0);',
- [UTF8Encode(Song.Artist), UTF8Encode(Song.Title)]);
+ [Song.Artist, Song.Title]);
// Get song-ID
ID := ScoreDB.GetLastInsertRowID();
// Create new entry
- 'INSERT INTO ['+cUS_Scores+'] ' +
- '([SongID] ,[Difficulty], [Player], [Score]) VALUES ' +
- '(?, ?, ?, ?);',
- [ID, Level, UTF8Encode(Name), Score]);
- // Delete last position when there are more than 5 entrys.
- // Fixes crash when there are > 5 ScoreEntrys
- // Note: GetUniTable is not applicable here, as the results are used while
- // table entries are deleted.
- TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable(
- 'SELECT [Player], [Score] FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'] ' +
- 'WHERE [SongID] = ' + InttoStr(ID) + ' AND ' +
- '[Difficulty] = ' + InttoStr(Level) +' ' +
- while (not TableData.EOF) do
- begin
- // Note: Score is an int-value, so in contrast to Player, we do not bind
- // this value. Otherwise we had to convert the string to an int to avoid
- // an automatic cast of this field to the TEXT type (although it might even
- // work that way).
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL(
- 'DELETE FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'] ' +
- 'WHERE [SongID] = ' + InttoStr(ID) + ' AND ' +
- '[Difficulty] = ' + InttoStr(Level) +' AND ' +
- '[Player] = ? AND ' +
- '[Score] = ' + TableData.FieldByName['Score'],
- [TableData.FieldByName['Player']]);
- TableData.Next;
- end;
+ 'INSERT INTO [' + cUS_Scores + '] ' +
+ '([SongID] ,[Difficulty], [Player], [Score], [Date]) VALUES ' +
+ '(?, ?, ?, ?, ?);',
+ [ID, Level, Name, Score, DateTimeToUnix(Now())]);
except on E: Exception do
Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TDataBaseSystem.AddScore');
@@ -350,21 +405,21 @@ begin
- * Not needed with new System.
- * Used for increment played count
+ * Not needed with new system.
+ * Used to increment played count
procedure TDataBaseSystem.WriteScore(Song: TSong);
if not Assigned(ScoreDB) then
// Increase TimesPlayed
- 'UPDATE ['+cUS_Songs+'] ' +
+ 'UPDATE [' + cUS_Songs + '] ' +
'SET [TimesPlayed] = [TimesPlayed] + 1 ' +
'WHERE [Title] = ? AND [Artist] = ?;',
- [UTF8Encode(Song.Title), UTF8Encode(Song.Artist)]);
+ [Song.Title, Song.Artist]);
except on E: Exception do
Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TDataBaseSystem.WriteScore');
@@ -376,11 +431,11 @@ end;
* entries.
* Free the result-list with FreeStats() after usage to avoid memory leaks.
-function TDataBaseSystem.GetStats(Typ: TStatType; Count: Byte; Page: Cardinal; Reversed: Boolean): TList;
+function TDataBaseSystem.GetStats(Typ: TStatType; Count: byte; Page: cardinal; Reversed: boolean): TList;
- Query: String;
+ Query: string;
TableData: TSQLiteUniTable;
- Stat: TStatResult;
+ Stat: TStatResult;
Result := nil;
@@ -392,19 +447,19 @@ begin
// Create query
case Typ of
stBestScores: begin
- Query := 'SELECT [Player], [Difficulty], [Score], [Artist], [Title] FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'] ' +
- 'INNER JOIN ['+cUS_Songs+'] ON ([SongID] = [ID]) ORDER BY [Score]';
+ Query := 'SELECT [Player], [Difficulty], [Score], [Artist], [Title], [Date] FROM [' + cUS_Scores + '] ' +
+ 'INNER JOIN [' + cUS_Songs + '] ON ([SongID] = [ID]) ORDER BY [Score]';
stBestSingers: begin
- Query := 'SELECT [Player], ROUND(AVG([Score])) FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'] ' +
+ Query := 'SELECT [Player], ROUND(AVG([Score])) FROM [' + cUS_Scores + '] ' +
'GROUP BY [Player] ORDER BY AVG([Score])';
stMostSungSong: begin
- Query := 'SELECT [Artist], [Title], [TimesPlayed] FROM ['+cUS_Songs+'] ' +
+ Query := 'SELECT [Artist], [Title], [TimesPlayed] FROM [' + cUS_Songs + '] ' +
'ORDER BY [TimesPlayed]';
stMostPopBand: begin
- Query := 'SELECT [Artist], SUM([TimesPlayed]) FROM ['+cUS_Songs+'] ' +
+ Query := 'SELECT [Artist], SUM([TimesPlayed]) FROM [' + cUS_Songs + '] ' +
'GROUP BY [Artist] ORDER BY SUM([TimesPlayed])';
@@ -437,18 +492,19 @@ begin
Stat := TStatResultBestScores.Create;
with TStatResultBestScores(Stat) do
- Singer := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[0]);
+ Singer := TableData.Fields[0];
Difficulty := TableData.FieldAsInteger(1);
Score := TableData.FieldAsInteger(2);
- SongArtist := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[3]);
- SongTitle := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[4]);
+ SongArtist := TableData.Fields[3];
+ SongTitle := TableData.Fields[4];
+ Date := FormatDate(TableData.FieldAsInteger(5));
stBestSingers: begin
Stat := TStatResultBestSingers.Create;
with TStatResultBestSingers(Stat) do
- Player := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[0]);
+ Player := TableData.Fields[0];
AverageScore := TableData.FieldAsInteger(1);
@@ -456,8 +512,8 @@ begin
Stat := TStatResultMostSungSong.Create;
with TStatResultMostSungSong(Stat) do
- Artist := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[0]);
- Title := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[1]);
+ Artist := TableData.Fields[0];
+ Title := TableData.Fields[1];
TimesSung := TableData.FieldAsInteger(2);
@@ -465,7 +521,7 @@ begin
Stat := TStatResultMostPopBand.Create;
with TStatResultMostPopBand(Stat) do
- ArtistName := UTF8Decode(TableData.Fields[0]);
+ ArtistName := TableData.Fields[0];
TimesSungTot := TableData.FieldAsInteger(1);
@@ -484,21 +540,21 @@ end;
procedure TDataBaseSystem.FreeStats(StatList: TList);
- I: integer;
+ Index: integer;
if (StatList = nil) then
- for I := 0 to StatList.Count-1 do
- TStatResult(StatList[I]).Free;
+ for Index := 0 to StatList.Count-1 do
+ TStatResult(StatList[Index]).Free;
* Gets total number of entrys for a stats query
-function TDataBaseSystem.GetTotalEntrys(Typ: TStatType): Cardinal;
+function TDataBaseSystem.GetTotalEntrys(Typ: TStatType): cardinal;
- Query: String;
+ Query: string;
Result := 0;
@@ -509,13 +565,13 @@ begin
// Create query
case Typ of
- Query := 'SELECT COUNT([SongID]) FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'];';
+ Query := 'SELECT COUNT([SongID]) FROM [' + cUS_Scores + '];';
- Query := 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT [Player]) FROM ['+cUS_Scores+'];';
+ Query := 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT [Player]) FROM [' + cUS_Scores + '];';
- Query := 'SELECT COUNT([ID]) FROM ['+cUS_Songs+'];';
+ Query := 'SELECT COUNT([ID]) FROM [' + cUS_Songs + '];';
- Query := 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT [Artist]) FROM ['+cUS_Songs+'];';
+ Query := 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT [Artist]) FROM [' + cUS_Songs + '];';
Result := ScoreDB.GetTableValue(Query);
@@ -538,7 +594,7 @@ begin
- Query := 'SELECT [ResetTime] FROM ['+cUS_Statistics_Info+'];';
+ Query := 'SELECT [ResetTime] FROM [' + cUS_Statistics_Info + '];';
Result := UnixToDateTime(ScoreDB.GetTableValue(Query));
except on E: Exception do
Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TDataBaseSystem.GetStatReset');
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UDraw.pas b/Lua/src/base/UDraw.pas
index f1bdcad0..47863f62 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UDraw.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UDraw.pas
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ procedure SingDrawTimeBar();
//Draw Editor NoteLines
procedure EditDrawLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer; Space: integer);
TRecR = record
Top: real;
@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@ type
WMid: real;
Height: real;
HMid: real;
Mid: real;
@@ -75,48 +73,45 @@ var
NotesW: real;
NotesH: real;
Starfr: integer;
- StarfrG: integer;
+ StarfrG: integer;
- TickOld: cardinal;
- TickOld2:cardinal;
+ TickOld: cardinal;
+ TickOld2: cardinal;
+ SysUtils,
+ Math,
+ TextGL,
+ UDLLManager,
+ UDrawTexture,
- SysUtils,
+ UIni,
+ ULog,
+ ULyrics,
+ UNote,
- ULog,
- ULyrics,
- UMain,
- TextGL,
- UTexture,
- UDrawTexture,
- UIni,
- Math,
- UDLLManager;
+ UTexture;
procedure SingDrawBackground;
- Rec: TRecR;
- TexRec: TRecR;
+ Rec: TRecR;
+ TexRec: TRecR;
- if (ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexNum > 0) then begin
- glClearColor (1, 1, 1, 1);
- glColor4f (1, 1, 1, 1);
+ if (ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexNum > 0) then
+ begin
if (Ini.MovieSize <= 1) then //HalfSize BG
(* half screen + gradient *)
Rec.Top := 110; // 80
Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 20;
- Rec.Left := 0;
+ Rec.Left := 0;
Rec.Right := 800;
TexRec.Top := (Rec.Top / 600) * ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH;
@@ -182,16 +177,17 @@ end;
procedure SingDrawOscilloscope(X, Y, W, H: real; NrSound: integer);
SampleIndex: integer;
- Sound: TCaptureBuffer;
- MaxX, MaxY: real;
+ Sound: TCaptureBuffer;
+ MaxX, MaxY: real;
Sound := AudioInputProcessor.Sound[NrSound];
// Log.LogStatus('Oscilloscope', 'SingDraw');
glColor3f(Skin_OscR, Skin_OscG, Skin_OscB);
- {if (ParamStr(1) = '-black') or (ParamStr(1) = '-fsblack') then
- glColor3f(1, 1, 1); }
+ if (ParamStr(1) = '-black') or (ParamStr(1) = '-fsblack') then
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
MaxX := W-1;
MaxY := (H-1) / 2;
@@ -208,16 +204,15 @@ begin;
procedure SingDrawNoteLines(Left, Top, Right: real; Space: integer);
- Count: integer;
+ Count: integer;
glColor4f(Skin_P1_LinesR, Skin_P1_LinesG, Skin_P1_LinesB, 0.4);
- for Count := 0 to 9 do begin
+ for Count := 0 to 9 do
+ begin
glVertex2f(Left, Top + Count * Space);
glVertex2f(Right, Top + Count * Space);
@@ -227,13 +222,14 @@ end;
procedure SingDrawBeatDelimeters(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer);
- Count: integer;
- TempR: real;
+ Count: integer;
+ TempR: real;
TempR := (Right-Left) / (Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start);
- for Count := Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start to Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ do begin
+ for Count := Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start to Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ do
+ begin
if (Count mod Lines[NrLines].Resolution) = Lines[NrLines].NotesGAP then
glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1)
@@ -248,18 +244,17 @@ end;
// draw blank Notebars
procedure SingDrawLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer; Space: integer);
- Rec: TRecR;
- Count: integer;
- TempR: real;
+ Rec: TRecR;
+ Count: integer;
+ TempR: real;
+ PlayerNumber: integer;
- PlayerNumber: Integer;
+ GoldenStarPos: real;
- GoldenStarPos : real;
- lTmpA ,
- lTmpB : real;
+ lTmpA, lTmpB : real;
-// We actually don't have a playernumber in this procedure, it should reside in NrLines - but it's always set to zero
+// We actually don't have a playernumber in this procedure, it should reside in NrLines - but it is always set to zero
// So we exploit this behavior a bit - we give NrLines the playernumber, keep it in playernumber - and then we set NrLines to zero
// This could also come quite in handy when we do the duet mode, cause just the notes for the player that has to sing should be drawn then
// BUT this is not implemented yet, all notes are drawn! :D
@@ -279,22 +274,19 @@ begin
lTmpA := (Right-Left);
lTmpB := (Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start);
- if ( lTmpA > 0 ) AND
- ( lTmpB > 0 ) THEN
- begin
- TempR := lTmpA / lTmpB;
- end
- else
- begin
- TempR := 0;
- end;
- with Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current] do begin
- for Count := 0 to HighNote do begin
- with Note[Count] do begin
- if NoteType <> ntFreestyle then begin
+ if ( lTmpA > 0 ) and ( lTmpB > 0 ) then
+ TempR := lTmpA / lTmpB
+ else
+ TempR := 0;
+ with Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current] do
+ begin
+ for Count := 0 to HighNote do
+ begin
+ with Note[Count] do
+ begin
+ if NoteType <> ntFreestyle then
+ begin
if Ini.EffectSing = 0 then
// If Golden note Effect of then Change not Color
@@ -307,18 +299,18 @@ begin
glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); // We set alpha to 1, cause we can control the transparency through the png itself
- // left part
- Rec.Left := (Start-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Left + NotesW;
- Rec.Top := Top - (Tone-BaseNote)*Space/2 - NotesH;
- Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 * NotesH;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_plain_Left[PlayerNumber].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
+ // left part
+ Rec.Left := (Start-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Left + NotesW;
+ Rec.Top := Top - (Tone-BaseNote)*Space/2 - NotesH;
+ Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 * NotesH;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_plain_Left[PlayerNumber].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
//We keep the postion of the top left corner b4 it's overwritten
GoldenStarPos := Rec.Left;
@@ -338,9 +330,9 @@ begin
glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- // right part
- Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Right + NotesW;
+ // right part
+ Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Right + NotesW;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_plain_Right[PlayerNumber].TexNum);
@@ -350,11 +342,11 @@ begin
glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- // Golden Star Patch
- if (NoteType = ntGolden) AND (Ini.EffectSing=1) then
- begin
- GoldenRec.SaveGoldenStarsRec(GoldenStarPos, Rec.Top, Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- end;
+ // Golden Star Patch
+ if (NoteType = ntGolden) and (Ini.EffectSing=1) then
+ begin
+ GoldenRec.SaveGoldenStarsRec(GoldenStarPos, Rec.Top, Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ end;
end; // if not FreeStyle
end; // with
@@ -366,127 +358,132 @@ begin
// draw sung notes
procedure SingDrawPlayerLine(X, Y, W: real; PlayerIndex: integer; Space: integer);
TempR: real;
Rec: TRecR;
N: integer;
- //R, G, B, A: real;
+// R, G, B, A: real;
NotesH2: real;
- if (ScreenSing.settings.NotesVisible and (1 shl PlayerIndex) <> 0) then
- begin
- glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ //Log.LogStatus('Player notes', 'SingDraw');
+ if NrGracza = 0 then
+ LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P1Light')
+ else
+ LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P2Light');
+ //R := 71/255;
+ //G := 175/255;
+ //B := 247/255;
- //if Player[NrGracza].LengthNote > 0 then
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ //if Player[NrGracza].LengthNote > 0 then
+ begin
+ TempR := W / (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_ - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start);
+ for N := 0 to Player[PlayerIndex].HighNote do
- TempR := W / (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_ - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start);
- for N := 0 to Player[PlayerIndex].HighNote do
+ with Player[PlayerIndex].Note[N] do
- with Player[PlayerIndex].Note[N] do
- begin
- // Left part of note
- Rec.Left := X + (Start-Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Left + NotesW;
+ // Left part of note
+ Rec.Left := X + (Start-Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Left + NotesW;
- // Draw it in half size, if not hit
- if Hit then
- begin
- NotesH2 := NotesH
- end
- else
- begin
- NotesH2 := int(NotesH * 0.65);
- end;
+ // Draw it in half size, if not hit
+ if Hit then
+ begin
+ NotesH2 := NotesH
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ NotesH2 := int(NotesH * 0.65);
+ end;
- Rec.Top := Y - (Tone-Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].BaseNote)*Space/2 - NotesH2;
- Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 *NotesH2;
+ Rec.Top := Y - (Tone-Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].BaseNote)*Space/2 - NotesH2;
+ Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 * NotesH2;
- // draw the left part
- glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Left[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
+ // draw the left part
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Left[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
- // Middle part of the note
- Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
- Rec.Right := X + (Start+Length-Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR - NotesW - 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
- // new
- if (Start+Length-1 = LyricsState.CurrentBeatD) then
- Rec.Right := Rec.Right - (1-Frac(LyricsState.MidBeatD)) * TempR;
- // the left note is more right than the right note itself, sounds weird - so we fix that xD
- if Rec.Right <= Rec.Left then
- Rec.Right := Rec.Left;
- // draw the middle part
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Mid[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
+ // Middle part of the note
+ Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
+ Rec.Right := X + (Start+Length-Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR - NotesW - 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
+ // new
+ if (Start+Length-1 = LyricsState.CurrentBeatD) then
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Right - (1-Frac(LyricsState.MidBeatD)) * TempR;
+ // the left note is more right than the right note itself, sounds weird - so we fix that xD
+ if Rec.Right <= Rec.Left then
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Left;
+ // draw the middle part
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Mid[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
- // the right part of the note
- Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Right + NotesW;
+ // the right part of the note
+ Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Right + NotesW;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Right[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Right[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
- // Perfect note is stored
- if Perfect and (Ini.EffectSing=1) then
+ // Perfect note is stored
+ if Perfect and (Ini.EffectSing=1) then
+ begin
+ //A := 1 - 2*(LyricsState.GetCurrentTime() - GetTimeFromBeat(Start+Length));
+ if not (Start+Length-1 = LyricsState.CurrentBeatD) then
- //A := 1 - 2*(LyricsState.GetCurrentTime() - GetTimeFromBeat(Start+Length));
- if not (Start+Length-1 = LyricsState.CurrentBeatD) then
- begin
- //Star animation counter
- //inc(Starfr);
- //Starfr := Starfr mod 128;
- GoldenRec.SavePerfectNotePos(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- end;
+ //Star animation counter
+ //inc(Starfr);
+ //Starfr := Starfr mod 128;
+ GoldenRec.SavePerfectNotePos(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- end; // with
- end; // for
+ end;
+ end; // with
+ end; // for
- // actually we need a comparison here, to determine if the singing process
- // is ahead Rec.Right even if there is no singing
+ // actually we need a comparison here, to determine if the singing process
+ // is ahead Rec.Right even if there is no singing
- if (Ini.EffectSing = 1) then
- GoldenRec.GoldenNoteTwinkle(Rec.Top,Rec.Bottom,Rec.Right, PlayerIndex);
- end; // if
- end;
+ if (Ini.EffectSing = 1) then
+ GoldenRec.GoldenNoteTwinkle(Rec.Top,Rec.Bottom,Rec.Right, PlayerIndex);
+ end; // if
//draw Note glow
procedure SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines, PlayerIndex: integer; Space: integer);
- Rec: TRecR;
- Count: integer;
- TempR: real;
+ Rec: TRecR;
+ Count: integer;
+ TempR: real;
X1, X2, X3, X4: real;
- W, H: real;
- lTmpA ,
- lTmpB : real;
+ W, H: real;
+ lTmpA, lTmpB: real;
if (ScreenSing.settings.NotesVisible and (1 shl PlayerIndex) <> 0) then
@@ -498,15 +495,10 @@ begin
lTmpA := (Right-Left);
lTmpB := (Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start);
- if ( lTmpA > 0 ) and
- ( lTmpB > 0 ) then
- begin
- TempR := lTmpA / lTmpB;
- end
+ if ( lTmpA > 0 ) and ( lTmpB > 0 ) then
+ TempR := lTmpA / lTmpB
- begin
TempR := 0;
- end;
with Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current] do
@@ -528,7 +520,7 @@ begin
X4 := X3+W;
// left
- Rec.Left := X1;
+ Rec.Left := X1;
Rec.Right := X2;
Rec.Top := Top - (Tone-BaseNote)*Space/2 - H;
Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 * H;
@@ -542,7 +534,7 @@ begin
// middle part
- Rec.Left := X2;
+ Rec.Left := X2;
Rec.Right := X3;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_BG_Mid[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
@@ -554,7 +546,7 @@ begin
// right part
- Rec.Left := X3;
+ Rec.Left := X3;
Rec.Right := X4;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_BG_Right[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
@@ -602,7 +594,7 @@ begin
// FIXME: accessing ScreenSing is not that generic
LyricEngine := ScreenSing.Lyrics;
// do not draw the lyrics helper if the current line does not contain any note
if (Length(CurLine.Note) > 0) then
@@ -650,7 +642,7 @@ begin
// determine lyric help bar position and size
Bounds.Left := MoveStartX + BarProgress * MoveDist;
Bounds.Right := Bounds.Left + BarWidth;
- Bounds.Top := Skin_LyricsT + 3;
+ Bounds.Top := Theme.LyricBar.IndicatorYOffset + Theme.LyricBar.UpperY ;
Bounds.Bottom := Bounds.Top + BarHeight + 3;
// draw lyric help bar
@@ -690,9 +682,6 @@ begin
// FIXME: accessing ScreenSing is not that generic
LyricEngine := ScreenSing.Lyrics;
- // background //BG Fullsize Mod
- //SingDrawBackground;
// draw time-bar
@@ -700,7 +689,7 @@ begin
// to-do : needs fix when party mode works w/ 2 screens
if (PlayersPlay = 1) and (Ini.NoteLines = 1) and (ScreenSing.settings.NotesVisible and (1) <> 0) then
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
+ SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
if ((PlayersPlay = 2) or (PlayersPlay = 4)) and (Ini.NoteLines = 1) then
@@ -724,39 +713,48 @@ begin
SingDrawLyricHelper(NR.Left, NR.WMid);
// oscilloscope
- if Ini.Oscilloscope = 1 then begin
+ if Ini.Oscilloscope = 1 then
+ begin
if PlayersPlay = 1 then
SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
- if PlayersPlay = 2 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 2 then
+ begin
SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
- if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then
+ begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 2);
SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 3);
- if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
- SingDrawOscilloscope(75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
+ if PlayersPlay = 3 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
- if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then
+ begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 3);
SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 4);
SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 5);
@@ -785,104 +783,121 @@ begin
// Draw the Notes
- if PlayersPlay = 1 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 1 then
+ begin
SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15); // Background glow - colorized in playercolor
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15); // Plain unsung notes - colorized in playercolor
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15); // imho the sung notes
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 0, 15); // imho the sung notes
- if (PlayersPlay = 2) then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
+ if PlayersPlay = 2 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 1, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 1, 15);
- if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 3 then
+ begin
NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 1, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 2, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Width - 40, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Width - 40, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Width - 40, 2, 12);
- if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then
+ begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 3, 15);
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 2, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 3, 15);
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 1, 15);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 2, 15);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 3, 15);
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 15);
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 1, 15);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 3, 15);
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 2, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 3, 15);
- if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then
+ begin
NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 3, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 4, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 5, 12);
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 3, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 4, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 5, 12);
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 1, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 2, 12);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 3, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 4, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 5, 12);
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 12);
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Width - 40, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Width - 40, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Width - 40, 2, 12);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 3, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 4, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 5, 12);
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Width - 40, 3, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Width - 40, 4, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Width - 40, 5, 12);
@@ -892,12 +907,15 @@ end;
// q'n'd for using the game mode dll's
procedure SingModiDraw (PlayerInfo: TPlayerInfo);
- NR: TRecR;
+ NR: TRecR;
// positions
- if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then begin
+ if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then
+ begin
NR.Left := 120;
- end else begin
+ end
+ else
+ begin
NR.Left := 20;
@@ -912,16 +930,18 @@ begin
if DLLMan.Selected.ShowNotes then
if PlayersPlay = 1 then
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
- if (PlayersPlay = 2) or (PlayersPlay = 4) then begin
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P1_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
+ SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
+ if (PlayersPlay = 2) or (PlayersPlay = 4) then
+ begin
+ SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P1_NotesB - 105, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
+ SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
- if (PlayersPlay = 3) or (PlayersPlay = 6) then begin
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 120, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 245, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 370, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ if (PlayersPlay = 3) or (PlayersPlay = 6) then
+ begin
+ SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, 120, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, 245, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, 370, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
@@ -930,26 +950,31 @@ begin
// TODO: Lyrics helper
// oscilloscope | the thing that moves when you yell into your mic (imho)
- if (((Ini.Oscilloscope = 1) AND (DLLMan.Selected.ShowRateBar_O)) AND (NOT DLLMan.Selected.ShowRateBar)) then begin
+ if (((Ini.Oscilloscope = 1) and (DLLMan.Selected.ShowRateBar_O)) and (not DLLMan.Selected.ShowRateBar)) then
+ begin
if PlayersPlay = 1 then
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
- if PlayersPlay = 2 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 2 then
+ begin
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
- if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then
+ begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 2);
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].Enabled then
@@ -957,17 +982,20 @@ begin
- if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 3 then
+ begin
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
+ SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
- if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then
+ begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
@@ -975,7 +1003,8 @@ begin
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].Enabled then
SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 3);
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[4].Enabled then
@@ -1006,107 +1035,120 @@ begin
- if (DLLMAn.Selected.ShowNotes And DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong) then
+ if (DLLMAn.Selected.ShowNotes and DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong) then
- if (PlayersPlay = 1) And PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then begin
+ if (PlayersPlay = 1) and PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
+ begin
SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 0, 15);
- if (PlayersPlay = 2) then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 2 then
+ begin
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 0, 15);
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 1, 15);
- if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 3 then
+ begin
NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Width - 40, 0, 12);
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Width - 40, 1, 12);
if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Width - 40, 2, 12);
- if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then
+ begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 3, 15);
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 2, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 3, 15);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 15);
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 1, 15);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 3, 15);
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 2, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 3, 15);
- if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then
+ begin
NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 3, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 4, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 5, 12);
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 3, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 4, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 5, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 12);
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Width - 40, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Width - 40, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Width - 40, 2, 12);
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 3, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 4, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 5, 12);
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Width - 40, 3, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Width - 40, 4, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Width - 40, 5, 12);
@@ -1115,15 +1157,14 @@ begin
{//SingBar Mod
procedure SingDrawSingbar(X, Y, W, H: real; Percent: integer);
- R: Real;
- G: Real;
- B: Real;
- A: cardinal;
- I: Integer;
+ R: real;
+ G: real;
+ B: real;
+ A: cardinal;
+ I: integer;
@@ -1141,7 +1182,7 @@ begin;
//SingBar coloured Bar
- Case Percent of
+ case Percent of
0..22: begin
R := 1;
G := 0;
@@ -1167,7 +1208,7 @@ begin;
G := 1;
B := 0;
- End; //Case
+ end; //case
glColor4f(R, G, B, 1);
@@ -1198,99 +1239,103 @@ end;
//end Singbar Mod
//PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Pop Up
-procedure SingDrawLineBonus( const X, Y: Single; Color: TRGB; Alpha: Single; Text: string; Age: Integer);
+procedure SingDrawLineBonus(const X, Y: Single; Color: TRGB; Alpha: Single; Text: string; Age: integer);
-Length, X2: Real; //Length of Text
-Size: Integer; //Size of Popup
-if Alpha <> 0 then
+ Length, X2: real; //Length of Text
+ Size: integer; //Size of Popup
+ if Alpha <> 0 then
+ begin
//Set Font Propertys
-SetFontStyle(2); //Font: Outlined1
-if Age < 5 then SetFontSize((Age + 1) * 3) else SetFontSize(18);
+ SetFontStyle(2); //Font: Outlined1
+ if Age < 5 then
+ SetFontSize((Age + 1) * 3)
+ else
+ SetFontSize(18);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
//Check Font Size
-Length := glTextWidth (Text) + 3; //Little Space for a Better Look ^^
+ Length := glTextWidth (Text) + 3; //Little Space for a Better Look ^^
-SetFontPos (X + 50 - (Length / 2), Y + 12); //Position
+ SetFontPos (X + 50 - (Length / 2), Y + 12); //Position
-if Age < 5 then Size := Age * 10 else Size := 50;
- //Draw Background
- //glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Alpha); //Set Color
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Alpha);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ if Age < 5 then
+ Size := Age * 10
+ else
+ Size := 50;
+//Draw Background
+// glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Alpha); //Set Color
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Alpha);
- //New Method, Not Variable
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_SingLineBonusBack[2].TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X + 50 - Size, Y + 25 - (Size/2));
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X + 50 - Size, Y + 25 + (Size/2));
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X + 50 + Size, Y + 25 + (Size/2));
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X + 50 + Size, Y + 25 - (Size/2));
- glEnd;
+//New Method, Not Variable
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_SingLineBonusBack[2].TexNum);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Alpha); //Set Color
- //Draw Text
- glPrint (Text);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X + 50 - Size, Y + 25 - (Size/2));
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X + 50 - Size, Y + 25 + (Size/2));
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X + 50 + Size, Y + 25 + (Size/2));
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X + 50 + Size, Y + 25 - (Size/2));
+ glEnd;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Alpha); //Set Color
+//Draw Text
+ glPrint (Text);
+ end;
//PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod}
// Draw Note Bars for Editor
-//There are 11 Resons for a new Procdedure: (nice binary :D )
-// 1. It don't look good when you Draw the Golden Note Star Effect in the Editor
-// 2. You can see the Freestyle Notes in the Editor SemiTransparent
-// 3. Its easier and Faster then changing the old Procedure
+// There are 11 reasons for a new procedure: (nice binary :D )
+// 1. It does not look good when you draw the golden note star effect in the editor
+// 2. You can see the freestyle notes in the editor semitransparent
+// 3. It is easier and faster then changing the old procedure
procedure EditDrawLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer; Space: integer);
- Rec: TRecR;
- Count: integer;
- TempR: real;
+ Rec: TRecR;
+ Count: integer;
+ TempR: real;
glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
TempR := (Right-Left) / (Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start);
- with Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current] do begin
- for Count := 0 to HighNote do begin
- with Note[Count] do begin
- // Golden Note Patch
- case NoteType of
- ntFreestyle: glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.35);
- ntNormal: glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.85);
- ntGolden: Glcolor4f(1, 1, 0.3, 0.85);
- end; // case
+ with Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current] do
+ begin
+ for Count := 0 to HighNote do
+ begin
+ with Note[Count] do
+ begin
- // left part
- Rec.Left := (Start-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Left + NotesW;
- Rec.Top := Top - (Tone-BaseNote)*Space/2 - NotesH;
- Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 * NotesH;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Left[Color].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
+ // Golden Note Patch
+ case NoteType of
+ ntFreestyle: glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.35);
+ ntNormal: glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.85);
+ ntGolden: Glcolor4f(1, 1, 0.3, 0.85);
+ end; // case
+ // left part
+ Rec.Left := (Start-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Left + NotesW;
+ Rec.Top := Top - (Tone-BaseNote)*Space/2 - NotesH;
+ Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 * NotesH;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Left[Color].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
- // middle part
- Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
+ // middle part
+ Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
Rec.Right := (Start+Length-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left - NotesW - 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Mid[Color].TexNum);
@@ -1302,7 +1347,7 @@ begin
// right part
- Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
+ Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
Rec.Right := Rec.Right + NotesW;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Right[Color].TexNum);
@@ -1323,7 +1368,7 @@ end;
procedure SingDrawTimeBar();
- x,y: real;
+ x, y: real;
width, height: real;
LyricsProgress: real;
CurLyricsTime: real;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UEditorLyrics.pas b/Lua/src/base/UEditorLyrics.pas
index fe8c3ee5..0eacd1f9 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UEditorLyrics.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UEditorLyrics.pas
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ uses
- alignment = (left, center, right);
+ TAlignmentType = (atLeft, atCenter, atRight);
TWord = record
X: real;
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ type
TEditorLyrics = class
- AlignI: alignment;
+ AlignI: TAlignmentType;
XR: real;
YR: real;
SizeR: real;
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ type
procedure SetX(Value: real);
procedure SetY(Value: real);
function GetClientX: real;
- procedure SetAlign(Value: alignment);
+ procedure SetAlign(Value: TAlignmentType);
function GetSize: real;
procedure SetSize(Value: real);
procedure SetSelected(Value: integer);
procedure SetFontStyle(Value: integer);
- procedure AddWord(Text: string);
+ procedure AddWord(Text: UTF8String);
procedure Refresh;
ColR: real;
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ type
property X: real write SetX;
property Y: real write SetY;
property ClientX: real read GetClientX;
- property Align: alignment write SetAlign;
+ property Align: TAlignmentType write SetAlign;
property Size: real read GetSize write SetSize;
property Selected: integer read SelectedI write SetSelected;
property FontStyle: integer write SetFontStyle;
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ begin
Result := Word[0].X;
-procedure TEditorLyrics.SetAlign(Value: alignment);
+procedure TEditorLyrics.SetAlign(Value: TAlignmentType);
AlignI := Value;
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ begin
FontStyleI := Value;
-procedure TEditorLyrics.AddWord(Text: string);
+procedure TEditorLyrics.AddWord(Text: UTF8String);
WordNum: integer;
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ var
WordIndex: integer;
TotalWidth: real;
- if AlignI = center then
+ if AlignI = atCenter then
TotalWidth := 0;
for WordIndex := 0 to High(Word) do
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UFiles.pas b/Lua/src/base/UFiles.pas
index add81f23..5a258e3e 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UFiles.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UFiles.pas
@@ -34,32 +34,33 @@ interface
+ Classes,
- USong;
+ USong,
+ UPath;
procedure ResetSingTemp;
-function SaveSong(Song: TSong; Lines: TLines; Name: string; Relative: boolean): boolean;
+ TSaveSongResult = (ssrOK, ssrFileError, ssrEncodingError);
- SongFile: TextFile; // all procedures in this unit operates on this file
- FileLineNo: integer; //Line which is readed at Last, for error reporting
- // variables available for all procedures
- Base : array[0..1] of integer;
- Rel : array[0..1] of integer;
- Mult : integer = 1;
- MultBPM : integer = 4;
+ * Throws a TEncodingException if the song's fields cannot be encoded in the
+ * requested encoding.
+ *}
+function SaveSong(const Song: TSong; const Lines: TLines; const Name: IPath; Relative: boolean): TSaveSongResult;
+ UNote,
- UMain;
+ UUnicodeUtils,
+ UTextEncoding;
// Resets the temporary Sentence Arrays for each Player and some other Variables
@@ -73,106 +74,139 @@ begin
SetLength(Lines[Count].Line, 1);
SetLength(Lines[Count].Line[0].Note, 0);
Lines[Count].Line[0].Lyric := '';
- Lines[Count].Line[0].LyricWidth := 0;
Player[Count].Score := 0;
Player[Count].LengthNote := 0;
Player[Count].HighNote := -1;
- (* FIXME
- //Reset Path and Filename Values to Prevent Errors in Editor
- if assigned( CurrentSong ) then
- begin
- SetLength(CurrentSong.BPM, 0);
- CurrentSong.Path := '';
- CurrentSong.FileName := '';
- end;
- *)
-// CurrentSong := nil;
// Saves a Song
-function SaveSong(Song: TSong; Lines: TLines; Name: string; Relative: boolean): boolean;
+function SaveSong(const Song: TSong; const Lines: TLines; const Name: IPath; Relative: boolean): TSaveSongResult;
C: integer;
N: integer;
- S: string;
+ S: AnsiString;
B: integer;
- RelativeSubTime: integer;
- NoteState: String;
+ RelativeSubTime: integer;
+ NoteState: AnsiString;
+ SongFile: TTextFileStream;
-// Relative := true; // override (idea - use shift+S to save with relative)
- AssignFile(SongFile, Name);
- Rewrite(SongFile);
- Writeln(SongFile, '#TITLE:' + Song.Title + '');
- Writeln(SongFile, '#ARTIST:' + Song.Artist);
- if Song.Creator <> '' then Writeln(SongFile, '#CREATOR:' + Song.Creator);
- if Song.Edition <> 'Unknown' then Writeln(SongFile, '#EDITION:' + Song.Edition);
- if Song.Genre <> 'Unknown' then Writeln(SongFile, '#GENRE:' + Song.Genre);
- if Song.Language <> 'Unknown' then Writeln(SongFile, '#LANGUAGE:' + Song.Language);
- Writeln(SongFile, '#MP3:' + Song.Mp3);
- if Song.Cover <> '' then Writeln(SongFile, '#COVER:' + Song.Cover);
- if Song.Background <> '' then Writeln(SongFile, '#BACKGROUND:' + Song.Background);
- if Song.Video <> '' then Writeln(SongFile, '#VIDEO:' + Song.Video);
- if Song.VideoGAP <> 0 then Writeln(SongFile, '#VIDEOGAP:' + FloatToStr(Song.VideoGAP));
- if Song.Resolution <> 4 then Writeln(SongFile, '#RESOLUTION:' + IntToStr(Song.Resolution));
- if Song.NotesGAP <> 0 then Writeln(SongFile, '#NOTESGAP:' + IntToStr(Song.NotesGAP));
- if Song.Start <> 0 then Writeln(SongFile, '#START:' + FloatToStr(Song.Start));
- if Song.Finish <> 0 then Writeln(SongFile, '#END:' + IntToStr(Song.Finish));
- if Relative then Writeln(SongFile, '#RELATIVE:yes');
- Writeln(SongFile, '#BPM:' + FloatToStr(Song.BPM[0].BPM / 4));
- Writeln(SongFile, '#GAP:' + FloatToStr(Song.GAP));
- RelativeSubTime := 0;
- for B := 1 to High(CurrentSong.BPM) do
- Writeln(SongFile, 'B ' + FloatToStr(CurrentSong.BPM[B].StartBeat) + ' ' + FloatToStr(CurrentSong.BPM[B].BPM/4));
- for C := 0 to Lines.High do begin
- for N := 0 to Lines.Line[C].HighNote do begin
- with Lines.Line[C].Note[N] do begin
- //Golden + Freestyle Note Patch
- case Lines.Line[C].Note[N].NoteType of
- ntFreestyle: NoteState := 'F ';
- ntNormal: NoteState := ': ';
- ntGolden: NoteState := '* ';
- end; // case
- S := NoteState + IntToStr(Start-RelativeSubTime) + ' ' + IntToStr(Length) + ' ' + IntToStr(Tone) + ' ' + Text;
- Writeln(SongFile, S);
- end; // with
- end; // N
- if C < Lines.High then begin // don't write end of last sentence
- if not Relative then
- S := '- ' + IntToStr(Lines.Line[C+1].Start)
- else begin
- S := '- ' + IntToStr(Lines.Line[C+1].Start - RelativeSubTime) +
- ' ' + IntToStr(Lines.Line[C+1].Start - RelativeSubTime);
- RelativeSubTime := Lines.Line[C+1].Start;
- end;
- Writeln(SongFile, S);
- end;
+ function EncodeToken(const Str: UTF8String): RawByteString;
+ var
+ Success: boolean;
+ begin
+ Success := EncodeStringUTF8(Str, Result, Song.Encoding);
+ if (not Success) then
+ SaveSong := ssrEncodingError;
+ end;
- end; // C
+ procedure WriteCustomTags;
+ var
+ I: integer;
+ Line: RawByteString;
+ begin
+ for I := 0 to High(Song.CustomTags) do
+ begin
+ Line := EncodeToken(Song.CustomTags[I].Content);
+ if (Length(Song.CustomTags[I].Tag) > 0) then
+ Line := EncodeToken(Song.CustomTags[I].Tag) + ':' + Line;
+ SongFile.WriteLine('#' + Line);
+ end;
- Writeln(SongFile, 'E');
- CloseFile(SongFile);
+ end;
- Result := true;
+ // Relative := true; // override (idea - use shift+S to save with relative)
+ Result := ssrOK;
+ try
+ SongFile := TMemTextFileStream.Create(Name, fmCreate);
+ try
+ // to-do: should we really write the BOM?
+ // it causes problems w/ older versions
+ // e.g. usdx 1.0.1a or ultrastar < 0.7.0
+ if (Song.Encoding = encUTF8) then
+ SongFile.WriteString(UTF8_BOM);
+ SongFile.WriteLine('#ENCODING:' + EncodingName(Song.Encoding));
+ SongFile.WriteLine('#TITLE:' + EncodeToken(Song.Title));
+ SongFile.WriteLine('#ARTIST:' + EncodeToken(Song.Artist));
+ if Song.Creator <> '' then SongFile.WriteLine('#CREATOR:' + EncodeToken(Song.Creator));
+ if Song.Edition <> 'Unknown' then SongFile.WriteLine('#EDITION:' + EncodeToken(Song.Edition));
+ if Song.Genre <> 'Unknown' then SongFile.WriteLine('#GENRE:' + EncodeToken(Song.Genre));
+ if Song.Language <> 'Unknown' then SongFile.WriteLine('#LANGUAGE:' + EncodeToken(Song.Language));
+ if Song.Year <> 0 then SongFile.WriteLine('#YEAR:' + IntToStr(Song.Year));
+ SongFile.WriteLine('#MP3:' + EncodeToken(Song.Mp3.ToUTF8));
+ if Song.Cover.IsSet then SongFile.WriteLine('#COVER:' + EncodeToken(Song.Cover.ToUTF8));
+ if Song.Background.IsSet then SongFile.WriteLine('#BACKGROUND:' + EncodeToken(Song.Background.ToUTF8));
+ if Song.Video.IsSet then SongFile.WriteLine('#VIDEO:' + EncodeToken(Song.Video.ToUTF8));
+ if Song.VideoGAP <> 0 then SongFile.WriteLine('#VIDEOGAP:' + FloatToStr(Song.VideoGAP));
+ if Song.Resolution <> 4 then SongFile.WriteLine('#RESOLUTION:' + IntToStr(Song.Resolution));
+ if Song.NotesGAP <> 0 then SongFile.WriteLine('#NOTESGAP:' + IntToStr(Song.NotesGAP));
+ if Song.Start <> 0 then SongFile.WriteLine('#START:' + FloatToStr(Song.Start));
+ if Song.Finish <> 0 then SongFile.WriteLine('#END:' + IntToStr(Song.Finish));
+ if Relative then SongFile.WriteLine('#RELATIVE:yes');
+ SongFile.WriteLine('#BPM:' + FloatToStr(Song.BPM[0].BPM / 4));
+ SongFile.WriteLine('#GAP:' + FloatToStr(Song.GAP));
+ // write custom header tags
+ WriteCustomTags;
+ RelativeSubTime := 0;
+ for B := 1 to High(Song.BPM) do
+ SongFile.WriteLine('B ' + FloatToStr(Song.BPM[B].StartBeat) + ' '
+ + FloatToStr(Song.BPM[B].BPM/4));
+ for C := 0 to Lines.High do
+ begin
+ for N := 0 to Lines.Line[C].HighNote do
+ begin
+ with Lines.Line[C].Note[N] do
+ begin
+ //Golden + Freestyle Note Patch
+ case Lines.Line[C].Note[N].NoteType of
+ ntFreestyle: NoteState := 'F ';
+ ntNormal: NoteState := ': ';
+ ntGolden: NoteState := '* ';
+ end; // case
+ S := NoteState + IntToStr(Start-RelativeSubTime) + ' '
+ + IntToStr(Length) + ' '
+ + IntToStr(Tone) + ' '
+ + EncodeToken(Text);
+ SongFile.WriteLine(S);
+ end; // with
+ end; // N
+ if C < Lines.High then // don't write end of last sentence
+ begin
+ if not Relative then
+ S := '- ' + IntToStr(Lines.Line[C+1].Start)
+ else
+ begin
+ S := '- ' + IntToStr(Lines.Line[C+1].Start - RelativeSubTime) +
+ ' ' + IntToStr(Lines.Line[C+1].Start - RelativeSubTime);
+ RelativeSubTime := Lines.Line[C+1].Start;
+ end;
+ SongFile.WriteLine(S);
+ end;
+ end; // C
+ SongFile.WriteLine('E');
+ finally
+ SongFile.Free;
+ end;
+ except
+ Result := ssrFileError;
+ end;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UFilesystem.pas b/Lua/src/base/UFilesystem.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4972df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UFilesystem.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
+ *
+ * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *}
+unit UFilesystem;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes,
+ Windows,
+ TntSysUtils,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ UPath;
+ TSytemSearchRec = TSearchRecW;
+ {$ELSE}
+ TSytemSearchRec = TSearchRec;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TFileInfo = record
+ Time: integer; // timestamp
+ Size: int64; // file size (byte)
+ Attr: integer; // file attributes
+ Name: IPath; // basename with extension
+ end;
+ {**
+ * Iterates through the search results retrieved by FileFind().
+ * Example usage:
+ * while(Iter.HasNext()) do
+ * SearchRec := Iter.Next();
+ *}
+ IFileIterator = interface
+ function HasNext(): boolean;
+ function Next(): TFileInfo;
+ end;
+ {**
+ * Wrapper for SysUtils file functions.
+ * For documentation and examples, check the SysUtils equivalent.
+ *}
+ IFileSystem = interface
+ function ExpandFileName(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function FileCreate(const FileName: IPath): THandle;
+ function DirectoryCreate(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ function FileOpen(const FileName: IPath; Mode: longword): THandle;
+ function FileAge(const FileName: IPath): integer; overload;
+ function FileAge(const FileName: IPath; out FileDateTime: TDateTime): boolean; overload;
+ function DirectoryExists(const Name: IPath): boolean;
+ {**
+ * On Windows: returns true only for files (not directories)
+ * On Apple/Unix: returns true for all kind of files (even directories)
+ * @seealso SysUtils.FileExists()
+ *}
+ function FileExists(const Name: IPath): boolean;
+ function FileGetAttr(const FileName: IPath): Cardinal;
+ function FileSetAttr(const FileName: IPath; Attr: integer): boolean;
+ function FileIsReadOnly(const FileName: IPath): boolean;
+ function FileSetReadOnly(const FileName: IPath; ReadOnly: boolean): boolean;
+ function FileIsAbsolute(const FileName: IPath): boolean;
+ function ForceDirectories(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ function RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: IPath): boolean;
+ function DeleteFile(const FileName: IPath): boolean;
+ function RemoveDir(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ {**
+ * Copies file Source to Target. If FailIfExists is true, the file is not
+ * copied if it already exists.
+ * Returns true if the file was successfully copied.
+ *}
+ function CopyFile(const Source, Target: IPath; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean;
+ function ExtractFileDrive(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ExtractFilePath(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ExtractFileDir(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ExtractFileName(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ExtractFileExt(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ExtractRelativePath(const BaseName: IPath; const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ChangeFileExt(const FileName: IPath; const Extension: IPath): IPath;
+ function IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ {**
+ * Searches for a file with filename Name in the directories given in DirList.
+ *}
+ function FileSearch(const Name: IPath; DirList: array of IPath): IPath;
+ {**
+ * More convenient version of FindFirst/Next/Close with iterator support.
+ *}
+ function FileFind(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: integer): IFileIterator;
+ {**
+ * Old style search functions. Use FileFind() instead.
+ *}
+ function FindFirst(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: integer; var F: TSytemSearchRec): integer;
+ function FindNext(var F: TSytemSearchRec): integer;
+ procedure FindClose(var F: TSytemSearchRec);
+ function GetCurrentDir: IPath;
+ function SetCurrentDir(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ {**
+ * Returns true if the filesystem is case-sensitive.
+ *}
+ function IsCaseSensitive(): boolean;
+ end;
+ function FileSystem(): IFileSystem;
+ TFileSystemImpl = class(TInterfacedObject, IFileSystem)
+ public
+ function ExpandFileName(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function FileCreate(const FileName: IPath): THandle;
+ function DirectoryCreate(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ function FileOpen(const FileName: IPath; Mode: longword): THandle;
+ function FileAge(const FileName: IPath): integer; overload;
+ function FileAge(const FileName: IPath; out FileDateTime: TDateTime): boolean; overload;
+ function DirectoryExists(const Name: IPath): boolean;
+ function FileExists(const Name: IPath): boolean;
+ function FileGetAttr(const FileName: IPath): Cardinal;
+ function FileSetAttr(const FileName: IPath; Attr: integer): boolean;
+ function FileIsReadOnly(const FileName: IPath): boolean;
+ function FileSetReadOnly(const FileName: IPath; ReadOnly: boolean): boolean;
+ function FileIsAbsolute(const FileName: IPath): boolean;
+ function ForceDirectories(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ function RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: IPath): boolean;
+ function DeleteFile(const FileName: IPath): boolean;
+ function RemoveDir(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ function CopyFile(const Source, Target: IPath; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean;
+ function ExtractFileDrive(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ExtractFilePath(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ExtractFileDir(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ExtractFileName(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ExtractFileExt(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ExtractRelativePath(const BaseName: IPath; const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ChangeFileExt(const FileName: IPath; const Extension: IPath): IPath;
+ function IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ function FileSearch(const Name: IPath; DirList: array of IPath): IPath;
+ function FileFind(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: integer): IFileIterator;
+ function FindFirst(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: integer; var F: TSytemSearchRec): integer;
+ function FindNext(var F: TSytemSearchRec): integer;
+ procedure FindClose(var F: TSytemSearchRec);
+ function GetCurrentDir: IPath;
+ function SetCurrentDir(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ function IsCaseSensitive(): boolean;
+ end;
+ TFileIterator = class(TInterfacedObject, IFileIterator)
+ private
+ fHasNext: boolean;
+ fSearchRec: TSytemSearchRec;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: integer);
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ function HasNext(): boolean;
+ function Next(): TFileInfo;
+ end;
+ FileSystem_Singleton: IFileSystem;
+function FileSystem(): IFileSystem;
+ Result := FileSystem_Singleton;
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileFind(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: integer): IFileIterator;
+ Result := TFileIterator.Create(FilePattern, Attr);
+function TFileSystemImpl.IsCaseSensitive(): boolean;
+ // Windows and Mac OS X do not have case sensitive file systems
+ {$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS) or Defined(DARWIN)}
+ Result := false;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Result := true;
+ {$IFEND}
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileIsAbsolute(const FileName: IPath): boolean;
+ NameStr: UTF8String;
+ Result := true;
+ NameStr := FileName.ToUTF8();
+ // check if drive is given 'C:...'
+ if (FileName.GetDrive().ToUTF8 <> '') then
+ Exit;
+ // check if path starts with '\\'
+ if (Length(NameStr) >= 2) and
+ (NameStr[1] = PathDelim) and (NameStr[2] = PathDelim) then
+ Exit;
+ {$ELSE} // Unix based systems
+ // check if root dir given '/...'
+ if (Length(NameStr) >= 1) and (NameStr[1] = PathDelim) then
+ Exit;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Result := false;
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExpandFileName(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(WideExpandFileName(FileName.ToWide()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileCreate(const FileName: IPath): THandle;
+ Result := WideFileCreate(FileName.ToWide());
+function TFileSystemImpl.DirectoryCreate(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := WideCreateDir(Dir.ToWide());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileOpen(const FileName: IPath; Mode: longword): THandle;
+ Result := WideFileOpen(FileName.ToWide(), Mode);
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileAge(const FileName: IPath): integer;
+ Result := WideFileAge(FileName.ToWide());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileAge(const FileName: IPath; out FileDateTime: TDateTime): boolean;
+ Result := WideFileAge(FileName.ToWide(), FileDateTime);
+function TFileSystemImpl.DirectoryExists(const Name: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := WideDirectoryExists(Name.ToWide());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileExists(const Name: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := WideFileExists(Name.ToWide());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileGetAttr(const FileName: IPath): Cardinal;
+ Result := WideFileGetAttr(FileName.ToWide());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileSetAttr(const FileName: IPath; Attr: integer): boolean;
+ Result := WideFileSetAttr(FileName.ToWide(), Attr);
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileIsReadOnly(const FileName: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := WideFileIsReadOnly(FileName.ToWide());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileSetReadOnly(const FileName: IPath; ReadOnly: boolean): boolean;
+ Result := WideFileSetReadOnly(FileName.ToWide(), ReadOnly);
+function TFileSystemImpl.ForceDirectories(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := WideForceDirectories(Dir.ToWide());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileSearch(const Name: IPath; DirList: array of IPath): IPath;
+ I: integer;
+ DirListStr: WideString;
+ DirListStr := '';
+ for I := 0 to High(DirList) do
+ begin
+ if (I > 0) then
+ DirListStr := DirListStr + PathSep;
+ DirListStr := DirListStr + DirList[I].ToWide();
+ end;
+ Result := Path(WideFileSearch(Name.ToWide(), DirListStr));
+function TFileSystemImpl.RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := WideRenameFile(OldName.ToWide(), NewName.ToWide());
+function TFileSystemImpl.DeleteFile(const FileName: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := WideDeleteFile(FileName.ToWide());
+function TFileSystemImpl.RemoveDir(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := WideRemoveDir(Dir.ToWide());
+function TFileSystemImpl.CopyFile(const Source, Target: IPath; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean;
+ Result := WideCopyFile(Source.ToWide(), Target.ToWide(), FailIfExists);
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExtractFileDrive(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(WideExtractFileDrive(FileName.ToWide()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExtractFilePath(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(WideExtractFilePath(FileName.ToWide()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExtractFileDir(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(WideExtractFileDir(FileName.ToWide()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExtractFileName(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(WideExtractFileName(FileName.ToWide()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExtractFileExt(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(WideExtractFileExt(FileName.ToWide()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExtractRelativePath(const BaseName: IPath; const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(WideExtractRelativePath(BaseName.ToWide(), FileName.ToWide()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ChangeFileExt(const FileName: IPath; const Extension: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(WideChangeFileExt(FileName.ToWide(), Extension.ToWide()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(WideIncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(FileName.ToWide()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(WideExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(FileName.ToWide()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.FindFirst(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: integer; var F: TSytemSearchRec): integer;
+ Result := WideFindFirst(FilePattern.ToWide(), Attr, F);
+function TFileSystemImpl.FindNext(var F: TSytemSearchRec): integer;
+ Result := WideFindNext(F);
+procedure TFileSystemImpl.FindClose(var F: TSytemSearchRec);
+ WideFindClose(F);
+function TFileSystemImpl.GetCurrentDir: IPath;
+ Result := Path(WideGetCurrentDir());
+function TFileSystemImpl.SetCurrentDir(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := WideSetCurrentDir(Dir.ToWide());
+{$ELSE} // UNIX
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExpandFileName(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(SysUtils.ExpandFileName(FileName.ToNative()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileCreate(const FileName: IPath): THandle;
+ Result := SysUtils.FileCreate(FileName.ToNative());
+function TFileSystemImpl.DirectoryCreate(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := SysUtils.CreateDir(Dir.ToNative());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileOpen(const FileName: IPath; Mode: longword): THandle;
+ Result := SysUtils.FileOpen(FileName.ToNative(), Mode);
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileAge(const FileName: IPath): integer;
+ Result := SysUtils.FileAge(FileName.ToNative());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileAge(const FileName: IPath; out FileDateTime: TDateTime): boolean;
+ FileDate: integer;
+ FileDate := SysUtils.FileAge(FileName.ToNative());
+ Result := (FileDate <> -1);
+ if (Result) then
+ FileDateTime := FileDateToDateTime(FileDate);
+function TFileSystemImpl.DirectoryExists(const Name: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := SysUtils.DirectoryExists(Name.ToNative());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileExists(const Name: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := SysUtils.FileExists(Name.ToNative());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileGetAttr(const FileName: IPath): Cardinal;
+ Result := SysUtils.FileGetAttr(FileName.ToNative());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileSetAttr(const FileName: IPath; Attr: integer): boolean;
+ Result := (SysUtils.FileSetAttr(FileName.ToNative(), Attr) = 0);
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileIsReadOnly(const FileName: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := SysUtils.FileIsReadOnly(FileName.ToNative());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileSetReadOnly(const FileName: IPath; ReadOnly: boolean): boolean;
+ Result := (SysUtils.FileSetAttr(FileName.ToNative(), faReadOnly) = 0);
+function TFileSystemImpl.ForceDirectories(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := SysUtils.ForceDirectories(Dir.ToNative());
+function TFileSystemImpl.FileSearch(const Name: IPath; DirList: array of IPath): IPath;
+ I: integer;
+ DirListStr: AnsiString;
+ DirListStr := '';
+ for I := 0 to High(DirList) do
+ begin
+ if (I > 0) then
+ DirListStr := DirListStr + PathSep;
+ DirListStr := DirListStr + DirList[I].ToNative();
+ end;
+ Result := Path(SysUtils.FileSearch(Name.ToNative(), DirListStr));
+function TFileSystemImpl.RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := SysUtils.RenameFile(OldName.ToNative(), NewName.ToNative());
+function TFileSystemImpl.DeleteFile(const FileName: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := SysUtils.DeleteFile(FileName.ToNative());
+function TFileSystemImpl.RemoveDir(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := SysUtils.RemoveDir(Dir.ToNative());
+function TFileSystemImpl.CopyFile(const Source, Target: IPath; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean;
+ COPY_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; // a good tradeoff between speed and memory consumption
+ SourceFile, TargetFile: TFileStream;
+ FileCopyBuffer: array [0..COPY_BUFFER_SIZE-1] of byte; // temporary copy-buffer.
+ NumberOfBytes: integer; // number of bytes read from SourceFile
+ Result := false;
+ SourceFile := nil;
+ TargetFile := nil;
+ // if overwrite is disabled return if the target file already exists
+ if (FailIfExists and FileExists(Target)) then
+ Exit;
+ try
+ try
+ // open source and target file (might throw an exception on error)
+ SourceFile := TFileStream.Create(Source.ToNative(), fmOpenRead);
+ TargetFile := TFileStream.Create(Target.ToNative(), fmCreate or fmOpenWrite);
+ while true do
+ begin
+ // read a block from the source file and check for errors or EOF
+ NumberOfBytes := SourceFile.Read(FileCopyBuffer, SizeOf(FileCopyBuffer));
+ if (NumberOfBytes <= 0) then
+ Break;
+ // write block to target file and check if everything was written
+ if (TargetFile.Write(FileCopyBuffer, NumberOfBytes) <> NumberOfBytes) then
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ except
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ finally
+ SourceFile.Free;
+ TargetFile.Free;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExtractFileDrive(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(SysUtils.ExtractFileDrive(FileName.ToNative()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExtractFilePath(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(SysUtils.ExtractFilePath(FileName.ToNative()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExtractFileDir(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(SysUtils.ExtractFileDir(FileName.ToNative()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExtractFileName(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(SysUtils.ExtractFileName(FileName.ToNative()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExtractFileExt(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(SysUtils.ExtractFileExt(FileName.ToNative()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExtractRelativePath(const BaseName: IPath; const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(SysUtils.ExtractRelativePath(BaseName.ToNative(), FileName.ToNative()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ChangeFileExt(const FileName: IPath; const Extension: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(SysUtils.ChangeFileExt(FileName.ToNative(), Extension.ToNative()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(SysUtils.IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(FileName.ToNative()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const FileName: IPath): IPath;
+ Result := Path(SysUtils.ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(FileName.ToNative()));
+function TFileSystemImpl.FindFirst(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: integer; var F: TSytemSearchRec): integer;
+ Result := SysUtils.FindFirst(FilePattern.ToNative(), Attr, F);
+function TFileSystemImpl.FindNext(var F: TSytemSearchRec): integer;
+ Result := SysUtils.FindNext(F);
+procedure TFileSystemImpl.FindClose(var F: TSytemSearchRec);
+ SysUtils.FindClose(F);
+function TFileSystemImpl.GetCurrentDir: IPath;
+ Result := Path(SysUtils.GetCurrentDir());
+function TFileSystemImpl.SetCurrentDir(const Dir: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := SysUtils.SetCurrentDir(Dir.ToNative());
+{ TFileIterator }
+constructor TFileIterator.Create(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: integer);
+ inherited Create();
+ fHasNext := (FileSystem.FindFirst(FilePattern, Attr, fSearchRec) = 0);
+destructor TFileIterator.Destroy();
+ FileSystem.FindClose(fSearchRec);
+ inherited;
+function TFileIterator.HasNext(): boolean;
+ Result := fHasNext;
+function TFileIterator.Next(): TFileInfo;
+ if (not fHasNext) then
+ begin
+ // Note: do not use FillChar() on records with ref-counted fields
+ Result.Time := 0;
+ Result.Size := 0;
+ Result.Attr := 0;
+ Result.Name := nil;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Result.Time := fSearchRec.Time;
+ Result.Size := fSearchRec.Size;
+ Result.Attr := fSearchRec.Attr;
+ Result.Name := Path(fSearchRec.Name);
+ // fetch next entry
+ fHasNext := (FileSystem.FindNext(fSearchRec) = 0);
+ FileSystem_Singleton := TFileSystemImpl.Create;
+ FileSystem_Singleton := nil;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UFont.pas b/Lua/src/base/UFont.pas
index a72bca21..191e74d2 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UFont.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UFont.pas
@@ -47,12 +47,14 @@ uses
+ Math,
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ UUnicodeUtils,
- Math,
- Classes,
- SysUtils;
+ UPath;
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ type
TGLubyteArray = array[0 .. (MaxInt div SizeOf(GLubyte))-1] of GLubyte;
TGLubyteDynArray = array of GLubyte;
- TWideStringArray = array of WideString;
+ TUCS4StringArray = array of UCS4String;
TGLColor = packed record
case byte of
@@ -126,34 +128,34 @@ type
* Splits lines in Text seperated by newline (char-code #13).
- * @param Text UTF-8 encoded string
- * @param Lines splitted WideString lines
+ * @param Text UCS-4 encoded string
+ * @param Lines splitted UCS4String lines
- procedure SplitLines(const Text: UTF8String; var Lines: TWideStringArray);
+ procedure SplitLines(const Text: UCS4String; var Lines: TUCS4StringArray);
- * Print an array of WideStrings. Each array-item is a line of text.
+ * Print an array of UCS4Strings. Each array-item is a line of text.
* Lines of text are seperated by the line-spacing.
* This is the base function for all text drawing.
- procedure Print(const Text: TWideStringArray); overload; virtual;
+ procedure Print(const Text: TUCS4StringArray); overload; virtual;
* Draws an underline.
- procedure DrawUnderline(const Text: WideString); virtual;
+ procedure DrawUnderline(const Text: UCS4String); virtual;
* Renders (one) line of text.
- procedure Render(const Text: WideString); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure Render(const Text: UCS4String); virtual; abstract;
* Returns the bounds of text-lines contained in Text.
* @param(Advance if true the right bound is set to the advance instead
* of the minimal right bound.)
- function BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; overload; virtual; abstract;
+ function BBox(const Text: TUCS4StringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; overload; virtual; abstract;
* Resets all user settings to default values.
@@ -188,9 +190,11 @@ type
* Prints a text.
+ procedure Print(const Text: UCS4String); overload;
+ {** UTF-16 version of @link(Print) }
procedure Print(const Text: WideString); overload;
{** UTF-8 version of @link(Print) }
- procedure Print(const Text: string); overload;
+ procedure Print(const Text: UTF8String); overload;
* Calculates the bounding box (width and height) around Text.
@@ -203,6 +207,8 @@ type
* bigger than the text's width as it additionally contains the advance
* and glyph-spacing of the last character.
+ function BBox(const Text: UCS4String; Advance: boolean = true): TBoundsDbl; overload;
+ {** UTF-16 version of @link(BBox) }
function BBox(const Text: WideString; Advance: boolean = true): TBoundsDbl; overload;
{** UTF-8 version of @link(BBox) }
function BBox(const Text: UTF8String; Advance: boolean = true): TBoundsDbl; overload;
@@ -249,9 +255,9 @@ type
/// Mipmap fonts (size[level+1] = size[level]/2)
fMipmapFonts: array[0..cMaxMipmapLevel] of TFont;
- procedure Render(const Text: WideString); override;
- procedure Print(const Text: TWideStringArray); override;
- function BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; override;
+ procedure Render(const Text: UCS4String); override;
+ procedure Print(const Text: TUCS4StringArray); override;
+ function BBox(const Text: TUCS4StringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; override;
* Callback called for creation of each mipmap font.
@@ -322,7 +328,7 @@ type
* Table for storage of max. 256 glyphs.
- * Used for the second cache level. Indexed by the LSB of the WideChar
+ * Used for the second cache level. Indexed by the LSB of the UCS4Char
* char-code.
PGlyphTable = ^TGlyphTable;
@@ -332,7 +338,7 @@ type
* Cache for glyphs of a single font.
* The cached glyphs are stored inside a hash-list.
* Hashing is performed in two steps:
- * 1. the least significant byte (LSB) of the WideChar character code
+ * 1. the least significant byte (LSB) of the UCS4Char character code
* is removed (shr 8) and the result (we call it BaseCode here) looked up in
* the hash-list.
* 2. Each entry of the hash-list contains a table with max. 256 entries.
@@ -359,22 +365,22 @@ type
* Add glyph Glyph with char-code ch to the cache.
* @returns @true on success, @false otherwise
- function AddGlyph(ch: WideChar; const Glyph: TGlyph): boolean;
+ function AddGlyph(ch: UCS4Char; const Glyph: TGlyph): boolean;
* Removes the glyph with char-code ch from the cache.
- procedure DeleteGlyph(ch: WideChar);
+ procedure DeleteGlyph(ch: UCS4Char);
* Removes the glyph with char-code ch from the cache.
- function GetGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph;
+ function GetGlyph(ch: UCS4Char): TGlyph;
* Checks if a glyph with char-code ch is cached.
- function HasGlyph(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ function HasGlyph(ch: UCS4Char): boolean;
* Remove and free all cached glyphs. If KeepBaseSet is set to
@@ -408,13 +414,13 @@ type
* Retrieves a cached glyph with char-code ch from cache.
* If the glyph is not already cached, it is loaded with LoadGlyph().
- function GetGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph;
+ function GetGlyph(ch: UCS4Char): TGlyph;
* Callback to create (load) a glyph with char-code ch.
* Implemented by subclasses.
- function LoadGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph; virtual; abstract;
+ function LoadGlyph(ch: UCS4Char): TGlyph; virtual; abstract;
constructor Create();
@@ -436,6 +442,7 @@ type
TFTGlyph = class(TGlyph)
+ fCharCode: UCS4Char; //**< Char code
fCharIndex: FT_UInt; //**< Freetype specific char-index (<> char-code)
fDisplayList: GLuint; //**< Display-list ID
fTexture: GLuint; //**< Texture ID
@@ -458,7 +465,7 @@ type
* The bitmap must be 2* pixels wider and higher than the
* original glyph's bitmap with the latter centered in it.
- procedure Extrude(var TexBuffer: TGLubyteDynArray; Outset: single);
+ procedure StrokeBorder(var Glyph: FT_Glyph);
* Creates an OpenGL texture (and display list) for the glyph.
@@ -477,7 +484,7 @@ type
* Creates a glyph with char-code ch from font Font.
* @param LoadFlags flags passed to FT_Load_Glyph()
- constructor Create(Font: TFTFont; ch: WideChar; Outset: single;
+ constructor Create(Font: TFTFont; ch: UCS4Char; Outset: single;
LoadFlags: FT_Int32);
destructor Destroy(); override;
@@ -490,6 +497,8 @@ type
property CharIndex: FT_UInt read fCharIndex;
+ TFontPart = ( fpNone, fpInner, fpOutline );
* Freetype font class.
@@ -498,19 +507,20 @@ type
procedure ResetIntern();
- fFilename: string; //**< filename of the font-file
+ fFilename: IPath; //**< filename of the font-file
fSize: integer; //**< Font base size (in pixels)
fOutset: single; //**< size of outset extrusion (in pixels)
fFace: FT_Face; //**< Holds the height of the font
fLoadFlags: FT_Int32; //**< FT glpyh load-flags
fFontUnitScale: TPositionDbl; //**< FT font-units to pixel ratio
fUseDisplayLists: boolean; //**< true: use display-lists, false: direct drawing
+ fPart: TFontPart; //**< indicates the part of an outline font
{** @seealso TCachedFont.LoadGlyph }
- function LoadGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph; override;
+ function LoadGlyph(ch: UCS4Char): TGlyph; override;
- procedure Render(const Text: WideString); override;
- function BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; override;
+ procedure Render(const Text: UCS4String); override;
+ function BBox(const Text: TUCS4StringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; override;
function GetHeight(): single; override;
function GetAscender(): single; override;
@@ -528,7 +538,7 @@ type
* @param LoadFlags flags passed to FT_Load_Glyph()
* @raises Exception if the font-file could not be loaded
- constructor Create(const Filename: string;
+ constructor Create(const Filename: IPath;
Size: integer; Outset: single = 0.0;
LoadFlags: FT_Int32 = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
@@ -558,7 +568,7 @@ type
* The extrusion in pixels is Size*OutsetAmount
* (0.0 -> no extrusion, 0.1 -> 10%).
- constructor Create(const Filename: string;
+ constructor Create(const Filename: IPath;
Size: integer; OutsetAmount: single = 0.0;
UseMipmaps: boolean = true);
@@ -576,7 +586,7 @@ type
TFTOutlineFont = class(TFont)
- fFilename: string;
+ fFilename: IPath;
fSize: integer;
fOutset: single;
fInnerFont, fOutlineFont: TFTFont;
@@ -585,9 +595,9 @@ type
procedure ResetIntern();
- procedure DrawUnderline(const Text: WideString); override;
- procedure Render(const Text: WideString); override;
- function BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; override;
+ procedure DrawUnderline(const Text: UCS4String); override;
+ procedure Render(const Text: UCS4String); override;
+ function BBox(const Text: TUCS4StringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; override;
function GetHeight(): single; override;
function GetAscender(): single; override;
@@ -603,7 +613,7 @@ type
procedure SetReflectionPass(Enable: boolean); override;
- constructor Create(const Filename: string;
+ constructor Create(const Filename: IPath;
Size: integer; Outset: single;
LoadFlags: FT_Int32 = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
destructor Destroy; override;
@@ -637,7 +647,7 @@ type
function CreateMipmap(Level: integer; Scale: single): TFont; override;
- constructor Create(const Filename: string;
+ constructor Create(const Filename: IPath;
Size: integer; OutsetAmount: single;
UseMipmaps: boolean = true);
@@ -672,18 +682,18 @@ type
procedure ResetIntern();
- procedure RenderChar(ch: WideChar; var AdvanceX: real);
+ procedure RenderChar(ch: UCS4Char; var AdvanceX: real);
* Load font widths from an info file.
