path: root/Game/Code/Screens
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Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Screens')
34 files changed, 13231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenCredits.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenCredits.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e0530af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenCredits.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1088 @@
+unit UScreenCredits;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UTexture, OpenGL12, UMusic, UFiles, SysUtils, UThemes, ULCD, ULight, UGraphicClasses;
+ TCreditsStages=(InitialDelay,Intro,MainPart,Outro);
+ TScreenCredits = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ Credits_X: Real;
+ Credits_Time: Cardinal;
+ Credits_Alpha: Cardinal;
+ CTime: Cardinal;
+ CTime_hold: Cardinal;
+ ESC_Alpha: Integer;
+ credits_entry_tex: TTexture;
+ credits_entry_dx_tex: TTexture;
+ credits_bg_tex: TTexture;
+ credits_bg_ovl: TTexture;
+// credits_bg_logo: TTexture;
+ credits_bg_scrollbox_left: TTexture;
+ credits_blindguard: TTexture;
+ credits_blindy: TTexture;
+ credits_canni: TTexture;
+ credits_commandio: TTexture;
+ credits_lazyjoker: TTexture;
+ credits_mog: TTexture;
+ credits_mota: TTexture;
+ credits_skillmaster: TTexture;
+ credits_whiteshark: TTexture;
+ intro_layer01: TTexture;
+ intro_layer02: TTexture;
+ intro_layer03: TTexture;
+ intro_layer04: TTexture;
+ intro_layer05: TTexture;
+ intro_layer06: TTexture;
+ intro_layer07: TTexture;
+ intro_layer08: TTexture;
+ intro_layer09: TTexture;
+ outro_bg: TTexture;
+ outro_esc: TTexture;
+ outro_exd: TTexture;
+ deluxe_slidein: cardinal;
+ CurrentScrollText: String;
+ NextScrollUpdate: Real;
+ EndofLastScrollingPart: Cardinal;
+ CurrentScrollStart, CurrentScrollEnd: Integer;
+ CRDTS_Stage: TCreditsStages;
+ Fadeout: boolean;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure onHide; override;
+ procedure DrawCredits;
+ procedure Draw_FunkyText;
+ end;
+ Funky_Text: AnsiString =
+ 'Grandma Deluxe has arrived! Thanks to Corvus5 for the massive work on UltraStar, Wome for the nice tune you´re hearing, '+
+ 'all the people who put massive effort and work in new songs (don´t forget UltraStar w/o songs would be nothing), ppl from '+
+ 'irc helping us - eBandit and Gabari, scene ppl who really helped instead of compiling and running away. Thank for the translations to Jakob0 and Spearedge (Swedish), Pino (Dutch) and Canni (French). Greetings to DennisTheMenace for betatesting, '+
+ 'Demoscene.tv, KakiArts, Sourceforge,..';
+ Timings: array[0..21] of Cardinal=(
+ 20, // 0 Delay vor Start
+ 149, // 1 Ende erster Intro Zoom
+ 155, // 2 Start 2. Action im Intro
+ 170, // 3 Ende Separation im Intro
+ 271, // 4 Anfang Zoomout im Intro
+ 0, // 5 unused
+ 261, // 6 Start fade-to-white im Intro
+ 271, // 7 Start Main Part
+ 280, // 8 Start On-Beat-Sternchen Main Part
+ 396, // 9 Start BlindGuard
+ 666, // 10 Start blindy
+ 936, // 11 Start Canni
+ 1206, // 12 Start Commandio
+ 1476, // 13 Start LazyJoker
+ 1746, // 14 Start Mog
+ 2016, // 15 Start Mota
+ 2286, // 16 Start SkillMaster
+ 2556, // 17 Start WhiteShark
+ 2826, // 18 Ende Whiteshark
+ 3096, // 19 Start FadeOut Mainscreen
+ 3366, // 20 Ende Credits Tune
+ 60); // 21 start flare im intro
+uses Dialogs,Windows, UGraphic, UMain, UIni, USongs, Textgl, opengl, ULanguage, Math;
+function TScreenCredits.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ end;
+ begin
+ setlength(CTime_hold,length(CTime_hold)+1);
+ CTime_hold[high(CTime_hold)]:=CTime;
+ end;
+ end;//esac
+ end; //fi
+constructor TScreenCredits.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ credits_bg_tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'CRDTS_BG', 'PNG', 'Plain', 0);
+ credits_bg_ovl := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'CRDTS_OVL', 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ credits_blindguard := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'CRDTS_blindguard', 'PNG', 'Font Black', 0);
+ credits_blindy := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'CRDTS_blindy', 'PNG', 'Font Black', 0);
+ credits_canni := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'CRDTS_canni', 'PNG', 'Font Black', 0);
+ credits_commandio := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'CRDTS_commandio', 'PNG', 'Font Black', 0);
+ credits_lazyjoker := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'CRDTS_lazyjoker', 'PNG', 'Font Black', 0);
+ credits_mog := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'CRDTS_mog', 'PNG', 'Font Black', 0);
+ credits_mota := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'CRDTS_mota', 'PNG', 'Font Black', 0);
+ credits_skillmaster := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'CRDTS_skillmaster', 'PNG', 'Font Black', 0);
+ credits_whiteshark := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'CRDTS_whiteshark', 'PNG', 'Font Black', 0);
+ intro_layer01 := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'INTRO_L01', 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ intro_layer02 := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'INTRO_L02', 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ intro_layer03 := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'INTRO_L03', 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ intro_layer04 := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'INTRO_L04', 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ intro_layer05 := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'INTRO_L05', 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ intro_layer06 := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'INTRO_L06', 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ intro_layer07 := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'INTRO_L07', 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ intro_layer08 := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'INTRO_L08', 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ intro_layer09 := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'INTRO_L09', 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ outro_bg := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'OUTRO_BG', 'PNG', 'Plain', 0);
+ outro_esc := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'OUTRO_ESC', 'PNG', 'Transparent', 0);
+ outro_exd := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'OUTRO_EXD', 'PNG', 'Plain', 0);
+ CRDTS_Stage:=InitialDelay;
+function TScreenCredits.Draw: boolean;
+ DrawCredits;
+procedure TScreenCredits.onShow;
+ CRDTS_Stage:=InitialDelay;
+ Credits_X := 580;
+ deluxe_slidein := 0;
+ Credits_Alpha := 0;
+ Music.Open(soundpath + 'wome-credits-tune.mp3'); //danke kleinster liebster weeeetüüüüü!!
+ Music.SetVolume(100); //Whiteshark, you hear me now? :P
+ CTime:=0;
+// setlength(CTime_hold,0);
+procedure TScreenCredits.onHide;
+ Music.Stop;
+Procedure TScreenCredits.Draw_FunkyText;
+ S,I, Len: Integer;
+ X,Y,A: Real;
+ visibleText: PChar;
+ SetFontSize(10);
+ //Init ScrollingText
+ if (CTime = Timings[7]) then
+ begin
+ //Set Position of Text
+ Credits_X := 600;
+ CurrentScrollStart:=1;
+ CurrentScrollEnd:=1;
+ end;
+ if (CTime > Timings[7]) and (CurrentScrollStart < length(Funky_Text)) then
+ begin
+ X:=0;
+ visibleText:=pchar(Copy(Funky_Text, CurrentScrollStart, CurrentScrollEnd));
+ for S := 0 to length(visibleText)-1 do begin
+ Y:=abs(sin((Credits_X+X)*0.93{*(((Credits_X+X))/1200)}/100*pi));
+ SetFontPos(Credits_X+X,538-Y*(Credits_X+X)*(Credits_X+X)*(Credits_X+X)/1000000);
+ if (Credits_X+X < 15) then A:=0;
+ if (Credits_X+X >=15) then A:=Credits_X+X-15;
+ if Credits_X+X > 32 then A:=17;
+ glColor4f( 230/255-40/255+Y*(Credits_X+X)/900, 200/255-30/255+Y*(Credits_X+X)/1000, 155/255-20/255+Y*(Credits_X+X)/1100, A/17);
+ glPrintLetter(visibleText[S]);
+ X := X + Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(visibleText[S])] * Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H / 30 * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ end;
+ if (Credits_X<0) and (CurrentScrollStart < length(Funky_Text)) then begin
+ Credits_X:=Credits_X + Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Funky_Text[CurrentScrollStart])] * Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H / 30 * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ inc(CurrentScrollStart);
+ end;
+ visibleText:=pchar(Copy(Funky_Text, CurrentScrollStart, CurrentScrollEnd));
+ if (Credits_X+glTextWidth(visibleText) < 600) and (CurrentScrollEnd < length(Funky_Text)) then begin
+ inc(CurrentScrollEnd);
+ end;
+ end;
+{ // timing hack
+ X:=5;
+ SetFontStyle (2);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
+ SetFontSize(9);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ for S:=0 to high(CTime_hold) do begin
+ visibleText:=pchar(inttostr(CTime_hold[S]));
+ SetFontPos (500, X);
+ glPrint (Addr(visibleText[0]));
+ X:=X+20;
+ end;}
+procedure Start3D;
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glPushMatrix;
+ glLoadIdentity;
+ glFrustum(-0.3*4/3,0.3*4/3,-0.3,0.3,1,1000);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glLoadIdentity;
+procedure End3D;
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glPopMatrix;
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+procedure TScreenCredits.DrawCredits;
+ T,I: Cardinal;
+ X: Real;
+ Ver: PChar;
+ RuntimeStr: AnsiString;
+ Data: TFFTData;
+ j,k,l:cardinal;
+ f,g,h: Real;
+ STime:cardinal;
+ Delay:cardinal;
+ myPixel: longword;
+ myColor: Cardinal;
+ myScale: Real;
+ myAngle: Real;
+const myLogoCoords: Array[0..27,0..1] of Cardinal = ((39,32),(84,32),(100,16),(125,24),
+ (154,31),(156,58),(168,32),(203,36),
+ (258,34),(251,50),(274,93),(294,84),
+ (232,54),(278,62),(319,34),(336,92),
+ (347,23),(374,32),(377,58),(361,83),
+ (385,91),(405,91),(429,35),(423,51),
+ (450,32),(485,34),(444,91),(486,93));
+//dis does teh muiwk y0r
+Data := Music.GetFFTData;
+ T := GetTickCount div 33;
+ if T <> Credits_Time then
+ begin
+ Credits_Time := T;
+ inc(CTime);
+ inc(CTime_hold);
+ Credits_X := Credits_X-2;
+ if (CRDTS_Stage=InitialDelay) and (CTime=Timings[0]) then
+ begin
+// CTime:=Timings[20];
+// CRDTS_Stage:=Outro;
+ CRDTS_Stage:=Intro;
+ CTime:=0;
+ Music.Play;
+ end;
+ if (CRDTS_Stage=Intro) and (CTime=Timings[7]) then
+ begin
+ CRDTS_Stage:=MainPart;
+ end;
+ if (CRDTS_Stage=MainPart) and (CTime=Timings[20]) then
+ begin
+ CRDTS_Stage:=Outro;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //draw background
+ if CRDTS_Stage=InitialDelay then
+ begin
+ glClearColor(0,0,0,0);
+ end
+ else
+ if CRDTS_Stage=Intro then
+ begin
+ Start3D;
+ glPushMatrix;
+ glClearColor(0,0,0,0);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ if CTime < Timings[1] then begin
+ myScale:= 0.5+0.5*(Timings[1]-CTime)/(Timings[1]); // slowly move layers together
+ myAngle:=cos((CTime)*pi/((Timings[1])*2)); // and make logo face towards camera
+ end else begin // this is the part when the logo stands still
+ myScale:=0.5;
+ myAngle:=0;
+ end;
+ if CTime > Timings[2] then begin
+ myScale:= 0.5+0.5*(CTime-Timings[2])/(Timings[3]-Timings[2]); // get some space between layers
+ myAngle:=0;
+ end;
+// if CTime > Timings[3] then myScale:=1; // keep the space between layers
+ glTranslatef(0,0,-5+0.5*myScale);
+ if CTime > Timings[3] then myScale:=1; // keep the space between layers
+ if CTime > Timings[3] then begin // make logo rotate left and grow
+// myScale:=(CTime-Timings[4])/(Timings[7]-Timings[4]);
+ glRotatef(20*sqr(CTime-Timings[3])/sqr((Timings[7]-Timings[3])/2),0,0,1);
+ glScalef(1+sqr(CTime-Timings[3])/(32*(Timings[7]-Timings[3])),1+sqr(CTime-Timings[3])/(32*(Timings[7]-Timings[3])),1);
+ end;
+ if CTime < Timings[2] then
+ glRotatef(30*myAngle,0.5*myScale+myScale,1+myScale,0);
+// glScalef(0.5,0.5,0.5);
+ glScalef(4/3,-1,1);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, intro_layer01.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex3f(-1, -1, -0.4 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex3f(-1, 1, -0.4 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex3f(1, 1, -0.4 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex3f(1, -1, -0.4 * myScale);
+ glEnd;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, intro_layer02.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex3f(-1, -1, -0.3 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex3f(-1, 1, -0.3 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex3f(1, 1, -0.3 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex3f(1, -1, -0.3 * myScale);
+ glEnd;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, intro_layer03.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex3f(-1, -1, -0.2 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex3f(-1, 1, -0.2 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex3f(1, 1, -0.2 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex3f(1, -1, -0.2 * myScale);
+ glEnd;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, intro_layer04.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex3f(-1, -1, -0.1 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex3f(-1, 1, -0.1 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex3f(1, 1, -0.1 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex3f(1, -1, -0.1 * myScale);
+ glEnd;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, intro_layer05.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex3f(-1, -1, 0 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex3f(-1, 1, 0 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex3f(1, 1, 0 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex3f(1, -1, 0 * myScale);
+ glEnd;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, intro_layer06.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex3f(-1, -1, 0.1 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex3f(-1, 1, 0.1 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex3f(1, 1, 0.1 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex3f(1, -1, 0.1 * myScale);
+ glEnd;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, intro_layer07.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex3f(-1, -1, 0.2 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex3f(-1, 1, 0.2 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex3f(1, 1, 0.2 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex3f(1, -1, 0.2 * myScale);
+ glEnd;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, intro_layer08.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex3f(-1, -1, 0.3 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex3f(-1, 1, 0.3 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex3f(1, 1, 0.3 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex3f(1, -1, 0.3 * myScale);
+ glEnd;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, intro_layer09.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex3f(-1, -1, 0.22 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex3f(-1, 1, 0.22 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex3f(1, 1, 0.22 * myScale);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex3f(1, -1, 0.22 * myScale);
+ glEnd;
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glPopMatrix;
+ End3D;
+ // do some sparkling effects
+ if (CTime < Timings[1]) and (CTime > Timings[21]) then
+ begin
+ for k:=1 to 3 do begin
+ l:=410+floor((CTime-Timings[21])/(Timings[1]-Timings[21])*(536-410))+RandomRange(-5,5);
+ j:=floor((Timings[1]-CTime)/22)+RandomRange(285,301);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(l, j, 1, 16, 0, -1, Flare, 0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // fade to white at end
+ if Ctime > Timings[6] then
+ begin
+ glColor4f(1,1,1,sqr(Ctime-Timings[6])*(Ctime-Timings[6])/sqr(Timings[7]-Timings[6]));
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glVertex2f(0,0);
+ glVertex2f(0,600);
+ glVertex2f(800,600);
+ glVertex2f(800,0);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (CRDTS_Stage=MainPart) then
+ // main credits screen background, scroller, logo and girl
+ begin
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, credits_bg_tex.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(0, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,600/1024);glVertex2f(0, 600);
+ glTexCoord2f(800/1024,600/1024); glVertex2f(800, 600);
+ glTexCoord2f(800/1024,0);glVertex2f(800, 0);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ // draw scroller
+ Draw_FunkyText;
+// draw credits names
+// BlindGuard (von links oben reindrehen, nach rechts unten rausdrehen)
+ STime:=Timings[9]-10;
+ Delay:=Timings[10]-Timings[9];
+ if CTime > STime then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ for j:=0 to 40 do
+ if Data[j]>=Data[k] then k:=j;
+ if Data[k]>0.25 then ESC_Alpha:=5 else inc(ESC_Alpha);
+ if ESC_Alpha >20 then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ if ((CTime-STime)<20) then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ k:=CTime-STime;
+ if CTime <=STime+10 then j:=CTime-STime else j:=10;
+ if (CTime >=STime+Delay-10) then if (CTime <=STime+Delay) then j:=(STime+Delay)-CTime else j:=0;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, ESC_Alpha/20*j/10);
+ if (CTime >= STime+10) and (CTime<=STime+12) then begin
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ end;
+ glPushMatrix;
+ gltranslatef(0,329,0);
+ if CTime <= STime+10 then begin glrotatef((CTime-STime)*9+270,0,0,1);end;
+ gltranslatef(223,0,0);
+ if CTime >=STime+Delay-10 then if CTime <=STime+Delay then begin
+ gltranslatef(223,0,0);
+ glrotatef((CTime-(STime+Delay-10))*-9,0,0,1);
+ gltranslatef(-223,0,0);
+ end;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, credits_blindguard.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(-163, -129);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex2f(-163, 129);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2f(163, 129);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex2f(163, -129);
+ glEnd;
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+ gldisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glPopMatrix;
+ end;
+// Blindy (zoom von 0 auf volle grösse und drehung, zoom auf doppelte grösse und nach rechts oben schieben)
+ STime:=Timings[10]-10;
+ Delay:=Timings[11]-Timings[10]+5;
+ if CTime > STime then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ for j:=0 to 40 do
+ if Data[j]>=Data[k] then k:=j;
+ if Data[k]>0.25 then ESC_Alpha:=5 else inc(ESC_Alpha);
+ if ESC_Alpha >20 then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ if ((CTime-STime)<20) then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ k:=CTime-STime;
+ if CTime <=STime+10 then j:=CTime-STime else j:=10;
+ if (CTime >=STime+Delay-10) then if (CTime <=STime+Delay) then j:=(STime+Delay)-CTime else j:=0;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, ESC_Alpha/20*j/10);
+ if (CTime >= STime+20) and (CTime<=STime+22) then begin
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ end;
+ glPushMatrix;
+ gltranslatef(223,329,0);
+ if CTime <= STime+20 then begin
+ j:=CTime-Stime;
+ glscalef(j*j/400,j*j/400,j*j/400);
+ glrotatef(j*18.0,0,0,1);
+ end;
+ if CTime >=STime+Delay-10 then if CTime <=STime+Delay then begin
+ j:=CTime-(STime+Delay-10);
+ f:=j*10.0;
+ gltranslatef(f*3,-f,0);
+ glscalef(1+j/10,1+j/10,1+j/10);
+ glrotatef(j*9.0,0,0,1);
+ end;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, credits_blindy.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(-163, -129);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex2f(-163, 129);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2f(163, 129);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex2f(163, -129);
+ glEnd;
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+ gldisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glPopMatrix;
+ end;
+// Canni (von links reinschieben, nach rechts oben rausschieben)
+ STime:=Timings[11]-10;
+ Delay:=Timings[12]-Timings[11]+5;
+ if CTime > STime then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ for j:=0 to 40 do
+ if Data[j]>=Data[k] then k:=j;
+ if Data[k]>0.25 then ESC_Alpha:=5 else inc(ESC_Alpha);
+ if ESC_Alpha >20 then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ if ((CTime-STime)<20) then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ k:=CTime-STime;
+ if CTime <=STime+10 then j:=CTime-STime else j:=10;
+ if (CTime >=STime+Delay-10) then if (CTime <=STime+Delay) then j:=(STime+Delay)-CTime else j:=0;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, ESC_Alpha/20*j/10);
+ if (CTime >= STime+10) and (CTime<=STime+12) then begin
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ end;
+ glPushMatrix;
+ gltranslatef(223,329,0);
+ if CTime <= STime+10 then begin
+ gltranslatef(((CTime-STime)*21.0)-210,0,0);
+ end;
+ if CTime >=STime+Delay-10 then if CTime <=STime+Delay then begin
+ j:=(CTime-(STime+Delay-10))*21;
+ gltranslatef(j,-j/2,0);
+ end;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, credits_canni.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(-163, -129);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex2f(-163, 129);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2f(163, 129);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex2f(163, -129);
+ glEnd;
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+ gldisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glPopMatrix;
+ end;
+// Commandio (von unten reinklappen, nach rechts oben rausklappen)
+ STime:=Timings[12]-10;
+ Delay:=Timings[13]-Timings[12];
+ if CTime > STime then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ for j:=0 to 40 do
+ if Data[j]>=Data[k] then k:=j;
+ if Data[k]>0.25 then ESC_Alpha:=5 else inc(ESC_Alpha);
+ if ESC_Alpha >20 then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ if ((CTime-STime)<20) then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ k:=CTime-STime;
+ if CTime <=STime+10 then j:=CTime-STime else j:=10;
+ if (CTime >=STime+Delay-10) then if (CTime <=STime+Delay) then j:=(STime+Delay)-CTime else j:=0;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, ESC_Alpha/20*j/10);
+ if (CTime >= STime+10) and (CTime<=STime+12) then begin
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ end;
+ glPushMatrix;
+ gltranslatef(223,329,0);
+ if CTime <= STime+10 then
+ f:=258.0-25.8*(CTime-STime)
+ else
+ f:=0;
+ if CTime >=STime+Delay-10 then if CTime <=STime+Delay then begin
+ j:=CTime-(STime+Delay-10);
+ g:=32.6*j;
+ end else
+ g:=0;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, credits_commandio.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(-163+g-f*1.5, -129+f*1.5-g/2);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex2f(-163+g*1.5, 129-(g*1.5*258/326));
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2f(163+g, 129+g/4);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex2f(163+f*1.5+g/4, -129+f*1.5-g/4);
+ glEnd;
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+ gldisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glPopMatrix;
+ end;
+// lazy joker (just scrolls from left to right, no twinkling stars, no on-beat flashing)
+ STime:=Timings[13]-35;
+ Delay:=Timings[14]-Timings[13]+5;
+ if CTime > STime then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ for j:=0 to 40 do
+ if Data[j]>=Data[k] then k:=j;
+ if Data[k]>0.25 then ESC_Alpha:=5 else inc(ESC_Alpha);
+ if ESC_Alpha >20 then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ if ((CTime-STime)>10) and ((CTime-STime)<20) then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ ESC_Alpha:=10;
+ f:=CTime-STime;
+ if CTime <=STime+40 then j:=CTime-STime else j:=40;
+ if (CTime >=STime+Delay-40) then if (CTime <=STime+Delay) then j:=(STime+Delay)-CTime else j:=0;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, ESC_Alpha/20*j*j/1600);
+ glPushMatrix;
+ gltranslatef(180+(f-70),329,0);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, credits_lazyjoker.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(-163, -129);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex2f(-163, 129);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2f(163, 129);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex2f(163, -129);
+ glEnd;
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+ gldisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glPopMatrix;
+ end;
+// Mog (von links reinklappen, nach rechts unten rausklappen)
+ STime:=Timings[14]-10;
+ Delay:=Timings[15]-Timings[14]+5;
+ if CTime > STime then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ for j:=0 to 40 do
+ if Data[j]>=Data[k] then k:=j;
+ if Data[k]>0.25 then ESC_Alpha:=5 else inc(ESC_Alpha);
+ if ESC_Alpha >20 then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ if ((CTime-STime)<20) then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ k:=CTime-STime;
+ if CTime <=STime+10 then j:=CTime-STime else j:=10;
+ if (CTime >=STime+Delay-10) then if (CTime <=STime+Delay) then j:=(STime+Delay)-CTime else j:=0;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, ESC_Alpha/20*j/10);
+ if (CTime >= STime+10) and (CTime<=STime+12) then begin
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ end;
+ glPushMatrix;
+ gltranslatef(223,329,0);
+ if CTime <= STime+10 then
+ f:=326.0-32.6*(CTime-STime)
+ else
+ f:=0;
+ if CTime >=STime+Delay-10 then if CTime <=STime+Delay then begin
+ j:=CTime-(STime+Delay-10);
+ g:=32.6*j;
+ end else
+ g:=0;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, credits_mog.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(-163+g*1.5, -129+g*1.5);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex2f(-163+g*1.2, 129+g);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2f(163-f+g/2, 129+f*1.5+g/4);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex2f(163-f+g*1.5, -129-f*1.5);
+ glEnd;
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+ gldisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glPopMatrix;
+ end;
+// Mota (von rechts oben reindrehen, nach links unten rausschieben und verkleinern und dabei drehen)
+ STime:=Timings[15]-10;
+ Delay:=Timings[16]-Timings[15]+5;
+ if CTime > STime then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ for j:=0 to 40 do
+ if Data[j]>=Data[k] then k:=j;
+ if Data[k]>0.25 then ESC_Alpha:=5 else inc(ESC_Alpha);
+ if ESC_Alpha >20 then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ if ((CTime-STime)<20) then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ k:=CTime-STime;
+ if CTime <=STime+10 then j:=CTime-STime else j:=10;
+ if (CTime >=STime+Delay-10) then if (CTime <=STime+Delay) then j:=(STime+Delay)-CTime else j:=0;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, ESC_Alpha/20*j/10);
+ if (CTime >= STime+10) and (CTime<=STime+12) then begin
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ end;
+ glPushMatrix;
+ gltranslatef(223,329,0);
+ if CTime <= STime+10 then begin
+ gltranslatef(223,0,0);
+ glrotatef((10-(CTime-STime))*9,0,0,1);
+ gltranslatef(-223,0,0);
+ end;
+ if CTime >=STime+Delay-10 then if CTime <=STime+Delay then begin
+ j:=CTime-(STime+Delay-10);
+ f:=j*10.0;
+ gltranslatef(-f*2,-f,0);
+ glscalef(1-j/10,1-j/10,1-j/10);
+ glrotatef(-j*9.0,0,0,1);
+ end;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, credits_mota.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(-163, -129);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex2f(-163, 129);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2f(163, 129);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex2f(163, -129);
+ glEnd;
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+ gldisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glPopMatrix;
+ end;
+// Skillmaster (von rechts unten reinschieben, nach rechts oben rausdrehen)
+ STime:=Timings[16]-10;
+ Delay:=Timings[17]-Timings[16]+5;
+ if CTime > STime then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ for j:=0 to 40 do
+ if Data[j]>=Data[k] then k:=j;
+ if Data[k]>0.25 then ESC_Alpha:=5 else inc(ESC_Alpha);
+ if ESC_Alpha >20 then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ if ((CTime-STime)<20) then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ k:=CTime-STime;
+ if CTime <=STime+10 then j:=CTime-STime else j:=10;
+ if (CTime >=STime+Delay-10) then if (CTime <=STime+Delay) then j:=(STime+Delay)-CTime else j:=0;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, ESC_Alpha/20*j/10);
+ if (CTime >= STime+10) and (CTime<=STime+12) then begin
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ end;
+ glPushMatrix;
+ gltranslatef(223,329,0);
+ if CTime <= STime+10 then begin
+ j:=STime+10-CTime;
+ f:=j*10.0;
+ gltranslatef(+f*2,+f/2,0);
+ end;
+ if CTime >=STime+Delay-10 then if CTime <=STime+Delay then begin
+ j:=CTime-(STime+Delay-10);
+ f:=j*10.0;
+ gltranslatef(0,-223,0);
+ glrotatef(j*-9,0,0,1);
+ gltranslatef(0,223,0);
+ glrotatef(j*9,0,0,1);
+ end;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, credits_skillmaster.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(-163, -129);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex2f(-163, 129);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2f(163, 129);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex2f(163, -129);
+ glEnd;
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+ gldisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glPopMatrix;
+ end;
+// WhiteShark (von links unten reinklappen, nach rechts oben rausklappen)
+ STime:=Timings[17]-10;
+ Delay:=Timings[18]-Timings[17];
+ if CTime > STime then
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ for j:=0 to 40 do
+ if Data[j]>=Data[k] then k:=j;
+ if Data[k]>0.25 then ESC_Alpha:=5 else inc(ESC_Alpha);
+ if ESC_Alpha >20 then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ if ((CTime-STime)<20) then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ k:=CTime-STime;
+ if CTime <=STime+10 then j:=CTime-STime else j:=10;
+ if (CTime >=STime+Delay-10) then if (CTime <=STime+Delay) then j:=(STime+Delay)-CTime else j:=0;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, ESC_Alpha/20*j/10);
+ if (CTime >= STime+10) and (CTime<=STime+12) then begin
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 0);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 1);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(RandomRange(65,390), RandomRange(200,460), 1, 16, 0, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, 5);
+ end;
+ glPushMatrix;
+ gltranslatef(223,329,0);
+ if CTime <= STime+10 then
+ f:=326.0-32.6*(CTime-STime)
+ else
+ f:=0;
+ if CTime >=STime+Delay-10 then if CTime <=STime+Delay then begin
+ j:=CTime-(STime+Delay-10);
+ g:=32.6*j;
+ end else
+ g:=0;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, credits_whiteshark.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(-163-f+g, -129+f/4-g/2);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,1);glVertex2f(-163-f/4+g, 129+g/2+f/4);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2f(163-f*1.2+g/4, 129+f/2-g/4);
+ glTexCoord2f(1,0);glVertex2f(163-f*1.5+g/4, -129+f*1.5+g/4);
+ glEnd;
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+ gldisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glPopMatrix;
+ end;
+// ####################################################################
+// do some twinkle stuff (kinda on beat)
+ if (CTime>Timings[8]) and (CTime < Timings[19]) then begin
+ k:=0;
+ for j:=0 to 40 do
+ if Data[j]>=Data[k] then k:=j;
+ if Data[k]>0.2 then begin
+ l:=RandomRange(6,16);
+ j:=RandomRange(0,27);
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(myLogoCoords[j,0], myLogoCoords[j,1], 16-l, l, 0, -1, PerfectNote, 0);
+ end;
+ end;
+// draw the rest of the main screen (girl and logo
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, credits_bg_ovl.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(800-393, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,600/1024);glVertex2f(800-393, 600);
+ glTexCoord2f(393/512,600/1024); glVertex2f(800, 600);
+ glTexCoord2f(393/512,0);glVertex2f(800, 0);
+ glEnd;
+{ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, credits_bg_logo.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(0, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,112/128);glVertex2f(0, 112);
+ glTexCoord2f(497/512,112/128); glVertex2f(497, 112);
+ glTexCoord2f(497/512,0);glVertex2f(497, 0);
+ glEnd;
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ // fade out at end of main part
+ if Ctime > Timings[19] then
+ begin
+ glColor4f(0,0,0,(Ctime-Timings[19])/(Timings[20]-Timings[19]));
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glVertex2f(0,0);
+ glVertex2f(0,600);
+ glVertex2f(800,600);
+ glVertex2f(800,0);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ if (CRDTS_Stage=Outro) then
+ begin
+ if CTime=Timings[20] then begin
+ CTime_hold:=0;
+ Music.Stop;
+ Music.Open(soundpath + 'credits-outro-tune.mp3');
+ Music.Play;
+ Music.SetVolume(20);
+ Music.SetLoop(True);
+ end;
+ if CTime_hold > 231 then begin
+ Music.Play;
+ Ctime_hold:=0;
+ end;
+ glClearColor(0,0,0,0);
+ // do something useful
+ // outro background
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, outro_bg.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(0, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,600/1024);glVertex2f(0, 600);
+ glTexCoord2f(800/1024,600/1024); glVertex2f(800, 600);
+ glTexCoord2f(800/1024,0);glVertex2f(800, 0);
+ glEnd;
+ //outro overlays
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, (1+sin(CTime/15))/3+1/3);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, outro_esc.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(0, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,223/256);glVertex2f(0, 223);
+ glTexCoord2f(487/512,223/256); glVertex2f(487, 223);
+ glTexCoord2f(487/512,0);glVertex2f(487, 0);
+ glEnd;
+ ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ if (RandomRange(0,20) > 18) and (ESC_Alpha=20) then
+ ESC_Alpha:=0
+ else inc(ESC_Alpha);
+ if ESC_Alpha > 20 then ESC_Alpha:=20;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, ESC_Alpha/20);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, outro_exd.TexNum);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,0);glVertex2f(800-310, 600-247);
+ glTexCoord2f(0,247/256);glVertex2f(800-310, 600);
+ glTexCoord2f(310/512,247/256); glVertex2f(800, 600);
+ glTexCoord2f(310/512,0);glVertex2f(800, 600-247);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ // outro scrollers?
+ // ...
