path: root/Game/Code/Classes
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Diffstat (limited to '')
26 files changed, 13356 insertions, 13356 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
index 1396ae1b..2c29af59 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
@@ -1,585 +1,585 @@
-unit TextGL;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- {$ASMMODE Intel}
- gl,
- SDL,
- UTexture,
- Classes,
- SDL_ttf,
- ULog;
-procedure BuildFont; // build our bitmap font
-procedure KillFont; // delete the font
-function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real; // returns text width
-procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
-procedure glPrintLetter(letter: char);
-procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
-procedure glPrint(text: pchar); // custom GL "Print" routine
-procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
-procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real); // sets X and Y
-procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
-procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer); // sets active font style (normal, bold, etc)
-procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean); // sets italic type letter (works for all fonts)
-procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
-procedure SetFontReflection(Enable:boolean;Spacing: real); // Enables/Disables text reflection
-// Start of SDL_ttf
-function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: integer): integer;
-// Checks if the ttf exists, if yes then a SDL_ttf is returned
-function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
-// Does the renderstuff, color is in $ffeecc style
-function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal):PSDL_Surface;
-procedure printrandomtext();
-// End of SDL_ttf
- TTextGL = record
- X: real;
- Y: real;
- Text: string;
- Size: real;
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- end;
- TFont = record
- Tex: TTexture;
- Width: array[0..255] of byte;
- AspectW: real;
- Centered: boolean;
- Done: real;
- Outline: real;
- Italic: boolean;
- Reflection: boolean;
- ReflectionSpacing: real;
- end;
- base: GLuint; // base display list for the font set
- Fonts: array of TFont;
- ActFont: integer;
- PColR: real; // temps for glPrintDone
- PColG: real;
- PColB: real;
- // Colours for the reflection
- TempColor: array[0..3] of GLfloat;
- PTempColor: PGLfloat;
- UMain,
- UCommon,
- SysUtils,
- UGraphic;
-procedure LoadBitmapFontInfo(aID : integer; const aType, aResourceName: string);
- stream: TStream;
- stream := GetResourceStream(aResourceName, aType);
- if (not assigned(stream)) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('Unknown font['+ inttostr(aID) +': '+aType+']', 'loadfont');
- Exit;
- end;
- try
- stream.Read(Fonts[ aID ].Width, 256);
- except
- Log.LogError('Error while reading font['+ inttostr(aID) +': '+aType+']', 'loadfont');
- end;
- stream.Free;
-// Builds bitmap fonts
-procedure BuildFont;
- Count: integer;
- ActFont := 0;
- //Log.LogStatus( '' , '---------------------------');
- //Log.LogStatus( 'Font' , '---------------------------');
- SetLength(Fonts, 5);
- Fonts[0].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'Font', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- Fonts[0].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[0].AspectW := 0.9;
- Fonts[0].Done := -1;
- Fonts[0].Outline := 0;
- //Log.LogStatus( 'FontB' , '---------------------------');
- Fonts[1].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontB', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- Fonts[1].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[1].AspectW := 1;
- Fonts[1].Done := -1;
- Fonts[1].Outline := 0;
- //Log.LogStatus( 'FontO' , '---------------------------');
- Fonts[2].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- Fonts[2].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[2].AspectW := 0.95;
- Fonts[2].Done := -1;
- Fonts[2].Outline := 5;
- //Log.LogStatus( 'FontO2' , '---------------------------');
- Fonts[3].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO2', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- Fonts[3].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[3].AspectW := 0.95;
- Fonts[3].Done := -1;
- Fonts[3].Outline := 4;
-{ Fonts[4].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture('FontO', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0); // for score screen
- Fonts[4].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[4].AspectW := 0.95;
- Fonts[4].Done := -1;
- Fonts[4].Outline := 5;}
- // load font info
- LoadBitmapFontInfo( 0, 'FNT', 'Font' );
- LoadBitmapFontInfo( 1, 'FNT', 'FontB' );
- LoadBitmapFontInfo( 2, 'FNT', 'FontO' );
- LoadBitmapFontInfo( 3, 'FNT', 'FontO2' );
- for Count := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[1].Width[Count] := Fonts[1].Width[Count] div 2;
- for Count := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[2].Width[Count] := Fonts[2].Width[Count] div 2 + 2;
- for Count := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[3].Width[Count] := Fonts[3].Width[Count] + 1;
-{ for Count := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[4].Width[Count] := Fonts[4].Width[Count] div 2 + 2;}
-// Deletes the font
-procedure KillFont;
- // delete all characters
- //glDeleteLists(base, 256);
-function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real;
- Letter: char;
- i: integer;
- Result := 0;
- for i := 0 to Length(text) -1 do
- begin
- Letter := Text[i];
- Result := Result + Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)] * Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H / 30 * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
- end;
-procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Done := Done;
- PColR := ColR;
- PColG := ColG;
- PColB := ColB;
- glPrintCut(text);
- Fonts[ActFont].Done := -1;
-procedure glPrintLetter(Letter: char);
- TexX, TexY: real;
- TexR, TexB: real;
- TexHeight: real;
- FWidth: real;
- PL, PT: real;
- PR, PB: real;
- XItal: real; // X shift for italic type letter
- ReflectionSpacing: real; // Distance of the reflection
- with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do
- begin
- FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
- W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
- // set texture positions
- TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
- TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024;
- TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
- TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
- TexHeight := TexB - TexY;
- // set vector positions
- PL := X - Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW /2;
- PT := Y;
- PR := PL + W + Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
- PB := PT + H;
- if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
- XItal := 0
- else
- XItal := 12;
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- try
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT);
- finally
- glEnd;
- end;
- // <mog> Reflection
- // Yes it would make sense to put this in an extra procedure,
- // but this works, doesn't take much lines, and is almost lightweight
- if Fonts[ActFont].Reflection = true then
- begin
- ReflectionSpacing := Fonts[ActFont].ReflectionSpacing + H/2;
- glDepthRange(0, 10);
- glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- try
- glColor4f(TempColor[0], TempColor[1], TempColor[2], 0);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY + TexHeight/2);
- glVertex3f(PL, PB + ReflectionSpacing - H/2, z);
- glColor4f(TempColor[0], TempColor[1], TempColor[2], Alpha-0.3);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB );
- glVertex3f(PL + XItal, PT + ReflectionSpacing, z);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB );
- glVertex3f(PR + XItal, PT + ReflectionSpacing, z);
- glColor4f(TempColor[0], TempColor[1], TempColor[2], 0);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY + TexHeight/2);
- glVertex3f(PR, PB + ReflectionSpacing - H/2, z);
- finally
- glEnd;
- end;
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- end; // reflection
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- X := X + W;
- end; // with
- //write the colour back
- glColor4fv(PTempColor);
-procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
- TexX, TexY: real;
- TexR, TexB: real;
- TexTemp: real;
- FWidth: real;
- PL, PT: real;
- PR, PB: real;
- OutTemp: real;
- XItal: real;
- with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do
- begin
- FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
- W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
- //H := 30;
- OutTemp := Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
- // set texture positions
- TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
- TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
- TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
- TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
- TexTemp := TexX + Start * (TexR - TexX);
- TexR := TexX + Finish * (TexR - TexX);
- TexX := TexTemp;
- // set vector positions
- PL := X - OutTemp / 2 + OutTemp * Start;
- PT := Y;
- PR := PL + (W + OutTemp) * (Finish - Start);
- PB := PT + H;
- if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
- XItal := 0
- else
- XItal := 12;
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT); // not tested with XItal
- glEnd;
- X := X + W * (Finish - Start);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- end; // with
-// Custom GL "Print" Routine
-procedure glPrint(text: pchar);
- //Letter : char;
- iPos : integer;
- if (Text = '') then // If There's No Text
- Exit; // Do Nothing
- while (length(text) > 0) do
- begin
- // cut
- Letter := Text[0];
- Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
- // print
- glPrintLetter(Letter);
- end; // while
- //Save the actual color and alpha (for reflection)
- PTempColor:= @TempColor;
- //I've read that glGetFloat is quite slow, but it seems that there is no alternative
- glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, PTempColor);
- // This code is better, because doing a Copy of for every
- // letter in a string is a waste of CPU & Memory resources.
- // Copy operations are quite memory intensive, and this simple
- // code achieves the same result.
- for iPos := 0 to length( text ) - 1 do
- begin
- glPrintLetter( Text[iPos] );
- end;
-// tyty to Asphyre
-// FIXME: check if the non-asm version is fast enough and use it by default if so
-function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: integer): integer;
- Result:= 1;
-{$IF Defined(CPUX86_64)}
- asm
- mov rcx, -1
- bsr rcx, Value
- inc rcx
- shl Result, cl
- end;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(CPU386) or Defined(CPUI386)}
- asm
- mov ecx, -1
- bsr ecx, Value
- inc ecx
- shl Result, cl
- end;
- while (Result <= Value) do
- Result := 2 * Result;
-function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
- if (FileExists(FileName)) then
- begin
- Result := TTF_OpenFont( FileName, PointSize );
- end
- else
- begin
- Log.LogStatus('ERROR Could not find font in ' + FileName , '');
- ShowMessage( 'ERROR Could not find font in ' + FileName );
- Result := nil;
- end;
-function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal): PSDL_Surface;
- clr : TSDL_color;
- clr.r := ((Color and $ff0000) shr 16 ) div 255;
- clr.g := ((Color and $ff00 ) shr 8 ) div 255;
- clr.b := ( Color and $ff ) div 255 ;
- result := TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, text, cLr);
-procedure printrandomtext();
- stext,intermediary : PSDL_surface;
- clrFg, clrBG : TSDL_color;
- texture : Gluint;
- font : PTTF_Font;
- w,h : integer;
- font := LoadFont('fonts\comicbd.ttf', 42);
- clrFg.r := 255;
- clrFg.g := 255;
- clrFg.b := 255;
- clrFg.unused := 255;
- clrBg.r := 255;
- clrbg.g := 0;
- clrbg.b := 255;
- clrbg.unused := 0;
- sText := RenderText(font, 'katzeeeeeee', $fe198e);
- //sText := TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, 'huuuuuuuuuund', clrFG);
- // Convert the rendered text to a known format
- w := nextpoweroftwo(sText.w);
- h := nextpoweroftwo(sText.h);
- intermediary := SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 32,
- $000000ff, $0000ff00, $00ff0000, $ff000000);
- SDL_SetAlpha(intermediary, 0, 255);
- SDL_SetAlpha(sText, 0, 255);
- SDL_BlitSurface(sText, nil, intermediary, nil);
- glGenTextures(1, @texture);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, w, h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, intermediary.pixels);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
- glColor4f(1, 0, 1, 1);
- glbegin(gl_quads);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(200 , 300 );
- glTexCoord2f(0, sText.h/h); glVertex2f(200 , 300 + sText.h);
- glTexCoord2f(sText.w/w, sText.h/h); glVertex2f(200 + sText.w, 300 + sText.h);
- glTexCoord2f(sText.w/w, 0); glVertex2f(200 + sText.w, 300 );
- glEnd;
- glfinish();
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
- SDL_FreeSurface(sText);
- SDL_FreeSurface(intermediary);
- glDeleteTextures(1, @texture);
- TTF_CloseFont(font);
-procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
- Letter: char;
- PToDo: real;
- PTotWidth: real;
- PDoingNow: real;
- S: string;
- if (Text = '') then // If There's No Text
- Exit; // Do Nothing
- PTotWidth := glTextWidth(Text);
- PToDo := Fonts[ActFont].Done;
- while (length(text) > 0) do
- begin
- // cut
- Letter := Text[0];
- Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
- // analyze
- S := Letter;
- PDoingNow := glTextWidth(pchar(S)) / PTotWidth;
- // drawing
- if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow <= PToDo) then
- glPrintLetter(Letter);
- if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow > PToDo) then
- begin
- glPrintLetterCut(Letter, 0, PToDo / PDoingNow);
- glColor3f(PColR, PColG, PColB);
- glPrintLetterCut(Letter, PToDo / PDoingNow, 1);
- end;
- if (PToDo <= 0) then
- glPrintLetter(Letter);
- PToDo := PToDo - PDoingNow;
- end; // while
-procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.X := X;
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.Y := Y;
-procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H := 30 * (Size/10);
-procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer);
- ActFont := Style;
-procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean);
- Fonts[ActFont].Italic := Enable;
-procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].AspectW := Aspect;
-procedure SetFontReflection(Enable: boolean; Spacing: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Reflection := Enable;
- Fonts[ActFont].ReflectionSpacing := Spacing;
+unit TextGL;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ {$ASMMODE Intel}
+ gl,
+ SDL,
+ UTexture,
+ Classes,
+ SDL_ttf,
+ ULog;
+procedure BuildFont; // build our bitmap font
+procedure KillFont; // delete the font
+function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real; // returns text width
+procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
+procedure glPrintLetter(letter: char);
+procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
+procedure glPrint(text: pchar); // custom GL "Print" routine
+procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
+procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real); // sets X and Y
+procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
+procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer); // sets active font style (normal, bold, etc)
+procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean); // sets italic type letter (works for all fonts)
+procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
+procedure SetFontReflection(Enable:boolean;Spacing: real); // Enables/Disables text reflection
+// Start of SDL_ttf
+function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: integer): integer;
+// Checks if the ttf exists, if yes then a SDL_ttf is returned
+function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
+// Does the renderstuff, color is in $ffeecc style
+function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal):PSDL_Surface;
+procedure printrandomtext();
+// End of SDL_ttf
+ TTextGL = record
+ X: real;
+ Y: real;
+ Text: string;
+ Size: real;
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ end;
+ TFont = record
+ Tex: TTexture;
+ Width: array[0..255] of byte;
+ AspectW: real;
+ Centered: boolean;
+ Done: real;
+ Outline: real;
+ Italic: boolean;
+ Reflection: boolean;
+ ReflectionSpacing: real;
+ end;
+ base: GLuint; // base display list for the font set
+ Fonts: array of TFont;
+ ActFont: integer;
+ PColR: real; // temps for glPrintDone
+ PColG: real;
+ PColB: real;
+ // Colours for the reflection
+ TempColor: array[0..3] of GLfloat;
+ PTempColor: PGLfloat;
+ UMain,
+ UCommon,
+ SysUtils,
+ UGraphic;
+procedure LoadBitmapFontInfo(aID : integer; const aType, aResourceName: string);
+ stream: TStream;
+ stream := GetResourceStream(aResourceName, aType);
+ if (not assigned(stream)) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('Unknown font['+ inttostr(aID) +': '+aType+']', 'loadfont');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ try
+ stream.Read(Fonts[ aID ].Width, 256);
+ except
+ Log.LogError('Error while reading font['+ inttostr(aID) +': '+aType+']', 'loadfont');
+ end;
+ stream.Free;
+// Builds bitmap fonts
+procedure BuildFont;
+ Count: integer;
+ ActFont := 0;
+ //Log.LogStatus( '' , '---------------------------');
+ //Log.LogStatus( 'Font' , '---------------------------');
+ SetLength(Fonts, 5);
+ Fonts[0].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'Font', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+ Fonts[0].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[0].AspectW := 0.9;
+ Fonts[0].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[0].Outline := 0;
+ //Log.LogStatus( 'FontB' , '---------------------------');
+ Fonts[1].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontB', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+ Fonts[1].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[1].AspectW := 1;
+ Fonts[1].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[1].Outline := 0;
+ //Log.LogStatus( 'FontO' , '---------------------------');
+ Fonts[2].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+ Fonts[2].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[2].AspectW := 0.95;
+ Fonts[2].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[2].Outline := 5;
+ //Log.LogStatus( 'FontO2' , '---------------------------');
+ Fonts[3].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO2', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+ Fonts[3].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[3].AspectW := 0.95;
+ Fonts[3].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[3].Outline := 4;
+{ Fonts[4].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture('FontO', TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0); // for score screen
+ Fonts[4].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[4].AspectW := 0.95;
+ Fonts[4].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[4].Outline := 5;}
+ // load font info
+ LoadBitmapFontInfo( 0, 'FNT', 'Font' );
+ LoadBitmapFontInfo( 1, 'FNT', 'FontB' );
+ LoadBitmapFontInfo( 2, 'FNT', 'FontO' );
+ LoadBitmapFontInfo( 3, 'FNT', 'FontO2' );
+ for Count := 0 to 255 do
+ Fonts[1].Width[Count] := Fonts[1].Width[Count] div 2;
+ for Count := 0 to 255 do
+ Fonts[2].Width[Count] := Fonts[2].Width[Count] div 2 + 2;
+ for Count := 0 to 255 do
+ Fonts[3].Width[Count] := Fonts[3].Width[Count] + 1;
+{ for Count := 0 to 255 do
+ Fonts[4].Width[Count] := Fonts[4].Width[Count] div 2 + 2;}
+// Deletes the font
+procedure KillFont;
+ // delete all characters
+ //glDeleteLists(base, 256);
+function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real;
+ Letter: char;
+ i: integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ for i := 0 to Length(text) -1 do
+ begin
+ Letter := Text[i];
+ Result := Result + Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)] * Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H / 30 * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ end;
+procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Done := Done;
+ PColR := ColR;
+ PColG := ColG;
+ PColB := ColB;
+ glPrintCut(text);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Done := -1;
+procedure glPrintLetter(Letter: char);
+ TexX, TexY: real;
+ TexR, TexB: real;
+ TexHeight: real;
+ FWidth: real;
+ PL, PT: real;
+ PR, PB: real;
+ XItal: real; // X shift for italic type letter
+ ReflectionSpacing: real; // Distance of the reflection
+ with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do
+ begin
+ FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
+ W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ // set texture positions
+ TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+ TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024;
+ TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+ TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
+ TexHeight := TexB - TexY;
+ // set vector positions
+ PL := X - Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW /2;
+ PT := Y;
+ PR := PL + W + Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ PB := PT + H;
+ if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
+ XItal := 0
+ else
+ XItal := 12;
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ try
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT);
+ finally
+ glEnd;
+ end;
+ // <mog> Reflection
+ // Yes it would make sense to put this in an extra procedure,
+ // but this works, doesn't take much lines, and is almost lightweight
+ if Fonts[ActFont].Reflection = true then
+ begin
+ ReflectionSpacing := Fonts[ActFont].ReflectionSpacing + H/2;
+ glDepthRange(0, 10);
+ glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
+ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ try
+ glColor4f(TempColor[0], TempColor[1], TempColor[2], 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY + TexHeight/2);
+ glVertex3f(PL, PB + ReflectionSpacing - H/2, z);
+ glColor4f(TempColor[0], TempColor[1], TempColor[2], Alpha-0.3);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB );
+ glVertex3f(PL + XItal, PT + ReflectionSpacing, z);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB );
+ glVertex3f(PR + XItal, PT + ReflectionSpacing, z);
+ glColor4f(TempColor[0], TempColor[1], TempColor[2], 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY + TexHeight/2);
+ glVertex3f(PR, PB + ReflectionSpacing - H/2, z);
+ finally
+ glEnd;
+ end;
+ glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ end; // reflection
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ X := X + W;
+ end; // with
+ //write the colour back
+ glColor4fv(PTempColor);
+procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
+ TexX, TexY: real;
+ TexR, TexB: real;
+ TexTemp: real;
+ FWidth: real;
+ PL, PT: real;
+ PR, PB: real;
+ OutTemp: real;
+ XItal: real;
+ with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do
+ begin
+ FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
+ W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ //H := 30;
+ OutTemp := Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ // set texture positions
+ TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+ TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
+ TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+ TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
+ TexTemp := TexX + Start * (TexR - TexX);
+ TexR := TexX + Finish * (TexR - TexX);
+ TexX := TexTemp;
+ // set vector positions
+ PL := X - OutTemp / 2 + OutTemp * Start;
+ PT := Y;
+ PR := PL + (W + OutTemp) * (Finish - Start);
+ PB := PT + H;
+ if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
+ XItal := 0
+ else
+ XItal := 12;
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT); // not tested with XItal
+ glEnd;
+ X := X + W * (Finish - Start);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ end; // with
+// Custom GL "Print" Routine
+procedure glPrint(text: pchar);
+ //Letter : char;
+ iPos : integer;
+ if (Text = '') then // If There's No Text
+ Exit; // Do Nothing
+ while (length(text) > 0) do
+ begin
+ // cut
+ Letter := Text[0];
+ Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
+ // print
+ glPrintLetter(Letter);
+ end; // while
+ //Save the actual color and alpha (for reflection)
+ PTempColor:= @TempColor;
+ //I've read that glGetFloat is quite slow, but it seems that there is no alternative
+ glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, PTempColor);
+ // This code is better, because doing a Copy of for every
+ // letter in a string is a waste of CPU & Memory resources.
+ // Copy operations are quite memory intensive, and this simple
+ // code achieves the same result.
+ for iPos := 0 to length( text ) - 1 do
+ begin
+ glPrintLetter( Text[iPos] );
+ end;
+// tyty to Asphyre
+// FIXME: check if the non-asm version is fast enough and use it by default if so
+function NextPowerOfTwo(Value: integer): integer;
+ Result:= 1;
+{$IF Defined(CPUX86_64)}
+ asm
+ mov rcx, -1
+ bsr rcx, Value
+ inc rcx
+ shl Result, cl
+ end;
+{$ELSEIF Defined(CPU386) or Defined(CPUI386)}
+ asm
+ mov ecx, -1
+ bsr ecx, Value
+ inc ecx
+ shl Result, cl
+ end;
+ while (Result <= Value) do
+ Result := 2 * Result;
+function LoadFont(FileName: PAnsiChar; PointSize: integer):PTTF_Font;
+ if (FileExists(FileName)) then
+ begin
+ Result := TTF_OpenFont( FileName, PointSize );
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus('ERROR Could not find font in ' + FileName , '');
+ ShowMessage( 'ERROR Could not find font in ' + FileName );
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+function RenderText(font: PTTF_Font; Text:PAnsiChar; Color: Cardinal): PSDL_Surface;
+ clr : TSDL_color;
+ clr.r := ((Color and $ff0000) shr 16 ) div 255;
+ clr.g := ((Color and $ff00 ) shr 8 ) div 255;
+ clr.b := ( Color and $ff ) div 255 ;
+ result := TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, text, cLr);
+procedure printrandomtext();
+ stext,intermediary : PSDL_surface;
+ clrFg, clrBG : TSDL_color;
+ texture : Gluint;
+ font : PTTF_Font;
+ w,h : integer;
+ font := LoadFont('fonts\comicbd.ttf', 42);
+ clrFg.r := 255;
+ clrFg.g := 255;
+ clrFg.b := 255;
+ clrFg.unused := 255;
+ clrBg.r := 255;
+ clrbg.g := 0;
+ clrbg.b := 255;
+ clrbg.unused := 0;
+ sText := RenderText(font, 'katzeeeeeee', $fe198e);
+ //sText := TTF_RenderText_Blended( font, 'huuuuuuuuuund', clrFG);
+ // Convert the rendered text to a known format
+ w := nextpoweroftwo(sText.w);
+ h := nextpoweroftwo(sText.h);
+ intermediary := SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 32,
+ $000000ff, $0000ff00, $00ff0000, $ff000000);
+ SDL_SetAlpha(intermediary, 0, 255);
+ SDL_SetAlpha(sText, 0, 255);
+ SDL_BlitSurface(sText, nil, intermediary, nil);
+ glGenTextures(1, @texture);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, w, h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, intermediary.pixels);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
+ glColor4f(1, 0, 1, 1);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(200 , 300 );
+ glTexCoord2f(0, sText.h/h); glVertex2f(200 , 300 + sText.h);
+ glTexCoord2f(sText.w/w, sText.h/h); glVertex2f(200 + sText.w, 300 + sText.h);
+ glTexCoord2f(sText.w/w, 0); glVertex2f(200 + sText.w, 300 );
+ glEnd;
+ glfinish();
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ gldisable(gl_texture_2d);
+ SDL_FreeSurface(sText);
+ SDL_FreeSurface(intermediary);
+ glDeleteTextures(1, @texture);
+ TTF_CloseFont(font);
+procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
+ Letter: char;
+ PToDo: real;
+ PTotWidth: real;
+ PDoingNow: real;
+ S: string;
+ if (Text = '') then // If There's No Text
+ Exit; // Do Nothing
+ PTotWidth := glTextWidth(Text);
+ PToDo := Fonts[ActFont].Done;
+ while (length(text) > 0) do
+ begin
+ // cut
+ Letter := Text[0];
+ Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
+ // analyze
+ S := Letter;
+ PDoingNow := glTextWidth(pchar(S)) / PTotWidth;
+ // drawing
+ if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow <= PToDo) then
+ glPrintLetter(Letter);
+ if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow > PToDo) then
+ begin
+ glPrintLetterCut(Letter, 0, PToDo / PDoingNow);
+ glColor3f(PColR, PColG, PColB);
+ glPrintLetterCut(Letter, PToDo / PDoingNow, 1);
+ end;
+ if (PToDo <= 0) then
+ glPrintLetter(Letter);
+ PToDo := PToDo - PDoingNow;
+ end; // while
+procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Tex.X := X;
+ Fonts[ActFont].Tex.Y := Y;
+procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H := 30 * (Size/10);
+procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer);
+ ActFont := Style;
+procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Italic := Enable;
+procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].AspectW := Aspect;
+procedure SetFontReflection(Enable: boolean; Spacing: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Reflection := Enable;
+ Fonts[ActFont].ReflectionSpacing := Spacing;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioCore_Bass.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioCore_Bass.pas
index e20d81c0..1f754be2 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioCore_Bass.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioCore_Bass.pas
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
-unit UAudioCore_Bass;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- Classes,
- SysUtils,
- UMusic,
- bass; // (Note: DWORD is defined here)
- TAudioCore_Bass = class
- private
- constructor Create();
- public
- class function GetInstance(): TAudioCore_Bass;
- function ErrorGetString(): string; overload;
- function ErrorGetString(errCode: integer): string; overload;
- function ConvertAudioFormatToBASSFlags(Format: TAudioSampleFormat; out Flags: DWORD): boolean;
- end;
- UMain,
- ULog;
- Instance: TAudioCore_Bass;
-constructor TAudioCore_Bass.Create();
- inherited;
-class function TAudioCore_Bass.GetInstance(): TAudioCore_Bass;
- if not assigned(Instance) then
- Instance := TAudioCore_Bass.Create();
- Result := Instance;
-function TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(): string;
- Result := ErrorGetString(BASS_ErrorGetCode());
-function TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(errCode: integer): string;
- case errCode of
- BASS_OK: result := 'No error';
- BASS_ERROR_MEM: result := 'Insufficient memory';
- BASS_ERROR_FILEOPEN: result := 'File could not be opened';
- BASS_ERROR_DRIVER: result := 'Device driver not available';
- BASS_ERROR_BUFLOST: result := 'Buffer lost';
- BASS_ERROR_HANDLE: result := 'Invalid Handle';
- BASS_ERROR_FORMAT: result := 'Sample-Format not supported';
- BASS_ERROR_POSITION: result := 'Illegal position';
- BASS_ERROR_INIT: result := 'BASS_Init has not been successfully called';
- BASS_ERROR_START: result := 'Paused/stopped';
- BASS_ERROR_ALREADY: result := 'Already created/used';
- BASS_ERROR_NOCHAN: result := 'No free channels';
- BASS_ERROR_ILLTYPE: result := 'Type is invalid';
- BASS_ERROR_ILLPARAM: result := 'Illegal parameter';
- BASS_ERROR_NO3D: result := 'No 3D support';
- BASS_ERROR_NOEAX: result := 'No EAX support';
- BASS_ERROR_DEVICE: result := 'Invalid device number';
- BASS_ERROR_NOPLAY: result := 'Channel not playing';
- BASS_ERROR_FREQ: result := 'Freq out of range';
- BASS_ERROR_NOTFILE: result := 'Not a file stream';
- BASS_ERROR_NOHW: result := 'No hardware support';
- BASS_ERROR_EMPTY: result := 'Is empty';
- BASS_ERROR_NONET: result := 'Network unavailable';
- BASS_ERROR_CREATE: result := 'Creation error';
- BASS_ERROR_NOFX: result := 'DX8 effects unavailable';
- BASS_ERROR_NOTAVAIL: result := 'Not available';
- BASS_ERROR_DECODE: result := 'Is a decoding channel';
- BASS_ERROR_DX: result := 'Insufficient version of DirectX';
- BASS_ERROR_TIMEOUT: result := 'Timeout';
- BASS_ERROR_FILEFORM: result := 'File-Format not recognised/supported';
- BASS_ERROR_SPEAKER: result := 'Requested speaker(s) not support';
- BASS_ERROR_VERSION: result := 'Version error';
- BASS_ERROR_CODEC: result := 'Codec not available/supported';
- BASS_ERROR_ENDED: result := 'The channel/file has ended';
- BASS_ERROR_UNKNOWN: result := 'Unknown error';
- else result := 'Unknown error';
- end;
-function TAudioCore_Bass.ConvertAudioFormatToBASSFlags(Format: TAudioSampleFormat; out Flags: DWORD): boolean;
- case Format of
- asfS16: Flags := 0;
- asfFloat: Flags := BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT;
- asfU8: Flags := BASS_SAMPLE_8BITS;
- else begin
- Result := false;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := true;
+unit UAudioCore_Bass;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ UMusic,
+ bass; // (Note: DWORD is defined here)
+ TAudioCore_Bass = class
+ private
+ constructor Create();
+ public
+ class function GetInstance(): TAudioCore_Bass;
+ function ErrorGetString(): string; overload;
+ function ErrorGetString(errCode: integer): string; overload;
+ function ConvertAudioFormatToBASSFlags(Format: TAudioSampleFormat; out Flags: DWORD): boolean;
+ end;
+ UMain,
+ ULog;
+ Instance: TAudioCore_Bass;
+constructor TAudioCore_Bass.Create();
+ inherited;
+class function TAudioCore_Bass.GetInstance(): TAudioCore_Bass;
+ if not assigned(Instance) then
+ Instance := TAudioCore_Bass.Create();
+ Result := Instance;
+function TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(): string;
+ Result := ErrorGetString(BASS_ErrorGetCode());
+function TAudioCore_Bass.ErrorGetString(errCode: integer): string;
+ case errCode of
+ BASS_OK: result := 'No error';
+ BASS_ERROR_MEM: result := 'Insufficient memory';
+ BASS_ERROR_FILEOPEN: result := 'File could not be opened';
+ BASS_ERROR_DRIVER: result := 'Device driver not available';
+ BASS_ERROR_BUFLOST: result := 'Buffer lost';
+ BASS_ERROR_HANDLE: result := 'Invalid Handle';
+ BASS_ERROR_FORMAT: result := 'Sample-Format not supported';
+ BASS_ERROR_POSITION: result := 'Illegal position';
+ BASS_ERROR_INIT: result := 'BASS_Init has not been successfully called';
+ BASS_ERROR_START: result := 'Paused/stopped';
+ BASS_ERROR_ALREADY: result := 'Already created/used';
+ BASS_ERROR_NOCHAN: result := 'No free channels';
+ BASS_ERROR_ILLTYPE: result := 'Type is invalid';
+ BASS_ERROR_ILLPARAM: result := 'Illegal parameter';
+ BASS_ERROR_NO3D: result := 'No 3D support';
+ BASS_ERROR_NOEAX: result := 'No EAX support';
+ BASS_ERROR_DEVICE: result := 'Invalid device number';
+ BASS_ERROR_NOPLAY: result := 'Channel not playing';
+ BASS_ERROR_FREQ: result := 'Freq out of range';
+ BASS_ERROR_NOTFILE: result := 'Not a file stream';
+ BASS_ERROR_NOHW: result := 'No hardware support';
+ BASS_ERROR_EMPTY: result := 'Is empty';
+ BASS_ERROR_NONET: result := 'Network unavailable';
+ BASS_ERROR_CREATE: result := 'Creation error';
+ BASS_ERROR_NOFX: result := 'DX8 effects unavailable';
+ BASS_ERROR_NOTAVAIL: result := 'Not available';
+ BASS_ERROR_DECODE: result := 'Is a decoding channel';
+ BASS_ERROR_DX: result := 'Insufficient version of DirectX';
+ BASS_ERROR_TIMEOUT: result := 'Timeout';
+ BASS_ERROR_FILEFORM: result := 'File-Format not recognised/supported';
+ BASS_ERROR_SPEAKER: result := 'Requested speaker(s) not support';
+ BASS_ERROR_VERSION: result := 'Version error';
+ BASS_ERROR_CODEC: result := 'Codec not available/supported';
+ BASS_ERROR_ENDED: result := 'The channel/file has ended';
+ BASS_ERROR_UNKNOWN: result := 'Unknown error';
+ else result := 'Unknown error';
+ end;
+function TAudioCore_Bass.ConvertAudioFormatToBASSFlags(Format: TAudioSampleFormat; out Flags: DWORD): boolean;
+ case Format of
+ asfS16: Flags := 0;
+ asfFloat: Flags := BASS_SAMPLE_FLOAT;
+ asfU8: Flags := BASS_SAMPLE_8BITS;
+ else begin
+ Result := false;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioPlayback_Portaudio.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioPlayback_Portaudio.pas
index 2c52c41e..b27fa83c 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioPlayback_Portaudio.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioPlayback_Portaudio.pas
@@ -1,350 +1,350 @@
-unit UAudioPlayback_Portaudio;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- Classes,
- SysUtils,
- UMusic;
- portaudio,
- UAudioCore_Portaudio,
- UAudioPlayback_SoftMixer,
- ULog,
- UIni,
- UMain;
- TAudioPlayback_Portaudio = class(TAudioPlayback_SoftMixer)
- private
- paStream: PPaStream;
- AudioCore: TAudioCore_Portaudio;
- function OpenDevice(deviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex): boolean;
- function EnumDevices(): boolean;
- protected
- function InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override;
- function StartAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override;
- procedure StopAudioPlaybackEngine(); override;
- function FinalizeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override;
- public
- function GetName: String; override;
- end;
- TPortaudioOutputDevice = class(TAudioOutputDevice)
- private
- PaDeviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex;
- end;
- singleton_AudioPlaybackPortaudio : IAudioPlayback;
-{ TAudioPlayback_Portaudio }
-function PortaudioAudioCallback(input: Pointer; output: Pointer; frameCount: Longword;
- timeInfo: PPaStreamCallbackTimeInfo; statusFlags: TPaStreamCallbackFlags;
- userData: Pointer): Integer; cdecl;
- engine: TAudioPlayback_Portaudio;
- engine := TAudioPlayback_Portaudio(userData);
- engine.AudioCallback(output, frameCount * engine.FormatInfo.FrameSize);
- result := paContinue;
-function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.GetName: String;
- result := 'Portaudio_Playback';
-function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice(deviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex): boolean;
- deviceInfo : PPaDeviceInfo;
- sampleRate : double;
- outParams : TPaStreamParameters;
- err : TPaError;
- Result := false;
- deviceInfo := Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex);
- Log.LogInfo('Audio-Output Device: ' + deviceInfo^.name, 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice');
- sampleRate := deviceInfo^.defaultSampleRate;
- with outParams do
- begin
- device := deviceIndex;
- channelCount := 2;
- sampleFormat := paInt16;
- suggestedLatency := deviceInfo^.defaultLowOutputLatency;
- hostApiSpecificStreamInfo := nil;
- end;
- // check souncard and adjust sample-rate
- if not AudioCore.TestDevice(nil, @outParams, sampleRate) then
- begin
- Log.LogStatus('TestDevice failed!', 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice');
- exit;
- end;
- // open output stream
- err := Pa_OpenStream(paStream, nil, @outParams, sampleRate,
- paFramesPerBufferUnspecified,
- paNoFlag, @PortaudioAudioCallback, Self);
- if(err <> paNoError) then
- begin
- Log.LogStatus(Pa_GetErrorText(err), 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice');
- paStream := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- FormatInfo := TAudioFormatInfo.Create(
- outParams.channelCount,
- sampleRate,
- asfS16 // FIXME: is paInt16 system-dependant or -independant?
- );
- Result := true;
-function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.EnumDevices(): boolean;
- i: integer;
- paApiIndex: TPaHostApiIndex;
- paApiInfo: PPaHostApiInfo;
- deviceName: string;
- deviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex;
- deviceInfo: PPaDeviceInfo;
- channelCnt: integer;
- SC: integer; // soundcard
- err: TPaError;
- errMsg: string;
- paDevice: TPortaudioOutputDevice;
- inputParams: TPaStreamParameters;
- stream: PPaStream;
- streamInfo: PPaStreamInfo;
- sampleRate: double;
- latency: TPaTime;
- cbPolls: integer;
- cbWorks: boolean;
- Result := false;
- // choose the best available Audio-API
- paApiIndex := AudioCore.GetPreferredApiIndex();
- if(paApiIndex = -1) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('No working Audio-API found', 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.EnumDevices');
- Exit;
- end;
- paApiInfo := Pa_GetHostApiInfo(paApiIndex);
- SC := 0;
- // init array-size to max. output-devices count
- SetLength(OutputDeviceList, paApiInfo^.deviceCount);
- for i:= 0 to High(OutputDeviceList) do
- begin
- // convert API-specific device-index to global index
- deviceIndex := Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(paApiIndex, i);
- deviceInfo := Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex);
- channelCnt := deviceInfo^.maxOutputChannels;
- // current device is no output device -> skip
- if (channelCnt <= 0) then
- continue;
- // portaudio returns a channel-count of 128 for some devices
- // (e.g. the "default"-device), so we have to detect those
- // fantasy channel counts.
