diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Screens')
56 files changed, 10101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEdit.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEdit.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b9c7bb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEdit.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEdit.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEdit.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa3301a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEdit.pas @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +unit UScreenEdit;
+uses UMenu, SDL, UThemes;
+ TScreenEdit = class(TMenu)
+ public
+{ Tex_Background: TTexture;
+ FadeOut: boolean;
+ Path: string;
+ FileName: string;}
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+{ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure Finish;}
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMusic, USkins;
+function TScreenEdit.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+// Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenEditConvert);
+ end;
+// if Interaction = 1 then begin
+// Music.PlayStart;
+// FadeTo(@ScreenEditHeader);
+// end;
+ if Interaction = 1 then begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenEdit.Create(Back: String);
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ AddButton(400-200, 100 + 0*70, 400, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Convert Midi to Txt');
+// Button[High(Button)].Text[0].Size := 11;
+// AddButton(400-200, 100 + 1*60, 400, 40, 'ButtonF');
+// AddButtonText(10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Edit Headers');
+// AddButton(400-200, 100 + 2*60, 400, 40, 'ButtonF');
+// AddButtonText(10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Set GAP');
+ AddButton(400-200, 100 + 3*60, 400, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Exit');
+procedure TScreenEdit.onShow;
+// Interaction := 0;
+(*function TScreenEdit.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: integer;
+ Sec: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ Pet: integer;
+ AktBeat: integer;
+procedure TScreenEdit.Finish;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..1839ad6b --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..68742535 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.pas @@ -0,0 +1,500 @@ +unit UScreenEditConvert;
+uses UMenu, SDL, MidiFile, MidiOut, ULog, USongs, UMusic, UThemes;
+ TNote = record
+ Event: integer;
+ EventType: integer;
+ Channel: integer;
+ Start: real;
+ Len: real;
+ Data1: integer;
+ Data2: integer;
+ Str: string;
+ end;
+ TTrack = record
+ Note: array of TNote;
+ Name: string;
+ Hear: boolean;
+ Status: byte; // 0 - none, 1 - notes, 2 - lyrics, 3 - notes + lyrics
+ end;
+ TNuta = record
+ Start: integer;
+ Len: integer;
+ Tone: integer;
+ Lyric: string;
+ NewSentence: boolean;
+ end;
+ TArrayTrack = array of TTrack;
+ TScreenEditConvert = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ ATrack: TArrayTrack; // actual track
+// Track: TArrayTrack;
+ Channel: TArrayTrack;
+ ColR: array[0..100] of real;
+ ColG: array[0..100] of real;
+ ColB: array[0..100] of real;
+ Len: real;
+ Sel: integer;
+ Selected: boolean;
+// FileName: string;
+ MidiFile: TMidiFile;
+ MidiTrack: TMidiTrack;
+ MidiEvent: pMidiEvent;
+ MidiOut: TMidiOutput;
+ Song: TSong;
+ Czesc: TCzesci;
+ BPM: real;
+ Ticks: real;
+ Nuta: array of TNuta;
+ procedure AddLyric(Start: integer; Tekst: string);
+ procedure Extract;
+ procedure MidiFile1MidiEvent(event: PMidiEvent);
+ function SelectedNumber: integer;
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure onHide; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, SysUtils, UDrawTexture, TextGL, UPliki, UMain, UIni, OpenGL, USkins;
+function TScreenEditConvert.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ T: integer;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ MidiFile.StopPlaying;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenEdit);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ ScreenOpen.BackScreen := @ScreenEditConvert;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOpen);
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 1 then begin
+ Selected := false;
+ MidiFile.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent;
+// MidiFile.GoToTime(MidiFile.GetTrackLength div 2);
+ MidiFile.StartPlaying;
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 2 then begin
+ Selected := true;
+ MidiFile.OnMidiEvent := nil;
+ {for T := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+ if ATrack[T].Hear then begin
+ MidiTrack := MidiFile.GetTrack(T);
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent;
+ end;
+ end;
+ MidiFile.StartPlaying;//}
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 3 then begin
+ if SelectedNumber > 0 then begin
+ Extract;
+ SaveSong(Song, Czesc, ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.txt'), false);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+// ATrack[Sel].Hear := not ATrack[Sel].Hear;
+ ATrack[Sel].Status := (ATrack[Sel].Status + 1) mod 4;
+{ if Selected then begin
+ MidiTrack := MidiFile.GetTrack(Sel);
+ if Track[Sel].Hear then
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent
+ else
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := nil;
+ end;}
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Inc(Sel);
+ if Sel > High(ATrack) then Sel := 0;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Dec(Sel);
+ if Sel < 0 then Sel := High(ATrack);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.AddLyric(Start: integer; Tekst: string);
+ N: integer;
+ for N := 0 to High(Nuta) do begin
+ if Nuta[N].Start = Start then begin
+ // check for new sentece
+ if Copy(Tekst, 1, 1) = '\' then Delete(Tekst, 1, 1);
+ if Copy(Tekst, 1, 1) = '/' then begin
+ Delete(Tekst, 1, 1);
+ Nuta[N].NewSentence := true;
+ end;
+ // overwrite lyric od append
+ if Nuta[N].Lyric = '-' then
+ Nuta[N].Lyric := Tekst
+ else
+ Nuta[N].Lyric := Nuta[N].Lyric + Tekst;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.Extract;
+ T: integer;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ Nu: integer;
+ NutaTemp: TNuta;
+ Move: integer;
+ // song info
+ Song.Title := '';
+ Song.Artist := '';
+ Song.Mp3 := '';
+ Song.Resolution := 4;
+ SetLength(Song.BPM, 1);
+ Song.BPM[0].BPM := BPM*4;
+ // extract notes
+ for T := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+// if ATrack[T].Hear then begin
+ if ((ATrack[T].Status div 1) and 1) = 1 then begin
+ for N := 0 to High(ATrack[T].Note) do begin
+ if (ATrack[T].Note[N].EventType = 9) and (ATrack[T].Note[N].Data2 > 0) then begin
+ Nu := Length(Nuta);
+ SetLength(Nuta, Nu + 1);
+ Nuta[Nu].Start := Round(ATrack[T].Note[N].Start / Ticks);
+ Nuta[Nu].Len := Round(ATrack[T].Note[N].Len / Ticks);
+ Nuta[Nu].Tone := ATrack[T].Note[N].Data1 - 12*5;
+ Nuta[Nu].Lyric := '-';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // extract lyrics
+ for T := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+// if ATrack[T].Hear then begin
+ if ((ATrack[T].Status div 2) and 1) = 1 then begin
+ for N := 0 to High(ATrack[T].Note) do begin
+ if (ATrack[T].Note[N].EventType = 15) then begin
+// Log.LogStatus('<' + Track[T].Note[N].Str + '>', 'MIDI');
+ AddLyric(Round(ATrack[T].Note[N].Start / Ticks), ATrack[T].Note[N].Str);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // sort notes
+ for N := 0 to High(Nuta) do
+ for Nu := 0 to High(Nuta)-1 do
+ if Nuta[Nu].Start > Nuta[Nu+1].Start then begin
+ NutaTemp := Nuta[Nu];
+ Nuta[Nu] := Nuta[Nu+1];
+ Nuta[Nu+1] := NutaTemp;
+ end;
+ // move to 0 at beginning
+ Move := Nuta[0].Start;
+ for N := 0 to High(Nuta) do
+ Nuta[N].Start := Nuta[N].Start - Move;
+ // copy notes
+ SetLength(Czesc.Czesc, 1);
+ Czesc.Ilosc := 1;
+ Czesc.High := 0;
+ C := 0;
+ N := 0;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].IlNut := 0;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut := -1;
+ for Nu := 0 to High(Nuta) do begin
+ if Nuta[Nu].NewSentence then begin // nowa linijka
+ SetLength(Czesc.Czesc, Length(Czesc.Czesc)+1);
+ Czesc.Ilosc := Czesc.Ilosc + 1;
+ Czesc.High := Czesc.High + 1;
+ C := C + 1;
+ N := 0;
+ SetLength(Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta, 0);
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].IlNut := 0;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut := -1;
+ end;
+ // tworzy miejsce na nowa nute
+ SetLength(Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta, Length(Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta)+1);
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].IlNut := Czesc.Czesc[C].IlNut + 1;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut := Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut + 1;
+ // dopisuje
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start := Nuta[Nu].Start;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Dlugosc := Nuta[Nu].Len;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Ton := Nuta[Nu].Tone;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Nuta[Nu].Lyric;
+ //All Notes are Freestyle when Converted Fix:
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Wartosc := 1;
+ Inc(N);
+ end;
+function TScreenEditConvert.SelectedNumber: integer;
+ T: integer; // track
+ Result := 0;
+ for T := 0 to High(ATrack) do
+// if ATrack[T].Hear then Inc(Result);
+ if ((ATrack[T].Status div 1) and 1) = 1 then Inc(Result);
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.MidiFile1MidiEvent(event: PMidiEvent);
+// Log.LogStatus(IntToStr(event.event), 'MIDI');
+ MidiOut.PutShort(event.event, event.data1, event.data2);
+constructor TScreenEditConvert.Create(Back: String);
+ P: integer;
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ AddButton(40, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(15, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Open');
+// Button[High(Button)].Text[0].Size := 11;
+ AddButton(160, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(25, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Play');
+ AddButton(280, 20, 200, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(25, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Play Selected');
+ AddButton(500, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(20, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Save');
+{ MidiOut := TMidiOutput.Create(nil);
+// MidiOut.Close;
+// MidiOut.DeviceID := 0;
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ MidiOut.ProductName := 'Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth'; // for my kxproject without midi table
+ Log.LogStatus(MidiOut.ProductName, 'MIDI');
+ MidiOut.Open;
+// MidiOut.SetVolume(100, 100); // temporary}
+ FileName := GamePath + 'file.mid';
+ MidiFile := TMidiFile.Create(nil);
+ for P := 0 to 100 do begin
+ ColR[P] := Random(10)/10;
+ ColG[P] := Random(10)/10;
+ ColB[P] := Random(10)/10;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.onShow;
+ T: integer; // track
+ N: integer; // note
+ C: integer; // channel
+ CN: integer; // channel note
+ MidiOut := TMidiOutput.Create(nil);
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ MidiOut.ProductName := 'Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth'; // for my kxproject without midi table
+ Log.LogStatus(MidiOut.ProductName, 'MIDI');
+ MidiOut.Open;
+ if FileExists(FileName) then begin
+ MidiFile.Filename := FileName;
+ MidiFile.ReadFile;
+ Len := 0;
+ Sel := 0;
+ BPM := MidiFile.Bpm;
+ Ticks := MidiFile.TicksPerQuarter / 4;
+{ for T := 0 to MidiFile.NumberOfTracks-1 do begin
+ SetLength(Track, Length(Track)+1);
+ MidiTrack := MidiFile.GetTrack(T);
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent;
+ Track[T].Name := MidiTrack.getName;
+ for N := 0 to MidiTrack.getEventCount-1 do begin
+ SetLength(Track[T].Note, Length(Track[T].Note)+1);
+ MidiEvent := MidiTrack.GetEvent(N);
+ Track[T].Note[N].Start := MidiEvent.time;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Len := MidiEvent.len;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Event := MidiEvent.event;
+ Track[T].Note[N].EventType := MidiEvent.event div 16;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Channel := MidiEvent.event and 15;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Data1 := MidiEvent.data1;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Data2 := MidiEvent.data2;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Str := MidiEvent.str;
+ if Track[T].Note[N].Start + Track[T].Note[N].Len > Len then
+ Len := Track[T].Note[N].Start + Track[T].Note[N].Len;
+ end;
+ end;}
+ SetLength(Channel, 16);
+ for T := 0 to 15 do
+ Channel[T].Name := IntToStr(T+1);
+ for T := 0 to MidiFile.NumberOfTracks-1 do begin
+ MidiTrack := MidiFile.GetTrack(T);
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent;
+ for N := 0 to MidiTrack.getEventCount-1 do begin
+ MidiEvent := MidiTrack.GetEvent(N);
+ C := MidiEvent.event and 15;
+ CN := Length(Channel[C].Note);
+ SetLength(Channel[C].Note, CN+1);
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Start := MidiEvent.time;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Len := MidiEvent.len;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Event := MidiEvent.event;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].EventType := MidiEvent.event div 16;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Channel := MidiEvent.event and 15;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Data1 := MidiEvent.data1;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Data2 := MidiEvent.data2;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Str := MidiEvent.str;
+ if Channel[C].Note[CN].Start + Channel[C].Note[CN].Len > Len then
+ Len := Channel[C].Note[CN].Start + Channel[C].Note[CN].Len;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ATrack := Channel;
+ end;
+ Interaction := 0;
+function TScreenEditConvert.Draw: boolean;
+ Pet: integer;
+ Pet2: integer;
+ Bottom: real;
+ X: real;
+ Y: real;
+ H: real;
+ YSkip: real;
+ // draw static menu
+ inherited Draw;
+ Y := 100;
+ H := Length(ATrack)*40;
+ if H > 480 then H := 480;
+ Bottom := Y + H;
+ YSkip := H / Length(ATrack);
+ // select
+ DrawQuad(10, Y+Sel*YSkip, 780, YSkip, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
+ // selected - now me use Status System
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ATrack) do
+ if ATrack[Pet].Hear then
+ DrawQuad(10, Y+Pet*YSkip, 50, YSkip, 0.8, 0.3, 0.3);
+ glColor3f(0, 0, 0);
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+ if ((ATrack[Pet].Status div 1) and 1) = 1 then begin
+ SetFontPos(25, Y + Pet*YSkip + 10);
+ SetFontSize(5);
+ glPrint('N');
+ end;
+ if ((ATrack[Pet].Status div 2) and 1) = 1 then begin
+ SetFontPos(40, Y + Pet*YSkip + 10);
+ SetFontSize(5);
+ glPrint('L');
+ end;
+ end;
+ DrawLine(10, Y, 10, Bottom, 0, 0, 0);
+ DrawLine(60, Y, 60, Bottom, 0, 0, 0);
+ DrawLine(790, Y, 790, Bottom, 0, 0, 0);
+ for Pet := 0 to Length(ATrack) do
+ DrawLine(10, Y+Pet*YSkip, 790, Y+Pet*YSkip, 0, 0, 0);
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+ SetFontPos(11, Y + 10 + Pet*YSkip);
+ SetFontSize(5);
+ glPrint(pchar(ATrack[Pet].Name));
+ end;
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ATrack) do
+ for Pet2 := 0 to High(ATrack[Pet].Note) do begin
+ if ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].EventType = 9 then
+ DrawQuad(60 + ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].Start/Len * 725, Y + (Pet+1)*YSkip - ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].Data1*35/127, 3, 3, ColR[Pet], ColG[Pet], ColB[Pet]);
+ if ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].EventType = 15 then
+ DrawLine(60 + ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].Start/Len * 725, Y + 0.75 * YSkip + Pet*YSkip, 60 + ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].Start/Len * 725, Y + YSkip + Pet*YSkip, ColR[Pet], ColG[Pet], ColB[Pet]);
+ end;
+ // playing line
+ X := 60+MidiFile.GetCurrentTime/MidiFile.GetTrackLength*730;
+ DrawLine(X, Y, X, Bottom, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.onHide;
+ MidiOut.Close;
+ MidiOut.Free;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..9508e841 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..65f39e44 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditHeader.pas @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +unit UScreenEditHeader;
+uses UMenu, SDL, USongs, UThemes;
+ TScreenEditHeader = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ AktSong: TSong;
+ TextTitle: integer;
+ TextArtist: integer;
+ TextMp3: integer;
+ TextBackground: integer;
+ TextVideo: integer;
+ TextVideoGAP: integer;
+ TextRelative: integer;
+ TextResolution: integer;
+ TextNotesGAP: integer;
+ TextStart: integer;
+ TextGAP: integer;
+ TextBPM: integer;
+ StaticTitle: integer;
+ StaticArtist: integer;
+ StaticMp3: integer;
+ StaticBackground: integer;
+ StaticVideo: integer;
+ StaticVideoGAP: integer;
+ StaticRelative: integer;
+ StaticResolution: integer;
+ StaticNotesGAP: integer;
+ StaticStart: integer;
+ StaticGAP: integer;
+ StaticBPM: integer;
+ Sel: array[0..11] of boolean;
+ procedure SetRoundButtons;
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+{ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure Finish;}
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMusic, SysUtils, UPliki, USkins;
+function TScreenEditHeader.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ T: integer;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+// Music.PlayBack;
+// FadeTo(@MainScreen);
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 1 then begin
+// Save;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ case Interaction of
+ 0..0: InteractNext;
+ 1: Interaction := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ case Interaction of
+ 0: Interaction := 1;
+ 1..1: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ case Interaction of
+ 0..1: Interaction := 2;
+ 2..12: InteractNext;
+ 13: Interaction := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ case Interaction of
+ 0..1: Interaction := 13;
+ 2: Interaction := 0;
+ 3..13: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ T := Interaction - 2 + TextTitle;
+ if (Interaction >= 2) and (Interaction <= 13) and (Length(Text[T].Text) >= 1) then begin
+ Delete(Text[T].Text, Length(Text[T].Text), 1);
+ SetRoundButtons;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ case ScanCode of
+ 32..255:
+ begin
+ if (Interaction >= 2) and (Interaction <= 13) then begin
+ Text[Interaction - 2 + TextTitle].Text :=
+ Text[Interaction - 2 + TextTitle].Text + chr(ScanCode);
+ SetRoundButtons;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenEditHeader.Create(Back: String);
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ AddButton(40, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(15, 5, 'Open');
+ AddButton(160, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(20, 5, 'Save');
+ AddBox(80, 60, 640, 550);
+ AddText(160, 110 + 0*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Title:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 1*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Artist:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 2*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'MP3:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 4*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Background:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 5*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Video:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 6*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'VideoGAP:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 8*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Relative:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 9*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Resolution:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 10*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'NotesGAP:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 12*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'Start:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 13*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'GAP:');
+ AddText(160, 110 + 14*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 'BPM:');
+ TextTitle := AddText(340, 110 + 0*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextArtist := AddText(340, 110 + 1*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextMp3 := AddText(340, 110 + 2*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextBackground := AddText(340, 110 + 4*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextVideo := AddText(340, 110 + 5*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextVideoGAP := AddText(340, 110 + 6*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextRelative := AddText(340, 110 + 8*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextResolution := AddText(340, 110 + 9*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextNotesGAP := AddText(340, 110 + 10*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextStart := AddText(340, 110 + 12*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextGAP := AddText(340, 110 + 13*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ TextBPM := AddText(340, 110 + 14*30, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, '');
+ StaticTitle := AddStatic(130, 115 + 0*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticArtist := AddStatic(130, 115 + 1*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticMp3 := AddStatic(130, 115 + 2*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticBackground := AddStatic(130, 115 + 4*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticVideo := AddStatic(130, 115 + 5*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticVideoGAP := AddStatic(130, 115 + 6*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticRelative := AddStatic(130, 115 + 8*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticResolution := AddStatic(130, 115 + 9*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticNotesGAP := AddStatic(130, 115 + 10*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticStart := AddStatic(130, 115 + 12*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticGAP := AddStatic(130, 115 + 13*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ StaticBPM := AddStatic(130, 115 + 14*30, 20, 20, 1, 1, 1, 'RoundButton', 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextTitle);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextArtist);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextMp3);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextBackground);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextVideo);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextVideoGAP);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextRelative);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextResolution);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextNotesGAP);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextStart);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextGAP);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextBPM);
+procedure TScreenEditHeader.onShow;
+{ if FileExists(FileName) then begin // load file
+ AktSong.FileName := FileName;
+ SkanujPlik(AktSong);
+ SetLength(TrueBoolStrs, 1);
+ TrueBoolStrs[0] := 'yes';
+ SetLength(FalseBoolStrs, 1);
+ FalseBoolStrs[0] := 'no';
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := AktSong.Title;
+ Text[TextArtist].Text := AktSong.Artist;
+ Text[TextMP3].Text := AktSong.Mp3;
+ Text[TextBackground].Text := AktSong.Background;
+ Text[TextVideo].Text := AktSong.Video;
+ Text[TextVideoGAP].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.VideoGAP);
+ Text[TextRelative].Text := BoolToStr(AktSong.Relative, true);
+ Text[TextResolution].Text := IntToStr(AktSong.Resolution);
+ Text[TextNotesGAP].Text := IntToStr(AktSong.NotesGAP);
+ Text[TextStart].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.Start);
+ Text[TextGAP].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.GAP);
+ Text[TextBPM].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM);
+ SetRoundButtons;
+ end;}
+ Interaction := 0;
+(*function TScreenEdit.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: integer;
+ Sec: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ Pet: integer;
+ AktBeat: integer;
+{ glClearColor(1,1,1,1);
+ // control music
+ if PlaySentence then begin
+ // stop the music
+ if (Music.Position > PlayStopTime) then begin
+ Music.Stop;
+ PlaySentence := false;
+ end;
+ // click
+ if (Click) and (PlaySentence) then begin
+ AktBeat := Floor(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * (Music.Position - AktSong.GAP / 1000) / 60);
+ Text[TextDebug].Text := IntToStr(AktBeat);
+ if AktBeat <> LastClick then begin
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = AktBeat) then begin
+ Music.PlayClick;
+ LastClick := AktBeat;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // click
+ end; // if PlaySentence
+ Text[TextSentence].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Akt + 1) + ' / ' + IntToStr(Czesci[0].Ilosc);
+ Text[TextNote].Text := IntToStr(AktNuta + 1) + ' / ' + IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].IlNut);
+ // Song info
+ Text[TextBPM].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 4);
+ Text[TextGAP].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.GAP);
+ // Note info
+ Text[TextNStart].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ Text[TextNDlugosc].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ Text[TextNTon].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Ton);
+ Text[TextNText].Text := Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst;
+ // draw static menu
+ inherited Draw;
+ // draw notes
+ SingDrawNoteLines(20, 300, 780, 15);
+ SingDrawBeatDelimeters(40, 300, 760, 0);
+ SingDrawCzesc(40, 405, 760, 0);
+ // draw text
+ Lyric.Draw;}
+procedure TScreenEditHeader.SetRoundButtons;
+ if Length(Text[TextTitle].Text) > 0 then Static[StaticTitle].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticTitle].Visible := false;
+ if Length(Text[TextArtist].Text) > 0 then Static[StaticArtist].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticArtist].Visible := false;
+ if Length(Text[TextMp3].Text) > 0 then Static[StaticMp3].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticMp3].Visible := false;
+ if Length(Text[TextBackground].Text) > 0 then Static[StaticBackground].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticBackground].Visible := false;
+ if Length(Text[TextVideo].Text) > 0 then Static[StaticVideo].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticVideo].Visible := false;
+ try
+ StrToFloat(Text[TextVideoGAP].Text);
+ if StrToFloat(Text[TextVideoGAP].Text)<> 0 then Static[StaticVideoGAP].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticVideoGAP].Visible := false;
+ except
+ Static[StaticVideoGAP].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ if LowerCase(Text[TextRelative].Text) = 'yes' then Static[StaticRelative].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticRelative].Visible := false;
+ try
+ StrToInt(Text[TextResolution].Text);
+ if (StrToInt(Text[TextResolution].Text) <> 0) and (StrToInt(Text[TextResolution].Text) >= 1)
+ then Static[StaticResolution].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticResolution].Visible := false;
+ except
+ Static[StaticResolution].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ try
+ StrToInt(Text[TextNotesGAP].Text);
+ Static[StaticNotesGAP].Visible := true;
+ except
+ Static[StaticNotesGAP].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ // start
+ try
+ StrToFloat(Text[TextStart].Text);
+ if (StrToFloat(Text[TextStart].Text) > 0) then Static[StaticStart].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticStart].Visible := false;
+ except
+ Static[StaticStart].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ // GAP
+ try
+ StrToFloat(Text[TextGAP].Text);
+ Static[StaticGAP].Visible := true;
+ except
+ Static[StaticGAP].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ // BPM
+ try
+ StrToFloat(Text[TextBPM].Text);
+ if (StrToFloat(Text[TextBPM].Text) > 0) then Static[StaticBPM].Visible := true
+ else Static[StaticBPM].Visible := false;
+ except
+ Static[StaticBPM].Visible := false;
+ end;
+(*procedure TScreenEdit.Finish;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditSub.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditSub.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..6b6b6e35 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditSub.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditSub.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditSub.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7bdbac0d --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditSub.pas @@ -0,0 +1,1236 @@ +unit UScreenEditSub;
+uses UMenu, UMusic, SDL, SysUtils, UPliki, UTime, USongs, UIni, ULog, USmpeg, UTexture, UMenuText,
+ ULyrics, Math, OpenGL12, UThemes, MidiOut;
+ TScreenEditSub = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ TextNote: integer;
+ TextSentence: integer;
+ TextTitle: integer;
+ TextArtist: integer;
+ TextMp3: integer;
+ TextBPM: integer;
+ TextGAP: integer;
+ TextDebug: integer;
+ TextNStart: integer;
+ TextNDlugosc: integer;
+ TextNTon: integer;
+ TextNText: integer;
+ AktNuta: integer;
+ PlaySentence: boolean;
+ PlaySentenceMidi: boolean;
+ PlayStopTime: real;
+ LastClick: integer;
+ Click: boolean;
+ CopySrc: integer;
+ MidiOut: TMidiOutput;
+ MidiStart: real;
+ MidiStop: real;
+ MidiTime: real;
+ MidiPos: real;
+ MidiLastNote: integer;
+ TextEditMode: boolean;
+ procedure NewBeat;
+ procedure CzesciDivide;
+ procedure CzesciMultiply;
+ procedure LyricsCapitalize;
+ procedure LyricsCorrectSpaces;
+ procedure FixTimings;
+ procedure DivideSentence;
+ procedure JoinSentence;
+ procedure DivideNote;
+ procedure DeleteNote;
+ procedure TransposeNote(Transpose: integer);
+ procedure ChangeWholeTone(Tone: integer);
+ procedure MoveAllToEnd(Move: integer);
+ procedure MoveTextToRight;
+ procedure MarkSrc;
+ procedure PasteText;
+ procedure CopySentence(Src, Dst: integer);
+ procedure CopySentences(Src, Dst, Num: integer);
+ public
+ Tex_Background: TTexture;
+ FadeOut: boolean;
+ Path: string;
+ FileName: string;
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function ParseInputEditText(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure onHide; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UDraw, UMain, USkins;
+// Method for input parsing. If False is returned, GetNextWindow
+// should be checked to know the next window to load;
+function TScreenEditSub.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ SDL_ModState: Word;
+ R: real;
+ Result := true;
+ if TextEditMode then begin
+ Result := ParseInputEditText(PressedKey, ScanCode, PressedDown);
+ end else begin
+ SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT
+ If (PressedDown) then begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Increase Note Length (same as Alt + Right)
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut then
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Increase BPM
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := Round((AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * 5) + 1) / 5; // (1/20)
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := AktSong.BPM[0].BPM + 4; // (1/1)
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := Round((AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * 25) + 1) / 25; // (1/100)
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Decrease BPM
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := Round((AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * 5) - 1) / 5;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := AktSong.BPM[0].BPM - 4;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := Round((AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * 25) - 1) / 25;
+ end;
+ SDLK_0:
+ begin
+ // Increase GAP
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP + 10;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP + 1000;
+ end;
+ SDLK_9:
+ begin
+ // Decrease GAP
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP - 10;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP - 1000;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Increase tone of all notes
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ ChangeWholeTone(1);
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ ChangeWholeTone(12);
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Decrease tone of all notes
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ ChangeWholeTone(-1);
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ ChangeWholeTone(-12);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ // Insert start of sentece
+ if AktNuta > 0 then
+ DivideSentence;
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ // Join next sentence with current
+ if Czesci[0].Akt < Czesci[0].High then
+ JoinSentence;
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ // divide note
+ DivideNote;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ // Save Song
+ SaveSong(AktSong, Czesci[0], Path + FileName, false);
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ // Save Song
+ SaveSong(AktSong, Czesci[0], Path + FileName, true);
+ // Save Song
+ SaveSongDebug(AktSong, Czesci[0], 'C:\song.asm', false);
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Divide lengths by 2
+ CzesciDivide;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Multiply lengths by 2
+ CzesciMultiply;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Capitalize letter at the beginning of line
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then
+ LyricsCapitalize;
+ // Correct spaces
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then
+ LyricsCorrectSpaces;
+ // Copy sentence
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then
+ MarkSrc;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Paste text
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].IlNut >= Czesci[0].Czesc[CopySrc].IlNut then
+ PasteText
+ else
+ beep;