* @param InfoFile the name of the info (.dat) file
* @raises Exception if the file is corrupted
- procedure LoadFontInfo(const InfoFile: string);
+ procedure LoadFontInfo(const InfoFile: IPath);
- procedure Render(const Text: WideString); override;
- function BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; override;
+ procedure Render(const Text: UCS4String); override;
+ function BBox(const Text: TUCS4StringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl; override;
function GetHeight(): single; override;
function GetAscender(): single; override;
@@ -699,7 +709,7 @@ type
* (y-axis up) and from the lower edge of the glyphs bounding box)
* @param(Ascender pixels from baseline to top of highest glyph)
- constructor Create(const Filename: string; Outline: integer;
+ constructor Create(const Filename: IPath; Outline: integer;
Baseline, Ascender, Descender: integer);
destructor Destroy(); override;
@@ -801,37 +811,61 @@ begin
-procedure TFont.SplitLines(const Text: UTF8String; var Lines: TWideStringArray);
+procedure TFont.SplitLines(const Text: UCS4String; var Lines: TUCS4StringArray);
- LineList: TStringList;
- LineIndex: integer;
+ CharIndex: integer;
+ LineStart: integer;
+ LineLength: integer;
+ EOT: boolean; // End-Of-Text
- // split lines on newline (there is no WideString version of ExtractStrings)
- LineList := TStringList.Create();
- ExtractStrings([#13], [], PChar(Text), LineList);
+ // split lines on newline
+ SetLength(Lines, 0);
+ EOT := false;
+ LineStart := 0;
- // create an array of WideStrins from the UTF-8 string-list
- SetLength(Lines, LineList.Count);
- for LineIndex := 0 to LineList.Count-1 do
- Lines[LineIndex] := UTF8Decode(LineList[LineIndex]);
- LineList.Free();
+ for CharIndex := 0 to High(Text) do
+ begin
+ // check for end of text (UCS4Strings are zero-terminated)
+ if (CharIndex = High(Text)) then
+ EOT := true;
+ // check for newline (carriage return (#13)) or end of text
+ if (Text[CharIndex] = 13) or EOT then
+ begin
+ LineLength := CharIndex - LineStart;
+ // check if last character was a newline
+ if (EOT and (LineLength = 0)) then
+ Break;
+ // copy line (even if LineLength is 0)
+ SetLength(Lines, Length(Lines)+1);
+ Lines[High(Lines)] := UCS4Copy(Text, LineStart, LineLength);
+ LineStart := CharIndex+1;
+ end;
+ end;
-function TFont.BBox(const Text: UTF8String; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
+function TFont.BBox(const Text: UCS4String; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
- LineArray: TWideStringArray;
+ LineArray: TUCS4StringArray;
SplitLines(Text, LineArray);
Result := BBox(LineArray, Advance);
SetLength(LineArray, 0);
+function TFont.BBox(const Text: UTF8String; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
+ Result := BBox(UTF8Decode(Text), Advance);
function TFont.BBox(const Text: WideString; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
- Result := BBox(UTF8Encode(Text), Advance);
+ Result := BBox(WideStringToUCS4String(Text), Advance);
-procedure TFont.Print(const Text: TWideStringArray);
+procedure TFont.Print(const Text: TUCS4StringArray);
LineIndex: integer;
@@ -912,21 +946,26 @@ begin
-procedure TFont.Print(const Text: string);
+procedure TFont.Print(const Text: UCS4String);
- LineArray: TWideStringArray;
+ LineArray: TUCS4StringArray;
SplitLines(Text, LineArray);
SetLength(LineArray, 0);
+procedure TFont.Print(const Text: UTF8String);
+ Print(UTF8Decode(Text));
procedure TFont.Print(const Text: WideString);
- Print(UTF8Encode(Text));
+ Print(WideStringToUCS4String(Text));
-procedure TFont.DrawUnderline(const Text: WideString);
+procedure TFont.DrawUnderline(const Text: UCS4String);
UnderlineY1, UnderlineY2: single;
Bounds: TBoundsDbl;
@@ -1128,12 +1167,22 @@ begin
// projected width ||(x1, y1) - (x2, y1)||
Dist := (WinCoords[0][0] - WinCoords[1][0]);
Dist2 := (WinCoords[0][1] - WinCoords[1][1]);
- WidthScale := cTestSize / Sqrt(Dist*Dist + Dist2*Dist2);
+ WidthScale := 1;
+ if (Sqrt(Dist*Dist + Dist2*Dist2) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ WidthScale := cTestSize / Sqrt(Dist*Dist + Dist2*Dist2);
+ end;
// projected height ||(x1, y1) - (x1, y2)||
Dist := (WinCoords[0][0] - WinCoords[2][0]);
Dist2 := (WinCoords[0][1] - WinCoords[2][1]);
- HeightScale := cTestSize / Sqrt(Dist*Dist + Dist2*Dist2);
+ HeightScale := 1;
+ if (Sqrt(Dist*Dist + Dist2*Dist2) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ HeightScale := cTestSize / Sqrt(Dist*Dist + Dist2*Dist2);
+ end;
//writeln(Format('Scale %f, %f', [WidthScale, HeightScale]));
@@ -1194,7 +1243,7 @@ begin
glScalef(MipmapScale, MipmapScale, 0);
-procedure TScalableFont.Print(const Text: TWideStringArray);
+procedure TScalableFont.Print(const Text: TUCS4StringArray);
@@ -1210,12 +1259,12 @@ begin
-procedure TScalableFont.Render(const Text: WideString);
+procedure TScalableFont.Render(const Text: UCS4String);
Assert(false, 'Unused TScalableFont.Render() was called');
-function TScalableFont.BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
+function TScalableFont.BBox(const Text: TUCS4StringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
Result := fBaseFont.BBox(Text, Advance);
Result.Left := Result.Left * fScale * fAspect;
@@ -1287,7 +1336,7 @@ var
Level: integer;
for Level := 0 to High(fMipmapFonts) do
- if (fMipmapFonts[Level] <> nil) then
+ if ((fMipmapFonts[Level] <> nil) AND (GetMipmapScale(Level) > 0)) then
fMipmapFonts[Level].SetReflectionSpacing(Spacing / GetMipmapScale(Level));
@@ -1346,7 +1395,7 @@ begin
-function TCachedFont.GetGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph;
+function TCachedFont.GetGlyph(ch: UCS4Char): TGlyph;
Result := fCache.GetGlyph(ch);
if (Result = nil) then
@@ -1368,11 +1417,11 @@ end;
constructor TFTFont.Create(
- const Filename: string;
+ const Filename: IPath;
Size: integer; Outset: single;
LoadFlags: FT_Int32);
- i: WideChar;
+ ch: UCS4Char;
inherited Create();
@@ -1381,10 +1430,11 @@ begin
fOutset := Outset;
fLoadFlags := LoadFlags;
fUseDisplayLists := true;
+ fPart := fpNone;
// load font information
- if (FT_New_Face(TFreeType.GetLibrary(), PChar(Filename), 0, fFace) <> 0) then
- raise Exception.Create('FT_New_Face: Could not load font ''' + Filename + '''');
+ if (FT_New_Face(TFreeType.GetLibrary(), PChar(Filename.ToNative), 0, fFace) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('FT_New_Face: Could not load font ''' + Filename.ToNative + '''');
// support scalable fonts only
if (not FT_IS_SCALABLE(fFace)) then
@@ -1400,8 +1450,8 @@ begin
// pre-cache some commonly used glyphs (' ' - '~')
- for i := #32 to #126 do
- fCache.AddGlyph(i, TFTGlyph.Create(Self, i, Outset, LoadFlags));
+ for ch := 32 to 126 do
+ fCache.AddGlyph(ch, TFTGlyph.Create(Self, ch, Outset, LoadFlags));
destructor TFTFont.Destroy();
@@ -1424,15 +1474,15 @@ begin
-function TFTFont.LoadGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph;
+function TFTFont.LoadGlyph(ch: UCS4Char): TGlyph;
Result := TFTGlyph.Create(Self, ch, Outset, fLoadFlags);
-function TFTFont.BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
+function TFTFont.BBox(const Text: TUCS4StringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
Glyph, PrevGlyph: TFTGlyph;
- TextLine: WideString;
+ TextLine: UCS4String;
LineYOffset: single;
LineIndex, CharIndex: integer;
LineBounds: TBoundsDbl;
@@ -1462,7 +1512,7 @@ begin
LineBounds.Top := 0;
// for each glyph image, compute its bounding box
- for CharIndex := 1 to Length(TextLine) do
+ for CharIndex := 0 to LengthUCS4(TextLine)-1 do
Glyph := TFTGlyph(GetGlyph(TextLine[CharIndex]));
if (Glyph <> nil) then
@@ -1480,9 +1530,9 @@ begin
LineBounds.Left := LineBounds.Right + Glyph.Bounds.Left;
// update right bound
- if (CharIndex < Length(TextLine)) or // not the last character
- (TextLine[CharIndex] = ' ') or // on space char (Bounds.Right = 0)
- Advance then // or in advance mode
+ if (CharIndex < LengthUCS4(TextLine)-1) or // not the last character
+ (TextLine[CharIndex] = Ord(' ')) or // on space char (Bounds.Right = 0)
+ Advance then // or in advance mode
// add advance and glyph spacing
LineBounds.Right := LineBounds.Right + Glyph.Advance.x + GlyphSpacing
@@ -1534,13 +1584,13 @@ begin
// if left or bottom bound was not set, set them to 0
- if (Result.Left = Infinity) then
+ if (IsInfinite(Result.Left)) then
Result.Left := 0.0;
- if (Result.Bottom = Infinity) then
+ if (IsInfinite(Result.Bottom)) then
Result.Bottom := 0.0;
-procedure TFTFont.Render(const Text: WideString);
+procedure TFTFont.Render(const Text: UCS4String);
CharIndex: integer;
Glyph, PrevGlyph: TFTGlyph;
@@ -1550,7 +1600,7 @@ begin
PrevGlyph := nil;
// draw current line
- for CharIndex := 1 to Length(Text) do
+ for CharIndex := 0 to LengthUCS4(Text)-1 do
Glyph := TFTGlyph(GetGlyph(Text[CharIndex]));
if (Assigned(Glyph)) then
@@ -1606,7 +1656,7 @@ end;
* TFTScalableFont
-constructor TFTScalableFont.Create(const Filename: string;
+constructor TFTScalableFont.Create(const Filename: IPath;
Size: integer; OutsetAmount: single;
UseMipmaps: boolean);
@@ -1662,7 +1712,7 @@ end;
constructor TFTOutlineFont.Create(
- const Filename: string;
+ const Filename: IPath;
Size: integer; Outset: single;
LoadFlags: FT_Int32);
@@ -1673,7 +1723,9 @@ begin
fOutset := Outset;
fInnerFont := TFTFont.Create(Filename, Size, 0.0, LoadFlags);
+ fInnerFont.fPart := fpInner;
fOutlineFont := TFTFont.Create(Filename, Size, Outset, LoadFlags);
+ fOutlineFont.fPart := fpOutline;
@@ -1705,7 +1757,7 @@ begin
-procedure TFTOutlineFont.DrawUnderline(const Text: WideString);
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.DrawUnderline(const Text: UCS4String);
CurrentColor: TGLColor;
OutlineColor: TGLColor;
@@ -1730,7 +1782,7 @@ begin
-procedure TFTOutlineFont.Render(const Text: WideString);
+procedure TFTOutlineFont.Render(const Text: UCS4String);
CurrentColor: TGLColor;
OutlineColor: TGLColor;
@@ -1770,7 +1822,7 @@ begin
-function TFTOutlineFont.BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
+function TFTOutlineFont.BBox(const Text: TUCS4StringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
Result := fOutlineFont.BBox(Text, Advance);
@@ -1852,7 +1904,7 @@ end;
constructor TFTScalableOutlineFont.Create(
- const Filename: string;
+ const Filename: IPath;
Size: integer; OutsetAmount: single;
UseMipmaps: boolean);
@@ -1935,82 +1987,113 @@ const
cTexSmoothBorder = 1;
-procedure TFTGlyph.Extrude(var TexBuffer: TGLubyteDynArray; Outset: single);
+procedure TFTGlyph.StrokeBorder(var Glyph: FT_Glyph);
+ Outline: PFT_Outline;
+ OuterStroker, InnerStroker: FT_Stroker;
+ OuterNumPoints, InnerNumPoints, GlyphNumPoints: FT_UInt;
+ OuterNumContours, InnerNumContours, GlyphNumContours: FT_UInt;
+ OuterBorder, InnerBorder: FT_StrokerBorder;
+ OutlineFlags: FT_Int;
+ UseStencil: boolean;
+ // It is possible to extrude the borders of a glyph with FT_Glyph_Stroke
+ // but it will extrude the border to the outside and the inside of a glyph
+ // although we just want to extrude to the outside.
+ // FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder extrudes to the outside but also fills the interior
+ // (this is what we need for bold fonts).
+ // In both cases the inner font and outline font (border) will overlap.
+ // Normally this does not matter but it does if alpha blending is active.
+ // In this case if e.g. the inner color is set to white, the outline to red
+ // and alpha to 0.5 the inner part will not be white it will be pink.
+ InnerStroker := nil;
+ OuterStroker := nil;
+ // If we are to create the interior of an outlined font (fInner = true)
+ // we have to create two borders:
+ // - one extruded to the outside by fOutset pixels and
+ // - one extruded to the inside by almost 0 zero pixels.
+ // The second one is used as a stencil for the first one, clearing the
+ // interiour of the glyph.
+ // The stencil is not needed to create bold fonts.
+ UseStencil := (fFont.fPart = fpInner);
+ Outline := @FT_OutlineGlyph(Glyph).outline;
+ OuterBorder := FT_Outline_GetOutsideBorder(Outline);
+ if (OuterBorder = FT_STROKER_BORDER_LEFT) then
+ else
+ { extrude outer border }
+ if (FT_Stroker_New(Glyph.library_, OuterStroker) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('FT_Stroker_New failed!');
+ FT_Stroker_Set(
+ OuterStroker,
+ Round(fOutset * 64),
+ 0);
+ // similar to FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder(inner = FT_FALSE) but it is possible to
+ // use FT_Stroker_ExportBorder() afterwards to combine inner and outer borders
+ if (FT_Stroker_ParseOutline(OuterStroker, Outline, FT_FALSE) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('FT_Stroker_ParseOutline failed!');
- procedure SetToMax(var Val1: GLubyte; Val2: GLubyte); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts(OuterStroker, OuterBorder, OuterNumPoints, OuterNumContours);
+ { extrude inner border (= stencil) }
+ if (UseStencil) then
- if (Val1 < Val2) then
- Val1 := Val2;
+ if (FT_Stroker_New(Glyph.library_, InnerStroker) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('FT_Stroker_New failed!');
+ FT_Stroker_Set(
+ InnerStroker,
+ 63, // extrude at most one pixel to avoid a black border
+ 0);
+ if (FT_Stroker_ParseOutline(InnerStroker, Outline, FT_FALSE) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('FT_Stroker_ParseOutline failed!');
+ FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts(InnerStroker, InnerBorder, InnerNumPoints, InnerNumContours);
+ end else begin
+ InnerNumPoints := 0;
+ InnerNumContours := 0;
- I, X, Y: integer;
- SrcBuffer,TmpBuffer: TGLubyteDynArray;
- TexLine, TexLinePrev, TexLineNext: PGLubyteArray;
- SrcLine: PGLubyteArray;
- AlphaScale: single;
- Value, ValueNeigh, ValueDiag: GLubyte;
- // square-root of 2 used for diagonal neighbor pixels
- cSqrt2 = 1.4142;
- // number of ignored pixels on each edge of the bitmap. Consists of:
- // - border used for font smoothing and
- // - outer (extruded) bitmap pixel (because it is just written but never read)
- cBorder = cTexSmoothBorder + 1;
- // allocate memory for temporary buffer
- SetLength(SrcBuffer, Length(TexBuffer));
- FillChar(SrcBuffer[0], Length(TexBuffer), 0);
- // extrude pixel by pixel
- for I := 1 to Ceil(Outset) do
- begin
- // swap arrays
- TmpBuffer := TexBuffer;
- TexBuffer := SrcBuffer;
- SrcBuffer := TmpBuffer;
- // as long as we add an entire pixel of outset, use a solid color.
- // If the fractional part is reached blend, e.g. outline=3.2 -> 3 solid
- // pixels and one blended with alpha=0.2.
- // For the fractional part I = Ceil(Outset) is always true.
- if (I <= Outset) then
- AlphaScale := 1
- else
- AlphaScale := Outset - Trunc(Outset);
- // copy data to the expanded bitmap.
- for Y := cBorder to fTexSize.Height - 2*cBorder do
- begin
- TexLine := @TexBuffer[Y*fTexSize.Width];
- TexLinePrev := @TexBuffer[(Y-1)*fTexSize.Width];
- TexLineNext := @TexBuffer[(Y+1)*fTexSize.Width];
- SrcLine := @SrcBuffer[Y*fTexSize.Width];
+ { combine borders (subtract: OuterBorder - InnerBorder) }
- // expand current line's pixels
- for X := cBorder to fTexSize.Width - 2*cBorder do
- begin
- Value := SrcLine[X];
- ValueNeigh := Round(Value * AlphaScale);
- ValueDiag := Round(ValueNeigh / cSqrt2);
+ GlyphNumPoints := InnerNumPoints + OuterNumPoints;
+ GlyphNumContours := InnerNumContours + OuterNumContours;
- SetToMax(TexLine[X], Value);
- SetToMax(TexLine[X-1], ValueNeigh);
- SetToMax(TexLine[X+1], ValueNeigh);
+ // save flags before deletion (TODO: set them on the resulting outline)
+ OutlineFlags := Outline.flags;
- SetToMax(TexLinePrev[X], ValueNeigh);
- SetToMax(TexLinePrev[X-1], ValueDiag);
- SetToMax(TexLinePrev[X+1], ValueDiag);
+ // resize glyph outline to hold inner and outer border
+ FT_Outline_Done(Glyph.Library_, Outline);
+ if (FT_Outline_New(Glyph.Library_, GlyphNumPoints, GlyphNumContours, Outline) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('FT_Outline_New failed!');
- SetToMax(TexLineNext[X], ValueNeigh);
- SetToMax(TexLineNext[X-1], ValueDiag);
- SetToMax(TexLineNext[X+1], ValueDiag);
- end;
- end;
- end;
+ Outline.n_points := 0;
+ Outline.n_contours := 0;
+ // add points to outline. The inner-border is used as a stencil.
+ FT_Stroker_ExportBorder(OuterStroker, OuterBorder, Outline);
+ if (UseStencil) then
+ FT_Stroker_ExportBorder(InnerStroker, InnerBorder, Outline);
+ if (FT_Outline_Check(outline) <> 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('FT_Stroker_ExportBorder failed!');
- TmpBuffer := nil;
- SetLength(SrcBuffer, 0);
+ if (InnerStroker <> nil) then
+ FT_Stroker_Done(InnerStroker);
+ if (OuterStroker <> nil) then
+ FT_Stroker_Done(OuterStroker);
procedure TFTGlyph.CreateTexture(LoadFlags: FT_Int32);
@@ -2033,6 +2116,9 @@ begin
if (FT_Get_Glyph(fFont.Face^.glyph, Glyph) <> 0) then
raise Exception.Create('FT_Get_Glyph failed');
+ if (fOutset > 0) then
+ StrokeBorder(Glyph);
// store scaled advance width/height in glyph-object
fAdvance.X := fFont.Face^.glyph^.advance.x / 64 + fOutset*2;
fAdvance.Y := fFont.Face^.glyph^.advance.y / 64 + fOutset*2;
@@ -2114,9 +2200,6 @@ begin
- if (fOutset > 0) then
- Extrude(TexBuffer, fOutset);
// allocate resources for textures and display lists
glGenTextures(1, @fTexture);
@@ -2151,13 +2234,14 @@ begin
-constructor TFTGlyph.Create(Font: TFTFont; ch: WideChar; Outset: single;
+constructor TFTGlyph.Create(Font: TFTFont; ch: UCS4Char; Outset: single;
LoadFlags: FT_Int32);
inherited Create();
fFont := Font;
fOutset := Outset;
+ fCharCode := ch;
// get the Freetype char-index (use default UNICODE charmap)
fCharIndex := FT_Get_Char_Index(Font.fFace, FT_ULONG(ch));
@@ -2336,7 +2420,7 @@ begin
InsertPos := fHash.Count;
-function TGlyphCache.AddGlyph(ch: WideChar; const Glyph: TGlyph): boolean;
+function TGlyphCache.AddGlyph(ch: UCS4Char; const Glyph: TGlyph): boolean;
BaseCode: cardinal;
GlyphCode: integer;
@@ -2346,7 +2430,7 @@ var
Result := false;
- BaseCode := cardinal(ch) shr 8;
+ BaseCode := Ord(ch) shr 8;
GlyphTable := FindGlyphTable(BaseCode, InsertPos);
if (GlyphTable = nil) then
@@ -2356,7 +2440,7 @@ begin
// get glyph table offset
- GlyphCode := cardinal(ch) and $FF;
+ GlyphCode := Ord(ch) and $FF;
// insert glyph into table if not present
if (GlyphTable[GlyphCode] = nil) then
@@ -2365,19 +2449,19 @@ begin
-procedure TGlyphCache.DeleteGlyph(ch: WideChar);
+procedure TGlyphCache.DeleteGlyph(ch: UCS4Char);
Table: PGlyphTable;
TableIndex, GlyphIndex: integer;
TableEmpty: boolean;
// find table
- Table := FindGlyphTable(cardinal(ch) shr 8, TableIndex);
+ Table := FindGlyphTable(Ord(ch) shr 8, TableIndex);
if (Table = nil) then
// find glyph
- GlyphIndex := cardinal(ch) and $FF;
+ GlyphIndex := Ord(ch) and $FF;
if (Table[GlyphIndex] <> nil) then
// destroy glyph
@@ -2402,19 +2486,19 @@ begin
-function TGlyphCache.GetGlyph(ch: WideChar): TGlyph;
+function TGlyphCache.GetGlyph(ch: UCS4Char): TGlyph;
InsertPos: integer;
Table: PGlyphTable;
- Table := FindGlyphTable(cardinal(ch) shr 8, InsertPos);
+ Table := FindGlyphTable(Ord(ch) shr 8, InsertPos);
if (Table = nil) then
Result := nil
- Result := Table[cardinal(ch) and $FF];
+ Result := Table[Ord(ch) and $FF];
-function TGlyphCache.HasGlyph(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+function TGlyphCache.HasGlyph(ch: UCS4Char): boolean;
Result := (GetGlyph(ch) <> nil);
@@ -2482,7 +2566,7 @@ end;
* TBitmapFont
-constructor TBitmapFont.Create(const Filename: string; Outline: integer;
+constructor TBitmapFont.Create(const Filename: IPath; Outline: integer;
Baseline, Ascender, Descender: integer);
inherited Create();
@@ -2494,7 +2578,7 @@ begin
fAscender := Ascender;
fDescender := Descender;
- LoadFontInfo(ChangeFileExt(Filename, '.dat'));
+ LoadFontInfo(Filename.SetExtension('.dat'));
@@ -2524,27 +2608,27 @@ begin
fWidths[Count] := Round(fWidths[Count] * WidthMult) + WidthAdd;
-procedure TBitmapFont.LoadFontInfo(const InfoFile: string);
+procedure TBitmapFont.LoadFontInfo(const InfoFile: IPath);
- Stream: TFileStream;
+ Stream: TStream;
FillChar(fWidths[0], Length(fWidths), 0);
Stream := nil;
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(InfoFile, fmOpenRead);
+ Stream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(InfoFile, fmOpenRead);
Stream.Read(fWidths, 256);
- raise Exception.Create('Could not read font info file ''' + InfoFile + '''');
+ raise Exception.Create('Could not read font info file ''' + InfoFile.ToNative + '''');
-function TBitmapFont.BBox(const Text: TWideStringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
+function TBitmapFont.BBox(const Text: TUCS4StringArray; Advance: boolean): TBoundsDbl;
LineIndex, CharIndex: integer;
CharCode: cardinal;
- Line: WideString;
+ Line: UCS4String;
LineWidth: double;
Result.Left := 0;
@@ -2556,7 +2640,7 @@ begin
Line := Text[LineIndex];
LineWidth := 0;
- for CharIndex := 1 to Length(Line) do
+ for CharIndex := 0 to LengthUCS4(Line)-1 do
CharCode := Ord(Line[CharIndex]);
if (CharCode < Length(fWidths)) then
@@ -2567,7 +2651,7 @@ begin
-procedure TBitmapFont.RenderChar(ch: WideChar; var AdvanceX: real);
+procedure TBitmapFont.RenderChar(ch: UCS4Char; var AdvanceX: real);
TexX, TexY: real;
TexR, TexB: real;
@@ -2659,20 +2743,20 @@ begin
AdvanceX := AdvanceX + GlyphWidth;
-procedure TBitmapFont.Render(const Text: WideString);
+procedure TBitmapFont.Render(const Text: UCS4String);
CharIndex: integer;
AdvanceX: real;
// if there is no text do nothing
- if (Text = '') then
+ if (Text = nil) or (Text[0] = 0) then
//Save the current color and alpha (for reflection)
glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, @fTempColor);
AdvanceX := 0;
- for CharIndex := 1 to Length(Text) do
+ for CharIndex := 0 to LengthUCS4(Text)-1 do
RenderChar(Text[CharIndex], AdvanceX);
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UGraphic.pas b/Lua/src/base/UGraphic.pas
index 99478b70..a1f63366 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UGraphic.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UGraphic.pas
@@ -150,11 +150,12 @@ var
//popup mod
ScreenPopupCheck: TScreenPopupCheck;
ScreenPopupError: TScreenPopupError;
+ ScreenPopupInfo: TScreenPopupInfo;
- Tex_Left: array[0..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_note_left
- Tex_Mid: array[0..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_note_mid
- Tex_Right: array[0..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_note_right
+ Tex_Left: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_note_left
+ Tex_Mid: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_note_mid
+ Tex_Right: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_note_right
Tex_plain_Left: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_notebg_left
Tex_plain_Mid: array[1..6] of TTexture; //rename to tex_notebg_mid
@@ -198,7 +199,14 @@ var
Tex_Score_NoteBarRound_Lightest : array [1..6] of TTexture;
Tex_Score_Ratings : array [0..7] of TTexture;
+ // arrows for SelectSlide
+ Tex_SelectS_ArrowL: TTexture;
+ Tex_SelectS_ArrowR: TTexture;
+ // textures for software mouse cursor
+ Tex_Cursor_Unpressed: TTexture;
+ Tex_Cursor_Pressed: TTexture;
Skin_BGColorR = 1;
Skin_BGColorG = 1;
@@ -232,17 +240,6 @@ const
Skin_OscG = 0;
Skin_OscB = 0;
- // TODO: add to theme ini file
- Skin_LyricsT = 493;
- Skin_LyricsUpperX = 80;
- Skin_LyricsUpperW = 640;
- Skin_LyricsUpperY = Skin_LyricsT;
- Skin_LyricsUpperH = 41;
- Skin_LyricsLowerX = 80;
- Skin_LyricsLowerW = 640;
- Skin_LyricsLowerY = Skin_LyricsT + Skin_LyricsUpperH + 1;
- Skin_LyricsLowerH = 41;
Skin_SpectrumT = 470;
Skin_SpectrumBot = 570;
Skin_SpectrumH = 100;
@@ -280,11 +277,12 @@ function LoadingThreadFunction: integer;
+ Classes,
- Classes;
+ UPathUtils;
procedure LoadFontTextures;
@@ -294,23 +292,13 @@ end;
procedure LoadTextures;
- P: integer;
- R, G, B: real;
- Col: integer;
+ P: integer;
+ R, G, B: real;
+ Col: integer;
Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures', 'LoadTextures');
- // FIXME: do we need this? (REMOVE otherwise)
- Tex_Left[0] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayLeft'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- // FIXME: do we need this? (REMOVE otherwise)
- Tex_Mid[0] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayMid'), TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, 0);
- // FIXME: do we need this? (REMOVE otherwise)
- Tex_Right[0] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayRight'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures - A', 'LoadTextures');
// P1-6
// TODO... do it once for each player... this is a bit crappy !!
// can we make it any better !?
@@ -318,7 +306,29 @@ begin
LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P' + IntToStr(P) + 'Light');
Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
+ { some colors for tests
+ Col := $10000 * Round(0.02*255) + $100 * Round(0.6 *255) + Round(0.8 *255); //blue
+ Col := $10000 * Round(0.8 *255) ; //red
+ Col := $100 * Round(0.85*255) ; //green
+ Col := $10000 * 255 + $100 * Round(0.52*255) ; //orange
+ Col := $10000 * 255 + $100 * 255 ; //yellow
+ Col := $10000 * Round(0.82*255) + 255 ; //purple
+ Col := $10000 * Round(0.22*255) + $100 * Round(0.39*255) + Round(0.64*255); //dark blue
+ Col := $10000 * Round(0 *255) + $100 * Round(0 *255) + Round(0 *255); //black
+ Col := $10000 * Round(1.0 *255) + $100 * Round(0.43*255) + Round(0.70*255); //pink
+ Col := 0; //black
+ Col := $FFFFFF; //white
+ Col := $FF0000; //red
+ Col := $00FF00; //green
+ Col := $002200; //light green
+ Col := $002222; //light greenblue
+ Col := $222200; //light yellow
+ Col := $340000; //red
+ Col := $FF6EB4; //pink
+ Col := $333333; //grey
+ }
Tex_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayLeft'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
Tex_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayMid'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
Tex_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayRight'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
@@ -339,6 +349,15 @@ begin
Tex_Ball := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Ball'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, $FF00FF);
Tex_Lyric_Help_Bar := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricHelpBar'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, $FF00FF);
+ Tex_SelectS_ArrowL := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Select_ArrowLeft'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+ Tex_SelectS_ArrowR := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Select_ArrowRight'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+ Tex_Cursor_Unpressed := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Cursor'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+ if (Skin.GetTextureFileName('Cursor_Pressed').IsSet) then
+ Tex_Cursor_Pressed := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Cursor_Pressed'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0)
+ else
+ Tex_Cursor_Pressed.TexNum := 0;
//TimeBar mod
Tex_TimeProgress := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('TimeBar'));
@@ -384,14 +403,14 @@ begin
Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
- Tex_SingLineBonusBack[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LineBonusBack')), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
+ Tex_SingLineBonusBack[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LineBonusBack'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
//## backgrounds for the scores ##
for P := 0 to 5 do begin
LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Light');
Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
- Tex_ScoreBG[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreBG')), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
+ Tex_ScoreBG[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreBG'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
@@ -406,23 +425,23 @@ begin
//NoteBar ScoreBar
LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P' + IntToStr(P) + 'Dark');
Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
- Tex_Score_NoteBarLevel_Dark[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreLevel_Dark')), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
- Tex_Score_NoteBarRound_Dark[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreLevel_Dark_Round')), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
+ Tex_Score_NoteBarLevel_Dark[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreLevel_Dark'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
+ Tex_Score_NoteBarRound_Dark[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreLevel_Dark_Round'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
//LineBonus ScoreBar
LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P' + IntToStr(P) + 'Light');
Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
- Tex_Score_NoteBarLevel_Light[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreLevel_Light')), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
- Tex_Score_NoteBarRound_Light[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreLevel_Light_Round')), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
+ Tex_Score_NoteBarLevel_Light[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreLevel_Light'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
+ Tex_Score_NoteBarRound_Light[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreLevel_Light_Round'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
//GoldenNotes ScoreBar
LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P' + IntToStr(P) + 'Lightest');
Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
- Tex_Score_NoteBarLevel_Lightest[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreLevel_Lightest')), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
- Tex_Score_NoteBarRound_Lightest[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreLevel_Lightest_Round')), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
+ Tex_Score_NoteBarLevel_Lightest[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreLevel_Lightest'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
+ Tex_Score_NoteBarRound_Lightest[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('ScoreLevel_Lightest_Round'), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED, Col);
//## rating pictures that show a picture according to your rate ##
for P := 0 to 7 do begin
- Tex_Score_Ratings[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Rating_'+IntToStr(P))), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+ Tex_Score_Ratings[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Rating_'+IntToStr(P)), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures - Done', 'LoadTextures');
@@ -459,9 +478,9 @@ begin
// load icon image (must be 32x32 for win32)
- Icon := LoadImage(ResourcesPath + WINDOW_ICON);
+ Icon := LoadImage(ResourcesPath.Append(WINDOW_ICON));
if (Icon <> nil) then
- SDL_WM_SetIcon(Icon, 0);
+ SDL_WM_SetIcon(Icon, nil);
SDL_WM_SetCaption(PChar(Title), nil);
@@ -497,6 +516,7 @@ begin
Log.LogStatus('TDisplay.Create', 'UGraphic.Initialize3D');
Display := TDisplay.Create;
+ //Display.SetCursor;
//Log.BenchmarkEnd(2); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Creating Display', 2);
@@ -629,15 +649,15 @@ begin
Log.LogStatus('SDL_SetVideoMode', 'Set Video Mode... Full Screen');
screen := SDL_SetVideoMode(W, H, (Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN );
- SDL_ShowCursor(0);
Log.LogStatus('SDL_SetVideoMode', 'Set Video Mode... Windowed');
screen := SDL_SetVideoMode(W, H, 0, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_RESIZABLE);
- SDL_ShowCursor(1);
+ SDL_ShowCursor(0);
if (screen = nil) then
Log.LogCritical('SDL_SetVideoMode Failed', 'Initialize3D');
@@ -661,7 +681,7 @@ end;
procedure LoadLoadingScreen;
ScreenLoading := TScreenLoading.Create;
- ScreenLoading.onShow;
+ ScreenLoading.OnShow;
Display.CurrentScreen := @ScreenLoading;
@@ -676,7 +696,7 @@ end;
procedure LoadScreens;
{ ScreenLoading := TScreenLoading.Create;
- ScreenLoading.onShow;
+ ScreenLoading.OnShow;
Display.CurrentScreen := @ScreenLoading;
@@ -737,6 +757,8 @@ begin
Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Popup (Check)', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
ScreenPopupError := TScreenPopupError.Create;
Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Popup (Error)', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
+ ScreenPopupInfo := TScreenPopupInfo.Create;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen Popup (Info)', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
ScreenPartyNewRound := TScreenPartyNewRound.Create;
Log.BenchmarkEnd(3); Log.LogBenchmark('====> Screen PartyNewRound', 3); Log.BenchmarkStart(3);
ScreenPartyScore := TScreenPartyScore.Create;
@@ -788,6 +810,7 @@ begin
+ ScreenPopupInfo.Destroy;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UGraphicClasses.pas b/Lua/src/base/UGraphicClasses.pas
index 3fbe262f..cdaa238e 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UGraphicClasses.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UGraphicClasses.pas
@@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ var
- sysutils,
+ SysUtils,
+ Math,
+ UCommon,
+ UDrawTexture,
+ UGraphic,
- UMain,
- UThemes,
+ UNote,
- UGraphic,
- UDrawTexture,
- UCommon,
- math;
+ UThemes;
constructor TParticle.Create(cX, cY : real;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UHooks.pas b/Lua/src/base/UHooks.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index ab830090..00000000
--- a/Lua/src/base/UHooks.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
- *
- * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL$
- * $Id$
- *}
-unit UHooks;
- THookManager
- Class for saving, managing and calling of hooks.
- Saves all hookable events and their subscribers
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- uPluginDefs,
- SysUtils;
- //Record that saves info from Subscriber
- PSubscriberInfo = ^TSubscriberInfo;
- TSubscriberInfo = record
- Self: THandle; //ID of this Subscription (First word: ID of Subscription; 2nd word: ID of Hook)
- Next: PSubscriberInfo; //Pointer to next Item in HookChain
- Owner: integer; //For Error Handling and Plugin Unloading.
- //Here is s/t tricky
- //To avoid writing of Wrapping Functions to Hook an Event with a Class
- //We save a Normal Proc or a Method of a Class
- case isClass: boolean of
- False: (Proc: TUS_Hook); //Proc that will be called on Event
- True: (ProcOfClass: TUS_Hook_of_Object);
- end;
- TEventInfo = record
- Name: string[60]; //Name of Event
- FirstSubscriber: PSubscriberInfo; //First subscriber in chain
- LastSubscriber: PSubscriberInfo; //Last " (for easier subscriber adding
- end;
- THookManager = class
- private
- Events: array of TEventInfo;
- SpaceinEvents: word; //Number of empty Items in Events Array. (e.g. Deleted Items)
- procedure FreeSubscriber(const EventIndex: word; const Last, Cur: PSubscriberInfo);
- public
- constructor Create(const SpacetoAllocate: word);
- function AddEvent (const EventName: Pchar): THandle;
- function DelEvent (hEvent: THandle): integer;
- function AddSubscriber (const EventName: Pchar; const Proc: TUS_Hook = nil; const ProcOfClass: TUS_Hook_of_Object = nil): THandle;
- function DelSubscriber (const hSubscriber: THandle): integer;
- function CallEventChain (const hEvent: THandle; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- function EventExists (const EventName: Pchar): integer;
- procedure DelbyOwner(const Owner: integer);
- end;
-function HookTest(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
- HookManager: THookManager;
- ULog,
- UCore;
-// Create - Creates Class and Set Standard Values
-constructor THookManager.Create(const SpacetoAllocate: word);
-var I: integer;
- inherited Create();
- //Get the Space and "Zero" it
- SetLength (Events, SpacetoAllocate);
- for I := 0 to SpacetoAllocate-1 do
- Events[I].Name[1] := chr(0);
- SpaceinEvents := SpacetoAllocate;
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Succesful Created.');
- {$ENDIF}
-// AddEvent - Adds an Event and return the Events Handle or 0 on Failure
-function THookManager.AddEvent (const EventName: Pchar): THandle;
-var I: integer;
- Result := 0;
- if (EventExists(EventName) = 0) then
- begin
- if (SpaceinEvents > 0) then
- begin
- //There is already Space available
- //Go Search it!
- for I := 0 to High(Events) do
- if (Events[I].Name[1] = chr(0)) then
- begin //Found Space
- Result := I;
- Dec(SpaceinEvents);
- Break;
- end;
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Found Space for Event at Handle: ''' + InttoStr(Result+1) + '');
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else
- begin //There is no Space => Go make some!
- Result := Length(Events);
- SetLength(Events, Result + 1);
- end;
- //Set Events Data
- Events[Result].Name := EventName;
- Events[Result].FirstSubscriber := nil;
- Events[Result].LastSubscriber := nil;
- //Handle is Index + 1
- Inc(Result);
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Add Event succesful: ''' + EventName + '');
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Trying to ReAdd Event: ''' + EventName + '');
- {$ENDIF}
-// DelEvent - Deletes an Event by Handle Returns False on Failure
-function THookManager.DelEvent (hEvent: THandle): integer;
- Cur, Last: PSubscriberInfo;
- hEvent := hEvent - 1; //Arrayindex is Handle - 1
- Result := -1;
- if (Length(Events) > hEvent) and (Events[hEvent].Name[1] <> chr(0)) then
- begin //Event exists
- //Free the Space for all Subscribers
- Cur := Events[hEvent].FirstSubscriber;
- while (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- Last := Cur;
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- FreeMem(Last, SizeOf(TSubscriberInfo));
- end;
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Removed Event succesful: ''' + Events[hEvent].Name + '');
- {$ENDIF}
- //Free the Event
- Events[hEvent].Name[1] := chr(0);
- Inc(SpaceinEvents); //There is one more space for new events
- end
- else
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Try to Remove not Existing Event. Handle: ''' + InttoStr(hEvent) + '');
- {$ENDIF}
-// AddSubscriber - Adds an Subscriber to the Event by Name
-// Returns Handle of the Subscribtion or 0 on Failure
-function THookManager.AddSubscriber (const EventName: Pchar; const Proc: TUS_Hook; const ProcOfClass: TUS_Hook_of_Object): THandle;
- EventHandle: THandle;
- EventIndex: Cardinal;
- Cur: PSubscriberInfo;
- Result := 0;
- if (@Proc <> nil) or (@ProcOfClass <> nil) then
- begin
- EventHandle := EventExists(EventName);
- if (EventHandle <> 0) then
- begin
- EventIndex := EventHandle - 1;
- //Get Memory
- GetMem(Cur, SizeOf(TSubscriberInfo));
- //Fill it with Data
- Cur.Next := nil;
- //Add Owner
- Cur.Owner := Core.CurExecuted;
- if (@Proc = nil) then
- begin //Use the ProcofClass Method
- Cur.isClass := True;
- Cur.ProcOfClass := ProcofClass;
- end
- else //Use the normal Proc
- begin
- Cur.isClass := False;
- Cur.Proc := Proc;
- end;
- //Create Handle (1st word: Handle of Event; 2nd word: unique ID
- if (Events[EventIndex].LastSubscriber = nil) then
- begin
- if (Events[EventIndex].FirstSubscriber = nil) then
- begin
- Result := (EventHandle SHL 16);
- Events[EventIndex].FirstSubscriber := Cur;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := Events[EventIndex].FirstSubscriber.Self + 1;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := Events[EventIndex].LastSubscriber.Self + 1;
- Events[EventIndex].LastSubscriber.Next := Cur;
- end;
- Cur.Self := Result;
- //Add to Chain
- Events[EventIndex].LastSubscriber := Cur;
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Add Subscriber to Event ''' + Events[EventIndex].Name + ''' succesful. Handle: ''' + InttoStr(Result) + ''' Owner: ' + InttoStr(Cur.Owner));
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
-// FreeSubscriber - Helper for DelSubscriber. Prevents Loss of Chain Items. Frees Memory.
-procedure THookManager.FreeSubscriber(const EventIndex: word; const Last, Cur: PSubscriberInfo);
- //Delete from Chain
- if (Last <> nil) then
- begin
- Last.Next := Cur.Next;
- end
- else //Was first Popup
- begin
- Events[EventIndex].FirstSubscriber := Cur.Next;
- end;
- //Was this Last subscription ?
- if (Cur = Events[EventIndex].LastSubscriber) then
- begin //Change Last Subscriber
- Events[EventIndex].LastSubscriber := Last;
- end;
- //Free Space:
- FreeMem(Cur, SizeOf(TSubscriberInfo));
-// DelSubscriber - Deletes a Subscribtion by Handle, return non Zero on Failure
-function THookManager.DelSubscriber (const hSubscriber: THandle): integer;
- EventIndex: Cardinal;
- Cur, Last: PSubscriberInfo;
- Result := -1;
- EventIndex := ((hSubscriber and (High(THandle) xor High(word))) SHR 16) - 1;
- //Existing Event ?
- if (EventIndex < Length(Events)) and (Events[EventIndex].Name[1] <> chr(0)) then
- begin
- Result := -2; //Return -1 on not existing Event, -2 on not existing Subscription
- //Search for Subscription
- Cur := Events[EventIndex].FirstSubscriber;
- Last := nil;
- //go through the chain ...
- while (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- if (Cur.Self = hSubscriber) then
- begin //Found Subscription we searched for
- FreeSubscriber(EventIndex, Last, Cur);
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Del Subscriber from Event ''' + Events[EventIndex].Name + ''' succesful. Handle: ''' + InttoStr(hSubscriber) + '');
- {$ENDIF}
- //Set Result and Break the Loop
- Result := 0;
- Break;
- end;
- Last := Cur;
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- end;
- end;
-// CallEventChain - Calls the Chain of a specified EventHandle
-// Returns: -1: Handle doesn't Exist, 0 Chain is called until the End
-function THookManager.CallEventChain (const hEvent: THandle; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- EventIndex: Cardinal;
- Cur: PSubscriberInfo;
- CurExecutedBackup: integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
- Result := -1;
- EventIndex := hEvent - 1;
- if ((EventIndex <= High(Events)) and (Events[EventIndex].Name[1] <> chr(0))) then
- begin //Existing Event
- //Backup CurExecuted
- CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
- //Start calling the Chain !!!11
- Cur := Events[EventIndex].FirstSubscriber;
- Result := 0;
- //Call Hooks until the Chain is at the End or breaked
- while ((Cur <> nil) and (Result = 0)) do
- begin
- //Set CurExecuted
- Core.CurExecuted := Cur.Owner;
- if (Cur.isClass) then
- Result := Cur.ProcOfClass(wParam, lParam)
- else
- Result := Cur.Proc(wParam, lParam);
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- end;
- //Restore CurExecuted
- Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
- end;
- debugWriteLn('HookManager: Called Chain from Event ''' + Events[EventIndex].Name + ''' succesful. Result: ''' + InttoStr(Result) + '');
- {$ENDIF}
-// EventExists - Returns non Zero if an Event with the given Name exists
-function THookManager.EventExists (const EventName: Pchar): integer;
- I: integer;
- Name: string[60];
- Result := 0;
- //if (Length(EventName) <
- Name := string(EventName);
- //Sure not to search for empty space
- if (Name[1] <> chr(0)) then
- begin
- //Search for Event
- for I := 0 to High(Events) do
- if (Events[I].Name = Name) then
- begin //Event found
- Result := I + 1;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
-// DelbyOwner - Dels all Subscriptions by a specific Owner. (For Clean Plugin/Module unloading)
-procedure THookManager.DelbyOwner(const Owner: integer);
- I: integer;
- Cur, Last: PSubscriberInfo;
- //Search for Owner in all Hooks Chains
- for I := 0 to High(Events) do
- begin
- if (Events[I].Name[1] <> chr(0)) then
- begin
- Last := nil;
- Cur := Events[I].FirstSubscriber;
- //Went Through Chain
- while (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- if (Cur.Owner = Owner) then
- begin //Found Subscription by Owner -> Delete
- FreeSubscriber(I, Last, Cur);
- if (Last <> nil) then
- Cur := Last.Next
- else
- Cur := Events[I].FirstSubscriber;
- end
- else
- begin
- //Next Item:
- Last := Cur;
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function HookTest(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
- Result := 0; //Don't break the chain
- Core.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_INFO, Pchar(string(Pchar(Pointer(lParam))) + ': ' + string(Pchar(Pointer(wParam)))));
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UImage.pas b/Lua/src/base/UImage.pas
index 18b0035c..1866316e 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UImage.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UImage.pas
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
- SDL;
+ SDL,
+ UPath;
@@ -131,30 +132,29 @@ type
-function WritePNGImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
+function WritePNGImage(const FileName: IPath; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
-function WriteBMPImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
+function WriteBMPImage(const FileName: IPath; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
-function WriteJPGImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface; Quality: integer): boolean;
+function WriteJPGImage(const FileName: IPath; Surface: PSDL_Surface; Quality: integer): boolean;
* Image loading
-function LoadImage(const Filename: string): PSDL_Surface;
+function LoadImage(const Filename: IPath): PSDL_Surface;
* Image manipulation
function PixelFormatEquals(fmt1, fmt2: PSDL_PixelFormat): boolean;
-procedure ScaleImage(var ImgSurface: PSDL_Surface; Width, Height: Cardinal);
-procedure FitImage(var ImgSurface: PSDL_Surface; Width, Height: Cardinal);
-procedure ColorizeImage(ImgSurface: PSDL_Surface; NewColor: Cardinal);
+procedure ScaleImage(var ImgSurface: PSDL_Surface; Width, Height: cardinal);
+procedure FitImage(var ImgSurface: PSDL_Surface; Width, Height: cardinal);
+procedure ColorizeImage(ImgSurface: PSDL_Surface; NewColor: cardinal);
@@ -182,10 +182,10 @@ uses
+ sdlstreams,
function IsRGBSurface(pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat): boolean;
Result := (pixelFmt.BitsPerPixel = 24) and
@@ -266,7 +266,6 @@ begin
* Image saving
@@ -285,26 +284,26 @@ end;
procedure user_read_data(png_ptr: png_structp; data: png_bytep; length: png_size_t); cdecl;
- inFile: TFileStream;
+ inFile: TStream;
- inFile := TFileStream(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
+ inFile := TStream(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
inFile.Read(data^, length);
procedure user_write_data(png_ptr: png_structp; data: png_bytep; length: png_size_t); cdecl;
- outFile: TFileStream;
+ outFile: TStream;
- outFile := TFileStream(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
+ outFile := TStream(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
outFile.Write(data^, length);
procedure user_flush_data(png_ptr: png_structp); cdecl;
-// outFile: TFileStream;
+// outFile: TStream;
// binary files are flushed automatically, Flush() works with Text-files only
- //outFile := TFileStream(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
+ //outFile := TStream(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
@@ -314,23 +313,23 @@ var
hour, minute, second, msecond: word;
DecodeDate(time, year, month, day);
- pngTime.year := year;
- pngTime.month := month;
- pngTime.day := day;
+ pngTime.year := png_uint_16(year);
+ pngTime.month := png_byte(month);
+ pngTime.day := png_byte(day);
DecodeTime(time, hour, minute, second, msecond);
- pngTime.hour := hour;
- pngTime.minute := minute;
- pngTime.second := second;
+ pngTime.hour := png_byte(hour);
+ pngTime.minute := png_byte(minute);
+ pngTime.second := png_byte(second);
* ImageData must be in RGB-format
-function WritePNGImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
+function WritePNGImage(const FileName: IPath; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
png_ptr: png_structp;
info_ptr: png_infop;
- pngFile: TFileStream;
+ pngFile: TStream;
row: integer;
rowData: array of png_bytep;
// rowStride: integer;
@@ -342,9 +341,9 @@ begin
// open file for writing
- pngFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ pngFile := TBinaryFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- Log.LogError('Could not open file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WritePngImage');
+ Log.LogError('Could not open file: "' + FileName.ToNative + '"', 'WritePngImage');
@@ -503,9 +502,9 @@ type
* ImageData must be in BGR-format
-function WriteBMPImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
+function WriteBMPImage(const FileName: IPath; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
- bmpFile: TFileStream;
+ bmpFile: TStream;
Converted: boolean;
@@ -516,9 +515,9 @@ begin
// open file for writing
- bmpFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ bmpFile := TBinaryFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- Log.LogError('Could not open file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WriteBMPImage');
+ Log.LogError('Could not open file: "' + FileName.ToNative + '"', 'WriteBMPImage');
@@ -582,7 +581,7 @@ begin
Result := true;
- Log.LogError('Could not write file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WriteBMPImage');
+ Log.LogError('Could not write file: "' + FileName.ToNative + '"', 'WriteBMPImage');
if (Converted) then
@@ -600,20 +599,21 @@ end;
-function WriteJPGImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface; Quality: integer): boolean;
+function WriteJPGImage(const FileName: IPath; Surface: PSDL_Surface; Quality: integer): boolean;
{$IFDEF Delphi}
- Bitmap: TBitmap;
+ Bitmap: TBitmap;
BitmapInfo: TBitmapInfo;
- Jpeg: TJpegImage;
- row: integer;
+ Jpeg: TJpegImage;
+ row: integer;
+ FileStream: TBinaryFileStream;
cinfo: jpeg_compress_struct;
jerr : jpeg_error_mgr;
- jpgFile: TFileStream;
+ jpgFile: TBinaryFileStream;
rowPtr: array[0..0] of JSAMPROW;
- converted: boolean;
+ converted: boolean;
Result := false;
@@ -672,19 +672,32 @@ begin
// assign Bitmap to JPEG and store the latter
- Jpeg := TJPEGImage.Create;
- Jpeg.Assign(Bitmap);
- Bitmap.Free;
- Jpeg.CompressionQuality := Quality;
- // compress image (don't forget this line, otherwise it won't be compressed)
- Jpeg.Compress();
- Jpeg.SaveToFile(FileName);
+ // init with nil so Free() will not fail if an exception occurs
+ Jpeg := nil;
+ Bitmap := nil;
+ FileStream := nil;
+ try
+ Jpeg := TJPEGImage.Create;
+ Jpeg.Assign(Bitmap);
+ // compress image (don't forget this line, otherwise it won't be compressed)
+ Jpeg.CompressionQuality := Quality;
+ Jpeg.Compress();
+ // Note: FileStream needed for unicode filename support
+ FileStream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(Filename, fmCreate);
+ Jpeg.SaveToStream(FileStream);
+ finally
+ FileStream.Free;
+ Bitmap.Free;
+ Jpeg.Free;
+ end;
- Log.LogError('Could not save file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WriteJPGImage');
+ Log.LogError('Could not save file: "' + FileName.ToNative + '"', 'WriteJPGImage');
- Jpeg.Free;
// based on example.pas in FPC's packages/base/pasjpeg directory
@@ -706,9 +719,9 @@ begin
// open file for writing
- jpgFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ jpgFile := TBinaryFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- Log.LogError('Could not open file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WriteJPGImage');
+ Log.LogError('Could not open file: "' + FileName.ToNative + '"', 'WriteJPGImage');
@@ -759,62 +772,56 @@ end;
* Image loading
* Loads an image from the given file
-function LoadImage(const Filename: string): PSDL_Surface;
+function LoadImage(const Filename: IPath): PSDL_Surface;
- FilenameFound: string;
+ FilenameCaseAdj: IPath;
+ FileStream: TBinaryFileStream;
+ SDLStream: PSDL_RWops;
- Result := nil;
- // FileExistsInsensitive() requires a var-arg
- FilenameFound := Filename;
+ Result := nil;
- // try to find the file case insensitive
- if (not FileExistsInsensitive(FilenameFound)) then
+ // try to adjust filename's case and check if it exists
+ FilenameCaseAdj := Filename.AdjustCase(false);
+ if (not FilenameCaseAdj.IsFile) then
- Log.LogError('Image-File does not exist "'+FilenameFound+'"', 'LoadImage');
+ Log.LogError('Image-File does not exist "' + FilenameCaseAdj.ToNative + '"', 'LoadImage');
// load from file
- Result := IMG_Load(PChar(FilenameFound));
+ SDLStream := SDLStreamSetup(TBinaryFileStream.Create(FilenameCaseAdj, fmOpenRead));
+ Result := IMG_Load_RW(SDLStream, 1);
+ // Note: TBinaryFileStream is freed by SDLStream. SDLStream by IMG_Load_RW().
- Log.LogError('Could not load from file "'+FilenameFound+'"', 'LoadImage');
+ Log.LogError('Could not load from file "' + FilenameCaseAdj.ToNative + '"', 'LoadImage');
* Image manipulation
function PixelFormatEquals(fmt1, fmt2: PSDL_PixelFormat): boolean;
- if (fmt1^.BitsPerPixel = fmt2^.BitsPerPixel) and
- (fmt1^.BytesPerPixel = fmt2^.BytesPerPixel) and
- (fmt1^.Rloss = fmt2^.Rloss) and (fmt1^.Gloss = fmt2^.Gloss) and
- (fmt1^.Bloss = fmt2^.Bloss) and (fmt1^.Rmask = fmt2^.Rmask) and
- (fmt1^.Gmask = fmt2^.Gmask) and (fmt1^.Bmask = fmt2^.Bmask) and
- (fmt1^.Rshift = fmt2^.Rshift) and (fmt1^.Gshift = fmt2^.Gshift) and
- (fmt1^.Bshift = fmt2^.Bshift)
- then
- Result := true
- else
- Result := false;
+ Result :=
+ (fmt1^.BitsPerPixel = fmt2^.BitsPerPixel) and
+ (fmt1^.BytesPerPixel = fmt2^.BytesPerPixel) and
+ (fmt1^.Rloss = fmt2^.Rloss) and (fmt1^.Gloss = fmt2^.Gloss) and (fmt1^.Bloss = fmt2^.Bloss) and
+ (fmt1^.Rmask = fmt2^.Rmask) and (fmt1^.Gmask = fmt2^.Gmask) and (fmt1^.Bmask = fmt2^.Bmask) and
+ (fmt1^.Rshift = fmt2^.Rshift) and (fmt1^.Gshift = fmt2^.Gshift) and (fmt1^.Bshift = fmt2^.Bshift)
+ ;
-procedure ScaleImage(var ImgSurface: PSDL_Surface; Width, Height: Cardinal);
+procedure ScaleImage(var ImgSurface: PSDL_Surface; Width, Height: cardinal);
TempSurface: PSDL_Surface;
@@ -825,10 +832,10 @@ begin
-procedure FitImage(var ImgSurface: PSDL_Surface; Width, Height: Cardinal);
+procedure FitImage(var ImgSurface: PSDL_Surface; Width, Height: cardinal);
TempSurface: PSDL_Surface;
- ImgFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat;
+ ImgFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat;
TempSurface := ImgSurface;
@@ -849,12 +856,12 @@ end;
// Old slow floating point version of ColorizeTexture.
// For an easier understanding of the faster fixed point version below.
-procedure ColorizeTexture(TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Col: Cardinal);
+procedure ColorizeTexture(TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Col: cardinal);
- clr: array[0..2] of Double; // [0: R, 1: G, 2: B]
- hsv: array[0..2] of Double; // [0: H(ue), 1: S(aturation), 2: V(alue)]
- delta, f, p, q, t: Double;
- max: Double;
+ clr: array[0..2] of double; // [0: R, 1: G, 2: B]
+ hsv: array[0..2] of double; // [0: H(ue), 1: S(aturation), 2: V(alue)]
+ delta, f, p, q, t: double;
+ max: double;
clr[0] := PixelColors[0]/255;
clr[1] := PixelColors[1]/255;
@@ -892,90 +899,230 @@ begin
-procedure ColorizeImage(ImgSurface: PSDL_Surface; NewColor: Cardinal);
+procedure ColorizeImage(ImgSurface: PSDL_Surface; NewColor: longword);
- //returns hue within range [0.0-6.0)
- function col2hue(Color:Cardinal): double;
+ // First, the rgb colors are converted to hsv, second hue is replaced by
+ // the NewColor, saturation and value remain unchanged, finally this
+ // hsv color is converted back to rgb space.
+ // For the conversion algorithms of colors from rgb to hsv space
+ // and back simply check the wikipedia.
+ // In order to speed up starting time of USDX the division of reals is
+ // replaced by division of longints, shifted by 10 bits to keep
+ // digits.
+ // The use of longwards leeds to some type size mismatch warnings
+ // whenever differences are formed.
+ // This should not be a problem, since the results should all be positive.
+ // replacing longword by longint would probably resolve this cosmetic fault :-)
+ function ColorToHue(const Color: longword): longword;
+ // returns hue within the range [0.0-6.0] but shl 10, ie. times 1024
- clr: array[0..2] of double;
- hue, max, delta: double;
+ Red, Green, Blue: longint;
+ Min, Max, Delta: longint;
+ Hue: double;
- clr[0] := ((Color and $ff0000) shr 16)/255; // R
- clr[1] := ((Color and $ff00) shr 8)/255; // G
- clr[2] := (Color and $ff) /255; // B
- max := maxvalue(clr);
- delta := max - minvalue(clr);
+ // extract the colors
+ // division by 255 is omitted, since it is implicitly done
+ // when deviding by delta
+ Red := ((Color and $ff0000) shr 16); // R
+ Green := ((Color and $ff00) shr 8); // G
+ Blue := (Color and $ff) ; // B
+ Min := Red;
+ if Green < Min then Min := Green;
+ if Blue < Min then Min := Blue;
+ Max := Red;
+ if Green > Max then Max := Green;
+ if Blue > Max then Max := Blue;
// calc hue
- if (delta = 0.0) then hue := 0
- else if (clr[0] = max) then hue := (clr[1]-clr[2])/delta
- else if (clr[1] = max) then hue := 2.0+(clr[2]-clr[0])/delta
- else if (clr[2] = max) then hue := 4.0+(clr[0]-clr[1])/delta;
- if (hue < 0.0) then
- hue := hue + 6.0;
- Result := hue;
+ Delta := Max - Min; // This gives a type size mismatch warning, because Delta is longword, ie. >= 0
+ // But the assignments above are easy enough to be sure, that Max - Min is >= 0.
+ if (Delta = 0) then
+ Result := 0
+ else
+ begin
+ // The division by Delta is done separately afterwards.
+ // Necessary because Delphi did not do the type conversion from
+ // longword to double as expected.
+ // After the change to longint, we may not need it, but left for now
+ // Something to check
+ if (Max = Red ) then Hue := Green - Blue
+ else if (Max = Green) then Hue := 2.0*Delta + Blue - Red
+ else if (Max = Blue ) then Hue := 4.0*Delta + Red - Green;
+ Hue := Hue / Delta;
+ if (Hue < 0.0) then
+ Hue := Hue + 6.0;
+ Result := trunc(Hue*1024); // '*1024' is shl 10
+ // if NewColor = $000000 then
+ // Log.LogError ('Hue: ' + FloatToStr(Hue), 'ColorToHue');
+ end;
- DestinationHue: Double;
- PixelIndex: Cardinal;
+ PixelIndex: longword;
Pixel: PByte;
PixelColors: PByteArray;
- clr: array[0..2] of UInt32; // [0: R, 1: G, 2: B]
- hsv: array[0..2] of UInt32; // [0: H(ue), 1: S(aturation), 2: V(alue)]
- dhue: UInt32;
- h_int: Cardinal;
- delta, f, p, q, t: Longint;
- max: Uint32;
+ Red, Green, Blue: longword;
+ Hue, Sat: longword;
+ Min, Max, Delta: longword;
+ HueInteger: longword;
+ f, p, q, t: longword;
+ GreyReal: real;
+ Grey: byte;
- DestinationHue := col2hue(NewColor);
- dhue := Trunc(DestinationHue*1024);
Pixel := ImgSurface^.Pixels;
+ // check of the size of a pixel in bytes.
+ // It should be always 4, but this
+ // additional safeguard will show,
+ // whether something went wrong up to here.
+ if ImgSurface^.format.BytesPerPixel <> 4 then
+ Log.LogError ('ColorizeImage: The pixel size should be 4, but it is '
+ + IntToStr(ImgSurface^.format.BytesPerPixel));
+ // Check whether the new color is white, grey or black,
+ // because a greyscale must be created in a different
+ // way.
+ Red := ((NewColor and $ff0000) shr 16); // R
+ Green := ((NewColor and $ff00) shr 8); // G
+ Blue := (NewColor and $ff) ; // B
+ if (Red = Green) and (Green = Blue) then // greyscale image
+ begin
+ // According to these recommendations (ITU-R BT.709-5)
+ // the conversion parameters for rgb to greyscale are
+ // 0.299, 0.587, 0.114
+ for PixelIndex := 0 to (ImgSurface^.W * ImgSurface^.H)-1 do
+ begin
+ PixelColors := PByteArray(Pixel);
+ GreyReal := 0.299*PixelColors[3] + 0.587*PixelColors[2] + 0.114*PixelColors[1];
+ // PixelColors[0] is alpha and remains untouched
+ {$ELSE}
+ GreyReal := 0.299*PixelColors[0] + 0.587*PixelColors[1] + 0.114*PixelColors[2];
+ // PixelColors[3] is alpha and remains untouched
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Grey := round(GreyReal);
+ PixelColors[3] := Grey;
+ PixelColors[2] := Grey;
+ PixelColors[1] := Grey;
+ // PixelColors[0] is alpha and remains untouched
+ {$ELSE}
+ PixelColors[0] := Grey;
+ PixelColors[1] := Grey;
+ PixelColors[2] := Grey;
+ // PixelColors[3] is alpha and remains untouched
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Inc(Pixel, ImgSurface^.format.BytesPerPixel);
+ end;
+ exit; // we are done with a greyscale image.
+ end;
+ Hue := ColorToHue(NewColor); // Hue is shl 10
+ f := Hue and $3ff; // f is the dezimal part of hue
+ HueInteger := Hue shr 10;
for PixelIndex := 0 to (ImgSurface^.W * ImgSurface^.H)-1 do
PixelColors := PByteArray(Pixel);
// inlined colorize per pixel
// uses fixed point math
+ // shl 10 is used for divisions
// get color values
- clr[0] := PixelColors[0] shl 10;
- clr[1] := PixelColors[1] shl 10;
- clr[2] := PixelColors[2] shl 10;
+ Red := PixelColors[3];
+ Green := PixelColors[2];
+ Blue := PixelColors[1];
+ // PixelColors[0] is alpha and remains untouched
+ {$ELSE}
+ Red := PixelColors[0];
+ Green := PixelColors[1];
+ Blue := PixelColors[2];
+ // PixelColors[3] is alpha and remains untouched
+ {$ENDIF}
//calculate luminance and saturation from rgb
- max := clr[0];
- if clr[1] > max then max := clr[1];
- if clr[2] > max then max := clr[2];
- delta := clr[0];
- if clr[1] < delta then delta := clr[1];
- if clr[2] < delta then delta := clr[2];
- delta := max-delta;
- hsv[0] := dhue; // shl 8
- hsv[2] := max; // shl 8
- if (max = 0) then
- hsv[1] := 0
+ Max := Red;
+ if Green > Max then Max := Green;
+ if Blue > Max then Max := Blue ;
+ if (Max = 0) then // the color is black
+ begin
+ PixelColors[3] := 0;
+ PixelColors[2] := 0;
+ PixelColors[1] := 0;
+ {$ELSE}
+ PixelColors[0] := 0;
+ PixelColors[1] := 0;
+ PixelColors[2] := 0;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end
- hsv[1] := (delta shl 10) div max; // shl 8
- h_int := hsv[0] and $fffffC00;
- f := hsv[0]-h_int; //shl 10
- p := (hsv[2]*(1024-hsv[1])) shr 10;
- q := (hsv[2]*(1024-(hsv[1]*f) shr 10)) shr 10;
- t := (hsv[2]*(1024-(hsv[1]*(1024-f)) shr 10)) shr 10;
- h_int := h_int shr 10;
- case h_int of
- 0: begin clr[0] := hsv[2]; clr[1] := t; clr[2] := p; end; // (v,t,p)
- 1: begin clr[0] := q; clr[1] := hsv[2]; clr[2] := p; end; // (q,v,p)
- 2: begin clr[0] := p; clr[1] := hsv[2]; clr[2] := t; end; // (p,v,t)
- 3: begin clr[0] := p; clr[1] := q; clr[2] := hsv[2]; end; // (p,q,v)
- 4: begin clr[0] := t; clr[1] := p; clr[2] := hsv[2]; end; // (t,p,v)
- 5: begin clr[0] := hsv[2]; clr[1] := p; clr[2] := q; end; // (v,p,q)
- end;
+ begin
+ Min := Red;
+ if Green < Min then Min := Green;
+ if Blue < Min then Min := Blue ;
- PixelColors[0] := clr[0] shr 10;
- PixelColors[1] := clr[1] shr 10;
- PixelColors[2] := clr[2] shr 10;
+ if (Min = 255) then // the color is white
+ begin
+ PixelColors[3] := 255;
+ PixelColors[2] := 255;
+ PixelColors[1] := 255;
+ {$ELSE}
+ PixelColors[0] := 255;
+ PixelColors[1] := 255;
+ PixelColors[2] := 255;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end
+ else // all colors except black and white
+ begin
+ Delta := Max - Min; // This gives a type size mismatch warning, because Delta is longword, ie. >= 0
+ // But the assignments above are easy enough to be sure, that Max - Min is >= 0.
+ Sat := (Delta shl 10) div Max; // shl 10
+ // shr 10 corrects that Sat and f are shl 10
+ // the resulting p, q and t are unshifted
+ p := (Max * (1024 - Sat )) shr 10;
+ q := (Max * (1024 - (Sat * f ) shr 10)) shr 10;
+ t := (Max * (1024 - (Sat * (1024 - f)) shr 10)) shr 10;
+ // The above 3 lines give type size mismatch warning, but all variables are longword and the ranges should be ok.
+ case HueInteger of
+ 0: begin Red := Max; Green := t; Blue := p; end; // (v,t,p)
+ 1: begin Red := q; Green := Max; Blue := p; end; // (q,v,p)
+ 2: begin Red := p; Green := Max; Blue := t; end; // (p,v,t)
+ 3: begin Red := p; Green := q; Blue := Max; end; // (p,q,v)
+ 4: begin Red := t; Green := p; Blue := Max; end; // (t,p,v)
+ 5: begin Red := Max; Green := p; Blue := q; end; // (v,p,q)
+ end;
+ PixelColors[3] := byte(Red);
+ PixelColors[2] := byte(Green);
+ PixelColors[1] := byte(Blue);
+ {$ELSE}
+ PixelColors[0] := byte(Red);
+ PixelColors[1] := byte(Green);
+ PixelColors[2] := byte(Blue);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ end;
Inc(Pixel, ImgSurface^.format.BytesPerPixel);
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UIni.pas b/Lua/src/base/UIni.pas
index 3a4d6129..998d19fb 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UIni.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UIni.pas
@@ -36,8 +36,11 @@ interface
+ SysUtils,
- SysUtils;
+ UTextEncoding,
+ UFilesystem,
+ UPath;
// TInputDeviceConfig stores the configuration for an input device.
