path: root/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 530 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1e3ba32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenEditConvert.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+unit UScreenEditConvert;
+uses UMenu, SDL, MidiFile, MidiOut, ULog, USongs, UMusic, UThemes;
+ TNote = record
+ Event: integer;
+ EventType: integer;
+ Channel: integer;
+ Start: real;
+ Len: real;
+ Data1: integer;
+ Data2: integer;
+ Str: string;
+ end;
+ TTrack = record
+ Note: array of TNote;
+ Name: string;
+ Hear: boolean;
+ Status: byte; // 0 - none, 1 - notes, 2 - lyrics, 3 - notes + lyrics
+ end;
+ TNuta = record
+ Start: integer;
+ Len: integer;
+ Tone: integer;
+ Lyric: string;
+ NewSentence: boolean;
+ end;
+ TArrayTrack = array of TTrack;
+ TScreenEditConvert = class(TMenu)
+ public
+ ATrack: TArrayTrack; // actual track
+// Track: TArrayTrack;
+ Channel: TArrayTrack;
+ ColR: array[0..100] of real;
+ ColG: array[0..100] of real;
+ ColB: array[0..100] of real;
+ Len: real;
+ Sel: integer;
+ Selected: boolean;
+// FileName: string;
+ MidiFile: TMidiFile;
+ MidiTrack: TMidiTrack;
+ MidiEvent: pMidiEvent;
+ MidiOut: TMidiOutput;
+ Song: TSong;
+ Czesc: TCzesci;
+ BPM: real;
+ Ticks: real;
+ Nuta: array of TNuta;
+ procedure AddLyric(Start: integer; Tekst: string);
+ procedure Extract;
+ procedure MidiFile1MidiEvent(event: PMidiEvent);
+ function SelectedNumber: integer;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function Draw: boolean; override;
+ procedure onHide; override;
+ end;
+uses UGraphic, SysUtils, UDrawTexture, TextGL, UFiles, UMain, UIni, OpenGL, USkins;
+function TScreenEditConvert.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
+ T: integer;
+ Result := true;
+ If (PressedDown) Then
+ begin // Key Down
+ case PressedKey of
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ MidiFile.StopPlaying;
+ Music.PlayBack;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenEdit);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if Interaction = 0 then begin
+ Music.PlayStart;
+ ScreenOpen.BackScreen := @ScreenEditConvert;
+ FadeTo(@ScreenOpen);
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 1 then begin
+ Selected := false;
+ MidiFile.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent;
+// MidiFile.GoToTime(MidiFile.GetTrackLength div 2);
+ MidiFile.StartPlaying;
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 2 then begin
+ Selected := true;
+ MidiFile.OnMidiEvent := nil;
+ {for T := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+ if ATrack[T].Hear then begin
+ MidiTrack := MidiFile.GetTrack(T);
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent;
+ end;
+ end;
+ MidiFile.StartPlaying;//}
+ end;
+ if Interaction = 3 then begin
+ if SelectedNumber > 0 then begin
+ Extract;
+ SaveSong(Song, Czesc, ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.txt'), false);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+// ATrack[Sel].Hear := not ATrack[Sel].Hear;
+ ATrack[Sel].Status := (ATrack[Sel].Status + 1) mod 4;
+{ if Selected then begin
+ MidiTrack := MidiFile.GetTrack(Sel);
+ if Track[Sel].Hear then
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent
+ else
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := nil;
+ end;}
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractNext;
+ end;
+ begin
+ InteractPrev;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Inc(Sel);
+ if Sel > High(ATrack) then Sel := 0;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Dec(Sel);
+ if Sel < 0 then Sel := High(ATrack);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.AddLyric(Start: integer; Tekst: string);