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ CopySentence(CopySrc, Czesci[0].Akt);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_4:
+ begin
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ CopySentence(CopySrc, Czesci[0].Akt);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+1, Czesci[0].Akt+1);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+2, Czesci[0].Akt+2);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+3, Czesci[0].Akt+3);
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_LALT then begin
+ CopySentences(CopySrc, Czesci[0].Akt, 4);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_5:
+ begin
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ CopySentence(CopySrc, Czesci[0].Akt);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+1, Czesci[0].Akt+1);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+2, Czesci[0].Akt+2);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+3, Czesci[0].Akt+3);
+ CopySentence(CopySrc+4, Czesci[0].Akt+4);
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_LALT then begin
+ CopySentences(CopySrc, Czesci[0].Akt, 5);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Fixes timings between sentences
+ FixTimings;
+ end;
+ SDLK_F4:
+ begin
+ // Enter Text Edit Mode
+ TextEditMode := true;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ // Play Sentence
+ Click := true;
+ Music.Stop;
+ R := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ if R <= Music.Length then begin
+ Music.MoveTo(R);
+ PlayStopTime := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ PlaySentence := true;
+ Music.Play;
+ LastClick := -100;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ PlaySentenceMidi := true;
+ MidiTime := USTime.GetTime;
+ MidiStart := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ MidiStop := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ LastClick := -100;
+ end;
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ PlaySentenceMidi := true;
+ MidiTime := USTime.GetTime;
+ MidiStart := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ MidiStop := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ LastClick := -100;
+ PlaySentence := true;
+ Click := true;
+ Music.Stop;
+ Music.MoveTo(GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote)+0{-0.10});
+ PlayStopTime := GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec)+0;
+ Music.Play;
+ LastClick := -100;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Play Sentence
+ PlaySentenceMidi := false; // stop midi
+ PlaySentence := true;
+ Click := false;
+ Music.Stop;
+ Music.MoveTo(GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start));
+ PlayStopTime := (GetTimeFromBeat(
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start +
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc));
+ Music.Play;
+ LastClick := -100;
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ // moves text to right in current sentence
+ DeleteNote;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // moves text to right in current sentence
+ MoveTextToRight;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // right
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 0;
+ Inc(AktNuta);
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].IlNut then AktNuta := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.Selected := AktNuta;
+ end;
+ // ctrl + right
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc > 1 then begin
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ if AktNuta = 0 then begin
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Start);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // shift + right
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ if AktNuta = 0 then begin
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Start);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ end;
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut then
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ end;
+ // alt + right
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT then begin
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut then
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ end;
+ // alt + ctrl + shift + right = move all from cursor to right
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT + KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ MoveAllToEnd(1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // left
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 0;
+ Dec(AktNuta);
+ if AktNuta = -1 then AktNuta := Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.Selected := AktNuta;
+ end;
+ // ctrl + left
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ if AktNuta = 0 then begin
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Start);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // shift + left
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ // resizing sentences
+ if AktNuta = 0 then begin
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Start);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].StartNote);
+ end;
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut then
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ end;
+ // alt + left
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT then begin
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc > 1 then begin
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut then
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Koniec);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // alt + ctrl + shift + right = move all from cursor to left
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT + KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin
+ MoveAllToEnd(-1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // skip to next sentence
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ MidiOut.PutShort($81, Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[MidiLastNote].Ton + 60, 127);
+ PlaySentenceMidi := false;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 0;
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Akt);
+ AktNuta := 0;
+ if Czesci[0].Akt > Czesci[0].High then Czesci[0].Akt := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.AddCzesc(Czesci[0].Akt);
+ Lyric.Selected := 0;
+ Music.Stop;
+ PlaySentence := false;
+ end;
+ // decrease tone
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ TransposeNote(-1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // skip to previous sentence
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ MidiOut.PutShort($81, Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[MidiLastNote].Ton + 60, 127);
+ PlaySentenceMidi := false;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 0;
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Akt);
+ AktNuta := 0;
+ if Czesci[0].Akt = -1 then Czesci[0].Akt := Czesci[0].High;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.AddCzesc(Czesci[0].Akt);
+ Lyric.Selected := 0;
+ Music.Stop;
+ PlaySentence := false;
+ end;
+ // increase tone
+ if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin
+ TransposeNote(1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Golden Note Patch
+ begin
+ case Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc of
+ 0: Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc := 2;
+ 1: Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc := 2;
+ 2: Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc := 1;
+ end; // case
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Freestyle := False;
+ end;
+ // Freestyle Note Patch
+ begin
+ case Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc of
+ 0:
+ begin;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc := 1;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Freestyle := False;
+ end;
+ 1,2:
+ begin;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Wartosc := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Freestyle := True;
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // if
+function TScreenEditSub.ParseInputEditText(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ SDL_ModState: Word;
+ // used when in Text Edit Mode
+ Result := true;
+ SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Exit Text Edit Mode
+ TextEditMode := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst :=
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst + chr(ScanCode);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Delete(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst,
+ Length(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst), 1);
+ end;
+ begin
+ // right
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 0;
+ Inc(AktNuta);
+ if AktNuta = Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].IlNut then AktNuta := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.Selected := AktNuta;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // left
+ if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 0;
+ Dec(AktNuta);
+ if AktNuta = -1 then AktNuta := Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.Selected := AktNuta;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.NewBeat;
+ // click
+{ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = Czas.AktBeat) then begin
+ // old}
+// Music.PlayClick;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.CzesciDivide;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 2;
+ for C := 0 to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Start div 2;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].StartNote := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].StartNote div 2;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Koniec div 2;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start div 2;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Dlugosc := Round(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Dlugosc / 2);
+ end; // N
+ end; // C
+procedure TScreenEditSub.CzesciMultiply;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ AktSong.BPM[0].BPM := AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * 2;
+ for C := 0 to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Start * 2;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].StartNote := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].StartNote * 2;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Koniec * 2;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start * 2;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Dlugosc := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Dlugosc * 2;
+ end; // N
+ end; // C
+procedure TScreenEditSub.LyricsCapitalize;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer; // temporary
+ S: string;
+ // temporary
+{ for C := 0 to Czesci[0].High do
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := AnsiLowerCase(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst);}
+ for C := 0 to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ S := AnsiUpperCase(Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst, 1, 1));
+ S := S + Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst, 2, Length(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst)-1);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst := S;
+ end; // C
+procedure TScreenEditSub.LyricsCorrectSpaces;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ for C := 0 to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ // correct starting spaces in the first word
+ while Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst, 1, 1) = ' ' do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst := Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst, 2, 100);
+ // move spaces on the start to the end of the previous note
+ for N := 1 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ while (Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst, 1, 1) = ' ') do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst, 2, 100);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1].Tekst + ' ';
+ end;
+ end; // N
+ // correct '-' to '- '
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst = '-' then
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := '- ';
+ end; // N
+ // add space to the previous note when the current word is '- '
+ for N := 1 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst = '- ' then
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1].Tekst + ' ';
+ end; // N
+ // correct too many spaces at the end of note
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ while Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst, Length(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst)-1, 2) = ' ' do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst, 1, Length(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst)-1);
+ end; // N
+ // and correct if there is no space at the end of sentence
+ N := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut;
+ if Copy(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst, Length(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst), 1) <> ' ' then
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst + ' ';
+ end; // C
+procedure TScreenEditSub.FixTimings;
+ C: integer;
+ S: integer;
+ Min: integer;
+ Max: integer;
+ for C := 1 to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ with Czesci[0].Czesc[C-1] do begin
+ Min := Nuta[HighNut].Start + Nuta[HighNut].Dlugosc;
+ Max := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].StartNote;
+ case (Max - Min) of
+ 0: S := Max;
+ 1: S := Max;
+ 2: S := Max - 1;
+ 3..3: S := Max - 2;
+ 4..10000: S := Min + 2; // poczatek + 2
+ end; // case
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Start := S;
+ end; // with
+ end; // for
+procedure TScreenEditSub.DivideSentence;
+ C: integer;
+ CStart: integer;
+ CNew: integer;
+ CLen: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ NStart: integer;
+ NHigh: integer;
+ NNewL: integer;
+ // increase sentence length by 1
+ CLen := Length(Czesci[0].Czesc);
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc, CLen + 1);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Ilosc);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].High);
+ // move needed sentences to one forward. newly has the copy of divided sentence
+ CStart := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ for C := CLen-1 downto CStart do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C+1] := Czesci[0].Czesc[C];
+ // clear and set new sentence
+ CNew := CStart + 1;
+ NStart := AktNuta;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Nuta[NStart].Start;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].StartNote := Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Nuta[NStart].Start;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Lyric := '';
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].LyricWidth := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Koniec := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].BaseNote := 0; // 0.5.0: we modify it later in this procedure
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].IlNut := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].HighNut := -1;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta, 0);
+ // move right notes to new sentences
+ NHigh := Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].HighNut;
+ for N := NStart to NHigh do begin
+ NNewL := Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].IlNut;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta, NNewL + 1);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta[NNewL] := Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Nuta[N];
+ // increase sentence counters
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].IlNut);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].HighNut);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta[NNewL].Start +
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta[NNewL].Dlugosc;
+ end;
+ // clear old notes and set sentence counters
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].HighNut := NStart - 1;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].IlNut := Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].HighNut + 1;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Nuta[NStart-1].Start +
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Nuta[NStart-1].Dlugosc;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].Nuta, Czesci[0].Czesc[CStart].IlNut);
+ // 0.5.0: modify BaseNote
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].BaseNote := 120;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].IlNut do
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta[N].Ton < Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].BaseNote then
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].BaseNote := Czesci[0].Czesc[CNew].Nuta[N].Ton;
+ Czesci[0].Akt := Czesci[0].Akt + 1;
+ AktNuta := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+ Lyric.AddCzesc(Czesci[0].Akt);
+procedure TScreenEditSub.JoinSentence;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ NStart: integer;
+ NDst: integer;
+ C := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ // set new sentence
+ NStart := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut + Czesci[0].Czesc[C+1].IlNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut + Czesci[0].Czesc[C+1].IlNut;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta, Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut);
+ // move right notes to new sentences
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C+1].HighNut do begin
+ NDst := NStart + N;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[NDst] := Czesci[0].Czesc[C+1].Nuta[N];
+ end;
+ // increase sentence counters
+ NDst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[NDst].Start +
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[NDst].Dlugosc;
+ // move needed sentences to one backward.
+ for C := Czesci[0].Akt + 1 to Czesci[0].High - 1 do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C] := Czesci[0].Czesc[C+1];
+ // increase sentence length by 1
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc, Length(Czesci[0].Czesc) - 1);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Ilosc);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].High);
+procedure TScreenEditSub.DivideNote;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ NLen: integer;
+ C := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ NLen := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut + 1;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta, NLen);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut);
+ // we copy all notes including selected one
+ for N := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut downto AktNuta+1 do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N] := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1];
+ end;
+ // me slightly modify new note
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc := 1;
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta+1].Start);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta+1].Dlugosc);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta+1].Tekst := '- ';
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta+1].Color := 0;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.DeleteNote;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ NLen: integer;
+ C := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ // we copy all notes from the next to the selected one
+ for N := AktNuta+1 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1] := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N];
+ end;
+ NLen := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut - 1;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta, NLen);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut);
+ Dec(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].IlNut);
+ // me slightly modify new note
+ if AktNuta > Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut then Dec(AktNuta);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta].Color := 1;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.TransposeNote(Transpose: integer);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Ton, Transpose);
+procedure TScreenEditSub.ChangeWholeTone(Tone: integer);
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ for C := 0 to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].BaseNote := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].BaseNote + Tone;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Ton := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Ton + Tone;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.MoveAllToEnd(Move: integer);
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ NStart: integer;
+ for C := Czesci[0].Akt to Czesci[0].High do begin
+ NStart := 0;
+ if C = Czesci[0].Akt then NStart := AktNuta;
+ for N := NStart to Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start, Move); // move note start
+ if N = 0 then begin // fix beginning
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Start, Move);
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].StartNote, Move);
+ end;
+ if N = Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut then // fix ending
+ Inc(Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Koniec, Move);
+ end; // for
+ end; // for
+procedure TScreenEditSub.MoveTextToRight;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ NHigh: integer;
+{ C := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ for N := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut downto 1 do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1].Tekst;
+ end; // for
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[0].Tekst := '- ';}
+ C := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ NHigh := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].HighNut;
+ // last word
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[NHigh].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[NHigh-1].Tekst + Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[NHigh].Tekst;
+ // other words
+ for N := NHigh - 1 downto AktNuta + 1 do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N-1].Tekst;
+ end; // for
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst := '- ';
+procedure TScreenEditSub.MarkSrc;
+ CopySrc := Czesci[0].Akt;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.PasteText;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ C := Czesci[0].Akt;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[CopySrc].HighNut do
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[CopySrc].Nuta[N].Tekst;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.CopySentence(Src, Dst: integer);
+ N: integer;
+ Time1: integer;
+ Time2: integer;
+ TD: integer;
+ Time1 := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].Nuta[0].Start;
+ Time2 := Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[0].Start;
+ TD := Time2-Time1;
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta, Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].IlNut);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].IlNut := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].IlNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].HighNut := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].HighNut;
+ for N := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].HighNut do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[N].Tekst := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].Nuta[N].Tekst;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[N].Dlugosc := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].Nuta[N].Dlugosc;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[N].Ton := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].Nuta[N].Ton;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[N].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].Nuta[N].Start + TD;
+ end;
+ N := Czesci[0].Czesc[Src].HighNut;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[N].Start + Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst].Nuta[N].Dlugosc;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.CopySentences(Src, Dst, Num: integer);
+ C: integer;
+ // create place for new sentences
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc, Czesci[0].Ilosc + Num - 1);
+ // moves sentences next to the destination
+ for C := Czesci[0].High downto Dst + 1 do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[C + Num - 1] := Czesci[0].Czesc[C];
+ end;
+ // prepares new sentences: sets sentence start and create first note
+ for C := 1 to Num-1 do begin
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C - 1].StartNote +
+ (Czesci[0].Czesc[Src + C].StartNote - Czesci[0].Czesc[Src + C - 1].StartNote);
+ SetLength(Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Nuta, 1);
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].IlNut := 1;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].HighNut := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Nuta[0].Start := Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Start;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Nuta[0].Dlugosc := 1;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].StartNote := Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Start;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Koniec := Czesci[0].Czesc[Dst + C].Start + 1;
+ end;
+ // increase counters
+ Czesci[0].Ilosc := Czesci[0].Ilosc + Num - 1;
+ Czesci[0].High := Czesci[0].High + Num - 1;
+ for C := 0 to Num-1 do
+ CopySentence(Src + C, Dst + C);
+constructor TScreenEditSub.Create(Back: String);
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ SetLength(Player, 1);
+ // linijka
+ AddStatic(20, 10, 80, 30, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddText(40, 17, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 'Line');
+ TextSentence := AddText(120, 14, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0, '0 / 0');
+ // nuta
+ AddStatic(220, 10, 80, 30, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddText(242, 17, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 'Note');
+ TextNote := AddText(320, 14, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0, '0 / 0');
+ // file info
+ AddStatic(150, 50, 500, 150, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(151, 52, 498, 146, 1, 1, 1, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddText(180, 65, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Title:');
+ AddText(180, 90, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Artist:');
+ AddText(180, 115, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Mp3:');
+ AddText(180, 140, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'BPM:');
+ AddText(180, 165, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'GAP:');
+ TextTitle := AddText(250, 65, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'a');
+ TextArtist := AddText(250, 90, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'b');
+ TextMp3 := AddText(250, 115, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'c');
+ TextBPM := AddText(250, 140, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'd');
+ TextGAP := AddText(250, 165, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'e');
+{ AddInteraction(2, TextTitle);
+ AddInteraction(2, TextArtist);
+ AddInteraction(2, TextMp3);
+ AddInteraction(2, TextBPM);
+ AddInteraction(2, TextGAP);}
+ // note info
+ AddText(20, 190, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Start:');
+ AddText(20, 215, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Duration:');
+ AddText(20, 240, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Tone:');
+ AddText(20, 265, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'Text:');
+ TextNStart := AddText(120, 190, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'a');
+ TextNDlugosc := AddText(120, 215, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'b');
+ TextNTon := AddText(120, 240, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'c');
+ TextNText := AddText(120, 265, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'd');
+ // debug
+ TextDebug := AddText(30, 550, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, '');
+procedure TScreenEditSub.onShow;
+ Log.LogStatus('Initializing', 'TEditScreen.onShow');
+ MidiOut := TMidiOutput.Create(nil);
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ MidiOut.ProductName := 'Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth'; // for my kxproject without midi table
+ MidiOut.Open;
+ CzyscNuty;
+ if WczytajCzesci(Path + FileName) = false then
+// if WczytajCzesci(SongPath + 'Zapis.txt') = false then
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := 'Error loading file'
+ else begin
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := AktSong.Title;
+ Text[TextArtist].Text := AktSong.Artist;
+ Text[TextMp3].Text := AktSong.Mp3;
+ Czesci[0].Akt := 0;
+ AktNuta := 0;
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[0].Nuta[0].Color := 1;
+ Music.Open(Path + AktSong.Mp3);
+ Lyric.Clear;
+ Lyric.X := 400;
+ Lyric.Y := 500;
+ Lyric.Align := 1;
+ Lyric.Size := 14;
+ Lyric.ColR := 0;
+ Lyric.ColG := 0;
+ Lyric.ColB := 0;
+ Lyric.ColSR := Skin_FontHighlightR;
+ Lyric.ColSG := Skin_FontHighlightG;
+ Lyric.ColSB := Skin_FontHighlightB;
+ Lyric.Style := 0;
+ Lyric.AddCzesc(0);
+ Lyric.Selected := 0;
+ NotesH := 7;
+ NotesW := 4;
+ end;
+// Interaction := 0;
+ TextEditMode := false;
+function TScreenEditSub.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: integer;
+ Sec: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ Pet: integer;
+ AktBeat: integer;
+ glClearColor(1,1,1,1);
+ // midi music
+ if PlaySentenceMidi then begin
+ MidiPos := USTime.GetTime - MidiTime + MidiStart;
+ // stop the music
+ if (MidiPos > MidiStop) then begin
+ MidiOut.PutShort($81, Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[MidiLastNote].Ton + 60, 127);
+ PlaySentenceMidi := false;
+ end;
+ // click
+ AktBeat := Floor(GetMidBeat(MidiPos - AktSong.GAP / 1000));
+ Text[TextDebug].Text := IntToStr(AktBeat);
+ if AktBeat <> LastClick then begin
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = AktBeat) then begin
+ LastClick := AktBeat;
+ if Pet > 0 then
+ MidiOut.PutShort($81, Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet-1].Ton + 60, 127);
+ MidiOut.PutShort($91, Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Ton + 60, 127);
+ MidiLastNote := Pet;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // if PlaySentenceMidi
+ // mp3 music
+ if PlaySentence then begin
+ // stop the music
+ if (Music.Position > PlayStopTime) then begin
+ Music.Stop;
+ PlaySentence := false;
+ end;
+ // click
+ if (Click) and (PlaySentence) then begin
+// AktBeat := Floor(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM * (Music.Position - AktSong.GAP / 1000) / 60);
+ AktBeat := Floor(GetMidBeat(Music.Position - AktSong.GAP / 1000));
+ Text[TextDebug].Text := IntToStr(AktBeat);
+ if AktBeat <> LastClick then begin
+ for Pet := 0 to Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].HighNut do
+ if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = AktBeat) then begin
+ Music.PlayClick;
+ LastClick := AktBeat;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // click
+ end; // if PlaySentence
+ Text[TextSentence].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Akt + 1) + ' / ' + IntToStr(Czesci[0].Ilosc);
+ Text[TextNote].Text := IntToStr(AktNuta + 1) + ' / ' + IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].IlNut);
+ // Song info
+ Text[TextBPM].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 4);
+ Text[TextGAP].Text := FloatToStr(AktSong.GAP);
+ // Note info
+ Text[TextNStart].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Start);
+ Text[TextNDlugosc].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Dlugosc);
+ Text[TextNTon].Text := IntToStr(Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Ton);
+ Text[TextNText].Text := Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[AktNuta].Tekst;
+ // Text Edit Mode
+ if TextEditMode then
+ Text[TextNText].Text := Text[TextNText].Text + '|';
+ // draw static menu
+ inherited Draw;
+ // draw notes
+ SingDrawNoteLines(20, 300, 780, 15);
+ SingDrawBeatDelimeters(40, 300, 760, 0);
+ EditDrawCzesc(40, 405, 760, 0, 15);
+ // draw text
+ Lyric.Draw;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.onHide;
+ MidiOut.Close;
+ MidiOut.Free;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLevel.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLevel.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..95cb3267 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLevel.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLevel.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLevel.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..28aa40ea --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLevel.pas @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +unit UScreenLevel;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenLevel = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture;
+function TScreenLevel.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenName);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Difficulty := Interaction;
+ Ini.SaveLevel;
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ //Set Standard Mode
+ ScreenSong.Mode := 0;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end
+ else // Key Up
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenLevel.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddBackground(Theme.Level.Background.Tex);
+ AddButton(Theme.Level.ButtonEasy);
+ AddButton(Theme.Level.ButtonMedium);
+ AddButton(Theme.Level.ButtonHard);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Level.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.Level.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Level.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.Level.Text[I]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenLevel.onShow;
+ Interaction := Ini.Difficulty;
+// LCD.WriteText(1, ' Choose mode: ');
+// UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenLevel.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ Button[0].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[2].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0eb1cfe --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05b308ac --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.pas @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +unit UScreenLoading;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenLoading = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ Fadeout: boolean;
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UTime;
+function TScreenLoading.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+constructor TScreenLoading.Create(Back: String);
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ AddBackground(Theme.Loading.Background.Tex);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Loading.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.Loading.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Loading.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.Loading.Text[I]);
+ Fadeout := false;
+procedure TScreenLoading.onShow;
+// nothing
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenMain.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenMain.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..22bb4883 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenMain.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenMain.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenMain.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dcd7db26 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenMain.pas @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ +unit UScreenMain;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, SysUtils, UThemes, ULCD, ULight;
+ TScreenMain = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextDescription: integer;
+ TextDescriptionLong: integer;
+ //Credits Mod
+ Credits_Visible: Boolean;
+ Credits_Y: Real;
+ Credits_Time: Cardinal;
+ Credits_Alpha: Cardinal;
+ procedure DrawCredits;
+ //Credits Mod End
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure InteractNext; override;
+ procedure InteractPrev; override;
+ procedure UpdateLCD;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ end;
+const Credits_Text: Array[0..46] of PChar = (
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'Main Idea: Corvus 5',
+ 'Thank you very much for this great Game',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'The Ultrastar Deluxe Team:',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'commandi00:',
+ 'Beta Testing',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'Crazy Joker:',
+ 'Graphics',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'DennistheMenace:',
+ 'Beta Testing and great Support in "the Board"',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'Moq/Moguhguh:',
+ 'Programming',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'Mota:',
+ 'Programming, Idea of creating this Mod, Team Leading',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'Sawyer:',
+ 'Web Master, Programming',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'Whiteshark:',
+ 'Programming, Creating Release',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'Thanks to',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'Blind Guard',
+ 'for supporting us and administrate this great Board',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'The whole Community from www.ultra-star.dl.am',
+ 'for supporting us, supporting the newbies',
+ 'and remembering us to continue work',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'You',
+ 'for using Ultrastar Deluxe',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ ':SPACE:',
+ 'Visit us at:',
+ 'http://www.UltraStar-Deluxe.de.vu',
+ 'http://www.USD.de.vu',
+ 'http://www.Ultra-Star.dl.am ("The Board" by Blind Guard)',
+ 'Please write Bug Reports and Feature Requests',
+ 'to help making this a better Game');
+uses Windows, UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, USongs, Textgl, opengl, ULanguage, UParty;
+function TScreenMain.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+I: Integer;
+SDL_ModState: Word;
+ Result := true;
+ SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT
+ //Deactivate Credits when Key is pressed
+ if Credits_Visible then
+ begin
+ Credits_Visible := False;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ Credits_Y := 600;
+ Credits_Alpha := 0;
+ Credits_Visible := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) then
+ begin
+ //Create Teams:
+ PartySession.Teams.NumTeams := 3;
+ //Team 1
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Name := 'Team 1';
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Score:= 0;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker := 3;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].CurPlayer := 0;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].NumPlayers := 2;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Playerinfo[0].Name := 'Player 1';
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Playerinfo[0].TimesPlayed := 0;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Playerinfo[1].Name := 'Player 2';
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Playerinfo[1].TimesPlayed := 0;
+ //Team 2
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Name := 'Team 2';
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Score:= 0;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker := 3;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].CurPlayer := 0;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].NumPlayers := 2;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Playerinfo[0].Name := 'Player 3';
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Playerinfo[0].TimesPlayed := 0;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Playerinfo[1].Name := 'Player 4';
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Playerinfo[1].TimesPlayed := 0;
+ //Team 3
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Name := 'Team 3';
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Score:= 0;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker := 3;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].CurPlayer := 0;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].NumPlayers := 2;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Playerinfo[0].Name := 'Player 5';
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Playerinfo[0].TimesPlayed := 0;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Playerinfo[1].Name := 'Player 6';
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Playerinfo[1].TimesPlayed := 0;
+ //Rounds:
+ SetLength (PartySession.Rounds, 3);
+ PartySession.Rounds[0].Plugin := 1;
+ PartySession.Rounds[0].Winner := 0;
+ PartySession.Rounds[1].Plugin := 0;
+ PartySession.Rounds[1].Winner := 0;
+ PartySession.Rounds[2].Plugin := 0;
+ PartySession.Rounds[2].Winner := 0;
+ //Start Party
+ PartySession.StartNewParty;
+ //Change Screen
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyNewRound);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Interaction = 0) and (Length(Songs.Song) >= 1) then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ if (Ini.Players >= 0) and (Ini.Players <= 3) then PlayersPlay := Ini.Players + 1;
+ if (Ini.Players = 4) then PlayersPlay := 6;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenName);
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 1 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenEdit);
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 2 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+// SDL_SetVideoMode(800, 600, 32, SDL_OPENGL);// or SDL_FULLSCREEN);
+// LoadTextures;
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 3 then begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end
+ else // Key Up
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenMain.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+// AddButton(400-200, 320, 400, 60, Skin.GameStart);
+// AddButton(400-200, 390, 400, 60, Skin.Editor);
+// AddButton(400-200, 460, 400, 60, Skin.Options);
+// AddButton(400-200, 530, 400, 60, Skin.Exit);
+ AddBackground(Theme.Main.Background.Tex);
+ AddButton(Theme.Main.ButtonSolo);
+ AddButton(Theme.Main.ButtonEditor);
+ AddButton(Theme.Main.ButtonOptions);
+ AddButton(Theme.Main.ButtonExit);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Main.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.Main.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Main.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.Main.Text[I]);
+ TextDescription := AddText(Theme.Main.TextDescription);
+ TextDescriptionLong := AddText(Theme.Main.TextDescriptionLong);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenMain.onShow;
+ LCD.WriteText(1, ' Choose mode: ');
+ UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenMain.InteractNext;
+ inherited InteractNext;
+ Text[TextDescription].Text := Theme.Main.Description[Interaction];
+ Text[TextDescriptionLong].Text := Theme.Main.DescriptionLong[Interaction];
+ UpdateLCD;
+ Light.LightOne(1, 200);
+procedure TScreenMain.InteractPrev;
+ inherited InteractPrev;
+ Text[TextDescription].Text := Theme.Main.Description[Interaction];
+ Text[TextDescriptionLong].Text := Theme.Main.DescriptionLong[Interaction];
+ UpdateLCD;
+ Light.LightOne(0, 200);
+procedure TScreenMain.UpdateLCD;
+ case Interaction of
+ 0: LCD.WriteText(2, ' sing ');
+ 1: LCD.WriteText(2, ' editor ');
+ 2: LCD.WriteText(2, ' options ');
+ 3: LCD.WriteText(2, ' exit ');
+ end
+procedure TScreenMain.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ Static[0].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Static[0].Texture.ScaleH := Progress;
+function TScreenMain.Draw: boolean;
+Result := True;
+if Credits_Visible then
+ DrawCredits
+ Result := inherited Draw;
+procedure TScreenMain.DrawCredits;
+ T, I: Cardinal;
+ Y: Real;
+ Ver: PChar;
+ T := GetTickCount div 33;
+ if T <> Credits_Time then
+ begin
+ Credits_Time := T;
+ //Change Position
+ Credits_Y := Credits_Y - 1;
+ //Change Alpha
+ Inc (Credits_Alpha, 3);
+ end;
+ //Draw BackGround
+ DrawBG;
+ //Draw pulsing Credits Text
+ //Set Font
+ SetFontStyle (2);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
+ SetFontSize(9);
+ SetFontPos (460, 570);
+ glColor4f(1, 0, 0, 0.2 + Abs((Credits_Alpha mod 150)/100 - 0.75));
+ glPrint ('Credits! Press any Key to Continue');
+ //Set Font Size for Credits
+ SetFontSize(12);
+ //Draw Version
+ if (Credits_Y>-35) then
+ begin
+ Ver := PChar(Language.Translate('US_VERSION'));
+ glColor4f(1, 0.6, 0.08, 0.8);
+ SetFontPos (400 - glTextWidth(Ver)/2, Credits_Y);
+ glprint(Ver);
+ end;
+ //Set Color + Start Pos
+ glColor4f(0.8, 0.8, 1, 0.8);
+ Y := Credits_Y + 50;
+ //Search upper Position
+ For I := 0 to high(Credits_Text) do
+ begin
+ if (Credits_Text[I]=':SPACE:') then //Spacer
+ Y := Y + 55
+ else
+ Y := Y + 30;
+ if Y > -35 then
+ break;
+ end;
+ //Draw Text
+ For T := I+1 to high(Credits_Text) do
+ begin
+ if (Credits_Text[T]=':SPACE:') then //Spacer
+ Y := Y + 55
+ else
+ begin
+ SetFontPos (400 - glTextWidth(Credits_Text[T])/2, Y);
+ glprint(Credits_Text[T]);
+ Y := Y + 30;
+ end;
+ if Y > 600 then
+ break;
+ end;
+ //If lower Position is outside the Screen-> Show MainMenu
+ if (Y <= 0) then
+ Credits_Visible := False;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..d14b4296 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..99f5d40a --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenName.pas @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +unit UScreenName;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenName = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture;
+function TScreenName.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ I: integer;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text + chr(ScanCode);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Delete(Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text,
+ Length(Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text), 1);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.SaveNames;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ begin
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ Ini.Name[I-1] := Button[I-1].Text[0].Text;
+ Ini.SaveNames;
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenLevel);
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenName.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddBackground(Theme.Name.Background.Tex);
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ AddButton(Theme.Name.ButtonPlayer[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Name.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.Name.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Name.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.Name.Text[I]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenName.onShow;
+ I: integer;
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ Button[I-1].Text[0].Text := Ini.Name[I-1];
+ for I := 1 to PlayersPlay do begin
+ Button[I-1].Visible := true;
+ Button[I-1].Selectable := true;
+ end;
+ for I := PlayersPlay+1 to 6 do begin
+ Button[I-1].Visible := false;
+ Button[I-1].Selectable := false;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenName.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ I: integer;
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ Button[I-1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..c59986f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..723f299f --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOpen.pas @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +unit UScreenOpen;
+uses UMenu, UMusic, SDL, SysUtils, UPliki, UTime, USongs, UIni, ULog, USmpeg, UTexture, UMenuText,
+ ULyrics, Math, OpenGL12, UThemes;
+ TScreenOpen = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ TextF: array[0..1] of integer;
+ TextN: integer;
+ public
+ Tex_Background: TTexture;
+ FadeOut: boolean;
+ Path: string;
+ BackScreen: pointer;
+ procedure AddBox(X, Y, W, H: real);
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+// function Draw: boolean; override;
+// procedure Finish;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UDraw, UMain, USkins;
+function TScreenOpen.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ if (PressedDown) then begin // Key Down
+ case ScanCode of
+ ord('a')..ord('z'), ord('A')..ord('Z'), ord('0')..ord('9'), 32, ord('-'), ord('.'), ord(':'), ord('\'):
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then begin
+ Text[TextN].Text := Text[TextN].Text + chr(ScanCode);
+ FileName := Text[TextN].Text;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ case PressedKey of
+ 8: // del
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then
+ if Length(Text[TextN].Text) >= 1 then begin
+ Delete(Text[TextN].Text, Length(Text[TextN].Text), 1);
+ FileName := Text[TextN].Text;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 2 then begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(BackScreen);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenOpen.AddBox(X, Y, W, H: real);
+ AddStatic(X, Y, W, H, 0, 0, 0, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(X+2, Y+2, W-4, H-4, 1, 1, 1, Skin.GetTextureFileName('Bar'), 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+constructor TScreenOpen.Create(Back: String);
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ // linijka
+{ AddStatic(20, 10, 80, 30, 0, 0, 0, 'Bar', 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddText(35, 17, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 'Linijka');
+ TextSentence := AddText(120, 14, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0, '0 / 0');}
+ // file list
+// AddBox(400, 100, 350, 450);
+// TextF[0] := AddText(430, 155, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'a');
+// TextF[1] := AddText(430, 180, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'a');
+ // file name
+ AddBox(20, 540, 500, 40);
+ TextN := AddText(50, 548, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, FileName);
+ AddInteraction(iText, TextN);
+ // buttons
+ {AddButton(540, 540, 100, 40, Skin.SkinPath + Skin.ButtonF);
+ AddButtonText(10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Cancel');
+ AddButton(670, 540, 100, 40, Skin.SkinPath + Skin.ButtonF);
+ AddButtonText(30, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'OK');}
+ // buttons
+ AddButton(540, 540, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Cancel');
+ AddButton(670, 540, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(30, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'OK');
+procedure TScreenOpen.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
+(*function TScreenEditSub.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: integer;
+ Sec: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ Pet: integer;
+ AktBeat: integer;
+procedure TScreenEditSub.Finish;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptions.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptions.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..e5d17c3b --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptions.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptions.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptions.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..76ff2adc --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptions.pas @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +unit UScreenOptions;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptions = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextDescription: integer;
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure InteractNext; override;
+ procedure InteractPrev; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic;
+function TScreenOptions.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 0 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsGame);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 1 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsGraphics);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 2 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsSound);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 3 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsLyrics);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 4 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsThemes);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 5 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptionsRecord);
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 6 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ {case SelInteraction of
+ 0: InteractCustom(+2);
+ 1: InteractCustom(-1);
+ 2: InteractCustom(-1);
+ 3: InteractCustom(+2);
+ 4: InteractCustom(-1);
+ 5: InteractCustom(-1);
+ end;}
+ InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ begin
+ {case SelInteraction of
+ 0: InteractCustom(+1);
+ 1: InteractCustom(+1);
+ 2: InteractCustom(-2);
+ 3: InteractCustom(+1);
+ 4: InteractCustom(+1);
+ 5: InteractCustom(-2);
+ end;}
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ {case SelInteraction of
+ 0: InteractCustom(+3);
+ 1: InteractCustom(+3);
+ 2: InteractCustom(+3);
+ 3: InteractCustom(-3);
+ 4: InteractCustom(-3);
+ 5: InteractCustom(-3);
+ end; }
+ end;
+ begin
+ {case SelInteraction of
+ 0: InteractCustom(+3);
+ 1: InteractCustom(+3);
+ 2: InteractCustom(+3);
+ 3: InteractCustom(-3);
+ 4: InteractCustom(-3);
+ 5: InteractCustom(-3);
+ end; }
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptions.Create(Back: String);
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ // Game
+{ AddButton(225, 100 + 0*60, 350, 50, Skin.Button, 'JPG', 'Transparent Range');
+ AddButtonText(11, 10, 'Game');}
+ // Graphics
+{ AddButton(225, 100 + 1*60, 350, 50, Skin.Button, 'JPG', 'Transparent Range');
+ AddButtonText(11, 10, 'Graphics');
+ // Sound
+ AddButton(225, 100 + 2*60, 350, 50, Skin.Button, 'JPG', 'Transparent Range');
+ AddButtonText(11, 10, 'Sound');
+ // Lyrics
+ AddButton(225, 100 + 3*60, 350, 50, Skin.Button, 'JPG', 'Transparent Range');
+ AddButtonText(11, 10, 'Lyrics');
+ // Themes
+ AddButton(225, 100 + 4*60, 350, 50, Skin.Button, 'JPG', 'Transparent Range');
+ AddButtonText(11, 10, 'Themes');
+ // Exit
+ AddButton(225, 100 + 6*60, 350, 50, Skin.Exit);}
+ AddBackground(Theme.Options.Background.Tex);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonGame);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[0]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonGraphics);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[1]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonSound);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[2]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonLyrics);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[3]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonThemes);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[4]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonRecord);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[5]);
+ AddButton(Theme.Options.ButtonExit);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, Theme.Options.Description[6]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Options.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.Options.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Options.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.Options.Text[I]);
+ TextDescription := AddText(Theme.Options.TextDescription);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenOptions.onShow;
+procedure TScreenOptions.InteractNext;
+ inherited InteractNext;
+ Text[TextDescription].Text := Theme.Options.Description[Interaction];
+procedure TScreenOptions.InteractPrev;
+ inherited InteractPrev;
+ Text[TextDescription].Text := Theme.Options.Description[Interaction];
+procedure TScreenOptions.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ Button[0].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[2].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[3].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[4].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[5].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGame.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGame.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..3fd70913 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGame.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGame.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGame.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f49bd19 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGame.pas @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +unit UScreenOptionsGame;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, UIni, UThemes, USongs;
+ TScreenOptionsGame = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ old_Tabs, old_Sorting: integer;
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure RefreshSongs;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic;
+function TScreenOptionsGame.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ RefreshSongs;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 6 then begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ RefreshSongs;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 5) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 5) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsGame.Create(Back: String);
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ AddBackground(Theme.OptionsGame.Background.Tex);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.OptionsGame.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.OptionsGame.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.OptionsGame.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.OptionsGame.Text[I]);
+ //Refresh Songs Patch
+ old_Sorting := Ini.Sorting;
+ old_Tabs := Ini.Tabs;
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGame.SelectPlayers, Ini.Players, IPlayers);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGame.SelectDifficulty, Ini.Difficulty, IDifficulty);
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsGame.SelectLanguage, Ini.Language, ILanguage);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGame.SelectTabs, Ini.Tabs, ITabs);
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsGame.SelectSorting, Ini.Sorting, ISorting);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGame.SelectDebug, Ini.Debug, IDebug);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsGame.ButtonExit);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Exit');
+//Refresh Songs Patch
+procedure TScreenOptionsGame.RefreshSongs;
+if (ini.Sorting <> old_Sorting) or (ini.Tabs <> old_Tabs) then
+ ScreenSong.Refresh;
+procedure TScreenOptionsGame.onShow;
+// Interaction := 0;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGraphics.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGraphics.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..3eddc010 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGraphics.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGraphics.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGraphics.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f30f9b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsGraphics.pas @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +unit UScreenOptionsGraphics;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptionsGraphics = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain;
+function TScreenOptionsGraphics.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+{ if SelInteraction <= 1 then begin
+ Restart := true;
+ end;}
+ if SelInteraction = 6 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 5) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 5) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsGraphics.Create(Back: String);
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ AddBackground(Theme.OptionsGraphics.Background.Tex);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.OptionsGraphics.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.OptionsGraphics.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.OptionsGraphics.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.OptionsGraphics.Text[I]);
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsGraphics.SelectSlideResolution, Ini.Resolution, IResolution);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGraphics.SelectFullscreen, Ini.Fullscreen, IFullscreen);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGraphics.SelectDepth, Ini.Depth, IDepth);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGraphics.SelectOscilloscope, Ini.Oscilloscope, IOscilloscope);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGraphics.SelectLineBonus, Ini.LineBonus, ILineBonus);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsGraphics.SelectMovieSize, Ini.MovieSize, IMovieSize);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsGraphics.ButtonExit);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Exit');
+procedure TScreenOptionsGraphics.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsLyrics.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsLyrics.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..1fcfca9d --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsLyrics.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsLyrics.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsLyrics.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..21a33998 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsLyrics.pas @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +unit UScreenOptionsLyrics;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptionsLyrics = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic;
+function TScreenOptionsLyrics.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 3 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 2) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 2) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsLyrics.Create(Back: String);
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ AddBackground(Theme.OptionsLyrics.Background.Tex);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.OptionsLyrics.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.OptionsLyrics.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.OptionsLyrics.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.OptionsLyrics.Text[I]);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsFont, Ini.LyricsFont, ILyricsFont);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsEffect, Ini.LyricsEffect, ILyricsEffect);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsLyrics.SelectSolmization, Ini.Solmization, ISolmization);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsLyrics.ButtonExit);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Exit');
+procedure TScreenOptionsLyrics.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..36a04d50 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c27ec02a --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsRecord.pas @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +unit UScreenOptionsRecord;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptionsRecord = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ SelectSlideInput: integer;
+ SelectSlideChannelL: integer;
+ SelectSlideChannelR: integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure UpdateCard;
+ end;
+uses SysUtils, UGraphic, URecord, ULog;
+function TScreenOptionsRecord.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 4 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 3) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 0 then UpdateCard;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 3) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ if SelInteraction = 0 then UpdateCard;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsRecord.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ SC: integer;
+ SCI: integer;
+ AddBackground(Theme.OptionsRecord.Background.Tex);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.OptionsRecord.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.OptionsRecord.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.OptionsRecord.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.OptionsRecord.Text[I]);
+// SetLength(ICard, 0);
+// ICard[0] := 'karta';
+// SetLength(IInput, 0);
+// IInput[0] := 'wejscie';
+// if Length(Recording.SoundCard) > 0 then begin
+ SetLength(ICard, Length(Recording.SoundCard));
+ for SC := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard) do
+ ICard[SC] := Recording.SoundCard[SC].Description;
+// end;
+// if Length(Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input) > 0 then begin
+ SetLength(IInput, Length(Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input));
+ for SCI := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input) do
+ IInput[SCI] := Recording.SoundCard[Ini.Card].Input[SCI].Name;
+// end;
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideCard, Ini.Card, ICard);
+ SelectSlideInput := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, Ini.CardList[0].Input, IInput);
+ SelectSlideChannelL := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelL, Ini.CardList[0].ChannelL, IChannel);
+ SelectSlideChannelR := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelR, Ini.CardList[0].ChannelR, IChannel);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsRecord.ButtonExit);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Exit');
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenOptionsRecord.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenOptionsRecord.UpdateCard;
+ SC: integer;
+ SCI: integer;
+ SC := Ini.Card;
+// if SC = 1 then beep;
+ SetLength(IInput, Length(Recording.SoundCard[SC].Input));
+ for SCI := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard[SC].Input) do begin
+ IInput[SCI] := Recording.SoundCard[SC].Input[SCI].Name;
+// Log.LogError(IInput[SCI]);
+ end;
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, SelectSlideInput, IInput, Ini.CardList[SC].Input);
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelL, SelectSlideChannelL, IChannel, Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL);
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions(Theme.OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelR, SelectSlideChannelR, IChannel, Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR);
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsSound.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsSound.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..26c07fe1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsSound.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsSound.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsSound.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a99ae86d --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsSound.pas @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +unit UScreenOptionsSound;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptionsSound = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic;
+function TScreenOptionsSound.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 4 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 3) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 3) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsSound.Create(Back: String);
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ AddBackground(Theme.OptionsSound.Background.Tex);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.OptionsSound.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.OptionsSound.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.OptionsSound.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.OptionsSound.Text[I]);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectMicBoost, Ini.MicBoost, IMicBoost);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectClickAssist, Ini.ClickAssist, IClickAssist);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectBeatClick, Ini.BeatClick, IBeatClick);
+ AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectThreshold, Ini.Threshold, IThreshold);