@@ -70,13 +73,13 @@ type
TBackgroundMusicOption = (bmoOff, bmoOn);
TIni = class
- function RemoveFileExt(FullName: string): string;
function ExtractKeyIndex(const Key, Prefix, Suffix: string): integer;
function GetMaxKeyIndex(Keys: TStringList; const Prefix, Suffix: string): integer;
- function GetArrayIndex(const SearchArray: array of string; Value: string; CaseInsensitiv: Boolean = False): integer;
- function ReadArrayIndex(const SearchArray: array of string; IniFile: TCustomIniFile;
+ function GetArrayIndex(const SearchArray: array of UTF8String; Value: string; CaseInsensitiv: boolean = false): integer;
+ function ReadArrayIndex(const SearchArray: array of UTF8String; IniFile: TCustomIniFile;
IniSection: string; IniProperty: string; Default: integer): integer;
+ procedure TranslateOptionValues;
procedure LoadInputDeviceCfg(IniFile: TMemIniFile);
procedure SaveInputDeviceCfg(IniFile: TIniFile);
procedure LoadThemes(IniFile: TCustomIniFile);
@@ -84,21 +87,21 @@ type
procedure LoadScreenModes(IniFile: TCustomIniFile);
- Name: array[0..11] of string;
+ Name: array[0..11] of UTF8String;
// Templates for Names Mod
- NameTeam: array[0..2] of string;
- NameTemplate: array[0..11] of string;
+ NameTeam: array[0..2] of UTF8String;
+ NameTemplate: array[0..11] of UTF8String;
//Filename of the opened iniFile
- Filename: string;
+ Filename: IPath;
// Game
Players: integer;
Difficulty: integer;
Language: integer;
Tabs: integer;
- Tabs_at_startup:integer; //Tabs at Startup fix
+ TabsAtStartup: integer; //Tabs at Startup fix
Sorting: integer;
Debug: integer;
@@ -106,7 +109,7 @@ type
Screens: integer;
Resolution: integer;
Depth: integer;
- VisualizerOption:integer;
+ VisualizerOption: integer;
FullScreen: integer;
TextureSize: integer;
SingWindow: integer;
@@ -121,8 +124,8 @@ type
BeatClick: integer;
SavePlayback: integer;
ThresholdIndex: integer;
- AudioOutputBufferSizeIndex:integer;
- VoicePassthrough:integer;
+ AudioOutputBufferSizeIndex: integer;
+ VoicePassthrough: integer;
//Song Preview
PreviewVolume: integer;
@@ -138,8 +141,8 @@ type
Theme: integer;
SkinNo: integer;
Color: integer;
- BackgroundMusicOption:integer;
+ BackgroundMusicOption: integer;
// Record
InputDeviceConfig: array of TInputDeviceConfig;
@@ -154,6 +157,7 @@ type
// Controller
Joypad: integer;
+ Mouse: integer;
procedure Load();
procedure Save();
@@ -162,117 +166,366 @@ type
- Ini: TIni;
- IResolution: array of string;
- ILanguage: array of string;
- ITheme: array of string;
- ISkin: array of string;
+ Ini: TIni;
+ IResolution: array of UTF8String;
+ ILanguage: array of UTF8String;
+ ITheme: array of UTF8String;
+ ISkin: array of UTF8String;
- IPlayers: array[0..4] of string = ('1', '2', '3', '4', '6');
- IPlayersVals: array[0..4] of integer = ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 );
+ IPlayers: array[0..4] of UTF8String = ('1', '2', '3', '4', '6');
+ IPlayersVals: array[0..4] of integer = ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 );
- IDifficulty: array[0..2] of string = ('Easy', 'Medium', 'Hard');
- ITabs: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ IDifficulty: array[0..2] of UTF8String = ('Easy', 'Medium', 'Hard');
+ ITabs: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
- ISorting: array[0..7] of string = ('Edition', 'Genre', 'Language', 'Folder', 'Title', 'Artist', 'Title2', 'Artist2');
+ ISorting: array[0..6] of UTF8String = ('Edition', 'Genre', 'Language', 'Folder', 'Title', 'Artist', 'Artist2');
sEdition = 0;
sGenre = 1;
sLanguage = 2;
sFolder = 3;
sTitle = 4;
sArtist = 5;
- sTitle2 = 6;
- sArtist2 = 7;
- IDebug: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ sArtist2 = 6;
- IScreens: array[0..1] of string = ('1', '2');
- IFullScreen: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
- IDepth: array[0..1] of string = ('16 bit', '32 bit');
- IVisualizer: array[0..2] of string = ('Off', 'WhenNoVideo','On');
+ IDebug: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
- IBackgroundMusic: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ IScreens: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('1', '2');
+ IFullScreen: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IDepth: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('16 bit', '32 bit');
+ IVisualizer: array[0..2] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'WhenNoVideo','On');
+ IBackgroundMusic: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
- ITextureSize: array[0..2] of string = ('128', '256', '512');
- ITextureSizeVals: array[0..2] of integer = ( 128, 256, 512);
+ ITextureSize: array[0..3] of UTF8String = ('64', '128', '256', '512');
+ ITextureSizeVals: array[0..3] of integer = ( 64, 128, 256, 512);
- ISingWindow: array[0..1] of string = ('Small', 'Big');
+ ISingWindow: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Small', 'Big');
//SingBar Mod
- IOscilloscope: array[0..2] of string = ('Off', 'Osci', 'Bar');
-//IOscilloscope: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ IOscilloscope: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ ISpectrum: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ ISpectrograph: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IMovieSize: array[0..2] of UTF8String = ('Half', 'Full [Vid]', 'Full [BG+Vid]');
+ IClickAssist: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IBeatClick: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ ISavePlayback: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IThreshold: array[0..3] of UTF8String = ('5%', '10%', '15%', '20%');
+ IThresholdVals: array[0..3] of single = (0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20);
+ IVoicePassthrough: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IAudioOutputBufferSize: array[0..9] of UTF8String = ('Auto', '256', '512', '1024', '2048', '4096', '8192', '16384', '32768', '65536');
+ IAudioOutputBufferSizeVals: array[0..9] of integer = ( 0, 256, 512 , 1024 , 2048 , 4096 , 8192 , 16384 , 32768 , 65536 );
+ IAudioInputBufferSize: array[0..9] of UTF8String = ('Auto', '256', '512', '1024', '2048', '4096', '8192', '16384', '32768', '65536');
+ IAudioInputBufferSizeVals: array[0..9] of integer = ( 0, 256, 512 , 1024 , 2048 , 4096 , 8192 , 16384 , 32768 , 65536 );
+ //Song Preview
+ IPreviewVolume: array[0..10] of UTF8String = ('Off', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', '70%', '80%', '90%', '100%');
+ IPreviewVolumeVals: array[0..10] of single = ( 0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1.00 );
+ IPreviewFading: array[0..5] of UTF8String = ('Off', '1 Sec', '2 Secs', '3 Secs', '4 Secs', '5 Secs');
+ IPreviewFadingVals: array[0..5] of integer = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
+ ILyricsFont: array[0..2] of UTF8String = ('Plain', 'OLine1', 'OLine2');
+ ILyricsEffect: array[0..4] of UTF8String = ('Simple', 'Zoom', 'Slide', 'Ball', 'Shift');
+ ISolmization: array[0..3] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'Euro', 'Jap', 'American');
+ INoteLines: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
- ISpectrum: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
- ISpectrograph: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
- IMovieSize: array[0..2] of string = ('Half', 'Full [Vid]', 'Full [BG+Vid]');
+ IColor: array[0..8] of UTF8String = ('Blue', 'Green', 'Pink', 'Red', 'Violet', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Brown', 'Black');
- IClickAssist: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
- IBeatClick: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
- ISavePlayback: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ // Advanced
+ ILoadAnimation: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IEffectSing: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IScreenFade: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IAskbeforeDel: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IOnSongClick: array[0..2] of UTF8String = ('Sing', 'Select Players', 'Open Menu');
+ sStartSing = 0;
+ sSelectPlayer = 1;
+ sOpenMenu = 2;
+ ILineBonus: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IPartyPopup: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IJoypad: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IMouse: array[0..2] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'Hardware Cursor', 'Software Cursor');
+ // Recording options
+ IChannelPlayer: array[0..6] of UTF8String = ('Off', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6');
+ IMicBoost: array[0..3] of UTF8String = ('Off', '+6dB', '+12dB', '+18dB');
+ ILanguageTranslated: array of UTF8String;
- IThreshold: array[0..3] of string = ('5%', '10%', '15%', '20%');
- IThresholdVals: array[0..3] of single = (0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20);
+ IDifficultyTranslated: array[0..2] of UTF8String = ('Easy', 'Medium', 'Hard');
+ ITabsTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
- IVoicePassthrough: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ ISortingTranslated: array[0..6] of UTF8String = ('Edition', 'Genre', 'Language', 'Folder', 'Title', 'Artist', 'Artist2');
- IAudioOutputBufferSize: array[0..9] of string = ('Auto', '256', '512', '1024', '2048', '4096', '8192', '16384', '32768', '65536');
- IAudioOutputBufferSizeVals: array[0..9] of integer = ( 0, 256, 512 , 1024 , 2048 , 4096 , 8192 , 16384 , 32768 , 65536 );
+ IDebugTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
- IAudioInputBufferSize: array[0..9] of string = ('Auto', '256', '512', '1024', '2048', '4096', '8192', '16384', '32768', '65536');
- IAudioInputBufferSizeVals: array[0..9] of integer = ( 0, 256, 512 , 1024 , 2048 , 4096 , 8192 , 16384 , 32768 , 65536 );
+ IFullScreenTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IVisualizerTranslated: array[0..2] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'WhenNoVideo','On');
+ IBackgroundMusicTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ ISingWindowTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Small', 'Big');
+ //SingBar Mod
+ IOscilloscopeTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ ISpectrumTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ ISpectrographTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IMovieSizeTranslated: array[0..2] of UTF8String = ('Half', 'Full [Vid]', 'Full [BG+Vid]');
+ IClickAssistTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IBeatClickTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ ISavePlaybackTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IVoicePassthroughTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
//Song Preview
- IPreviewVolume: array[0..10] of string = ('Off', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', '70%', '80%', '90%', '100%');
- IPreviewVolumeVals: array[0..10] of single = ( 0, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.90, 1.00 );
+ IPreviewVolumeTranslated: array[0..10] of UTF8String = ('Off', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', '70%', '80%', '90%', '100%');
+ IAudioOutputBufferSizeTranslated: array[0..9] of UTF8String = ('Auto', '256', '512', '1024', '2048', '4096', '8192', '16384', '32768', '65536');
- IPreviewFading: array[0..5] of string = ('Off', '1 Sec', '2 Secs', '3 Secs', '4 Secs', '5 Secs');
- IPreviewFadingVals: array[0..5] of integer = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
+ IAudioInputBufferSizeTranslated: array[0..9] of UTF8String = ('Auto', '256', '512', '1024', '2048', '4096', '8192', '16384', '32768', '65536');
+ IPreviewFadingTranslated: array[0..5] of UTF8String = ('Off', '1 Sec', '2 Secs', '3 Secs', '4 Secs', '5 Secs');
- ILyricsFont: array[0..2] of string = ('Plain', 'OLine1', 'OLine2');
- ILyricsEffect: array[0..4] of string = ('Simple', 'Zoom', 'Slide', 'Ball', 'Shift');
- ISolmization: array[0..3] of string = ('Off', 'Euro', 'Jap', 'American');
- INoteLines: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ ILyricsFontTranslated: array[0..2] of UTF8String = ('Plain', 'OLine1', 'OLine2');
+ ILyricsEffectTranslated: array[0..4] of UTF8String = ('Simple', 'Zoom', 'Slide', 'Ball', 'Shift');
+ ISolmizationTranslated: array[0..3] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'Euro', 'Jap', 'American');
+ INoteLinesTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
- IColor: array[0..8] of string = ('Blue', 'Green', 'Pink', 'Red', 'Violet', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Brown', 'Black');
+ IColorTranslated: array[0..8] of UTF8String = ('Blue', 'Green', 'Pink', 'Red', 'Violet', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Brown', 'Black');
// Advanced
- ILoadAnimation: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
- IEffectSing: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
- IScreenFade: array[0..1] of string =('Off', 'On');
- IAskbeforeDel: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
- IOnSongClick: array[0..2] of string = ('Sing', 'Select Players', 'Open Menu');
- ILineBonus: array[0..2] of string = ('Off', 'At Score', 'At Notes');
- IPartyPopup: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ ILoadAnimationTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IEffectSingTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IScreenFadeTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IAskbeforeDelTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IOnSongClickTranslated: array[0..2] of UTF8String = ('Sing', 'Select Players', 'Open Menu');
+ ILineBonusTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IPartyPopupTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
- IJoypad: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ IJoypadTranslated: array[0..1] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'On');
+ IMouseTranslated: array[0..2] of UTF8String = ('Off', 'Hardware Cursor', 'Software Cursor');
// Recording options
- IChannelPlayer: array[0..6] of string = ('Off', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6');
- IMicBoost: array[0..3] of string = ('Off', '+6dB', '+12dB', '+18dB');
+ IChannelPlayerTranslated: array[0..6] of UTF8String = ('Off', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6');
+ IMicBoostTranslated: array[0..3] of UTF8String = ('Off', '+6dB', '+12dB', '+18dB');
- UMain,
+ UCommandLine,
- USkins,
+ UMain,
- UCommandLine;
+ USkins,
+ UPathUtils,
+ UUnicodeUtils;
- * Returns the filename without its fileextension
+ * Translate and set the values of options, which need translation.
-function TIni.RemoveFileExt(FullName: string): string;
+procedure TIni.TranslateOptionValues;
+ I: integer;
- Result := ChangeFileExt(FullName, '');
+ // Load Languagefile
+ if (Params.Language <> -1) then
+ ULanguage.Language.ChangeLanguage(ILanguage[Params.Language])
+ else
+ ULanguage.Language.ChangeLanguage(ILanguage[Ini.Language]);
+ SetLength(ILanguageTranslated, Length(ILanguage));
+ for I := 0 to High(ILanguage) do
+ begin
+ ILanguageTranslated[I] := ULanguage.Language.Translate(
+ 'OPTION_VALUE_' + UpperCase(ILanguage[I])
+ );
+ end;
+ IDifficultyTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_EASY');
+ IDifficultyTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_MEDIUM');
+ IDifficultyTranslated[2] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_HARD');
+ ITabsTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ ITabsTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ ISortingTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_EDITION');
+ ISortingTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_GENRE');
+ ISortingTranslated[2] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_LANGUAGE');
+ ISortingTranslated[3] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_FOLDER');
+ ISortingTranslated[4] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_TITLE');
+ ISortingTranslated[5] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ARTIST');
+ ISortingTranslated[6] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ARTIST2');
+ IDebugTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IDebugTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IFullScreenTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IFullScreenTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IVisualizerTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IVisualizerTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_WHENNOVIDEO');
+ IVisualizerTranslated[2] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IBackgroundMusicTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IBackgroundMusicTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ ISingWindowTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_SMALL');
+ ISingWindowTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_BIG');
+ IOscilloscopeTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IOscilloscopeTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ ISpectrumTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ ISpectrumTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ ISpectrographTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ ISpectrographTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IMovieSizeTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_HALF');
+ IMovieSizeTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_FULL_VID');
+ IMovieSizeTranslated[2] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_FULL_VID_BG');
+ IClickAssistTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IClickAssistTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IBeatClickTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IBeatClickTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ ISavePlaybackTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ ISavePlaybackTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IVoicePassthroughTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IVoicePassthroughTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ ILyricsFontTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_PLAIN');
+ ILyricsFontTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OLINE1');
+ ILyricsFontTranslated[2] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OLINE2');
+ ILyricsEffectTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_SIMPLE');
+ ILyricsEffectTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ZOOM');
+ ILyricsEffectTranslated[2] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_SLIDE');
+ ILyricsEffectTranslated[3] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_BALL');
+ ILyricsEffectTranslated[4] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_SHIFT');
+ ISolmizationTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ ISolmizationTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_EURO');
+ ISolmizationTranslated[2] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_JAPAN');
+ ISolmizationTranslated[3] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_AMERICAN');
+ INoteLinesTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ INoteLinesTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IColorTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_BLUE');
+ IColorTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_GREEN');
+ IColorTranslated[2] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_PINK');
+ IColorTranslated[3] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_RED');
+ IColorTranslated[4] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_VIOLET');
+ IColorTranslated[5] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ORANGE');
+ IColorTranslated[6] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_YELLOW');
+ IColorTranslated[7] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_BROWN');
+ IColorTranslated[8] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_BLACK');
+ // Advanced
+ ILoadAnimationTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ ILoadAnimationTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IEffectSingTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IEffectSingTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IScreenFadeTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IScreenFadeTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IAskbeforeDelTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IAskbeforeDelTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IOnSongClickTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_SING');
+ IOnSongClickTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_SELECT_PLAYERS');
+ IOnSongClickTranslated[2] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OPEN_MENU');
+ ILineBonusTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ ILineBonusTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IPartyPopupTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IPartyPopupTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IJoypadTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IJoypadTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_ON');
+ IMouseTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IMouseTranslated[1] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_HARDWARE_CURSOR');
+ IMouseTranslated[2] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_SOFTWARE_CURSOR');
+ IAudioOutputBufferSizeTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_AUTO');
+ IAudioOutputBufferSizeTranslated[1] := '256';
+ IAudioOutputBufferSizeTranslated[2] := '512';
+ IAudioOutputBufferSizeTranslated[3] := '1024';
+ IAudioOutputBufferSizeTranslated[4] := '2048';
+ IAudioOutputBufferSizeTranslated[5] := '4096';
+ IAudioOutputBufferSizeTranslated[6] := '8192';
+ IAudioOutputBufferSizeTranslated[7] := '16384';
+ IAudioOutputBufferSizeTranslated[8] := '32768';
+ IAudioOutputBufferSizeTranslated[9] := '65536';
+ IAudioInputBufferSizeTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_AUTO');
+ IAudioInputBufferSizeTranslated[1] := '256';
+ IAudioInputBufferSizeTranslated[2] := '512';
+ IAudioInputBufferSizeTranslated[3] := '1024';
+ IAudioInputBufferSizeTranslated[4] := '2048';
+ IAudioInputBufferSizeTranslated[5] := '4096';
+ IAudioInputBufferSizeTranslated[6] := '8192';
+ IAudioInputBufferSizeTranslated[7] := '16384';
+ IAudioInputBufferSizeTranslated[8] := '32768';
+ IAudioInputBufferSizeTranslated[9] := '65536';
+ //Song Preview
+ IPreviewVolumeTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IPreviewVolumeTranslated[1] := '10%';
+ IPreviewVolumeTranslated[2] := '20%';
+ IPreviewVolumeTranslated[3] := '30%';
+ IPreviewVolumeTranslated[4] := '40%';
+ IPreviewVolumeTranslated[5] := '50%';
+ IPreviewVolumeTranslated[6] := '60%';
+ IPreviewVolumeTranslated[7] := '70%';
+ IPreviewVolumeTranslated[8] := '80%';
+ IPreviewVolumeTranslated[9] := '90%';
+ IPreviewVolumeTranslated[10] := '100%';
+ IPreviewFadingTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IPreviewFadingTranslated[1] := '1 ' + ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_SEC');
+ IPreviewFadingTranslated[2] := '2 ' + ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_SECS');
+ IPreviewFadingTranslated[3] := '3 ' + ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_SECS');
+ IPreviewFadingTranslated[4] := '4 ' + ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_SECS');
+ IPreviewFadingTranslated[5] := '5 ' + ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_SECS');
+ // Recording options
+ IChannelPlayerTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IChannelPlayerTranslated[1] := '1';
+ IChannelPlayerTranslated[2] := '2';
+ IChannelPlayerTranslated[3] := '3';
+ IChannelPlayerTranslated[4] := '4';
+ IChannelPlayerTranslated[5] := '5';
+ IChannelPlayerTranslated[6] := '6';
+ IMicBoostTranslated[0] := ULanguage.Language.Translate('OPTION_VALUE_OFF');
+ IMicBoostTranslated[1] := '+6dB';
+ IMicBoostTranslated[2] := '+12dB';
+ IMicBoostTranslated[3] := '+18dB';
@@ -283,17 +536,22 @@ function TIni.ExtractKeyIndex(const Key, Prefix, Suffix: string): integer;
Value: string;
Start: integer;
+ PrefixPos, SuffixPos: integer;
Result := -1;
- if Pos(Prefix, Key) > -1 then
- begin
- Start := Pos(Prefix, Key) + Length(Prefix);
+ PrefixPos := Pos(Prefix, Key);
+ if (PrefixPos <= 0) then
+ Exit;
+ SuffixPos := Pos(Suffix, Key);
+ if (SuffixPos <= 0) then
+ Exit;
- // copy all between prefix and suffix
- Value := Copy(Key, Start, Pos(Suffix, Key)-1 - Start);
- Result := StrToIntDef(Value, -1);
- end;
+ Start := PrefixPos + Length(Prefix);
+ // copy all between prefix and suffix
+ Value := Copy(Key, Start, SuffixPos - Start);
+ Result := StrToIntDef(Value, -1);
@@ -303,7 +561,7 @@ end;
function TIni.GetMaxKeyIndex(Keys: TStringList; const Prefix, Suffix: string): integer;
- i: integer;
+ i: integer;
KeyIndex: integer;
Result := -1;
@@ -320,8 +578,8 @@ end;
* Returns the index of Value in SearchArray
* or -1 if Value is not in SearchArray.
-function TIni.GetArrayIndex(const SearchArray: array of string; Value: string;
- CaseInsensitiv: Boolean = False): integer;
+function TIni.GetArrayIndex(const SearchArray: array of UTF8String; Value: string;
+ CaseInsensitiv: boolean = false): integer;
i: integer;
@@ -344,7 +602,7 @@ end;
* If SearchArray does not contain the property value, the default value is
* returned.
-function TIni.ReadArrayIndex(const SearchArray: array of string; IniFile: TCustomIniFile;
+function TIni.ReadArrayIndex(const SearchArray: array of UTF8String; IniFile: TCustomIniFile;
IniSection: string; IniProperty: string; Default: integer): integer;
StrValue: string;
@@ -357,15 +615,14 @@ begin
procedure TIni.LoadInputDeviceCfg(IniFile: TMemIniFile);
- DeviceCfg: PInputDeviceConfig;
- DeviceIndex: integer;
+ DeviceCfg: PInputDeviceConfig;
+ DeviceIndex: integer;
ChannelCount: integer;
ChannelIndex: integer;
- RecordKeys: TStringList;
- i: integer;
+ RecordKeys: TStringList;
+ i: integer;
RecordKeys := TStringList.Create();
@@ -414,15 +671,15 @@ begin
// MicBoost
- //MicBoost := GetArrayIndex(IMicBoost, IniFile.ReadString('Record', 'MicBoost', 'Off'));
+ MicBoost := GetArrayIndex(IMicBoost, IniFile.ReadString('Record', 'MicBoost', 'Off'));
// Threshold
- // ThresholdIndex := GetArrayIndex(IThreshold, IniFile.ReadString('Record', 'Threshold', IThreshold[1]));
+ ThresholdIndex := GetArrayIndex(IThreshold, IniFile.ReadString('Record', 'Threshold', IThreshold[1]));
procedure TIni.SaveInputDeviceCfg(IniFile: TIniFile);
- DeviceIndex: integer;
- ChannelIndex: integer;
+ DeviceIndex: integer;
+ ChannelIndex: integer;
for DeviceIndex := 0 to High(InputDeviceConfig) do
@@ -431,7 +688,7 @@ begin
IniFile.WriteInteger('Record', Format('Input[%d]', [DeviceIndex+1]),
// Channel-to-Player Mapping
for ChannelIndex := 0 to High(InputDeviceConfig[DeviceIndex].ChannelToPlayerMap) do
@@ -442,15 +699,15 @@ begin
// MicBoost
- //IniFile.WriteString('Record', 'MicBoost', IMicBoost[MicBoost]);
+ IniFile.WriteString('Record', 'MicBoost', IMicBoost[MicBoost]);
// Threshold
- //IniFile.WriteString('Record', 'Threshold', IThreshold[ThresholdIndex]);
+ IniFile.WriteString('Record', 'Threshold', IThreshold[ThresholdIndex]);
procedure TIni.LoadPaths(IniFile: TCustomIniFile);
PathStrings: TStringList;
- I: integer;
+ I: integer;
PathStrings := TStringList.Create;
IniFile.ReadSection('Directories', PathStrings);
@@ -458,9 +715,9 @@ begin
// Load song-paths
for I := 0 to PathStrings.Count-1 do
- if (AnsiStartsText('SongDir', PathStrings[I])) then
+ if (Pos('SONGDIR', UpperCase(PathStrings[I])) = 1) then
- AddSongPath(IniFile.ReadString('Directories', PathStrings[I], ''));
+ AddSongPath(Path(IniFile.ReadString('Directories', PathStrings[I], '')));
@@ -473,18 +730,23 @@ var
ThemeIni: TMemIniFile;
ThemeName: string;
I: integer;
+ Iter: IFileIterator;
+ FileInfo: TFileInfo;
// Theme
SetLength(ITheme, 0);
- Log.LogStatus('Searching for Theme : ' + ThemePath + '*.ini', 'Theme');
+ Log.LogStatus('Searching for Theme : ' + ThemePath.ToNative + '*.ini', 'Theme');
- FindFirst(ThemePath + '*.ini',faAnyFile, SearchResult);
- Repeat
- Log.LogStatus('Found Theme: ' + SearchResult.Name, 'Theme');
+ Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(ThemePath.Append('*.ini'), 0);
+ while (Iter.HasNext) do
+ begin
+ FileInfo := Iter.Next;
+ Log.LogStatus('Found Theme: ' + FileInfo.Name.ToNative, 'Theme');
//Read Themename from Theme
- ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(SearchResult.Name);
- ThemeName := UpperCase(ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme','Name', RemoveFileExt(SearchResult.Name)));
+ ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileInfo.Name.ToNative);
+ ThemeName := UpperCase(ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme','Name', FileInfo.Name.SetExtension('').ToNative));
//Search for Skins for this Theme
@@ -493,12 +755,11 @@ begin
if UpperCase(Skin.Skin[I].Theme) = ThemeName then
SetLength(ITheme, Length(ITheme)+1);
- ITheme[High(ITheme)] := RemoveFileExt(SearchResult.Name);
+ ITheme[High(ITheme)] := FileInfo.Name.SetExtension('').ToNative;
- until FindNext(SearchResult) <> 0;
- FindClose(SearchResult);
+ end;
// No Theme Found
if (Length(ITheme) = 0) then
@@ -508,7 +769,7 @@ begin
Theme := GetArrayIndex(ITheme, IniFile.ReadString('Themes', 'Theme', 'DELUXE'), true);
if (Theme = -1) then
- Theme := 0;
+ Theme := 0;
// Skin
@@ -519,7 +780,7 @@ end;
procedure TIni.LoadScreenModes(IniFile: TCustomIniFile);
// swap two strings
- procedure swap(var s1, s2: string);
+ procedure swap(var s1, s2: UTF8String);
s3: string;
@@ -530,25 +791,25 @@ procedure TIni.LoadScreenModes(IniFile: TCustomIniFile);
Modes: PPSDL_Rect;
- I: integer;
+ I: integer;
// Screens
Screens := GetArrayIndex(IScreens, IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'Screens', IScreens[0]));
// FullScreen
FullScreen := GetArrayIndex(IFullScreen, IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'FullScreen', 'On'));
// Resolution
SetLength(IResolution, 0);
// Check if there are any modes available
// TODO: we should seperate windowed and fullscreen modes. Otherwise it is not
// possible to select a reasonable fullscreen mode when in windowed mode
if IFullScreen[FullScreen] = 'On' then
Modes := SDL_ListModes(nil, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN)
- else
+ else
Modes := SDL_ListModes(nil, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_RESIZABLE) ;
if (Modes = nil) then
Log.LogStatus( 'No resolutions Found' , 'Video');
@@ -567,7 +828,7 @@ begin
IResolution[7] := '1440x900';
IResolution[8] := '1600x1200';
IResolution[9] := '1680x1050';
Resolution := GetArrayIndex(IResolution, IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'Resolution', '800x600'));
if Resolution = -1 then
@@ -587,6 +848,7 @@ begin
// reverse order
+ Log.LogStatus( 'Log size of resolution: ' + IntToStr(Length(IResolution)), 'Video');
for I := 0 to (Length(IResolution) div 2) - 1 do
swap(IResolution[I], IResolution[High(IResolution)-I]);
@@ -623,23 +885,19 @@ end;
procedure TIni.Load();
IniFile: TMemIniFile;
- I: integer;
+ I: integer;
GamePath := Platform.GetGameUserPath;
- Log.LogStatus( 'GamePath : ' +GamePath , '' );
+ Log.LogStatus( 'GamePath : ' +GamePath.ToNative , '' );
- if (Params.ConfigFile <> '') then
- try
- FileName := Params.ConfigFile;
- except
- FileName := GamePath + 'config.ini';
- end
+ if (Params.ConfigFile.IsSet) then
+ FileName := Params.ConfigFile
- FileName := GamePath + 'config.ini';
+ FileName := GamePath.Append('config.ini');
- Log.LogStatus( 'Using config : ' + FileName , 'Ini');
- IniFile := TMemIniFile.Create( FileName );
+ Log.LogStatus('Using config : ' + FileName.ToNative, 'Ini');
+ IniFile := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName.ToNative);
// Name
for I := 0 to 11 do
@@ -650,24 +908,23 @@ begin
NameTeam[I] := IniFile.ReadString('NameTeam', 'T'+IntToStr(I+1), 'Team'+IntToStr(I+1));
for I := 0 to 11 do
NameTemplate[I] := IniFile.ReadString('NameTemplate', 'Name'+IntToStr(I+1), 'Template'+IntToStr(I+1));
// Players
Players := GetArrayIndex(IPlayers, IniFile.ReadString('Game', 'Players', IPlayers[0]));
// Difficulty
Difficulty := GetArrayIndex(IDifficulty, IniFile.ReadString('Game', 'Difficulty', 'Easy'));
// Language
Language := GetArrayIndex(ILanguage, IniFile.ReadString('Game', 'Language', 'English'));
- //Language.ChangeLanguage(ILanguage[Language]);
// Tabs
Tabs := GetArrayIndex(ITabs, IniFile.ReadString('Game', 'Tabs', ITabs[0]));
- Tabs_at_startup := Tabs; //Tabs at Startup fix
+ TabsAtStartup := Tabs; //Tabs at Startup fix
// Song Sorting
Sorting := GetArrayIndex(ISorting, IniFile.ReadString('Game', 'Sorting', ISorting[0]));
// Debug
Debug := GetArrayIndex(IDebug, IniFile.ReadString('Game', 'Debug', IDebug[0]));
@@ -680,7 +937,7 @@ begin
SingWindow := GetArrayIndex(ISingWindow, IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'SingWindow', 'Big'));
// Oscilloscope
- Oscilloscope := GetArrayIndex(IOscilloscope, IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'Oscilloscope', 'Bar'));
+ Oscilloscope := GetArrayIndex(IOscilloscope, IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'Oscilloscope', IOscilloscope[0]));
// Spectrum
Spectrum := GetArrayIndex(ISpectrum, IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'Spectrum', 'Off'));
@@ -705,18 +962,18 @@ begin
//Preview Volume
PreviewVolume := GetArrayIndex(IPreviewVolume, IniFile.ReadString('Sound', 'PreviewVolume', IPreviewVolume[7]));
//Preview Fading
- PreviewFading := GetArrayIndex(IPreviewFading, IniFile.ReadString('Sound', 'PreviewFading', IPreviewFading[1]));
+ PreviewFading := GetArrayIndex(IPreviewFading, IniFile.ReadString('Sound', 'PreviewFading', IPreviewFading[3]));
//AudioRepeat aka VoicePassthrough
VoicePassthrough := GetArrayIndex(IVoicePassthrough, IniFile.ReadString('Sound', 'VoicePassthrough', IVoicePassthrough[0]));
// Lyrics Font
- LyricsFont := GetArrayIndex(ILyricsFont, IniFile.ReadString('Lyrics', 'LyricsFont', ILyricsFont[1]));
+ LyricsFont := GetArrayIndex(ILyricsFont, IniFile.ReadString('Lyrics', 'LyricsFont', ILyricsFont[0]));
// Lyrics Effect
- LyricsEffect := GetArrayIndex(ILyricsEffect, IniFile.ReadString('Lyrics', 'LyricsEffect', ILyricsEffect[1]));
+ LyricsEffect := GetArrayIndex(ILyricsEffect, IniFile.ReadString('Lyrics', 'LyricsEffect', ILyricsEffect[2]));
// Solmization
Solmization := GetArrayIndex(ISolmization, IniFile.ReadString('Lyrics', 'Solmization', ISolmization[0]));
@@ -760,7 +1017,7 @@ begin
OnSongClick := GetArrayIndex(IOnSongClick, IniFile.ReadString('Advanced', 'OnSongClick', 'Sing'));
// Linebonus
- LineBonus := GetArrayIndex(ILineBonus, IniFile.ReadString('Advanced', 'LineBonus', 'At Score'));
+ LineBonus := GetArrayIndex(ILineBonus, IniFile.ReadString('Advanced', 'LineBonus', ILineBonus[1]));
// PartyPopup
PartyPopup := GetArrayIndex(IPartyPopup, IniFile.ReadString('Advanced', 'PartyPopup', 'On'));
@@ -768,22 +1025,27 @@ begin
// Joypad
Joypad := GetArrayIndex(IJoypad, IniFile.ReadString('Controller', 'Joypad', IJoypad[0]));
+ // Mouse
+ Mouse := GetArrayIndex(IMouse, IniFile.ReadString('Controller', 'Mouse', IMouse[2]));
+ TranslateOptionValues;
procedure TIni.Save;
- IniFile: TIniFile;
+ IniFile: TIniFile;
- if (FileExists(Filename) and FileIsReadOnly(Filename)) then
+ if (Filename.IsFile and Filename.IsReadOnly) then
Log.LogError('Config-file is read-only', 'TIni.Save');
- IniFile := TIniFile.Create(Filename);
+ IniFile := TIniFile.Create(Filename.ToNative);
// Players
IniFile.WriteString('Game', 'Players', IPlayers[Players]);
@@ -850,7 +1112,7 @@ begin
// Song Preview
IniFile.WriteString('Sound', 'PreviewVolume', IPreviewVolume[PreviewVolume]);
// PreviewFading
IniFile.WriteString('Sound', 'PreviewFading', IPreviewFading[PreviewFading]);
@@ -907,6 +1169,9 @@ begin
// Joypad
IniFile.WriteString('Controller', 'Joypad', IJoypad[Joypad]);
+ // Mouse
+ IniFile.WriteString('Controller', 'Mouse', IMouse[Mouse]);
// Directories (add a template if section is missing)
// Note: Value must be ' ' and not '', otherwise no key is generated on Linux
if (not IniFile.SectionExists('Directories')) then
@@ -920,17 +1185,17 @@ var
IniFile: TIniFile;
I: integer;
- if not FileIsReadOnly(Filename) then
+ if not Filename.IsReadOnly() then
- IniFile := TIniFile.Create(Filename);
+ IniFile := TIniFile.Create(Filename.ToNative);
//Name Templates for Names Mod
- for I := 1 to 12 do
- IniFile.WriteString('Name', 'P' + IntToStr(I), Name[I-1]);
- for I := 1 to 3 do
- IniFile.WriteString('NameTeam', 'T' + IntToStr(I), NameTeam[I-1]);
- for I := 1 to 12 do
- IniFile.WriteString('NameTemplate', 'Name' + IntToStr(I), NameTemplate[I-1]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Name) do
+ IniFile.WriteString('Name', 'P' + IntToStr(I+1), Name[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(NameTeam) do
+ IniFile.WriteString('NameTeam', 'T' + IntToStr(I+1), NameTeam[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(NameTemplate) do
+ IniFile.WriteString('NameTemplate', 'Name' + IntToStr(I+1), NameTemplate[I]);
@@ -940,9 +1205,9 @@ procedure TIni.SaveLevel;
IniFile: TIniFile;
- if not FileIsReadOnly(Filename) then
+ if not Filename.IsReadOnly() then
- IniFile := TIniFile.Create(Filename);
+ IniFile := TIniFile.Create(Filename.ToNative);
// Difficulty
IniFile.WriteString('Game', 'Difficulty', IDifficulty[Difficulty]);
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/ULanguage.pas b/Lua/src/base/ULanguage.pas
index 31840f5f..5f8a2692 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/ULanguage.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/ULanguage.pas
@@ -33,33 +33,41 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
+ UUnicodeUtils;
TLanguageEntry = record
- ID: string;
- Text: string;
+ ID: AnsiString; //**< identifier (ASCII)
+ Text: UTF8String; //**< translation (UTF-8)
TLanguageList = record
- Name: string;
- {FileName: string; }
+ Name: AnsiString; //**< language name (ASCII)
+ TLanguageEntryArray = array of TLanguageEntry;
TLanguage = class
- public
- Entry: array of TLanguageEntry; //Entrys of Chosen Language
- SEntry: array of TLanguageEntry; //Entrys of Standard Language
- CEntry: array of TLanguageEntry; //Constant Entrys e.g. Version
- Implode_Glue1, Implode_Glue2: String;
- public
+ private
List: array of TLanguageList;
- constructor Create;
+ Entry: TLanguageEntryArray; //**< Entrys of Chosen Language
+ EntryDefault: TLanguageEntryArray; //**< Entrys of Standard Language
+ EntryConst: TLanguageEntryArray; //**< Constant Entrys e.g. Version
+ Implode_Glue1, Implode_Glue2: UTF8String;
procedure LoadList;
- function Translate(Text: String): String;
- procedure ChangeLanguage(Language: String);
- procedure AddConst(ID, Text: String);
- procedure ChangeConst(ID, Text: String);
- function Implode(Pieces: Array of String): String;
+ function FindID(const ID: AnsiString; const EntryList: TLanguageEntryArray): integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ function Translate(const Text: RawByteString): UTF8String;
+ procedure ChangeLanguage(const Language: AnsiString);
+ procedure AddConst(const ID: AnsiString; const Text: UTF8String);
+ procedure ChangeConst(const ID: AnsiString; const Text: UTF8String);
+ function Implode(const Pieces: array of UTF8String): UTF8String;
@@ -69,19 +77,18 @@ implementation
- // UFiles,
- {$IFDEF win32}
- windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- ULog;
-//Create - Construct Class then LoadList + Standard Language + Set Standard Implode Glues
+ ULog,
+ UPath,
+ UFilesystem,
+ UPathUtils;
+ * LoadList, set default language, set standard implode glues
+ *}
constructor TLanguage.Create;
I, J: Integer;
@@ -106,9 +113,9 @@ begin
- SetLength(SEntry, Length(Entry));
- for J := low(Entry) to high(Entry) do
- SEntry[J] := Entry[J];
+ SetLength(EntryDefault, Length(Entry));
+ for J := 0 to high(Entry) do
+ EntryDefault[J] := Entry[J];
SetLength(Entry, 0);
@@ -122,41 +129,44 @@ begin
-//LoadList - Parse the Language Dir searching Translations
+ * Parse the Language Dir searching Translations
+ *}
procedure TLanguage.LoadList;
- SR: TSearchRec; // for parsing directory
+ Iter: IFileIterator;
+ IniInfo: TFileInfo;
+ LangName: string;
SetLength(List, 0);
SetLength(ILanguage, 0);
- if FindFirst(LanguagesPath + '*.ini', 0, SR) = 0 then begin
- repeat
- SetLength(List, Length(List)+1);
- SetLength(ILanguage, Length(ILanguage)+1);
- SR.Name := ChangeFileExt(SR.Name, '');
+ Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(LanguagesPath.Append('*.ini'), 0);
+ while(Iter.HasNext) do
+ begin
+ IniInfo := Iter.Next;
+ LangName := IniInfo.Name.SetExtension('').ToUTF8;
- List[High(List)].Name := SR.Name;
- ILanguage[High(ILanguage)] := SR.Name;
+ SetLength(List, Length(List)+1);
+ List[High(List)].Name := LangName;
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- SysUtils.FindClose(SR);
- end; // if FindFirst
+ SetLength(ILanguage, Length(ILanguage)+1);
+ ILanguage[High(ILanguage)] := LangName;
+ end;
-//ChangeLanguage - Load the specified LanguageFile
-procedure TLanguage.ChangeLanguage(Language: String);
+ * Load the specified LanguageFile
+ *}
+procedure TLanguage.ChangeLanguage(const Language: AnsiString);
- IniFile: TIniFile;
+ IniFile: TUnicodeMemIniFile;
E: integer; // entry
S: TStringList;
SetLength(Entry, 0);
- IniFile := TIniFile.Create(LanguagesPath + Language + '.ini');
+ IniFile := TUnicodeMemIniFile.Create(LanguagesPath.Append(Language + '.ini'));
S := TStringList.Create;
IniFile.ReadSectionValues('Text', S);
@@ -176,80 +186,107 @@ begin
-//Translate - Translate the Text
-Function TLanguage.Translate(Text: String): String;
+ * Find the index of ID an array of language entries.
+ * @returns the index on success, -1 otherwise.
+ *}
+function TLanguage.FindID(const ID: AnsiString; const EntryList: TLanguageEntryArray): integer;
- E: integer; // entry
+ Index: integer;
+ for Index := 0 to High(EntryList) do
+ begin
+ if ID = EntryList[Index].ID then
+ begin
+ Result := Index;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := -1;
+ * Translate the Text.
+ * If Text is an ID, text will be translated according to the current language
+ * setting. If Text is not a known ID, it will be returned as is.
+ * @param Text either an ID or an UTF-8 encoded string
+ *}
+function TLanguage.Translate(const Text: RawByteString): UTF8String;
+ E: integer; // entry
+ ID: AnsiString;
+ EntryIndex: integer;
+ // fallback result in case Text is not a known ID
Result := Text;
- Text := Uppercase(Result);
+ // normalize ID case
+ ID := UpperCase(Text);
+ // Check if ID exists
//Const Mod
- for E := 0 to high(CEntry) do
- if Text = CEntry[E].ID then
- begin
- Result := CEntry[E].Text;
- exit;
- end;
- //Const Mod End
+ EntryIndex := FindID(ID, EntryConst);
+ if (EntryIndex >= 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := EntryConst[EntryIndex].Text;
+ Exit;
+ end;
- for E := 0 to high(Entry) do
- if Text = Entry[E].ID then
- begin
- Result := Entry[E].Text;
- exit;
- end;
+ EntryIndex := FindID(ID, Entry);
+ if (EntryIndex >= 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := Entry[EntryIndex].Text;
+ Exit;
+ end;
//Standard Language (If a Language File is Incomplete)
//Then use Standard Language
- for E := low(SEntry) to high(SEntry) do
- if Text = SEntry[E].ID then
- begin
- Result := SEntry[E].Text;
- Break;
- end;
- //Standard Language END
+ EntryIndex := FindID(ID, EntryDefault);
+ if (EntryIndex >= 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := EntryDefault[EntryIndex].Text;
+ Exit;
+ end;
-//AddConst - Add a Constant ID that will be Translated but not Loaded from the LanguageFile
-procedure TLanguage.AddConst (ID, Text: String);
+ * Add a Constant ID that will be Translated but not Loaded from the LanguageFile
+ *}
+procedure TLanguage.AddConst(const ID: AnsiString; const Text: UTF8String);
- SetLength (CEntry, Length(CEntry) + 1);
- CEntry[high(CEntry)].ID := ID;
- CEntry[high(CEntry)].Text := Text;
+ SetLength (EntryConst, Length(EntryConst) + 1);
+ EntryConst[high(EntryConst)].ID := ID;
+ EntryConst[high(EntryConst)].Text := Text;
-//ChangeConst - Change a Constant Value by ID
-procedure TLanguage.ChangeConst(ID, Text: String);
+ * Change a Constant Value by ID
+ *}
+procedure TLanguage.ChangeConst(const ID: AnsiString; const Text: UTF8String);
I: Integer;
- for I := 0 to high(CEntry) do
+ for I := 0 to high(EntryConst) do
- if CEntry[I].ID = ID then
+ if EntryConst[I].ID = ID then
- CEntry[I].Text := Text;
+ EntryConst[I].Text := Text;
-//Implode - Connect an Array of Strings with ' and ' or ', ' to one String
-function TLanguage.Implode(Pieces: Array of String): String;
+ * Connect an array of strings with ' and ' or ', ' to one string
+ *}
+function TLanguage.Implode(const Pieces: array of UTF8String): UTF8String;
I: Integer;
Result := '';
//Go through Pieces
- for I := low(Pieces) to high(Pieces) do
+ for I := 0 to high(Pieces) do
//Add Value
Result := Result + Pieces[I];
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/ULog.pas b/Lua/src/base/ULog.pas
index 582120bc..e4ff4862 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/ULog.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/ULog.pas
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
- Classes;
+ Classes,
+ UPath;
* LOG_LEVEL_[TYPE] defines the "minimum" index for logs of type TYPE. Each
@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ type
// voice
procedure LogVoice(SoundNr: integer);
// buffer
- procedure LogBuffer(const buf : Pointer; const bufLength : Integer; const filename : string);
+ procedure LogBuffer(const buf : Pointer; const bufLength : Integer; const filename : IPath);
procedure DebugWriteln(const aString: String);
@@ -132,7 +133,8 @@ uses
- UCommandLine;
+ UCommandLine,
+ UPathUtils;
* Write to console if in debug mode (Thread-safe).
@@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ begin
if not BenchmarkFileOpened then
BenchmarkFileOpened := true;
- AssignFile(BenchmarkFile, LogPath + 'Benchmark.log');
+ AssignFile(BenchmarkFile, LogPath.Append('Benchmark.log').ToNative);
if IOResult = 0 then
@@ -269,7 +271,7 @@ procedure TLog.LogToFile(const Text: string);
if (FileOutputEnabled and not LogFileOpened) then
- AssignFile(LogFile, LogPath + 'Error.log');
+ AssignFile(LogFile, LogPath.Append('Error.log').ToNative);
if IOResult = 0 then
@@ -398,20 +400,19 @@ end;
procedure TLog.LogVoice(SoundNr: integer);
- FS: TFileStream;
- FileName: string;
+ FS: TBinaryFileStream;
+ Prefix: string;
+ FileName: IPath;
Num: integer;
for Num := 1 to 9999 do begin
- FileName := IntToStr(Num);
- while Length(FileName) < 4 do
- FileName := '0' + FileName;
- FileName := LogPath + 'Voice' + FileName + '.raw';
- if not FileExists(FileName) then
+ Prefix := Format('Voice%.4d', [Num]);
+ FileName := LogPath.Append(Prefix + '.raw');
+ if not FileName.Exists() then
- FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ FS := TBinaryFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].LogBuffer.Seek(0, soBeginning);
FS.CopyFrom(AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].LogBuffer, AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].LogBuffer.Size);
@@ -419,21 +420,19 @@ begin
-procedure TLog.LogBuffer(const buf: Pointer; const bufLength: Integer; const filename: string);
+procedure TLog.LogBuffer(const buf: Pointer; const bufLength: Integer; const filename: IPath);
- f : TFileStream;
+ f : TBinaryFileStream;
- f := nil;
- f := TFileStream.Create( filename, fmCreate);
- f.Write( buf^, bufLength);
- f.Free;
- except
- on e : Exception do begin
- Log.LogError('TLog.LogBuffer: Failed to log buffer into file "' + filename + '". ErrMsg: ' + e.Message);
+ f := TBinaryFileStream.Create( filename, fmCreate);
+ try
+ f.Write( buf^, bufLength);
+ finally
+ except on e : Exception do
+ Log.LogError('TLog.LogBuffer: Failed to log buffer into file "' + filename.ToNative + '". ErrMsg: ' + e.Message);
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/ULyrics.pas b/Lua/src/base/ULyrics.pas
index 82982981..3f62db9c 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/ULyrics.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/ULyrics.pas
@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ type
Width: real; // width
Start: cardinal; // start of the word in quarters (beats)
Length: cardinal; // length of the word in quarters
- Text: string; // text
+ Text: UTF8String; // text
Freestyle: boolean; // is freestyle?
TLyricWordArray = array of TLyricWord;
TLyricLine = class
- Text: string; // text
+ Text: UTF8String; // text
Width: real; // width
Height: real; // height
Words: TLyricWordArray; // words in this line
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UMain.pas b/Lua/src/base/UMain.pas
index cb3851d1..7b082c57 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UMain.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UMain.pas
@@ -35,112 +35,16 @@ interface
- Classes,
- SDL,
- UMusic,
- URecord,
- UTime,
- UDisplay,
- UIni,
- ULog,
- ULyrics,
- UScreenSing,
- USong,
- ULua,
- gl;
- PPLayerNote = ^TPlayerNote;
- TPlayerNote = record
- Start: integer;
- Length: integer;
- Detect: real; // accurate place, detected in the note
- Tone: real;
- Perfect: boolean; // true if the note matches the original one, lit the star
- Hit: boolean; // true if the note Hits the Line
- end;
- PPLayer = ^TPlayer;
- TPlayer = record
- Name: string;
- // Index in Teaminfo record
- TeamID: byte;
- PlayerID: byte;
- // Scores
- Score: real;
- ScoreLine: real;
- ScoreGolden: real;
- ScoreInt: integer;
- ScoreLineInt: integer;
- ScoreGoldenInt: integer;
- ScoreTotalInt: integer;
- // LineBonus
- ScoreLast: real;//Last Line Score
- // PerfectLineTwinkle (effect)
- LastSentencePerfect: boolean;
- HighNote: integer; // index of last note (= High(Note)?)
- LengthNote: integer; // number of notes (= Length(Note)?).
- Note: array of TPlayerNote;
- end;
+ SDL;
- // Absolute Paths
- GamePath: string;
- SoundPath: string;
- SongPaths: TStringList;
- LogPath: string;
- ThemePath: string;
- SkinsPath: string;
- ScreenshotsPath: string;
- CoverPaths: TStringList;
- LanguagesPath: string;
- PluginPath: string;
- VisualsPath: string;
- FontPath: string;
- ResourcesPath: string;
- PlayListPath: string;
- ScriptPath: string;
- Done: boolean;
- // FIXME: ConversionFileName should not be global
- ConversionFileName: string;
- Restart: boolean;
- // player and music info
- Player: array of TPlayer;
- PlayersPlay: integer;
- CurrentSong : TSong;
- //Lua : Plua_State;
- MAX_SONG_SCORE = 10000; // max. achievable points per song
- MAX_SONG_LINE_BONUS = 1000; // max. achievable line bonus per song
-function FindPath(out PathResult: string; const RequestedPath: string; NeedsWritePermission: boolean): boolean;
-procedure InitializePaths;
-procedure AddSongPath(const Path: string);
+ Done: boolean;
+ Restart: boolean;
procedure Main;
procedure MainLoop;
procedure CheckEvents;
-procedure Sing(Screen: TScreenSing);
-procedure NewSentence(Screen: TScreenSing);
-procedure NewBeatClick(Screen: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat for click
-procedure NewBeatDetect(Screen: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat for detection
-procedure NewNote(Screen: TScreenSing); // detect note
-function GetMidBeat(Time: real): real;
-function GetTimeFromBeat(Beat: integer): real;
-procedure ClearScores(PlayerNum: integer);
TMainThreadExecProc = procedure(Data: Pointer);
@@ -158,31 +62,34 @@ const
procedure MainThreadExec(Proc: TMainThreadExecProc; Data: Pointer);
- StrUtils,
- USongs,
- UJoystick,
+ gl,
+ UCatCovers,
- ULanguage,
- //SDL_ttf,
- USkins,
+ UCommon,
+ UConfig,
- UCatCovers,
- UPlaylist,
+ UDisplay,
- UParty,
- UConfig,
- UCore,
- UCommon,
- UPluginDefs,
+ UIni,
+ UJoystick,
+ ULanguage,
+ ULog,
+ UPathUtils,
+ UPlaylist,
+ UMusic,
+ UBeatTimer,
+ USkins,
+ USongs,
+ UThemes,
+ UParty,
@@ -191,23 +98,20 @@ uses
- UThemes;
+ UTime;
procedure Main;
- WndTitle: string;
+ WindowTitle: string;
{$IFNDEF Debug}
- WndTitle := USDXVersionStr;
+ WindowTitle := USDXVersionStr;
- if Platform.TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(WndTitle) then
+ if Platform.TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(WindowTitle) then
// fix floating-point exceptions (FPE)
@@ -221,17 +125,18 @@ begin
DecimalSeparator := '.';
- //StartUp - Create Classes and Load Files
+ // StartUp - create classes and load files
- // Initialize SDL
- // Without SDL_INIT_TIMER SDL_GetTicks() might return strange values
+ // initialize SDL
+ // without SDL_INIT_TIMER SDL_GetTicks() might return strange values
// create luacore first so other classes can register their events
LuaCore := TLuaCore.Create;
USTime := TTime.Create;
VideoBGTimer := TRelativeTimer.Create;
@@ -240,7 +145,7 @@ begin
// Log + Benchmark
Log := TLog.Create;
- Log.Title := WndTitle;
+ Log.Title := WindowTitle;
Log.FileOutputEnabled := not Params.NoLog;
@@ -251,19 +156,19 @@ begin
Log.LogStatus('Load Language', 'Initialization');
Language := TLanguage.Create;
- // Add Const Values:
+ // add const values:
Language.AddConst('US_VERSION', USDXVersionStr);
Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Language', 1);
- {
// SDL_ttf (Not used yet, maybe in version 1.5)
Log.LogStatus('Initialize SDL_ttf', 'Initialization');
Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing SDL_ttf', 1);
- }
// Skin
@@ -278,16 +183,10 @@ begin
Ini := TIni.Create;
- //it's possible that this is the first run, create a .ini file if neccessary
+ // it is possible that this is the first run, create a .ini file if neccessary
Log.LogStatus('Write Ini', 'Initialization');
- // Load Languagefile
- if (Params.Language <> -1) then
- Language.ChangeLanguage(ILanguage[Params.Language])
- else
- Language.ChangeLanguage(ILanguage[Ini.Language]);
Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Ini', 1);
@@ -304,7 +203,7 @@ begin
// Theme
Log.LogStatus('Load Themes', 'Initialization');
- Theme := TTheme.Create(ThemePath + ITheme[Ini.Theme] + '.ini', Ini.Color);
+ Theme := TTheme.Create(ThemePath.Append(ITheme[Ini.Theme] + '.ini'), Ini.Color);
Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Themes', 1);
@@ -341,18 +240,10 @@ begin
Log.LogBenchmark('Loading PluginManager', 1);
- {// Party Mode Manager
- Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Log.LogStatus('PartySession Manager', 'Initialization');
- PartySession := TPartySession.Create; //Load PartySession
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Loading PartySession Manager', 1); }
// Graphics
Log.LogStatus('Initialize 3D', 'Initialization');
- Initialize3D(WndTitle);
+ Initialize3D(WindowTitle);
Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing 3D', 1);
@@ -361,10 +252,10 @@ begin
Log.LogStatus('DataBase System', 'Initialization');
DataBase := TDataBaseSystem.Create;
- if (Params.ScoreFile = '') then
- DataBase.Init (Platform.GetGameUserPath + 'Ultrastar.db')
+ if (Params.ScoreFile.IsUnset) then
+ DataBase.Init(Platform.GetGameUserPath.Append('Ultrastar.db'))
- DataBase.Init (Params.ScoreFile);
+ DataBase.Init(Params.ScoreFile);
Log.LogBenchmark('Loading DataBase System', 1);
@@ -384,7 +275,7 @@ begin
Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Particle System', 1);
// Joypad
- if (Ini.Joypad = 1) OR (Params.Joypad) then
+ if (Ini.Joypad = 1) or (Params.Joypad) then
Log.LogStatus('Initialize Joystick', 'Initialization');
@@ -394,25 +285,6 @@ begin
// Lua
- {Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
- Lua := luaL_newstate;
- if Lua = nil then
- Log.LogError('Lua init failed','Lua');
- luaL_openlibs(Lua);
- luaopen_gl(Lua); // gl (Lua)
- lua_pop(Lua, 1); // remove table from stack
- luaopen_Log(Lua); // Log + Benchmark (Lua)
- lua_pop(Lua, 1); // remove table from stack
- luaopen_TextGL(Lua); // TextGL (Lua)
- lua_pop(Lua, 1); // remove table from stack
- luaopen_Texture(Lua); // Texture (Lua)
- lua_pop(Lua, 1); // remove table from stack
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Initializing Lua', 1); }
Party := TPartyGame.Create;
@@ -435,13 +307,25 @@ begin
Log.LogBenchmark('Loading Time', 0);
+ Log.LogStatus('Creating Core', 'Initialization');
+ Core := TCore.Create(
+ USDXShortVersionStr,
+ chr(0))
+ );
+ Log.LogStatus('Running Core', 'Initialization');
+ //Core.Run;
- //Start- Mainloop
+ // Start Mainloop
Log.LogStatus('Main Loop', 'Initialization');
@@ -450,20 +334,18 @@ begin
- //Finish Application
+ // Finish Application
// TODO:
// call an uninitialize routine for every initialize step
- // or at least use the corresponding Free-Methods
+ // or at least use the corresponding Free methods
- //lua_close(Lua);
if assigned(Log) then
Log.LogStatus('Main Loop', 'Finished');
@@ -476,7 +358,7 @@ end;
procedure MainLoop;
- Delay: integer;
+ Delay: integer;
MAX_FPS = 100;
@@ -493,17 +375,7 @@ begin
// display
- done := not Display.Draw;
- {// FIXME remove this when the Partymode works
- if FileExists(ScriptPath + 'main.lua') then
- begin
- if 0 <> luaL_dofile(Lua, PAnsiChar(ScriptPath + 'main.lua')) then
- begin
- Log.LogError(lua_tostring(Lua,-1));
- end;
- end; }
+ Done := not Display.Draw;
// delay
@@ -526,13 +398,27 @@ begin
+procedure DoQuit;
+ // if question option is enabled then show exit popup
+ if (Ini.AskbeforeDel = 1) then
+ begin
+ Display.CurrentScreen^.CheckFadeTo(nil,'MSG_QUIT_USDX');
+ end
+ else // if ask-for-exit is disabled then simply exit
+ begin
+ Display.Fade := 0;
+ Display.NextScreenWithCheck := nil;
+ Display.CheckOK := true;
+ end;
procedure CheckEvents;
- Event: TSDL_event;
+ Event: TSDL_event;
+ mouseDown: boolean;
+ mouseBtn: integer;
- if Assigned(Display.NextScreen) then
- Exit;
while (SDL_PollEvent(@Event) <> 0) do
case Event.type_ of
@@ -542,17 +428,56 @@ begin
Display.NextScreenWithCheck := nil;
Display.CheckOK := true;
- {
- with Event.button do
+ if (Ini.Mouse > 0) then
- if State = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT Then
- begin
- //
+ case Event.type_ of
+ begin
+ mouseDown := false;
+ mouseBtn := 0;
+ end;
+ begin
+ mouseDown := true;
+ mouseBtn := Event.button.button;
+ if (mouseBtn = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) or (mouseBtn = SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) then
+ Display.OnMouseButton(true);
+ end;
+ begin
+ mouseDown := false;
+ mouseBtn := Event.button.button;
+ if (mouseBtn = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) or (mouseBtn = SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) then
+ Display.OnMouseButton(false);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Display.MoveCursor(Event.button.X * 800 / Screen.w,
+ Event.button.Y * 600 / Screen.h);
+ if not Assigned(Display.NextScreen) then
+ begin //drop input when changing screens
+ if (ScreenPopupError <> nil) and (ScreenPopupError.Visible) then
+ done := not ScreenPopupError.ParseMouse(mouseBtn, mouseDown, Event.button.x, Event.button.y)
+ else if (ScreenPopupInfo <> nil) and (ScreenPopupInfo.Visible) then
+ done := not ScreenPopupInfo.ParseMouse(mouseBtn, mouseDown, Event.button.x, Event.button.y)
+ else if (ScreenPopupCheck <> nil) and (ScreenPopupCheck.Visible) then
+ done := not ScreenPopupCheck.ParseMouse(mouseBtn, mouseDown, Event.button.x, Event.button.y)
+ else
+ begin
+ done := not Display.CurrentScreen^.ParseMouse(mouseBtn, mouseDown, Event.button.x, Event.button.y);
+ // if screen wants to exit
+ if done then
+ DoQuit;
+ end;
- }
@@ -561,7 +486,7 @@ begin
// Note: do NOT call SDL_SetVideoMode on Windows and MacOSX here.
// This would create a new OpenGL render-context and all texture data
// would be invalidated.
- // On Linux the mode MUST be resetted, otherwise graphics will be corrupted.
+ // On Linux the mode MUST be reset, otherwise graphics will be corrupted.
{$IF Defined(Linux) or Defined(FreeBSD)}
if boolean( Ini.FullScreen ) then
SDL_SetVideoMode(ScreenW, ScreenH, (Ini.Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN)
@@ -571,64 +496,72 @@ begin
+ // translate CTRL-A (ASCII 1) - CTRL-Z (ASCII 26) to correct charcodes.
+ // keysyms (SDLK_A, ...) could be used instead but they ignore the
+ // current key mapping (if 'a' is pressed on a French keyboard the
+ // .unicode field will be 'a' and .sym SDLK_Q).
+ // IMPORTANT: if CTRL is pressed with a key different than 'A'-'Z' SDL
+ // will set .unicode to 0. There is no possibility to obtain a
+ // translated charcode. Use keysyms instead.
+ //if (Event.key.keysym.unicode in [1 .. 26]) then
+ // Event.key.keysym.unicode := Ord('A') + Event.key.keysym.unicode - 1;
// remap the "keypad enter" key to the "standard enter" key
if (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_KP_ENTER) then
Event.key.keysym.sym := SDLK_RETURN;
- if (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_F11) or
- ((Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_RETURN) and
- ((Event.key.keysym.modifier and KMOD_ALT) <> 0)) then // toggle full screen
- begin
- Ini.FullScreen := integer( not boolean( Ini.FullScreen ) );
- // FIXME: SDL_SetVideoMode creates a new OpenGL RC so we have to
- // reload all texture data (-> whitescreen bug).
- // Only Linux (and FreeBSD) is able to handle screen-switching this way.
- {$IF Defined(Linux) or Defined(FreeBSD)}
- if boolean( Ini.FullScreen ) then
+ if not Assigned(Display.NextScreen) then
+ begin //drop input when changing screens
+ { to-do : F11 was used for fullscreen toggle, too here
+ but we also use the key in screenname and some other
+ screens. It is droped although fullscreen toggle doesn't
+ even work on windows.
+ should we add (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_F11) here
+ anyway? }
+ if ((Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_RETURN) and
+ ((Event.key.keysym.modifier and KMOD_ALT) <> 0)) then // toggle full screen
- SDL_SetVideoMode(ScreenW, ScreenH, (Ini.Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN);
- SDL_ShowCursor(0);
- end
- else
- begin
- SDL_SetVideoMode(ScreenW, ScreenH, (Ini.Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_RESIZABLE);
- SDL_ShowCursor(1);
- end;
+ Ini.FullScreen := integer( not boolean( Ini.FullScreen ) );
- glViewPort(0, 0, ScreenW, ScreenH);
- {$IFEND}
- end
- // if print is pressed -> make screenshot and save to screenshot path
- else if (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_SYSREQ) or (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_PRINT) then
- Display.SaveScreenShot
- // if there is a visible popup then let it handle input instead of underlying screen
- // shoud be done in a way to be sure the topmost popup has preference (maybe error, then check)
- else if (ScreenPopupError <> nil) and (ScreenPopupError.Visible) then
- done := not ScreenPopupError.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, WideChar(Event.key.keysym.unicode), true)
- else if (ScreenPopupCheck <> nil) and (ScreenPopupCheck.Visible) then
- done := not ScreenPopupCheck.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, WideChar(Event.key.keysym.unicode), true)
- else
- begin
- // check if screen wants to exit
- done := not Display.CurrentScreen^.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, WideChar(Event.key.keysym.unicode), true);
- // if screen wants to exit
- if done then
- begin
- // if question option is enabled then show exit popup
- if (Ini.AskbeforeDel = 1) then
+ // FIXME: SDL_SetVideoMode creates a new OpenGL RC so we have to
+ // reload all texture data (-> whitescreen bug).
+ // Only Linux and FreeBSD are able to handle screen-switching this way.
+ {$IF Defined(Linux) or Defined(FreeBSD)}
+ if boolean( Ini.FullScreen ) then
- Display.CurrentScreen^.CheckFadeTo(nil,'MSG_QUIT_USDX');
+ SDL_SetVideoMode(ScreenW, ScreenH, (Ini.Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN);
- else // if ask-for-exit is disabled then simply exit
+ else
- Display.Fade := 0;
- Display.NextScreenWithCheck := nil;
- Display.CheckOK := true;
+ SDL_SetVideoMode(ScreenW, ScreenH, (Ini.Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_RESIZABLE);
- end;
+ Display.SetCursor;
+ glViewPort(0, 0, ScreenW, ScreenH);
+ {$IFEND}
+ end
+ // if print is pressed -> make screenshot and save to screenshot path
+ else if (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_SYSREQ) or (Event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_PRINT) then
+ Display.SaveScreenShot
+ // if there is a visible popup then let it handle input instead of underlying screen
+ // shoud be done in a way to be sure the topmost popup has preference (maybe error, then check)
+ else if (ScreenPopupError <> nil) and (ScreenPopupError.Visible) then
+ Done := not ScreenPopupError.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, true)
+ else if (ScreenPopupInfo <> nil) and (ScreenPopupInfo.Visible) then
+ Done := not ScreenPopupInfo.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, true)
+ else if (ScreenPopupCheck <> nil) and (ScreenPopupCheck.Visible) then
+ Done := not ScreenPopupCheck.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, true)
+ else
+ begin
+ // check if screen wants to exit
+ Done := not Display.ParseInput(Event.key.keysym.sym, Event.key.keysym.unicode, true);
+ // if screen wants to exit
+ if Done then
+ DoQuit;
+ end;
@@ -662,574 +595,4 @@ begin
-function GetTimeForBeats(BPM, Beats: real): real;
- Result := 60 / BPM * Beats;
-function GetBeats(BPM, msTime: real): real;
- Result := BPM * msTime / 60;
-procedure GetMidBeatSub(BPMNum: integer; var Time: real; var CurBeat: real);
- NewTime: real;
- if High(CurrentSong.BPM) = BPMNum then
- begin
- // last BPM
- CurBeat := CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat + GetBeats(CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, Time);
- Time := 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- // not last BPM
- // count how much time is it for start of the new BPM and store it in NewTime
- NewTime := GetTimeForBeats(CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum+1].StartBeat - CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat);
- // compare it to remaining time
- if (Time - NewTime) > 0 then
- begin
- // there is still remaining time
- CurBeat := CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat;
- Time := Time - NewTime;
- end
- else
- begin
- // there is no remaining time
- CurBeat := CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat + GetBeats(CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, Time);
- Time := 0;
- end; // if
- end; // if
-function GetMidBeat(Time: real): real;
- CurBeat: real;
- CurBPM: integer;
- // static BPM
- if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) = 1 then
- begin
- Result := Time * CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM / 60;
- end
- // variable BPM
- else if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) > 1 then
- begin
- CurBeat := 0;
- CurBPM := 0;
- while (Time > 0) do
- begin
- GetMidBeatSub(CurBPM, Time, CurBeat);
- Inc(CurBPM);
- end;
- Result := CurBeat;
- end
- // invalid BPM
- else
- begin
- Result := 0;
- end;
-function GetTimeFromBeat(Beat: integer): real;
- CurBPM: integer;
- // static BPM
- if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) = 1 then
- begin
- Result := CurrentSong.GAP / 1000 + Beat * 60 / CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM;
- end
- // variable BPM
- else if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) > 1 then
- begin
- Result := CurrentSong.GAP / 1000;
- CurBPM := 0;
- while (CurBPM <= High(CurrentSong.BPM)) and
- (Beat > CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat) do
- begin
- if (CurBPM < High(CurrentSong.BPM)) and
- (Beat >= CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat) then
- begin
- // full range
- Result := Result + (60 / CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].BPM) *
- (CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat - CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat);
- end;
- if (CurBPM = High(CurrentSong.BPM)) or
- (Beat < CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat) then
- begin
- // in the middle
- Result := Result + (60 / CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].BPM) *
- (Beat - CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat);
- end;
- Inc(CurBPM);
- end;
- {
- while (Time > 0) do
- begin
- GetMidBeatSub(CurBPM, Time, CurBeat);
- Inc(CurBPM);
- end;
- }
- end
- // invalid BPM
- else
- begin
- Result := 0;
- end;
-procedure Sing(Screen: TScreenSing);
- Count: integer;
- CountGr: integer;
- CP: integer;
- N: integer;
- LyricsState.UpdateBeats();
- // sentences routines
- for CountGr := 0 to 0 do //High(Lines)
- begin;
- CP := CountGr;
- // old parts
- LyricsState.OldLine := Lines[CP].Current;
- // choose current parts
- for Count := 0 to Lines[CP].High do
- begin
- if LyricsState.CurrentBeat >= Lines[CP].Line[Count].Start then
- Lines[CP].Current := Count;
- end;
- // clean player note if there is a new line
- // (optimization on halfbeat time)
- if Lines[CP].Current <> LyricsState.OldLine then
- NewSentence(Screen);
- end; // for CountGr
- // make some operations on clicks
- if {(LyricsState.CurrentBeatC >= 0) and }(LyricsState.OldBeatC <> LyricsState.CurrentBeatC) then
- NewBeatClick(Screen);
- // make some operations when detecting new voice pitch
- if (LyricsState.CurrentBeatD >= 0) and (LyricsState.OldBeatD <> LyricsState.CurrentBeatD) then
- NewBeatDetect(Screen);
-procedure NewSentence(Screen: TScreenSing);
- i: integer;
- // clean note of player
- for i := 0 to High(Player) do
- begin
- Player[i].LengthNote := 0;
- Player[i].HighNote := -1;
- SetLength(Player[i].Note, 0);
- end;
- // on sentence change...
