path: root/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPopup.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPopup.pas')
1 files changed, 862 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPopup.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPopup.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a8bacc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenPopup.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+unit UScreenPopup;
+ UMenu, SDL, UMusic, math, UFiles, SysUtils, UThemes, UHelp, gl, glu;
+ TScreenPopupCheck = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ Visible: Boolean; //Whether the Menu should be Drawn
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure ShowPopup(msg: String);
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ end;
+ TScreenPopupError = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ CurMenu: Byte; //Num of the cur. Shown Menu
+ public
+ Visible: Boolean; //Whether the Menu should be Drawn
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure onHide; override;
+ procedure ShowPopup(msg: String);
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ end;
+ TRect = record
+ left, right, top, bottom: integer;
+ end;
+ TLine = record
+ fX, fY, tX, tY: integer;
+ end;
+ TText = record
+ X, Y: integer;
+ Style: integer;
+ Size: real;
+ Italic: boolean;
+ text: string;
+ end;
+ TResLine = record
+ Y: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ lines: array of TLine;
+ texts: array of TText;
+ end;
+ TScreenPopupHelp = class(TMenu)
+ private
+ CurMenu: Byte; //Num of the cur. Shown Menu
+ TextsGFX: array of TResLine;
+ msg: TTextResult;
+ Rect: TRect;
+ max_high: real;
+ step: double;
+ barH: double;
+ procedure DrawTable;
+ procedure DrawLine(line, index, Y: integer);
+ procedure DrawText(line, index, Y: integer);
+ procedure DrawScroll(X, Y, W, H: integer; pos, len: double);
+ public
+ Visible: Boolean; //Whether the Menu should be Drawn
+ constructor Create; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure onHide; override;
+ procedure ShowPopup();
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ end;
+// ISelections: Array of String;
+ SelectValue: Integer;
+uses Classes, TextGL, UGraphic, UMain, UIni, UTexture, ULanguage, UParty, UPlaylist, UDisplay;
+function TScreenPopupCheck.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Display.CheckOK:=False;
+ Display.NextScreenWithCheck:=NIL;
+ Visible:=False;
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ case Interaction of
+ 0: begin
+ //Hack to Finish Singscreen correct on Exit with Q Shortcut
+ if (Display.NextScreenWithCheck = NIL) then
+ begin
+ if (Display.ActualScreen = @ScreenSing) then
+ ScreenSing.Finish
+ else if (Display.ActualScreen = @ScreenSingModi) then
+ ScreenSingModi.Finish;
+ end;
+ Display.CheckOK:=True;
+ end;
+ 1: begin
+ Display.CheckOK:=False;
+ Display.NextScreenWithCheck:=NIL;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Visible:=False;
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPopupCheck.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddBackground(Theme.CheckPopup.Background.Tex);
+ AddButton(Theme.CheckPopup.Button1);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 1');
+ AddButton(Theme.CheckPopup.Button2);
+ if (Length(Button[1].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 2');
+ AddText(Theme.CheckPopup.TextCheck);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.CheckPopup.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.CheckPopup.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.CheckPopup.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.CheckPopup.Text[I]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+function TScreenPopupCheck.Draw: boolean;
+ inherited Draw;
+procedure TScreenPopupCheck.onShow;
+procedure TScreenPopupCheck.ShowPopup(msg: String);
+ Interaction := 0; //Reset Interaction
+ Visible := True; //Set Visible
+ Text[0].Text := Language.Translate(msg);
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[1].Visible := True;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_YES');
+ Button[1].Text[0].Text := Language.Translate('SONG_MENU_NO');
+// error popup
+function TScreenPopupError.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Visible:=False;
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Visible:=False;