+ //AddSelect(Theme.OptionsSound.SelectTwoPlayerMode, Ini.TwoPlayerMode, ITwoPlayerMode);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsSound.ButtonExit);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Exit');
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenOptionsSound.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsThemes.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsThemes.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..98bec8a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsThemes.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsThemes.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsThemes.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b7d18fa5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenOptionsThemes.pas @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +unit UScreenOptionsThemes;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, UIni, UThemes;
+ TScreenOptionsThemes = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ SkinSelect: Integer;
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure InteractInc; override;
+ procedure InteractDec; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, USkins;
+function TScreenOptionsThemes.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if SelInteraction = 3 then begin
+ Ini.Save;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOptions);
+ end;
+ end;
+ InteractNext;
+ InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 2) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (SelInteraction >= 0) and (SelInteraction <= 2) then begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenOptionsThemes.InteractInc;
+ inherited InteractInc;
+ //Update Skins
+ if (SelInteraction = 0) then
+ begin
+ Skin.OnThemeChange;
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions (Theme.OptionsThemes.SelectSkin, SkinSelect, ISkin, Ini.SkinNo);
+ end;
+procedure TScreenOptionsThemes.InteractDec;
+ inherited InteractDec;
+ //Update Skins
+ if (SelInteraction = 0) then
+ begin
+ Skin.OnThemeChange;
+ UpdateSelectSlideOptions (Theme.OptionsThemes.SelectSkin, SkinSelect, ISkin, Ini.SkinNo);
+ end;
+constructor TScreenOptionsThemes.Create(Back: String);
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ AddBackground(Theme.OptionsThemes.Background.Tex);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.OptionsThemes.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.OptionsThemes.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.OptionsThemes.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.OptionsThemes.Text[I]);
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsThemes.SelectTheme, Ini.Theme, ITheme);
+ //SelectsS[High(SelectsS)].SetSelectOpt(Ini.Theme);
+ SkinSelect := AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsThemes.SelectSkin, Ini.SkinNo, ISkin);
+ //AddSelectSlideOption('SingStar');
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.OptionsThemes.SelectColor, Ini.Color, IColor);
+ AddButton(Theme.OptionsThemes.ButtonExit);
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Exit');
+procedure TScreenOptionsThemes.onShow;
+ Interaction := 0;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..24b6953e --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1e9be1f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.pas @@ -0,0 +1,397 @@ +unit UScreenPartyNewRound;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenPartyNewRound = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ //Texts:
+ TextRound1: Cardinal;
+ TextRound2: Cardinal;
+ TextRound3: Cardinal;
+ TextRound4: Cardinal;
+ TextRound5: Cardinal;
+ TextRound6: Cardinal;
+ TextRound7: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner1: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner2: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner3: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner4: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner5: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner6: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner7: Cardinal;
+ TextNextRound: Cardinal;
+ TextNextRoundNo: Cardinal;
+ TextNextPlayer1: Cardinal;
+ TextNextPlayer2: Cardinal;
+ TextNextPlayer3: Cardinal;
+ //Statics
+ StaticRound1: Cardinal;
+ StaticRound2: Cardinal;
+ StaticRound3: Cardinal;
+ StaticRound4: Cardinal;
+ StaticRound5: Cardinal;
+ StaticRound6: Cardinal;
+ StaticRound7: Cardinal;
+ //Scores
+ TextScoreTeam1: Cardinal;
+ TextScoreTeam2: Cardinal;
+ TextScoreTeam3: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam1: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam2: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3: Cardinal;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, UParty, UDLLManager, ULanguage, ULog;
+function TScreenPartyNewRound.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ if DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong then
+ begin
+ //Select PartyMode ScreenSong
+ ScreenSong.Mode := 1;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSingModi);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end
+ else // Key Up
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPartyNewRound.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddBackground(Theme.PartyNewRound.Background.Tex);
+ Log.LogError(Theme.PartyNewRound.Background.Tex);
+ TextRound1 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound1);
+ TextRound2 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound2);
+ TextRound3 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound3);
+ TextRound4 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound4);
+ TextRound5 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound5);
+ TextRound6 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound6);
+ TextRound7 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextRound7);
+ TextWinner1 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner1);
+ TextWinner2 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner2);
+ TextWinner3 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner3);
+ TextWinner4 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner4);
+ TextWinner5 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner5);
+ TextWinner6 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner6);
+ TextWinner7 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextWinner7);
+ TextNextRound := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNextRound);
+ TextNextRoundNo := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNextRoundNo);
+ TextNextPlayer1 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer1);
+ TextNextPlayer2 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer2);
+ TextNextPlayer3 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer3);
+ StaticRound1 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound1);
+ StaticRound2 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound2);
+ StaticRound3 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound3);
+ StaticRound4 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound4);
+ StaticRound5 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound5);
+ StaticRound6 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound6);
+ StaticRound7 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticRound7);
+ //Scores
+ TextScoreTeam1 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam1);
+ TextScoreTeam2 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam2);
+ TextScoreTeam3 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam3);
+ TextNameTeam1 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam1);
+ TextNameTeam2 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam2);
+ TextNameTeam3 := AddText (Theme.PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam3);
+ StaticTeam1 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticTeam1);
+ StaticTeam2 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticTeam2);
+ StaticTeam3 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyNewRound.StaticTeam3);
+ AddButton (Theme.PartyNewRound.ButtonNext);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.PartyNewRound.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.PartyNewRound.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.PartyNewRound.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.PartyNewRound.Text[I]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenPartyNewRound.onShow;
+ I: Integer;
+ //If not First Round, End Last Round
+ if (PartySession.CurRound <> 255) then
+ PartySession.EndRound;
+ PartySession.StartRound;
+ Log.LogError(InttoStr(Length(DllMan.Plugins)));
+ //Set Visibility of Round Infos
+ I := Length(PartySession.Rounds);
+ if (I >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound1].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound1].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner1].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound1].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[0].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner1].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(0);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound1].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound1].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner1].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (I >= 2) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound2].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound2].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner2].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound2].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[1].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner2].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(1);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound2].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound2].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner2].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (I >= 3) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound3].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound3].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner3].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound3].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[2].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner3].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(2);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound3].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound3].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner3].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (I >= 4) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound4].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound4].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner4].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound4].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[3].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner4].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(3);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound4].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound4].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner4].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (I >= 5) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound5].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound5].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner5].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound5].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[4].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner5].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(4);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound5].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound5].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner5].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (I >= 6) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound6].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound6].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner6].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound6].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[5].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner6].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(5);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound6].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound6].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner6].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (I >= 7) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound7].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextRound7].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextWinner7].Visible := True;
+ //Texts:
+ Text[TextRound7].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Plugins[PartySession.Rounds[6].Plugin].Name);
+ Text[TextWinner7].Text := PartySession.GetWinnerString(6);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticRound7].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextRound7].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextWinner7].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ //Display Scores
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[0].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[0].Name);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[1].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[1].Name);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[2].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[2].Name);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ //nextRound Texts
+ Text[TextNextRound].Text := Language.Translate(DllMan.Selected.PluginDesc);
+ Text[TextNextRoundNo].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.CurRound + 1);
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextNextPlayer1].Text := PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Playerinfo[PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].CurPlayer].Name;
+ Text[TextNextPlayer1].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ Text[TextNextPlayer1].Visible := False;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextNextPlayer2].Text := PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Playerinfo[PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].CurPlayer].Name;
+ Text[TextNextPlayer2].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ Text[TextNextPlayer2].Visible := False;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextNextPlayer3].Text := PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Playerinfo[PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].CurPlayer].Name;
+ Text[TextNextPlayer3].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ Text[TextNextPlayer3].Visible := False;
+ Log.LogError('Plugin Selected: ' + InttoStr(PartySession.Rounds[0].Plugin));
+// LCD.WriteText(1, ' Choose mode: ');
+// UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenPartyNewRound.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ {Button[0].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
+ Button[2].Texture.ScaleW := Progress; }
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyOptions.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyOptions.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f0bbf3d --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyOptions.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyOptions.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyOptions.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..148289e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyOptions.pas @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +unit UScreenPartyOptions;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenPartyOptions = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ SelectLevel: Cardinal;
+ SelectPlayList: Cardinal;
+ SelectPlayList2: Cardinal;
+ SelectRounds: Cardinal;
+ SelectTeams: Cardinal;
+ SelectPlayers1: Cardinal;
+ SelectPlayers2: Cardinal;
+ SelectPlayers3: Cardinal;
+ PlayList: Integer;
+ PlayList2: Integer;
+ Rounds: Integer;
+ NumTeams: Integer;
+ NumPlayer1, NumPlayer2, NumPlayer3: Integer;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+ ILevel: array[0..2] of String;
+ ITeams: array[0..1] of String =('2', '3');
+ IPlayers: array[0..3] of String =('1', '2', '3', '4');
+ IRounds: array[0..5] of String = ('2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7');
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, ULanguage, UParty, UDLLManager;
+function TScreenPartyOptions.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+var I: Integer;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ begin
+ //Save Difficulty
+ Ini.Difficulty := SelectsS[SelectLevel].SelectedOption;
+ Ini.SaveLevel;
+ //Save PlayList
+ //(Todo)
+ //Save Num Teams:
+ PartySession.Teams.NumTeams := NumTeams + 2;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].NumPlayers := NumPlayer1+1;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].NumPlayers := NumPlayer2+1;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].NumPlayers := NumPlayer3+1;
+ //Save Rounds + Random
+ SetLength (PartySession.Rounds, Rounds + 2);
+ For I := 0 to high (PartySession.Rounds) do
+ begin
+ PartySession.Rounds[I].Plugin := Random (Length(DLLMan.Plugins));
+ PartySession.Rounds[I].Winner := 0;
+ end;
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ //Go to Player Screen
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyPlayer);
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayOption;
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else // Key Up
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPartyOptions.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ //Fill ILevel
+ ILevel[0] := Language.Translate('SING_EASY');
+ ILevel[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MEDIUM');
+ ILevel[2] := Language.Translate('SING_HARD');
+ NumTeams := 0;
+ NumPlayer1 := 0;
+ NumPlayer2 := 0;
+ NumPlayer3 := 0;
+ Rounds := 5;
+ PlayList := 0;
+ PlayList2 := 0;
+ AddBackground(Theme.PartyOptions.Background.Tex);
+ SelectLevel := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectLevel, Ini.Difficulty, ILevel);
+ SelectPlayList := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectPlayList, PlayList, ITeams);
+ SelectPlayList2 := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectPlayList2, PlayList2, ITeams);
+ SelectRounds := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectRounds, Rounds, IRounds);
+ SelectTeams := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectTeams, NumTeams, ITeams);
+ SelectPlayers1 := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectPlayers1, NumPlayer1, IPlayers);
+ SelectPlayers2 := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectPlayers2, NumPlayer2, IPlayers);
+ SelectPlayers3 := AddSelectSlide (Theme.PartyOptions.SelectPlayers3, NumPlayer3, IPlayers);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.PartyOptions.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.PartyOptions.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.PartyOptions.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.PartyOptions.Text[I]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenPartyOptions.onShow;
+ Randomize;
+// LCD.WriteText(1, ' Choose mode: ');
+// UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenPartyOptions.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ {for I := 0 to 6 do
+ SelectS[I].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;}
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyPlayer.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyPlayer.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..1afeac79 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyPlayer.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyPlayer.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyPlayer.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b954212a --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyPlayer.pas @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +unit UScreenPartyPlayer;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenPartyPlayer = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ Team1Name: Cardinal;
+ Player1Name: Cardinal;
+ Player2Name: Cardinal;
+ Player3Name: Cardinal;
+ Player4Name: Cardinal;
+ Team2Name: Cardinal;
+ Player5Name: Cardinal;
+ Player6Name: Cardinal;
+ Player7Name: Cardinal;
+ Player8Name: Cardinal;
+ Team3Name: Cardinal;
+ Player9Name: Cardinal;
+ Player10Name: Cardinal;
+ Player11Name: Cardinal;
+ Player12Name: Cardinal;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, UParty;
+function TScreenPartyPlayer.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ I, J: integer;
+ procedure IntNext;
+ begin
+ repeat
+ InteractNext;
+ until Button[Interaction].Visible;
+ end;
+ procedure IntPrev;
+ begin
+ repeat
+ InteractPrev;
+ until Button[Interaction].Visible;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text := Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text + chr(ScanCode);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Delete(Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text,
+ Length(Button[Interaction].Text[0].Text), 1);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Ini.SaveNames;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyOptions);
+ end;
+ begin
+ for I := 0 to PartySession.Teams.NumTeams-1 do
+ begin
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[I].Name := PChar(Button[I*5].Text[0].Text);
+ for J := 0 to PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[I].NumPlayers-1 do
+ begin
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[I].Playerinfo[J].Name := PChar(Button[I*5 + J+1].Text[0].Text);
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[I].Playerinfo[J].TimesPlayed := 0;
+ end;
+ PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[I].Joker := Round (Length(PartySession.Rounds) * 0.85);
+ end;
+ //Start Party
+ PartySession.StartNewParty;
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyNewRound);
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ SDLK_DOWN: IntNext;
+ SDLK_UP: IntPrev;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: IntNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: IntPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPartyPlayer.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddBackground(Theme.PartyPlayer.Background.Tex);
+ Team1Name := AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Team1Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player1Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player2Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player3Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player4Name);
+ Team2Name := AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Team2Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player5Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player6Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player7Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player8Name);
+ Team3Name := AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Team3Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player9Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player10Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player11Name);
+ AddButton(Theme.PartyPlayer.Player12Name);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.PartyPlayer.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.PartyPlayer.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.PartyPlayer.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.PartyPlayer.Text[I]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+procedure TScreenPartyPlayer.onShow;
+ I: integer;
+ If (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams>=1) then
+ begin
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].NumPlayers >=1);
+ Button[2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].NumPlayers >=2);
+ Button[3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].NumPlayers >=3);
+ Button[4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].NumPlayers >=4);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[1].Visible := False;
+ Button[2].Visible := False;
+ Button[3].Visible := False;
+ Button[4].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ If (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams>=2) then
+ begin
+ Button[5].Visible := True;
+ Button[6].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].NumPlayers >=1);
+ Button[7].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].NumPlayers >=2);
+ Button[8].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].NumPlayers >=3);
+ Button[9].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].NumPlayers >=4);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[5].Visible := False;
+ Button[6].Visible := False;
+ Button[7].Visible := False;
+ Button[8].Visible := False;
+ Button[9].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ If (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams>=3) then
+ begin
+ Button[10].Visible := True;
+ Button[11].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].NumPlayers >=1);
+ Button[12].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].NumPlayers >=2);
+ Button[13].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].NumPlayers >=3);
+ Button[14].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].NumPlayers >=4);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Button[10].Visible := False;
+ Button[11].Visible := False;
+ Button[12].Visible := False;
+ Button[13].Visible := False;
+ Button[14].Visible := False;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenPartyPlayer.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ I: integer;
+ for I := 0 to high(Button) do
+ Button[I].Texture.ScaleW := Progress;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyScore.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyScore.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..9dffe2e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyScore.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyScore.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyScore.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9cbeb5d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyScore.pas @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +unit UScreenPartyScore;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenPartyScore = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextScoreTeam1: Cardinal;
+ TextScoreTeam2: Cardinal;
+ TextScoreTeam3: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam1: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam2: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner: Cardinal;
+ MaxScore: Word;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UParty, UScreenSingModi, ULanguage;
+function TScreenPartyScore.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ if (PartySession.CurRound <= High(PartySession.Rounds)) then
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyNewRound)
+ else
+ begin
+ PartySession.EndRound;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyWin);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ if (PartySession.CurRound <= High(PartySession.Rounds)) then
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyNewRound)
+ else
+ begin
+ PartySession.EndRound;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyWin);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPartyScore.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddBackground(Theme.PartyScore.Background.Tex);
+ TextScoreTeam1 := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextScoreTeam1);
+ TextScoreTeam2 := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextScoreTeam2);
+ TextScoreTeam3 := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextScoreTeam3);
+ TextNameTeam1 := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextNameTeam1);
+ TextNameTeam2 := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextNameTeam2);
+ TextNameTeam3 := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextNameTeam3);
+ StaticTeam1 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyScore.StaticTeam1);
+ StaticTeam2 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyScore.StaticTeam2);
+ StaticTeam3 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyScore.StaticTeam3);
+ TextWinner := AddText (Theme.PartyScore.TextWinner);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.PartyScore.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.PartyScore.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.PartyScore.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.PartyScore.Text[I]);
+procedure TScreenPartyScore.onShow;
+ I: Integer;
+ //Get Maxscore
+ MaxScore := 0;
+ for I := 0 to ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers - 1 do
+ begin
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score > MaxScore) then
+ MaxScore := ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score;
+ end;
+ //Set Static Length
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Texture.ScaleW := ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Percentage / 100;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Texture.ScaleW := ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Percentage / 100;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Texture.ScaleW := ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Percentage / 100;
+ //Set Winnertext
+ Text[TextWinner].Text := Format(Language.Translate('PARTY_SCORE_WINS'), [PartySession.GetWinnerString(PartySession.CurRound)]);
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Text := InttoStr(ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Text := String(ScreenSingModi.TeamInfo.Teaminfo[0].Name);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 2) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Text := InttoStr(ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Text := String(ScreenSingModi.TeamInfo.Teaminfo[1].Name);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 3) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Text := InttoStr(ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Text := String(ScreenSingModi.TeamInfo.Teaminfo[2].Name);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Visible := False;
+ end;
+// LCD.WriteText(1, ' Choose mode: ');
+// UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenPartyScore.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 1) then
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress * ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Percentage / 100;
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 2) then
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Texture.ScaleW := Progress * ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Percentage / 100;
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 3) then
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Texture.ScaleW := Progress * ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Percentage / 100;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyWin.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyWin.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..d55c0809 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyWin.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyWin.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyWin.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ac5f38d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPartyWin.pas @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +unit UScreenPartyWin;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenPartyWin = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextScoreTeam1: Cardinal;
+ TextScoreTeam2: Cardinal;
+ TextScoreTeam3: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam1: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam2: Cardinal;
+ TextNameTeam3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3: Cardinal;
+ TextWinner: Cardinal;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real); override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UParty, UScreenSingModi, ULanguage;
+function TScreenPartyWin.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPartyWin.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddBackground(Theme.PartyWin.Background.Tex);
+ TextScoreTeam1 := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextScoreTeam1);
+ TextScoreTeam2 := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextScoreTeam2);
+ TextScoreTeam3 := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextScoreTeam3);
+ TextNameTeam1 := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextNameTeam1);
+ TextNameTeam2 := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextNameTeam2);
+ TextNameTeam3 := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextNameTeam3);
+ StaticTeam1 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam1);
+ StaticTeam2 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam2);
+ StaticTeam3 := AddStatic (Theme.PartyWin.StaticTeam3);
+ TextWinner := AddText (Theme.PartyWin.TextWinner);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.PartyWin.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.PartyWin.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.PartyWin.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.PartyWin.Text[I]);
+procedure TScreenPartyWin.onShow;
+ I: Integer;
+ //Set Winnertext
+ Text[TextWinner].Text := Format(Language.Translate('PARTY_SCORE_WINS'), [PartySession.GetWinnerString(255)]);
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[0].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[0].Name);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[1].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[1].Name);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Text := InttoStr(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[2].Score);
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.TeamInfo[2].Name);