- Screen.onSentenceChange(Lines[0].Current);
-procedure NewBeatClick;
- Count: integer;
- // beat click
- if ((Ini.BeatClick = 1) and
- ((LyricsState.CurrentBeatC + Lines[0].Resolution + Lines[0].NotesGAP) mod Lines[0].Resolution = 0)) then
- begin
- AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Click);
- end;
- for Count := 0 to Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote do
- begin
- if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[Count].Start = LyricsState.CurrentBeatC) then
- begin
- // click assist
- if Ini.ClickAssist = 1 then
- AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Click);
- // drum machine
- (*
- TempBeat := LyricsState.CurrentBeat;// + 2;
- if (TempBeat mod 8 = 0) then Music.PlayDrum;
- if (TempBeat mod 8 = 4) then Music.PlayClap;
- //if (TempBeat mod 4 = 2) then Music.PlayHihat;
- if (TempBeat mod 4 <> 0) then Music.PlayHihat;
- *)
- end;
- end;
-procedure NewBeatDetect(Screen: TScreenSing);
- NewNote(Screen);
-procedure NewNote(Screen: TScreenSing);
- LineFragmentIndex: integer;
- CurrentLineFragment: PLineFragment;
- PlayerIndex: integer;
- CurrentSound: TCaptureBuffer;
- CurrentPlayer: PPlayer;
- LastPlayerNote: PPlayerNote;
- Line: PLine;
- SentenceIndex: integer;
- SentenceMin: integer;
- SentenceMax: integer;
- SentenceDetected: integer; // sentence of detected note
- NoteAvailable: boolean;
- NewNote: boolean;
- Range: integer;
- NoteHit: boolean;
- MaxSongPoints: integer; // max. points for the song (without line bonus)
- MaxLinePoints: real; // max. points for the current line
- // TODO: add duet mode support
- // use Lines[LineSetIndex] with LineSetIndex depending on the current player
- // count min and max sentence range for checking (detection is delayed to the notes we see on the screen)
- SentenceMin := Lines[0].Current-1;
- if (SentenceMin < 0) then
- SentenceMin := 0;
- SentenceMax := Lines[0].Current;
- // check for an active note at the current time defined in the lyrics
- NoteAvailable := false;
- SentenceDetected := SentenceMin;
- for SentenceIndex := SentenceMin to SentenceMax do
- begin
- Line := @Lines[0].Line[SentenceIndex];
- for LineFragmentIndex := 0 to Line.HighNote do
- begin
- CurrentLineFragment := @Line.Note[LineFragmentIndex];
- // check if line is active
- if ((CurrentLineFragment.Start <= LyricsState.CurrentBeatD) and
- (CurrentLineFragment.Start + CurrentLineFragment.Length-1 >= LyricsState.CurrentBeatD)) and
- (CurrentLineFragment.NoteType <> ntFreestyle) and // but ignore FreeStyle notes
- (CurrentLineFragment.Length > 0) then // and make sure the note lengths is at least 1
- begin
- SentenceDetected := SentenceIndex;
- NoteAvailable := true;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- // TODO: break here, if NoteAvailable is true? We would then use the first instead
- // of the last note matching the current beat if notes overlap. But notes
- // should not overlap at all.
- //if (NoteAvailable) then
- // Break;
- end;
- // analyze player signals
- for PlayerIndex := 0 to PlayersPlay-1 do
- begin
- CurrentPlayer := @Player[PlayerIndex];
- CurrentSound := AudioInputProcessor.Sound[PlayerIndex];
- // At the beginning of the song there is no previous note
- if (Length(CurrentPlayer.Note) > 0) then
- LastPlayerNote := @CurrentPlayer.Note[CurrentPlayer.HighNote]
- else
- LastPlayerNote := nil;
- // analyze buffer
- CurrentSound.AnalyzeBuffer;
- // add some noise
- // TODO: do we need this?
- //LyricsState.Tone := LyricsState.Tone + Round(Random(3)) - 1;
- // add note if possible
- if (CurrentSound.ToneValid and NoteAvailable) then
- begin
- Line := @Lines[0].Line[SentenceDetected];
- // process until last note
- for LineFragmentIndex := 0 to Line.HighNote do
- begin
- CurrentLineFragment := @Line.Note[LineFragmentIndex];
- if (CurrentLineFragment.Start <= LyricsState.OldBeatD+1) and
- (CurrentLineFragment.Start + CurrentLineFragment.Length > LyricsState.OldBeatD+1) then
- begin
- // compare notes (from song-file and from player)
- // move players tone to proper octave
- while (CurrentSound.Tone - CurrentLineFragment.Tone > 6) do
- CurrentSound.Tone := CurrentSound.Tone - 12;
- while (CurrentSound.Tone - CurrentLineFragment.Tone < -6) do
- CurrentSound.Tone := CurrentSound.Tone + 12;
- // half size notes patch
- NoteHit := false;
- //if Ini.Difficulty = 0 then Range := 2;
- //if Ini.Difficulty = 1 then Range := 1;
- //if Ini.Difficulty = 2 then Range := 0;
- Range := 2 - Ini.Difficulty;
- // check if the player hit the correct tone within the tolerated range
- if (Abs(CurrentLineFragment.Tone - CurrentSound.Tone) <= Range) then
- begin
- // adjust the players tone to the correct one
- // TODO: do we need to do this?
- CurrentSound.Tone := CurrentLineFragment.Tone;
- // half size notes patch
- NoteHit := true;
- if (Ini.LineBonus > 0) then
- else
- MaxSongPoints := MAX_SONG_SCORE;
- // Note: ScoreValue is the sum of all note values of the song
- MaxLinePoints := MaxSongPoints / Lines[0].ScoreValue;
- // FIXME: is this correct? Why do we add the points for a whole line
- // if just one note is correct?
- case CurrentLineFragment.NoteType of
- ntNormal: CurrentPlayer.Score := CurrentPlayer.Score + MaxLinePoints;
- ntGolden: CurrentPlayer.ScoreGolden := CurrentPlayer.ScoreGolden + MaxLinePoints;
- end;
- CurrentPlayer.ScoreInt := Floor(CurrentPlayer.Score / 10) * 10;
- CurrentPlayer.ScoreGoldenInt := Floor(CurrentPlayer.ScoreGolden / 10) * 10;
- CurrentPlayer.ScoreTotalInt := CurrentPlayer.ScoreInt +
- CurrentPlayer.ScoreGoldenInt +
- CurrentPlayer.ScoreLineInt;
- end;
- end; // operation
- end; // for
- // check if we have to add a new note or extend the note's length
- if (SentenceDetected = SentenceMax) then
- begin
- // we will add a new note
- NewNote := true;
- // if previous note (if any) was the same, extend prrevious note
- if ((CurrentPlayer.LengthNote > 0) and
- (LastPlayerNote <> nil) and
- (LastPlayerNote.Tone = CurrentSound.Tone) and
- ((LastPlayerNote.Start + LastPlayerNote.Length) = LyricsState.CurrentBeatD)) then
- begin
- NewNote := false;
- end;
- // if is not as new note to control
- for LineFragmentIndex := 0 to Line.HighNote do
- begin
- if (Line.Note[LineFragmentIndex].Start = LyricsState.CurrentBeatD) then
- NewNote := true;
- end;
- // add new note
- if NewNote then
- begin
- // new note
- Inc(CurrentPlayer.LengthNote);
- Inc(CurrentPlayer.HighNote);
- SetLength(CurrentPlayer.Note, CurrentPlayer.LengthNote);
- // update player's last note
- LastPlayerNote := @CurrentPlayer.Note[CurrentPlayer.HighNote];
- with LastPlayerNote^ do
- begin
- Start := LyricsState.CurrentBeatD;
- Length := 1;
- Tone := CurrentSound.Tone; // Tone || ToneAbs
- Detect := LyricsState.MidBeat;
- Hit := NoteHit; // half note patch
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- // extend note length
- if (LastPlayerNote <> nil) then
- Inc(LastPlayerNote.Length);
- end;
- // check for perfect note and then lit the star (on Draw)
- for LineFragmentIndex := 0 to Line.HighNote do
- begin
- CurrentLineFragment := @Line.Note[LineFragmentIndex];
- if (CurrentLineFragment.Start = LastPlayerNote.Start) and
- (CurrentLineFragment.Length = LastPlayerNote.Length) and
- (CurrentLineFragment.Tone = LastPlayerNote.Tone) then
- begin
- LastPlayerNote.Perfect := true;
- end;
- end;
- end; // if SentenceDetected = SentenceMax
- end; // if Detected
- end; // for PlayerIndex
- //Log.LogStatus('EndBeat', 'NewBeat');
- // on sentence end -> for LineBonus and display of SingBar (rating pop-up)
- if (SentenceDetected >= Low(Lines[0].Line)) and
- (SentenceDetected <= High(Lines[0].Line)) then
- begin
- Line := @Lines[0].Line[SentenceDetected];
- CurrentLineFragment := @Line.Note[Line.HighNote];
- if ((CurrentLineFragment.Start + CurrentLineFragment.Length - 1) = LyricsState.CurrentBeatD) then
- begin
- if assigned(Screen) then
- Screen.OnSentenceEnd(SentenceDetected);
- end;
- end;
-procedure ClearScores(PlayerNum: integer);
- with Player[PlayerNum] do
- begin
- Score := 0;
- ScoreLine := 0;
- ScoreGolden := 0;
- ScoreInt := 0;
- ScoreLineInt := 0;
- ScoreGoldenInt:= 0;
- ScoreTotalInt := 0;
- ScoreLast := 0;
- LastSentencePerfect := false;
- end;
-procedure AddSpecialPath(var PathList: TStringList; const Path: string);
- I: integer;
- PathAbs, OldPathAbs: string;
- if (PathList = nil) then
- PathList := TStringList.Create;
- if (Path = '') or not ForceDirectories(Path) then
- Exit;
- PathAbs := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExpandFileName(Path));
- // check if path or a part of the path was already added
- for I := 0 to PathList.Count-1 do
- begin
- OldPathAbs := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExpandFileName(PathList[I]));
- // check if the new directory is a sub-directory of a previously added one.
- // This is also true, if both paths point to the same directories.
- if (AnsiStartsText(OldPathAbs, PathAbs)) then
- begin
- // ignore the new path
- Exit;
- end;
- // check if a previously added directory is a sub-directory of the new one.
- if (AnsiStartsText(PathAbs, OldPathAbs)) then
- begin
- // replace the old with the new one.
- PathList[I] := PathAbs;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- PathList.Add(PathAbs);
-procedure AddSongPath(const Path: string);
- AddSpecialPath(SongPaths, Path);
-procedure AddCoverPath(const Path: string);
- AddSpecialPath(CoverPaths, Path);
- * Initialize a path variable
- * After setting paths, make sure that paths exist
- *)
-function FindPath(out PathResult: string; const RequestedPath: string; NeedsWritePermission: boolean): boolean;
- Result := false;
- if (RequestedPath = '') then
- Exit;
- // Make sure the directory exists
- if (not ForceDirectories(RequestedPath)) then
- begin
- PathResult := '';
- Exit;
- end;
- PathResult := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(RequestedPath);
- if (NeedsWritePermission) and
- (FileIsReadOnly(RequestedPath)) then
- begin
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := true;
- * Function sets all absolute paths e.g. song path and makes sure the directorys exist
- *)
-procedure InitializePaths;
- // Log directory (must be writable)
- if (not FindPath(LogPath, Platform.GetLogPath, true)) then
- begin
- Log.FileOutputEnabled := false;
- Log.LogWarn('Log directory "'+ Platform.GetLogPath +'" not available', 'InitializePaths');
- end;
- FindPath(SoundPath, Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'sounds', false);
- FindPath(ThemePath, Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'themes', false);
- FindPath(SkinsPath, Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'themes', false);
- FindPath(LanguagesPath, Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'languages', false);
- FindPath(PluginPath, Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'plugins', false);
- FindPath(VisualsPath, Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'visuals', false);
- FindPath(FontPath, Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'fonts', false);
- FindPath(ResourcesPath, Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'resources', false);
- FindPath(ScriptPath, Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'scripts', false);
- // Playlists are not shared as we need one directory to write too
- FindPath(PlaylistPath, Platform.GetGameUserPath + 'playlists', true);
- // Screenshot directory (must be writable)
- if (not FindPath(ScreenshotsPath, Platform.GetGameUserPath + 'screenshots', true)) then
- begin
- Log.LogWarn('Screenshot directory "'+ Platform.GetGameUserPath +'" not available', 'InitializePaths');
- end;
- // Add song paths
- AddSongPath(Params.SongPath);
- AddSongPath(Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'songs');
- AddSongPath(Platform.GetGameUserPath + 'songs');
- // Add category cover paths
- AddCoverPath(Platform.GetGameSharedPath + 'covers');
- AddCoverPath(Platform.GetGameUserPath + 'covers');
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UMusic.pas b/Lua/src/base/UMusic.pas
index 792d5e3f..5d816c9a 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UMusic.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UMusic.pas
@@ -34,12 +34,24 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes,
- Classes;
+ UBeatTimer,
+ UPath;
TNoteType = (ntFreestyle, ntNormal, ntGolden);
+ // ScoreFactor defines how a notehit of a specified notetype is
+ // measured in comparison to the other types
+ // 0 means this notetype is not rated at all
+ // 2 means a hit of this notetype will be rated w/ twice as much
+ // points as a hit of a notetype w/ ScoreFactor 1
+ ScoreFactor: array[TNoteType] of integer = (0, 1, 2);
* TLineFragment represents a fragment of a lyrics line.
* This is a text-fragment (e.g. a syllable) assigned to a note pitch,
@@ -51,7 +63,7 @@ type
Start: integer; // beat the fragment starts at
Length: integer; // length in beats
Tone: integer; // full range tone
- Text: string; // text assigned to this fragment (a syllable, word, etc.)
+ Text: UTF8String; // text assigned to this fragment (a syllable, word, etc.)
NoteType: TNoteType; // note-type: golden-note/freestyle etc.
@@ -62,8 +74,8 @@ type
PLine = ^TLine;
TLine = record
Start: integer; // the start beat of this line (<> start beat of the first note of this line)
- Lyric: string;
- LyricWidth: real; // @deprecated: width of the line in pixels.
+ Lyric: UTF8String;
+ //LyricWidth: real; // @deprecated: width of the line in pixels.
// Do not use this as the width is not correct.
// Use TLyricsEngine.GetUpperLine().Width instead.
End_: integer;
@@ -81,7 +93,7 @@ type
TLines = record
Current: integer; // for drawing of current line
- High: integer; // (= High(Line)?)
+ High: integer; // = High(Line)!
Number: integer;
Resolution: integer;
NotesGAP: integer;
@@ -89,51 +101,6 @@ type
Line: array of TLine;
- (**
- * TLyricsState contains all information concerning the
- * state of the lyrics, e.g. the current beat or duration of the lyrics.
- *)
- TLyricsState = class
- private
- Timer: TRelativeTimer; // keeps track of the current time
- public
- OldBeat: integer; // previous discovered beat
- CurrentBeat: integer; // current beat (rounded)
- MidBeat: real; // current beat (float)
- // now we use this for super synchronization!
- // only used when analyzing voice
- // TODO: change ...D to ...Detect(ed)
- OldBeatD: integer; // previous discovered beat
- CurrentBeatD: integer; // current discovered beat (rounded)
- MidBeatD: real; // current discovered beat (float)
- // we use this for audible clicks
- // TODO: Change ...C to ...Click
- OldBeatC: integer; // previous discovered beat
- CurrentBeatC: integer;
- MidBeatC: real; // like CurrentBeatC
- OldLine: integer; // previous displayed sentence
- StartTime: real; // time till start of lyrics (= Gap)
- TotalTime: real; // total song time
- constructor Create();
- procedure Pause();
- procedure Resume();
- procedure Reset();
- procedure UpdateBeats();
- (**
- * current song time (in seconds) used as base-timer for lyrics etc.
- *)
- function GetCurrentTime(): real;
- procedure SetCurrentTime(Time: real);
- end;
FFTSize = 512; // size of FFT data (output: FFTSize/2 values)
@@ -212,12 +179,12 @@ type
TSoundEffect = class
EngineData: Pointer; // can be used for engine-specific data
- procedure Callback(Buffer: PChar; BufSize: integer); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure Callback(Buffer: PByteArray; BufSize: integer); virtual; abstract;
TVoiceRemoval = class(TSoundEffect)
- procedure Callback(Buffer: PChar; BufSize: integer); override;
+ procedure Callback(Buffer: PByteArray; BufSize: integer); override;
@@ -262,7 +229,7 @@ type
function IsEOF(): boolean; virtual; abstract;
function IsError(): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function ReadData(Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: integer): integer; virtual; abstract;
+ function ReadData(Buffer: PByteArray; BufferSize: integer): integer; virtual; abstract;
property EOF: boolean read IsEOF;
property Error: boolean read IsError;
@@ -292,7 +259,7 @@ type
function GetVolume(): single; virtual; abstract;
procedure SetVolume(Volume: single); virtual; abstract;
function Synchronize(BufferSize: integer; FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): integer;
- procedure FillBufferWithFrame(Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: integer; Frame: PChar; FrameSize: integer);
+ procedure FillBufferWithFrame(Buffer: PByteArray; BufferSize: integer; Frame: PByteArray; FrameSize: integer);
* Opens a SourceStream for playback.
@@ -335,7 +302,7 @@ type
function Open(ChannelMap: integer; FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): boolean; virtual;
procedure Close(); override;
- procedure WriteData(Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: integer); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure WriteData(Buffer: PByteArray; BufferSize: integer); virtual; abstract;
function GetAudioFormatInfo(): TAudioFormatInfo; override;
function GetLength(): real; override;
@@ -349,7 +316,7 @@ type
// soundcard output-devices information
TAudioOutputDevice = class
- Name: string; // soundcard name
+ Name: UTF8String; // soundcard name
TAudioOutputDeviceList = array of TAudioOutputDevice;
@@ -358,7 +325,7 @@ type
function GetName: String;
- function Open(const Filename: string): boolean; // true if succeed
+ function Open(const Filename: IPath): boolean; // true if succeed
procedure Close;
procedure Play;
@@ -410,7 +377,7 @@ type
// nil-pointers is not neccessary anymore.
// PlaySound/StopSound will be removed then, OpenSound will be renamed to
// CreateSound.
- function OpenSound(const Filename: String): TAudioPlaybackStream;
+ function OpenSound(const Filename: IPath): TAudioPlaybackStream;
procedure PlaySound(Stream: TAudioPlaybackStream);
procedure StopSound(Stream: TAudioPlaybackStream);
@@ -425,7 +392,7 @@ type
IGenericDecoder = Interface
- function GetName(): String;
+ function GetName(): string;
function InitializeDecoder(): boolean;
function FinalizeDecoder(): boolean;
//function IsSupported(const Filename: string): boolean;
@@ -434,13 +401,13 @@ type
IVideoDecoder = Interface( IGenericDecoder )
- function Open(const Filename: string): TVideoDecodeStream;
+ function Open(const Filename: IPath): TVideoDecodeStream;
IAudioDecoder = Interface( IGenericDecoder )
- function Open(const Filename: string): TAudioDecodeStream;
+ function Open(const Filename: IPath): TAudioDecodeStream;
IAudioInput = Interface
@@ -468,7 +435,7 @@ type
* input-buffer bytes used.
* Returns the number of bytes written to the output-buffer or -1 if an error occured.
- function Convert(InputBuffer: PChar; OutputBuffer: PChar; var InputSize: integer): integer; virtual; abstract;
+ function Convert(InputBuffer: PByteArray; OutputBuffer: PByteArray; var InputSize: integer): integer; virtual; abstract;
* Destination/Source size ratio
@@ -490,7 +457,7 @@ const
- BaseSoundFilenames: array[0..LAST_SOUNDID] of string = (
+ BaseSoundFilenames: array[0..LAST_SOUNDID] of IPath = (
'%SOUNDPATH%/Common start.mp3', // Start
'%SOUNDPATH%/Common back.mp3', // Back
'%SOUNDPATH%/menu swoosh.mp3', // Swoosh
@@ -531,7 +498,7 @@ type
procedure StartBgMusic();
procedure PauseBgMusic();
- //function AddSound(Filename: string): integer;
+ //function AddSound(Filename: IPath): integer;
//procedure RemoveSound(ID: integer);
//function GetSound(ID: integer): TAudioPlaybackStream;
//property Sound[ID: integer]: TAudioPlaybackStream read GetSound; default;
@@ -561,13 +528,13 @@ procedure DumpMediaInterfaces();
- sysutils,
- UMain,
+ UNote,
- ULog;
+ ULog,
+ UPathUtils;
DefaultVideoPlayback : IVideoPlayback;
@@ -688,7 +655,7 @@ begin
FilterInterfaceList(IAudioDecoder, MediaManager, InterfaceList);
for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do
- CurrentAudioDecoder := IAudioDecoder(InterfaceList[i]);
+ CurrentAudioDecoder := InterfaceList[i] as IAudioDecoder;
if (not CurrentAudioDecoder.InitializeDecoder()) then
Log.LogError('Initialize failed, Removing - '+ CurrentAudioDecoder.GetName);
@@ -705,7 +672,7 @@ begin
FilterInterfaceList(IAudioPlayback, MediaManager, InterfaceList);
for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do
- CurrentAudioPlayback := IAudioPlayback(InterfaceList[i]);
+ CurrentAudioPlayback := InterfaceList[i] as IAudioPlayback;
if (CurrentAudioPlayback.InitializePlayback()) then
DefaultAudioPlayback := CurrentAudioPlayback;
@@ -720,7 +687,7 @@ begin
FilterInterfaceList(IAudioInput, MediaManager, InterfaceList);
for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do
- CurrentAudioInput := IAudioInput(InterfaceList[i]);
+ CurrentAudioInput := InterfaceList[i] as IAudioInput;
if (CurrentAudioInput.InitializeRecord()) then
DefaultAudioInput := CurrentAudioInput;
@@ -753,7 +720,7 @@ begin
FilterInterfaceList(IVideoPlayback, MediaManager, InterfaceList);
for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do
- VideoInterface := IVideoPlayback(InterfaceList[i]);
+ VideoInterface := InterfaceList[i] as IVideoPlayback;
if (VideoInterface.Init()) then
DefaultVideoPlayback := VideoInterface;
@@ -768,7 +735,7 @@ begin
FilterInterfaceList(IVideoVisualization, MediaManager, InterfaceList);
for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do
- VisualInterface := IVideoVisualization(InterfaceList[i]);
+ VisualInterface := InterfaceList[i] as IVideoVisualization;
if (VisualInterface.Init()) then
DefaultVisualization := VisualInterface;
@@ -782,7 +749,7 @@ begin
// now that we have all interfaces, we can dump them
// TODO: move this to another place
- if FindCmdLineSwitch( cMediaInterfaces ) then
+ if FindCmdLineSwitch(cMediaInterfaces) then
@@ -806,27 +773,27 @@ begin
// finalize audio playback interfaces (should be done before the decoders)
FilterInterfaceList(IAudioPlayback, MediaManager, InterfaceList);
for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do
- IAudioPlayback(InterfaceList[i]).FinalizePlayback();
+ (InterfaceList[i] as IAudioPlayback).FinalizePlayback();
// finalize audio input interfaces
FilterInterfaceList(IAudioInput, MediaManager, InterfaceList);
for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do
- IAudioInput(InterfaceList[i]).FinalizeRecord();
+ (InterfaceList[i] as IAudioInput).FinalizeRecord();
// finalize audio decoder interfaces
FilterInterfaceList(IAudioDecoder, MediaManager, InterfaceList);
for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do
- IAudioDecoder(InterfaceList[i]).FinalizeDecoder();
+ (InterfaceList[i] as IAudioDecoder).FinalizeDecoder();
// finalize video interfaces
FilterInterfaceList(IVideoPlayback, MediaManager, InterfaceList);
for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do
- IVideoPlayback(InterfaceList[i]).Finalize();
+ (InterfaceList[i] as IVideoPlayback).Finalize();
// finalize audio decoder interfaces
FilterInterfaceList(IVideoVisualization, MediaManager, InterfaceList);
for i := 0 to InterfaceList.Count-1 do
- IVideoVisualization(InterfaceList[i]).Finalize();
+ (InterfaceList[i] as IVideoVisualization).Finalize();
@@ -889,14 +856,14 @@ procedure TSoundLibrary.LoadSounds();
- Start := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath + 'Common start.mp3');
- Back := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath + 'Common back.mp3');
- Swoosh := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath + 'menu swoosh.mp3');
- Change := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath + 'select music change music 50.mp3');
- Option := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath + 'option change col.mp3');
- Click := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath + 'rimshot022b.mp3');
+ Start := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('Common start.mp3'));
+ Back := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('Common back.mp3'));
+ Swoosh := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('menu swoosh.mp3'));
+ Change := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('select music change music 50.mp3'));
+ Option := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('option change col.mp3'));
+ Click := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('rimshot022b.mp3'));
- BGMusic := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath + 'Bebeto_-_Loop010.mp3');
+ BGMusic := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundPath.Append('Bebeto_-_Loop010.mp3'));
if (BGMusic <> nil) then
BGMusic.Loop := True;
@@ -942,7 +909,7 @@ end;
{ TVoiceRemoval }
-procedure TVoiceRemoval.Callback(Buffer: PChar; BufSize: integer);
+procedure TVoiceRemoval.Callback(Buffer: PByteArray; BufSize: integer);
FrameIndex, FrameSize: integer;
Value: integer;
@@ -967,92 +934,6 @@ begin
-{ TVoiceRemoval }
-constructor TLyricsState.Create();
- // create a triggered timer, so we can Pause() it, set the time
- // and Resume() it afterwards for better synching.
- Timer := TRelativeTimer.Create(true);
- // reset state
- Reset();
-procedure TLyricsState.Pause();
- Timer.Pause();
-procedure TLyricsState.Resume();
- Timer.Resume();
-procedure TLyricsState.SetCurrentTime(Time: real);
- // do not start the timer (if not started already),
- // after setting the current time
- Timer.SetTime(Time, false);
-function TLyricsState.GetCurrentTime(): real;
- Result := Timer.GetTime();
- * Resets the timer and state of the lyrics.
- * The timer will be stopped afterwards so you have to call Resume()
- * to start the lyrics timer.
- *)
-procedure TLyricsState.Reset();
- Pause();
- SetCurrentTime(0);
- StartTime := 0;
- TotalTime := 0;
- OldBeat := -1;
- MidBeat := -1;
- CurrentBeat := -1;
- OldBeatC := -1;
- MidBeatC := -1;
- CurrentBeatC := -1;
- OldBeatD := -1;
- MidBeatD := -1;
- CurrentBeatD := -1;
- * Updates the beat information (CurrentBeat/MidBeat/...) according to the
- * current lyric time.
- *)
-procedure TLyricsState.UpdateBeats();
- CurLyricsTime: real;
- CurLyricsTime := GetCurrentTime();
- OldBeat := CurrentBeat;
- MidBeat := GetMidBeat(CurLyricsTime - StartTime / 1000);
- CurrentBeat := Floor(MidBeat);
- OldBeatC := CurrentBeatC;
- MidBeatC := GetMidBeat(CurLyricsTime - StartTime / 1000);
- CurrentBeatC := Floor(MidBeatC);
- OldBeatD := CurrentBeatD;
- // MidBeatD = MidBeat with additional GAP
- MidBeatD := -0.5 + GetMidBeat(CurLyricsTime - (StartTime + 120 + 20) / 1000);
- CurrentBeatD := Floor(MidBeatD);
{ TAudioConverter }
function TAudioConverter.Init(SrcFormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo; DstFormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): boolean;
@@ -1180,7 +1061,7 @@ end;
* Fills a buffer with copies of the given frame or with 0 if frame.
-procedure TAudioPlaybackStream.FillBufferWithFrame(Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: integer; Frame: PChar; FrameSize: integer);
+procedure TAudioPlaybackStream.FillBufferWithFrame(Buffer: PByteArray; BufferSize: integer; Frame: PByteArray; FrameSize: integer);
i: integer;
FrameCopyCount: integer;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UNote.pas b/Lua/src/base/UNote.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e5b709a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UNote.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
+ *
+ * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *}
+unit UNote;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes,
+ SDL,
+ UMusic,
+ URecord,
+ UTime,
+ UDisplay,
+ UIni,
+ ULog,
+ ULyrics,
+ UScreenSing,
+ USong,
+ gl;
+ PPLayerNote = ^TPlayerNote;
+ TPlayerNote = record
+ Start: integer;
+ Length: integer;
+ Detect: real; // accurate place, detected in the note
+ Tone: real;
+ Perfect: boolean; // true if the note matches the original one, light the star
+ Hit: boolean; // true if the note hits the line
+ end;
+ PPLayer = ^TPlayer;
+ TPlayer = record
+ Name: UTF8String;
+ // Index in Teaminfo record
+ TeamID: byte;
+ PlayerID: byte;
+ // Scores
+ Score: real;
+ ScoreLine: real;
+ ScoreGolden: real;
+ ScoreInt: integer;
+ ScoreLineInt: integer;
+ ScoreGoldenInt: integer;
+ ScoreTotalInt: integer;
+ // LineBonus
+ ScoreLast: real; // Last Line Score
+ // PerfectLineTwinkle (effect)
+ LastSentencePerfect: boolean;
+ HighNote: integer; // index of last note (= High(Note)?)
+ LengthNote: integer; // number of notes (= Length(Note)?).
+ Note: array of TPlayerNote;
+ end;
+ // player and music info
+ Player: array of TPlayer;
+ PlayersPlay: integer;
+ CurrentSong: TSong;
+ MAX_SONG_SCORE = 10000; // max. achievable points per song
+ MAX_SONG_LINE_BONUS = 1000; // max. achievable line bonus per song
+procedure Sing(Screen: TScreenSing);
+procedure NewSentence(Screen: TScreenSing);
+procedure NewBeatClick(Screen: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat for click
+procedure NewBeatDetect(Screen: TScreenSing); // executed when on then new beat for detection
+procedure NewNote(Screen: TScreenSing); // detect note
+function GetMidBeat(Time: real): real;
+function GetTimeFromBeat(Beat: integer): real;
+ Math,
+ StrUtils,
+ USongs,
+ UJoystick,
+ UCommandLine,
+ ULanguage,
+ //SDL_ttf,
+ USkins,
+ UCovers,
+ UCatCovers,
+ UDataBase,
+ UPlaylist,
+ UDLLManager,
+ UParty,
+ UConfig,
+ UCommon,
+ UGraphic,
+ UGraphicClasses,
+ UPathUtils,
+ UPlatform,
+ UThemes;
+function GetTimeForBeats(BPM, Beats: real): real;
+ Result := 60 / BPM * Beats;
+function GetBeats(BPM, msTime: real): real;
+ Result := BPM * msTime / 60;
+procedure GetMidBeatSub(BPMNum: integer; var Time: real; var CurBeat: real);
+ NewTime: real;
+ if High(CurrentSong.BPM) = BPMNum then
+ begin
+ // last BPM
+ CurBeat := CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat + GetBeats(CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, Time);
+ Time := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // not last BPM
+ // count how much time is it for start of the new BPM and store it in NewTime
+ NewTime := GetTimeForBeats(CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum+1].StartBeat - CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat);
+ // compare it to remaining time
+ if (Time - NewTime) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // there is still remaining time
+ CurBeat := CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat;
+ Time := Time - NewTime;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // there is no remaining time
+ CurBeat := CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].StartBeat + GetBeats(CurrentSong.BPM[BPMNum].BPM, Time);
+ Time := 0;
+ end; // if
+ end; // if
+function GetMidBeat(Time: real): real;
+ CurBeat: real;
+ CurBPM: integer;
+ // static BPM
+ if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) = 1 then
+ begin
+ Result := Time * CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM / 60;
+ end
+ // variable BPM
+ else if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) > 1 then
+ begin
+ CurBeat := 0;
+ CurBPM := 0;
+ while (Time > 0) do
+ begin
+ GetMidBeatSub(CurBPM, Time, CurBeat);
+ Inc(CurBPM);
+ end;
+ Result := CurBeat;
+ end
+ // invalid BPM
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+function GetTimeFromBeat(Beat: integer): real;
+ CurBPM: integer;
+ // static BPM
+ if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) = 1 then
+ begin
+ Result := CurrentSong.GAP / 1000 + Beat * 60 / CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM;
+ end
+ // variable BPM
+ else if Length(CurrentSong.BPM) > 1 then
+ begin
+ Result := CurrentSong.GAP / 1000;
+ CurBPM := 0;
+ while (CurBPM <= High(CurrentSong.BPM)) and
+ (Beat > CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat) do
+ begin
+ if (CurBPM < High(CurrentSong.BPM)) and
+ (Beat >= CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat) then
+ begin
+ // full range
+ Result := Result + (60 / CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].BPM) *
+ (CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat - CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat);
+ end;
+ if (CurBPM = High(CurrentSong.BPM)) or
+ (Beat < CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM+1].StartBeat) then
+ begin
+ // in the middle
+ Result := Result + (60 / CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].BPM) *
+ (Beat - CurrentSong.BPM[CurBPM].StartBeat);
+ end;
+ Inc(CurBPM);
+ end;
+ {
+ while (Time > 0) do
+ begin
+ GetMidBeatSub(CurBPM, Time, CurBeat);
+ Inc(CurBPM);
+ end;
+ }
+ end
+ // invalid BPM
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+procedure Sing(Screen: TScreenSing);
+ Count: integer;
+ CountGr: integer;
+ CP: integer;
+ LyricsState.UpdateBeats();
+ // sentences routines
+ for CountGr := 0 to 0 do //High(Lines)
+ begin;
+ CP := CountGr;
+ // old parts
+ LyricsState.OldLine := Lines[CP].Current;
+ // choose current parts
+ for Count := 0 to Lines[CP].High do
+ begin
+ if LyricsState.CurrentBeat >= Lines[CP].Line[Count].Start then
+ Lines[CP].Current := Count;
+ end;
+ // clean player note if there is a new line
+ // (optimization on halfbeat time)
+ if Lines[CP].Current <> LyricsState.OldLine then
+ NewSentence(Screen);
+ end; // for CountGr
+ // make some operations on clicks
+ if {(LyricsState.CurrentBeatC >= 0) and }(LyricsState.OldBeatC <> LyricsState.CurrentBeatC) then
+ NewBeatClick(Screen);
+ // make some operations when detecting new voice pitch
+ if (LyricsState.CurrentBeatD >= 0) and (LyricsState.OldBeatD <> LyricsState.CurrentBeatD) then
+ NewBeatDetect(Screen);
+procedure NewSentence(Screen: TScreenSing);
+ i: integer;
+ // clean note of player
+ for i := 0 to High(Player) do
+ begin
+ Player[i].LengthNote := 0;
+ Player[i].HighNote := -1;
+ SetLength(Player[i].Note, 0);
+ end;
+ // on sentence change...
+ Screen.onSentenceChange(Lines[0].Current);
+procedure NewBeatClick;
+ Count: integer;
+ // beat click
+ if ((Ini.BeatClick = 1) and
+ ((LyricsState.CurrentBeatC + Lines[0].Resolution + Lines[0].NotesGAP) mod Lines[0].Resolution = 0)) then
+ begin
+ AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Click);
+ end;
+ for Count := 0 to Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote do
+ begin
+ if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[Count].Start = LyricsState.CurrentBeatC) then
+ begin
+ // click assist
+ if Ini.ClickAssist = 1 then
+ AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Click);
+ // drum machine
+ (*
+ TempBeat := LyricsState.CurrentBeat; // + 2;
+ if (TempBeat mod 8 = 0) then Music.PlayDrum;
+ if (TempBeat mod 8 = 4) then Music.PlayClap;
+ //if (TempBeat mod 4 = 2) then Music.PlayHihat;
+ if (TempBeat mod 4 <> 0) then Music.PlayHihat;
+ *)
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure NewBeatDetect(Screen: TScreenSing);
+ NewNote(Screen);
+procedure NewNote(Screen: TScreenSing);
+ LineFragmentIndex: integer;
+ CurrentLineFragment: PLineFragment;
+ PlayerIndex: integer;
+ CurrentSound: TCaptureBuffer;
+ CurrentPlayer: PPlayer;
+ LastPlayerNote: PPlayerNote;
+ Line: PLine;
+ SentenceIndex: integer;
+ SentenceMin: integer;
+ SentenceMax: integer;
+ SentenceDetected: integer; // sentence of detected note
+ NoteAvailable: boolean;
+ NewNote: boolean;
+ Range: integer;
+ NoteHit: boolean;
+ MaxSongPoints: integer; // max. points for the song (without line bonus)
+ CurNotePoints: real; // Points for the cur. Note (PointsperNote * ScoreFactor[CurNote])
+ // TODO: add duet mode support
+ // use Lines[LineSetIndex] with LineSetIndex depending on the current player
+ // count min and max sentence range for checking
+ // (detection is delayed to the notes we see on the screen)
+ SentenceMin := Lines[0].Current-1;
+ if (SentenceMin < 0) then
+ SentenceMin := 0;
+ SentenceMax := Lines[0].Current;
+ // check for an active note at the current time defined in the lyrics
+ NoteAvailable := false;
+ SentenceDetected := SentenceMin;
+ for SentenceIndex := SentenceMin to SentenceMax do
+ begin
+ Line := @Lines[0].Line[SentenceIndex];
+ for LineFragmentIndex := 0 to Line.HighNote do
+ begin
+ CurrentLineFragment := @Line.Note[LineFragmentIndex];
+ // check if line is active
+ if ((CurrentLineFragment.Start <= LyricsState.CurrentBeatD) and
+ (CurrentLineFragment.Start + CurrentLineFragment.Length-1 >= LyricsState.CurrentBeatD)) and
+ (CurrentLineFragment.NoteType <> ntFreestyle) and // but ignore FreeStyle notes
+ (CurrentLineFragment.Length > 0) then // and make sure the note length is at least 1
+ begin
+ SentenceDetected := SentenceIndex;
+ NoteAvailable := true;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // TODO: break here, if NoteAvailable is true? We would then use the first instead
+ // of the last note matching the current beat if notes overlap. But notes
+ // should not overlap at all.
+ // if (NoteAvailable) then
+ // Break;
+ end;
+ // analyze player signals
+ for PlayerIndex := 0 to PlayersPlay-1 do
+ begin
+ CurrentPlayer := @Player[PlayerIndex];
+ CurrentSound := AudioInputProcessor.Sound[PlayerIndex];
+ // at the beginning of the song there is no previous note
+ if (Length(CurrentPlayer.Note) > 0) then
+ LastPlayerNote := @CurrentPlayer.Note[CurrentPlayer.HighNote]
+ else
+ LastPlayerNote := nil;
+ // analyze buffer
+ CurrentSound.AnalyzeBuffer;
+ // add some noise
+ // TODO: do we need this?
+ //LyricsState.Tone := LyricsState.Tone + Round(Random(3)) - 1;
+ // add note if possible
+ if (CurrentSound.ToneValid and NoteAvailable) then
+ begin
+ Line := @Lines[0].Line[SentenceDetected];
+ // process until last note
+ for LineFragmentIndex := 0 to Line.HighNote do
+ begin
+ CurrentLineFragment := @Line.Note[LineFragmentIndex];
+ if (CurrentLineFragment.Start <= LyricsState.OldBeatD+1) and
+ (CurrentLineFragment.Start + CurrentLineFragment.Length > LyricsState.OldBeatD+1) then
+ begin
+ // compare notes (from song-file and from player)
+ // move players tone to proper octave
+ while (CurrentSound.Tone - CurrentLineFragment.Tone > 6) do
+ CurrentSound.Tone := CurrentSound.Tone - 12;
+ while (CurrentSound.Tone - CurrentLineFragment.Tone < -6) do
+ CurrentSound.Tone := CurrentSound.Tone + 12;
+ // half size notes patch
+ NoteHit := false;
+ // if Ini.Difficulty = 0 then Range := 2;
+ // if Ini.Difficulty = 1 then Range := 1;
+ // if Ini.Difficulty = 2 then Range := 0;
+ Range := 2 - Ini.Difficulty;
+ // check if the player hit the correct tone within the tolerated range
+ if (Abs(CurrentLineFragment.Tone - CurrentSound.Tone) <= Range) then
+ begin
+ // adjust the players tone to the correct one
+ // TODO: do we need to do this?
+ // Philipp: I think we do, at least when we draw the notes.
+ // Otherwise the notehit thing would be shifted to the
+ // correct unhit note. I think this will look kind of strange.
+ CurrentSound.Tone := CurrentLineFragment.Tone;
+ // half size notes patch
+ NoteHit := true;
+ if (Ini.LineBonus > 0) then
+ else
+ MaxSongPoints := MAX_SONG_SCORE;
+ // Note: ScoreValue is the sum of all note values of the song
+ // (MaxSongPoints / ScoreValue) is the points that a player
+ // gets for a hit of one beat of a normal note
+ // CurNotePoints is the amount of points that is meassured
+ // for a hit of the note per full beat
+ CurNotePoints := (MaxSongPoints / Lines[0].ScoreValue) * ScoreFactor[CurrentLineFragment.NoteType];
+ case CurrentLineFragment.NoteType of
+ ntNormal: CurrentPlayer.Score := CurrentPlayer.Score + CurNotePoints;
+ ntGolden: CurrentPlayer.ScoreGolden := CurrentPlayer.ScoreGolden + CurNotePoints;
+ end;
+ // a problem if we use floor instead of round is that a score of
+ // 10000 points is only possible if the last digit of the total points
+ // for golden and normal notes is 0.
+ // if we use round, the max score is 10000 for most songs
+ // but a score of 10010 is possible if the last digit of the total
+ // points for golden and normal notes is 5
+ // the best solution is to use round for one of these scores
+ // and round the other score in the opposite direction
+ // so we assure that the highest possible score is 10000 in every case.
+ CurrentPlayer.ScoreInt := round(CurrentPlayer.Score / 10) * 10;
+ if (CurrentPlayer.ScoreInt < CurrentPlayer.Score) then
+ //normal score is floored so we have to ceil golden notes score
+ CurrentPlayer.ScoreGoldenInt := ceil(CurrentPlayer.ScoreGolden / 10) * 10
+ else
+ //normal score is ceiled so we have to floor golden notes score
+ CurrentPlayer.ScoreGoldenInt := floor(CurrentPlayer.ScoreGolden / 10) * 10;
+ CurrentPlayer.ScoreTotalInt := CurrentPlayer.ScoreInt +
+ CurrentPlayer.ScoreGoldenInt +
+ CurrentPlayer.ScoreLineInt;
+ end;
+ end; // operation
+ end; // for
+ // check if we have to add a new note or extend the note's length
+ if (SentenceDetected = SentenceMax) then
+ begin
+ // we will add a new note
+ NewNote := true;
+ // if previous note (if any) was the same, extend previous note
+ if ((CurrentPlayer.LengthNote > 0) and
+ (LastPlayerNote <> nil) and
+ (LastPlayerNote.Tone = CurrentSound.Tone) and
+ ((LastPlayerNote.Start + LastPlayerNote.Length) = LyricsState.CurrentBeatD)) then
+ begin
+ NewNote := false;
+ end;
+ // if is not as new note to control
+ for LineFragmentIndex := 0 to Line.HighNote do
+ begin
+ if (Line.Note[LineFragmentIndex].Start = LyricsState.CurrentBeatD) then
+ NewNote := true;
+ end;
+ // add new note
+ if NewNote then
+ begin
+ // new note
+ Inc(CurrentPlayer.LengthNote);
+ Inc(CurrentPlayer.HighNote);
+ SetLength(CurrentPlayer.Note, CurrentPlayer.LengthNote);
+ // update player's last note
+ LastPlayerNote := @CurrentPlayer.Note[CurrentPlayer.HighNote];
+ with LastPlayerNote^ do
+ begin
+ Start := LyricsState.CurrentBeatD;
+ Length := 1;
+ Tone := CurrentSound.Tone; // Tone || ToneAbs
+ Detect := LyricsState.MidBeat;
+ Hit := NoteHit; // half note patch
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // extend note length
+ if (LastPlayerNote <> nil) then
+ Inc(LastPlayerNote.Length);
+ end;
+ // check for perfect note and then light the star (on Draw)
+ for LineFragmentIndex := 0 to Line.HighNote do
+ begin
+ CurrentLineFragment := @Line.Note[LineFragmentIndex];
+ if (CurrentLineFragment.Start = LastPlayerNote.Start) and
+ (CurrentLineFragment.Length = LastPlayerNote.Length) and
+ (CurrentLineFragment.Tone = LastPlayerNote.Tone) then
+ begin
+ LastPlayerNote.Perfect := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // if SentenceDetected = SentenceMax
+ end; // if Detected
+ end; // for PlayerIndex
+ //Log.LogStatus('EndBeat', 'NewBeat');
+ // on sentence end -> for LineBonus and display of SingBar (rating pop-up)
+ if (SentenceDetected >= Low(Lines[0].Line)) and
+ (SentenceDetected <= High(Lines[0].Line)) then
+ begin
+ Line := @Lines[0].Line[SentenceDetected];
+ CurrentLineFragment := @Line.Note[Line.HighNote];
+ if ((CurrentLineFragment.Start + CurrentLineFragment.Length - 1) = LyricsState.CurrentBeatD) then
+ begin
+ if assigned(Screen) then
+ Screen.OnSentenceEnd(SentenceDetected);
+ end;
+ end;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UParty.pas b/Lua/src/base/UParty.pas
index c9f89efa..e4060e95 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UParty.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UParty.pas
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ type
function GetTeamRanking: AParty_TeamRanking;
{ returns a string like "Team 1 (and Team 2) win" }
- function GetWinnerString(Round: Integer): String;
+ function GetWinnerString(Round: integer): UTF8String;
destructor Destroy;
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ uses
- UMain,
+ UNote,
@@ -873,9 +873,9 @@ end;
result is name of winners of specified round.
if Round is -1 the result is name of winners of
the whole party game}
-function TPartyGame.GetWinnerString(Round: Integer): String;
+function TPartyGame.GetWinnerString(Round: integer): UTF8String;
- Winners: array of String;
+ Winners: array of UTF8String;
I: integer;
Ranking: AParty_TeamRanking;
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ begin
if (Ranking[I].Rank = PR_First) and (Ranking[I].Team >= 0) and (Ranking[I].Team <= High(Teams)) then
SetLength(Winners, Length(Winners) + 1);
- Winners[high(Winners)] := Teams[Ranking[I].Team].Name;
+ Winners[high(Winners)] := UTF8String(Teams[Ranking[I].Team].Name);
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UPath.pas b/Lua/src/base/UPath.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03bd82eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UPath.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1413 @@
+{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
+ *
+ * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *}
+unit UPath;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes,
+ IniFiles,
+ TntClasses,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ UConfig,
+ UUnicodeUtils;
+ IPath = interface;
+ {**
+ * TUnicodeMemoryStream
+ *}
+ TUnicodeMemoryStream = class(TMemoryStream)
+ public
+ procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: IPath);
+ procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: IPath);
+ end;
+ {**
+ * Unicode capable IniFile implementation.
+ * TMemIniFile and TIniFile are not able to handle INI-files with
+ * an UTF-8 BOM. This implementation checks if an UTF-8 BOM exists
+ * and removes it from the internal string-list.
+ * UTF8Encoded is set accordingly.
+ *}
+ TUnicodeMemIniFile = class(TMemIniFile)
+ private
+ FFilename: IPath;
+ FUTF8Encoded: boolean;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const FileName: IPath; UTF8Encoded: boolean = false); reintroduce;
+ procedure UpdateFile; override;
+ property UTF8Encoded: boolean READ FUTF8Encoded WRITE FUTF8Encoded;
+ end;
+ {**
+ * TBinaryFileStream (inherited from THandleStream)
+ *}
+ TBinaryFileStream = class(TTntFileStream)
+ {$ELSE}
+ TBinaryFileStream = class(TFileStream)
+ {$ENDIF}
+ public
+ {**
+ * @seealso TFileStream.Create for valid Mode parameters
+ *}
+ constructor Create(const FileName: IPath; Mode: word);
+ end;
+ {**
+ * TTextFileStream
+ *}
+ TTextFileStream = class(TStream)
+ protected
+ fLineBreak: RawByteString;
+ fFilename: IPath;
+ fMode: word;
+ function ReadLine(var Success: boolean): RawByteString; overload; virtual; abstract;
+ public
+ constructor Create(Filename: IPath; Mode: word);
+ function ReadString(): RawByteString; virtual; abstract;
+ function ReadLine(var Line: UTF8String): boolean; overload;
+ function ReadLine(var Line: AnsiString): boolean; overload;
+ procedure WriteString(const Str: RawByteString); virtual;
+ procedure WriteLine(const Line: RawByteString); virtual;
+ property LineBreak: RawByteString read fLineBreak write fLineBreak;
+ property Filename: IPath read fFilename;
+ end;
+ {**
+ * TMemTextStream
+ *}
+ TMemTextFileStream = class(TTextFileStream)
+ private
+ fStream: TMemoryStream;
+ protected
+ function GetSize: int64; override;
+ {**
+ * Copies fStream.Memory from StartPos to EndPos-1 to the result string;
+ *}
+ function CopyMemString(StartPos: int64; EndPos: int64): RawByteString;
+ public
+ constructor Create(Filename: IPath; Mode: word);
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ function Read(var Buffer; Count: longint): longint; override;
+ function Write(const Buffer; Count: longint): longint; override;
+ function Seek(Offset: longint; Origin: word): longint; override;
+ function Seek(const Offset: int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): int64; override;
+ function ReadLine(var Success: boolean): RawByteString; override;
+ function ReadString(): RawByteString; override;
+ end;
+ {**
+ TUnicodeIniStream = class()
+ end;
+ *}
+ {**
+ * pdKeep: Keep path as is, neither remove or append a delimiter
+ * pdAppend: Append a delimiter if path does not have a trailing one
+ * pdRemove: Remove a trailing delimiter from the path
+ *}
+ TPathDelimOption = (pdKeep, pdAppend, pdRemove);
+ IPathDynArray = array of IPath;
+ {**
+ * An IPath represents a filename, a directory or a filesystem path in general.
+ * It hides some of the operating system's specifics like path delimiters
+ * and encodings and provides an easy to use interface to handle them.
+ * Internally all paths are stored with the same path delimiter (PathDelim)
+ * and encoding (UTF-8). The transformation is already done AT THE CREATION of
+ * the IPath and hence calls to e.g. IPath.Equal() will not distinguish between
+ * Unix and Windows style paths.
+ *
+ * Create new paths with one of the Path() functions.
+ * If you need a string representation use IPath.ToNative/ToUTF8/ToWide.
+ * Note that due to the path-delimiter and encoding transformation the string
+ * might have changed. Path('one\test/path').ToUTF8() might return 'one/test/path'.
+ *
+ * It is recommended to use an IPath as long as possible without a string
+ * conversion (IPath.To...()). The whole Delphi (< 2009) and FPC RTL is ANSI
+ * only on Windows. If you would use for example FileExists(MyPath.ToNative)
+ * it would not find a file which contains characters that are not in the
+ * current locale. Same applies to AssignFile(), TFileStream.Create() and
+ * everything else in the RTL that expects a filename.
+ * As a rule of thumb: NEVER use any of the Delphi/FPC RTL filename functions
+ * if the filename parameter is not of a UTF8String or WideString type.
+ *
+ * If you need to open a file use TBinaryStream or TFileStream instead. Many
+ * of the RTL classes offer a LoadFromStream() method so ANSI Open() methods
+ * can be workaround.
+ *
+ * If there is only a ANSI and no IPath/UTF-8/WideString version and you cannot
+ * even pass a stream instead of a filename be aware that even if you know that
+ * a filename is ASCII only, subdirectories in an absolute path might contain
+ * some non-ASCII characters (for example the user's name) and hence might
+ * fail (if the characters are not in the current locale).
+ * It is rare but it happens.
+ *
+ * This interface needs the cwstring unit on Unix (Max OS X / Linux) systems.
+ * Cwstring functions (WideUpperCase, ...) cannot be used by external threads
+ * as FPC uses Thread-Local-Storage for the implementation. As a result do not
+ * call IPath stuff by external threads (e.g. in C callbacks or by SDL-threads).
+ *}
+ IPath = interface
+ ['{686BF103-CE43-4598-B85D-A2C3AF950897}']
+ {**
+ * Returns the path as an UTF8 encoded string.
+ * If UseNativeDelim is set to true, the native path delimiter ('\' on win32)
+ * is used. If it is set to false the (more) portable '/' delimiter will used.
+ *}
+ function ToUTF8(UseNativeDelim: boolean = true): UTF8String;
+ {**
+ * Returns the path as an UTF-16 encoded string.
+ * If UseNativeDelim is set to true, the native path delimiter ('\' on win32)
+ * is used. If it is set to false the delimiter will be '/'.
+ *}
+ function ToWide(UseNativeDelim: boolean = true): WideString;
+ {**
+ * Returns the path with the system's native encoding and path delimiter.
+ * Win32: ANSI (use the UTF-16 version IPath.ToWide() whenever possible)
+ * Mac: UTF8
+ * Unix: UTF8 or ANSI according to LC_CTYPE
+ *}
+ function ToNative(): RawByteString;
+ {**
+ * Note: File must be closed with FileClose(Handle) after usage
+ * @seealso SysUtils.FileOpen()
+ *}
+ function Open(Mode: longword): THandle;
+ {** @seealso SysUtils.ExtractFileDrive() *}
+ function GetDrive(): IPath;
+ {** @seealso SysUtils.ExtractFilePath() *}
+ function GetPath(): IPath;
+ {** @seealso SysUtils.ExtractFileDir() *}
+ function GetDir(): IPath;
+ {** @seealso SysUtils.ExtractFileName() *}
+ function GetName(): IPath;
+ {** @seealso SysUtils.ExtractFileExtension() *}
+ function GetExtension(): IPath;
+ {**
+ * Returns a copy of the path with the extension changed to Extension.
+ * The file itself is not changed, use Rename() for this task.
+ * @seealso SysUtils.ChangeFileExt()
+ *}
+ function SetExtension(const Extension: IPath): IPath; overload;
+ function SetExtension(const Extension: RawByteString): IPath; overload;
+ function SetExtension(const Extension: WideString): IPath; overload;
+ {**
+ * Returns the representation of the path relative to Basename.
+ * Note that the basename must be terminated with a path delimiter
+ * otherwise the last path component will be ignored.
+ * @seealso SysUtils.ExtractRelativePath()
+ *}
+ function GetRelativePath(const BaseName: IPath): IPath;
+ {** @seealso SysUtils.ExpandFileName() *}
+ function GetAbsolutePath(): IPath;
+ {**
+ * Returns the concatenation of this path with Child. If this path does not
+ * end with a path delimiter one is inserted in front of the Child path.
+ * Example: Path('parent').Append(Path('child')) -> Path('parent/child')
+ *}
+ function Append(const Child: IPath; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption = pdKeep): IPath; overload;
+ function Append(const Child: RawByteString; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption = pdKeep): IPath; overload;
+ function Append(const Child: WideString; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption = pdKeep): IPath; overload;
+ {**
+ * Splits the path into its components. Path delimiters are not removed from
+ * components.
+ * Example: C:\test\my\dir -> ['C:\', 'test\', 'my\', 'dir']
+ *}
+ function SplitDirs(): IPathDynArray;
+ {**
+ * Returns the parent directory or PATH_NONE if none exists.
+ *}
+ function GetParent(): IPath;
+ {**
+ * Checks if this path is a subdir of or file inside Parent.
+ * If Direct is true this path must be a direct child.
+ * Example: C:\test\file is a direct child of C:\test and a child of C:\
+ *}
+ function IsChildOf(const Parent: IPath; Direct: boolean): boolean;
+ {**
+ * Adjusts the case of the path on case senstitive filesystems.
+ * If the path does not exist or the filesystem is case insensitive
+ * the original path will be returned. Otherwise a corrected copy.
+ *}
+ function AdjustCase(AdjustAllLevels: boolean): IPath;
+ {** @seealso SysUtils.IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter() *}
+ function AppendPathDelim(): IPath;
+ {** @seealso SysUtils.ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter() *}
+ function RemovePathDelim(): IPath;
+ function Exists(): boolean;
+ function IsFile(): boolean;
+ function IsDirectory(): boolean;
+ function IsAbsolute(): boolean;
+ function GetFileAge(): integer; overload;
+ function GetFileAge(out FileDateTime: TDateTime): boolean; overload;
+ function GetAttr(): cardinal;
+ function SetAttr(Attr: Integer): boolean;
+ function IsReadOnly(): boolean;
+ function SetReadOnly(ReadOnly: boolean): boolean;
+ {**
+ * Checks if this path points to nothing, that means the path consists of
+ * the empty string '' and hence equals PATH_NONE.
+ * This is a shortcut for IPath.Equals('') or IPath.Equals(PATH_NONE).
+ * If IsUnset() returns true this path and PATH_NONE are equal but they must
+ * not be identical as the references might point to different objects.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * Path('').Equals(PATH_EMPTY) -> true
+ * Path('') = PATH_EMPTY -> false
+ *}
+ function IsUnset(): boolean;
+ function IsSet(): boolean;
+ {**
+ * Compares this path with Other and returns true if both paths are
+ * equal. Both paths are expanded and trailing slashes excluded before
+ * comparison. If IgnoreCase is true, the case will be ignored on
+ * case-sensitive filesystems.
+ *}
+ function Equals(const Other: IPath; IgnoreCase: boolean = false): boolean; overload;
+ function Equals(const Other: RawByteString; IgnoreCase: boolean = false): boolean; overload;
+ function Equals(const Other: WideString; IgnoreCase: boolean = false): boolean; overload;
+ {**
+ * Searches for a file in DirList. The Result is nil if the file was
+ * not found. Use IFileSystem.FileFind() instead if you want to use
+ * wildcards.
+ * @seealso SysUtils.FileSearch()
+ *}
+ function FileSearch(const DirList: IPath): IPath;
+ {** File must be closed with FileClose(Handle) after usage }
+ function CreateFile(): THandle;
+ function DeleteFile(): boolean;
+ function CreateDirectory(Force: boolean = false): boolean;
+ function DeleteEmptyDir(): boolean;
+ function Rename(const NewName: IPath): boolean;
+ function CopyFile(const Target: IPath; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean;
+ // TODO: Dirwatch stuff
+ // AddFileChangeListener(Listener: TFileChangeListener);
+ {**
+ * Internal string representation. For debugging only.
+ *}
+ function GetIntern: UTF8String;
+ property Intern: UTF8String READ GetIntern;
+ end;
+ * Creates a new path with the given pathname. PathName can be either in UTF8
+ * or the local encoding.
+ * Notes:
+ * - On Apple only UTF8 is supported
+ * - Same applies to Unix with LC_CTYPE set to UTF8 encoding (default on newer systems)
+ *}
+function Path(const PathName: RawByteString; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption = pdKeep): IPath; overload;
+ * Creates a new path with the given UTF-16 pathname.
+ *}
+function Path(const PathName: WideString; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption = pdKeep): IPath; overload;
+ * Returns a singleton for Path('').
+ *}
+function PATH_NONE(): IPath;
+ RTLConsts,
+ UTextEncoding,
+ UFilesystem;
+ * Due to a compiler bug in FPC <= 2.2.4 reference counting does not work
+ * properly with interfaces (see http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=14019).
+ *
+ * There are two (probably more) scenarios causes a program to crash:
+ *
+ * 1. Assume we execute Path('fail').GetParent().ToUTF8(). The compiler will
+ * internally create a temporary variable to hold the result of Path('fail').
+ * This temporary var is then passed as Self to GetParent(). Unfortunately FPC
+ * does already decrement the ref-count of the temporary var at the end of the
+ * call to Path('fail') and the ref-count drops to zero and the temp object
+ * is destroyed as FPC erroneously assumes that the temp is not used anymore.
+ * As a result the Self variable in GetParent() will be invalid, the same
+ * applies to TPathImpl.fName which reference count dropped to zero when the
+ * temp was destroyed. Hence GetParent() will likely crash.
+ * If it does not, ToUTF8() will either return some random string
+ * (e.g. '' or stupid stuff like 'fhwkjehdk') or crash.
+ * Either way the result of ToUTF8() is messed up.
+ * This scenario applies whenever a function (or method) is called that returns
+ * an interfaced object (e.g. an IPath) and the result is used without storing
+ * a reference to it in a (temporary) variable first.
+ *
+ * Tmp := Path('fail'); Tmp2 := Tmp.GetParent(); Tmp2.ToUTF8();
+ *
+ * will not crash but is very impractical and error-prone. Note that Tmp2 cannot
+ * be replaced with Tmp (see scenario 2).
+ *
+ * 2. Another situation this bug will ruin our lives is when a variable to an
+ * interfaced object is used at the left and right side of an assignment as in:
+ * MyPath := MyPath.GetParent()
+ *
+ * Although the bug is already fixed in the FPC development version 2.3.1
+ * it will take quite some time till the next FPC release (> 2.2.4) in which
+ * this issue is fixed.
+ *
+ * To workaround this bug we use some very simple and stupid kind of garbage
+ * collection. New IPaths are stored in an IInterfaceList (call it GarbaegeList)
+ * to artificially increase the ref-count of the newly created object.
+ * This keeps the object alive when FPC's temporary variable comes to the end
+ * of its lifetime and the object's ref-count is decremented
+ * (and is now 1 instead of 0).
+ * Later on, the object is either garbage or referenced by another variable.
+ *
+ * Look at
+ * MyPath := Path('SomeDir/SubDir').GetParent()
+ *
+ * (1) The result of Path('SomeDir/SubDir') is garbage as it is not used anymore.
+ * (2) The result of GetParent() is referenced by MyPath
+ * Object (1) has a reference count of 1 (as it is only referenced by the
+ * GarbageList). Object (2) is referenced twice (MyPath + GarbageList).
+ * When the reference to (2) is finally stored in MyPath we can safely remove
+ * (1) and (2) from the GarbageList so (1) will be freed and the ref-count of
+ * (2) will be decremented to 1.
+ *
+ * As we do not know when it is safe to remove an object from the GarbageList
+ * we assume that there are max. GarbageMaxCount IPath elements created until
+ * the execution of the expression is performed and a reference to the resulting
+ * object is assigned to a variable so all temps can be safely deleted.
+ *
+ * Worst-case scenarios are recursive calls or calls with large call stacks with
+ * functions that return an IPath. Also keep in mind that multiple threads might
+ * be executing such functions at the same time.
+ * A reasonable count might be a max. of 20.000 elements. With an average length
+ * of 40 UTF8 chars (maybe 60 byte with class info, pointer etc.) per IPath
+ * this will consume ~1.2MB.
+ *}
+{$IF FPC_VERSION_INT <= 002002004} // <= 2.2.4
+ // when GarbageList.Count reaches GarbageMaxCount the oldest references in
+ // GarbageList will be deleted until GarbageList.Count equals GarbageAfterCleanCount.
+ GarbageMaxCount = 20000;
+ GarbageAfterCleanCount = GarbageMaxCount-1000;
+ GarbageList: IInterfaceList;
+ TPathImpl = class(TInterfacedObject, IPath)
+ private
+ fName: UTF8String; //<** internal filename string, always UTF8 with PathDelim
+ {**
+ * Unifies the filename. Path-delimiters are replaced by '/'.
+ *}
+ procedure Unify(DelimOption: TPathDelimOption);
+ {**
+ * Returns a copy of fName with path delimiters changed to '/'.