- if (channelCnt > 8) then
- channelCnt := 2;
- paDevice := TPortaudioOutputDevice.Create();
- OutputDeviceList[SC] := paDevice;
- // retrieve device-name
- deviceName := deviceInfo^.name;
- paDevice.Name := deviceName;
- paDevice.PaDeviceIndex := deviceIndex;
- if (deviceInfo^.defaultSampleRate > 0) then
- sampleRate := deviceInfo^.defaultSampleRate
- else
- sampleRate := 44100;
- // on vista and xp the defaultLowInputLatency may be set to 0 but it works.
- // TODO: correct too low latencies (what is a too low latency, maybe < 10ms?)
- latency := deviceInfo^.defaultLowInputLatency;
- // setup desired input parameters
- // TODO: retry with input-latency set to 20ms (defaultLowInputLatency might
- // not be set correctly in OSS)
- with inputParams do
- begin
- device := deviceIndex;
- channelCount := channelCnt;
- sampleFormat := paInt16;
- suggestedLatency := latency;
- hostApiSpecificStreamInfo := nil;
- end;
- // check if mic-callback works (might not be called on some devices)
- if (not TAudioCore_Portaudio.TestDevice(@inputParams, nil, sampleRate)) then
- begin
- // ignore device if callback did not work
- Log.LogError('Device "'+paDevice.Name+'" does not respond',
- 'TAudioInput_Portaudio.InitializeRecord');
- paDevice.Free();
- continue;
- end;
- // open device for further info
- err := Pa_OpenStream(stream, @inputParams, nil, sampleRate,
- paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, paNoFlag, @MicrophoneTestCallback, nil);
- if(err <> paNoError) then
- begin
- // unable to open device -> skip
- errMsg := Pa_GetErrorText(err);
- Log.LogError('Device error: "'+ deviceName +'" ('+ errMsg +')',
- 'TAudioInput_Portaudio.InitializeRecord');
- paDevice.Free();
- continue;
- end;
- // adjust sample-rate (might be changed by portaudio)
- streamInfo := Pa_GetStreamInfo(stream);
- if (streamInfo <> nil) then
- begin
- if (sampleRate <> streamInfo^.sampleRate) then
- begin
- Log.LogStatus('Portaudio changed Samplerate from ' + FloatToStr(sampleRate) +
- ' to ' + FloatToStr(streamInfo^.sampleRate),
- 'TAudioInput_Portaudio.InitializeRecord');
- sampleRate := streamInfo^.sampleRate;
- end;
- end;
- // create audio-format info and resize capture-buffer array
- paDevice.AudioFormat := TAudioFormatInfo.Create(
- channelCnt,
- sampleRate,
- asfS16
- );
- SetLength(paDevice.CaptureChannel, paDevice.AudioFormat.Channels);
- Log.LogStatus('InputDevice "'+paDevice.Name+'"@' +
- IntToStr(paDevice.AudioFormat.Channels)+'x'+
- FloatToStr(paDevice.AudioFormat.SampleRate)+'Hz ('+
- FloatTostr(inputParams.suggestedLatency)+'sec)' ,
- 'Portaudio.InitializeRecord');
- // close test-stream
- Pa_CloseStream(stream);
- Inc(SC);
- end;
- // adjust size to actual input-device count
- SetLength(OutputDeviceList, SC);
- Log.LogStatus('#Output-Devices: ' + inttostr(SC), 'Portaudio');
- Result := true;
- *)
-function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean;
- paApiIndex : TPaHostApiIndex;
- paApiInfo : PPaHostApiInfo;
- paOutDevice : TPaDeviceIndex;
- err: TPaError;
- result := false;
- AudioCore := TAudioCore_Portaudio.GetInstance();
- // initialize portaudio
- err := Pa_Initialize();
- if(err <> paNoError) then
- begin
- Log.LogError(Pa_GetErrorText(err), 'TAudioInput_Portaudio.InitializeRecord');
- Exit;
- end;
- paApiIndex := AudioCore.GetPreferredApiIndex();
- if(paApiIndex = -1) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('No working Audio-API found', 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine');
- Exit;
- end;
- EnumDevices();
- paApiInfo := Pa_GetHostApiInfo(paApiIndex);
- Log.LogInfo('Audio-Output API-Type: ' + paApiInfo^.name, 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice');
- paOutDevice := paApiInfo^.defaultOutputDevice;
- if (not OpenDevice(paOutDevice)) then
- begin
- Exit;
- end;
- result := true;
-function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.StartAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean;
- err: TPaError;
- result := false;
- if (paStream = nil) then
- Exit;
- err := Pa_StartStream(paStream);
- if(err <> paNoError) then
- begin
- Log.LogStatus('Pa_StartStream: '+Pa_GetErrorText(err), 'UAudioPlayback_Portaudio');
- exit;
- end;
- result := true;
-procedure TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.StopAudioPlaybackEngine();
- if (paStream <> nil) then
- Pa_StopStream(paStream);
-function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.FinalizeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean;
- Pa_Terminate();
- Result := true;
- singleton_AudioPlaybackPortaudio := TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.create();
- AudioManager.add( singleton_AudioPlaybackPortaudio );
- AudioManager.Remove( singleton_AudioPlaybackPortaudio );
+unit UAudioPlayback_Portaudio;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ UMusic;
+ portaudio,
+ UAudioCore_Portaudio,
+ UAudioPlayback_SoftMixer,
+ ULog,
+ UIni,
+ UMain;
+ TAudioPlayback_Portaudio = class(TAudioPlayback_SoftMixer)
+ private
+ paStream: PPaStream;
+ AudioCore: TAudioCore_Portaudio;
+ function OpenDevice(deviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex): boolean;
+ function EnumDevices(): boolean;
+ protected
+ function InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override;
+ function StartAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override;
+ procedure StopAudioPlaybackEngine(); override;
+ function FinalizeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override;
+ public
+ function GetName: String; override;
+ end;
+ TPortaudioOutputDevice = class(TAudioOutputDevice)
+ private
+ PaDeviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex;
+ end;
+ singleton_AudioPlaybackPortaudio : IAudioPlayback;
+{ TAudioPlayback_Portaudio }
+function PortaudioAudioCallback(input: Pointer; output: Pointer; frameCount: Longword;
+ timeInfo: PPaStreamCallbackTimeInfo; statusFlags: TPaStreamCallbackFlags;
+ userData: Pointer): Integer; cdecl;
+ engine: TAudioPlayback_Portaudio;
+ engine := TAudioPlayback_Portaudio(userData);
+ engine.AudioCallback(output, frameCount * engine.FormatInfo.FrameSize);
+ result := paContinue;
+function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.GetName: String;
+ result := 'Portaudio_Playback';
+function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice(deviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex): boolean;
+ deviceInfo : PPaDeviceInfo;
+ sampleRate : double;
+ outParams : TPaStreamParameters;
+ err : TPaError;
+ Result := false;
+ deviceInfo := Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex);
+ Log.LogInfo('Audio-Output Device: ' + deviceInfo^.name, 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice');
+ sampleRate := deviceInfo^.defaultSampleRate;
+ with outParams do
+ begin
+ device := deviceIndex;
+ channelCount := 2;
+ sampleFormat := paInt16;
+ suggestedLatency := deviceInfo^.defaultLowOutputLatency;
+ hostApiSpecificStreamInfo := nil;
+ end;
+ // check souncard and adjust sample-rate
+ if not AudioCore.TestDevice(nil, @outParams, sampleRate) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus('TestDevice failed!', 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // open output stream
+ err := Pa_OpenStream(paStream, nil, @outParams, sampleRate,
+ paFramesPerBufferUnspecified,
+ paNoFlag, @PortaudioAudioCallback, Self);
+ if(err <> paNoError) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus(Pa_GetErrorText(err), 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice');
+ paStream := nil;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ FormatInfo := TAudioFormatInfo.Create(
+ outParams.channelCount,
+ sampleRate,
+ asfS16 // FIXME: is paInt16 system-dependant or -independant?
+ );
+ Result := true;
+function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.EnumDevices(): boolean;
+ i: integer;
+ paApiIndex: TPaHostApiIndex;
+ paApiInfo: PPaHostApiInfo;
+ deviceName: string;
+ deviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex;
+ deviceInfo: PPaDeviceInfo;
+ channelCnt: integer;
+ SC: integer; // soundcard
+ err: TPaError;
+ errMsg: string;
+ paDevice: TPortaudioOutputDevice;
+ inputParams: TPaStreamParameters;
+ stream: PPaStream;
+ streamInfo: PPaStreamInfo;
+ sampleRate: double;
+ latency: TPaTime;
+ cbPolls: integer;
+ cbWorks: boolean;
+ Result := false;
+ // choose the best available Audio-API
+ paApiIndex := AudioCore.GetPreferredApiIndex();
+ if(paApiIndex = -1) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('No working Audio-API found', 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.EnumDevices');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ paApiInfo := Pa_GetHostApiInfo(paApiIndex);
+ SC := 0;
+ // init array-size to max. output-devices count
+ SetLength(OutputDeviceList, paApiInfo^.deviceCount);
+ for i:= 0 to High(OutputDeviceList) do
+ begin
+ // convert API-specific device-index to global index
+ deviceIndex := Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(paApiIndex, i);
+ deviceInfo := Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex);
+ channelCnt := deviceInfo^.maxOutputChannels;
+ // current device is no output device -> skip
+ if (channelCnt <= 0) then
+ continue;
+ // portaudio returns a channel-count of 128 for some devices
+ // (e.g. the "default"-device), so we have to detect those
+ // fantasy channel counts.
+ if (channelCnt > 8) then
+ channelCnt := 2;
+ paDevice := TPortaudioOutputDevice.Create();
+ OutputDeviceList[SC] := paDevice;
+ // retrieve device-name
+ deviceName := deviceInfo^.name;
+ paDevice.Name := deviceName;
+ paDevice.PaDeviceIndex := deviceIndex;
+ if (deviceInfo^.defaultSampleRate > 0) then
+ sampleRate := deviceInfo^.defaultSampleRate
+ else
+ sampleRate := 44100;
+ // on vista and xp the defaultLowInputLatency may be set to 0 but it works.
+ // TODO: correct too low latencies (what is a too low latency, maybe < 10ms?)
+ latency := deviceInfo^.defaultLowInputLatency;
+ // setup desired input parameters
+ // TODO: retry with input-latency set to 20ms (defaultLowInputLatency might
+ // not be set correctly in OSS)
+ with inputParams do
+ begin
+ device := deviceIndex;
+ channelCount := channelCnt;
+ sampleFormat := paInt16;
+ suggestedLatency := latency;
+ hostApiSpecificStreamInfo := nil;
+ end;
+ // check if mic-callback works (might not be called on some devices)
+ if (not TAudioCore_Portaudio.TestDevice(@inputParams, nil, sampleRate)) then
+ begin
+ // ignore device if callback did not work
+ Log.LogError('Device "'+paDevice.Name+'" does not respond',
+ 'TAudioInput_Portaudio.InitializeRecord');
+ paDevice.Free();
+ continue;
+ end;
+ // open device for further info
+ err := Pa_OpenStream(stream, @inputParams, nil, sampleRate,
+ paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, paNoFlag, @MicrophoneTestCallback, nil);
+ if(err <> paNoError) then
+ begin
+ // unable to open device -> skip
+ errMsg := Pa_GetErrorText(err);
+ Log.LogError('Device error: "'+ deviceName +'" ('+ errMsg +')',
+ 'TAudioInput_Portaudio.InitializeRecord');
+ paDevice.Free();
+ continue;
+ end;
+ // adjust sample-rate (might be changed by portaudio)
+ streamInfo := Pa_GetStreamInfo(stream);
+ if (streamInfo <> nil) then
+ begin
+ if (sampleRate <> streamInfo^.sampleRate) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus('Portaudio changed Samplerate from ' + FloatToStr(sampleRate) +
+ ' to ' + FloatToStr(streamInfo^.sampleRate),
+ 'TAudioInput_Portaudio.InitializeRecord');
+ sampleRate := streamInfo^.sampleRate;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // create audio-format info and resize capture-buffer array
+ paDevice.AudioFormat := TAudioFormatInfo.Create(
+ channelCnt,
+ sampleRate,
+ asfS16
+ );
+ SetLength(paDevice.CaptureChannel, paDevice.AudioFormat.Channels);
+ Log.LogStatus('InputDevice "'+paDevice.Name+'"@' +
+ IntToStr(paDevice.AudioFormat.Channels)+'x'+
+ FloatToStr(paDevice.AudioFormat.SampleRate)+'Hz ('+
+ FloatTostr(inputParams.suggestedLatency)+'sec)' ,
+ 'Portaudio.InitializeRecord');
+ // close test-stream
+ Pa_CloseStream(stream);
+ Inc(SC);
+ end;
+ // adjust size to actual input-device count
+ SetLength(OutputDeviceList, SC);
+ Log.LogStatus('#Output-Devices: ' + inttostr(SC), 'Portaudio');
+ Result := true;
+ *)
+function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean;
+ paApiIndex : TPaHostApiIndex;
+ paApiInfo : PPaHostApiInfo;
+ paOutDevice : TPaDeviceIndex;
+ err: TPaError;
+ result := false;
+ AudioCore := TAudioCore_Portaudio.GetInstance();
+ // initialize portaudio
+ err := Pa_Initialize();
+ if(err <> paNoError) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError(Pa_GetErrorText(err), 'TAudioInput_Portaudio.InitializeRecord');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ paApiIndex := AudioCore.GetPreferredApiIndex();
+ if(paApiIndex = -1) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('No working Audio-API found', 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ EnumDevices();
+ paApiInfo := Pa_GetHostApiInfo(paApiIndex);
+ Log.LogInfo('Audio-Output API-Type: ' + paApiInfo^.name, 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice');
+ paOutDevice := paApiInfo^.defaultOutputDevice;
+ if (not OpenDevice(paOutDevice)) then
+ begin
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ result := true;
+function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.StartAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean;
+ err: TPaError;
+ result := false;
+ if (paStream = nil) then
+ Exit;
+ err := Pa_StartStream(paStream);
+ if(err <> paNoError) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus('Pa_StartStream: '+Pa_GetErrorText(err), 'UAudioPlayback_Portaudio');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result := true;
+procedure TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.StopAudioPlaybackEngine();
+ if (paStream <> nil) then
+ Pa_StopStream(paStream);
+function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.FinalizeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean;
+ Pa_Terminate();
+ Result := true;
+ singleton_AudioPlaybackPortaudio := TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.create();
+ AudioManager.add( singleton_AudioPlaybackPortaudio );
+ AudioManager.Remove( singleton_AudioPlaybackPortaudio );
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioPlayback_SDL.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioPlayback_SDL.pas
index 39ecc72f..14990855 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioPlayback_SDL.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UAudioPlayback_SDL.pas
@@ -1,150 +1,150 @@
-unit UAudioPlayback_SDL;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- Classes,
- SysUtils,
- UMusic;
- sdl,
- UAudioPlayback_SoftMixer,
- ULog,
- UIni,
- UMain;
- TAudioPlayback_SDL = class(TAudioPlayback_SoftMixer)
- private
- function EnumDevices(): boolean;
- protected
- function InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override;
- function StartAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override;
- procedure StopAudioPlaybackEngine(); override;
- function FinalizeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override;
- public
- function GetName: String; override;
- procedure MixBuffers(dst, src: PChar; size: Cardinal; volume: Single); override;
- end;
- singleton_AudioPlaybackSDL : IAudioPlayback;
-{ TAudioPlayback_SDL }
-procedure SDLAudioCallback(userdata: Pointer; stream: PChar; len: integer); cdecl;
- engine: TAudioPlayback_SDL;
- engine := TAudioPlayback_SDL(userdata);
- engine.AudioCallback(stream, len);
-function TAudioPlayback_SDL.GetName: String;
- result := 'SDL_Playback';
-function TAudioPlayback_SDL.EnumDevices(): boolean;
- // Note: SDL does not provide Device-Selection capabilities (will be introduced in 1.3)
- ClearOutputDeviceList();
- SetLength(OutputDeviceList, 1);
- OutputDeviceList[0] := TAudioOutputDevice.Create();
- OutputDeviceList[0].Name := '[SDL Default-Device]';
- Result := true;
-function TAudioPlayback_SDL.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean;
- desiredAudioSpec, obtainedAudioSpec: TSDL_AudioSpec;
- SampleBufferSize: integer;
- result := false;
- EnumDevices();
- if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) = -1) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('SDL_InitSubSystem failed!', 'TAudioPlayback_SDL.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine');
- exit;
- end;
- SampleBufferSize := IAudioOutputBufferSizeVals[Ini.AudioOutputBufferSizeIndex];
- if (SampleBufferSize <= 0) then
- begin
- // Automatic setting defaults to 1024 samples
- SampleBufferSize := 1024;
- end;
- FillChar(desiredAudioSpec, sizeof(desiredAudioSpec), 0);
- with desiredAudioSpec do
- begin
- freq := 44100;
- format := AUDIO_S16SYS;
- channels := 2;
- samples := SampleBufferSize;
- callback := @SDLAudioCallback;
- userdata := Self;
- end;
- if(SDL_OpenAudio(@desiredAudioSpec, @obtainedAudioSpec) = -1) then
- begin
- Log.LogStatus('SDL_OpenAudio: ' + SDL_GetError(), 'TAudioPlayback_SDL.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine');
- exit;
- end;
- FormatInfo := TAudioFormatInfo.Create(
- obtainedAudioSpec.channels,
- obtainedAudioSpec.freq,
- asfS16
- );
- Log.LogStatus('Opened audio device', 'TAudioPlayback_SDL.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine');
- result := true;
-function TAudioPlayback_SDL.StartAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean;
- SDL_PauseAudio(0);
- result := true;
-procedure TAudioPlayback_SDL.StopAudioPlaybackEngine();
- SDL_PauseAudio(1);
-function TAudioPlayback_SDL.FinalizeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean;
- SDL_CloseAudio();
- SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO);
- Result := true;
-procedure TAudioPlayback_SDL.MixBuffers(dst, src: PChar; size: Cardinal; volume: Single);
- SDL_MixAudio(PUInt8(dst), PUInt8(src), size, Round(volume * SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME));
- singleton_AudioPlaybackSDL := TAudioPlayback_SDL.create();
- AudioManager.add( singleton_AudioPlaybackSDL );
- AudioManager.Remove( singleton_AudioPlaybackSDL );
+unit UAudioPlayback_SDL;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ UMusic;
+ sdl,
+ UAudioPlayback_SoftMixer,
+ ULog,
+ UIni,
+ UMain;
+ TAudioPlayback_SDL = class(TAudioPlayback_SoftMixer)
+ private
+ function EnumDevices(): boolean;
+ protected
+ function InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override;
+ function StartAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override;
+ procedure StopAudioPlaybackEngine(); override;
+ function FinalizeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override;
+ public
+ function GetName: String; override;
+ procedure MixBuffers(dst, src: PChar; size: Cardinal; volume: Single); override;
+ end;
+ singleton_AudioPlaybackSDL : IAudioPlayback;
+{ TAudioPlayback_SDL }
+procedure SDLAudioCallback(userdata: Pointer; stream: PChar; len: integer); cdecl;
+ engine: TAudioPlayback_SDL;
+ engine := TAudioPlayback_SDL(userdata);
+ engine.AudioCallback(stream, len);
+function TAudioPlayback_SDL.GetName: String;
+ result := 'SDL_Playback';
+function TAudioPlayback_SDL.EnumDevices(): boolean;
+ // Note: SDL does not provide Device-Selection capabilities (will be introduced in 1.3)
+ ClearOutputDeviceList();
+ SetLength(OutputDeviceList, 1);
+ OutputDeviceList[0] := TAudioOutputDevice.Create();
+ OutputDeviceList[0].Name := '[SDL Default-Device]';
+ Result := true;
+function TAudioPlayback_SDL.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean;
+ desiredAudioSpec, obtainedAudioSpec: TSDL_AudioSpec;
+ SampleBufferSize: integer;
+ result := false;
+ EnumDevices();
+ if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) = -1) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('SDL_InitSubSystem failed!', 'TAudioPlayback_SDL.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ SampleBufferSize := IAudioOutputBufferSizeVals[Ini.AudioOutputBufferSizeIndex];
+ if (SampleBufferSize <= 0) then
+ begin
+ // Automatic setting defaults to 1024 samples
+ SampleBufferSize := 1024;
+ end;
+ FillChar(desiredAudioSpec, sizeof(desiredAudioSpec), 0);
+ with desiredAudioSpec do
+ begin
+ freq := 44100;
+ format := AUDIO_S16SYS;
+ channels := 2;
+ samples := SampleBufferSize;
+ callback := @SDLAudioCallback;
+ userdata := Self;
+ end;
+ if(SDL_OpenAudio(@desiredAudioSpec, @obtainedAudioSpec) = -1) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus('SDL_OpenAudio: ' + SDL_GetError(), 'TAudioPlayback_SDL.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ FormatInfo := TAudioFormatInfo.Create(
+ obtainedAudioSpec.channels,
+ obtainedAudioSpec.freq,
+ asfS16
+ );
+ Log.LogStatus('Opened audio device', 'TAudioPlayback_SDL.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine');
+ result := true;
+function TAudioPlayback_SDL.StartAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean;
+ SDL_PauseAudio(0);
+ result := true;
+procedure TAudioPlayback_SDL.StopAudioPlaybackEngine();
+ SDL_PauseAudio(1);
+function TAudioPlayback_SDL.FinalizeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean;
+ SDL_CloseAudio();
+ SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO);
+ Result := true;
+procedure TAudioPlayback_SDL.MixBuffers(dst, src: PChar; size: Cardinal; volume: Single);
+ SDL_MixAudio(PUInt8(dst), PUInt8(src), size, Round(volume * SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME));
+ singleton_AudioPlaybackSDL := TAudioPlayback_SDL.create();
+ AudioManager.add( singleton_AudioPlaybackSDL );
+ AudioManager.Remove( singleton_AudioPlaybackSDL );
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UCatCovers.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UCatCovers.pas
index d8cebffa..36a69b8e 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UCatCovers.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UCatCovers.pas
@@ -1,150 +1,150 @@
-unit UCatCovers;
-// UCatCovers by Whiteshark //
-// Class for listing and managing the Category Covers //
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses UIni;
- TCatCovers = class
- protected
- cNames: array [low(ISorting)..high(ISorting)] of array of string;
- cFiles: array [low(ISorting)..high(ISorting)] of array of string;
- public
- constructor Create;
- procedure Load; //Load Cover aus Cover.ini and Cover Folder
- procedure Add(Sorting: integer; Name, Filename: string); //Add a Cover
- function CoverExists(Sorting: integer; Name: string): boolean; //Returns True when a cover with the given Name exists
- function GetCover(Sorting: integer; Name: string): string; //Returns the Filename of a Cover
- end;
- CatCovers: TCatCovers;
- IniFiles,
- SysUtils,
- Classes,
- // UFiles,
- UMain,
- ULog;
-constructor TCatCovers.Create;
- inherited;
- Load;
- //Load Cover aus Cover.ini and Cover Folder
-procedure TCatCovers.Load;
- Ini: TMemIniFile;
- SR: TSearchRec;
- List: TStringlist;
- I, J: Integer;
- Name, Filename, Temp: string;
- try
- Ini := TMemIniFile.Create(CoversPath + 'covers.ini');
- List := TStringlist.Create;
- //Add every Cover in Covers Ini for Every Sorting option
- for I := low(ISorting) to high(ISorting) do
- begin
- Ini.ReadSection(ISorting[I], List);
- for J := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
- Add(I, List.Strings[J], CoversPath + Ini.ReadString(ISorting[I], List.Strings[J], 'NoCover.jpg'));
- end;
- finally
- Ini.Free;
- List.Free;
- end;
- try
- //Add Covers from Folder
- if (FindFirst (CoversPath + '*.jpg', faAnyFile, SR) = 0) then
- repeat
- //Add Cover if it doesn't exist for every Section
- Name := SR.Name;
- Filename := CoversPath + Name;
- Delete (Name, length(Name) - 3, 4);
- for I := low(ISorting) to high(ISorting) do
- begin
- Temp := Name;
- if ((I = sTitle) or (I = sTitle2)) and (Pos ('Title', Temp) <> 0) then
- Delete (Temp, Pos ('Title', Temp), 5)
- else if (I = sArtist) or (I = sArtist2) and (Pos ('Artist', Temp) <> 0) then
- Delete (Temp, Pos ('Artist', Temp), 6);
- if not CoverExists(I, Temp) then
- Add (I, Temp, Filename);
- end;
- until FindNext (SR) <> 0;
- finally
- FindClose (SR);
- end;
- //Add a Cover
-procedure TCatCovers.Add(Sorting: integer; Name, Filename: string);
- if FileExists (Filename) then //If Exists -> Add
- begin
- SetLength (CNames[Sorting], Length(CNames[Sorting]) + 1);
- SetLength (CFiles[Sorting], Length(CNames[Sorting]) + 1);
- CNames[Sorting][high(cNames[Sorting])] := Uppercase(Name);
- CFiles[Sorting][high(cNames[Sorting])] := FileName;
- end;
- //Returns True when a cover with the given Name exists
-function TCatCovers.CoverExists(Sorting: integer; Name: string): boolean;
- I: Integer;
- Result := False;
- Name := Uppercase(Name); //Case Insensitiv
- for I := low(cNames[Sorting]) to high(cNames[Sorting]) do
- begin
- if (cNames[Sorting][I] = Name) then //Found Name
- begin
- Result := true;
- break; //Break For Loop
- end;
- end;
- //Returns the Filename of a Cover
-function TCatCovers.GetCover(Sorting: integer; Name: string): string;
-I: Integer;
- Result := '';
- Name := Uppercase(Name);
- for I := low(cNames[Sorting]) to high(cNames[Sorting]) do
- begin
- if cNames[Sorting][I] = Name then
- begin
- Result := cFiles[Sorting][I];
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- //No Cover
- if (Result = '') AND (FileExists(CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg')) then
- Result := CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg';
+unit UCatCovers;
+// UCatCovers by Whiteshark //
+// Class for listing and managing the Category Covers //
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses UIni;
+ TCatCovers = class
+ protected
+ cNames: array [low(ISorting)..high(ISorting)] of array of string;
+ cFiles: array [low(ISorting)..high(ISorting)] of array of string;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ procedure Load; //Load Cover aus Cover.ini and Cover Folder
+ procedure Add(Sorting: integer; Name, Filename: string); //Add a Cover
+ function CoverExists(Sorting: integer; Name: string): boolean; //Returns True when a cover with the given Name exists
+ function GetCover(Sorting: integer; Name: string): string; //Returns the Filename of a Cover
+ end;
+ CatCovers: TCatCovers;
+ IniFiles,
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes,
+ // UFiles,
+ UMain,
+ ULog;
+constructor TCatCovers.Create;
+ inherited;
+ Load;
+ //Load Cover aus Cover.ini and Cover Folder
+procedure TCatCovers.Load;
+ Ini: TMemIniFile;
+ SR: TSearchRec;
+ List: TStringlist;
+ I, J: Integer;
+ Name, Filename, Temp: string;
+ try
+ Ini := TMemIniFile.Create(CoversPath + 'covers.ini');
+ List := TStringlist.Create;
+ //Add every Cover in Covers Ini for Every Sorting option
+ for I := low(ISorting) to high(ISorting) do
+ begin
+ Ini.ReadSection(ISorting[I], List);
+ for J := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
+ Add(I, List.Strings[J], CoversPath + Ini.ReadString(ISorting[I], List.Strings[J], 'NoCover.jpg'));
+ end;
+ finally
+ Ini.Free;
+ List.Free;
+ end;
+ try
+ //Add Covers from Folder
+ if (FindFirst (CoversPath + '*.jpg', faAnyFile, SR) = 0) then
+ repeat
+ //Add Cover if it doesn't exist for every Section
+ Name := SR.Name;
+ Filename := CoversPath + Name;
+ Delete (Name, length(Name) - 3, 4);
+ for I := low(ISorting) to high(ISorting) do
+ begin
+ Temp := Name;
+ if ((I = sTitle) or (I = sTitle2)) and (Pos ('Title', Temp) <> 0) then
+ Delete (Temp, Pos ('Title', Temp), 5)
+ else if (I = sArtist) or (I = sArtist2) and (Pos ('Artist', Temp) <> 0) then
+ Delete (Temp, Pos ('Artist', Temp), 6);
+ if not CoverExists(I, Temp) then
+ Add (I, Temp, Filename);
+ end;
+ until FindNext (SR) <> 0;
+ finally
+ FindClose (SR);
+ end;
+ //Add a Cover
+procedure TCatCovers.Add(Sorting: integer; Name, Filename: string);
+ if FileExists (Filename) then //If Exists -> Add
+ begin
+ SetLength (CNames[Sorting], Length(CNames[Sorting]) + 1);
+ SetLength (CFiles[Sorting], Length(CNames[Sorting]) + 1);
+ CNames[Sorting][high(cNames[Sorting])] := Uppercase(Name);
+ CFiles[Sorting][high(cNames[Sorting])] := FileName;
+ end;
+ //Returns True when a cover with the given Name exists
+function TCatCovers.CoverExists(Sorting: integer; Name: string): boolean;
+ I: Integer;
+ Result := False;
+ Name := Uppercase(Name); //Case Insensitiv
+ for I := low(cNames[Sorting]) to high(cNames[Sorting]) do
+ begin
+ if (cNames[Sorting][I] = Name) then //Found Name
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ break; //Break For Loop
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Returns the Filename of a Cover
+function TCatCovers.GetCover(Sorting: integer; Name: string): string;
+I: Integer;
+ Result := '';
+ Name := Uppercase(Name);
+ for I := low(cNames[Sorting]) to high(cNames[Sorting]) do
+ begin
+ if cNames[Sorting][I] = Name then
+ begin
+ Result := cFiles[Sorting][I];
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //No Cover
+ if (Result = '') AND (FileExists(CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg')) then
+ Result := CoversPath + 'NoCover.jpg';
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UCommon.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UCommon.pas
index f3edd62a..418c0c1a 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UCommon.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UCommon.pas
@@ -1,791 +1,791 @@
-unit UCommon;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- SysUtils,
- Classes,
- Windows,
- Messages,
- {$ENDIF}
- sdl,
- ULog;
-// FIXME: remove this if it is not needed anymore
- hStream = THandle;
- HGLRC = THandle;
- TLargeInteger = Int64;
- TWin32FindData = LongInt;
- TMessageType = ( mtInfo, mtError );
-procedure ShowMessage( const msg : String; msgType: TMessageType = mtInfo );
-procedure ConsoleWriteLn(const msg: string);
-function GetResourceStream(const aName, aType : string): TStream;
-function RWopsFromStream(Stream: TStream): PSDL_RWops;
-function RandomRange(aMin: Integer; aMax: Integer) : Integer;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS) and Defined(FPC)}
-function AllocateHWnd(Method: TWndMethod): HWND;
-procedure DeallocateHWnd(hWnd: HWND);
-function StringReplaceW(text : WideString; search, rep: WideChar):WideString;
-function AdaptFilePaths( const aPath : widestring ): widestring;
-procedure DisableFloatingPointExceptions();
-procedure SetDefaultNumericLocale();
-procedure RestoreNumericLocale();
- procedure ZeroMemory( Destination: Pointer; Length: DWORD );
- function MakeLong(a, b: Word): Longint;
- (*
- #define LOBYTE(a) (BYTE)(a)
- #define HIBYTE(a) (BYTE)((a)>>8)
- #define LOWORD(a) (WORD)(a)
- #define HIWORD(a) (WORD)((a)>>16)
- #define MAKEWORD(a,b) (WORD)(((a)&0xff)|((b)<<8))
- *)
-function FileExistsInsensitive(var FileName: string): boolean;
- * Character classes
- *)
-function IsAlphaChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
-function IsNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
-function IsAlphaNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
-function IsPunctuationChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
-function IsControlChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
-// A stable alternative to TList.Sort() (use TList.Sort() if applicable, see below)
-procedure MergeSort(List: TList; CompareFunc: TListSortCompare);
- Math,
- {$IFDEF Delphi}
- Dialogs,
- {$ENDIF}
- libc,
- {$ENDIF}
- UMain,
- UConfig;
- PrevNumLocale: string;
-// In Linux and maybe MacOSX some units (like cwstring) call setlocale(LC_ALL, '')
-// to set the language/country specific locale (e.g. charset) for this application.
-// Unfortunately, LC_NUMERIC is set by this call too.
-// It defines the decimal-separator and other country-specific numeric settings.
-// This parameter is used by the C string-to-float parsing functions atof() and strtod().
-// After changing LC_NUMERIC some external C-based libs (like projectM) are not
-// able to parse strings correctly
-// (e.g. in Germany "0.9" is not recognized as a valid number anymore but "0,9" is).
-// So we reset the numeric settings to the default ('C').
-// Note: The behaviour of Pascal parsing functions (e.g. strtofloat()) is not
-// changed by this because it doesn't use the locale-settings.
-// TODO:
-// - Check if this is needed in MacOSX (at least the locale is set in cwstring)
-// - Find out which libs are concerned by this problem.
-// If only projectM is concerned by this problem set and restore the numeric locale
-// for each call to projectM instead of changing it globally.
-procedure SetDefaultNumericLocale();
- {$ifdef LINUX}
- PrevNumLocale := setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, nil);
- setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C');
- {$endif}
-procedure RestoreNumericLocale();
- {$ifdef LINUX}
- setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, PChar(PrevNumLocale));
- {$endif}
- * If an invalid floating point operation was performed the Floating-point unit (FPU)
- * generates a Floating-point exception (FPE). Dependending on the settings in
- * the FPU's control-register (interrupt mask) the FPE is handled by the FPU itself
- * (we will call this as "FPE disabled" later on) or is passed to the application
- * (FPE enabled).
- * If FPEs are enabled a floating-point division by zero (e.g. 10.0 / 0.0) is
- * considered an error and an exception is thrown. Otherwise the FPU will handle
- * the error and return the result infinity (INF) (10.0 / 0.0 = INF) without
- * throwing an error to the application.
- * The same applies to a division by INF that either raises an exception
- * (FPE enabled) or returns 0.0 (FPE disabled).
- * Normally (as with C-programs), Floating-point exceptions (FPE) are DISABLED
- * on program startup (at least with Intel CPUs), but for some strange reasons
- * they are ENABLED in pascal (both delphi and FPC) by default.
- * Many libs operating with floating-point values rely heavily on the C-specific
- * behaviour. So using them in delphi is a ticking time-bomb because sooner or
- * later they will crash because of an FPE (this problem occurs massively
- * in OpenGL-based libs like projectM). In contrast to this no error will occur
- * if the lib is linked to a C-program.
- *
- * Further info on FPUs:
- * For x86 and x86_64 CPUs we have to consider two FPU instruction sets.
- * The math co-processor i387 (aka 8087 or x87) set introduced with the i386
- * and SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) introduced with the Pentium3.
- * Both of them have separate control-registers (x87: FPUControlWord, SSE: MXCSR)
- * to control FPEs. Either has (among others) 6bits to enable/disable several
- * exception types (Invalid,Denormalized,Zero,Overflow,Underflow,Precision).
- * Those exception-types must all be masked (=1) to get the default C behaviour.
- * The control-registers can be set with the asm-ops FLDCW (x87) and LDMXCSR (SSE).
- * Instead of using assembler code, we can use Set8087CW() provided by delphi and
- * FPC to set the x87 control-word. FPC also provides SetSSECSR() for SSE's MXCSR.
- * Note that both Delphi and FPC enable FPEs (e.g. for div-by-zero) on program
- * startup but only FPC enables FPEs (especially div-by-zero) for SSE too.
- * So we have to mask FPEs for x87 in Delphi and FPC and for SSE in FPC only.
- * FPC and Delphi both provide a SetExceptionMask() for control of the FPE
- * mask. SetExceptionMask() sets the masks for x87 in Delphi and for x87 and SSE
- * in FPC (seems as if Delphi [2005] is not SSE aware). So SetExceptionMask()
- * is what we need and it even is plattform and CPU independent.
- *
- * Pascal OpenGL headers (like the Delphi standard ones or JEDI-SDL headers)
- * already call Set8087CW() to disable FPEs but due to some bugs in the JEDI-SDL
- * headers they do not work properly with FPC. I already patched them, so they
- * work at least until they are updated the next time. In addition Set8086CW()
- * does not suffice to disable FPEs because the SSE FPEs are not disabled by this.
- * FPEs with SSE are a big problem with some libs because many linux distributions
- * optimize code for SSE or Pentium3 (for example: int(INF) which convert the
- * double value "infinity" to an integer might be automatically optimized by
- * using SSE's CVTSD2SI instruction). So SSE FPEs must be turned off in any case
- * to make USDX portable.
- *
- * Summary:
- * Call this function on initialization to make sure FPEs are turned off.
- * It will solve a lot of errors with FPEs in external libs.
- *)
-procedure DisableFloatingPointExceptions();
- (*
- // We will use SetExceptionMask() instead of Set8087CW()/SetSSECSR().
- // Note: Leave these lines for documentation purposes just in case
- // SetExceptionMask() does not work anymore (due to bugs in FPC etc.).
- {$IF Defined(CPU386) or Defined(CPUI386) or Defined(CPUX86_64)}
- Set8087CW($133F);
- {$IFEND}
- {$IF Defined(FPC)}
- if (has_sse_support) then
- SetSSECSR($1F80);
- {$IFEND}
- *)
- // disable all of the six FPEs (x87 and SSE) to be compatible with C/C++ and
- // other libs which rely on the standard FPU behaviour (no div-by-zero FPE anymore).