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ SDLK_DOWN: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_UP: InteractPrev;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPopupError.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddBackground(Theme.CheckPopup.Background.Tex);
+ AddButton(Theme.ErrorPopup.Button1);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 1');
+ AddText(Theme.ErrorPopup.TextError);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.ErrorPopup.Static) do
+ AddStatic(Theme.ErrorPopup.Static[I]);
+ for I := 0 to High(Theme.ErrorPopup.Text) do
+ AddText(Theme.ErrorPopup.Text[I]);
+ Interaction := 0;
+function TScreenPopupError.Draw: boolean;
+ inherited Draw;
+procedure TScreenPopupError.onShow;
+procedure TScreenPopupError.onHide;
+var i: integer;
+procedure TScreenPopupError.ShowPopup(msg: String);
+var i: integer;
+ Interaction := 0; //Reset Interaction
+ Visible := True; //Set Visible
+{ //dirty hack... Text[0] is invisible for some strange reason
+ for i:=1 to high(Text) do
+ if i-1 <= high(msg) then
+ begin
+ Text[i].Visible:=True;
+ Text[i].Text := msg[i-1];
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Text[i].Visible:=False;
+ end;}
+ Text[0].Text:=msg;
+ Button[0].Visible := True;
+ Button[0].Text[0].Text := 'OK';
+// Help popup
+function TScreenPopupHelp.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ pos: double;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ pos := Help.GetScrollPos();
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Visible:=False;
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Visible:=False;
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ if pos<(1-step) then
+ Help.SetScrollPos(pos+step)
+ else if pos>0 then
+ Help.SetScrollPos(1);
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ if pos>step then
+ Help.SetScrollPos(pos-step)
+ else if pos>0 then
+ Help.SetScrollPos(0);
+ end;
+ SDLK_RIGHT: InteractNext;
+ SDLK_LEFT: InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TScreenPopupHelp.Create;
+ I: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddButton(Theme.HelpPopup.Button1);
+ if (Length(Button[0].Text) = 0) then
+ AddButtonText(14, 20, 'Button 1');
+ Button[0].Visible := false;
+ Interaction := 0;
+function TScreenPopupHelp.Draw: boolean;
+ msg: TTextResult;
+ I: integer;
+ abs: real;
+ inherited Draw;
+ if step<1 then
+ abs := 20
+ else
+ abs := 5;
+ //Background:
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glColor4f(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8); glVertex2f(Rect.left-5, Rect.top-5);
+ glColor4f(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8); glVertex2f(Rect.right+abs, Rect.top-5);
+ glColor4f(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8); glVertex2f(Rect.right+abs, Rect.bottom+5);
+ glColor4f(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8); glVertex2f(Rect.left-5, Rect.bottom+5);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ //glScissor(Rect.left-1, ScreenH-Rect.bottom-1, Rect.right-Rect.left+2, Rect.bottom-Rect.top+2);
+ glScissor(round((Rect.left-1)*(ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW+(ScreenW/Screens)*(ScreenAct-1)),
+ round((RenderH-Rect.bottom-1)*ScreenH/RenderH),
+ round((Rect.right-Rect.left+2)*(ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW),
+ round((Rect.bottom-Rect.top+2)*ScreenH/RenderH));
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ DrawTable();
+ glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ if step<1 then
+ DrawScroll(Rect.right+5, Rect.top, 10, Rect.bottom-Rect.top, Help.GetScrollPos(), barH);
+procedure TScreenPopupHelp.onShow;
+procedure TScreenPopupHelp.onHide;
+var i: integer;
+procedure TScreenPopupHelp.ShowPopup();
+ I, J, K: integer;
+ line: integer;
+ SL: TStringList;
+ tempStr: String;
+ KeyEnd: integer;
+ Style: integer;
+ Size: real;
+ Italic: boolean;
+ fieldh: integer;
+ tline: integer;
+ countline:integer;
+ procedure AddLine(l, i, fX, fY, tX, tY: integer);
+ begin
+ TextsGFX[l].lines[i].fX := fX;
+ TextsGFX[l].lines[i].fY := fY;
+ TextsGFX[l].lines[i].tX := tX;
+ TextsGFX[l].lines[i].tY := tY;
+ end;
+ procedure NewLine(h, lines: integer);
+ begin
+ inc(line);
+ tline := -1;
+ SetLength(TextsGFX, line+1);
+ TextsGFX[line].H := h;
+ TextsGFX[line].Y := TextsGFX[line-1].Y + TextsGFX[line-1].H;
+ SetLength(TextsGFX[line].lines, lines);
+ end;
+ procedure NewText(X, Y: integer);
+ begin
+ inc(tline);