+ end;
+{ // draw credits runtime counter
+ SetFontStyle (2);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
+ SetFontSize(9);
+ SetFontPos (5, 5);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+// RuntimeStr:='CTime: '+inttostr(floor(CTime/30.320663991914489602156136106092))+'.'+inttostr(floor(CTime/3.0320663991914489602156136106092)-floor(CTime/30.320663991914489602156136106092)*10);
+ RuntimeStr:='CTime: '+inttostr(CTime);
+ glPrint (Addr(RuntimeStr[1]));
+ // make the stars shine
+ GoldenRec.Draw;
+ //timing hack
+// Draw_FunkyText;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEdit.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEdit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b78df989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEdit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+unit UScreenEdit;
+uses UMenu, SDL, UThemes;
+ TScreenEdit = class(TMenu)
+ public
+{ Tex_Background: TTexture;
+ FadeOut: boolean;
+ Path: string;
+ FileName: string;}
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+{ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure Finish;}
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMusic, USkins;
+function TScreenEdit.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+// Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenEditConvert);
+ end;
+// if Interaction = 1 then begin
+// Music.PlayStart;
+// FadeTo(@ScreenEditHeader);
+// end;
+ if Interaction = 1 then begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenEdit.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddButton(400-200, 100 + 0*70, 400, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Convert Midi to Txt');
+// Button[High(Button)].Text[0].Size := 11;
+// AddButton(400-200, 100 + 1*60, 400, 40, 'ButtonF');
+// AddButtonText(10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Edit Headers');
+// AddButton(400-200, 100 + 2*60, 400, 40, 'ButtonF');
+// AddButtonText(10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Set GAP');
+ AddButton(400-200, 100 + 3*60, 400, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Exit');
+procedure TScreenEdit.onShow;
+// Interaction := 0;
+(*function TScreenEdit.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: integer;
+ Sec: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ Pet: integer;
+ AktBeat: integer;
+procedure TScreenEdit.Finish;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5803bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+unit UScreenEditConvert;
+uses UMenu, SDL, MidiFile, MidiOut, ULog, USongs, UMusic, UThemes;
+ TNote = record
+ Event: integer;
+ EventType: integer;
+ Channel: integer;
+ Start: real;
+ Len: real;
+ Data1: integer;
+ Data2: integer;
+ Str: string;
+ end;
+ TTrack = record
+ Note: array of TNote;
+ Name: string;
+ Hear: boolean;
+ Status: byte; // 0 - none, 1 - notes, 2 - lyrics, 3 - notes + lyrics
+ end;
+ TNuta = record
+ Start: integer;
+ Len: integer;
+ Tone: integer;
+ Lyric: string;
+ NewSentence: boolean;
+ end;
+ TArrayTrack = array of TTrack;
+ TScreenEditConvert = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ ATrack: TArrayTrack; // actual track
+// Track: TArrayTrack;
+ Channel: TArrayTrack;
+ ColR: array[0..100] of real;
+ ColG: array[0..100] of real;
+ ColB: array[0..100] of real;
+ Len: real;
+ Sel: integer;
+ Selected: boolean;
+// FileName: string;
+ MidiFile: TMidiFile;
+ MidiTrack: TMidiTrack;
+ MidiEvent: pMidiEvent;
+ MidiOut: TMidiOutput;
+ Song: TSong;
+ Czesc: TCzesci;
+ BPM: real;
+ Ticks: real;
+ Nuta: array of TNuta;
+ procedure AddLyric(Start: integer; Tekst: string);
+ procedure Extract;
+ procedure MidiFile1MidiEvent(event: PMidiEvent);
+ function SelectedNumber: integer;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure onHide; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, SysUtils, UDrawTexture, TextGL, UFiles, UMain, UIni, OpenGL, USkins;
+function TScreenEditConvert.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ T: integer;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ MidiFile.StopPlaying;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenEdit);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ ScreenOpen.BackScreen := @ScreenEditConvert;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOpen);
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 1 then begin
+ Selected := false;
+ MidiFile.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent;
+// MidiFile.GoToTime(MidiFile.GetTrackLength div 2);
+ MidiFile.StartPlaying;
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 2 then begin
+ Selected := true;
+ MidiFile.OnMidiEvent := nil;
+ {for T := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+ if ATrack[T].Hear then begin
+ MidiTrack := MidiFile.GetTrack(T);
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent;
+ end;
+ end;
+ MidiFile.StartPlaying;//}
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 3 then begin
+ if SelectedNumber > 0 then begin
+ Extract;
+ SaveSong(Song, Czesc, ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.txt'), false);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+// ATrack[Sel].Hear := not ATrack[Sel].Hear;
+ ATrack[Sel].Status := (ATrack[Sel].Status + 1) mod 4;
+{ if Selected then begin
+ MidiTrack := MidiFile.GetTrack(Sel);
+ if Track[Sel].Hear then
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent
+ else
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := nil;
+ end;}
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Inc(Sel);
+ if Sel > High(ATrack) then Sel := 0;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Dec(Sel);
+ if Sel < 0 then Sel := High(ATrack);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.AddLyric(Start: integer; Tekst: string);
+ N: integer;
+ for N := 0 to High(Nuta) do begin
+ if Nuta[N].Start = Start then begin
+ // check for new sentece
+ if Copy(Tekst, 1, 1) = '\' then Delete(Tekst, 1, 1);
+ if Copy(Tekst, 1, 1) = '/' then begin
+ Delete(Tekst, 1, 1);
+ Nuta[N].NewSentence := true;
+ end;
+ // overwrite lyric od append
+ if Nuta[N].Lyric = '-' then
+ Nuta[N].Lyric := Tekst
+ else
+ Nuta[N].Lyric := Nuta[N].Lyric + Tekst;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.Extract;
+ T: integer;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ Nu: integer;
+ NutaTemp: TNuta;
+ Move: integer;
+ Max, Min: integer;
+ // song info
+ Song.Title := '';
+ Song.Artist := '';
+ Song.Mp3 := '';
+ Song.Resolution := 4;
+ SetLength(Song.BPM, 1);
+ Song.BPM[0].BPM := BPM*4;
+ SetLength(Nuta, 0);
+ // extract notes
+ for T := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+// if ATrack[T].Hear then begin
+ if ((ATrack[T].Status div 1) and 1) = 1 then begin
+ for N := 0 to High(ATrack[T].Note) do begin
+ if (ATrack[T].Note[N].EventType = 9) and (ATrack[T].Note[N].Data2 > 0) then begin
+ Nu := Length(Nuta);
+ SetLength(Nuta, Nu + 1);
+ Nuta[Nu].Start := Round(ATrack[T].Note[N].Start / Ticks);
+ Nuta[Nu].Len := Round(ATrack[T].Note[N].Len / Ticks);
+ Nuta[Nu].Tone := ATrack[T].Note[N].Data1 - 12*5;
+ Nuta[Nu].Lyric := '-';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // extract lyrics
+ for T := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+// if ATrack[T].Hear then begin
+ if ((ATrack[T].Status div 2) and 1) = 1 then begin
+ for N := 0 to High(ATrack[T].Note) do begin
+ if (ATrack[T].Note[N].EventType = 15) then begin
+// Log.LogStatus('<' + Track[T].Note[N].Str + '>', 'MIDI');
+ AddLyric(Round(ATrack[T].Note[N].Start / Ticks), ATrack[T].Note[N].Str);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // sort notes
+ for N := 0 to High(Nuta) do
+ for Nu := 0 to High(Nuta)-1 do
+ if Nuta[Nu].Start > Nuta[Nu+1].Start then begin
+ NutaTemp := Nuta[Nu];
+ Nuta[Nu] := Nuta[Nu+1];
+ Nuta[Nu+1] := NutaTemp;
+ end;
+ // move to 0 at beginning
+ Move := Nuta[0].Start;
+ for N := 0 to High(Nuta) do
+ Nuta[N].Start := Nuta[N].Start - Move;
+ // copy notes
+ SetLength(Czesc.Czesc, 1);
+ Czesc.Ilosc := 1;
+ Czesc.High := 0;
+ C := 0;
+ N := 0;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].IlNut := 0;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut := -1;
+ for Nu := 0 to High(Nuta) do begin
+ if Nuta[Nu].NewSentence then begin // nowa linijka
+ SetLength(Czesc.Czesc, Length(Czesc.Czesc)+1);
+ Czesc.Ilosc := Czesc.Ilosc + 1;
+ Czesc.High := Czesc.High + 1;
+ C := C + 1;
+ N := 0;
+ SetLength(Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta, 0);
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].IlNut := 0;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut := -1;
+ //Calculate Start of the Last Sentence
+ if (C > 0) and (Nu > 0) then
+ begin
+ Max := Nuta[Nu].Start;
+ Min := Nuta[Nu-1].Start + Nuta[Nu-1].Len;
+ case (Max - Min) of
+ 0: Czesc.Czesc[C].Start := Max;
+ 1: Czesc.Czesc[C].Start := Max;
+ 2: Czesc.Czesc[C].Start := Max - 1;
+ 3: Czesc.Czesc[C].Start := Max - 2;
+ else
+ if ((Max - Min) > 4) then
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Start := Min + 2
+ else
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Start := Max;
+ end; // case
+ end;
+ end;
+ // tworzy miejsce na nowa nute
+ SetLength(Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta, Length(Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta)+1);
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].IlNut := Czesc.Czesc[C].IlNut + 1;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut := Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut + 1;
+ // dopisuje
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start := Nuta[Nu].Start;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Dlugosc := Nuta[Nu].Len;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Ton := Nuta[Nu].Tone;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Nuta[Nu].Lyric;
+ //All Notes are Freestyle when Converted Fix:
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Wartosc := 1;
+ Inc(N);
+ end;
+function TScreenEditConvert.SelectedNumber: integer;
+ T: integer; // track
+ Result := 0;
+ for T := 0 to High(ATrack) do
+// if ATrack[T].Hear then Inc(Result);
+ if ((ATrack[T].Status div 1) and 1) = 1 then Inc(Result);
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.MidiFile1MidiEvent(event: PMidiEvent);
+// Log.LogStatus(IntToStr(event.event), 'MIDI');
+ MidiOut.PutShort(event.event, event.data1, event.data2);
+constructor TScreenEditConvert.Create;
+ P: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddButton(40, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(15, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Open');
+// Button[High(Button)].Text[0].Size := 11;
+ AddButton(160, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(25, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Play');
+ AddButton(280, 20, 200, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(25, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Play Selected');
+ AddButton(500, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(20, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Save');
+{ MidiOut := TMidiOutput.Create(nil);
+// MidiOut.Close;
+// MidiOut.DeviceID := 0;
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ MidiOut.ProductName := 'Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth'; // for my kxproject without midi table
+ Log.LogStatus(MidiOut.ProductName, 'MIDI');
+ MidiOut.Open;
+// MidiOut.SetVolume(100, 100); // temporary}
+ FileName := GamePath + 'file.mid';
+ MidiFile := TMidiFile.Create(nil);
+ for P := 0 to 100 do begin
+ ColR[P] := Random(10)/10;
+ ColG[P] := Random(10)/10;
+ ColB[P] := Random(10)/10;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.onShow;
+ T: integer; // track
+ N: integer; // note
+ C: integer; // channel
+ CN: integer; // channel note
+ MidiOut := TMidiOutput.Create(nil);
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ MidiOut.ProductName := 'Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth'; // for my kxproject without midi table
+ Log.LogStatus(MidiOut.ProductName, 'MIDI');
+ MidiOut.Open;
+ if FileExists(FileName) then begin
+ MidiFile.Filename := FileName;
+ MidiFile.ReadFile;
+ Len := 0;
+ Sel := 0;
+ BPM := MidiFile.Bpm;
+ Ticks := MidiFile.TicksPerQuarter / 4;
+{ for T := 0 to MidiFile.NumberOfTracks-1 do begin
+ SetLength(Track, Length(Track)+1);
+ MidiTrack := MidiFile.GetTrack(T);
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent;
+ Track[T].Name := MidiTrack.getName;
+ for N := 0 to MidiTrack.getEventCount-1 do begin
+ SetLength(Track[T].Note, Length(Track[T].Note)+1);
+ MidiEvent := MidiTrack.GetEvent(N);
+ Track[T].Note[N].Start := MidiEvent.time;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Len := MidiEvent.len;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Event := MidiEvent.event;
+ Track[T].Note[N].EventType := MidiEvent.event div 16;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Channel := MidiEvent.event and 15;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Data1 := MidiEvent.data1;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Data2 := MidiEvent.data2;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Str := MidiEvent.str;
+ if Track[T].Note[N].Start + Track[T].Note[N].Len > Len then
+ Len := Track[T].Note[N].Start + Track[T].Note[N].Len;
+ end;
+ end;}
+ SetLength(Channel, 16);
+ for T := 0 to 15 do
+ begin
+ Channel[T].Name := IntToStr(T+1);
+ SetLength(Channel[T].Note, 0);
+ Channel[T].Status := 0;
+ end;
+ for T := 0 to MidiFile.NumberOfTracks-1 do begin
+ MidiTrack := MidiFile.GetTrack(T);
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent;
+ for N := 0 to MidiTrack.getEventCount-1 do begin
+ MidiEvent := MidiTrack.GetEvent(N);
+ C := MidiEvent.event and 15;
+ CN := Length(Channel[C].Note);
+ SetLength(Channel[C].Note, CN+1);
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Start := MidiEvent.time;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Len := MidiEvent.len;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Event := MidiEvent.event;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].EventType := MidiEvent.event div 16;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Channel := MidiEvent.event and 15;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Data1 := MidiEvent.data1;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Data2 := MidiEvent.data2;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Str := MidiEvent.str;
+ if Channel[C].Note[CN].Start + Channel[C].Note[CN].Len > Len then
+ Len := Channel[C].Note[CN].Start + Channel[C].Note[CN].Len;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ATrack := Channel;
+ end;
+ Interaction := 0;
+function TScreenEditConvert.Draw: boolean;
+ Pet: integer;
+ Pet2: integer;
+ Bottom: real;
+ X: real;
+ Y: real;
+ H: real;
+ YSkip: real;
+ // draw static menu
+ inherited Draw;
+ Y := 100;
+ H := Length(ATrack)*40;
+ if H > 480 then H := 480;
+ Bottom := Y + H;
+ YSkip := H / Length(ATrack);
+ // select
+ DrawQuad(10, Y+Sel*YSkip, 780, YSkip, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
+ // selected - now me use Status System
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ATrack) do
+ if ATrack[Pet].Hear then
+ DrawQuad(10, Y+Pet*YSkip, 50, YSkip, 0.8, 0.3, 0.3);
+ glColor3f(0, 0, 0);
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+ if ((ATrack[Pet].Status div 1) and 1) = 1 then begin
+ SetFontPos(25, Y + Pet*YSkip + 10);
+ SetFontSize(5);
+ glPrint('N');
+ end;
+ if ((ATrack[Pet].Status div 2) and 1) = 1 then begin
+ SetFontPos(40, Y + Pet*YSkip + 10);
+ SetFontSize(5);
+ glPrint('L');
+ end;
+ end;
+ DrawLine(10, Y, 10, Bottom, 0, 0, 0);
+ DrawLine(60, Y, 60, Bottom, 0, 0, 0);
+ DrawLine(790, Y, 790, Bottom, 0, 0, 0);
+ for Pet := 0 to Length(ATrack) do
+ DrawLine(10, Y+Pet*YSkip, 790, Y+Pet*YSkip, 0, 0, 0);
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+ SetFontPos(11, Y + 10 + Pet*YSkip);
+ SetFontSize(5);
+ glPrint(pchar(ATrack[Pet].Name));
+ end;
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ATrack) do
+ for Pet2 := 0 to High(ATrack[Pet].Note) do begin
+ if ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].EventType = 9 then
+ DrawQuad(60 + ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].Start/Len * 725, Y + (Pet+1)*YSkip - ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].Data1*35/127, 3, 3, ColR[Pet], ColG[Pet], ColB[Pet]);
+ if ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].EventType = 15 then
+ DrawLine(60 + ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].Start/Len * 725, Y + 0.75 * YSkip + Pet*YSkip, 60 + ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].Start/Len * 725, Y + YSkip + Pet*YSkip, ColR[Pet], ColG[Pet], ColB[Pet]);
+ end;
+ // playing line
+ X := 60+MidiFile.GetCurrentTime/MidiFile.GetTrackLength*730;
+ DrawLine(X, Y, X, Bottom, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.onHide;
+ MidiOut.Close;
+ MidiOut.Free;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35d7840f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+unit UScreenEditHeader;
+uses UMenu, SDL, USongs, UThemes;
+ TScreenEditHeader = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ AktSong: TSong;
+ TextTitle: integer;
+ TextArtist: integer;
+ TextMp3: integer;
+ TextBackground: integer;
+ TextVideo: integer;
+ TextVideoGAP: integer;
+ TextRelative: integer;
+ TextResolution: integer;
+ TextNotesGAP: integer;
+ TextStart: integer;
+ TextGAP: integer;
+ TextBPM: integer;
+ StaticTitle: integer;
+ StaticArtist: integer;
+ StaticMp3: integer;
+ StaticBackground: integer;
+ StaticVideo: integer;
+ StaticVideoGAP: integer;
+ StaticRelative: integer;
+ StaticResolution: integer;
+ StaticNotesGAP: integer;
+ StaticStart: integer;
+ StaticGAP: integer;
+ StaticBPM: integer;
+ Sel: array[0..11] of boolean;
+ procedure SetRoundButtons;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+{ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure Finish;}
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMusic, SysUtils, UFiles, USkins;
+function TScreenEditHeader.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ T: integer;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+// Music.PlayBack;
+// FadeTo(@MainScreen);
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 1 then begin
+// Save;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ case Interaction of
+ 0..0: InteractNext;
+ 1: Interaction := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ case Interaction of
+ 0: Interaction := 1;
+ 1..1: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ case Interaction of
+ 0..1: Interaction := 2;
+ 2..12: InteractNext;
+ 13: Interaction := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ case Interaction of
+ 0..1: Interaction := 13;
+ 2: Interaction := 0;
+ 3..13: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ T := Interaction - 2 + TextTitle;
+ if (Interaction >= 2) and (Interaction <= 13) and (Length(Text[T].Text) >= 1) then begin
+ Text[T].DeleteLastL;
+ SetRoundButtons;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ case ScanCode of
+ 32..255:
+ begin
+ if (Interaction >= 2) and (Interaction <= 13) then begin
+ Text[Interaction - 2 + TextTitle].Text :=
+ Text[Interaction - 2 + TextTitle].Text + chr(ScanCode);
+ SetRoundButtons;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenEditHeader.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddButton(40, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(15, 5, 'Open');
+ AddButton(160, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(20, 5, 'Save');
+ AddBox(80, 60, 640, 550);
+ AddText(160, 110 + 0*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Title:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 1*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Artist:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 2*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'MP3:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 4*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Background:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 5*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Video:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 6*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'VideoGAP:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 8*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Relative:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 9*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Resolution:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 10*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'NotesGAP:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 12*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Start:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 13*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'GAP:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 14*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'BPM:');
+ TextTitle := AddText(340, 110 + 0*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextArtist := AddText(340, 110 + 1*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextMp3 := AddText(340, 110 + 2*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextBackground := AddText(340, 110 + 4*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextVideo := AddText(340, 110 + 5*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextVideoGAP := AddText(340, 110 + 6*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextRelative := AddText(340, 110 + 8*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextResolution := AddText(340, 110 + 9*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextNotesGAP := AddText(340, 110 + 10*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextStart := AddText(340, 110 + 12*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextGAP := AddText(340, 110 + 13*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextBPM := AddText(340, 110 + 14*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ StaticTitle := AddStatic(130, 115 + 0*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticArtist := AddStatic(130, 115 + 1*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticMp3 := AddStatic(130, 115 + 2*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticBackground := AddStatic(130, 115 + 4*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticVideo := AddStatic(130, 115 + 5*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticVideoGAP := AddStatic(130, 115 + 6*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticRelative := AddStatic(130, 115 + 8*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticResolution := AddStatic(130, 115 + 9*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticNotesGAP := AddStatic(130, 115 + 10*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticStart := AddStatic(130, 115 + 12*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticGAP := AddStatic(130, 115 + 13*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticBPM := AddStatic(130, 115 + 14*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextTitle);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextArtist);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextMp3);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextBackground);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextVideo);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextVideoGAP);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextRelative);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextResolution);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextNotesGAP);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextStart);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextGAP);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextBPM);
+procedure TScreenEditHeader.onShow;
+{ if FileExists(FileName) then begin // load file
+ AktSong.FileName := FileName;
+ SkanujPlik(AktSong);
+ SetLength(TrueBoolStrs, 1);
+ TrueBoolStrs[0] := 'yes';
+ SetLength(FalseBoolStrs, 1);
+ FalseBoolStrs[0] := 'no';
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := AktSong.Title;
+ Text[TextArtist].Text := AktSong.Artist;
+ Text[TextMP3].Text := AktSong.Mp3;
+ Text[TextBackground].Text := AktSong.Background;
+ Text[TextVideo].Text := AktSong.Video;
+ Text[TextVideoGAP].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.VideoGAP);
+ Text[TextRelative].Text := BoolToStr(AktSong.Relative, true);
+ Text[TextResolution].Text := IntToStr(AktSong.Resolution);
+ Text[TextNotesGAP].Text := IntToStr(AktSong.NotesGAP);
+ Text[TextStart].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.Start);
+ Text[TextGAP].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.GAP);
+ Text[TextBPM].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM);
+ SetRoundButtons;
+ end;}
+ Interaction := 0;
+(*function TScreenEdit.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: integer;
+ Sec: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ Pet: integer;
+ AktBeat: integer;
+{ glClearColor(1,1,1,1);
+ // control music
+ if PlaySentence then begin
+ // stop the music
+ if (Music.Position > PlayStopTime) then begin
+ Music.Stop;
+ PlaySentence := false;
+ end;
+ // click
+ if (Click) and (PlaySentence) then begin
+ AktBeat := Floor(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * (Music.Position - AktSong.GAP / 1000) / 60);
+ Text[TextDebug].Text := IntToStr(AktBeat);
+ if AktBeat <> LastClick then begin
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = AktBeat) then begin
+ Music.PlayClick;
+ LastClick := AktBeat;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // click
+ end; // if PlaySentence
+ Text[TextSentence].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Akt + 1) + ' / ' + IntToStr(Czesci[0].Ilosc);
+ Text[TextNote].Text := IntToStr(AktNuta + 1) + ' / ' + IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].IlNut);
+ // Song info
+ Text[TextBPM].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 4);
+ Text[TextGAP].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.GAP);
+ // Note info
+ Text[TextNStart].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ Text[TextNDlugosc].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ Text[TextNTon].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Ton);
+ Text[TextNText].Text := Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst;
+ // draw static menu
+ inherited Draw;
+ // draw notes
+ SingDrawNoteLines(20, 300, 780, 15);
+ SingDrawBeatDelimeters(40, 300, 760, 0);
+ SingDrawCzesc(40, 405, 760, 0);
+ // draw text
+ Lyric.Draw;}
+procedure TScreenEditHeader.SetRoundButtons;
+ if Length(Text[TextTitle].Text) > 0 then Static[StaticTitle].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticTitle].Visible := false;
+ if Length(Text[TextArtist].Text) > 0 then Static[StaticArtist].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticArtist].Visible := false;
+ if Length(Text[TextMp3].Text) > 0 then Static[StaticMp3].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticMp3].Visible := false;
+ if Length(Text[TextBackground].Text) > 0 then Static[StaticBackground].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticBackground].Visible := false;
+ if Length(Text[TextVideo].Text) > 0 then Static[StaticVideo].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticVideo].Visible := false;
+ try
+ StrToFloat(Text[TextVideoGAP].Text);
+ if StrToFloat(Text[TextVideoGAP].Text)<> 0 then Static[StaticVideoGAP].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticVideoGAP].Visible := false;
+ except
+ Static[StaticVideoGAP].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ if LowerCase(Text[TextRelative].Text) = 'yes' then Static[StaticRelative].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticRelative].Visible := false;
+ try
+ StrToInt(Text[TextResolution].Text);
+ if (StrToInt(Text[TextResolution].Text) <> 0) and (StrToInt(Text[TextResolution].Text) >= 1)
+ then Static[StaticResolution].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticResolution].Visible := false;
+ except
+ Static[StaticResolution].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ try
+ StrToInt(Text[TextNotesGAP].Text);
+ Static[StaticNotesGAP].Visible := true;
+ except
+ Static[StaticNotesGAP].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ // start
+ try
+ StrToFloat(Text[TextStart].Text);
+ if (StrToFloat(Text[TextStart].Text) > 0) then Static[StaticStart].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticStart].Visible := false;
+ except
+ Static[StaticStart].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ // GAP
+ try
+ StrToFloat(Text[TextGAP].Text);
+ Static[StaticGAP].Visible := true;
+ except
+ Static[StaticGAP].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ // BPM
+ try
+ StrToFloat(Text[TextBPM].Text);
+ if (StrToFloat(Text[TextBPM].Text) > 0) then Static[StaticBPM].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticBPM].Visible := false;
+ except
+ Static[StaticBPM].Visible := false;
+ end;
+(*procedure TScreenEdit.Finish;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditSub.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditSub.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a105ec8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditSub.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1371 @@
+unit UScreenEditSub;
+uses UMenu, UMusic, SDL, SysUtils, UFiles, UTime, USongs, UIni, ULog, USmpeg, UTexture, UMenuText,
+ ULyrics, Math, OpenGL12, UThemes, MidiOut;
+ TScreenEditSub = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ //Variable is True if no SOng is loaded
+ Error: Boolean;
+ TextNote: integer;
+ TextSentence: integer;
+ TextTitle: integer;
+ TextArtist: integer;
+ TextMp3: integer;
+ TextBPM: integer;
+ TextGAP: integer;
+ TextDebug: integer;
+ TextNStart: integer;
+ TextNDlugosc: integer;
+ TextNTon: integer;
+ TextNText: integer;
+ AktNuta: integer;
+ PlaySentence: boolean;
+ PlaySentenceMidi: boolean;
+ PlayStopTime: real;
+ LastClick: integer;
+ Click: boolean;
+ CopySrc: integer;
+ MidiOut: TMidiOutput;
+ MidiStart: real;
+ MidiStop: real;
+ MidiTime: real;
+ MidiPos: real;
+ MidiLastNote: integer;
+ TextEditMode: boolean;
+ procedure NewBeat;
+ procedure CzesciDivide;
+ procedure CzesciMultiply;
+ procedure LyricsCapitalize;
+ procedure LyricsCorrectSpaces;
+ procedure FixTimings;
+ procedure DivideSentence;
+ procedure JoinSentence;
+ procedure DivideNote;
+ procedure DeleteNote;
+ procedure TransposeNote(Transpose: integer);
+ procedure ChangeWholeTone(Tone: integer);
+ procedure MoveAllToEnd(Move: integer);
+ procedure MoveTextToRight;
+ procedure MarkSrc;
+ procedure PasteText;
+ procedure CopySentence(Src, Dst: integer);
+ procedure CopySentences(Src, Dst, Num: integer);
+ //Note Name Mod
+ function GetNoteName(Note: Integer): String;
+ public
+ Tex_Background: TTexture;
+ FadeOut: boolean;
+ Path: string;
+ FileName: string;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function ParseInputEditText(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure onHide; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UDraw, UMain, USkins, ULanguage;
+// Method for input parsing. If False is returned, GetNextWindow
+// should be checked to know the next window to load;
+function TScreenEditSub.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ SDL_ModState: Word;
+ R: real;
+ Result := true;
+ if TextEditMode then begin
+ Result := ParseInputEditText(PressedKey, ScanCode, PressedDown);
+ end else begin
+ SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT
+ If (PressedDown) then begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Increase Note Length (same as Alt + Right)
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut then
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Increase BPM
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := Round((AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * 5) + 1) / 5; // (1/20)
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := AktSong.BPM[0].BPM + 4; // (1/1)
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := Round((AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * 25) + 1) / 25; // (1/100)
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Decrease BPM
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := Round((AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * 5) - 1) / 5;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := AktSong.BPM[0].BPM - 4;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := Round((AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * 25) - 1) / 25;
+ end;
+ SDLK_0:
+ begin
+ // Increase GAP
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP + 10;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP + 1000;
+ end;
+ SDLK_9:
+ begin
+ // Decrease GAP
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP - 10;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP - 1000;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Increase tone of all notes
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ ChangeWholeTone(1);
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ ChangeWholeTone(12);
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Decrease tone of all notes
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ ChangeWholeTone(-1);
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ ChangeWholeTone(-12);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ // Insert start of sentece
+ if AktNuta > 0 then
+ DivideSentence;
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ // Join next sentence with current
+ if Czesci[0].Akt < Czesci[0].High then
+ JoinSentence;
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ // divide note
+ DivideNote;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Save Song
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ SaveSong(AktSong, Czesci[0], Path + FileName, true)
+ else
+ SaveSong(AktSong, Czesci[0], Path + FileName, false);
+ // Save Song
+ SaveSongDebug(AktSong, Czesci[0], 'C:\song.asm', false);}
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Divide lengths by 2
+ CzesciDivide;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Multiply lengths by 2
+ CzesciMultiply;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Capitalize letter at the beginning of line
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ LyricsCapitalize;
+ // Correct spaces
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ LyricsCorrectSpaces;
+ // Copy sentence
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then
+ MarkSrc;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Paste text
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].IlNut >= Czesci[0].Czesc[CopySrc].IlNut then
+ PasteText
+ else
+ beep;
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ CopySentence(CopySrc, Czesci[0].Akt);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_4:
+ begin
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ CopySentence(CopySrc, Czesci[0].Akt);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+1, Czesci[0].Akt+1);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+2, Czesci[0].Akt+2);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+3, Czesci[0].Akt+3);
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_LALT then begin
+ CopySentences(CopySrc, Czesci[0].Akt, 4);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_5:
+ begin
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ CopySentence(CopySrc, Czesci[0].Akt);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+1, Czesci[0].Akt+1);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+2, Czesci[0].Akt+2);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+3, Czesci[0].Akt+3);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+4, Czesci[0].Akt+4);
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_LALT then begin
+ CopySentences(CopySrc, Czesci[0].Akt, 5);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Fixes timings between sentences
+ FixTimings;
+ end;
+ SDLK_F4:
+ begin
+ // Enter Text Edit Mode
+ TextEditMode := true;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ // Play Sentence
+ PlaySentenceMidi := false;
+ Click := true;
+ Music.Stop;
+ R := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ if R <= Music.Length then begin
+ Music.MoveTo(R);
+ PlayStopTime := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ PlaySentence := true;
+ Music.Play;
+ LastClick := -100;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ PlaySentenceMidi := true;
+ MidiTime := USTime.GetTime;
+ MidiStart := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ MidiStop := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ LastClick := -100;
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ PlaySentenceMidi := true;
+ MidiTime := USTime.GetTime;
+ MidiStart := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ MidiStop := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ LastClick := -100;
+ PlaySentence := true;
+ Click := true;
+ Music.Stop;
+ Music.MoveTo(GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote)+0{-0.10});
+ PlayStopTime := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec)+0;
+ Music.Play;
+ LastClick := -100;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ //Thx to f1fth_freed0m for his One Note Midi Playback
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin //Play One Notes Midi [Shift + Space]
+ PlaySentenceMidi := true;
+ MidiTime := USTime.GetTime;
+ MidiStart := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ MidiStop := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ LastClick := -100;
+ end
+ else if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ //Play One Notes Midi + MP3 [CTRL + Shift + Space]
+ PlaySentenceMidi := true;
+ MidiTime := USTime.GetTime;
+ MidiStart := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ MidiStop := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ LastClick := -100;
+ PlaySentence := true;
+ Click := true;
+ Music.Stop;
+ Music.MoveTo(GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start));
+ PlayStopTime := (GetTimeFromBeat(
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start +
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc));
+ Music.Play;
+ LastClick := -100;
+ end
+ Else
+ begin
+ // Play One Notes MP3 [Space]
+ PlaySentenceMidi := false; // stop midi
+ PlaySentence := true;
+ Click := false;
+ Music.Stop;
+ Music.MoveTo(GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start));
+ PlayStopTime := (GetTimeFromBeat(
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start +
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc));
+ Music.Play;
+ LastClick := -100;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ // moves text to right in current sentence
+ DeleteNote;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // moves text to right in current sentence
+ MoveTextToRight;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // right
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 0;
+ Inc(AktNuta);
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].IlNut then AktNuta := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.Selected := AktNuta;
+ end;
+ // ctrl + right
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc > 1 then begin
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ if AktNuta = 0 then begin
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Start);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // shift + right
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ if AktNuta = 0 then begin
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Start);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ end;
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut then
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ end;
+ // alt + right
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT then begin
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut then
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ end;
+ // alt + ctrl + shift + right = move all from cursor to right
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT + KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ MoveAllToEnd(1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // left
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 0;
+ Dec(AktNuta);
+ if AktNuta = -1 then AktNuta := Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.Selected := AktNuta;
+ end;
+ // ctrl + left
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ if AktNuta = 0 then begin
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Start);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // shift + left
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ // resizing sentences
+ if AktNuta = 0 then begin
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Start);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ end;
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut then
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ end;
+ // alt + left
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT then begin
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc > 1 then begin
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut then
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // alt + ctrl + shift + right = move all from cursor to left
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT + KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ MoveAllToEnd(-1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // skip to next sentence
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ MidiOut.PutShort($81, Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[MidiLastNote].Ton + 60, 127);
+ PlaySentenceMidi := false;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 0;
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Akt);
+ AktNuta := 0;
+ if Czesci[0].Akt > Czesci[0].High then Czesci[0].Akt := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.AddCzesc(Czesci[0].Akt);
+ Lyric.Selected := 0;
+ Music.Stop;
+ PlaySentence := false;
+ end;
+ // decrease tone
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ TransposeNote(-1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // skip to previous sentence
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ MidiOut.PutShort($81, Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[MidiLastNote].Ton + 60, 127);
+ PlaySentenceMidi := false;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 0;
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Akt);
+ AktNuta := 0;
+ if Czesci[0].Akt = -1 then Czesci[0].Akt := Czesci[0].High;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.AddCzesc(Czesci[0].Akt);
+ Lyric.Selected := 0;
+ Music.Stop;
+ PlaySentence := false;
+ end;
+ // increase tone
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ TransposeNote(1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Golden Note Patch
+ begin
+ case Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc of
+ 0, 1: Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc := 2;
+ 2: Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc := 1;
+ end; // case
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Freestyle := False;
+ end;
+ // Freestyle Note Patch
+ begin
+ case Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc of
+ 0:
+ begin;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc := 1;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Freestyle := False;
+ end;
+ 1,2:
+ begin;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Freestyle := True;
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // if
+function TScreenEditSub.ParseInputEditText(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ SDL_ModState: Word;
+ // used when in Text Edit Mode
+ Result := true;
+ SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Exit Text Edit Mode
+ TextEditMode := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst :=
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst + chr(ScanCode);
+ Lyric.ChangeCurText(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Delete(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst,
+ Length(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst), 1);
+ Lyric.ChangeCurText(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst);
+ end;
+ begin
+ // right
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 0;
+ Inc(AktNuta);
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].IlNut then AktNuta := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.Selected := AktNuta;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // left
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 0;
+ Dec(AktNuta);
+ if AktNuta = -1 then AktNuta := Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.Selected := AktNuta;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.NewBeat;
+ // click
+{ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = Czas.AktBeat) then begin
+ // old}
+// Music.PlayClick;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.CzesciDivide;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 2;
+ for C := 0 to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Start div 2;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].StartNote := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].StartNote div 2;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Koniec div 2;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start div 2;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Dlugosc := Round(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Dlugosc / 2);
+ end; // N
+ end; // C
+procedure TScreenEditSub.CzesciMultiply;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * 2;
+ for C := 0 to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Start * 2;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].StartNote := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].StartNote * 2;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Koniec * 2;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start * 2;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Dlugosc := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Dlugosc * 2;
+ end; // N
+ end; // C
+procedure TScreenEditSub.LyricsCapitalize;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer; // temporary
+ S: string;
+ // temporary
+{ for C := 0 to Czesci[0].High do
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := AnsiLowerCase(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst);}
+ for C := 0 to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ S := AnsiUpperCase(Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst, 1, 1));
+ S := S + Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst, 2, Length(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst)-1);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst := S;
+ end; // C
+procedure TScreenEditSub.LyricsCorrectSpaces;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ for C := 0 to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ // correct starting spaces in the first word
+ while Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst, 1, 1) = ' ' do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst := Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst, 2, 100);
+ // move spaces on the start to the end of the previous note
+ for N := 1 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ while (Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst, 1, 1) = ' ') do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst, 2, 100);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1].Tekst + ' ';
+ end;
+ end; // N
+ // correct '-' to '- '
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst = '-' then
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := '- ';
+ end; // N
+ // add space to the previous note when the current word is '- '
+ for N := 1 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst = '- ' then
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1].Tekst + ' ';
+ end; // N
+ // correct too many spaces at the end of note
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ while Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst, Length(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst)-1, 2) = ' ' do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst, 1, Length(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst)-1);
+ end; // N
+ // and correct if there is no space at the end of sentence
+ N := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut;
+ if Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst, Length(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst), 1) <> ' ' then
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst + ' ';
+ end; // C
+procedure TScreenEditSub.FixTimings;
+ C: integer;
+ S: integer;
+ Min: integer;
+ Max: integer;
+ for C := 1 to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ with Czesci[0].Czesc[C-1] do begin
+ Min := Nuta[HighNut].Start + Nuta[HighNut].Dlugosc;
+ Max := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].StartNote;
+ case (Max - Min) of
+ 0: S := Max;
+ 1: S := Max;
+ 2: S := Max - 1;
+ 3: S := Max - 2;
+ else
+ if ((Max - Min) > 4) then
+ S := Min + 2
+ else
+ S := Max;
+ end; // case
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Start := S;
+ end; // with
+ end; // for
+procedure TScreenEditSub.DivideSentence;
+ C: integer;
+ CStart: integer;
+ CNew: integer;
+ CLen: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ NStart: integer;
+ NHigh: integer;
+ NNewL: integer;
+ // increase sentence length by 1
+ CLen := Length(Czesci[0].Czesc);
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc, CLen + 1);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Ilosc);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].High);
+ // move needed sentences to one forward. newly has the copy of divided sentence
+ CStart := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ for C := CLen-1 downto CStart do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C+1] := Czesci[0].Czesc[C];
+ // clear and set new sentence
+ CNew := CStart + 1;
+ NStart := AktNuta;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Nuta[NStart].Start;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].StartNote := Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Nuta[NStart].Start;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Lyric := '';
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].LyricWidth := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Koniec := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].BaseNote := 0; // 0.5.0: we modify it later in this procedure
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].IlNut := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].HighNut := -1;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta, 0);
+ // move right notes to new sentences
+ NHigh := Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].HighNut;
+ for N := NStart to NHigh do begin
+ NNewL := Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].IlNut;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta, NNewL + 1);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta[NNewL] := Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Nuta[N];
+ // increase sentence counters
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].IlNut);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].HighNut);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta[NNewL].Start +
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta[NNewL].Dlugosc;
+ end;
+ // clear old notes and set sentence counters
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].HighNut := NStart - 1;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].IlNut := Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].HighNut + 1;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Nuta[NStart-1].Start +
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Nuta[NStart-1].Dlugosc;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Nuta, Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].IlNut);
+ // 0.5.0: modify BaseNote
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].BaseNote := 120;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].IlNut do
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta[N].Ton < Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].BaseNote then
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].BaseNote := Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta[N].Ton;
+ Czesci[0].Akt := Czesci[0].Akt + 1;
+ AktNuta := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.AddCzesc(Czesci[0].Akt);
+procedure TScreenEditSub.JoinSentence;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ NStart: integer;
+ NDst: integer;
+ C := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ // set new sentence
+ NStart := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut + Czesci[0].Czesc[C+1].IlNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut + Czesci[0].Czesc[C+1].IlNut;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta, Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut);
+ // move right notes to new sentences
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C+1].HighNut do begin
+ NDst := NStart + N;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[NDst] := Czesci[0].Czesc[C+1].Nuta[N];
+ end;
+ // increase sentence counters
+ NDst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[NDst].Start +
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[NDst].Dlugosc;
+ // move needed sentences to one backward.