- SetExceptionMask([exInvalidOp, exDenormalized, exZeroDivide,
- exOverflow, exUnderflow, exPrecision]);
-function StringReplaceW(text : WideString; search, rep: WideChar):WideString;
- iPos : integer;
-// sTemp : WideString;
- result := text;
- iPos := Pos(search, result);
- while (iPos > 0) do
- begin
- sTemp := copy(result, iPos + length(search), length(result));
- result := copy(result, 1, iPos - 1) + rep + sTEmp;
- iPos := Pos(search, result);
- end;
- result := text;
- if search = rep then
- exit;
- for iPos := 0 to length( result ) - 1 do
- begin
- if result[ iPos ] = search then
- result[ iPos ] := rep;
- end;
-function AdaptFilePaths( const aPath : widestring ): widestring;
- result := StringReplaceW( aPath, '\', PathDelim );//, [rfReplaceAll] );
-procedure ZeroMemory( Destination: Pointer; Length: DWORD );
- FillChar( Destination^, Length, 0 );
-function MakeLong(A, B: Word): Longint;
- Result := (LongInt(B) shl 16) + A;
-function QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
- // From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDTSC
- function RDTSC: Int64; register;
- asm
- rdtsc
- end;
- // Use clock_gettime here maybe ... from libc
- lpPerformanceCount := RDTSC();
- result := true;
-function QueryPerformanceFrequency(lpFrequency:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
- lpFrequency := 0;
- result := true;
-// Checks if a regular files or directory with the given name exists.
-// The comparison is case insensitive.
-function FileExistsInsensitive(var FileName: string): boolean;
- FilePath, LocalFileName: string;
- SearchInfo: TSearchRec;
-{$IFDEF LINUX} // eddie: Changed FPC to LINUX: Windows and Mac OS X dont have case sensitive file systems
- // speed up standard case
- if FileExists(FileName) then
- begin
- Result := true;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := false;
- FilePath := ExtractFilePath(FileName);
- if (FindFirst(FilePath+'*', faAnyFile, SearchInfo) = 0) then
- begin
- LocalFileName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
- repeat
- if (AnsiSameText(LocalFileName, SearchInfo.Name)) then
- begin
- FileName := FilePath + SearchInfo.Name;
- Result := true;
- break;
- end;
- until (FindNext(SearchInfo) <> 0);
- end;
- FindClose(SearchInfo);
- Result := FileExists(FileName);
-{$IFDEF Unix}
- // include resource-file info (stored in the constant array "resources")
- {$I ../resource.inc}
-function GetResourceStream(const aName, aType: string): TStream;
-{$IFDEF Unix}
- ResIndex: integer;
- Filename: string;
- Result := nil;
- {$IFDEF Unix}
- for ResIndex := 0 to High(resources) do
- begin
- if (resources[ResIndex][0] = aName ) and
- (resources[ResIndex][1] = aType ) then
- begin
- try
- Filename := ResourcesPath + resources[ResIndex][2];
- Result := TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
- except
- Log.LogError('Failed to open: "'+ resources[ResIndex][2] +'"', 'GetResourceStream');
- end;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- try
- Result := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, aName , PChar(aType));
- except
- Log.LogError('Invalid resource: "'+ aType + ':' + aName +'"', 'GetResourceStream');
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-// +++++++++++++++++++++ helpers for RWOpsFromStream() +++++++++++++++
- function SdlStreamSeek( context : PSDL_RWops; offset : Integer; whence : Integer ) : integer; cdecl;
- var
- stream : TStream;
- origin : Word;
- begin
- stream := TStream( context.unknown );
- if ( stream = nil ) then
- raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamSeek on nil' );
- case whence of
- 0 : origin := soFromBeginning; // Offset is from the beginning of the resource. Seek moves to the position Offset. Offset must be >= 0.
- 1 : origin := soFromCurrent; // Offset is from the current position in the resource. Seek moves to Position + Offset.
- 2 : origin := soFromEnd;
- else
- origin := soFromBeginning; // just in case
- end;
- Result := stream.Seek( offset, origin );
- end;
- function SdlStreamRead( context : PSDL_RWops; Ptr : Pointer; size : Integer; maxnum: Integer ) : Integer; cdecl;
- var
- stream : TStream;
- begin
- stream := TStream( context.unknown );
- if ( stream = nil ) then
- raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamRead on nil' );
- try
- Result := stream.read( Ptr^, Size * maxnum ) div size;
- except
- Result := -1;
- end;
- end;
- function SDLStreamClose( context : PSDL_RWops ) : Integer; cdecl;
- var
- stream : TStream;
- begin
- stream := TStream( context.unknown );
- if ( stream = nil ) then
- raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamClose on nil' );
- stream.Free;
- Result := 1;
- end;
-// -----------------------------------------------
- * Creates an SDL_RWops handle from a TStream.
- * The stream and RWops must be freed by the user after usage.
- * Use SDL_FreeRW(...) to free the RWops data-struct.
- *)
-function RWopsFromStream(Stream: TStream): PSDL_RWops;
- Result := SDL_AllocRW();
- if (Result = nil) then
- Exit;
- // set RW-callbacks
- with Result^ do
- begin
- unknown := TUnknown(Stream);
- seek := SDLStreamSeek;
- read := SDLStreamRead;
- write := nil;
- close := SDLStreamClose;
- type_ := 2;
- end;
-function RandomRange(aMin: Integer; aMax: Integer) : Integer;
- RandomRange := Random(aMax-aMin) + aMin ;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS) and Defined(FPC)}
-function AllocateHWndCallback(hWnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;
- Msg: TMessage;
- MethodPtr: ^TWndMethod;
- FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0);
- Msg.msg := uMsg;
- Msg.wParam := wParam;
- Msg.lParam := lParam;
- MethodPtr := Pointer(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA));
- if Assigned(MethodPtr) then
- MethodPtr^(Msg);
- Result := DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
-function AllocateHWnd(Method: TWndMethod): HWND;
- ClassExists: Boolean;
- WndClass, OldClass: TWndClass;
- MethodPtr: ^TMethod;
- Result := 0;
- // setup class-info
- FillChar(WndClass, SizeOf(TWndClass), 0);
- WndClass.hInstance := HInstance;
- // Important: do not enable AllocateHWndCallback before the msg-handler method is assigned,
- // otherwise race-conditions might occur
- WndClass.lpfnWndProc := @DefWindowProc;
- WndClass.lpszClassName:= 'USDXUtilWindowClass';
- // check if class is already registered
- ClassExists := GetClassInfo(HInstance, WndClass.lpszClassName, OldClass);
- // create window-class shared by all windows created by AllocateHWnd()
- if (not ClassExists) or (@OldClass.lpfnWndProc <> @DefWindowProc) then
- begin
- if ClassExists then
- UnregisterClass(WndClass.lpszClassName, HInstance);
- if (RegisterClass(WndClass) = 0) then
- Exit;
- end;
- // create window
- Result := CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, WndClass.lpszClassName, '',
- DWORD(WS_POPUP), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HInstance, nil);
- if (Result = 0) then
- Exit;
- // assign individual callback procedure to the window
- if Assigned(Method) then
- begin
- // TMethod contains two pointers but we can pass just one as USERDATA
- GetMem(MethodPtr, SizeOf(TMethod));
- MethodPtr^ := TMethod(Method);
- SetWindowLongPtr(Result, GWL_USERDATA, LONG_PTR(MethodPtr));
- end;
- // now enable AllocateHWndCallback for this window
- SetWindowLongPtr(Result, GWL_WNDPROC, LONG_PTR(@AllocateHWndCallback));
-procedure DeallocateHWnd(hWnd: HWND);
- MethodPtr: ^TMethod;
- if (hWnd <> 0) then
- begin
- MethodPtr := Pointer(GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA));
- DestroyWindow(hWnd);
- if Assigned(MethodPtr) then
- FreeMem(MethodPtr);
- end;
- MessageList: TStringList;
- ConsoleHandler: TThreadID;
- // Note: TRTLCriticalSection is defined in the units System and Libc, use System one
- ConsoleCriticalSection: System.TRTLCriticalSection;
- ConsoleEvent: PRTLEvent;
- ConsoleQuit: boolean;
- * Write to console if one is available.
- * It checks if a console is available before output so it will not
- * crash on windows if none is available.
- * Do not use this function directly because it is not thread-safe,
- * use ConsoleWriteLn() instead.
- *)
-procedure _ConsoleWriteLn(const aString: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- // sanity check to avoid crashes with writeln()
- if (IsConsole) then
- begin
- {$ENDIF}
- Writeln(aString);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- * The console-handlers main-function.
- * TODO: create a quit-event on closing.
- *}
-function ConsoleHandlerFunc(param: pointer): PtrInt;
- i: integer;
- quit: boolean;
- quit := false;
- while (not quit) do
- begin
- // wait for new output or quit-request
- RTLeventWaitFor(ConsoleEvent);
- System.EnterCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
- // output pending messages
- for i := 0 to MessageList.Count-1 do
- begin
- _ConsoleWriteLn(MessageList[i]);
- end;
- MessageList.Clear();
- // use local quit-variable to avoid accessing
- // ConsoleQuit outside of the critical section
- if (ConsoleQuit) then
- quit := true;
- RTLeventResetEvent(ConsoleEvent);
- System.LeaveCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
- end;
- result := 0;
-procedure InitConsoleOutput();
- // init thread-safe output
- MessageList := TStringList.Create();
- System.InitCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
- ConsoleEvent := RTLEventCreate();
- ConsoleQuit := false;
- // must be a thread managed by FPC. Otherwise (e.g. SDL-thread)
- // it will crash when using Writeln.
- ConsoleHandler := BeginThread(@ConsoleHandlerFunc);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure FinalizeConsoleOutput();
- // terminate console-handler
- System.EnterCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
- ConsoleQuit := true;
- RTLeventSetEvent(ConsoleEvent);
- System.LeaveCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
- WaitForThreadTerminate(ConsoleHandler, 0);
- // free data
- System.DoneCriticalsection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
- RTLeventDestroy(ConsoleEvent);
- MessageList.Free();
- {$ENDIF}
- * With FPC console output is not thread-safe.
- * Using WriteLn() from external threads (like in SDL callbacks)
- * will damage the heap and crash the program.
- * Most probably FPC uses thread-local-data (TLS) to lock a mutex on
- * the console-buffer. This does not work with external lib's threads
- * because these do not have the TLS data and so it crashes while
- * accessing unallocated memory.
- * The solution is to create an FPC-managed thread which has the TLS data
- * and use it to handle the console-output (hence it is called Console-Handler)
- * It should be safe to do so, but maybe FPC requires the main-thread to access
- * the console-buffer only. In this case output should be delegated to it.
- *
- * TODO: - check if it is safe if an FPC-managed thread different than the
- * main-thread accesses the console-buffer in FPC.
- * - check if Delphi's WriteLn is thread-safe.
- * - check if we need to synchronize file-output too
- *}
-procedure ConsoleWriteLn(const msg: string);
- // TODO: check for the main-thread and use a simple _ConsoleWriteLn() then?
- //GetCurrentThreadThreadId();
- System.EnterCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
- MessageList.Add(msg);
- RTLeventSetEvent(ConsoleEvent);
- System.LeaveCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
- {$ELSE}
- _ConsoleWriteLn(msg);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure ShowMessage(const msg: String; msgType: TMessageType);
-var Flags: Cardinal;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
- case msgType of
- mtInfo: Flags := MB_ICONINFORMATION or MB_OK;
- mtError: Flags := MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK;
- else Flags := MB_OK;
- end;
- MessageBox(0, PChar(msg), PChar(USDXVersionStr()), Flags);
- ConsoleWriteln(msg);
-function IsAlphaChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
- // TODO: add chars > 255 when unicode-fonts work?
- case ch of
- 'A'..'Z', // A-Z
- 'a'..'z', // a-z
- #170,#181,#186,
- #192..#214,
- #216..#246,
- #248..#255:
- Result := true;
- else
- Result := false;
- end;
-function IsNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
- case ch of
- '0'..'9':
- Result := true;
- else
- Result := false;
- end;
-function IsAlphaNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
- Result := (IsAlphaChar(ch) or IsNumericChar(ch));
-function IsPunctuationChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
- // TODO: add chars outside of Latin1 basic (0..127)?
- case ch of
- ' '..'/',':'..'@','['..'`','{'..'~':
- Result := true;
- else
- Result := false;
- end;
-function IsControlChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
- case ch of
- #0..#31,
- #127..#159:
- Result := true;
- else
- Result := false;
- end;
- * Recursive part of the MergeSort algorithm.
- * OutList will be either InList or TempList and will be swapped in each
- * depth-level of recursion. By doing this it we can directly merge into the
- * output-list. If we only had In- and OutList parameters we had to merge into
- * InList after the recursive calls and copy the data to the OutList afterwards.
- *)
-procedure _MergeSort(InList, TempList, OutList: TList; StartPos, BlockSize: integer;
- CompareFunc: TListSortCompare);
- LeftSize, RightSize: integer; // number of elements in left/right block
- LeftEnd, RightEnd: integer; // Index after last element in left/right block
- MidPos: integer; // index of first element in right block
- Pos: integer; // position in output list
- LeftSize := BlockSize div 2;
- RightSize := BlockSize - LeftSize;
- MidPos := StartPos + LeftSize;
- // sort left and right halves of this block by recursive calls of this function
- if (LeftSize >= 2) then
- _MergeSort(InList, OutList, TempList, StartPos, LeftSize, CompareFunc)
- else
- TempList[StartPos] := InList[StartPos];
- if (RightSize >= 2) then
- _MergeSort(InList, OutList, TempList, MidPos, RightSize, CompareFunc)
- else
- TempList[MidPos] := InList[MidPos];
- // merge sorted left and right sub-lists into output-list
- LeftEnd := MidPos;
- RightEnd := StartPos + BlockSize;
- Pos := StartPos;
- while ((StartPos < LeftEnd) and (MidPos < RightEnd)) do
- begin
- if (CompareFunc(TempList[StartPos], TempList[MidPos]) <= 0) then
- begin
- OutList[Pos] := TempList[StartPos];
- Inc(StartPos);
- end
- else
- begin
- OutList[Pos] := TempList[MidPos];
- Inc(MidPos);
- end;
- Inc(Pos);
- end;
- // copy remaining elements to output-list
- while (StartPos < LeftEnd) do
- begin
- OutList[Pos] := TempList[StartPos];
- Inc(StartPos);
- Inc(Pos);
- end;
- while (MidPos < RightEnd) do
- begin
- OutList[Pos] := TempList[MidPos];
- Inc(MidPos);
- Inc(Pos);
- end;
- * Stable alternative to the instable TList.Sort() (uses QuickSort) implementation.
- * A stable sorting algorithm preserves preordered items. E.g. if sorting by
- * songs by title first and artist afterwards, the songs of each artist will
- * be ordered by title. In contrast to this an unstable algorithm (like QuickSort)
- * may destroy an existing order, so the songs of an artist will not be ordered
- * by title anymore after sorting by artist in the previous example.
- * If you do not need a stable algorithm, use TList.Sort() instead.
- *)
-procedure MergeSort(List: TList; CompareFunc: TListSortCompare);
- TempList: TList;
- TempList := TList.Create();
- TempList.Count := List.Count;
- if (List.Count >= 2) then
- _MergeSort(List, TempList, List, 0, List.Count, CompareFunc);
- TempList.Free;
- InitConsoleOutput();
- FinalizeConsoleOutput();
+unit UCommon;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes,
+ Windows,
+ Messages,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ sdl,
+ ULog;
+// FIXME: remove this if it is not needed anymore
+ hStream = THandle;
+ HGLRC = THandle;
+ TLargeInteger = Int64;
+ TWin32FindData = LongInt;
+ TMessageType = ( mtInfo, mtError );
+procedure ShowMessage( const msg : String; msgType: TMessageType = mtInfo );
+procedure ConsoleWriteLn(const msg: string);
+function GetResourceStream(const aName, aType : string): TStream;
+function RWopsFromStream(Stream: TStream): PSDL_RWops;
+function RandomRange(aMin: Integer; aMax: Integer) : Integer;
+{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS) and Defined(FPC)}
+function AllocateHWnd(Method: TWndMethod): HWND;
+procedure DeallocateHWnd(hWnd: HWND);
+function StringReplaceW(text : WideString; search, rep: WideChar):WideString;
+function AdaptFilePaths( const aPath : widestring ): widestring;
+procedure DisableFloatingPointExceptions();
+procedure SetDefaultNumericLocale();
+procedure RestoreNumericLocale();
+ procedure ZeroMemory( Destination: Pointer; Length: DWORD );
+ function MakeLong(a, b: Word): Longint;
+ (*
+ #define LOBYTE(a) (BYTE)(a)
+ #define HIBYTE(a) (BYTE)((a)>>8)
+ #define LOWORD(a) (WORD)(a)
+ #define HIWORD(a) (WORD)((a)>>16)
+ #define MAKEWORD(a,b) (WORD)(((a)&0xff)|((b)<<8))
+ *)
+function FileExistsInsensitive(var FileName: string): boolean;
+ * Character classes
+ *)
+function IsAlphaChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+function IsNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+function IsAlphaNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+function IsPunctuationChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+function IsControlChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+// A stable alternative to TList.Sort() (use TList.Sort() if applicable, see below)
+procedure MergeSort(List: TList; CompareFunc: TListSortCompare);
+ Math,
+ {$IFDEF Delphi}
+ Dialogs,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ libc,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ UMain,
+ UConfig;
+ PrevNumLocale: string;
+// In Linux and maybe MacOSX some units (like cwstring) call setlocale(LC_ALL, '')
+// to set the language/country specific locale (e.g. charset) for this application.
+// Unfortunately, LC_NUMERIC is set by this call too.
+// It defines the decimal-separator and other country-specific numeric settings.
+// This parameter is used by the C string-to-float parsing functions atof() and strtod().
+// After changing LC_NUMERIC some external C-based libs (like projectM) are not
+// able to parse strings correctly
+// (e.g. in Germany "0.9" is not recognized as a valid number anymore but "0,9" is).
+// So we reset the numeric settings to the default ('C').
+// Note: The behaviour of Pascal parsing functions (e.g. strtofloat()) is not
+// changed by this because it doesn't use the locale-settings.
+// TODO:
+// - Check if this is needed in MacOSX (at least the locale is set in cwstring)
+// - Find out which libs are concerned by this problem.
+// If only projectM is concerned by this problem set and restore the numeric locale
+// for each call to projectM instead of changing it globally.
+procedure SetDefaultNumericLocale();
+ {$ifdef LINUX}
+ PrevNumLocale := setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, nil);
+ setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 'C');
+ {$endif}
+procedure RestoreNumericLocale();
+ {$ifdef LINUX}
+ setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, PChar(PrevNumLocale));
+ {$endif}
+ * If an invalid floating point operation was performed the Floating-point unit (FPU)
+ * generates a Floating-point exception (FPE). Dependending on the settings in
+ * the FPU's control-register (interrupt mask) the FPE is handled by the FPU itself
+ * (we will call this as "FPE disabled" later on) or is passed to the application
+ * (FPE enabled).
+ * If FPEs are enabled a floating-point division by zero (e.g. 10.0 / 0.0) is
+ * considered an error and an exception is thrown. Otherwise the FPU will handle
+ * the error and return the result infinity (INF) (10.0 / 0.0 = INF) without
+ * throwing an error to the application.
+ * The same applies to a division by INF that either raises an exception
+ * (FPE enabled) or returns 0.0 (FPE disabled).
+ * Normally (as with C-programs), Floating-point exceptions (FPE) are DISABLED
+ * on program startup (at least with Intel CPUs), but for some strange reasons
+ * they are ENABLED in pascal (both delphi and FPC) by default.
+ * Many libs operating with floating-point values rely heavily on the C-specific
+ * behaviour. So using them in delphi is a ticking time-bomb because sooner or
+ * later they will crash because of an FPE (this problem occurs massively
+ * in OpenGL-based libs like projectM). In contrast to this no error will occur
+ * if the lib is linked to a C-program.
+ *
+ * Further info on FPUs:
+ * For x86 and x86_64 CPUs we have to consider two FPU instruction sets.
+ * The math co-processor i387 (aka 8087 or x87) set introduced with the i386
+ * and SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) introduced with the Pentium3.
+ * Both of them have separate control-registers (x87: FPUControlWord, SSE: MXCSR)
+ * to control FPEs. Either has (among others) 6bits to enable/disable several
+ * exception types (Invalid,Denormalized,Zero,Overflow,Underflow,Precision).
+ * Those exception-types must all be masked (=1) to get the default C behaviour.
+ * The control-registers can be set with the asm-ops FLDCW (x87) and LDMXCSR (SSE).
+ * Instead of using assembler code, we can use Set8087CW() provided by delphi and
+ * FPC to set the x87 control-word. FPC also provides SetSSECSR() for SSE's MXCSR.
+ * Note that both Delphi and FPC enable FPEs (e.g. for div-by-zero) on program
+ * startup but only FPC enables FPEs (especially div-by-zero) for SSE too.
+ * So we have to mask FPEs for x87 in Delphi and FPC and for SSE in FPC only.
+ * FPC and Delphi both provide a SetExceptionMask() for control of the FPE
+ * mask. SetExceptionMask() sets the masks for x87 in Delphi and for x87 and SSE
+ * in FPC (seems as if Delphi [2005] is not SSE aware). So SetExceptionMask()
+ * is what we need and it even is plattform and CPU independent.
+ *
+ * Pascal OpenGL headers (like the Delphi standard ones or JEDI-SDL headers)
+ * already call Set8087CW() to disable FPEs but due to some bugs in the JEDI-SDL
+ * headers they do not work properly with FPC. I already patched them, so they
+ * work at least until they are updated the next time. In addition Set8086CW()
+ * does not suffice to disable FPEs because the SSE FPEs are not disabled by this.
+ * FPEs with SSE are a big problem with some libs because many linux distributions
+ * optimize code for SSE or Pentium3 (for example: int(INF) which convert the
+ * double value "infinity" to an integer might be automatically optimized by
+ * using SSE's CVTSD2SI instruction). So SSE FPEs must be turned off in any case
+ * to make USDX portable.
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Call this function on initialization to make sure FPEs are turned off.
+ * It will solve a lot of errors with FPEs in external libs.
+ *)
+procedure DisableFloatingPointExceptions();
+ (*
+ // We will use SetExceptionMask() instead of Set8087CW()/SetSSECSR().
+ // Note: Leave these lines for documentation purposes just in case
+ // SetExceptionMask() does not work anymore (due to bugs in FPC etc.).
+ {$IF Defined(CPU386) or Defined(CPUI386) or Defined(CPUX86_64)}
+ Set8087CW($133F);
+ {$IFEND}
+ {$IF Defined(FPC)}
+ if (has_sse_support) then
+ SetSSECSR($1F80);
+ {$IFEND}
+ *)
+ // disable all of the six FPEs (x87 and SSE) to be compatible with C/C++ and
+ // other libs which rely on the standard FPU behaviour (no div-by-zero FPE anymore).
+ SetExceptionMask([exInvalidOp, exDenormalized, exZeroDivide,
+ exOverflow, exUnderflow, exPrecision]);
+function StringReplaceW(text : WideString; search, rep: WideChar):WideString;
+ iPos : integer;
+// sTemp : WideString;
+ result := text;
+ iPos := Pos(search, result);
+ while (iPos > 0) do
+ begin
+ sTemp := copy(result, iPos + length(search), length(result));
+ result := copy(result, 1, iPos - 1) + rep + sTEmp;
+ iPos := Pos(search, result);
+ end;
+ result := text;
+ if search = rep then
+ exit;
+ for iPos := 0 to length( result ) - 1 do
+ begin
+ if result[ iPos ] = search then
+ result[ iPos ] := rep;
+ end;
+function AdaptFilePaths( const aPath : widestring ): widestring;
+ result := StringReplaceW( aPath, '\', PathDelim );//, [rfReplaceAll] );
+procedure ZeroMemory( Destination: Pointer; Length: DWORD );
+ FillChar( Destination^, Length, 0 );
+function MakeLong(A, B: Word): Longint;
+ Result := (LongInt(B) shl 16) + A;
+function QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
+ // From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDTSC
+ function RDTSC: Int64; register;
+ asm
+ rdtsc
+ end;
+ // Use clock_gettime here maybe ... from libc
+ lpPerformanceCount := RDTSC();
+ result := true;
+function QueryPerformanceFrequency(lpFrequency:TLARGEINTEGER):Bool;
+ lpFrequency := 0;
+ result := true;
+// Checks if a regular files or directory with the given name exists.
+// The comparison is case insensitive.
+function FileExistsInsensitive(var FileName: string): boolean;
+ FilePath, LocalFileName: string;
+ SearchInfo: TSearchRec;
+{$IFDEF LINUX} // eddie: Changed FPC to LINUX: Windows and Mac OS X dont have case sensitive file systems
+ // speed up standard case
+ if FileExists(FileName) then
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Result := false;
+ FilePath := ExtractFilePath(FileName);
+ if (FindFirst(FilePath+'*', faAnyFile, SearchInfo) = 0) then
+ begin
+ LocalFileName := ExtractFileName(FileName);
+ repeat
+ if (AnsiSameText(LocalFileName, SearchInfo.Name)) then
+ begin
+ FileName := FilePath + SearchInfo.Name;
+ Result := true;
+ break;
+ end;
+ until (FindNext(SearchInfo) <> 0);
+ end;
+ FindClose(SearchInfo);
+ Result := FileExists(FileName);
+{$IFDEF Unix}
+ // include resource-file info (stored in the constant array "resources")
+ {$I ../resource.inc}
+function GetResourceStream(const aName, aType: string): TStream;
+{$IFDEF Unix}
+ ResIndex: integer;
+ Filename: string;
+ Result := nil;
+ {$IFDEF Unix}
+ for ResIndex := 0 to High(resources) do
+ begin
+ if (resources[ResIndex][0] = aName ) and
+ (resources[ResIndex][1] = aType ) then
+ begin
+ try
+ Filename := ResourcesPath + resources[ResIndex][2];
+ Result := TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
+ except
+ Log.LogError('Failed to open: "'+ resources[ResIndex][2] +'"', 'GetResourceStream');
+ end;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ try
+ Result := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, aName , PChar(aType));
+ except
+ Log.LogError('Invalid resource: "'+ aType + ':' + aName +'"', 'GetResourceStream');
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+// +++++++++++++++++++++ helpers for RWOpsFromStream() +++++++++++++++
+ function SdlStreamSeek( context : PSDL_RWops; offset : Integer; whence : Integer ) : integer; cdecl;
+ var
+ stream : TStream;
+ origin : Word;
+ begin
+ stream := TStream( context.unknown );
+ if ( stream = nil ) then
+ raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamSeek on nil' );
+ case whence of
+ 0 : origin := soFromBeginning; // Offset is from the beginning of the resource. Seek moves to the position Offset. Offset must be >= 0.
+ 1 : origin := soFromCurrent; // Offset is from the current position in the resource. Seek moves to Position + Offset.
+ 2 : origin := soFromEnd;
+ else
+ origin := soFromBeginning; // just in case
+ end;
+ Result := stream.Seek( offset, origin );
+ end;
+ function SdlStreamRead( context : PSDL_RWops; Ptr : Pointer; size : Integer; maxnum: Integer ) : Integer; cdecl;
+ var
+ stream : TStream;
+ begin
+ stream := TStream( context.unknown );
+ if ( stream = nil ) then
+ raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamRead on nil' );
+ try
+ Result := stream.read( Ptr^, Size * maxnum ) div size;
+ except
+ Result := -1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function SDLStreamClose( context : PSDL_RWops ) : Integer; cdecl;
+ var
+ stream : TStream;
+ begin
+ stream := TStream( context.unknown );
+ if ( stream = nil ) then
+ raise EInvalidContainer.Create( 'SDLStreamClose on nil' );
+ stream.Free;
+ Result := 1;
+ end;
+// -----------------------------------------------
+ * Creates an SDL_RWops handle from a TStream.
+ * The stream and RWops must be freed by the user after usage.
+ * Use SDL_FreeRW(...) to free the RWops data-struct.
+ *)
+function RWopsFromStream(Stream: TStream): PSDL_RWops;
+ Result := SDL_AllocRW();
+ if (Result = nil) then
+ Exit;
+ // set RW-callbacks
+ with Result^ do
+ begin
+ unknown := TUnknown(Stream);
+ seek := SDLStreamSeek;
+ read := SDLStreamRead;
+ write := nil;
+ close := SDLStreamClose;
+ type_ := 2;
+ end;
+function RandomRange(aMin: Integer; aMax: Integer) : Integer;
+ RandomRange := Random(aMax-aMin) + aMin ;
+{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS) and Defined(FPC)}
+function AllocateHWndCallback(hWnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;
+ Msg: TMessage;
+ MethodPtr: ^TWndMethod;
+ FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), 0);
+ Msg.msg := uMsg;
+ Msg.wParam := wParam;
+ Msg.lParam := lParam;
+ MethodPtr := Pointer(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA));
+ if Assigned(MethodPtr) then
+ MethodPtr^(Msg);
+ Result := DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
+function AllocateHWnd(Method: TWndMethod): HWND;
+ ClassExists: Boolean;
+ WndClass, OldClass: TWndClass;
+ MethodPtr: ^TMethod;
+ Result := 0;
+ // setup class-info
+ FillChar(WndClass, SizeOf(TWndClass), 0);
+ WndClass.hInstance := HInstance;
+ // Important: do not enable AllocateHWndCallback before the msg-handler method is assigned,
+ // otherwise race-conditions might occur
+ WndClass.lpfnWndProc := @DefWindowProc;
+ WndClass.lpszClassName:= 'USDXUtilWindowClass';
+ // check if class is already registered
+ ClassExists := GetClassInfo(HInstance, WndClass.lpszClassName, OldClass);
+ // create window-class shared by all windows created by AllocateHWnd()
+ if (not ClassExists) or (@OldClass.lpfnWndProc <> @DefWindowProc) then
+ begin
+ if ClassExists then
+ UnregisterClass(WndClass.lpszClassName, HInstance);
+ if (RegisterClass(WndClass) = 0) then
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // create window
+ Result := CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, WndClass.lpszClassName, '',
+ DWORD(WS_POPUP), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, HInstance, nil);
+ if (Result = 0) then
+ Exit;
+ // assign individual callback procedure to the window
+ if Assigned(Method) then
+ begin
+ // TMethod contains two pointers but we can pass just one as USERDATA
+ GetMem(MethodPtr, SizeOf(TMethod));
+ MethodPtr^ := TMethod(Method);
+ SetWindowLongPtr(Result, GWL_USERDATA, LONG_PTR(MethodPtr));
+ end;
+ // now enable AllocateHWndCallback for this window
+ SetWindowLongPtr(Result, GWL_WNDPROC, LONG_PTR(@AllocateHWndCallback));
+procedure DeallocateHWnd(hWnd: HWND);
+ MethodPtr: ^TMethod;
+ if (hWnd <> 0) then
+ begin
+ MethodPtr := Pointer(GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA));
+ DestroyWindow(hWnd);
+ if Assigned(MethodPtr) then
+ FreeMem(MethodPtr);
+ end;
+ MessageList: TStringList;
+ ConsoleHandler: TThreadID;
+ // Note: TRTLCriticalSection is defined in the units System and Libc, use System one
+ ConsoleCriticalSection: System.TRTLCriticalSection;
+ ConsoleEvent: PRTLEvent;
+ ConsoleQuit: boolean;
+ * Write to console if one is available.
+ * It checks if a console is available before output so it will not
+ * crash on windows if none is available.
+ * Do not use this function directly because it is not thread-safe,
+ * use ConsoleWriteLn() instead.
+ *)
+procedure _ConsoleWriteLn(const aString: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ // sanity check to avoid crashes with writeln()
+ if (IsConsole) then
+ begin
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Writeln(aString);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ * The console-handlers main-function.
+ * TODO: create a quit-event on closing.
+ *}
+function ConsoleHandlerFunc(param: pointer): PtrInt;
+ i: integer;
+ quit: boolean;
+ quit := false;
+ while (not quit) do
+ begin
+ // wait for new output or quit-request
+ RTLeventWaitFor(ConsoleEvent);
+ System.EnterCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
+ // output pending messages
+ for i := 0 to MessageList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ _ConsoleWriteLn(MessageList[i]);
+ end;
+ MessageList.Clear();
+ // use local quit-variable to avoid accessing
+ // ConsoleQuit outside of the critical section
+ if (ConsoleQuit) then
+ quit := true;
+ RTLeventResetEvent(ConsoleEvent);
+ System.LeaveCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
+ end;
+ result := 0;
+procedure InitConsoleOutput();
+ // init thread-safe output
+ MessageList := TStringList.Create();
+ System.InitCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
+ ConsoleEvent := RTLEventCreate();
+ ConsoleQuit := false;
+ // must be a thread managed by FPC. Otherwise (e.g. SDL-thread)
+ // it will crash when using Writeln.
+ ConsoleHandler := BeginThread(@ConsoleHandlerFunc);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure FinalizeConsoleOutput();
+ // terminate console-handler
+ System.EnterCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
+ ConsoleQuit := true;
+ RTLeventSetEvent(ConsoleEvent);
+ System.LeaveCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
+ WaitForThreadTerminate(ConsoleHandler, 0);
+ // free data
+ System.DoneCriticalsection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
+ RTLeventDestroy(ConsoleEvent);
+ MessageList.Free();
+ {$ENDIF}
+ * With FPC console output is not thread-safe.
+ * Using WriteLn() from external threads (like in SDL callbacks)
+ * will damage the heap and crash the program.
+ * Most probably FPC uses thread-local-data (TLS) to lock a mutex on
+ * the console-buffer. This does not work with external lib's threads
+ * because these do not have the TLS data and so it crashes while
+ * accessing unallocated memory.
+ * The solution is to create an FPC-managed thread which has the TLS data
+ * and use it to handle the console-output (hence it is called Console-Handler)
+ * It should be safe to do so, but maybe FPC requires the main-thread to access
+ * the console-buffer only. In this case output should be delegated to it.
+ *
+ * TODO: - check if it is safe if an FPC-managed thread different than the
+ * main-thread accesses the console-buffer in FPC.
+ * - check if Delphi's WriteLn is thread-safe.
+ * - check if we need to synchronize file-output too
+ *}
+procedure ConsoleWriteLn(const msg: string);
+ // TODO: check for the main-thread and use a simple _ConsoleWriteLn() then?
+ //GetCurrentThreadThreadId();
+ System.EnterCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
+ MessageList.Add(msg);
+ RTLeventSetEvent(ConsoleEvent);
+ System.LeaveCriticalSection(ConsoleCriticalSection);
+ {$ELSE}
+ _ConsoleWriteLn(msg);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure ShowMessage(const msg: String; msgType: TMessageType);
+var Flags: Cardinal;
+{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
+ case msgType of
+ mtInfo: Flags := MB_ICONINFORMATION or MB_OK;
+ mtError: Flags := MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK;
+ else Flags := MB_OK;
+ end;
+ MessageBox(0, PChar(msg), PChar(USDXVersionStr()), Flags);
+ ConsoleWriteln(msg);
+function IsAlphaChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ // TODO: add chars > 255 when unicode-fonts work?
+ case ch of
+ 'A'..'Z', // A-Z
+ 'a'..'z', // a-z
+ #170,#181,#186,
+ #192..#214,
+ #216..#246,
+ #248..#255:
+ Result := true;
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+function IsNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ case ch of
+ '0'..'9':
+ Result := true;
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+function IsAlphaNumericChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ Result := (IsAlphaChar(ch) or IsNumericChar(ch));
+function IsPunctuationChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ // TODO: add chars outside of Latin1 basic (0..127)?
+ case ch of
+ ' '..'/',':'..'@','['..'`','{'..'~':
+ Result := true;
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+function IsControlChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
+ case ch of
+ #0..#31,
+ #127..#159:
+ Result := true;
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ * Recursive part of the MergeSort algorithm.
+ * OutList will be either InList or TempList and will be swapped in each
+ * depth-level of recursion. By doing this it we can directly merge into the
+ * output-list. If we only had In- and OutList parameters we had to merge into
+ * InList after the recursive calls and copy the data to the OutList afterwards.
+ *)
+procedure _MergeSort(InList, TempList, OutList: TList; StartPos, BlockSize: integer;
+ CompareFunc: TListSortCompare);
+ LeftSize, RightSize: integer; // number of elements in left/right block
+ LeftEnd, RightEnd: integer; // Index after last element in left/right block
+ MidPos: integer; // index of first element in right block
+ Pos: integer; // position in output list
+ LeftSize := BlockSize div 2;
+ RightSize := BlockSize - LeftSize;
+ MidPos := StartPos + LeftSize;
+ // sort left and right halves of this block by recursive calls of this function
+ if (LeftSize >= 2) then
+ _MergeSort(InList, OutList, TempList, StartPos, LeftSize, CompareFunc)
+ else
+ TempList[StartPos] := InList[StartPos];
+ if (RightSize >= 2) then
+ _MergeSort(InList, OutList, TempList, MidPos, RightSize, CompareFunc)
+ else
+ TempList[MidPos] := InList[MidPos];
+ // merge sorted left and right sub-lists into output-list
+ LeftEnd := MidPos;
+ RightEnd := StartPos + BlockSize;
+ Pos := StartPos;
+ while ((StartPos < LeftEnd) and (MidPos < RightEnd)) do
+ begin
+ if (CompareFunc(TempList[StartPos], TempList[MidPos]) <= 0) then
+ begin
+ OutList[Pos] := TempList[StartPos];
+ Inc(StartPos);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ OutList[Pos] := TempList[MidPos];
+ Inc(MidPos);
+ end;
+ Inc(Pos);
+ end;
+ // copy remaining elements to output-list
+ while (StartPos < LeftEnd) do
+ begin
+ OutList[Pos] := TempList[StartPos];
+ Inc(StartPos);
+ Inc(Pos);
+ end;
+ while (MidPos < RightEnd) do
+ begin
+ OutList[Pos] := TempList[MidPos];
+ Inc(MidPos);
+ Inc(Pos);
+ end;
+ * Stable alternative to the instable TList.Sort() (uses QuickSort) implementation.