+ SetLength(TextsGFX[line].texts, tline+1);
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].X := X;
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].Y := Y;
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].Style := Style;
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].Size := Size;
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].Italic := Italic;
+ end;
+ Interaction := 0; //Reset Interaction
+ Visible := True; //Set Visible
+ SetLength(TextsGFX, 0);
+ line := 0;
+ tline := -1;
+ Style := 1;
+ Size := 7;
+ Italic := false;
+ SetFontStyle(Style);
+ SetFontSize(Size);
+ SetFontItalic(Italic);
+ Rect.left := 25;
+ Rect.right := 770;
+ Rect.top := 25;
+ Rect.bottom := 575;
+ KeyEnd := round((Rect.right - Rect.left)*0.4);
+ fieldh := 22;
+ msg := Help.GetHelpStr();
+ //Title
+ SetLength(TextsGFX, 1);
+ TextsGFX[line].H := round(fieldh/4);
+ TextsGFX[line].Y := Rect.top;
+ SetLength(TextsGFX[line].lines, 3);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 2, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ NewLine(fieldh*2, 2);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ NewText(Rect.left + 5, TextsGFX[line].Y + 2);
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].Size:=12;
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := Language.Translate('MSG_HELP_TITLE') + ': ' + msg.Title;
+ NewLine(round(fieldh/4), 3);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 2, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ //Description
+ Style := 1;
+ SetFontStyle(Style);
+ SL:=TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ ExtractStrings([' '], [], PChar(msg.Description), SL);
+ if SL.Count>0 then
+ begin
+ NewLine(round(fieldh/4), 3);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 2, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ NewLine(fieldh, 2);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ NewText(Rect.left + 5, TextsGFX[line].Y + 2);
+ end;
+ tempStr := '';
+ for I := 0 to SL.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ if glTextWidth(PChar(tempStr + SL[I] + ' ')) <= (Rect.right - Rect.left - 10) then
+ begin
+ if I<SL.Count-1 then
+ tempStr := tempStr + SL[I] + ' '
+ else
+ tempStr := tempStr + SL[I];
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ end else
+ begin
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ NewLine(fieldh, 2);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ NewText(Rect.left + 5, TextsGFX[line].Y + 2);
+ if I<SL.Count-1 then
+ tempStr := SL[I] + ' '
+ else
+ tempStr := SL[I];
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Finally
+ SL.Free;
+ if Length(msg.Subs)<1 then
+ begin
+ NewLine(round(fieldh/4), 3);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H , Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 2, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ end else
+ begin
+ NewLine(round(fieldh/4), 2);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Subs
+ for K := 0 to Length(msg.Subs) - 1 do
+ begin
+ //Sub title
+ Style := 1;
+ SetFontStyle(Style);
+ Size := 7;
+ SetFontSize(Size);
+ tempStr := '';
+ NewLine(round(fieldh/2), 2);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ NewLine(round(fieldh), 2);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ NewText(Rect.left+5, TextsGFX[line].Y + 2);
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := msg.Subs[K].title+':';
+ //text
+ Style := 1;
+ SetFontStyle(Style);
+ Size := 7;
+ SetFontSize(Size);
+ for J := 0 to length(msg.Subs[K].text) - 1 do
+ begin
+ NewLine(fieldh, 2);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ SL:=TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ ExtractStrings([' '], [], PChar(msg.Subs[K].text[J]), SL);
+ NewText(Rect.left + 5, TextsGFX[line].Y + 2);
+ tempStr := '';
+ for I := 0 to SL.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ if glTextWidth(PChar(tempStr + SL[I] + ' ')) <= (Rect.right - Rect.left - 10) then
+ begin
+ if I<SL.Count-1 then
+ tempStr := tempStr + SL[I] + ' '
+ else
+ tempStr := tempStr + SL[I];
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ end else
+ begin
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ NewLine(fieldh, 2);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ NewText(Rect.left + 5, TextsGFX[line].Y + 2);
+ if I<SL.Count-1 then
+ tempStr := SL[I] + ' '
+ else
+ tempStr := SL[I];
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Finally