+ for C := Czesci[0].Akt + 1 to Czesci[0].High - 1 do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C] := Czesci[0].Czesc[C+1];
+ // increase sentence length by 1
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc, Length(Czesci[0].Czesc) - 1);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Ilosc);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].High);
+procedure TScreenEditSub.DivideNote;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ NLen: integer;
+ C := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ NLen := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut + 1;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta, NLen);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut);
+ // we copy all notes including selected one
+ for N := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut downto AktNuta+1 do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N] := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1];
+ end;
+ // me slightly modify new note
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc := 1;
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta+1].Start);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta+1].Dlugosc);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta+1].Tekst := '- ';
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta+1].Color := 0;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.DeleteNote;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ NLen: integer;
+ C := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ //Do Not delete Last Note
+ if (Czesci[0].High > 0) OR (Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut > 0) then
+ begin
+ // we copy all notes from the next to the selected one
+ for N := AktNuta+1 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1] := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N];
+ end;
+ NLen := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut - 1;
+ if (NLen > 0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta, NLen);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut);
+ // me slightly modify new note
+ if AktNuta > Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut then Dec(AktNuta);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ end
+ //Last Note of current Sentence Deleted - > Delete Sentence
+ else
+ begin
+ //Move all Sentences after the current to the Left
+ for N := C+1 to Czesci[0].High do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[N-1] := Czesci[0].Czesc[N];
+ //Delete Last Sentence
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc, Czesci[0].High);
+ Czesci[0].High := High(Czesci[0].Czesc);
+ Czesci[0].Ilosc := Length(Czesci[0].Czesc);
+ AktNuta := 0;
+ if (C > 0) then
+ Czesci[0].Akt := C - 1
+ else
+ Czesci[0].Akt := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.TransposeNote(Transpose: integer);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Ton, Transpose);
+procedure TScreenEditSub.ChangeWholeTone(Tone: integer);
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ for C := 0 to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].BaseNote := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].BaseNote + Tone;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Ton := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Ton + Tone;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.MoveAllToEnd(Move: integer);
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ NStart: integer;
+ for C := Czesci[0].Akt to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ NStart := 0;
+ if C = Czesci[0].Akt then NStart := AktNuta;
+ for N := NStart to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start, Move); // move note start
+ if N = 0 then begin // fix beginning
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Start, Move);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].StartNote, Move);
+ end;
+ if N = Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut then // fix ending
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Koniec, Move);
+ end; // for
+ end; // for
+procedure TScreenEditSub.MoveTextToRight;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ NHigh: integer;
+{ C := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ for N := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut downto 1 do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1].Tekst;
+ end; // for
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst := '- ';}
+ C := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ NHigh := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut;
+ // last word
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[NHigh].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[NHigh-1].Tekst + Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[NHigh].Tekst;
+ // other words
+ for N := NHigh - 1 downto AktNuta + 1 do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1].Tekst;
+ end; // for
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst := '- ';
+procedure TScreenEditSub.MarkSrc;
+ CopySrc := Czesci[0].Akt;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.PasteText;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ C := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[CopySrc].HighNut do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[CopySrc].Nuta[N].Tekst;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.CopySentence(Src, Dst: integer);
+ N: integer;
+ Time1: integer;
+ Time2: integer;
+ TD: integer;
+ Time1 := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].Nuta[0].Start;
+ Time2 := Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[0].Start;
+ TD := Time2-Time1;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta, Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].IlNut);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].IlNut := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].IlNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].HighNut := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].HighNut;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].HighNut do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[N].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].Nuta[N].Tekst;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[N].Dlugosc := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].Nuta[N].Dlugosc;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[N].Ton := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].Nuta[N].Ton;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[N].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].Nuta[N].Start + TD;
+ end;
+ N := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].HighNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[N].Start + Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[N].Dlugosc;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.CopySentences(Src, Dst, Num: integer);
+ C: integer;
+ // create place for new sentences
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc, Czesci[0].Ilosc + Num - 1);
+ // moves sentences next to the destination
+ for C := Czesci[0].High downto Dst + 1 do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C + Num - 1] := Czesci[0].Czesc[C];
+ end;
+ // prepares new sentences: sets sentence start and create first note
+ for C := 1 to Num-1 do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C - 1].StartNote +
+ (Czesci[0].Czesc[Src + C].StartNote - Czesci[0].Czesc[Src + C - 1].StartNote);
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Nuta, 1);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].IlNut := 1;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].HighNut := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Nuta[0].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Start;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Nuta[0].Dlugosc := 1;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].StartNote := Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Start;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Start + 1;
+ end;
+ // increase counters
+ Czesci[0].Ilosc := Czesci[0].Ilosc + Num - 1;
+ Czesci[0].High := Czesci[0].High + Num - 1;
+ for C := 0 to Num-1 do
+ CopySentence(Src + C, Dst + C);
+constructor TScreenEditSub.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ SetLength(Player, 1);
+ // linijka
+ AddStatic(20, 10, 80, 30, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddText(40, 17, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 'Line');
+ TextSentence := AddText(120, 14, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0, '0 / 0');
+ // nuta
+ AddStatic(220, 10, 80, 30, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddText(242, 17, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 'Note');
+ TextNote := AddText(320, 14, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0, '0 / 0');
+ // file info
+ AddStatic(150, 50, 500, 150, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(151, 52, 498, 146, 1, 1, 1, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddText(180, 65, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Title:');
+ AddText(180, 90, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Artist:');
+ AddText(180, 115, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Mp3:');
+ AddText(180, 140, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'BPM:');
+ AddText(180, 165, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'GAP:');
+ TextTitle := AddText(250, 65, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'a');
+ TextArtist := AddText(250, 90, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'b');
+ TextMp3 := AddText(250, 115, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'c');
+ TextBPM := AddText(250, 140, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'd');
+ TextGAP := AddText(250, 165, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'e');
+{ AddInteraction(2, TextTitle);
+ AddInteraction(2, TextArtist);
+ AddInteraction(2, TextMp3);
+ AddInteraction(2, TextBPM);
+ AddInteraction(2, TextGAP);}
+ // note info
+ AddText(20, 190, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Start:');
+ AddText(20, 215, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Duration:');
+ AddText(20, 240, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Tone:');
+ AddText(20, 265, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Text:');
+ TextNStart := AddText(120, 190, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'a');
+ TextNDlugosc := AddText(120, 215, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'b');
+ TextNTon := AddText(120, 240, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'c');
+ TextNText := AddText(120, 265, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'd');
+ // debug
+ TextDebug := AddText(30, 550, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, '');
+procedure TScreenEditSub.onShow;
+ Log.LogStatus('Initializing', 'TEditScreen.onShow');
+ try
+ ResetSingTemp;
+ Error := not LoadSong(Path + FileName);
+ except
+ Error := True;
+ end;
+ if Error then
+ begin
+ //Error Loading Song -> Go back to Song Screen and Show some Error Message
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup (Language.Translate('ERROR_CORRUPT_SONG'));
+ Exit;
+ end
+ else begin
+ MidiOut := TMidiOutput.Create(nil);
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ MidiOut.ProductName := 'Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth'; // for my kxproject without midi table
+ MidiOut.Open;
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := AktSong.Title;
+ Text[TextArtist].Text := AktSong.Artist;
+ Text[TextMp3].Text := AktSong.Mp3;
+ Czesci[0].Akt := 0;
+ AktNuta := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[0].Nuta[0].Color := 1;
+ Music.Open(Path + AktSong.Mp3);
+ //Set Down Music Volume for Better hearability of Midi Sounds
+ //Music.SetVolume(40);
+ Lyric.Clear;
+ Lyric.X := 400;
+ Lyric.Y := 500;
+ Lyric.Align := 1;
+ Lyric.Size := 14;
+ Lyric.ColR := 0;
+ Lyric.ColG := 0;
+ Lyric.ColB := 0;
+ Lyric.ColSR := Skin_FontHighlightR;
+ Lyric.ColSG := Skin_FontHighlightG;
+ Lyric.ColSB := Skin_FontHighlightB;
+ Lyric.Style := 0;
+ Lyric.AddCzesc(0);
+ Lyric.Selected := 0;
+ NotesH := 7;
+ NotesW := 4;
+ end;
+// Interaction := 0;
+ TextEditMode := false;
+function TScreenEditSub.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: integer;
+ Sec: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ Pet: integer;
+ AktBeat: integer;
+ glClearColor(1,1,1,1);
+ // midi music
+ if PlaySentenceMidi then begin
+ MidiPos := USTime.GetTime - MidiTime + MidiStart;
+ // stop the music
+ if (MidiPos > MidiStop) then begin
+ MidiOut.PutShort($81, Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[MidiLastNote].Ton + 60, 127);
+ PlaySentenceMidi := false;
+ end;
+ // click
+ AktBeat := Floor(GetMidBeat(MidiPos - AktSong.GAP / 1000));
+ Text[TextDebug].Text := IntToStr(AktBeat);
+ if AktBeat <> LastClick then begin
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = AktBeat) then begin
+ LastClick := AktBeat;
+ if Pet > 0 then
+ MidiOut.PutShort($81, Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet-1].Ton + 60, 127);
+ MidiOut.PutShort($91, Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Ton + 60, 127);
+ MidiLastNote := Pet;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // if PlaySentenceMidi
+ // mp3 music
+ if PlaySentence then begin
+ // stop the music
+ if (Music.Position > PlayStopTime) then begin
+ Music.Stop;
+ PlaySentence := false;
+ end;
+ // click
+ if (Click) and (PlaySentence) then begin
+// AktBeat := Floor(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * (Music.Position - AktSong.GAP / 1000) / 60);
+ AktBeat := Floor(GetMidBeat(Music.Position - AktSong.GAP / 1000));
+ Text[TextDebug].Text := IntToStr(AktBeat);
+ if AktBeat <> LastClick then begin
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = AktBeat) then begin
+ Music.PlayClick;
+ LastClick := AktBeat;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // click
+ end; // if PlaySentence
+ Text[TextSentence].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Akt + 1) + ' / ' + IntToStr(Czesci[0].Ilosc);
+ Text[TextNote].Text := IntToStr(AktNuta + 1) + ' / ' + IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].IlNut);
+ // Song info
+ Text[TextBPM].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 4);
+ Text[TextGAP].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.GAP);
+ //Error reading Variables when no Song is loaded
+ if not Error then
+ begin
+ // Note info
+ Text[TextNStart].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ Text[TextNDlugosc].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ Text[TextNTon].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Ton) + ' ( ' + GetNoteName(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Ton) + ' )';
+ Text[TextNText].Text := Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst;
+ end;
+ // Text Edit Mode
+ if TextEditMode then
+ Text[TextNText].Text := Text[TextNText].Text + '|';
+ // draw static menu
+ inherited Draw;
+ // draw notes
+ SingDrawNoteLines(20, 300, 780, 15);
+ //Error Drawing when no Song is loaded
+ if not Error then
+ begin
+ SingDrawBeatDelimeters(40, 300, 760, 0);
+ EditDrawCzesc(40, 405, 760, 0, 15);
+ end;
+ // draw text
+ Lyric.Draw;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.onHide;
+ MidiOut.Close;
+ MidiOut.Free;
+ //Music.SetVolume(100);
+function TScreenEditSub.GetNoteName(Note: Integer): String;
+var N1, N2: Integer;
+ if (Note > 0) then
+ begin
+ N1 := Note mod 12;
+ N2 := Note div 12;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ N1 := (Note + (-Trunc(Note/12)+1)*12) mod 12;
+ N2 := -1;
+ end;
+ case N1 of
+ 0: Result := 'c';
+ 1: Result := 'c#';
+ 2: Result := 'd';
+ 3: Result := 'd#';
+ 4: Result := 'e';
+ 5: Result := 'f';
+ 6: Result := 'f#';
+ 7: Result := 'g';
+ 8: Result := 'g#';
+ 9: Result := 'a';
+ 10: Result := 'b';
+ 11: Result := 'h';
+ end;
+ case N2 of
+ 0: Result := UpperCase(Result); //Normal Uppercase Note, 1: Normal lowercase Note
+ 2: Result := Result + ''''; //One Striped
+ 3: Result := Result + ''''''; //Two Striped
+ 4: Result := Result + ''''''''; //etc.
+ 5: Result := Result + '''''''''';
+ 6: Result := Result + '''''''''''';
+ 7: Result := Result + '''''''''''''';
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLevel.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLevel.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34fc87af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLevel.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+unit UScreenLevel;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenLevel = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture;
+function TScreenLevel.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenName);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Difficulty := Interaction;
+ Ini.SaveLevel;
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ //Set Standard Mode
+ ScreenSong.Mode := 0;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenLevel.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.Level);
+ AddButton(Theme.Level.ButtonEasy);
+ AddButton(Theme.Level.ButtonMedium);
+ AddButton(Theme.Level.ButtonHard);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenLevel.onShow;
+ Interaction := Ini.Difficulty;
+// LCD.WriteText(1, ' Choose mode: ');
+// UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenLevel.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ Button[0].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[2].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..438b606e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+unit UScreenLoading;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UThemes, OpenGL12;
+ TScreenLoading = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ Fadeout: boolean;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function GetBGTexNum: GLUInt;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UTime;
+function TScreenLoading.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+constructor TScreenLoading.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.Loading);
+ Fadeout := false;
+procedure TScreenLoading.onShow;
+// nothing
+function TScreenLoading.GetBGTexNum: GLUInt;
+ Result := Self.BackImg.TexNum;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenMain.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenMain.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1f41554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenMain.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+unit UScreenMain;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, SysUtils, UThemes, ULCD, ULight;
+ TScreenMain = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextDescription: integer;
+ TextDescriptionLong: integer;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure InteractNext; override;
+ procedure InteractPrev; override;
+ procedure InteractInc; override;
+ procedure InteractDec; override;
+ procedure UpdateLCD;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ //function Draw: boolean; override;
+ end;
+uses Windows, UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, USongs, Textgl, opengl, ULanguage, UParty, UDLLManager, UScreenCredits, USkins, ULog;
+function TScreenMain.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+I: Integer;
+SDL_ModState: Word;
+ Result := true;
+ SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT
+ //Deactivate Credits when Key is pressed
+// if Credits_Visible then
+// begin
+// Credits_Visible := False;
+// exit;
+// end;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ //If CreditsScreen is not Created -> Then Create
+ If (ScreenCredits = nil) then
+ begin
+ try
+ //Display White Loading Text
+ SetFontStyle(2); //Font: Outlined1
+ SetFontSize(12);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
+ SetFontPos (400 - glTextWidth ('Loading Credits ...')/2, 250); //Position
+ glColor4f(1,1,1,1);
+ glPrint('Loading Credits ...');
+ SwapBuffers;
+ ScreenCredits := TScreenCredits.Create;
+ except
+ Log.LogError ('Couldn''t Create Credits Screen');
+ end;
+ end;
+ If (ScreenCredits <> nil) then
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenCredits);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Ini.Players >= 1) AND (Length(DLLMan.Plugins)>=1) then
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenStatMain);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenEdit);
+ end;
+ begin
+ //Solo
+ if (Interaction = 0) then
+ begin
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ if (Ini.Players >= 0) and (Ini.Players <= 3) then PlayersPlay := Ini.Players + 1;
+ if (Ini.Players = 4) then PlayersPlay := 6;
+ ScreenName.Goto_SingScreen := False;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenName);
+ end
+ else //show error message
+ ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup(Language.Translate('ERROR_NO_SONGS'));
+ end;
+ //Multi
+ if Interaction = 1 then begin
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) >= 1) then
+ begin
+ if (Length(DLLMan.Plugins)>=1) then
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyOptions);
+ end
+ else //show error message, No Plugins Loaded
+ ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup(Language.Translate('ERROR_NO_PLUGINS'));
+ end
+ else //show error message, No Songs Loaded
+ ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup(Language.Translate('ERROR_NO_SONGS'));
+ end;
+ //Stats
+ if Interaction = 2 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenStatMain);
+ end;
+ //Editor
+ if Interaction = 3 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenEdit);
+ end;
+ //Options
+ if Interaction = 4 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ //Exit
+ if Interaction = 5 then begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractInc;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractDec;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end
+ else // Key Up
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenMain.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ //----------------
+ //Attention ^^:
+ //New Creation Order needed because of LoadFromTheme
+ //and Button Collections.
