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Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/lib/midi/MidiFile.pas')
-rw-r--r-- | Game/Code/lib/midi/MidiFile.pas | 1928 |
1 files changed, 964 insertions, 964 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/lib/midi/MidiFile.pas b/Game/Code/lib/midi/MidiFile.pas index 2da052f4..4279d305 100644 --- a/Game/Code/lib/midi/MidiFile.pas +++ b/Game/Code/lib/midi/MidiFile.pas @@ -1,964 +1,964 @@ -{
- Load a midifile and get access to tracks and events
- I did build this component to convert midifiles to wave files
- or play the files on a software synthesizer which I'm currenly
- building.
- version 1.0 first release
- version 1.1
- added some function
- function KeyToStr(key : integer) : string;
- function MyTimeToStr(val : integer) : string;
- Bpm can be set to change speed
- version 1.2
- added some functions
- function GetTrackLength:integer;
- function Ready: boolean;
- version 1.3
- update by Chulwoong,
- He knows how to use the MM timer, the timing is much better now, thank you
- for comments/bugs
- F.Bouwmans
- fbouwmans@spiditel.nl
- if you think this component is nice and you use it, sent me a short email.
- I've seen that other of my components have been downloaded a lot, but I've
- got no clue wether they are actually used.
- Don't worry because you are free to use these components
- Timing has improved, however because the messages are handled by the normal
- windows message loop (of the main window) it is still influenced by actions
- done on the window (minimize/maximize ..).
- Use of a second thread with higher priority which only handles the
- timer message should increase performance. If somebody knows such a component
- which is freeware please let me know.
- interface description:
- procedure ReadFile:
- actually read the file which is set in Filename
- function GetTrack(index: integer) : TMidiTrack;
- property Filename
- set/read filename of midifile
- property NumberOfTracks
- read number of tracks in current file
- property TicksPerQuarter: integer
- ticks per quarter, tells how to interpret the time value in midi events
- property FileFormat: TFileFormat
- tells the format of the current midifile
- property Bpm:integer
- tells Beats per minut
- property OnMidiEvent:TOnMidiEvent
- called while playing for each midi event
- procedure StartPlaying;
- start playing the current loaded midifile from the beginning
- procedure StopPlaying;
- stop playing the current midifile
- procedure PlayToTime(time : integer);
- if playing yourself then events from last time to this time are produced
- function KeyToStr(key : integer) : string;
- give note string on key value: e.g. C4
- function MyTimeToStr(val : integer) : string;
- give time string from msec time
- function GetTrackLength:integer;
- gives the track lenght in msec (assuming the bpm at the start oof the file)
- function Ready: boolean;
- now you can check wether the playback is finished
-unit MidiFile;
- {$MODE Delphi}
- {$H+} // use AnsiString
- Windows,
- //Forms,
- Messages,
- SysUtils,
- UCommon,
- Classes;
- TChunkType = (illegal, header, track);
- TFileFormat = (single, multi_synch, multi_asynch);
- PByte = ^byte;
- TMidiEvent = record
- event: byte;
- data1: byte;
- data2: byte;
- str: string;
- dticks: integer;
- time: integer;
- mtime: integer;
- len: integer;
- end;
- PMidiEvent = ^TMidiEvent;
- TOnMidiEvent = procedure(event: PMidiEvent) of object;
- TEvent = procedure of object;
- TMidiTrack = class(TObject)
- protected
- events: TList;
- name: string;
- instrument: string;
- currentTime: integer;
- currentPos: integer;
- ready: boolean;
- trackLenght: integer;
- procedure checkReady;
- public
- OnMidiEvent: TOnMidiEvent;
- OnTrackReady: TEvent;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Rewind(pos: integer);
- procedure PlayUntil(pos: integer);
- procedure GoUntil(pos: integer);
- procedure putEvent(event: PMidiEvent);
- function getEvent(index: integer): PMidiEvent;
- function getName: string;
- function getInstrument: string;
- function getEventCount: integer;
- function getCurrentTime: integer;
- function getTrackLength: integer;
- function isReady:boolean;
- end;
- TMidiFile = class(TComponent)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- procedure MidiTimer(sender : TObject);
- procedure WndProc(var Msg : TMessage);
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- midiFile: file of byte;
- chunkType: TChunkType;
- chunkLength: integer;
- chunkData: PByte;
- chunkIndex: PByte;
- chunkEnd: PByte;
- FPriority: DWORD;
- // midi file attributes
- FFileFormat: TFileFormat;
- numberTracks: integer;
- deltaTicks: integer;
- FBpm: integer;
- FBeatsPerMeasure: integer;
- FusPerTick: double;
- FFilename: string;
- Tracks: TList;
- currentTrack: TMidiTrack;
- FOnMidiEvent: TOnMidiEvent;
- FOnUpdateEvent: TNotifyEvent;
- // playing attributes
- playing: boolean;
- PlayStartTime: integer;
- currentTime: integer; // Current playtime in msec
- currentPos: Double; // Current Position in ticks
- procedure OnTrackReady;
- procedure setFilename(val: string);
- procedure ReadChunkHeader;
- procedure ReadChunkContent;
- procedure ReadChunk;
- procedure ProcessHeaderChunk;
- procedure ProcessTrackChunk;
- function ReadVarLength: integer;
- function ReadString(l: integer): string;
- procedure SetOnMidiEvent(handler: TOnMidiEvent);
- procedure SetBpm(val: integer);
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ReadFile;
- function GetTrack(index: integer): TMidiTrack;
- procedure StartPlaying;
- procedure StopPlaying;
- procedure ContinuePlaying;
- procedure PlayToTime(time: integer);
- procedure GoToTime(time: integer);
- function GetCurrentTime: integer;
- function GetFusPerTick : Double;
- function GetTrackLength:integer;
- function Ready: boolean;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- property Filename: string read FFilename write setFilename;
