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Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas')
-rw-r--r-- | Game/Code/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/sdlinput.pas | 263 |
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/sdlinput.pas b/Game/Code/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/sdlinput.pas index 2955d17a..e1b2347e 100644 --- a/Game/Code/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/sdlinput.pas +++ b/Game/Code/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/sdlinput.pas @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ unit sdlinput;
- $Id: sdlinput.pas,v 1.7 2004/09/30 22:32:04 savage Exp $
+ $Id: sdlinput.pas,v 1.9 2007/08/22 21:18:43 savage Exp $
@@ -60,6 +60,12 @@ unit sdlinput; { February 02 2004 - DL : Added Custom Cursor Support to the Mouse class }
$Log: sdlinput.pas,v $
+ Revision 1.9 2007/08/22 21:18:43 savage
+ Thanks to Dean for his MouseDelta patch.
+ Revision 1.8 2005/08/03 18:57:32 savage
+ Various updates and additions. Mainly to handle OpenGL 3D Window support and better cursor support for the mouse class
Revision 1.7 2004/09/30 22:32:04 savage
Updated with slightly different header comments
@@ -187,6 +193,41 @@ type TSDLMouseMoveEvent = procedure ( Shift: TSDLMod; CurrentPos : TPoint; RelativePos : TPoint ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF};
TSDLMouseWheelEvent = procedure ( WheelDelta : Integer; Shift: TSDLMod; MousePos : TPoint ) {$IFNDEF NOT_OO}of object{$ENDIF};
+ TSDLCustomCursor = class( TObject )
+ private
+ FFileName : string;
+ FHotPoint: TPoint;
+ procedure SetFileName(const aValue: string );
+ function ScanForChar( str : string; ch : Char; startPos : Integer; lookFor : Boolean ) : Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create( const aFileName : string; aHotPoint: TPoint );
+ procedure LoadFromFile( const aFileName : string ); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure LoadFromStream( aStream : TStream ); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure Show; virtual; abstract;
+ property FileName : string read FFileName write SetFileName;
+ property HotPoint : TPoint read FHotPoint write FHotPoint;
+ end;
+ TSDLXPMCursor = class( TSDLCustomCursor )
+ private
+ FCursor : PSDL_Cursor;
+ procedure FreeCursor;
+ public
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure LoadFromFile( const aFileName : string ); override;
+ procedure LoadFromStream( aStream : TStream ); override;
+ procedure Show; override;
+ end;
+ TSDLCursorList = class( TStringList )
+ protected
+ function GetObject( aIndex : Integer ): TSDLCustomCursor; reintroduce;
+ procedure PutObject( aIndex : Integer; AObject : TSDLCustomCursor); reintroduce;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ function AddCursor(const aName : string; aObject : TSDLCustomCursor): Integer; virtual;
+ end;
TSDLMouse = class( TSDLCustomInput )
FDragging : Boolean;
@@ -195,19 +236,19 @@ type FOnMouseDown: TSDLMouseButtonEvent;
FOnMouseMove: TSDLMouseMoveEvent;
FOnMouseWheel: TSDLMouseWheelEvent;
- FCursor : PSDL_Cursor; // Cursor Pointer
+ FCursorList : TSDLCursorList; // Cursor Pointer
procedure DoMouseMove( Event: TSDL_Event );
procedure DoMouseDown( Event: TSDL_Event );
procedure DoMouseUp( Event: TSDL_Event );
procedure DoMouseWheelScroll( Event: TSDL_Event );