+ * A stable sorting algorithm preserves preordered items. E.g. if sorting by
+ * songs by title first and artist afterwards, the songs of each artist will
+ * be ordered by title. In contrast to this an unstable algorithm (like QuickSort)
+ * may destroy an existing order, so the songs of an artist will not be ordered
+ * by title anymore after sorting by artist in the previous example.
+ * If you do not need a stable algorithm, use TList.Sort() instead.
+ *)
+procedure MergeSort(List: TList; CompareFunc: TListSortCompare);
+ TempList: TList;
+ TempList := TList.Create();
+ TempList.Count := List.Count;
+ if (List.Count >= 2) then
+ _MergeSort(List, TempList, List, 0, List.Count, CompareFunc);
+ TempList.Free;
+ InitConsoleOutput();
+ FinalizeConsoleOutput();
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UCore.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UCore.pas
index 2e1304de..cb632b79 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UCore.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UCore.pas
@@ -1,510 +1,510 @@
-unit UCore;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- uPluginDefs,
- uCoreModule,
- UHooks,
- UServices,
- UModules;
- TCore
- Class manages all CoreModules, teh StartUp, teh MainLoop and the shutdown process
- Also it does some Error Handling, and maybe sometime multithreaded Loading ;)
- TModuleListItem = record
- Module: TCoreModule; //Instance of the Modules Class
- Info: TModuleInfo; //ModuleInfo returned by Modules Modulinfo Proc
- NeedsDeInit: Boolean; //True if Module was succesful inited
- end;
- TCore = class
- private
- //Some Hook Handles. See Plugin SDKs Hooks.txt for Infos
- hLoadingFinished: THandle;
- hMainLoop: THandle;
- hTranslate: THandle;
- hLoadTextures: THandle;
- hExitQuery: THandle;
- hExit: THandle;
- hDebug: THandle;
- hError: THandle;
- sReportError: THandle;
- sReportDebug: THandle;
- sShowMessage: THandle;
- sRetranslate: THandle;
- sReloadTextures: THandle;
- sGetModuleInfo: THandle;
- sGetApplicationHandle: THandle;
- Modules: Array [0..High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD)] of TModuleListItem;
- //Cur + Last Executed Setting and Getting ;)
- iCurExecuted: Integer;
- iLastExecuted: Integer;
- procedure SetCurExecuted(Value: Integer);
- //Function Get all Modules and Creates them
- function GetModules: Boolean;
- //Loads Core and all Modules
- function Load: Boolean;
- //Inits Core and all Modules
- function Init: Boolean;
- //DeInits Core and all Modules
- function DeInit: Boolean;
- //Load the Core
- function LoadCore: Boolean;
- //Init the Core
- function InitCore: Boolean;
- //DeInit the Core
- function DeInitCore: Boolean;
- //Called one Time per Frame
- function MainLoop: Boolean;
- public
- Hooks: THookManager; //Teh Hook Manager ;)
- Services: TServiceManager;//The Service Manager
- Name: String; //Name of this Application
- Version: LongWord; //Version of this ". For Info Look PluginDefs Functions
- LastErrorReporter:String; //Who Reported the Last Error String
- LastErrorString: String; //Last Error String reported
- property CurExecuted: Integer read iCurExecuted write SetCurExecuted; //ID of Plugin or Module curently Executed
- property LastExecuted: Integer read iLastExecuted;
- //---------------
- //Main Methods to control the Core:
- //---------------
- constructor Create(const cName: String; const cVersion: LongWord);
- //Starts Loading and Init Process. Then Runs MainLoop. DeInits on Shutdown
- procedure Run;
- //Method for other Classes to get Pointer to a specific Module
- function GetModulebyName(const Name: String): PCoreModule;
- //--------------
- // Hook and Service Procs:
- //--------------
- function ShowMessage(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Shows a Message (lParam: PChar Text, wParam: Symbol)
- function ReportError(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Shows a Message (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
- function ReportDebug(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Shows a Message (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
- function Retranslate(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Calls Translate hook
- function ReloadTextures(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Calls LoadTextures hook
- function GetModuleInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TModuleInfo to address at lparam
- function GetApplicationHandle(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Returns Application Handle
- end;
- Core: TCore;
- {$IFDEF win32}
- Windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils;
-// Create - Creates Class + Hook and Service Manager
-constructor TCore.Create(const cName: String; const cVersion: LongWord);
- inherited Create;
- Name := cName;
- Version := cVersion;
- iLastExecuted := 0;
- iCurExecuted := 0;
- LastErrorReporter := '';
- LastErrorString := '';
- Hooks := THookManager.Create(50);
- Services := TServiceManager.Create;
-//Starts Loading and Init Process. Then Runs MainLoop. DeInits on Shutdown
-procedure TCore.Run;
- Success: Boolean;
- procedure HandleError(const ErrorMsg: string);
- begin
- if (LastErrorString <> '') then
- Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar(ErrorMsg + ': ' + LastErrorString))
- else
- Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar(ErrorMsg));
- //DeInit
- DeInit;
- end;
- //Get Modules
- try
- Success := GetModules();
- except
- Success := False;
- end;
- if (not Success) then
- begin
- HandleError('Error Getting Modules');
- Exit;
- end;
- //Loading
- try
- Success := Load();
- except
- Success := False;
- end;
- if (not Success) then
- begin
- HandleError('Error loading Modules');
- Exit;
- end;
- //Init
- try
- Success := Init();
- except
- Success := False;
- end;
- if (not Success) then
- begin
- HandleError('Error initing Modules');
- Exit;
- end;
- //Call Translate Hook
- if (Hooks.CallEventChain(hTranslate, 0, nil) <> 0) then
- begin
- HandleError('Error translating');
- Exit;
- end;
- //Calls LoadTextures Hook
- if (Hooks.CallEventChain(hLoadTextures, 0, nil) <> 0) then
- begin
- HandleError('Error loading textures');
- Exit;
- end;
- //Calls Loading Finished Hook
- if (Hooks.CallEventChain(hLoadingFinished, 0, nil) <> 0) then
- begin
- HandleError('Error calling LoadingFinished Hook');
- Exit;
- end;
- //Start MainLoop
- while Success do
- begin
- Success := MainLoop();
- // to-do : Call Display Draw here
- end;
-//Called one Time per Frame
-function TCore.MainLoop: Boolean;
- Result := False;
-//Function Get all Modules and Creates them
-function TCore.GetModules: Boolean;
- i: Integer;
- Result := False;
- for i := 0 to high(Modules) do
- begin
- try
- Modules[i].NeedsDeInit := False;
- Modules[i].Module := CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD[i].Create;
- Modules[i].Module.Info(@Modules[i].Info);
- except
- ReportError(Integer(PChar('Can''t get module #' + InttoStr(i) + ' "' + Modules[i].Info.Name + '"')), PChar('Core'));
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := True;
-//Loads Core and all Modules
-function TCore.Load: Boolean;
- i: Integer;
- Result := LoadCore;
- for i := 0 to High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD) do
- begin
- try
- Result := Modules[i].Module.Load;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- ReportError(Integer(PChar('Error loading module #' + InttoStr(i) + ' "' + Modules[i].Info.Name + '"')), PChar('Core'));
- break;
- end;
- end;
-//Inits Core and all Modules
-function TCore.Init: Boolean;
- i: Integer;
- Result := InitCore;
- for i := 0 to High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD) do
- begin
- try
- Result := Modules[i].Module.Init;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- if (not Result) then
- begin
- ReportError(Integer(PChar('Error initing module #' + InttoStr(i) + ' "' + Modules[i].Info.Name + '"')), PChar('Core'));
- break;
- end;
- Modules[i].NeedsDeInit := Result;
- end;
-//DeInits Core and all Modules
-function TCore.DeInit: boolean;
- i: integer;
- for i := High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD) downto 0 do
- begin
- try
- if (Modules[i].NeedsDeInit) then
- Modules[i].Module.DeInit;
- except
- end;
- end;
- DeInitCore;
- Result := true;
-//Load the Core
-function TCore.LoadCore: Boolean;
- hLoadingFinished := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/LoadingFinished');
- hMainLoop := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/MainLoop');
- hTranslate := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/Translate');
- hLoadTextures := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/LoadTextures');
- hExitQuery := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/ExitQuery');
- hExit := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/Exit');
- hDebug := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/NewDebugInfo');
- hError := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/NewError');
- sReportError := Services.AddService('Core/ReportError', nil, Self.ReportError);
- sReportDebug := Services.AddService('Core/ReportDebug', nil, Self.ReportDebug);
- sShowMessage := Services.AddService('Core/ShowMessage', nil, Self.ShowMessage);
- sRetranslate := Services.AddService('Core/Retranslate', nil, Self.Retranslate);
- sReloadTextures := Services.AddService('Core/ReloadTextures', nil, Self.ReloadTextures);
- sGetModuleInfo := Services.AddService('Core/GetModuleInfo', nil, Self.GetModuleInfo);
- sGetApplicationHandle := Services.AddService('Core/GetApplicationHandle', nil, Self.GetApplicationHandle);
- //A little Test
- Hooks.AddSubscriber('Core/NewError', HookTest);
- result := true;
-//Init the Core
-function TCore.InitCore: Boolean;
- //Don not init something atm.
- result := true;
-//DeInit the Core
-function TCore.DeInitCore: Boolean;
- // TODO: write TService-/HookManager.Free and call it here
- Result := true;
-//Method for other classes to get pointer to a specific module
-function TCore.GetModuleByName(const Name: String): PCoreModule;
-var i: Integer;
- Result := nil;
- for i := 0 to High(Modules) do
- begin
- if (Modules[i].Info.Name = Name) then
- begin
- Result := @Modules[i].Module;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
-// Shows a MessageDialog (lParam: PChar Text, wParam: Symbol)
-function TCore.ShowMessage(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
-var Params: Cardinal;
- Result := -1;
- if (lParam <> nil) then
- begin
- Params := MB_OK;
- case wParam of
- CORE_SM_ERROR: Params := Params or MB_ICONERROR;
- end;
- //Show:
- Result := Messagebox(0, lParam, PChar(Name), Params);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- // TODO: write ShowMessage for other OSes
-// Calls NewError HookChain (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
-function TCore.ReportError(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- //Update LastErrorReporter and LastErrorString
- LastErrorReporter := String(PChar(lParam));
- LastErrorString := String(PChar(Pointer(wParam)));
- Hooks.CallEventChain(hError, wParam, lParam);
-// Calls NewDebugInfo HookChain (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
-function TCore.ReportDebug(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Hooks.CallEventChain(hDebug, wParam, lParam);
-// Calls Translate hook
-function TCore.Retranslate(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Hooks.CallEventChain(hTranslate, 1, nil);
-// Calls LoadTextures hook
-function TCore.ReloadTextures(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Hooks.CallEventChain(hLoadTextures, 1, nil);
-// If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TModuleInfo to address at lparam
-function TCore.GetModuleInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- if (Pointer(lParam) = nil) then
- begin
- Result := Length(Modules);
- end
- else
- begin
- try
- for Result := 0 to High(Modules) do
- begin
- AModuleInfo(Pointer(lParam))[Result].Name := Modules[Result].Info.Name;
- AModuleInfo(Pointer(lParam))[Result].Version := Modules[Result].Info.Version;
- AModuleInfo(Pointer(lParam))[Result].Description := Modules[Result].Info.Description;
- end;
- except
- Result := -1;
- end;
- end;
-// Returns Application Handle
-function TCore.GetApplicationHandle(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Result := hInstance;
-// Called when setting CurExecuted
-procedure TCore.SetCurExecuted(Value: Integer);
- //Set Last Executed
- iLastExecuted := iCurExecuted;
- //Set Cur Executed
- iCurExecuted := Value;
+unit UCore;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ uPluginDefs,
+ uCoreModule,
+ UHooks,
+ UServices,
+ UModules;
+ TCore
+ Class manages all CoreModules, teh StartUp, teh MainLoop and the shutdown process
+ Also it does some Error Handling, and maybe sometime multithreaded Loading ;)
+ TModuleListItem = record
+ Module: TCoreModule; //Instance of the Modules Class
+ Info: TModuleInfo; //ModuleInfo returned by Modules Modulinfo Proc
+ NeedsDeInit: Boolean; //True if Module was succesful inited
+ end;
+ TCore = class
+ private
+ //Some Hook Handles. See Plugin SDKs Hooks.txt for Infos
+ hLoadingFinished: THandle;
+ hMainLoop: THandle;
+ hTranslate: THandle;
+ hLoadTextures: THandle;
+ hExitQuery: THandle;
+ hExit: THandle;
+ hDebug: THandle;
+ hError: THandle;
+ sReportError: THandle;
+ sReportDebug: THandle;
+ sShowMessage: THandle;
+ sRetranslate: THandle;
+ sReloadTextures: THandle;
+ sGetModuleInfo: THandle;
+ sGetApplicationHandle: THandle;
+ Modules: Array [0..High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD)] of TModuleListItem;
+ //Cur + Last Executed Setting and Getting ;)
+ iCurExecuted: Integer;
+ iLastExecuted: Integer;
+ procedure SetCurExecuted(Value: Integer);
+ //Function Get all Modules and Creates them
+ function GetModules: Boolean;
+ //Loads Core and all Modules
+ function Load: Boolean;
+ //Inits Core and all Modules
+ function Init: Boolean;
+ //DeInits Core and all Modules
+ function DeInit: Boolean;
+ //Load the Core
+ function LoadCore: Boolean;
+ //Init the Core
+ function InitCore: Boolean;
+ //DeInit the Core
+ function DeInitCore: Boolean;
+ //Called one Time per Frame
+ function MainLoop: Boolean;
+ public
+ Hooks: THookManager; //Teh Hook Manager ;)
+ Services: TServiceManager;//The Service Manager
+ Name: String; //Name of this Application
+ Version: LongWord; //Version of this ". For Info Look PluginDefs Functions
+ LastErrorReporter:String; //Who Reported the Last Error String
+ LastErrorString: String; //Last Error String reported
+ property CurExecuted: Integer read iCurExecuted write SetCurExecuted; //ID of Plugin or Module curently Executed
+ property LastExecuted: Integer read iLastExecuted;
+ //---------------
+ //Main Methods to control the Core:
+ //---------------
+ constructor Create(const cName: String; const cVersion: LongWord);
+ //Starts Loading and Init Process. Then Runs MainLoop. DeInits on Shutdown
+ procedure Run;
+ //Method for other Classes to get Pointer to a specific Module
+ function GetModulebyName(const Name: String): PCoreModule;
+ //--------------
+ // Hook and Service Procs:
+ //--------------
+ function ShowMessage(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Shows a Message (lParam: PChar Text, wParam: Symbol)
+ function ReportError(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Shows a Message (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
+ function ReportDebug(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Shows a Message (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
+ function Retranslate(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Calls Translate hook
+ function ReloadTextures(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Calls LoadTextures hook
+ function GetModuleInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TModuleInfo to address at lparam
+ function GetApplicationHandle(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Returns Application Handle
+ end;
+ Core: TCore;
+ {$IFDEF win32}
+ Windows,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SysUtils;
+// Create - Creates Class + Hook and Service Manager
+constructor TCore.Create(const cName: String; const cVersion: LongWord);
+ inherited Create;
+ Name := cName;
+ Version := cVersion;
+ iLastExecuted := 0;
+ iCurExecuted := 0;
+ LastErrorReporter := '';
+ LastErrorString := '';
+ Hooks := THookManager.Create(50);
+ Services := TServiceManager.Create;
+//Starts Loading and Init Process. Then Runs MainLoop. DeInits on Shutdown
+procedure TCore.Run;
+ Success: Boolean;
+ procedure HandleError(const ErrorMsg: string);
+ begin
+ if (LastErrorString <> '') then
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar(ErrorMsg + ': ' + LastErrorString))
+ else
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar(ErrorMsg));
+ //DeInit
+ DeInit;
+ end;
+ //Get Modules
+ try
+ Success := GetModules();
+ except
+ Success := False;
+ end;
+ if (not Success) then
+ begin
+ HandleError('Error Getting Modules');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ //Loading
+ try
+ Success := Load();
+ except
+ Success := False;
+ end;
+ if (not Success) then
+ begin
+ HandleError('Error loading Modules');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ //Init
+ try
+ Success := Init();
+ except
+ Success := False;
+ end;
+ if (not Success) then
+ begin
+ HandleError('Error initing Modules');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ //Call Translate Hook
+ if (Hooks.CallEventChain(hTranslate, 0, nil) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ HandleError('Error translating');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ //Calls LoadTextures Hook
+ if (Hooks.CallEventChain(hLoadTextures, 0, nil) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ HandleError('Error loading textures');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ //Calls Loading Finished Hook
+ if (Hooks.CallEventChain(hLoadingFinished, 0, nil) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ HandleError('Error calling LoadingFinished Hook');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ //Start MainLoop
+ while Success do
+ begin
+ Success := MainLoop();
+ // to-do : Call Display Draw here
+ end;
+//Called one Time per Frame
+function TCore.MainLoop: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+//Function Get all Modules and Creates them
+function TCore.GetModules: Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := False;
+ for i := 0 to high(Modules) do
+ begin
+ try
+ Modules[i].NeedsDeInit := False;
+ Modules[i].Module := CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD[i].Create;
+ Modules[i].Module.Info(@Modules[i].Info);
+ except
+ ReportError(Integer(PChar('Can''t get module #' + InttoStr(i) + ' "' + Modules[i].Info.Name + '"')), PChar('Core'));
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+//Loads Core and all Modules
+function TCore.Load: Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := LoadCore;
+ for i := 0 to High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD) do
+ begin
+ try
+ Result := Modules[i].Module.Load;
+ except
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ if (not Result) then
+ begin
+ ReportError(Integer(PChar('Error loading module #' + InttoStr(i) + ' "' + Modules[i].Info.Name + '"')), PChar('Core'));
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+//Inits Core and all Modules
+function TCore.Init: Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := InitCore;
+ for i := 0 to High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD) do
+ begin
+ try
+ Result := Modules[i].Module.Init;
+ except
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ if (not Result) then
+ begin
+ ReportError(Integer(PChar('Error initing module #' + InttoStr(i) + ' "' + Modules[i].Info.Name + '"')), PChar('Core'));
+ break;
+ end;
+ Modules[i].NeedsDeInit := Result;
+ end;
+//DeInits Core and all Modules
+function TCore.DeInit: boolean;
+ i: integer;
+ for i := High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD) downto 0 do
+ begin
+ try
+ if (Modules[i].NeedsDeInit) then
+ Modules[i].Module.DeInit;
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ DeInitCore;
+ Result := true;
+//Load the Core
+function TCore.LoadCore: Boolean;
+ hLoadingFinished := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/LoadingFinished');
+ hMainLoop := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/MainLoop');
+ hTranslate := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/Translate');
+ hLoadTextures := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/LoadTextures');
+ hExitQuery := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/ExitQuery');
+ hExit := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/Exit');
+ hDebug := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/NewDebugInfo');
+ hError := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/NewError');
+ sReportError := Services.AddService('Core/ReportError', nil, Self.ReportError);
+ sReportDebug := Services.AddService('Core/ReportDebug', nil, Self.ReportDebug);
+ sShowMessage := Services.AddService('Core/ShowMessage', nil, Self.ShowMessage);
+ sRetranslate := Services.AddService('Core/Retranslate', nil, Self.Retranslate);
+ sReloadTextures := Services.AddService('Core/ReloadTextures', nil, Self.ReloadTextures);
+ sGetModuleInfo := Services.AddService('Core/GetModuleInfo', nil, Self.GetModuleInfo);
+ sGetApplicationHandle := Services.AddService('Core/GetApplicationHandle', nil, Self.GetApplicationHandle);
+ //A little Test
+ Hooks.AddSubscriber('Core/NewError', HookTest);
+ result := true;
+//Init the Core
+function TCore.InitCore: Boolean;
+ //Don not init something atm.
+ result := true;
+//DeInit the Core
+function TCore.DeInitCore: Boolean;
+ // TODO: write TService-/HookManager.Free and call it here
+ Result := true;
+//Method for other classes to get pointer to a specific module
+function TCore.GetModuleByName(const Name: String): PCoreModule;
+var i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to High(Modules) do
+ begin
+ if (Modules[i].Info.Name = Name) then
+ begin
+ Result := @Modules[i].Module;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+// Shows a MessageDialog (lParam: PChar Text, wParam: Symbol)
+function TCore.ShowMessage(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+var Params: Cardinal;
+ Result := -1;
+ if (lParam <> nil) then
+ begin
+ Params := MB_OK;
+ case wParam of
+ CORE_SM_ERROR: Params := Params or MB_ICONERROR;
+ end;
+ //Show:
+ Result := Messagebox(0, lParam, PChar(Name), Params);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // TODO: write ShowMessage for other OSes
+// Calls NewError HookChain (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
+function TCore.ReportError(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ //Update LastErrorReporter and LastErrorString
+ LastErrorReporter := String(PChar(lParam));
+ LastErrorString := String(PChar(Pointer(wParam)));
+ Hooks.CallEventChain(hError, wParam, lParam);
+// Calls NewDebugInfo HookChain (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
+function TCore.ReportDebug(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Hooks.CallEventChain(hDebug, wParam, lParam);
+// Calls Translate hook
+function TCore.Retranslate(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Hooks.CallEventChain(hTranslate, 1, nil);
+// Calls LoadTextures hook
+function TCore.ReloadTextures(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Hooks.CallEventChain(hLoadTextures, 1, nil);
+// If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TModuleInfo to address at lparam
+function TCore.GetModuleInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ if (Pointer(lParam) = nil) then
+ begin
+ Result := Length(Modules);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ try
+ for Result := 0 to High(Modules) do
+ begin
+ AModuleInfo(Pointer(lParam))[Result].Name := Modules[Result].Info.Name;
+ AModuleInfo(Pointer(lParam))[Result].Version := Modules[Result].Info.Version;
+ AModuleInfo(Pointer(lParam))[Result].Description := Modules[Result].Info.Description;
+ end;
+ except
+ Result := -1;
+ end;
+ end;
+// Returns Application Handle
+function TCore.GetApplicationHandle(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Result := hInstance;
+// Called when setting CurExecuted
+procedure TCore.SetCurExecuted(Value: Integer);
+ //Set Last Executed
+ iLastExecuted := iCurExecuted;
+ //Set Cur Executed
+ iCurExecuted := Value;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas
index d82fef33..6f918fb2 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas
@@ -1,1340 +1,1340 @@
-unit UDraw;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses UThemes,
- ModiSDK,
- UGraphicClasses;
-procedure SingDraw;
-procedure SingModiDraw (PlayerInfo: TPlayerInfo);
-procedure SingDrawBackground;
-procedure SingDrawOscilloscope(X, Y, W, H: real; NrSound: integer);
-procedure SingDrawNoteLines(Left, Top, Right: real; Space: integer);
-procedure SingDrawBeatDelimeters(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer);
-procedure SingDrawLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer; Space: integer);
-procedure SingDrawPlayerLine(X, Y, W: real; PlayerIndex: integer; Space: integer);
-procedure SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines, PlayerIndex: integer; Space: integer);
-// TimeBar
-procedure SingDrawTimeBar();
-//Draw Editor NoteLines
-procedure EditDrawLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer; Space: integer);
- TRecR = record
- Top: real;
- Left: real;
- Right: real;
- Bottom: real;
- Width: real;
- WMid: real;
- Height: real;
- HMid: real;
- Mid: real;
- end;
- NotesW: real;
- NotesH: real;
- Starfr: integer;
- StarfrG: integer;
- //SingBar
- TickOld: cardinal;
- TickOld2:cardinal;
- Przedz = 32;
- gl,
- UGraphic,
- SysUtils,
- UMusic,
- URecord,
- ULog,
- UScreenSing,
- UScreenSingModi,
- ULyrics,
- UMain,
- TextGL,
- UTexture,
- UDrawTexture,
- UIni,
- Math,
- UDLLManager;
-procedure SingDrawBackground;
- Rec: TRecR;
- TexRec: TRecR;
- if (ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexNum > 0) then begin
- glClearColor (1, 1, 1, 1);
- glColor4f (1, 1, 1, 1);
- if (Ini.MovieSize <= 1) then //HalfSize BG
- begin
- (* half screen + gradient *)
- Rec.Top := 110; // 80
- Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 20;
- Rec.Left := 0;
- Rec.Right := 800;
- TexRec.Top := (Rec.Top / 600) * ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH;
- TexRec.Bottom := (Rec.Bottom / 600) * ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH;
- TexRec.Left := 0;
- TexRec.Right := ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexW;
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexNum);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- (* gradient draw *)
- (* top *)
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Right, TexRec.Top); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Left, TexRec.Top); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
- glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Left, TexRec.Bottom); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Right, TexRec.Bottom); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- (* mid *)
- Rec.Top := Rec.Bottom;
- Rec.Bottom := 490 - 20; // 490 - 20
- TexRec.Top := TexRec.Bottom;
- TexRec.Bottom := (Rec.Bottom / 600) * ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH;
- glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Left, TexRec.Top); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Left, TexRec.Bottom); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Right, TexRec.Bottom); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Right, TexRec.Top); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- (* bottom *)
- Rec.Top := Rec.Bottom;
- Rec.Bottom := 490; // 490
- TexRec.Top := TexRec.Bottom;
- TexRec.Bottom := (Rec.Bottom / 600) * ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH;
- glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Right, TexRec.Top); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Left, TexRec.Top); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Left, TexRec.Bottom); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Right, TexRec.Bottom); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- end
- else //Full Size BG
- begin
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexNum);
- //glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(0, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(0, ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH); glVertex2f(0, 600);
- glTexCoord2f( ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexW, ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH); glVertex2f(800, 600);
- glTexCoord2f( ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexW, 0); glVertex2f(800, 0);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- //glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- end;
- end;
-procedure SingDrawOscilloscope(X, Y, W, H: real; NrSound: integer);
- SampleIndex: integer;
- Sound: TCaptureBuffer;
- MaxX, MaxY: real;
- Sound := AudioInputProcessor.Sound[NrSound];
- // Log.LogStatus('Oscilloscope', 'SingDraw');
- glColor3f(Skin_OscR, Skin_OscG, Skin_OscB);
- {if (ParamStr(1) = '-black') or (ParamStr(1) = '-fsblack') then
- glColor3f(1, 1, 1); }
- MaxX := W-1;
- MaxY := (H-1) / 2;
- glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
- for SampleIndex := 0 to High(Sound.BufferArray) do
- begin
- glVertex2f(X + MaxX * SampleIndex/High(Sound.BufferArray),
- Y + MaxY * (1 - Sound.BufferArray[SampleIndex]/-Low(Smallint)));
- end;
- glEnd;
-procedure SingDrawNoteLines(Left, Top, Right: real; Space: integer);
- Count: integer;
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glColor4f(Skin_P1_LinesR, Skin_P1_LinesG, Skin_P1_LinesB, 0.4);
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- for Count := 0 to 9 do begin
- glVertex2f(Left, Top + Count * Space);
- glVertex2f(Right, Top + Count * Space);
- end;
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
-procedure SingDrawBeatDelimeters(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer);
- Count: integer;
- TempR: real;
- TempR := (Right-Left) / (Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- for Count := Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start to Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ do begin
- if (Count mod Lines[NrLines].Resolution) = Lines[NrLines].NotesGAP then
- glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1)
- else
- glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
- glVertex2f(Left + TempR * (Count - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start), Top);
- glVertex2f(Left + TempR * (Count - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start), Top + 135);
- end;
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
-// draw blank Notebars
-procedure SingDrawLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer; Space: integer);
- Rec: TRecR;
- Count: integer;
- TempR: real;
- R,G,B: real;
- PlayerNumber: Integer;
- GoldenStarPos : real;
- lTmpA ,
- lTmpB : real;
-// We actually don't have a playernumber in this procedure, it should reside in NrLines - but it's always set to zero
-// So we exploit this behavior a bit - we give NrLines the playernumber, keep it in playernumber - and then we set NrLines to zero
-// This could also come quite in handy when we do the duet mode, cause just the notes for the player that has to sing should be drawn then
-// BUT this is not implemented yet, all notes are drawn! :D
- PlayerNumber := NrLines + 1; // Player 1 is 0
- NrLines := 0;
-// exploit done
- glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- lTmpA := (Right-Left);
- lTmpB := (Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start);
- if ( lTmpA > 0 ) AND
- ( lTmpB > 0 ) THEN
- begin
- TempR := lTmpA / lTmpB;
- end
- else
- begin
- TempR := 0;
- end;
- with Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current] do begin
- for Count := 0 to HighNote do begin
- with Note[Count] do begin
- if NoteType <> ntFreestyle then begin
- if Ini.EffectSing = 0 then
- // If Golden note Effect of then Change not Color
- begin
- case NoteType of
- ntNormal: glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); // We set alpha to 1, cause we can control the transparency through the png itself
- ntGolden: glColor4f(1, 1, 0.3, 1); // no stars, paint yellow -> glColor4f(1, 1, 0.3, 0.85); - we could
- end; // case
- end //Else all Notes same Color
- else
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); // We set alpha to 1, cause we can control the transparency through the png itself
- // Czesci == teil, element == piece, element | koniec == end / ending
- // lewa czesc - left part
- Rec.Left := (Start-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Left + NotesW;
- Rec.Top := Top - (Tone-BaseNote)*Space/2 - NotesH;
- Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 * NotesH;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_plain_Left[PlayerNumber].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- //We keep the postion of the top left corner b4 it's overwritten
- GoldenStarPos := Rec.Left;
- //done
- // srodkowa czesc - middle part
- Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
- Rec.Right := (Start+Length-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left - NotesW - 0.5 + 10*ScreenX; // Dlugosc == length
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_plain_Mid[PlayerNumber].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- // prawa czesc - right part
- Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Right + NotesW;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_plain_Right[PlayerNumber].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- // Golden Star Patch
- if (NoteType = ntGolden) AND (Ini.EffectSing=1) then
- begin
- GoldenRec.SaveGoldenStarsRec(GoldenStarPos, Rec.Top, Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- end;
- end; // if not FreeStyle
- end; // with
- end; // for
- end; // with
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-// draw sung notes
-procedure SingDrawPlayerLine(X, Y, W: real; PlayerIndex: integer; Space: integer);
- TempR: real;
- Rec: TRecR;
- N: integer;
- R, G, B, A: real;
- NotesH2: real;
- //Log.LogStatus('Player notes', 'SingDraw');
- //if NrGracza = 0 then LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P1Light')
- //else LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P2Light');
- //R := 71/255;
- //G := 175/255;
- //B := 247/255;
- glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- //if Player[NrGracza].LengthNote > 0 then
- begin
- TempR := W / (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_ - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start);
- for N := 0 to Player[PlayerIndex].HighNote do
- begin
- with Player[PlayerIndex].Note[N] do
- begin
- // Left part of note
- Rec.Left := X + (Start-Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Left + NotesW;
- // Draw it in half size, if not hit
- if Hit then
- begin
- NotesH2 := NotesH
- end
- else
- begin
- NotesH2 := int(NotesH * 0.65);
- end;
- Rec.Top := Y - (Tone-Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].BaseNote)*Space/2 - NotesH2;
- Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 *NotesH2;
- // draw the left part
- glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Left[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- // Middle part of the note
- Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
- Rec.Right := X + (Start+Length-Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR - NotesW - 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
- // (nowe) - dunno
- if (Start+Length-1 = LineState.CurrentBeatD) then
- Rec.Right := Rec.Right - (1-Frac(LineState.MidBeatD)) * TempR;
- // the left note is more right than the right note itself, sounds weird - so we fix that xD
- if Rec.Right <= Rec.Left then
- Rec.Right := Rec.Left;
- // draw the middle part
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Mid[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
- // the right part of the note
- Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Right + NotesW;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Right[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- // Perfect note is stored
- if Perfect and (Ini.EffectSing=1) then
- begin
- A := 1 - 2*(LineState.CurrentTime - GetTimeFromBeat(Start+Length));
- if not (Start+Length-1 = LineState.CurrentBeatD) then
- begin
- //Star animation counter
- //inc(Starfr);
- //Starfr := Starfr mod 128;
- GoldenRec.SavePerfectNotePos(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- end;
- end;
- end; // with
- end; // for
- // actually we need a comparison here, to determine if the singing process
- // is ahead Rec.Right even if there is no singing
- if (Ini.EffectSing = 1) then
- GoldenRec.GoldenNoteTwinkle(Rec.Top,Rec.Bottom,Rec.Right, PlayerIndex);
- end; // if
-//draw Note glow
-procedure SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines, PlayerIndex: integer; Space: integer);
- Rec: TRecR;
- Count: integer;
- TempR: real;
- R,G,B: real;
- X1, X2, X3, X4: real;
- W, H: real;
- lTmpA ,
- lTmpB : real;
- if (Player[PlayerIndex].ScoreTotalInt >= 0) then
- begin
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, sqrt((1+sin( AudioPlayback.Position * 3))/4)/ 2 + 0.5 );
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- lTmpA := (Right-Left);
- lTmpB := (Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start);
- if ( lTmpA > 0 ) and
- ( lTmpB > 0 ) then
- begin
- TempR := lTmpA / lTmpB;
- end
- else
- begin
- TempR := 0;
- end;
- with Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current] do
- begin
- for Count := 0 to HighNote do
- begin
- with Note[Count] do
- begin
- if NoteType <> ntFreestyle then
- begin
- // begin: 14, 20
- // easy: 6, 11
- W := NotesW * 2 + 2;
- H := NotesH * 1.5 + 3.5;
- X2 := (Start-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX + 4; // wciecie
- X1 := X2-W;
- X3 := (Start+Length-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left - 0.5 + 10*ScreenX - 4; // wciecie
- X4 := X3+W;
- // left
- Rec.Left := X1;
- Rec.Right := X2;
- Rec.Top := Top - (Tone-BaseNote)*Space/2 - H;
- Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 * H;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_BG_Left[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- // srodkowa czesc
- Rec.Left := X2;
- Rec.Right := X3;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_BG_Mid[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- // prawa czesc
- Rec.Left := X3;
- Rec.Right := X4;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_BG_Right[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- end; // if not FreeStyle
- end; // with
- end; // for
- end; // with
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- end;
-procedure SingDraw;
- Count: integer;
- Pet2: integer;
- TempR: real;
- Rec: TRecR;
- TexRec: TRecR;
- NR: TRecR;
- FS: real;
- BarFrom: integer;
- BarAlpha: real;
- BarWspol: real;
- TempCol: real;
- Tekst: string;
- PetCz: integer;
- // positions
- if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then
- begin
- NR.Left := 120;
- end
- else
- begin
- NR.Left := 20;
- end;
- NR.Right := 780;
- NR.Width := NR.Right - NR.Left;
- NR.WMid := NR.Width / 2;
- NR.Mid := NR.Left + NR.WMid;
- // background //BG Fullsize Mod
- //SingDrawBackground;
- //TimeBar mod
- SingDrawTimeBar();
- //eoa TimeBar mod
- // rysuje paski pod nutami
- if (PlayersPlay = 1) and (Ini.NoteLines = 1) then
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
- if ((PlayersPlay = 2) or (PlayersPlay = 4)) and (Ini.NoteLines = 1) then
- begin
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P1_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
- end;
- if ((PlayersPlay = 3) or (PlayersPlay = 6)) and (Ini.NoteLines = 1) then begin
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 120, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 245, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 370, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
- end;
- // Draw Lyrics
- ScreenSing.Lyrics.Draw(LineState.MidBeat);
- // todo: Lyrics
-(* // rysuje pasek, podpowiadajacy poczatek spiwania w scenie
- FS := 1.3;
- BarFrom := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Start;
- if BarFrom > 40 then BarFrom := 40;
- if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Start > 8) and // dluga przerwa //16->12 for more help bars and then 12->8 for even more
- (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - LineState.MidBeat > 0) and // przed tekstem
- (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - LineState.MidBeat < 40) then begin // ale nie za wczesnie
- BarWspol := (LineState.MidBeat - (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - BarFrom)) / BarFrom;
- Rec.Left := NR.Left + BarWspol *
-// (NR.WMid - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].LyricWidth / 2 * FS - 50);
- (ScreenSing.LyricMain.ClientX - NR.Left - 50) + 10*ScreenX;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Left + 50;
- Rec.Top := Skin_LyricsT + 3;
- Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 33;//SingScreen.LyricMain.Size * 3;
-{ // zapalanie
- BarAlpha := (BarWspol*10) * 0.5;
- if BarAlpha > 0.5 then BarAlpha := 0.5;
- // gaszenie
- if BarWspol > 0.95 then BarAlpha := 0.5 * (1 - (BarWspol - 0.95) * 20);}{
- //Change fuer Crazy Joker
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Lyric_Help_Bar.TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.5);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- end; }
- // oscilloscope
- if Ini.Oscilloscope = 1 then begin
- if PlayersPlay = 1 then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
- if PlayersPlay = 2 then begin
- SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
- SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
- SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 2);
- SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 3);
- end;
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
- SingDrawOscilloscope(75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
- SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
- SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
- SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
- SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 3);
- SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 4);
- SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 5);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-// Set the note heights according to the difficulty level
- case Ini.Difficulty of
- 0:
- begin
- NotesH := 11; // 9
- NotesW := 6; // 5
- end;
- 1:
- begin
- NotesH := 8; // 7
- NotesW := 4; // 4
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- NotesH := 5;
- NotesW := 3;
- end;
- end;
-// Draw the Notes
- if PlayersPlay = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15); // Background glow - colorized in playercolor
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15); // Plain unsung notes - colorized in playercolor
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15); // imho the sung notes
- end;
- if (PlayersPlay = 2) then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 1, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 15);
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
- NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
- NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 1, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 2, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 12);
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 3, 15);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 1, 15);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 2, 15);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 3, 15);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 15);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 3, 15);
- end;
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
- NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
- NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 3, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 4, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 5, 12);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 1, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 2, 12);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 3, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 4, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 5, 12);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 12);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 3, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 4, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 5, 12);