+ N: integer;
+ for N := 0 to High(Nuta) do begin
+ if Nuta[N].Start = Start then begin
+ // check for new sentece
+ if Copy(Tekst, 1, 1) = '\' then Delete(Tekst, 1, 1);
+ if Copy(Tekst, 1, 1) = '/' then begin
+ Delete(Tekst, 1, 1);
+ Nuta[N].NewSentence := true;
+ end;
+ // overwrite lyric od append
+ if Nuta[N].Lyric = '-' then
+ Nuta[N].Lyric := Tekst
+ else
+ Nuta[N].Lyric := Nuta[N].Lyric + Tekst;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.Extract;
+ T: integer;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ Nu: integer;
+ NutaTemp: TNuta;
+ Move: integer;
+ Max, Min: integer;
+ // song info
+ Song.Title := '';
+ Song.Artist := '';
+ Song.Mp3 := '';
+ Song.Resolution := 4;
+ SetLength(Song.BPM, 1);
+ Song.BPM[0].BPM := BPM*4;
+ SetLength(Nuta, 0);
+ // extract notes
+ for T := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+// if ATrack[T].Hear then begin
+ if ((ATrack[T].Status div 1) and 1) = 1 then begin
+ for N := 0 to High(ATrack[T].Note) do begin
+ if (ATrack[T].Note[N].EventType = 9) and (ATrack[T].Note[N].Data2 > 0) then begin
+ Nu := Length(Nuta);
+ SetLength(Nuta, Nu + 1);
+ Nuta[Nu].Start := Round(ATrack[T].Note[N].Start / Ticks);
+ Nuta[Nu].Len := Round(ATrack[T].Note[N].Len / Ticks);
+ Nuta[Nu].Tone := ATrack[T].Note[N].Data1 - 12*5;
+ Nuta[Nu].Lyric := '-';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // extract lyrics
+ for T := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+// if ATrack[T].Hear then begin
+ if ((ATrack[T].Status div 2) and 1) = 1 then begin
+ for N := 0 to High(ATrack[T].Note) do begin
+ if (ATrack[T].Note[N].EventType = 15) then begin
+// Log.LogStatus('<' + Track[T].Note[N].Str + '>', 'MIDI');
+ AddLyric(Round(ATrack[T].Note[N].Start / Ticks), ATrack[T].Note[N].Str);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // sort notes
+ for N := 0 to High(Nuta) do
+ for Nu := 0 to High(Nuta)-1 do
+ if Nuta[Nu].Start > Nuta[Nu+1].Start then begin
+ NutaTemp := Nuta[Nu];
+ Nuta[Nu] := Nuta[Nu+1];
+ Nuta[Nu+1] := NutaTemp;
+ end;
+ // move to 0 at beginning
+ Move := Nuta[0].Start;
+ for N := 0 to High(Nuta) do
+ Nuta[N].Start := Nuta[N].Start - Move;
+ // copy notes
+ SetLength(Czesc.Czesc, 1);
+ Czesc.Ilosc := 1;
+ Czesc.High := 0;
+ C := 0;
+ N := 0;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].IlNut := 0;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut := -1;
+ for Nu := 0 to High(Nuta) do begin
+ if Nuta[Nu].NewSentence then begin // nowa linijka
+ SetLength(Czesc.Czesc, Length(Czesc.Czesc)+1);
+ Czesc.Ilosc := Czesc.Ilosc + 1;
+ Czesc.High := Czesc.High + 1;
+ C := C + 1;
+ N := 0;
+ SetLength(Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta, 0);
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].IlNut := 0;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut := -1;
+ //Calculate Start of the Last Sentence
+ if (C > 0) and (Nu > 0) then
+ begin
+ Max := Nuta[Nu].Start;
+ Min := Nuta[Nu-1].Start + Nuta[Nu-1].Len;
+ case (Max - Min) of
+ 0: Czesc.Czesc[C].Start := Max;
+ 1: Czesc.Czesc[C].Start := Max;
+ 2: Czesc.Czesc[C].Start := Max - 1;
+ 3: Czesc.Czesc[C].Start := Max - 2;
+ else
+ if ((Max - Min) > 4) then
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Start := Min + 2
+ else
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Start := Max;
+ end; // case
+ end;
+ end;
+ // tworzy miejsce na nowa nute
+ SetLength(Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta, Length(Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta)+1);
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].IlNut := Czesc.Czesc[C].IlNut + 1;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut := Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut + 1;