function GetMousePosition: TPoint;
procedure SetMousePosition(const Value: TPoint);
+ function GetMouseDelta: TPoint;
destructor Destroy; override;
function UpdateInput( event: TSDL_EVENT ) : Boolean; override;
function MouseIsDown( Button : Integer ) : Boolean;
function MouseIsUp( Button : Integer ) : Boolean;
- procedure SetCursor(data, mask: PUInt8; w, h, hot_x, hot_y: Integer);
procedure ShowCursor;
procedure HideCursor;
property OnMouseDown : TSDLMouseButtonEvent read FOnMouseDown write FOnMouseDown;
@@ -215,6 +256,8 @@ type property OnMouseMove : TSDLMouseMoveEvent read FOnMouseMove write FOnMouseMove;
property OnMouseWheel : TSDLMouseWheelEvent read FOnMouseWheel write FOnMouseWheel;
property MousePosition : TPoint read GetMousePosition write SetMousePosition;
+ property MouseDelta: TPoint read GetMouseDelta;
+ property Cursors : TSDLCursorList read FCursorList write FCursorList;
TSDLInputManager = class( TObject )
@@ -235,6 +278,9 @@ type implementation
+ SysUtils;
{ TSDLCustomInput }
constructor TSDLCustomInput.Create;
@@ -355,8 +401,7 @@ end; { TSDLMouse }
destructor TSDLMouse.Destroy;
- if FCursor <> nil then
- SDL_FreeCursor( FCursor );
@@ -415,6 +460,13 @@ begin end;
+function TSDLMouse.GetMouseDelta: TPoint;
+ SDL_PumpEvents;
+ SDL_GetRelativeMouseState( Result.X, Result.Y );
function TSDLMouse.GetMousePosition: TPoint;
@@ -442,17 +494,6 @@ begin Result := not ( SDL_GetMouseState( FMousePos.X, FMousePos.Y ) and SDL_BUTTON( Button ) = 0 );
-procedure TSDLMouse.SetCursor(data, mask: PUInt8; w, h, hot_x, hot_y: Integer);
- if FCursor <> nil then
- SDL_FreeCursor( FCursor );
- // create the cursor
- FCursor := SDL_CreateCursor( data, mask, w, h, hot_x, hot_y );
- // set the cursor
- SDL_SetCursor( FCursor );
procedure TSDLMouse.SetMousePosition(const Value: TPoint);
SDL_WarpMouse( Value.x, Value.y );
@@ -689,4 +730,194 @@ begin end;
+{ TSDLCustomCursor }
+constructor TSDLCustomCursor.Create(const aFileName: string; aHotPoint: TPoint);
+ inherited Create;
+ FHotPoint := aHotPoint;
+ LoadFromFile( aFileName );
+function TSDLCustomCursor.ScanForChar(str: string; ch: Char;
+ startPos: Integer; lookFor: Boolean): Integer;
+ Result := -1;
+ while ( ( ( str[ startPos ] = ch ) <> lookFor ) and ( startPos < Length( str ) ) ) do
+ inc( startPos );
+ if startPos <> Length( str ) then
+ Result := startPos;
+procedure TSDLCustomCursor.SetFileName(const aValue: string);
+ LoadFromFile( aValue );
+{ TSDLXPMCursor }
+destructor TSDLXPMCursor.Destroy;
+ FreeCursor;
+ inherited;
+procedure TSDLXPMCursor.FreeCursor;
+ if FCursor <> nil then
+ begin
+ SDL_FreeCursor( FCursor );
+ FFileName := '';
+ end;
+procedure TSDLXPMCursor.LoadFromFile(const aFileName: string);
+ xpmFile : Textfile;
+ step : Integer;
+ holdPos : Integer;
+ counter : Integer;
+ dimensions : array[ 1..3 ] of Integer;
+ clr, clrNone, clrBlack, clrWhite : Char;
+ data, mask : array of UInt8;
+ i, col : Integer;
+ LineString : string;
+ FreeCursor;
+ AssignFile( xpmFile, aFileName );
+ Reset( xpmFile );
+ step := 0;
+ i := -1;
+ clrBlack := 'X';
+ clrWhite := ',';
+ clrNone := ' ';
+ counter := 0;
+ while not ( eof( xpmFile ) ) do
+ begin
+ Readln( xpmFile, LineString );
+ // scan for strings
+ if LineString[ 1 ] = '"' then
+ begin
+ case step of
+ 0 : // Get dimensions (should be width height number-of-colors ???)