+ *}
+ function GetPortableString(): UTF8String;
+ procedure AssertRefCount; {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ public
+ constructor Create(const Name: UTF8String; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption);
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ function ToUTF8(UseNativeDelim: boolean): UTF8String;
+ function ToWide(UseNativeDelim: boolean): WideString;
+ function ToNative(): RawByteString;
+ function Open(Mode: longword): THandle;
+ function GetDrive(): IPath;
+ function GetPath(): IPath;
+ function GetDir(): IPath;
+ function GetName(): IPath;
+ function GetExtension(): IPath;
+ function SetExtension(const Extension: IPath): IPath; overload;
+ function SetExtension(const Extension: RawByteString): IPath; overload;
+ function SetExtension(const Extension: WideString): IPath; overload;
+ function GetRelativePath(const BaseName: IPath): IPath;
+ function GetAbsolutePath(): IPath;
+ function GetParent(): IPath;
+ function SplitDirs(): IPathDynArray;
+ function Append(const Child: IPath; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption): IPath; overload;
+ function Append(const Child: RawByteString; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption): IPath; overload;
+ function Append(const Child: WideString; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption): IPath; overload;
+ function Equals(const Other: IPath; IgnoreCase: boolean): boolean; overload;
+ function Equals(const Other: RawByteString; IgnoreCase: boolean): boolean; overload;
+ function Equals(const Other: WideString; IgnoreCase: boolean): boolean; overload;
+ function IsChildOf(const Parent: IPath; Direct: boolean): boolean;
+ function AdjustCase(AdjustAllLevels: boolean): IPath;
+ function AppendPathDelim(): IPath;
+ function RemovePathDelim(): IPath;
+ function GetFileAge(): integer; overload;
+ function GetFileAge(out FileDateTime: TDateTime): boolean; overload;
+ function Exists(): boolean;
+ function IsFile(): boolean;
+ function IsDirectory(): boolean;
+ function IsAbsolute(): boolean;
+ function GetAttr(): cardinal;
+ function SetAttr(Attr: Integer): boolean;
+ function IsReadOnly(): boolean;
+ function SetReadOnly(ReadOnly: boolean): boolean;
+ function IsUnset(): boolean;
+ function IsSet(): boolean;
+ function FileSearch(const DirList: IPath): IPath;
+ function CreateFile(): THandle;
+ function DeleteFile(): boolean;
+ function CreateDirectory(Force: boolean): boolean;
+ function DeleteEmptyDir(): boolean;
+ function Rename(const NewName: IPath): boolean;
+ function CopyFile(const Target: IPath; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean;
+ function GetIntern(): UTF8String;
+ end;
+function Path(const PathName: RawByteString; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption): IPath;
+ if (IsUTF8String(PathName)) then
+ Result := TPathImpl.Create(PathName, DelimOption)
+ else if (IsNativeUTF8()) then
+ Result := PATH_NONE
+ else
+ Result := TPathImpl.Create(AnsiToUtf8(PathName), DelimOption);
+function Path(const PathName: WideString; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption): IPath;
+ Result := TPathImpl.Create(UTF8Encode(PathName), DelimOption);
+procedure TPathImpl.AssertRefCount;
+ if (FRefCount <= 0) then
+ raise Exception.Create('RefCount error: ' + IntToStr(FRefCount));
+ {$ENDIF}
+constructor TPathImpl.Create(const Name: UTF8String; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption);
+ inherited Create();
+ fName := Name;
+ Unify(DelimOption);
+ GarbageList.Lock;
+ if (GarbageList.Count >= GarbageMaxCount) then
+ begin
+ while (GarbageList.Count > GarbageAfterCleanCount) do
+ GarbageList.Delete(0);
+ end;
+ GarbageList.Add(Self);
+ GarbageList.Unlock;
+ {$ENDIF}
+destructor TPathImpl.Destroy();
+ inherited;
+procedure TPathImpl.Unify(DelimOption: TPathDelimOption);
+ I: integer;
+ // convert all path delimiters to native ones
+ for I := 1 to Length(fName) do
+ begin
+ if (fName[I] in ['\', '/']) and (fName[I] <> PathDelim) then
+ fName[I] := PathDelim;
+ end;
+ // Include/ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter need PathDelim as path delimiter
+ case DelimOption of
+ pdAppend: fName := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(fName);
+ pdRemove: fName := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(fName);
+ end;
+function TPathImpl.GetPortableString(): UTF8String;
+ I: integer;
+ Result := fName;
+ if (PathDelim = '/') then
+ Exit;
+ for I := 1 to Length(Result) do
+ begin
+ if (Result[I] = PathDelim) then
+ Result[I] := '/';
+ end;
+function TPathImpl.ToUTF8(UseNativeDelim: boolean): UTF8String;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ if (UseNativeDelim) then
+ Result := fName
+ else
+ Result := GetPortableString();
+function TPathImpl.ToWide(UseNativeDelim: boolean): WideString;
+ if (UseNativeDelim) then
+ Result := UTF8Decode(fName)
+ else
+ Result := UTF8Decode(GetPortableString());
+function TPathImpl.ToNative(): RawByteString;
+ if (IsNativeUTF8()) then
+ Result := fName
+ else
+ Result := Utf8ToAnsi(fName);
+function TPathImpl.GetDrive(): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := FileSystem.ExtractFileDrive(Self);
+function TPathImpl.GetPath(): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := FileSystem.ExtractFilePath(Self);
+function TPathImpl.GetDir(): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := FileSystem.ExtractFileDir(Self);
+function TPathImpl.GetName(): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := FileSystem.ExtractFileName(Self);
+function TPathImpl.GetExtension(): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := FileSystem.ExtractFileExt(Self);
+function TPathImpl.SetExtension(const Extension: IPath): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := FileSystem.ChangeFileExt(Self, Extension);
+function TPathImpl.SetExtension(const Extension: RawByteString): IPath;
+ Result := SetExtension(Path(Extension));
+function TPathImpl.SetExtension(const Extension: WideString): IPath;
+ Result := SetExtension(Path(Extension));
+function TPathImpl.GetRelativePath(const BaseName: IPath): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := FileSystem.ExtractRelativePath(BaseName, Self);
+function TPathImpl.GetAbsolutePath(): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := FileSystem.ExpandFileName(Self);
+function TPathImpl.GetParent(): IPath;
+ CurPath, ParentPath: IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := PATH_NONE;
+ CurPath := Self.RemovePathDelim();
+ // check if current path has a parent (no further '/')
+ if (Pos(PathDelim, CurPath.ToUTF8()) = 0) then
+ Exit;
+ // set new path and check if it has changed to avoid endless loops
+ // e.g. with invalid paths like '/C:' (GetPath() uses ':' as delimiter too)
+ // on delphi/win32
+ ParentPath := CurPath.GetPath();
+ if (ParentPath.ToUTF8 = CurPath.ToUTF8) then
+ Exit;
+ Result := ParentPath;
+function TPathImpl.SplitDirs(): IPathDynArray;
+ CurPath: IPath;
+ Components: array of IPath;
+ CurPathStr: UTF8String;
+ DelimPos: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ SetLength(Result, 0);
+ if (Length(Self.ToUTF8(true)) = 0) then
+ Exit;
+ CurPath := Self;
+ SetLength(Components, 0);
+ repeat
+ SetLength(Components, Length(Components)+1);
+ CurPathStr := CurPath.ToUTF8();
+ DelimPos := LastDelimiter(PathDelim, SysUtils.ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(CurPathStr));
+ Components[High(Components)] := Path(Copy(CurPathStr, DelimPos+1, Length(CurPathStr)));
+ CurPath := CurPath.GetParent();
+ until (CurPath = PATH_NONE);
+ // reverse list
+ SetLength(Result, Length(Components));
+ for I := 0 to High(Components) do
+ Result[I] := Components[High(Components)-I];
+function TPathImpl.Append(const Child: IPath; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption): IPath;
+ TmpResult: IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ if (fName = '') then
+ TmpResult := Child
+ else
+ TmpResult := Path(Self.AppendPathDelim().ToUTF8() + Child.ToUTF8());
+ case DelimOption of
+ pdKeep: Result := TmpResult;
+ pdAppend: Result := TmpResult.AppendPathDelim;
+ pdRemove: Result := TmpResult.RemovePathDelim;
+ end;
+function TPathImpl.Append(const Child: RawByteString; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := Append(Path(Child), DelimOption);
+function TPathImpl.Append(const Child: WideString; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := Append(Path(Child), DelimOption);
+function TPathImpl.Equals(const Other: IPath; IgnoreCase: boolean): boolean;
+ SelfPath, OtherPath: UTF8String;
+ SelfPath := Self.GetAbsolutePath().RemovePathDelim().ToUTF8();
+ OtherPath := Other.GetAbsolutePath().RemovePathDelim().ToUTF8();
+ if (FileSystem.IsCaseSensitive() and not IgnoreCase) then
+ Result := (CompareStr(SelfPath, OtherPath) = 0)
+ else
+ Result := (CompareText(SelfPath, OtherPath) = 0);
+function TPathImpl.Equals(const Other: RawByteString; IgnoreCase: boolean): boolean;
+ Result := Equals(Path(Other), IgnoreCase);
+function TPathImpl.Equals(const Other: WideString; IgnoreCase: boolean): boolean;
+ Result := Equals(Path(Other), IgnoreCase);
+function TPathImpl.IsChildOf(const Parent: IPath; Direct: boolean): boolean;
+ SelfPath, ParentPath: UTF8String;
+ Result := false;
+ if (Direct) then
+ begin
+ SelfPath := Self.GetParent().GetAbsolutePath().AppendPathDelim().ToUTF8();
+ ParentPath := Parent.GetAbsolutePath().AppendPathDelim().ToUTF8();
+ // simply check if this paths parent path (SelfPath) equals ParentPath
+ Result := (SelfPath = ParentPath);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ SelfPath := Self.GetAbsolutePath().AppendPathDelim().ToUTF8();
+ ParentPath := Parent.GetAbsolutePath().AppendPathDelim().ToUTF8();
+ if (Length(SelfPath) <= Length(ParentPath)) then
+ Exit;
+ // check if ParentPath is a substring of SelfPath
+ if (FileSystem.IsCaseSensitive()) then
+ Result := (StrLComp(PAnsiChar(SelfPath), PAnsiChar(ParentPath), Length(ParentPath)) = 0)
+ else
+ Result := (StrLIComp(PAnsiChar(SelfPath), PAnsiChar(ParentPath), Length(ParentPath)) = 0)
+ end;
+function AdjustCaseRecursive(CurPath: IPath; AdjustAllLevels: boolean): IPath;
+ OldParent, AdjustedParent: IPath;
+ LocalName: IPath;
+ PathFound: IPath;
+ PathWithAdjParent: IPath;
+ SearchInfo: TFileInfo;
+ FileIter: IFileIterator;
+ Pattern: IPath;
+ // if case-sensitive path exists there is no need to adjust case
+ if (CurPath.Exists()) then
+ begin
+ Result := CurPath;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ LocalName := CurPath.RemovePathDelim().GetName();
+ // try to adjust parent
+ OldParent := CurPath.GetParent();
+ if (OldParent <> PATH_NONE) then
+ begin
+ if (not AdjustAllLevels) then
+ begin
+ AdjustedParent := OldParent;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ AdjustedParent := AdjustCaseRecursive(OldParent, AdjustAllLevels);
+ if (AdjustedParent = nil) then
+ begin
+ // parent path was not found case-insensitive
+ Result := nil;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // check if the path with adjusted parent can be found now
+ PathWithAdjParent := AdjustedParent.Append(LocalName);
+ if (PathWithAdjParent.Exists()) then
+ begin
+ Result := PathWithAdjParent;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Pattern := AdjustedParent.Append(Path('*'));
+ end
+ else // path has no parent
+ begin
+ // the top path can either be absolute or relative
+ if (CurPath.IsAbsolute) then
+ begin
+ // the only absolute directory at Unix without a parent is root ('/')
+ // and hence does not need to be adjusted
+ Result := CurPath;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // this is a relative path, search in the current working dir
+ AdjustedParent := nil;
+ Pattern := Path('*');
+ end;
+ // compare name with all files in the current directory case-insensitive
+ FileIter := FileSystem.FileFind(Pattern, faAnyFile);
+ while (FileIter.HasNext()) do
+ begin
+ SearchInfo := FileIter.Next();
+ PathFound := SearchInfo.Name;
+ if (CompareText(LocalName.ToUTF8, PathFound.ToUTF8) = 0) then
+ begin
+ if (AdjustedParent <> nil) then
+ Result := AdjustedParent.Append(PathFound)
+ else
+ Result := PathFound;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // no matching file found
+ Result := nil;
+function TPathImpl.AdjustCase(AdjustAllLevels: boolean): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := Self;
+ if (FileSystem.IsCaseSensitive) then
+ begin
+ Result := AdjustCaseRecursive(Self, AdjustAllLevels);
+ if (Result = nil) then
+ Result := Self;
+ end;
+function TPathImpl.AppendPathDelim(): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := FileSystem.IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Self);
+function TPathImpl.RemovePathDelim(): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := FileSystem.ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Self);
+function TPathImpl.CreateFile(): THandle;
+ Result := FileSystem.FileCreate(Self);
+function TPathImpl.CreateDirectory(Force: boolean): boolean;
+ if (Force) then
+ Result := FileSystem.ForceDirectories(Self)
+ else
+ Result := FileSystem.DirectoryCreate(Self);
+function TPathImpl.Open(Mode: longword): THandle;
+ Result := FileSystem.FileOpen(Self, Mode);
+function TPathImpl.GetFileAge(): integer;
+ Result := FileSystem.FileAge(Self);
+function TPathImpl.GetFileAge(out FileDateTime: TDateTime): boolean;
+ Result := FileSystem.FileAge(Self, FileDateTime);
+function TPathImpl.Exists(): boolean;
+ // note the different specifications of FileExists() on Win32 <> Unix
+ Result := IsFile() or IsDirectory();
+ {$ELSE}
+ Result := FileSystem.FileExists(Self);
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TPathImpl.IsFile(): boolean;
+ // note the different specifications of FileExists() on Win32 <> Unix
+ Result := FileSystem.FileExists(Self);
+ {$ELSE}
+ Result := Exists() and not IsDirectory();
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TPathImpl.IsDirectory(): boolean;
+ Result := FileSystem.DirectoryExists(Self);
+function TPathImpl.IsAbsolute(): boolean;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := FileSystem.FileIsReadOnly(Self);
+function TPathImpl.GetAttr(): cardinal;
+ Result := FileSystem.FileGetAttr(Self);
+function TPathImpl.SetAttr(Attr: Integer): boolean;
+ Result := FileSystem.FileSetAttr(Self, Attr);
+function TPathImpl.IsReadOnly(): boolean;
+ Result := FileSystem.FileIsReadOnly(Self);
+function TPathImpl.SetReadOnly(ReadOnly: boolean): boolean;
+ Result := FileSystem.FileSetReadOnly(Self, ReadOnly);
+function TPathImpl.IsUnset(): boolean;
+ Result := (fName = '');
+function TPathImpl.IsSet(): boolean;
+ Result := (fName <> '');
+function TPathImpl.FileSearch(const DirList: IPath): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
+ Result := FileSystem.FileSearch(Self, DirList);
+function TPathImpl.Rename(const NewName: IPath): boolean;
+ Result := FileSystem.RenameFile(Self, NewName);
+function TPathImpl.DeleteFile(): boolean;
+ Result := FileSystem.DeleteFile(Self);
+function TPathImpl.DeleteEmptyDir(): boolean;
+ Result := FileSystem.RemoveDir(Self);
+function TPathImpl.CopyFile(const Target: IPath; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean;
+ Result := FileSystem.CopyFile(Self, Target, FailIfExists);
+function TPathImpl.GetIntern(): UTF8String;
+ Result := fName;
+{ TBinaryFileStream }
+constructor TBinaryFileStream.Create(const FileName: IPath; Mode: word);
+ inherited Create(FileName.ToWide(), Mode);
+ inherited Create(FileName.ToNative(), Mode);
+{ TTextStream }
+constructor TTextFileStream.Create(Filename: IPath; Mode: word);
+ inherited Create();
+ fMode := Mode;
+ fFilename := Filename;
+ fLineBreak := sLineBreak;
+function TTextFileStream.ReadLine(var Line: UTF8String): boolean;
+ Line := ReadLine(Result);
+function TTextFileStream.ReadLine(var Line: AnsiString): boolean;
+ Line := ReadLine(Result);
+procedure TTextFileStream.WriteString(const Str: RawByteString);
+ WriteBuffer(Str[1], Length(Str));
+procedure TTextFileStream.WriteLine(const Line: RawByteString);
+ WriteBuffer(Line[1], Length(Line));
+ WriteBuffer(fLineBreak[1], Length(fLineBreak));
+{ TMemTextStream }
+constructor TMemTextFileStream.Create(Filename: IPath; Mode: word);
+ FileStream: TBinaryFileStream;
+ inherited Create(Filename, Mode);
+ fStream := TMemoryStream.Create();
+ // load data to memory in read mode
+ if ((Mode and 3) in [fmOpenRead, fmOpenReadWrite]) then
+ begin
+ FileStream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
+ try
+ fStream.LoadFromStream(FileStream);
+ finally
+ FileStream.Free;
+ end;
+ end
+ // check if file exists for write-mode
+ else if ((Mode and 3) = fmOpenWrite) and (not Filename.IsFile) then
+ begin
+ raise EFOpenError.CreateResFmt(@SFOpenError,
+ [FileName.GetAbsolutePath.ToNative]);
+ end;
+destructor TMemTextFileStream.Destroy();
+ FileStream: TBinaryFileStream;
+ SaveMode: word;
+ // save changes in write mode (= not read-only mode)
+ if ((fMode and 3) <> fmOpenRead) then
+ begin
+ if (fMode = fmCreate) then
+ SaveMode := fmCreate
+ else
+ SaveMode := fmOpenWrite;
+ FileStream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(fFilename, SaveMode);
+ try
+ fStream.SaveToStream(FileStream);
+ finally
+ FileStream.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ fStream.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TMemTextFileStream.GetSize: int64;
+ Result := fStream.Size;
+function TMemTextFileStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: longint): longint;
+ Result := fStream.Read(Buffer, Count);
+function TMemTextFileStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: longint): longint;
+ Result := fStream.Write(Buffer, Count);
+function TMemTextFileStream.Seek(Offset: longint; Origin: word): longint;
+ Result := fStream.Seek(Offset, Origin);
+function TMemTextFileStream.Seek(const Offset: int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): int64;
+ Result := fStream.Seek(Offset, Origin);
+function TMemTextFileStream.CopyMemString(StartPos: int64; EndPos: int64): RawByteString;
+ LineLength: cardinal;
+ Temp: RawByteString;
+ LineLength := EndPos - StartPos;
+ if (LineLength > 0) then
+ begin
+ // set string length to line-length (+ zero-terminator)
+ SetLength(Temp, LineLength);
+ StrLCopy(PAnsiChar(Temp),
+ @PAnsiChar(fStream.Memory)[StartPos],
+ LineLength);
+ Result := Temp;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ end;
+function TMemTextFileStream.ReadString(): RawByteString;
+ TextPtr: PAnsiChar;
+ CurPos, StartPos, FileSize: int64;
+ TextPtr := PAnsiChar(fStream.Memory);
+ CurPos := Position;
+ FileSize := Size;
+ StartPos := -1;
+ while (CurPos < FileSize) do
+ begin
+ // check for whitespace (tab, lf, cr, space)
+ if (TextPtr[CurPos] in [#9, #10, #13, ' ']) then
+ begin
+ // check if we are at the end of a string
+ if (StartPos > -1) then
+ Break;
+ end
+ else if (StartPos = -1) then // start of string found
+ begin
+ StartPos := CurPos;
+ end;
+ Inc(CurPos);
+ end;
+ if (StartPos = -1) then
+ Result := ''
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := CopyMemString(StartPos, CurPos);
+ fStream.Position := CurPos;
+ end;
+ * Implementation of ReadLine(). We need separate versions for UTF8String
+ * and AnsiString as "var" parameter types have to fit exactly.
+ * To avoid a var-parameter here, the internal version the Line parameter is
+ * used as return value.
+ *}
+function TMemTextFileStream.ReadLine(var Success: boolean): RawByteString;
+ TextPtr: PAnsiChar;
+ CurPos, FileSize: int64;
+ TextPtr := PAnsiChar(fStream.Memory);
+ CurPos := fStream.Position;
+ FileSize := Size;
+ // check for EOF
+ if (CurPos >= FileSize) then
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ Success := false;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Success := true;
+ while (CurPos < FileSize) do
+ begin
+ if (TextPtr[CurPos] in [#10, #13]) then
+ begin
+ // copy text line
+ Result := CopyMemString(fStream.Position, CurPos);
+ // handle windows style #13#10 (\r\n) newlines
+ if (TextPtr[CurPos] = #13) and
+ (CurPos+1 < FileSize) and
+ (TextPtr[CurPos+1] = #10) then
+ begin
+ Inc(CurPos);
+ end;
+ // update stream pos
+ fStream.Position := CurPos+1;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Inc(CurPos);
+ end;
+ Result := CopyMemString(fStream.Position, CurPos);
+ fStream.Position := FileSize;
+{ TUnicodeMemoryStream }
+procedure TUnicodeMemoryStream.LoadFromFile(const FileName: IPath);
+ Stream: TStream;
+ Stream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
+ try
+ LoadFromStream(Stream);
+ finally
+ Stream.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TUnicodeMemoryStream.SaveToFile(const FileName: IPath);
+ Stream: TStream;
+ Stream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ try
+ SaveToStream(Stream);
+ finally
+ Stream.Free;
+ end;
+{ TUnicodeMemIniFile }
+constructor TUnicodeMemIniFile.Create(const FileName: IPath; UTF8Encoded: boolean);
+ List: TStringList;
+ Stream: TBinaryFileStream;
+ BOMBuf: array[0..2] of AnsiChar;
+ inherited Create('');
+ FFilename := FileName;
+ FUTF8Encoded := UTF8Encoded;
+ if FileName.Exists() then
+ begin
+ List := nil;
+ Stream := nil;
+ try
+ List := TStringList.Create;
+ Stream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);
+ if (Stream.Read(BOMBuf[0], SizeOf(BOMBuf)) = 3) and
+ (CompareMem(PChar(UTF8_BOM), @BomBuf, Length(UTF8_BOM))) then
+ begin
+ // truncate BOM
+ FUTF8Encoded := true;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // rewind file
+ Stream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
+ end;
+ List.LoadFromStream(Stream);
+ SetStrings(List);
+ finally
+ Stream.Free;
+ List.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TUnicodeMemIniFile.UpdateFile;
+ List: TStringList;
+ Stream: TBinaryFileStream;
+ List := nil;
+ Stream := nil;
+ try
+ List := TStringList.Create;
+ GetStrings(List);
+ Stream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(FFileName, fmCreate);
+ if UTF8Encoded then
+ Stream.Write(UTF8_BOM, Length(UTF8_BOM));
+ List.SaveToStream(Stream);
+ finally
+ List.Free;
+ Stream.Free;
+ end;
+ PATH_NONE_Singelton: IPath;
+function PATH_NONE(): IPath;
+ Result := PATH_NONE_Singelton;
+ GarbageList := TInterfaceList.Create();
+ GarbageList.Capacity := GarbageMaxCount;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ PATH_NONE_Singelton := Path('');
+ PATH_NONE_Singelton := nil;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UPathUtils.pas b/Lua/src/base/UPathUtils.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2bcdd4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UPathUtils.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
+ *
+ * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *}
+unit UPathUtils;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes,
+ UPath;
+ // Absolute Paths
+ GamePath: IPath;
+ SoundPath: IPath;
+ SongPaths: IInterfaceList;
+ LogPath: IPath;
+ ThemePath: IPath;
+ SkinsPath: IPath;
+ ScreenshotsPath: IPath;
+ CoverPaths: IInterfaceList;
+ LanguagesPath: IPath;
+ PluginPath: IPath;
+ VisualsPath: IPath;
+ FontPath: IPath;
+ ResourcesPath: IPath;
+ PlaylistPath: IPath;
+function FindPath(out PathResult: IPath; const RequestedPath: IPath; NeedsWritePermission: boolean): boolean;
+procedure InitializePaths;
+procedure AddSongPath(const Path: IPath);
+ StrUtils,
+ UPlatform,
+ UCommandLine,
+ ULog;
+procedure AddSpecialPath(var PathList: IInterfaceList; const Path: IPath);
+ Index: integer;
+ PathAbs, PathTmp: IPath;
+ OldPath, OldPathAbs, OldPathTmp: IPath;
+ if (PathList = nil) then
+ PathList := TInterfaceList.Create;
+ if Path.Equals(PATH_NONE) or not Path.CreateDirectory(true) then
+ Exit;
+ PathTmp := Path.GetAbsolutePath();
+ PathAbs := PathTmp.AppendPathDelim();
+ // check if path or a part of the path was already added
+ for Index := 0 to PathList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ OldPath := PathList[Index] as IPath;
+ OldPathTmp := OldPath.GetAbsolutePath();
+ OldPathAbs := OldPathTmp.AppendPathDelim();
+ // check if the new directory is a sub-directory of a previously added one.
+ // This is also true, if both paths point to the same directories.
+ if (OldPathAbs.IsChildOf(PathAbs, false) or OldPathAbs.Equals(PathAbs)) then
+ begin
+ // ignore the new path
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // check if a previously added directory is a sub-directory of the new one.
+ if (PathAbs.IsChildOf(OldPathAbs, false)) then
+ begin
+ // replace the old with the new one.
+ PathList[Index] := PathAbs;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ PathList.Add(PathAbs);
+procedure AddSongPath(const Path: IPath);
+ AddSpecialPath(SongPaths, Path);
+procedure AddCoverPath(const Path: IPath);
+ AddSpecialPath(CoverPaths, Path);
+ * Initialize a path variable
+ * After setting paths, make sure that paths exist
+ *)
+function FindPath(
+ out PathResult: IPath;
+ const RequestedPath: IPath;
+ NeedsWritePermission: boolean): boolean;
+ Result := false;
+ if (RequestedPath.Equals(PATH_NONE)) then
+ Exit;
+ // Make sure the directory exists
+ if (not RequestedPath.CreateDirectory(true)) then
+ begin
+ PathResult := PATH_NONE;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ PathResult := RequestedPath.AppendPathDelim();
+ if (NeedsWritePermission) and RequestedPath.IsReadOnly() then
+ Exit;
+ Result := true;
+ * Function sets all absolute paths e.g. song path and makes sure the directorys exist
+ *)
+procedure InitializePaths;
+ SharedPath, UserPath: IPath;
+ // Log directory (must be writable)
+ if (not FindPath(LogPath, Platform.GetLogPath, true)) then
+ begin
+ Log.FileOutputEnabled := false;
+ Log.LogWarn('Log directory "'+ Platform.GetLogPath.ToNative +'" not available', 'InitializePaths');
+ end;
+ SharedPath := Platform.GetGameSharedPath;
+ UserPath := Platform.GetGameUserPath;
+ FindPath(SoundPath, SharedPath.Append('sounds'), false);
+ FindPath(ThemePath, SharedPath.Append('themes'), false);
+ FindPath(SkinsPath, SharedPath.Append('themes'), false);
+ FindPath(LanguagesPath, SharedPath.Append('languages'), false);
+ FindPath(PluginPath, SharedPath.Append('plugins'), false);
+ FindPath(VisualsPath, SharedPath.Append('visuals'), false);
+ FindPath(FontPath, SharedPath.Append('fonts'), false);
+ FindPath(ResourcesPath, SharedPath.Append('resources'), false);
+ // Playlists are not shared as we need one directory to write too
+ FindPath(PlaylistPath, UserPath.Append('playlists'), true);
+ // Screenshot directory (must be writable)
+ if (not FindPath(ScreenshotsPath, UserPath.Append('screenshots'), true)) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogWarn('Screenshot directory "'+ UserPath.ToNative +'" not available', 'InitializePaths');
+ end;
+ // Add song paths
+ AddSongPath(Params.SongPath);
+ AddSongPath(SharedPath.Append('songs'));
+ AddSongPath(UserPath.Append('songs'));
+ // Add category cover paths
+ AddCoverPath(SharedPath.Append('covers'));
+ AddCoverPath(UserPath.Append('covers'));
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UPlatform.pas b/Lua/src/base/UPlatform.pas
index e4cb6f0c..11c67fa7 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UPlatform.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UPlatform.pas
@@ -39,28 +39,20 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
- Classes;
+ Classes,
+ UPath;
- TDirectoryEntry = record
- Name : WideString;
- IsDirectory : boolean;
- IsFile : boolean;
- end;
- TDirectoryEntryArray = array of TDirectoryEntry;
TPlatform = class
- function GetExecutionDir(): string;
+ function GetExecutionDir(): IPath;
procedure Init; virtual;
- function DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray; virtual; abstract;
- function TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle : string): boolean; virtual;
- function FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: WideString): WideString; virtual;
+ function TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle: string): boolean; virtual;
procedure Halt; virtual;
- function GetLogPath : WideString; virtual; abstract;
- function GetGameSharedPath : WideString; virtual; abstract;
- function GetGameUserPath : WideString; virtual; abstract;
- function CopyFile(const Source, Target: WideString; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean; virtual;
+ function GetLogPath: IPath; virtual; abstract;
+ function GetGameSharedPath: IPath; virtual; abstract;
+ function GetGameUserPath: IPath; virtual; abstract;
function Platform(): TPlatform;
@@ -76,16 +68,18 @@ uses
{$ELSEIF Defined(UNIX)}
- ULog;
+ ULog,
+ UUnicodeUtils,
+ UFilesystem;
-// I have modified it to use the Platform_singleton in this location ( in the implementaiton )
+// I modified it to use the Platform_singleton in this location (in the implementation)
// so that this variable can NOT be overwritten from anywhere else in the application.
// the accessor function platform, emulates all previous calls to work the same way.
- Platform_singleton : TPlatform;
+ Platform_singleton: TPlatform;
-function Platform : TPlatform;
+function Platform: TPlatform;
Result := Platform_singleton;
@@ -109,78 +103,23 @@ end;
* Returns the directory of the executable
-function TPlatform.GetExecutionDir(): string;
+function TPlatform.GetExecutionDir(): IPath;
+ ExecName, ExecDir: IPath;
- Result := ExpandFileName(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)));
+ ExecName := Path(ParamStr(0));
+ ExecDir := ExecName.GetPath;
+ Result := ExecDir.GetAbsolutePath();
* Default TerminateIfAlreadyRunning() implementation
-function TPlatform.TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle : string): Boolean;
+function TPlatform.TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle: string): boolean;
Result := false;
- * Default FindSongFile() implementation
- *)
-function TPlatform.FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: WideString): WideString;
- SR: TSearchRec; // for parsing song directory
- Result := '';
- if SysUtils.FindFirst(Dir + Mask, faDirectory, SR) = 0 then
- begin
- Result := SR.Name;
- end;
- SysUtils.FindClose(SR);
-function TPlatform.CopyFile(const Source, Target: WideString; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean;
- COPY_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; // a good tradeoff between speed and memory consumption
- SourceFile, TargetFile: TFileStream;
- FileCopyBuffer: array [0..COPY_BUFFER_SIZE-1] of byte; // temporary copy-buffer.
- NumberOfBytes: integer; // number of bytes read from SourceFile
- Result := false;
- SourceFile := nil;
- TargetFile := nil;
- // if overwrite is disabled return if the target file already exists
- if (FailIfExists and FileExists(Target)) then
- Exit;
- try
- try
- // open source and target file (might throw an exception on error)
- SourceFile := TFileStream.Create(Source, fmOpenRead);
- TargetFile := TFileStream.Create(Target, fmCreate or fmOpenWrite);
- while true do
- begin
- // read a block from the source file and check for errors or EOF
- NumberOfBytes := SourceFile.Read(FileCopyBuffer, SizeOf(FileCopyBuffer));
- if (NumberOfBytes <= 0) then
- Break;
- // write block to target file and check if everything was written
- if (TargetFile.Write(FileCopyBuffer, NumberOfBytes) <> NumberOfBytes) then
- Exit;
- end;
- except
- Exit;
- end;
- finally
- SourceFile.Free;
- TargetFile.Free;
- end;
- Result := true;
{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
Platform_singleton := TPlatformWindows.Create;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UPlatformLinux.pas b/Lua/src/base/UPlatformLinux.pas
index 30499a97..693facaa 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UPlatformLinux.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UPlatformLinux.pas
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ interface
- UConfig;
+ UConfig,
+ UPath;
TPlatformLinux = class(TPlatform)
@@ -44,15 +45,13 @@ type
UseLocalDirs: boolean;
procedure DetectLocalExecution();
- function GetHomeDir(): string;
+ function GetHomeDir(): IPath;
procedure Init; override;
- function DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: Boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray; override;
- function GetLogPath : WideString; override;
- function GetGameSharedPath : WideString; override;
- function GetGameUserPath : WideString; override;
+ function GetLogPath : IPath; override;
+ function GetGameSharedPath : IPath; override;
+ function GetGameUserPath : IPath; override;
@@ -60,9 +59,7 @@ implementation
- {$IF FPC_VERSION_INT >= 2002002}
- {$IFEND}
@@ -88,114 +85,65 @@ end;
procedure TPlatformLinux.DetectLocalExecution();
- LocalDir: string;
+ LocalDir, LanguageDir: IPath;
- LocalDir := GetExecutionDir();
// we just check if the 'languages' folder exists in the
// directory of the executable. If so -> local execution.
- UseLocalDirs := (DirectoryExists(LocalDir + 'languages'));
-function TPlatformLinux.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: Boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray;
- i: Integer;
- TheDir : pDir;
- ADirent : pDirent;
- Entry : Longint;
- lAttrib : integer;
- i := 0;
- Filter := LowerCase(Filter);
- TheDir := FpOpenDir( Dir );
- if Assigned(TheDir) then
- begin
- repeat
- ADirent := FpReadDir(TheDir^);
- if Assigned(ADirent) and (ADirent^.d_name <> '.') and (ADirent^.d_name <> '..') then
- begin
- lAttrib := FileGetAttr(Dir + ADirent^.d_name);
- if ReturnAllSubDirs and ((lAttrib and faDirectory) <> 0) then
- begin
- SetLength( Result, i + 1);
- Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name;
- Result[i].IsDirectory := true;
- Result[i].IsFile := false;
- i := i + 1;
- end
- else if (Length(Filter) = 0) or (Pos( Filter, LowerCase(ADirent^.d_name)) > 0) then
- begin
- SetLength( Result, i + 1);
- Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name;
- Result[i].IsDirectory := false;
- Result[i].IsFile := true;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- until (ADirent = nil);
- FpCloseDir(TheDir^);
- end;
+ LocalDir := GetExecutionDir();
+ LanguageDir := LocalDir.Append('languages');
+ UseLocalDirs := LanguageDir.IsDirectory;
-function TPlatformLinux.GetLogPath: WideString;
+function TPlatformLinux.GetLogPath: IPath;
if UseLocalDirs then
Result := GetExecutionDir()
- Result := GetGameUserPath() + 'logs/';
+ Result := GetGameUserPath().Append('logs', pdAppend);
// create non-existing directories
- ForceDirectories(Result);
+ Result.CreateDirectory(true);
-function TPlatformLinux.GetGameSharedPath: WideString;
+function TPlatformLinux.GetGameSharedPath: IPath;
if UseLocalDirs then
Result := GetExecutionDir()
- Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(INSTALL_DATADIR);
+ Result := Path(INSTALL_DATADIR, pdAppend);
-function TPlatformLinux.GetGameUserPath: WideString;
+function TPlatformLinux.GetGameUserPath: IPath;
if UseLocalDirs then
Result := GetExecutionDir()
- Result := GetHomeDir() + '.ultrastardx/';
+ Result := GetHomeDir().Append('.ultrastardx', pdAppend);
* Returns the user's home directory terminated by a path delimiter
-function TPlatformLinux.GetHomeDir(): string;
-{$IF FPC_VERSION_INT >= 2002002}
+function TPlatformLinux.GetHomeDir(): IPath;
PasswdEntry: PPasswd;
- Result := '';
+ Result := PATH_NONE;
- {$IF FPC_VERSION_INT >= 2002002}
// try to retrieve the info from passwd
PasswdEntry := FpGetpwuid(FpGetuid());
if (PasswdEntry <> nil) then
- Result := PasswdEntry.pw_dir;
- {$IFEND}
+ Result := Path(PasswdEntry.pw_dir);
// fallback if passwd does not contain the path
- if (Result = '') then
- Result := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME');
+ if (Result.IsUnset) then
+ Result := Path(GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME'));
// add trailing path delimiter (normally '/')
- if (Result <> '') then
- Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Result);
+ if (Result.IsSet) then
+ Result := Result.AppendPathDelim();
- {$IF FPC_VERSION_INT >= 2002002}
// GetUserDir() is another function that returns a user path.
// It uses env-var HOME or a fallback to a temp-dir.
//Result := GetUserDir();
- {$IFEND}
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UPlatformMacOSX.pas b/Lua/src/base/UPlatformMacOSX.pas
index 9085e337..1dc0014a 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UPlatformMacOSX.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UPlatformMacOSX.pas
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ interface
- UPlatform;
+ UPlatform,
+ UFilesystem,
+ UPath;
@@ -70,19 +72,19 @@ type
* So
* GetGameSharedPath could return
- * /Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources/.
+ * /Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/.
* GetGameUserPath could return
- * ~/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources/.
+ * ~/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/.
- * Right now, only $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources
+ * Right now, only $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe
* is used. So every user needs the complete set of files and folders.
* Future versions may also use shared resources in
- * /Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources. However, this is
+ * /Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe. However, this is
* not treated yet in the code outside this unit.
* USDX checks, whether GetGameUserPath exists. If not, USDX creates it.
* The existence of needed files is then checked and if a file is missing
- * it is copied to there from within the Resources folder in the Application
+ * it is copied to there from within the folder Contents in the Application
* bundle, which contains the default files. USDX should not delete files or
* folders in Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe automatically or without
* user confirmation.
@@ -93,60 +95,55 @@ type
* GetBundlePath returns the path to the application bundle
* UltraStarDeluxe.app.
- function GetBundlePath: WideString;
+ function GetBundlePath: IPath;
* GetApplicationSupportPath returns the path to
- * $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources.
+ * $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe.
- function GetApplicationSupportPath: WideString;
+ function GetApplicationSupportPath: IPath;
* see the description of @link(Init).
procedure CreateUserFolders();
+ function GetHomeDir(): IPath;
* Init simply calls @link(CreateUserFolders), which in turn scans the
- * folder UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents/Resources for all files and
- * folders. $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources
+ * folder UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents for all files and
+ * folders. $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe
* is then checked for their presence and missing ones are copied.
procedure Init; override;
- * DirectoryFindFiles returns all entries of a folder with names and
- * booleans about their type, i.e. file or directory.
- *}
- function DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray; override;
- {**
* GetLogPath returns the path for log messages. Currently it is set to
- * $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources/Log.
+ * $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Log.
- function GetLogPath : WideString; override;
+ function GetLogPath : IPath; override;
* GetGameSharedPath returns the path for shared resources. Currently it
- * is set to /Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources.
+ * is set to /Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe.
* However it is not used.
- function GetGameSharedPath : WideString; override;
+ function GetGameSharedPath : IPath; override;
* GetGameUserPath returns the path for user resources. Currently it is
- * set to $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources.
+ * set to $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe.
* This is where a user can add songs, themes, ....
- function GetGameUserPath : WideString; override;
+ function GetGameUserPath : IPath; override;
- SysUtils,
- BaseUnix;
+ SysUtils;
procedure TPlatformMacOSX.Init;
@@ -154,178 +151,129 @@ begin
procedure TPlatformMacOSX.CreateUserFolders();
- // used to construct the @link(UserPathName)
- PathName: string = '/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources';
- RelativePath: string;
+ RelativePath: IPath;
// BaseDir contains the path to the folder, where a search is performed.
// It is set to the entries in @link(DirectoryList) one after the other.
- BaseDir: string;
+ BaseDir: IPath;
// OldBaseDir contains the path to the folder, where the search started.
// It is used to return to it, when the search is completed in all folders.
- OldBaseDir: string;
- // This record contains the result of a file search with FindFirst or FindNext
- SearchInfo: TSearchRec;
+ OldBaseDir: IPath;
+ Iter: IFileIterator;
+ FileInfo: TFileInfo;
+ CurPath: IPath;
// These two lists contain all folder and file names found
// within the folder @link(BaseDir).
- DirectoryList, FileList: TStringList;
+ DirectoryList, FileList: IInterfaceList;
// DirectoryIsFinished contains the index of the folder in @link(DirectoryList),
// which is the last one completely searched. Later folders are still to be
// searched for additional files and folders.
DirectoryIsFinished: longint;
- Counter: longint;
+ I: longint;
// These three are for creating directories, due to possible symlinks
CreatedDirectory: boolean;
FileAttrs: integer;
- DirectoryPath: string;
- UserPathName: string;
+ DirectoryPath: IPath;
+ UserPath: IPath;
+ SrcFile, TgtFile: IPath;
// Get the current folder and save it in OldBaseDir for returning to it, when
// finished.
- GetDir(0, OldBaseDir);
+ OldBaseDir := FileSystem.GetCurrentDir();
- // UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents/Resources contains all the default files and
- // folders.
- BaseDir := OldBaseDir + '/UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents/Resources';
- ChDir(BaseDir);
+ // UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents contains all the default files and folders.
+ BaseDir := OldBaseDir.Append('UltraStarDeluxe.app/Contents');
+ FileSystem.SetCurrentDir(BaseDir);
- // Right now, only $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources
- // is used.
- UserPathName := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME') + PathName;
+ // Right now, only $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe is used.
+ UserPath := GetGameUserPath();
DirectoryIsFinished := 0;
- DirectoryList := TStringList.Create();
- FileList := TStringList.Create();
- DirectoryList.Add('.');
+ // replace with IInterfaceList
+ DirectoryList := TInterfaceList.Create();
+ FileList := TInterfaceList.Create();
+ DirectoryList.Add(Path('.'));
// create the folder and file lists
- RelativePath := DirectoryList[DirectoryIsFinished];
- ChDir(BaseDir + '/' + RelativePath);
- if (FindFirst('*', faAnyFile, SearchInfo) = 0) then
+ RelativePath := (DirectoryList[DirectoryIsFinished] as IPath);
+ FileSystem.SetCurrentDir(BaseDir.Append(RelativePath));
+ Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(Path('*'), faAnyFile);
+ while (Iter.HasNext) do
- repeat
- if DirectoryExists(SearchInfo.Name) then
- begin
- if (SearchInfo.Name <> '.') and (SearchInfo.Name <> '..') then
- DirectoryList.Add(RelativePath + '/' + SearchInfo.Name);
- end
- else
- Filelist.Add(RelativePath + '/' + SearchInfo.Name);
- until (FindNext(SearchInfo) <> 0);
+ FileInfo := Iter.Next;
+ CurPath := FileInfo.Name;
+ if CurPath.IsDirectory() then
+ begin
+ if (not CurPath.Equals('.')) and (not CurPath.Equals('..')) then
+ DirectoryList.Add(RelativePath.Append(CurPath));
+ end
+ else
+ Filelist.Add(RelativePath.Append(CurPath));
- FindClose(SearchInfo);
until (DirectoryIsFinished = DirectoryList.Count);
// create missing folders
- ForceDirectories(UserPathName); // should not be necessary since (UserPathName+'/.') is created.
- for Counter := 0 to DirectoryList.Count-1 do
+ UserPath.CreateDirectory(true); // should not be necessary since (UserPathName+'/.') is created.
+ for I := 0 to DirectoryList.Count-1 do
- DirectoryPath := UserPathName + '/' + DirectoryList[Counter];
- CreatedDirectory := ForceDirectories(DirectoryPath);
- FileAttrs := FileGetAttr(DirectoryPath);
- // Don't know how to analyse the target of the link.
+ CurPath := DirectoryList[I] as IPath;
+ DirectoryPath := UserPath.Append(CurPath);
+ CreatedDirectory := DirectoryPath.CreateDirectory();
+ FileAttrs := DirectoryPath.GetAttr();
+ // Maybe analyse the target of the link with FpReadlink().
// Let's assume the symlink is pointing to an existing directory.
if (not CreatedDirectory) and (FileAttrs and faSymLink > 0) then
- Log.LogError('Failed to create the folder "'+ UserPathName + '/' + DirectoryList[Counter] +'"',
+ Log.LogError('Failed to create the folder "'+ DirectoryPath.ToNative +'"',
- DirectoryList.Free();
// copy missing files
- for Counter := 0 to Filelist.Count-1 do
+ for I := 0 to Filelist.Count-1 do
- CopyFile(BaseDir + '/' + Filelist[Counter],
- UserPathName + '/' + Filelist[Counter], true);
+ CurPath := Filelist[I] as IPath;
+ SrcFile := BaseDir.Append(CurPath);
+ TgtFile := UserPath.Append(CurPath);
+ SrcFile.CopyFile(TgtFile, true);
- FileList.Free();
// go back to the initial folder
- ChDir(OldBaseDir);
+ FileSystem.SetCurrentDir(OldBaseDir);
-function TPlatformMacOSX.GetBundlePath: WideString;
- i, pos : integer;
+function TPlatformMacOSX.GetBundlePath: IPath;
// Mac applications are packaged in folders.
// Cutting the last two folders yields the application folder.
- Result := GetExecutionDir();
- for i := 1 to 2 do
- begin
- pos := Length(Result);
- repeat
- Delete(Result, pos, 1);
- pos := Length(Result);
- until (pos = 0) or (Result[pos] = '/');
- end;
+ Result := GetExecutionDir().GetParent().GetParent();
-function TPlatformMacOSX.GetApplicationSupportPath: WideString;
+function TPlatformMacOSX.GetApplicationSupportPath: IPath;
- PathName : string = '/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe/Resources';
+ PathName: string = 'Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe';
- Result := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME') + PathName + '/';
+ Result := GetHomeDir().Append(PathName, pdAppend);
-function TPlatformMacOSX.GetLogPath: WideString;
+function TPlatformMacOSX.GetHomeDir(): IPath;
- Result := GetApplicationSupportPath + 'Logs';
+ Result := Path(GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME'));
-function TPlatformMacOSX.GetGameSharedPath: WideString;
+function TPlatformMacOSX.GetLogPath: IPath;
- Result := GetApplicationSupportPath;
+ Result := GetApplicationSupportPath.Append('Logs');
-function TPlatformMacOSX.GetGameUserPath: WideString;
+function TPlatformMacOSX.GetGameSharedPath: IPath;
Result := GetApplicationSupportPath;
-function TPlatformMacOSX.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray;
- i : integer;
- TheDir : pdir;
- ADirent : pDirent;
- lAttrib : integer;
+function TPlatformMacOSX.GetGameUserPath: IPath;
- i := 0;
- Filter := LowerCase(Filter);
- TheDir := FPOpenDir(Dir);
- if Assigned(TheDir) then
- repeat
- ADirent := FPReadDir(TheDir);
- if Assigned(ADirent) and (ADirent^.d_name <> '.') and (ADirent^.d_name <> '..') then
- begin
- lAttrib := FileGetAttr(Dir + ADirent^.d_name);
- if ReturnAllSubDirs and ((lAttrib and faDirectory) <> 0) then
- begin
- SetLength(Result, i + 1);
- Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name;
- Result[i].IsDirectory := true;
- Result[i].IsFile := false;
- i := i + 1;
- end
- else if (Length(Filter) = 0) or (Pos( Filter, LowerCase(ADirent^.d_name)) > 0) then
- begin
- SetLength(Result, i + 1);
- Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name;
- Result[i].IsDirectory := false;
- Result[i].IsFile := true;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- until ADirent = nil;
- FPCloseDir(TheDir);
+ Result := GetApplicationSupportPath;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UPlatformWindows.pas b/Lua/src/base/UPlatformWindows.pas
index e198958a..a0372dad 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UPlatformWindows.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UPlatformWindows.pas
@@ -38,21 +38,19 @@ interface
- UPlatform;
+ UPlatform,
+ UPath;
TPlatformWindows = class(TPlatform)
- function GetSpecialPath(CSIDL: integer): WideString;
+ function GetSpecialPath(CSIDL: integer): IPath;
- function DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: Boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray; override;
function TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle: String): Boolean; override;
- function GetLogPath: WideString; override;
- function GetGameSharedPath: WideString; override;
- function GetGameUserPath: WideString; override;
- function CopyFile(const Source, Target: WideString; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean; override;
+ function GetLogPath: IPath; override;
+ function GetGameSharedPath: IPath; override;
+ function GetGameUserPath: IPath; override;
@@ -63,95 +61,6 @@ uses
- TSearchRecW = record
- Time: Integer;
- Size: Integer;
- Attr: Integer;
- Name: WideString;
- ExcludeAttr: Integer;
- FindHandle: THandle;
- FindData: TWin32FindDataW;
- end;
-function FindFirstW(const Path: WideString; Attr: Integer; var F: TSearchRecW): Integer; forward;
-function FindNextW(var F: TSearchRecW): Integer; forward;
-procedure FindCloseW(var F: TSearchRecW); forward;
-function FindMatchingFileW(var F: TSearchRecW): Integer; forward;
-function DirectoryExistsW(const Directory: widestring): Boolean; forward;
-function FindFirstW(const Path: widestring; Attr: Integer; var F: TSearchRecW): Integer;
- faSpecial = faHidden or faSysFile or faVolumeID or faDirectory;
- F.ExcludeAttr := not Attr and faSpecial;
-{$IFDEF Delphi}
- F.FindHandle := FindFirstFileW(PWideChar(Path), F.FindData);
- F.FindHandle := FindFirstFileW(PWideChar(Path), @F.FindData);
- if F.FindHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- begin
- Result := FindMatchingFileW(F);
- if Result <> 0 then FindCloseW(F);
- end else
- Result := GetLastError;
-function FindNextW(var F: TSearchRecW): Integer;
-{$IFDEF Delphi}
- if FindNextFileW(F.FindHandle, F.FindData) then
- if FindNextFileW(F.FindHandle, @F.FindData) then
- Result := FindMatchingFileW(F)
- else
- Result := GetLastError;
-procedure FindCloseW(var F: TSearchRecW);
- if F.FindHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- begin
- Windows.FindClose(F.FindHandle);
- end;
-function FindMatchingFileW(var F: TSearchRecW): Integer;
- LocalFileTime: TFileTime;
- with F do
- begin
- while FindData.dwFileAttributes and ExcludeAttr <> 0 do
-{$IFDEF Delphi}
- if not FindNextFileW(FindHandle, FindData) then
- if not FindNextFileW(FindHandle, @FindData) then
- begin
- Result := GetLastError;
- Exit;
- end;
- FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FindData.ftLastWriteTime, LocalFileTime);
- FileTimeToDosDateTime(LocalFileTime, LongRec(Time).Hi, LongRec(Time).Lo);
- Size := FindData.nFileSizeLow;
- Attr := FindData.dwFileAttributes;
- Name := FindData.cFileName;
- end;
- Result := 0;
-function DirectoryExistsW(const Directory: widestring): Boolean;
- Code: Integer;
- Code := GetFileAttributesW(PWideChar(Directory));
- Result := (Code <> -1) and (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY and Code <> 0);
//Start more than One Time Prevention
@@ -180,41 +89,6 @@ begin
-function TPlatformWindows.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter: WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs: Boolean): TDirectoryEntryArray;
- i : Integer;
- SR : TSearchRecW;
- Attrib : Integer;
- i := 0;
- Filter := LowerCase(Filter);
- if FindFirstW(Dir + '*', faAnyFile or faDirectory, SR) = 0 then
- repeat
- if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
- begin
- Attrib := FileGetAttr(Dir + SR.name);
- if ReturnAllSubDirs and ((Attrib and faDirectory) <> 0) then
- begin
- SetLength( Result, i + 1);
- Result[i].Name := SR.name;
- Result[i].IsDirectory := true;
- Result[i].IsFile := false;
- i := i + 1;
- end
- else if (Length(Filter) = 0) or (Pos( Filter, LowerCase(SR.Name)) > 0) then
- begin
- SetLength( Result, i + 1);
- Result[i].Name := SR.Name;
- Result[i].IsDirectory := false;
- Result[i].IsFile := true;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- until FindNextW(SR) <> 0;
- FindCloseW(SR);
* Returns the path of a special folder.
@@ -225,37 +99,30 @@ end;
* CSIDL_PERSONAL (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents)
* CSIDL_MYMUSIC (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music)
-function TPlatformWindows.GetSpecialPath(CSIDL: integer): WideString;
+function TPlatformWindows.GetSpecialPath(CSIDL: integer): IPath;
Buffer: array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of WideChar;
-{$IF Defined(Delphi) or (FPC_VERSION_INT >= 2002002)} // >= 2.2.2
if (SHGetSpecialFolderPathW(0, @Buffer, CSIDL, false)) then
- Result := Buffer
+ Result := Path(Buffer)
- Result := '';
+ Result := PATH_NONE;
-function TPlatformWindows.GetLogPath: WideString;
+function TPlatformWindows.GetLogPath: IPath;
Result := GetExecutionDir();
-function TPlatformWindows.GetGameSharedPath: WideString;
+function TPlatformWindows.GetGameSharedPath: IPath;
Result := GetExecutionDir();
-function TPlatformWindows.GetGameUserPath: WideString;
+function TPlatformWindows.GetGameUserPath: IPath;
- //Result := GetSpecialPath(CSIDL_APPDATA) + PathDelim + 'UltraStarDX' + PathDelim;
+ //Result := GetSpecialPath(CSIDL_APPDATA).Append('UltraStarDX', pdAppend);
Result := GetExecutionDir();
-function TPlatformWindows.CopyFile(const Source, Target: WideString; FailIfExists: boolean): boolean;
- Result := Windows.CopyFileW(PWideChar(Source), PWideChar(Target), FailIfExists);
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UPlaylist.pas b/Lua/src/base/UPlaylist.pas
index 11ed84de..527eca7b 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UPlaylist.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UPlaylist.pas
@@ -34,20 +34,23 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
- USong;
+ Classes,
+ USong,
+ UPath,
+ UPathUtils;
TPlaylistItem = record
- Artist: String;
- Title: String;
+ Artist: UTF8String;
+ Title: UTF8String;
SongID: Integer;
APlaylistItem = array of TPlaylistItem;
TPlaylist = record
- Name: String;
- Filename: String;
+ Name: UTF8String;
+ Filename: IPath;
Items: APlaylistItem;
@@ -67,20 +70,20 @@ type
Playlists: APlaylist;
constructor Create;
- Procedure LoadPlayLists;
- Function LoadPlayList(Index: Cardinal; Filename: String): Boolean;
- Procedure SavePlayList(Index: Cardinal);
+ procedure LoadPlayLists;
+ function LoadPlayList(Index: Cardinal; const Filename: IPath): Boolean;
+ procedure SavePlayList(Index: Cardinal);
- Procedure SetPlayList(Index: Cardinal);
+ procedure SetPlayList(Index: Cardinal);
- Function AddPlaylist(Name: String): Cardinal;
- Procedure DelPlaylist(const Index: Cardinal);
+ function AddPlaylist(const Name: UTF8String): Cardinal;
+ procedure DelPlaylist(const Index: Cardinal);
- Procedure AddItem(const SongID: Cardinal; const iPlaylist: Integer = -1);
- Procedure DelItem(const iItem: Cardinal; const iPlaylist: Integer = -1);
+ procedure AddItem(const SongID: Cardinal; const iPlaylist: Integer = -1);
+ procedure DelItem(const iItem: Cardinal; const iPlaylist: Integer = -1);
- Procedure GetNames(var PLNames: array of String);
- Function GetIndexbySongID(const SongID: Cardinal; const iPlaylist: Integer = -1): Integer;
+ procedure GetNames(var PLNames: array of UTF8String);
+ function GetIndexbySongID(const SongID: Cardinal; const iPlaylist: Integer = -1): Integer;
@@ -94,13 +97,15 @@ type
-uses USongs,
- ULog,
- UMain,
- //UFiles,
- UGraphic,
- UThemes,
- SysUtils;
+ SysUtils,
+ USongs,
+ ULog,
+ UMain,
+ UFilesystem,
+ UGraphic,
+ UThemes,
+ UUnicodeUtils;
//Create - Construct Class - Dummy for now
@@ -116,90 +121,90 @@ end;
Procedure TPlayListManager.LoadPlayLists;
- SR: TSearchRec;
Len: Integer;
PlayListBuffer: TPlayList;
+ Iter: IFileIterator;
+ FileInfo: TFileInfo;
SetLength(Playlists, 0);
- if FindFirst(PlayListPath + '*.upl', 0, SR) = 0 then
+ Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(PlayListPath.Append('*.upl'), 0);
+ while (Iter.HasNext) do
- repeat
- Len := Length(Playlists);
- SetLength(Playlists, Len +1);
+ Len := Length(Playlists);
+ SetLength(Playlists, Len + 1);
+ FileInfo := Iter.Next;
- if not LoadPlayList (Len, Sr.Name) then
- SetLength(Playlists, Len)
- else
+ if not LoadPlayList(Len, FileInfo.Name) then
+ SetLength(Playlists, Len)
+ else
+ begin
+ // Sort the Playlists - Insertion Sort
+ PlayListBuffer := Playlists[Len];
+ Dec(Len);
+ while (Len >= 0) AND (CompareText(Playlists[Len].Name, PlayListBuffer.Name) >= 0) do
- // Sort the Playlists - Insertion Sort
- PlayListBuffer := Playlists[Len];
- Dec(Len);
- while (Len >= 0) AND (CompareText(Playlists[Len].Name, PlayListBuffer.Name) >= 0) do
- begin
- Playlists[Len+1] := Playlists[Len];
- Dec(Len);
- end;
- Playlists[Len+1] := PlayListBuffer;
+ Playlists[Len+1] := Playlists[Len];
+ Dec(Len);
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- FindClose(SR);
- end;
+ Playlists[Len+1] := PlayListBuffer;
+ end;
+ end;
//LoadPlayList - Load a Playlist in the Array
-Function TPlayListManager.LoadPlayList(Index: Cardinal; Filename: String): Boolean;
- var
- F: TextFile;
- Line: String;
- PosDelimiter: Integer;
- SongID: Integer;
- Len: Integer;
+function TPlayListManager.LoadPlayList(Index: Cardinal; const Filename: IPath): Boolean;
- Function FindSong(Artist, Title: String): Integer;
+ function FindSong(Artist, Title: UTF8String): Integer;
var I: Integer;
Result := -1;
For I := low(CatSongs.Song) to high(CatSongs.Song) do
- if (CatSongs.Song[I].Title = Title) AND (CatSongs.Song[I].Artist = Artist) then
+ if (CatSongs.Song[I].Title = Title) and (CatSongs.Song[I].Artist = Artist) then
Result := I;
+ TextStream: TTextFileStream;
+ Line: UTF8String;
+ PosDelimiter: Integer;
+ SongID: Integer;
+ Len: Integer;
+ FilenameAbs: IPath;
- if not FileExists(PlayListPath + Filename) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('Could not load Playlist: ' + Filename);
- Result := False;
- Exit;
+ //Load File
+ try
+ FilenameAbs := PlaylistPath.Append(Filename);
+ TextStream := TMemTextFileStream.Create(FilenameAbs, fmOpenRead);
+ except
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('Could not load Playlist: ' + FilenameAbs.ToNative);
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
Result := True;
- //Load File
- AssignFile(F, PlayListPath + FileName);
- Reset(F);
//Set Filename
- PlayLists[Index].Filename := Filename;
- PlayLists[Index].Name := '';
+ Playlists[Index].Filename := Filename;
+ Playlists[Index].Name := '';
//Read Until End of File
- While not Eof(F) do
+ while TextStream.ReadLine(Line) do
- //Read Curent Line
- Readln(F, Line);
if (Length(Line) > 0) then
- PosDelimiter := Pos(':', Line);
- if (PosDelimiter <> 0) then
+ PosDelimiter := UTF8Pos(':', Line);
+ if (PosDelimiter <> 0) then
//Comment or Name String
if (Line[1] = '#') then
@@ -223,7 +228,7 @@ begin
PlayLists[Index].Items[Len].Artist := Trim(copy(Line, 1, PosDelimiter - 1));
PlayLists[Index].Items[Len].Title := Trim(copy(Line, PosDelimiter + 1, Length(Line) - PosDelimiter));
- else Log.LogError('Could not find Song in Playlist: ' + PlayLists[Index].Filename + ', ' + Line);
+ else Log.LogError('Could not find Song in Playlist: ' + PlayLists[Index].Filename.ToNative + ', ' + Line);
@@ -232,71 +237,70 @@ begin
//If no special name is given, use Filename
if PlayLists[Index].Name = '' then
- PlayLists[Index].Name := ChangeFileExt(FileName, '');
+ PlayLists[Index].Name := FileName.SetExtension('').ToUTF8;
//Finish (Close File)
- CloseFile(F);
+ TextStream.Free;
-//SavePlayList - Saves the specified Playlist
-Procedure TPlayListManager.SavePlayList(Index: Cardinal);
+ * Saves the specified Playlist
+ *}
+procedure TPlayListManager.SavePlayList(Index: Cardinal);
- F: TextFile;
+ TextStream: TTextFileStream;
+ PlaylistFile: IPath;
I: Integer;
- if (Not FileExists(PlaylistPath + Playlists[Index].Filename)) OR (Not FileisReadOnly(PlaylistPath + Playlists[Index].Filename)) then
- begin
+ PlaylistFile := PlaylistPath.Append(Playlists[Index].Filename);
- //open File for Rewriting
- AssignFile(F, PlaylistPath + Playlists[Index].Filename);
- try
- try
- Rewrite(F);
+ // cannot update read-only file
+ if PlaylistFile.IsFile() and PlaylistFile.IsReadOnly() then
+ Exit;
- //Write Version (not nessecary but helpful)
- WriteLn(F, '######################################');
- WriteLn(F, '#Ultrastar Deluxe Playlist Format v1.0');
- WriteLn(F, '#Playlist "' + Playlists[Index].Name + '" with ' + InttoStr(Length(Playlists[Index].Items)) + ' Songs.');
- WriteLn(F, '######################################');
+ // open file for rewriting
+ TextStream := TMemTextFileStream.Create(PlaylistFile, fmCreate);
+ try
+ // Write version (not nessecary but helpful)
+ TextStream.WriteLine('######################################');
+ TextStream.WriteLine('#Ultrastar Deluxe Playlist Format v1.0');
+ TextStream.WriteLine(Format('#Playlist %s with %d Songs.',
+ [ Playlists[Index].Name, Length(Playlists[Index].Items) ]));
+ TextStream.WriteLine('######################################');
- //Write Name Information
- WriteLn(F, '#Name: ' + Playlists[Index].Name);
+ // Write name information
+ TextStream.WriteLine('#Name: ' + Playlists[Index].Name);
- //Write Song Information
- WriteLn(F, '#Songs:');
+ // Write song information
+ TextStream.WriteLine('#Songs:');
- For I := 0 to high(Playlists[Index].Items) do
- begin
- WriteLn(F, Playlists[Index].Items[I].Artist + ' : ' + Playlists[Index].Items[I].Title);
- end;
- except
- log.LogError('Could not write Playlistfile "' + Playlists[Index].Name + '"');
- end;
- finally
- CloseFile(F);
+ for I := 0 to high(Playlists[Index].Items) do
+ begin
+ TextStream.WriteLine(Playlists[Index].Items[I].Artist + ' : ' + Playlists[Index].Items[I].Title);
+ except
+ Log.LogError('Could not write Playlistfile "' + Playlists[Index].Name + '"');
+ TextStream.Free;
-//SetPlayList - Display a Playlist in CatSongs
-Procedure TPlayListManager.SetPlayList(Index: Cardinal);
+ * Display a Playlist in CatSongs
+ *}
+procedure TPlayListManager.SetPlayList(Index: Cardinal);
I: Integer;
- If (Int(Index) > High(PlayLists)) then
+ if (Int(Index) > High(PlayLists)) then
//Hide all Songs
- For I := 0 to high(CatSongs.Song) do
+ for I := 0 to high(CatSongs.Song) do
CatSongs.Song[I].Visible := False;
//Show Songs in PL
- For I := 0 to high(PlayLists[Index].Items) do
+ for I := 0 to high(PlayLists[Index].Items) do
CatSongs.Song[PlayLists[Index].Items[I].SongID].Visible := True;
@@ -313,7 +317,7 @@ begin
//Fix SongSelection
ScreenSong.Interaction := 0;
- ScreenSong.SelectNext;
+ ScreenSong.SelectNext(true);
//Play correct Music
@@ -323,31 +327,33 @@ end;
//AddPlaylist - Adds a Playlist and Returns the Index
-Function TPlayListManager.AddPlaylist(Name: String): Cardinal;
+function TPlayListManager.AddPlaylist(const Name: UTF8String): cardinal;
I: Integer;
+ PlaylistFile: IPath;
Result := Length(Playlists);
SetLength(Playlists, Result + 1);
// Sort the Playlists - Insertion Sort
- while (Result > 0) AND (CompareText(Playlists[Result - 1].Name, Name) >= 0) do
+ while (Result > 0) and (CompareText(Playlists[Result - 1].Name, Name) >= 0) do
Playlists[Result+1] := Playlists[Result];
- Playlists[Result].Name := Name;
+ Playlists[Result].Name := Name;
+ // clear playlist items
+ SetLength(Playlists[Result].Items, 0);
I := 1;
- if (not FileExists(PlaylistPath + Name + '.upl')) then
- Playlists[Result].Filename := Name + '.upl'
- else
+ PlaylistFile := PlaylistPath.Append(Name + '.upl');
+ while (PlaylistFile.Exists) do
- repeat
- Inc(I);
- until not FileExists(PlaylistPath + Name + InttoStr(I) + '.upl');
- Playlists[Result].Filename := Name + InttoStr(I) + '.upl';
+ Inc(I);
+ PlaylistFile := PlaylistPath.Append(Name + InttoStr(I) + '.upl');
+ Playlists[Result].Filename := PlaylistFile.GetName;
//Save new Playlist
@@ -356,28 +362,28 @@ end;
//DelPlaylist - Deletes a Playlist
-Procedure TPlayListManager.DelPlaylist(const Index: Cardinal);
+procedure TPlayListManager.DelPlaylist(const Index: Cardinal);
I: Integer;
- Filename: String;
+ Filename: IPath;
- If Int(Index) > High(Playlists) then
+ if Int(Index) > High(Playlists) then
- Filename := PlaylistPath + Playlists[Index].Filename;
+ Filename := PlaylistPath.Append(Playlists[Index].Filename);
//If not FileExists or File is not Writeable then exit
- If (Not FileExists(Filename)) OR (FileisReadOnly(Filename)) then
+ if (not Filename.IsFile()) or (Filename.IsReadOnly()) then
//Delete Playlist from FileSystem
- if Not DeleteFile(Filename) then
+ if not Filename.DeleteFile() then
//Delete Playlist from Array
//move all PLs to the Hole
- For I := Index to High(Playlists)-1 do
+ for I := Index to High(Playlists)-1 do
PlayLists[I] := PlayLists[I+1];
//Delete last Playlist
@@ -389,7 +395,7 @@ begin
- CatSongs.SetFilter('', 0);
+ CatSongs.SetFilter('', fltAll);
ScreenSong.Interaction := 0;
@@ -470,7 +476,7 @@ end;
//GetNames - Writes Playlist Names in a Array
-Procedure TPlayListManager.GetNames(var PLNames: array of String);
+procedure TPlayListManager.GetNames(var PLNames: array of UTF8String);
I: Integer;
Len: Integer;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UPluginInterface.pas b/Lua/src/base/UPluginInterface.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index f299796f..00000000
--- a/Lua/src/base/UPluginInterface.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
- *
- * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL$
- * $Id$
- *}
-unit uPluginInterface;
- uPluginInterface
- Unit fills a TPluginInterface structure with method pointers
- Unit contains all functions called directly by plugins
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- uPluginDefs;
-// Methods for Plugin
- {******** Hook specific Methods ********}
- {Function Creates a new Hookable Event and Returns the Handle
- or 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)}
- Function CreateHookableEvent (EventName: PChar): THandle; stdcall;
- {Function Destroys an Event and Unhooks all Hooks to this Event.
- 0 on success, not 0 on Failure}
- Function DestroyHookableEvent (hEvent: THandle): integer; stdcall;
- {Function start calling the Hook Chain
- 0 if Chain is called until the End, -1 if Event Handle is not valid
- otherwise Return Value of the Hook that breaks the Chain}
- Function NotivyEventHooks (hEvent: THandle; wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
- {Function Hooks an Event by Name.
- Returns Hook Handle on Success, otherwise 0}
- Function HookEvent (EventName: PChar; HookProc: TUS_Hook): THandle; stdcall;
- {Function Removes the Hook from the Chain
- Returns 0 on Success}
- Function UnHookEvent (hHook: THandle): Integer; stdcall;
- {Function Returns Non Zero if a Event with the given Name Exists,
- otherwise 0}
- Function EventExists (EventName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
- {******** Service specific Methods ********}
- {Function Creates a new Service and Returns the Services Handle
- or 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)}
- Function CreateService (ServiceName: PChar; ServiceProc: TUS_Service): THandle; stdcall;
- {Function Destroys a Service.
- 0 on success, not 0 on Failure}
- Function DestroyService (hService: THandle): integer; stdcall;
- {Function Calls a Services Proc
- Returns Services Return Value or SERVICE_NOT_FOUND on Failure}
- Function CallService (ServiceName: PChar; wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
- {Function Returns Non Zero if a Service with the given Name Exists,
- otherwise 0}
- Function ServiceExists (ServiceName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
-uses UCore;
-{******** Hook specific Methods ********}
-// Function Creates a new Hookable Event and Returns the Handle
-// or 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)
-Function CreateHookableEvent (EventName: PChar): THandle; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Hooks.AddEvent(EventName);
-// Function Destroys an Event and Unhooks all Hooks to this Event.
-// 0 on success, not 0 on Failure
-Function DestroyHookableEvent (hEvent: THandle): integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Hooks.DelEvent(hEvent);
-// Function start calling the Hook Chain
-// 0 if Chain is called until the End, -1 if Event Handle is not valid
-// otherwise Return Value of the Hook that breaks the Chain
-Function NotivyEventHooks (hEvent: THandle; wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Hooks.CallEventChain(hEvent, wParam, lParam);
-// Function Hooks an Event by Name.
-// Returns Hook Handle on Success, otherwise 0
-Function HookEvent (EventName: PChar; HookProc: TUS_Hook): THandle; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Hooks.AddSubscriber(EventName, HookProc);
-// Function Removes the Hook from the Chain
-// Returns 0 on Success
-Function UnHookEvent (hHook: THandle): Integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Hooks.DelSubscriber(hHook);
-// Function Returns Non Zero if a Event with the given Name Exists,
-// otherwise 0
-Function EventExists (EventName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Hooks.EventExists(EventName);
- {******** Service specific Methods ********}
-// Function Creates a new Service and Returns the Services Handle
-// or 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)
-Function CreateService (ServiceName: PChar; ServiceProc: TUS_Service): THandle; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Services.AddService(ServiceName, ServiceProc);
-// Function Destroys a Service.
-// 0 on success, not 0 on Failure
-Function DestroyService (hService: THandle): integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Services.DelService(hService);
-// Function Calls a Services Proc
-// Returns Services Return Value or SERVICE_NOT_FOUND on Failure
-Function CallService (ServiceName: PChar; wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Services.CallService(ServiceName, wParam, lParam);
-// Function Returns Non Zero if a Service with the given Name Exists,
-// otherwise 0
-Function ServiceExists (ServiceName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Services.ServiceExists(ServiceName);
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UPluginLoader.pas b/Lua/src/base/UPluginLoader.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e581c23..00000000
--- a/Lua/src/base/UPluginLoader.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,798 +0,0 @@
-{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
- *
- * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL: https://ultrastardx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ultrastardx/trunk/src/base/uPluginLoader.pas $
- * $Id: uPluginLoader.pas 1403 2008-09-23 21:17:22Z k-m_schindler $
- *}
-unit UPluginLoader;
- UPluginLoader
- Unit contains two classes
- TPluginLoader: Class searching for and loading the plugins
- TtehPlugins: Class representing the plugins in modules chain
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- UPluginDefs,
- UCoreModule;
- TPluginListItem = record
- Info: TUS_PluginInfo;
- State: Byte; // State of this plugin: 0 - undefined; 1 - loaded; 2 - inited / running; 4 - unloaded; 254 - loading aborted by plugin; 255 - unloaded because of error
- Path: String; // path to this plugin
- NeedsDeInit: Boolean; // if this is inited correctly this should be true
- hLib: THandle; // handle of loaded libary
- Procs: record // procs offered by plugin. Don't call this directly use wrappers of TPluginLoader
- Load: Func_Load;
- Init: Func_Init;
- DeInit: Proc_DeInit;
- end;
- end;
- {*********************
- TPluginLoader
- Class searches for plugins and manages loading and unloading
- *********************}
- PPluginLoader = ^TPluginLoader;
- TPluginLoader = class (TCoreModule)
- private
- LoadingProcessFinished: Boolean;
- sUnloadPlugin: THandle;
- sLoadPlugin: THandle;
- sGetPluginInfo: THandle;
- sGetPluginState: THandle;
- procedure FreePlugin(Index: Cardinal);
- public
- PluginInterface: TUS_PluginInterface;
- Plugins: array of TPluginListItem;
- // TCoreModule methods to inherit
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo); override;
- function Load: Boolean; override;
- function Init: Boolean; override;
- procedure DeInit; override;
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- // New methods
- procedure BrowseDir(Path: String); // browses the path at _Path_ for plugins
- function PluginExists(Name: String): integer; // if plugin exists: Index of plugin, else -1
- procedure AddPlugin(Filename: String); // adds plugin to the array
- function CallLoad(Index: Cardinal): integer;
- function CallInit(Index: Cardinal): integer;
- procedure CallDeInit(Index: Cardinal);
- //Services offered
- function LoadPlugin(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | lParam (if wParam = nil) ID of the Plugin
- function UnloadPlugin(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | lParam (if wParam = nil) ID of the Plugin
- function GetPluginInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //If wParam = -1 then (If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TUS_PluginInfo to address at lparam) else (Get PluginInfo of Plugin with Index(wParam) to Address at lParam)
- function GetPluginState(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //If wParam = -1 then (If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TUS_PluginInfo to address at lparam) else (Return PluginInfo of Plugin with Index(wParam))
- end;
- {*********************
- TtehPlugins
- Class represents the plugins in module chain.
- It calls the plugins procs and funcs
- *********************}
- TtehPlugins = class (TCoreModule)
- private
- PluginLoader: PPluginLoader;
- public
- // TCoreModule methods to inherit
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo); override;
- function Load: Boolean; override;
- function Init: Boolean; override;
- procedure DeInit; override;
- end;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
- PluginFileExtension = '.dll';
-{$ELSEIF Defined(DARWIN)}
- PluginFileExtension = '.dylib';
-{$ELSEIF Defined(UNIX)}
- PluginFileExtension = '.so';
- UCore,
- UPluginInterface,
- windows,
- dynlibs,
- UMain,
- SysUtils;
- TPluginLoader
- Implementation
-// function that gives some infos about the module to the core
-procedure TPluginLoader.Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo);
- pInfo^.Name := 'TPluginLoader';
- pInfo^.Version := MakeVersion(1,0,0,chr(0));
- pInfo^.Description := 'Searches for plugins, loads and unloads them';
-// Just the constructor
-constructor TPluginLoader.Create;
- inherited;
- // Init PluginInterface
- // Using methods from UPluginInterface
- PluginInterface.CreateHookableEvent := CreateHookableEvent;
- PluginInterface.DestroyHookableEvent := DestroyHookableEvent;
- PluginInterface.NotivyEventHooks := NotivyEventHooks;
- PluginInterface.HookEvent := HookEvent;
- PluginInterface.UnHookEvent := UnHookEvent;
- PluginInterface.EventExists := EventExists;
- PluginInterface.CreateService := @CreateService;
- PluginInterface.DestroyService := DestroyService;
- PluginInterface.CallService := CallService;
- PluginInterface.ServiceExists := ServiceExists;
- // UnSet private var
- LoadingProcessFinished := False;
-// Is called on loading.
-// In this method only events and services should be created
-// to offer them to other modules or plugins during the init process
-// if false is returned this will cause a forced exit
-function TPluginLoader.Load: Boolean;
- Result := True;
- try
- // Start searching for plugins
- BrowseDir(PluginPath);
- except
- Result := False;
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Error browsing and loading.')), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
-// Is called on init process
-// In this method you can hook some events and create + init
-// your classes, variables etc.
-// If false is returned this will cause a forced exit
-function TPluginLoader.Init: Boolean;
- // Just set private var to true.
- LoadingProcessFinished := True;
- Result := True;
-// Is called if this module has been inited and there is a exit.