+ //At First Custom Texts and Statics
+ //Then LoadFromTheme
+ //after LoadFromTheme the Buttons and Selects
+ //----------------
+ TextDescription := AddText(Theme.Main.TextDescription);
+ TextDescriptionLong := AddText(Theme.Main.TextDescriptionLong);
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.Main);
+ AddButton(Theme.Main.ButtonSolo);
+ AddButton(Theme.Main.ButtonMulti);
+ AddButton(Theme.Main.ButtonStat);
+ AddButton(Theme.Main.ButtonEditor);
+ AddButton(Theme.Main.ButtonOptions);
+ AddButton(Theme.Main.ButtonExit);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenMain.onShow;
+ LCD.WriteText(1, ' Choose mode: ');
+ UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenMain.InteractNext;
+ inherited InteractNext;
+ Text[TextDescription].Text := Theme.Main.Description[Interaction];
+ Text[TextDescriptionLong].Text := Theme.Main.DescriptionLong[Interaction];
+ UpdateLCD;
+ Light.LightOne(1, 200);
+procedure TScreenMain.InteractPrev;
+ inherited InteractPrev;
+ Text[TextDescription].Text := Theme.Main.Description[Interaction];
+ Text[TextDescriptionLong].Text := Theme.Main.DescriptionLong[Interaction];
+ UpdateLCD;
+ Light.LightOne(0, 200);
+procedure TScreenMain.InteractDec;
+ inherited InteractDec;
+ Text[TextDescription].Text := Theme.Main.Description[Interaction];
+ Text[TextDescriptionLong].Text := Theme.Main.DescriptionLong[Interaction];
+ UpdateLCD;
+ Light.LightOne(0, 200);
+procedure TScreenMain.InteractInc;
+ inherited InteractInc;
+ Text[TextDescription].Text := Theme.Main.Description[Interaction];
+ Text[TextDescriptionLong].Text := Theme.Main.DescriptionLong[Interaction];
+ UpdateLCD;
+ Light.LightOne(1, 200);
+procedure TScreenMain.UpdateLCD;
+ case Interaction of
+ 0: LCD.WriteText(2, ' sing ');
+ 1: LCD.WriteText(2, ' editor ');
+ 2: LCD.WriteText(2, ' options ');
+ 3: LCD.WriteText(2, ' exit ');
+ end
+procedure TScreenMain.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ Static[0].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Static[0].Texture.ScaleH := Progress;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a91f0b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+unit UScreenName;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenName = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ Goto_SingScreen: Boolean; //If True then next Screen in SingScreen
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture;
+function TScreenName.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ I: integer;
+SDL_ModState: Word;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text + chr(ScanCode);
+ end;
+ // Templates for Names Mod
+ SDLK_F1:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[0] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[0];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F2:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[1] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[1];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F3:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[2] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[2];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F4:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[3] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[3];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F5:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[4] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[4];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F6:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[5] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[5];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F7:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[6] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[6];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F8:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[7] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[7];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F9:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[8] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[8];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F10:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[9] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[9];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F11:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[10] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[10];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F12:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[11] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[11];
+ end;
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].DeleteLastL;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.SaveNames;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ if GoTo_SingScreen then
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong)
+ else
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ begin
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ Ini.Name[I-1] := Button[I-1].Text[0].Text;
+ Ini.SaveNames;
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ if GoTo_SingScreen then
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSing)
+ else
+ FadeTo(@ScreenLevel);
+ GoTo_SingScreen := False;
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenName.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.Name);
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ AddButton(Theme.Name.ButtonPlayer[I]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenName.onShow;
+ I: integer;
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ Button[I-1].Text[0].Text := Ini.Name[I-1];
+ for I := 1 to PlayersPlay do begin
+ Button[I-1].Visible := true;
+ Button[I-1].Selectable := true;
+ end;
+ for I := PlayersPlay+1 to 6 do begin
+ Button[I-1].Visible := false;
+ Button[I-1].Selectable := false;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenName.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ I: integer;
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ Button[I-1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb1393c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+unit UScreenOpen;
+uses UMenu, UMusic, SDL, SysUtils, UFiles, UTime, USongs, UIni, ULog, USmpeg, UTexture, UMenuText,
+ ULyrics, Math, OpenGL12, UThemes;
+ TScreenOpen = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ TextF: array[0..1] of integer;
+ TextN: integer;
+ public
+ Tex_Background: TTexture;
+ FadeOut: boolean;
+ Path: string;
+ BackScreen: pointer;
+ procedure AddBox(X, Y, W, H: real);
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+// function Draw: boolean; override;
+// procedure Finish;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UDraw, UMain, USkins;
+function TScreenOpen.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ if (PressedDown) then begin // Key Down
+ case ScanCode of
+ ord('a')..ord('z'), ord('A')..ord('Z'), ord('0')..ord('9'), 32, ord('-'), ord('.'), ord(':'), ord('\'):
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then begin
+ Text[TextN].Text := Text[TextN].Text + chr(ScanCode);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ 8: // del
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then
+ begin
+ Text[TextN].DeleteLastL;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ //Empty Filename and go to last Screen
+ FileName := '';
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(BackScreen);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Interaction = 2) then begin
+ //Update Filename and go to last Screen
+ FileName := Text[TextN].Text;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(BackScreen);
+ end
+ else if (Interaction = 1) then
+ begin
+ //Empty Filename and go to last Screen
+ FileName := '';
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(BackScreen);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenOpen.AddBox(X, Y, W, H: real);
+ AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(X+2, Y+2, W-4, H-4, 1, 1, 1, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+constructor TScreenOpen.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ // linijka
+{ AddStatic(20, 10, 80, 30, 0, 0, 0, 'Bar', 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddText(35, 17, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 'Linijka');
+ TextSentence := AddText(120, 14, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0, '0 / 0');}
+ // file list
+// AddBox(400, 100, 350, 450);
+// TextF[0] := AddText(430, 155, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'a');
+// TextF[1] := AddText(430, 180, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'a');
+ // file name
+ AddBox(20, 540, 500, 40);
+ TextN := AddText(50, 548, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, FileName);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextN);
+ // buttons
+ {AddButton(540, 540, 100, 40, Skin.SkinPath + Skin.ButtonF);
+ AddButtonText(10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Cancel');
+ AddButton(670, 540, 100, 40, Skin.SkinPath + Skin.ButtonF);
+ AddButtonText(30, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'OK');}
+ // buttons
+ AddButton(540, 540, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Cancel');
+ AddButton(670, 540, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(30, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'OK');
+procedure TScreenOpen.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
+(*function TScreenEditSub.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: integer;
+ Sec: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ Pet: integer;
+ AktBeat: integer;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.Finish;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptions.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptions.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55e4f88c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptions.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+unit UScreenOptions;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptions = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextDescription: integer;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure InteractNext; override;
+ procedure InteractPrev; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic;
+function TScreenOptions.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 0 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsGame);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 1 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsGraphics);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 2 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsSound);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 3 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsLyrics);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 4 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsThemes);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 5 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsRecord);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 6 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsAdvanced);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 7 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractInc;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractDec;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptions.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ TextDescription := AddText(Theme.Options.TextDescription);
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.Options);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonGame);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[0]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonGraphics);
+ if (Length(Button[1].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[1]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonSound);
+ if (Length(Button[2].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[2]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonLyrics);
+ if (Length(Button[3].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[3]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonThemes);
+ if (Length(Button[4].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[4]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonRecord);
+ if (Length(Button[5].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[5]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonAdvanced);
+ if (Length(Button[6].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[6]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonExit);
+ if (Length(Button[7].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenOptions.onShow;
+procedure TScreenOptions.InteractNext;
+ inherited InteractNext;
+ Text[TextDescription].Text := Theme.Options.Description[Interaction];
+procedure TScreenOptions.InteractPrev;
+ inherited InteractPrev;
+ Text[TextDescription].Text := Theme.Options.Description[Interaction];
+procedure TScreenOptions.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ Button[0].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[2].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[3].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[4].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[5].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[6].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[7].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsAdvanced.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsAdvanced.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8422e2b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsAdvanced.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+unit UScreenOptionsAdvanced;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptionsAdvanced = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic;
+function TScreenOptionsAdvanced.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ //SelectLoadAnimation Hidden because it is useless atm
+ //if SelInteraction = 7 then begin
+ if SelInteraction = 6 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ //SelectLoadAnimation Hidden because it is useless atm
+ //if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 6) then begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 5) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ //SelectLoadAnimation Hidden because it is useless atm
+ //if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 6) then begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 5) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsAdvanced.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.OptionsAdvanced);
+ //SelectLoadAnimation Hidden because it is useless atm
+ //AddSelect(Theme.OptionsAdvanced.SelectLoadAnimation, Ini.LoadAnimation, ILoadAnimation);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsAdvanced.SelectScreenFade, Ini.ScreenFade, IScreenFade);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsAdvanced.SelectEffectSing, Ini.EffectSing, IEffectSing);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsAdvanced.SelectLineBonus, Ini.LineBonus, ILineBonus);
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsAdvanced.SelectOnSongClick, Ini.OnSongClick, IOnSongClick);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsAdvanced.SelectAskbeforeDel, Ini.AskbeforeDel, IAskbeforeDel);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsAdvanced.SelectPartyPopup, Ini.PartyPopup, IPartyPopup);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsAdvanced.ButtonExit);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenOptionsAdvanced.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGame.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGame.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..238f63c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGame.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+unit UScreenOptionsGame;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, UIni, UThemes, USongs;
+ TScreenOptionsGame = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ old_Tabs, old_Sorting: integer;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure RefreshSongs;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic;
+function TScreenOptionsGame.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ RefreshSongs;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 6 then begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ RefreshSongs;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 5) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 5) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsGame.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.OptionsGame);
+ //Refresh Songs Patch
+ old_Sorting := Ini.Sorting;
+ old_Tabs := Ini.Tabs;
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGame.SelectPlayers, Ini.Players, IPlayers);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGame.SelectDifficulty, Ini.Difficulty, IDifficulty);
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsGame.SelectLanguage, Ini.Language, ILanguage);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGame.SelectTabs, Ini.Tabs, ITabs);
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsGame.SelectSorting, Ini.Sorting, ISorting);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGame.SelectDebug, Ini.Debug, IDebug);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsGame.ButtonExit);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]);
+//Refresh Songs Patch
+procedure TScreenOptionsGame.RefreshSongs;
+if (ini.Sorting <> old_Sorting) or (ini.Tabs <> old_Tabs) then
+ ScreenSong.Refresh;
+procedure TScreenOptionsGame.onShow;
+// Interaction := 0;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGraphics.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGraphics.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e45d37bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGraphics.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+unit UScreenOptionsGraphics;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptionsGraphics = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain;
+function TScreenOptionsGraphics.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+{ if SelInteraction <= 1 then begin
+ Restart := true;
+ end;}
+ if SelInteraction = 5 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 4) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 4) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsGraphics.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.OptionsGraphics);
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsGraphics.SelectSlideResolution, Ini.Resolution, IResolution);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGraphics.SelectFullscreen, Ini.Fullscreen, IFullscreen);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGraphics.SelectDepth, Ini.Depth, IDepth);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGraphics.SelectOscilloscope, Ini.Oscilloscope, IOscilloscope);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGraphics.SelectMovieSize, Ini.MovieSize, IMovieSize);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsGraphics.ButtonExit);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]);
+procedure TScreenOptionsGraphics.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsLyrics.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsLyrics.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75d54d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsLyrics.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+unit UScreenOptionsLyrics;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptionsLyrics = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic;
+function TScreenOptionsLyrics.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 3 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 2) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 2) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsLyrics.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.OptionsLyrics);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsFont, Ini.LyricsFont, ILyricsFont);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsEffect, Ini.LyricsEffect, ILyricsEffect);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsLyrics.SelectSolmization, Ini.Solmization, ISolmization);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsLyrics.ButtonExit);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]);
+procedure TScreenOptionsLyrics.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ff989fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+unit UScreenOptionsRecord;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptionsRecord = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ SelectSlideInput: integer;
+ SelectSlideChannelL: integer;
+ SelectSlideChannelR: integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure UpdateCard;
+ end;
+uses SysUtils, UGraphic, URecord, ULog;
+function TScreenOptionsRecord.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 4 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 3) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 0 then UpdateCard;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 3) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 0 then UpdateCard;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsRecord.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ SC: integer;
+ SCI: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.OptionsRecord);
+ SetLength(ICard, Length(Recording.SoundCard));
+ for SC := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard) do
+ ICard[SC] := Recording.SoundCard[SC].Description;
+// end;
+// if Length(Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input) > 0 then begin
+ SetLength(IInput, Length(Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input));
+ for SCI := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input) do
+ IInput[SCI] := Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input[SCI].Name;
+// end;
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideCard, Ini.Card, ICard);
+ SelectSlideInput := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, Ini.CardList[0].Input, IInput);
+ SelectSlideChannelL := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelL, Ini.CardList[0].ChannelL, IChannel);
+ SelectSlideChannelR := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelR, Ini.CardList[0].ChannelR, IChannel);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsRecord.ButtonExit);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenOptionsRecord.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenOptionsRecord.UpdateCard;
+ SC: integer;
+ SCI: integer;
+ SC := Ini.Card;
+// if SC = 1 then beep;
+ SetLength(IInput, Length(Recording.SoundCard[SC].Input));
+ for SCI := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard[SC].Input) do begin
+ IInput[SCI] := Recording.SoundCard[SC].Input[SCI].Name;
+// Log.LogError(IInput[SCI]);
+ end;
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, SelectSlideInput, IInput, Ini.CardList[SC].Input);
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelL, SelectSlideChannelL, IChannel, Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL);
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelR, SelectSlideChannelR, IChannel, Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR);
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsSound.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsSound.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba4af6da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsSound.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+unit UScreenOptionsSound;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptionsSound = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic;
+function TScreenOptionsSound.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 6 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 5) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 5) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsSound.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.OptionsSound);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectMicBoost, Ini.MicBoost, IMicBoost);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectClickAssist, Ini.ClickAssist, IClickAssist);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectBeatClick, Ini.BeatClick, IBeatClick);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectThreshold, Ini.Threshold, IThreshold);
+ //Song Preview
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectSlidePreviewVolume, Ini.PreviewVolume, IPreviewVolume);
+ AddSelectSlide
+ (Theme.OptionsSound.SelectSlidePreviewFading, Ini.PreviewFading, IPreviewFading);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsSound.ButtonExit);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenOptionsSound.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsThemes.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsThemes.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5f928c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsThemes.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+unit UScreenOptionsThemes;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptionsThemes = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ SkinSelect: Integer;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure InteractInc; override;
+ procedure InteractDec; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, USkins;
+function TScreenOptionsThemes.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ // Reload all screens, after Theme changed
+ // Todo : JB - Check if theme was actually changed
+ UGraphic.UnLoadScreens();
+ UGraphic.LoadScreens( false );
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 3 then
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ // Reload all screens, after Theme changed
+ // Todo : JB - Check if theme was actually changed
+ UGraphic.UnLoadScreens();
+ UGraphic.LoadScreens( false );
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 2) then
+ begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 2) then
+ begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenOptionsThemes.InteractInc;
+ inherited InteractInc;
+ //Update Skins
+ if (SelInteraction = 0) then
+ begin
+ Skin.OnThemeChange;
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions (Theme.OptionsThemes.SelectSkin, SkinSelect, ISkin, Ini.SkinNo);
+ Theme.LoadTheme('Themes\' + ITheme[Ini.Theme] + '.ini', Ini.Color);
+ ScreenOptionsThemes := TScreenOptionsThemes.create();
+ ScreenOptionsThemes.onshow;
+ Display.ActualScreen := @ScreenOptionsThemes;
+ ScreenOptionsThemes.Draw;
+ Display.Draw;
+ SwapBuffers;
+ freeandnil( self );
+ end;
+procedure TScreenOptionsThemes.InteractDec;
+ inherited InteractDec;
+ //Update Skins
+ if (SelInteraction = 0) then
+ begin
+ Skin.OnThemeChange;
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions (Theme.OptionsThemes.SelectSkin, SkinSelect, ISkin, Ini.SkinNo);
+ Theme.LoadTheme('Themes\' + ITheme[Ini.Theme] + '.ini', Ini.Color);
+ ScreenOptionsThemes := TScreenOptionsThemes.create();
+ ScreenOptionsThemes.onshow;
+ Display.ActualScreen := @ScreenOptionsThemes;
+ ScreenOptionsThemes.Draw;
+ Display.Draw;
+ SwapBuffers;
+ freeandnil( self );
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsThemes.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.OptionsThemes);
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsThemes.SelectTheme, Ini.Theme, ITheme);
+ SkinSelect := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsThemes.SelectSkin, Ini.SkinNo, ISkin);
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsThemes.SelectColor, Ini.Color, IColor);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsThemes.ButtonExit);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]);
+procedure TScreenOptionsThemes.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0f800da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+unit UScreenPartyNewRound;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenPartyNewRound = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ //Texts:
+ TextRound1: Cardinal;
+ TextRound2: Cardinal;
+ TextRound3: Cardinal;
+ TextRound4: Cardinal;
+ TextRound5: Cardinal;
+ TextRound6: Cardinal;
+ TextRound7: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner1: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner2: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner3: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner4: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner5: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner6: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner7: Cardinal;
+ TextNextRound: Cardinal;
+ TextNextRoundNo: Cardinal;
+ TextNextPlayer1: Cardinal;
+ TextNextPlayer2: Cardinal;
+ TextNextPlayer3: Cardinal;
+ //Statics
+ StaticRound1: Cardinal;
+ StaticRound2: Cardinal;
+ StaticRound3: Cardinal;
+ StaticRound4: Cardinal;
+ StaticRound5: Cardinal;
+ StaticRound6: Cardinal;
+ StaticRound7: Cardinal;
+ //Scores
+ TextScoreTeam1: Cardinal;
+ TextScoreTeam2: Cardinal;
+ TextScoreTeam3: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam1: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam2: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam3: Cardinal;
+ TextTeam1Players: Cardinal;
+ TextTeam2Players: Cardinal;
+ TextTeam3Players: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3: Cardinal;
+ StaticNextPlayer1: Cardinal;
+ StaticNextPlayer2: Cardinal;
+ StaticNextPlayer3: Cardinal;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, UParty, UDLLManager, ULanguage, ULog;
+function TScreenPartyNewRound.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ CheckFadeTo(@ScreenMain,'MSG_END_PARTY');
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ if DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong then
+ begin
+ //Select PartyMode ScreenSong
+ ScreenSong.Mode := 1;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSingModi);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPartyNewRound.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ TextRound1 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound1);
+ TextRound2 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound2);
+ TextRound3 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound3);
+ TextRound4 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound4);
+ TextRound5 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound5);
+ TextRound6 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound6);
+ TextRound7 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound7);
+ TextWinner1 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner1);
+ TextWinner2 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner2);
+ TextWinner3 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner3);
+ TextWinner4 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner4);
+ TextWinner5 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner5);
+ TextWinner6 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner6);
+ TextWinner7 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner7);
+ TextNextRound := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNextRound);
+ TextNextRoundNo := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNextRoundNo);
+ TextNextPlayer1 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer1);
+ TextNextPlayer2 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer2);
+ TextNextPlayer3 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer3);
+ StaticRound1 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound1);
+ StaticRound2 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound2);
+ StaticRound3 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound3);
+ StaticRound4 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound4);
+ StaticRound5 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound5);
+ StaticRound6 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound6);
+ StaticRound7 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound7);
+ //Scores
+ TextScoreTeam1 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam1);
+ TextScoreTeam2 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam2);
+ TextScoreTeam3 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam3);
+ TextNameTeam1 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam1);
+ TextNameTeam2 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam2);
+ TextNameTeam3 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam3);
+ //Players
+ TextTeam1Players := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextTeam1Players);
+ TextTeam2Players := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextTeam2Players);
+ TextTeam3Players := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextTeam3Players);
+ StaticTeam1 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticTeam1);
+ StaticTeam2 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticTeam2);
+ StaticTeam3 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticTeam3);
+ StaticNextPlayer1 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer1);
+ StaticNextPlayer2 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer2);
+ StaticNextPlayer3 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer3);
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.PartyNewRound);
+procedure TScreenPartyNewRound.onShow;
+ I: Integer;
+ function GetTeamPlayers(const Num: Byte): String;
+ var
+ Players: Array of String;
+ J: Byte;
+ begin
+ if (Num-1 >= PartySession.Teams.NumTeams) then
+ exit;
+ //Create Players Array
+ SetLength(Players, PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[Num-1].NumPlayers);
+ For J := 0 to PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[Num-1].NumPlayers-1 do
+ Players[J] := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[Num-1].PlayerInfo[J].Name);
+ //Implode and Return
+ Result := Language.Implode(Players);
+ end;
+ PartySession.StartRound;
+ //Set Visibility of Round Infos
+ I := Length(PartySession.Rounds);
+ if (I >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound1].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound1].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner1].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound1].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[0].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner1].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(0);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound1].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound1].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner1].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (I >= 2) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound2].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound2].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner2].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound2].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[1].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner2].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(1);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound2].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound2].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner2].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (I >= 3) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound3].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound3].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner3].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound3].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[2].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner3].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(2);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound3].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound3].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner3].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (I >= 4) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound4].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound4].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner4].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound4].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[3].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner4].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(3);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound4].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound4].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner4].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (I >= 5) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound5].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound5].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner5].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound5].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[4].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner5].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(4);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound5].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound5].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner5].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (I >= 6) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound6].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound6].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner6].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound6].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[5].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner6].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(5);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound6].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound6].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner6].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (I >= 7) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound7].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound7].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner7].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound7].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[6].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner7].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(6);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound7].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound7].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner7].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ //Display Scores
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[0].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[0].Name);
+ Text[TextTeam1Players].Text := GetTeamPlayers(1);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextTeam1Players].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticNextPlayer1].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextTeam1Players].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticNextPlayer1].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[1].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[1].Name);
+ Text[TextTeam2Players].Text := GetTeamPlayers(2);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextTeam2Players].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticNextPlayer2].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextTeam2Players].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticNextPlayer2].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[2].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[2].Name);
+ Text[TextTeam3Players].Text := GetTeamPlayers(3);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextTeam3Players].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticNextPlayer3].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextTeam3Players].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticNextPlayer3].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ //nextRound Texts
+ Text[TextNextRound].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Selected.PluginDesc);
+ Text[TextNextRoundNo].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.CurRound + 1);
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextNextPlayer1].Text := PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Playerinfo[PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].CurPlayer].Name;
+ Text[TextNextPlayer1].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ Text[TextNextPlayer1].Visible := False;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextNextPlayer2].Text := PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Playerinfo[PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].CurPlayer].Name;
+ Text[TextNextPlayer2].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ Text[TextNextPlayer2].Visible := False;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextNextPlayer3].Text := PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Playerinfo[PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].CurPlayer].Name;
+ Text[TextNextPlayer3].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ Text[TextNextPlayer3].Visible := False;
+// LCD.WriteText(1, ' Choose mode: ');
+// UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenPartyNewRound.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ {Button[0].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[2].Texture.ScaleW := Progress; }
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyOptions.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyOptions.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91611d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyOptions.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+unit UScreenPartyOptions;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenPartyOptions = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ SelectLevel: Cardinal;
+ SelectPlayList: Cardinal;
+ SelectPlayList2: Cardinal;
+ SelectRounds: Cardinal;
+ SelectTeams: Cardinal;
+ SelectPlayers1: Cardinal;
+ SelectPlayers2: Cardinal;
+ SelectPlayers3: Cardinal;
+ PlayList: Integer;
+ PlayList2: Integer;
+ Rounds: Integer;
+ NumTeams: Integer;
+ NumPlayer1, NumPlayer2, NumPlayer3: Integer;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ procedure SetPlaylist2;
+ end;
+ IPlaylist: array[0..2] of String;
+ IPlaylist2: array of String;
+ ITeams: array[0..1] of String =('2', '3');
+ IPlayers: array[0..3] of String =('1', '2', '3', '4');
+ IRounds: array[0..5] of String = ('2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7');
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, ULanguage, UParty, UDLLManager, UPlaylist, USongs;
+function TScreenPartyOptions.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ var
+ I, J: Integer;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ begin
+ //Don'T start when Playlist is Selected and there are no Playlists
+ If (Playlist = 2) and (Length(PlaylistMan.Playlists) = 0) then
+ Exit;
+ //Save Difficulty
+ Ini.Difficulty := SelectsS[SelectLevel].SelectedOption;
+ Ini.SaveLevel;
+ //Save Num Teams:
+ PartySession.Teams.NumTeams := NumTeams + 2;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].NumPlayers := NumPlayer1+1;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].NumPlayers := NumPlayer2+1;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].NumPlayers := NumPlayer3+1;
+ //Save Playlist
+ PlaylistMan.Mode := Playlist;
+ PlaylistMan.CurPlayList := High(Cardinal);
+ //If Category Selected Search Category ID
+ if Playlist = 1 then
+ begin
+ J := -1;
+ For I := 0 to high(CatSongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then
+ Inc(J);
+ if J = Playlist2 then
+ begin
+ PlaylistMan.CurPlayList := I;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //No Categorys or Invalid Entry
+ If PlaylistMan.CurPlayList = High(Cardinal) then
+ Exit;
+ end
+ else
+ PlaylistMan.CurPlayList := Playlist2;
+ //Start Party
+ PartySession.StartNewParty(Rounds + 2);
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ //Go to Player Screen
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyPlayer);
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ //Change Playlist2 if Playlist is Changed
+ If (Interaction = 1) then
+ begin
+ SetPlaylist2;
+ end //Change Team3 Players visibility
+ Else If (Interaction = 4) then
+ begin
+ SelectsS[7].Visible := (NumTeams = 1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ //Change Playlist2 if Playlist is Changed
+ If (Interaction = 1) then
+ begin
+ SetPlaylist2;
+ end //Change Team3 Players visibility
+ Else If (Interaction = 4) then
+ begin
+ SelectsS[7].Visible := (NumTeams = 1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPartyOptions.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ //Fill IPlaylist
+ IPlaylist[0] := Language.Translate('PARTY_PLAYLIST_ALL');
+ IPlaylist[1] := Language.Translate('PARTY_PLAYLIST_CATEGORY');
+ IPlaylist[2] := Language.Translate('PARTY_PLAYLIST_PLAYLIST');
+ //Fill IPlaylist2
+ SetLength(IPlaylist2, 1);
+ IPlaylist2[0] := '---';
+ //Clear all Selects
+ NumTeams := 0;
+ NumPlayer1 := 0;
+ NumPlayer2 := 0;
+ NumPlayer3 := 0;
+ Rounds := 5;
+ PlayList := 0;
+ PlayList2 := 0;
+ //Load Screen From Theme
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.PartyOptions);
+ SelectLevel := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectLevel, Ini.Difficulty, Theme.ILevel);
+ SelectPlayList := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectPlayList, PlayList, IPlaylist);
+ SelectPlayList2 := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectPlayList2, PlayList2, IPlaylist2);
+ SelectRounds := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectRounds, Rounds, IRounds);
+ SelectTeams := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectTeams, NumTeams, ITeams);
+ SelectPlayers1 := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectPlayers1, NumPlayer1, IPlayers);
+ SelectPlayers2 := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectPlayers2, NumPlayer2, IPlayers);
+ SelectPlayers3 := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectPlayers3, NumPlayer3, IPlayers);
+ Interaction := 0;
+ //Hide Team3 Players
+ SelectsS[7].Visible := False;
+procedure TScreenPartyOptions.SetPlaylist2;
+var I: Integer;
+ Case Playlist of
+ 0:
+ begin
+ SetLength(IPlaylist2, 1);
+ IPlaylist2[0] := '---';
+ end;
+ 1:
+ begin
+ SetLength(IPlaylist2, 0);
+ For I := 0 to high(CatSongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ If (CatSongs.Song[I].Main) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(IPlaylist2, Length(IPlaylist2) + 1);
+ IPlaylist2[high(IPlaylist2)] := CatSongs.Song[I].Artist;
+ end;
+ end;
+ If (Length(IPlaylist2) = 0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(IPlaylist2, 1);
+ IPlaylist2[0] := 'No Categories found';
+ end;
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ if (Length(PlaylistMan.Playlists) > 0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(IPlaylist2, Length(PlaylistMan.Playlists));
+ PlaylistMan.GetNames(IPlaylist2);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ SetLength(IPlaylist2, 1);
+ IPlaylist2[0] := 'No Playlists found';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Playlist2 := 0;
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.PartyOptions.SelectPlayList2, 2, IPlaylist2, Playlist2);
+procedure TScreenPartyOptions.onShow;
+ Randomize;
+// LCD.WriteText(1, ' Choose mode: ');
+// UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenPartyOptions.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ {for I := 0 to 6 do
+ SelectS[I].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;}
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyPlayer.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyPlayer.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6859775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyPlayer.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+unit UScreenPartyPlayer;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenPartyPlayer = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ Team1Name: Cardinal;
+ Player1Name: Cardinal;
+ Player2Name: Cardinal;
+ Player3Name: Cardinal;
+ Player4Name: Cardinal;
+ Team2Name: Cardinal;
+ Player5Name: Cardinal;
+ Player6Name: Cardinal;
+ Player7Name: Cardinal;
+ Player8Name: Cardinal;
+ Team3Name: Cardinal;
+ Player9Name: Cardinal;
+ Player10Name: Cardinal;
+ Player11Name: Cardinal;
+ Player12Name: Cardinal;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, UParty;
+function TScreenPartyPlayer.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ I, J: integer;
+ SDL_ModState: Word;
+ procedure IntNext;
+ begin
+ repeat
+ InteractNext;
+ until Button[Interaction].Visible;
+ end;
+ procedure IntPrev;
+ begin
+ repeat
+ InteractPrev;
+ until Button[Interaction].Visible;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text + chr(ScanCode);
+ end;
+ // Templates for Names Mod
+ SDLK_F1:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[0] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[0];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F2:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[1] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[1];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F3:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[2] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[2];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F4:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[3] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[3];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F5:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[4] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[4];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F6:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[5] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[5];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F7:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[6] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[6];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F8:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[7] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[7];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F9:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[8] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[8];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F10:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[9] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[9];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F11:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[10] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[10];
+ end;
+ SDLK_F12:
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Ini.NameTemplate[11] := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTemplate[11];
+ end;
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].DeleteLastL;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.SaveNames;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ //Save PlayerNames
+ for I := 0 to PartySession.Teams.NumTeams-1 do
+ begin
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[I].Name := PChar(Button[I*5].Text[0].Text);
+ for J := 0 to PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[I].NumPlayers-1 do
+ begin
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[I].Playerinfo[J].Name := PChar(Button[I*5 + J+1].Text[0].Text);
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[I].Playerinfo[J].TimesPlayed := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyNewRound);
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ SDLK_DOWN: IntNext;
+ SDLK_UP: IntPrev;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: IntNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: IntPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPartyPlayer.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.PartyPlayer);
+ Team1Name := AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Team1Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player1Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player2Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player3Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player4Name);
+ Team2Name := AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Team2Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player5Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player6Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player7Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player8Name);
+ Team3Name := AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Team3Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player9Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player10Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player11Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player12Name);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenPartyPlayer.onShow;
+ I: integer;
+ // Templates for Names Mod
+ for I := 1 to 4 do
+ Button[I].Text[0].Text := Ini.Name[I-1];
+ for I := 6 to 9 do
+ Button[I].Text[0].Text := Ini.Name[I-2];
+ for I := 11 to 14 do
+ Button[I].Text[0].Text := Ini.Name[I-3];
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTeam[0];
+ Button[5].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTeam[1];
+ Button[10].Text[0].Text := Ini.NameTeam[2];
+ // Templates for Names Mod end
+ If (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams>=1) then
+ begin
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].NumPlayers >=1);
+ Button[2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].NumPlayers >=2);
+ Button[3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].NumPlayers >=3);
+ Button[4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].NumPlayers >=4);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[1].Visible := False;
+ Button[2].Visible := False;
+ Button[3].Visible := False;
+ Button[4].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ If (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams>=2) then
+ begin
+ Button[5].Visible := True;
+ Button[6].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].NumPlayers >=1);
+ Button[7].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].NumPlayers >=2);
+ Button[8].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].NumPlayers >=3);
+ Button[9].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].NumPlayers >=4);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[5].Visible := False;
+ Button[6].Visible := False;
+ Button[7].Visible := False;
+ Button[8].Visible := False;
+ Button[9].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ If (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams>=3) then
+ begin
+ Button[10].Visible := True;
+ Button[11].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].NumPlayers >=1);
+ Button[12].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].NumPlayers >=2);
+ Button[13].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].NumPlayers >=3);
+ Button[14].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].NumPlayers >=4);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[10].Visible := False;
+ Button[11].Visible := False;
+ Button[12].Visible := False;
+ Button[13].Visible := False;
+ Button[14].Visible := False;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenPartyPlayer.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ I: integer;
+ for I := 0 to high(Button) do
+ Button[I].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyScore.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyScore.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4e8c8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyScore.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+unit UScreenPartyScore;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenPartyScore = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextScoreTeam1: Cardinal;
+ TextScoreTeam2: Cardinal;
+ TextScoreTeam3: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam1: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam2: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1BG: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1Deco: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2BG: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2Deco: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3BG: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3Deco: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner: Cardinal;
+ DecoTex: Array[0..5] of Integer;
+ DecoColor: Array[0..5] of Record
+ R, G, B: Real;
+ end;
+ MaxScore: Word;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UParty, UScreenSingModi, ULanguage, UTexture, USkins;
+function TScreenPartyScore.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ if (PartySession.CurRound < High(PartySession.Rounds)) then
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyNewRound)
+ else
+ begin
+ PartySession.EndRound;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyWin);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ if (PartySession.CurRound < High(PartySession.Rounds)) then
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyNewRound)
+ else
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyWin);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPartyScore.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ Tex: TTexture;
+ R, G, B: Real;
+ Color: Integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ TextScoreTeam1 := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextScoreTeam1);
+ TextScoreTeam2 := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextScoreTeam2);
+ TextScoreTeam3 := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextScoreTeam3);
+ TextNameTeam1 := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextNameTeam1);
+ TextNameTeam2 := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextNameTeam2);
+ TextNameTeam3 := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextNameTeam3);
+ StaticTeam1 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyScore.StaticTeam1);
+ StaticTeam1BG := AddStatic (Theme.PartyScore.StaticTeam1BG);
+ StaticTeam1Deco := AddStatic (Theme.PartyScore.StaticTeam1Deco);
+ StaticTeam2 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyScore.StaticTeam2);
+ StaticTeam2BG := AddStatic (Theme.PartyScore.StaticTeam2BG);
+ StaticTeam2Deco := AddStatic (Theme.PartyScore.StaticTeam2Deco);
+ StaticTeam3 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyScore.StaticTeam3);
+ StaticTeam3BG := AddStatic (Theme.PartyScore.StaticTeam3BG);
+ StaticTeam3Deco := AddStatic (Theme.PartyScore.StaticTeam3Deco);
+ TextWinner := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextWinner);
+ //Load Deco Textures
+ if Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.ChangeTextures then
+ begin
+ //Get Color
+ LoadColor(R, G, B, Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstColor);
+ Color := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
+ DecoColor[0].R := R;
+ DecoColor[0].G := G;
+ DecoColor[0].B := B;
+ //Load Texture
+ Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstTexture)), 'JPG', PChar(Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstTyp), Color);
+ DecoTex[0] := Tex.TexNum;
+ //Get Second Color
+ LoadColor(R, G, B, Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondColor);
+ Color := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
+ DecoColor[1].R := R;
+ DecoColor[1].G := G;
+ DecoColor[1].B := B;
+ //Load Second Texture
+ Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondTexture)), 'JPG', PChar(Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondTyp), Color);
+ DecoTex[1] := Tex.TexNum;
+ //Get Third Color
+ LoadColor(R, G, B, Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdColor);
+ Color := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
+ DecoColor[2].R := R;
+ DecoColor[2].G := G;
+ DecoColor[2].B := B;
+ //Load Third Texture
+ Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName(Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdTexture)), 'JPG', PChar(Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdTyp), Color);
+ DecoTex[2] := Tex.TexNum;
+ end;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.PartyScore);
+procedure TScreenPartyScore.onShow;
+ I, J: Integer;
+ Placings: Array [0..5] of Byte;
+ //Get Maxscore
+ MaxScore := 0;
+ for I := 0 to ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers - 1 do
+ begin
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score > MaxScore) then
+ MaxScore := ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score;
+ end;
+ //Get Placings
+ for I := 0 to ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers - 1 do
+ begin
+ Placings[I] := 0;
+ for J := 0 to ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers - 1 do
+ If (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[J].Score > ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score) then
+ Inc(Placings[I]);
+ end;
+ //Set Static Length
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Texture.ScaleW := ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Percentage / 100;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Texture.ScaleW := ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Percentage / 100;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Texture.ScaleW := ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Percentage / 100;
+ //fix: prevents static from drawn out of bounds.