+ // dopisuje
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Start := Nuta[Nu].Start;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Dlugosc := Nuta[Nu].Len;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Ton := Nuta[Nu].Tone;
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Tekst := Nuta[Nu].Lyric;
+ //All Notes are Freestyle when Converted Fix:
+ Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Wartosc := 1;
+ Inc(N);
+ end;
+function TScreenEditConvert.SelectedNumber: integer;
+ T: integer; // track
+ Result := 0;
+ for T := 0 to High(ATrack) do
+// if ATrack[T].Hear then Inc(Result);
+ if ((ATrack[T].Status div 1) and 1) = 1 then Inc(Result);
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.MidiFile1MidiEvent(event: PMidiEvent);
+// Log.LogStatus(IntToStr(event.event), 'MIDI');
+ MidiOut.PutShort(event.event, event.data1, event.data2);
+constructor TScreenEditConvert.Create;
+ P: integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ AddButton(40, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(15, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Open');
+// Button[High(Button)].Text[0].Size := 11;
+ AddButton(160, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(25, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Play');
+ AddButton(280, 20, 200, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(25, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Play Selected');
+ AddButton(500, 20, 100, 40, Skin.GetTextureFileName('ButtonF'));
+ AddButtonText(20, 5, 0, 0, 0, 'Save');
+{ MidiOut := TMidiOutput.Create(nil);
+// MidiOut.Close;
+// MidiOut.DeviceID := 0;
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ MidiOut.ProductName := 'Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth'; // for my kxproject without midi table
+ Log.LogStatus(MidiOut.ProductName, 'MIDI');
+ MidiOut.Open;
+// MidiOut.SetVolume(100, 100); // temporary}
+ FileName := GamePath + 'file.mid';
+ MidiFile := TMidiFile.Create(nil);
+ for P := 0 to 100 do begin
+ ColR[P] := Random(10)/10;
+ ColG[P] := Random(10)/10;
+ ColB[P] := Random(10)/10;
+ end;
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.onShow;
+ T: integer; // track
+ N: integer; // note
+ C: integer; // channel
+ CN: integer; // channel note
+ MidiOut := TMidiOutput.Create(nil);
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ MidiOut.ProductName := 'Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth'; // for my kxproject without midi table
+ Log.LogStatus(MidiOut.ProductName, 'MIDI');
+ MidiOut.Open;
+ if FileExists(FileName) then begin
+ MidiFile.Filename := FileName;
+ MidiFile.ReadFile;
+ Len := 0;
+ Sel := 0;
+ BPM := MidiFile.Bpm;
+ Ticks := MidiFile.TicksPerQuarter / 4;
+{ for T := 0 to MidiFile.NumberOfTracks-1 do begin
+ SetLength(Track, Length(Track)+1);
+ MidiTrack := MidiFile.GetTrack(T);
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent;
+ Track[T].Name := MidiTrack.getName;
+ for N := 0 to MidiTrack.getEventCount-1 do begin
+ SetLength(Track[T].Note, Length(Track[T].Note)+1);
+ MidiEvent := MidiTrack.GetEvent(N);
+ Track[T].Note[N].Start := MidiEvent.time;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Len := MidiEvent.len;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Event := MidiEvent.event;
+ Track[T].Note[N].EventType := MidiEvent.event div 16;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Channel := MidiEvent.event and 15;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Data1 := MidiEvent.data1;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Data2 := MidiEvent.data2;
+ Track[T].Note[N].Str := MidiEvent.str;