-// Deinit is in backwards initing order
-procedure TPluginLoader.DeInit;
- I: integer;
- // Force deinit
- // if some plugins aren't deinited for some reason o0
- for I := 0 to High(Plugins) do
- begin
- if (Plugins[I].State < 4) then
- FreePlugin(I);
- end;
- // Nothing to do here. Core will remove the hooks
-// Is called if this module will be unloaded and has been created
-// Should be used to free memory
-Destructor TPluginLoader.Destroy;
- // Just save some memory if it wasn't done now..
- SetLength(Plugins, 0);
- inherited;
-// Browses the path at _Path_ for plugins
-procedure TPluginLoader.BrowseDir(Path: String);
- SR: TSearchRec;
- // Search for other dirs to browse
- if FindFirst(Path + '*', faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin
- repeat
- if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
- BrowseDir(Path + Sr.Name + PathDelim);
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- end;
- FindClose(SR);
- // Search for plugins at path
- if FindFirst(Path + '*' + PluginFileExtension, 0, SR) = 0 then
- begin
- repeat
- AddPlugin(Path + SR.Name);
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- end;
- FindClose(SR);
-// If plugin exists: Index of plugin, else -1
-function TPluginLoader.PluginExists(Name: String): integer;
- I: integer;
- Result := -1;
- if (Length(Name) <= 32 { =>Length(TUS_PluginInfo.Name)}) then
- begin
- for I := 0 to High(Plugins) do
- if (Plugins[I].Info.Name = Name) then
- begin //Found the Plugin
- Result := I;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
-// Adds plugin to the array
-procedure TPluginLoader.AddPlugin(Filename: String);
- hLib: THandle;
- PInfo: Proc_PluginInfo;
- Info: TUS_PluginInfo;
- PluginID: integer;
- if (FileExists(Filename)) then
- begin //Load Libary
- hLib := LoadLibrary(PChar(Filename));
- if (hLib <> 0) then
- begin // Try to get address of the info proc
- PInfo := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Info'));
- if (@PInfo <> nil) then
- begin
- Info.cbSize := SizeOf(TUS_PluginInfo);
- try // Call info proc
- PInfo(@Info);
- except
- Info.Name := '';
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Error getting plugin info: ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- // Is name set ?
- if (Trim(Info.Name) <> '') then
- begin
- PluginID := PluginExists(Info.Name);
- if (PluginID > 0) and (Plugins[PluginID].State >=4) then
- PluginID := -1;
- if (PluginID = -1) then
- begin
- // Add new item to array
- PluginID := Length(Plugins);
- SetLength(Plugins, PluginID + 1);
- // Fill with info:
- Plugins[PluginID].Info := Info;
- Plugins[PluginID].State := 0;
- Plugins[PluginID].Path := Filename;
- Plugins[PluginID].NeedsDeInit := False;
- Plugins[PluginID].hLib := hLib;
- // Try to get procs
- Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Load := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Load'));
- Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Init := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Init'));
- Plugins[PluginID].Procs.DeInit := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_DeInit'));
- if (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Load = nil) OR (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Init = nil) OR (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.DeInit = nil) then
- begin
- Plugins[PluginID].State := 255;
- FreeLibrary(hLib);
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Can''t get plugin procs from libary: "' + Info.Name + '" ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- // Emulate loading process if this plugin is loaded too late
- if (LoadingProcessFinished) then
- begin
- CallLoad(PluginID);
- CallInit(PluginID);
- end;
- end
- else if (LoadingProcessFinished = False) then
- begin
- if (Plugins[PluginID].Info.Version < Info.Version) then
- begin // Found newer version of this plugin
- Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Found a newer version of plugin: ' + String(Info.Name))), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- // Unload old plugin
- UnloadPlugin(PluginID, nil);
- // Fill with new info
- Plugins[PluginID].Info := Info;
- Plugins[PluginID].State := 0;
- Plugins[PluginID].Path := Filename;
- Plugins[PluginID].NeedsDeInit := False;
- Plugins[PluginID].hLib := hLib;
- // Try to get procs
- Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Load := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Load'));
- Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Init := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Init'));
- Plugins[PluginID].Procs.DeInit := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_DeInit'));
- if (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Load = nil) OR (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Init = nil) OR (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.DeInit = nil) then
- begin
- FreeLibrary(hLib);
- Plugins[PluginID].State := 255;
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Can''t get plugin procs from libary: "' + Info.Name + '" ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- end
- else
- begin // Newer Version already loaded
- FreeLibrary(hLib);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- FreeLibrary(hLib);
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Plugin with this name already exists: ' + String(Info.Name))), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- FreeLibrary(hLib);
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('No name reported: ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- FreeLibrary(hLib);
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Can''t find info procedure: ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- end
- else
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Can''t load plugin libary: ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
-// Calls load func of plugin with the given index
-function TPluginLoader.CallLoad(Index: Cardinal): integer;
- Result := -2;
- if(Index < Length(Plugins)) then
- begin
- if (@Plugins[Index].Procs.Load <> nil) and (Plugins[Index].State = 0) then
- begin
- try
- Result := Plugins[Index].Procs.Load(@PluginInterface);
- except
- Result := -3;
- End;
- if (Result = 0) then
- Plugins[Index].State := 1
- else
- begin
- FreePlugin(Index);
- Plugins[Index].State := 255;
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Error calling load function from plugin: ' + String(Plugins[Index].Info.Name))), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- end;
- end;
-// Calls init func of plugin with the given index
-function TPluginLoader.CallInit(Index: Cardinal): integer;
- Result := -2;
- if(Index < Length(Plugins)) then
- begin
- if (@Plugins[Index].Procs.Init <> nil) and (Plugins[Index].State = 1) then
- begin
- try
- Result := Plugins[Index].Procs.Init(@PluginInterface);
- except
- Result := -3;
- End;
- if (Result = 0) then
- begin
- Plugins[Index].State := 2;
- Plugins[Index].NeedsDeInit := True;
- end
- else
- begin
- FreePlugin(Index);
- Plugins[Index].State := 255;
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Error calling init function from plugin: ' + String(Plugins[Index].Info.Name))), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- end;
- end;
-// Calls deinit proc of plugin with the given index
-procedure TPluginLoader.CallDeInit(Index: Cardinal);
- if(Index < Length(Plugins)) then
- begin
- if (Plugins[Index].State < 4) then
- begin
- if (@Plugins[Index].Procs.DeInit <> nil) and (Plugins[Index].NeedsDeInit) then
- try
- Plugins[Index].Procs.DeInit(@PluginInterface);
- except
- End;
- // Don't forget to remove services and subscriptions by this plugin
- Core.Hooks.DelbyOwner(-1 - Index);
- FreePlugin(Index);
- end;
- end;
-// Frees all plugin sources (procs and handles) - helper for deiniting functions
-procedure TPluginLoader.FreePlugin(Index: Cardinal);
- Plugins[Index].State := 4;
- Plugins[Index].Procs.Load := nil;
- Plugins[Index].Procs.Init := nil;
- Plugins[Index].Procs.DeInit := nil;
- if (Plugins[Index].hLib <> 0) then
- FreeLibrary(Plugins[Index].hLib);
-// wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | wParam (if lParam = nil) ID of the plugin
-function TPluginLoader.LoadPlugin(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Index: integer;
- sFile: String;
- Result := -1;
- sFile := '';
- // lParam is ID
- if (lParam = nil) then
- begin
- Index := wParam;
- end
- else
- begin //lParam is PChar
- try
- sFile := String(PChar(lParam));
- Index := PluginExists(sFile);
- if (Index < 0) And FileExists(sFile) then
- begin // Is filename
- AddPlugin(sFile);
- Result := Plugins[High(Plugins)].State;
- end;
- except
- Index := -2;
- end;
- end;
- if (Index >= 0) and (Index < Length(Plugins)) then
- begin
- AddPlugin(Plugins[Index].Path);
- Result := Plugins[Index].State;
- end;
-// wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | wParam (if lParam = nil) ID of the plugin
-function TPluginLoader.UnloadPlugin(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Index: integer;
- sName: String;
- Result := -1;
- // lParam is ID
- if (lParam = nil) then
- begin
- Index := wParam;
- end
- else
- begin // wParam is PChar
- try
- sName := String(PChar(lParam));
- Index := PluginExists(sName);
- except
- Index := -2;
- end;
- end;
- if (Index >= 0) and (Index < Length(Plugins)) then
- CallDeInit(Index)
-// if wParam = -1 then (if lParam = nil then get length of moduleinfo array. if lparam <> nil then write array of TUS_PluginInfo to address at lparam) else (Get PluginInfo of plugin with Index(wParam) to address at lParam)
-function TPluginLoader.GetPluginInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
-var I: integer;
- Result := 0;
- if (wParam > 0) then
- begin // Get info of 1 plugin
- if (lParam <> nil) and (wParam < Length(Plugins)) then
- begin
- try
- Result := 1;
- PUS_PluginInfo(lParam)^ := Plugins[wParam].Info;
- except
- End;
- end;
- end
- else if (lParam = nil) then
- begin // Get length of plugin (info) array
- Result := Length(Plugins);
- end
- else //Write PluginInfo Array to Address in lParam
- begin
- try
- for I := 0 to high(Plugins) do
- PAUS_PluginInfo(lParam)^[I] := Plugins[I].Info;
- Result := Length(Plugins);
- except
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Could not write PluginInfo Array')), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- End;
- end;
-// if wParam = -1 then (if lParam = nil then get length of plugin state array. if lparam <> nil then write array of Byte to address at lparam) else (return state of plugin with index(wParam))
-function TPluginLoader.GetPluginState(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
-var I: integer;
- Result := -1;
- if (wParam > 0) then
- begin // Get state of 1 plugin
- if (wParam < Length(Plugins)) then
- begin
- Result := Plugins[wParam].State;
- end;
- end
- else if (lParam = nil) then
- begin // Get length of plugin (info) array
- Result := Length(Plugins);
- end
- else // Write plugininfo array to address in lParam
- begin
- try
- for I := 0 to high(Plugins) do
- Byte(Pointer(integer(lParam) + I)^) := Plugins[I].State;
- Result := Length(Plugins);
- except
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Could not write pluginstate array')), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- End;
- end;
- TtehPlugins
- Implementation
-// function that gives some infos about the module to the core
-procedure TtehPlugins.Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo);
- pInfo^.Name := 'TtehPlugins';
- pInfo^.Version := MakeVersion(1,0,0,chr(0));
- pInfo^.Description := 'Module executing the Plugins!';
-// Just the constructor
-constructor TtehPlugins.Create;
- inherited;
- PluginLoader := nil;
-// Is called on loading.
-// In this method only events and services should be created
-// to offer them to other modules or plugins during the init process
-// if false is returned this will cause a forced exit
-function TtehPlugins.Load: Boolean;
- i: integer; // Counter
- CurExecutedBackup: integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
- // Get pointer to pluginloader
- PluginLoader := PPluginLoader(Core.GetModulebyName('TPluginLoader'));
- if (PluginLoader = nil) then
- begin
- Result := false;
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Could not get pointer to pluginLoader')), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := true;
- // Backup curexecuted
- CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
- // Start loading the plugins
- for i := 0 to High(PluginLoader.Plugins) do
- begin
- Core.CurExecuted := -1 - i;
- try
- // Unload plugin if not correctly executed
- if (PluginLoader.CallLoad(i) <> 0) then
- begin
- PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
- PluginLoader.Plugins[i].State := 254; // Plugin asks for unload
- Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Plugin selfabort during loading process: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- end
- else
- begin
- Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Plugin loaded succesfully: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- end;
- except
- // Plugin could not be loaded.
- // => Show error message, then shutdown plugin
- on E: Exception do
- begin
- PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
- PluginLoader.Plugins[i].State := 255; // Plugin causes error
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Plugin causes error during loading process: ' + PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name + ', ErrorMsg: "' + E.Message + '"')), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // Reset CurExecuted
- Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
- end;
-// Is called on init process
-// in this method you can hook some events and create + init
-// your classes, variables etc.
-// if false is returned this will cause a forced exit
-function TtehPlugins.Init: Boolean;
- i: integer; // Counter
- CurExecutedBackup: integer; // backup of Core.CurExecuted attribute
- Result := true;
- // Backup CurExecuted
- CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
- // Start loading the plugins
- for i := 0 to High(PluginLoader.Plugins) do
- try
- Core.CurExecuted := -1 - i;
- // Unload plugin if not correctly executed
- if (PluginLoader.CallInit(i) <> 0) then
- begin
- PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
- PluginLoader.Plugins[i].State := 254; //Plugin asks for unload
- Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Plugin selfabort during init process: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- end
- else
- Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Plugin inited succesfully: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- except
- // Plugin could not be loaded.
- // => Show error message, then shut down plugin
- PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
- PluginLoader.Plugins[i].State := 255; //Plugin causes Error
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Plugin causes error during init process: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- end;
- // Reset CurExecuted
- Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
-// Is called if this module has been inited and there is a exit.
-// Deinit is in backwards initing order
-procedure TtehPlugins.DeInit;
- i: integer; // Counter
- CurExecutedBackup: integer; // backup of Core.CurExecuted attribute
- // Backup CurExecuted
- CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
- // Start loop
- for i := 0 to High(PluginLoader.Plugins) do
- begin
- try
- // DeInit plugin
- PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
- except
- end;
- end;
- // Reset CurExecuted
- Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/URecord.pas b/Lua/src/base/URecord.pas
index 132bafd5..2c2093a0 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/URecord.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/URecord.pas
@@ -36,26 +36,26 @@ interface
- SysUtils,
+ SysUtils,
BaseToneFreq = 65.4064; // lowest (half-)tone to analyze (C2 = 65.4064 Hz)
- NumHalftones = 36; // C2-B4 (for Whitney and my high voice)
+ NumHalftones = 36; // C2-B4 (for Whitney and my high voice)
TCaptureBuffer = class
- VoiceStream: TAudioVoiceStream; // stream for voice passthrough
+ VoiceStream: TAudioVoiceStream; // stream for voice passthrough
AnalysisBufferLock: PSDL_Mutex;
function GetToneString: string; // converts a tone to its string represenatation;
- procedure BoostBuffer(Buffer: PChar; Size: Cardinal);
- procedure ProcessNewBuffer(Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: integer);
+ procedure BoostBuffer(Buffer: PByteArray; Size: integer);
+ procedure ProcessNewBuffer(Buffer: PByteArray; BufferSize: integer);
// we call it to analyze sound by checking Autocorrelation
procedure AnalyzeByAutocorrelation;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ type
procedure LockAnalysisBuffer(); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
procedure UnlockAnalysisBuffer(); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- function MaxSampleVolume: Single;
+ function MaxSampleVolume: single;
property ToneString: string READ GetToneString;
@@ -95,17 +95,17 @@ const
TAudioInputSource = record
- Name: string;
+ Name: string;
// soundcard input-devices information
TAudioInputDevice = class
- CfgIndex: integer; // index of this device in Ini.InputDeviceConfig
- Name: string; // soundcard name
- Source: array of TAudioInputSource; // soundcard input-sources
- SourceRestore: integer; // source-index that will be selected after capturing (-1: not detected)
- MicSource: integer; // source-index of mic (-1: none detected)
+ CfgIndex: integer; // index of this device in Ini.InputDeviceConfig
+ Name: string; // soundcard name
+ Source: array of TAudioInputSource; // soundcard input-sources
+ SourceRestore: integer; // source-index that will be selected after capturing (-1: not detected)
+ MicSource: integer; // source-index of mic (-1: none detected)
AudioFormat: TAudioFormatInfo; // capture format info (e.g. 44.1kHz SInt16 stereo)
CaptureChannel: array of TCaptureBuffer; // sound-buffer references used for mono or stereo channel's capture data
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ type
procedure LinkCaptureBuffer(ChannelIndex: integer; Sound: TCaptureBuffer);
// TODO: add Open/Close functions so Start/Stop becomes faster
- //function Open(): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- //function Close(): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function Start(): boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function Stop(): boolean; virtual; abstract;
+ //function Open(): boolean; virtual; abstract;
+ //function Close(): boolean; virtual; abstract;
+ function Start(): boolean; virtual; abstract;
+ function Stop(): boolean; virtual; abstract;
function GetVolume(): single; virtual; abstract;
procedure SetVolume(Volume: single); virtual; abstract;
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ type
procedure UpdateInputDeviceConfig;
// handle microphone input
- procedure HandleMicrophoneData(Buffer: PChar; Size: Cardinal;
+ procedure HandleMicrophoneData(Buffer: PByteArray; Size: integer;
InputDevice: TAudioInputDevice);
@@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ type
procedure CaptureStop;
TSmallIntArray = array [0..(MaxInt div SizeOf(SmallInt))-1] of SmallInt;
PSmallIntArray = ^TSmallIntArray;
@@ -163,12 +162,11 @@ implementation
- UMain;
+ UNote;
singleton_AudioInputProcessor : TAudioInputProcessor = nil;
{ Global }
function AudioInputProcessor(): TAudioInputProcessor;
@@ -179,7 +177,6 @@ begin
result := singleton_AudioInputProcessor;
{ TAudioInputDevice }
destructor TAudioInputDevice.Destroy;
@@ -268,11 +265,11 @@ begin
-procedure TCaptureBuffer.ProcessNewBuffer(Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: integer);
+procedure TCaptureBuffer.ProcessNewBuffer(Buffer: PByteArray; BufferSize: integer);
BufferOffset: integer;
- SampleCount: integer;
- i: integer;
+ SampleCount: integer;
+ i: integer;
// apply software boost
BoostBuffer(Buffer, BufferSize);
@@ -299,7 +296,6 @@ begin
SampleCount := Length(AnalysisBuffer);
@@ -315,7 +311,6 @@ begin
// save capture-data to BufferLong if enabled
if (Ini.SavePlayback = 1) then
@@ -329,10 +324,10 @@ end;
procedure TCaptureBuffer.AnalyzeBuffer;
- Volume: single;
- MaxVolume: single;
+ Volume: single;
+ MaxVolume: single;
SampleIndex: integer;
- Threshold: single;
+ Threshold: single;
ToneValid := false;
ToneAbs := -1;
@@ -431,10 +426,10 @@ begin
Result := 1 - AccumDist / AnalysisBufferSize;
-function TCaptureBuffer.MaxSampleVolume: Single;
+function TCaptureBuffer.MaxSampleVolume: single;
- lSampleIndex: Integer;
- lMaxVol : Longint;
+ lSampleIndex: integer;
+ lMaxVol: longint;
@@ -464,13 +459,13 @@ begin
Result := '-';
-procedure TCaptureBuffer.BoostBuffer(Buffer: PChar; Size: Cardinal);
+procedure TCaptureBuffer.BoostBuffer(Buffer: PByteArray; Size: integer);
- i: integer;
- Value: Longint;
- SampleCount: integer;
+ i: integer;
+ Value: longint;
+ SampleCount: integer;
SampleBuffer: PSmallIntArray; // buffer handled as array of samples
- Boost: byte;
+ Boost: byte;
// TODO: set boost per device
case Ini.MicBoost of
@@ -504,7 +499,6 @@ begin
{ TAudioInputProcessor }
constructor TAudioInputProcessor.Create;
@@ -531,14 +525,14 @@ end;
// See: TIni.LoadInputDeviceCfg()
procedure TAudioInputProcessor.UpdateInputDeviceConfig;
- deviceIndex: integer;
- newDevice: boolean;
+ deviceIndex: integer;
+ newDevice: boolean;
deviceIniIndex: integer;
- deviceCfg: PInputDeviceConfig;
- device: TAudioInputDevice;
- channelCount: integer;
- channelIndex: integer;
- i: integer;
+ deviceCfg: PInputDeviceConfig;
+ device: TAudioInputDevice;
+ channelCount: integer;
+ channelIndex: integer;
+ i: integer;
// Input devices - append detected soundcards
for deviceIndex := 0 to High(DeviceList) do
@@ -608,22 +602,20 @@ end;
* Length - number of bytes in Buffer
* Input - Soundcard-Input used for capture
-procedure TAudioInputProcessor.HandleMicrophoneData(Buffer: PChar; Size: Cardinal; InputDevice: TAudioInputDevice);
+procedure TAudioInputProcessor.HandleMicrophoneData(Buffer: PByteArray; Size: integer; InputDevice: TAudioInputDevice);
- MultiChannelBuffer: PChar; // buffer handled as array of bytes (offset relative to channel)
- SingleChannelBuffer: PChar; // temporary buffer for new samples per channel
+ MultiChannelBuffer: PByteArray; // buffer handled as array of bytes (offset relative to channel)
+ SingleChannelBuffer: PByteArray; // temporary buffer for new samples per channel
SingleChannelBufferSize: integer;
- ChannelIndex: integer;
- CaptureChannel: TCaptureBuffer;
- AudioFormat: TAudioFormatInfo;
- SampleSize: integer;
- SampleCount: integer;
- SamplesPerChannel: integer;
- i: integer;
+ ChannelIndex: integer;
+ CaptureChannel: TCaptureBuffer;
+ AudioFormat: TAudioFormatInfo;
+ SampleSize: integer;
+ SamplesPerChannel: integer;
+ i: integer;
AudioFormat := InputDevice.AudioFormat;
SampleSize := AudioSampleSize[AudioFormat.Format];
- SampleCount := Size div SampleSize;
SamplesPerChannel := Size div AudioFormat.FrameSize;
SingleChannelBufferSize := SamplesPerChannel * SampleSize;
@@ -638,7 +630,7 @@ begin
// set offset according to channel index
MultiChannelBuffer := @Buffer[ChannelIndex * SampleSize];
- // seperate channel-data from interleaved multi-channel (e.g. stereo) data
+ // separate channel-data from interleaved multi-channel (e.g. stereo) data
for i := 0 to SamplesPerChannel-1 do
@@ -652,7 +644,6 @@ begin
{ TAudioInputBase }
function TAudioInputBase.FinalizeRecord: boolean;
@@ -670,13 +661,13 @@ end;
procedure TAudioInputBase.CaptureStart;
- S: integer;
- DeviceIndex: integer;
+ S: integer;
+ DeviceIndex: integer;
ChannelIndex: integer;
- Device: TAudioInputDevice;
- DeviceCfg: PInputDeviceConfig;
- DeviceUsed: boolean;
- Player: integer;
+ Device: TAudioInputDevice;
+ DeviceCfg: PInputDeviceConfig;
+ DeviceUsed: boolean;
+ Player: integer;
if (Started) then
@@ -728,10 +719,10 @@ end;
procedure TAudioInputBase.CaptureStop;
- DeviceIndex: integer;
+ DeviceIndex: integer;
ChannelIndex: integer;
- Device: TAudioInputDevice;
- DeviceCfg: PInputDeviceConfig;
+ Device: TAudioInputDevice;
+ DeviceCfg: PInputDeviceConfig;
for DeviceIndex := 0 to High(AudioInputProcessor.DeviceList) do
@@ -758,17 +749,18 @@ var
i: integer;
- Result := False;
+ Result := false;
// search devices with same description
- For i := 0 to deviceIndex-1 do
+ for i := 0 to deviceIndex-1 do
if (AudioInputProcessor.DeviceList[i].Name = name) then
- Result := True;
+ Result := true;
count := 1;
result := name;
@@ -783,6 +775,3 @@ begin
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/URingBuffer.pas b/Lua/src/base/URingBuffer.pas
index 515d0efb..684c13ee 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/URingBuffer.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/URingBuffer.pas
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ uses
TRingBuffer = class
- RingBuffer: PChar;
+ RingBuffer: PByteArray;
BufferCount: integer;
BufferSize: integer;
WritePos: integer;
@@ -47,8 +47,10 @@ type
constructor Create(Size: integer);
destructor Destroy; override;
- function Read(Buffer: PChar; Count: integer): integer;
- function Write(Buffer: PChar; Count: integer): integer;
+ function Read(Buffer: PByteArray; Count: integer): integer;
+ function Write(Buffer: PByteArray; Count: integer): integer;
+ function Size(): integer;
+ function Available(): integer;
procedure Flush();
@@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ begin
-function TRingBuffer.Read(Buffer: PChar; Count: integer): integer;
+function TRingBuffer.Read(Buffer: PByteArray; Count: integer): integer;
PartCount: integer;
@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ begin
Result := Count;
-function TRingBuffer.Write(Buffer: PChar; Count: integer): integer;
+function TRingBuffer.Write(Buffer: PByteArray; Count: integer): integer;
PartCount: integer;
@@ -143,6 +145,16 @@ begin
Result := Count;
+function TRingBuffer.Available(): integer;
+ Result := BufferCount;
+function TRingBuffer.Size(): integer;
+ Result := BufferSize;
procedure TRingBuffer.Flush();
ReadPos := 0;
@@ -150,4 +162,4 @@ begin
BufferCount := 0;
-end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UServices.pas b/Lua/src/base/UServices.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 3783c543..00000000
--- a/Lua/src/base/UServices.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
- *
- * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL$
- * $Id$
- *}
-unit UServices;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- uPluginDefs,
- SysUtils;
- TServiceManager
- Class for saving, managing and calling of Services.
- Saves all Services and their Procs
- TServiceName = String[60];
- PServiceInfo = ^TServiceInfo;
- TServiceInfo = record
- Self: THandle; //Handle of this Service
- Hash: Integer; //4 Bit Hash of the Services Name
- Name: TServiceName; //Name of this Service
- Owner: Integer; //If < 0 [-(DLLMan Pluginindex + 1)]; 0 - undefined, On Error Full shutdown, If < 0 [ModuleIndex - 1]
- Next: PServiceInfo; //Pointer to the Next Service in teh list
- //Here is s/t tricky
- //To avoid writing of Wrapping Functions to offer a Service from a Class
- //We save a Normal Proc or a Method of a Class
- Case isClass: boolean of
- False: (Proc: TUS_Service); //Proc that will be called on Event
- True: (ProcOfClass: TUS_Service_of_Object);
- end;
- TServiceManager = class
- private
- //Managing Service List
- FirstService: PServiceInfo;
- LastService: PServiceInfo;
- //Some Speed improvement by caching the last 4 called Services
- //Most of the time a Service is called multiple times
- ServiceCache: Array[0..3] of PServiceInfo;
- NextCacheItem: Byte;
- //Next Service added gets this Handle:
- NextHandle: THandle;
- public
- Constructor Create;
- Function AddService(const ServiceName: PChar; const Proc: TUS_Service = nil; const ProcofClass: TUS_Service_of_Object = nil): THandle;
- Function DelService(const hService: THandle): integer;
- Function CallService(const ServiceName: PChar; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Function NametoHash(const ServiceName: TServiceName): Integer;
- Function ServiceExists(const ServiceName: PChar): Integer;
- end;
- ServiceManager: TServiceManager;
- ULog,
- UCore;
-// Create - Creates Class and Set Standard Values
-Constructor TServiceManager.Create;
- inherited;
- FirstService := nil;
- LastService := nil;
- ServiceCache[0] := nil;
- ServiceCache[1] := nil;
- ServiceCache[2] := nil;
- ServiceCache[3] := nil;
- NextCacheItem := 0;
- NextHandle := 1;
- debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Succesful created!');
- {$ENDIF}
-// Function Creates a new Service and Returns the Services Handle,
-// 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)
-Function TServiceManager.AddService(const ServiceName: PChar; const Proc: TUS_Service; const ProcofClass: TUS_Service_of_Object): THandle;
- Cur: PServiceInfo;
- Result := 0;
- If (@Proc <> nil) or (@ProcOfClass <> nil) then
- begin
- If (ServiceExists(ServiceName) = 0) then
- begin //There is a Proc and the Service does not already exist
- //Ok Add it!
- //Get Memory
- GetMem(Cur, SizeOf(TServiceInfo));
- //Fill it with Data
- Cur.Next := nil;
- If (@Proc = nil) then
- begin //Use the ProcofClass Method
- Cur.isClass := True;
- Cur.ProcOfClass := ProcofClass;
- end
- else //Use the normal Proc
- begin
- Cur.isClass := False;
- Cur.Proc := Proc;
- end;
- Cur.Self := NextHandle;
- //Zero Name
- Cur.Name := #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0;
- Cur.Name := String(ServiceName);
- Cur.Hash := NametoHash(Cur.Name);
- //Add Owner to Service
- Cur.Owner := Core.CurExecuted;
- //Add Service to the List
- If (FirstService = nil) then
- FirstService := Cur;
- If (LastService <> nil) then
- LastService.Next := Cur;
- LastService := Cur;
- debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Service added: ''' + ServiceName + ''', Handle: ' + InttoStr(Cur.Self));
- {$ENDIF}
- //Inc Next Handle
- Inc(NextHandle);
- end
- else debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Try to readd Service: ' + ServiceName);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
-// Function Destroys a Service, 0 on success, not 0 on Failure
-Function TServiceManager.DelService(const hService: THandle): integer;
- Last, Cur: PServiceInfo;
- I: Integer;
- Result := -1;
- Last := nil;
- Cur := FirstService;
- //Search for Service to Delete
- While (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- If (Cur.Self = hService) then
- begin //Found Service => Delete it
- //Delete from List
- If (Last = nil) then //Found first Service
- FirstService := Cur.Next
- Else //Service behind the first
- Last.Next := Cur.Next;
- //IF this is the LastService, correct LastService
- If (Cur = LastService) then
- LastService := Last;
- //Search for Service in Cache and delete it if found
- For I := 0 to High(ServiceCache) do
- If (ServiceCache[I] = Cur) then
- begin
- ServiceCache[I] := nil;
- end;
- debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Removed Service succesful: ' + Cur.Name);
- {$ENDIF}
- //Free Memory
- Freemem(Cur, SizeOf(TServiceInfo));
- //Break the Loop
- Break;
- end;
- //Go to Next Service
- Last := Cur;
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- end;
-// Function Calls a Services Proc
-// Returns Services Return Value or SERVICE_NOT_FOUND on Failure
-Function TServiceManager.CallService(const ServiceName: PChar; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- SExists: Integer;
- Service: PServiceInfo;
- CurExecutedBackup: Integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
- SExists := ServiceExists(ServiceName);
- If (SExists <> 0) then
- begin
- //Backup CurExecuted
- CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
- Service := Pointer(SExists);
- If (Service.isClass) then
- //Use Proc of Class
- Result := Service.ProcOfClass(wParam, lParam)
- Else
- //Use normal Proc
- Result := Service.Proc(wParam, lParam);
- //Restore CurExecuted
- Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
- end;
- debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Service ''' + ServiceName + ''' called. Result: ' + InttoStr(Result));
- {$ENDIF}
-// Generates the Hash for the given Name
-Function TServiceManager.NametoHash(const ServiceName: TServiceName): Integer;
-// FIXME: check if the non-asm version is fast enough and use it by default if so
-{$IF Defined(CPUX86_64)}
- {$ASMMODE Intel}
- { CL: Counter; RAX: Result; RDX: Current Memory Address }
- Mov RCX, 14
- Mov RDX, ServiceName {Save Address of String that should be "Hashed"}
- Mov RAX, [RDX]
- @FoldLoop: ADD RDX, 4 {jump 4 Byte(32 Bit) to the next tile }
- ADD RAX, [RDX] {Add the Value of the next 4 Byte of the String to the Hash}
- LOOP @FoldLoop {Fold again if there are Chars Left}
-{$ELSEIF Defined(CPU386) or Defined(CPUI386)}
- {$ASMMODE Intel}
- { CL: Counter; EAX: Result; EDX: Current Memory Address }
- Mov ECX, 14 {Init Counter, Fold 14 Times to get 4 Bytes out of 60}
- Mov EDX, ServiceName {Save Address of String that should be "Hashed"}
- Mov EAX, [EDX]
- @FoldLoop: ADD EDX, 4 {jump 4 Byte(32 Bit) to the next tile }
- ADD EAX, [EDX] {Add the Value of the next 4 Byte of the String to the Hash}
- LOOP @FoldLoop {Fold again if there are Chars Left}
- i: integer;
- ptr: ^integer;
- ptr := @ServiceName;
- Result := 0;
- for i := 1 to 14 do
- begin
- Result := Result + ptr^;
- Inc(ptr);
- end;
-// Function Returns Non Zero if a Service with the given Name Exists, otherwise 0
-Function TServiceManager.ServiceExists(const ServiceName: PChar): Integer;
- Name: TServiceName;
- Hash: Integer;
- Cur: PServiceInfo;
- I: Byte;
- Result := 0;
- // to-do : Write a Metbod (in ASM) to Zero and Add in one turn (faster then this dirty hack ;)
- //Zero Name:
- Name := #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0;
- //Add Service Name
- Name := String(ServiceName);
- Hash := NametoHash(Name);
- //First of all Look for the Service in Cache
- For I := 0 to High(ServiceCache) do
- begin
- If (ServiceCache[I] <> nil) AND (ServiceCache[I].Hash = Hash) then
- begin
- If (ServiceCache[I].Name = Name) then
- begin //Found Service in Cache
- Result := Integer(ServiceCache[I]);
- debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Found Service in Cache: ''' + ServiceName + '''');
- {$ENDIF}
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- If (Result = 0) then
- begin
- Cur := FirstService;
- While (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- If (Cur.Hash = Hash) then
- begin
- If (Cur.Name = Name) then
- begin //Found the Service
- Result := Integer(Cur);
- debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Found Service in List: ''' + ServiceName + '''');
- {$ENDIF}
- //Add to Cache
- ServiceCache[NextCacheItem] := Cur;
- NextCacheItem := (NextCacheItem + 1) AND 3;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- end;
- end;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/USingScores.pas b/Lua/src/base/USingScores.pas
index 9ae48548..be0d4a58 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/USingScores.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/USingScores.pas
@@ -34,212 +34,212 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
- UThemes,
+ UThemes,
-// Enabled Flag does not Work atm. This should cause Popups //
-// Not to Move and Scores to stay until Renenabling. //
-// To use e.g. in Pause Mode //
-// Also InVisible Flag causes Attributes not to change. //
-// This should be fixed after next Draw when Visible = True,//
-// but not testet yet //
+// Enabled flag does not work atm. This should cause popups //
+// not to move and scores to stay until re-enabling. //
+// To use e.g. in pause mode //
+// also invisible flag causes attributes not to change. //
+// This should be fixed after next draw when visible = true,//
+// but not tested yet //
-//Some constants containing options that could change by time
+// some constants containing options that could change by time
- MaxPlayers = 6; //Maximum of Players that could be added
- MaxPositions = 6; //Maximum of Score Positions that could be added
+ MaxPlayers = 6; // maximum of players that could be added
+ MaxPositions = 6; // maximum of score positions that could be added
- // TScorePlayer - Record Containing Information about a Players Score
+ // TScorePlayer - record containing information about a players score
TScorePlayer = record
- Position: Byte; //Index of the Position where the Player should be Drawn
- Enabled: Boolean; //Is the Score Display Enabled
- Visible: Boolean; //Is the Score Display Visible
- Score: Word; //Current Score of the Player
- ScoreDisplayed: Word; //Score cur. Displayed(for counting up)
- ScoreBG: TTexture;//Texture of the Players Scores BG
- Color: TRGB; //Teh Players Color
- RBPos: Real; //Cur. Percentille of the Rating Bar
- RBTarget: Real; //Target Position of Rating Bar
- RBVisible:Boolean; //Is Rating bar Drawn
+ Position: byte; // index of the position where the player should be drawn
+ Enabled: boolean; // is the score display enabled
+ Visible: boolean; // is the score display visible
+ Score: word; // current score of the player
+ ScoreDisplayed: word; // score cur. displayed (for counting up)
+ ScoreBG: TTexture; // texture of the players scores bg
+ Color: TRGB; // the players color
+ RBPos: real; // cur. percentille of the rating bar
+ RBTarget: real; // target position of rating bar
+ RBVisible: boolean; // is rating bar drawn
- aScorePlayer = array[0..MaxPlayers-1] of TScorePlayer;
+ aScorePlayer = array [0..MaxPlayers-1] of TScorePlayer;
- // TScorePosition - Record Containing Information about a Score Position, that can be used
+ // TScorePosition - record containing information about a score position, that can be used
PScorePosition = ^TScorePosition;
TScorePosition = record
- //The Position is Used for Which Playercount
- PlayerCount: Byte;
- // 1 - One Player per Screen
- // 2 - 2 Players per Screen
- // 4 - 3 Players per Screen
- // 6 would be 2 and 3 Players per Screen
- BGX: Real; //X Position of the Score BG
- BGY: Real; //Y Position of the Score BG
- BGW: Real; //Width of the Score BG
- BGH: Real; //Height of the Score BG
- RBX: Real; //X Position of the Rating Bar
- RBY: Real; //Y Position of the Rating Bar
- RBW: Real; //Width of the Rating Bar
- RBH: Real; //Height of the Rating Bar
- TextX: Real; //X Position of the Score Text
- TextY: Real; //Y Position of the Score Text
- TextFont: Byte; //Font of the Score Text
- TextSize: integer; //Size of the Score Text
- PUW: Real; //Width of the LineBonus Popup
- PUH: Real; //Height of the LineBonus Popup
- PUFont: Byte; //Font for the PopUps
- PUFontSize: integer; //FontSize for the PopUps
- PUStartX: Real; //X Start Position of the LineBonus Popup
- PUStartY: Real; //Y Start Position of the LineBonus Popup
- PUTargetX: Real; //X Target Position of the LineBonus Popup
- PUTargetY: Real; //Y Target Position of the LineBonus Popup
+ // the position is used for which playercount
+ PlayerCount: byte;
+ // 1 - 1 player per screen
+ // 2 - 2 players per screen
+ // 4 - 3 players per screen
+ // 6 would be 2 and 3 players per screen
+ BGX: real; // x position of the score bg
+ BGY: real; // y position of the score bg
+ BGW: real; // width of the score bg
+ BGH: real; // height of the score bg
+ RBX: real; // x position of the rating bar
+ RBY: real; // y position of the rating bar
+ RBW: real; // width of the rating bar
+ RBH: real; // height of the rating bar
+ TextX: real; // x position of the score text
+ TextY: real; // y position of the score text
+ TextFont: byte; // font of the score text
+ TextSize: integer; // size of the score text
+ PUW: real; // width of the line bonus popup
+ PUH: real; // height of the line bonus popup
+ PUFont: byte; // font for the popups
+ PUFontSize: integer; // font size for the popups
+ PUStartX: real; // x start position of the line bonus popup
+ PUStartY: real; // y start position of the line bonus popup
+ PUTargetX: real; // x target position of the line bonus popup
+ PUTargetY: real; // y target position of the line bonus popup
- aScorePosition = array[0..MaxPositions-1] of TScorePosition;
+ aScorePosition = array [0..MaxPositions-1] of TScorePosition;
- // TScorePopUp - Record Containing Information about a LineBonus Popup
- // List, Next Item is Saved in Next attribute
+ // TScorePopUp - record containing information about a line bonus popup
+ // list, next item is saved in next attribute
PScorePopUp = ^TScorePopUp;
TScorePopUp = record
- Player: Byte; //Index of the PopUps Player
- TimeStamp: Cardinal; //Timestamp of Popups Spawn
- Rating: Byte; //0 to 8, Type of Rating (Cool, bad, etc.)
- ScoreGiven:Word; //Score that has already been given to the Player
- ScoreDiff: Word; //Difference Between Cur Score at Spawn and Old Score
- Next: PScorePopUp; //Next Item in List
+ Player: byte; // index of the popups player
+ TimeStamp: cardinal; // timestamp of popups spawn
+ Rating: integer; // 0 to 8, type of rating (cool, bad, etc.)
+ ScoreGiven: integer; // score that has already been given to the player
+ ScoreDiff: integer; // difference between cur score at spawn and old score
+ Next: PScorePopUp; // next item in list
aScorePopUp = array of TScorePopUp;
- // TSingScores - Class containing Scores Positions and Drawing Scores, Rating Bar + Popups
+ // TSingScores - class containing scores positions and drawing scores, rating bar + popups
TSingScores = class
aPositions: aScorePosition;
- aPlayers: aScorePlayer;
- oPositionCount: Byte;
- oPlayerCount: Byte;
+ aPlayers: aScorePlayer;
+ oPositionCount: byte;
+ oPlayerCount: byte;
- //Saves the First and Last Popup of the List
+ // saves the first and last popup of the list
FirstPopUp: PScorePopUp;
LastPopUp: PScorePopUp;
- // Draws a Popup by Pointer
+ // draws a popup by pointer
procedure DrawPopUp(const PopUp: PScorePopUp);
- // Draws a Score by Playerindex
- procedure DrawScore(const Index: Integer);
+ // draws a score by playerindex
+ procedure DrawScore(const Index: integer);
- // Draws the RatingBar by Playerindex
- procedure DrawRatingBar(const Index: Integer);
+ // draws the rating bar by playerindex
+ procedure DrawRatingBar(const Index: integer);
- // Removes a PopUp w/o destroying the List
+ // removes a popup w/o destroying the list
procedure KillPopUp(const last, cur: PScorePopUp);
- Settings: record //Record containing some Displaying Options
- Phase1Time: Real; //time for Phase 1 to complete (in msecs)
- //The Plop Up of the PopUp
- Phase2Time: Real; //time for Phase 2 to complete (in msecs)
- //The Moving (mainly Upwards) of the Popup
- Phase3Time: Real; //time for Phase 3 to complete (in msecs)
- //The Fade out and Score adding
+ Settings: record // Record containing some Displaying Options
+ Phase1Time: real; // time for phase 1 to complete (in msecs)
+ // the plop up of the popup
+ Phase2Time: real; // time for phase 2 to complete (in msecs)
+ // the moving (mainly upwards) of the popup
+ Phase3Time: real; // time for phase 3 to complete (in msecs)
+ // the fade out and score adding
- PopUpTex: array [0..8] of TTexture; //Textures for every Popup Rating
+ PopUpTex: array [0..8] of TTexture; // textures for every popup rating
- RatingBar_BG_Tex: TTexture; //Rating Bar Texs
- RatingBar_FG_Tex: TTexture;
- RatingBar_Bar_Tex: TTexture;
+ RatingBar_BG_Tex: TTexture; // rating bar texs
+ RatingBar_FG_Tex: TTexture;
+ RatingBar_Bar_Tex: TTexture;
- Visible: Boolean; //Visibility of all Scores
- Enabled: Boolean; //Scores are changed, PopUps are Moved etc.
- RBVisible: Boolean; //Visibility of all Rating Bars
+ Visible: boolean; // visibility of all scores
+ Enabled: boolean; // scores are changed, popups are moved etc.
+ RBVisible: boolean; // visibility of all rating bars
- //Propertys for Reading Position and Playercount
- property PositionCount: Byte read oPositionCount;
- property PlayerCount: Byte read oPlayerCount;
- property Players: aScorePlayer read aPlayers;
+ // properties for reading position and playercount
+ property PositionCount: byte read oPositionCount;
+ property PlayerCount: byte read oPlayerCount;
+ property Players: aScorePlayer read aPlayers;
property Positions: aScorePosition read aPositions;
- //Constructor just sets some standard Settings
+ // constructor just sets some standard settings
constructor Create;
- // Adds a Position to Array and Increases Position Count
+ // adds a position to array and increases position count
procedure AddPosition(const pPosition: PScorePosition);
- // Adds a Player to Array and Increases Player Count
- procedure AddPlayer(const ScoreBG: TTexture; const Color: TRGB; const Score: Word = 0; const Enabled: Boolean = True; const Visible: Boolean = True);
+ // adds a player to array and increases player count
+ procedure AddPlayer(const ScoreBG: TTexture; const Color: TRGB; const Score: word = 0; const Enabled: boolean = true; const Visible: boolean = true);
- //Change a Players Visibility, Enable
- procedure ChangePlayerVisibility(const Index: Byte; const pVisible: Boolean);
- procedure ChangePlayerEnabled(const Index: Byte; const pEnabled: Boolean);
+ // change a players visibility, enable
+ procedure ChangePlayerVisibility(const Index: byte; const pVisible: boolean);
+ procedure ChangePlayerEnabled(const Index: byte; const pEnabled: boolean);
- // Deletes all Player Information
+ // deletes all player information
procedure ClearPlayers;
- // Deletes Positions and Playerinformation
+ // deletes positions and playerinformation
procedure Clear;
- // Loads some Settings and the Positions from Theme
+ // loads some settings and the positions from theme
procedure LoadfromTheme;
- // has to be called after Positions and Players have been added, before first call of Draw
- //It gives every Player a Score Position
+ // has to be called after positions and players have been added, before first call of draw
+ // it gives every player a score position
procedure Init;
- //Spawns a new Line Bonus PopUp for the Player
- procedure SpawnPopUp(const PlayerIndex: Byte; const Rating: Byte; const Score: Word);
+ // spawns a new line bonus popup for the player
+ procedure SpawnPopUp(const PlayerIndex: byte; const Rating: integer; const Score: integer);
- //Removes all PopUps from Mem
+ // removes all popups from mem
procedure KillAllPopUps;
- // Draws Scores and Linebonus PopUps
+ // draws scores and line bonus popups
procedure Draw;
-uses SDL,
- SysUtils,
- ULog,
- UGraphic,
- TextGL;
+ SysUtils,
+ SDL,
+ TextGL,
+ ULog,
+ UGraphic;
- * Sets some standard Settings
+ * sets some standard settings
-Constructor TSingScores.Create;
+constructor TSingScores.Create;
- //Clear PopupList Pointers
+ // clear popuplist pointers
FirstPopUp := nil;
LastPopUp := nil;
- //Clear Variables
- Visible := True;
- Enabled := True;
- RBVisible := True;
+ // clear variables
+ Visible := true;
+ Enabled := true;
+ RBVisible := true;
- //Clear Position Index
- oPositionCount := 0;
- oPlayerCount := 0;
+ // clear position index
+ oPositionCount := 0;
+ oPlayerCount := 0;
Settings.Phase1Time := 350; // plop it up . -> [ ]
Settings.Phase2Time := 550; // shift it up ^[ ]^
@@ -261,22 +261,21 @@ begin
- * Adds a Position to Array and Increases Position Count
+ * adds a position to array and increases position count
-Procedure TSingScores.AddPosition(const pPosition: PScorePosition);
+procedure TSingScores.AddPosition(const pPosition: PScorePosition);
if (PositionCount < MaxPositions) then
aPositions[PositionCount] := pPosition^;
- * Adds a Player to Array and Increases Player Count
+ * adds a player to array and increases player count
-Procedure TSingScores.AddPlayer(const ScoreBG: TTexture; const Color: TRGB; const Score: Word; const Enabled: Boolean; const Visible: Boolean);
+procedure TSingScores.AddPlayer(const ScoreBG: TTexture; const Color: TRGB; const Score: word; const Enabled: boolean; const Visible: boolean);
if (PlayerCount < MaxPlayers) then
@@ -284,48 +283,48 @@ begin
aPlayers[PlayerCount].Enabled := Enabled;
aPlayers[PlayerCount].Visible := Visible;
aPlayers[PlayerCount].Score := Score;
- aPlayers[PlayerCount].ScoreDisplayed := Score;
+ aPlayers[PlayerCount].ScoreDisplayed := Score;
aPlayers[PlayerCount].ScoreBG := ScoreBG;
aPlayers[PlayerCount].Color := Color;
aPlayers[PlayerCount].RBPos := 0.5;
aPlayers[PlayerCount].RBTarget := 0.5;
- aPlayers[PlayerCount].RBVisible := True;
+ aPlayers[PlayerCount].RBVisible := true;
- * Change a Players Visibility
+ * change a players visibility
-Procedure TSingScores.ChangePlayerVisibility(const Index: Byte; const pVisible: Boolean);
+procedure TSingScores.ChangePlayerVisibility(const Index: byte; const pVisible: boolean);
if (Index < MaxPlayers) then
aPlayers[Index].Visible := pVisible;
- * Change Player Enabled
+ * change player enabled
-Procedure TSingScores.ChangePlayerEnabled(const Index: Byte; const pEnabled: Boolean);
+procedure TSingScores.ChangePlayerEnabled(const Index: byte; const pEnabled: boolean);
if (Index < MaxPlayers) then
aPlayers[Index].Enabled := pEnabled;
- * Procedure Deletes all Player Information
+ * procedure deletes all player information
-Procedure TSingScores.ClearPlayers;
+procedure TSingScores.ClearPlayers;
oPlayerCount := 0;
- * Procedure Deletes Positions and Playerinformation
+ * procedure deletes positions and playerinformation
-Procedure TSingScores.Clear;
+procedure TSingScores.Clear;
oPlayerCount := 0;
@@ -333,14 +332,16 @@ begin
- * Procedure Loads some Settings and the Positions from Theme
+ * procedure loads some settings and the positions from theme
-Procedure TSingScores.LoadfromTheme;
-var I: Integer;
- Procedure AddbyStatics(const PC: Byte; const ScoreStatic, SingBarStatic: TThemeStatic; ScoreText: TThemeText);
- var nPosition: TScorePosition;
+procedure TSingScores.LoadfromTheme;
+ I: integer;
+ procedure AddbyStatics(const PC: byte; const ScoreStatic, SingBarStatic: TThemeStatic; ScoreText: TThemeText);
+ var
+ nPosition: TScorePosition;
- nPosition.PlayerCount := PC; //Only for one Player Playing
+ nPosition.PlayerCount := PC; // only for one player playing
nPosition.BGX := ScoreStatic.X;
nPosition.BGY := ScoreStatic.Y;
@@ -374,54 +375,57 @@ var I: Integer;
- //Set Textures
- //Popup Tex
- For I := 0 to 8 do
+ // set textures
+ // popup tex
+ for I := 0 to 8 do
Settings.PopUpTex[I] := Tex_SingLineBonusBack[I];
- //Rating Bar Tex
+ // rating bar tex
Settings.RatingBar_BG_Tex := Tex_SingBar_Back;
Settings.RatingBar_FG_Tex := Tex_SingBar_Front;
Settings.RatingBar_Bar_Tex := Tex_SingBar_Bar;
- //Load Positions from Theme
+ // load positions from theme
- // Player1:
+ // player 1:
AddByStatics(1, Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG, Theme.Sing.StaticP1SingBar, Theme.Sing.TextP1Score);
AddByStatics(2, Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG, Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPSingBar, Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore);
AddByStatics(4, Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG, Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePSingBar, Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore);
- // Player2:
+ // player 2:
AddByStatics(2, Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG, Theme.Sing.StaticP2RSingBar, Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore);
AddByStatics(4, Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG, Theme.Sing.StaticP2MSingBar, Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore);
- // Player3:
+ // player 3:
AddByStatics(4, Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG, Theme.Sing.StaticP3SingBar, Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore);
- * Spawns a new Line Bonus PopUp for the Player
+ * spawns a new line bonus popup for the player
-Procedure TSingScores.SpawnPopUp(const PlayerIndex: Byte; const Rating: Byte; const Score: Word);
-var Cur: PScorePopUp;
+procedure TSingScores.SpawnPopUp(const PlayerIndex: byte; const Rating: integer; const Score: integer);
+ Cur: PScorePopUp;
if (PlayerIndex < PlayerCount) then
- //Get Memory and Add Data
+ // get memory and add data
GetMem(Cur, SizeOf(TScorePopUp));
- Cur.Player := PlayerIndex;
+ Cur.Player := PlayerIndex;
Cur.TimeStamp := SDL_GetTicks;
- //limit rating value to 8
- //a higher value would cause a crash when selecting the bg textur
+ // limit rating value to 0..8
+ // a higher value would cause a crash when selecting the bg texture
if (Rating > 8) then
Cur.Rating := 8
+ else if (Rating < 0) then
+ Cur.Rating := 0
Cur.Rating := Rating;
Cur.ScoreGiven:= 0;
- If (Players[PlayerIndex].Score < Score) then
+ if (Players[PlayerIndex].Score < Score) then
Cur.ScoreDiff := Score - Players[PlayerIndex].Score;
aPlayers[PlayerIndex].Score := Score;
@@ -430,77 +434,77 @@ begin
Cur.ScoreDiff := 0;
Cur.Next := nil;
- //Log.LogError('TSingScores.SpawnPopUp| Player: ' + InttoStr(PlayerIndex) + ', Score: ' + InttoStr(Score) + ', ScoreDiff: ' + InttoStr(Cur.ScoreDiff));
+ // Log.LogError('TSingScores.SpawnPopUp| Player: ' + InttoStr(PlayerIndex) + ', Score: ' + InttoStr(Score) + ', ScoreDiff: ' + InttoStr(Cur.ScoreDiff));
- //Add it to the Chain
+ // add it to the chain
if (FirstPopUp = nil) then
- //the first PopUp in the List
+ // the first popup in the list
FirstPopUp := Cur
- //second or earlier popup
+ // second or earlier popup
LastPopUp.Next := Cur;
- //Set new Popup to Last PopUp in the List
+ // set new popup to last popup in the list
LastPopUp := Cur;
- Log.LogError('TSingScores: Try to add PopUp for not existing player');
+ Log.LogError('TSingScores: Try to add popup for non-existing player');
- * Removes a PopUp w/o destroying the List
+ * removes a popup w/o destroying the list
-Procedure TSingScores.KillPopUp(const last, cur: PScorePopUp);
+procedure TSingScores.KillPopUp(const last, cur: PScorePopUp);
- //Give Player the Last Points that missing till now
+ // give player the last points that missing till now
aPlayers[Cur.Player].ScoreDisplayed := aPlayers[Cur.Player].ScoreDisplayed + Cur.ScoreDiff - Cur.ScoreGiven;
- //Change Bars Position
+ // change bars position
if (Cur.ScoreDiff > 0) THEN
- begin //Popup w/ scorechange -> give missing Percentille
+ begin // popup w/ scorechange -> give missing percentille
aPlayers[Cur.Player].RBTarget := aPlayers[Cur.Player].RBTarget +
(Cur.ScoreDiff - Cur.ScoreGiven) / Cur.ScoreDiff
* (Cur.Rating / 20 - 0.26);
- begin //Popup w/o scorechange -> give complete Percentille
+ begin // popup w/o scorechange -> give complete percentille
aPlayers[Cur.Player].RBTarget := aPlayers[Cur.Player].RBTarget +
(Cur.Rating / 20 - 0.26);
- If (aPlayers[Cur.Player].RBTarget > 1) then
+ if (aPlayers[Cur.Player].RBTarget > 1) then
aPlayers[Cur.Player].RBTarget := 1
- If (aPlayers[Cur.Player].RBTarget < 0) then
+ if (aPlayers[Cur.Player].RBTarget < 0) then
aPlayers[Cur.Player].RBTarget := 0;
- //If this is the First PopUp => Make Next PopUp the First
- If (Cur = FirstPopUp) then
+ // if this is the first popup => make next popup the first
+ if (Cur = FirstPopUp) then
FirstPopUp := Cur.Next
- //Else => Remove Curent Popup from Chain
+ // else => remove curent popup from chain
Last.Next := Cur.Next;
- //If this is the Last PopUp, Make PopUp before the Last
- If (Cur = LastPopUp) then
+ // if this is the last popup, make popup before the last
+ if (Cur = LastPopUp) then
LastPopUp := Last;
- //Free the Memory
+ // free the memory
FreeMem(Cur, SizeOf(TScorePopUp));
- * Removes all PopUps from Mem
+ * removes all popups from mem
-Procedure TSingScores.KillAllPopUps;
+procedure TSingScores.KillAllPopUps;
Cur: PScorePopUp;
Last: PScorePopUp;
Cur := FirstPopUp;
- //Remove all PopUps:
- While (Cur <> nil) do
+ // remove all popups:
+ while (Cur <> nil) do
Last := Cur;
Cur := Cur.Next;
@@ -512,40 +516,42 @@ begin
- * Has to be called after Positions and Players have been added, before first call of Draw
- * It gives every Player a Score Position
+ * has to be called after positions and players have been added, before first call of draw
+ * it gives each player a score position
-Procedure TSingScores.Init;
+procedure TSingScores.Init;
- PlC: Array [0..1] of Byte; //Playercount First Screen and Second Screen
- I, J: Integer;
- MaxPlayersperScreen: Byte;
- CurPlayer: Byte;
- Function GetPositionCountbyPlayerCount(bPlayerCount: Byte): Byte;
- var I: Integer;
+ PlC: array [0..1] of byte; // playercount first screen and second screen
+ I, J: integer;
+ MaxPlayersperScreen: byte;
+ CurPlayer: byte;
+ function GetPositionCountbyPlayerCount(bPlayerCount: byte): byte;
+ var
+ I: integer;
Result := 0;
bPlayerCount := 1 shl (bPlayerCount - 1);
- For I := 0 to PositionCount-1 do
+ for I := 0 to PositionCount - 1 do
- If ((aPositions[I].PlayerCount AND bPlayerCount) <> 0) then
+ if ((aPositions[I].PlayerCount and bPlayerCount) <> 0) then
- Function GetPositionbyPlayernum(bPlayerCount, bPlayer: Byte): Byte;
- var I: Integer;
+ function GetPositionbyPlayernum(bPlayerCount, bPlayer: byte): byte;
+ var
+ I: integer;
bPlayerCount := 1 shl (bPlayerCount - 1);
- Result := High(Byte);
+ Result := High(byte);
- For I := 0 to PositionCount-1 do
+ for I := 0 to PositionCount - 1 do
- If ((aPositions[I].PlayerCount AND bPlayerCount) <> 0) then
+ if ((aPositions[I].PlayerCount and bPlayerCount) <> 0) then
- If (bPlayer = 0) then
+ if (bPlayer = 0) then
Result := I;
@@ -559,17 +565,16 @@ var
MaxPlayersPerScreen := 0;
- For I := 1 to 6 do
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
- //If there are enough Positions -> Write to MaxPlayers
- If (GetPositionCountbyPlayerCount(I) = I) then
+ // if there are enough positions -> write to maxplayers
+ if (GetPositionCountbyPlayerCount(I) = I) then
MaxPlayersPerScreen := I
- //Split Players to both Screen or Display on One Screen
+ // split players to both screens or display on one screen
if (Screens = 2) and (MaxPlayersPerScreen < PlayerCount) then
PlC[0] := PlayerCount div 2 + PlayerCount mod 2;
@@ -581,9 +586,8 @@ begin
PlC[1] := 0;
- //Check if there are enough Positions for all Players
- For I := 0 to Screens - 1 do
+ // check if there are enough positions for all players
+ for I := 0 to Screens - 1 do
if (PlC[I] > MaxPlayersperScreen) then
@@ -593,34 +597,34 @@ begin
CurPlayer := 0;
- //Give every Player a Position
- For I := 0 to Screens - 1 do
- For J := 0 to PlC[I]-1 do
+ // give every player a position
+ for I := 0 to Screens - 1 do
+ for J := 0 to PlC[I]-1 do
- aPlayers[CurPlayer].Position := GetPositionbyPlayernum(PlC[I], J) OR (I shl 7);
- //Log.LogError('Player ' + InttoStr(CurPlayer) + ' gets Position: ' + InttoStr(aPlayers[CurPlayer].Position));
+ aPlayers[CurPlayer].Position := GetPositionbyPlayernum(PlC[I], J) or (I shl 7);
+ // Log.LogError('Player ' + InttoStr(CurPlayer) + ' gets Position: ' + InttoStr(aPlayers[CurPlayer].Position));
- * Draws Scores and Linebonus PopUps
+ * draws scores and linebonus popups
-Procedure TSingScores.Draw;
+procedure TSingScores.Draw;
- I: Integer;
- CurTime: Cardinal;
+ I: integer;
+ CurTime: cardinal;
CurPopUp, LastPopUp: PScorePopUp;
CurTime := SDL_GetTicks;
- If Visible then
+ if Visible then
- //Draw Popups
+ // draw popups
LastPopUp := nil;
CurPopUp := FirstPopUp;
- While (CurPopUp <> nil) do
+ while (CurPopUp <> nil) do
if (CurTime - CurPopUp.TimeStamp > Settings.Phase1Time + Settings.Phase2Time + Settings.Phase3Time) then
@@ -639,64 +643,64 @@ begin
- IF (RBVisible) then
- //Draw Players w/ Rating Bar
- For I := 0 to PlayerCount-1 do
+ if (RBVisible) then
+ // draw players w/ rating bar
+ for I := 0 to PlayerCount-1 do
- //Draw Players w/o Rating Bar
- For I := 0 to PlayerCount-1 do
+ // draw players w/o rating bar
+ for I := 0 to PlayerCount-1 do
- end; //eo Visible
+ end; // eo visible
- * Draws a Popup by Pointer
+ * draws a popup by pointer
-Procedure TSingScores.DrawPopUp(const PopUp: PScorePopUp);
+procedure TSingScores.DrawPopUp(const PopUp: PScorePopUp);
- Progress: Real;
- CurTime: Cardinal;
- X, Y, W, H, Alpha: Real;
- FontSize: integer;
- FontOffset: Real;
- TimeDiff: Cardinal;
- PIndex: Byte;
- TextLen: Real;
- ScoretoAdd: Word;
- PosDiff: Real;
+ Progress: real;
+ CurTime: cardinal;
+ X, Y, W, H, Alpha: real;
+ FontSize: integer;
+ FontOffset: real;
+ TimeDiff: cardinal;
+ PIndex: byte;
+ TextLen: real;
+ ScoretoAdd: word;
+ PosDiff: real;
if (PopUp <> nil) then
- //Only Draw if Player has a Position
+ // only draw if player has a position
PIndex := Players[PopUp.Player].Position;
- If PIndex <> high(byte) then
+ if PIndex <> High(byte) then
- //Only Draw if Player is on Cur Screen
- If ((Players[PopUp.Player].Position AND 128) = 0) = (ScreenAct = 1) then
+ // only draw if player is on cur screen
+ if ((Players[PopUp.Player].Position and 128) = 0) = (ScreenAct = 1) then
CurTime := SDL_GetTicks;
- If Not (Enabled AND Players[PopUp.Player].Enabled) then
- //Increase Timestamp with TIem where there is no Movement ...
+ if not (Enabled and Players[PopUp.Player].Enabled) then
+ // increase timestamp with tiem where there is no movement ...
- //Inc(PopUp.TimeStamp, LastRender);
+ // Inc(PopUp.TimeStamp, LastRender);
TimeDiff := CurTime - PopUp.TimeStamp;
- //Get Position of PopUp
- PIndex := PIndex AND 127;
+ // get position of popup
+ PIndex := PIndex and 127;
- //Check for Phase ...
- If (TimeDiff <= Settings.Phase1Time) then
+ // check for phase ...
+ if (TimeDiff <= Settings.Phase1Time) then
- //Phase 1 - The Ploping up
+ // phase 1 - the ploping up
Progress := TimeDiff / Settings.Phase1Time;
@@ -707,25 +711,25 @@ begin
Y := aPositions[PIndex].PUStartY + (aPositions[PIndex].PUH - H)/2;
FontSize := Round(Progress * aPositions[PIndex].PUFontSize);
- FontOffset := (H - FontSize) / 2;
+ FontOffset := (H - FontSize) / 2;
Alpha := 1;
- Else If (TimeDiff <= Settings.Phase2Time + Settings.Phase1Time) then
+ else if (TimeDiff <= Settings.Phase2Time + Settings.Phase1Time) then
- //Phase 2 - The Moving
+ // phase 2 - the moving
Progress := (TimeDiff - Settings.Phase1Time) / Settings.Phase2Time;
W := aPositions[PIndex].PUW;
H := aPositions[PIndex].PUH;
PosDiff := aPositions[PIndex].PUTargetX - aPositions[PIndex].PUStartX;
- If PosDiff > 0 then
+ if PosDiff > 0 then
PosDiff := PosDiff + W;
X := aPositions[PIndex].PUStartX + PosDiff * sqr(Progress);
PosDiff := aPositions[PIndex].PUTargetY - aPositions[PIndex].PUStartY;
- If PosDiff < 0 then
+ if PosDiff < 0 then
PosDiff := PosDiff + aPositions[PIndex].BGH;
Y := aPositions[PIndex].PUStartY + PosDiff * sqr(Progress);
@@ -736,65 +740,68 @@ begin
- //Phase 3 - The Fading out + Score adding
+ // phase 3 - the fading out + score adding
Progress := (TimeDiff - Settings.Phase1Time - Settings.Phase2Time) / Settings.Phase3Time;
- If (PopUp.Rating > 0) then
+ if (PopUp.Rating > 0) then
- //Add Scores if Player Enabled
- If (Enabled AND Players[PopUp.Player].Enabled) then
+ // add scores if player enabled
+ if (Enabled and Players[PopUp.Player].Enabled) then
ScoreToAdd := Round(PopUp.ScoreDiff * Progress) - PopUp.ScoreGiven;
Inc(PopUp.ScoreGiven, ScoreToAdd);
aPlayers[PopUp.Player].ScoreDisplayed := Players[PopUp.Player].ScoreDisplayed + ScoreToAdd;
- //Change Bars Position
- aPlayers[PopUp.Player].RBTarget := aPlayers[PopUp.Player].RBTarget + ScoreToAdd/PopUp.ScoreDiff * (PopUp.Rating / 20 - 0.26);
- If (aPlayers[PopUp.Player].RBTarget > 1) then
+ // change bar positions
+ if PopUp.ScoreDiff = 0 then
+ Log.LogError('TSingScores.DrawPopUp', 'PopUp.ScoreDiff is 0 and we want to divide by it. No idea how this happens.')
+ else
+ aPlayers[PopUp.Player].RBTarget := aPlayers[PopUp.Player].RBTarget + ScoreToAdd/PopUp.ScoreDiff * (PopUp.Rating / 20 - 0.26);
+ if (aPlayers[PopUp.Player].RBTarget > 1) then
aPlayers[PopUp.Player].RBTarget := 1
- else If (aPlayers[PopUp.Player].RBTarget < 0) then
+ else if (aPlayers[PopUp.Player].RBTarget < 0) then
aPlayers[PopUp.Player].RBTarget := 0;
- //Set Positions etc.
- Alpha := 0.7 - 0.7 * Progress;
+ // set positions etc.
+ Alpha := 0.7 - 0.7 * Progress;
W := aPositions[PIndex].PUW;
H := aPositions[PIndex].PUH;
PosDiff := aPositions[PIndex].PUTargetX - aPositions[PIndex].PUStartX;
- If (PosDiff > 0) then
+ if (PosDiff > 0) then
PosDiff := W
PosDiff := 0;
X := aPositions[PIndex].PUTargetX + PosDiff * Progress;
PosDiff := aPositions[PIndex].PUTargetY - aPositions[PIndex].PUStartY;
- If (PosDiff < 0) then
+ if (PosDiff < 0) then
PosDiff := -aPositions[PIndex].BGH
PosDiff := 0;
- Y := aPositions[PIndex].PUTargetY - PosDiff * (1-Progress);
+ Y := aPositions[PIndex].PUTargetY - PosDiff * (1 - Progress);
FontSize := aPositions[PIndex].PUFontSize;
FontOffset := (H - FontSize) / 2;
- //Here the Effect that Should be shown if a PopUp without Score is Drawn
- //And or Spawn with the GraphicObjects etc.
- //Some Work for Blindy to do :P
+ // here the effect that should be shown if a popup without score is drawn
+ // and or spawn with the graphicobjects etc.