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Visible := True;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[TextScoreTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Text[TextNameTeam3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Visible := False;
+ end;
+// LCD.WriteText(1, ' Choose mode: ');
+// UpdateLCD;
+procedure TScreenPartyWin.SetAnimationProgress(Progress: real);
+ {if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 1) then
+ Static[StaticTeam1].Texture.ScaleW := Progress * ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Score / maxScore;
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 2) then
+ Static[StaticTeam2].Texture.ScaleW := Progress * ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Score / maxScore;
+ if (ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.NumPlayers >= 3) then
+ Static[StaticTeam3].Texture.ScaleW := Progress * ScreenSingModi.PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Score / maxScore;}
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..eee72fd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e509a6f --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenScore.pas @@ -0,0 +1,586 @@ +unit UScreenScore;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UDisplay, UMusic, USongs, UThemes, ULCD, OpenGL;
+ TScreenScore = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextArtist: integer;
+ TextTitle: integer;
+ TextName: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextNotes: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextNotesScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextLineBonus: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextLineBonusScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextGoldenNotes: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextGoldenNotesScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextTotal: array[1..6] of integer;
+ TextTotalScore: array[1..6] of integer;
+ PlayerStatic: array[1..6] of array of integer;
+ StaticBoxLightest: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBoxLight: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBoxDark: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBackLevel: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticBackLevelRound: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticLevel: array[1..6] of integer;
+ StaticLevelRound: array[1..6] of integer;
+ Animation: real;
+ Fadeout: boolean;
+ constructor Create(Back: String); override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure FillPlayer(Item, P: integer);
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UScreenSong, UMenuStatic, UTime, UMain, UIni, ULanguage;
+uses UGraphic, UScreenSong, UMenuStatic, UTime, UMain, UIni;
+function TScreenScore.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then begin
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (not Fadeout) then begin
+// Music.StopShuffle;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenTop5);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (not Fadeout) then begin
+// Music.StopShuffle;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenTop5);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ beep;
+ end;}
+ begin
+ Display.PrintScreen;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenScore.Create(Back: String);
+ P: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create(Back);
+ // background arrows sorted from farthest to nearest
+{ AddStatic(-2000 + 400, 100, 360, 60, 1, 1, 1, Skin.Arrow2, 'JPG', 'Arrow');
+ AddStatic(-2000 + -50, 200, 420, 70, 1, 1, 1, Skin.Arrow, 'JPG', 'Arrow');
+ AddStatic(-2000 + 90, 30, 500, 90, 1, 1, 1, Skin.Arrow, 'JPG', 'Arrow');
+ AddStatic(-2000 + -250, 100, 800, 150, 1, 1, 1, Skin.Arrow, 'JPG', 'Arrow');
+ Static[0].Texture.Rot := 100 * pi/180;
+ Static[1].Texture.Rot := 7 * pi/180;
+ Static[2].Texture.Rot := 35 * pi/180;
+ // main arrow with text
+ AddStatic(0, 340, 1000, 180, 1, 1, 1, Skin.Arrow2, 'JPG', 'Arrow');
+// AddText(450, 409, 4, 15, 1, 1, 1, 'Smile');
+ AddText(450, 409, 4, 15, 1, 1, 1, 'Let''s see the results');
+ Text[0].Y := 401;
+ Static[4].Texture.Rot := -3 * pi/180;
+ // two mid arrows
+ AddStatic(-2000 + -250, 100, 800, 150, 1, 1, 1, Skin.Arrow, 'JPG', 'Arrow');
+ AddStatic(-2000 + -250, 100, 800, 150, 1, 1, 1, Skin.Arrow, 'JPG', 'Arrow');
+ // last arrow
+ AddStatic(-2000, 340, 1100, 180, 1, 1, 1, Skin.Arrow2, 'JPG', 'Arrow');
+// AddText(-2000, 407, 4, 17, 1, 1, 1, 'SHUFFLE !');
+ AddText(-2000, 407, 4, 15, 1, 1, 1, 'SHUFFLE !');
+ Static[7].Texture.Rot := 184 * pi/180;
+ // score text
+ AddText(-2000, 407, 4, 17, 1, 1, 1, '10010 points');
+ AddText(-2000, 407, 4, 17, 1, 1, 1, 'Cheater');
+ Fadeout := false;}
+ // Singstar Theme
+ AddBackground(Theme.Score.Background.Tex);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Score.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.Score.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Score.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.Score.Text[I]);
+ TextArtist := AddText(Theme.Score.TextArtist);
+ TextTitle := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTitle);
+ for P := 1 to 6 do begin
+ TextName[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextName[P]);
+ TextScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextScore[P]);
+ TextNotes[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextNotes[P]);
+ TextNotesScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextNotesScore[P]);
+ TextLineBonus[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextLineBonus[P]);
+ TextLineBonusScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextLineBonusScore[P]);
+ TextGoldenNotes[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextGoldenNotes[P]);
+ TextGoldenNotesScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[P]);
+ TextTotal[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTotal[P]);
+ TextTotalScore[P] := AddText(Theme.Score.TextTotalScore[P]);
+ SetLength(PlayerStatic[P], Length(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P]));
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P]) do
+ PlayerStatic[P, I] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.PlayerStatic[P, I]);
+ StaticBoxLightest[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxLightest[P]);
+ StaticBoxLight[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxLight[P]);
+ StaticBoxDark[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBoxDark[P]);
+ StaticBackLevel[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBackLevel[P]);
+ StaticBackLevelRound[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticBackLevelRound[P]);
+ StaticLevel[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticLevel[P]);
+ StaticLevelRound[P] := AddStatic(Theme.Score.StaticLevelRound[P]);
+ end;
+procedure TScreenScore.onShow;
+ P: integer; // player
+ PP: integer; // another player variable
+ S: string;
+ I: integer;
+ Lev: real;
+ Skip: integer;
+ V: array[1..6] of boolean; // visibility array
+ MaxH: real; // maximum height of score bar
+ Wsp: real;
+{ CountSkipTimeSet;
+ Animation := 0;
+ Fadeout := false;
+ Text[1].Text := AktSong.Artist + ' - ' + AktSong.Title;
+ Text[2].Text := ' ' + IntToStr((Round(Gracz[0].Punkty) div 10) * 10) + ' points';
+ Static[0].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[1].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[2].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[3].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[4].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[5].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[6].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Static[7].Texture.X := -2000;
+ Text[0].X := -2000;
+ Text[1].X := -2000;
+ Text[2].X := -2000;
+ Text[3].X := -2000;
+ case (Round(Gracz[0].Punkty) div 10) * 10 of
+ 0..1000: Text[3].Text := ' Tone Deaf';
+ 2010..4000: Text[3].Text := ' Amateur';
+ 4010..6000: Text[3].Text := ' Rising Star';
+ 6010..8000: Text[3].Text := ' Lead Singer';
+ 8010..9000: Text[3].Text := ' Hit Artist';
+ 9010..10000: Text[3].Text := ' Superstar';
+ end;
+ Music.PlayShuffle;}
+ // Singstar
+ Fadeout := false;
+ Text[TextArtist].Text := AktSong.Artist;
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := AktSong.Title;
+ // set visibility
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ V[1] := true;
+ V[2] := false;
+ V[3] := false;
+ V[4] := false;
+ V[5] := false;
+ V[6] := false;
+ end;
+ 2, 4: begin
+ V[1] := false;
+ V[2] := true;
+ V[3] := true;
+ V[4] := false;
+ V[5] := false;
+ V[6] := false;
+ end;
+ 3, 6: begin
+ V[1] := false;
+ V[2] := false;
+ V[3] := false;
+ V[4] := true;
+ V[5] := true;
+ V[6] := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ for P := 1 to 6 do begin
+ Text[TextName[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextNotes[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextNotesScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextLineBonus[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextGoldenNotes[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextTotal[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Text[TextTotalScore[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ for I := 0 to high(PlayerStatic[P]) do
+ Static[PlayerStatic[P, I]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBoxLight[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBoxDark[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBackLevel[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticBackLevelRound[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticLevel[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[P]].Visible := V[P];
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay <= 3 then begin // only for 1 screen mode
+ for P := 0 to PlayersPlay-1 do begin
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: PP := 1;
+ 2: PP := P + 2;
+ 3: PP := P + 4;
+ end;
+ //PP := 1;
+ Text[TextName[PP]].Text := Ini.Name[P];
+ case (Player[P].ScoreTotalI) of
+ 0..2000: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_TONE_DEAF');
+ 2010..4000: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_AMATEUR');
+ 4010..6000: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_RISING_STAR');
+ 6010..8000: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_LEAD_SINGER');
+ 8010..9000: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_HIT_ARTIST');
+ 9010..9800: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_SUPERSTAR');
+ 9810..10000: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := Language.Translate('SING_SCORE_ULTRASTAR');
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ case (Player[P].ScoreTotalI) of
+ 0..2000: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := 'Tone Deaf';
+ 2010..4000: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := 'Amateur';
+ 4010..6000: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := 'Rising Star';
+ 6010..8000: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := 'Lead Singer';
+ 8010..9000: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := 'Hit Artist';
+ 9010..9800: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := 'Superstar';
+ 9810..10000: Text[TextScore[PP]].Text := 'Ultrastar';
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreI);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextNotesScore[PP]].Text := S;
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreLineI);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextLineBonusScore[PP]].Text := S;
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreGoldenI);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextGoldenNotesScore[PP]].Text := S;
+ S := IntToStr(Player[P].ScoreTotalI);
+ while (Length(S)<5) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextTotalScore[PP]].Text := S;
+ // Level bar length
+{ Lev := ((Round(Player[P].Punkty) div 10) * 10) / 10000;
+ Static[StaticLevel[PP]].Texture.H := Round(Static[StaticBackLevel[PP]].Texture.H * Lev);
+ Static[StaticLevel[PP]].Texture.Y := Static[StaticBackLevel[PP]].Texture.Y + Static[StaticBackLevel[PP]].Texture.H - Static[StaticLevel[PP]].Texture.H;
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[PP]].Texture.Y := Static[StaticLevel[PP]].Texture.Y - Static[StaticLevelRound[PP]].Texture.H;}
+ // doesn't align too much... (to fix)
+ // hint: play with wrapping textures
+ // resolution: setting TexY1 and TexY2 to 0.1 and 0.9
+ Lev := Player[P].ScoreTotalI / 10000;
+ MaxH := Static[StaticBackLevel[PP]].Texture.H + Static[StaticBackLevelRound[PP]].Texture.H / 2;
+ // developer note (Polish):
+ // w sumie np. 120 pix
+ // ten static moze miec 100 pix
+ // wlacza sie od 20 pix i rosnie do 120 pix
+ // wiec wysokosc = wyznaczona ilosc - 20
+ // nie moze byc mniejsze od 0
+ // Lev * MaxH = total number of pixels to draw
+ Static[StaticLevel[PP]].Visible := true;
+ Static[StaticLevel[PP]].Texture.H := Lev * MaxH - Static[StaticBackLevelRound[PP]].Texture.H / 2;
+ if Static[StaticLevel[PP]].Texture.H < 0 then Static[StaticLevel[PP]].Visible := false;
+ // Y doesn't change and depend on the back texture coordinate
+ Static[StaticLevel[PP]].Texture.Y := Static[StaticBackLevel[PP]].Texture.Y + Static[StaticBackLevel[PP]].Texture.H - Static[StaticLevel[PP]].Texture.H;
+ // we modify LevelRound texture by changing it's Y. TexY1 and TexY2 change when the height to draw is lower than 20
+ if Lev * MaxH < Static[StaticBackLevelRound[PP]].Texture.H / 2 then begin
+ // when it's lower than 20 => we move TexY1 and TexY2 higher to show only part of this texture
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[PP]].Texture.Y := Static[StaticBackLevel[PP]].Texture.Y + Static[StaticBackLevel[PP]].Texture.H - Static[StaticBackLevelRound[PP]].Texture.H;
+ // - 0.25 when points = 0
+ // - 0 wnen there are more points
+ // if Lev * MaxH = Static[StaticBackLevelRound[PP]].Texture.H / 2) then we do not change it
+ // if Lev * MaxH = 0 then we substract 0.25
+ // we substract (0.25 - 0.25 * (Lev * MaxH)/Static[StaticBackLevelRound[PP]].Texture.H / 2)
+ Wsp := Lev * MaxH / (Static[StaticBackLevelRound[PP]].Texture.H / 2);
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[PP]].Texture.TexY1 := Static[StaticBackLevelRound[PP]].Texture.TexY1 - 0.25 + 0.25 * Wsp;
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[PP]].Texture.TexY2 := Static[StaticBackLevelRound[PP]].Texture.TexY2 - 0.25 + 0.25 * Wsp;
+ end else begin
+ // when it's higher or equal 20 => full texture is being shown
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[PP]].Texture.TexY1 := Static[StaticBackLevelRound[PP]].Texture.TexY1;
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[PP]].Texture.TexY2 := Static[StaticBackLevelRound[PP]].Texture.TexY2;
+ Static[StaticLevelRound[PP]].Texture.Y := Static[StaticLevel[PP]].Texture.Y - Static[StaticBackLevelRound[PP]].Texture.H;
+ end;
+ end; // for
+ end; // if
+ LCD.HideCursor;
+ LCD.Clear;
+ LCD.WriteText(1, Ini.Name[0]);
+ LCD.WriteText(2, 'Score: ' + Text[TextTotalScore[1]].Text);
+function TScreenScore.Draw: boolean;
+{ Min: real;
+ Max: real;
+ Wsp: real;
+ Wsp2: real;
+ Pet: integer;}
+ Item: integer;
+ P: integer;
+ C: integer;
+ // star animation
+{ Animation := Animation + TimeSkip*1000;
+ // move right
+ Min := 0; Max := 500;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ Wsp := (Animation - Min) / (Max - Min);
+ Wsp2 := 1 - Wsp;
+ Static[0].Texture.X := 400 + Wsp2 * 50; // prawa mala
+ Static[0].Texture.Y := 150 - Wsp2 * 500;
+ Static[1].Texture.X := -50 - Wsp2 * 500; // lewa mala
+ Static[1].Texture.Y := 200 + Wsp2 * 50;
+ Static[2].Texture.X := 100 - Wsp2 * 200; // gorna w prawo
+ Static[2].Texture.Y := 80 - Wsp2 * 200;
+ Static[3].Texture.X := -280 - Wsp2 * 1000; // lewa wieksza gorna
+ Static[3].Texture.Y := 90;
+ Static[4].Texture.X := -1200 + Wsp * 1000;
+ Text[0].X := Static[4].Texture.X + 430;
+ end;
+ // slowly move right
+ Min := 500; Max := 4100;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ Wsp := (Animation - Min) / (Max - Min);
+ Static[0].Texture.X := 400 - Wsp * 10; // prawa mala
+ Static[0].Texture.Y := 150 + Wsp * 50;
+ Static[1].Texture.X := -50 + Wsp * 50; // lewa mala
+ Static[1].Texture.Y := 200;
+ Static[2].Texture.X := 100 + Wsp * 50; // gorna w prawo
+ Static[2].Texture.Y := 80 + Wsp * 30;
+ Static[3].Texture.X := -280 + Wsp * 200; // lewa wieksza gorna
+ Static[3].Texture.Y := 90;
+ Static[4].Texture.X := -200 + Wsp * 150; // duza glowna
+ Text[0].X := Static[4].Texture.X + 430;
+ end;
+ // fast move right
+ Min := 4100; Max := 4400;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ Wsp := (Animation - Min) / (Max - Min);
+ Wsp2 := 1 - Wsp;
+ Static[0].Texture.X := 390 - Wsp * 200; // prawa mala
+ Static[0].Texture.Y := 200 + Wsp * 1000;
+ Static[1].Texture.X := 0 + Wsp * 1000; // lewa mala
+ Static[1].Texture.Y := 200;
+ Static[2].Texture.X := 150 + Wsp * 1000; // gorna w prawo
+ Static[2].Texture.Y := 110 + Wsp * 600;
+ Static[3].Texture.X := -80 + Wsp * 2000; // lewa wieksza gorna
+ Static[3].Texture.Y := 90;
+ Static[4].Texture.X := -50 + Wsp * 2000;
+ Text[0].X := Static[4].Texture.X + 430;
+ Static[7].Texture.X := 100 + Wsp2 * 3000;
+ Text[1].X := Static[7].Texture.X + 230; // 300
+ Text[1].Y := Static[7].Texture.Y + 140; // 120 Sh
+ Text[2].X := Static[7].Texture.X + 250;
+ Text[2].Y := Static[7].Texture.Y - 250;
+ Text[3].X := Static[7].Texture.X + 250;
+ Text[3].Y := Static[7].Texture.Y - 200;
+ end;
+ // last arrow
+ Min := 4400; Max := 8000;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ Wsp := (Animation - Min) / (Max - Min);
+ Static[7].Texture.X := 100 - Wsp * 100;
+ Text[1].X := Static[7].Texture.X + 230; // 300
+ Text[1].Y := Static[7].Texture.Y + 140; // 120
+ Text[2].X := Static[7].Texture.X + 250;
+ Text[2].Y := Static[7].Texture.Y - 250;
+ Text[3].X := Static[7].Texture.X + 250;
+ Text[3].Y := Static[7].Texture.Y - 200;
+ end;
+ // fade last arrow to left
+ Min := 8000; Max := 8300;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ Wsp := (Animation - Min) / (Max - Min);
+ Static[7].Texture.X := 0 - Wsp * 3000;
+ Static[7].Texture.Y := 340 - Wsp * 50;
+ Text[1].X := Static[7].Texture.X + 230; // 300 Sh
+ Text[1].Y := Static[7].Texture.Y + 140; // 120 Sh
+ Text[2].X := Static[7].Texture.X + 250;
+ Text[2].Y := Static[7].Texture.Y - 250;
+ Text[3].X := Static[7].Texture.X + 250;
+ Text[3].Y := Static[7].Texture.Y - 200;
+ end;
+ Min := 8300;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (not Fadeout) then begin
+ Music.StopShuffle;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;}
+ // 0.5.0: try also use 4 players screen with nicks
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ for Item := 2 to 3 do begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then P := Item-2;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then P := Item;
+ FillPlayer(Item, P);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Singstar - let it be...... with 6 statics
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ for Item := 4 to 6 do begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then P := Item-4;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then P := Item-1;
+ FillPlayer(Item, P);
+{ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P1Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P4Dark');
+ end;}
+ end;
+ end;
+ inherited Draw;
+procedure TScreenScore.FillPlayer(Item, P: integer);
+ S: string;
+ Text[TextName[Item]].Text := Ini.Name[P];
+ S := IntToStr((Round(Player[P].Score) div 10) * 10);
+ while (Length(S)<4) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextNotesScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ while (Length(S)<5) do S := '0' + S;
+ Text[TextTotalScore[Item]].Text := S;
+ LoadColor(
+ Text[TextName[Item]].ColR,
+ Text[TextName[Item]].ColG,
+ Text[TextName[Item]].ColB,
+ 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Dark');
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Lightest');
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLight[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLight[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLight[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Light');
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxDark[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxDark[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxDark[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P' + IntToStr(P+1) + 'Dark');
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e227a17 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a97482d --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSing.pas @@ -0,0 +1,1121 @@ +unit UScreenSing;
+uses UMenu, UMusic, SDL, SysUtils, UPliki, UTime, USongs, UIni, ULog, USmpeg, UTexture, ULyrics,
+ TextGL, OpenGL12, BASS, UThemes, ULCD;
+ TScreenSing = class(TMenu)
+ protected
+ paused: boolean; //Pause Mod
+ PauseTime: Real;
+ NumEmptySentences: integer;
+ public
+ TextTime: integer;
+ StaticP1: integer;
+ StaticP1ScoreBG: integer;
+ TextP1: integer;
+ TextP1Score: integer;
+ StaticP2R: integer;
+ StaticP2RScoreBG: integer;
+ TextP2R: integer;
+ TextP2RScore: integer;
+ StaticP2M: integer;
+ StaticP2MScoreBG: integer;
+ TextP2M: integer;
+ TextP2MScore: integer;
+ StaticP3R: integer;
+ StaticP3RScoreBG: integer;
+ TextP3R: integer;
+ TextP3RScore: integer;
+ Tex_Background: TTexture;
+ FadeOut: boolean;
+ LyricMain: TLyric;
+ LyricSub: TLyric;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure onShowFinish; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure Finish; virtual;
+ procedure UpdateLCD;
+ procedure Pause; //Pause Mod(Toggles Pause)
+ //OnSentenceEnd for LineBonus + Singbar
+ procedure onSentenceEnd(S: Cardinal);
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UDraw, UMain, Classes, URecord, ULanguage, math;
+// Method for input parsing. If False is returned, GetNextWindow
+// should be checked to know the next window to load;
+function TScreenSing.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ //Record Sound Hack:
+ //Sound[0].BufferLong
+ Finish;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenScore);
+ end;
+ begin
+ Finish;
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ SDLK_P://Pause Mod
+ begin
+ Pause;
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ begin
+ end;
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else // Key Up
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+//Pause Mod
+procedure TScreenSing.Pause;
+ if not paused then //Pause einschalten
+ begin
+ PauseTime := Czas.Teraz;
+ Paused := true;
+ //stop Music
+ Music.Pause;
+ if (AktSong.Video <> '') and FileExists(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video) then //Video
+ PauseSmpeg; //Video
+ end
+ else //Pause ausschalten
+ begin
+ Czas.Teraz := PauseTime; //Position of Notes
+ Music.MoveTo (PauseTime);//Position of Music
+ Music.Play; //Play Music
+ if (AktSong.Video <> '') and FileExists(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video) then //Video
+ PlaySmpeg;
+ //SkipSmpeg(PauseTime);
+ Paused := false;
+ end;
+//Pause Mod End
+constructor TScreenSing.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ P: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddBackground(Theme.Sing.Background.Tex);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Sing.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.Sing.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Sing.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.Sing.Text[I]);
+ // time
+ TextTime := AddText(75, 14, 1, 8, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, '00:00');
+ StaticP1 := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1);
+ StaticP1ScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG);
+ TextP1 := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1);
+ TextP1Score := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP1Score);
+ StaticP2R := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2R);
+ StaticP2RScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG);
+ TextP2R := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP2R);
+ TextP2RScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore);
+ StaticP2M := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2M);
+ StaticP2MScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG);
+ TextP2M := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP2M);
+ TextP2MScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore);
+ StaticP3R := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP3R);
+ StaticP3RScoreBG := AddStatic(Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG);
+ TextP3R := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP3R);
+ TextP3RScore := AddText(Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore);
+ LyricMain := TLyric.Create;
+ LyricSub := TLyric.Create;
+procedure TScreenSing.onShow;
+ P: integer;
+ V1: boolean;
+ V2R: boolean;
+ V2M: boolean;
+ V3R: boolean;
+ NR: TRecR; //Line Bonus Mod
+ Log.LogStatus('Begin', 'onShow');
+ FadeOut := false; // 0.5.0: early 0.5.0 problems were by this line commented
+ // prepare players
+ SetLength(Player, PlayersPlay);
+// Player[0].ScoreTotalI := 0;
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := false;
+ V2M := false;
+ V3R := false;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := true;
+ V2M := false;
+ V3R := false;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := false;
+ V2M := true;
+ V3R := true;
+ end;
+ 4: begin // double screen
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := true;
+ V2M := false;
+ V3R := false;
+ end;
+ 6: begin // double screen
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := false;
+ V2M := true;
+ V3R := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Static[StaticP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Visible := V3R;
+ // load notes
+ CzyscNuty;
+// Log.LogWarning(CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path + CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].FileName, '!!!');
+ AktSong := CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected];
+ WczytajCzesci(CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path + CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].FileName);
+ AktSong.Path := CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path;
+// AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP + 40 {4096 = 100ms for buffer} + 20 {microphone} + 60000 / AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 2; // temporary until UMain will be fixed
+ // set movie
+ if (AktSong.Video <> '') and FileExists(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video) then begin
+ OpenSmpeg(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video);
+ SkipSmpeg(AktSong.VideoGAP + AktSong.Start);
+ AktSong.VideoLoaded := true;
+ end;
+ // set background
+ if (AktSong.Background <> '') and (AktSong.VideoLoaded = false) then
+ Tex_Background := Texture.LoadTexture(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Background)
+ else
+ Tex_Background.TexNum := -1;
+ // play music (I)
+ Music.CaptureStart;
+ Music.MoveTo(AktSong.Start);
+// Music.Play;
+ // prepare timer (I)
+// CountSkipTimeSet;
+ Czas.Teraz := AktSong.Start;
+ Czas.Razem := Music.Length;
+ if (AktSong.Finish > 0) then Czas.Razem := AktSong.Finish / 1000;
+ Czas.OldBeat := -1;
+ for P := 0 to High(Player) do
+ ClearScores(P);
+ // main text
+ LyricMain.Clear;
+ LyricMain.X := 400;
+ LyricMain.Y := Skin_LyricsT;
+ LyricMain.Scale := 1.4; //1.4
+ LyricMain.Align := 1;
+ // sub text
+ LyricSub.Clear;
+ LyricSub.X := 400;
+ LyricSub.Y := Skin_LyricsT + 42; //40
+ LyricSub.Align := 1;
+ // set custom options
+ case Ini.LyricsFont of
+ 0:
+ begin
+ LyricMain.FontStyle := 0;
+ LyricSub.FontStyle := 0;
+ LyricMain.Size := 14; // 13
+ LyricSub.Size := 14; // 13
+ LyricMain.ColR := Skin_FontR;
+ LyricMain.ColG := Skin_FontG;
+ LyricMain.ColB := Skin_FontB; //Change für Crazy Joker
+ {LyricMain.ColSR := Skin_FontHighlightR;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := Skin_FontHighlightG;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := Skin_FontHighlightB;1aa5dc}
+ LyricMain.ColSR := 26/255;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := 165/255;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := 220/255;
+ LyricSub.ColR := 0.6;
+ LyricSub.ColG := 0.6;
+ LyricSub.ColB := 0.6;
+ end;
+ 1:
+ begin
+ LyricMain.FontStyle := 2;
+ LyricSub.FontStyle := 2;
+ LyricMain.Size := 14;
+ LyricSub.Size := 14;
+ LyricMain.ColR := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColG := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColB := 1;
+ LyricMain.ColSR := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := 1;
+ LyricSub.ColR := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColG := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColB := 0.8;
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ LyricMain.FontStyle := 3;
+ LyricSub.FontStyle := 3;
+ LyricMain.Size := 12;
+ LyricSub.Size := 12;
+ LyricMain.ColR := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColG := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColB := 1;
+ LyricMain.ColSR := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := 1;
+ LyricSub.ColR := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColG := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColB := 0.8;
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ case Ini.LyricsEffect of
+ 0: LyricMain.Style := 1; // 0 - one selected, 1 - selected all to the current
+ 1: LyricMain.Style := 2;
+ 2: LyricMain.Style := 3;
+ 3: LyricMain.Style := 4;
+ end; // case
+ // fill texts
+ LyricMain.AddCzesc(0);
+ LyricMain.Selected := -1;
+ LyricSub.AddCzesc(1);
+ LyricSub.Selected := -1;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ //Deactivate Pause
+ Paused := False;
+ {Static[StaticP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Visible := V3R;}
+ //Set Position of Line Bonus - PhrasenBonus
+ if (Ini.LineBonus = 1) then //Show Line Bonus at Scores
+ begin
+ Case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.X;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.X;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.X;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 4: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P5
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65;
+ //P6
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (Ini.LineBonus = 2) then //Show Line Bonus at Notes
+ begin
+ //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 120, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 245, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 370, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ // positions
+ if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then begin
+ NR.Left := 120;
+ end else begin
+ NR.Left := 20;
+ end;
+ NR.Right := 780;
+ NR.Width := NR.Right - NR.Left;
+ NR.WMid := NR.Width / 2;
+ NR.Mid := NR.Left + NR.WMid;
+ Case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28;
+ end;
+ 4: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28;
+ //P5
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28;
+ //P6
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Set Position of Line Bonus - PhrasenBonus End
+ //Set Num of Empty Sentences for Phrasen Bonus
+ NumEmptySentences := 0;
+ for P := low(Czesci[0].Czesc) to high(Czesci[0].Czesc) do
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[P].TotalNotes = 0 then Inc(NumEmptySentences);
+ Log.LogStatus('End', 'onShow');
+procedure TScreenSing.onShowFinish;
+ // play movie (II)
+ if AktSong.VideoLoaded then PlaySmpeg;
+ // play music (II)
+ Music.Play;
+ // prepare timer (II)
+ CountSkipTimeSet;
+function TScreenSing.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: integer;
+ Sec: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ Flash: real;
+ S: integer;
+ T: integer;
+ //ScoreBG Mod
+ // set player colors
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P5Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P6Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P5Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P6Dark');
+ end;
+ end;
+//Original 0.5.0
+{ // set player colors
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ //LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ //Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+// LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG,
+ // Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P5Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P6Dark');
+ end;
+ end; }
+ //end ScoreBG Mod
+ // set player names (for 2 screens and only Singstar skin)
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P1';
+ Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P2';
+ Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P2';
+ Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P3';
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ case PlayersPlay of
+{ 1: begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P2';
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P3';
+ Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P4';
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P4';
+ Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P5';
+ Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P6';
+ end;}
+ 4: begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P3';
+ Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P4';
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P4';
+ Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P5';
+ Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P6';
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ end; // if
+ // stereo
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1].X := Text[TextP1].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1Score].X := Text[TextP1Score].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2R].X := Text[TextP2R].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].X := Text[TextP2RScore].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ for S := 1 to 1 do
+ Static[S].Texture.X := Static[S].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ for T := 0 to 1 do
+ Text[T].X := Text[T].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ // update static menu with time ...