+ SL.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if K<Length(msg.Subs) - 1 then
+ begin
+ NewLine(round(fieldh/4), 2);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ end else
+ begin
+ NewLine(round(fieldh/2), 3);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H , Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 2, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Sections
+ for K := 0 to Length(msg.Sections) - 1 do
+ begin
+ //Section title
+ Style := 1;
+ SetFontStyle(Style);
+ Size := 9;
+ SetFontSize(Size);
+ tempStr := '';
+ NewLine(round(fieldh/2), 2);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ NewLine(round(fieldh*1.4), 2);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ tempStr := msg.Sections[K].name;
+ NewText(Rect.left + round((Rect.right - Rect.left - 10)/2 - glTextWidth((PChar(tempStr)))/2), TextsGFX[line].Y + 2);
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ NewLine(round(fieldh/2), 3);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H , Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 2, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ Style := 1;
+ SetFontStyle(Style);
+ Size := 7;
+ SetFontSize(Size);
+ //keys
+ for J := 0 to Length(msg.Sections[K].Keys) - 1 do
+ begin
+ NewLine(fieldh, 3);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, KeyEnd, TextsGFX[line].Y, KeyEnd, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 2, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ countline := 1;
+ NewText(Rect.left + 5, TextsGFX[line].Y + 2);
+ tempStr := '';
+ for I := 0 to Length(msg.Sections[K].Keys[J].Key) - 1 do
+ begin
+ if glTextWidth(PChar(tempStr + msg.Sections[K].Keys[J].Key[I] + '+')) <= (KeyEnd - Rect.left - 10) then
+ begin
+ if I<Length(msg.Sections[K].Keys[J].Key)-1 then
+ tempStr := tempStr + msg.Sections[K].Keys[J].Key[I] + '+'
+ else
+ tempStr := tempStr + msg.Sections[K].Keys[J].Key[I];
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ end else
+ begin
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ NewLine(fieldh, 3);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, KeyEnd, TextsGFX[line].Y, KeyEnd, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 2, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ NewText(Rect.left + 5, TextsGFX[line].Y + 2);
+ if I<Length(msg.Sections[K].Keys[J].Key)-1 then
+ tempStr := msg.Sections[K].Keys[J].Key[I] + '+'
+ else
+ tempStr := msg.Sections[K].Keys[J].Key[I];
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ inc(countline);
+ end;
+ end;
+ //key-description
+ SL:=TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ ExtractStrings([' '], [], PChar(msg.Sections[K].KeyDescription[J]), SL);
+ line := line - countline + 1;
+ tline := Length(TextsGFX[line].texts) -1;
+ NewText(KeyEnd + 5, TextsGFX[line].Y + 2);
+ tempStr := '';
+ for I := 0 to SL.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ if glTextWidth(PChar(tempStr + SL[I] + ' ')) <= (Rect.right - KeyEnd - 10) then
+ begin
+ if I<SL.Count-1 then
+ tempStr := tempStr + SL[I] + ' '
+ else
+ tempStr := tempStr + SL[I];
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ end else
+ begin
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ if countline<2 then
+ begin
+ NewLine(fieldh, 3);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, KeyEnd, TextsGFX[line].Y, KeyEnd, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 2, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ end else
+ begin
+ dec(countline);
+ inc(line);
+ tline := Length(TextsGFX[line].texts) -1;
+ end;
+ NewText(KeyEnd + 5, TextsGFX[line].Y + 2);
+ if I<SL.Count-1 then
+ tempStr := SL[I] + ' '
+ else
+ tempStr := SL[I];
+ TextsGFX[line].texts[tline].text := tempStr;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Finally
+ SL.Free;
+ line := line + countline -1;
+ NewLine(round(fieldh/4), 4);
+ AddLine(line, 0, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 1, KeyEnd, TextsGFX[line].Y, KeyEnd, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 2, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ AddLine(line, 3, Rect.left, TextsGFX[line].Y+TextsGFX[line].H, Rect.right, TextsGFX[line].Y + TextsGFX[line].H);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ max_high := (TextsGFX[Length(TextsGFX)-1].Y + TextsGFX[Length(TextsGFX)-1].H);
+ if max_high=0 then
+ max_high:=1.0; //TODO error.log!