- property NumberOfTracks: integer read numberTracks;
- property TicksPerQuarter: integer read deltaTicks;
- property FileFormat: TFileFormat read FFileFormat;
- property Bpm: integer read FBpm write SetBpm;
- property OnMidiEvent: TOnMidiEvent read FOnMidiEvent write SetOnMidiEvent;
- property OnUpdateEvent: TNotifyEvent read FOnUpdateEvent write FOnUpdateEvent;
- end;
-function KeyToStr(key: integer): string;
-function MyTimeToStr(val: integer): string;
-procedure Register;
-uses mmsystem;
- TTimeCaps = TIMECAPS;
- TTimerProc = TFNTimeCallBack;
-var MIDIFileHandle : HWND;
- TimerProc : TTimerProc;
- MIDITimerID : Integer;
- TimerPeriod : Integer;
-procedure TimerCallBackProc(uTimerID,uMsg: Cardinal; dwUser,dwParam1,dwParam2:DWORD);stdcall;
- PostMessage(HWND(dwUser),WM_MULTIMEDIA_TIMER,0,0);
-procedure SetMIDITimer;
- var TimeCaps : TTimeCaps;
- timeGetDevCaps(@TimeCaps,SizeOf(TimeCaps));
- if TIMER_RESOLUTION < TimeCaps.wPeriodMin then
- TimerPeriod:=TimeCaps.wPeriodMin
- else if TIMER_RESOLUTION > TimeCaps.wPeriodMax then
- TimerPeriod:=TimeCaps.wPeriodMax
- else
- timeBeginPeriod(TimerPeriod);
- MIDITimerID:=timeSetEvent(TimerPeriod,TimerPeriod,TimerProc,
- if MIDITimerID=0 then
- timeEndPeriod(TimerPeriod);
-procedure KillMIDITimer;
- timeKillEvent(MIDITimerID);
- timeEndPeriod(TimerPeriod);
-constructor TMidiTrack.Create;
- inherited Create;
- events := TList.Create;
- currentTime := 0;
- currentPos := 0;
-destructor TMidiTrack.Destroy;
- i: integer;
- for i := 0 to events.count - 1 do
- Dispose(PMidiEvent(events.items[i]));
- events.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-procedure TMidiTRack.putEvent(event: PMidiEvent);
- command: integer;
- i: integer;
- pevent: PMidiEvent;
- if (event.event = $FF) then
- begin
- if (event.data1 = 3) then
- name := event.str;
- if (event.data1 = 4) then
- instrument := event.str;
- end;
- currentTime := currentTime + event.dticks;
- event.time := currentTime; // for the moment just add dticks
- event.len := 0;
- events.add(TObject(event));
- command := event.event and $F0;
- if ((command = $80) // note off
- or ((command = $90) and (event.data2 = 0))) //note on with speed 0
- then
- begin
- // this is a note off, try to find the accompanion note on
- command := event.event or $90;
- i := events.count - 2;
- while i >= 0 do
- begin
- pevent := PMidiEvent(events[i]);
- if (pevent.event = command) and
- (pevent.data1 = event.data1)
- then
- begin
- pevent.len := currentTIme - pevent.time;
- i := 0;
- event.len := -1;
- end;
- dec(i);
- end;
- end;
-function TMidiTrack.getName: string;
- result := name;
-function TMidiTrack.getInstrument: string;
- result := instrument;
-function TMiditrack.getEventCount: integer;
- result := events.count;
-function TMiditrack.getEvent(index: integer): PMidiEvent;
- if ((index < events.count) and (index >= 0)) then
- result := events[index]
- else
- result := nil;
-function TMiditrack.getCurrentTime: integer;
- result := currentTime;
-procedure TMiditrack.Rewind(pos: integer);
- if currentPos = events.count then
- dec(currentPos);
- while ((currentPos > 0) and
- (PMidiEvent(events[currentPos]).time > pos))
- do
- begin
- dec(currentPos);
- end;
- checkReady;
-procedure TMiditrack.PlayUntil(pos: integer);
- if assigned(OnMidiEvent) then
- begin
- while ((currentPos < events.count) and
- (PMidiEvent(events[currentPos]).time < pos)) do
- begin
- OnMidiEvent(PMidiEvent(events[currentPos]));
- inc(currentPos);
- end;
- end;
- checkReady;
-procedure TMidiTrack.GoUntil(pos: integer);
- while ((currentPos < events.count) and
- (PMidiEvent(events[currentPos]).time < pos)) do
- begin
- inc(currentPos);
- end;
- checkReady;
-procedure TMidiTrack.checkReady;
- if currentPos >= events.count then
- begin
- ready := true;
- if assigned(OnTrackReady) then
- OnTrackReady;
- end
- else
- ready := false;
-function TMidiTrack.getTrackLength: integer;
- result := PMidiEvent(events[events.count-1]).time
-function TMidiTrack.isReady: boolean;
- result := ready;
-constructor TMidifile.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOWner);
- MIDIFileHandle:=AllocateHWnd(WndProc);
- chunkData := nil;
- chunkType := illegal;
- Tracks := TList.Create;
- TimerProc:=@TimerCallBackProc;
- FPriority:=GetPriorityClass(MIDIFileHandle);
-destructor TMidifile.Destroy;
- i: integer;
- if not (chunkData = nil) then FreeMem(chunkData);
- for i := 0 to Tracks.Count - 1 do
- TMidiTrack(Tracks.Items[i]).Free;
- Tracks.Free;
- SetPriorityClass(MIDIFileHandle,FPriority);
- if MIDITimerID<>0 then KillMIDITimer;
- DeallocateHWnd(MIDIFileHandle);
- inherited Destroy;
-function TMidiFile.GetTrack(index: integer): TMidiTrack;
- result := Tracks.Items[index];
-procedure TMidifile.setFilename(val: string);
- FFilename := val;
-// ReadFile;
-procedure TMidifile.SetOnMidiEvent(handler: TOnMidiEvent);
- i: integer;
-// if not (FOnMidiEvent = handler) then
-// begin
- FOnMidiEvent := handler;
- for i := 0 to tracks.count - 1 do
- TMidiTrack(tracks.items[i]).OnMidiEvent := handler;
-// end;
-procedure TMidifile.MidiTimer(Sender: TObject);
- if playing then
- begin
- PlayToTime(GetTickCount - PlayStartTime);
- if assigned(FOnUpdateEvent) then FOnUpdateEvent(self);
- end;
-procedure TMidifile.StartPlaying;
- i: integer;
- for i := 0 to tracks.count - 1 do
- TMidiTrack(tracks[i]).Rewind(0);
- playStartTime := getTickCount;
- playing := true;
- SetMIDITimer;
- currentPos := 0.0;
- currentTime := 0;
-procedure TMidifile.ContinuePlaying;
- PlayStartTime := GetTickCount - currentTime;
- playing := true;
- SetMIDITimer;
-procedure TMidifile.StopPlaying;
- playing := false;
- KillMIDITimer;
- SetPriorityClass(MIDIFileHandle,FPriority);
-function TMidiFile.GetCurrentTime: integer;
- Result := currentTime;
-procedure TMidifile.PlayToTime(time: integer);
- i: integer;
- track: TMidiTrack;
- pos: integer;
- deltaTime: integer;
- // calculate the pos in the file.