+ Min := Round(Czas.Teraz) div 60;
+ Sec := Round(Czas.Teraz) mod 60;
+ Text[TextTime].Text := '';
+ if Min < 10 then Text[TextTime].Text := '0';
+ Text[TextTime].Text := Text[TextTime].Text + IntToStr(Min) + ':';
+ if Sec < 10 then Text[TextTime].Text := Text[TextTime].Text + '0';
+ Text[TextTime].Text := Text[TextTime].Text + IntToStr(Sec);
+ // .. and scores
+ if PlayersPlay = 1 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 2 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[3].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[3].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[4].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[5].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // beat flash
+{ Flash := 1 - (Czas.MidBeat - Czas.AktBeat);
+ if (Czas.AktBeat + AktSong.NotesGAP) mod AktSong.Resolution = 0 then Flash := 1
+ else Flash := 0;
+ if Czas.AktBeat < 0 then Flash := 0;
+ glClearColor(Flash, Flash, Flash, 1);}
+ // beat sound
+// if (Ini.BeatClick = 1) and (Flash = 1) and (Czas.AktBeat <> Czas.OldBeat) then Music.PlayClick;
+ // draw static menu (BG)
+ DrawBG;
+ //Draw Background
+ SingDrawBackground;
+ // update and draw movie
+ if ShowFinish and AktSong.VideoLoaded then begin
+ UpdateSmpeg; // this only draws
+ end;
+ // draw static menu (FG)
+ DrawFG;
+ // check for music finish
+// Log.LogError('Check for music finish: ' + BoolToStr(Music.Finished) + ' ' + FloatToStr(Czas.Teraz*1000) + ' ' + IntToStr(AktSong.Finish));
+ if ShowFinish then begin
+ if (not Music.Finished) and ((AktSong.Finish = 0) or (Czas.Teraz*1000 <= AktSong.Finish)) then begin
+ //Pause Mod:
+ if not Paused then
+ Sing(Self); // analyze song
+ end else begin
+// Log.LogError('End');
+ if not FadeOut then begin
+// Log.LogError('End2');
+ Finish;
+ FadeOut := true;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenScore);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // draw custom items
+ SingDraw; // always draw
+ // back stereo
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1].X := Text[TextP1].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1Score].X := Text[TextP1Score].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2R].X := Text[TextP2R].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].X := Text[TextP2RScore].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ for S := 1 to 1 do
+ Static[S].Texture.X := Static[S].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ for T := 0 to 1 do
+ Text[T].X := Text[T].X - 10*ScreenX;
+procedure TScreenSing.Finish;
+ Music.CaptureStop;
+ Music.Stop;
+ if Ini.SavePlayback = 1 then begin
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(0);
+ Log.LogVoice(0);
+ Log.LogVoice(1);
+ Log.LogVoice(2);
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(0);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Creating files', 0);
+ end;
+ if AktSong.VideoLoaded then begin
+ CloseSmpeg;
+ AktSong.VideoLoaded := false; // to prevent drawing closed video
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSing.UpdateLCD;
+ T: string;
+ LCD.HideCursor;
+ LCD.Clear;
+ T := LyricMain.Text;
+ if Copy(T, Length(T), 1) <> ' ' then T := T + ' ';
+ LCD.AddTextBR(T);
+ T := LyricSub.Text;
+ if Copy(T, Length(T), 1) <> ' ' then T := T + ' ';
+ LCD.AddTextBR(T);
+procedure TScreenSing.onSentenceEnd(S: Cardinal);
+I: Integer;
+A: Real;
+B: integer; //Max Points for Notes
+//Check for Empty Sentence
+if (Czesci[0].Czesc[S].TotalNotes<=0) then
+ exit;
+//Set Max Note Points
+if (Ini.LineBonus > 0) then
+ B := 9000
+ B := 10000;
+for I := 0 to High(Player) do begin
+ A := Player[I].Score + Player[I].ScoreGolden - Player[I].ScoreLast + 2;
+ //SingBar Mod
+ If ({(Ini.Oscilloscope = 2) and }(Czesci[0].Czesc[S].TotalNotes>0)) then
+ begin
+ Player[I].ScorePercentTarget := Player[I].ScorePercentTarget + floor(A / (B * Czesci[0].Czesc[S].TotalNotes / Czesci[0].Wartosc) * 40 - 26);
+ if Player[I].ScorePercentTarget < 0 then Player[I].ScorePercentTarget := 0;
+ if Player[I].ScorePercentTarget > 99 then Player[I].ScorePercentTarget := 99;
+ //end Singbar Mod
+ end;
+ //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod
+ If (Ini.LineBonus > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Generate Steps 0 to 8
+ A := Floor(A / (B * Czesci[0].Czesc[S].TotalNotes / Czesci[0].Wartosc) * 8);
+ if A >= 8 then
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Text := Language.Translate('LINEBONUS_PERFECT')
+ else if (A = 6) or (A = 7) then
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Text := Language.Translate('LINEBONUS_BETTER')
+ else if A = 5 then
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Text := Language.Translate('LINEBONUS_GOOD')
+ else if (A = 3) or (A = 4) then
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Text := Language.Translate('LINEBONUS_NORMAL')
+ else if A = 2 then
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Text := Language.Translate('LINEBONUS_BAD')
+ else
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Text := Language.Translate('LINEBONUS_WORST');
+ //PhrasenBonus give Points
+ Player[I].ScoreLine := Player[I].ScoreLine + (1000 / (Length(Czesci[0].Czesc) - NumEmptySentences) * A / 8);
+ Player[I].ScoreLineI := Round(Player[I].ScoreLine / 10) * 10;
+ //Update Total Score
+ Player[I].ScoreTotalI := Player[I].ScoreI + Player[I].ScoreGoldenI + Player[I].ScoreLineI;
+ //Color
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.B := 0;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.R := (8-A)/8;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Color.G := A/10;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_PosX := Player[I].LineBonus_StartX;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_PosY := Player[I].LineBonus_StartY;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Alpha := 0.92;
+ Player[I].LineBonus_Visible := True;
+ end;
+//Refresh LastScore
+Player[I].ScoreLast := Player[I].Score + Player[I].ScoreGolden;
+//PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod End// }
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSingModi.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSingModi.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..4f806afe --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSingModi.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSingModi.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSingModi.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..88034f61 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSingModi.pas @@ -0,0 +1,1088 @@ +unit UScreenSingModi;
+uses UMenu, UMusic, SDL, SysUtils, UPliki, UTime, USongs, UIni, ULog, USmpeg, UTexture, ULyrics,
+ TextGL, OpenGL12, BASS, UThemes, ULCD, UScreenSing, ModiSDK;
+ TScreenSingModi = class(TScreenSing)
+ protected
+ //paused: boolean; //Pause Mod
+ //PauseTime: Real;
+ //NumEmptySentences: integer;
+ public
+ //TextTime: integer;
+ //StaticP1: integer;
+ //StaticP1ScoreBG: integer;
+ //TextP1: integer;
+ //TextP1Score: integer;
+ //StaticP2R: integer;
+ //StaticP2RScoreBG: integer;
+ //TextP2R: integer;
+ //TextP2RScore: integer;
+ //StaticP2M: integer;
+ //StaticP2MScoreBG: integer;
+ //TextP2M: integer;
+ //TextP2MScore: integer;
+ //StaticP3R: integer;
+ //StaticP3RScoreBG: integer;
+ //TextP3R: integer;
+ //TextP3RScore: integer;
+ //Tex_Background: TTexture;
+ //FadeOut: boolean;
+ //LyricMain: TLyric;
+ //LyricSub: TLyric;
+ Winner: Byte; //Who Wins
+ PlayerInfo: TPlayerInfo;
+ TeamInfo: TTeamInfo;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ //procedure onShowFinish; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure Finish; override;
+ //procedure UpdateLCD;
+ //procedure Pause; //Pause Mod(Toggles Pause)
+ end;
+//Procedured for Plugin
+function LoadTex (const Name, Typ: PChar): TsmallTexture; stdcall;
+//function Translate (const Name: PChar): PChar; stdcall;
+procedure Print (const Style, Size: Byte; const X, Y: Real; const Text: PChar); stdcall; //Procedure to Print Text
+function LoadSound (const Name: PChar): Cardinal; stdcall; //Procedure that loads a Custom Sound
+procedure PlaySound (const Index: Cardinal); stdcall; //Plays a Custom Sound
+function ToSentences(Const Czeski: TCzesci): TSentences;
+uses UGraphic, UDraw, UMain, Classes, URecord, ULanguage, math, UDLLManager, USkins;
+// Method for input parsing. If False is returned, GetNextWindow
+// should be checked to know the next window to load;
+function TScreenSingModi.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Finish;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyScore);
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := inherited ParseInput(PressedKey, ScanCode, PressedDown);
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenSingModi.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+function ToSentences(Const Czeski: TCzesci): TSentences;
+ I, J: Integer;
+ Result.Akt := Czeski.Akt;
+ Result.High := Czeski.High;
+ Result.Ilosc := Czeski.Ilosc;
+ Result.Resolution := Czeski.Resolution;
+ Result.NotesGAP := Czeski.NotesGAP;
+ Result.TotalLength := Czeski.Wartosc;
+ SetLength(Result.Sentence, Length(Czeski.Czesc));
+ for I := low(Result.Sentence) to high(Result.Sentence) do
+ begin
+ Result.Sentence[I].Start := Czeski.Czesc[I].Start;
+ Result.Sentence[I].StartNote := Czeski.Czesc[I].StartNote;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Lyric := Czeski.Czesc[I].Lyric;
+ Result.Sentence[I].LyricWidth := Czeski.Czesc[I].LyricWidth;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Koniec := Czeski.Czesc[I].Koniec;
+ Result.Sentence[I].BaseNote := Czeski.Czesc[I].BaseNote;
+ Result.Sentence[I].HighNote := Czeski.Czesc[I].HighNut;
+ Result.Sentence[I].IlNut := Czeski.Czesc[I].IlNut;
+ Result.Sentence[I].TotalNotes := Czeski.Czesc[I].TotalNotes;
+ SetLength(Result.Sentence[I].Note, Length(Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta));
+ for J := low(Result.Sentence[I].Note) to high(Result.Sentence[I].Note) do
+ begin
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Color := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Color;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Start := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Start;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Length := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Dlugosc;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Ton := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Ton;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].TonGamy := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].TonGamy;
+ //Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Text := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Tekst;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].FreeStyle := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].FreeStyle;
+ Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Typ := Czeski.Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Wartosc;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSingModi.onShow;
+ P: integer;
+ V1: boolean;
+ V2R: boolean;
+ V2M: boolean;
+ V3R: boolean;
+ NR: TRecR; //Line Bonus Mod }
+ I: Integer;
+ { Log.LogStatus('Begin', 'onShow');
+ FadeOut := false; // 0.5.0: early 0.5.0 problems were by this line commented
+ // prepare players
+ SetLength(Player, PlayersPlay);
+// Player[0].ScoreTotalI := 0;
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := false;
+ V2M := false;
+ V3R := false;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := true;
+ V2M := false;
+ V3R := false;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := false;
+ V2M := true;
+ V3R := true;
+ end;
+ 4: begin // double screen
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := true;
+ V2M := false;
+ V3R := false;
+ end;
+ 6: begin // double screen
+ V1 := true;
+ V2R := false;
+ V2M := true;
+ V3R := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Static[StaticP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Visible := V3R;
+ // load notes
+ CzyscNuty;
+// Log.LogWarning(CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path + CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].FileName, '!!!');
+ AktSong := CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected];
+ WczytajCzesci(CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path + CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].FileName);
+ AktSong.Path := CatSongs.Song[CatSongs.Selected].Path;
+// AktSong.GAP := AktSong.GAP + 40 {4096 = 100ms for buffer}{ + 20 {microphone}{ + 60000 / AktSong.BPM[0].BPM / 2; // temporary until UMain will be fixed
+ // set movie
+ if (AktSong.Video <> '') and FileExists(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video) then begin
+ OpenSmpeg(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Video);
+ SkipSmpeg(AktSong.VideoGAP + AktSong.Start);
+ AktSong.VideoLoaded := true;
+ end;
+ // set background
+ if (AktSong.Background <> '') and (AktSong.VideoLoaded = false) then
+ Tex_Background := Texture.LoadTexture(AktSong.Path + AktSong.Background)
+ else
+ Tex_Background.TexNum := -1;
+ // play music (I)
+ //Music.CaptureStart;
+ Music.MoveTo(AktSong.Start);
+// Music.Play;
+ // prepare timer (I)
+// CountSkipTimeSet;
+ Czas.Teraz := AktSong.Start;
+ Czas.Razem := Music.Length;
+ if (AktSong.Finish > 0) then Czas.Razem := AktSong.Finish / 1000;
+ Czas.OldBeat := -1;
+ for P := 0 to High(Player) do
+ ClearScores(P);
+ // main text
+ LyricMain.Clear;
+ LyricMain.X := 400;
+ LyricMain.Y := Skin_LyricsT;
+ LyricMain.Scale := 1.4; //1.4
+ LyricMain.Align := 1;
+ // sub text
+ LyricSub.Clear;
+ LyricSub.X := 400;
+ LyricSub.Y := Skin_LyricsT + 42; //40
+ LyricSub.Align := 1;
+ // set custom options
+ case Ini.LyricsFont of
+ 0:
+ begin
+ LyricMain.FontStyle := 0;
+ LyricSub.FontStyle := 0;
+ LyricMain.Size := 14; // 13
+ LyricSub.Size := 14; // 13
+ LyricMain.ColR := Skin_FontR;
+ LyricMain.ColG := Skin_FontG;
+ LyricMain.ColB := Skin_FontB; //Change für Crazy Joker
+ {LyricMain.ColSR := Skin_FontHighlightR;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := Skin_FontHighlightG;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := Skin_FontHighlightB;1aa5dc} {
+ LyricMain.ColSR := 26/255;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := 165/255;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := 220/255;
+ LyricSub.ColR := 0.6;
+ LyricSub.ColG := 0.6;
+ LyricSub.ColB := 0.6;
+ end;
+ 1:
+ begin
+ LyricMain.FontStyle := 2;
+ LyricSub.FontStyle := 2;
+ LyricMain.Size := 14;
+ LyricSub.Size := 14;
+ LyricMain.ColR := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColG := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColB := 1;
+ LyricMain.ColSR := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := 1;
+ LyricSub.ColR := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColG := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColB := 0.8;
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ LyricMain.FontStyle := 3;
+ LyricSub.FontStyle := 3;
+ LyricMain.Size := 12;
+ LyricSub.Size := 12;
+ LyricMain.ColR := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColG := 0.75;
+ LyricMain.ColB := 1;
+ LyricMain.ColSR := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSG := 0.5;
+ LyricMain.ColSB := 1;
+ LyricSub.ColR := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColG := 0.8;
+ LyricSub.ColB := 0.8;
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ case Ini.LyricsEffect of
+ 0: LyricMain.Style := 1; // 0 - one selected, 1 - selected all to the current
+ 1: LyricMain.Style := 2;
+ 2: LyricMain.Style := 3;
+ 3: LyricMain.Style := 4;
+ end; // case
+ // fill texts
+ LyricMain.AddCzesc(0);
+ LyricMain.Selected := -1;
+ LyricSub.AddCzesc(1);
+ LyricSub.Selected := -1;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ //Deactivate Pause
+ Paused := False;
+ {Static[StaticP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2R].Visible := V2R;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Visible := V2R;
+ Static[StaticP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2M].Visible := V2M;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Visible := V2M;
+ Static[StaticP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3R].Visible := V3R;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Visible := V3R;} {
+ //Set Position of Line Bonus - PhrasenBonus
+ if (Ini.LineBonus = 1) then //Show Line Bonus at Scores
+ begin
+ Case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.X;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.X;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.X;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 4: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG.x;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP1Score.Y + 65;
+ //P5
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG.x;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP2MScore.Y + 65;
+ //P6
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartX := Theme.Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG.x;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartY := Theme.Sing.TextP3RScore.Y + 65;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (Ini.LineBonus = 2) then //Show Line Bonus at Notes
+ begin
+ //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 120, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 245, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ //SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 370, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ // positions
+ if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then begin
+ NR.Left := 120;
+ end else begin
+ NR.Left := 20;
+ end;
+ NR.Right := 780;
+ NR.Width := NR.Right - NR.Left;
+ NR.WMid := NR.Width / 2;
+ NR.Mid := NR.Left + NR.WMid;
+ Case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28;
+ end;
+ 4: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P1_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := Skin_P2_NotesB - 105 + 28;
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ //P1
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[0].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28;
+ //P2
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[1].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28;
+ //P3
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[2].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28;
+ //P4
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_TargetY := 120 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[3].LineBonus_StartY := 120 + 28;
+ //P5
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[4].LineBonus_TargetY := 245 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[4].LineBonus_StartY := 245 + 28;
+ //P6
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[5].LineBonus_TargetY := 370 - 65 + 28;
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartX := Round(Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX - 87);
+ Player[5].LineBonus_StartY := 370 + 28;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Set Position of Line Bonus - PhrasenBonus End
+ //Set Num of Empty Sentences for Phrasen Bonus
+ NumEmptySentences := 0;
+ for P := low(Czesci[0].Czesc) to high(Czesci[0].Czesc) do
+ if Czesci[0].Czesc[P].TotalNotes = 0 then Inc(NumEmptySentences);
+ Log.LogStatus('End', 'onShow'); }
+PlayersPlay := TeamInfo.NumTeams;
+if DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong then //Start with Song
+ inherited;
+else //Start Without Song
+ Music.CaptureStart;
+//Set Playerinfo
+ PlayerInfo.NumPlayers := PlayersPlay;
+ for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do
+ begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Name := PChar(Ini.Name[I]);
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score:= 0;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar := 50;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Enabled := True;
+ end;
+ for I := PlayerInfo.NumPlayers to high(PlayerInfo.Playerinfo) do
+ begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score:= 0;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar := 0;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Enabled := False;
+ end;
+ Case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosX := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosY := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ end;
+ 2,4: begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosX := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosY := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].PosX := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].PosY := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].PosX := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].PosY := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].PosX := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].PosY := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ end;
+ 3,6: begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosX := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosY := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].PosX := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].PosY := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].PosX := Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].PosY := Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[4].PosX := Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[4].PosY := Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].PosX := Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].PosY := Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[5].PosX := Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.X;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[5].PosY := Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.H;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // play music (I)
+ //Music.CaptureStart;
+ //Music.MoveTo(AktSong.Start);
+//Init Plugin
+if not DLLMan.PluginInit(TeamInfo, PlayerInfo, ToSentences(Czesci[0]), LoadTex, Print, LoadSound, PlaySound) then
+Log.LogError('Could not Init Plugin');
+Winner := 0;
+//Set Score Visibility
+ if PlayersPlay = 1 then begin
+ Text[TextP1Score].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ end;
+ if (PlayersPlay = 2) OR (PlayersPlay = 4) then begin
+ Text[TextP1Score].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ end;
+ if (PlayersPlay = 3) OR (PlayersPlay = 6) then begin
+ Text[TextP1Score].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
+ end;
+function TScreenSingModi.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: integer;
+ Sec: integer;
+ Tekst: string;
+ S, I: integer;
+ T: integer;
+//Set Playerinfo
+ PlayerInfo.NumPlayers := PlayersPlay;
+ for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do
+ begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Name := PChar(Player[I].Name);
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Enabled then
+ begin
+ if (Player[I].ScoreTotalI<=10000) then
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score:= Player[I].ScoreTotalI;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar := Player[I].ScorePercent;
+ end;
+ end;
+//Show Score
+if DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore then
+ //ScoreBG Mod
+ // set player colors
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P1Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P2Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P3Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2M].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.ColB, 'P5Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3R].Texture.ColB, 'P6Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P4Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P5Dark');
+ LoadColor(Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColR, Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.ColB, 'P6Dark');
+ end;
+ end;
+ //end ScoreBG Mod
+// set player names (for 2 screens and only Singstar skin)
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P1';
+ Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P2';
+ Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P2';
+ Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P3';
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 4: begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P3';
+ Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P4';
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ Text[TextP1].Text := 'P4';
+ Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P5';
+ Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P6';
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ end; // if
+ // stereo
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1].X := Text[TextP1].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1Score].X := Text[TextP1Score].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2R].X := Text[TextP2R].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].X := Text[TextP2RScore].X + 10*ScreenX;
+ // .. and scores
+ if PlayersPlay = 1 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 2 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[3].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[0].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[1].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[2].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[3].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP1Score].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[4].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP2MScore].Text := Tekst;
+ Tekst := IntToStr(Player[5].ScoreTotalI);
+ while Length(Tekst) < 5 do Tekst := '0' + Tekst;
+ Text[TextP3RScore].Text := Tekst;
+ end;
+ end;
+end; //ShowScore
+ for S := 1 to 1 do
+ Static[S].Texture.X := Static[S].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
+ for T := 0 to 1 do
+ Text[T].X := Text[T].X + 10*ScreenX;
+if DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong then
+ // update static menu with time ...
+ Min := Round(Czas.Teraz) div 60;
+ Sec := Round(Czas.Teraz) mod 60;
+ Text[TextTime].Text := '';
+ if Min < 10 then Text[TextTime].Text := '0';
+ Text[TextTime].Text := Text[TextTime].Text + IntToStr(Min) + ':';
+ if Sec < 10 then Text[TextTime].Text := Text[TextTime].Text + '0';
+ Text[TextTime].Text := Text[TextTime].Text + IntToStr(Sec);
+ // draw static menu (BG)
+ DrawBG;
+ //Draw Background
+ if (DllMan.Selected.LoadSong) AND (DllMan.Selected.LoadBack) then
+ SingDrawBackground;
+ // update and draw movie
+ if ShowFinish and AktSong.VideoLoaded AND DllMan.Selected.LoadVideo then begin
+ UpdateSmpeg; // this only draws
+ end;
+ // draw static menu (FG)
+ DrawFG;
+ if ShowFinish then begin
+ if DllMan.Selected.LoadSong then
+ begin
+ if (not Music.Finished) and ((AktSong.Finish = 0) or (Czas.Teraz*1000 <= AktSong.Finish)) then begin
+ //Pause Mod:
+ if not Paused then
+ Sing(Self); // analyze song
+ end else begin
+ if not FadeOut then begin
+ Finish;
+ FadeOut := true;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyScore);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // draw custom items
+ SingModiDraw(PlayerInfo); // always draw
+ //Update PlayerInfo
+ for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do
+ begin
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Enabled then
+ begin
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar := Player[I].ScorePercent;
+ PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score := Player[I].ScoreTotalI;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if ((ShowFinish) AND (NOT Paused)) then
+ begin
+ if not DLLMan.PluginDraw(Playerinfo, Czesci[0].Akt) then
+ begin
+ if not FadeOut then begin
+ Finish;
+ FadeOut := true;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenPartyScore);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Change PlayerInfo/Changeables
+ for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do
+ begin
+ if (Player[I].ScoreTotalI <> PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score) then
+ begin
+ //Player[I].ScoreTotal := Player[I].ScoreTotal + (PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score - Player[I].ScoreTotalI);
+ Player[I].ScoreTotalI := PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score;
+ end;
+ if (PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar <> Player[I].ScorePercent) then
+ Player[I].ScorePercentTarget := PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar;
+ end;
+ // back stereo
+ Static[StaticP1].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1].X := Text[TextP1].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP1Score].X := Text[TextP1Score].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2R].X := Text[TextP2R].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ Text[TextP2RScore].X := Text[TextP2RScore].X - 10*ScreenX;
+ for S := 1 to 1 do
+ Static[S].Texture.X := Static[S].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
+ for T := 0 to 1 do
+ Text[T].X := Text[T].X - 10*ScreenX;
+procedure TScreenSingModi.Finish;
+inherited Finish;
+Winner := DllMan.PluginFinish(PlayerInfo);
+//Log.LogError('Winner: ' + InttoStr(Winner));
+function LoadTex (const Name, Typ: PChar): TsmallTexture; stdcall;
+ Texname, EXT: String;
+ Tex: TTexture;
+ //Get texture Name
+ TexName := Skin.GetTextureFileName(String(Name));
+ //Get File Typ
+ Ext := ExtractFileExt(TexName);
+ if (uppercase(Ext) = '.JPG') then
+ Ext := 'JPG'
+ else
+ Ext := 'BMP';
+ Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(PChar(TexName), PChar(Ext), Typ, 0);
+ Result.TexNum := Tex.TexNum;
+ Result.W := Tex.W;
+ Result.H := Tex.H;
+ Result.ScaleW := Tex.ScaleW;
+ Result.ScaleH := Tex.ScaleH;
+function Translate (const Name: PChar): PChar; stdcall;
+ Result := PChar(Language.Translate(String(Name)));
+end; }
+procedure Print (const Style, Size: Byte; const X, Y: Real; const Text: PChar); stdcall; //Procedure to Print Text
+ SetFontItalic ((Style and 128) = 128);
+ SetFontStyle(Style and 7);
+ SetFontSize(Size);
+ SetFontPos (X, Y);
+ glPrint (PChar(Language.Translate(String(Text))));
+function LoadSound (const Name: PChar): Cardinal; stdcall; //Procedure that loads a Custom Sound
+ Result := Music.LoadCustomSound(String(Name));
+procedure PlaySound (const Index: Cardinal); stdcall; //Plays a Custom Sound
+ Music.PlayCustomSound(Index);
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSong.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSong.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..abc9cc4f --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSong.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSong.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSong.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0d7860a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSong.pas @@ -0,0 +1,1690 @@ +unit UScreenSong;
+ UMenu, SDL, UMusic, UPliki, UTime, UDisplay, USongs, SysUtils, ULog, UThemes, UTexture, ULanguage,
+ ULCD, ULight, UIni;
+ TScreenSong = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextArtist: integer;
+ TextTitle: integer;
+ TextNumber: integer;
+ TextCat: integer;
+ StaticCat: integer;
+ SongCurrent: real;
+ SongTarget: real;
+ HighSpeed: boolean;
+ CoverFull: boolean;
+ CoverTime: real;
+ CoverX: integer;
+ CoverY: integer;
+ CoverW: integer;
+ is_jump: boolean; // Jump to Song Mod
+ is_jump_title:boolean; //Jump to SOng MOd-YTrue if search for Title
+ EqualizerBands: array of Byte;
+ EqualizerTime: Cardinal;
+ EqualizerTime2: Byte;
+ //Party Mod
+ Mode: Byte; //0 = Standard, 1= Go to PartyMode after Selection + Change to Random Song at Show
+ //party Statics (Joker)
+ StaticTeam1Joker1: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1Joker2: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1Joker3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1Joker4: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam1Joker5: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2Joker1: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2Joker2: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2Joker3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2Joker4: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam2Joker5: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3Joker1: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3Joker2: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3Joker3: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3Joker4: Cardinal;
+ StaticTeam3Joker5: Cardinal;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure SetScroll;
+ procedure SetScroll1;
+ procedure SetScroll2;
+ procedure SetScroll3;
+ procedure SetScroll4;
+ procedure SetScroll5;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure SelectNext;
+ procedure SelectPrev;
+ procedure UpdateLCD;
+ procedure SkipTo(Target: integer);
+ procedure FixSelected; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix
+ procedure FixSelected2; //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix
+ procedure ShowCatTL(Cat: Integer);// Show Cat in Tob left
+ procedure HideCatTL;// Show Cat in Tob left
+ procedure Refresh; //Refresh Song Sorting
+ procedure DrawEqualizer;
+ //Party Mode
+ procedure SelectRandomSong;
+ procedure SetJoker;
+ //procedures for Menu
+ procedure StartSong;
+ procedure OpenEditor;
+ procedure DoJoker(Team: Byte);
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UCovers, math, OpenGL12, Windows, USkins, UDLLManager, UParty, UScreenSongMenu;
+// ***** Public methods ****** //
+//Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix
+procedure TScreenSong.FixSelected;
+var I, I2: Integer;
+ begin
+ I2:= 0;
+ for I := low(CatSongs.Song) to High(Catsongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible then
+ inc(I2);
+ if I = Interaction - 1 then
+ break;
+ end;
+ SongCurrent := I2;
+ SongTarget := I2;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.FixSelected2;
+var I, I2: Integer;
+ begin
+ I2:= 0;
+ for I := low(CatSongs.Song) to High(Catsongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible then
+ inc(I2);
+ if I = Interaction - 1 then
+ break;
+ end;
+ SongTarget := I2;
+ end;
+//Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix End
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ procedure TScreenSong.ShowCatTL(Cat: Integer);
+ begin
+ //Change
+ Text[TextCat].Text := CatSongs.Song[Cat].Artist;
+ //showmessage(CatSongs.Song[Cat].Path + CatSongs.Song[Cat].Cover);
+ //Static[StaticCat].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Cat].Texture.Name, 'Plain', true);
+ Static[StaticCat].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(CatSongs.Song[Cat].Path + CatSongs.Song[Cat].Cover, 'Plain', true);
+ //Texture.GetTexture(Button[Cat].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false);
+ //Button[Cat].