+ if max_high<=Rect.bottom-Rect.top then
+ begin
+ barH := 1;
+ step := 1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ barH := (Rect.bottom-Rect.top)/max_high;
+ step := barH/(1/barH);
+ end;
+procedure TScreenPopupHelp.DrawTable();
+ I, J:integer;
+ maxh: integer;
+ h, offset: integer;
+ maxh := ScreenH+ScreenH-Rect.Bottom;
+ h := 0;
+ offset := round(Help.GetScrollPos()*(max_high-ScreenH+ScreenH-Rect.Bottom));
+ I := 0;
+ while (I<Length(TextsGFX)) and (h<maxh) do
+ begin
+ if (TextsGFX[I].Y >= offset-20) then
+ begin
+ for J := 0 to Length(TextsGFX[I].lines) - 1 do
+ DrawLine(I, J, offset);
+ for J := 0 to Length(TextsGFX[I].texts) - 1 do
+ DrawText(I, J, offset);
+ h := h + TextsGFX[I].H;
+ end;
+ inc(I);
+ end;
+procedure TScreenPopupHelp.DrawLine(line, index, Y: integer);
+ //glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ glLineWidth(2);
+ glBegin(GL_LINES);
+ glVertex2f(TextsGFX[line].lines[index].fX, TextsGFX[line].lines[index].fY - Y);
+ glVertex2f(TextsGFX[line].lines[index].tX, TextsGFX[line].lines[index].tY - Y);
+ glEnd;
+ //glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+procedure TScreenPopupHelp.DrawText(line, index, Y: integer);
+ text: PChar;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ SetFontStyle(TextsGFX[line].texts[index].Style);
+ SetFontItalic(TextsGFX[line].texts[index].Italic);
+ SetFontSize(TextsGFX[line].texts[index].Size);
+ SetFontPos (TextsGFX[line].texts[index].X, TextsGFX[line].texts[index].Y - Y);
+ text := Addr(TextsGFX[line].texts[index].text[1]);
+ glPrint(text);
+procedure TScreenPopupHelp.DrawScroll(X, Y, W, H: integer; pos, len: double);
+ fY, tY: double;
+ //glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ glLineWidth(1);
+ glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
+ glVertex2f(X, Y);
+ glVertex2f(X+W, Y);
+ glVertex2f(X+W, Y+H);
+ glVertex2f(X, Y+H);
+ glEnd;
+ fY := Y+(H-H*len)*Pos;
+ tY := fY+H*len;
+ if tY+0.001>=Y+H then
+ tY := Y+H;
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glVertex2f(X, fY);
+ glVertex2f(X+W, fY);
+ glVertex2f(X+W, tY);
+ glVertex2f(X, tY);
+ glEnd;
+ //glDisable(GL_BLEND);