+ if Track[T].Note[N].Start + Track[T].Note[N].Len > Len then
+ Len := Track[T].Note[N].Start + Track[T].Note[N].Len;
+ end;
+ end;}
+ SetLength(Channel, 16);
+ for T := 0 to 15 do
+ begin
+ Channel[T].Name := IntToStr(T+1);
+ SetLength(Channel[T].Note, 0);
+ Channel[T].Status := 0;
+ end;
+ for T := 0 to MidiFile.NumberOfTracks-1 do begin
+ MidiTrack := MidiFile.GetTrack(T);
+ MidiTrack.OnMidiEvent := MidiFile1MidiEvent;
+ for N := 0 to MidiTrack.getEventCount-1 do begin
+ MidiEvent := MidiTrack.GetEvent(N);
+ C := MidiEvent.event and 15;
+ CN := Length(Channel[C].Note);
+ SetLength(Channel[C].Note, CN+1);
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Start := MidiEvent.time;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Len := MidiEvent.len;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Event := MidiEvent.event;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].EventType := MidiEvent.event div 16;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Channel := MidiEvent.event and 15;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Data1 := MidiEvent.data1;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Data2 := MidiEvent.data2;
+ Channel[C].Note[CN].Str := MidiEvent.str;
+ if Channel[C].Note[CN].Start + Channel[C].Note[CN].Len > Len then
+ Len := Channel[C].Note[CN].Start + Channel[C].Note[CN].Len;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ATrack := Channel;
+ end;
+ Interaction := 0;
+function TScreenEditConvert.Draw: boolean;
+ Pet: integer;
+ Pet2: integer;
+ Bottom: real;
+ X: real;
+ Y: real;
+ H: real;
+ YSkip: real;
+ // draw static menu
+ inherited Draw;
+ Y := 100;
+ H := Length(ATrack)*40;
+ if H > 480 then H := 480;
+ Bottom := Y + H;
+ YSkip := H / Length(ATrack);
+ // select
+ DrawQuad(10, Y+Sel*YSkip, 780, YSkip, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
+ // selected - now me use Status System
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ATrack) do
+ if ATrack[Pet].Hear then
+ DrawQuad(10, Y+Pet*YSkip, 50, YSkip, 0.8, 0.3, 0.3);
+ glColor3f(0, 0, 0);
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+ if ((ATrack[Pet].Status div 1) and 1) = 1 then begin
+ SetFontPos(25, Y + Pet*YSkip + 10);
+ SetFontSize(5);
+ glPrint('N');
+ end;
+ if ((ATrack[Pet].Status div 2) and 1) = 1 then begin
+ SetFontPos(40, Y + Pet*YSkip + 10);
+ SetFontSize(5);
+ glPrint('L');
+ end;
+ end;
+ DrawLine(10, Y, 10, Bottom, 0, 0, 0);
+ DrawLine(60, Y, 60, Bottom, 0, 0, 0);
+ DrawLine(790, Y, 790, Bottom, 0, 0, 0);
+ for Pet := 0 to Length(ATrack) do
+ DrawLine(10, Y+Pet*YSkip, 790, Y+Pet*YSkip, 0, 0, 0);
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ATrack) do begin
+ SetFontPos(11, Y + 10 + Pet*YSkip);
+ SetFontSize(5);
+ glPrint(pchar(ATrack[Pet].Name));
+ end;
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ATrack) do
+ for Pet2 := 0 to High(ATrack[Pet].Note) do begin
+ if ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].EventType = 9 then
+ DrawQuad(60 + ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].Start/Len * 725, Y + (Pet+1)*YSkip - ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].Data1*35/127, 3, 3, ColR[Pet], ColG[Pet], ColB[Pet]);
+ if ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].EventType = 15 then
+ DrawLine(60 + ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].Start/Len * 725, Y + 0.75 * YSkip + Pet*YSkip, 60 + ATrack[Pet].Note[Pet2].Start/Len * 725, Y + YSkip + Pet*YSkip, ColR[Pet], ColG[Pet], ColB[Pet]);
+ end;
+ // playing line
+ X := 60+MidiFile.GetCurrentTime/MidiFile.GetTrackLength*730;
+ DrawLine(X, Y, X, Bottom, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
+procedure TScreenEditConvert.onHide;
+ MidiOut.Close;
+ MidiOut.Free;