+ if Static[StaticTeam1].Texture.ScaleW > 99 then Static[StaticTeam1].Texture.ScaleW := 99;
+ if Static[StaticTeam2].Texture.ScaleW > 99 then Static[StaticTeam2].Texture.ScaleW := 99;
+ if Static[StaticTeam3].Texture.ScaleW > 99 then Static[StaticTeam3].Texture.ScaleW := 99;
+ //End Last Round
+ PartySession.EndRound;
+ //Set Winnertext
+ Text[TextWinner].Text := Format(Language.Translate('PARTY_SCORE_WINS'), [PartySession.GetWinnerString(PartySession.CurRound)]);
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Text := InttoStr(ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Text := String(ScreenSingModi.TeamInfo.Teaminfo[0].Name);
+ //Set Deco Texture
+ if Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.ChangeTextures then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam1Deco].Texture.TexNum := DecoTex[Placings[0]];
+ Static[StaticTeam1Deco].Texture.ColR := DecoColor[Placings[0]].R;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Deco].Texture.ColG := DecoColor[Placings[0]].G;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Deco].Texture.ColB := DecoColor[Placings[0]].B;
+ end;
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam1BG].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Deco].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1BG].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Deco].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 2) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Text := InttoStr(ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Text := String(ScreenSingModi.TeamInfo.Teaminfo[1].Name);
+ //Set Deco Texture
+ if Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.ChangeTextures then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam2Deco].Texture.TexNum := DecoTex[Placings[1]];
+ Static[StaticTeam2Deco].Texture.ColR := DecoColor[Placings[1]].R;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Deco].Texture.ColG := DecoColor[Placings[1]].G;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Deco].Texture.ColB := DecoColor[Placings[1]].B;
+ end;
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam2BG].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Deco].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2BG].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Deco].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 3) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Text := InttoStr(ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Text := String(ScreenSingModi.TeamInfo.Teaminfo[2].Name);
+ //Set Deco Texture
+ if Theme.PartyScore.DecoTextures.ChangeTextures then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam3Deco].Texture.TexNum := DecoTex[Placings[2]];
+ Static[StaticTeam3Deco].Texture.ColR := DecoColor[Placings[2]].R;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Deco].Texture.ColG := DecoColor[Placings[2]].G;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Deco].Texture.ColB := DecoColor[Placings[2]].B;
+ end;
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam3BG].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Deco].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3BG].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Deco].Visible := False;
+ end;
+// LCD.WriteText(1, ' Choose mode: ');
+// UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenPartyScore.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 1) then
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress * ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Percentage / 100;
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 2) then
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Texture.ScaleW := Progress * ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Percentage / 100;
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 3) then
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Texture.ScaleW := Progress * ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Percentage / 100;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyWin.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyWin.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e73c1a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyWin.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+unit UScreenPartyWin;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenPartyWin = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextScoreTeam1: Cardinal;
+ TextScoreTeam2: Cardinal;
+ TextScoreTeam3: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam1: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam2: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1BG: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1Deco: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2BG: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2Deco: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3BG: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3Deco: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner: Cardinal;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UParty, UScreenSingModi, ULanguage;
+function TScreenPartyWin.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPartyWin.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ TextScoreTeam1 := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextScoreTeam1);
+ TextScoreTeam2 := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextScoreTeam2);
+ TextScoreTeam3 := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextScoreTeam3);
+ TextNameTeam1 := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextNameTeam1);
+ TextNameTeam2 := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextNameTeam2);
+ TextNameTeam3 := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextNameTeam3);
+ StaticTeam1 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam1);
+ StaticTeam1BG := AddStatic (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam1BG);
+ StaticTeam1Deco := AddStatic (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam1Deco);
+ StaticTeam2 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam2);
+ StaticTeam2BG := AddStatic (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam2BG);
+ StaticTeam2Deco := AddStatic (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam2Deco);
+ StaticTeam3 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam3);
+ StaticTeam3BG := AddStatic (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam3BG);
+ StaticTeam3Deco := AddStatic (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam3Deco);
+ TextWinner := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextWinner);
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.PartyWin);
+procedure TScreenPartyWin.onShow;
+ I: Integer;
+ Placing: TeamOrderArray;
+ Function GetTeamColor(Team: Byte): Cardinal;
+ var
+ NameString: String;
+ begin
+ NameString := 'P' + InttoStr(Team+1) + 'Dark';
+ Result := ColorExists(NameString);
+ end;
+ //Get Team Placing
+ Placing := PartySession.GetTeamOrder;
+ //Set Winnertext
+ Text[TextWinner].Text := Format(Language.Translate('PARTY_SCORE_WINS'), [PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[Placing[0]].Name]);
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[Placing[0]].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[Placing[0]].Name);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam1BG].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Deco].Visible := True;
+ //Set Static Color to Team Color
+ If (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam1BG.Color = 'TeamColor') then
+ begin
+ I := GetTeamColor(Placing[0]);
+ if (I <> -1) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam1BG].Texture.ColR := Color[I].RGB.R;
+ Static[StaticTeam1BG].Texture.ColG := Color[I].RGB.G;
+ Static[StaticTeam1BG].Texture.ColB := Color[I].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ end;
+ If (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam1.Color = 'TeamColor') then
+ begin
+ I := GetTeamColor(Placing[0]);
+ if (I <> -1) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Texture.ColR := Color[I].RGB.R;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Texture.ColG := Color[I].RGB.G;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Texture.ColB := Color[I].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1BG].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Deco].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[Placing[1]].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[Placing[1]].Name);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam2BG].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Deco].Visible := True;
+ //Set Static Color to Team Color
+ If (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam2BG.Color = 'TeamColor') then
+ begin
+ I := GetTeamColor(Placing[1]);
+ if (I <> -1) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam2BG].Texture.ColR := Color[I].RGB.R;
+ Static[StaticTeam2BG].Texture.ColG := Color[I].RGB.G;
+ Static[StaticTeam2BG].Texture.ColB := Color[I].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ end;
+ If (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam2.Color = 'TeamColor') then
+ begin
+ I := GetTeamColor(Placing[1]);
+ if (I <> -1) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Texture.ColR := Color[I].RGB.R;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Texture.ColG := Color[I].RGB.G;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Texture.ColB := Color[I].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2BG].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Deco].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[Placing[2]].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[Placing[2]].Name);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam3BG].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Deco].Visible := True;
+ //Set Static Color to Team Color
+ If (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam3BG.Color = 'TeamColor') then
+ begin
+ I := GetTeamColor(Placing[2]);
+ if (I <> -1) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam3BG].Texture.ColR := Color[I].RGB.R;
+ Static[StaticTeam3BG].Texture.ColG := Color[I].RGB.G;
+ Static[StaticTeam3BG].Texture.ColB := Color[I].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ end;
+ If (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam3.Color = 'TeamColor') then
+ begin
+ I := GetTeamColor(Placing[2]);
+ if (I <> -1) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Texture.ColR := Color[I].RGB.R;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Texture.ColG := Color[I].RGB.G;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Texture.ColB := Color[I].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3BG].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Deco].Visible := False;
+ end;
+// LCD.WriteText(1, ' Choose mode: ');
+// UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenPartyWin.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ {if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 1) then
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress * ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Score / maxScore;
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 2) then
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Texture.ScaleW := Progress * ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Score / maxScore;
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 3) then
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Texture.ScaleW := Progress * ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Score / maxScore;}
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPopup.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPopup.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f583eb90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPopup.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+unit UScreenPopup;
+ UMenu, SDL, UMusic, UFiles, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenPopupCheck = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ Visible: Boolean; //Whether the Menu should be Drawn
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure ShowPopup(msg: String);
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ end;
+ TScreenPopupError = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ CurMenu: Byte; //Num of the cur. Shown Menu
+ public
+ Visible: Boolean; //Whether the Menu should be Drawn
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure onHide; override;
+ procedure ShowPopup(msg: String);
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ end;
+// ISelections: Array of String;
+ SelectValue: Integer;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, ULanguage, UParty, UPlaylist, UDisplay;
+function TScreenPopupCheck.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Display.CheckOK:=False;
+ Display.NextScreenWithCheck:=NIL;
+ Visible:=False;
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ case Interaction of
+ 0: begin
+ //Hack to Finish Singscreen correct on Exit with Q Shortcut
+ if (Display.NextScreenWithCheck = NIL) then
+ begin
+ if (Display.ActualScreen = @ScreenSing) then
+ ScreenSing.Finish
+ else if (Display.ActualScreen = @ScreenSingModi) then
+ ScreenSingModi.Finish;
+ end;
+ Display.CheckOK:=True;
+ end;
+ 1: begin
+ Display.CheckOK:=False;
+ Display.NextScreenWithCheck:=NIL;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Visible:=False;
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPopupCheck.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddBackground(Theme.CheckPopup.Background.Tex);
+ AddButton(Theme.CheckPopup.Button1);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 1');
+ AddButton(Theme.CheckPopup.Button2);
+ if (Length(Button[1].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 2');
+ AddText(Theme.CheckPopup.TextCheck);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.CheckPopup.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.CheckPopup.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.CheckPopup.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.CheckPopup.Text[I]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+function TScreenPopupCheck.Draw: boolean;
+ inherited Draw;
+procedure TScreenPopupCheck.onShow;
+procedure TScreenPopupCheck.ShowPopup(msg: String);
+ Interaction := 0; //Reset Interaction
+ Visible := True; //Set Visible
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate(msg);
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := True;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_YES');
+ Button[1].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NO');
+// error popup
+function TScreenPopupError.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Visible:=False;
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Visible:=False;
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPopupError.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddBackground(Theme.CheckPopup.Background.Tex);
+ AddButton(Theme.ErrorPopup.Button1);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 1');
+ AddText(Theme.ErrorPopup.TextError);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.ErrorPopup.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.ErrorPopup.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.ErrorPopup.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.ErrorPopup.Text[I]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+function TScreenPopupError.Draw: boolean;
+ inherited Draw;
+procedure TScreenPopupError.onShow;
+procedure TScreenPopupError.onHide;
+var i: integer;
+procedure TScreenPopupError.ShowPopup(msg: String);
+var i: integer;
+ Interaction := 0; //Reset Interaction
+ Visible := True; //Set Visible
+{ //dirty hack... Text[0] is invisible for some strange reason
+ for i:=1 to high(Text) do
+ if i-1 <= high(msg) then
+ begin
+ Text[i].Visible:=True;
+ Text[i].Text := msg[i-1];
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[i].Visible:=False;
+ end;}
+ Text[0].Text:=msg;
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := 'OK';
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a80381d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+unit UScreenScore;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UDisplay, UMusic, USongs, UThemes, ULCD, OpenGL;
+ TScreenScore = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextArtist: integer;
+ TextTitle: integer;
+ TextArtistTitle : integer;
+ TextName: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextNotes: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextNotesScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextLineBonus: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextLineBonusScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextGoldenNotes: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextGoldenNotesScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextTotal: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextTotalScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ PlayerStatic: array[1..6] of array of integer;
+ PlayerTexts : array[1..6] of array of integer;
+ StaticBoxLightest: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBoxLight: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBoxDark: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBackLevel: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBackLevelRound: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticLevel: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticLevelRound: array[1..6] of integer;
+ Animation: real;
+ Fadeout: boolean;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure FillPlayer(Item, P: integer);
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UScreenSong, UMenuStatic, UTime, UMain, UIni, ULanguage;
+uses UGraphic, UScreenSong, UMenuStatic, UTime, UMain, UIni;
+function TScreenScore.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then begin
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (not Fadeout) then begin
+// Music.StopShuffle;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenTop5);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (not Fadeout) then begin
+// Music.StopShuffle;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenTop5);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ beep;
+ end;}
+ begin
+ Display.PrintScreen;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenScore.Create;
+ P: integer;
+ I, C: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.Score);
+ TextArtist := AddText(Theme.Score.TextArtist);
+ TextTitle := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTitle);
+ TextArtistTitle := AddText(Theme.Score.TextArtistTitle);
+ for P := 1 to 6 do begin
+ TextName[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextName[P]);
+ TextScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextScore[P]);
+ TextNotes[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextNotes[P]);
+ TextNotesScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextNotesScore[P]);
+ TextLineBonus[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextLineBonus[P]);
+ TextLineBonusScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextLineBonusScore[P]);
+ TextGoldenNotes[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextGoldenNotes[P]);
+ TextGoldenNotesScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[P]);
+ TextTotal[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTotal[P]);
+ TextTotalScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTotalScore[P]);
+ SetLength(PlayerStatic[P], Length(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P]));
+ SetLength(PlayerTexts[P], Length(Theme.Score.PlayerTexts[P]));
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P]) do
+ PlayerStatic[P, I] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P, I]);
+ //added by mog
+ for C := 0 to High(Theme.Score.PlayerTexts[P]) do
+ PlayerTexts[P, C] := AddText(Theme.Score.PlayerTexts[P, C]);
+ // more skinable now
+ StaticBoxLightest[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxLightest[P]);
+ StaticBoxLight[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxLight[P]);
+ StaticBoxDark[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxDark[P]);
+ StaticBackLevel[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBackLevel[P]);
+ StaticBackLevelRound[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBackLevelRound[P]);
+ StaticLevel[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticLevel[P]);
+ StaticLevelRound[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticLevelRound[P]);
+ end;
+procedure TScreenScore.onShow;
+ P: integer; // player
+ PP: integer; // another player variable
+ S: string;
+ I: integer;
+ Skip: integer;
+ V: array[1..6] of boolean; // visibility array
+ // Singstar
+ Fadeout := false;
+ Text[TextArtist].Text := AktSong.Artist;
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := AktSong.Title;
+ Text[TextArtistTitle].Text := AktSong.Artist + ' - ' + AktSong.Title;
+ // set visibility
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ V[1] := true;
+ V[2] := false;
+ V[3] := false;
+ V[4] := false;
+ V[5] := false;
+ V[6] := false;
+ end;
+ 2, 4: begin
+ V[1] := false;
+ V[2] := true;
+ V[3] := true;
+ V[4] := false;
+ V[5] := false;
+ V[6] := false;
+ end;
+ 3, 6: begin
+ V[1] := false;
+ V[2] := false;
+ V[3] := false;
+ V[4] := true;
+ V[5] := true;
+ V[6] := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ for P := 1 to 6 do begin
+ Text[TextName[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextNotes[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextNotesScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextLineBonus[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextGoldenNotes[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextTotal[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextTotalScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ for I := 0 to high(PlayerStatic[P]) do
+ Static[PlayerStatic[P, I]].Visible := V[P];
+ for I := 0 to high(PlayerTexts[P]) do
+ Text[PlayerTexts[P, I]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBoxLight[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBoxDark[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBackLevel[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBackLevelRound[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticLevel[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay <= 3 then begin // only for 1 screen mode
+ for P := 0 to PlayersPlay-1 do begin
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: PP := 1;
+ 2: PP := P + 2;
+ 3: PP := P + 4;
+ end;
+ //Replaced this whole thing with one Procedure call
+ FillPlayer(PP, P);
+ end; // for
+ end; // if
+ LCD.HideCursor;
+ LCD.Clear;
+ LCD.WriteText(1, Ini.Name[0]);
+ LCD.WriteText(2, 'Score: ' + Text[TextTotalScore[1]].Text);
+function TScreenScore.Draw: boolean;
+{ Min: real;
+ Max: real;
+ Wsp: real;
+ Wsp2: real;
+ Pet: integer;}
+ Item: integer;
+ P: integer;
+ C: integer;
+ // 0.5.0: try also use 4 players screen with nicks
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ for Item := 2 to 3 do begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then P := Item-2;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then P := Item;
+ FillPlayer(Item, P);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Singstar - let it be...... with 6 statics
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ for Item := 4 to 6 do begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then P := Item-4;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then P := Item-1;
+ FillPlayer(Item, P);
+ end;
+ end;
+ inherited Draw;
+procedure TScreenScore.FillPlayer(Item, P: integer);
+ S: string;
+ Lev: real;
+ MaxH: real; // maximum height of score bar
+ Wsp: real;
+ Text[TextName[Item]].Text := Ini.Name[P];
+ case (Player[P].ScoreTotalI) of
+ 0..2000: Text[TextScore[Item]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_TONE_DEAF');
+ 2010..4000: Text[TextScore[Item]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_AMATEUR');
+ 4010..6000: Text[TextScore[Item]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_RISING_STAR');
+ 6010..8000: Text[TextScore[Item]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_LEAD_SINGER');
+ 8010..9000: Text[TextScore[Item]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_HIT_ARTIST');
+ 9010..9800: Text[TextScore[Item]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_SUPERSTAR');
+ 9810..10000: Text[TextScore[Item]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_ULTRASTAR');
+ end;
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreI);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextNotesScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreLineI);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreGoldenI);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreTotalI);
+ while (Length(S)<5) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextTotalScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ // Level bar length
+ Lev := Player[P].ScoreTotalI / 10000;
+ MaxH := Static[StaticBackLevel[Item]].Texture.H + Static[StaticBackLevelRound[Item]].Texture.H / 2;
+ // developer note (Polish):
+ // w sumie np. 120 pix
+ // ten static moze miec 100 pix
+ // wlacza sie od 20 pix i rosnie do 120 pix
+ // wiec wysokosc = wyznaczona ilosc - 20
+ // nie moze byc mniejsze od 0
+ // Lev * MaxH = total number of pixels to draw
+ Static[StaticLevel[Item]].Visible := true;
+ Static[StaticLevel[Item]].Texture.H := Lev * MaxH - Static[StaticBackLevelRound[Item]].Texture.H / 2;
+ if Static[StaticLevel[Item]].Texture.H < 0 then Static[StaticLevel[Item]].Visible := false;
+ // Y doesn't change and depend on the back texture coordinate
+ Static[StaticLevel[Item]].Texture.Y := Static[StaticBackLevel[Item]].Texture.Y + Static[StaticBackLevel[Item]].Texture.H - Static[StaticLevel[Item]].Texture.H;
+ // we modify LevelRound texture by changing it's Y. TexY1 and TexY2 change when the height to draw is lower than 20
+ if Lev * MaxH < Static[StaticBackLevelRound[Item]].Texture.H / 2 then begin
+ // when it's lower than 20 => we move TexY1 and TexY2 higher to show only part of this texture
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[Item]].Texture.Y := Static[StaticBackLevel[Item]].Texture.Y + Static[StaticBackLevel[Item]].Texture.H - Static[StaticBackLevelRound[Item]].Texture.H;
+ // - 0.25 when points = 0
+ // - 0 wnen there are more points
+ // if Lev * MaxH = Static[StaticBackLevelRound[Item]].Texture.H / 2) then we do not change it
+ // if Lev * MaxH = 0 then we substract 0.25
+ // we substract (0.25 - 0.25 * (Lev * MaxH)/Static[StaticBackLevelRound[Item]].Texture.H / 2)
+ Wsp := Lev * MaxH / (Static[StaticBackLevelRound[Item]].Texture.H / 2);
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[Item]].Texture.TexY1 := Static[StaticBackLevelRound[Item]].Texture.TexY1 - 0.25 + 0.25 * Wsp;
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[Item]].Texture.TexY2 := Static[StaticBackLevelRound[Item]].Texture.TexY2 - 0.25 + 0.25 * Wsp;
+ end else begin
+ // when it's higher or equal 20 => full texture is being shown
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[Item]].Texture.TexY1 := Static[StaticBackLevelRound[Item]].Texture.TexY1;
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[Item]].Texture.TexY2 := Static[StaticBackLevelRound[Item]].Texture.TexY2;
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[Item]].Texture.Y := Static[StaticLevel[Item]].Texture.Y - Static[StaticBackLevelRound[Item]].Texture.H;
+ end;
+ //Load Colors of Player Buttons and Nicks
+ LoadColor(
+ Text[TextName[Item]].ColR,
+ Text[TextName[Item]].ColG,
+ Text[TextName[Item]].ColB,
+ 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Dark');
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Lightest');
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLight[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLight[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLight[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Light');
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxDark[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxDark[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxDark[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Dark');
+ {StaticBackLevel[Item]
+ StaticLevelRound[Item]
+ and another static has to be colored here to.
+ S/o please do this ^^}
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5409d9a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1287 @@
+unit UScreenSing;
+uses UMenu, UMusic, SDL, SysUtils, UFiles, UTime, USongs, UIni, ULog, USmpeg, UTexture, ULyrics,
+ TextGL, OpenGL12, BASS, UThemes, ULCD, UGraphicClasses;
+ TScreenSing = class(TMenu)
+ protected
+ paused: boolean; //Pause Mod
+ PauseTime: Real;
+ NumEmptySentences: integer;
+ public
+ //TextTime: integer;
+ //TimeBar mod
+ StaticTimeProgress: integer;
+ TextTimeText: integer;
+ //eoa TimeBar mod
+ StaticP1: integer;
+ StaticP1ScoreBG: integer;
+ TextP1: integer;
+ TextP1Score: integer;
+ //moveable singbar mod
+ StaticP1SingBar: integer;
+ StaticP1ThreePSingBar: integer;
+ StaticP1TwoPSingBar: integer;
+ StaticP2RSingBar: integer;
+ StaticP2MSingBar: integer;
+ StaticP3SingBar: integer;
+ //eoa moveable singbar
+ //Added for ps3 skin
+ //shown when game is in 2/4 player modus
+ StaticP1TwoP: integer;
+ StaticP1TwoPScoreBG: integer;
+ TextP1TwoP: integer;
+ TextP1TwoPScore: integer;
+ //shown when game is in 3/6 player modus
+ StaticP1ThreeP: integer;
+ StaticP1ThreePScoreBG: integer;
+ TextP1ThreeP: integer;
+ TextP1ThreePScore: integer;
+ //eoa
+ StaticP2R: integer;
+ StaticP2RScoreBG: integer;
+ TextP2R: integer;
+ TextP2RScore: integer;
+ StaticP2M: integer;
+ StaticP2MScoreBG: integer;
+ TextP2M: integer;
+ TextP2MScore: integer;
+ StaticP3R: integer;
+ StaticP3RScoreBG: integer;
+ TextP3R: integer;
+ TextP3RScore: integer;
+ Tex_Background: TTexture;
+ FadeOut: boolean;
+ LyricMain: TLyric;
+ LyricSub: TLyric;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure onShowFinish; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure Finish; virtual;
+ procedure UpdateLCD;
+ procedure Pause; //Pause Mod(Toggles Pause)
+ //OnSentenceEnd for LineBonus + Singbar
+ procedure onSentenceEnd(S: Cardinal);
+ //OnSentenceChange (for Golden Notes)
+ procedure onSentenceChange(S: Cardinal);
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UDraw, UMain, Classes, URecord, ULanguage, math;
+// Method for input parsing. If False is returned, GetNextWindow
+// should be checked to know the next window to load;
+function TScreenSing.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ //When not ask before Exit then Finish now
+ if (Ini.AskbeforeDel <> 1) then
+ Finish
+ //else just Pause and let the Popup make the Work
+ else if not paused then
+ Pause;
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ //Record Sound Hack:
+ //Sound[0].BufferLong
+ Finish;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenScore);
+ end;
+ SDLK_P://Pause Mod
+ begin
+ Pause;
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ begin
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+//Pause Mod
+procedure TScreenSing.Pause;
+ if not paused then //Pause einschalten
+ begin
+ PauseTime := Czas.Teraz;
+ Paused := true;
+ //stop Music
+ Music.Pause;
+ if (AktSong.Video <> '') and FileExists(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video) then //Video
+ PauseSmpeg; //Video
+ end
+ else //Pause ausschalten
+ begin
+ Czas.Teraz := PauseTime; //Position of Notes
+ Music.MoveTo (PauseTime);//Position of Music
+ Music.Play; //Play Music
+ if (AktSong.Video <> '') and FileExists(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video) then //Video
+ PlaySmpeg;
+ //SkipSmpeg(PauseTime);
+ Paused := false;
+ end;
+//Pause Mod End
+constructor TScreenSing.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ P: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.Sing);
+ // time
+ //TextTime := AddText(75, 14, 1, 8, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, '00:00');
+ //TimeBar mod
+ StaticTimeProgress := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress);
+ TextTimeText := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextTimeText);
+ //eoa TimeBar mod
+ StaticP1 := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1);
+ StaticP1ScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG);
+ TextP1 := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1);
+ TextP1Score := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1Score);
+ //moveable singbar mod
+ StaticP1SingBar := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1SingBar);
+ StaticP1ThreePSingBar := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePSingBar);
+ StaticP1TwoPSingBar := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2RSingBar);
+ StaticP2RSingBar := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2RSingBar);
+ StaticP2MSingBar := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2MSingBar);
+ StaticP3SingBar := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP3SingBar);
+ //eoa moveable singbar
+ //Added for ps3 skin
+ //This one is shown in 2/4P mode
+ StaticP1TwoP := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoP);
+ StaticP1TwoPScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG);
+ TextP1TwoP := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoP);
+ TextP1TwoPScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore);
+ //This one is shown in 3/6P mode
+ StaticP1ThreeP := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreeP);
+ StaticP1ThreePScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG);
+ TextP1ThreeP := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreeP);
+ TextP1ThreePScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore);
+ //eoa
+ StaticP2R := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2R);
+ StaticP2RScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG);
+ TextP2R := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP2R);
+ TextP2RScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore);
+ StaticP2M := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2M);
+ StaticP2MScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG);
+ TextP2M := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP2M);
+ TextP2MScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore);
+ StaticP3R := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP3R);
+ StaticP3RScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG);
+ TextP3R := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP3R);
+ TextP3RScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore);
+ LyricMain := TLyric.Create;
+ LyricSub := TLyric.Create;
+procedure TScreenSing.onShow;
+ P: integer;
+ V1: boolean;
+ V1TwoP: boolean; //added for ps3 skin
+ V1ThreeP: boolean; //added for ps3 skin
+ V2R: boolean;
+ V2M: boolean;
+ V3R: boolean;
+ NR: TRecR; //Line Bonus Mod
+ Log.LogStatus('Begin', 'onShow');
+ FadeOut := false; // 0.5.0: early 0.5.0 problems were by this line commented
+ // prepare players
+ SetLength(Player, PlayersPlay);
+// Player[0].ScoreTotalI := 0;
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ V1 := true;
+ V1TwoP := false; //added for ps3 skin
+ V1ThreeP := false; //added for ps3 skin
+ V2R := false;
+ V2M := false;
+ V3R := false;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ V1 := false;
+ V1TwoP := true; //added for ps3 skin
+ V1ThreeP := false; //added for ps3 skin
+ V2R := true;
+ V2M := false;
+ V3R := false;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ V1 := false;
+ V1TwoP := false; //added for ps3 skin
+ V1ThreeP := true; //added for ps3 skin
+ V2R := false;
+ V2M := true;
+ V3R := true;
+ end;
+ 4: begin // double screen
+ V1 := false;
+ V1TwoP := true; //added for ps3 skin
+ V1ThreeP := false; //added for ps3 skin
+ V2R := true;
+ V2M := false;
+ V3R := false;
+ end;
+ 6: begin // double screen
+ V1 := false;
+ V1TwoP := false; //added for ps3 skin
+ V1ThreeP := true; //added for ps3 skin
+ V2R := false;
+ V2M := true;
+ V3R := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Added for ps3 skin
+ //This one is shown in 1P mode
+ Static[StaticP1].Visible := V1;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Visible := V1;
+ Text[TextP1].Visible := V1;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Visible := V1;
+ //This one is shown in 2/4P mode
+ Static[StaticP1TwoP].Visible := V1TwoP;
+ Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Visible := V1TwoP;
+ Text[TextP1TwoP].Visible := V1TwoP;
+ Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Visible := V1TwoP;
+ //This one is shown in 3/6P mode
+ Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Visible := V1ThreeP;
+ Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Visible := V1ThreeP;
+ Text[TextP1ThreeP].Visible := V1ThreeP;
+ Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Visible := V1ThreeP;
+ //eoa
+ Static[StaticP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Visible := V3R;
+ // load notes
+ ResetSingTemp;
+// Log.LogWarning(CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path + CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].FileName, '!!!');
+ AktSong := CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected];
+ try
+ if not LoadSong(CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path + CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].FileName) then
+ begin
+ //Error Loading Song -> Go back to Song Screen and Show some Error Message
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ //Select New Song in Party Mode
+ if ScreenSong.Mode = 1 then
+ ScreenSong.SelectRandomSong;
+ ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup (Language.Translate('ERROR_CORRUPT_SONG'));
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ except
+ //Error Loading Song -> Go back to Song Screen and Show some Error Message
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ //Select New Song in Party Mode
+ if ScreenSong.Mode = 1 then
+ ScreenSong.SelectRandomSong;
+ ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup (Language.Translate('ERROR_CORRUPT_SONG'));
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ AktSong.Path := CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path;
+// AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP + 40 {4096 = 100ms for buffer} + 20 {microphone} + 60000 / AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 2; // temporary until UMain will be fixed
+ // set movie
+ if (AktSong.Video <> '') and FileExists(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video) then begin
+ OpenSmpeg(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video);
+ SkipSmpeg(AktSong.VideoGAP + AktSong.Start);
+ AktSong.VideoLoaded := true;
+ end;
+ // set background
+ if (AktSong.Background <> '') and (AktSong.VideoLoaded = false) then
+ try
+ Tex_Background := Texture.LoadTexture(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Background);
+ except
+ log.LogError('Background could not be loaded: ' + AktSong.Path + AktSong.Background);
+ Tex_Background.TexNum := -1;
+ end
+ else
+ Tex_Background.TexNum := -1;
+ // play music (I)
+ Music.CaptureStart;
+ Music.MoveTo(AktSong.Start);
+// Music.Play;
+ // prepare timer (I)
+// CountSkipTimeSet;
+ Czas.Teraz := AktSong.Start;
+ Czas.Razem := Music.Length;
+ if (AktSong.Finish > 0) then Czas.Razem := AktSong.Finish / 1000;
+ Czas.OldBeat := -1;
+ for P := 0 to High(Player) do
+ ClearScores(P);
+ // main text
+ LyricMain.Clear;
+ LyricMain.X := 400;
+ LyricMain.Y := Skin_LyricsT;
+ LyricMain.Scale := 1.4; //1.4
+ LyricMain.Align := 1;
+ // sub text
+ LyricSub.Clear;
+ LyricSub.X := 400;
+ LyricSub.Y := Skin_LyricsT + 35; //42 //40
+ LyricSub.Align := 1;
+ // set custom options
+ case Ini.LyricsFont of
+ 0:
+ begin
+ LyricMain.FontStyle := 0;
+ LyricSub.FontStyle := 0;
+ LyricMain.Size := 14; // 13
+ LyricSub.Size := 14; // 13
+ LyricMain.ColR := Skin_FontR;
+ LyricMain.ColG := Skin_FontG;
+ LyricMain.ColB := Skin_FontB; //Change für Crazy Joker
+ {LyricMain.ColSR := Skin_FontHighlightR;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := Skin_FontHighlightG;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := Skin_FontHighlightB;1aa5dc}
+ LyricMain.ColSR := 5/255; //26
+ LyricMain.ColSG := 163/255; //165
+ LyricMain.ColSB := 210/255; //220
+ LyricSub.ColR := 0.4; //0.6
+ LyricSub.ColG := 0.4; //0.6
+ LyricSub.ColB := 0.4; //0.6
+ end;
+ 1:
+ begin
+ LyricMain.FontStyle := 2;
+ LyricSub.FontStyle := 2;
+ LyricMain.Size := 14;
+ LyricSub.Size := 14;
+ LyricMain.ColR := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColG := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColB := 1;
+ LyricMain.ColSR := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := 1;
+ LyricSub.ColR := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColG := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColB := 0.8;
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ LyricMain.FontStyle := 3;
+ LyricSub.FontStyle := 3;
+ LyricMain.Size := 12;
+ LyricSub.Size := 12;
+ LyricMain.ColR := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColG := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColB := 1;
+ LyricMain.ColSR := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := 1;
+ LyricSub.ColR := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColG := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColB := 0.8;
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ case Ini.LyricsEffect of
+ 0: LyricMain.Style := 1; // 0 - one selected, 1 - selected all to the current
+ 1: LyricMain.Style := 2;
+ 2: LyricMain.Style := 3;
+ 3: LyricMain.Style := 4;
+ end; // case
+ // fill texts
+ LyricMain.AddCzesc(0);
+ LyricMain.Selected := -1;
+ LyricSub.AddCzesc(1);
+ LyricSub.Selected := -1;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ //Deactivate Pause
+ Paused := False;
+ //Kill all Stars not Killed yet
+ //GoldenStarsTwinkle Mod
+ GoldenRec.SentenceChange;
+ //GoldenStarsTwinkle Mod End
+ {Static[StaticP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Visible := V3R;}
+ //Set Position of Line Bonus - PhrasenBonus
+ if (Ini.LineBonus = 1) then //Show Line Bonus at Scores
+ begin
+ Case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG.X;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.X;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.X;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 4: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore.Y;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1TwoPScore.Y + 65;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore.Y;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1ThreePScore.Y + 65;
+ //P5
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65;
+ //P6
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (Ini.LineBonus = 2) then //Show Line Bonus at Notes
+ begin
+ //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 120, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 245, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 370, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ // positions
+ if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then begin
+ NR.Left := 120;
+ end else begin
+ NR.Left := 20;
+ end;
+ NR.Right := 780;
+ NR.Width := NR.Right - NR.Left;
+ NR.WMid := NR.Width / 2;
+ NR.Mid := NR.Left + NR.WMid;
+ Case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28;
+ end;
+ 4: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28;
+ //P5
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28;
+ //P6
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 100);
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Set Position of Line Bonus - PhrasenBonus End
+ //Set Num of Empty Sentences for Phrasen Bonus
+ NumEmptySentences := 0;
+ for P := low(Czesci[0].Czesc) to high(Czesci[0].Czesc) do
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[P].TotalNotes = 0 then Inc(NumEmptySentences);
+ Log.LogStatus('End', 'onShow');
+procedure TScreenSing.onShowFinish;
+ // play movie (II)
+ if AktSong.VideoLoaded then
+ begin
+ try
+ PlaySmpeg;
+ except
+ //If an Error occurs Reading Video: prevent Video from being Drawn again and Close Video
+ AktSong.VideoLoaded := False;
+ Log.LogError('Error drawing Video, Video has been disabled for this Song/Session.');
+ Log.LogError('Corrupted File: ' + AktSong.Video);
+ try
+ CloseSmpeg;
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // play music (II)
+ Music.Play;
+ // prepare timer (II)
+ CountSkipTimeSet;
+function TScreenSing.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: integer;
+ Sec: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ Flash: real;
+ S: integer;
+ T: integer;
+ //ScoreBG Mod
+ // set player colors
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P5Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P6Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P5Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P6Dark');
+ end;
+ end;
+//Original 0.5.0
+{ // set player colors
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ //LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ //Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+// LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG,
+ // Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P5Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P6Dark');
+ end;
+ end; }
+ //end ScoreBG Mod
+ // set player names (for 2 screens and only Singstar skin)
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P1';
+ Text[TextP1TwoP].Text := 'P1'; //added for ps3 skin
+ Text[TextP1ThreeP].Text := 'P1'; //added for ps3 skin
+ Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P2';
+ Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P2';
+ Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P3';
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ case PlayersPlay of
+{ 1: begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P2';
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P3';
+ Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P4';
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P4';
+ Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P5';
+ Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P6';
+ end;}
+ 4: begin
+ Text[TextP1TwoP].Text := 'P3';
+ Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P4';
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ Text[TextP1ThreeP].Text := 'P4';
+ Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P5';
+ Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P6';
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ end; // if
+ // stereo
+// weird stuff, maybe this is for "dual screen?", but where is player three then?
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1].X := Text[TextP1].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1Score].X := Text[TextP1Score].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2R].X := Text[TextP2R].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].X := Text[TextP2RScore].X + 10*ScreenX;
+// end of weird stuff
+ for S := 1 to 1 do
+ Static[S].Texture.X := Static[S].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ for T := 0 to 1 do
+ Text[T].X := Text[T].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ // update static menu with time ...