+ // some work for blindy to do :p
- //ATM: Just Let it Slide in the Scores just like the Normal PopUp
+ // atm: just let it slide in the scores just like the normal popup
Alpha := 0;
- //Draw PopUp
+ // draw popup
- if (Alpha > 0) AND (Players[PopUp.Player].Visible) then
+ if (Alpha > 0) and (Players[PopUp.Player].Visible) then
- //Draw BG:
+ // draw bg:
@@ -812,45 +819,46 @@ begin
- //Set FontStyle and Size
+ // set font style and size
- SetFontItalic(False);
+ SetFontItalic(false);
+ SetFontReflection(false, 0);
- //Draw Text
+ // draw text
TextLen := glTextWidth(Theme.Sing.LineBonusText[PopUp.Rating]);
- //Color and Pos
+ // color and pos
SetFontPos (X + (W - TextLen) / 2, Y + FontOffset);
glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Alpha);
- //Draw
+ // draw
- end; //eo Alpha check
- end; //eo Right Screen
- end; //eo Player has Position
+ end; // eo alpha check
+ end; // eo right screen
+ end; // eo player has position
- Log.LogError('TSingScores: Try to Draw a not existing PopUp');
+ Log.LogError('TSingScores: Try to draw a non-existing popup');
- * Draws a Score by Playerindex
+ * draws a score by playerindex
-Procedure TSingScores.DrawScore(const Index: Integer);
+procedure TSingScores.DrawScore(const Index: integer);
Position: PScorePosition;
ScoreStr: String;
- //Only Draw if Player has a Position
- If Players[Index].Position <> high(byte) then
+ // only draw if player has a position
+ if Players[Index].Position <> High(byte) then
- //Only Draw if Player is on Cur Screen
- If (((Players[Index].Position AND 128) = 0) = (ScreenAct = 1)) AND Players[Index].Visible then
+ // only draw if player is on cur screen
+ if (((Players[Index].Position and 128) = 0) = (ScreenAct = 1)) and Players[Index].Visible then
Position := @aPositions[Players[Index].Position and 127];
- //Draw ScoreBG
+ // draw scorebg
@@ -868,50 +876,51 @@ begin
- //Draw Score Text
+ // draw score text
- SetFontItalic(False);
+ SetFontItalic(false);
SetFontPos(Position.TextX, Position.TextY);
+ SetFontReflection(false, 0);
ScoreStr := InttoStr(Players[Index].ScoreDisplayed div 10) + '0';
- While (Length(ScoreStr) < 5) do
+ while (Length(ScoreStr) < 5) do
ScoreStr := '0' + ScoreStr;
- end; //eo Right Screen
- end; //eo Player has Position
+ end; // eo right screen
+ end; // eo player has position
-Procedure TSingScores.DrawRatingBar(const Index: Integer);
+procedure TSingScores.DrawRatingBar(const Index: integer);
- Position: PScorePosition;
- R,G,B, Size: Real;
- Diff: Real;
+ Position: PScorePosition;
+ R, G, B: real;
+ Size, Diff: real;
- //Only Draw if Player has a Position
- if Players[Index].Position <> high(byte) then
+ // only draw if player has a position
+ if Players[Index].Position <> High(byte) then
- //Only Draw if Player is on Cur Screen
+ // only draw if player is on cur screen
if (((Players[Index].Position and 128) = 0) = (ScreenAct = 1) and
Players[index].RBVisible and
Players[index].Visible) then
Position := @aPositions[Players[Index].Position and 127];
- if (Enabled AND Players[Index].Enabled) then
+ if (Enabled and Players[Index].Enabled) then
- //Move Position if Enabled
+ // move position if enabled
Diff := Players[Index].RBTarget - Players[Index].RBPos;
- If(Abs(Diff) < 0.02) then
+ if (Abs(Diff) < 0.02) then
aPlayers[Index].RBPos := aPlayers[Index].RBTarget
aPlayers[Index].RBPos := aPlayers[Index].RBPos + Diff*0.1;
- //Get Colors for RatingBar
+ // get colors for rating bar
if (Players[index].RBPos <= 0.22) then
R := 1;
@@ -921,7 +930,7 @@ begin
else if (Players[index].RBPos <= 0.42) then
R := 1;
- G := Players[index].RBPos*5;
+ G := Players[index].RBPos * 5;
B := 0;
else if (Players[index].RBPos <= 0.57) then
@@ -932,7 +941,7 @@ begin
else if (Players[index].RBPos <= 0.77) then
- R := 1-(Players[index].RBPos-0.57)*5;
+ R := 1 - (Players[index].RBPos - 0.57) * 5;
G := 1;
B := 0;
@@ -943,12 +952,12 @@ begin
B := 0;
- //Enable all glFuncs Needed
+ // enable all glfuncs needed
- //Draw RatingBar BG
+ // draw rating bar bg
glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.8);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Settings.RatingBar_BG_Tex.TexNum);
@@ -966,7 +975,7 @@ begin
glVertex2f(Position.RBX+Position.RBW, Position.RBY);
- //Draw Rating bar itself
+ // draw rating bar itself
Size := Position.RBX + Position.RBW * Players[Index].RBPos;
glColor4f(R, G, B, 1);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Settings.RatingBar_Bar_Tex.TexNum);
@@ -984,7 +993,7 @@ begin
glVertex2f(Size, Position.RBY);
- //Draw Ratingbar FG (Teh thing with the 3 lines to get better readability)
+ // draw rating bar fg (the thing with the 3 lines to get better readability)
glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.6);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Settings.RatingBar_FG_Tex.TexNum);
@@ -1001,11 +1010,11 @@ begin
glVertex2f(Position.RBX + Position.RBW, Position.RBY);
- //Disable all Enabled glFuncs
+ // disable all enabled glfuncs
- end; //eo Right Screen
- end; //eo Player has Position
+ end; // eo Right Screen
+ end; // eo Player has Position
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/USkins.pas b/Lua/src/base/USkins.pas
index 59c590e5..6ef5c596 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/USkins.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/USkins.pas
@@ -33,46 +33,52 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
+ UPath;
TSkinTexture = record
- Name: string;
- FileName: string;
+ Name: string;
+ FileName: IPath;
TSkinEntry = record
- Theme: string;
- Name: string;
- Path: string;
- FileName: string;
- Creator: string; // not used yet
+ Theme: string;
+ Name: string;
+ Path: IPath;
+ FileName: IPath;
+ Creator: string; // not used yet
TSkin = class
- Skin: array of TSkinEntry;
- SkinTexture: array of TSkinTexture;
- SkinPath: string;
- Color: integer;
+ Skin: array of TSkinEntry;
+ SkinTexture: array of TSkinTexture;
+ SkinPath: IPath;
+ Color: integer;
constructor Create;
procedure LoadList;
- procedure ParseDir(Dir: string);
- procedure LoadHeader(FileName: string);
+ procedure ParseDir(Dir: IPath);
+ procedure LoadHeader(FileName: IPath);
procedure LoadSkin(Name: string);
- function GetTextureFileName(TextureName: string): string;
+ function GetTextureFileName(TextureName: string): IPath;
function GetSkinNumber(Name: string): integer;
procedure onThemeChange;
- Skin: TSkin;
+ Skin: TSkin;
-uses IniFiles,
- Classes,
- SysUtils,
- UMain,
- ULog,
- UIni;
+ IniFiles,
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ UIni,
+ ULog,
+ UMain,
+ UPathUtils,
+ UFileSystem;
constructor TSkin.Create;
@@ -84,43 +90,43 @@ end;
procedure TSkin.LoadList;
- SR: TSearchRec;
+ Iter: IFileIterator;
+ DirInfo: TFileInfo;
- if FindFirst(SkinsPath+'*', faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin
- repeat
- if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
- ParseDir(SkinsPath + SR.Name + PathDelim);
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- end; // if
- FindClose(SR);
+ Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(SkinsPath.Append('*'), faDirectory);
+ while Iter.HasNext do
+ begin
+ DirInfo := Iter.Next();
+ if (not DirInfo.Name.Equals('.')) and (not DirInfo.Name.Equals('..')) then
+ ParseDir(SkinsPath.Append(DirInfo.Name, pdAppend));
+ end;
-procedure TSkin.ParseDir(Dir: string);
+procedure TSkin.ParseDir(Dir: IPath);
- SR: TSearchRec;
+ Iter: IFileIterator;
+ IniInfo: TFileInfo;
- if FindFirst(Dir + '*.ini', faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then begin
- repeat
- if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
- LoadHeader(Dir + SR.Name);
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
+ Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(Dir.Append('*.ini'), 0);
+ while Iter.HasNext do
+ begin
+ IniInfo := Iter.Next;
+ LoadHeader(Dir.Append(IniInfo.Name));
-procedure TSkin.LoadHeader(FileName: string);
+procedure TSkin.LoadHeader(FileName: IPath);
- SkinIni: TMemIniFile;
- S: integer;
+ SkinIni: TMemIniFile;
+ S: integer;
- SkinIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ SkinIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName.ToNative);
S := Length(Skin);
SetLength(Skin, S+1);
- Skin[S].Path := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFileDir(FileName));
- Skin[S].FileName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
+ Skin[S].Path := FileName.GetPath;
+ Skin[S].FileName := FileName.GetName;
Skin[S].Theme := SkinIni.ReadString('Skin', 'Theme', '');
Skin[S].Name := SkinIni.ReadString('Skin', 'Name', '');
Skin[S].Creator := SkinIni.ReadString('Skin', 'Creator', '');
@@ -130,15 +136,15 @@ end;
procedure TSkin.LoadSkin(Name: string);
- SkinIni: TMemIniFile;
- SL: TStringList;
- T: integer;
- S: integer;
+ SkinIni: TMemIniFile;
+ SL: TStringList;
+ T: integer;
+ S: integer;
S := GetSkinNumber(Name);
SkinPath := Skin[S].Path;
- SkinIni := TMemIniFile.Create(SkinPath + Skin[S].FileName);
+ SkinIni := TMemIniFile.Create(SkinPath.Append(Skin[S].FileName).ToNative);
SL := TStringList.Create;
SkinIni.ReadSection('Textures', SL);
@@ -147,48 +153,51 @@ begin
for T := 0 to SL.Count-1 do
SkinTexture[T].Name := SL.Strings[T];
- SkinTexture[T].FileName := SkinIni.ReadString('Textures', SL.Strings[T], '');
+ SkinTexture[T].FileName := Path(SkinIni.ReadString('Textures', SL.Strings[T], ''));
-function TSkin.GetTextureFileName(TextureName: string): string;
+function TSkin.GetTextureFileName(TextureName: string): IPath;
- T: integer;
+ T: integer;
- Result := '';
+ Result := PATH_NONE;
for T := 0 to High(SkinTexture) do
- if ( SkinTexture[T].Name = TextureName ) AND
- ( SkinTexture[T].FileName <> '' ) then
+ if (SkinTexture[T].Name = TextureName) and
+ (SkinTexture[T].FileName.IsSet) then
- Result := SkinPath + SkinTexture[T].FileName;
+ Result := SkinPath.Append(SkinTexture[T].FileName);
- if ( TextureName <> '' ) AND
- ( Result <> '' ) THEN
+ if (TextureName <> '') and (Result.IsSet) then
//Log.LogError('', '-----------------------------------------');
//Log.LogError(TextureName+' - '+ Result, 'TSkin.GetTextureFileName');
{ Result := SkinPath + 'Bar.jpg';
- if TextureName = 'Ball' then Result := SkinPath + 'Ball.bmp';
- if Copy(TextureName, 1, 4) = 'Gray' then Result := SkinPath + 'Ball.bmp';
- if Copy(TextureName, 1, 6) = 'NoteBG' then Result := SkinPath + 'Ball.bmp';}
+ if TextureName = 'Ball' then
+ Result := SkinPath + 'Ball.bmp';
+ if Copy(TextureName, 1, 4) = 'Gray' then
+ Result := SkinPath + 'Ball.bmp';
+ if Copy(TextureName, 1, 6) = 'NoteBG' then
+ Result := SkinPath + 'Ball.bmp';}
function TSkin.GetSkinNumber(Name: string): integer;
- S: integer;
+ S: integer;
Result := 0; // set default to the first available skin
for S := 0 to High(Skin) do
- if Skin[S].Name = Name then Result := S;
+ if Skin[S].Name = Name then
+ Result := S;
procedure TSkin.onThemeChange;
@@ -200,7 +209,8 @@ begin
SetLength(ISkin, 0);
Name := Uppercase(ITheme[Ini.Theme]);
for S := 0 to High(Skin) do
- if Name = Uppercase(Skin[S].Theme) then begin
+ if Name = Uppercase(Skin[S].Theme) then
+ begin
SetLength(ISkin, Length(ISkin)+1);
ISkin[High(ISkin)] := Skin[S].Name;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/USong.pas b/Lua/src/base/USong.pas
index b1458e69..c465f198 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/USong.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/USong.pas
@@ -56,7 +56,11 @@ uses
- UXMLSong;
+ UXMLSong,
+ UUnicodeUtils,
+ UTextEncoding,
+ UFilesystem,
+ UPath;
@@ -68,42 +72,63 @@ type
TScore = record
- Name: WideString;
+ Name: UTF8String;
Score: integer;
- Length: string;
+ Date: UTF8String;
+ end;
+ { used to hold header tags that are not supported by this version of
+ usdx (e.g. some tags from ultrastar 0.7.0) when songs are loaded in
+ songeditor. They will be written the end of the song header }
+ TCustomHeaderTag = record
+ Tag: UTF8String;
+ Content: UTF8String;
TSong = class
+ private
FileLineNo : integer; // line, which is read last, for error reporting
- procedure ParseNote(LineNumber: integer; TypeP: char; StartP, DurationP, NoteP: integer; LyricS: string);
+ function DecodeFilename(Filename: RawByteString): IPath;
+ function Solmizate(Note: integer; Type_: integer): string;
+ procedure ParseNote(LineNumber: integer; TypeP: char; StartP, DurationP, NoteP: integer; LyricS: UTF8String);
procedure NewSentence(LineNumberP: integer; Param1, Param2: integer);
- function ReadTXTHeader( const aFileName : WideString ): boolean;
- function ReadXMLHeader( const aFileName : WideString ): boolean;
+ function ParseLyricStringParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): RawByteString;
+ function ParseLyricIntParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): integer;
+ function ParseLyricFloatParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): real;
+ function ParseLyricCharParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): AnsiChar;
+ function ParseLyricText(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): RawByteString;
+ function ReadTXTHeader(SongFile: TTextFileStream; ReadCustomTags: Boolean): boolean;
+ function ReadXMLHeader(const aFileName: IPath): boolean;
+ function GetFolderCategory(const aFileName: IPath): UTF8String;
+ function FindSongFile(Dir: IPath; Mask: UTF8String): IPath;
- Path: WideString;
- Folder: WideString; // for sorting by folder
- fFileName,
- FileName: WideString;
+ Path: IPath; // kust path component of file (only set if file was found)
+ Folder: UTF8String; // for sorting by folder (only set if file was found)
+ FileName: IPath; // just name component of file (only set if file was found)
+ // filenames
+ Cover: IPath;
+ Mp3: IPath;
+ Background: IPath;
+ Video: IPath;
// sorting methods
- Category: array of WideString; // TODO: do we need this?
- Genre: WideString;
- Edition: WideString;
- Language: WideString;
+ Genre: UTF8String;
+ Edition: UTF8String;
+ Language: UTF8String;
+ Year: Integer;
- Title: WideString;
- Artist: WideString;
+ Title: UTF8String;
+ Artist: UTF8String;
- Text: WideString;
- Creator: WideString;
+ Creator: UTF8String;
- Cover: WideString;
CoverTex: TTexture;
- Mp3: WideString;
- Background: WideString;
- Video: WideString;
VideoGAP: real;
NotesGAP: integer;
Start: real; // in seconds
@@ -113,6 +138,10 @@ type
BPM: array of TBPM;
GAP: real; // in miliseconds
+ Encoding: TEncoding;
+ CustomTags: array of TCustomHeaderTag;
Score: array[0..2] of array of TScore;
// these are used when sorting is enabled
@@ -122,23 +151,21 @@ type
OrderTyp: integer; // type of sorting for this button (0=name)
CatNumber: integer; // Count of Songs in Category for Cats and Number of Song in Category for Songs
- SongFile: TextFile; // all procedures in this unit operate on this file
Base : array[0..1] of integer;
Rel : array[0..1] of integer;
Mult : integer;
MultBPM : integer;
- LastError: String;
+ LastError: AnsiString;
function GetErrorLineNo: integer;
property ErrorLineNo: integer read GetErrorLineNo;
- constructor Create (); overload;
- constructor Create ( const aFileName : WideString ); overload;
+ constructor Create(); overload;
+ constructor Create(const aFileName : IPath); overload;
function LoadSong: boolean;
function LoadXMLSong: boolean;
- function Analyse(): boolean;
+ function Analyse(const ReadCustomTags: Boolean = false): boolean;
function AnalyseXML(): boolean;
procedure Clear();
@@ -146,33 +173,85 @@ type
+ StrUtils,
+ UPathUtils,
UMusic, //needed for Lines
- UMain; //needed for Player
+ UNote; //needed for Player
constructor TSong.Create();
+ // to-do : special create for category "songs"
+ //dirty fix to fix folders=on
+ Self.Path := PATH_NONE();
+ Self.FileName := PATH_NONE();
+ Self.Cover := PATH_NONE();
+ Self.Mp3 := PATH_NONE();
+ Self.Background:= PATH_NONE();
+ Self.Video := PATH_NONE();
-constructor TSong.Create( const aFileName : WideString );
+// This may be changed, when we rewrite song select code.
+// it is some kind of dirty, but imho the best possible
+// solution as we do atm not support nested categorys.
+// it works like the folder sorting in 1.0.1a
+// folder is set to the first folder under the songdir
+// so songs ~/.ultrastardx/songs/punk is in the same
+// category as songs in shared/ultrastardx/songs are.
+// note: folder is just the name of a category it has
+// nothing to do with the path used for file loading
+function TSong.GetFolderCategory(const aFileName: IPath): UTF8String;
+ I: Integer;
+ CurSongPath: IPath;
+ CurSongPathRel: IPath;
+ Result := 'Unknown'; //default folder category, if we can't locate the song dir
+ for I := 0 to SongPaths.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ CurSongPath := SongPaths[I] as IPath;
+ if (aFileName.IsChildOf(CurSongPath, false)) then
+ begin
+ if (aFileName.IsChildOf(CurSongPath, true)) then
+ begin
+ // songs are in the "root" of the songdir => use songdir for the categorys name
+ Result := CurSongPath.RemovePathDelim.ToUTF8;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // use the first subdirectory below CurSongPath as the category name
+ CurSongPathRel := aFileName.GetRelativePath(CurSongPath.AppendPathDelim);
+ Result := CurSongPathRel.SplitDirs[0].RemovePathDelim.ToUTF8;
+ end;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TSong.Create(const aFileName: IPath);
inherited Create();
Mult := 1;
MultBPM := 4;
- fFileName := aFileName;
LastError := '';
- if fileexists( aFileName ) then
+ Self.Path := aFileName.GetPath;
+ Self.FileName := aFileName.GetName;
+ Self.Folder := GetFolderCategory(aFileName);
+ (*
+ if (aFileName.IsFile) then
- self.Path := ExtractFilePath( aFileName );
- self.Folder := ExtractFilePath( aFileName );
- self.FileName := ExtractFileName( aFileName );
- (*
- if ReadTXTHeader( aFileName ) then
+ if ReadTXTHeader(aFileName) then
@@ -181,43 +260,178 @@ begin
Log.LogError('Error Loading SongHeader, abort Song Loading');
- *)
+ end;
+ *)
+function TSong.FindSongFile(Dir: IPath; Mask: UTF8String): IPath;
+ Iter: IFileIterator;
+ FileInfo: TFileInfo;
+ FileName: IPath;
+ Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(Dir.Append(Mask), faDirectory);
+ if (Iter.HasNext) then
+ Result := Iter.Next.Name
+ else
+ Result := PATH_NONE;
+function TSong.DecodeFilename(Filename: RawByteString): IPath;
+ Result := UPath.Path(DecodeStringUTF8(Filename, Encoding));
+ EUSDXParseException = class(Exception);
+ * Parses the Line string starting from LinePos for a parameter.
+ * Leading whitespace is trimmed, same applies to the first trailing whitespace.
+ * After the call LinePos will point to the position after the first trailing
+ * whitespace.
+ *
+ * Raises an EUSDXParseException if no string was found.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * ParseLyricParam(Line:'Param0 Param1 Param2', LinePos:8, ...)
+ * -> Param:'Param1', LinePos:16 (= start of 'Param2')
+ *}
+function TSong.ParseLyricStringParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): RawByteString;
+ Start: integer;
+ OldLinePos: integer;
+ Whitespace = [#9, ' '];
+ OldLinePos := LinePos;
+ Start := 0;
+ while (LinePos <= Length(Line)) do
+ begin
+ if (Line[LinePos] in Whitespace) then
+ begin
+ // check for end of param
+ if (Start > 0) then
+ Break;
+ end
+ // check for beginning of param
+ else if (Start = 0) then
+ begin
+ Start := LinePos;
+ end;
+ Inc(LinePos);
+ end;
+ // check if param was found
+ if (Start = 0) then
+ begin
+ LinePos := OldLinePos;
+ raise EUSDXParseException.Create('String expected');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // copy param without trailing whitespace
+ Result := Copy(Line, Start, LinePos-Start);
+ // skip first trailing whitespace (if not at EOL)
+ if (LinePos <= Length(Line)) then
+ Inc(LinePos);
+ end;
+function TSong.ParseLyricIntParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): integer;
+ Str: RawByteString;
+ OldLinePos: integer;
+ OldLinePos := LinePos;
+ Str := ParseLyricStringParam(Line, LinePos);
+ try
+ Result := StrToInt(Str);
+ except // on EConvertError
+ LinePos := OldLinePos;
+ raise EUSDXParseException.Create('Integer expected');
+ end;
+function TSong.ParseLyricFloatParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): real;
+ Str: RawByteString;
+ OldLinePos: integer;
+ OldLinePos := LinePos;
+ Str := ParseLyricStringParam(Line, LinePos);
+ try
+ Result := StrToFloat(Str);
+ except // on EConvertError
+ LinePos := OldLinePos;
+ raise EUSDXParseException.Create('Float expected');
+ end;
+function TSong.ParseLyricCharParam(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): AnsiChar;
+ Str: RawByteString;
+ OldLinePos: integer;
+ OldLinePos := LinePos;
+ Str := ParseLyricStringParam(Line, LinePos);
+ if (Length(Str) <> 1) then
+ begin
+ LinePos := OldLinePos;
+ raise EUSDXParseException.Create('Character expected');
+ end;
+ Result := Str[1];
+ * Returns the rest of the line from LinePos as lyric text.
+ * Leading and trailing whitespace is not trimmed.
+ *}
+function TSong.ParseLyricText(const Line: RawByteString; var LinePos: integer): RawByteString;
+ if (LinePos > Length(Line)) then
+ Result := ''
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := Copy(Line, LinePos, Length(Line)-LinePos+1);
+ LinePos := Length(Line)+1;
//Load TXT Song
function TSong.LoadSong(): boolean;
- TempC: char;
- Text: string;
- CP: integer; // Current Player (0 or 1)
+ CurLine: RawByteString;
+ LinePos: integer;
Count: integer;
Both: boolean;
- Param1: integer;
- Param2: integer;
- Param3: integer;
- ParamS: string;
- I: integer;
+ Param0: AnsiChar;
+ Param1: integer;
+ Param2: integer;
+ Param3: integer;
+ ParamLyric: UTF8String;
+ I: integer;
+ NotesFound: boolean;
+ SongFile: TTextFileStream;
+ FileNamePath: IPath;
Result := false;
LastError := '';
- if not FileExists(Path + PathDelim + FileName) then
+ FileNamePath := Path.Append(FileName);
+ if not FileNamePath.IsFile() then
- Log.LogError('File not found: "' + Path + PathDelim + FileName + '"', 'TSong.LoadSong()');
- exit;
+ Log.LogError('File not found: "' + FileNamePath.ToNative + '"', 'TSong.LoadSong()');
+ Exit;
MultBPM := 4; // multiply beat-count of note by 4
Mult := 1; // accuracy of measurement of note
- Base[0] := 100; // high number
- Lines[0].ScoreValue := 0;
- self.Relative := false;
Rel[0] := 0;
- CP := 0;
Both := false;
if Length(Player) = 2 then
@@ -225,187 +439,155 @@ begin
// Open song file for reading.....
- FileMode := fmOpenRead;
- AssignFile(SongFile, fFileName);
- Reset(SongFile);
- //Clear old Song Header
- if (self.Path = '') then
- self.Path := ExtractFilePath(FileName);
- if (self.FileName = '') then
- self.Filename := ExtractFileName(FileName);
- FileLineNo := 0;
- //Search for Note Begining
- repeat
- ReadLn(SongFile, Text);
- Inc(FileLineNo);
+ SongFile := TMemTextFileStream.Create(FileNamePath, fmOpenRead);
+ try
+ //Search for Note Beginning
+ FileLineNo := 0;
+ NotesFound := false;
+ while (SongFile.ReadLine(CurLine)) do
+ begin
+ Inc(FileLineNo);
+ if (Length(CurLine) > 0) and (CurLine[1] in [':', 'F', '*']) then
+ begin
+ NotesFound := true;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
- if (EoF(SongFile)) then
+ if (not NotesFound) then
begin //Song File Corrupted - No Notes
- CloseFile(SongFile);
- Log.LogError('Could not load txt File, no Notes found: ' + FileName);
+ Log.LogError('Could not load txt File, no notes found: ' + FileNamePath.ToNative);
- Read(SongFile, TempC);
- until ((TempC = ':') or (TempC = 'F') or (TempC = '*'));
- SetLength(Lines, 2);
- for Count := 0 to High(Lines) do
- begin
- SetLength(Lines[Count].Line, 1);
- Lines[Count].High := 0;
- Lines[Count].Number := 1;
- Lines[Count].Current := 0;
- Lines[Count].Resolution := self.Resolution;
- Lines[Count].NotesGAP := self.NotesGAP;
- Lines[Count].Line[0].HighNote := -1;
- Lines[Count].Line[0].LastLine := false;
- end;
- //TempC := ':';
- //TempC := Text[1]; // read from backup variable, don't use default ':' value
- while (TempC <> 'E') and (not EOF(SongFile)) do
- begin
- if (TempC = ':') or (TempC = '*') or (TempC = 'F') then
- begin
- // read notes
- Read(SongFile, Param1);
- Read(SongFile, Param2);
- Read(SongFile, Param3);
- Read(SongFile, ParamS);
- //Check for ZeroNote
- if Param2 = 0 then
- Log.LogError('Found ZeroNote at "'+TempC+' '+IntToStr(Param1)+' '+IntToStr(Param2)+' '+IntToStr(Param3)+ParamS+'" -> Note ignored!')
- else
- begin
- // add notes
- if not Both then
- // P1
- ParseNote(0, TempC, (Param1+Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS)
- else
- begin
- // P1 + P2
- ParseNote(0, TempC, (Param1+Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS);
- ParseNote(1, TempC, (Param1+Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS);
- end;
- end; //Zeronote check
- end // if
- else if TempC = '-' then
- begin
- // reads sentence
- Read(SongFile, Param1);
- if self.Relative then
- Read(SongFile, Param2); // read one more data for relative system
- // new sentence
- if not Both then
- // P1
- NewSentence(0, (Param1 + Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2)
- else
- begin
- // P1 + P2
- NewSentence(0, (Param1 + Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2);
- NewSentence(1, (Param1 + Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2);
- end;
- end // if
- else if TempC = 'B' then
+ SetLength(Lines, 2);
+ for Count := 0 to High(Lines) do
- SetLength(self.BPM, Length(self.BPM) + 1);
- Read(SongFile, self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].StartBeat);
- self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].StartBeat := self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].StartBeat + Rel[0];
- Read(SongFile, Text);
- self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].BPM := StrToFloat(Text);
- self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].BPM := self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].BPM * Mult * MultBPM;
+ Lines[Count].High := 0;
+ Lines[Count].Number := 1;
+ Lines[Count].Current := 0;
+ Lines[Count].Resolution := self.Resolution;
+ Lines[Count].NotesGAP := self.NotesGAP;
+ Lines[Count].ScoreValue := 0;
+ //Add first line and set some standard values to fields
+ //see procedure NewSentence for further explantation
+ //concerning most of these values
+ SetLength(Lines[Count].Line, 1);
+ Lines[Count].Line[0].HighNote := -1;
+ Lines[Count].Line[0].LastLine := false;
+ Lines[Count].Line[0].BaseNote := High(Integer);
+ Lines[Count].Line[0].TotalNotes := 0;
- if not Both then
+ while true do
- Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].BaseNote := Base[CP];
- Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].LyricWidth := glTextWidth(Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Lyric);
- //Total Notes Patch
- Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].TotalNotes := 0;
- for I := low(Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Note) to high(Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Note) do
- begin
- if (Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Note[I].NoteType = ntGolden) then
- Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].TotalNotes := Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].TotalNotes + Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Note[I].Length;
+ LinePos := 0;
- if (Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Note[I].NoteType <> ntFreestyle) then
- Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].TotalNotes := Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].TotalNotes + Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Note[I].Length;
- end;
- //Total Notes Patch End
- end
- else
- begin
- for Count := 0 to High(Lines) do
+ Param0 := ParseLyricCharParam(CurLine, LinePos);
+ if (Param0 = 'E') then
+ begin
+ Break
+ end
+ else if (Param0 in [':', '*', 'F']) then
- Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].BaseNote := Base[Count];
- Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].LyricWidth := glTextWidth(Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Lyric);
- //Total Notes Patch
- Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].TotalNotes := 0;
- for I := low(Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Note) to high(Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Note) do
+ // read notes
+ Param1 := ParseLyricIntParam(CurLine, LinePos);
+ Param2 := ParseLyricIntParam(CurLine, LinePos);
+ Param3 := ParseLyricIntParam(CurLine, LinePos);
+ ParamLyric := ParseLyricText(CurLine, LinePos);
+ //Check for ZeroNote
+ if Param2 = 0 then
+ Log.LogError('Found zero-length note at "'+Param0+' '+IntToStr(Param1)+' '+IntToStr(Param2)+' '+IntToStr(Param3)+ParamLyric+'" -> Note ignored!')
+ else
- if (Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Note[I].NoteType = ntGolden) then
- Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].TotalNotes := Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].TotalNotes + Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Note[I].Length;
- if (Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Note[I].NoteType <> ntFreestyle) then
- Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].TotalNotes := Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].TotalNotes + Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Note[I].Length;
+ // add notes
+ if not Both then
+ // P1
+ ParseNote(0, Param0, (Param1+Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamLyric)
+ else
+ begin
+ // P1 + P2
+ ParseNote(0, Param0, (Param1+Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamLyric);
+ ParseNote(1, Param0, (Param1+Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamLyric);
+ end;
+ end; //Zeronote check
+ end // if
+ else if Param0 = '-' then
+ begin
+ // reads sentence
+ Param1 := ParseLyricIntParam(CurLine, LinePos);
+ if self.Relative then
+ Param2 := ParseLyricIntParam(CurLine, LinePos); // read one more data for relative system
+ // new sentence
+ if not Both then
+ // P1
+ NewSentence(0, (Param1 + Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2)
+ else
+ begin
+ // P1 + P2
+ NewSentence(0, (Param1 + Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2);
+ NewSentence(1, (Param1 + Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2);
- //Total Notes Patch End
- end;
- end;
- ReadLn(SongFile); //Jump to next line in File, otherwise the next Read would catch the linebreak(e.g. #13 #10 on win32)
- Read(SongFile, TempC);
- Inc(FileLineNo);
- end; // while}
- CloseFile(SongFile);
+ end // if
- for I := 0 to High(Lines) do
- begin
- if ((Both) or (I = 0)) then
- begin
- if (Length(Lines[I].Line) < 2) then
+ else if Param0 = 'B' then
- Log.LogError('Error Loading File, Can''t find any Linebreaks: "' + fFileName + '"');
- exit;
- end;
+ SetLength(self.BPM, Length(self.BPM) + 1);
+ self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].StartBeat := ParseLyricFloatParam(CurLine, LinePos);
+ self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].StartBeat := self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].StartBeat + Rel[0];
- if (Lines[I].Line[Lines[I].High].HighNote < 0) then
- begin
- SetLength(Lines[I].Line, Lines[I].Number - 1);
- Lines[I].High := Lines[I].High - 1;
- Lines[I].Number := Lines[I].Number - 1;
- Log.LogError('Error loading Song, sentence w/o note found in last line before E: ' + Filename);
+ self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].BPM := ParseLyricFloatParam(CurLine, LinePos);
+ self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].BPM := self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].BPM * Mult * MultBPM;
- end;
- end;
- for Count := 0 to High(Lines) do
- begin
- if (High(Lines[Count].Line) >= 0) then
- Lines[Count].Line[High(Lines[Count].Line)].LastLine := true;
+ // Read next line in File
+ if (not SongFile.ReadLine(CurLine)) then
+ Break;
+ Inc(FileLineNo);
+ end; // while
+ finally
+ SongFile.Free;
- try
- CloseFile(SongFile);
- except
+ on E: Exception do
+ begin
+ Log.LogError(Format('Error loading file: "%s" in line %d,%d: %s',
+ [FileNamePath.ToNative, FileLineNo, LinePos, E.Message]));
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ for I := 0 to High(Lines) do
+ begin
+ if ((Both) or (I = 0)) then
+ begin
+ if (Length(Lines[I].Line) < 2) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('Error loading file: Can''t find any linebreaks in "' + FileNamePath.ToNative + '"');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (Lines[I].Line[Lines[I].High].HighNote < 0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Lines[I].Line, Lines[I].Number - 1);
+ Lines[I].High := Lines[I].High - 1;
+ Lines[I].Number := Lines[I].Number - 1;
+ Log.LogError('Error loading Song, sentence w/o note found in last line before E: ' + FileNamePath.ToNative);
+ end;
+ end;
- Log.LogError('Error Loading File: "' + fFileName + '" in Line ' + inttostr(FileLineNo));
- exit;
+ for Count := 0 to High(Lines) do
+ begin
+ if (High(Lines[Count].Line) >= 0) then
+ Lines[Count].Line[High(Lines[Count].Line)].LastLine := true;
Result := true;
@@ -413,11 +595,7 @@ end;
//Load XML Song
function TSong.LoadXMLSong(): boolean;
- //TempC: char;
- Text: string;
- CP: integer; // Current Player (0 or 1)
Count: integer;
Both: boolean;
Param1: integer;
@@ -430,24 +608,23 @@ var
NoteType: char;
SentenceEnd, Rest, Time: integer;
Parser: TParser;
+ FileNamePath: IPath;
Result := false;
LastError := '';
- if not FileExists(Path + PathDelim + FileName) then
+ FileNamePath := Path.Append(FileName);
+ if not FileNamePath.IsFile() then
- Log.LogError('File not found: "' + Path + PathDelim + FileName + '"', 'TSong.LoadSong()');
+ Log.LogError('File not found: "' + FileNamePath.ToNative + '"', 'TSong.LoadSong()');
MultBPM := 4; // multiply beat-count of note by 4
Mult := 1; // accuracy of measurement of note
- Base[0] := 100; // high number
Lines[0].ScoreValue := 0;
self.Relative := false;
Rel[0] := 0;
- CP := 0;
Both := false;
if Length(Player) = 2 then
@@ -458,19 +635,26 @@ begin
for Count := 0 to High(Lines) do
- SetLength(Lines[Count].Line, 1);
Lines[Count].High := 0;
- Lines[Count].Number := 1;
- Lines[Count].Current := 0;
- Lines[Count].Resolution := self.Resolution;
- Lines[Count].NotesGAP := self.NotesGAP;
- Lines[Count].Line[0].HighNote := -1;
- Lines[Count].Line[0].LastLine := false;
+ Lines[Count].Number := 1;
+ Lines[Count].Current := 0;
+ Lines[Count].Resolution := self.Resolution;
+ Lines[Count].NotesGAP := self.NotesGAP;
+ Lines[Count].ScoreValue := 0;
+ //Add first line and set some standard values to fields
+ //see procedure NewSentence for further explantation
+ //concerning most of these values
+ SetLength(Lines[Count].Line, 1);
+ Lines[Count].Line[0].HighNote := -1;
+ Lines[Count].Line[0].LastLine := false;
+ Lines[Count].Line[0].BaseNote := High(Integer);
+ Lines[Count].Line[0].TotalNotes := 0;
//Try to Parse the Song
- if Parser.ParseSong(Path + PathDelim + FileName) then
+ if Parser.ParseSong(FileNamePath) then
//Writeln('XML Inputfile Parsed succesful');
@@ -502,42 +686,6 @@ begin
ParseNote(1, NoteType, (Param1+Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS);
- if not Both then
- begin
- Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].BaseNote := Base[CP];
- Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].LyricWidth := glTextWidth(Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Lyric);
- //Total Notes Patch
- Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].TotalNotes := 0;
- for NoteIndex := 0 to high(Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Note) do
- begin
- if (Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Note[NoteIndex].NoteType = ntGolden) then
- Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].TotalNotes := Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].TotalNotes + Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Note[NoteIndex].Length;
- if (Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Note[NoteIndex].NoteType <> ntFreestyle) then
- Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].TotalNotes := Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].TotalNotes + Lines[CP].Line[Lines[CP].High].Note[NoteIndex].Length;
- end;
- //Total Notes Patch End
- end
- else
- begin
- for Count := 0 to High(Lines) do
- begin
- Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].BaseNote := Base[Count];
- Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].LyricWidth := glTextWidth(Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Lyric);
- //Total Notes Patch
- Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].TotalNotes := 0;
- for NoteIndex := 0 to high(Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Note) do
- begin
- if (Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Note[NoteIndex].NoteType = ntGolden) then
- Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].TotalNotes := Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].TotalNotes + Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Note[NoteIndex].Length;
- if (Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Note[NoteIndex].NoteType <> ntFreestyle) then
- Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].TotalNotes := Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].TotalNotes + Lines[Count].Line[Lines[Count].High].Note[NoteIndex].Length;
- end;
- //Total Notes Patch End
- end;
- end; { end of for loop }
end; //J Forloop
//Add Sentence break
@@ -573,7 +721,7 @@ begin
- Log.LogError('Could not parse Inputfile: ' + Path + PathDelim + FileName);
+ Log.LogError('Could not parse inputfile: ' + FileNamePath.ToNative);
@@ -585,14 +733,11 @@ begin
Result := true;
-function TSong.ReadXMLHeader(const aFileName : WideString): boolean;
+function TSong.ReadXMLHeader(const aFileName : IPath): boolean;
- //Line, Identifier, Value: string;
- //Temp : word;
Done : byte;
Parser : TParser;
+ FileNamePath: IPath;
Result := true;
Done := 0;
@@ -601,7 +746,8 @@ begin
Parser := TParser.Create;
Parser.Settings.DashReplacement := '~';
- if Parser.ParseSong(self.Path + self.FileName) then
+ FileNamePath := Self.Path.Append(Self.FileName);
+ if Parser.ParseSong(FileNamePath) then
//Required Attributes
@@ -620,9 +766,9 @@ begin
Done := Done or 2;
//MP3 File //Test if Exists
- self.Mp3 := platform.FindSongFile(Path, '*.mp3');
+ Self.Mp3 := FindSongFile(Self.Path, '*.mp3');
//Add Mp3 Flag to Done
- if (FileExists(self.Path + self.Mp3)) then
+ if (Self.Path.Append(Self.Mp3).IsFile()) then
Done := Done or 4;
//Beats per Minute
@@ -643,16 +789,16 @@ begin
self.GAP := Parser.SongInfo.Header.Gap;
//Cover Picture
- self.Cover := platform.FindSongFile(Path, '*[CO].jpg');
+ self.Cover := FindSongFile(Path, '*[CO].jpg');
//Background Picture
- self.Background := platform.FindSongFile(Path, '*[BG].jpg');
+ self.Background := FindSongFile(Path, '*[BG].jpg');
// Video File
// self.Video := Value
// Video Gap
- // self.VideoGAP := song_StrtoFloat( Value )
+ // self.VideoGAP := StrtoFloatI18n( Value )
//Genre Sorting
self.Genre := Parser.SongInfo.Header.Genre;
@@ -667,7 +813,7 @@ begin
self.Language := Parser.SongInfo.Header.Language;
- Log.LogError('File Incomplete or not SingStar XML (A): ' + aFileName);
+ Log.LogError('File incomplete or not SingStar XML (A): ' + aFileName.ToNative);
@@ -676,220 +822,297 @@ begin
Result := false;
if (Done and 8) = 0 then //No BPM Flag
- Log.LogError('BPM Tag Missing: ' + self.FileName)
+ Log.LogError('BPM tag missing: ' + self.FileName.ToNative)
else if (Done and 4) = 0 then //No MP3 Flag
- Log.LogError('MP3 Tag/File Missing: ' + self.FileName)
+ Log.LogError('MP3 tag/file missing: ' + self.FileName.ToNative)
else if (Done and 2) = 0 then //No Artist Flag
- Log.LogError('Artist Tag Missing: ' + self.FileName)
+ Log.LogError('Artist tag missing: ' + self.FileName.ToNative)
else if (Done and 1) = 0 then //No Title Flag
- Log.LogError('Title Tag Missing: ' + self.FileName)
+ Log.LogError('Title tag missing: ' + self.FileName.ToNative)
else //unknown Error
- Log.LogError('File Incomplete or not SingStar XML (B - '+ inttostr(Done) +'): ' + aFileName);
+ Log.LogError('File incomplete or not SingStar XML (B - '+ inttostr(Done) +'): ' + aFileName.ToNative);
+ * "International" StrToFloat variant. Uses either ',' or '.' as decimal
+ * separator.
+ *}
+function StrToFloatI18n(const Value: string): extended;
+ TempValue : string;
+ TempValue := Value;
+ if (Pos(',', TempValue) <> 0) then
+ TempValue[Pos(',', TempValue)] := '.';
+ Result := StrToFloatDef(TempValue, 0);
-function TSong.ReadTXTHeader(const aFileName : WideString): boolean;
- function song_StrtoFloat( aValue : string ) : extended;
- var
- lValue : string;
+function TSong.ReadTXTHeader(SongFile: TTextFileStream; ReadCustomTags: Boolean): boolean;
+ Line, Identifier: string;
+ Value: string;
+ SepPos: integer; // separator position
+ Done: byte; // bit-vector of mandatory fields
+ EncFile: IPath; // encoded filename
+ FullFileName: string;
+ { adds a custom header tag to the song
+ if there is no ':' in the read line, Tag should be empty
+ and the whole line should be in Content }
+ procedure AddCustomTag(const Tag, Content: String);
+ var Len: Integer;
- lValue := aValue;
- if (Pos(',', lValue) <> 0) then
- lValue[Pos(',', lValue)] := '.';
- Result := StrToFloatDef(lValue, 0);
+ if ReadCustomTags then
+ begin
+ Len := Length(CustomTags);
+ SetLength(CustomTags, Len + 1);
+ CustomTags[Len].Tag := DecodeStringUTF8(Tag, Encoding);
+ CustomTags[Len].Content := DecodeStringUTF8(Content, Encoding);
+ end;
- Line, Identifier, Value: string;
- Temp : word;
- Done : byte;
Result := true;
Done := 0;
- //Read first Line
- ReadLn (SongFile, Line);
+ FullFileName := Path.Append(Filename).ToNative;
+ //Read first Line
+ SongFile.ReadLine(Line);
if (Length(Line) <= 0) then
- Log.LogError('File Starts with Empty Line: ' + aFileName);
+ Log.LogError('File starts with empty line: ' + FullFileName,
+ 'TSong.ReadTXTHeader');
Result := false;
+ // check if file begins with a UTF-8 BOM, if so set encoding to UTF-8
+ if (CheckReplaceUTF8BOM(Line)) then
+ Encoding := encUTF8;
//Read Lines while Line starts with # or its empty
while (Length(Line) = 0) or (Line[1] = '#') do
//Increase Line Number
Inc (FileLineNo);
- Temp := Pos(':', Line);
+ SepPos := Pos(':', Line);
- //Line has a Seperator-> Headerline
- if (Temp <> 0) then
+ //Line has no Seperator, ignore non header field
+ if (SepPos = 0) then
- //Read Identifier and Value
- Identifier := Uppercase(Trim(Copy(Line, 2, Temp - 2))); //Uppercase is for Case Insensitive Checks
- Value := Trim(Copy(Line, Temp + 1,Length(Line) - Temp));
- //Check the Identifier (If Value is given)
- if (Length(Value) <> 0) then
+ AddCustomTag('', Copy(Line, 2, Length(Line) - 1));
+ // read next line
+ if (not SongFile.ReadLine(Line)) then
- //-----------
- //Required Attributes
- //-----------
+ Result := false;
+ Log.LogError('File incomplete or not Ultrastar txt (A): ' + FullFileName);
+ Break;
+ end;
+ Continue;
+ end;
- if ((Identifier = 'MP3') or (Identifier = 'BACKGROUND') or (Identifier = 'COVER') or (Identifier = 'VIDEO')) then
- Value := Utf8Encode(Value);
- {$ENDIF}
+ //Read Identifier and Value
+ Identifier := UpperCase(Trim(Copy(Line, 2, SepPos - 2))); //Uppercase is for Case Insensitive Checks
+ Value := Trim(Copy(Line, SepPos + 1, Length(Line) - SepPos));
- //Title
- if (Identifier = 'TITLE') then
- begin
- self.Title := Value;
+ //Check the Identifier (If Value is given)
+ if (Length(Value) = 0) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogWarn('Empty field "'+Identifier+'" in file ' + FullFileName,
+ 'TSong.ReadTXTHeader');
+ AddCustomTag(Identifier, '');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
- //Add Title Flag to Done
- Done := Done or 1;
- end
+ //-----------
+ //Required Attributes
+ //-----------
- //Artist
- else if (Identifier = 'ARTIST') then
- begin
- self.Artist := Value;
+ if (Identifier = 'TITLE') then
+ begin
+ DecodeStringUTF8(Value, Title, Encoding);
+ //Add Title Flag to Done
+ Done := Done or 1;
+ end
- //Add Artist Flag to Done
- Done := Done or 2;
- end
+ else if (Identifier = 'ARTIST') then
+ begin
+ DecodeStringUTF8(Value, Artist, Encoding);
+ //Add Artist Flag to Done
+ Done := Done or 2;
+ end
- //MP3 File //Test if Exists
- else if (Identifier = 'MP3') and (FileExists(self.Path + Value)) then
+ //MP3 File
+ else if (Identifier = 'MP3') then
+ begin
+ EncFile := DecodeFilename(Value);
+ if (Self.Path.Append(EncFile).IsFile) then
- self.Mp3 := Value;
+ self.Mp3 := EncFile;
//Add Mp3 Flag to Done
Done := Done or 4;
- end
+ end;
+ end
- //Beats per Minute
- else if (Identifier = 'BPM') then
+ //Beats per Minute
+ else if (Identifier = 'BPM') then
+ begin
+ SetLength(self.BPM, 1);
+ self.BPM[0].StartBeat := 0;
+ self.BPM[0].BPM := StrToFloatI18n( Value ) * Mult * MultBPM;
+ if self.BPM[0].BPM <> 0 then
- SetLength(self.BPM, 1);
- self.BPM[0].StartBeat := 0;
+ //Add BPM Flag to Done
+ Done := Done or 8;
+ end;
+ end
- self.BPM[0].BPM := song_StrtoFloat( Value ) * Mult * MultBPM;
+ //---------
+ //Additional Header Information
+ //---------
- if self.BPM[0].BPM <> 0 then
- begin
- //Add BPM Flag to Done
- Done := Done or 8;
- end;
- end
+ // Gap
+ else if (Identifier = 'GAP') then
+ begin
+ self.GAP := StrToFloatI18n(Value);
+ end
- //---------
- //Additional Header Information
- //---------
+ //Cover Picture
+ else if (Identifier = 'COVER') then
+ begin
+ self.Cover := DecodeFilename(Value);
+ end
- // Gap
- else if (Identifier = 'GAP') then
- self.GAP := song_StrtoFloat( Value )
+ //Background Picture
+ else if (Identifier = 'BACKGROUND') then
+ begin
+ self.Background := DecodeFilename(Value);
+ end
- //Cover Picture
- else if (Identifier = 'COVER') then
- self.Cover := Value
+ // Video File
+ else if (Identifier = 'VIDEO') then
+ begin
+ EncFile := DecodeFilename(Value);
+ if (self.Path.Append(EncFile).IsFile) then
+ self.Video := EncFile
+ else
+ Log.LogError('Can''t find video file in song: ' + FullFileName);
+ end
- //Background Picture
- else if (Identifier = 'BACKGROUND') then
- self.Background := Value
+ // Video Gap
+ else if (Identifier = 'VIDEOGAP') then
+ begin
+ self.VideoGAP := StrToFloatI18n( Value )
+ end
- // Video File
- else if (Identifier = 'VIDEO') then
- begin
- if (FileExists(self.Path + Value)) then
- self.Video := Value
- else
- Log.LogError('Can''t find Video File in Song: ' + aFileName);
- end
+ //Genre Sorting
+ else if (Identifier = 'GENRE') then
+ begin
+ DecodeStringUTF8(Value, Genre, Encoding)
+ end
- // Video Gap
- else if (Identifier = 'VIDEOGAP') then
- self.VideoGAP := song_StrtoFloat( Value )
+ //Edition Sorting
+ else if (Identifier = 'EDITION') then
+ begin
+ DecodeStringUTF8(Value, Edition, Encoding)
+ end
- //Genre Sorting
- else if (Identifier = 'GENRE') then
- self.Genre := Value
+ //Creator Tag
+ else if (Identifier = 'CREATOR') then
+ begin
+ DecodeStringUTF8(Value, Creator, Encoding)
+ end
- //Edition Sorting
- else if (Identifier = 'EDITION') then
- self.Edition := Value
+ //Language Sorting
+ else if (Identifier = 'LANGUAGE') then
+ begin
+ DecodeStringUTF8(Value, Language, Encoding)
+ end
- //Creator Tag
- else if (Identifier = 'CREATOR') then
- self.Creator := Value
+ //Language Sorting
+ else if (Identifier = 'YEAR') then
+ begin
+ TryStrtoInt(Value, self.Year)
+ end
- //Language Sorting
- else if (Identifier = 'LANGUAGE') then
- self.Language := Value
+ // Song Start
+ else if (Identifier = 'START') then
+ begin
+ self.Start := StrToFloatI18n( Value )
+ end
- // Song Start
- else if (Identifier = 'START') then
- self.Start := song_StrtoFloat( Value )
+ // Song Ending
+ else if (Identifier = 'END') then
+ begin
+ TryStrtoInt(Value, self.Finish)
+ end
- // Song Ending
- else if (Identifier = 'END') then
- TryStrtoInt(Value, self.Finish)
+ // Resolution
+ else if (Identifier = 'RESOLUTION') then
+ begin
+ TryStrtoInt(Value, self.Resolution)
+ end
- // Resolution
- else if (Identifier = 'RESOLUTION') then
- TryStrtoInt(Value, self.Resolution)
+ // Notes Gap
+ else if (Identifier = 'NOTESGAP') then
+ begin
+ TryStrtoInt(Value, self.NotesGAP)
+ end
- // Notes Gap
- else if (Identifier = 'NOTESGAP') then
- TryStrtoInt(Value, self.NotesGAP)
- // Relative Notes
- else if (Identifier = 'RELATIVE') and (uppercase(Value) = 'YES') then
+ // Relative Notes
+ else if (Identifier = 'RELATIVE') then
+ begin
+ if (UpperCase(Value) = 'YES') then
self.Relative := true;
+ end
+ // File encoding
+ else if (Identifier = 'ENCODING') then
+ begin
+ self.Encoding := ParseEncoding(Value, DEFAULT_ENCODING);
+ end
+ // unsupported tag
+ else
+ begin
+ AddCustomTag(Identifier, Value);
- end;
- if not EOF(SongFile) then
- ReadLn (SongFile, Line)
- else
+ end; // End check for non-empty Value
+ // read next line
+ if (not SongFile.ReadLine(Line)) then
Result := false;
- Log.LogError('File Incomplete or not Ultrastar TxT (A): ' + aFileName);
- break;
+ Log.LogError('File incomplete or not Ultrastar txt (A): ' + FullFileName);
+ Break;
+ end; // while
- end;
- if self.Cover = '' then
- self.Cover := platform.FindSongFile(Path, '*[CO].jpg');
+ if self.Cover.IsUnset then
+ self.Cover := FindSongFile(Path, '*[CO].jpg');
//Check if all Required Values are given
if (Done <> 15) then
Result := false;
if (Done and 8) = 0 then //No BPM Flag
- Log.LogError('BPM Tag Missing: ' + self.FileName)
+ Log.LogError('BPM tag missing: ' + FullFileName)
else if (Done and 4) = 0 then //No MP3 Flag
- Log.LogError('MP3 Tag/File Missing: ' + self.FileName)
+ Log.LogError('MP3 tag/file missing: ' + FullFileName)
else if (Done and 2) = 0 then //No Artist Flag
- Log.LogError('Artist Tag Missing: ' + self.FileName)
+ Log.LogError('Artist tag missing: ' + FullFileName)
else if (Done and 1) = 0 then //No Title Flag
- Log.LogError('Title Tag Missing: ' + self.FileName)
+ Log.LogError('Title tag missing: ' + FullFileName)
else //unknown Error
- Log.LogError('File Incomplete or not Ultrastar TxT (B - '+ inttostr(Done) +'): ' + aFileName);
+ Log.LogError('File incomplete or not Ultrastar txt (B - '+ inttostr(Done) +'): ' + FullFileName);
function TSong.GetErrorLineNo: integer;
@@ -900,47 +1123,52 @@ begin
Result := -1;
-procedure TSong.ParseNote(LineNumber: integer; TypeP: char; StartP, DurationP, NoteP: integer; LyricS: string);
+function TSong.Solmizate(Note: integer; Type_: integer): string;
- case Ini.Solmization of
+ case (Type_) of
1: // european
- case (NoteP mod 12) of
- 0..1: LyricS := ' do ';
- 2..3: LyricS := ' re ';
- 4: LyricS := ' mi ';
- 5..6: LyricS := ' fa ';
- 7..8: LyricS := ' sol ';
- 9..10: LyricS := ' la ';
- 11: LyricS := ' si ';
+ case (Note mod 12) of
+ 0..1: Result := ' do ';
+ 2..3: Result := ' re ';
+ 4: Result := ' mi ';
+ 5..6: Result := ' fa ';
+ 7..8: Result := ' sol ';
+ 9..10: Result := ' la ';
+ 11: Result := ' si ';
2: // japanese
- case (NoteP mod 12) of
- 0..1: LyricS := ' do ';
- 2..3: LyricS := ' re ';
- 4: LyricS := ' mi ';
- 5..6: LyricS := ' fa ';
- 7..8: LyricS := ' so ';
- 9..10: LyricS := ' la ';
- 11: LyricS := ' shi ';
+ case (Note mod 12) of
+ 0..1: Result := ' do ';
+ 2..3: Result := ' re ';
+ 4: Result := ' mi ';
+ 5..6: Result := ' fa ';
+ 7..8: Result := ' so ';
+ 9..10: Result := ' la ';
+ 11: Result := ' shi ';
3: // american
- case (NoteP mod 12) of
- 0..1: LyricS := ' do ';
- 2..3: LyricS := ' re ';
- 4: LyricS := ' mi ';
- 5..6: LyricS := ' fa ';
- 7..8: LyricS := ' sol ';
- 9..10: LyricS := ' la ';
- 11: LyricS := ' ti ';
+ case (Note mod 12) of
+ 0..1: Result := ' do ';
+ 2..3: Result := ' re ';
+ 4: Result := ' mi ';
+ 5..6: Result := ' fa ';
+ 7..8: Result := ' sol ';
+ 9..10: Result := ' la ';
+ 11: Result := ' ti ';
end; // case
+procedure TSong.ParseNote(LineNumber: integer; TypeP: char; StartP, DurationP, NoteP: integer; LyricS: UTF8String);
+ if (Ini.Solmization <> 0) then
+ LyricS := Solmizate(NoteP, Ini.Solmization);
with Lines[LineNumber].Line[Lines[LineNumber].High] do
@@ -964,17 +1192,23 @@ begin
'*': Note[HighNote].NoteType := ntGolden;
- if (Note[HighNote].NoteType = ntGolden) then
- Lines[LineNumber].ScoreValue := Lines[LineNumber].ScoreValue + Note[HighNote].Length;
+ //add this notes value ("notes length" * "notes scorefactor") to the current songs entire value
+ Inc(Lines[LineNumber].ScoreValue, Note[HighNote].Length * ScoreFactor[Note[HighNote].NoteType]);
+ //and to the current lines entire value
+ Inc(TotalNotes, Note[HighNote].Length * ScoreFactor[Note[HighNote].NoteType]);
- if (Note[HighNote].NoteType <> ntFreestyle) then
- Lines[LineNumber].ScoreValue := Lines[LineNumber].ScoreValue + Note[HighNote].Length;
Note[HighNote].Tone := NoteP;
- if Note[HighNote].Tone < Base[LineNumber] then
- Base[LineNumber] := Note[HighNote].Tone;
- Note[HighNote].Text := Copy(LyricS, 2, 100);
+ //if a note w/ a deeper pitch then the current basenote is found
+ //we replace the basenote w/ the current notes pitch
+ if Note[HighNote].Tone < BaseNote then
+ BaseNote := Note[HighNote].Tone;
+ Note[HighNote].Color := 1; // default color to 1 for editor
+ DecodeStringUTF8(LyricS, Note[HighNote].Text, Encoding);
Lyric := Lyric + Note[HighNote].Text;
End_ := Note[HighNote].Start + Note[HighNote].Length;
@@ -982,43 +1216,35 @@ begin
procedure TSong.NewSentence(LineNumberP: integer; Param1, Param2: integer);
I: integer;
if (Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].HighNote <> -1) then
- begin //Update old Sentence if it has notes and create a new sentence
- // Update old part
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].BaseNote := Base[LineNumberP];
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].LyricWidth := glTextWidth(Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Lyric);
- //Total Notes Patch
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].TotalNotes := 0;
- for I := low(Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Note) to high(Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Note) do
- begin
- if (Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Note[I].NoteType = ntGolden) then
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].TotalNotes := Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].TotalNotes + Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Note[I].Length;
- if (Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Note[I].NoteType <> ntFreestyle) then
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].TotalNotes := Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].TotalNotes + Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Note[I].Length;
- end;
- //Total Notes Patch End
- // Update new part
+ begin //create a new line
SetLength(Lines[LineNumberP].Line, Lines[LineNumberP].Number + 1);
- Lines[LineNumberP].High := Lines[LineNumberP].High + 1;
- Lines[LineNumberP].Number := Lines[LineNumberP].Number + 1;
+ Inc(Lines[LineNumberP].High);
+ Inc(Lines[LineNumberP].Number);
- begin //Use old Sentence if it has no notes
- Log.LogError('Error loading Song, sentence w/o note found in line ' + InttoStr(FileLineNo) + ': ' + Filename);
+ begin //use old line if it there were no notes added since last call of NewSentence
+ Log.LogError('Error loading Song, sentence w/o note found in line ' +
+ InttoStr(FileLineNo) + ': ' + Filename.ToNative);
Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].HighNote := -1;
+ //set the current lines value to zero
+ //it will be incremented w/ the value of every added note
+ Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].TotalNotes := 0;
+ //basenote is the pitch of the deepest note, it is used for note drawing.
+ //if a note with a less value than the current sentences basenote is found,
+ //basenote will be set to this notes pitch. Therefore the initial value of
+ //this field has to be very high.
+ Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].BaseNote := High(Integer);
if self.Relative then
Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Start := Param1;
@@ -1028,12 +1254,9 @@ begin
Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Start := Param1;
Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].LastLine := false;
- Base[LineNumberP] := 100; // high number
-procedure TSong.clear();
+procedure TSong.Clear();
//Main Information
Title := '';
@@ -1042,33 +1265,38 @@ begin
Genre := 'Unknown';
Edition := 'Unknown';
- Language := 'Unknown'; //Language Patch
+ Language := 'Unknown';
+ Year := 0;
+ // set to default encoding
+ // clear custom header tags
+ SetLength(CustomTags, 0);
//Required Information
- Mp3 := '';
- setlength( BPM, 0 );
- {$ELSE}
- BPM := nil;
- {$ENDIF}
+ Mp3 := PATH_NONE;
+ SetLength(BPM, 0);
GAP := 0;
Start := 0;
Finish := 0;
//Additional Information
- Background := '';
- Cover := '';
- Video := '';
+ Background := PATH_NONE;
+ Cover := PATH_NONE;
+ Video := PATH_NONE;
VideoGAP := 0;
NotesGAP := 0;
Resolution := 4;
Creator := '';
+ Relative := false;
-function TSong.Analyse(): boolean;
+function TSong.Analyse(const ReadCustomTags: Boolean): boolean;
+ SongFile: TTextFileStream;
Result := false;
@@ -1076,20 +1304,15 @@ begin
FileLineNo := 0;
//Open File and set File Pointer to the beginning
- AssignFile(SongFile, self.Path + self.FileName);
+ SongFile := TMemTextFileStream.Create(Self.Path.Append(Self.FileName), fmOpenRead);
- Reset(SongFile);
//Clear old Song Header
- self.clear;
+ Self.clear;
//Read Header
- Result := self.ReadTxTHeader( FileName )
- //And Close File
+ Result := Self.ReadTxTHeader(SongFile, ReadCustomTags)
- CloseFile(SongFile);
+ SongFile.Free;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/USongs.pas b/Lua/src/base/USongs.pas
index 7f5125a9..baeec13a 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/USongs.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/USongs.pas
@@ -40,74 +40,79 @@ interface
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes,
- syscall,
+ syscall,
- SysUtils,
- Classes,
- cthreads,
- {$ENDIF}
- PseudoThread,
+ PseudoThread,
+ UPath,
+ TSongFilter = (
+ fltAll,
+ fltTitle,
+ fltArtist
+ );
TBPM = record
- BPM: real;
- StartBeat: real;
+ BPM: real;
+ StartBeat: real;
TScore = record
- Name: widestring;
- Score: integer;
- Length: string;
+ Name: UTF8String;
+ Score: integer;
+ Length: string;
+ TPathDynArray = array of IPath;
- TSongs = class( TPseudoThread )
+ TSongs = class(TPseudoThread)
- TSongs = class( TThread )
+ TSongs = class(TThread)
- fNotify, fWatch : longint;
- fParseSongDirectory : boolean;
- fProcessing : boolean;
+ fNotify, fWatch: longint;
+ fParseSongDirectory: boolean;
+ fProcessing: boolean;
{$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
- fDirWatch : TDirectoryWatch;
+ fDirWatch: TDirectoryWatch;
procedure int_LoadSongList;
procedure DoDirChanged(Sender: TObject);
procedure Execute; override;
- SongList : TList; // array of songs
- Selected : integer; // selected song index
+ SongList: TList; // array of songs
+ Selected: integer; // selected song index
constructor Create();
destructor Destroy(); override;
procedure LoadSongList; // load all songs
- procedure BrowseDir(Dir: widestring); // should return number of songs in the future
- procedure BrowseTXTFiles(Dir: widestring);
- procedure BrowseXMLFiles(Dir: widestring);
+ procedure FindFilesByExtension(const Dir: IPath; const Ext: IPath; Recursive: Boolean; var Files: TPathDynArray);
+ procedure BrowseDir(Dir: IPath); // should return number of songs in the future
+ procedure BrowseTXTFiles(Dir: IPath);
+ procedure BrowseXMLFiles(Dir: IPath);
procedure Sort(Order: integer);
- function FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: widestring): widestring;
- property Processing : boolean read fProcessing;
+ property Processing: boolean read fProcessing;
@@ -116,24 +121,24 @@ type
Selected: integer; // selected song index
Order: integer; // order type (0=title)
CatNumShow: integer; // Category Number being seen
- CatCount: integer; //Number of Categorys
+ CatCount: integer; // Number of Categorys
procedure SortSongs();
- procedure Refresh; // refreshes arrays by recreating them from Songs array
- procedure ShowCategory(Index: integer); // expands all songs in category
- procedure HideCategory(Index: integer); // hides all songs in category
- procedure ClickCategoryButton(Index: integer); // uses ShowCategory and HideCategory when needed
- procedure ShowCategoryList; //Hides all Songs And Show the List of all Categorys
- function FindNextVisible(SearchFrom:integer): integer; //Find Next visible Song
- function VisibleSongs: integer; // returns number of visible songs (for tabs)
- function VisibleIndex(Index: integer): integer; // returns visible song index (skips invisible)
- function SetFilter(FilterStr: string; const fType: Byte): Cardinal;
+ procedure Refresh; // refreshes arrays by recreating them from Songs array
+ procedure ShowCategory(Index: integer); // expands all songs in category
+ procedure HideCategory(Index: integer); // hides all songs in category
+ procedure ClickCategoryButton(Index: integer); // uses ShowCategory and HideCategory when needed
+ procedure ShowCategoryList; // Hides all Songs And Show the List of all Categorys
+ function FindNextVisible(SearchFrom: integer): integer; // Find Next visible Song
+ function VisibleSongs: integer; // returns number of visible songs (for tabs)
+ function VisibleIndex(Index: integer): integer; // returns visible song index (skips invisible)
+ function SetFilter(FilterStr: UTF8String; Filter: TSongFilter): cardinal;
- Songs: TSongs; // all songs
- CatSongs: TCatSongs; // categorized songs
+ Songs: TSongs; // all songs
+ CatSongs: TCatSongs; // categorized songs
IN_ACCESS = $00000001; //* File was accessed */
@@ -151,12 +156,17 @@ const
-uses StrUtils,
- UGraphic,
- UCovers,
- UFiles,
- UMain,
- UIni;
+ StrUtils,
+ UCovers,
+ UFiles,
+ UGraphic,
+ UMain,
+ UIni,
+ UPathUtils,
+ UNote,
+ UFilesystem,
+ UUnicodeUtils;
constructor TSongs.Create();
@@ -168,7 +178,7 @@ begin
// FIXME: threaded loading does not work this way.
// It will just cause crashes but nothing else at the moment.
- (*
{$ifdef MSWINDOWS}
fDirWatch := TDirectoryWatch.create(nil);
fDirWatch.OnChange := DoDirChanged;
@@ -179,7 +189,7 @@ begin
// now we can start the thread
- *)
// until it is fixed, simply load the song-list
@@ -187,7 +197,7 @@ end;
destructor TSongs.Destroy();
- FreeAndNil( SongList );
+ FreeAndNil(SongList);
@@ -198,7 +208,7 @@ end;
procedure TSongs.Execute();
- fChangeNotify : THandle;
+ fChangeNotify: THandle;
@@ -230,15 +240,15 @@ begin
// browse directories
for I := 0 to SongPaths.Count-1 do
- BrowseDir(SongPaths[I]);
+ BrowseDir(SongPaths[I] as IPath);
- if assigned( CatSongs ) then
+ if assigned(CatSongs) then
- if assigned( CatCovers ) then
+ if assigned(CatCovers) then
- //if assigned( Covers ) then
+ //if assigned(Covers) then
// Covers.Load;
if assigned(ScreenSong) then
@@ -262,84 +272,92 @@ begin
-procedure TSongs.BrowseDir(Dir: widestring);
+procedure TSongs.BrowseDir(Dir: IPath);
- BrowseTXTFiles(Dir);
- BrowseXMLFiles(Dir);
+ BrowseTXTFiles(Dir);
+ BrowseXMLFiles(Dir);
-procedure TSongs.BrowseTXTFiles(Dir: widestring);
+procedure TSongs.FindFilesByExtension(const Dir: IPath; const Ext: IPath; Recursive: Boolean; var Files: TPathDynArray);
- i : integer;
- Files : TDirectoryEntryArray;
- lSong : TSong;
+ Iter: IFileIterator;
+ FileInfo: TFileInfo;
+ FileName: IPath;
- try
- Files := Platform.DirectoryFindFiles( Dir, '.txt', true)
- except
- Log.LogError('Couldn''t deal with directory/file: ' + Dir + ' in TSongs.BrowseTXTFiles')
- end;
- for i := 0 to Length(Files)-1 do
+ // search for all files and directories
+ Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(Dir.Append('*'), faAnyFile);
+ while (Iter.HasNext) do
- if Files[i].IsDirectory then
+ FileInfo := Iter.Next;
+ FileName := FileInfo.Name;
+ if ((FileInfo.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0) then
- BrowseTXTFiles( Dir + Files[i].Name + PathDelim ); //Recursive Call
+ if Recursive and (not FileName.Equals('.')) and (not FileName.Equals('..')) then
+ FindFilesByExtension(Dir.Append(FileName), Ext, true, Files);
- lSong := TSong.create( Dir + Files[i].Name );
- if lSong.Analyse then
- SongList.add( lSong )
- else
+ if (Ext.Equals(FileName.GetExtension(), true)) then
- Log.LogError('AnalyseFile failed for "' + Files[i].Name + '".');
- freeandnil( lSong );
+ SetLength(Files, Length(Files)+1);
+ Files[High(Files)] := Dir.Append(FileName);
- SetLength( Files, 0);
-procedure TSongs.BrowseXMLFiles(Dir: widestring);
+procedure TSongs.BrowseTXTFiles(Dir: IPath);
- i : integer;
- Files : TDirectoryEntryArray;
- lSong : TSong;
+ I: integer;
+ Files: TPathDynArray;
+ Song: TSong;
+ Extension: IPath;
+ SetLength(Files, 0);
+ Extension := Path('.txt');
+ FindFilesByExtension(Dir, Extension, true, Files);
- try
- Files := Platform.DirectoryFindFiles( Dir, '.xml', true)
- except
- Log.LogError('Couldn''t deal with directory/file: ' + Dir + ' in TSongs.BrowseXMLFiles')
- end;
- for i := 0 to Length(Files)-1 do
+ for I := 0 to High(Files) do
- if Files[i].IsDirectory then
- begin
- BrowseXMLFiles( Dir + Files[i].Name + PathDelim ); //Recursive Call
- end
+ Song := TSong.Create(Files[I]);
+ if Song.Analyse then
+ SongList.Add(Song)
- lSong := TSong.create( Dir + Files[i].Name );
+ Log.LogError('AnalyseFile failed for "' + Files[I].ToNative + '".');
+ FreeAndNil(Song);
+ end;
+ end;
- if lSong.AnalyseXML then
- SongList.add( lSong )
- else
- begin
- Log.LogError('AnalyseFile failed for "' + Files[i].Name + '".');
- freeandnil( lSong );
- end;
+ SetLength(Files, 0);
+procedure TSongs.BrowseXMLFiles(Dir: IPath);
+ I: integer;
+ Files: TPathDynArray;
+ Song: TSong;
+ Extension: IPath;
+ SetLength(Files, 0);
+ Extension := Path('.xml');
+ FindFilesByExtension(Dir, Extension, true, Files);
+ for I := 0 to High(Files) do
+ begin
+ Song := TSong.Create(Files[I]);
+ if Song.AnalyseXML then
+ SongList.Add(Song)
+ else
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('AnalyseFile failed for "' + Files[I].ToNative + '".');
+ FreeAndNil(Song);
- SetLength( Files, 0);
+ SetLength(Files, 0);
@@ -348,32 +366,32 @@ end;
function CompareByEdition(Song1, Song2: Pointer): integer;
- Result := CompareText(TSong(Song1).Edition, TSong(Song2).Edition);
+ Result := UTF8CompareText(TSong(Song1).Edition, TSong(Song2).Edition);
function CompareByGenre(Song1, Song2: Pointer): integer;
- Result := CompareText(TSong(Song1).Genre, TSong(Song2).Genre);
+ Result := UTF8CompareText(TSong(Song1).Genre, TSong(Song2).Genre);
function CompareByTitle(Song1, Song2: Pointer): integer;
- Result := CompareText(TSong(Song1).Title, TSong(Song2).Title);
+ Result := UTF8CompareText(TSong(Song1).Title, TSong(Song2).Title);
function CompareByArtist(Song1, Song2: Pointer): integer;
- Result := CompareText(TSong(Song1).Artist, TSong(Song2).Artist);
+ Result := UTF8CompareText(TSong(Song1).Artist, TSong(Song2).Artist);
function CompareByFolder(Song1, Song2: Pointer): integer;
- Result := CompareText(TSong(Song1).Folder, TSong(Song2).Folder);
+ Result := UTF8CompareText(TSong(Song1).Folder, TSong(Song2).Folder);
function CompareByLanguage(Song1, Song2: Pointer): integer;
- Result := CompareText(TSong(Song1).Language, TSong(Song2).Language);
+ Result := UTF8CompareText(TSong(Song1).Language, TSong(Song2).Language);
procedure TSongs.Sort(Order: integer);
@@ -392,8 +410,6 @@ begin
CompareFunc := CompareByArtist;
sFolder: // by folder
CompareFunc := CompareByFolder;
- sTitle2: // by title2
- CompareFunc := CompareByTitle;
sArtist2: // by artist2
CompareFunc := CompareByArtist;
sLanguage: // by Language
@@ -410,18 +426,6 @@ begin
MergeSort(SongList, CompareFunc);
-function TSongs.FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: widestring): widestring;
- SR: TSearchRec; // for parsing song directory
- Result := '';
- if FindFirst(Dir + Mask, faDirectory, SR) = 0 then
- begin
- Result := SR.Name;
- end; // if
- FindClose(SR);
procedure TCatSongs.SortSongs();
case Ini.Sorting of
@@ -452,12 +456,8 @@ begin
- sTitle2: begin
- Songs.Sort(sArtist2);
- Songs.Sort(sTitle2);
- end;
sArtist2: begin
- Songs.Sort(sTitle2);
+ Songs.Sort(sTitle);
end; // case
@@ -467,27 +467,27 @@ procedure TCatSongs.Refresh;
SongIndex: integer;
CurSong: TSong;
- CatIndex: integer; // index of current song in Song
- Letter: char; // current letter for sorting using letter
- CurCategory: string; // current edition for sorting using edition, genre etc.