- end;
- end;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-// q'n'd for using the game mode dll's
-procedure SingModiDraw (PlayerInfo: TPlayerInfo);
- Count: integer;
- Pet2: integer;
- TempR: real;
- Rec: TRecR;
- TexRec: TRecR;
- NR: TRecR;
- FS: real;
- BarFrom: integer;
- BarAlpha: real;
- BarWspol: real;
- TempCol: real;
- Tekst: string;
- PetCz: integer;
- // positions
- if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then begin
- NR.Left := 120;
- end else begin
- NR.Left := 20;
- end;
- NR.Right := 780;
- NR.Width := NR.Right - NR.Left;
- NR.WMid := NR.Width / 2;
- NR.Mid := NR.Left + NR.WMid;
- // time bar
- SingDrawTimeBar();
- if DLLMan.Selected.ShowNotes then
- begin
- if PlayersPlay = 1 then
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
- if (PlayersPlay = 2) or (PlayersPlay = 4) then begin
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P1_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
- end;
- if (PlayersPlay = 3) or (PlayersPlay = 6) then begin
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 120, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 245, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
- SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 370, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
- end;
- end;
- // Draw Lyrics
- ScreenSingModi.Lyrics.Draw(LineState.MidBeat);
- // todo: Lyrics
-{ // rysuje pasek, podpowiadajacy poczatek spiwania w scenie
- FS := 1.3;
- BarFrom := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Start;
- if BarFrom > 40 then BarFrom := 40;
- if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Start > 8) and // dluga przerwa //16->12 for more help bars and then 12->8 for even more
- (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - LineState.MidBeat > 0) and // przed tekstem
- (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - LineState.MidBeat < 40) then begin // ale nie za wczesnie
- BarWspol := (LineState.MidBeat - (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - BarFrom)) / BarFrom;
- Rec.Left := NR.Left + BarWspol * (ScreenSingModi.LyricMain.ClientX - NR.Left - 50) + 10*ScreenX;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Left + 50;
- Rec.Top := Skin_LyricsT + 3;
- Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 33;//SingScreen.LyricMain.Size * 3;
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Lyric_Help_Bar.TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.5);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- end;
- }
- // oscilloscope | the thing that moves when you yell into your mic (imho)
- if (((Ini.Oscilloscope = 1) AND (DLLMan.Selected.ShowRateBar_O)) AND (NOT DLLMan.Selected.ShowRateBar)) then begin
- if PlayersPlay = 1 then
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
- if PlayersPlay = 2 then begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 2);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 3);
- end;
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 3);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[4].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 4);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[5].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 5);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-// resize the notes according to the difficulty level
- case Ini.Difficulty of
- 0:
- begin
- NotesH := 11; // 9
- NotesW := 6; // 5
- end;
- 1:
- begin
- NotesH := 8; // 7
- NotesW := 4; // 4
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- NotesH := 5;
- NotesW := 3;
- end;
- end;
- if (DLLMAn.Selected.ShowNotes And DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong) then
- begin
- if (PlayersPlay = 1) And PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
- end;
- if (PlayersPlay = 2) then begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
- end;
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 15);
- end;
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
- NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
- NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 12);
- end;
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 12);
- end;
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 12);
- end;
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 3, 15);
- end;
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 15);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 3, 15);
- end;
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
- NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
- NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 3, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 4, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 5, 12);
- end;
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 12);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 3, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 4, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 5, 12);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-{//SingBar Mod
-procedure SingDrawSingbar(X, Y, W, H: real; Percent: integer);
- R: Real;
- G: Real;
- B: Real;
- A: cardinal;
- I: Integer;
- //SingBar Background
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.8);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_SingBar_Back.TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y+H);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X+W, Y+H);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X+W, Y);
- glEnd;
- //SingBar coloured Bar
- Case Percent of
- 0..22: begin
- R := 1;
- G := 0;
- B := 0;
- end;
- 23..42: begin
- R := 1;
- G := ((Percent-23)/100)*5;
- B := 0;
- end;
- 43..57: begin
- R := 1;
- G := 1;
- B := 0;
- end;
- 58..77: begin
- R := 1-(Percent - 58)/100*5;
- G := 1;
- B := 0;
- end;
- 78..99: begin
- R := 0;
- G := 1;
- B := 0;
- end;
- End; //Case
- glColor4f(R, G, B, 1);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_SingBar_Bar.TexNum);
- //Size= Player[PlayerNum].ScorePercent of W
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y+H);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X+(W/100 * (Percent +1)), Y+H);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X+(W/100 * (Percent +1)), Y);
- glEnd;
- //SingBar Front
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.6);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_SingBar_Front.TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y+H);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X+W, Y+H);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X+W, Y);
- glEnd;
-//end Singbar Mod
-//PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Pop Up
-procedure SingDrawLineBonus( const X, Y: Single; Color: TRGB; Alpha: Single; Text: string; Age: Integer);
-Length, X2: Real; //Length of Text
-Size: Integer; //Size of Popup
-if Alpha <> 0 then
-//Set Font Propertys
-SetFontStyle(2); //Font: Outlined1
-if Age < 5 then SetFontSize(Age + 1) else SetFontSize(6);
-//Check Font Size
-Length := glTextWidth ( PChar(Text)) + 3; //Little Space for a Better Look ^^
-SetFontPos (X + 50 - (Length / 2), Y + 12); //Position
-if Age < 5 then Size := Age * 10 else Size := 50;
- //Draw Background
- //glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Alpha); //Set Color
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Alpha);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- //New Method, Not Variable
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_SingLineBonusBack[2].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X + 50 - Size, Y + 25 - (Size/2));
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X + 50 - Size, Y + 25 + (Size/2));
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X + 50 + Size, Y + 25 + (Size/2));
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X + 50 + Size, Y + 25 - (Size/2));
- glEnd;
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Alpha); //Set Color
- //Draw Text
- glPrint (PChar(Text));
-//PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod}
-// Draw Note Bars for Editor
-//There are 11 Resons for a new Procdedure: (nice binary :D )
-// 1. It don't look good when you Draw the Golden Note Star Effect in the Editor
-// 2. You can see the Freestyle Notes in the Editor SemiTransparent
-// 3. Its easier and Faster then changing the old Procedure
-procedure EditDrawLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer; Space: integer);
- Rec: TRecR;
- Count: integer;
- TempR: real;
- glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- TempR := (Right-Left) / (Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start);
- with Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current] do begin
- for Count := 0 to HighNote do begin
- with Note[Count] do begin
- // Golden Note Patch
- case NoteType of
- ntFreestyle: glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.35);
- ntNormal: glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.85);
- ntGolden: Glcolor4f(1, 1, 0.3, 0.85);
- end; // case
- // lewa czesc - left part
- Rec.Left := (Start-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Left + NotesW;
- Rec.Top := Top - (Tone-BaseNote)*Space/2 - NotesH;
- Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 * NotesH;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Left[Color].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- // srodkowa czesc - middle part
- Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
- Rec.Right := (Start+Length-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left - NotesW - 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Mid[Color].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- // prawa czesc - right part
- Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
- Rec.Right := Rec.Right + NotesW;
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Right[Color].TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
- glEnd;
- end; // with
- end; // for
- end; // with
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
-procedure SingDrawTimeBar();
-var x,y: real;
- width, height: real;
- lTmp : real;
- x := Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.x;
- y := Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.y;
- width := Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.w;
- height := Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.h;
- glColor4f(Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.ColR,
- Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.ColG,
- Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.ColB, 1); //Set Color
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_TimeProgress.TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- try
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
- glVertex2f(x,y);
- if ( LineState.CurrentTime > 0 ) AND
- ( LineState.TotalTime > 0 ) THEN
- lTmp := LineState.CurrentTime/LineState.TotalTime;
- glTexCoord2f((width*LineState.CurrentTime/LineState.TotalTime)/8, 0);
- glVertex2f(x+width*LineState.CurrentTime/LineState.TotalTime, y);
- glTexCoord2f((width*LineState.CurrentTime/LineState.TotalTime)/8, 1);
- glVertex2f(x+width*LineState.CurrentTime/LineState.TotalTime, y+height);
- END;
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
- glVertex2f(x, y+height);
- finally
- glEnd;
- end;
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glcolor4f(1,1,1,1);
+unit UDraw;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses UThemes,
+ ModiSDK,
+ UGraphicClasses;
+procedure SingDraw;
+procedure SingModiDraw (PlayerInfo: TPlayerInfo);
+procedure SingDrawBackground;
+procedure SingDrawOscilloscope(X, Y, W, H: real; NrSound: integer);
+procedure SingDrawNoteLines(Left, Top, Right: real; Space: integer);
+procedure SingDrawBeatDelimeters(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer);
+procedure SingDrawLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer; Space: integer);
+procedure SingDrawPlayerLine(X, Y, W: real; PlayerIndex: integer; Space: integer);
+procedure SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines, PlayerIndex: integer; Space: integer);
+// TimeBar
+procedure SingDrawTimeBar();
+//Draw Editor NoteLines
+procedure EditDrawLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer; Space: integer);
+ TRecR = record
+ Top: real;
+ Left: real;
+ Right: real;
+ Bottom: real;
+ Width: real;
+ WMid: real;
+ Height: real;
+ HMid: real;
+ Mid: real;
+ end;
+ NotesW: real;
+ NotesH: real;
+ Starfr: integer;
+ StarfrG: integer;
+ //SingBar
+ TickOld: cardinal;
+ TickOld2:cardinal;
+ Przedz = 32;
+ gl,
+ UGraphic,
+ SysUtils,
+ UMusic,
+ URecord,
+ ULog,
+ UScreenSing,
+ UScreenSingModi,
+ ULyrics,
+ UMain,
+ TextGL,
+ UTexture,
+ UDrawTexture,
+ UIni,
+ Math,
+ UDLLManager;
+procedure SingDrawBackground;
+ Rec: TRecR;
+ TexRec: TRecR;
+ if (ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexNum > 0) then begin
+ glClearColor (1, 1, 1, 1);
+ glColor4f (1, 1, 1, 1);
+ if (Ini.MovieSize <= 1) then //HalfSize BG
+ begin
+ (* half screen + gradient *)
+ Rec.Top := 110; // 80
+ Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 20;
+ Rec.Left := 0;
+ Rec.Right := 800;
+ TexRec.Top := (Rec.Top / 600) * ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH;
+ TexRec.Bottom := (Rec.Bottom / 600) * ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH;
+ TexRec.Left := 0;
+ TexRec.Right := ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexW;
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexNum);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ (* gradient draw *)
+ (* top *)
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Right, TexRec.Top); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Left, TexRec.Top); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Left, TexRec.Bottom); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Right, TexRec.Bottom); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ (* mid *)
+ Rec.Top := Rec.Bottom;
+ Rec.Bottom := 490 - 20; // 490 - 20
+ TexRec.Top := TexRec.Bottom;
+ TexRec.Bottom := (Rec.Bottom / 600) * ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH;
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Left, TexRec.Top); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Left, TexRec.Bottom); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Right, TexRec.Bottom); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Right, TexRec.Top); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ (* bottom *)
+ Rec.Top := Rec.Bottom;
+ Rec.Bottom := 490; // 490
+ TexRec.Top := TexRec.Bottom;
+ TexRec.Bottom := (Rec.Bottom / 600) * ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH;
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Right, TexRec.Top); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Left, TexRec.Top); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Left, TexRec.Bottom); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRec.Right, TexRec.Bottom); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ end
+ else //Full Size BG
+ begin
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexNum);
+ //glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(0, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH); glVertex2f(0, 600);
+ glTexCoord2f( ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexW, ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexH); glVertex2f(800, 600);
+ glTexCoord2f( ScreenSing.Tex_Background.TexW, 0); glVertex2f(800, 0);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ //glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure SingDrawOscilloscope(X, Y, W, H: real; NrSound: integer);
+ SampleIndex: integer;
+ Sound: TCaptureBuffer;
+ MaxX, MaxY: real;
+ Sound := AudioInputProcessor.Sound[NrSound];
+ // Log.LogStatus('Oscilloscope', 'SingDraw');
+ glColor3f(Skin_OscR, Skin_OscG, Skin_OscB);
+ {if (ParamStr(1) = '-black') or (ParamStr(1) = '-fsblack') then
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 1); }
+ MaxX := W-1;
+ MaxY := (H-1) / 2;
+ glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
+ for SampleIndex := 0 to High(Sound.BufferArray) do
+ begin
+ glVertex2f(X + MaxX * SampleIndex/High(Sound.BufferArray),
+ Y + MaxY * (1 - Sound.BufferArray[SampleIndex]/-Low(Smallint)));
+ end;
+ glEnd;
+procedure SingDrawNoteLines(Left, Top, Right: real; Space: integer);
+ Count: integer;
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glColor4f(Skin_P1_LinesR, Skin_P1_LinesG, Skin_P1_LinesB, 0.4);
+ glBegin(GL_LINES);
+ for Count := 0 to 9 do begin
+ glVertex2f(Left, Top + Count * Space);
+ glVertex2f(Right, Top + Count * Space);
+ end;
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+procedure SingDrawBeatDelimeters(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer);
+ Count: integer;
+ TempR: real;
+ TempR := (Right-Left) / (Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_LINES);
+ for Count := Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start to Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ do begin
+ if (Count mod Lines[NrLines].Resolution) = Lines[NrLines].NotesGAP then
+ glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ else
+ glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+ glVertex2f(Left + TempR * (Count - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start), Top);
+ glVertex2f(Left + TempR * (Count - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start), Top + 135);
+ end;
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+// draw blank Notebars
+procedure SingDrawLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer; Space: integer);
+ Rec: TRecR;
+ Count: integer;
+ TempR: real;
+ R,G,B: real;
+ PlayerNumber: Integer;
+ GoldenStarPos : real;
+ lTmpA ,
+ lTmpB : real;
+// We actually don't have a playernumber in this procedure, it should reside in NrLines - but it's always set to zero
+// So we exploit this behavior a bit - we give NrLines the playernumber, keep it in playernumber - and then we set NrLines to zero
+// This could also come quite in handy when we do the duet mode, cause just the notes for the player that has to sing should be drawn then
+// BUT this is not implemented yet, all notes are drawn! :D
+ PlayerNumber := NrLines + 1; // Player 1 is 0
+ NrLines := 0;
+// exploit done
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ lTmpA := (Right-Left);
+ lTmpB := (Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start);
+ if ( lTmpA > 0 ) AND
+ ( lTmpB > 0 ) THEN
+ begin
+ TempR := lTmpA / lTmpB;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ TempR := 0;
+ end;
+ with Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current] do begin
+ for Count := 0 to HighNote do begin
+ with Note[Count] do begin
+ if NoteType <> ntFreestyle then begin
+ if Ini.EffectSing = 0 then
+ // If Golden note Effect of then Change not Color
+ begin
+ case NoteType of
+ ntNormal: glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); // We set alpha to 1, cause we can control the transparency through the png itself
+ ntGolden: glColor4f(1, 1, 0.3, 1); // no stars, paint yellow -> glColor4f(1, 1, 0.3, 0.85); - we could
+ end; // case
+ end //Else all Notes same Color
+ else
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); // We set alpha to 1, cause we can control the transparency through the png itself
+ // Czesci == teil, element == piece, element | koniec == end / ending
+ // lewa czesc - left part
+ Rec.Left := (Start-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Left + NotesW;
+ Rec.Top := Top - (Tone-BaseNote)*Space/2 - NotesH;
+ Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 * NotesH;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_plain_Left[PlayerNumber].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ //We keep the postion of the top left corner b4 it's overwritten
+ GoldenStarPos := Rec.Left;
+ //done
+ // srodkowa czesc - middle part
+ Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
+ Rec.Right := (Start+Length-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left - NotesW - 0.5 + 10*ScreenX; // Dlugosc == length
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_plain_Mid[PlayerNumber].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ // prawa czesc - right part
+ Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Right + NotesW;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_plain_Right[PlayerNumber].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ // Golden Star Patch
+ if (NoteType = ntGolden) AND (Ini.EffectSing=1) then
+ begin
+ GoldenRec.SaveGoldenStarsRec(GoldenStarPos, Rec.Top, Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ end;
+ end; // if not FreeStyle
+ end; // with
+ end; // for
+ end; // with
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+// draw sung notes
+procedure SingDrawPlayerLine(X, Y, W: real; PlayerIndex: integer; Space: integer);
+ TempR: real;
+ Rec: TRecR;
+ N: integer;
+ R, G, B, A: real;
+ NotesH2: real;
+ //Log.LogStatus('Player notes', 'SingDraw');
+ //if NrGracza = 0 then LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P1Light')
+ //else LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P2Light');
+ //R := 71/255;
+ //G := 175/255;
+ //B := 247/255;
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ //if Player[NrGracza].LengthNote > 0 then
+ begin
+ TempR := W / (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_ - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start);
+ for N := 0 to Player[PlayerIndex].HighNote do
+ begin
+ with Player[PlayerIndex].Note[N] do
+ begin
+ // Left part of note
+ Rec.Left := X + (Start-Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Left + NotesW;
+ // Draw it in half size, if not hit
+ if Hit then
+ begin
+ NotesH2 := NotesH
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ NotesH2 := int(NotesH * 0.65);
+ end;
+ Rec.Top := Y - (Tone-Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].BaseNote)*Space/2 - NotesH2;
+ Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 *NotesH2;
+ // draw the left part
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Left[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ // Middle part of the note
+ Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
+ Rec.Right := X + (Start+Length-Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR - NotesW - 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
+ // (nowe) - dunno
+ if (Start+Length-1 = LineState.CurrentBeatD) then
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Right - (1-Frac(LineState.MidBeatD)) * TempR;
+ // the left note is more right than the right note itself, sounds weird - so we fix that xD
+ if Rec.Right <= Rec.Left then
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Left;
+ // draw the middle part
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Mid[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(round((Rec.Right-Rec.Left)/32), 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
+ // the right part of the note
+ Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Right + NotesW;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Right[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ // Perfect note is stored
+ if Perfect and (Ini.EffectSing=1) then
+ begin
+ A := 1 - 2*(LineState.CurrentTime - GetTimeFromBeat(Start+Length));
+ if not (Start+Length-1 = LineState.CurrentBeatD) then
+ begin
+ //Star animation counter
+ //inc(Starfr);
+ //Starfr := Starfr mod 128;
+ GoldenRec.SavePerfectNotePos(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // with
+ end; // for
+ // actually we need a comparison here, to determine if the singing process
+ // is ahead Rec.Right even if there is no singing
+ if (Ini.EffectSing = 1) then
+ GoldenRec.GoldenNoteTwinkle(Rec.Top,Rec.Bottom,Rec.Right, PlayerIndex);
+ end; // if
+//draw Note glow
+procedure SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines, PlayerIndex: integer; Space: integer);
+ Rec: TRecR;
+ Count: integer;
+ TempR: real;
+ R,G,B: real;
+ X1, X2, X3, X4: real;
+ W, H: real;
+ lTmpA ,
+ lTmpB : real;
+ if (Player[PlayerIndex].ScoreTotalInt >= 0) then
+ begin
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, sqrt((1+sin( AudioPlayback.Position * 3))/4)/ 2 + 0.5 );
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ lTmpA := (Right-Left);
+ lTmpB := (Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start);
+ if ( lTmpA > 0 ) and
+ ( lTmpB > 0 ) then
+ begin
+ TempR := lTmpA / lTmpB;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ TempR := 0;
+ end;
+ with Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current] do
+ begin
+ for Count := 0 to HighNote do
+ begin
+ with Note[Count] do
+ begin
+ if NoteType <> ntFreestyle then
+ begin
+ // begin: 14, 20
+ // easy: 6, 11
+ W := NotesW * 2 + 2;
+ H := NotesH * 1.5 + 3.5;
+ X2 := (Start-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX + 4; // wciecie
+ X1 := X2-W;
+ X3 := (Start+Length-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left - 0.5 + 10*ScreenX - 4; // wciecie
+ X4 := X3+W;
+ // left
+ Rec.Left := X1;
+ Rec.Right := X2;
+ Rec.Top := Top - (Tone-BaseNote)*Space/2 - H;
+ Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 * H;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_BG_Left[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ // srodkowa czesc
+ Rec.Left := X2;
+ Rec.Right := X3;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_BG_Mid[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ // prawa czesc
+ Rec.Left := X3;
+ Rec.Right := X4;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_BG_Right[PlayerIndex+1].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ end; // if not FreeStyle
+ end; // with
+ end; // for
+ end; // with
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ end;
+procedure SingDraw;
+ Count: integer;
+ Pet2: integer;
+ TempR: real;
+ Rec: TRecR;
+ TexRec: TRecR;
+ NR: TRecR;
+ FS: real;
+ BarFrom: integer;
+ BarAlpha: real;
+ BarWspol: real;
+ TempCol: real;
+ Tekst: string;
+ PetCz: integer;
+ // positions
+ if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then
+ begin
+ NR.Left := 120;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ NR.Left := 20;
+ end;
+ NR.Right := 780;
+ NR.Width := NR.Right - NR.Left;
+ NR.WMid := NR.Width / 2;
+ NR.Mid := NR.Left + NR.WMid;
+ // background //BG Fullsize Mod
+ //SingDrawBackground;
+ //TimeBar mod
+ SingDrawTimeBar();
+ //eoa TimeBar mod
+ // rysuje paski pod nutami
+ if (PlayersPlay = 1) and (Ini.NoteLines = 1) then
+ SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
+ if ((PlayersPlay = 2) or (PlayersPlay = 4)) and (Ini.NoteLines = 1) then
+ begin
+ SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P1_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
+ SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
+ end;
+ if ((PlayersPlay = 3) or (PlayersPlay = 6)) and (Ini.NoteLines = 1) then begin
+ SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 120, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 245, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 370, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ end;
+ // Draw Lyrics
+ ScreenSing.Lyrics.Draw(LineState.MidBeat);
+ // todo: Lyrics
+(* // rysuje pasek, podpowiadajacy poczatek spiwania w scenie
+ FS := 1.3;
+ BarFrom := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Start;
+ if BarFrom > 40 then BarFrom := 40;
+ if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Start > 8) and // dluga przerwa //16->12 for more help bars and then 12->8 for even more
+ (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - LineState.MidBeat > 0) and // przed tekstem
+ (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - LineState.MidBeat < 40) then begin // ale nie za wczesnie
+ BarWspol := (LineState.MidBeat - (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - BarFrom)) / BarFrom;
+ Rec.Left := NR.Left + BarWspol *
+// (NR.WMid - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].LyricWidth / 2 * FS - 50);
+ (ScreenSing.LyricMain.ClientX - NR.Left - 50) + 10*ScreenX;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Left + 50;
+ Rec.Top := Skin_LyricsT + 3;
+ Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 33;//SingScreen.LyricMain.Size * 3;
+{ // zapalanie
+ BarAlpha := (BarWspol*10) * 0.5;
+ if BarAlpha > 0.5 then BarAlpha := 0.5;
+ // gaszenie
+ if BarWspol > 0.95 then BarAlpha := 0.5 * (1 - (BarWspol - 0.95) * 20);}{
+ //Change fuer Crazy Joker
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Lyric_Help_Bar.TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.5);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ end; }
+ // oscilloscope
+ if Ini.Oscilloscope = 1 then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 1 then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
+ if PlayersPlay = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 2);
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 3);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 3);
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 4);
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 5);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+// Set the note heights according to the difficulty level
+ case Ini.Difficulty of
+ 0:
+ begin
+ NotesH := 11; // 9
+ NotesW := 6; // 5
+ end;
+ 1:
+ begin
+ NotesH := 8; // 7
+ NotesW := 4; // 4
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ NotesH := 5;
+ NotesW := 3;
+ end;
+ end;
+// Draw the Notes
+ if PlayersPlay = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15); // Background glow - colorized in playercolor
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15); // Plain unsung notes - colorized in playercolor
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15); // imho the sung notes
+ end;
+ if (PlayersPlay = 2) then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 1, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 15);
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
+ NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
+ NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 2, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 12);
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 3, 15);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 1, 15);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 2, 15);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 3, 15);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 15);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 3, 15);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
+ NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 3, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 4, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 5, 12);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 2, 12);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 3, 12);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 4, 12);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 5, 12);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 12);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 3, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 4, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 5, 12);
+ end;
+ end;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+// q'n'd for using the game mode dll's
+procedure SingModiDraw (PlayerInfo: TPlayerInfo);
+ Count: integer;
+ Pet2: integer;
+ TempR: real;
+ Rec: TRecR;
+ TexRec: TRecR;
+ NR: TRecR;
+ FS: real;
+ BarFrom: integer;
+ BarAlpha: real;
+ BarWspol: real;
+ TempCol: real;
+ Tekst: string;
+ PetCz: integer;
+ // positions
+ if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then begin
+ NR.Left := 120;
+ end else begin
+ NR.Left := 20;
+ end;
+ NR.Right := 780;
+ NR.Width := NR.Right - NR.Left;
+ NR.WMid := NR.Width / 2;
+ NR.Mid := NR.Left + NR.WMid;
+ // time bar
+ SingDrawTimeBar();
+ if DLLMan.Selected.ShowNotes then
+ begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 1 then
+ SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
+ if (PlayersPlay = 2) or (PlayersPlay = 4) then begin
+ SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P1_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
+ SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
+ end;
+ if (PlayersPlay = 3) or (PlayersPlay = 6) then begin
+ SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 120, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 245, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ SingDrawNoteLines(Nr.Left + 10*ScreenX, 370, Nr.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Draw Lyrics
+ ScreenSingModi.Lyrics.Draw(LineState.MidBeat);
+ // todo: Lyrics
+{ // rysuje pasek, podpowiadajacy poczatek spiwania w scenie
+ FS := 1.3;
+ BarFrom := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Start;
+ if BarFrom > 40 then BarFrom := 40;
+ if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Start > 8) and // dluga przerwa //16->12 for more help bars and then 12->8 for even more
+ (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - LineState.MidBeat > 0) and // przed tekstem
+ (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - LineState.MidBeat < 40) then begin // ale nie za wczesnie
+ BarWspol := (LineState.MidBeat - (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].StartNote - BarFrom)) / BarFrom;
+ Rec.Left := NR.Left + BarWspol * (ScreenSingModi.LyricMain.ClientX - NR.Left - 50) + 10*ScreenX;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Left + 50;
+ Rec.Top := Skin_LyricsT + 3;
+ Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 33;//SingScreen.LyricMain.Size * 3;
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Lyric_Help_Bar.TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.5);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ end;
+ }
+ // oscilloscope | the thing that moves when you yell into your mic (imho)
+ if (((Ini.Oscilloscope = 1) AND (DLLMan.Selected.ShowRateBar_O)) AND (NOT DLLMan.Selected.ShowRateBar)) then begin
+ if PlayersPlay = 1 then
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
+ if PlayersPlay = 2 then begin
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 2);
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 3);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 3);
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[4].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 4);
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[5].Enabled then
+ SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 5);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+// resize the notes according to the difficulty level
+ case Ini.Difficulty of
+ 0:
+ begin
+ NotesH := 11; // 9
+ NotesW := 6; // 5
+ end;
+ 1:
+ begin
+ NotesH := 8; // 7
+ NotesW := 4; // 4
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ NotesH := 5;
+ NotesW := 3;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (DLLMAn.Selected.ShowNotes And DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong) then
+ begin
+ if (PlayersPlay = 1) And PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
+ end;
+ if (PlayersPlay = 2) then begin
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
+ end;
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 15);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 3 then begin
+ NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
+ NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 12);
+ end;
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 12);
+ end;
+ if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
+ begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 12);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 4 then begin
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 3, 15);
+ end;
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 15);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 15);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, Nr.Width - 40, 3, 15);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if PlayersPlay = 6 then begin
+ NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
+ NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 3, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 4, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerBGLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Right - 20, 0, 5, 12);
+ end;
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
+ if ScreenAct = 1 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 0, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 1, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 2, 12);
+ end;
+ if ScreenAct = 2 then begin
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 120+95, Nr.Width - 40, 3, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 245+95, Nr.Width - 40, 4, 12);
+ SingDrawPlayerLine(Nr.Left + 20, 370+95, Nr.Width - 40, 5, 12);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+{//SingBar Mod
+procedure SingDrawSingbar(X, Y, W, H: real; Percent: integer);
+ R: Real;
+ G: Real;
+ B: Real;
+ A: cardinal;
+ I: Integer;
+ //SingBar Background
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.8);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_SingBar_Back.TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y+H);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X+W, Y+H);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X+W, Y);
+ glEnd;
+ //SingBar coloured Bar
+ Case Percent of
+ 0..22: begin
+ R := 1;
+ G := 0;
+ B := 0;
+ end;
+ 23..42: begin
+ R := 1;
+ G := ((Percent-23)/100)*5;
+ B := 0;
+ end;
+ 43..57: begin
+ R := 1;
+ G := 1;
+ B := 0;
+ end;
+ 58..77: begin
+ R := 1-(Percent - 58)/100*5;
+ G := 1;
+ B := 0;
+ end;
+ 78..99: begin
+ R := 0;
+ G := 1;
+ B := 0;
+ end;
+ End; //Case
+ glColor4f(R, G, B, 1);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_SingBar_Bar.TexNum);
+ //Size= Player[PlayerNum].ScorePercent of W
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y+H);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X+(W/100 * (Percent +1)), Y+H);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X+(W/100 * (Percent +1)), Y);
+ glEnd;
+ //SingBar Front
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.6);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_SingBar_Front.TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y+H);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X+W, Y+H);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X+W, Y);
+ glEnd;
+//end Singbar Mod
+//PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Pop Up
+procedure SingDrawLineBonus( const X, Y: Single; Color: TRGB; Alpha: Single; Text: string; Age: Integer);
+Length, X2: Real; //Length of Text
+Size: Integer; //Size of Popup
+if Alpha <> 0 then
+//Set Font Propertys
+SetFontStyle(2); //Font: Outlined1
+if Age < 5 then SetFontSize(Age + 1) else SetFontSize(6);
+//Check Font Size
+Length := glTextWidth ( PChar(Text)) + 3; //Little Space for a Better Look ^^
+SetFontPos (X + 50 - (Length / 2), Y + 12); //Position
+if Age < 5 then Size := Age * 10 else Size := 50;
+ //Draw Background
+ //glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Alpha); //Set Color
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Alpha);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ //New Method, Not Variable
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_SingLineBonusBack[2].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X + 50 - Size, Y + 25 - (Size/2));
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X + 50 - Size, Y + 25 + (Size/2));
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X + 50 + Size, Y + 25 + (Size/2));
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X + 50 + Size, Y + 25 - (Size/2));
+ glEnd;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Alpha); //Set Color
+ //Draw Text
+ glPrint (PChar(Text));
+//PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod}
+// Draw Note Bars for Editor
+//There are 11 Resons for a new Procdedure: (nice binary :D )
+// 1. It don't look good when you Draw the Golden Note Star Effect in the Editor
+// 2. You can see the Freestyle Notes in the Editor SemiTransparent
+// 3. Its easier and Faster then changing the old Procedure
+procedure EditDrawLine(Left, Top, Right: real; NrLines: integer; Space: integer);
+ Rec: TRecR;
+ Count: integer;
+ TempR: real;
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ TempR := (Right-Left) / (Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].End_ - Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start);
+ with Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current] do begin
+ for Count := 0 to HighNote do begin
+ with Note[Count] do begin
+ // Golden Note Patch
+ case NoteType of
+ ntFreestyle: glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.35);
+ ntNormal: glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.85);
+ ntGolden: Glcolor4f(1, 1, 0.3, 0.85);
+ end; // case
+ // lewa czesc - left part
+ Rec.Left := (Start-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left + 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Left + NotesW;
+ Rec.Top := Top - (Tone-BaseNote)*Space/2 - NotesH;
+ Rec.Bottom := Rec.Top + 2 * NotesH;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Left[Color].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ // srodkowa czesc - middle part
+ Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
+ Rec.Right := (Start+Length-Lines[NrLines].Line[Lines[NrLines].Current].Note[0].Start) * TempR + Left - NotesW - 0.5 + 10*ScreenX;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Mid[Color].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ // prawa czesc - right part
+ Rec.Left := Rec.Right;
+ Rec.Right := Rec.Right + NotesW;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Right[Color].TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Top);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Left, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Bottom);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(Rec.Right, Rec.Top);
+ glEnd;
+ end; // with
+ end; // for
+ end; // with
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+procedure SingDrawTimeBar();
+var x,y: real;
+ width, height: real;
+ lTmp : real;
+ x := Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.x;
+ y := Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.y;
+ width := Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.w;
+ height := Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.h;
+ glColor4f(Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.ColR,
+ Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.ColG,
+ Theme.Sing.StaticTimeProgress.ColB, 1); //Set Color
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_TimeProgress.TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ try
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
+ glVertex2f(x,y);
+ if ( LineState.CurrentTime > 0 ) AND
+ ( LineState.TotalTime > 0 ) THEN
+ lTmp := LineState.CurrentTime/LineState.TotalTime;
+ glTexCoord2f((width*LineState.CurrentTime/LineState.TotalTime)/8, 0);
+ glVertex2f(x+width*LineState.CurrentTime/LineState.TotalTime, y);
+ glTexCoord2f((width*LineState.CurrentTime/LineState.TotalTime)/8, 1);
+ glVertex2f(x+width*LineState.CurrentTime/LineState.TotalTime, y+height);
+ END;
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
+ glVertex2f(x, y+height);
+ finally
+ glEnd;
+ end;
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glcolor4f(1,1,1,1);
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas
index b7792cc1..b7174991 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas
@@ -1,673 +1,673 @@
-// notes:
-unit UGraphicClasses;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses UTexture,SDL;
-const DelayBetweenFrames : Cardinal = 60;
- TParticleType=(GoldenNote, PerfectNote, NoteHitTwinkle, PerfectLineTwinkle, ColoredStar, Flare);
- TColour3f = Record
- r, g, b: Real;
- end;
- TParticle = Class
- X, Y : Real; //Position
- Screen : Integer;
- W, H : Cardinal; //dimensions of particle
- Col : array of TColour3f; // Colour(s) of particle
- Scale : array of Real; // Scaling factors of particle layers
- Frame : Byte; //act. Frame
- Tex : Cardinal; //Tex num from Textur Manager
- Live : Byte; //How many Cycles before Kill
- RecIndex : Integer; //To which rectangle this particle belongs (only GoldenNote)
- StarType : TParticleType; // GoldenNote | PerfectNote | NoteHitTwinkle | PerfectLineTwinkle
- Alpha : Real; // used for fading...