+ //Cover
+ //Show
+ Text[TextCat].Visible := true;
+ Static[StaticCat].Visible := True;
+ end;
+ procedure TScreenSong.HideCatTL;
+ begin
+ //Hide
+ Text[TextCat].Visible := false;
+ Static[StaticCat].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod End
+// Method for input parsing. If False is returned, GetNextWindow
+// should be checked to know the next window to load;
+function TScreenSong.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ I: integer;
+ I2: integer;
+ HS: integer;
+ SDL_ModState: Word;
+ Letter: Char;
+ Result := true;
+ //Song Menu
+ if (ScreenSongMenu.Visible) then
+ begin
+ Result := ScreenSongMenu.ParseInput(PressedKey, ScanCode, PressedDown);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+// HS := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT);
+{ if (not HighSpeed) and (HS > 0) then begin
+ HighSpeed := true;
+ SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(50, 50);
+ end;
+ if (HighSpeed) and (HS = 0) then begin
+ HighSpeed := false;
+ SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(125, 125);
+ end;}
+ SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT
+ // Jump to Key Mod
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT) AND (Mode = 0) then //Jump to Key
+ begin
+ //get Letter
+ case PressedKey of
+ SDLK_A : Letter := 'A';
+ SDLK_B : Letter := 'B';
+ SDLK_C : Letter := 'C';
+ SDLK_D : Letter := 'D';
+ SDLK_E : Letter := 'E';
+ SDLK_F : Letter := 'F';
+ SDLK_G : Letter := 'G';
+ SDLK_H : Letter := 'H';
+ SDLK_I : Letter := 'I';
+ SDLK_J : Letter := 'J';
+ SDLK_K : Letter := 'K';
+ SDLK_L : Letter := 'L';
+ SDLK_M : Letter := 'M';
+ SDLK_N : Letter := 'N';
+ SDLK_O : Letter := 'O';
+ SDLK_P : Letter := 'P';
+ SDLK_Q : Letter := 'Q';
+ SDLK_R : Letter := 'R';
+ SDLK_S : Letter := 'S';
+ SDLK_T : Letter := 'T';
+ SDLK_U : Letter := 'U';
+ SDLK_V : Letter := 'V';
+ SDLK_W : Letter := 'W';
+ SDLK_X : Letter := 'X';
+ SDLK_Y : Letter := 'Y';
+ SDLK_Z : Letter := 'Z';
+ SDLK_1 : Letter := '1';
+ SDLK_2 : Letter := '2';
+ SDLK_3 : Letter := '3';
+ SDLK_4 : Letter := '4';
+ SDLK_5 : Letter := '5';
+ SDLK_6 : Letter := '6';
+ SDLK_7 : Letter := '7';
+ SDLK_8 : Letter := '8';
+ SDLK_9 : Letter := '9';
+ SDLK_0 : Letter := '0';
+ else exit;
+ end;
+ {//Search Letter
+ for I := Interaction + 1 to high(CatSongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and (Letter = Uppercase(CatSongs.Song[I].Artist)[1]) then
+ break; //Found Song
+ if I = Interaction then //went through complete array but nothing Found
+ break;
+ if I = high(CatSongs.Song) then //At the end of the array->Go to beginning
+ for I2 := low(CatSongs.Song) to Interaction do
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and (Letter = Uppercase(CatSongs.Song[I].Artist)[1]) then
+ break; //Found Song
+ end; }
+ for I := 0 to High(CatSongs.Song) do begin
+ if (CatSongs.Song[I].Visible) AND (UpperCase(CatSongs.Song[I].Artist[1]) = Letter) then
+ begin
+ //Select Song
+ Interaction := I;
+ SkipTo(Interaction);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Don't do other Functions
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT or KMOD_LSHIFT) then //Jump to Key
+ begin
+ //get Letter
+ case PressedKey of
+ SDLK_a..SDLK_z : Letter := Chr(Ord('a')+PressedKey-97);
+ SDLK_1 : Letter := '1';
+ SDLK_2 : Letter := '2';
+ SDLK_3 : Letter := '3';
+ SDLK_4 : Letter := '4';
+ SDLK_5 : Letter := '5';
+ SDLK_6 : Letter := '6';
+ SDLK_7 : Letter := '7';
+ SDLK_8 : Letter := '8';
+ SDLK_9 : Letter := '9';
+ SDLK_0 : Letter := '0';
+ else exit;
+ end;
+ {//Search Letter
+ for I := Interaction + 1 to high(CatSongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and (Letter = Uppercase(CatSongs.Song[I].Artist)[1]) then
+ break; //Found Song
+ if I = Interaction then //went through complete array but nothing Found
+ break;
+ if I = high(CatSongs.Song) then //At the end of the array->Go to beginning
+ for I2 := low(CatSongs.Song) to Interaction do
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and (Letter = Uppercase(CatSongs.Song[I].Artist)[1]) then
+ break; //Found Song
+ end; }
+ {for I := 0 to High(CatSongs.Song) do begin
+ if (CatSongs.Song[I].Visible) AND (UpperCase(CatSongs.Song[I].Artist[1]) = Letter) then}
+ for I := Interaction + 1 to high(CatSongs.Song) + 1 do
+ begin
+ if (I > high(CatSongs.Song)) then
+ begin
+ for I2 := low(CatSongs.Song) to Interaction do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I2].Visible and (Letter = lowercase(CatSongs.Song[I2].Artist[1])) then
+ begin
+ Interaction := I2;
+ break; //Found Song
+ end;
+ end;
+ break;
+ end
+ else if CatSongs.Song[I].Visible and (Letter = lowercase(CatSongs.Song[I].Artist[1])) then
+ begin
+ Interaction := I;
+ break; //Found Song
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Select Song
+ SkipTo(Interaction);
+ //Don't do other Functions
+ exit;
+ end;
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ if (Mode = 0) then
+ begin
+ //On Escape goto Cat-List Hack
+ if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) AND (CatSongs.CatNumShow <> -1) then
+ begin
+ //Find Category
+ I := Interaction;
+ while not catsongs.Song[I].Main do
+ begin
+ Dec (I);
+ if (I < low(catsongs.Song)) then
+ break;
+ end;
+ if (I<= 1) then
+ Interaction := high(catsongs.Song)
+ else
+ Interaction := I - 1;
+ //Stop Music
+ Music.Stop;
+ CatSongs.ShowCategoryList;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ HideCatTL;
+ //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected;
+ //SelectPrev;
+ //CatSongs.Song[0].Visible := False;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ //On Escape goto Cat-List Hack End
+ Music.Stop;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+// FadeTo(@ScreenLevel);
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+// Music.Open(Skin.SkinPath + 'Menu Music 3.mp3');
+// Music.Play;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if Length(Songs.Song) > 0 then begin
+// PortWriteB($378, 0);
+ if CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main then begin // clicked on Category Button
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ ShowCatTL (Interaction);
+ //I := CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction);
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(Interaction);
+ {I2 := CatSongs.VisibleIndex(Interaction);
+ SongCurrent := SongCurrent - I + I2;
+ SongTarget := SongTarget - I + I2; }
+// if I<>I2 then beep;
+ // SetScroll4;
+ //Show Wrong Song when Tabs on Fix
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected;
+ //Play Music:
+ Music.Close;
+ if Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3) then begin
+ Music.MoveTo(Music.Length / 4);
+ Music.Play;
+ end;
+ end else begin // clicked on song
+ if (Mode = 0) then //Normal Mode -> Start Song
+ begin
+ StartSong;
+ end
+ else if (Mode = 1) then //PartyMode -> Show Menu
+ begin
+ ScreenSongMenu.Visible := True;
+ ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Party_Main);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_M: //Show SongMenu
+ begin
+ if Length(Songs.Song) > 0 then begin
+ if not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main then begin // clicked on Song
+ ScreenSongMenu.Visible := True;
+ ScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(SM_Main);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Mode = 0) then
+ begin
+{ if Length(Songs.Song) > 0 then begin
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ InteractNext;
+ Music.Close;
+ if Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3) then Music.Play;
+ SetScroll;
+ end;}
+ //Cat Change Hack
+ if Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1 then
+ begin
+ I := Interaction;
+ if I <= 0 then I := 1;
+ while not catsongs.Song[I].Main do
+ begin
+ Inc (I);
+ if (I > high(catsongs.Song)) then
+ I := low(catsongs.Song);
+ end;
+ Interaction := I;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ ShowCatTL (Interaction);
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(Interaction);
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected;
+ //Play Music:
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ Music.Close;
+ if Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3) then begin
+ Music.MoveTo(Music.Length / 4);
+ Music.Play;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //
+ //Cat Change Hack End}
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Mode = 0) then
+ begin
+{ if Length(Songs.Song) > 0 then begin
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ InteractPrev;
+ Music.Close;
+ if Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3) then Music.Play;
+ SetScroll;
+ end;}
+ //Cat Change Hack
+ if Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1 then
+ begin
+ I := Interaction;
+ I2 := 0;
+ if I <= 0 then I := 1;
+ while not catsongs.Song[I].Main or (I2 = 0) do
+ begin
+ if catsongs.Song[I].Main then
+ Inc(I2);
+ Dec (I);
+ if (I < low(catsongs.Song)) then
+ I := high(catsongs.Song);
+ end;
+ Interaction := I;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ ShowCatTL (I);
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I);
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected;
+ //Play Music:
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ Music.Close;
+ if Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3) then begin
+ Music.MoveTo(Music.Length / 4);
+ Music.Play;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //
+ //Cat Change Hack End}
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) AND (Mode = 0) then begin
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ SelectNext;
+// InteractNext;
+// SongTarget := Interaction;
+ Music.Close;
+ if Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3) then begin
+ Music.MoveTo(Music.Length / 4);
+ Music.Play;
+ end;
+ SetScroll4;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ Light.LightOne(1, 200);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0)AND (Mode = 0) then begin
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ SelectPrev;
+ Music.Close;
+ if Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3) then begin
+ Music.MoveTo(Music.Length / 4);
+ Music.Play;
+ end;
+ SetScroll4;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ Light.LightOne(0, 200);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ OpenEditor;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) AND (Mode = 0) then begin
+ if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT) AND (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then //Random Category
+ begin
+ I2 := 0; //Count Cats
+ for I:= low(CatSongs.Song) to high (CatSongs.Song) do
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then Inc(I2);
+ I2 := Random (I2)+1; //Zufall
+ //Find Cat:
+ for I:= low(CatSongs.Song) to high (CatSongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then
+ Dec(I2);
+ if (I2<=0) then
+ begin
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ ShowCatTL (I);
+ Interaction := I;
+ CatSongs.ShowCategoryList;
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I);
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL) AND (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then //random in All Categorys
+ begin
+ repeat
+ I2 := Random(high(CatSongs.Song)+1) - low(CatSongs.Song)+1;
+ until CatSongs.Song[I2].Main = false;
+ //Search Cat
+ for I := I2 downto low(CatSongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then
+ break;
+ end;
+ //In I ist jetzt die Kategorie in I2 der Song
+ //Choose Cat
+ CatSongs.ShowCategoryList;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ ShowCatTL (I);
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I);
+ SelectNext;
+ //Fix: Not Existing Song selected:
+ if (I+1=I2) then Inc(I2);
+ //Choose Song
+ SkipTo(I2-I);
+ end
+ else //Random in one Category
+ begin
+ SkipTo(2+Random(CatSongs.VisibleSongs-1));
+ end;
+ Music.PlayChange;
+ Music.Close;
+ if Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3) then begin
+ Music.MoveTo(Music.Length / 4);
+ Music.Play;
+ end;
+ SetScroll4;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_1:
+ begin //Jocker
+ if (Mode = 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Joker spielen
+ Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker);
+ SelectRandomSong;
+ SetJoker;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_2:
+ begin //Jocker
+ if (Mode = 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Joker spielen
+ Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker);
+ SelectRandomSong;
+ SetJoker;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SDLK_3:
+ begin //Jocker
+ if (Mode = 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Joker spielen
+ Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker);
+ SelectRandomSong;
+ SetJoker;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else // Key Up
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenSong.Create;
+ Pet: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+// AddStatic(200, 10, 400, 90, Skin.SelectSong);
+// AddStatic(200-10, 140-5, 400+20, 50+10, Skin.Selection, 'JPG', 'Font Gray');
+ AddBackground(Theme.Song.Background.Tex);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Song.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.Song.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Song.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.Song.Text[I]);
+ TextArtist := AddText(Theme.Song.TextArtist);
+ TextTitle := AddText(Theme.Song.TextTitle);
+ TextNumber := AddText(Theme.Song.TextNumber);
+ //Show Cat in Top Left mod
+ TextCat := AddText(Theme.Song.TextCat);
+ StaticCat := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticCat);
+ //Party Mode
+ StaticTeam1Joker1 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker1);
+ StaticTeam1Joker2 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker2);
+ StaticTeam1Joker3 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker3);
+ StaticTeam1Joker4 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker4);
+ StaticTeam1Joker5 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam1Joker5);
+ StaticTeam2Joker1 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker1);
+ StaticTeam2Joker2 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker2);
+ StaticTeam2Joker3 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker3);
+ StaticTeam2Joker4 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker4);
+ StaticTeam2Joker5 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam2Joker5);
+ StaticTeam3Joker1 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker1);
+ StaticTeam3Joker2 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker2);
+ StaticTeam3Joker3 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker3);
+ StaticTeam3Joker4 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker4);
+ StaticTeam3Joker5 := AddStatic(Theme.Song.StaticTeam3Joker5);
+ // Song List
+// Songs.LoadSongList; // moved to the UltraStar unit
+ CatSongs.Refresh;
+ for Pet := 0 to High(CatSongs.Song) do begin // creating all buttons
+ // new
+ Texture.Limit := 512;// 256 0.4.2 value, 512 in 0.5.0
+ if not FileExists(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover) then
+ CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover := ''; // 0.5.0: if cover not found then show 'no cover'
+ if CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover = '' then
+ AddButton(300 + Pet*250, 140, 200, 200, Skin.GetTextureFileName('SongCover'), 'JPG', 'Plain', Theme.Song.Cover.Reflections)
+ else begin
+ // cache texture if there is a need to this
+ if not Covers.CoverExists(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover) then begin
+ Texture.CreateCacheMipmap := true;
+ Texture.GetTexture(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover, 'Plain', true); // preloads textures and creates cache mipmap
+ Texture.CreateCacheMipmap := false;
+ // puts this texture to the cache file
+ Covers.AddCover(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover);
+ // unload full size texture
+ Texture.UnloadTexture(CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover, false);
+ // we should also add mipmap texture by calling createtexture and use mipmap cache as data source
+ end;
+ // and now load it from cache file (small place for the optimization by eliminating reading it from file, but not here)
+ AddButton(300 + Pet*250, 140, 200, 200, CatSongs.Song[Pet].Path + CatSongs.Song[Pet].Cover, 'JPG', 'Plain', Theme.Song.Cover.Reflections);
+ end;
+ Texture.Limit := 1024*1024;
+// AddButtonText(11, 10, CatSongs.Song[Pet].Title); // new way
+ end;
+// Covers.Save;
+ { if Length(CatSongs.Song) > 0 then // setting to first song
+ Interaction := 0
+ else begin // no song detected
+ AddButton(400-200, 140, 400, 50, Skin.Button, 'JPG', 'Transparent Range');
+ AddButtonText(11, 10, 'No songs detected');
+ end;}
+ // Randomize Patch
+ Randomize;
+ //Equalizer
+ SetLength(EqualizerBands, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Bands);
+ //ClearArray
+ For I := low(EqualizerBands) to high(EqualizerBands) do
+ EqualizerBands[I] := 3;
+procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll;
+//Set Positions
+ Case Theme.Song.Cover.Style of
+ 3: SetScroll3;
+ 5: SetScroll5
+ else SetScroll4;
+ end;
+//Set Texts:
+ Text[TextArtist].Text := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Artist;
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Title;
+ if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) And (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -1) then
+ begin
+ Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].OrderNum) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.CatCount);
+ Text[TextTitle].Text := '(' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber) + ' ' + Language.Translate('SING_SONGS_IN_CAT') + ')';
+ end
+ else if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) then
+ Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber) + '/' + IntToStr(CatSongs.Song[Interaction - CatSongs.Song[Interaction].CatNumber].CatNumber)
+ else
+ Text[TextNumber].Text := IntToStr(Interaction+1) + '/' + IntToStr(Length(CatSongs.Song));
+procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll1;
+ B: integer; // button
+ BMin: integer; // button min
+ BMax: integer; // button max
+ Src: integer;
+// Dst: integer;
+ Count: integer; // Dst is not used. Count is used.
+ Ready: boolean;
+ VisCount: integer; // count of visible (or selectable) buttons
+ VisInt: integer; // visible position of interacted button
+ Typ: integer; // 0 when all songs fits the screen
+ Placed: integer; // number of placed visible buttons
+// Src := 0;
+// Dst := -1;
+ Count := 1;
+ Typ := 0;
+ Ready := false;
+ Placed := 0;
+ VisCount := 0;
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then Inc(VisCount);
+ VisInt := 0;
+ for B := 0 to Interaction-1 do
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then Inc(VisInt);
+ if VisCount <= 6 then begin
+ Typ := 0;
+ end else begin
+ if VisInt <= 3 then begin
+ Typ := 1;
+ Count := 7;
+ Ready := true;
+ end;
+ if (VisCount - VisInt) <= 3 then begin
+ Typ := 2;
+ Count := 7;
+ Ready := true;
+ end;
+ if not Ready then begin
+ Typ := 3;
+ Src := Interaction;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // hide all buttons
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin
+ Button[B].Visible := false;
+ Button[B].Selectable := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible;
+ end;
+{ for B := Src to Dst do begin
+// Button[B].Visible := true;
+ Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible;
+ Button[B].Selectable := Button[B].Visible;
+ Button[B].Y := 140 + (B-Src) * 60;
+ end;}
+ if Typ = 0 then begin
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin
+ Button[B].Visible := true;
+ Button[B].Y := 140 + (Placed) * 60;
+ Inc(Placed);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Typ = 1 then begin
+ B := 0;
+ while (Count > 0) do begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin
+ Button[B].Visible := true;
+ Button[B].Y := 140 + (Placed) * 60;
+ Inc(Placed);
+ Dec(Count);
+ end;
+ Inc(B);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Typ = 2 then begin
+ B := High(Button);
+ while (Count > 0) do begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin
+ Button[B].Visible := true;
+ Button[B].Y := 140 + (6-Placed) * 60;
+ Inc(Placed);
+ Dec(Count);
+ end;
+ Dec(B);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Typ = 3 then begin
+ B := Src;
+ Count := 4;
+ while (Count > 0) do begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin
+ Button[B].Visible := true;
+ Button[B].Y := 140 + (3+Placed) * 60;
+ Inc(Placed);
+ Dec(Count);
+ end;
+ Inc(B);
+ end;
+ B := Src-1;
+ Placed := 0;
+ Count := 3;
+ while (Count > 0) do begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[B].Visible then begin
+ Button[B].Visible := true;
+ Button[B].Y := 140 + (2-Placed) * 60;
+ Inc(Placed);
+ Dec(Count);
+ end;
+ Dec(B);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Length(Button) > 0 then
+ Static[1].Texture.Y := Button[Interaction].Y - 5; // selection texture
+procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll2;
+ B: integer;
+ Wsp: integer; // wspolczynnik przesuniecia wzgledem srodka ekranu
+ Wsp2: real;
+ // liniowe
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do
+ Button[B].X := 300 + (B - Interaction) * 260;
+ if Length(Button) >= 3 then begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then
+ Button[High(Button)].X := 300 - 260;
+ if Interaction = High(Button) then
+ Button[0].X := 300 + 260;
+ end;
+ // kolowe
+{ for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin
+ Wsp := (B - Interaction); // 0 dla srodka, -1 dla lewego, +1 dla prawego itd.
+ Wsp2 := Wsp / Length(Button);
+ Button[B].X := 300 + 10000 * sin(2*pi*Wsp2);
+// Button[B].Y := 140 + 50 * ;
+ end;}
+procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll3; // with slide
+ B: integer;
+ Wsp: integer; // wspolczynnik przesuniecia wzgledem srodka ekranu
+ Wsp2: real;
+ SongTarget := Interaction;
+ // liniowe
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do
+ begin
+ Button[B].X := 300 + (B - SongCurrent) * 260;
+ if (Button[B].X < -Button[B].W) OR (Button[B].X > 800) then
+ Button[B].Visible := False
+ else
+ Button[B].Visible := True;
+ end;
+{ if Length(Button) >= 3 then begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then
+ Button[High(Button)].X := 300 - 260;
+ if Interaction = High(Button) then
+ Button[0].X := 300 + 260;
+ end;}
+ // kolowe
+{ for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin
+ Wsp := (B - Interaction); // 0 dla srodka, -1 dla lewego, +1 dla prawego itd.