+ Min := Round(Czas.Teraz) div 60;
+ Sec := Round(Czas.Teraz) mod 60;
+ Text[TextTimeText].Text := '';
+ if Min < 10 then Text[TextTimeText].Text := '0';
+ Text[TextTimeText].Text := Text[TextTimeText].Text + IntToStr(Min) + ':';
+ if Sec < 10 then Text[TextTimeText].Text := Text[TextTimeText].Text + '0';
+ Text[TextTimeText].Text := Text[TextTimeText].Text + IntToStr(Sec);
+ // .. and scores
+ if PlayersPlay = 1 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 2 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[3].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[3].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[4].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[5].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // beat flash
+{ Flash := 1 - (Czas.MidBeat - Czas.AktBeat);
+ if (Czas.AktBeat + AktSong.NotesGAP) mod AktSong.Resolution = 0 then Flash := 1
+ else Flash := 0;
+ if Czas.AktBeat < 0 then Flash := 0;
+ glClearColor(Flash, Flash, Flash, 1);}
+ // beat sound
+// if (Ini.BeatClick = 1) and (Flash = 1) and (Czas.AktBeat <> Czas.OldBeat) then Music.PlayClick;
+ // draw static menu (BG)
+ DrawBG;
+ //Draw Background
+ SingDrawBackground;
+ // update and draw movie
+ if ShowFinish and AktSong.VideoLoaded then begin
+ try
+ UpdateSmpeg; // this only draws
+ except
+ //If an Error occurs drawing: prevent Video from being Drawn again and Close Video
+ AktSong.VideoLoaded := False;
+ log.LogError('Error drawing Video, Video has been disabled for this Song/Session.');
+ Log.LogError('Corrupted File: ' + AktSong.Video);
+ try
+ CloseSmpeg;
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // draw static menu (FG)
+ DrawFG;
+ // check for music finish
+// Log.LogError('Check for music finish: ' + BoolToStr(Music.Finished) + ' ' + FloatToStr(Czas.Teraz*1000) + ' ' + IntToStr(AktSong.Finish));
+ if ShowFinish then begin
+ if (not Music.Finished) and ((AktSong.Finish = 0) or (Czas.Teraz*1000 <= AktSong.Finish)) then begin
+ //Pause Mod:
+ if not Paused then
+ Sing(Self); // analyze song
+ end else begin
+// Log.LogError('End');
+ if not FadeOut then begin
+// Log.LogError('End2');
+ Finish;
+ FadeOut := true;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenScore);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // draw custom items
+ SingDraw; // always draw
+//GoldenNoteStarsTwinkle Mod
+ GoldenRec.SpawnRec;
+//GoldenNoteStarsTwinkle Mod
+ // back stereo
+// weird stuff, maybe this is for "dual screen?", but where is player three then?
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1].X := Text[TextP1].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1Score].X := Text[TextP1Score].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2R].X := Text[TextP2R].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].X := Text[TextP2RScore].X - 10*ScreenX;
+//weird end
+ for S := 1 to 1 do
+ Static[S].Texture.X := Static[S].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ for T := 0 to 1 do
+ Text[T].X := Text[T].X - 10*ScreenX;
+procedure TScreenSing.Finish;
+ Music.CaptureStop;
+ Music.Stop;
+ if Ini.SavePlayback = 1 then begin
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(0);
+ Log.LogVoice(0);
+ Log.LogVoice(1);
+ Log.LogVoice(2);
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(0);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Creating files', 0);
+ end;
+ if AktSong.VideoLoaded then begin
+ CloseSmpeg;
+ AktSong.VideoLoaded := false; // to prevent drawing closed video
+ end;
+ SetFontItalic (False);
+procedure TScreenSing.UpdateLCD;
+ T: string;
+ LCD.HideCursor;
+ LCD.Clear;
+ T := LyricMain.Text;
+ if Copy(T, Length(T), 1) <> ' ' then T := T + ' ';
+ LCD.AddTextBR(T);
+ T := LyricSub.Text;
+ if Copy(T, Length(T), 1) <> ' ' then T := T + ' ';
+ LCD.AddTextBR(T);
+procedure TScreenSing.onSentenceEnd(S: Cardinal);
+I: Integer;
+A: Real;
+B: integer; //Max Points for Notes
+ //Check for Empty Sentence
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].TotalNotes<=0) then
+ exit;
+ //Set Max Note Points
+ if (Ini.LineBonus > 0) then
+ B := 9000
+ else
+ B := 10000;
+ for I := 0 to High(Player) do begin
+ A := Player[I].Score + Player[I].ScoreGolden - Player[I].ScoreLast + 2;
+ //SingBar Mod
+ If ({(Ini.Oscilloscope = 2) and }(Czesci[0].Czesc[S].TotalNotes>0)) then
+ begin
+ Player[I].ScorePercentTarget := Player[I].ScorePercentTarget + floor(A / (B * Czesci[0].Czesc[S].TotalNotes / Czesci[0].Wartosc) * 40 - 26);
+ if Player[I].ScorePercentTarget < 0 then Player[I].ScorePercentTarget := 0;
+ if Player[I].ScorePercentTarget > 99 then Player[I].ScorePercentTarget := 99;
+ //end Singbar Mod
+ end;
+ //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod
+ //Generate Steps 0 to 8
+ A := Floor(A / (B * Czesci[0].Czesc[S].TotalNotes / Czesci[0].Wartosc) * 8);
+ If (Ini.LineBonus > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Generate Text
+ if A >= 8 then
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Text := Theme.Sing.LineBonusText[8]
+ else
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Text := Theme.Sing.LineBonusText[Floor(A)];
+ //PhrasenBonus give Points
+ Player[I].ScoreLine := Player[I].ScoreLine + (1000 / (Length(Czesci[0].Czesc) - NumEmptySentences) * A / 8);
+ Player[I].ScoreLineI := Round(Player[I].ScoreLine / 10) * 10;
+ //Update Total Score
+ Player[I].ScoreTotalI := Player[I].ScoreI + Player[I].ScoreGoldenI + Player[I].ScoreLineI;
+ //Color
+ Case Floor(A) of
+ 0: begin
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := 1;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := 0;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0;
+ end;
+ 1..3: begin
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := 1;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := (A * 0.25);
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0;
+ end;
+ 4: begin
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := 1;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := 1;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0;
+ end;
+ 5..7: begin
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := 1-((a-4)*0.25);
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := 1;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0;
+ end;
+ 8: begin
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := 0;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := 1;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0;
+ end;
+ End; //Case
+ //Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0;
+ //Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := (8-A)/8;
+ //Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := A/10;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_PosX := Player[I].LineBonus_StartX;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_PosY := Player[I].LineBonus_StartY;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Alpha := 0.92;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Visible := True;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Age := 1;
+ end;
+ //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod End// }
+ //PerfectLineTwinkle Mod (effect) Pt.1
+ If (Ini.EffectSing=1) then
+ begin
+ if A >= 8 then Player[I].LastSentencePerfect := True
+ else Player[I].LastSentencePerfect := False;
+ end;
+ //PerfectLineTwinkle Mod end
+ //Refresh LastScore
+ Player[I].ScoreLast := Player[I].Score + Player[I].ScoreGolden;
+ end;
+ //PerfectLineTwinkle Mod (effect) Pt.2
+ if Ini.EffectSing=1 then
+ GoldenRec.SpawnPerfectLineTwinkle;
+ //PerfectLineTwinkle Mod end
+//Called on Sentence Change S= New Current Sentence
+procedure TScreenSing.onSentenceChange(S: Cardinal);
+ //GoldenStarsTwinkle Mod
+ GoldenRec.SentenceChange;
+ //GoldenStarsTwinkle Mod End
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSingModi.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSingModi.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32526a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSingModi.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@
+unit UScreenSingModi;
+uses UMenu, UMusic, SDL, SysUtils, UFiles, UTime, USongs, UIni, ULog, USmpeg, UTexture, ULyrics,
+ TextGL, OpenGL12, BASS, UThemes, ULCD, UScreenSing, ModiSDK;
+ TScreenSingModi = class(TScreenSing)
+ protected
+ //paused: boolean; //Pause Mod
+ //PauseTime: Real;
+ //NumEmptySentences: integer;
+ public
+ //TextTime: integer;
+ //StaticP1: integer;
+ //StaticP1ScoreBG: integer;
+ //TextP1: integer;
+ //TextP1Score: integer;
+ //StaticP2R: integer;
+ //StaticP2RScoreBG: integer;
+ //TextP2R: integer;
+ //TextP2RScore: integer;
+ //StaticP2M: integer;
+ //StaticP2MScoreBG: integer;
+ //TextP2M: integer;
+ //TextP2MScore: integer;
+ //StaticP3R: integer;
+ //StaticP3RScoreBG: integer;
+ //TextP3R: integer;
+ //TextP3RScore: integer;
+ //Tex_Background: TTexture;
+ //FadeOut: boolean;
+ //LyricMain: TLyric;
+ //LyricSub: TLyric;
+ Winner: Byte; //Who Wins
+ PlayerInfo: TPlayerInfo;
+ TeamInfo: TTeamInfo;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ //procedure onShowFinish; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure Finish; override;
+ //procedure UpdateLCD;
+ //procedure Pause; //Pause Mod(Toggles Pause)
+ end;
+//Procedured for Plugin
+function LoadTex (const Name, Typ: PChar): TsmallTexture; stdcall;
+//function Translate (const Name: PChar): PChar; stdcall;
+procedure Print (const Style, Size: Byte; const X, Y: Real; const Text: PChar); stdcall; //Procedure to Print Text
+function LoadSound (const Name: PChar): Cardinal; stdcall; //Procedure that loads a Custom Sound
+procedure PlaySound (const Index: Cardinal); stdcall; //Plays a Custom Sound
+function ToSentences(Const Czeski: TCzesci): TSentences;
+uses UGraphic, UDraw, UMain, Classes, URecord, ULanguage, math, UDLLManager, USkins, UGraphicClasses;
+// Method for input parsing. If False is returned, GetNextWindow
+// should be checked to know the next window to load;
+function TScreenSingModi.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Finish;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyScore);
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := inherited ParseInput(PressedKey, ScanCode, PressedDown);
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenSingModi.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+function ToSentences(Const Czeski: TCzesci): TSentences;
+ I, J: Integer;
+ Result.Akt := Czeski.Akt;
+ Result.High := Czeski.High;
+ Result.Ilosc := Czeski.Ilosc;
+ Result.Resolution := Czeski.Resolution;
+ Result.NotesGAP := Czeski.NotesGAP;
+ Result.TotalLength := Czeski.Wartosc;
+ SetLength(Result.Sentence, Length(Czeski.Czesc));
+ for I := low(Result.Sentence) to high(Result.Sentence) do
+ begin
+ Result.Sentence[I].Start := Czeski.Czesc[I].Start;
+ Result.Sentence[I].StartNote := Czeski.Czesc[I].StartNote;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Lyric := Czeski.Czesc[I].Lyric;
+ Result.Sentence[I].LyricWidth := Czeski.Czesc[I].LyricWidth;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Koniec := Czeski.Czesc[I].Koniec;
+ Result.Sentence[I].BaseNote := Czeski.Czesc[I].BaseNote;
+ Result.Sentence[I].HighNote := Czeski.Czesc[I].HighNut;
+ Result.Sentence[I].IlNut := Czeski.Czesc[I].IlNut;
+ Result.Sentence[I].TotalNotes := Czeski.Czesc[I].TotalNotes;
+ SetLength(Result.Sentence[I].Note, Length(Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta));
+ for J := low(Result.Sentence[I].Note) to high(Result.Sentence[I].Note) do
+ begin
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Color := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Color;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Start := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Start;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Length := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Dlugosc;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Ton := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Ton;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].TonGamy := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].TonGamy;
+ //Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Text := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Tekst;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].FreeStyle := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].FreeStyle;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Typ := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Wartosc;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSingModi.onShow;
+ P: integer;
+ V1: boolean;
+ V2R: boolean;
+ V2M: boolean;
+ V3R: boolean;
+ NR: TRecR; //Line Bonus Mod }
+ I: Integer;
+ { Log.LogStatus('Begin', 'onShow');
+ FadeOut := false; // 0.5.0: early 0.5.0 problems were by this line commented
+ // prepare players
+ SetLength(Player, PlayersPlay);
+// Player[0].ScoreTotalI := 0;
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := false;
+ V2M := false;
+ V3R := false;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := true;
+ V2M := false;
+ V3R := false;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := false;
+ V2M := true;
+ V3R := true;
+ end;
+ 4: begin // double screen
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := true;
+ V2M := false;
+ V3R := false;
+ end;
+ 6: begin // double screen
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := false;
+ V2M := true;
+ V3R := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Static[StaticP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Visible := V3R;
+ // load notes
+ CzyscNuty;
+// Log.LogWarning(CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path + CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].FileName, '!!!');
+ AktSong := CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected];
+ WczytajCzesci(CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path + CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].FileName);
+ AktSong.Path := CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path;
+// AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP + 40 {4096 = 100ms for buffer}{ + 20 {microphone}{ + 60000 / AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 2; // temporary until UMain will be fixed
+ // set movie
+ if (AktSong.Video <> '') and FileExists(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video) then begin
+ OpenSmpeg(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video);
+ SkipSmpeg(AktSong.VideoGAP + AktSong.Start);
+ AktSong.VideoLoaded := true;
+ end;
+ // set background
+ if (AktSong.Background <> '') and (AktSong.VideoLoaded = false) then
+ Tex_Background := Texture.LoadTexture(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Background)
+ else
+ Tex_Background.TexNum := -1;
+ // play music (I)
+ //Music.CaptureStart;
+ Music.MoveTo(AktSong.Start);
+// Music.Play;
+ // prepare timer (I)
+// CountSkipTimeSet;
+ Czas.Teraz := AktSong.Start;
+ Czas.Razem := Music.Length;
+ if (AktSong.Finish > 0) then Czas.Razem := AktSong.Finish / 1000;
+ Czas.OldBeat := -1;
+ for P := 0 to High(Player) do
+ ClearScores(P);
+ // main text
+ LyricMain.Clear;
+ LyricMain.X := 400;
+ LyricMain.Y := Skin_LyricsT;
+ LyricMain.Scale := 1.4; //1.4
+ LyricMain.Align := 1;
+ // sub text
+ LyricSub.Clear;
+ LyricSub.X := 400;
+ LyricSub.Y := Skin_LyricsT + 42; //40
+ LyricSub.Align := 1;
+ // set custom options
+ case Ini.LyricsFont of
+ 0:
+ begin
+ LyricMain.FontStyle := 0;
+ LyricSub.FontStyle := 0;
+ LyricMain.Size := 14; // 13
+ LyricSub.Size := 14; // 13
+ LyricMain.ColR := Skin_FontR;
+ LyricMain.ColG := Skin_FontG;
+ LyricMain.ColB := Skin_FontB; //Change für Crazy Joker
+ {LyricMain.ColSR := Skin_FontHighlightR;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := Skin_FontHighlightG;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := Skin_FontHighlightB;1aa5dc} {
+ LyricMain.ColSR := 26/255;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := 165/255;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := 220/255;
+ LyricSub.ColR := 0.6;
+ LyricSub.ColG := 0.6;
+ LyricSub.ColB := 0.6;
+ end;
+ 1:
+ begin
+ LyricMain.FontStyle := 2;
+ LyricSub.FontStyle := 2;
+ LyricMain.Size := 14;
+ LyricSub.Size := 14;
+ LyricMain.ColR := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColG := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColB := 1;
+ LyricMain.ColSR := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := 1;
+ LyricSub.ColR := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColG := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColB := 0.8;
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ LyricMain.FontStyle := 3;
+ LyricSub.FontStyle := 3;
+ LyricMain.Size := 12;
+ LyricSub.Size := 12;
+ LyricMain.ColR := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColG := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColB := 1;
+ LyricMain.ColSR := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := 1;
+ LyricSub.ColR := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColG := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColB := 0.8;
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ case Ini.LyricsEffect of
+ 0: LyricMain.Style := 1; // 0 - one selected, 1 - selected all to the current
+ 1: LyricMain.Style := 2;
+ 2: LyricMain.Style := 3;
+ 3: LyricMain.Style := 4;
+ end; // case
+ // fill texts
+ LyricMain.AddCzesc(0);
+ LyricMain.Selected := -1;
+ LyricSub.AddCzesc(1);
+ LyricSub.Selected := -1;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ //Deactivate Pause
+ Paused := False;
+ {Static[StaticP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Visible := V3R;} {
+ //Set Position of Line Bonus - PhrasenBonus
+ if (Ini.LineBonus = 1) then //Show Line Bonus at Scores
+ begin
+ Case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.X;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.X;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.X;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 4: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P5
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65;
+ //P6
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (Ini.LineBonus = 2) then //Show Line Bonus at Notes
+ begin
+ //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 120, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 245, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 370, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ // positions
+ if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then begin
+ NR.Left := 120;
+ end else begin
+ NR.Left := 20;
+ end;
+ NR.Right := 780;
+ NR.Width := NR.Right - NR.Left;
+ NR.WMid := NR.Width / 2;
+ NR.Mid := NR.Left + NR.WMid;
+ Case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28;
+ end;
+ 4: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28;
+ //P5
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28;
+ //P6
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Set Position of Line Bonus - PhrasenBonus End
+ //Set Num of Empty Sentences for Phrasen Bonus
+ NumEmptySentences := 0;
+ for P := low(Czesci[0].Czesc) to high(Czesci[0].Czesc) do
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[P].TotalNotes = 0 then Inc(NumEmptySentences);
+ Log.LogStatus('End', 'onShow'); }
+ PlayersPlay := TeamInfo.NumTeams;
+ if DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong then //Start with Song
+ begin
+ inherited;
+ end
+ else //Start Without Song
+ begin
+ Music.CaptureStart;
+ end;
+//Set Playerinfo
+ PlayerInfo.NumPlayers := PlayersPlay;
+ for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do
+ begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Name := PChar(Ini.Name[I]);
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score:= 0;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar := 50;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Enabled := True;
+ end;
+ for I := PlayerInfo.NumPlayers to high(PlayerInfo.Playerinfo) do
+ begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score:= 0;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar := 0;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Enabled := False;
+ end;
+ Case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosX := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosY := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ end;
+ 2,4: begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosX := Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosY := Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].PosX := Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].PosY := Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].PosX := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].PosY := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].PosX := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].PosY := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ end;
+ 3,6: begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosX := Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosY := Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].PosX := Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].PosY := Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].PosX := Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].PosY := Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[4].PosX := Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[4].PosY := Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].PosX := Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].PosY := Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[5].PosX := Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[5].PosY := Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // play music (I)
+ //Music.CaptureStart;
+ //Music.MoveTo(AktSong.Start);
+ //Init Plugin
+ if not DLLMan.PluginInit(TeamInfo, PlayerInfo, ToSentences(Czesci[0]), LoadTex, Print, LoadSound, PlaySound) then
+ begin
+ //Fehler
+ Log.LogError('Could not Init Plugin');
+ Halt;
+ end;
+ // Set Background (Little Workaround, maybe change sometime)
+ if (DLLMan.Selected.LoadBack) AND (DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong) then
+ ScreenSing.Tex_Background := Tex_Background;
+ Winner := 0;
+ //Set Score Visibility
+ if PlayersPlay = 1 then begin
+ Text[TextP1Score].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ end;
+ if (PlayersPlay = 2) OR (PlayersPlay = 4) then begin
+ Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ end;
+ if (PlayersPlay = 3) OR (PlayersPlay = 6) then begin
+ Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ end;
+function TScreenSingModi.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: integer;
+ Sec: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ S, I: integer;
+ T: integer;
+//Set Playerinfo
+ PlayerInfo.NumPlayers := PlayersPlay;
+ for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do
+ begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Name := PChar(Player[I].Name);
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Enabled then
+ begin
+ if (Player[I].ScoreTotalI<=10000) then
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score:= Player[I].ScoreTotalI;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar := Player[I].ScorePercent;
+ end;
+ end;
+//Show Score
+if DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore then
+ //ScoreBG Mod
+ // set player colors
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1TwoP].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ThreeP].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P5Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P6Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P5Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P6Dark');
+ end;
+ end;
+ //end ScoreBG Mod
+// set player names (for 2 screens and only Singstar skin)
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P1';
+ Text[TextP1TwoP].Text := 'P1'; // added for ps3 skin
+ Text[TextP1ThreeP].Text := 'P1'; // added for ps3 skin
+ Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P2';
+ Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P2';
+ Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P3';
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 4: begin
+ Text[TextP1TwoP].Text := 'P3';
+ Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P4';
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ Text[TextP1ThreeP].Text := 'P4';
+ Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P5';
+ Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P6';
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ end; // if
+ // stereo <- and where iss P2M? or P3?
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1].X := Text[TextP1].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1Score].X := Text[TextP1Score].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2R].X := Text[TextP2R].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].X := Text[TextP2RScore].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ // .. and scores
+ if PlayersPlay = 1 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 2 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[3].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[3].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[4].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[5].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ end;
+end; //ShowScore
+ for S := 1 to 1 do
+ Static[S].Texture.X := Static[S].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ for T := 0 to 1 do
+ Text[T].X := Text[T].X + 10*ScreenX;
+if DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong then
+ // update static menu with time ...
+ Min := Round(Czas.Teraz) div 60;
+ Sec := Round(Czas.Teraz) mod 60;
+ Text[TextTimeText].Text := '';
+ if Min < 10 then Text[TextTimeText].Text := '0';
+ Text[TextTimeText].Text := Text[TextTimeText].Text + IntToStr(Min) + ':';
+ if Sec < 10 then Text[TextTimeText].Text := Text[TextTimeText].Text + '0';
+ Text[TextTimeText].Text := Text[TextTimeText].Text + IntToStr(Sec);
+ // draw static menu (BG)
+ DrawBG;
+ //Draw Background
+ if (DllMan.Selected.LoadSong) AND (DllMan.Selected.LoadBack) then
+ SingDrawBackground;
+ // update and draw movie
+ if ShowFinish and AktSong.VideoLoaded AND DllMan.Selected.LoadVideo then begin
+ UpdateSmpeg; // this only draws
+ end;
+ // draw static menu (FG)
+ DrawFG;
+ if ShowFinish then begin
+ if DllMan.Selected.LoadSong then
+ begin
+ if (not Music.Finished) and ((AktSong.Finish = 0) or (Czas.Teraz*1000 <= AktSong.Finish)) then begin
+ //Pause Mod:
+ if not Paused then
+ Sing(Self); // analyze song
+ end else begin
+ if not FadeOut then begin
+ Finish;
+ FadeOut := true;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyScore);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // draw custom items
+ SingModiDraw(PlayerInfo); // always draw
+ //GoldenNoteStarsTwinkle Mod
+ GoldenRec.SpawnRec;
+ //GoldenNoteStarsTwinkle Mod
+ //Update PlayerInfo
+ for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do
+ begin
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Enabled then
+ begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar := Player[I].ScorePercent;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score := Player[I].ScoreTotalI;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if ((ShowFinish) AND (NOT Paused)) then
+ begin
+ if not DLLMan.PluginDraw(Playerinfo, Czesci[0].Akt) then
+ begin
+ if not FadeOut then begin
+ Finish;
+ FadeOut := true;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyScore);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Change PlayerInfo/Changeables
+ for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do
+ begin
+ if (Player[I].ScoreTotalI <> PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score) then
+ begin
+ //Player[I].ScoreTotal := Player[I].ScoreTotal + (PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score - Player[I].ScoreTotalI);
+ Player[I].ScoreTotalI := PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score;
+ end;
+ if (PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar <> Player[I].ScorePercent) then
+ Player[I].ScorePercentTarget := PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar;
+ end;
+ // back stereo
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1].X := Text[TextP1].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1Score].X := Text[TextP1Score].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2R].X := Text[TextP2R].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].X := Text[TextP2RScore].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ for S := 1 to 1 do
+ Static[S].Texture.X := Static[S].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ for T := 0 to 1 do
+ Text[T].X := Text[T].X - 10*ScreenX;
+procedure TScreenSingModi.Finish;
+inherited Finish;
+Winner := DllMan.PluginFinish(PlayerInfo);
+//Log.LogError('Winner: ' + InttoStr(Winner));
+function LoadTex (const Name, Typ: PChar): TsmallTexture; stdcall;
+ Texname, EXT: String;
+ Tex: TTexture;
+ //Get texture Name
+ TexName := Skin.GetTextureFileName(String(Name));
+ //Get File Typ
+ Ext := ExtractFileExt(TexName);
+ if (uppercase(Ext) = '.JPG') then
+ Ext := 'JPG'
+ else
+ Ext := 'BMP';
+ Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(TexName), PChar(Ext), Typ, 0);
+ Result.TexNum := Tex.TexNum;
+ Result.W := Tex.W;
+ Result.H := Tex.H;
+function Translate (const Name: PChar): PChar; stdcall;
+ Result := PChar(Language.Translate(String(Name)));
+end; }
+procedure Print (const Style, Size: Byte; const X, Y: Real; const Text: PChar); stdcall; //Procedure to Print Text
+ SetFontItalic ((Style and 128) = 128);
+ SetFontStyle(Style and 7);
+ SetFontSize(Size);
+ SetFontPos (X, Y);
+ glPrint (PChar(Language.Translate(String(Text))));
+function LoadSound (const Name: PChar): Cardinal; stdcall; //Procedure that loads a Custom Sound
+ Result := Music.LoadCustomSound(String(Name));
+procedure PlaySound (const Index: Cardinal); stdcall; //Plays a Custom Sound
+ Music.PlayCustomSound(Index);
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSong.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSong.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b807bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSong.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1881 @@
+unit UScreenSong;
+ UMenu, SDL, UMusic, UFiles, UTime, UDisplay, USongs, SysUtils, ULog, UThemes, UTexture, ULanguage,
+ ULCD, ULight, UIni;
+ TScreenSong = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextArtist: integer;
+ TextTitle: integer;
+ TextNumber: integer;
+ //Video Icon Mod
+ VideoIcon: Cardinal;
+ TextCat: integer;
+ StaticCat: integer;
+ SongCurrent: real;
+ SongTarget: real;
+ HighSpeed: boolean;
+ CoverFull: boolean;
+ CoverTime: real;
+ CoverX: integer;
+ CoverY: integer;
+ CoverW: integer;
+ is_jump: boolean; // Jump to Song Mod
+ is_jump_title:boolean; //Jump to SOng MOd-YTrue if search for Title
+ EqualizerBands: array of Byte;
+ EqualizerTime: Cardinal;
+ EqualizerTime2: Byte;
+ //Party Mod
+ Mode: Byte; //0 = Standard, 1= Go to PartyMode after Selection + Change to Random Song at Show
+ //party Statics (Joker)
+ StaticTeam1Joker1: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1Joker2: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1Joker3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1Joker4: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1Joker5: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2Joker1: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2Joker2: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2Joker3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2Joker4: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2Joker5: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3Joker1: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3Joker2: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3Joker3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3Joker4: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3Joker5: Cardinal;
+ StaticParty: Array of Cardinal;
+ TextParty: Array of Cardinal;
+ StaticNonParty: Array of Cardinal;
+ TextNonParty: Array of Cardinal;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure SetScroll;
+ procedure SetScroll1;
+ procedure SetScroll2;
+ procedure SetScroll3;
+ procedure SetScroll4;
+ procedure SetScroll5;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure onHide; override;
+ procedure SelectNext;
+ procedure SelectPrev;
+ procedure UpdateLCD;
+ procedure SkipTo(Target: Cardinal);
+ procedure FixSelected; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix
+ procedure FixSelected2; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix
+ procedure ShowCatTL(Cat: Integer);// Show Cat in Top left
+ procedure ShowCatTLCustom(Caption: String);// Show Custom Text in Top left
+ procedure HideCatTL;// Show Cat in Tob left
+ procedure Refresh; //Refresh Song Sorting
+ procedure DrawEqualizer;
+ procedure ChangeMusic;
+ //Party Mode
+ procedure SelectRandomSong;
+ procedure SetJoker;
+ procedure SetStatics;
+ //procedures for Menu
+ procedure StartSong;
+ procedure OpenEditor;
+ procedure DoJoker(Team: Byte);
+ procedure SelectPlayers;
+ procedure UnLoadDetailedCover;
+ //Extensions
+ procedure DrawExtensions;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UCovers, math, OpenGL12, Windows, USkins, UDLLManager, UParty, UPlaylist, UScreenSongMenu;
+// ***** Public methods ****** //
+//Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix
+procedure TScreenSong.FixSelected;
+var I, I2: Integer;
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0 then
+ begin
+ I2:= 0;
+ for I := low(CatSongs.Song) to High(Catsongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible then
+ inc(I2);
+ if I = Interaction - 1 then
+ break;
+ end;
+ SongCurrent := I2;
+ SongTarget := I2;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.FixSelected2;
+var I, I2: Integer;
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0 then
+ begin
+ I2:= 0;
+ for I := low(CatSongs.Song) to High(Catsongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible then
+ inc(I2);
+ if I = Interaction - 1 then
+ break;
+ end;
+ SongTarget := I2;
+ end;
+ end;
+//Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix End
+ procedure TScreenSong.ShowCatTLCustom(Caption: String);// Show Custom Text in Top left
+ begin
+ Text[TextCat].Text := Caption;
+ Text[TextCat].Visible := true;
+ Static[StaticCat].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ procedure TScreenSong.ShowCatTL(Cat: Integer);
+ begin
+ //Change
+ Text[TextCat].Text := CatSongs.Song[Cat].Artist;
+ //showmessage(CatSongs.Song[Cat].Path + CatSongs.Song[Cat].Cover);
+ //Static[StaticCat].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Cat].Texture.Name, 'Plain', true);
+ Static[StaticCat].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Cat].Texture.Name, 'Plain', true);
+ //Texture.GetTexture(Button[Cat].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false);
+ //Button[Cat].