- mX, mY : Real; // movement-vector for PerfectLineTwinkle
- SizeMod : Real; // experimental size modifier
- SurviveSentenceChange : Boolean;
- Constructor Create(cX,cY: Real; cScreen: Integer; cLive: Byte; cFrame : integer; cRecArrayIndex : Integer; cStarType : TParticleType; Player: Cardinal);
- Destructor Destroy(); override;
- procedure Draw;
- procedure LiveOn;
- end;
- RectanglePositions = Record
- xTop, yTop, xBottom, yBottom : Real;
- TotalStarCount : Integer;
- CurrentStarCount : Integer;
- Screen : Integer;
- end;
- PerfectNotePositions = Record
- xPos, yPos : Real;
- Screen : Integer;
- end;
- TEffectManager = Class
- Particle : array of TParticle;
- LastTime : Cardinal;
- RecArray : Array of RectanglePositions;
- TwinkleArray : Array[0..5] of Real; // store x-position of last twinkle for every player
- PerfNoteArray : Array of PerfectNotePositions;
- FlareTex: TTexture;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Draw;
- function Spawn(X, Y: Real;
- Screen: Integer;
- Live: Byte;
- StartFrame: Integer;
- RecArrayIndex: Integer; // this is only used with GoldenNotes
- StarType: TParticleType;
- Player: Cardinal // for PerfectLineTwinkle
- ): Cardinal;
- procedure SpawnRec();
- procedure Kill(index: Cardinal);
- procedure KillAll();
- procedure SentenceChange();
- procedure SaveGoldenStarsRec(Xtop, Ytop, Xbottom, Ybottom: Real);
- procedure SavePerfectNotePos(Xtop, Ytop: Real);
- procedure GoldenNoteTwinkle(Top,Bottom,Right: Real; Player: Integer);
- procedure SpawnPerfectLineTwinkle();
- end;
-var GoldenRec : TEffectManager;
-uses sysutils,
- gl,
- UIni,
- UMain,
- UThemes,
- USkins,
- UGraphic,
- UDrawTexture,
- UCommon,
- math;
-Constructor TParticle.Create(cX,cY: Real; cScreen: Integer; cLive: Byte; cFrame : integer; cRecArrayIndex : Integer; cStarType : TParticleType; Player: Cardinal);
- inherited Create;
- // in this constructor we set all initial values for our particle
- X := cX;
- Y := cY;
- Screen := cScreen;
- Live := cLive;
- Frame:= cFrame;
- RecIndex := cRecArrayIndex;
- StarType := cStarType;
- Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out
- SetLength(Scale,1);
- Scale[0] := 1;
- SurviveSentenceChange := False;
- SizeMod := 1;
- case cStarType of
- GoldenNote:
- begin
- Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum;
- W := 20;
- H := 20;
- SetLength(Scale,4);
- Scale[1]:=0.8;
- Scale[2]:=0.4;
- Scale[3]:=0.3;
- SetLength(Col,4);
- Col[0].r := 1;
- Col[0].g := 0.7;
- Col[0].b := 0.1;
- Col[1].r := 1;
- Col[1].g := 1;
- Col[1].b := 0.4;
- Col[2].r := 1;
- Col[2].g := 1;
- Col[2].b := 1;
- Col[3].r := 1;
- Col[3].g := 1;
- Col[3].b := 1;
- end;
- PerfectNote:
- begin
- Tex := Tex_Note_Perfect_Star.TexNum;
- W := 30;
- H := 30;
- SetLength(Col,1);
- Col[0].r := 1;
- Col[0].g := 1;
- Col[0].b := 0.95;
- end;
- NoteHitTwinkle:
- begin
- Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum;
- Alpha := (Live/16); // linear fade-out
- W := 15;
- H := 15;
- Setlength(Col,1);
- Col[0].r := 1;
- Col[0].g := 1;
- Col[0].b := RandomRange(10*Live,100)/90; //0.9;
- end;
- PerfectLineTwinkle:
- begin
- Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum;
- W := RandomRange(10,20);
- H := W;
- SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1);
- SurviveSentenceChange:=True;
- // assign colours according to player given
- SetLength(Scale,3);
- Scale[1]:=0.3;
- Scale[2]:=0.2;
- SetLength(Col,3);
- case Player of
- 0: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P1Light');
- 1: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P2Light');
- 2: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P3Light');
- 3: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P4Light');
- 4: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P5Light');
- 5: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P6Light');
- else LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P1Light');
- end;
- Col[1].r := 1;
- Col[1].g := 1;
- Col[1].b := 0.4;
- Col[2].r:=Col[0].r+0.5;
- Col[2].g:=Col[0].g+0.5;
- Col[2].b:=Col[0].b+0.5;
- mX := RandomRange(-5,5);
- mY := RandomRange(-5,5);
- end;
- ColoredStar:
- begin
- Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum;
- W := RandomRange(10,20);
- H := W;
- SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1);
- SurviveSentenceChange:=True;
- // assign colours according to player given
- SetLength(Scale,1);
- SetLength(Col,1);
- Col[0].b := (Player and $ff)/255;
- Col[0].g := ((Player shr 8) and $ff)/255;
- Col[0].r := ((Player shr 16) and $ff)/255;
- mX := 0;
- mY := 0;
- end;
- Flare:
- begin
- Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum;
- W := 7;
- H := 7;
- SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1);
- mX := RandomRange(-5,5);
- mY := RandomRange(-5,5);
- SetLength(Scale,4);
- Scale[1]:=0.8;
- Scale[2]:=0.4;
- Scale[3]:=0.3;
- SetLength(Col,4);
- Col[0].r := 1;
- Col[0].g := 0.7;
- Col[0].b := 0.1;
- Col[1].r := 1;
- Col[1].g := 1;
- Col[1].b := 0.4;
- Col[2].r := 1;
- Col[2].g := 1;
- Col[2].b := 1;
- Col[3].r := 1;
- Col[3].g := 1;
- Col[3].b := 1;
- end;
- else // just some random default values
- begin
- Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum;
- Alpha := 1;
- W := 20;
- H := 20;
- SetLength(Col,1);
- Col[0].r := 1;
- Col[0].g := 1;
- Col[0].b := 1;
- end;
- end;
-Destructor TParticle.Destroy();
- SetLength(Scale,0);
- SetLength(Col,0);
- inherited;
-procedure TParticle.LiveOn;
- //Live = 0 => Live forever <blindy> ?? but if this is 0 they would be killed in the Manager at Draw
- if (Live > 0) then
- Dec(Live);
- // animate frames
- Frame := ( Frame + 1 ) mod 16;
- // make our particles do funny stuff (besides being animated)
- // changes of any particle-values throughout its life are done here
- case StarType of
- GoldenNote:
- begin
- Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out
- end;
- PerfectNote:
- begin
- Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out
- end;
- NoteHitTwinkle:
- begin
- Alpha := (Live/10); // linear fade-out
- end;
- PerfectLineTwinkle:
- begin
- Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out
- SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1);
- // move around
- X := X + mX;
- Y := Y + mY;
- end;
- ColoredStar:
- begin
- Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out
- end;
- Flare:
- begin
- Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)/16*1.7*pi+0.3*pi)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out
- SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1);
- // move around
- X := X + mX;
- Y := Y + mY;
- mY:=mY+1.8;
-// mX:=mX/2;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TParticle.Draw;
-var L: Cardinal;
- if ScreenAct = Screen then
- // this draws (multiple) texture(s) of our particle
- for L:=0 to High(Col) do
- begin
- glColor4f(Col[L].r, Col[L].g, Col[L].b, Alpha);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- begin
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame, 0); glVertex2f(X-W*Scale[L]*SizeMod, Y-H*Scale[L]*SizeMod);
- glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame + (1/16), 0); glVertex2f(X-W*Scale[L]*SizeMod, Y+H*Scale[L]*SizeMod);
- glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame + (1/16), 1); glVertex2f(X+W*Scale[L]*SizeMod, Y+H*Scale[L]*SizeMod);
- glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame, 1); glVertex2f(X+W*Scale[L]*SizeMod, Y-H*Scale[L]*SizeMod);
- glEnd;
- end;
- end;
- glcolor4f(1,1,1,1);
-// end of TParticle
-// TEffectManager
-constructor TEffectManager.Create;
-var c: Cardinal;
- inherited;
- LastTime := SDL_GetTicks();
- for c:=0 to 5 do
- begin
- TwinkleArray[c] := 0;
- end;
-destructor TEffectManager.Destroy;
- Killall;
- inherited;
-procedure TEffectManager.Draw;
- I: Integer;
- CurrentTime: Cardinal;
-// DelayBetweenFrames : Cardinal = 100;
- CurrentTime := SDL_GetTicks();
- //Manage particle life
- if (CurrentTime - LastTime) > DelayBetweenFrames then
- begin
- LastTime := CurrentTime;
- for I := 0 to high(Particle) do
- Particle[I].LiveOn;
- end;
- I := 0;
- //Kill dead particles
- while (I <= High(Particle)) do
- begin
- if (Particle[I].Live <= 0) then
- begin
- kill(I);
- end
- else
- begin
- inc(I);
- end;
- end;
- //Draw
- for I := 0 to high(Particle) do
- begin
- Particle[I].Draw;
- end;
-// this method creates just one particle
-function TEffectManager.Spawn(X, Y: Real; Screen: Integer; Live: Byte; StartFrame : Integer; RecArrayIndex : Integer; StarType : TParticleType; Player: Cardinal): Cardinal;
- Result := Length(Particle);
- SetLength(Particle, (Result + 1));
- Particle[Result] := TParticle.Create(X, Y, Screen, Live, StartFrame, RecArrayIndex, StarType, Player);
-// manage Sparkling of GoldenNote Bars
-procedure TEffectManager.SpawnRec();
- Xkatze, Ykatze : Real;
- RandomFrame : Integer;
- P : Integer; // P as seen on TV as Positionman
-//Spawn a random amount of stars within the given coordinates
-//RandomRange(0,14) <- this one starts at a random frame, 16 is our last frame - would be senseless to start a particle with 16, cause it would be dead at the next frame
-for P:= 0 to high(RecArray) do
- begin
- while (RecArray[P].TotalStarCount > RecArray[P].CurrentStarCount) do
- begin
- Xkatze := RandomRange(Ceil(RecArray[P].xTop), Ceil(RecArray[P].xBottom));
- Ykatze := RandomRange(Ceil(RecArray[P].yTop), Ceil(RecArray[P].yBottom));
- RandomFrame := RandomRange(0,14);
- // Spawn a GoldenNote Particle
- Spawn(Xkatze, Ykatze, RecArray[P].Screen, 16 - RandomFrame, RandomFrame, P, GoldenNote, 0);
- inc(RecArray[P].CurrentStarCount);
- end;
- end;
- draw;
-// kill one particle (with given index in our particle array)
-procedure TEffectManager.Kill(Index: Cardinal);
- LastParticleIndex : Integer;
-// delete particle indexed by Index,
-// overwrite it's place in our particle-array with the particle stored at the last array index,
-// shorten array
- LastParticleIndex := high(Particle);
- if not(LastParticleIndex = -1) then // is there still a particle to delete?
- begin
- if not(Particle[Index].RecIndex = -1) then // if it is a GoldenNote particle...
- dec(RecArray[Particle[Index].RecIndex].CurrentStarCount); // take care of its associated GoldenRec
- // now get rid of that particle
- Particle[Index].Destroy;
- Particle[Index] := Particle[LastParticleIndex];
- SetLength(Particle, LastParticleIndex);
- end;
-// clean up all particles and management structures
-procedure TEffectManager.KillAll();
-var c: Cardinal;
-//It's the kill all kennies rotuine
- while Length(Particle) > 0 do // kill all existing particles
- Kill(0);
- SetLength(RecArray,0); // remove GoldenRec positions
- SetLength(PerfNoteArray,0); // remove PerfectNote positions
- for c:=0 to 5 do
- begin
- TwinkleArray[c] := 0; // reset GoldenNoteHit memory
- end;
-procedure TEffectManager.SentenceChange();
-var c: Cardinal;
- c:=0;
- while c <= High(Particle) do
- begin
- if Particle[c].SurviveSentenceChange then
- inc(c)
- else
- Kill(c);
- end;
- SetLength(RecArray,0); // remove GoldenRec positions
- SetLength(PerfNoteArray,0); // remove PerfectNote positions
- for c:=0 to 5 do
- begin
- TwinkleArray[c] := 0; // reset GoldenNoteHit memory
- end;
-procedure TeffectManager.GoldenNoteTwinkle(Top,Bottom,Right: Real; Player: Integer);
-//Twinkle stars while golden note hit
-// this is called from UDraw.pas, SingDrawPlayerCzesc
- C, P, XKatze, YKatze, LKatze: Integer;
- H: Real;
- // make sure we spawn only one time at one position
- if (TwinkleArray[Player] < Right) then
- For P := 0 to high(RecArray) do // Are we inside a GoldenNoteRectangle?
- begin
- H := (Top+Bottom)/2; // helper...
- with RecArray[P] do
- if ((xBottom >= Right) and (xTop <= Right) and
- (yTop <= H) and (yBottom >= H))
- and (Screen = ScreenAct) then
- begin
- TwinkleArray[Player] := Right; // remember twinkle position for this player
- for C := 1 to 10 do
- begin
- Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Top) , ceil(Bottom));
- XKatze := RandomRange(-7,3);
- LKatze := RandomRange(7,13);
- Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0);
- end;
- for C := 1 to 3 do
- begin
- Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Top)-6 , ceil(Top));
- XKatze := RandomRange(-5,1);
- LKatze := RandomRange(4,7);
- Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0);
- end;
- for C := 1 to 3 do
- begin
- Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Bottom), ceil(Bottom)+6);
- XKatze := RandomRange(-5,1);
- LKatze := RandomRange(4,7);
- Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0);
- end;
- for C := 1 to 3 do
- begin
- Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Top)-10 , ceil(Top)-6);
- XKatze := RandomRange(-5,1);
- LKatze := RandomRange(1,4);
- Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0);
- end;
- for C := 1 to 3 do
- begin
- Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Bottom)+6 , ceil(Bottom)+10);
- XKatze := RandomRange(-5,1);
- LKatze := RandomRange(1,4);
- Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0);
- end;
- exit; // found a matching GoldenRec, did spawning stuff... done
- end;
- end;
-procedure TEffectManager.SaveGoldenStarsRec(Xtop, Ytop, Xbottom, Ybottom: Real);
- P : Integer; // P like used in Positions
- NewIndex : Integer;
- For P := 0 to high(RecArray) do // Do we already have that "new" position?
- begin
- if (ceil(RecArray[P].xTop) = ceil(Xtop)) and
- (ceil(RecArray[P].yTop) = ceil(Ytop)) and
- (ScreenAct = RecArray[p].Screen) then
- exit; // it's already in the array, so we don't have to create a new one
- end;
- // we got a new position, add the new positions to our array
- NewIndex := Length(RecArray);
- SetLength(RecArray, NewIndex + 1);
- RecArray[NewIndex].xTop := Xtop;
- RecArray[NewIndex].yTop := Ytop;
- RecArray[NewIndex].xBottom := Xbottom;
- RecArray[NewIndex].yBottom := Ybottom;
- RecArray[NewIndex].TotalStarCount := ceil(Xbottom - Xtop) div 12 + 3;
- RecArray[NewIndex].CurrentStarCount := 0;
- RecArray[NewIndex].Screen := ScreenAct;
-procedure TEffectManager.SavePerfectNotePos(Xtop, Ytop: Real);
- P : Integer; // P like used in Positions
- NewIndex : Integer;
- RandomFrame : Integer;
- Xkatze, Ykatze : Integer;
- For P := 0 to high(PerfNoteArray) do // Do we already have that "new" position?
- begin
- with PerfNoteArray[P] do
- if (ceil(xPos) = ceil(Xtop)) and (ceil(yPos) = ceil(Ytop)) and
- (Screen = ScreenAct) then
- exit; // it's already in the array, so we don't have to create a new one
- end; //for
- // we got a new position, add the new positions to our array
- NewIndex := Length(PerfNoteArray);
- SetLength(PerfNoteArray, NewIndex + 1);
- PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].xPos := Xtop;
- PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].yPos := Ytop;
- PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].Screen := ScreenAct;
- for P:= 0 to 2 do
- begin
- Xkatze := RandomRange(ceil(Xtop) - 5 , ceil(Xtop) + 10);
- Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Ytop) - 5 , ceil(Ytop) + 10);
- RandomFrame := RandomRange(0,14);
- Spawn(Xkatze, Ykatze, ScreenAct, 16 - RandomFrame, RandomFrame, -1, PerfectNote, 0);
- end; //for
-procedure TEffectManager.SpawnPerfectLineTwinkle();
- P,I,Life: Cardinal;
- Left, Right, Top, Bottom: Cardinal;
- cScreen: Integer;
-// calculation of coordinates done with hardcoded values like in UDraw.pas
-// might need to be adjusted if drawing of SingScreen is modified
-// coordinates may still be a bit weird and need adjustment
- if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then begin
- Left := 130;
- end else begin
- Left := 30;
- end;
- Right := 770;
- // spawn effect for every player with a perfect line
- for P:=0 to PlayersPlay-1 do
- if Player[P].LastSentencePerfect then
- begin
- // calculate area where notes of this player are drawn
- case PlayersPlay of
- 1: begin
- Bottom:=Skin_P2_NotesB+10;
- Top:=Bottom-105;
- cScreen:=1;
- end;
- 2,4: begin
- case P of
- 0,2: begin
- Bottom:=Skin_P1_NotesB+10;
- Top:=Bottom-105;
- end;
- else begin
- Bottom:=Skin_P2_NotesB+10;
- Top:=Bottom-105;
- end;
- end;
- case P of
- 0,1: cScreen:=1;
- else cScreen:=2;
- end;
- end;
- 3,6: begin
- case P of
- 0,3: begin
- Top:=130;
- Bottom:=Top+85;
- end;
- 1,4: begin
- Top:=255;
- Bottom:=Top+85;
- end;
- 2,5: begin
- Top:=380;
- Bottom:=Top+85;
- end;
- end;
- case P of
- 0,1,2: cScreen:=1;
- else cScreen:=2;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // spawn Sparkling Stars inside calculated coordinates
- for I:= 0 to 80 do
- begin
- Life:=RandomRange(8,16);
- Spawn(RandomRange(Left,Right), RandomRange(Top,Bottom), cScreen, Life, 16-Life, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, P);
- end;
- end;
+// notes:
+unit UGraphicClasses;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses UTexture,SDL;
+const DelayBetweenFrames : Cardinal = 60;
+ TParticleType=(GoldenNote, PerfectNote, NoteHitTwinkle, PerfectLineTwinkle, ColoredStar, Flare);
+ TColour3f = Record
+ r, g, b: Real;
+ end;
+ TParticle = Class
+ X, Y : Real; //Position
+ Screen : Integer;
+ W, H : Cardinal; //dimensions of particle
+ Col : array of TColour3f; // Colour(s) of particle
+ Scale : array of Real; // Scaling factors of particle layers
+ Frame : Byte; //act. Frame
+ Tex : Cardinal; //Tex num from Textur Manager
+ Live : Byte; //How many Cycles before Kill
+ RecIndex : Integer; //To which rectangle this particle belongs (only GoldenNote)
+ StarType : TParticleType; // GoldenNote | PerfectNote | NoteHitTwinkle | PerfectLineTwinkle
+ Alpha : Real; // used for fading...
+ mX, mY : Real; // movement-vector for PerfectLineTwinkle
+ SizeMod : Real; // experimental size modifier
+ SurviveSentenceChange : Boolean;
+ Constructor Create(cX,cY: Real; cScreen: Integer; cLive: Byte; cFrame : integer; cRecArrayIndex : Integer; cStarType : TParticleType; Player: Cardinal);
+ Destructor Destroy(); override;
+ procedure Draw;
+ procedure LiveOn;
+ end;
+ RectanglePositions = Record
+ xTop, yTop, xBottom, yBottom : Real;
+ TotalStarCount : Integer;
+ CurrentStarCount : Integer;
+ Screen : Integer;
+ end;
+ PerfectNotePositions = Record
+ xPos, yPos : Real;
+ Screen : Integer;
+ end;
+ TEffectManager = Class
+ Particle : array of TParticle;
+ LastTime : Cardinal;
+ RecArray : Array of RectanglePositions;
+ TwinkleArray : Array[0..5] of Real; // store x-position of last twinkle for every player
+ PerfNoteArray : Array of PerfectNotePositions;
+ FlareTex: TTexture;
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Draw;
+ function Spawn(X, Y: Real;
+ Screen: Integer;
+ Live: Byte;
+ StartFrame: Integer;
+ RecArrayIndex: Integer; // this is only used with GoldenNotes
+ StarType: TParticleType;
+ Player: Cardinal // for PerfectLineTwinkle
+ ): Cardinal;
+ procedure SpawnRec();
+ procedure Kill(index: Cardinal);
+ procedure KillAll();
+ procedure SentenceChange();
+ procedure SaveGoldenStarsRec(Xtop, Ytop, Xbottom, Ybottom: Real);
+ procedure SavePerfectNotePos(Xtop, Ytop: Real);
+ procedure GoldenNoteTwinkle(Top,Bottom,Right: Real; Player: Integer);
+ procedure SpawnPerfectLineTwinkle();
+ end;
+var GoldenRec : TEffectManager;
+uses sysutils,
+ gl,
+ UIni,
+ UMain,
+ UThemes,
+ USkins,
+ UGraphic,
+ UDrawTexture,
+ UCommon,
+ math;
+Constructor TParticle.Create(cX,cY: Real; cScreen: Integer; cLive: Byte; cFrame : integer; cRecArrayIndex : Integer; cStarType : TParticleType; Player: Cardinal);
+ inherited Create;
+ // in this constructor we set all initial values for our particle
+ X := cX;
+ Y := cY;
+ Screen := cScreen;
+ Live := cLive;
+ Frame:= cFrame;
+ RecIndex := cRecArrayIndex;
+ StarType := cStarType;
+ Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out
+ SetLength(Scale,1);
+ Scale[0] := 1;
+ SurviveSentenceChange := False;
+ SizeMod := 1;
+ case cStarType of
+ GoldenNote:
+ begin
+ Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum;
+ W := 20;
+ H := 20;
+ SetLength(Scale,4);
+ Scale[1]:=0.8;
+ Scale[2]:=0.4;
+ Scale[3]:=0.3;
+ SetLength(Col,4);
+ Col[0].r := 1;
+ Col[0].g := 0.7;
+ Col[0].b := 0.1;
+ Col[1].r := 1;
+ Col[1].g := 1;
+ Col[1].b := 0.4;
+ Col[2].r := 1;
+ Col[2].g := 1;
+ Col[2].b := 1;
+ Col[3].r := 1;
+ Col[3].g := 1;
+ Col[3].b := 1;
+ end;
+ PerfectNote:
+ begin
+ Tex := Tex_Note_Perfect_Star.TexNum;
+ W := 30;
+ H := 30;
+ SetLength(Col,1);
+ Col[0].r := 1;
+ Col[0].g := 1;
+ Col[0].b := 0.95;
+ end;
+ NoteHitTwinkle:
+ begin
+ Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum;
+ Alpha := (Live/16); // linear fade-out
+ W := 15;
+ H := 15;
+ Setlength(Col,1);
+ Col[0].r := 1;
+ Col[0].g := 1;
+ Col[0].b := RandomRange(10*Live,100)/90; //0.9;
+ end;
+ PerfectLineTwinkle:
+ begin
+ Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum;
+ W := RandomRange(10,20);
+ H := W;
+ SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1);
+ SurviveSentenceChange:=True;
+ // assign colours according to player given
+ SetLength(Scale,3);
+ Scale[1]:=0.3;
+ Scale[2]:=0.2;
+ SetLength(Col,3);
+ case Player of
+ 0: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P1Light');
+ 1: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P2Light');
+ 2: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P3Light');
+ 3: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P4Light');
+ 4: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P5Light');
+ 5: LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P6Light');
+ else LoadColor(Col[0].r,Col[0].g,Col[0].b,'P1Light');
+ end;
+ Col[1].r := 1;
+ Col[1].g := 1;
+ Col[1].b := 0.4;
+ Col[2].r:=Col[0].r+0.5;
+ Col[2].g:=Col[0].g+0.5;
+ Col[2].b:=Col[0].b+0.5;
+ mX := RandomRange(-5,5);
+ mY := RandomRange(-5,5);
+ end;
+ ColoredStar:
+ begin
+ Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum;
+ W := RandomRange(10,20);
+ H := W;
+ SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1);
+ SurviveSentenceChange:=True;
+ // assign colours according to player given
+ SetLength(Scale,1);
+ SetLength(Col,1);
+ Col[0].b := (Player and $ff)/255;
+ Col[0].g := ((Player shr 8) and $ff)/255;
+ Col[0].r := ((Player shr 16) and $ff)/255;
+ mX := 0;
+ mY := 0;
+ end;
+ Flare:
+ begin
+ Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum;
+ W := 7;
+ H := 7;
+ SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1);
+ mX := RandomRange(-5,5);
+ mY := RandomRange(-5,5);
+ SetLength(Scale,4);
+ Scale[1]:=0.8;
+ Scale[2]:=0.4;
+ Scale[3]:=0.3;
+ SetLength(Col,4);
+ Col[0].r := 1;
+ Col[0].g := 0.7;
+ Col[0].b := 0.1;
+ Col[1].r := 1;
+ Col[1].g := 1;
+ Col[1].b := 0.4;
+ Col[2].r := 1;
+ Col[2].g := 1;
+ Col[2].b := 1;
+ Col[3].r := 1;
+ Col[3].g := 1;
+ Col[3].b := 1;
+ end;
+ else // just some random default values
+ begin
+ Tex := Tex_Note_Star.TexNum;
+ Alpha := 1;
+ W := 20;
+ H := 20;
+ SetLength(Col,1);
+ Col[0].r := 1;
+ Col[0].g := 1;
+ Col[0].b := 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+Destructor TParticle.Destroy();
+ SetLength(Scale,0);
+ SetLength(Col,0);
+ inherited;
+procedure TParticle.LiveOn;
+ //Live = 0 => Live forever <blindy> ?? but if this is 0 they would be killed in the Manager at Draw
+ if (Live > 0) then
+ Dec(Live);
+ // animate frames
+ Frame := ( Frame + 1 ) mod 16;
+ // make our particles do funny stuff (besides being animated)
+ // changes of any particle-values throughout its life are done here
+ case StarType of
+ GoldenNote:
+ begin
+ Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out
+ end;
+ PerfectNote:
+ begin
+ Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out
+ end;
+ NoteHitTwinkle:
+ begin
+ Alpha := (Live/10); // linear fade-out
+ end;
+ PerfectLineTwinkle:
+ begin
+ Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out
+ SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1);
+ // move around
+ X := X + mX;
+ Y := Y + mY;
+ end;
+ ColoredStar:
+ begin
+ Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out
+ end;
+ Flare:
+ begin
+ Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)/16*1.7*pi+0.3*pi)+1); // neat fade-in-and-out
+ SizeMod := (-cos((Frame+1)*5*2*pi/16)*0.5+1.1);
+ // move around
+ X := X + mX;
+ Y := Y + mY;
+ mY:=mY+1.8;
+// mX:=mX/2;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TParticle.Draw;
+var L: Cardinal;
+ if ScreenAct = Screen then
+ // this draws (multiple) texture(s) of our particle
+ for L:=0 to High(Col) do
+ begin
+ glColor4f(Col[L].r, Col[L].g, Col[L].b, Alpha);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ begin
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame, 0); glVertex2f(X-W*Scale[L]*SizeMod, Y-H*Scale[L]*SizeMod);
+ glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame + (1/16), 0); glVertex2f(X-W*Scale[L]*SizeMod, Y+H*Scale[L]*SizeMod);
+ glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame + (1/16), 1); glVertex2f(X+W*Scale[L]*SizeMod, Y+H*Scale[L]*SizeMod);
+ glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame, 1); glVertex2f(X+W*Scale[L]*SizeMod, Y-H*Scale[L]*SizeMod);
+ glEnd;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glcolor4f(1,1,1,1);
+// end of TParticle
+// TEffectManager
+constructor TEffectManager.Create;
+var c: Cardinal;
+ inherited;
+ LastTime := SDL_GetTicks();
+ for c:=0 to 5 do
+ begin
+ TwinkleArray[c] := 0;
+ end;
+destructor TEffectManager.Destroy;
+ Killall;
+ inherited;
+procedure TEffectManager.Draw;
+ I: Integer;
+ CurrentTime: Cardinal;
+// DelayBetweenFrames : Cardinal = 100;
+ CurrentTime := SDL_GetTicks();
+ //Manage particle life
+ if (CurrentTime - LastTime) > DelayBetweenFrames then
+ begin
+ LastTime := CurrentTime;
+ for I := 0 to high(Particle) do
+ Particle[I].LiveOn;
+ end;
+ I := 0;
+ //Kill dead particles
+ while (I <= High(Particle)) do
+ begin
+ if (Particle[I].Live <= 0) then
+ begin
+ kill(I);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ inc(I);
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Draw
+ for I := 0 to high(Particle) do
+ begin
+ Particle[I].Draw;
+ end;
+// this method creates just one particle
+function TEffectManager.Spawn(X, Y: Real; Screen: Integer; Live: Byte; StartFrame : Integer; RecArrayIndex : Integer; StarType : TParticleType; Player: Cardinal): Cardinal;
+ Result := Length(Particle);
+ SetLength(Particle, (Result + 1));
+ Particle[Result] := TParticle.Create(X, Y, Screen, Live, StartFrame, RecArrayIndex, StarType, Player);
+// manage Sparkling of GoldenNote Bars
+procedure TEffectManager.SpawnRec();
+ Xkatze, Ykatze : Real;
+ RandomFrame : Integer;
+ P : Integer; // P as seen on TV as Positionman
+//Spawn a random amount of stars within the given coordinates
+//RandomRange(0,14) <- this one starts at a random frame, 16 is our last frame - would be senseless to start a particle with 16, cause it would be dead at the next frame
+for P:= 0 to high(RecArray) do
+ begin
+ while (RecArray[P].TotalStarCount > RecArray[P].CurrentStarCount) do
+ begin
+ Xkatze := RandomRange(Ceil(RecArray[P].xTop), Ceil(RecArray[P].xBottom));
+ Ykatze := RandomRange(Ceil(RecArray[P].yTop), Ceil(RecArray[P].yBottom));
+ RandomFrame := RandomRange(0,14);
+ // Spawn a GoldenNote Particle
+ Spawn(Xkatze, Ykatze, RecArray[P].Screen, 16 - RandomFrame, RandomFrame, P, GoldenNote, 0);
+ inc(RecArray[P].CurrentStarCount);
+ end;
+ end;
+ draw;
+// kill one particle (with given index in our particle array)
+procedure TEffectManager.Kill(Index: Cardinal);
+ LastParticleIndex : Integer;
+// delete particle indexed by Index,
+// overwrite it's place in our particle-array with the particle stored at the last array index,
+// shorten array
+ LastParticleIndex := high(Particle);
+ if not(LastParticleIndex = -1) then // is there still a particle to delete?
+ begin
+ if not(Particle[Index].RecIndex = -1) then // if it is a GoldenNote particle...
+ dec(RecArray[Particle[Index].RecIndex].CurrentStarCount); // take care of its associated GoldenRec
+ // now get rid of that particle
+ Particle[Index].Destroy;
+ Particle[Index] := Particle[LastParticleIndex];
+ SetLength(Particle, LastParticleIndex);
+ end;
+// clean up all particles and management structures
+procedure TEffectManager.KillAll();
+var c: Cardinal;
+//It's the kill all kennies rotuine
+ while Length(Particle) > 0 do // kill all existing particles
+ Kill(0);
+ SetLength(RecArray,0); // remove GoldenRec positions
+ SetLength(PerfNoteArray,0); // remove PerfectNote positions
+ for c:=0 to 5 do
+ begin
+ TwinkleArray[c] := 0; // reset GoldenNoteHit memory
+ end;
+procedure TEffectManager.SentenceChange();
+var c: Cardinal;
+ c:=0;
+ while c <= High(Particle) do
+ begin
+ if Particle[c].SurviveSentenceChange then
+ inc(c)
+ else
+ Kill(c);
+ end;
+ SetLength(RecArray,0); // remove GoldenRec positions
+ SetLength(PerfNoteArray,0); // remove PerfectNote positions
+ for c:=0 to 5 do
+ begin
+ TwinkleArray[c] := 0; // reset GoldenNoteHit memory
+ end;
+procedure TeffectManager.GoldenNoteTwinkle(Top,Bottom,Right: Real; Player: Integer);
+//Twinkle stars while golden note hit
+// this is called from UDraw.pas, SingDrawPlayerCzesc
+ C, P, XKatze, YKatze, LKatze: Integer;
+ H: Real;
+ // make sure we spawn only one time at one position
+ if (TwinkleArray[Player] < Right) then
+ For P := 0 to high(RecArray) do // Are we inside a GoldenNoteRectangle?
+ begin
+ H := (Top+Bottom)/2; // helper...
+ with RecArray[P] do
+ if ((xBottom >= Right) and (xTop <= Right) and
+ (yTop <= H) and (yBottom >= H))
+ and (Screen = ScreenAct) then
+ begin
+ TwinkleArray[Player] := Right; // remember twinkle position for this player
+ for C := 1 to 10 do
+ begin
+ Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Top) , ceil(Bottom));
+ XKatze := RandomRange(-7,3);
+ LKatze := RandomRange(7,13);
+ Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0);
+ end;
+ for C := 1 to 3 do
+ begin
+ Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Top)-6 , ceil(Top));
+ XKatze := RandomRange(-5,1);
+ LKatze := RandomRange(4,7);
+ Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0);
+ end;
+ for C := 1 to 3 do
+ begin
+ Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Bottom), ceil(Bottom)+6);
+ XKatze := RandomRange(-5,1);
+ LKatze := RandomRange(4,7);
+ Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0);
+ end;
+ for C := 1 to 3 do
+ begin
+ Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Top)-10 , ceil(Top)-6);
+ XKatze := RandomRange(-5,1);
+ LKatze := RandomRange(1,4);
+ Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0);
+ end;
+ for C := 1 to 3 do
+ begin
+ Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Bottom)+6 , ceil(Bottom)+10);
+ XKatze := RandomRange(-5,1);
+ LKatze := RandomRange(1,4);
+ Spawn(Ceil(Right)+XKatze, YKatze, ScreenAct, LKatze, 0, -1, NoteHitTwinkle, 0);
+ end;
+ exit; // found a matching GoldenRec, did spawning stuff... done
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TEffectManager.SaveGoldenStarsRec(Xtop, Ytop, Xbottom, Ybottom: Real);
+ P : Integer; // P like used in Positions
+ NewIndex : Integer;
+ For P := 0 to high(RecArray) do // Do we already have that "new" position?
+ begin
+ if (ceil(RecArray[P].xTop) = ceil(Xtop)) and
+ (ceil(RecArray[P].yTop) = ceil(Ytop)) and
+ (ScreenAct = RecArray[p].Screen) then
+ exit; // it's already in the array, so we don't have to create a new one
+ end;
+ // we got a new position, add the new positions to our array
+ NewIndex := Length(RecArray);
+ SetLength(RecArray, NewIndex + 1);
+ RecArray[NewIndex].xTop := Xtop;
+ RecArray[NewIndex].yTop := Ytop;
+ RecArray[NewIndex].xBottom := Xbottom;
+ RecArray[NewIndex].yBottom := Ybottom;
+ RecArray[NewIndex].TotalStarCount := ceil(Xbottom - Xtop) div 12 + 3;
+ RecArray[NewIndex].CurrentStarCount := 0;
+ RecArray[NewIndex].Screen := ScreenAct;
+procedure TEffectManager.SavePerfectNotePos(Xtop, Ytop: Real);
+ P : Integer; // P like used in Positions
+ NewIndex : Integer;
+ RandomFrame : Integer;
+ Xkatze, Ykatze : Integer;
+ For P := 0 to high(PerfNoteArray) do // Do we already have that "new" position?