+ Wsp2 := Wsp / Length(Button);
+ Button[B].X := 300 + 10000 * sin(2*pi*Wsp2);
+// Button[B].Y := 140 + 50 * ;
+ end;}
+procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll4; // rotate
+ B: integer;
+ Wsp: real;
+ Z, Z2: real;
+ VS: integer;
+ VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; // 0.5.0 (I): cached, very important
+ // kolowe
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin
+ Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; // nowe
+ if Button[B].Visible then begin // 0.5.0 optimization for 1000 songs - updates only visible songs, hiding in tabs becomes useful for maintaing good speed
+// Wsp := 2 * pi * (B - SongCurrent) / Length(Button);
+// Wsp := 2 * pi * (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - 0) / CatSongs.VisibleSongs;
+ Wsp := 2 * pi * (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) / VS {CatSongs.VisibleSongs};// 0.5.0 (II): takes another 16ms
+ Z := (1 + cos(Wsp)) / 2;
+ Z2 := (1 + 2*Z) / 3;
+ Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + (300 + 37 * VS {CatSongs.VisibleSongs} {Length(Button)} * sin(Wsp) - 400) * Z2; // 0.5.0 (I): 2 times faster by not calling CatSongs.VisibleSongs
+ Button[B].Z := Z;
+ Button[B].H := Theme.Song.Cover.H * Z2;
+ Button[B].W := Button[B].H;
+// Button[B].Y := {50 +} 140 + 50 - 50 * Z2;
+ Button[B].Y := Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Button[B].H) * 0.65;
+ end;
+ end;
+{procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll4; // rotate
+ B: integer;
+ Wsp: real;
+ Z: real;
+ Z2, Z3: real;
+ VS: integer;
+ function modreal (const X, Y: real):real;
+ begin
+ Result := Frac(x / y) * y;
+ if Result < -3 then
+ Result := Result + Y
+ else if Result > 3 then
+ Result := Result - Y;
+ end;
+ VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; // 0.5.0 (I): cached, very important
+ Z3 := 1;
+ if VS < 12 then
+ Z2 := VS
+ else
+ Z2 := 12;
+ // kolowe
+ for B := 0 to High(Button) do begin
+ Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; // nowe
+ if Button[B].Visible then begin // 0.5.0 optimization for 1000 songs - updates only visible songs, hiding in tabs becomes useful for maintaing good speed
+ if ((ModReal(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent, VS)>-3) AND (ModReal(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent, VS)<3)) then
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B)> SongCurrent then
+ Wsp := 2 * pi * (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) / Z2
+ else
+ Wsp := 2 * pi * (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) / Z2;
+ Z3 := 2;
+ Z := (1 + cos(Wsp)) / 2;
+ //Z2 := (1 + 2*Z) / 3;
+ //Z2 := (0.5 + Z/2);
+ //Z2 := sin(Wsp);
+ //Z2 := Power (Z2,Z3);
+ Button[B].W := Theme.Song.CoverW * Power(cos(Wsp), Z3);//Power(Z2, 3);
+ //Button[B].X := Theme.Song.CoverX + ({Theme.Song.CoverX + Theme.Song.CoverW/2 + Theme.Song.CoverW*0.18 * VS {CatSongs.VisibleSongs {Length(Button) * sin(Wsp) {- Theme.Song.CoverX - Theme.Song.CoverW) * Z2; // 0.5.0 (I): 2 times faster by not calling CatSongs.VisibleSongs
+ if (sin(Wsp)<0) then
+ Button[B].X := sin(Wsp)*Theme.Song.CoverX*Theme.Song.CoverW*0.007 + Theme.Song.CoverX + Theme.Song.CoverW - Button[B].W
+ else //*Theme.Song.CoverW*0.004*Z3
+ Button[B].X := sin(Wsp)*Theme.Song.CoverX*Theme.Song.CoverW*0.007 + Theme.Song.CoverX;
+ Button[B].Z := Z-0.00001;
+// Button[B].Y := {50 + 140 + 50 - 50 * Z2;
+ // Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.CoverY + 40 + 50 - 50 * Z2);
+ Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.CoverY + Theme.Song.CoverW - Button[B].W);
+ Button[B].H := Button[B].W;
+ Button[B].Visible := True;
+ end
+ {else if (((CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent)>-3) AND ((CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent)<3)) OR ((round (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) mod VS > -3) AND ((CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent)<3)) then
+ begin
+ Wsp := 2 * pi * (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) / 12 ;// 0.5.0 (II): takes another 16ms
+ Z := (1 + cos(Wsp)) / 2 -0.00001; //z < 0.49999 is behind the cover 1 is in front of the covers
+ Button[B].W := Theme.Song.CoverW * Power(cos(Wsp), Z3);//Power(Z2, 3);
+ if (sin(Wsp)<0) then
+ Button[B].X := sin(Wsp)*Theme.Song.CoverX*Theme.Song.CoverW*0.007 + Theme.Song.CoverX + Theme.Song.CoverW - Button[B].W
+ else
+ Button[B].X := sin(Wsp)*Theme.Song.CoverX*Theme.Song.CoverW*0.007 + Theme.Song.CoverX;
+ Button[B].Z := Z;
+ Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.CoverY + Theme.Song.CoverW - Button[B].W);
+ Button[B].H := Button[B].W;
+ Button[B].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else Button[B].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+end; }
+procedure TScreenSong.SetScroll5; // rotate
+ B: integer;
+ Angle: real;
+ Pos: Real;
+ VS: integer;
+ diff: real;
+ X: Real;
+ {function margin (const X, Y, VS: real):real; //Margin of to Buttons
+ begin
+ Result := Frac(x / y) * y;
+ if (X - VS) >= -3 then
+ Result := X - VS - Y
+ else if (X + 3) >= VS then
+ Result := X - VS + Y
+ else
+ Result := X - Y;
+ end; }
+ VS := CatSongs.VisibleSongs; // cache Visible Songs
+ {Vars
+ Theme.Song.CoverW: Radius des Kreises
+ Theme.Song.CoverX: X Pos Linke Kante des gewählten Covers
+ Theme.Song.CoverX: Y Pos Obere Kante des gewählten Covers
+ Theme.Song.CoverH: Höhe der Cover
+ (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent)/VS = Abstand zum MIttleren Cover in %
+ }
+ //Change Pos of all Buttons
+ for B := low(Button) to high(Button) do
+ begin
+ Button[B].Visible := CatSongs.Song[B].Visible; //Adjust Visability
+ if Button[B].Visible then //Only Change Pos for Visible Buttons
+ begin
+ Pos := (CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent);
+ if (Pos < -VS) then
+ Pos := Pos + VS
+ else if (Pos > VS) then
+ Pos := Pos - VS;
+ if (Abs(Pos) < 3) then {fixed Positions}
+ begin
+ Angle := Pi * (Pos / 5);
+ //Button[B].Visible := False;
+ Button[B].H := Theme.Song.Cover.H * cos(Angle);//Power(Z2, 3);
+ Button[B].Z := 0.95 - Abs(Pos) * 0.01;
+ Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Button[B].H) * 0.7);
+ Button[B].W := Button[B].H;
+ Diff := (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2;;
+ if (X < 0) then
+ Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + Theme.Song.Cover.W * Sin(Angle){ - Theme.Song.Cover.H/2} - Diff
+ else
+ Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + Theme.Song.Cover.W * Sin(Angle){ - Theme.Song.Cover.H/2}- Diff;
+ Button[B].Visible := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin {Behind the Front Covers}
+ //Button[B].Visible := False;
+ Pos := Frac(Pos / VS);
+ if Pos < 0 then
+ Pos := Pos + 1;
+ Angle := Abs(2 * pi * ((Pos) / VS / 2));
+ //Pos := Power(Pos*2 - 1, 3);
+ Button[B].Z := (0.2 + Pos/2) -0.00001; //z < 0.49999 is behind the cover 1 is in front of the covers
+ //Pos := abs(Pos) mod 1;
+ X := sin(Angle);
+ //Button[B].H := (0.2 + 0.4 * Abs(Pos)) * Theme.Song.Cover.H; //Cover High + Width
+ Button[B].H := 80;
+ Button[B].W := Button[B].H;
+ Diff := (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Button[B].H)/2;
+ //Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + (Theme.Song.Cover.W) * Sin(Angle) - diff
+ //Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + Theme.Song.Cover.W * Pos - Diff;
+ if (X < 0) then
+ Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + Theme.Song.Cover.W * Sin(Angle) - Theme.Song.Cover.H/2 + Diff
+ else
+ Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + Theme.Song.Cover.W * Sin(Angle) - Theme.Song.Cover.H/2;
+ end;
+ Button[B].Y := (Theme.Song.Cover.Y + (Theme.Song.Cover.H - Button[B].H)/1.5); //Cover at down border of the change field
+ {X := sin(Angle);
+ Button[B].H := (0.5 + Power(cos(Angle), 1.7))/1.5 * Theme.Song.Cover.H; //Cover High + Width
+ Button[B].W := Button[B].H;
+ {if (X < 0) then
+ Diff := Theme.Song.Cover.H - Button[B].H
+ else
+ Diff := 0;
+ if (((CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent)>= -3) AND ((CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) <= 3)) OR (((CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent)>= -3 + VS) AND ((CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) <= 3 + VS)) OR (((CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent)>= -3 - VS) AND ((CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B) - SongCurrent) <= 3 - VS)) then
+ Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + diff + margin(CatSongs.VisibleIndex(B), SongCurrent, VS)* 30
+ else
+ Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + Theme.Song.Cover.W * X + diff;}{
+ Diff := (Button[B].H - Theme.Song.Cover.H)/2;
+ if X < 0 then
+ Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + (Theme.Song.Cover.W) * -Power(-X, 1/2) - diff
+ else
+ Button[B].X := Theme.Song.Cover.X + (Theme.Song.Cover.W) * Power(X, 1/2) - diff;}
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.onShow;
+ Music.Stop;
+ if Ini.Players <= 3 then PlayersPlay := Ini.Players + 1;
+ if Ini.Players = 4 then PlayersPlay := 6;
+ //Cat Mod etc
+ if (Ini.Tabs_at_startup = 1) AND (CatSongs.CatNumShow = -1) then
+ begin
+ CatSongs.ShowCategoryList;
+ SelectNext;SelectPrev; //Workaround <- must be fixed sometime
+ FixSelected;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ HideCatTL;
+ end;
+ if Length(CatSongs.Song) > 0 then begin
+ Music.SetLoop(false);
+ Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3);
+ Music.MoveTo(Music.Length / 4);
+ Music.Play;
+ SetScroll;
+ UpdateLCD;
+ end;
+ //Party Mode
+ if (Mode = 1) then
+ begin
+ SelectRandomSong;
+ end;
+ SetJoker;
+function TScreenSong.Draw: boolean;
+ dx: real;
+ dt: real;
+ dx := SongTarget-SongCurrent;
+ dt := TimeSkip*7;
+ if dt > 1 then dt := 1;
+ SongCurrent := SongCurrent + dx*dt;
+{ if SongCurrent > Catsongs.VisibleSongs then begin
+ SongCurrent := SongCurrent - Catsongs.VisibleSongs;
+ SongTarget := SongTarget - Catsongs.VisibleSongs;
+ end;}
+// Log.BenchmarkStart(5);
+ SetScroll;
+// Log.BenchmarkEnd(5);
+// Log.LogBenchmark('SetScroll4', 5);
+ // 0.5.0: cover fade
+ if (CoverTime < 1) and (CoverTime + TimeSkip >= 1) then begin
+ // load new texture
+ Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false);
+ Button[Interaction].Texture.Alpha := 1;
+ Button[Interaction].Texture2 := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false);
+ Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 1;
+ end;
+ CoverTime := CoverTime + TimeSkip;
+ Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := (CoverTime - 1) * 1.5;
+ if Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha > 1 then Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 1;
+ inherited Draw;
+ //Draw Equalizer
+ if Theme.Song.Equalizer.Visible then
+ DrawEqualizer;
+ //Draw Song Menu
+ if (ScreenSongMenu.Visible) then
+ begin
+ ScreenSongMenu.Draw;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.SelectNext;
+ Skip: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ CoverTime := 0;
+ Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', true); // 0.5.0: show cached texture
+ Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 0;
+ //0.5.0: unload old full size texture
+ if Button[Interaction].Texture.Name <> Skin.GetTextureFileName('SongCover') then
+ Texture.UnloadTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, false);
+ Skip := 1;
+ // this 1 could be changed by CatSongs.FindNextVisible
+ while (not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction + Skip) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible) do Inc(Skip);
+ SongTarget := SongTarget + 1;//Skip;
+ Interaction := (Interaction + Skip) mod Length(Interactions);
+ // try to keep all at the beginning
+ if SongTarget > CatSongs.VisibleSongs-1 then begin
+ SongTarget := SongTarget - CatSongs.VisibleSongs;
+ SongCurrent := SongCurrent - CatSongs.VisibleSongs;
+ end;
+ // Interaction -> Button, ktorego okladke przeczytamy
+// Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false); // 0.5.0: show uncached texture
+procedure TScreenSong.SelectPrev;
+ Skip: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ CoverTime := 0;
+ Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', true); // 0.5.0: show cached texture
+ Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 0;
+ //0.5.0: unload old full size texture
+ if Button[Interaction].Texture.Name <> Skin.GetTextureFileName('SongCover') then
+ Texture.UnloadTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, false);
+ Skip := 1;
+ while (not CatSongs.Song[(Interaction - Skip + Length(Interactions)) mod Length(Interactions)].Visible) do Inc(Skip);
+ SongTarget := SongTarget - 1;//Skip;
+ Interaction := (Interaction - Skip + Length(Interactions)) mod Length(Interactions);
+ // try to keep all at the beginning
+ if SongTarget < 0 then begin
+ SongTarget := SongTarget + CatSongs.VisibleSongs;
+ SongCurrent := SongCurrent + CatSongs.VisibleSongs;
+ end;
+// Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', false); // 0.5.0: show uncached texture
+procedure TScreenSong.UpdateLCD;
+ LCD.HideCursor;
+ LCD.Clear;
+ LCD.WriteText(1, Text[TextArtist].Text);
+ LCD.WriteText(2, Text[TextTitle].Text);
+procedure TScreenSong.SkipTo(Target: integer); // 0.5.0
+ Skip: integer;
+ I: integer;
+ CoverTime := 0;
+ Button[Interaction].Texture := Texture.GetTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, 'Plain', true); // 0.5.0: show cached texture
+ Button[Interaction].Texture2.Alpha := 0;
+ if Button[Interaction].Texture.Name <> Skin.GetTextureFileName('SongCover') then
+ Texture.UnloadTexture(Button[Interaction].Texture.Name, false);
+ Interaction := 0;
+ SongTarget := 0;
+ for I := 2 to Target do
+ SelectNext;
+ FixSelected2;
+procedure TScreenSong.DrawEqualizer;
+ Data: TFFTData; //Audio Data
+ I, J: Integer;
+ Res: byte;
+ A, B: Integer;
+ PosX, PosY: Integer;
+ Pos: Real;
+if (not Music.Finished) AND (Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length > 0) then
+ A := GetTickCount div 44;
+ if (A <> EqualizerTime) then
+ begin
+ EqualizerTime := A;
+ Data := Music.GetFFTData;
+ B:=0;
+ Pos := 0;
+ Res := floor(92/Theme.Song.Equalizer.Bands);//How much channels are used for one Band
+ //Change Lengths
+ for I := 0 to 92 do
+ begin
+ A := floor(I/Res);
+ if (A<>B) then //Band changed
+ begin
+ if (Pos <= Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length) then
+ begin
+ if ((Pos < EqualizerBands[B]) AND (EqualizerBands[B]>1)) then
+ EqualizerBands[B] := EqualizerBands[B] - 1
+ else
+ EqualizerBands[B] := floor(Pos);
+ end
+ else
+ EqualizerBands[B] := 1;
+ B := A;
+ Pos := 0;
+ end;
+ if I > 35 then
+ Data[i] := Data[i] * 8
+ else if I > 11 then
+ Data[i] := Data[i] * 4.5
+ else
+ Data[i] := Data[i] * 1.1;
+ if (Data[i] >= 1) then
+ Data[i] := 0.9999999999999;
+ if Data[i]*Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length > Pos then
+ Pos := Data[i]*Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length;
+ end;
+ //Change Last Band
+ if (EqualizerBands[B] <= Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length) then
+ begin
+ if ((Pos < EqualizerBands[B]) AND (EqualizerBands[B]>1)) then
+ EqualizerBands[B] := EqualizerBands[B] - 1
+ else
+ EqualizerBands[B] := floor(Pos)
+ end
+ else
+ EqualizerBands[B] := 1;
+ end;
+ //Draw every Channel
+ glColor4f(Theme.Song.Equalizer.ColR, Theme.Song.Equalizer.ColG, Theme.Song.Equalizer.ColB, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Alpha); //Set Color
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ PosY := Theme.Song.Equalizer.Y;
+ PosX := Theme.Song.Equalizer.X;
+ For I := 0 to Theme.Song.Equalizer.Bands do
+ begin
+ if Theme.Song.Equalizer.Direction then
+ PosY := Theme.Song.Equalizer.Y //+ (Theme.Song.Equalizer.H + Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space) * Theme.Song.Equalizer.Length
+ else
+ PosX := Theme.Song.Equalizer.X;
+ //Draw for every visible quad
+ for J := 1 to EqualizerBands[I] do
+ begin
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glVertex3f(PosX, PosY, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Z);
+ glVertex3f(PosX, PosY+Theme.Song.Equalizer.H, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Z);
+ glVertex3f(PosX+Theme.Song.Equalizer.W, PosY+Theme.Song.Equalizer.H, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Z);
+ glVertex3f(PosX+Theme.Song.Equalizer.W, PosY, Theme.Song.Equalizer.Z);
+ glEnd;
+ if Theme.Song.Equalizer.Direction then //Vertically
+ PosY := PosY - Theme.Song.Equalizer.H - Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space
+ else //Horizontally
+ PosX := PosX + Theme.Song.Equalizer.W + Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space;
+ end;
+ if Theme.Song.Equalizer.Direction then //Horizontally
+ PosX := PosX + Theme.Song.Equalizer.W + Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space
+ else //Vertically
+ PosY := PosY + Theme.Song.Equalizer.H + Theme.Song.Equalizer.Space;
+ end;
+Procedure TScreenSong.SelectRandomSong;
+ I, I2: Integer;
+ repeat
+ I2 := Random(high(CatSongs.Song)+1) - low(CatSongs.Song)+1;
+ until CatSongs.Song[I2].Main = false;
+ //Search Cat
+ for I := I2 downto low(CatSongs.Song) do
+ begin
+ if CatSongs.Song[I].Main then
+ break;
+ end;
+ //In I ist jetzt die Kategorie in I2 der Song
+ //Choose Cat
+ CatSongs.ShowCategoryList;
+ //Show Cat in Top Left Mod
+ ShowCatTL (I);
+ CatSongs.ClickCategoryButton(I);
+ SelectNext;
+ //Fix: Not Existing Song selected:
+ if (I+1=I2) then Inc(I2);
+ //Choose Song
+ SkipTo(I2-I);
+ Music.Close;
+ if Music.Open(CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path + CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Mp3) then begin
+ Music.MoveTo(Music.Length / 4);
+ Music.Play;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.SetJoker;
+ //If Party Mode
+ if Mode = 1 then //Show Joker that are available
+ begin
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 1);
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 2);
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 3);
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 4);
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker >= 5);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 1);
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 2);
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 3);
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 4);
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker >= 5);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ if (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) then
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 1);
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 2);
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 3);
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 4);
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker >= 5);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := False;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin //Hide all
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker4].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam1Joker5].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker4].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam2Joker5].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker1].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker2].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker3].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker4].Visible := False;
+ Static[StaticTeam3Joker5].Visible := False;
+ end;
+//Procedures for Menu
+procedure TScreenSong.StartSong;
+ CatSongs.Selected := Interaction;
+ Music.Stop;
+ //Party Mode
+ if (Mode = 1) then
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSingModi);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSing);
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.OpenEditor;
+ if (Length(Songs.Song) > 0) and (not CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Main) AND (Mode = 0) then begin
+ Music.Stop;
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ ScreenEditSub.Path := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].Path;
+ ScreenEditSub.FileName := CatSongs.Song[Interaction].FileName;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenEditSub);
+ end;
+//Team No of Team (0-5)
+procedure TScreenSong.DoJoker (Team: Byte);
+ if (Mode = 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= Team + 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Joker > 0) then
+ begin
+ //Joker spielen
+ Dec(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Joker);
+ SelectRandomSong;
+ SetJoker;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSong.Refresh;
+begin {
+Interaction := 0;
+FixSelected; }
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongMenu.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongMenu.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..634a217a --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongMenu.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongMenu.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongMenu.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a03a7c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenSongMenu.pas @@ -0,0 +1,355 @@ +unit UScreenSongMenu;
+ UMenu, SDL, UDisplay, UMusic, UPliki, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenSongMenu = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ CurMenu: Byte; //Num of the cur. Shown Menu
+ public
+ Visible: Boolean; //Whether the Menu should be Drawn
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure MenuShow(sMenu: Byte);
+ procedure HandleReturn;
+ end;
+ SM_Main = 1;
+ SM_PlayList = 64 or 1;
+ SM_Party_Main = 128 or 1;
+ SM_Party_Joker = 128 or 2;
+ ISelections: Array of String;
+ SelectValue: Integer;
+uses UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, ULanguage, UParty;
+function TScreenSongMenu.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function IsVisible: Boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ if (Interactions[Interaction].Typ = 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := Button[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Visible;
+ end
+ else if (Interactions[Interaction].Typ = 1) then
+ begin
+ //Result := Selects[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Visible;
+ end
+ else if (Interactions[Interaction].Typ = 3) then
+ begin
+ Result := SelectsS[Interactions[Interaction].Num].Visible;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Procedure SelectNext;
+ begin
+ repeat
+ InteractNext;
+ until IsVisible;
+ end;
+ Procedure SelectPrev;
+ begin
+ repeat
+ InteractPrev;
+ until IsVisible;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ begin
+ HandleReturn;
+ end;
+ // Up and Down could be done at the same time,
+ // but I don't want to declare variables inside
+ // functions like this one, called so many times
+ SDLK_DOWN: SelectNext;
+ SDLK_UP: SelectPrev;
+ begin
+ if (Interaction=3) then
+ InteractInc;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (Interaction=3) then
+ InteractDec;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else // Key Up
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenSongMenu.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ SetLength(ISelections, 1);
+ ISelections[0] := 'Dummy';
+ AddBackground(Theme.SongMenu.Background.Tex);
+ AddButton(Theme.SongMenu.Button1);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 1');
+ AddButton(Theme.SongMenu.Button2);
+ if (Length(Button[1].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 2');
+ AddButton(Theme.SongMenu.Button3);
+ if (Length(Button[2].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 3');
+ AddSelectSlide(Theme.SongMenu.SelectSlide3, SelectValue, ISelections);
+ AddButton(Theme.SongMenu.Button4);
+ if (Length(Button[3].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 4');
+ AddText(Theme.SongMenu.TextMenu);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.SongMenu.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.SongMenu.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.SongMenu.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.SongMenu.Text[I]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+function TScreenSongMenu.Draw: boolean;
+ inherited Draw;
+procedure TScreenSongMenu.onShow;
+procedure TScreenSongMenu.MenuShow(sMenu: Byte);
+ Interaction := 0; //Reset Interaction
+ Case sMenu of
+ SM_Main:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_MAIN');
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := True;
+ Button[2].Visible := True;
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAY');
+ Button[1].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_EDIT');
+ Button[2].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYMODI');
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_CANCEL');
+ end;
+ SM_PlayList:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_PLAYLIST');
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := False;
+ Button[2].Visible := False;
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYLIST_ADD');
+ Button[1].Text[0].Text := '';
+ Button[2].Text[0].Text := '';
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_CANCEL');
+ end;
+ SM_Party_Main:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_PARTY_MAIN');
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := False;
+ Button[2].Visible := False;
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAY');
+ Button[1].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_JOKER');
+ Button[2].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_PLAYMODI');
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_JOKER');
+ end;
+ SM_Party_Joker:
+ begin
+ CurMenu := sMenu;
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NAME_PARTY_JOKER');
+ Button[0].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 1) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Joker > 0);
+ Button[1].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 2) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Joker > 0);
+ Button[2].Visible := (PartySession.Teams.NumTeams >= 3) AND (PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Joker > 0);
+ Button[3].Visible := True;
+ SelectsS[0].Visible := False;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[0].Name);
+ Button[1].Text[0].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[1].Name);
+ Button[2].Text[0].Text := String(PartySession.Teams.Teaminfo[2].Name);
+ Button[3].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_CANCEL');
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenSongMenu.HandleReturn;
+ Case CurMenu of
+ SM_Main:
+ begin
+ Visible := False;
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1
+ begin
+ ScreenSong.StartSong;
+ end;
+ 1: //Button 2
+ begin
+ ScreenSong.OpenEditor;
+ end;
+ 2: //Button 3
+ begin
+ //Todo: Add SingleRound Modi Support
+ end;
+ 3: //SelectSlide 3
+ begin
+ //Dummy
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ //Cancel... (Do Nothing)
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_PlayList:
+ begin
+ Visible := False;
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1
+ begin
+ //
+ end;
+ 1: //Button 2
+ begin
+ //
+ end;
+ 2: //Button 3
+ begin
+ //Todo
+ end;
+ 3: //SelectSlide 3
+ begin
+ //Dummy
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ //
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_Party_Main:
+ begin
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1
+ begin
+ //Start Singing
+ ScreenSong.StartSong;
+ Visible := False;
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ //Joker
+ MenuShow(SM_Party_Joker);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SM_Party_Joker:
+ begin
+ Visible := False;
+ Case Interaction of
+ 0: //Button 1
+ begin
+ //Joker Team 1
+ ScreenSong.DoJoker(0);
+ end;
+ 1: //Button 2
+ begin
+ //Joker Team 2
+ ScreenSong.DoJoker(1);
+ end;
+ 2: //Button 3
+ begin
+ //Joker Team 3
+ ScreenSong.DoJoker(2);
+ end;
+ 4: //Button 4
+ begin
+ //Cancel... (Fo back to old Menu)
+ MenuShow(SM_Party_Main);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..c6db07d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41f96281 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenTop5.pas @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +unit UScreenTop5;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UDisplay, UMusic, USongs, UThemes, ULCD;
+ TScreenTop5 = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ TextLevel: integer;
+ TextArtistTitle: integer;
+ StaticNumber: array[1..5] of integer;
+ TextNumber: array[1..5] of integer;
+ TextName: array[1..5] of integer;
+ TextScore: array[1..5] of integer;
+ Fadeout: boolean;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UScores, UMain, UIni;
+function TScreenTop5.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then begin
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (not Fadeout) then begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenSong);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Display.PrintScreen;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenTop5.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddBackground(Theme.Top5.Background.Tex);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Top5.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.Top5.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.Top5.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.Top5.Text[I]);
+ TextLevel := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextLevel);
+ TextArtistTitle := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextArtistTitle);
+ for I := 0 to 4 do
+ StaticNumber[I+1] := AddStatic(Theme.Top5.StaticNumber[I]);
+ for I := 0 to 4 do
+ TextNumber[I+1] := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextNumber[I]);
+ for I := 0 to 4 do
+ TextName[I+1] := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextName[I]);
+ for I := 0 to 4 do
+ TextScore[I+1] := AddText(Theme.Top5.TextScore[I]);
+procedure TScreenTop5.onShow;
+ I: integer;
+ PMax: integer;
+ Fadeout := false;
+ //ReadScore(AktSong);
+ PMax := Ini.Players;
+ if Ini.Players = 4 then Ini.Players := 5;
+ for I := 0 to PMax do
+ AddScore(AktSong, Ini.Difficulty, Ini.Name[I], Round(Player[I].ScoreTotalI));
+ //WriteScore(AktSong);
+ ReadScore(AktSong);
+ Text[TextArtistTitle].Text := AktSong.Artist + ' - ' + AktSong.Title;
+ for I := 1 to Length(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty]) do begin
+ Static[StaticNumber[I]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextNumber[I]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextName[I]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextScore[I]].Visible := true;
+ Text[TextName[I]].Text := AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty, I-1].Name;
+ Text[TextScore[I]].Text := IntToStr(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty, I-1].Score);
+ end;
+ for I := Length(AktSong.Score[Ini.Difficulty])+1 to 5 do begin
+ Static[StaticNumber[I]].Visible := false;
+ Text[TextNumber[I]].Visible := false;
+ Text[TextName[I]].Visible := false;
+ Text[TextScore[I]].Visible := false;
+ end;
+ Text[TextLevel].Text := IDifficulty[Ini.Difficulty];
+function TScreenTop5.Draw: boolean;
+{ Min: real;
+ Max: real;
+ Wsp: real;
+ Wsp2: real;
+ Pet: integer;}
+{ Item: integer;
+ P: integer;
+ C: integer;}
+ // Singstar - let it be...... with 6 statics
+{ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ for Item := 4 to 6 do begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then P := Item-4;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then P := Item-1;
+ FillPlayer(Item, P);
+{ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P1Dark');
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ LoadColor(
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColR,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColG,
+ Static[StaticBoxLightest[Item]].Texture.ColB,
+ 'P4Dark');
+ end;}
+{ end;
+ end;}
+ inherited Draw;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenWelcome.dcu b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenWelcome.dcu Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..196b04be --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenWelcome.dcu diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenWelcome.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenWelcome.pas new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de3b50f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenWelcome.pas @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +unit UScreenWelcome;
+ UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UThemes;
+ TScreenWelcome = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ Animation: real;
+ Fadeout: boolean;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, UTime;
+function TScreenWelcome.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then begin
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenWelcome.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+{ AddStatic(-10, -10, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, Skin.Star, 'BMP', 'Transparent');
+ AddStatic(-500, 440, 200, 5, 0, 0, 0, Skin.Line, 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(-500, 472, 200, 5, 0, 0, 0, Skin.Line, 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(-500, 504, 200, 5, 0, 0, 0, Skin.Line, 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(-500, 536, 200, 5, 0, 0, 0, Skin.Line, 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ AddStatic(-500, 568, 200, 5, 0, 0, 0, Skin.Line, 'JPG', 'Font Black');
+ Animation := 0;
+ Fadeout := false;}
+procedure TScreenWelcome.onShow;
+ CountSkipTimeSet;
+function TScreenWelcome.Draw: boolean;
+ Min: real;
+ Max: real;
+ Wsp: real;
+ Pet: integer;
+ // star animation
+ Animation := Animation + TimeSkip*1000;
+ // draw nothing
+ Min := 0; Max := 1000;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ end;
+ // popup
+ Min := 1000; Max := 1120;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ Wsp := (Animation - Min) / (Max - Min);
+ Static[0].Texture.X := 600;
+ Static[0].Texture.Y := 600 - Wsp * 230;
+ Static[0].Texture.W := 200;
+ Static[0].Texture.H := Wsp * 230;
+ end;
+ // bounce
+ Min := 1120; Max := 1200;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ Wsp := (Animation - Min) / (Max - Min);
+ Static[0].Texture.Y := 370 + Wsp * 50;
+ Static[0].Texture.H := 230 - Wsp * 50;
+ end;
+ // run
+ Min := 1500; Max := 3500;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (Animation < Max) then begin
+ Wsp := (Animation - Min) / (Max - Min);
+ Static[0].Texture.X := 600 - Wsp * 1400;
+ Static[0].Texture.H := 180;
+ for Pet := 1 to 5 do begin
+ Static[Pet].Texture.X := 770 - Wsp * 1400;
+ Static[Pet].Texture.W := 150 + Wsp * 200;
+ Static[Pet].Texture.Alpha := Wsp * 0.5;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Min := 3500;
+ if (Animation >= Min) and (not Fadeout) then begin
+ FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ Fadeout := true;
+ end;
+ inherited Draw;