+ //Cover
+ //Show
+ Text[TextCat].Visible := true;
+ Static[StaticCat].Visible := True;
+ end;
+ procedure TScreenSong.HideCatTL;
+ begin
+ //Hide
+ //Text[TextCat].Visible := false;
+ Static[StaticCat].Visible := false;
+ //New -> Show Text specified in Theme
+ Text[TextCat].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextCat].Text := Theme.Song.TextCat.Text;
+ end;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod End
+// Method for input parsing. If False is returned, GetNextWindow
+// should be checked to know the next window to load;
+function TScreenSong.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ I: integer;
+ I2: integer;
+ HS: integer;
+ SDL_ModState: Word;
+ Letter: Char;
+ Result := true;
+ //Song Screen Extensions (Jumpto + Menu)
+ if (ScreenSongMenu.Visible) then
+ begin
+ Result := ScreenSongMenu.ParseInput(PressedKey, ScanCode, PressedDown);
+ Exit;
+ end
+ else if (ScreenSongJumpto.Visible) then
+ begin
+ Result := ScreenSongJumpto.ParseInput(PressedKey, ScanCode, PressedDown);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT
+ //Jump to Artist/Titel
+ if (SDL_ModState and KMOD_LALT <> 0) AND (Mode = 0) AND (PressedKey >= SDLK_A) AND (PressedKey <= SDLK_Z) then
+ begin
+ Letter := UpCase(Chr(ScanCode));
+ I2 := Length(CatSongs.Song);
+ //Jump To Titel
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT or KMOD_LSHIFT) then
+ begin
+ For I := 1 to high(CatSongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if (CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Visible) AND (Length(CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Title)>0) AND (UpCase(CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Title[1]) = Letter) then
+ begin
+ SkipTo(CatSongs.VisibleIndex((I + Interaction) mod I2));
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ ChangeMusic;
+ SetScroll4;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ //Break and Exit
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ //Jump to Artist
+ else if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ For I := 1 to high(CatSongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if (CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Visible) AND (Length(CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Artist)>0) AND (UpCase(CatSongs.Song[(I + Interaction) mod I2].Artist[1]) = Letter) then
+ begin
+ SkipTo(CatSongs.VisibleIndex((I + Interaction) mod I2));
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ ChangeMusic;
+ SetScroll4;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ //Break and Exit
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Mode = 0) then
+ begin
+ //On Escape goto Cat-List Hack
+ if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) AND (CatSongs.CatNumShow <> -1) then
+ begin
+ //Find Category
+ I := Interaction;
+ while not catsongs.Song[I].Main do
+ begin
+ Dec (I);
+ if (I < low(catsongs.Song)) then
+ break;
+ end;
+ if (I<= 1) then
+ Interaction := high(catsongs.Song)
+ else
+ Interaction := I - 1;
+ //Stop Music
+ Music.Stop;
+ CatSongs.ShowCategoryList;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ HideCatTL;
+ //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected;
+ //SelectPrev;
+ //CatSongs.Song[0].Visible := False;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ //On Escape goto Cat-List Hack End
+ //Tabs off and in Search or Playlist -> Go back to Song view
+ if (CatSongs.CatNumShow < -1) then
+ begin
+ //Atm: Set Empty Filter
+ CatSongs.SetFilter('', 0);
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ HideCatTL;
+ Interaction := 0;
+ //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected;
+ ChangeMusic;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Music.Stop;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ //When in party Mode then Ask before Close
+ else if (Mode = 1) then
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ CheckFadeTo(@ScreenMain,'MSG_END_PARTY');
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if Length(Songs.Song) > 0 then begin
+// PortWriteB($378, 0);
+ if CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main then begin // clicked on Category Button
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ ShowCatTL (Interaction);
+ //I := CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction);
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(Interaction);
+ {I2 := CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction);
+ SongCurrent := SongCurrent - I + I2;
+ SongTarget := SongTarget - I + I2; }
+// if I<>I2 then beep;
+ // SetScroll4;
+ //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected;
+ //Play Music:
+ ChangeMusic;
+ end else begin // clicked on song
+ if (Mode = 0) then //Normal Mode -> Start Song
+ begin
+ //Do the Action that is specified in Ini
+ case Ini.OnSongClick of
+ 0: StartSong;
+ 1: SelectPlayers;
+ 2:begin
+ If (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then
+ ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist)
+ else
+ ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Main);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (Mode = 1) then //PartyMode -> Show Menu
+ begin
+ if (Ini.PartyPopup = 1) then
+ ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Party_Main)
+ else
+ ScreenSong.StartSong;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_M: //Show SongMenu
+ begin
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) then begin
+ if (Mode = 0) then begin
+ if not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main then begin // clicked on Song
+ if CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3 then
+ ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist)
+ else
+ ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Main);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist_Load);
+ end;
+ end //Party Mode -> Show Party Menu
+ else ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Party_Main);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_P: //Show Playlist Menu
+ begin
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) AND (Mode = 0) then begin
+ ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Playlist_Load);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_J: //Show Jumpto Menu
+ begin
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) AND (Mode = 0) then
+ begin
+ ScreenSongJumpto.Visible := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Mode = 0) then
+ begin
+ //Only Change Cat when not in Playlist or Search Mode
+ if (CatSongs.CatNumShow > -2) then
+ begin
+ //Cat Change Hack
+ if Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1 then
+ begin
+ I := Interaction;
+ if I <= 0 then I := 1;
+ while not catsongs.Song[I].Main do
+ begin
+ Inc (I);
+ if (I > high(catsongs.Song)) then
+ I := low(catsongs.Song);
+ end;
+ Interaction := I;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ ShowCatTL (Interaction);
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(Interaction);
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected;
+ //Play Music:
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ ChangeMusic;
+ end;
+ //
+ //Cat Change Hack End}
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Mode = 0) then
+ begin
+ //Only Change Cat when not in Playlist or Search Mode
+ if (CatSongs.CatNumShow > -2) then
+ begin
+ //Cat Change Hack
+ if Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1 then
+ begin
+ I := Interaction;
+ I2 := 0;
+ if I <= 0 then I := 1;
+ while not catsongs.Song[I].Main or (I2 = 0) do
+ begin
+ if catsongs.Song[I].Main then
+ Inc(I2);
+ Dec (I);
+ if (I < low(catsongs.Song)) then
+ I := high(catsongs.Song);
+ end;
+ Interaction := I;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ ShowCatTL (I);
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I);
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected;
+ //Play Music:
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ ChangeMusic;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Cat Change Hack End}
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) AND (Mode = 0) then begin
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ SelectNext;
+// InteractNext;
+// SongTarget := Interaction;
+ ChangeMusic;
+ SetScroll4;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ Light.LightOne(1, 200);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0)AND (Mode = 0) then begin
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ SelectPrev;
+ ChangeMusic;
+ SetScroll4;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ Light.LightOne(0, 200);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ OpenEditor;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) AND (Mode = 0) then begin
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT) AND (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then //Random Category
+ begin
+ I2 := 0; //Count Cats
+ for I:= low(CatSongs.Song) to high (CatSongs.Song) do
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then Inc(I2);
+ I2 := Random (I2)+1; //Zufall
+ //Find Cat:
+ for I:= low(CatSongs.Song) to high (CatSongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then
+ Dec(I2);
+ if (I2<=0) then
+ begin
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ ShowCatTL (I);
+ Interaction := I;
+ CatSongs.ShowCategoryList;
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I);
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) AND (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then //random in All Categorys
+ begin
+ repeat
+ I2 := Random(high(CatSongs.Song)+1) - low(CatSongs.Song)+1;
+ until CatSongs.Song[I2].Main = false;
+ //Search Cat
+ for I := I2 downto low(CatSongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then
+ break;
+ end;
+ //In I ist jetzt die Kategorie in I2 der Song
+ //Choose Cat
+ CatSongs.ShowCategoryList;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ ShowCatTL (I);
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I);
+ SelectNext;
+ //Fix: Not Existing Song selected:
+ //if (I+1=I2) then Inc(I2);
+ //Choose Song
+ SkipTo(I2-I);
+ end
+ else //Random in one Category
+ begin
+ SkipTo(Random(CatSongs.VisibleSongs));
+ end;
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ ChangeMusic;
+ SetScroll4;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_1:
+ begin //Jocker
+ if (Mode = 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Joker spielen
+ Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker);
+ SelectRandomSong;
+ SetJoker;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_2:
+ begin //Jocker
+ if (Mode = 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Joker spielen
+ Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker);
+ SelectRandomSong;
+ SetJoker;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_3:
+ begin //Jocker
+ if (Mode = 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Joker spielen
+ Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker);
+ SelectRandomSong;
+ SetJoker;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenSong.Create;
+ Pet: integer;
+ I: integer;
+Label CreateSongButtons;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.Song);
+ TextArtist := AddText(Theme.Song.TextArtist);
+ TextTitle := AddText(Theme.Song.TextTitle);
+ TextNumber := AddText(Theme.Song.TextNumber);
+ //Show Cat in Top Left mod
+ TextCat := AddText(Theme.Song.TextCat);
+ StaticCat := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticCat);
+ //Show Video Icon Mod
+ VideoIcon := AddStatic(Theme.Song.VideoIcon);
+ //Party Mode
+ StaticTeam1Joker1 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker1);
+ StaticTeam1Joker2 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker2);
+ StaticTeam1Joker3 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker3);
+ StaticTeam1Joker4 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker4);
+ StaticTeam1Joker5 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker5);
+ StaticTeam2Joker1 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker1);
+ StaticTeam2Joker2 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker2);
+ StaticTeam2Joker3 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker3);
+ StaticTeam2Joker4 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker4);
+ StaticTeam2Joker5 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker5);
+ StaticTeam3Joker1 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker1);
+ StaticTeam3Joker2 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker2);
+ StaticTeam3Joker3 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker3);
+ StaticTeam3Joker4 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker4);
+ StaticTeam3Joker5 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker5);
+ //Load Party or NonParty specific Statics and Texts
+ SetLength(StaticParty, Length(Theme.Song.StaticParty));
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Song.StaticParty) do
+ StaticParty[I] := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticParty[I]);
+ SetLength(TextParty, Length(Theme.Song.TextParty));
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Song.TextParty) do
+ TextParty[I] := AddText(Theme.Song.TextParty[I]);
+ SetLength(StaticNonParty, Length(Theme.Song.StaticNonParty));
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Song.StaticNonParty) do
+ StaticNonParty[I] := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticNonParty[I]);
+ SetLength(TextNonParty, Length(Theme.Song.TextNonParty));
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Song.TextNonParty) do
+ TextNonParty[I] := AddText(Theme.Song.TextNonParty[I]);
+ // Song List
+// Songs.LoadSongList; // moved to the UltraStar unit
+ CatSongs.Refresh;
+ if (length(CatSongs.Song) > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Set Length of Button Array one Time Instead of one time for every Song
+ SetButtonLength(Length(CatSongs.Song));
+ I := 0;
+ CreateSongButtons:
+ try
+ for Pet := I to High(CatSongs.Song) do begin // creating all buttons
+ // new
+ Texture.Limit := 512;// 256 0.4.2 value, 512 in 0.5.0
+ if not FileExists(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover) then
+ CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover := ''; // 0.5.0: if cover not found then show 'no cover'
+ if CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover = '' then
+ AddButton(300 + Pet*250, 140, 200, 200, Skin.GetTextureFileName('SongCover'), 'JPG', 'Plain', Theme.Song.Cover.Reflections)
+ else begin
+ // cache texture if there is a need to this
+ if not Covers.CoverExists(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover) then begin
+ Texture.CreateCacheMipmap := true;
+ Texture.GetTexture(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover, 'Plain', true); // preloads textures and creates cache mipmap
+ Texture.CreateCacheMipmap := false;
+ // puts this texture to the cache file
+ Covers.AddCover(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover);
+ // unload full size texture
+ Texture.UnloadTexture(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover, false);
+ // we should also add mipmap texture by calling createtexture and use mipmap cache as data source
+ end;
+ // and now load it from cache file (small place for the optimization by eliminating reading it from file, but not here)
+ AddButton(300 + Pet*250, 140, 200, 200, CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover, 'JPG', 'Plain', Theme.Song.Cover.Reflections);
+ end;
+ Texture.Limit := 1024*1024;
+ I := -1;
+ end;
+ except
+ //When Error is reported the First time for this Song
+ if (I <> Pet) then
+ begin
+ //Some Error reporting:
+ Log.LogError('Could not load Cover: ' + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover);
+ //Change Cover to NoCover and Continue Loading
+ CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover := '';
+ I := Pet;
+ end
+ else //when Error occurs Multiple Times(NoSong Cover is damaged), then start loading next Song
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('NoCover Cover is damaged!');
+ try
+ AddButton(300 + Pet*250, 140, 200, 200, '', 'JPG', 'Plain', Theme.Song.Cover.Reflections);
+ except
+ Messagebox(0, PChar('No Cover Image is damage. Could not Workaround Song Loading, Ultrastar will exit now.'), PChar(Language.Translate('US_VERSION')), MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK);
+ Halt;
+ end;
+ I := Pet + 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (I <> -1) then
+ GoTo CreateSongButtons;
+ end;
+ // Randomize Patch
+ Randomize;
+ //Equalizer
+ SetLength(EqualizerBands, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Bands);
+ //ClearArray
+ For I := low(EqualizerBands) to high(EqualizerBands) do
+ EqualizerBands[I] := 3;
+ if (Length(CatSongs.Song) > 0) then
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll;
+ VS, B: Integer;
+ VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs;
+ if VS > 0 then
+ begin
+ //Set Positions
+ Case Theme.Song.Cover.Style of
+ 3: SetScroll3;
+ 5:begin
+ if VS > 5 then
+ SetScroll5
+ else
+ SetScroll4;
+ end;
+ else SetScroll4;
+ end;
+ //Set Visibility of Video Icon
+ Static[VideoIcon].Visible := (CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Video <> '');
+ //Set Texts:
+ Text[TextArtist].Text := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Artist;
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Title;
+ if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) And (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -1) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].OrderNum) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.CatCount);
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := '(' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber) + ' ' + Language.Translate('SING_SONGS_IN_CAT') + ')';
+ end
+ else if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -2) then
+ Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction)+1) + '/' + IntToStr(VS)
+ else if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then
+ Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction)+1) + '/' + IntToStr(VS)
+ else if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then
+ Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction - CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber].CatNumber)
+ else
+ Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(Interaction+1) + '/' + IntToStr(Length(CatSongs.Song));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextNumber].Text := '0/0';
+ Text[TextArtist].Text := '';
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := '';
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do
+ Button[B].Visible := False;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll1;
+ B: integer; // button
+ BMin: integer; // button min
+ BMax: integer; // button max
+ Src: integer;
+// Dst: integer;
+ Count: integer; // Dst is not used. Count is used.
+ Ready: boolean;
+ VisCount: integer; // count of visible (or selectable) buttons
+ VisInt: integer; // visible position of interacted button
+ Typ: integer; // 0 when all songs fits the screen
+ Placed: integer; // number of placed visible buttons
+// Src := 0;
+// Dst := -1;
+ Count := 1;
+ Typ := 0;
+ Ready := false;
+ Placed := 0;
+ VisCount := 0;
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then Inc(VisCount);
+ VisInt := 0;
+ for B := 0 to Interaction-1 do
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then Inc(VisInt);
+ if VisCount <= 6 then begin
+ Typ := 0;
+ end else begin
+ if VisInt <= 3 then begin
+ Typ := 1;
+ Count := 7;
+ Ready := true;
+ end;
+ if (VisCount - VisInt) <= 3 then begin
+ Typ := 2;
+ Count := 7;
+ Ready := true;
+ end;
+ if not Ready then begin
+ Typ := 3;
+ Src := Interaction;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // hide all buttons
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin
+ Button[B].Visible := false;
+ Button[B].Selectable := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible;
+ end;
+{ for B := Src to Dst do begin
+// Button[B].Visible := true;
+ Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible;
+ Button[B].Selectable := Button[B].Visible;
+ Button[B].Y := 140 + (B-Src) * 60;
+ end;}
+ if Typ = 0 then begin
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin
+ Button[B].Visible := true;
+ Button[B].Y := 140 + (Placed) * 60;
+ Inc(Placed);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Typ = 1 then begin
+ B := 0;
+ while (Count > 0) do begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin
+ Button[B].Visible := true;
+ Button[B].Y := 140 + (Placed) * 60;
+ Inc(Placed);
+ Dec(Count);
+ end;
+ Inc(B);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Typ = 2 then begin
+ B := High(Button);
+ while (Count > 0) do begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin
+ Button[B].Visible := true;
+ Button[B].Y := 140 + (6-Placed) * 60;
+ Inc(Placed);
+ Dec(Count);
+ end;
+ Dec(B);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Typ = 3 then begin
+ B := Src;
+ Count := 4;
+ while (Count > 0) do begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin
+ Button[B].Visible := true;
+ Button[B].Y := 140 + (3+Placed) * 60;
+ Inc(Placed);
+ Dec(Count);
+ end;
+ Inc(B);
+ end;
+ B := Src-1;
+ Placed := 0;
+ Count := 3;
+ while (Count > 0) do begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin
+ Button[B].Visible := true;
+ Button[B].Y := 140 + (2-Placed) * 60;
+ Inc(Placed);
+ Dec(Count);
+ end;
+ Dec(B);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Length(Button) > 0 then
+ Static[1].Texture.Y := Button[Interaction].Y - 5; // selection texture
+procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll2;
+ B: integer;
+ Wsp: integer; // wspolczynnik przesuniecia wzgledem srodka ekranu
+ Wsp2: real;
+ // liniowe
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do
+ Button[B].X := 300 + (B - Interaction) * 260;
+ if Length(Button) >= 3 then begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then
+ Button[High(Button)].X := 300 - 260;
+ if Interaction = High(Button) then
+ Button[0].X := 300 + 260;
+ end;
+ // kolowe
+{ for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin
+ Wsp := (B - Interaction); // 0 dla srodka, -1 dla lewego, +1 dla prawego itd.
+ Wsp2 := Wsp / Length(Button);
+ Button[B].X := 300 + 10000 * sin(2*pi*Wsp2);
+// Button[B].Y := 140 + 50 * ;
+ end;}
+procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll3; // with slide
+ B: integer;
+ Wsp: integer; // wspolczynnik przesuniecia wzgledem srodka ekranu
+ Wsp2: real;
+ SongTarget := Interaction;
+ // liniowe
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do
+ begin
+ Button[B].X := 300 + (B - SongCurrent) * 260;
+ if (Button[B].X < -Button[B].W) OR (Button[B].X > 800) then
+ Button[B].Visible := False
+ else
+ Button[B].Visible := True;
+ end;
+{ if Length(Button) >= 3 then begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then
+ Button[High(Button)].X := 300 - 260;
+ if Interaction = High(Button) then
+ Button[0].X := 300 + 260;
+ end;}
+ // kolowe
+{ for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin
+ Wsp := (B - Interaction); // 0 dla srodka, -1 dla lewego, +1 dla prawego itd.
+ Wsp2 := Wsp / Length(Button);
+ Button[B].X := 300 + 10000 * sin(2*pi*Wsp2);
+// Button[B].Y := 140 + 50 * ;
+ end;}
+procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll4; // rotate
+ B: integer;
+ Wsp: real;
+ Z, Z2: real;
+ VS: integer;
+ VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; // 0.5.0 (I): cached, very important
+ // kolowe
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin
+ Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; // nowe
+ if Button[B].Visible then begin // 0.5.0 optimization for 1000 songs - updates only visible songs, hiding in tabs becomes useful for maintaing good speed
+ Wsp := 2 * pi * (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) / VS {CatSongs.VisibleSongs};// 0.5.0 (II): takes another 16ms
+ Z := (1 + cos(Wsp)) / 2;
+ Z2 := (1 + 2*Z) / 3;
+ Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + (0.185 * Theme.Song.Cover.H * VS * sin(Wsp)) * Z2 - ((Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2); // 0.5.0 (I): 2 times faster by not calling CatSongs.VisibleSongs
+ Button[B].Z := Z / 2 + 0.3;
+ Button[B].W := Theme.Song.Cover.H * Z2;
+// Button[B].Y := {50 +} 140 + 50 - 50 * Z2;
+ Button[B].Y := Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Abs(Button[B].H)) * 0.7 ;
+ Button[B].H := Button[B].W;
+ end;
+ end;
+{procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll4; // rotate
+ B: integer;
+ Wsp: real;
+ Z: real;
+ Z2, Z3: real;
+ VS: integer;
+ function modreal (const X, Y: real):real;
+ begin
+ Result := Frac(x / y) * y;
+ if Result < -3 then
+ Result := Result + Y
+ else if Result > 3 then
+ Result := Result - Y;
+ end;
+ VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; // 0.5.0 (I): cached, very important
+ Z3 := 1;
+ if VS < 12 then
+ Z2 := VS
+ else
+ Z2 := 12;
+ // kolowe
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin
+ Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; // nowe
+ if Button[B].Visible then begin // 0.5.0 optimization for 1000 songs - updates only visible songs, hiding in tabs becomes useful for maintaing good speed
+ if ((ModReal(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent, VS)>-3) AND (ModReal(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent, VS)<3)) then
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B)> SongCurrent then
+ Wsp := 2 * pi * (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) / Z2
+ else
+ Wsp := 2 * pi * (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) / Z2;
+ Z3 := 2;
+ Z := (1 + cos(Wsp)) / 2;
+ //Z2 := (1 + 2*Z) / 3;
+ //Z2 := (0.5 + Z/2);
+ //Z2 := sin(Wsp);
+ //Z2 := Power (Z2,Z3);
+ Button[B].W := Theme.Song.CoverW * Power(cos(Wsp), Z3);//Power(Z2, 3);
+ //Button[B].X := Theme.Song.CoverX + ({Theme.Song.CoverX + Theme.Song.CoverW/2 + Theme.Song.CoverW*0.18 * VS {CatSongs.VisibleSongs {Length(Button) * sin(Wsp) {- Theme.Song.CoverX - Theme.Song.CoverW) * Z2; // 0.5.0 (I): 2 times faster by not calling CatSongs.VisibleSongs
+ if (sin(Wsp)<0) then
+ Button[B].X := sin(Wsp)*Theme.Song.CoverX*Theme.Song.CoverW*0.007 + Theme.Song.CoverX + Theme.Song.CoverW - Button[B].W
+ else //*Theme.Song.CoverW*0.004*Z3
+ Button[B].X := sin(Wsp)*Theme.Song.CoverX*Theme.Song.CoverW*0.007 + Theme.Song.CoverX;
+ Button[B].Z := Z-0.00001;
+// Button[B].Y := {50 + 140 + 50 - 50 * Z2;
+ // Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.CoverY + 40 + 50 - 50 * Z2);
+ Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.CoverY + Theme.Song.CoverW - Button[B].W);
+ Button[B].H := Button[B].W;
+ Button[B].Visible := True;
+ end
+ {else if (((CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent)>-3) AND ((CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent)<3)) OR ((round (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) mod VS > -3) AND ((CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent)<3)) then
+ begin
+ Wsp := 2 * pi * (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) / 12 ;// 0.5.0 (II): takes another 16ms
+ Z := (1 + cos(Wsp)) / 2 -0.00001; //z < 0.49999 is behind the cover 1 is in front of the covers
+ Button[B].W := Theme.Song.CoverW * Power(cos(Wsp), Z3);//Power(Z2, 3);
+ if (sin(Wsp)<0) then
+ Button[B].X := sin(Wsp)*Theme.Song.CoverX*Theme.Song.CoverW*0.007 + Theme.Song.CoverX + Theme.Song.CoverW - Button[B].W
+ else
+ Button[B].X := sin(Wsp)*Theme.Song.CoverX*Theme.Song.CoverW*0.007 + Theme.Song.CoverX;
+ Button[B].Z := Z;
+ Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.CoverY + Theme.Song.CoverW - Button[B].W);
+ Button[B].H := Button[B].W;
+ Button[B].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else Button[B].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+end; }
+procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll5; // rotate
+ B: integer;
+ Angle: real;
+ Pos: Real;
+ VS: integer;
+ diff: real;
+ X: Real;
+ VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; // cache Visible Songs
+ {Vars
+ Theme.Song.CoverW: Radius des Kreises
+ Theme.Song.CoverX: X Pos Linke Kante des gewählten Covers
+ Theme.Song.CoverX: Y Pos Obere Kante des gewählten Covers
+ Theme.Song.CoverH: Höhe der Cover
+ (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent)/VS = Abstand zum MIttleren Cover in %
+ }
+ //Change Pos of all Buttons
+ for B := low(Button) to high(Button) do
+ begin
+ Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; //Adjust Visability
+ if Button[B].Visible then //Only Change Pos for Visible Buttons
+ begin
+ Pos := (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent);
+ if (Pos < -VS/2) then
+ Pos := Pos + VS
+ else if (Pos > VS/2) then
+ Pos := Pos - VS;
+ if (Abs(Pos) < 2.5) then {fixed Positions}
+ begin
+ Angle := Pi * (Pos / 5);
+ //Button[B].Visible := False;
+ Button[B].H := Abs(Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle*0.8));//Power(Z2, 3);
+// Button[B].Reflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H;
+ Button[B].DeSelectReflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H;
+ Button[B].Z := 0.95 - Abs(Pos) * 0.01;
+ Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Abs(Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle))) * 0.5);
+ Button[B].W := Button[B].H;
+ Diff := (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2;
+ X := Sin(Angle*1.3)*0.9;
+ Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + Theme.Song.Cover.W * X - Diff;
+ end
+ else
+ begin {Behind the Front Covers}
+// Button[B].Visible := False;
+// if VS/2-abs(Pos)>VS*0.4 then Button[B].Visible := False;
+ if Pos < 0 then
+ Pos := (Pos - VS/2) /VS
+ else
+ Pos := (Pos + VS/2) /VS;
+ Angle := pi * Pos*2;
+ Button[B].Z := (0.4 - Abs(Pos/4)) -0.00001; //z < 0.49999 is behind the cover 1 is in front of the covers
+ Button[B].H :=0.6*(Theme.Song.Cover.H-Abs(Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle/2)*0.8));//Power(Z2, 3);
+ Button[B].W := Button[B].H;
+ Button[B].Y := Theme.Song.Cover.Y - (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)*0.75;
+// Button[B].Reflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H;
+ Button[B].DeSelectReflectionspacing := 15 * Button[B].H/Theme.Song.Cover.H;
+ Diff := (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2;
+ Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X+Theme.Song.Cover.H/2-Button[b].H/2 + (Theme.Song.Cover.H)*sin(Angle/2)*1.52;
+ end;
+ //Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Button[B].H)/1.5); //Cover at down border of the change field
+// Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Button[B].H) * 0.7);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.onShow;
+ Music.Stop;
+ if Ini.Players <= 3 then PlayersPlay := Ini.Players + 1;
+ if Ini.Players = 4 then PlayersPlay := 6;
+ //Cat Mod etc
+ if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) AND (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -1) then
+ begin
+ CatSongs.ShowCategoryList;
+ FixSelected;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ HideCatTL;
+ end;
+ if Length(CatSongs.Song) > 0 then begin
+ //Load Music only when Song Preview is activated
+ if (Ini.PreviewVolume <> 0) then
+ begin
+ Music.SetLoop(false);
+ Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3);
+ Music.MoveTo(Music.Length / 4);
+ Music.Play;
+ //Set Preview Volume
+ Music.SetMusicVolume (Ini.PreviewVolume * 10);
+ {//if Music Fade is activated, Set Volume to 0 %
+ if (Ini.PreviewFading <> 0) then
+ Music.SetMusicVolume(0);}
+ end;
+ SetScroll;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ end;
+ //Playlist Mode
+ if (Mode = 0) then
+ begin
+ //If Playlist Shown -> Select Next automatically
+ if (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3) then
+ begin
+ SelectNext;
+ ChangeMusic;
+ end;
+ end
+ //Party Mode
+ else if (Mode = 1) then
+ begin
+ SelectRandomSong;
+ //Show Menu directly in PartyMode
+ //But only if selected in Options
+ if (Ini.PartyPopup = 1) then
+ begin
+ ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Party_Main);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetJoker;
+ SetStatics;
+procedure TScreenSong.onHide;
+ //When Music Fading is activated, Turn Music to 100 %
+ If (Ini.PreviewVolume <> 100) or (Ini.PreviewFading <> 0) then
+ Music.SetMusicVolume(100);
+ //If Preview is deactivated: Load MUsicfile now
+ If (Ini.PreviewVolume = 0) then
+ Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3);
+ //When hide then Stop Music (For Party Mode Popup on Exit)
+ if (Display.NextScreen <> @ScreenSing) and (Display.NextScreen <> @ScreenSingModi) and (Music <> nil) then
+ Music.Stop;
+procedure TScreenSong.DrawExtensions;
+ //Draw Song Menu
+ if (ScreenSongMenu.Visible) then
+ begin
+ ScreenSongMenu.Draw;
+ end
+ else if (ScreenSongJumpto.Visible) then
+ begin
+ ScreenSongJumpto.Draw;
+ end
+function TScreenSong.Draw: boolean;
+ dx: real;
+ dt: real;
+ I: Integer;
+ dx := SongTarget-SongCurrent;
+ dt := TimeSkip*7;
+ if dt > 1 then dt := 1;
+ SongCurrent := SongCurrent + dx*dt;
+{ if SongCurrent > Catsongs.VisibleSongs then begin
+ SongCurrent := SongCurrent - Catsongs.VisibleSongs;
+ SongTarget := SongTarget - Catsongs.VisibleSongs;
+ end;}
+// Log.BenchmarkStart(5);
+ SetScroll;
+// Log.BenchmarkEnd(5);
+// Log.LogBenchmark('SetScroll4', 5);
+ //Fading Functions, Only if Covertime is under 5 Seconds
+ If (CoverTime < 5) then
+ begin
+ // 0.5.0: cover fade
+ if (CoverTime < 1) and (CoverTime + TimeSkip >= 1) then begin
+ // load new texture
+ Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false);
+ Button[Interaction].Texture.Alpha := 1;
+ Button[Interaction].Texture2 := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false);
+ Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 1;
+ end;
+ //Song Fade
+ if (CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0) AND (Ini.PreviewVolume <> 0) AND (Not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) AND (Ini.PreviewFading <> 0) then
+ begin
+ //Start Song Fade after a little Time, to prevent Song to be Played on Scrolling
+ if (CoverTime < 0.2) and (CoverTime + TimeSkip >= 0.2) then
+ Music.Play;
+ //Update Song Volume
+ if (CoverTime < Ini.PreviewFading) then
+ Music.SetMusicVolume(Round (CoverTime * Ini.PreviewVolume / Ini.PreviewFading * 10))
+ else
+ Music.SetMusicVolume(Ini.PreviewVolume * 10);
+ end;
+ //Update Fading Time
+ CoverTime := CoverTime + TimeSkip;
+ //Update Fading Texture
+ Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := (CoverTime - 1) * 1.5;
+ if Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha > 1 then Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 1;
+ end;
+ //inherited Draw;
+ //heres a little Hack, that causes the Statics
+ //are Drawn after the Buttons because of some Blending Problems.
+ //This should cause no Problems because all Buttons on this screen
+ //Has Z Position.