- // pos is actually tick
- // Current FusPerTick is uses to determine the actual pos
- deltaTime := time - currentTime;
- currentPos := currentPos + (deltaTime * 1000) / FusPerTick;
- pos := round(currentPos);
- for i := 0 to tracks.count - 1 do
- begin
- TMidiTrack(tracks.items[i]).PlayUntil(pos);
- end;
- currentTime := time;
-procedure TMidifile.GoToTime(time: integer);
- i: integer;
- track: TMidiTrack;
- pos: integer;
- // this function should be changed because FusPerTick might not be constant
- pos := round((time * 1000) / FusPerTick);
- for i := 0 to tracks.count - 1 do
- begin
- TMidiTrack(tracks.items[i]).Rewind(0);
- TMidiTrack(tracks.items[i]).GoUntil(pos);
- end;
-procedure TMidifile.SetBpm(val: integer);
- us_per_quarter: integer;
- if not (val = FBpm) then
- begin
- us_per_quarter := 60000000 div val;
- FBpm := 60000000 div us_per_quarter;
- FusPerTick := us_per_quarter / deltaTicks;
- end;
-procedure TMidifile.ReadChunkHeader;
- theByte: array[0..7] of byte;
- BlockRead(midiFile, theByte, 8);
- if (theByte[0] = $4D) and (theByte[1] = $54) then
- begin
- if (theByte[2] = $68) and (theByte[3] = $64) then
- chunkType := header
- else if (theByte[2] = $72) and (theByte[3] = $6B) then
- chunkType := track
- else
- chunkType := illegal;
- end
- else
- begin
- chunkType := illegal;
- end;
- chunkLength := theByte[7] + theByte[6] * $100 + theByte[5] * $10000 + theByte[4] * $1000000;
-procedure TMidifile.ReadChunkContent;
- if not (chunkData = nil) then
- FreeMem(chunkData);
- GetMem(chunkData, chunkLength + 10);
- BlockRead(midiFile, chunkData^, chunkLength);
- chunkIndex := chunkData;
- chunkEnd := PByte(integer(chunkIndex) + integer(chunkLength) - 1);
-procedure TMidifile.ReadChunk;
- ReadChunkHeader;
- ReadChunkContent;
- case chunkType of
- header:
- ProcessHeaderChunk;
- track:
- ProcessTrackCHunk;
- end;
-procedure TMidifile.ProcessHeaderChunk;
- chunkIndex := chunkData;
- inc(chunkIndex);
- if chunkType = header then
- begin
- case chunkIndex^ of
- 0: FfileFormat := single;
- 1: FfileFormat := multi_synch;
- 2: FfileFormat := multi_asynch;
- end;
- inc(chunkIndex);
- numberTracks := chunkIndex^ * $100;
- inc(chunkIndex);
- numberTracks := numberTracks + chunkIndex^;
- inc(chunkIndex);
- deltaTicks := chunkIndex^ * $100;
- inc(chunkIndex);
- deltaTicks := deltaTicks + chunkIndex^;
- end;
-procedure TMidifile.ProcessTrackChunk;
- dTime: integer;
- event: integer;
- len: integer;
- str: string;
- midiEvent: PMidiEvent;
- i: integer;
- us_per_quarter: integer;
- chunkIndex := chunkData;
-// inc(chunkIndex);
- event := 0;
- if chunkType = track then
- begin
- currentTrack := TMidiTrack.Create;
- currentTrack.OnMidiEvent := FOnMidiEvent;
- Tracks.add(currentTrack);
- while integer(chunkIndex) < integer(chunkEnd) do
- begin
- // each event starts with var length delta time
- dTime := ReadVarLength;
- if chunkIndex^ >= $80 then
- begin
- event := chunkIndex^;
- inc(chunkIndex);
- end;
- // else it is a running status event (just the same event as before)
- if event = $FF then
- begin
-{ case chunkIndex^ of
- $00: // sequence number, not implemented jet
- begin
- inc(chunkIndex); // $02
- inc(chunkIndex);
- end;
- $01 .. $0f: // text events FF ty len text
- begin
- New(midiEvent);
- midiEvent.event := $FF;
- midiEvent.data1 := chunkIndex^; // type is stored in data1
- midiEvent.dticks := dtime;
- inc(chunkIndex);
- len := ReadVarLength;
- midiEvent.str := ReadString(len);
- currentTrack.putEvent(midiEvent);
- end;
- $20: // Midi channel prefix FF 20 01 cc
- begin
- inc(chunkIndex); // $01
- inc(chunkIndex); // channel
- inc(chunkIndex);
- end;
- $2F: // End of track FF 2F 00
- begin
- inc(chunkIndex); // $00
- inc(chunkIndex);
- end;
- $51: // Set Tempo FF 51 03 tttttt
- begin
- inc(chunkIndex); // $03
- inc(chunkIndex); // tt
- inc(chunkIndex); // tt
- inc(chunkIndex); // tt
- inc(chunkIndex);
- end;
- $54: // SMPTE offset FF 54 05 hr mn se fr ff
- begin
- inc(chunkIndex); // $05
- inc(chunkIndex); // hr
- inc(chunkIndex); // mn
- inc(chunkIndex); // se
- inc(chunkIndex); // fr
- inc(chunkIndex); // ff
- inc(chunkIndex);
- end;
- $58: // Time signature FF 58 04 nn dd cc bb
- begin
- inc(chunkIndex); // $04
- inc(chunkIndex); // nn
- inc(chunkIndex); // dd
- inc(chunkIndex); // cc
- inc(chunkIndex); // bb
- inc(chunkIndex);
- end;
- $59: // Key signature FF 59 02 df mi
- begin
- inc(chunkIndex); // $02
- inc(chunkIndex); // df
- inc(chunkIndex); // mi
- inc(chunkIndex);
- end;
- $7F: // Sequence specific Meta-event
- begin
- inc(chunkIndex);
- len := ReadVarLength;
- str := ReadString(len);
- end;
- else // unknown meta event
- }
- begin
- New(midiEvent);
- midiEvent.event := $FF;
- midiEvent.data1 := chunkIndex^; // type is stored in data1
- midiEvent.dticks := dtime;
- inc(chunkIndex);
- len := ReadVarLength;
- midiEvent.str := ReadString(len);
- currentTrack.putEvent(midiEvent);
- case midiEvent.data1 of
- $51:
- begin
- us_per_quarter :=
- (integer(byte(midiEvent.str[1])) shl 16 +
- integer(byte(midiEvent.str[2])) shl 8 +
- integer(byte(midiEvent.str[3])));