+ begin
+ HoldPos := 2;
+ counter := ScanForChar( LineString, ' ', HoldPos, False );
+ counter := ScanForChar( LineString, ' ', counter, True );
+ dimensions[ 1 ] := StrToInt( Copy( LineString, HoldPos, counter - HoldPos ) );
+ counter := ScanForChar( LineString, ' ', counter, False );
+ holdPos := counter;
+ counter := ScanForChar( LineString, ' ', counter, True );
+ dimensions[ 2 ] := StrToInt( Copy( LineString, holdPos, counter - HoldPos ) );
+ counter := ScanForChar( LineString, ' ', counter, False );
+ holdPos := counter;
+ counter := ScanForChar( LineString, ' ', counter, True );
+ dimensions[ 3 ] := StrToInt( Copy( LineString, holdPos, counter - HoldPos ) );
+ step := 1;
+ SetLength( data, ( dimensions[ 1 ] * dimensions[ 2 ] ) div 8 );
+ SetLength( mask, ( dimensions[ 1 ] * dimensions[ 2 ] ) div 8 );
+ //Log.LogStatus( 'Length = ' + IntToStr( ( dimensions[ 1 ] * dimensions[ 2 ] ) div 8 ), 'LoadCursorFromFile' );
+ end;
+ 1 : // get the symbols for transparent, black and white
+ begin
+ // get the symbol for the color
+ clr := LineString[ 2 ];
+ // look for the 'c' symbol
+ counter := ScanForChar( LineString, 'c', 3, True );
+ inc( counter );
+ counter := ScanForChar( LineString, ' ', counter, False );
+ if LowerCase( Copy( LineString, counter, 4 ) ) = 'none' then
+ begin
+ clrNone := clr;
+ end;
+ if LowerCase( Copy( LineString, counter, 7 ) ) = '#ffffff' then
+ begin
+ clrWhite := clr;
+ end;
+ if LowerCase( Copy( LineString, counter, 7 ) ) = '#000000' then
+ begin
+ clrBlack := clr;
+ end;
+ dec( dimensions[ 3 ] );
+ if dimensions[ 3 ] = 0 then
+ begin
+ step := 2;
+ counter := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 2 : // get cursor information -- modified from the SDL
+ // documentation of SDL_CreateCursor.
+ begin
+ for col := 1 to dimensions[1] do
+ begin
+ if ( ( col mod 8 ) <> 1 ) then
+ begin
+ data[ i ] := data[ i ] shl 1;
+ mask[ i ] := mask[ i ] shl 1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ inc( i );
+ data[ i ] := 0;
+ mask[ i ] := 0;
+ end;
+ if LineString[ col ] = clrWhite then
+ begin
+ mask[ i ] := mask[ i ] or $01;
+ end
+ else if LineString[ col ] = clrBlack then
+ begin
+ data[ i ] := data[ i ] or $01;
+ mask[ i ] := mask[ i ] or $01;
+ end
+ else if LineString[ col + 1 ] = clrNone then
+ begin
+ //
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(counter);
+ if counter = dimensions[2] then
+ step := 4;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ CloseFile( xpmFile );
+ FCursor := SDL_CreateCursor( PUInt8( data ), PUInt8( mask ), dimensions[ 1 ], dimensions[ 2 ], FHotPoint.x, FHotPoint.y );
+procedure TSDLXPMCursor.LoadFromStream(aStream: TStream);
+ inherited;
+procedure TSDLXPMCursor.Show;
+ inherited;
+ SDL_SetCursor( FCursor );
+{ TSDLCursorList }
+function TSDLCursorList.AddCursor(const aName : string; aObject : TSDLCustomCursor): Integer;
+ result := inherited AddObject( aName, aObject );
+constructor TSDLCursorList.Create;
+ inherited;
+ Duplicates := dupIgnore;
+function TSDLCursorList.GetObject(aIndex: Integer): TSDLCustomCursor;
+ result := TSDLCustomCursor( inherited GetObject( aIndex ) );
+procedure TSDLCursorList.PutObject(aIndex: Integer; aObject: TSDLCustomCursor);
+ inherited PutObject( aIndex, aObject );