+ //Draw BG
+ DrawBG;
+ //Instead of Draw FG Procedure:
+ //We draw Buttons for our own
+ for I := 0 to Length(Button) - 1 do
+ Button[I].Draw;
+ // Statics
+ for I := 0 to Length(Static) - 1 do
+ Static[I].Draw;
+ // and texts
+ for I := 0 to Length(Text) - 1 do
+ Text[I].Draw;
+ //Draw Equalizer
+ if Theme.Song.Equalizer.Visible then
+ DrawEqualizer;
+ DrawExtensions;
+procedure TScreenSong.SelectNext;
+ Skip: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ VS: Integer;
+ VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs;
+ if VS > 0 then
+ begin
+ UnLoadDetailedCover;
+ Skip := 1;
+ // this 1 could be changed by CatSongs.FindNextVisible
+ while (not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction + Skip) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible) do Inc(Skip);
+ SongTarget := SongTarget + 1;//Skip;
+ Interaction := (Interaction + Skip) mod Length(Interactions);
+ // try to keep all at the beginning
+ if SongTarget > VS-1 then begin
+ SongTarget := SongTarget - VS;
+ SongCurrent := SongCurrent - VS;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Interaction -> Button, ktorego okladke przeczytamy
+ // Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false); // 0.5.0: show uncached texture
+procedure TScreenSong.SelectPrev;
+ Skip: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ VS: Integer;
+ VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs;
+ if VS > 0 then
+ begin
+ UnLoadDetailedCover;
+ Skip := 1;
+ while (not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction - Skip + Length(Interactions)) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible) do Inc(Skip);
+ SongTarget := SongTarget - 1;//Skip;
+ Interaction := (Interaction - Skip + Length(Interactions)) mod Length(Interactions);
+ // try to keep all at the beginning
+ if SongTarget < 0 then begin
+ SongTarget := SongTarget + CatSongs.VisibleSongs;
+ SongCurrent := SongCurrent + CatSongs.VisibleSongs;
+ end;
+ // Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false); // 0.5.0: show uncached texture
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.UpdateLCD;
+ LCD.HideCursor;
+ LCD.Clear;
+ LCD.WriteText(1, Text[TextArtist].Text);
+ LCD.WriteText(2, Text[TextTitle].Text);
+//Procedure Change current played Preview
+procedure TScreenSong.ChangeMusic;
+ //When Music Preview is avtivated -> then Change Music
+ if (Ini.PreviewVolume <> 0) then
+ begin
+ if (NOT CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) AND(CatSongs.VisibleSongs > 0) then
+ begin
+ Music.Close;
+ if Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3) then begin
+ Music.MoveTo(Music.Length / 4);
+ //If Song Fading is activated then don't Play directly, and Set Volume to Null, else Play normal
+ if (Ini.PreviewFading = 0) then
+ Music.Play
+ else
+ Music.SetMusicVolume(0);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Music.Stop;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.SkipTo(Target: Cardinal); // 0.5.0
+ Skip: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ UnLoadDetailedCover;
+ Interaction := High(CatSongs.Song);
+ SongTarget := 0;
+ for I := 1 to Target+1 do
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected2;
+procedure TScreenSong.DrawEqualizer;
+ Data: TFFTData; //Audio Data
+ I, J: Integer;
+ Res: byte;
+ A, B: Integer;
+ PosX, PosY: Integer;
+ Pos: Real;
+if (not Music.Finished) AND (Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length > 0) then
+ A := GetTickCount div 44;
+ if (A <> EqualizerTime) then
+ begin
+ EqualizerTime := A;
+ Data := Music.GetFFTData;
+ B:=0;
+ Pos := 0;
+ Res := ceil(92/Theme.Song.Equalizer.Bands);//How much channels are used for one Band
+ //Change Lengths
+ for I := 0 to (Res * Theme.Song.Equalizer.Bands - 1) do
+ begin
+ A := floor(I/Res);
+ if (A<>B) then //Band changed
+ begin
+ if (Pos <= Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length) then
+ begin
+ if ((Pos < EqualizerBands[B]) AND (EqualizerBands[B]>1)) then
+ EqualizerBands[B] := EqualizerBands[B] - 1
+ else
+ EqualizerBands[B] := floor(Pos);
+ end
+ else
+ EqualizerBands[B] := 1;
+ B := A;
+ Pos := 0;
+ end;
+ if I > 35 then
+ Data[i] := Data[i] * 8
+ else if I > 11 then
+ Data[i] := Data[i] * 4.5
+ else
+ Data[i] := Data[i] * 1.1;
+ if (Data[i] >= 1) then
+ Data[i] := 0.9999999999999;
+ if Data[i]*Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length > Pos then
+ Pos := Data[i]*Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length;
+ end;
+ //Change Last Band
+ if (EqualizerBands[B] <= Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length) then
+ begin
+ if ((Pos < EqualizerBands[B]) AND (EqualizerBands[B]>1)) then
+ EqualizerBands[B] := EqualizerBands[B] - 1
+ else
+ EqualizerBands[B] := floor(Pos)
+ end
+ else
+ EqualizerBands[B] := 1;
+ end;
+ //Draw every Channel
+ glColor4f(Theme.Song.Equalizer.ColR, Theme.Song.Equalizer.ColG, Theme.Song.Equalizer.ColB, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Alpha); //Set Color
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ PosY := Theme.Song.Equalizer.Y;
+ PosX := Theme.Song.Equalizer.X;
+ For I := 0 to Theme.Song.Equalizer.Bands-1 do
+ begin
+ if Theme.Song.Equalizer.Direction then
+ PosY := Theme.Song.Equalizer.Y //+ (Theme.Song.Equalizer.H + Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space) * Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length
+ else
+ PosX := Theme.Song.Equalizer.X;
+ //Draw for every visible quad
+ for J := 1 to EqualizerBands[I] do
+ begin
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glVertex3f(PosX, PosY, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Z);
+ glVertex3f(PosX, PosY+Theme.Song.Equalizer.H, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Z);
+ glVertex3f(PosX+Theme.Song.Equalizer.W, PosY+Theme.Song.Equalizer.H, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Z);
+ glVertex3f(PosX+Theme.Song.Equalizer.W, PosY, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Z);
+ glEnd;
+ if Theme.Song.Equalizer.Direction then //Vertically
+ PosY := PosY - Theme.Song.Equalizer.H - Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space
+ else //Horizontally
+ PosX := PosX + Theme.Song.Equalizer.W + Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space;
+ end;
+ if Theme.Song.Equalizer.Direction then //Horizontally
+ PosX := PosX + Theme.Song.Equalizer.W + Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space
+ else //Vertically
+ PosY := PosY + Theme.Song.Equalizer.H + Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space;
+ end;
+Procedure TScreenSong.SelectRandomSong;
+ I, I2: Integer;
+ Case PlaylistMan.Mode of
+ 0: //All Songs Just Select Random Song
+ begin
+ //When Tabs are activated then use Tab Method
+ if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ I2 := Random(high(CatSongs.Song)+1) - low(CatSongs.Song)+1;
+ until CatSongs.Song[I2].Main = false;
+ //Search Cat
+ for I := I2 downto low(CatSongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then
+ break;
+ end;
+ //In I ist jetzt die Kategorie in I2 der Song
+ //I is the CatNum, I2 is the No of the Song within this Cat
+ //Choose Cat
+ CatSongs.ShowCategoryList;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ ShowCatTL (I);
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I);
+ SelectNext;
+ //Choose Song
+ SkipTo(I2-I);
+ end
+ //When Tabs are deactivated use easy Method
+ else
+ SkipTo(Random(CatSongs.VisibleSongs));
+ end;
+ 1: //One Category Select Category and Select Random Song
+ begin
+ CatSongs.ShowCategoryList;
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList);
+ ShowCatTL(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList);
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected2;
+ SkipTo(Random(CatSongs.VisibleSongs));
+ end;
+ 2: //Playlist: Select Playlist and Select Random Song
+ begin
+ PlaylistMan.SetPlayList(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList);
+ SkipTo(Random(CatSongs.VisibleSongs));
+ FixSelected2;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ ChangeMusic;
+ SetScroll;
+ UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenSong.SetJoker;
+ //If Party Mode
+ if Mode = 1 then //Show Joker that are available
+ begin
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 1);
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 2);
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 3);
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 4);
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 5);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 1);
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 2);
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 3);
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 4);
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 5);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 1);
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 2);
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 3);
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 4);
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 5);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin //Hide all
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := False;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.SetStatics;
+ I: Integer;
+ Visible: Boolean;
+ //Set Visibility of Party Statics and Text
+ Visible := (Mode = 1);
+ For I := 0 to high(StaticParty) do
+ Static[StaticParty[I]].Visible := Visible;
+ For I := 0 to high(TextParty) do
+ Text[TextParty[I]].Visible := Visible;
+ //Set Visibility of Non Party Statics and Text
+ Visible := not Visible;
+ For I := 0 to high(StaticNonParty) do
+ Static[StaticNonParty[I]].Visible := Visible;
+ For I := 0 to high(TextNonParty) do
+ Text[TextNonParty[I]].Visible := Visible;
+//Procedures for Menu
+procedure TScreenSong.StartSong;
+ CatSongs.Selected := Interaction;
+ Music.Stop;
+ //Party Mode
+ if (Mode = 1) then
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSingModi);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSing);
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.SelectPlayers;
+ CatSongs.Selected := Interaction;
+ Music.Stop;
+ ScreenName.Goto_SingScreen := True;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenName);
+procedure TScreenSong.OpenEditor;
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) and (not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) AND (Mode = 0) then begin
+ Music.Stop;
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ ScreenEditSub.Path := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path;
+ ScreenEditSub.FileName := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].FileName;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenEditSub);
+ end;
+//Team No of Team (0-5)
+procedure TScreenSong.DoJoker (Team: Byte);
+ if (Mode = 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= Team + 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Joker > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Joker spielen
+ Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Joker);
+ SelectRandomSong;
+ SetJoker;
+ end;
+//Detailed Cover Unloading. Unloads the Detailed, uncached Cover of the cur. Song
+procedure TScreenSong.UnLoadDetailedCover;
+ CoverTime := 0;
+ Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', true); // 0.5.0: show cached texture
+ Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 0;
+ if Button[Interaction].Texture.Name <> Skin.GetTextureFileName('SongCover') then
+ Texture.UnloadTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, false);
+procedure TScreenSong.Refresh;
+begin {
+Interaction := 0;
+FixSelected; }
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongJumpto.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongJumpto.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48d23468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongJumpto.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+unit UScreenSongJumpto;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenSongJumpto = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ //For ChangeMusic
+ LastPlayed: Integer;
+ VisibleBool: Boolean;
+ public
+ VisSongs: Integer;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ //Visible //Whether the Menu should be Drawn
+ //Whether the Menu should be Drawn
+ procedure SetVisible(Value: Boolean);
+ property Visible: Boolean read VisibleBool write SetVisible;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure SetTextFound(const Count: Cardinal);
+ end;
+ IType: Array [0..2] of String;
+ SelectType: Integer;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, ULanguage, UParty, USongs, UScreenSong, ULog;
+function TScreenSongJumpto.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then
+ begin
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Button[0].Text[0].Text + chr(ScanCode);
+ SetTextFound(CatSongs.SetFilter(Button[0].Text[0].Text, SelectType));
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Interaction = 0) AND (Length(Button[0].Text[0].Text) > 0) then
+ begin
+ Button[0].Text[0].DeleteLastL;
+ SetTextFound(CatSongs.SetFilter(Button[0].Text[0].Text, SelectType));
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Visible := False;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ if (VisSongs = 0) AND (Length(Button[0].Text[0].Text) > 0) then
+ begin
+ ScreenSong.UnLoadDetailedCover;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := '';
+ CatSongs.SetFilter('', 0);
+ SetTextFound(0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ begin
+ {SelectNext;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Selected := (Interaction = 0);}
+ end;
+ begin
+ {SelectPrev;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Selected := (Interaction = 0); }
+ end;
+ begin
+ Interaction := 1;
+ InteractInc;
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text[0].Text) > 0) then
+ SetTextFound(CatSongs.SetFilter(Button[0].Text[0].Text, SelectType));
+ Interaction := 0;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Interaction := 1;
+ InteractDec;
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text[0].Text) > 0) then
+ SetTextFound(CatSongs.SetFilter(Button[0].Text[0].Text, SelectType));
+ Interaction := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenSongJumpto.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddText(Theme.SongJumpto.TextFound);
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.SongJumpto);
+ AddButton(Theme.SongJumpto.ButtonSearchText);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, '');
+ SelectType := 0;
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.SongJumpto.SelectSlideType, SelectType, Theme.SongJumpto.IType);
+ Interaction := 0;
+ LastPlayed := 0;
+procedure TScreenSongJumpto.SetVisible(Value: Boolean);
+//If change from unvisible to Visible then OnShow
+ if (VisibleBool = False) AND (Value = True) then
+ OnShow;
+ VisibleBool := Value;
+procedure TScreenSongJumpto.onShow;
+ //Reset Screen if no Old Search is Displayed
+ if (CatSongs.CatNumShow <> -2) then
+ begin
+ SelectsS[0].SetSelectOpt(0);
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := '';
+ Text[0].Text := Theme.SongJumpto.NoSongsFound;
+ end;
+ //Select Input
+ Interaction := 0;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Selected := True;
+ LastPlayed := ScreenSong.Interaction;
+function TScreenSongJumpto.Draw: boolean;
+ Result := inherited Draw;
+procedure TScreenSongJumpto.SetTextFound(const Count: Cardinal);
+ if (Count = 0) then
+ begin
+ Text[0].Text := Theme.SongJumpto.NoSongsFound;
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text[0].Text) = 0) then
+ ScreenSong.HideCatTL
+ else
+ ScreenSong.ShowCatTLCustom(Format(Theme.SongJumpto.CatText, [Button[0].Text[0].Text]));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[0].Text := Format(Theme.SongJumpto.SongsFound, [Count]);
+ //Set CatTopLeftText
+ ScreenSong.ShowCatTLCustom(Format(Theme.SongJumpto.CatText, [Button[0].Text[0].Text]));
+ end;
+ //Set visSongs
+ VisSongs := Count;
+ //Fix SongSelection
+ ScreenSong.Interaction := high(CatSongs.Song);
+ ScreenSong.SelectNext;
+ ScreenSong.FixSelected;
+ //Play Correct Music
+ if (ScreenSong.Interaction <> LastPlayed) then
+ begin
+ LastPlayed := ScreenSong.Interaction;
+ ScreenSong.ChangeMusic;
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongMenu.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongMenu.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e1841c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongMenu.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+unit UScreenSongMenu;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UFiles, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenSongMenu = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ CurMenu: Byte; //Num of the cur. Shown Menu
+ public
+ Visible: Boolean; //Whether the Menu should be Drawn
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure MenuShow(sMenu: Byte);
+ procedure HandleReturn;
+ end;
+ SM_Main = 1;
+ SM_PlayList = 64 or 1;
+ SM_Playlist_Add = 64 or 2;
+ SM_Playlist_New = 64 or 3;
+ SM_Playlist_DelItem = 64 or 5;
+ SM_Playlist_Load = 64 or 8 or 1;
+ SM_Playlist_Del = 64 or 8 or 5;
+ SM_Party_Main = 128 or 1;
+ SM_Party_Joker = 128 or 2;
+ ISelections: Array of String;
+ SelectValue: Integer;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, ULanguage, UParty, UPlaylist, USongs;
+function TScreenSongMenu.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ if (CurMenu = SM_Playlist_New) AND (Interaction=0) then
+ begin
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text + chr(ScanCode);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].DeleteLastL;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ begin
+ HandleReturn;
+ end;
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (Interaction=3) then
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Interaction=3) then
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ SDLK_1:
+ begin //Jocker
+ //Joker spielen
+ case CurMenu of
+ SM_Party_Main:
+ begin
+ ScreenSong.DoJoker(0)
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_2:
+ begin //Jocker
+ //Joker spielen
+ case CurMenu of
+ SM_Party_Main:
+ begin
+ ScreenSong.DoJoker(1)
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_3:
+ begin //Jocker
+ //Joker spielen
+ case CurMenu of
+ SM_Party_Main:
+ begin
+ ScreenSong.DoJoker(2)
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenSongMenu.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ //Create Dummy SelectSlide Entrys
+ SetLength(ISelections, 1);
+ ISelections[0] := 'Dummy';
+ AddText(Theme.SongMenu.TextMenu);
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.SongMenu);
+ AddButton(Theme.SongMenu.Button1);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 1');
+ AddButton(Theme.SongMenu.Button2);
+ if (Length(Button[1].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 2');
+ AddButton(Theme.SongMenu.Button3);
+ if (Length(Button[2].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 3');
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.SongMenu.SelectSlide3, SelectValue, ISelections);
+ AddButton(Theme.SongMenu.Button4);
+ if (Length(Button[3].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 4');
+ Interaction := 0;
+function TScreenSongMenu.Draw: boolean;
+ inherited Draw;
+procedure TScreenSongMenu.onShow;
+procedure TScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(sMenu: Byte);
+ Interaction := 0; //Reset Interaction
+ Visible := True; //Set Visible
+ Case sMenu of
+ SM_Main:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_MAIN');
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := True;
+ Button[2].Visible := True;
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAY');
+ Button[1].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_CHANGEPLAYERS');
+ Button[2].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_ADD');
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_EDIT');
+ end;
+ SM_PlayList:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST');
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := True;
+ Button[2].Visible := True;
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAY');
+ Button[1].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_CHANGEPLAYERS');
+ Button[2].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_DEL');
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_EDIT');
+ end;
+ SM_Playlist_Add:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST_ADD');
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := False;
+ Button[2].Visible := False;
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_ADD_NEW');
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_ADD_EXISTING');
+ SetLength(ISelections, Length(PlaylistMan.Playlists));
+ PlaylistMan.GetNames(ISelections);
+ if (Length(ISelections)>=1) then
+ begin
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.SongMenu.SelectSlide3, 0, ISelections, SelectValue);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[3].Visible := False;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[2].Visible := True;
+ Button[2].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_NOEXISTING');
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_Playlist_New:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST_NEW');
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := False;
+ Button[2].Visible := True;
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_NEW_UNNAMED');
+ Button[2].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_NEW_CREATE');
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_CANCEL');
+ end;
+ SM_Playlist_DelItem:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST_DELITEM');
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := False;
+ Button[2].Visible := False;
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_YES');
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_CANCEL');
+ end;
+ SM_Playlist_Load:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST_LOAD');
+ //Show Delete Curent Playlist Button when Playlist is opened
+ Button[0].Visible := (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -3);
+ Button[1].Visible := False;
+ Button[2].Visible := False;
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_DELCURRENT');
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_LOAD');
+ SetLength(ISelections, Length(PlaylistMan.Playlists));
+ PlaylistMan.GetNames(ISelections);
+ if (Length(ISelections)>=1) then
+ begin
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.SongMenu.SelectSlide3, 0, ISelections, SelectValue);
+ Interaction := 3;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[3].Visible := False;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[2].Visible := True;
+ Button[2].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_NOEXISTING');
+ Interaction := 2;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_Playlist_Del:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST_DEL');
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := False;
+ Button[2].Visible := False;
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_YES');
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_CANCEL');
+ end;
+ SM_Party_Main:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_PARTY_MAIN');
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := False;
+ Button[2].Visible := False;
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAY');
+ //Button[1].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_JOKER');
+ //Button[2].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYMODI');
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_JOKER');
+ end;
+ SM_Party_Joker:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_PARTY_JOKER');
+ Button[0].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker > 0);
+ Button[1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker > 0);
+ Button[2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker > 0);
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Name);
+ Button[1].Text[0].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Name);
+ Button[2].Text[0].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Name);
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_CANCEL');
+ //Set right Interaction
+ if (not Button[0].Visible) then
+ begin
+ if (not Button[1].Visible) then
+ begin
+ if (not Button[2].Visible) then
+ begin
+ Interaction := 4;
+ end
+ else Interaction := 2;
+ end
+ else Interaction := 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSongMenu.HandleReturn;
+ Case CurMenu of
+ SM_Main:
+ begin
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1
+ begin
+ ScreenSong.StartSong;
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ 1: //Button 2
+ begin
+ //Select New Players then Sing:
+ ScreenSong.SelectPlayers;
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ 2: //Button 3
+ begin
+ //Show add to Playlist Menu
+ MenuShow(SM_Playlist_Add);
+ end;
+ 3: //SelectSlide 3
+ begin
+ //Dummy
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ ScreenSong.OpenEditor;
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_PlayList:
+ begin
+ Visible := False;
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1
+ begin
+ ScreenSong.StartSong;
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ 1: //Button 2
+ begin
+ //Select New Players then Sing:
+ ScreenSong.SelectPlayers;
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ 2: //Button 3
+ begin
+ //Show add to Playlist Menu
+ MenuShow(SM_Playlist_DelItem);
+ end;
+ 3: //SelectSlide 3
+ begin
+ //Dummy
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ ScreenSong.OpenEditor;
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_Playlist_Add:
+ begin
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1
+ begin
+ MenuShow(SM_Playlist_New);
+ end;
+ 3: //SelectSlide 3
+ begin
+ //Dummy
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ PlaylistMan.AddItem(ScreenSong.Interaction, SelectValue);
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_Playlist_New:
+ begin
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1
+ begin
+ //Nothing, Button for Entering Name
+ end;
+ 2: //Button 3
+ begin
+ //Create Playlist and Add Song
+ PlaylistMan.AddItem(
+ ScreenSong.Interaction,
+ PlaylistMan.AddPlaylist(Button[0].Text[0].Text));
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ 3: //SelectSlide 3
+ begin
+ //Cancel -> Go back to Add screen
+ MenuShow(SM_Playlist_Add);
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_Playlist_DelItem:
+ begin
+ Visible := False;
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1
+ begin
+ //Delete
+ PlayListMan.DelItem(PlayListMan.GetIndexbySongID(ScreenSong.Interaction));
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ MenuShow(SM_Playlist);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_Playlist_Load:
+ begin
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1 (Delete Playlist)
+ begin
+ MenuShow(SM_Playlist_Del);
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ //Load Playlist
+ PlaylistMan.SetPlayList(SelectValue);
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_Playlist_Del:
+ begin
+ Visible := False;
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1
+ begin
+ //Delete
+ PlayListMan.DelPlaylist(PlaylistMan.CurPlayList);
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ MenuShow(SM_Playlist_Load);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_Party_Main:
+ begin
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1
+ begin
+ //Start Singing
+ ScreenSong.StartSong;
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ //Joker
+ MenuShow(SM_Party_Joker);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_Party_Joker:
+ begin
+ Visible := False;
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1
+ begin
+ //Joker Team 1
+ ScreenSong.DoJoker(0);
+ end;
+ 1: //Button 2
+ begin
+ //Joker Team 2
+ ScreenSong.DoJoker(1);
+ end;
+ 2: //Button 3
+ begin
+ //Joker Team 3
+ ScreenSong.DoJoker(2);
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ //Cancel... (Fo back to old Menu)
+ MenuShow(SM_Party_Main);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenStatDetail.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenStatDetail.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..324ad185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenStatDetail.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+unit UScreenStatDetail;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UDisplay, UMusic, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenStatDetail = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ Typ: Byte;
+ Page: CardinaL;
+ Count: Byte;
+ Reversed: Boolean;
+ TotEntrys: Cardinal;
+ TotPages: Cardinal;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ procedure SetTitle;
+ Procedure SetPage(NewPage: Cardinal);
+ end;
+{Stat Screens:
+ 0 - Best Scores
+ 1 - Best Singers
+ 2 - Most sung Songs
+ 3 - Most popular Band
+uses UGraphic, UDataBase, ULanguage, math, ULog;
+function TScreenStatDetail.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenStatMain);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then begin
+ //Next Page
+ SetPage(Page+1);
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 1 then begin
+ //Previous Page
+ if (Page > 0) then
+ SetPage(Page-1);
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 2 then begin
+ //Reverse Order
+ Reversed := not Reversed;
+ SetPage(Page);
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 3 then begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenStatMain);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenStatDetail.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.StatDetail.TextList) do
+ AddText(Theme.StatDetail.TextList[I]);
+ Count := Length(Theme.StatDetail.TextList);
+ AddText(Theme.StatDetail.TextDescription);
+ AddText(Theme.StatDetail.TextPage);
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.StatDetail);
+ AddButton(Theme.StatDetail.ButtonNext);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Language.Translate('STAT_NEXT'));
+ AddButton(Theme.StatDetail.ButtonPrev);
+ if (Length(Button[1].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Language.Translate('STAT_PREV'));
+ AddButton(Theme.StatDetail.ButtonReverse);
+ if (Length(Button[2].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Language.Translate('STAT_REVERSE'));
+ AddButton(Theme.StatDetail.ButtonExit);
+ if (Length(Button[3].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[7]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+ Typ := 0;
+procedure TScreenStatDetail.onShow;
+ //Set Tot Entrys and PAges
+ TotEntrys := DataBase.GetTotalEntrys(Typ);
+ TotPages := Ceil(TotEntrys / Count);
+ //Show correct Title
+ SetTitle;
+ //Show First Page
+ Reversed := False;
+ SetPage(0);
+procedure TScreenStatDetail.SetTitle;
+ //Set Title
+ Case Reversed of
+ True: Text[Count].Text := Theme.StatDetail.DescriptionR[Typ];
+ False: Text[Count].Text := Theme.StatDetail.Description[Typ];
+ end;
+Procedure TScreenStatDetail.SetPage(NewPage: Cardinal);
+ Result: AStatResult;
+ I: Integer;
+ FormatStr: String;
+ PerPage: Byte;
+ SetLength(Result, Count);
+ if (Database.GetStats(Result, Typ, Count, NewPage, Reversed)) then
+ begin
+ Page := NewPage;
+ FormatStr := Theme.StatDetail.FormatStr[Typ];
+ //refresh Texts
+ For I := 0 to Count-1 do
+ begin
+ try
+ case Typ of
+ 0:begin //Best Scores
+ //Set Texts
+ if (Result[I].Score>0) then
+ Text[I].Text := Format(FormatStr, [Result[I].Singer,
+ Result[I].Score,
+ Theme.ILevel[Result[I].Difficulty],
+ Result[I].SongArtist,
+ Result[I].SongTitle])
+ else
+ Text[I].Text := '';
+ end;
+ 1:begin //Best Singers
+ //Set Texts
+ if (Result[I].AverageScore>0) then
+ Text[I].Text := Format(FormatStr, [Result[I].Player,
+ Result[I].AverageScore])
+ else
+ Text[I].Text := '';
+ end;
+ 2:begin //Popular Songs
+ //Set Texts
+ if (Result[I].Artist<>'') then
+ Text[I].Text := Format(FormatStr, [Result[I].Artist,
+ Result[I].Title,
+ Result[I].TimesSung])
+ else
+ Text[I].Text := '';
+ end;
+ 3:begin //Popular Bands
+ //Set Texts
+ if (Result[I].ArtistName<>'') then
+ Text[I].Text := Format(FormatStr, [Result[I].ArtistName,
+ Result[I].TimesSungtot])
+ else
+ Text[I].Text := '';
+ end;
+ end;
+ except
+ on E: EConvertError do
+ Log.LogError('Error Parsing FormatString in UScreenStatDetail: ' + E.Message);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Page + 1 = TotPages) AND (TotEntrys Mod Count <> 0) then
+ PerPage := (TotEntrys Mod Count)
+ else
+ PerPage := Count;
+ Text[Count+1].Text := Format(Theme.StatDetail.PageStr, [Page + 1,
+ TotPages,
+ PerPage,
+ TotEntrys]);
+ //Show correct Title
+ SetTitle;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenStatDetail.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+var I: Integer;
+ For I := 0 to high(Button) do
+ Button[I].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenStatMain.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenStatMain.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d00552fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenStatMain.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+unit UScreenStatMain;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UDisplay, UMusic, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenStatMain = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ //Some Stat Value that don't need to be calculated 2 times
+ SongswithVid: Cardinal;
+ public
+ TextOverview: integer;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ procedure SetOverview;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UDataBase, USongs, ULanguage, windows, ULog;
+function TScreenStatMain.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ begin
+ //Exit Button Pressed
+ if Interaction = 4 then begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end
+ else //One of the Stats Buttons Pressed
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ ScreenStatDetail.Typ := Interaction;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenStatDetail);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenStatMain.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ TextOverview := AddText(Theme.StatMain.TextOverview);
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.StatMain);
+ AddButton(Theme.StatMain.ButtonScores);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.StatDetail.Description[0]);
+ AddButton(Theme.StatMain.ButtonSingers);
+ if (Length(Button[1].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.StatDetail.Description[1]);
+ AddButton(Theme.StatMain.ButtonSongs);
+ if (Length(Button[2].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.StatDetail.Description[2]);
+ AddButton(Theme.StatMain.ButtonBands);
+ if (Length(Button[3].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.StatDetail.Description[3]);
+ AddButton(Theme.StatMain.ButtonExit);
+ if (Length(Button[4].Text)=0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[4]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+ //Set Songs with Vid
+ SongswithVid := 0;
+ For I := 0 to high(Songs.Song) do
+ if (Songs.Song[I].Video <> '') then
+ Inc(SongswithVid);
+procedure TScreenStatMain.onShow;
+ //Set Overview Text:
+ SetOverview;
+procedure TScreenStatMain.SetOverview;
+ Overview, Formatstr: String;
+ I: Integer;
+ //Some Vars to Save Attributes to
+ A1, A2, A3: Integer;
+ A4, A5: String;
+ Result1, Result2: AStatResult;
+ ResetTime: TSystemTime;
+ function GetFileCreation(Filename: String): TSystemTime;
+ var
+ FindData: TWin32FindData;
+ Handle: THandle;
+ begin
+ Handle := FindFirstFile(PChar(Filename), FindData);
+ if Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
+ begin
+ FileTimeToSystemTime(FindData.ftCreationTime, Result);
+ Windows.FindClose(Handle);
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Song Overview
+ //Introduction
+ Formatstr := Language.Translate ('STAT_OVERVIEW_INTRO');
+ {Format:
+ %0:d Ultrastar Version
+ %1:d Day of Reset (A1)
+ %2:d Month of Reset (A2)
+ %3:d Year of Reset (A3)}
+ ResetTime := GetFileCreation(Database.Filename);
+ A1 := ResetTime.wDay;
+ A2 := ResetTime.wMonth;
+ A3 := ResetTime.wYear;
+ try
+ Overview := Format(Formatstr, [Language.Translate('US_VERSION'), A1, A2, A3]);
+ except
+ on E: EConvertError do
+ Log.LogError('Error Parsing FormatString "STAT_OVERVIEW_INTRO": ' + E.Message);
+ end;
+ Formatstr := Language.Translate ('STAT_OVERVIEW_SONG');
+ {Format:
+ %0:d Count Songs (A1)
+ %1:d Count of Sung Songs (A2)
+ %2:d Count of UnSung Songs
+ %3:d Count of Songs with Video (A3)
+ %4:s Name of the most popular Song}
+ A1 := Length(Songs.Song);
+ A2 := Database.GetTotalEntrys(2);
+ A3 := SongswithVid;
+ SetLength(Result1, 1);
+ Database.GetStats(Result1, 2, 1, 0, False);
+ A4 := Result1[0].Artist;
+ A5 := Result1[0].Title;
+ try
+ Overview := Overview + '\n \n' + Format(Formatstr, [A1, A2, A1-A2, A3, A4, A5]);
+ except
+ on E: EConvertError do
+ Log.LogError('Error Parsing FormatString "STAT_OVERVIEW_SONG": ' + E.Message);
+ end;
+ //Player Overview
+ Formatstr := Language.Translate ('STAT_OVERVIEW_PLAYER');
+ {Format:
+ %0:d Count Players (A1)
+ %1:s Best Player (Result)
+ %2:d Best Players Score
+ %3:s Best Score Player (Result2)
+ %4:d Best Score}
+ A1 := Database.GetTotalEntrys(1);
+ SetLength(Result1, 1);
+ Database.GetStats(Result1, 1, 1, 0, False);
+ SetLength(Result2, 1);
+ Database.GetStats(Result2, 0, 1, 0, False);
+ try
+ Overview := Overview + '\n \n' + Format(Formatstr, [A1, Result1[0].Player, Result1[0].AverageScore, Result2[0].Singer, Result2[0].Score]);
+ except
+ on E: EConvertError do
+ Log.LogError('Error Parsing FormatString "STAT_OVERVIEW_PLAYER": ' + E.Message);
+ end;
+ Text[0].Text := Overview;
+procedure TScreenStatMain.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+var I: Integer;
+ For I := 0 to high(Button) do
+ Button[I].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b555bd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+unit UScreenTop5;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UDisplay, UMusic, USongs, UThemes, ULCD;
+ TScreenTop5 = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextLevel: integer;
+ TextArtistTitle: integer;
+ StaticNumber: array[1..5] of integer;
+ TextNumber: array[1..5] of integer;
+ TextName: array[1..5] of integer;
+ TextScore: array[1..5] of integer;
+ Fadeout: boolean;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UDataBase, UMain, UIni;
+function TScreenTop5.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then begin
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (not Fadeout) then begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Display.PrintScreen;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenTop5.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ LoadFromTheme(Theme.Top5);
+ TextLevel := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextLevel);
+ TextArtistTitle := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextArtistTitle);
+ for I := 0 to 4 do
+ StaticNumber[I+1] := AddStatic(Theme.Top5.StaticNumber[I]);
+ for I := 0 to 4 do
+ TextNumber[I+1] := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextNumber[I]);
+ for I := 0 to 4 do
+ TextName[I+1] := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextName[I]);
+ for I := 0 to 4 do
+ TextScore[I+1] := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextScore[I]);
+procedure TScreenTop5.onShow;
+ I: integer;
+ PMax: integer;
+ Fadeout := false;
+ PMax := PlayersPlay - 1;
+ for I := 0 to PMax do
+ DataBase.AddScore(AktSong, Ini.Difficulty, Ini.Name[I], Player[I].ScoreTotalI);
+ DataBase.WriteScore(AktSong);
+ DataBase.ReadScore(AktSong);
+ Text[TextArtistTitle].Text := AktSong.Artist + ' - ' + AktSong.Title;
+ for I := 1 to Length(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty]) do begin
+ Static[StaticNumber[I]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextNumber[I]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextName[I]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextScore[I]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextName[I]].Text := AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty, I-1].Name;
+ Text[TextScore[I]].Text := IntToStr(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty, I-1].Score);
+ end;
+ for I := Length(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty])+1 to 5 do begin
+ Static[StaticNumber[I]].Visible := false;
+ Text[TextNumber[I]].Visible := false;
+ Text[TextName[I]].Visible := false;
+ Text[TextScore[I]].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ Text[TextLevel].Text := IDifficulty[Ini.Difficulty];
+function TScreenTop5.Draw: boolean;
+{ Min: real;
+ Max: real;
+ Wsp: real;
+ Wsp2: real;
+ Pet: integer;}
+{ Item: integer;
+ P: integer;
+ C: integer;}
+ // Singstar - let it be...... with 6 statics
+{ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ for Item := 4 to 6 do begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then P := Item-4;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then P := Item-1;
+ FillPlayer(Item, P);
+{ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P1Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P4Dark');
+ end;}
+{ end;
+ end;}
+ inherited Draw;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenWelcome.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenWelcome.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35e159f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenWelcome.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+unit UScreenWelcome;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenWelcome = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ Animation: real;
+ Fadeout: boolean;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UTime, USkins;
+function TScreenWelcome.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then begin
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenWelcome.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddStatic(-10, -10, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonAlt') , 'JPG', 'Transparent');
+ AddStatic(-500, 440, 200, 5, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Rectangle'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(-500, 472, 200, 5, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Rectangle'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(-500, 504, 200, 5, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Rectangle'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(-500, 536, 200, 5, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Rectangle'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(-500, 568, 200, 5, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Rectangle'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ Animation := 0;
+ Fadeout := false;
+procedure TScreenWelcome.onShow;
+ CountSkipTimeSet;
+function TScreenWelcome.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: real;
+ Max: real;
+ Wsp: real;
+ Pet: integer;
+ // star animation
+ Animation := Animation + TimeSkip*1000;
+ // draw nothing
+ Min := 0; Max := 1000;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ end;
+ // popup
+ Min := 1000; Max := 1120;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ Wsp := (Animation - Min) / (Max - Min);
+ Static[0].Texture.X := 600;
+ Static[0].Texture.Y := 600 - Wsp * 230;
+ Static[0].Texture.W := 200;
+ Static[0].Texture.H := Wsp * 230;
+ end;
+ // bounce
+ Min := 1120; Max := 1200;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ Wsp := (Animation - Min) / (Max - Min);
+ Static[0].Texture.Y := 370 + Wsp * 50;
+ Static[0].Texture.H := 230 - Wsp * 50;
+ end;
+ // run
+ Min := 1500; Max := 3500;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ Wsp := (Animation - Min) / (Max - Min);
+ Static[0].Texture.X := 600 - Wsp * 1400;
+ Static[0].Texture.H := 180;
+ for Pet := 1 to 5 do begin
+ Static[Pet].Texture.X := 770 - Wsp * 1400;
+ Static[Pet].Texture.W := 150 + Wsp * 200;
+ Static[Pet].Texture.Alpha := Wsp * 0.5;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Min := 3500;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (not Fadeout) then begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ inherited Draw;