- FBpm := 60000000 div us_per_quarter;
- FusPerTick := us_per_quarter / deltaTicks;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-// end;
- end
- else
- begin
- // these are all midi events
- New(midiEvent);
- midiEvent.event := event;
- midiEvent.dticks := dtime;
-// inc(chunkIndex);
- case event of
- $80..$8F, // note off
- $90..$9F, // note on
- $A0..$AF, // key aftertouch
- $B0..$BF, // control change
- $E0..$EF: // pitch wheel change
- begin
- midiEvent.data1 := chunkIndex^; inc(chunkIndex);
- midiEvent.data2 := chunkIndex^; inc(chunkIndex);
- end;
- $C0..$CF, // program change
- $D0..$DF: // channel aftertouch
- begin
- midiEvent.data1 := chunkIndex^; inc(chunkIndex);
- end;
- else
- // error
- end;
- currentTrack.putEvent(midiEvent);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function TMidifile.ReadVarLength: integer;
- i: integer;
- b: byte;
- b := 128;
- i := 0;
- while b > 127 do
- begin
- i := i shl 7;
- b := chunkIndex^;
- i := i + b and $7F;
- inc(chunkIndex);
- end;
- result := i;
-function TMidifile.ReadString(l: integer): string;
- s: PChar;
- i: integer;
- GetMem(s, l + 1); ;
- s[l] := chr(0);
- for i := 0 to l - 1 do
- begin
- s[i] := Chr(chunkIndex^);
- inc(chunkIndex);
- end;
- result := string(s);
-procedure TMidifile.ReadFile;
- i: integer;
- for i := 0 to Tracks.Count - 1 do
- TMidiTrack(Tracks.Items[i]).Free;
- Tracks.Clear;
- chunkType := illegal;
- AssignFile(midiFile, FFilename);
- FileMode := 0;
- Reset(midiFile);
- while not eof(midiFile) do
- ReadChunk;
- CloseFile(midiFile);
- numberTracks := Tracks.Count;
-function KeyToStr(key: integer): string;
- n: integer;
- str: string;
- n := key mod 12;
- case n of
- 0: str := 'C';
- 1: str := 'C#';
- 2: str := 'D';
- 3: str := 'D#';
- 4: str := 'E';
- 5: str := 'F';
- 6: str := 'F#';
- 7: str := 'G';
- 8: str := 'G#';
- 9: str := 'A';
- 10: str := 'A#';
- 11: str := 'B';
- end;
- Result := str + IntToStr(key div 12);
-function IntToLenStr(val: integer; len: integer): string;
- str: string;
- str := IntToStr(val);
- while Length(str) < len do
- str := '0' + str;
- Result := str;
-function MyTimeToStr(val: integer): string;
- var
- hour: integer;
- min: integer;
- sec: integer;
- msec: integer;
- msec := val mod 1000;
- sec := val div 1000;
- min := sec div 60;
- sec := sec mod 60;
- hour := min div 60;
- min := min mod 60;
- Result := IntToStr(hour) + ':' + IntToLenStr(min, 2) + ':' + IntToLenStr(sec, 2) + '.' + IntToLenStr(msec, 3);
-function TMidiFIle.GetFusPerTick : Double;
- Result := FusPerTick;
-function TMidiFIle.GetTrackLength:integer;
-var i,length : integer;
- time : extended;
- length := 0;
- for i := 0 to Tracks.Count - 1 do
- if TMidiTrack(Tracks.Items[i]).getTrackLength > length then
- length := TMidiTrack(Tracks.Items[i]).getTrackLength;
- time := length * FusPerTick;
- time := time / 1000.0;
- result := round(time);
-function TMidiFIle.Ready: boolean;
-var i : integer;
- result := true;
- for i := 0 to Tracks.Count - 1 do
- if not TMidiTrack(Tracks.Items[i]).isready then
- result := false;
-procedure TMidiFile.OnTrackReady;
- if ready then
- if assigned(FOnUpdateEvent) then FOnUpdateEvent(self);
-procedure TMidiFile.WndProc(var Msg : TMessage);
- with MSG do
- begin
- case Msg of
- begin
- //try
- MidiTimer(self);
- //except
- // Note: HandleException() is called by default if exception is not handled
- // Application.HandleException(Self);
- //end;
- end;
- else
- begin
- Result := DefWindowProc(MIDIFileHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents('Synth', [TMidiFile]);
+{ + Load a midifile and get access to tracks and events + I did build this component to convert midifiles to wave files + or play the files on a software synthesizer which I'm currenly + building. + + version 1.0 first release + + version 1.1 + added some function + function KeyToStr(key : integer) : string; + function MyTimeToStr(val : integer) : string; + Bpm can be set to change speed + + version 1.2 + added some functions + function GetTrackLength:integer; + function Ready: boolean; + + version 1.3 + update by Chulwoong, + He knows how to use the MM timer, the timing is much better now, thank you + + for comments/bugs + F.Bouwmans + fbouwmans@spiditel.nl + + if you think this component is nice and you use it, sent me a short email. + I've seen that other of my components have been downloaded a lot, but I've + got no clue wether they are actually used. + Don't worry because you are free to use these components + + Timing has improved, however because the messages are handled by the normal + windows message loop (of the main window) it is still influenced by actions + done on the window (minimize/maximize ..). + Use of a second thread with higher priority which only handles the + timer message should increase performance. If somebody knows such a component + which is freeware please let me know. + + interface description: + + procedure ReadFile: + actually read the file which is set in Filename + + function GetTrack(index: integer) : TMidiTrack; + + property Filename + set/read filename of midifile + + property NumberOfTracks + read number of tracks in current file + + property TicksPerQuarter: integer + ticks per quarter, tells how to interpret the time value in midi events + + property FileFormat: TFileFormat + tells the format of the current midifile + + property Bpm:integer + tells Beats per minut + + property OnMidiEvent:TOnMidiEvent + called while playing for each midi event + + procedure StartPlaying; + start playing the current loaded midifile from the beginning + + procedure StopPlaying; + stop playing the current midifile + + procedure PlayToTime(time : integer); + if playing yourself then events from last time to this time are produced + + + function KeyToStr(key : integer) : string; + give note string on key value: e.g. C4 + + function MyTimeToStr(val : integer) : string; + give time string from msec time + + function GetTrackLength:integer; + gives the track lenght in msec (assuming the bpm at the start oof the file) + + function Ready: boolean; + now you can check wether the playback is finished + +} + +unit MidiFile; + +interface + +{$IFDEF FPC} + {$MODE Delphi} + {$H+} // use AnsiString +{$ENDIF} + +uses + Windows, + //Forms, + Messages, + SysUtils, + UCommon, + Classes; + +type + TChunkType = (illegal, header, track); + TFileFormat = (single, multi_synch, multi_asynch); + PByte = ^byte; + + TMidiEvent = record + event: byte; + data1: byte; + data2: byte; + str: string; + dticks: integer; + time: integer; + mtime: integer; + len: integer; + end; + PMidiEvent = ^TMidiEvent; + + TOnMidiEvent = procedure(event: PMidiEvent) of object; + TEvent = procedure of object; + + TMidiTrack = class(TObject) + protected + events: TList; + name: string; + instrument: string; + currentTime: integer; + currentPos: integer; + ready: boolean; + trackLenght: integer; + procedure checkReady; + public + OnMidiEvent: TOnMidiEvent; + OnTrackReady: TEvent; + constructor Create; + destructor Destroy; override; + + procedure Rewind(pos: integer); + procedure PlayUntil(pos: integer); + procedure GoUntil(pos: integer); + + procedure putEvent(event: PMidiEvent); + function getEvent(index: integer): PMidiEvent; + function getName: string; + function getInstrument: string; + function getEventCount: integer; + function getCurrentTime: integer; + function getTrackLength: integer; + function isReady:boolean; + end; + + TMidiFile = class(TComponent) + private + { Private declarations } + procedure MidiTimer(sender : TObject); + procedure WndProc(var Msg : TMessage); + protected + { Protected declarations } + midiFile: file of byte; + chunkType: TChunkType; + chunkLength: integer; + chunkData: PByte; + chunkIndex: PByte; + chunkEnd: PByte; + FPriority: DWORD; + + // midi file attributes + FFileFormat: TFileFormat; + numberTracks: integer; + deltaTicks: integer; + FBpm: integer; + FBeatsPerMeasure: integer; + FusPerTick: double; + FFilename: string; + + Tracks: TList; + currentTrack: TMidiTrack; + FOnMidiEvent: TOnMidiEvent; + FOnUpdateEvent: TNotifyEvent; + + // playing attributes + playing: boolean; + PlayStartTime: integer; + currentTime: integer; // Current playtime in msec + currentPos: Double; // Current Position in ticks + + procedure OnTrackReady; + procedure setFilename(val: string); + procedure ReadChunkHeader; + procedure ReadChunkContent; + procedure ReadChunk; + procedure ProcessHeaderChunk; + procedure ProcessTrackChunk; + function ReadVarLength: integer; + function ReadString(l: integer): string; + procedure SetOnMidiEvent(handler: TOnMidiEvent); + procedure SetBpm(val: integer); + public + { Public declarations } + constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; + destructor Destroy; override; + + procedure ReadFile; + function GetTrack(index: integer): TMidiTrack; + + procedure StartPlaying; + procedure StopPlaying; + procedure ContinuePlaying; + + procedure PlayToTime(time: integer); + procedure GoToTime(time: integer); + function GetCurrentTime: integer; + function GetFusPerTick : Double; + function GetTrackLength:integer; + function Ready: boolean; + published + { Published declarations } + property Filename: string read FFilename write setFilename; + property NumberOfTracks: integer read numberTracks; + property TicksPerQuarter: integer read deltaTicks; + property FileFormat: TFileFormat read FFileFormat; + property Bpm: integer read FBpm write SetBpm; + property OnMidiEvent: TOnMidiEvent read FOnMidiEvent write SetOnMidiEvent; + property OnUpdateEvent: TNotifyEvent read FOnUpdateEvent write FOnUpdateEvent; + end; + +function KeyToStr(key: integer): string; +function MyTimeToStr(val: integer): string; +procedure Register; + +implementation + +uses mmsystem; + +type +{$IFDEF FPC} + TTimerProc = TTIMECALLBACK; + TTimeCaps = TIMECAPS; +{$ELSE} + TTimerProc = TFNTimeCallBack; +{$ENDIF} + +const TIMER_RESOLUTION=10; +const WM_MULTIMEDIA_TIMER=WM_USER+127; + +var MIDIFileHandle : HWND; + TimerProc : TTimerProc; + MIDITimerID : Integer; + TimerPeriod : Integer; + +procedure TimerCallBackProc(uTimerID,uMsg: Cardinal; dwUser,dwParam1,dwParam2:DWORD);stdcall; +begin + PostMessage(HWND(dwUser),WM_MULTIMEDIA_TIMER,0,0); +end; + +procedure SetMIDITimer; + var TimeCaps : TTimeCaps; +begin + timeGetDevCaps(@TimeCaps,SizeOf(TimeCaps)); + if TIMER_RESOLUTION < TimeCaps.wPeriodMin then + TimerPeriod:=TimeCaps.wPeriodMin + else if TIMER_RESOLUTION > TimeCaps.wPeriodMax then + TimerPeriod:=TimeCaps.wPeriodMax + else + TimerPeriod:=TIMER_RESOLUTION; + + timeBeginPeriod(TimerPeriod); + MIDITimerID:=timeSetEvent(TimerPeriod,TimerPeriod,TimerProc, + DWORD(MIDIFileHandle),TIME_PERIODIC); + if MIDITimerID=0 then + timeEndPeriod(TimerPeriod); +end; + +procedure KillMIDITimer; +begin + timeKillEvent(MIDITimerID); + timeEndPeriod(TimerPeriod); +end; + +constructor TMidiTrack.Create; +begin + inherited Create; + events := TList.Create; + currentTime := 0; + currentPos := 0; +end; + +destructor TMidiTrack.Destroy; +var + i: integer; +begin + for i := 0 to events.count - 1 do + Dispose(PMidiEvent(events.items[i])); + events.Free; + inherited Destroy; +end; + +procedure TMidiTRack.putEvent(event: PMidiEvent); +var + command: integer; + i: integer; + pevent: PMidiEvent; +begin + if (event.event = $FF) then + begin + if (event.data1 = 3) then + name := event.str; + if (event.data1 = 4) then + instrument := event.str; + end; + currentTime := currentTime + event.dticks; + event.time := currentTime; // for the moment just add dticks + event.len := 0; + events.add(TObject(event)); + command := event.event and $F0; + + if ((command = $80) // note off + or ((command = $90) and (event.data2 = 0))) //note on with speed 0 + then + begin + // this is a note off, try to find the accompanion note on + command := event.event or $90; + i := events.count - 2; + while i >= 0 do + begin + pevent := PMidiEvent(events[i]); + if (pevent.event = command) and + (pevent.data1 = event.data1) + then + begin + pevent.len := currentTIme - pevent.time; + i := 0; + event.len := -1; + end; + dec(i); + end; + end; +end; + +function TMidiTrack.getName: string; +begin + result := name; +end; + +function TMidiTrack.getInstrument: string; +begin + result := instrument; +end; + +function TMiditrack.getEventCount: integer; +begin + result := events.count; +end; + +function TMiditrack.getEvent(index: integer): PMidiEvent; +begin + if ((index < events.count) and (index >= 0)) then + result := events[index] + else + result := nil; +end; + +function TMiditrack.getCurrentTime: integer; +begin + result := currentTime; +end; + +procedure TMiditrack.Rewind(pos: integer); +begin + if currentPos = events.count then + dec(currentPos); + while ((currentPos > 0) and + (PMidiEvent(events[currentPos]).time > pos)) + do + begin + dec(currentPos); + end; + checkReady; +end; + +procedure TMiditrack.PlayUntil(pos: integer); +begin + if assigned(OnMidiEvent) then + begin + while ((currentPos < events.count) and + (PMidiEvent(events[currentPos]).time < pos)) do + begin + OnMidiEvent(PMidiEvent(events[currentPos])); + inc(currentPos); + end; + end; + checkReady; +end; + +procedure TMidiTrack.GoUntil(pos: integer); +begin + while ((currentPos < events.count) and + (PMidiEvent(events[currentPos]).time < pos)) do + begin + inc(currentPos); + end; + checkReady; +end; + +procedure TMidiTrack.checkReady; +begin + if currentPos >= events.count then + begin + ready := true; + if assigned(OnTrackReady) then + OnTrackReady; + end + else + ready := false; +end; + +function TMidiTrack.getTrackLength: integer; +begin + result := PMidiEvent(events[events.count-1]).time +end; + +function TMidiTrack.isReady: boolean; +begin + result := ready; +end; + +constructor TMidifile.Create(AOwner: TComponent); +begin + inherited Create(AOWner); + MIDIFileHandle:=AllocateHWnd(WndProc); + chunkData := nil; + chunkType := illegal; + Tracks := TList.Create; + TimerProc:=@TimerCallBackProc; + FPriority:=GetPriorityClass(MIDIFileHandle); +end; + +destructor TMidifile.Destroy; +var + i: integer; +begin + if not (chunkData = nil) then FreeMem(chunkData); + for i := 0 to Tracks.Count - 1 do + TMidiTrack(Tracks.Items[i]).Free; + Tracks.Free; + SetPriorityClass(MIDIFileHandle,FPriority); + + if MIDITimerID<>0 then KillMIDITimer; + + DeallocateHWnd(MIDIFileHandle); + + inherited Destroy; +end; + +function TMidiFile.GetTrack(index: integer): TMidiTrack; +begin + result := Tracks.Items[index]; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.setFilename(val: string); +begin + FFilename := val; +// ReadFile; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.SetOnMidiEvent(handler: TOnMidiEvent); +var + i: integer; +begin +// if not (FOnMidiEvent = handler) then +// begin + FOnMidiEvent := handler; + for i := 0 to tracks.count - 1 do + TMidiTrack(tracks.items[i]).OnMidiEvent := handler; +// end; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.MidiTimer(Sender: TObject); +begin + if playing then + begin + PlayToTime(GetTickCount - PlayStartTime); + if assigned(FOnUpdateEvent) then FOnUpdateEvent(self); + end; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.StartPlaying; +var + i: integer; +begin + for i := 0 to tracks.count - 1 do + TMidiTrack(tracks[i]).Rewind(0); + playStartTime := getTickCount; + playing := true; + + SetPriorityClass(MIDIFileHandle,REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS); + + SetMIDITimer; + currentPos := 0.0; + currentTime := 0; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.ContinuePlaying; +begin + PlayStartTime := GetTickCount - currentTime; + playing := true; + + SetPriorityClass(MIDIFileHandle,REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS); + + SetMIDITimer; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.StopPlaying; +begin + playing := false; + KillMIDITimer; + SetPriorityClass(MIDIFileHandle,FPriority); +end; + +function TMidiFile.GetCurrentTime: integer; +begin + Result := currentTime; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.PlayToTime(time: integer); +var + i: integer; + track: TMidiTrack; + pos: integer; + deltaTime: integer; +begin + // calculate the pos in the file. + // pos is actually tick + // Current FusPerTick is uses to determine the actual pos + + deltaTime := time - currentTime; + currentPos := currentPos + (deltaTime * 1000) / FusPerTick; + pos := round(currentPos); + + for i := 0 to tracks.count - 1 do + begin + TMidiTrack(tracks.items[i]).PlayUntil(pos); + end; + currentTime := time; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.GoToTime(time: integer); +var + i: integer; + track: TMidiTrack; + pos: integer; +begin + // this function should be changed because FusPerTick might not be constant + pos := round((time * 1000) / FusPerTick); + for i := 0 to tracks.count - 1 do + begin + TMidiTrack(tracks.items[i]).Rewind(0); + TMidiTrack(tracks.items[i]).GoUntil(pos); + end; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.SetBpm(val: integer); +var + us_per_quarter: integer; +begin + if not (val = FBpm) then + begin + us_per_quarter := 60000000 div val; + + FBpm := 60000000 div us_per_quarter; + FusPerTick := us_per_quarter / deltaTicks; + end; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.ReadChunkHeader; +var + theByte: array[0..7] of byte; +begin + BlockRead(midiFile, theByte, 8); + if (theByte[0] = $4D) and (theByte[1] = $54) then + begin + if (theByte[2] = $68) and (theByte[3] = $64) then + chunkType := header + else if (theByte[2] = $72) and (theByte[3] = $6B) then + chunkType := track + else + chunkType := illegal; + end + else + begin + chunkType := illegal; + end; + chunkLength := theByte[7] + theByte[6] * $100 + theByte[5] * $10000 + theByte[4] * $1000000; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.ReadChunkContent; +begin + if not (chunkData = nil) then + FreeMem(chunkData); + GetMem(chunkData, chunkLength + 10); + BlockRead(midiFile, chunkData^, chunkLength); + chunkIndex := chunkData; + chunkEnd := PByte(integer(chunkIndex) + integer(chunkLength) - 1); +end; + +procedure TMidifile.ReadChunk; +begin + ReadChunkHeader; + ReadChunkContent; + case chunkType of + header: + ProcessHeaderChunk; + track: + ProcessTrackCHunk; + end; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.ProcessHeaderChunk; +begin + chunkIndex := chunkData; + inc(chunkIndex); + if chunkType = header then + begin + case chunkIndex^ of + 0: FfileFormat := single; + 1: FfileFormat := multi_synch; + 2: FfileFormat := multi_asynch; + end; + inc(chunkIndex); + numberTracks := chunkIndex^ * $100; + inc(chunkIndex); + numberTracks := numberTracks + chunkIndex^; + inc(chunkIndex); + deltaTicks := chunkIndex^ * $100; + inc(chunkIndex); + deltaTicks := deltaTicks + chunkIndex^; + end; +end; + +procedure TMidifile.ProcessTrackChunk; +var + dTime: integer; + event: integer; + len: integer; + str: string; + midiEvent: PMidiEvent; + i: integer; + us_per_quarter: integer; +begin + chunkIndex := chunkData; +// inc(chunkIndex); + event := 0; + if chunkType = track then + begin + currentTrack := TMidiTrack.Create; + currentTrack.OnMidiEvent := FOnMidiEvent; + Tracks.add(currentTrack); + while integer(chunkIndex) < integer(chunkEnd) do + begin + // each event starts with var length delta time + dTime := ReadVarLength; + if chunkIndex^ >= $80 then + begin + event := chunkIndex^; + inc(chunkIndex); + end; + // else it is a running status event (just the same event as before) + + if event = $FF then + begin +{ case chunkIndex^ of + $00: // sequence number, not implemented jet + begin + inc(chunkIndex); // $02 + inc(chunkIndex); + end; + $01 .. $0f: // text events FF ty len text + begin + New(midiEvent); + midiEvent.event := $FF; + midiEvent.data1 := chunkIndex^; // type is stored in data1 + midiEvent.dticks := dtime; + + inc(chunkIndex); + len := ReadVarLength; + midiEvent.str := ReadString(len); + + currentTrack.putEvent(midiEvent); + end; + $20: // Midi channel prefix FF 20 01 cc + begin + inc(chunkIndex); // $01 + inc(chunkIndex); // channel + inc(chunkIndex); + end; + $2F: // End of track FF 2F 00 + begin + inc(chunkIndex); // $00 + inc(chunkIndex); + end; + $51: // Set Tempo FF 51 03 tttttt + begin + inc(chunkIndex); // $03 + inc(chunkIndex); // tt + inc(chunkIndex); // tt + inc(chunkIndex); // tt + inc(chunkIndex); + end; + $54: // SMPTE offset FF 54 05 hr mn se fr ff + begin + inc(chunkIndex); // $05 + inc(chunkIndex); // hr + inc(chunkIndex); // mn + inc(chunkIndex); // se + inc(chunkIndex); // fr + inc(chunkIndex); // ff + inc(chunkIndex); + end; + $58: // Time signature FF 58 04 nn dd cc bb + begin + inc(chunkIndex); // $04 + inc(chunkIndex); // nn + inc(chunkIndex); // dd + inc(chunkIndex); // cc + inc(chunkIndex); // bb + inc(chunkIndex); + end; + $59: // Key signature FF 59 02 df mi + begin + inc(chunkIndex); // $02 + inc(chunkIndex); // df + inc(chunkIndex); // mi + inc(chunkIndex); + end; + $7F: // Sequence specific Meta-event + begin + inc(chunkIndex); + len := ReadVarLength; + str := ReadString(len); + end; + else // unknown meta event + } + begin + New(midiEvent); + midiEvent.event := $FF; + midiEvent.data1 := chunkIndex^; // type is stored in data1 + midiEvent.dticks := dtime; + + inc(chunkIndex); + len := ReadVarLength; + midiEvent.str := ReadString(len); + currentTrack.putEvent(midiEvent); + + case midiEvent.data1 of + $51: + begin + us_per_quarter := + (integer(byte(midiEvent.str[1])) shl 16 + + integer(byte(midiEvent.str[2])) shl 8 + + integer(byte(midiEvent.str[3]))); + FBpm := 60000000 div us_per_quarter; + FusPerTick := us_per_quarter / deltaTicks; + end; + end; + end; +// end; + end + else + begin + // these are all midi events + New(midiEvent); + midiEvent.event := event; + midiEvent.dticks := dtime; +// inc(chunkIndex); + case event of + $80..$8F, // note off + $90..$9F, // note on + $A0..$AF, // key aftertouch + $B0..$BF, // control change + $E0..$EF: // pitch wheel change + begin + midiEvent.data1 := chunkIndex^; inc(chunkIndex); + midiEvent.data2 := chunkIndex^; inc(chunkIndex); + end; + $C0..$CF, // program change + $D0..$DF: // channel aftertouch + begin + midiEvent.data1 := chunkIndex^; inc(chunkIndex); + end; + else + // error + end; + currentTrack.putEvent(midiEvent); + end; + end; + end; +end; + + +function TMidifile.ReadVarLength: integer; +var + i: integer; + b: byte; +begin + b := 128; + i := 0; + while b > 127 do + begin + i := i shl 7; + b := chunkIndex^; + i := i + b and $7F; + inc(chunkIndex); + end; + result := i; +end; + +function TMidifile.ReadString(l: integer): string; +var + s: PChar; + i: integer; +begin + GetMem(s, l + 1); ; + s[l] := chr(0); + for i := 0 to l - 1 do + begin + s[i] := Chr(chunkIndex^); + inc(chunkIndex); + end; + result := string(s); +end; + +procedure TMidifile.ReadFile; +var + i: integer; +begin + for i := 0 to Tracks.Count - 1 do + TMidiTrack(Tracks.Items[i]).Free; + Tracks.Clear; + chunkType := illegal; + + AssignFile(midiFile, FFilename); + FileMode := 0; + Reset(midiFile); + while not eof(midiFile) do + ReadChunk; + CloseFile(midiFile); + numberTracks := Tracks.Count; +end; + +function KeyToStr(key: integer): string; +var + n: integer; + str: string; +begin + n := key mod 12; + case n of + 0: str := 'C'; + 1: str := 'C#'; + 2: str := 'D'; + 3: str := 'D#'; + 4: str := 'E'; + 5: str := 'F'; + 6: str := 'F#'; + 7: str := 'G'; + 8: str := 'G#'; + 9: str := 'A'; + 10: str := 'A#'; + 11: str := 'B'; + end; + Result := str + IntToStr(key div 12); +end; + +function IntToLenStr(val: integer; len: integer): string; +var + str: string; +begin + str := IntToStr(val); + while Length(str) < len do + str := '0' + str; + Result := str; +end; + +function MyTimeToStr(val: integer): string; + var + hour: integer; + min: integer; + sec: integer; + msec: integer; +begin + msec := val mod 1000; + sec := val div 1000; + min := sec div 60; + sec := sec mod 60; + hour := min div 60; + min := min mod 60; + Result := IntToStr(hour) + ':' + IntToLenStr(min, 2) + ':' + IntToLenStr(sec, 2) + '.' + IntToLenStr(msec, 3); +end; + +function TMidiFIle.GetFusPerTick : Double; +begin + Result := FusPerTick; +end; + +function TMidiFIle.GetTrackLength:integer; +var i,length : integer; + time : extended; +begin + length := 0; + for i := 0 to Tracks.Count - 1 do + if TMidiTrack(Tracks.Items[i]).getTrackLength > length then + length := TMidiTrack(Tracks.Items[i]).getTrackLength; + time := length * FusPerTick; + time := time / 1000.0; + result := round(time); +end; + +function TMidiFIle.Ready: boolean; +var i : integer; +begin + result := true; + for i := 0 to Tracks.Count - 1 do + if not TMidiTrack(Tracks.Items[i]).isready then + result := false; +end; + +procedure TMidiFile.OnTrackReady; +begin + if ready then + if assigned(FOnUpdateEvent) then FOnUpdateEvent(self); +end; + +procedure TMidiFile.WndProc(var Msg : TMessage); +begin + with MSG do + begin + case Msg of + WM_MULTIMEDIA_TIMER: + begin + //try + MidiTimer(self); + //except + // Note: HandleException() is called by default if exception is not handled + // Application.HandleException(Self); + //end; + end; + else + begin + Result := DefWindowProc(MIDIFileHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam); + end; + end; + end; +end; + +procedure Register; +begin + RegisterComponents('Synth', [TMidiFile]); +end; + +end. + |