- Order: integer; // number used for ordernum
- LetterTmp: char;
- CatNumber: integer; // Number of Song in Category
- procedure AddCategoryButton(const CategoryName: string);
+ CatIndex: integer; // index of current song in Song
+ Letter: UCS4Char; // current letter for sorting using letter
+ CurCategory: UTF8String; // current edition for sorting using edition, genre etc.
+ Order: integer; // number used for ordernum
+ LetterTmp: UCS4Char;
+ CatNumber: integer; // Number of Song in Category
+ procedure AddCategoryButton(const CategoryName: UTF8String);
PrevCatBtnIndex: integer;
CatIndex := Length(Song);
SetLength(Song, CatIndex+1);
- Song[CatIndex] := TSong.Create();
- Song[CatIndex].Artist := '[' + CategoryName + ']';
- Song[CatIndex].Main := true;
+ Song[CatIndex] := TSong.Create();
+ Song[CatIndex].Artist := '[' + CategoryName + ']';
+ Song[CatIndex].Main := true;
Song[CatIndex].OrderTyp := 0;
Song[CatIndex].OrderNum := Order;
- Song[CatIndex].Cover := CatCovers.GetCover(Ini.Sorting, CategoryName);
- Song[CatIndex].Visible := true;
+ Song[CatIndex].Cover := CatCovers.GetCover(Ini.Sorting, CategoryName);
+ Song[CatIndex].Visible := true;
// set number of songs in previous category
PrevCatBtnIndex := CatIndex - CatNumber - 1;
@@ -498,21 +498,21 @@ var
- CatNumShow := -1;
+ CatNumShow := -1;
CurCategory := '';
- Order := 0;
- CatNumber := 0;
+ Order := 0;
+ CatNumber := 0;
// Note: do NOT set Letter to ' ', otherwise no category-button will be
// created for songs beginning with ' ' if songs of this category exist.
// TODO: trim song-properties so ' ' will not occur as first chararcter.
- Letter := #0;
+ Letter := 0;
// clear song-list
- for SongIndex := 0 to Songs.SongList.Count-1 do
+ for SongIndex := 0 to Songs.SongList.Count - 1 do
// free category buttons
// Note: do NOT delete songs, they are just references to Songs.SongList entries
@@ -522,107 +522,108 @@ begin
SetLength(Song, 0);
- for SongIndex := 0 to Songs.SongList.Count-1 do
+ for SongIndex := 0 to Songs.SongList.Count - 1 do
CurSong := TSong(Songs.SongList[SongIndex]);
// if tabs are on, add section buttons for each new section
if (Ini.Tabs = 1) then
- if (Ini.Sorting = sEdition) and
- (CompareText(CurCategory, CurSong.Edition) <> 0) then
- begin
- CurCategory := CurSong.Edition;
- // TODO: remove this block if it is not needed anymore
- {
- if CurSection = 'Singstar Part 2' then CoverName := 'Singstar';
- if CurSection = 'Singstar German' then CoverName := 'Singstar';
- if CurSection = 'Singstar Spanish' then CoverName := 'Singstar';
- if CurSection = 'Singstar Italian' then CoverName := 'Singstar';
- if CurSection = 'Singstar French' then CoverName := 'Singstar';
- if CurSection = 'Singstar 80s Polish' then CoverName := 'Singstar 80s';
- }
- // add Category Button
- AddCategoryButton(CurCategory);
- end
- else if (Ini.Sorting = sGenre) and
- (CompareText(CurCategory, CurSong.Genre) <> 0) then
- begin
- CurCategory := CurSong.Genre;
- // add Genre Button
- AddCategoryButton(CurCategory);
- end
- else if (Ini.Sorting = sLanguage) and
- (CompareText(CurCategory, CurSong.Language) <> 0) then
- begin
- CurCategory := CurSong.Language;
- // add Language Button
- AddCategoryButton(CurCategory);
- end
- else if (Ini.Sorting = sTitle) and
- (Length(CurSong.Title) >= 1) and
- (Letter <> UpperCase(CurSong.Title)[1]) then
- begin
- Letter := Uppercase(CurSong.Title)[1];
- // add a letter Category Button
- AddCategoryButton(Letter);
- end
+ case (Ini.Sorting) of
+ sEdition: begin
+ if (CompareText(CurCategory, CurSong.Edition) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ CurCategory := CurSong.Edition;
+ // add Category Button
+ AddCategoryButton(CurCategory);
+ end;
+ end;
- else if (Ini.Sorting = sArtist) and
- (Length(CurSong.Artist) >= 1) and
- (Letter <> UpperCase(CurSong.Artist)[1]) then
- begin
- Letter := UpperCase(CurSong.Artist)[1];
- // add a letter Category Button
- AddCategoryButton(Letter);
- end
+ sGenre: begin
+ if (CompareText(CurCategory, CurSong.Genre) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ CurCategory := CurSong.Genre;
+ // add Genre Button
+ AddCategoryButton(CurCategory);
+ end;
+ end;
- else if (Ini.Sorting = sFolder) and
- (CompareText(CurCategory, CurSong.Folder) <> 0) then
- begin
- CurCategory := CurSong.Folder;
- // add folder tab
- AddCategoryButton(CurCategory);
- end
+ sLanguage: begin
+ if (CompareText(CurCategory, CurSong.Language) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ CurCategory := CurSong.Language;
+ // add Language Button
+ AddCategoryButton(CurCategory);
+ end
+ end;
- else if (Ini.Sorting = sTitle2) and
- (Length(CurSong.Title) >= 1) then
- begin
- // pack all numbers into a category named '#'
- if (CurSong.Title[1] >= '0') and (CurSong.Title[1] <= '9') then
- LetterTmp := '#'
- else
- LetterTmp := UpperCase(CurSong.Title)[1];
+ sTitle: begin
+ if (Length(CurSong.Title) >= 1) then
+ begin
+ LetterTmp := UCS4UpperCase(UTF8ToUCS4String(CurSong.Title)[0]);
+ { all numbers and some punctuation chars are put into a
+ category named '#'
+ we can't put the other punctuation chars into this category
+ because they are not in order, so there will be two different
+ categories named '#' }
+ if (LetterTmp in [Ord('!') .. Ord('?')]) then
+ LetterTmp := Ord('#')
+ else
+ LetterTmp := UCS4UpperCase(LetterTmp);
+ if (Letter <> LetterTmp) then
+ begin
+ Letter := LetterTmp;
+ // add a letter Category Button
+ AddCategoryButton(UCS4ToUTF8String(Letter));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
- if (Letter <> LetterTmp) then
- begin
- Letter := LetterTmp;
- // add a letter Category Button
- AddCategoryButton(Letter);
+ sArtist: begin
+ if (Length(CurSong.Artist) >= 1) then
+ begin
+ LetterTmp := UCS4UpperCase(UTF8ToUCS4String(CurSong.Artist)[0]);
+ { all numbers and some punctuation chars are put into a
+ category named '#'
+ we can't put the other punctuation chars into this category
+ because they are not in order, so there will be two different
+ categories named '#' }
+ if (LetterTmp in [Ord('!') .. Ord('?')]) then
+ LetterTmp := Ord('#')
+ else
+ LetterTmp := UCS4UpperCase(LetterTmp);
+ if (Letter <> LetterTmp) then
+ begin
+ Letter := LetterTmp;
+ // add a letter Category Button
+ AddCategoryButton(UCS4ToUTF8String(Letter));
+ end;
+ end;
- end
- else if (Ini.Sorting = sArtist2) and
- (Length(CurSong.Artist)>=1) then
- begin
- // pack all numbers into a category named '#'
- if (CurSong.Artist[1] >= '0') and (CurSong.Artist[1] <= '9') then
- LetterTmp := '#'
- else
- LetterTmp := UpperCase(CurSong.Artist)[1];
+ sFolder: begin
+ if (UTF8CompareText(CurCategory, CurSong.Folder) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ CurCategory := CurSong.Folder;
+ // add folder tab
+ AddCategoryButton(CurCategory);
+ end;
+ end;
- if (Letter <> LetterTmp) then
- begin
- Letter := LetterTmp;
- // add a letter Category Button
- AddCategoryButton(Letter);
+ sArtist2: begin
+ { this new sorting puts all songs by the same artist into
+ a single category }
+ if (UTF8CompareText(CurCategory, CurSong.Artist) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ CurCategory := CurSong.Artist;
+ // add folder tab
+ AddCategoryButton(CurCategory);
+ end;
- end;
- end;
+ end; // case (Ini.Sorting)
+ end; // if (Ini.Tabs = 1)
CatIndex := Length(Song);
SetLength(Song, CatIndex+1);
@@ -640,19 +641,18 @@ begin
CurSong.Visible := true
else if (Ini.Tabs = 1) then
CurSong.Visible := false;
- {
if (Ini.Tabs = 1) and (Order = 1) then
//open first tab
CurSong.Visible := true;
CurSong.Visible := true;
- }
// set CatNumber of last category
- if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) and (High(Song) >= 1) then
+ if (Ini.TabsAtStartup = 1) and (High(Song) >= 1) then
// set number of songs in previous category
SongIndex := CatIndex - CatNumber;
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ end;
procedure TCatSongs.ShowCategory(Index: integer);
- S: integer; // song
+ S: integer; // song
CatNumShow := Index;
for S := 0 to high(CatSongs.Song) do
@@ -678,13 +678,13 @@ begin
CatSongs.Song[S].Visible := false;
// KMS: This should be the same, but who knows :-)
- CatSongs.Song[S].Visible := ( (CatSongs.Song[S].OrderNum = Index) and (not CatSongs.Song[S].Main) );
+ CatSongs.Song[S].Visible := ((CatSongs.Song[S].OrderNum = Index) and (not CatSongs.Song[S].Main));
procedure TCatSongs.HideCategory(Index: integer); // hides all songs in category
- S: integer; // song
+ S: integer; // song
for S := 0 to high(CatSongs.Song) do
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ end;
procedure TCatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(Index: integer);
- Num: integer;
+ Num: integer;
Num := CatSongs.Song[Index].OrderNum;
if Num <> CatNumShow then
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ end;
//Hide Categorys when in Category Hack
procedure TCatSongs.ShowCategoryList;
- S: integer;
+ S: integer;
// Hide All Songs Show All Cats
for S := 0 to high(CatSongs.Song) do
@@ -721,23 +721,27 @@ begin
//Hide Categorys when in Category Hack End
-//Wrong song selected when tabs on bug
-function TCatSongs.FindNextVisible(SearchFrom:integer): integer;//Find next Visible Song
+// Wrong song selected when tabs on bug
+function TCatSongs.FindNextVisible(SearchFrom:integer): integer;// Find next Visible Song
I: integer;
Result := -1;
- I := SearchFrom + 1;
- while not CatSongs.Song[I].Visible do
+ I := SearchFrom;
+ while (Result = -1) do
Inc (I);
- if (I>high(CatSongs.Song)) then
- I := low(CatSongs.Song);
- if (I = SearchFrom) then //Make One Round and no song found->quit
- break;
+ if (I > High(CatSongs.Song)) then
+ I := Low(CatSongs.Song);
+ if (I = SearchFrom) then // Make One Round and no song found->quit
+ Break;
+ if (CatSongs.Song[I].Visible) then
+ Result := I;
-//Wrong song selected when tabs on bug End
+// Wrong song selected when tabs on bug End
* Returns the number of visible songs.
@@ -763,71 +767,73 @@ var
SongIndex: integer;
Result := 0;
- for SongIndex := 0 to Index-1 do
+ for SongIndex := 0 to Index - 1 do
if (CatSongs.Song[SongIndex].Visible) then
-function TCatSongs.SetFilter(FilterStr: string; const fType: Byte): Cardinal;
+function TCatSongs.SetFilter(FilterStr: UTF8String; Filter: TSongFilter): cardinal;
- I, J: integer;
- cString: string;
- SearchStr: array of string;
+ I, J: integer;
+ TmpString: UTF8String;
+ WordArray: array of UTF8String;
- {fType: 0: All
- 1: Title
- 2: Artist}
FilterStr := Trim(FilterStr);
- if FilterStr<>'' then
+ if (FilterStr <> '') then
Result := 0;
- //Create Search Array
- SetLength(SearchStr, 1);
- I := Pos (' ', FilterStr);
+ // initialize word array
+ SetLength(WordArray, 1);
+ // Copy words to SearchStr
+ I := Pos(' ', FilterStr);
while (I <> 0) do
- SetLength (SearchStr, Length(SearchStr) + 1);
- cString := Copy(FilterStr, 1, I-1);
- if (cString <> ' ') and (cString <> '') then
- SearchStr[High(SearchStr)-1] := cString;
- Delete (FilterStr, 1, I);
+ WordArray[High(WordArray)] := Copy(FilterStr, 1, I-1);
+ SetLength(WordArray, Length(WordArray) + 1);
- I := Pos (' ', FilterStr);
+ FilterStr := TrimLeft(Copy(FilterStr, I+1, Length(FilterStr)-I));
+ I := Pos(' ', FilterStr);
- //Copy last Word
- if (FilterStr <> ' ') and (FilterStr <> '') then
- SearchStr[High(SearchStr)] := FilterStr;
- for I:=0 to High(Song) do
+ // Copy last word
+ WordArray[High(WordArray)] := FilterStr;
+ for I := 0 to High(Song) do
if not Song[i].Main then
- case fType of
- 0: cString := Song[I].Artist + ' ' + Song[i].Title + ' ' + Song[i].Folder;
- 1: cString := Song[I].Title;
- 2: cString := Song[I].Artist;
+ case Filter of
+ fltAll:
+ TmpString := Song[I].Artist + ' ' + Song[i].Title + ' ' + Song[i].Folder;
+ fltTitle:
+ TmpString := Song[I].Title;
+ fltArtist:
+ TmpString := Song[I].Artist;
- Song[i].Visible:=True;
- //Look for every Searched Word
- for J := 0 to High(SearchStr) do
+ Song[i].Visible := true;
+ // Look for every searched word
+ for J := 0 to High(WordArray) do
- Song[i].Visible := Song[i].Visible and AnsiContainsText(cString, SearchStr[J])
+ Song[i].Visible := Song[i].Visible and
+ UTF8ContainsText(TmpString, WordArray[J])
if Song[i].Visible then
- Song[i].Visible:=False;
+ Song[i].Visible := false;
CatNumShow := -2;
- for i:=0 to High(Song) do
+ for i := 0 to High(Song) do
- Song[i].Visible := (Ini.Tabs=1) = Song[i].Main;
+ Song[i].Visible := (Ini.Tabs = 1) = Song[i].Main;
CatNumShow := -1;
Result := 0;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UTextEncoding.pas b/Lua/src/base/UTextEncoding.pas
index 6eec8eec..148cd5d4 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UTextEncoding.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UTextEncoding.pas
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- * $URL: https://ultrastardx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ultrastardx/trunk/src/menu/UMenuText.pas $
- * $Id: UMenuText.pas 1485 2008-10-28 20:16:05Z tobigun $
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
unit UTextEncoding;
@@ -34,114 +34,214 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
- SysUtils;
+ SysUtils,
+ UUnicodeUtils;
- TEncoding = (encCP1250, encCP1252, encUTF8, encNative);
+ TEncoding = (
+ encLocale, // current locale (needs cwstring on linux)
+ encUTF8, // UTF-8
+ encCP1250, // Windows-1250 Central/Eastern Europe (used by Ultrastar)
+ encCP1252, // Windows-1252 Western Europe (used by UltraStar Deluxe < 1.1)
+ encAuto // try to match the w3c regex and decode as unicode on match
+ // and as fallback if not match
+ );
+ UTF8_BOM: UTF8String = #$EF#$BB#$BF;
+ * Decodes Src encoded in SrcEncoding to a UTF-16 or UTF-8 encoded Dst string.
+ * Returns true if the conversion was successful.
+ *}
+function DecodeString(const Src: RawByteString; out Dst: WideString; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): boolean; overload;
+function DecodeString(const Src: RawByteString; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): WideString; overload;
+function DecodeStringUTF8(const Src: RawByteString; out Dst: UTF8String; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): boolean; overload;
+function DecodeStringUTF8(const Src: RawByteString; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): UTF8String; overload;
+ * Encodes the UTF-16 or UTF-8 encoded Src string to Dst using DstEncoding
+ * Returns true if the conversion was successful.
+ *}
+function EncodeString(const Src: WideString; out Dst: RawByteString; DstEncoding: TEncoding): boolean; overload;
+function EncodeString(const Src: WideString; DstEncoding: TEncoding): RawByteString; overload;
+function EncodeStringUTF8(const Src: UTF8String; out Dst: RawByteString; DstEncoding: TEncoding): boolean; overload;
+function EncodeStringUTF8(const Src: UTF8String; DstEncoding: TEncoding): RawByteString; overload;
+ * If Text starts with an UTF-8 BOM, the BOM is removed and true will
+ * be returned.
+ *}
+function CheckReplaceUTF8BOM(var Text: RawByteString): boolean;
-function RecodeString(const Src: string; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): WideString;
+ * Parses an encoding string to its TEncoding equivalent.
+ * Surrounding whitespace and dashes ('-') are removed, the upper-cased
+ * resulting value is then compared with TEncodingNames.
+ * If the encoding was not found, the result is set to the Default encoding.
+ *}
+function ParseEncoding(const EncodingStr: AnsiString; Default: TEncoding): TEncoding;
+ * Returns the name of an encoding.
+ *}
+function EncodingName(Encoding: TEncoding): AnsiString;
+ StrUtils,
+ pcre,
+ ULog;
- TConversionTable = array[0..127] of WideChar;
+ IEncoder = interface
+ function GetName(): AnsiString;
+ function Encode(const InStr: UCS4String; out OutStr: RawByteString): boolean;
+ function Decode(const InStr: RawByteString; out OutStr: UCS4String): boolean;
+ end;
+ TEncoder = class(TInterfacedObject, IEncoder)
+ public
+ function GetName(): AnsiString; virtual; abstract;
+ function Encode(const InStr: UCS4String; out OutStr: RawByteString): boolean; virtual; abstract;
+ function Decode(const InStr: RawByteString; out OutStr: UCS4String): boolean; virtual; abstract;
+ end;
+ TSingleByteEncoder = class(TEncoder)
+ public
+ function Encode(const InStr: UCS4String; out OutStr: RawByteString): boolean; override;
+ function Decode(const InStr: RawByteString; out OutStr: UCS4String): boolean; override;
+ function DecodeChar(InChr: AnsiChar; out OutChr: UCS4Char): boolean; virtual; abstract;
+ function EncodeChar(InChr: UCS4Char; out OutChr: AnsiChar): boolean; virtual; abstract;
+ end;
- // Windows-1250 Central/Eastern Europe (used by Ultrastar)
- CP1250Table: TConversionTable = (
- { $80 }
- #$20AC, #0, #$201A, #0, #$201E, #$2026, #$2020, #$2021,
- #0, #$2030, #$0160, #$2039, #$015A, #$0164, #$017D, #$0179,
- { $90 }
- #0, #$2018, #$2019, #$201C, #$201D, #$2022, #$2013, #$2014,
- #0, #$2122, #$0161, #$203A, #$015B, #$0165, #$017E, #$017A,
- { $A0 }
- #$00A0, #$02C7, #$02D8, #$0141, #$00A4, #$0104, #$00A6, #$00A7,
- #$00A8, #$00A9, #$015E, #$00AB, #$00AC, #$00AD, #$00AE, #$017B,
- { $B0 }
- #$00B0, #$00B1, #$02DB, #$0142, #$00B4, #$00B5, #$00B6, #$00B7,
- #$00B8, #$0105, #$015F, #$00BB, #$013D, #$02DD, #$013E, #$017C,
- { $C0 }
- #$0154, #$00C1, #$00C2, #$0102, #$00C4, #$0139, #$0106, #$00C7,
- #$010C, #$00C9, #$0118, #$00CB, #$011A, #$00CD, #$00CE, #$010E,
- { $D0 }
- #$0110, #$0143, #$0147, #$00D3, #$00D4, #$0150, #$00D6, #$00D7,
- #$0158, #$016E, #$00DA, #$0170, #$00DC, #$00DD, #$0162, #$00DF,
- { $E0 }
- #$0155, #$00E1, #$00E2, #$0103, #$00E4, #$013A, #$0107, #$00E7,
- #$010D, #$00E9, #$0119, #$00EB, #$011B, #$00ED, #$00EE, #$010F,
- { $F0 }
- #$0111, #$0144, #$0148, #$00F3, #$00F4, #$0151, #$00F6, #$00F7,
- #$0159, #$016F, #$00FA, #$0171, #$00FC, #$00FD, #$0163, #$02D9
- );
+ ERROR_CHAR = '?';
- // Windows-1252 Western Europe (used by UltraStar Deluxe < 1.1)
- CP1252Table: TConversionTable = (
- { $80 }
- #$20AC, #0, #$201A, #$0192, #$201E, #$2026, #$2020, #$2021,
- #$02C6, #$2030, #$0160, #$2039, #$0152, #0, #$017D, #0,
- { $90 }
- #0, #$2018, #$2019, #$201C, #$201D, #$2022, #$2013, #$2014,
- #$02DC, #$2122, #$0161, #$203A, #$0153, #0, #$017E, #$0178,
- { $A0 }
- #$00A0, #$00A1, #$00A2, #$00A3, #$00A4, #$00A5, #$00A6, #$00A7,
- #$00A8, #$00A9, #$00AA, #$00AB, #$00AC, #$00AD, #$00AE, #$00AF,
- { $B0 }
- #$00B0, #$00B1, #$00B2, #$00B3, #$00B4, #$00B5, #$00B6, #$00B7,
- #$00B8, #$00B9, #$00BA, #$00BB, #$00BC, #$00BD, #$00BE, #$00BF,
- { $C0 }
- #$00C0, #$00C1, #$00C2, #$00C3, #$00C4, #$00C5, #$00C6, #$00C7,
- #$00C8, #$00C9, #$00CA, #$00CB, #$00CC, #$00CD, #$00CE, #$00CF,
- { $D0 }
- #$00D0, #$00D1, #$00D2, #$00D3, #$00D4, #$00D5, #$00D6, #$00D7,
- #$00D8, #$00D9, #$00DA, #$00DB, #$00DC, #$00DD, #$00DE, #$00DF,
- { $E0 }
- #$00E0, #$00E1, #$00E2, #$00E3, #$00E4, #$00E5, #$00E6, #$00E7,
- #$00E8, #$00E9, #$00EA, #$00EB, #$00EC, #$00ED, #$00EE, #$00EF,
- { $F0 }
- #$00F0, #$00F1, #$00F2, #$00F3, #$00F4, #$00F5, #$00F6, #$00F7,
- #$00F8, #$00F9, #$00FA, #$00FB, #$00FC, #$00FD, #$00FE, #$00FF
- );
+ Encoders: array[TEncoding] of IEncoder;
+function TSingleByteEncoder.Encode(const InStr: UCS4String; out OutStr: RawByteString): boolean;
+ I: integer;
+ SetLength(OutStr, LengthUCS4(InStr));
+ Result := true;
+ for I := 1 to Length(OutStr) do
+ begin
+ if (not EncodeChar(InStr[I-1], OutStr[I])) then
+ Result := false;
+ end;
-function Convert(const Src: string; const Table: TConversionTable): WideString;
+function TSingleByteEncoder.Decode(const InStr: RawByteString; out OutStr: UCS4String): boolean;
- SrcPos, DstPos: integer;
+ I: integer;
- SetLength(Result, Length(Src));
- DstPos := 1;
- for SrcPos := 1 to Length(Src) do
+ SetLength(OutStr, Length(InStr)+1);
+ Result := true;
+ for I := 1 to Length(InStr) do
- if (Src[SrcPos] < #128) then
- begin
- // copy ASCII char
- Result[DstPos] := Src[SrcPos];
- Inc(DstPos);
- end
- else
+ if (not DecodeChar(InStr[I], OutStr[I-1])) then
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ OutStr[High(OutStr)] := 0;
+function DecodeString(const Src: RawByteString; out Dst: WideString; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): boolean;
+ DstUCS4: UCS4String;
+ Result := Encoders[SrcEncoding].Decode(Src, DstUCS4);
+ Dst := UCS4StringToWideString(DstUCS4);
+function DecodeString(const Src: RawByteString; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): WideString;
+ DecodeString(Src, Result, SrcEncoding);
+function DecodeStringUTF8(const Src: RawByteString; out Dst: UTF8String; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): boolean;
+ DstUCS4: UCS4String;
+ Result := Encoders[SrcEncoding].Decode(Src, DstUCS4);
+ Dst := UCS4ToUTF8String(DstUCS4);
+function DecodeStringUTF8(const Src: RawByteString; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): UTF8String;
+ DecodeStringUTF8(Src, Result, SrcEncoding);
+function EncodeString(const Src: WideString; out Dst: RawByteString; DstEncoding: TEncoding): boolean;
+ Result := Encoders[DstEncoding].Encode(WideStringToUCS4String(Src), Dst);
+function EncodeString(const Src: WideString; DstEncoding: TEncoding): RawByteString;
+ EncodeString(Src, Result, DstEncoding);
+function EncodeStringUTF8(const Src: UTF8String; out Dst: RawByteString; DstEncoding: TEncoding): boolean;
+ Result := Encoders[DstEncoding].Encode(UTF8ToUCS4String(Src), Dst);
+function EncodeStringUTF8(const Src: UTF8String; DstEncoding: TEncoding): RawByteString;
+ EncodeStringUTF8(Src, Result, DstEncoding);
+function CheckReplaceUTF8BOM(var Text: RawByteString): boolean;
+ if AnsiStartsStr(UTF8_BOM, Text) then
+ begin
+ Text := Copy(Text, Length(UTF8_BOM)+1, Length(Text)-Length(UTF8_BOM));
+ Result := true;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Result := false;
+function ParseEncoding(const EncodingStr: AnsiString; Default: TEncoding): TEncoding;
+ PrepStr: AnsiString; // prepared encoding string
+ Encoding: TEncoding;
+ // remove surrounding whitespace, replace dashes, to upper case
+ PrepStr := UpperCase(AnsiReplaceStr(Trim(EncodingStr), '-', ''));
+ for Encoding := Low(TEncoding) to High(TEncoding) do
+ begin
+ if (Encoders[Encoding].GetName() = PrepStr) then
- // look-up char
- Result[DstPos] := Table[Ord(Src[SrcPos]) - 128];
- // ignore invalid characters
- if (Result[DstPos] <> #0) then
- Inc(DstPos);
+ Result := Encoding;
+ Exit;
- SetLength(Result, DstPos-1);
+ Result := Default;
-function RecodeString(const Src: string; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): WideString;
+function EncodingName(Encoding: TEncoding): AnsiString;
- case SrcEncoding of
- encCP1250:
- Result := Convert(Src, CP1250Table);
- encCP1252:
- Result := Convert(Src, CP1252Table);
- encUTF8:
- Result := UTF8Decode(Src);
- encNative:
- Result := UTF8Decode(AnsiToUtf8(Src));
- end;
+ Result := Encoders[Encoding].GetName();
+{$I ..\\encoding\\Locale.inc}
+{$I ..\\encoding\\UTF8.inc}
+{$I ..\\encoding\\CP1250.inc}
+{$I ..\\encoding\\CP1252.inc}
+{$I ..\\encoding\\Auto.inc}
+ Encoders[encLocale] := TEncoderLocale.Create;
+ Encoders[encUTF8] := TEncoderUTF8.Create;
+ Encoders[encCP1250] := TEncoderCP1250.Create;
+ Encoders[encCP1252] := TEncoderCP1252.Create;
+ // use USDX < 1.1 encoding for backward compatibility (encCP1252)
+ Encoders[encAuto] := TEncoderAuto.Create(Encoders[encUTF8], Encoders[encCP1252]);
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UTexture.pas b/Lua/src/base/UTexture.pas
index 4f33b78a..e477dbb1 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UTexture.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UTexture.pas
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ uses
+ UPath,
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ type
TexX2: real;
TexY2: real;
Alpha: real;
- Name: string; // experimental for handling cache images. maybe it's useful for dynamic skins
+ Name: IPath; // experimental for handling cache images. maybe it's useful for dynamic skins
@@ -91,9 +92,9 @@ procedure AdjustPixelFormat(var TexSurface: PSDL_Surface; Typ: TTextureType);
PTextureEntry = ^TTextureEntry;
TTextureEntry = record
- Name: string;
+ Name: IPath;
Typ: TTextureType;
- Color: Cardinal;
+ Color: cardinal;
// we use normal TTexture, it's easier to implement and if needed - we copy ready data
Texture: TTexture; // Full-size texture
@@ -104,8 +105,8 @@ type
Texture: array of TTextureEntry;
- procedure AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Color: Cardinal; Cache: boolean);
- function FindTexture(const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; Color: Cardinal): integer;
+ procedure AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal; Cache: boolean);
+ function FindTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal): integer;
TTextureUnit = class
@@ -115,15 +116,15 @@ type
Limit: integer;
procedure AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Cache: boolean = false); overload;
- procedure AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Color: Cardinal; Cache: boolean = false); overload;
- function GetTexture(const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; FromCache: boolean = false): TTexture; overload;
- function GetTexture(const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord; FromCache: boolean = false): TTexture; overload;
- function LoadTexture(FromRegistry: boolean; const Identifier: string; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload;
- function LoadTexture(const Identifier: string; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload;
- function LoadTexture(const Identifier: string): TTexture; overload;
- function CreateTexture(Data: PChar; const Name: string; Width, Height: word; BitsPerPixel: byte): TTexture;
- procedure UnloadTexture(const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; FromCache: boolean); overload;
- procedure UnloadTexture(const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; Col: Cardinal; FromCache: boolean); overload;
+ procedure AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal; Cache: boolean = false); overload;
+ function GetTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; FromCache: boolean = false): TTexture; overload;
+ function GetTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord; FromCache: boolean = false): TTexture; overload;
+ function LoadTexture(FromRegistry: boolean; const Identifier: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload;
+ function LoadTexture(const Identifier: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload;
+ function LoadTexture(const Identifier: IPath): TTexture; overload;
+ function CreateTexture(Data: PChar; const Name: IPath; Width, Height: word; BitsPerPixel: byte): TTexture;
+ procedure UnloadTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; FromCache: boolean); overload;
+ procedure UnloadTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: cardinal; FromCache: boolean); overload;
//procedure FlushTextureDatabase();
constructor Create;
@@ -164,10 +165,10 @@ begin
{ TTextureDatabase }
-procedure TTextureDatabase.AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Color: Cardinal; Cache: boolean);
+procedure TTextureDatabase.AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal; Cache: boolean);
TextureIndex: integer;
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ begin
Texture[TextureIndex].Texture := Tex;
-function TTextureDatabase.FindTexture(const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; Color: Cardinal): integer;
+function TTextureDatabase.FindTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal): integer;
TextureIndex: integer;
CurrentTexture: PTextureEntry;
@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ begin
for TextureIndex := 0 to High(Texture) do
CurrentTexture := @Texture[TextureIndex];
- if (CurrentTexture.Name = Name) and
+ if (CurrentTexture.Name.Equals(Name)) and
(CurrentTexture.Typ = Typ) then
// colorized textures must match in their color too
@@ -211,7 +212,6 @@ begin
{ TTextureUnit }
constructor TTextureUnit.Create;
@@ -226,33 +226,32 @@ begin
inherited Destroy;
procedure TTextureUnit.AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Cache: boolean);
TextureDatabase.AddTexture(Tex, Typ, 0, Cache);
-procedure TTextureUnit.AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Color: Cardinal; Cache: boolean);
+procedure TTextureUnit.AddTexture(var Tex: TTexture; Typ: TTextureType; Color: cardinal; Cache: boolean);
TextureDatabase.AddTexture(Tex, Typ, Color, Cache);
-function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(FromRegistry: boolean; const Identifier: string; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord): TTexture;
+function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(FromRegistry: boolean; const Identifier: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord): TTexture;
// FIXME: what is the FromRegistry parameter supposed to do?
Result := LoadTexture(Identifier, Typ, Col);
-function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(const Identifier: string): TTexture;
+function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(const Identifier: IPath): TTexture;
Result := LoadTexture(Identifier, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN, 0);
-function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(const Identifier: string; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord): TTexture;
+function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(const Identifier: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord): TTexture;
TexSurface: PSDL_Surface;
- newWidth, newHeight: Cardinal;
- oldWidth, oldHeight: Cardinal;
+ newWidth, newHeight: integer;
+ oldWidth, oldHeight: integer;
ActTex: GLuint;
// zero texture data
@@ -262,7 +261,7 @@ begin
TexSurface := LoadImage(Identifier);
if not assigned(TexSurface) then
- Log.LogError('Could not load texture: "' + Identifier +'" with type "'+ TextureTypeToStr(Typ) +'"',
+ Log.LogError('Could not load texture: "' + Identifier.ToNative +'" with type "'+ TextureTypeToStr(Typ) +'"',
@@ -338,8 +337,8 @@ begin
X := 0;
Y := 0;
Z := 0;
- W := 0;
- H := 0;
+ W := oldWidth;
+ H := oldHeight;
ScaleW := 1;
ScaleH := 1;
Rot := 0;
@@ -365,16 +364,16 @@ begin
-function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; FromCache: boolean): TTexture;
+function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; FromCache: boolean): TTexture;
Result := GetTexture(Name, Typ, 0, FromCache);
-function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord; FromCache: boolean): TTexture;
+function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: LongWord; FromCache: boolean): TTexture;
TextureIndex: integer;
- if (Name = '') then
+ if (Name.IsUnset) then
// zero texture data
FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0);
@@ -415,7 +414,7 @@ begin
Result := TextureDatabase.Texture[TextureIndex].Texture;
-function TTextureUnit.CreateTexture(Data: PChar; const Name: string; Width, Height: word; BitsPerPixel: byte): TTexture;
+function TTextureUnit.CreateTexture(Data: PChar; const Name: IPath; Width, Height: word; BitsPerPixel: byte): TTexture;
//Error: integer;
ActTex: GLuint;
@@ -431,8 +430,8 @@ begin
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, Width, Height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, Data);
- {
if Mipmapping then
Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, W, H, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @Data[0]);
@@ -440,8 +439,8 @@ begin
if Error > 0 then
Log.LogError('gluBuild2DMipmaps() failed', 'TTextureUnit.CreateTexture');
- }
Result.X := 0;
Result.Y := 0;
Result.Z := 0;
@@ -469,19 +468,19 @@ begin
Result.Name := Name;
-procedure TTextureUnit.UnloadTexture(const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; FromCache: boolean);
+procedure TTextureUnit.UnloadTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; FromCache: boolean);
UnloadTexture(Name, Typ, 0, FromCache);
-procedure TTextureUnit.UnloadTexture(const Name: string; Typ: TTextureType; Col: Cardinal; FromCache: boolean);
+procedure TTextureUnit.UnloadTexture(const Name: IPath; Typ: TTextureType; Col: cardinal; FromCache: boolean);
T: integer;
TexNum: GLuint;
T := TextureDatabase.FindTexture(Name, Typ, Col);
- if not FromCache then
+ if not FromCache then
TexNum := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum;
if TexNum > 0 then
@@ -529,20 +528,20 @@ end;
function ParseTextureType(const TypeStr: string; Default: TTextureType): TTextureType;
- TexType: TTextureType;
+ TextureType: TTextureType;
UpCaseStr: string;
UpCaseStr := UpperCase(TypeStr);
- for TexType := Low(TextureTypeStr) to High(TextureTypeStr) do
+ for TextureType := Low(TextureTypeStr) to High(TextureTypeStr) do
- if (UpCaseStr = UpperCase(TextureTypeStr[TexType])) then
+ if (UpCaseStr = UpperCase(TextureTypeStr[TextureType])) then
- Result := TexType;
+ Result := TextureType;
- Log.LogWarn('Unknown texture-type: "' + TypeStr + '"', 'ParseTextureType');
+ Log.LogWarn('Unknown texture type: "' + TypeStr + '". Using default texture type "' + TextureTypeToStr(Default) + '"', 'ParseTextureType');
+ Result := Default;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UThemes.pas b/Lua/src/base/UThemes.pas
index 9bf858ed..4322815e 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UThemes.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UThemes.pas
@@ -34,21 +34,22 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
- ULog,
- UTexture;
+ ULog,
+ UTexture,
+ UPath;
TRGB = record
- R: single;
- G: single;
- B: single;
+ R: single;
+ G: single;
+ B: single;
TRGBA = record
- R, G, B, A: Double;
+ R, G, B, A: double;
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ type
Font: integer;
Size: integer;
Align: integer;
- Text: string;
+ Text: UTF8String;
Reflection: boolean;
ReflectionSpacing: real;
@@ -175,13 +176,14 @@ type
W: integer;
H: integer;
Z: real;
+ SBGW: integer;
TextSize: integer;
- //SBGW Mod
- SBGW: integer;
+ showArrows:boolean;
+ oneItemOnly:boolean;
- Text: string;
+ Text: UTF8String;
ColR, ColG, ColB, Int: real;
DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real;
TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt: real;
@@ -235,8 +237,8 @@ type
TextDescription: TThemeText;
TextDescriptionLong: TThemeText;
- Description: array[0..5] of string;
- DescriptionLong: array[0..5] of string;
+ Description: array[0..5] of UTF8String;
+ DescriptionLong: array[0..5] of UTF8String;
TThemeName = class(TThemeBasic)
@@ -353,12 +355,17 @@ type
TextP3RScore: TThemeText;
//Linebonus Translations
- LineBonusText: array [0..8] of string;
+ LineBonusText: array [0..8] of UTF8String;
//Pause Popup
PausePopUp: TThemeStatic;
+ TThemeLyricBar = record
+ IndicatorYOffset, UpperX, UpperW, UpperY, UpperH,
+ LowerX, LowerW, LowerY, LowerH : integer;
+ end;
TThemeScore = class(TThemeBasic)
TextArtist: TThemeText;
TextTitle: TThemeText;
@@ -402,6 +409,7 @@ type
TextNumber: AThemeText;
TextName: AThemeText;
TextScore: AThemeText;
+ TextDate: AThemeText;
TThemeOptions = class(TThemeBasic)
@@ -415,7 +423,7 @@ type
ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
TextDescription: TThemeText;
- Description: array[0..7] of string;
+ Description: array[0..7] of UTF8String;
TThemeOptionsGame = class(TThemeBasic)
@@ -490,8 +498,8 @@ type
TextDescription: TThemeText;
TextDescriptionLong: TThemeText;
- Description: array[0..5] of string;
- DescriptionLong: array[0..5] of string;
+ Description: array[0..5] of UTF8string;
+ DescriptionLong: array[0..5] of UTF8string;
//Error- and Check-Popup
@@ -525,10 +533,10 @@ type
TextFound: TThemeText;
//Translated Texts
- Songsfound: string;
- NoSongsfound: string;
- CatText: string;
- IType: array [0..2] of string;
+ Songsfound: UTF8String;
+ NoSongsfound: UTF8String;
+ CatText: UTF8String;
+ IType: array [0..2] of UTF8String;
//Party Screens
@@ -694,15 +702,15 @@ type
TextPage: TThemeText;
TextList: AThemeText;
- Description: array[0..3] of string;
- DescriptionR: array[0..3] of string;
- FormatStr: array[0..3] of string;
- PageStr: string;
+ Description: array[0..3] of UTF8String;
+ DescriptionR: array[0..3] of UTF8String;
+ FormatStr: array[0..3] of UTF8String;
+ PageStr: UTF8String;
//Playlist Translations
TThemePlaylist = record
- CatText: string;
+ CatText: UTF8String;
TTheme = class
@@ -723,6 +731,7 @@ type
Level: TThemeLevel;
Song: TThemeSong;
Sing: TThemeSing;
+ LyricBar: TThemeLyricBar;
Score: TThemeScore;
Top5: TThemeTop5;
Options: TThemeOptions;
@@ -754,11 +763,11 @@ type
Playlist: TThemePlaylist;
- ILevel: array[0..2] of string;
+ ILevel: array[0..2] of UTF8String;
- constructor Create(const FileName: string); overload; // Initialize theme system
- constructor Create(const FileName: string; Color: integer); overload; // Initialize theme system with color
- function LoadTheme(FileName: string; sColor: integer): boolean; // Load some theme settings from file
+ constructor Create(const FileName: IPath); overload; // Initialize theme system
+ constructor Create(const FileName: IPath; Color: integer); overload; // Initialize theme system with color
+ function LoadTheme(const FileName: IPath; sColor: integer): boolean; // Load some theme settings from file
procedure LoadColors;
@@ -838,12 +847,12 @@ begin
glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Min(Color.A, Alpha));
-constructor TTheme.Create(const FileName: string);
+constructor TTheme.Create(const FileName: IPath);
Create(FileName, 0);
-constructor TTheme.Create(const FileName: string; Color: integer);
+constructor TTheme.Create(const FileName: IPath; Color: integer);
inherited Create();
@@ -886,7 +895,7 @@ begin
-function TTheme.LoadTheme(FileName: string; sColor: integer): boolean;
+function TTheme.LoadTheme(const FileName: IPath; sColor: integer): boolean;
I: integer;
@@ -894,23 +903,21 @@ begin
- Log.LogStatus('Loading: '+ FileName, 'TTheme.LoadTheme');
- FileName := AdaptFilePaths(FileName);
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading: '+ FileName.ToNative, 'TTheme.LoadTheme');
- if not FileExists(FileName) then
+ if not FileName.IsFile() then
- Log.LogError('Theme does not exist ('+ FileName +')', 'TTheme.LoadTheme');
+ Log.LogError('Theme does not exist ('+ FileName.ToNative +')', 'TTheme.LoadTheme');
- if FileExists(FileName) then
+ if FileName.IsFile() then
Result := true;
- ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create(FileName.ToNative);
- ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName.ToNative);
if ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme', 'Name', '') <> '' then
@@ -1031,9 +1038,19 @@ begin
ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker5');
+ //LyricBar asd
+ LyricBar.UpperX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SingLyricsUpperBar', 'X', 0);
+ LyricBar.UpperW := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SingLyricsUpperBar', 'W', 0);
+ LyricBar.UpperY := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SingLyricsUpperBar', 'Y', 0);
+ LyricBar.UpperH := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SingLyricsUpperBar', 'H', 0);
+ LyricBar.IndicatorYOffset := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SingLyricsUpperBar', 'IndicatorYOffset', 0);
+ LyricBar.LowerX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SingLyricsLowerBar', 'X', 0);
+ LyricBar.LowerW := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SingLyricsLowerBar', 'W', 0);
+ LyricBar.LowerY := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SingLyricsLowerBar', 'Y', 0);
+ LyricBar.LowerH := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SingLyricsLowerBar', 'H', 0);
// Sing
ThemeLoadBasic(Sing, 'Sing');
//TimeBar mod
ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticTimeProgress, 'SingTimeProgress');
ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextTimeText, 'SingTimeText');
@@ -1160,6 +1177,7 @@ begin
ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextNumber, 'Top5TextNumber');
ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextName, 'Top5TextName');
ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextScore, 'Top5TextScore');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextDate, 'Top5TextDate');
// Options
ThemeLoadBasic(Options, 'Options');
@@ -1769,7 +1787,7 @@ begin
ThemeSelectS.SkipX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SkipX', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.SBGW := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SBGW', 450);
+ ThemeSelectS.SBGW := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SBGW', 400);
LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.ColR, ThemeSelectS.ColG, ThemeSelectS.ColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
ThemeSelectS.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UTime.pas b/Lua/src/base/UTime.pas
index 3f35dffd..83844cb5 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UTime.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UTime.pas
@@ -61,20 +61,20 @@ procedure CountSkipTime;
procedure CountMidTime;
- USTime : TTime;
+ USTime: TTime;
VideoBGTimer: TRelativeTimer;
- TimeNew : int64;
- TimeOld : int64;
- TimeSkip : real;
- TimeMid : real;
- TimeMidTemp : int64;
+ TimeNew: int64;
+ TimeOld: int64;
+ TimeSkip: real;
+ TimeMid: real;
+ TimeMidTemp: int64;
- ucommon;
+ UCommon;
cSDLCorrectionRatio = 1000;
@@ -91,14 +91,14 @@ http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=466145&whichpage=1%EE
procedure CountSkipTimeSet;
- TimeNew := SDL_GetTicks();
+ TimeNew := SDL_GetTicks();
procedure CountSkipTime;
- TimeOld := TimeNew;
- TimeNew := SDL_GetTicks();
- TimeSkip := (TimeNew-TimeOld) / cSDLCorrectionRatio;
+ TimeOld := TimeNew;
+ TimeNew := SDL_GetTicks();
+ TimeSkip := (TimeNew-TimeOld) / cSDLCorrectionRatio;
procedure CountMidTime;
@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ end;
- * Creates a new timer.
- * If TriggerMode is false (default), the timer
+ * creates a new timer.
+ * if triggermode is false (default), the timer
* will immediately begin with counting.
- * If TriggerMode is true, it will wait until Get/SetTime() or Pause() is called
+ * if triggermode is true, it will wait until get/settime() or pause() is called
* for the first time.
constructor TRelativeTimer.Create(TriggerMode: boolean);
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UUnicodeUtils.pas b/Lua/src/base/UUnicodeUtils.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37b53a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UUnicodeUtils.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
+ *
+ * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *}
+unit UUnicodeUtils;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+ Windows,
+ StrUtils,
+ SysUtils;
+ // String with unknown encoding. Introduced with Delphi 2009 and maybe soon
+ // with FPC.
+ RawByteString = AnsiString;
+ * Returns true if the system uses UTF-8 as default string type
+ * (filesystem or API calls).
+ * This is always true on Mac OS X and always false on Win32. On Unix it depends
+ * on the LC_CTYPE setting.
+ * Do not use AnsiToUTF8() or UTF8ToAnsi() if this function returns true.
+ *}
+function IsNativeUTF8(): boolean;
+ * Character classes
+ *)
+function IsAlphaChar(ch: WideChar): boolean; overload;
+function IsAlphaChar(ch: UCS4Char): boolean; overload;
+function IsNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean; overload;
+function IsNumericChar(ch: UCS4Char): boolean; overload;
+function IsAlphaNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean; overload;
+function IsAlphaNumericChar(ch: UCS4Char): boolean; overload;
+function IsPunctuationChar(ch: WideChar): boolean; overload;
+function IsPunctuationChar(ch: UCS4Char): boolean; overload;
+function IsControlChar(ch: WideChar): boolean; overload;
+function IsControlChar(ch: UCS4Char): boolean; overload;
+function IsPrintableChar(ch: WideChar): boolean; overload;
+function IsPrintableChar(ch: UCS4Char): boolean; overload;
+ * Checks if the given string is a valid UTF-8 string.
+ * If an ANSI encoded string (with char codes >= 128) is passed, the
+ * function will most probably return false, as most ANSI strings sequences
+ * are illegal in UTF-8.
+ *}
+function IsUTF8String(const str: RawByteString): boolean;
+ * Iterates over an UTF-8 encoded string.
+ * StrPtr will be increased to the beginning of the next character on each
+ * call.
+ * Results true if the given string starts with an UTF-8 encoded char.
+ *}
+function NextCharUTF8(var StrPtr: PAnsiChar; out Ch: UCS4Char): boolean;
+ * Deletes Count chars (not bytes) beginning at char- (not byte-) position Index.
+ * Index values start with 1.
+ *}
+procedure UTF8Delete(var Str: UTF8String; Index: Integer; Count: Integer);
+procedure UCS4Delete(var Str: UCS4String; Index: Integer; Count: Integer);
+ * Checks if the string is composed of ASCII characters.
+ *}
+function IsASCIIString(const str: RawByteString): boolean;
+ * String format conversion
+ *}
+function UTF8ToUCS4String(const str: UTF8String): UCS4String;
+function UCS4ToUTF8String(const str: UCS4String): UTF8String; overload;
+function UCS4ToUTF8String(ch: UCS4Char): UTF8String; overload;
+ * Returns the number of characters (not bytes) in string str.
+ *}
+function LengthUTF8(const str: UTF8String): integer;
+ * Returns the length of an UCS4String. Note that Length(UCS4String) returns
+ * the length+1 as UCS4Strings are zero-terminated.
+ *}
+function LengthUCS4(const str: UCS4String): integer;
+{** @seealso WideCompareStr *}
+function UTF8CompareStr(const S1, S2: UTF8String): integer;
+{** @seealso WideCompareText *}
+function UTF8CompareText(const S1, S2: UTF8String): integer;
+function UTF8StartsText(const SubText, Text: UTF8String): boolean;
+function UTF8ContainsStr(const Text, SubText: UTF8String): boolean;
+function UTF8ContainsText(const Text, SubText: UTF8String): boolean;
+{** @seealso WideUpperCase *}
+function UTF8UpperCase(const str: UTF8String): UTF8String;
+{** @seealso WideCompareText *}
+function UTF8LowerCase(const str: UTF8String): UTF8String;
+ * Converts a UCS-4 char ch to its upper-case representation.
+ *}
+function UCS4UpperCase(ch: UCS4Char): UCS4Char; overload;
+ * Converts a UCS-4 string str to its upper-case representation.
+ *}
+function UCS4UpperCase(const str: UCS4String): UCS4String; overload;
+ * Converts a UCS4Char to an UCS4String.
+ * Note that UCS4Strings are zero-terminated dynamic arrays.
+ *}
+function UCS4CharToString(ch: UCS4Char): UCS4String;
+ * @seealso System.Pos()
+ *}
+function UTF8Pos(const substr: UTF8String; const str: UTF8String): Integer;
+ * Copies a segment of str starting with Index (1-based) with Count characters (not bytes).
+ *}
+function UTF8Copy(const str: UTF8String; Index: Integer = 1; Count: Integer = -1): UTF8String;
+ * Copies a segment of str starting with Index (0-based) with Count characters.
+ * Note: Do not use Copy() to copy UCS4Strings as the result will not contain
+ * a trailing #0 character and hence is invalid.
+ *}
+function UCS4Copy(const str: UCS4String; Index: Integer = 0; Count: Integer = -1): UCS4String;
+ * Converts a WideString to its upper- or lower-case representation.
+ * Wrapper for WideUpper/LowerCase. Needed because some plattforms have
+ * problems with unicode support.
+ *
+ * Note that characters in UTF-16 might consist of one or two WideChar valus
+ * (see surrogates). So instead of using WideStringUpperCase(ch)[1] for single
+ * character access, convert to UCS-4 where each character is represented by
+ * one UCS4Char.
+ *)
+function WideStringUpperCase(const str: WideString) : WideString; overload;
+function WideStringUpperCase(ch: WideChar): WideString; overload;
+function WideStringLowerCase(const str: WideString): WideString; overload;
+function WideStringLowerCase(ch: WideChar): WideString; overload;
+function WideStringReplaceChar(const text: WideString; search, rep: WideChar): WideString;
+ LC_CTYPE = 0;
+function setlocale(category: integer; locale: PChar): PChar; cdecl; external 'c';
+ NativeUTF8: boolean;
+procedure InitUnicodeUtils();
+ localeName: PChar;
+ {$IF Defined(DARWIN)}
+ NativeUTF8 := true;
+ {$ELSEIF Defined(MSWindows)}
+ NativeUTF8 := false;
+ {$ELSEIF Defined(UNIX)}
+ // check if locale name contains UTF8 or UTF-8
+ localeName := setlocale(LC_CTYPE, nil);
+ NativeUTF8 := Pos('UTF8', UpperCase(AnsiReplaceStr(localeName, '-', ''))) > 0;
+ {$ELSE}
+ raise Exception.Create('Unknown system');
+ {$IFEND}
+function IsNativeUTF8(): boolean;
+ Result := NativeUTF8;
+function IsAlphaChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ Result := IsCharAlphaW(ch);
+ {$ELSE}
+ // TODO: add chars > 255 (or replace with libxml2 functions?)
+ case ch of
+ 'A'..'Z', // A-Z
+ 'a'..'z', // a-z
+ #170,#181,#186,
+ #192..#214,
+ #216..#246,
+ #248..#255:
+ Result := true;
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+function IsAlphaChar(ch: UCS4Char): boolean;
+ Result := IsAlphaChar(WideChar(Ord(ch)));
+function IsNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ // TODO: replace with libxml2 functions?
+ // ignore non-arabic numerals as we do not want to handle them
+ case ch of
+ '0'..'9':
+ Result := true;
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+function IsNumericChar(ch: UCS4Char): boolean;
+ Result := IsNumericChar(WideChar(Ord(ch)));
+function IsAlphaNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ Result := (IsAlphaChar(ch) or IsNumericChar(ch));
+function IsAlphaNumericChar(ch: UCS4Char): boolean;
+ Result := (IsAlphaChar(ch) or IsNumericChar(ch));
+function IsPunctuationChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ // TODO: add chars > 255 (or replace with libxml2 functions?)
+ case ch of
+ ' '..'/',':'..'@','['..'`','{'..'~',
+ #160..#191,#215,#247:
+ Result := true;
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+function IsPunctuationChar(ch: UCS4Char): boolean;
+ Result := IsPunctuationChar(WideChar(Ord(ch)));
+function IsControlChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ case ch of
+ #0..#31,
+ #127..#159:
+ Result := true;
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+function IsControlChar(ch: UCS4Char): boolean;
+ Result := IsControlChar(WideChar(Ord(ch)));
+function IsPrintableChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ Result := not IsControlChar(ch);
+function IsPrintableChar(ch: UCS4Char): boolean;
+ Result := IsPrintableChar(WideChar(Ord(ch)));
+function NextCharUTF8(var StrPtr: PAnsiChar; out Ch: UCS4Char): boolean;
+ // find the most significant zero bit (Result: [7..-1])
+ function FindZeroMSB(b: byte): integer;
+ var
+ Mask: byte;
+ begin
+ Mask := $80;
+ Result := 7;
+ while (b and Mask <> 0) do
+ begin
+ Mask := Mask shr 1;
+ Dec(Result);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ZeroBit: integer;
+ SeqCount: integer; // number of trailing bytes to follow
+ Mask: array[1..3] of byte = ($1F, $0F, $07);
+ Result := false;
+ SeqCount := 0;
+ Ch := 0;
+ while (StrPtr^ <> #0) do
+ begin
+ if (StrPtr^ < #128) then
+ begin
+ // check that no more trailing bytes are expected
+ if (SeqCount = 0) then
+ begin
+ Ch := Ord(StrPtr^);
+ Inc(StrPtr);
+ Result := true;
+ end;
+ Break;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ZeroBit := FindZeroMSB(Ord(StrPtr^));
+ // trailing byte expected
+ if (SeqCount > 0) then
+ begin
+ // check if trailing byte has pattern 10xxxxxx
+ if (ZeroBit <> 6) then
+ begin
+ Inc(StrPtr);
+ Break;
+ end;
+ Dec(SeqCount);
+ Ch := (Ch shl 6) or (Ord(StrPtr^) and $3F);
+ // check if char is finished
+ if (SeqCount = 0) then
+ begin
+ Inc(StrPtr);
+ Result := true;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end
+ else // leading byte expected
+ begin
+ // check if pattern is one of 110xxxxx/1110xxxx/11110xxx
+ if (ZeroBit > 5) or (ZeroBit < 3) then
+ begin
+ Inc(StrPtr);
+ Break;
+ end;
+ // calculate number of trailing bytes (1, 2 or 3)
+ SeqCount := 6 - ZeroBit;
+ // extract first part of char
+ Ch := Ord(StrPtr^) and Mask[SeqCount];
+ end;
+ end;
+ Inc(StrPtr);
+ end;
+ if (not Result) then
+ Ch := Ord('?');
+function IsUTF8String(const str: RawByteString): boolean;
+ Ch: UCS4Char;
+ StrPtr: PAnsiChar;
+ Result := true;
+ StrPtr := PChar(str);
+ while (StrPtr^ <> #0) do
+ begin
+ if (not NextCharUTF8(StrPtr, Ch)) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+function IsASCIIString(const str: RawByteString): boolean;
+ I: integer;
+ for I := 1 to Length(str) do
+ begin
+ if (str[I] >= #128) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+function UTF8ToUCS4String(const str: UTF8String): UCS4String;
+ Result := WideStringToUCS4String(UTF8Decode(str));
+function UCS4ToUTF8String(const str: UCS4String): UTF8String;
+ Result := UTF8Encode(UCS4StringToWideString(str));
+function UCS4ToUTF8String(ch: UCS4Char): UTF8String;
+ Result := UCS4ToUTF8String(UCS4CharToString(ch));
+function LengthUTF8(const str: UTF8String): integer;
+ Result := LengthUCS4(UTF8ToUCS4String(str));
+function LengthUCS4(const str: UCS4String): integer;
+ Result := High(str);
+ if (Result = -1) then
+ Result := 0;
+function UTF8CompareStr(const S1, S2: UTF8String): integer;
+ Result := WideCompareStr(UTF8Decode(S1), UTF8Decode(S2));
+function UTF8CompareText(const S1, S2: UTF8String): integer;
+ Result := WideCompareText(UTF8Decode(S1), UTF8Decode(S2));
+function UTF8StartsStr(const SubText, Text: UTF8String): boolean;
+ // TODO: use WideSameStr (slower but handles different representations of the same char)?
+ Result := (Pos(SubText, Text) = 1);
+function UTF8StartsText(const SubText, Text: UTF8String): boolean;
+ // TODO: use WideSameText (slower but handles different representations of the same char)?
+ Result := (Pos(UTF8UpperCase(SubText), UTF8UpperCase(Text)) = 1);
+function UTF8ContainsStr(const Text, SubText: UTF8String): boolean;
+ Result := Pos(SubText, Text) > 0;
+function UTF8ContainsText(const Text, SubText: UTF8String): boolean;
+ Result := Pos(UTF8UpperCase(SubText), UTF8UpperCase(Text)) > 0;
+function UTF8UpperCase(const str: UTF8String): UTF8String;
+ Result := UTF8Encode(WideStringUpperCase(UTF8Decode(str)));
+function UTF8LowerCase(const str: UTF8String): UTF8String;
+ Result := UTF8Encode(WideStringLowerCase(UTF8Decode(str)));
+function UCS4UpperCase(ch: UCS4Char): UCS4Char;
+ Result := UCS4UpperCase(UCS4CharToString(ch))[0];
+function UCS4UpperCase(const str: UCS4String): UCS4String;
+ // convert to upper-case as WideString and convert result back to UCS-4
+ Result := WideStringToUCS4String(
+ WideStringUpperCase(
+ UCS4StringToWideString(str)));
+function UCS4CharToString(ch: UCS4Char): UCS4String;
+ SetLength(Result, 2);
+ Result[0] := ch;
+ Result[1] := 0;
+function UTF8Pos(const substr: UTF8String; const str: UTF8String): Integer;
+ Result := Pos(substr, str);
+function UTF8Copy(const str: UTF8String; Index: Integer; Count: Integer): UTF8String;
+ Result := UCS4ToUTF8String(UCS4Copy(UTF8ToUCS4String(str), Index-1, Count));
+function UCS4Copy(const str: UCS4String; Index: Integer; Count: Integer): UCS4String;
+ I: integer;
+ MaxCount: integer;
+ // calculate max. copy count
+ MaxCount := LengthUCS4(str)-Index;
+ if (MaxCount < 0) then
+ MaxCount := 0;
+ // adjust copy count
+ if (Count > MaxCount) or (Count < 0) then
+ Count := MaxCount;
+ // copy (and add zero terminator)
+ SetLength(Result, Count + 1);
+ for I := 0 to Count-1 do
+ Result[I] := str[Index+I];
+ Result[Count] := 0;
+procedure UTF8Delete(var Str: UTF8String; Index: Integer; Count: Integer);
+ StrUCS4: UCS4String;
+ StrUCS4 := UTF8ToUCS4String(str);
+ UCS4Delete(StrUCS4, Index-1, Count);
+ Str := UCS4ToUTF8String(StrUCS4);
+procedure UCS4Delete(var Str: UCS4String; Index: Integer; Count: Integer);
+ Len: integer;
+ OldStr: UCS4String;
+ I: integer;
+ Len := LengthUCS4(Str);
+ if (Count <= 0) or (Index < 0) or (Index >= Len) then
+ Exit;
+ if (Index + Count > Len) then
+ Count := Len-Index;
+ OldStr := Str;
+ SetLength(Str, Len-Count+1);
+ for I := 0 to Index-1 do
+ Str[I] := OldStr[I];
+ for I := Index+Count to Len-1 do
+ Str[I-Count] := OldStr[I];
+ Str[High(Str)] := 0;
+function WideStringUpperCase(ch: WideChar): WideString;
+ // If WideChar #0 is converted to a WideString in Delphi, a string with
+ // length 1 and a single char #0 is returned. In FPC an empty (length=0)
+ // string will be returned. This will crash, if a non printable key was
+ // pressed, its char code (#0) is translated to upper-case and the the first
+ // character is accessed with Result[1].
+ // We cannot catch this error in the WideString parameter variant as the string
+ // has length 0 already.
+ // Force min. string length of 1
+ if (ch = #0) then
+ Result := #0
+ else
+ Result := WideStringUpperCase(WideString(ch));
+function WideStringUpperCase(const str: WideString): WideString;
+ // On Linux and MacOSX the cwstring unit is necessary for Unicode function-calls.
+ // Otherwise you will get an EIntOverflow exception (thrown by unimplementedwidestring()).
+ // The Unicode manager cwstring does not work with MacOSX at the moment because
+ // of missing references to iconv.
+ // Note: Should be fixed now
+ Result := WideUpperCase(str)
+ {.$ELSE}
+ //Result := UTF8Decode(UpperCase(UTF8Encode(str)));
+ {.$ENDIF}
+function WideStringLowerCase(ch: WideChar): WideString;
+ // see WideStringUpperCase
+ if (ch = #0) then
+ Result := #0
+ else
+ Result := WideStringLowerCase(WideString(ch));
+function WideStringLowerCase(const str: WideString): WideString;
+ // see WideStringUpperCase
+ Result := WideLowerCase(str)
+function WideStringReplaceChar(const text: WideString; search, rep: WideChar): WideString;
+ iPos : integer;
+// sTemp : WideString;
+ result := text;
+ iPos := Pos(search, result);
+ while (iPos > 0) do
+ begin
+ sTemp := copy(result, iPos + length(search), length(result));
+ result := copy(result, 1, iPos - 1) + rep + sTEmp;
+ iPos := Pos(search, result);
+ end;
+ result := text;
+ if search = rep then
+ exit;
+ for iPos := 1 to length(result) do
+ begin
+ if result[iPos] = search then
+ result[iPos] := rep;
+ end;
+ InitUnicodeUtils;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UXMLSong.pas b/Lua/src/base/UXMLSong.pas
index 58b48789..e9751eba 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UXMLSong.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UXMLSong.pas
@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
- Classes;
+ Classes,
+ UPath,
+ UUnicodeUtils;
TNote = record
@@ -42,30 +44,30 @@ type
Duration: Cardinal;
Tone: Integer;
NoteTyp: Byte;
- Lyric: String;
+ Lyric: UTF8String;
- ANote = Array of TNote;
+ ANote = array of TNote;
TSentence = record
Singer: Byte;
Duration: Cardinal;
Notes: ANote;
- ASentence = Array of TSentence;
+ ASentence = array of TSentence;
- TSongInfo = Record
+ TSongInfo = record
ID: Cardinal;
DualChannel: Boolean;
- Header: Record
- Artist: String;
- Title: String;
+ Header: record
+ Artist: UTF8String;
+ Title: UTF8String;
Gap: Cardinal;
BPM: Real;
Resolution: Byte;
- Edition: String;
- Genre: String;
- Year: String;
- Language: String;
+ Edition: UTF8String;
+ Genre: UTF8String;
+ Year: UTF8String;
+ Language: UTF8String;
CountSentences: Cardinal;
Sentences: ASentence;
@@ -81,23 +83,23 @@ type
BindLyrics: Boolean; //Should the Lyrics be bind to the last Word (no Space)
FirstNote: Boolean; //Is this the First Note found? For Gap calculating
- Function ParseLine(Line: String): Boolean;
+ function ParseLine(Line: RawByteString): Boolean;
SongInfo: TSongInfo;
- ErrorMessage: String;
- Edition: String;
- SingstarVersion: String;
+ ErrorMessage: string;
+ Edition: UTF8String;
+ SingstarVersion: string;
- Settings: Record
+ Settings: record
DashReplacement: Char;
- Constructor Create;
+ constructor Create;
- Function ParseConfigforEdition(const Filename: String): String;
+ function ParseConfigForEdition(const Filename: IPath): String;
- Function ParseSongHeader(const Filename: String): Boolean; //Parse Song Header only
- Function ParseSong (const Filename: String): Boolean; //Parse whole Song
+ function ParseSongHeader(const Filename: IPath): Boolean; //Parse Song Header only
+ function ParseSong (const Filename: IPath): Boolean; //Parse whole Song
@@ -114,9 +116,12 @@ const
DS_Both = 3;
-uses SysUtils, StrUtils;
-Constructor TParser.Create;
+ SysUtils,
+ StrUtils;
+constructor TParser.Create;
inherited Create;
ErrorMessage := '';
@@ -124,19 +129,24 @@ begin
DecimalSeparator := '.';
-Function TParser.ParseSong (const Filename: String): Boolean;
-var I: Integer;
+function TParser.ParseSong(const Filename: IPath): Boolean;
+ I: Integer;
+ FileStream: TBinaryFileStream;
Result := False;
- if FileExists(Filename) then
+ if Filename.IsFile() then
- SSFile := TStringList.Create;
+ ErrorMessage := 'Can''t open melody.xml file';
+ SSFile := TStringList.Create;
+ FileStream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
- ErrorMessage := 'Can''t open melody.xml file';
- SSFile.LoadFromFile(Filename);
+ SSFile.LoadFromStream(FileStream);
ErrorMessage := '';
Result := True;
I := 0;
SongInfo.CountSentences := 0;
@@ -153,7 +163,7 @@ begin
SetLength(SongInfo.Sentences, 0);
- While Result And (I < SSFile.Count) do
+ while Result and (I < SSFile.Count) do
Result := ParseLine(SSFile.Strings[I]);
@@ -162,21 +172,24 @@ begin
+ FileStream.Free;
-Function TParser.ParseSongHeader (const Filename: String): Boolean;
-var I: Integer;
+function TParser.ParseSongHeader (const Filename: IPath): Boolean;
+ I: Integer;
+ Stream: TBinaryFileStream;
Result := False;
- if FileExists(Filename) then
+ if Filename.IsFile() then
SSFile := TStringList.Create;
- SSFile.Clear;
+ Stream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
- SSFile.LoadFromFile(Filename);
+ SSFile.LoadFromStream(Stream);
If (SSFile.Count > 0) then
@@ -207,6 +220,7 @@ begin
+ Stream.Free;
@@ -569,18 +583,20 @@ begin
Result := true;
-Function TParser.ParseConfigforEdition(const Filename: String): String;
+Function TParser.ParseConfigForEdition(const Filename: IPath): String;
txt: TStringlist;
+ Stream: TBinaryFileStream;
I: Integer;
J, K: Integer;
S: String;
Result := '';
- txt := TStringlist.Create;
- try
- txt.LoadFromFile(Filename);
+ Stream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
+ try
+ txt := TStringlist.Create;
+ txt.LoadFromStream(Stream);
For I := 0 to txt.Count-1 do
S := Trim(txt.Strings[I]);
@@ -600,6 +616,7 @@ begin
Edition := Result;
+ Stream.Free;
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UModules.pas b/Lua/src/encoding/Locale.inc
index 97494180..a3cdcebc 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UModules.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/encoding/Locale.inc
@@ -23,33 +23,33 @@
* $Id$
-unit UModules;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- UModules
- Unit Contains all used Modules in its uses clausel
- and a const with an array of all Modules to load
- UCoreModule,
- UPluginLoader;
- CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD: Array[0..2] of cCoreModule = (
- TPluginLoader, //First because it has to look if there are Module replacements (Feature o/t Future)
- TCoreModule, //Remove this later, just a dummy
- TtehPlugins //Represents the Plugins. Last because they may use CoreModules Services etc.
- );
+ * Locale
+ *}
+ TEncoderLocale = class(TEncoder)
+ public
+ function GetName(): AnsiString; override;
+ function Encode(const InStr: UCS4String; out OutStr: AnsiString): boolean; override;
+ function Decode(const InStr: AnsiString; out OutStr: UCS4String): boolean; override;
+ end;
+function TEncoderLocale.GetName(): AnsiString;
+ Result := 'LOCALE';
+function TEncoderLocale.Decode(const InStr: AnsiString; out OutStr: UCS4String): boolean;
+ OutStr := WideStringToUCS4String(InStr); // use implicit conversion
+ Result := true;
+function TEncoderLocale.Encode(const InStr: UCS4String; out OutStr: AnsiString): boolean;
+ OutStr := UCS4StringToWideString(InStr); // use implicit conversion
+ // any way to check for errors?
+ Result := true;
-end. \ No newline at end of file