+ begin
+ with PerfNoteArray[P] do
+ if (ceil(xPos) = ceil(Xtop)) and (ceil(yPos) = ceil(Ytop)) and
+ (Screen = ScreenAct) then
+ exit; // it's already in the array, so we don't have to create a new one
+ end; //for
+ // we got a new position, add the new positions to our array
+ NewIndex := Length(PerfNoteArray);
+ SetLength(PerfNoteArray, NewIndex + 1);
+ PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].xPos := Xtop;
+ PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].yPos := Ytop;
+ PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].Screen := ScreenAct;
+ for P:= 0 to 2 do
+ begin
+ Xkatze := RandomRange(ceil(Xtop) - 5 , ceil(Xtop) + 10);
+ Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Ytop) - 5 , ceil(Ytop) + 10);
+ RandomFrame := RandomRange(0,14);
+ Spawn(Xkatze, Ykatze, ScreenAct, 16 - RandomFrame, RandomFrame, -1, PerfectNote, 0);
+ end; //for
+procedure TEffectManager.SpawnPerfectLineTwinkle();
+ P,I,Life: Cardinal;
+ Left, Right, Top, Bottom: Cardinal;
+ cScreen: Integer;
+// calculation of coordinates done with hardcoded values like in UDraw.pas
+// might need to be adjusted if drawing of SingScreen is modified
+// coordinates may still be a bit weird and need adjustment
+ if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then begin
+ Left := 130;
+ end else begin
+ Left := 30;
+ end;
+ Right := 770;
+ // spawn effect for every player with a perfect line
+ for P:=0 to PlayersPlay-1 do
+ if Player[P].LastSentencePerfect then
+ begin
+ // calculate area where notes of this player are drawn
+ case PlayersPlay of
+ 1: begin
+ Bottom:=Skin_P2_NotesB+10;
+ Top:=Bottom-105;
+ cScreen:=1;
+ end;
+ 2,4: begin
+ case P of
+ 0,2: begin
+ Bottom:=Skin_P1_NotesB+10;
+ Top:=Bottom-105;
+ end;
+ else begin
+ Bottom:=Skin_P2_NotesB+10;
+ Top:=Bottom-105;
+ end;
+ end;
+ case P of
+ 0,1: cScreen:=1;
+ else cScreen:=2;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 3,6: begin
+ case P of
+ 0,3: begin
+ Top:=130;
+ Bottom:=Top+85;
+ end;
+ 1,4: begin
+ Top:=255;
+ Bottom:=Top+85;
+ end;
+ 2,5: begin
+ Top:=380;
+ Bottom:=Top+85;
+ end;
+ end;
+ case P of
+ 0,1,2: cScreen:=1;
+ else cScreen:=2;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // spawn Sparkling Stars inside calculated coordinates
+ for I:= 0 to 80 do
+ begin
+ Life:=RandomRange(8,16);
+ Spawn(RandomRange(Left,Right), RandomRange(Top,Bottom), cScreen, Life, 16-Life, -1, PerfectLineTwinkle, P);
+ end;
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UImage.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UImage.pas
index 0cafeee5..5dd326e7 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UImage.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UImage.pas
@@ -1,769 +1,769 @@
-unit UImage;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- SDL;
- PixelFmt_RGBA: TSDL_Pixelformat = (
- palette: nil;
- BitsPerPixel: 32;
- BytesPerPixel: 4;
- Rloss: 0;
- Gloss: 0;
- Bloss: 0;
- Aloss: 0;
- Rshift: 0;
- Gshift: 8;
- Bshift: 16;
- Ashift: 24;
- Rmask: $000000ff;
- Gmask: $0000ff00;
- Bmask: $00ff0000;
- Amask: $ff000000;
- ColorKey: 0;
- Alpha: 255
- );
- PixelFmt_RGB: TSDL_Pixelformat = (
- palette: nil;
- BitsPerPixel: 24;
- BytesPerPixel: 3;
- Rloss: 0;
- Gloss: 0;
- Bloss: 0;
- Aloss: 0;
- Rshift: 0;
- Gshift: 8;
- Bshift: 16;
- Ashift: 0;
- Rmask: $000000ff;
- Gmask: $0000ff00;
- Bmask: $00ff0000;
- Amask: $00000000;
- ColorKey: 0;
- Alpha: 255
- );
- PixelFmt_BGRA: TSDL_Pixelformat = (
- palette: nil;
- BitsPerPixel: 32;
- BytesPerPixel: 4;
- Rloss: 0;
- Gloss: 0;
- Bloss: 0;
- Aloss: 0;
- Rshift: 16;
- Gshift: 8;
- Bshift: 0;
- Ashift: 24;
- Rmask: $00ff0000;
- Gmask: $0000ff00;
- Bmask: $000000ff;
- Amask: $ff000000;
- ColorKey: 0;
- Alpha: 255
- );
- PixelFmt_BGR: TSDL_Pixelformat = (
- palette: nil;
- BitsPerPixel: 24;
- BytesPerPixel: 3;
- Rloss: 0;
- Gloss: 0;
- Bloss: 0;
- Aloss: 0;
- Rshift: 16;
- Gshift: 8;
- Bshift: 0;
- Ashift: 0;
- Rmask: $00ff0000;
- Gmask: $0000ff00;
- Bmask: $000000ff;
- Amask: $00000000;
- ColorKey: 0;
- Alpha: 255
- );
-function WritePNGImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
-function WriteBMPImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
-function WriteJPGImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface; Quality: integer): boolean;
-function LoadImage(const Identifier: string): PSDL_Surface;
- SysUtils,
- Classes,
- Windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF HaveJPG}
- {$IFDEF Delphi}
- Graphics,
- jpeg,
- {$ELSE}
- jpeglib,
- jerror,
- jcparam,
- jdatadst, jcapimin, jcapistd,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF HavePNG}
- png,
- {$ENDIF}
- zlib,
- sdl_image,
- UCommon,
- ULog;
-function IsRGBSurface(pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat): boolean;
- Result := (pixelFmt.BitsPerPixel = 24) and
- (pixelFmt.RMask = $0000FF) and
- (pixelFmt.GMask = $00FF00) and
- (pixelFmt.BMask = $FF0000);
-function IsRGBASurface(pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat): boolean;
- Result := (pixelFmt.BitsPerPixel = 32) and
- (pixelFmt.RMask = $000000FF) and
- (pixelFmt.GMask = $0000FF00) and
- (pixelFmt.BMask = $00FF0000) and
- (pixelFmt.AMask = $FF000000);
-function IsBGRSurface(pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat): boolean;
- Result := (pixelFmt.BitsPerPixel = 24) and
- (pixelFmt.BMask = $0000FF) and
- (pixelFmt.GMask = $00FF00) and
- (pixelFmt.RMask = $FF0000);
-function IsBGRASurface(pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat): boolean;
- Result := (pixelFmt.BitsPerPixel = 32) and
- (pixelFmt.BMask = $000000FF) and
- (pixelFmt.GMask = $0000FF00) and
- (pixelFmt.RMask = $00FF0000) and
- (pixelFmt.AMask = $FF000000);
-// Converts alpha-formats to BGRA, non-alpha to BGR, and leaves BGR(A) as is
-// sets converted to true if the surface needed to be converted
-function ConvertToBGR_BGRASurface(Surface: PSDL_Surface; out Converted: boolean): PSDL_Surface;
- pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat;
- pixelFmt := Surface.format;
- if (IsBGRSurface(pixelFmt) or IsBGRASurface(pixelFmt)) then
- begin
- Converted := false;
- Result := Surface;
- end
- else
- begin
- // invalid format -> needs conversion
- if (pixelFmt.AMask <> 0) then
- Result := SDL_ConvertSurface(Surface, @PixelFmt_BGRA, SDL_SWSURFACE)
- else
- Result := SDL_ConvertSurface(Surface, @PixelFmt_BGR, SDL_SWSURFACE);
- Converted := true;
- end;
-// Converts alpha-formats to RGBA, non-alpha to RGB, and leaves RGB(A) as is
-// sets converted to true if the surface needed to be converted
-function ConvertToRGB_RGBASurface(Surface: PSDL_Surface; out Converted: boolean): PSDL_Surface;
- pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat;
- pixelFmt := Surface.format;
- if (IsRGBSurface(pixelFmt) or IsRGBASurface(pixelFmt)) then
- begin
- Converted := false;
- Result := Surface;
- end
- else
- begin
- // invalid format -> needs conversion
- if (pixelFmt.AMask <> 0) then
- Result := SDL_ConvertSurface(Surface, @PixelFmt_RGBA, SDL_SWSURFACE)
- else
- Result := SDL_ConvertSurface(Surface, @PixelFmt_RGB, SDL_SWSURFACE);
- Converted := true;
- end;
- * PNG section
- *****************************)
-// delphi does not support setjmp()/longjmp() -> define our own error-handler
-procedure user_error_fn(png_ptr: png_structp; error_msg: png_const_charp); cdecl;
- raise Exception.Create(error_msg);
-procedure user_read_data(png_ptr: png_structp; data: png_bytep; length: png_size_t); cdecl;
- inFile: TFileStream;
- inFile := TFileStream(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
- inFile.Read(data^, length);
-procedure user_write_data(png_ptr: png_structp; data: png_bytep; length: png_size_t); cdecl;
- outFile: TFileStream;
- outFile := TFileStream(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
- outFile.Write(data^, length);
-procedure user_flush_data(png_ptr: png_structp); cdecl;
-// outFile: TFileStream;
- // binary files are flushed automatically, Flush() works with Text-files only
- //outFile := TFileStream(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
- //outFile.Flush();
-procedure DateTimeToPngTime(time: TDateTime; var pngTime: png_time);
- year, month, day: word;
- hour, minute, second, msecond: word;
- DecodeDate(time, year, month, day);
- pngTime.year := year;
- pngTime.month := month;
- pngTime.day := day;
- DecodeTime(time, hour, minute, second, msecond);
- pngTime.hour := hour;
- pngTime.minute := minute;
- pngTime.second := second;
- * ImageData must be in RGB-format
- *)
-function WritePNGImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
- png_ptr: png_structp;
- info_ptr: png_infop;
- pngFile: TFileStream;
- row: integer;
- rowData: array of png_bytep;
-// rowStride: integer;
- converted: boolean;
- colorType: integer;
-// time: png_time;
- Result := false;
- // open file for writing
- try
- pngFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- except
- Log.LogError('Could not open file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WritePngImage');
- Exit;
- end;
- // only 24bit (RGB) or 32bit (RGBA) data is supported, so convert to it
- Surface := ConvertToRGB_RGBASurface(Surface, converted);
- png_ptr := nil;
- try
- // initialize png (and enable a user-defined error-handler that throws an exception on error)
- png_ptr := png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, nil, @user_error_fn, nil);
- // the error-handler is called if png_create_write_struct() fails, so png_ptr should always be <> nil
- if (png_ptr = nil) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('png_create_write_struct() failed', 'WritePngImage');
- if (converted) then
- SDL_FreeSurface(Surface);
- Exit;
- end;
- info_ptr := png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
- if (Surface^.format^.BitsPerPixel = 24) then
- colorType := PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB
- else
- colorType := PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA;
- // define write IO-functions (POSIX-style FILE-pointers are not available in Delphi)
- png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, pngFile, @user_write_data, @user_flush_data);
- png_set_IHDR(
- png_ptr, info_ptr,
- Surface.w, Surface.h,
- 8,
- colorType,
- );
- // TODO: do we need the modification time?
- //DateTimeToPngTime(Now, time);
- //png_set_tIME(png_ptr, info_ptr, @time);
- if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
- SDL_LockSurface(Surface);
- // setup data
- SetLength(rowData, Surface.h);
- for row := 0 to Surface.h-1 do
- begin
- // set rowData-elements to beginning of each image row
- // Note: the byte-count of a row is pitch (which is not width*bitsPerPixel if the image is aligned)
- rowData[row] := @PChar(Surface.pixels)[(Surface.h-row-1) * Surface.pitch];
- end;
- if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
- SDL_UnlockSurface(Surface);
- png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
- png_write_image(png_ptr, png_bytepp(rowData));
- png_write_end(png_ptr, nil);
- Result := true;
- except on E: Exception do
- Log.LogError(E.message, 'WritePngImage');
- end;
- // free row-data
- SetLength(rowData, 0);
- // free png-resources
- if (png_ptr <> nil) then
- png_destroy_write_struct(@png_ptr, nil);
- if (converted) then
- SDL_FreeSurface(Surface);
- // close file
- pngFile.Free;
- * BMP section
- *****************************)
- (* constants for the biCompression field *)
- BI_RGB = 0;
- BI_RLE8 = 1;
- BI_RLE4 = 2;
- BI_JPEG = 4;
- BI_PNG = 5;
- biSize: longword;
- biWidth: longint;
- biHeight: longint;
- biPlanes: word;
- biBitCount: word;
- biCompression: longword;
- biSizeImage: longword;
- biXPelsPerMeter: longint;
- biYPelsPerMeter: longint;
- biClrUsed: longword;
- biClrImportant: longword;
- end;
- RGBTRIPLE = record
- rgbtBlue: byte;
- rgbtGreen: byte;
- rgbtRed: byte;
- end;
- RGBQUAD = record
- rgbBlue: byte;
- rgbGreen: byte;
- rgbRed: byte;
- rgbReserved: byte;
- end;
- BITMAPINFO = record
- bmiColors: array[0..0] of RGBQUAD;
- end;
- bfType: word;
- bfSize: longword;
- bfReserved1: word;
- bfReserved2: word;
- bfOffBits: longword;
- end;
- * ImageData must be in BGR-format
- *)
-function WriteBMPImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
- bmpFile: TFileStream;
- Converted: boolean;
- Row: integer;
- RowSize: integer;
- Result := false;
- // open file for writing
- try
- bmpFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- except
- Log.LogError('Could not open file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WriteBMPImage');
- Exit;
- end;
- // only 24bit (BGR) or 32bit (BGRA) data is supported, so convert to it
- Surface := ConvertToBGR_BGRASurface(Surface, Converted);
- // aligned (4-byte) row-size in bytes
- RowSize := ((Surface.w * Surface.format.BytesPerPixel + 3) div 4) * 4;
- // initialize bitmap info
- FillChar(FileInfo, SizeOf(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 0);
- with FileInfo do
- begin
- biWidth := Surface.w;
- biHeight := Surface.h;
- biPlanes := 1;
- biBitCount := Surface^.format^.BitsPerPixel;
- biCompression := BI_RGB;
- biSizeImage := RowSize * Surface.h;
- end;
- // initialize header-data
- FillChar(FileHeader, SizeOf(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 0);
- with FileHeader do
- begin
- bfType := $4D42; // = 'BM'
- bfSize := bfOffBits + FileInfo.biSizeImage;
- end;
- // and move the whole stuff into the file ;-)
- try
- // write headers
- bmpFile.Write(FileHeader, SizeOf(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
- bmpFile.Write(FileInfo, SizeOf(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- // write image-data
- if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
- SDL_LockSurface(Surface);
- // BMP needs 4-byte alignment
- if (Surface.pitch mod 4 = 0) then
- begin
- // aligned correctly -> write whole image at once
- bmpFile.Write(Surface.pixels^, FileInfo.biSizeImage);
- end
- else
- begin
- // misaligned -> write each line separately
- // Note: for the last line unassigned memory (> last Surface.pixels element)
- // will be copied to the padding area (last bytes of a row),
- // but we do not care because the content of padding data is ignored anyhow.
- for Row := 0 to Surface.h do
- bmpFile.Write(PChar(Surface.pixels)[Row * Surface.pitch], RowSize);
- end;
- if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
- SDL_UnlockSurface(Surface);
- Result := true;
- finally
- Log.LogError('Could not write file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WriteBMPImage');
- end;
- if (Converted) then
- SDL_FreeSurface(Surface);
- // close file
- bmpFile.Free;
- * JPG section
- *****************************)
-function WriteJPGImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface; Quality: integer): boolean;
- {$IFDEF Delphi}
- Bitmap: TBitmap;
- BitmapInfo: TBitmapInfo;
- Jpeg: TJpegImage;
- row: integer;
- {$ELSE}
- cinfo: jpeg_compress_struct;
- jerr : jpeg_error_mgr;
- jpgFile: TFileStream;
- rowPtr: array[0..0] of JSAMPROW;
- {$ENDIF}
- converted: boolean;
- Result := false;
- {$IFDEF Delphi}
- // only 24bit (BGR) data is supported, so convert to it
- if (IsBGRSurface(Surface.format)) then
- converted := false
- else
- begin
- Surface := SDL_ConvertSurface(Surface, @PixelFmt_BGR, SDL_SWSURFACE);
- converted := true;
- end;
- // create and setup bitmap
- Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- Bitmap.Width := Surface.w;
- Bitmap.Height := Surface.h;
- // setup bitmap info on source image (Surface parameter)
- ZeroMemory(@BitmapInfo, SizeOf(BitmapInfo));
- with BitmapInfo.bmiHeader do
- begin
- biWidth := Surface.w;
- biHeight := Surface.h;
- biPlanes := 1;
- biBitCount := 24;
- biCompression := BI_RGB;
- end;
- if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
- SDL_LockSurface(Surface);
- // use fast Win32-API functions to copy data instead of Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels
- if (Surface.pitch mod 4 = 0) then
- begin
- // if the image is aligned (to a 4-byte boundary) -> copy all data at once
- // Note: surfaces created with SDL (e.g. with SDL_ConvertSurface) are aligned
- SetDIBits(0, Bitmap.Handle, 0, Bitmap.Height, Surface.pixels, BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- end
- else
- begin
- // wrong alignment -> copy each line separately.
- // Note: for the last line unassigned memory (> last Surface.pixels element)
- // will be copied to the padding area (last bytes of a row),
- // but we do not care because the content of padding data is ignored anyhow.
- for row := 0 to Surface.h do
- begin
- SetDIBits(0, Bitmap.Handle, row, 1, @PChar(Surface.pixels)[row * Surface.pitch],
- BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
- end;
- end;
- if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
- SDL_UnlockSurface(Surface);
- // assign Bitmap to JPEG and store the latter
- Jpeg := TJPEGImage.Create;
- Jpeg.Assign(Bitmap);
- Bitmap.Free;
- Jpeg.CompressionQuality := Quality;
- try
- // compress image (don't forget this line, otherwise it won't be compressed)
- Jpeg.Compress();
- Jpeg.SaveToFile(FileName);
- except
- Log.LogError('Could not save file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WriteJPGImage');
- Exit;
- end;
- Jpeg.Free;
- {$ELSE}
- // based on example.pas in FPC's packages/base/pasjpeg directory
- // only 24bit (RGB) data is supported, so convert to it
- if (IsRGBSurface(Surface.format)) then
- converted := false
- else
- begin
- Surface := SDL_ConvertSurface(Surface, @PixelFmt_RGB, SDL_SWSURFACE);
- converted := true;
- end;
- // allocate and initialize JPEG compression object
- cinfo.err := jpeg_std_error(jerr);
- // msg_level that will be displayed. (Nomssi)
- //jerr.trace_level := 3;
- // initialize the JPEG compression object
- jpeg_create_compress(@cinfo);
- // open file for writing
- try
- jpgFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- except
- Log.LogError('Could not open file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WriteJPGImage');
- Exit;
- end;
- // specify data destination
- jpeg_stdio_dest(@cinfo, @jpgFile);
- // set parameters for compression
- cinfo.image_width := Surface.w;
- cinfo.image_height := Surface.h;
- cinfo.in_color_space := JCS_RGB;
- cinfo.input_components := 3;
- cinfo.data_precision := 8;
- // set default compression parameters
- jpeg_set_defaults(@cinfo);
- jpeg_set_quality(@cinfo, quality, true);
- // start compressor
- jpeg_start_compress(@cinfo, true);
- if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
- SDL_LockSurface(Surface);
- while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) do
- begin
- // Note: the byte-count of a row is pitch (which is not width*bitsPerPixel if the image is aligned)
- rowPtr[0] := JSAMPROW(@PChar(Surface.pixels)[(Surface.h-cinfo.next_scanline-1) * Surface.pitch]);
- jpeg_write_scanlines(@cinfo, JSAMPARRAY(@rowPtr), 1);
- end;
- if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
- SDL_UnlockSurface(Surface);
- // finish compression
- jpeg_finish_compress(@cinfo);
- // close the output file
- jpgFile.Free;
- // release JPEG compression object
- jpeg_destroy_compress(@cinfo);
- {$ENDIF}
- if (converted) then
- SDL_FreeSurface(Surface);
- Result := true;
- * Loads an image from the given file or resource
- *)
-function LoadImage(const Identifier: string): PSDL_Surface;
- TexRWops: PSDL_RWops;
- TexStream: TStream;
- FileName: string;
- Result := nil;
- TexRWops := nil;
- if Identifier = '' then
- exit;
- //Log.LogStatus( Identifier, 'LoadImage' );
- FileName := Identifier;
- if (FileExistsInsensitive(FileName)) then
- begin
- // load from file
- //Log.LogStatus( 'Is File ( Loading : '+FileName+')', ' LoadImage' );
- try
- Result := IMG_Load(PChar(FileName));
- //Log.LogStatus( ' '+inttostr( integer( Result ) ), ' LoadImage' );
- except
- Log.LogError('Could not load from file "'+FileName+'"', 'TTextureUnit.LoadImage');
- Exit;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- //Log.LogStatus( 'IS Resource, because file does not exist.('+Identifier+')', ' LoadImage' );
- TexStream := GetResourceStream(Identifier, 'TEX');
- if (not assigned(TexStream)) then
- begin
- Log.LogError( 'Invalid file or resource "'+ Identifier+'"', 'TTextureUnit.LoadImage');
- Exit;
- end;
- TexRWops := RWopsFromStream(TexStream);
- if (TexRWops = nil) then
- begin
- Log.LogError( 'Could not assign resource "'+Identifier+'"', 'TTextureUnit.LoadImage');
- TexStream.Free();
- Exit;
- end;
- //Log.LogStatus( 'resource Assigned....' , Identifier);
- try
- Result := IMG_Load_RW(TexRWops, 0);
- except
- Log.LogError( 'Could not read resource "'+Identifier+'"', 'TTextureUnit.LoadImage');
- end;
- SDL_FreeRW(TexRWops);
- TexStream.Free();
- end;
+unit UImage;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ SDL;
+ PixelFmt_RGBA: TSDL_Pixelformat = (
+ palette: nil;
+ BitsPerPixel: 32;
+ BytesPerPixel: 4;
+ Rloss: 0;
+ Gloss: 0;
+ Bloss: 0;
+ Aloss: 0;
+ Rshift: 0;
+ Gshift: 8;
+ Bshift: 16;
+ Ashift: 24;
+ Rmask: $000000ff;
+ Gmask: $0000ff00;
+ Bmask: $00ff0000;
+ Amask: $ff000000;
+ ColorKey: 0;
+ Alpha: 255
+ );
+ PixelFmt_RGB: TSDL_Pixelformat = (
+ palette: nil;
+ BitsPerPixel: 24;
+ BytesPerPixel: 3;
+ Rloss: 0;
+ Gloss: 0;
+ Bloss: 0;
+ Aloss: 0;
+ Rshift: 0;
+ Gshift: 8;
+ Bshift: 16;
+ Ashift: 0;
+ Rmask: $000000ff;
+ Gmask: $0000ff00;
+ Bmask: $00ff0000;
+ Amask: $00000000;
+ ColorKey: 0;
+ Alpha: 255
+ );
+ PixelFmt_BGRA: TSDL_Pixelformat = (
+ palette: nil;
+ BitsPerPixel: 32;
+ BytesPerPixel: 4;
+ Rloss: 0;
+ Gloss: 0;
+ Bloss: 0;
+ Aloss: 0;
+ Rshift: 16;
+ Gshift: 8;
+ Bshift: 0;
+ Ashift: 24;
+ Rmask: $00ff0000;
+ Gmask: $0000ff00;
+ Bmask: $000000ff;
+ Amask: $ff000000;
+ ColorKey: 0;
+ Alpha: 255
+ );
+ PixelFmt_BGR: TSDL_Pixelformat = (
+ palette: nil;
+ BitsPerPixel: 24;
+ BytesPerPixel: 3;
+ Rloss: 0;
+ Gloss: 0;
+ Bloss: 0;
+ Aloss: 0;
+ Rshift: 16;
+ Gshift: 8;
+ Bshift: 0;
+ Ashift: 0;
+ Rmask: $00ff0000;
+ Gmask: $0000ff00;
+ Bmask: $000000ff;
+ Amask: $00000000;
+ ColorKey: 0;
+ Alpha: 255
+ );
+function WritePNGImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
+function WriteBMPImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
+function WriteJPGImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface; Quality: integer): boolean;
+function LoadImage(const Identifier: string): PSDL_Surface;
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes,
+ Windows,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF HaveJPG}
+ {$IFDEF Delphi}
+ Graphics,
+ jpeg,
+ {$ELSE}
+ jpeglib,
+ jerror,
+ jcparam,
+ jdatadst, jcapimin, jcapistd,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF HavePNG}
+ png,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ zlib,
+ sdl_image,
+ UCommon,
+ ULog;
+function IsRGBSurface(pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat): boolean;
+ Result := (pixelFmt.BitsPerPixel = 24) and
+ (pixelFmt.RMask = $0000FF) and
+ (pixelFmt.GMask = $00FF00) and
+ (pixelFmt.BMask = $FF0000);
+function IsRGBASurface(pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat): boolean;
+ Result := (pixelFmt.BitsPerPixel = 32) and
+ (pixelFmt.RMask = $000000FF) and
+ (pixelFmt.GMask = $0000FF00) and
+ (pixelFmt.BMask = $00FF0000) and
+ (pixelFmt.AMask = $FF000000);
+function IsBGRSurface(pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat): boolean;
+ Result := (pixelFmt.BitsPerPixel = 24) and
+ (pixelFmt.BMask = $0000FF) and
+ (pixelFmt.GMask = $00FF00) and
+ (pixelFmt.RMask = $FF0000);
+function IsBGRASurface(pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat): boolean;
+ Result := (pixelFmt.BitsPerPixel = 32) and
+ (pixelFmt.BMask = $000000FF) and
+ (pixelFmt.GMask = $0000FF00) and
+ (pixelFmt.RMask = $00FF0000) and
+ (pixelFmt.AMask = $FF000000);
+// Converts alpha-formats to BGRA, non-alpha to BGR, and leaves BGR(A) as is
+// sets converted to true if the surface needed to be converted
+function ConvertToBGR_BGRASurface(Surface: PSDL_Surface; out Converted: boolean): PSDL_Surface;
+ pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat;
+ pixelFmt := Surface.format;
+ if (IsBGRSurface(pixelFmt) or IsBGRASurface(pixelFmt)) then
+ begin
+ Converted := false;
+ Result := Surface;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // invalid format -> needs conversion
+ if (pixelFmt.AMask <> 0) then
+ Result := SDL_ConvertSurface(Surface, @PixelFmt_BGRA, SDL_SWSURFACE)
+ else
+ Result := SDL_ConvertSurface(Surface, @PixelFmt_BGR, SDL_SWSURFACE);
+ Converted := true;
+ end;
+// Converts alpha-formats to RGBA, non-alpha to RGB, and leaves RGB(A) as is
+// sets converted to true if the surface needed to be converted
+function ConvertToRGB_RGBASurface(Surface: PSDL_Surface; out Converted: boolean): PSDL_Surface;
+ pixelFmt: PSDL_PixelFormat;
+ pixelFmt := Surface.format;
+ if (IsRGBSurface(pixelFmt) or IsRGBASurface(pixelFmt)) then
+ begin
+ Converted := false;
+ Result := Surface;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // invalid format -> needs conversion
+ if (pixelFmt.AMask <> 0) then
+ Result := SDL_ConvertSurface(Surface, @PixelFmt_RGBA, SDL_SWSURFACE)
+ else
+ Result := SDL_ConvertSurface(Surface, @PixelFmt_RGB, SDL_SWSURFACE);
+ Converted := true;
+ end;
+ * PNG section
+ *****************************)
+// delphi does not support setjmp()/longjmp() -> define our own error-handler
+procedure user_error_fn(png_ptr: png_structp; error_msg: png_const_charp); cdecl;
+ raise Exception.Create(error_msg);
+procedure user_read_data(png_ptr: png_structp; data: png_bytep; length: png_size_t); cdecl;
+ inFile: TFileStream;
+ inFile := TFileStream(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
+ inFile.Read(data^, length);
+procedure user_write_data(png_ptr: png_structp; data: png_bytep; length: png_size_t); cdecl;
+ outFile: TFileStream;
+ outFile := TFileStream(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
+ outFile.Write(data^, length);
+procedure user_flush_data(png_ptr: png_structp); cdecl;
+// outFile: TFileStream;
+ // binary files are flushed automatically, Flush() works with Text-files only
+ //outFile := TFileStream(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
+ //outFile.Flush();
+procedure DateTimeToPngTime(time: TDateTime; var pngTime: png_time);
+ year, month, day: word;
+ hour, minute, second, msecond: word;
+ DecodeDate(time, year, month, day);
+ pngTime.year := year;
+ pngTime.month := month;
+ pngTime.day := day;
+ DecodeTime(time, hour, minute, second, msecond);
+ pngTime.hour := hour;
+ pngTime.minute := minute;
+ pngTime.second := second;
+ * ImageData must be in RGB-format
+ *)
+function WritePNGImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
+ png_ptr: png_structp;
+ info_ptr: png_infop;
+ pngFile: TFileStream;
+ row: integer;
+ rowData: array of png_bytep;
+// rowStride: integer;
+ converted: boolean;
+ colorType: integer;
+// time: png_time;
+ Result := false;
+ // open file for writing
+ try
+ pngFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ except
+ Log.LogError('Could not open file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WritePngImage');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // only 24bit (RGB) or 32bit (RGBA) data is supported, so convert to it
+ Surface := ConvertToRGB_RGBASurface(Surface, converted);
+ png_ptr := nil;
+ try
+ // initialize png (and enable a user-defined error-handler that throws an exception on error)
+ png_ptr := png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, nil, @user_error_fn, nil);
+ // the error-handler is called if png_create_write_struct() fails, so png_ptr should always be <> nil
+ if (png_ptr = nil) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('png_create_write_struct() failed', 'WritePngImage');
+ if (converted) then
+ SDL_FreeSurface(Surface);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ info_ptr := png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
+ if (Surface^.format^.BitsPerPixel = 24) then
+ colorType := PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB
+ else
+ colorType := PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA;
+ // define write IO-functions (POSIX-style FILE-pointers are not available in Delphi)
+ png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, pngFile, @user_write_data, @user_flush_data);
+ png_set_IHDR(
+ png_ptr, info_ptr,
+ Surface.w, Surface.h,
+ 8,
+ colorType,
+ );
+ // TODO: do we need the modification time?
+ //DateTimeToPngTime(Now, time);
+ //png_set_tIME(png_ptr, info_ptr, @time);
+ if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
+ SDL_LockSurface(Surface);
+ // setup data
+ SetLength(rowData, Surface.h);
+ for row := 0 to Surface.h-1 do
+ begin
+ // set rowData-elements to beginning of each image row
+ // Note: the byte-count of a row is pitch (which is not width*bitsPerPixel if the image is aligned)
+ rowData[row] := @PChar(Surface.pixels)[(Surface.h-row-1) * Surface.pitch];
+ end;
+ if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(Surface);
+ png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
+ png_write_image(png_ptr, png_bytepp(rowData));
+ png_write_end(png_ptr, nil);
+ Result := true;
+ except on E: Exception do
+ Log.LogError(E.message, 'WritePngImage');
+ end;
+ // free row-data
+ SetLength(rowData, 0);
+ // free png-resources
+ if (png_ptr <> nil) then
+ png_destroy_write_struct(@png_ptr, nil);
+ if (converted) then
+ SDL_FreeSurface(Surface);
+ // close file
+ pngFile.Free;
+ * BMP section
+ *****************************)
+ (* constants for the biCompression field *)
+ BI_RGB = 0;
+ BI_RLE8 = 1;
+ BI_RLE4 = 2;
+ BI_JPEG = 4;
+ BI_PNG = 5;
+ biSize: longword;
+ biWidth: longint;
+ biHeight: longint;
+ biPlanes: word;
+ biBitCount: word;
+ biCompression: longword;
+ biSizeImage: longword;
+ biXPelsPerMeter: longint;
+ biYPelsPerMeter: longint;
+ biClrUsed: longword;
+ biClrImportant: longword;
+ end;
+ RGBTRIPLE = record
+ rgbtBlue: byte;
+ rgbtGreen: byte;
+ rgbtRed: byte;
+ end;
+ RGBQUAD = record
+ rgbBlue: byte;
+ rgbGreen: byte;
+ rgbRed: byte;
+ rgbReserved: byte;
+ end;
+ BITMAPINFO = record
+ bmiColors: array[0..0] of RGBQUAD;
+ end;
+ bfType: word;
+ bfSize: longword;
+ bfReserved1: word;
+ bfReserved2: word;
+ bfOffBits: longword;
+ end;
+ * ImageData must be in BGR-format
+ *)
+function WriteBMPImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface): boolean;
+ bmpFile: TFileStream;
+ Converted: boolean;
+ Row: integer;
+ RowSize: integer;
+ Result := false;
+ // open file for writing
+ try
+ bmpFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ except
+ Log.LogError('Could not open file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WriteBMPImage');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // only 24bit (BGR) or 32bit (BGRA) data is supported, so convert to it
+ Surface := ConvertToBGR_BGRASurface(Surface, Converted);
+ // aligned (4-byte) row-size in bytes
+ RowSize := ((Surface.w * Surface.format.BytesPerPixel + 3) div 4) * 4;
+ // initialize bitmap info
+ FillChar(FileInfo, SizeOf(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 0);
+ with FileInfo do
+ begin
+ biWidth := Surface.w;
+ biHeight := Surface.h;
+ biPlanes := 1;
+ biBitCount := Surface^.format^.BitsPerPixel;
+ biCompression := BI_RGB;
+ biSizeImage := RowSize * Surface.h;
+ end;
+ // initialize header-data
+ FillChar(FileHeader, SizeOf(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 0);
+ with FileHeader do
+ begin
+ bfType := $4D42; // = 'BM'
+ bfSize := bfOffBits + FileInfo.biSizeImage;
+ end;
+ // and move the whole stuff into the file ;-)
+ try
+ // write headers
+ bmpFile.Write(FileHeader, SizeOf(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
+ bmpFile.Write(FileInfo, SizeOf(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
+ // write image-data
+ if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
+ SDL_LockSurface(Surface);
+ // BMP needs 4-byte alignment
+ if (Surface.pitch mod 4 = 0) then
+ begin
+ // aligned correctly -> write whole image at once
+ bmpFile.Write(Surface.pixels^, FileInfo.biSizeImage);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // misaligned -> write each line separately
+ // Note: for the last line unassigned memory (> last Surface.pixels element)
+ // will be copied to the padding area (last bytes of a row),
+ // but we do not care because the content of padding data is ignored anyhow.
+ for Row := 0 to Surface.h do
+ bmpFile.Write(PChar(Surface.pixels)[Row * Surface.pitch], RowSize);
+ end;
+ if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(Surface);
+ Result := true;
+ finally
+ Log.LogError('Could not write file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WriteBMPImage');
+ end;
+ if (Converted) then
+ SDL_FreeSurface(Surface);
+ // close file
+ bmpFile.Free;
+ * JPG section
+ *****************************)
+function WriteJPGImage(const FileName: string; Surface: PSDL_Surface; Quality: integer): boolean;
+ {$IFDEF Delphi}
+ Bitmap: TBitmap;
+ BitmapInfo: TBitmapInfo;
+ Jpeg: TJpegImage;
+ row: integer;
+ {$ELSE}
+ cinfo: jpeg_compress_struct;
+ jerr : jpeg_error_mgr;
+ jpgFile: TFileStream;
+ rowPtr: array[0..0] of JSAMPROW;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ converted: boolean;
+ Result := false;
+ {$IFDEF Delphi}
+ // only 24bit (BGR) data is supported, so convert to it
+ if (IsBGRSurface(Surface.format)) then
+ converted := false
+ else
+ begin
+ Surface := SDL_ConvertSurface(Surface, @PixelFmt_BGR, SDL_SWSURFACE);
+ converted := true;
+ end;
+ // create and setup bitmap
+ Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
+ Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ Bitmap.Width := Surface.w;
+ Bitmap.Height := Surface.h;
+ // setup bitmap info on source image (Surface parameter)
+ ZeroMemory(@BitmapInfo, SizeOf(BitmapInfo));
+ with BitmapInfo.bmiHeader do
+ begin
+ biWidth := Surface.w;
+ biHeight := Surface.h;
+ biPlanes := 1;
+ biBitCount := 24;
+ biCompression := BI_RGB;
+ end;
+ if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
+ SDL_LockSurface(Surface);
+ // use fast Win32-API functions to copy data instead of Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels
+ if (Surface.pitch mod 4 = 0) then
+ begin
+ // if the image is aligned (to a 4-byte boundary) -> copy all data at once
+ // Note: surfaces created with SDL (e.g. with SDL_ConvertSurface) are aligned
+ SetDIBits(0, Bitmap.Handle, 0, Bitmap.Height, Surface.pixels, BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // wrong alignment -> copy each line separately.
+ // Note: for the last line unassigned memory (> last Surface.pixels element)
+ // will be copied to the padding area (last bytes of a row),
+ // but we do not care because the content of padding data is ignored anyhow.
+ for row := 0 to Surface.h do
+ begin
+ SetDIBits(0, Bitmap.Handle, row, 1, @PChar(Surface.pixels)[row * Surface.pitch],
+ BitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(Surface);
+ // assign Bitmap to JPEG and store the latter
+ Jpeg := TJPEGImage.Create;
+ Jpeg.Assign(Bitmap);
+ Bitmap.Free;
+ Jpeg.CompressionQuality := Quality;
+ try
+ // compress image (don't forget this line, otherwise it won't be compressed)
+ Jpeg.Compress();
+ Jpeg.SaveToFile(FileName);
+ except
+ Log.LogError('Could not save file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WriteJPGImage');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Jpeg.Free;
+ {$ELSE}
+ // based on example.pas in FPC's packages/base/pasjpeg directory
+ // only 24bit (RGB) data is supported, so convert to it
+ if (IsRGBSurface(Surface.format)) then
+ converted := false
+ else
+ begin
+ Surface := SDL_ConvertSurface(Surface, @PixelFmt_RGB, SDL_SWSURFACE);
+ converted := true;
+ end;
+ // allocate and initialize JPEG compression object
+ cinfo.err := jpeg_std_error(jerr);
+ // msg_level that will be displayed. (Nomssi)
+ //jerr.trace_level := 3;
+ // initialize the JPEG compression object
+ jpeg_create_compress(@cinfo);
+ // open file for writing
+ try
+ jpgFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ except
+ Log.LogError('Could not open file: "' + FileName + '"', 'WriteJPGImage');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // specify data destination
+ jpeg_stdio_dest(@cinfo, @jpgFile);
+ // set parameters for compression
+ cinfo.image_width := Surface.w;
+ cinfo.image_height := Surface.h;
+ cinfo.in_color_space := JCS_RGB;
+ cinfo.input_components := 3;
+ cinfo.data_precision := 8;
+ // set default compression parameters
+ jpeg_set_defaults(@cinfo);
+ jpeg_set_quality(@cinfo, quality, true);
+ // start compressor
+ jpeg_start_compress(@cinfo, true);
+ if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
+ SDL_LockSurface(Surface);
+ while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) do
+ begin
+ // Note: the byte-count of a row is pitch (which is not width*bitsPerPixel if the image is aligned)
+ rowPtr[0] := JSAMPROW(@PChar(Surface.pixels)[(Surface.h-cinfo.next_scanline-1) * Surface.pitch]);
+ jpeg_write_scanlines(@cinfo, JSAMPARRAY(@rowPtr), 1);
+ end;
+ if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(Surface)) then
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(Surface);
+ // finish compression
+ jpeg_finish_compress(@cinfo);
+ // close the output file
+ jpgFile.Free;
+ // release JPEG compression object
+ jpeg_destroy_compress(@cinfo);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if (converted) then
+ SDL_FreeSurface(Surface);
+ Result := true;
+ * Loads an image from the given file or resource
+ *)
+function LoadImage(const Identifier: string): PSDL_Surface;
+ TexRWops: PSDL_RWops;
+ TexStream: TStream;
+ FileName: string;
+ Result := nil;
+ TexRWops := nil;
+ if Identifier = '' then
+ exit;
+ //Log.LogStatus( Identifier, 'LoadImage' );
+ FileName := Identifier;
+ if (FileExistsInsensitive(FileName)) then
+ begin
+ // load from file
+ //Log.LogStatus( 'Is File ( Loading : '+FileName+')', ' LoadImage' );
+ try
+ Result := IMG_Load(PChar(FileName));
+ //Log.LogStatus( ' '+inttostr( integer( Result ) ), ' LoadImage' );
+ except
+ Log.LogError('Could not load from file "'+FileName+'"', 'TTextureUnit.LoadImage');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ //Log.LogStatus( 'IS Resource, because file does not exist.('+Identifier+')', ' LoadImage' );
+ TexStream := GetResourceStream(Identifier, 'TEX');
+ if (not assigned(TexStream)) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError( 'Invalid file or resource "'+ Identifier+'"', 'TTextureUnit.LoadImage');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ TexRWops := RWopsFromStream(TexStream);
+ if (TexRWops = nil) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError( 'Could not assign resource "'+Identifier+'"', 'TTextureUnit.LoadImage');
+ TexStream.Free();
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ //Log.LogStatus( 'resource Assigned....' , Identifier);
+ try
+ Result := IMG_Load_RW(TexRWops, 0);
+ except
+ Log.LogError( 'Could not read resource "'+Identifier+'"', 'TTextureUnit.LoadImage');
+ end;
+ SDL_FreeRW(TexRWops);
+ TexStream.Free();
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UJoystick.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UJoystick.pas
index 59a1221b..0ca7ba09 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UJoystick.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UJoystick.pas
@@ -1,282 +1,282 @@
-unit UJoystick;
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses SDL;
- TJoyButton = record
- State: integer;
- Enabled: boolean;
- Type_: byte;
- Sym: cardinal;
- end;
- TJoyHatState = record
- State: Boolean;
- LastTick: Cardinal;
- Enabled: boolean;
- Type_: byte;
- Sym: cardinal;
- end;
- TJoyUnit = record
- Button: array[0..15] of TJoyButton;
- HatState: Array[0..3] of TJoyHatState;
- end;
- TJoy = class
- constructor Create;
- procedure Update;
- end;
- Joy: TJoy;
- JoyUnit: TJoyUnit;
- SDL_Joy: PSDL_Joystick;
- JoyEvent: TSDL_Event;
-uses SysUtils,
- ULog;
-constructor TJoy.Create;
- B, N: integer;
- inherited;
- //Old Corvus5 Method
- {// joystick support
- SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_IGNORE);
- if SDL_NumJoysticks <> 1 then
- Log.LogStatus('Joystick count <> 1', 'TJoy.Create');
- SDL_Joy := SDL_JoystickOpen(0);
- if SDL_Joy = nil then
- Log.LogError('SDL_JoystickOpen failed', 'TJoy.Create');
- if SDL_JoystickNumButtons(SDL_Joy) <> 16 then
- Log.LogStatus('Joystick button count <> 16', 'TJoy.Create');
-// SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE);
- // Events don't work - thay hang the whole application with SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE)
- // clear states
- for B := 0 to 15 do
- JoyUnit.Button[B].State := 1;
- // mapping
- JoyUnit.Button[1].Enabled := true;
- JoyUnit.Button[1].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
- JoyUnit.Button[1].Sym := SDLK_RETURN;
- JoyUnit.Button[2].Enabled := true;
- JoyUnit.Button[2].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
- JoyUnit.Button[2].Sym := SDLK_ESCAPE;
- JoyUnit.Button[12].Enabled := true;
- JoyUnit.Button[12].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
- JoyUnit.Button[12].Sym := SDLK_LEFT;
- JoyUnit.Button[13].Enabled := true;
- JoyUnit.Button[13].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
- JoyUnit.Button[13].Sym := SDLK_DOWN;
- JoyUnit.Button[14].Enabled := true;
- JoyUnit.Button[14].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
- JoyUnit.Button[14].Sym := SDLK_RIGHT;
- JoyUnit.Button[15].Enabled := true;
- JoyUnit.Button[15].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
- JoyUnit.Button[15].Sym := SDLK_UP;
- }
- //New Sarutas method
- SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_IGNORE);
- if SDL_NumJoysticks < 1 then
- begin
- Log.LogError('No Joystick found');
- exit;
- end;
- SDL_Joy := SDL_JoystickOpen(0);
- if SDL_Joy = nil then
- begin
- Log.LogError('Could not Init Joystick');
- exit;
- end;
- N := SDL_JoystickNumButtons(SDL_Joy);
- //if N < 6 then Log.LogStatus('Joystick button count < 6', 'TJoy.Create');
- for B := 0 to 5 do begin
- JoyUnit.Button[B].Enabled := true;
- JoyUnit.Button[B].State := 1;
- JoyUnit.Button[B].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
- end;
- JoyUnit.Button[0].Sym := SDLK_Return;
- JoyUnit.Button[1].Sym := SDLK_Escape;
- JoyUnit.Button[2].Sym := SDLK_M;
- JoyUnit.Button[3].Sym := SDLK_R;
- JoyUnit.Button[4].Sym := SDLK_RETURN;
- JoyUnit.Button[5].Sym := SDLK_ESCAPE;
- //Set HatState
- for B := 0 to 3 do begin
- JoyUnit.HatState[B].Enabled := true;
- JoyUnit.HatState[B].State := False;
- JoyUnit.HatState[B].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
- end;
- JoyUnit.HatState[0].Sym := SDLK_UP;
- JoyUnit.HatState[1].Sym := SDLK_RIGHT;
- JoyUnit.HatState[2].Sym := SDLK_DOWN;
- JoyUnit.HatState[3].Sym := SDLK_LEFT;
-procedure TJoy.Update;
- B: integer;
- State: UInt8;
- Tick: Cardinal;
- Axes: Smallint;
- SDL_JoystickUpdate;
- //Manage Buttons
- for B := 0 to 15 do begin
- if (JoyUnit.Button[B].Enabled) and (JoyUnit.Button[B].State <> SDL_JoystickGetButton(SDL_Joy, B)) and (JoyUnit.Button[B].State = 0) then begin
- JoyEvent.type_ := JoyUnit.Button[B].Type_;
- JoyEvent.key.keysym.sym := JoyUnit.Button[B].Sym;
- SDL_PushEvent(@JoyEvent);
- end;
- end;
- for B := 0 to 15 do begin
- JoyUnit.Button[B].State := SDL_JoystickGetButton(SDL_Joy, B);
- end;
- //Get Tick
- Tick := SDL_GetTicks();
- //Get CoolieHat
- if (SDL_JoystickNumHats(SDL_Joy)>=1) then
- State := SDL_JoystickGetHat(SDL_Joy, 0)
- else
- State := 0;
- //Get Axis
- if (SDL_JoystickNumAxes(SDL_Joy)>=2) then
- begin
- //Down - Up (X- Axis)
- Axes := SDL_JoystickGetAxis(SDL_Joy, 1);
- If Axes >= 15000 then
- State := State or SDL_HAT_Down
- Else If Axes <= -15000 then
- State := State or SDL_HAT_UP;
- //Left - Right (Y- Axis)
- Axes := SDL_JoystickGetAxis(SDL_Joy, 0);
- If Axes >= 15000 then
- State := State or SDL_HAT_Right
- Else If Axes <= -15000 then
- State := State or SDL_HAT_Left;
- end;
- //Manage Hat and joystick Events
- if (SDL_JoystickNumHats(SDL_Joy)>=1) OR (SDL_JoystickNumAxes(SDL_Joy)>=2) then
- begin
- //Up Button
- If (JoyUnit.HatState[0].Enabled) and ((SDL_HAT_UP AND State) = SDL_HAT_UP) then
- begin //IF Button is newly Pressed or if he is Pressed longer than 500 msecs
- if (JoyUnit.HatState[0].State = False) OR (JoyUnit.HatState[0].Lasttick < Tick) then
- begin
- //Set Tick and State
- if JoyUnit.HatState[0].State then
- JoyUnit.HatState[0].Lasttick := Tick + 200
- else
- JoyUnit.HatState[0].Lasttick := Tick + 500;
- JoyUnit.HatState[0].State := True;
- JoyEvent.type_ := JoyUnit.HatState[0].Type_;
- JoyEvent.key.keysym.sym := JoyUnit.HatState[0].Sym;
- SDL_PushEvent(@JoyEvent);
- end;
- end
- else
- JoyUnit.HatState[0].State := False;
- //Right Button
- If (JoyUnit.HatState[1].Enabled) and ((SDL_HAT_RIGHT AND State) = SDL_HAT_RIGHT) then
- begin //IF Button is newly Pressed or if he is Pressed longer than 500 msecs
- if (JoyUnit.HatState[1].State = False) OR (JoyUnit.HatState[1].Lasttick < Tick) then
- begin
- //Set Tick and State
- if JoyUnit.HatState[1].State then
- JoyUnit.HatState[1].Lasttick := Tick + 200
- else
- JoyUnit.HatState[1].Lasttick := Tick + 500;
- JoyUnit.HatState[1].State := True;
- JoyEvent.type_ := JoyUnit.HatState[1].Type_;
- JoyEvent.key.keysym.sym := JoyUnit.HatState[1].Sym;
- SDL_PushEvent(@JoyEvent);
- end;
- end
- else
- JoyUnit.HatState[1].State := False;
- //Down button
- If (JoyUnit.HatState[2].Enabled) and ((SDL_HAT_DOWN AND State) = SDL_HAT_DOWN) then
- begin //IF Button is newly Pressed or if he is Pressed longer than 230 msecs
- if (JoyUnit.HatState[2].State = False) OR (JoyUnit.HatState[2].Lasttick < Tick) then
- begin
- //Set Tick and State
- if JoyUnit.HatState[2].State then
- JoyUnit.HatState[2].Lasttick := Tick + 200
- else
- JoyUnit.HatState[2].Lasttick := Tick + 500;
- JoyUnit.HatState[2].State := True;
- JoyEvent.type_ := JoyUnit.HatState[2].Type_;
- JoyEvent.key.keysym.sym := JoyUnit.HatState[2].Sym;
- SDL_PushEvent(@JoyEvent);
- end;
- end
- else
- JoyUnit.HatState[2].State := False;
- //Left Button
- If (JoyUnit.HatState[3].Enabled) and ((SDL_HAT_LEFT AND State) = SDL_HAT_LEFT) then
- begin //IF Button is newly Pressed or if he is Pressed longer than 230 msecs
- if (JoyUnit.HatState[3].State = False) OR (JoyUnit.HatState[3].Lasttick < Tick) then
- begin
- //Set Tick and State
- if JoyUnit.HatState[3].State then
- JoyUnit.HatState[3].Lasttick := Tick + 200
- else
- JoyUnit.HatState[3].Lasttick := Tick + 500;
- JoyUnit.HatState[3].State := True;
- JoyEvent.type_ := JoyUnit.HatState[3].Type_;
- JoyEvent.key.keysym.sym := JoyUnit.HatState[3].Sym;
- SDL_PushEvent(@JoyEvent);
- end;
- end
- else
- JoyUnit.HatState[3].State := False;
- end;
+unit UJoystick;
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses SDL;
+ TJoyButton = record
+ State: integer;
+ Enabled: boolean;
+ Type_: byte;
+ Sym: cardinal;
+ end;
+ TJoyHatState = record
+ State: Boolean;
+ LastTick: Cardinal;
+ Enabled: boolean;
+ Type_: byte;
+ Sym: cardinal;
+ end;
+ TJoyUnit = record
+ Button: array[0..15] of TJoyButton;
+ HatState: Array[0..3] of TJoyHatState;
+ end;
+ TJoy = class
+ constructor Create;
+ procedure Update;
+ end;
+ Joy: TJoy;
+ JoyUnit: TJoyUnit;
+ SDL_Joy: PSDL_Joystick;
+ JoyEvent: TSDL_Event;
+uses SysUtils,
+ ULog;
+constructor TJoy.Create;
+ B, N: integer;
+ inherited;
+ //Old Corvus5 Method
+ {// joystick support
+ SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_IGNORE);
+ if SDL_NumJoysticks <> 1 then
+ Log.LogStatus('Joystick count <> 1', 'TJoy.Create');
+ SDL_Joy := SDL_JoystickOpen(0);
+ if SDL_Joy = nil then
+ Log.LogError('SDL_JoystickOpen failed', 'TJoy.Create');
+ if SDL_JoystickNumButtons(SDL_Joy) <> 16 then
+ Log.LogStatus('Joystick button count <> 16', 'TJoy.Create');
+// SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE);
+ // Events don't work - thay hang the whole application with SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE)
+ // clear states
+ for B := 0 to 15 do
+ JoyUnit.Button[B].State := 1;
+ // mapping
+ JoyUnit.Button[1].Enabled := true;
+ JoyUnit.Button[1].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
+ JoyUnit.Button[1].Sym := SDLK_RETURN;
+ JoyUnit.Button[2].Enabled := true;
+ JoyUnit.Button[2].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
+ JoyUnit.Button[2].Sym := SDLK_ESCAPE;
+ JoyUnit.Button[12].Enabled := true;
+ JoyUnit.Button[12].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
+ JoyUnit.Button[12].Sym := SDLK_LEFT;
+ JoyUnit.Button[13].Enabled := true;
+ JoyUnit.Button[13].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
+ JoyUnit.Button[13].Sym := SDLK_DOWN;
+ JoyUnit.Button[14].Enabled := true;
+ JoyUnit.Button[14].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
+ JoyUnit.Button[14].Sym := SDLK_RIGHT;
+ JoyUnit.Button[15].Enabled := true;
+ JoyUnit.Button[15].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
+ JoyUnit.Button[15].Sym := SDLK_UP;
+ }
+ //New Sarutas method
+ SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_IGNORE);
+ if SDL_NumJoysticks < 1 then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('No Joystick found');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ SDL_Joy := SDL_JoystickOpen(0);
+ if SDL_Joy = nil then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('Could not Init Joystick');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ N := SDL_JoystickNumButtons(SDL_Joy);
+ //if N < 6 then Log.LogStatus('Joystick button count < 6', 'TJoy.Create');
+ for B := 0 to 5 do begin
+ JoyUnit.Button[B].Enabled := true;
+ JoyUnit.Button[B].State := 1;
+ JoyUnit.Button[B].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
+ end;
+ JoyUnit.Button[0].Sym := SDLK_Return;
+ JoyUnit.Button[1].Sym := SDLK_Escape;
+ JoyUnit.Button[2].Sym := SDLK_M;
+ JoyUnit.Button[3].Sym := SDLK_R;
+ JoyUnit.Button[4].Sym := SDLK_RETURN;
+ JoyUnit.Button[5].Sym := SDLK_ESCAPE;
+ //Set HatState
+ for B := 0 to 3 do begin
+ JoyUnit.HatState[B].Enabled := true;
+ JoyUnit.HatState[B].State := False;
+ JoyUnit.HatState[B].Type_ := SDL_KEYDOWN;
+ end;
+ JoyUnit.HatState[0].Sym := SDLK_UP;
+ JoyUnit.HatState[1].Sym := SDLK_RIGHT;
+ JoyUnit.HatState[2].Sym := SDLK_DOWN;
+ JoyUnit.HatState[3].Sym := SDLK_LEFT;
+procedure TJoy.Update;
+ B: integer;
+ State: UInt8;
+ Tick: Cardinal;
+ Axes: Smallint;
+ SDL_JoystickUpdate;
+ //Manage Buttons
+ for B := 0 to 15 do begin
+ if (JoyUnit.Button[B].Enabled) and (JoyUnit.Button[B].State <> SDL_JoystickGetButton(SDL_Joy, B)) and (JoyUnit.Button[B].State = 0) then begin
+ JoyEvent.type_ := JoyUnit.Button[B].Type_;
+ JoyEvent.key.keysym.sym := JoyUnit.Button[B].Sym;
+ SDL_PushEvent(@JoyEvent);
+ end;
+ end;
+ for B := 0 to 15 do begin
+ JoyUnit.Button[B].State := SDL_JoystickGetButton(SDL_Joy, B);
+ end;
+ //Get Tick
+ Tick := SDL_GetTicks();
+ //Get CoolieHat
+ if (SDL_JoystickNumHats(SDL_Joy)>=1) then
+ State := SDL_JoystickGetHat(SDL_Joy, 0)
+ else
+ State := 0;
+ //Get Axis
+ if (SDL_JoystickNumAxes(SDL_Joy)>=2) then
+ begin
+ //Down - Up (X- Axis)
+ Axes := SDL_JoystickGetAxis(SDL_Joy, 1);
+ If Axes >= 15000 then
+ State := State or SDL_HAT_Down
+ Else If Axes <= -15000 then
+ State := State or SDL_HAT_UP;
+ //Left - Right (Y- Axis)
+ Axes := SDL_JoystickGetAxis(SDL_Joy, 0);
+ If Axes >= 15000 then
+ State := State or SDL_HAT_Right
+ Else If Axes <= -15000 then
+ State := State or SDL_HAT_Left;
+ end;
+ //Manage Hat and joystick Events
+ if (SDL_JoystickNumHats(SDL_Joy)>=1) OR (SDL_JoystickNumAxes(SDL_Joy)>=2) then
+ begin
+ //Up Button
+ If (JoyUnit.HatState[0].Enabled) and ((SDL_HAT_UP AND State) = SDL_HAT_UP) then
+ begin //IF Button is newly Pressed or if he is Pressed longer than 500 msecs
+ if (JoyUnit.HatState[0].State = False) OR (JoyUnit.HatState[0].Lasttick < Tick) then
+ begin
+ //Set Tick and State
+ if JoyUnit.HatState[0].State then
+ JoyUnit.HatState[0].Lasttick := Tick + 200
+ else
+ JoyUnit.HatState[0].Lasttick := Tick + 500;
+ JoyUnit.HatState[0].State := True;
+ JoyEvent.type_ := JoyUnit.HatState[0].Type_;
+ JoyEvent.key.keysym.sym := JoyUnit.HatState[0].Sym;
+ SDL_PushEvent(@JoyEvent);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ JoyUnit.HatState[0].State := False;
+ //Right Button
+ If (JoyUnit.HatState[1].Enabled) and ((SDL_HAT_RIGHT AND State) = SDL_HAT_RIGHT) then
+ begin //IF Button is newly Pressed or if he is Pressed longer than 500 msecs
+ if (JoyUnit.HatState[1].State = False) OR (JoyUnit.HatState[1].Lasttick < Tick) then
+ begin
+ //Set Tick and State
+ if JoyUnit.HatState[1].State then
+ JoyUnit.HatState[1].Lasttick := Tick + 200
+ else
+ JoyUnit.HatState[1].Lasttick := Tick + 500;
+ JoyUnit.HatState[1].State := True;
+ JoyEvent.type_ := JoyUnit.HatState[1].Type_;
+ JoyEvent.key.keysym.sym := JoyUnit.HatState[1].Sym;
+ SDL_PushEvent(@JoyEvent);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ JoyUnit.HatState[1].State := False;
+ //Down button
+ If (JoyUnit.HatState[2].Enabled) and ((SDL_HAT_DOWN AND State) = SDL_HAT_DOWN) then
+ begin //IF Button is newly Pressed or if he is Pressed longer than 230 msecs
+ if (JoyUnit.HatState[2].State = False) OR (JoyUnit.HatState[2].Lasttick < Tick) then
+ begin
+ //Set Tick and State
+ if JoyUnit.HatState[2].State then
+ JoyUnit.HatState[2].Lasttick := Tick + 200
+ else
+ JoyUnit.HatState[2].Lasttick := Tick + 500;
+ JoyUnit.HatState[2].State := True;
+ JoyEvent.type_ := JoyUnit.HatState[2].Type_;
+ JoyEvent.key.keysym.sym := JoyUnit.HatState[2].Sym;
+ SDL_PushEvent(@JoyEvent);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ JoyUnit.HatState[2].State := False;
+ //Left Button
+ If (JoyUnit.HatState[3].Enabled) and ((SDL_HAT_LEFT AND State) = SDL_HAT_LEFT) then
+ begin //IF Button is newly Pressed or if he is Pressed longer than 230 msecs
+ if (JoyUnit.HatState[3].State = False) OR (JoyUnit.HatState[3].Lasttick < Tick) then
+ begin
+ //Set Tick and State
+ if JoyUnit.HatState[3].State then
+ JoyUnit.HatState[3].Lasttick := Tick + 200
+ else
+ JoyUnit.HatState[3].Lasttick := Tick + 500;
+ JoyUnit.HatState[3].State := True;
+ JoyEvent.type_ := JoyUnit.HatState[3].Type_;
+ JoyEvent.key.keysym.sym := JoyUnit.HatState[3].Sym;
+ SDL_PushEvent(@JoyEvent);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ JoyUnit.HatState[3].State := False;
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/ULCD.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/ULCD.pas
index 4bbddf46..82f7ba2f 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/ULCD.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/ULCD.pas
@@ -1,304 +1,304 @@
-unit ULCD;
-{$I switches.inc}
- TLCD = class
- private
- Enabled: boolean;
- Text: array[1..6] of string;
- StartPos: integer;
- LineBR: integer;
- Position: integer;
- procedure WriteCommand(B: byte);
- procedure WriteData(B: byte);
- procedure WriteString(S: string);
- public
- HalfInterface: boolean;
- constructor Create;
- procedure Enable;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure WriteText(Line: integer; S: string);
- procedure MoveCursor(Line, Pos: integer);
- procedure ShowCursor;
- procedure HideCursor;
- // for 2x16
- procedure AddTextBR(S: string);
- procedure MoveCursorBR(Pos: integer);
- procedure ScrollUpBR;
- procedure AddTextArray(Line:integer; S: string);
- end;
- Data = $378; // domy�lny adres portu
- Status = Data + 1;
- Control = Data + 2;
- SysUtils,
- {$IFDEF UseSerialPort}
- zlportio,
- {$ENDIF}
- SDL,
- UTime;
-procedure TLCD.WriteCommand(B: Byte);
-// Wysylanie komend sterujacych
-{$IFDEF UseSerialPort}
- if not HalfInterface then
- begin
- zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $02);
- zlioportwrite(Data, 0, B);
- zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $03);
- end
- else
- begin
- zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $02);
- zlioportwrite(Data, 0, B and $F0);
- zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $03);
- SDL_Delay( 100 );
- zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $02);
- zlioportwrite(Data, 0, (B * 16) and $F0);
- zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $03);
- end;
- if (B=1) or (B=2) then
- Sleep(2)
- else
- SDL_Delay( 100 );
-procedure TLCD.WriteData(B: Byte);
-// Wysylanie danych
-{$IFDEF UseSerialPort}
- if not HalfInterface then
- begin
- zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $06);
- zlioportwrite(Data, 0, B);
- zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $07);
- end
- else
- begin
- zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $06);
- zlioportwrite(Data, 0, B and $F0);
- zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $07);
- SDL_Delay( 100 );
- zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $06);
- zlioportwrite(Data, 0, (B * 16) and $F0);
- zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $07);
- end;
- SDL_Delay( 100 );
- Inc(Position);
-procedure TLCD.WriteString(S: string);
-// Wysylanie slow
- I: integer;
- for I := 1 to Length(S) do
- WriteData(Ord(S[I]));
-constructor TLCD.Create;
- inherited;
-procedure TLCD.Enable;
- A: byte;
- B: byte;}
- Enabled := true;
- if not HalfInterface then
- WriteCommand($38)
- else begin
- WriteCommand($33);
- WriteCommand($32);
- WriteCommand($28);
- end;
-// WriteCommand($06);
-// WriteCommand($0C);
-// sleep(10);
-procedure TLCD.Clear;
- if Enabled then begin
- WriteCommand(1);
- WriteCommand(2);
- Text[1] := '';
- Text[2] := '';
- Text[3] := '';
- Text[4] := '';
- Text[5] := '';
- Text[6] := '';
- StartPos := 1;
- LineBR := 1;
- end;
-procedure TLCD.WriteText(Line: integer; S: string);
- if Enabled then begin
- if Line <= 2 then begin
- MoveCursor(Line, 1);
- WriteString(S);
- end;
- Text[Line] := '';
- AddTextArray(Line, S);
- end;
-procedure TLCD.MoveCursor(Line, Pos: integer);
- I: integer;
- if Enabled then begin
- Pos := Pos + (Line-1) * 40;
- if Position > Pos then begin
- WriteCommand(2);
- for I := 1 to Pos-1 do
- WriteCommand(20);
- end;
- if Position < Pos then
- for I := 1 to Pos - Position do
- WriteCommand(20);
- Position := Pos;
- end;
-procedure TLCD.ShowCursor;
- if Enabled then begin
- WriteCommand(14);
- end;
-procedure TLCD.HideCursor;
- if Enabled then begin
- WriteCommand(12);
- end;
-procedure TLCD.AddTextBR(S: string);
- Word: string;
-// W: integer;
- P: integer;
- L: integer;
- if Enabled then begin
- if LineBR <= 6 then begin
- L := LineBR;
- P := Pos(' ', S);
- if L <= 2 then
- MoveCursor(L, 1);
- while (L <= 6) and (P > 0) do begin
- Word := Copy(S, 1, P);
- if (Length(Text[L]) + Length(Word)-1) > 16 then begin
- L := L + 1;
- if L <= 2 then
- MoveCursor(L, 1);
- end;
- if L <= 6 then begin
- if L <= 2 then
- WriteString(Word);
- AddTextArray(L, Word);
- end;
- Delete(S, 1, P);
- P := Pos(' ', S)
- end;
- LineBR := L + 1;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TLCD.MoveCursorBR(Pos: integer);
- I: integer;
- L: integer;}
- if Enabled then begin
- Pos := Pos - (StartPos-1);
- if Pos <= Length(Text[1]) then
- MoveCursor(1, Pos);
- if Pos > Length(Text[1]) then begin
- // bez zawijania
-// Pos := Pos - Length(Text[1]);
-// MoveCursor(2, Pos);
- // z zawijaniem
- Pos := Pos - Length(Text[1]);
- ScrollUpBR;
- MoveCursor(1, Pos);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TLCD.ScrollUpBR;
- T: array[1..5] of string;
- SP: integer;
- LBR: integer;
- if Enabled then begin
- T[1] := Text[2];
- T[2] := Text[3];
- T[3] := Text[4];
- T[4] := Text[5];
- T[5] := Text[6];
- SP := StartPos + Length(Text[1]);
- LBR := LineBR;
- Clear;
- StartPos := SP;
- WriteText(1, T[1]);
- WriteText(2, T[2]);
- WriteText(3, T[3]);
- WriteText(4, T[4]);
- WriteText(5, T[5]);
- LineBR := LBR-1;
- end;
-procedure TLCD.AddTextArray(Line: integer; S: string);
- if Enabled then begin
- Text[Line] := Text[Line] + S;
- end;
+unit ULCD;
+{$I switches.inc}
+ TLCD = class
+ private
+ Enabled: boolean;
+ Text: array[1..6] of string;
+ StartPos: integer;
+ LineBR: integer;
+ Position: integer;
+ procedure WriteCommand(B: byte);
+ procedure WriteData(B: byte);
+ procedure WriteString(S: string);
+ public
+ HalfInterface: boolean;
+ constructor Create;
+ procedure Enable;
+ procedure Clear;
+ procedure WriteText(Line: integer; S: string);
+ procedure MoveCursor(Line, Pos: integer);
+ procedure ShowCursor;
+ procedure HideCursor;
+ // for 2x16
+ procedure AddTextBR(S: string);
+ procedure MoveCursorBR(Pos: integer);
+ procedure ScrollUpBR;
+ procedure AddTextArray(Line:integer; S: string);
+ end;
+ Data = $378; // domy�lny adres portu
+ Status = Data + 1;
+ Control = Data + 2;
+ SysUtils,
+ {$IFDEF UseSerialPort}
+ zlportio,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SDL,
+ UTime;
+procedure TLCD.WriteCommand(B: Byte);
+// Wysylanie komend sterujacych
+{$IFDEF UseSerialPort}
+ if not HalfInterface then
+ begin
+ zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $02);
+ zlioportwrite(Data, 0, B);
+ zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $03);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $02);
+ zlioportwrite(Data, 0, B and $F0);
+ zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $03);
+ SDL_Delay( 100 );
+ zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $02);
+ zlioportwrite(Data, 0, (B * 16) and $F0);
+ zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $03);
+ end;
+ if (B=1) or (B=2) then
+ Sleep(2)
+ else
+ SDL_Delay( 100 );
+procedure TLCD.WriteData(B: Byte);
+// Wysylanie danych
+{$IFDEF UseSerialPort}
+ if not HalfInterface then
+ begin
+ zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $06);
+ zlioportwrite(Data, 0, B);
+ zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $07);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $06);
+ zlioportwrite(Data, 0, B and $F0);
+ zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $07);
+ SDL_Delay( 100 );
+ zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $06);
+ zlioportwrite(Data, 0, (B * 16) and $F0);
+ zlioportwrite(Control, 0, $07);
+ end;
+ SDL_Delay( 100 );
+ Inc(Position);
+procedure TLCD.WriteString(S: string);
+// Wysylanie slow
+ I: integer;
+ for I := 1 to Length(S) do
+ WriteData(Ord(S[I]));
+constructor TLCD.Create;
+ inherited;
+procedure TLCD.Enable;
+ A: byte;
+ B: byte;}
+ Enabled := true;
+ if not HalfInterface then
+ WriteCommand($38)
+ else begin
+ WriteCommand($33);
+ WriteCommand($32);
+ WriteCommand($28);
+ end;
+// WriteCommand($06);
+// WriteCommand($0C);
+// sleep(10);
+procedure TLCD.Clear;
+ if Enabled then begin
+ WriteCommand(1);
+ WriteCommand(2);
+ Text[1] := '';
+ Text[2] := '';
+ Text[3] := '';
+ Text[4] := '';
+ Text[5] := '';
+ Text[6] := '';
+ StartPos := 1;
+ LineBR := 1;
+ end;
+procedure TLCD.WriteText(Line: integer; S: string);
+ if Enabled then begin
+ if Line <= 2 then begin
+ MoveCursor(Line, 1);
+ WriteString(S);
+ end;
+ Text[Line] := '';
+ AddTextArray(Line, S);
+ end;
+procedure TLCD.MoveCursor(Line, Pos: integer);
+ I: integer;
+ if Enabled then begin
+ Pos := Pos + (Line-1) * 40;
+ if Position > Pos then begin
+ WriteCommand(2);
+ for I := 1 to Pos-1 do
+ WriteCommand(20);
+ end;
+ if Position < Pos then
+ for I := 1 to Pos - Position do
+ WriteCommand(20);
+ Position := Pos;
+ end;
+procedure TLCD.ShowCursor;
+ if Enabled then begin
+ WriteCommand(14);
+ end;
+procedure TLCD.HideCursor;
+ if Enabled then begin
+ WriteCommand(12);
+ end;
+procedure TLCD.AddTextBR(S: string);
+ Word: string;
+// W: integer;
+ P: integer;
+ L: integer;
+ if Enabled then begin
+ if LineBR <= 6 then begin
+ L := LineBR;
+ P := Pos(' ', S);
+ if L <= 2 then
+ MoveCursor(L, 1);
+ while (L <= 6) and (P > 0) do begin
+ Word := Copy(S, 1, P);
+ if (Length(Text[L]) + Length(Word)-1) > 16 then begin
+ L := L + 1;
+ if L <= 2 then
+ MoveCursor(L, 1);
+ end;
+ if L <= 6 then begin
+ if L <= 2 then
+ WriteString(Word);
+ AddTextArray(L, Word);
+ end;
+ Delete(S, 1, P);
+ P := Pos(' ', S)
+ end;
+ LineBR := L + 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TLCD.MoveCursorBR(Pos: integer);
+ I: integer;
+ L: integer;}
+ if Enabled then begin
+ Pos := Pos - (StartPos-1);
+ if Pos <= Length(Text[1]) then
+ MoveCursor(1, Pos);
+ if Pos > Length(Text[1]) then begin
+ // bez zawijania
+// Pos := Pos - Length(Text[1]);
+// MoveCursor(2, Pos);
+ // z zawijaniem
+ Pos := Pos - Length(Text[1]);
+ ScrollUpBR;
+ MoveCursor(1, Pos);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TLCD.ScrollUpBR;
+ T: array[1..5] of string;
+ SP: integer;
+ LBR: integer;
+ if Enabled then begin
+ T[1] := Text[2];
+ T[2] := Text[3];
+ T[3] := Text[4];
+ T[4] := Text[5];
+ T[5] := Text[6];
+ SP := StartPos + Length(Text[1]);
+ LBR := LineBR;
+ Clear;
+ StartPos := SP;
+ WriteText(1, T[1]);
+ WriteText(2, T[2]);
+ WriteText(3, T[3]);
+ WriteText(4, T[4]);
+ WriteText(5, T[5]);
+ LineBR := LBR-1;
+ end;
+procedure TLCD.AddTextArray(Line: integer; S: string);
+ if Enabled then begin
+ Text[Line] := Text[Line] + S;
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas
index 22241d23..95502df8 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas
@@ -1,416 +1,416 @@
-unit ULog;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- Classes;
- * LOG_LEVEL_[TYPE] defines the "minimum" index for logs of type TYPE. Each
- * level greater than this BUT less or equal than LOG_LEVEL_[TYPE]_MAX is of this type.
- * This means a level "LOG_LEVEL_ERROR >= Level <= LOG_LEVEL_ERROR_MAX" e.g.
- * "Level := LOG_LEVEL_ERROR+2" is considered an error level.
- * This is nice for debugging if you have more or less important debug messages.
- * For example you can assign LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG+10 for the more important ones and
- * LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG+20 for less important ones and so on. By changing the log-level
- * you can hide the less important ones.
- *)
- // define level that Log(File)Level is initialized with
- TLog = class
- private
- LogFile: TextFile;
- LogFileOpened: boolean;
- BenchmarkFile: TextFile;
- BenchmarkFileOpened: boolean;
- LogLevel: integer;
- // level of messages written to the log-file
- LogFileLevel: integer;
- procedure LogToFile(const Text: string);
- public
- BenchmarkTimeStart: array[0..31] of real;
- BenchmarkTimeLength: array[0..31] of real;//TDateTime;
- Title: String; //Application Title
- // Write log message to log-file
- FileOutputEnabled: Boolean;
- constructor Create;
- // destuctor
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // benchmark
- procedure BenchmarkStart(Number: integer);
- procedure BenchmarkEnd(Number: integer);
- procedure LogBenchmark(const Text: string; Number: integer);
- procedure SetLogLevel(Level: integer);
- function GetLogLevel(): integer;
- procedure LogMsg(const Text: string; Level: integer); overload;
- procedure LogMsg(const Msg, Context: string; Level: integer); overload; {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- procedure LogDebug(const Msg, Context: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- procedure LogInfo(const Msg, Context: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- procedure LogStatus(const Msg, Context: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- procedure LogWarn(const Msg, Context: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- procedure LogError(const Text: string); overload; {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- procedure LogError(const Msg, Context: string); overload; {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- //Critical Error (Halt + MessageBox)
- procedure LogCritical(const Msg, Context: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- procedure CriticalError(const Text: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
- // voice
- procedure LogVoice(SoundNr: integer);
- // buffer
- procedure LogBuffer(const buf : Pointer; const bufLength : Integer; const filename : string);
- end;
-procedure DebugWriteln(const aString: String);
- Log: TLog;
- SysUtils,
- DateUtils,
- URecord,
- UMain,
- UTime,
- UCommon,
- UCommandLine;
- * Write to console if in debug mode (Thread-safe).
- * If debug-mode is disabled nothing is done.
- *)
-procedure DebugWriteln(const aString: string);
- if Params.Debug then
- begin
- {$ENDIF}
- ConsoleWriteLn(aString);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-constructor TLog.Create;
- inherited;
- FileOutputEnabled := true;
-destructor TLog.Destroy;
- if BenchmarkFileOpened then
- CloseFile(BenchmarkFile);
- //if AnalyzeFileOpened then
- // CloseFile(AnalyzeFile);
- if LogFileOpened then
- CloseFile(LogFile);
- inherited;
-procedure TLog.BenchmarkStart(Number: integer);
- BenchmarkTimeStart[Number] := USTime.GetTime; //Time;
-procedure TLog.BenchmarkEnd(Number: integer);
- BenchmarkTimeLength[Number] := USTime.GetTime {Time} - BenchmarkTimeStart[Number];
-procedure TLog.LogBenchmark(const Text: string; Number: integer);
- Minutes: integer;
- Seconds: integer;
- Miliseconds: integer;
- MinutesS: string;
- SecondsS: string;
- MilisecondsS: string;
- ValueText: string;
- if (FileOutputEnabled and Params.Benchmark) then
- begin
- if not BenchmarkFileOpened then
- begin
- BenchmarkFileOpened := true;
- AssignFile(BenchmarkFile, LogPath + 'Benchmark.log');
- {$I-}
- Rewrite(BenchmarkFile);
- if IOResult = 0 then
- BenchmarkFileOpened := true;
- {$I+}
- //If File is opened write Date to Benchmark File
- If (BenchmarkFileOpened) then
- begin
- WriteLn(BenchmarkFile, Title + ' Benchmark File');
- WriteLn(BenchmarkFile, 'Date: ' + DatetoStr(Now) + ' Time: ' + TimetoStr(Now));
- WriteLn(BenchmarkFile, '-------------------');
- Flush(BenchmarkFile);
- end;
- end;
- if BenchmarkFileOpened then
- begin
- Miliseconds := Trunc(Frac(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) * 1000);
- Seconds := Trunc(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) mod 60;
- Minutes := Trunc((BenchmarkTimeLength[Number] - Seconds) / 60);
-// ValueText := FloatToStr(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]);
-{ ValueText := FloatToStr(
- SecondOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) + MilliSecondOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number])/1000
- );
- if MinuteOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) >= 1 then
- ValueText := IntToStr(MinuteOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number])) + ':' + ValueText;
- WriteLn(FileBenchmark, Text + ': ' + ValueText + ' seconds');}
- if (Minutes = 0) and (Seconds = 0) then begin
- MilisecondsS := IntToStr(Miliseconds);
- ValueText := MilisecondsS + ' miliseconds';
- end;
- if (Minutes = 0) and (Seconds >= 1) then begin
- MilisecondsS := IntToStr(Miliseconds);
- while Length(MilisecondsS) < 3 do
- MilisecondsS := '0' + MilisecondsS;
- SecondsS := IntToStr(Seconds);
- ValueText := SecondsS + ',' + MilisecondsS + ' seconds';
- end;
- if Minutes >= 1 then begin
- MilisecondsS := IntToStr(Miliseconds);
- while Length(MilisecondsS) < 3 do
- MilisecondsS := '0' + MilisecondsS;
- SecondsS := IntToStr(Seconds);
- while Length(SecondsS) < 2 do
- SecondsS := '0' + SecondsS;
- MinutesS := IntToStr(Minutes);
- ValueText := MinutesS + ':' + SecondsS + ',' + MilisecondsS + ' minutes';
- end;
- WriteLn(BenchmarkFile, Text + ': ' + ValueText);
- Flush(BenchmarkFile);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TLog.LogToFile(const Text: string);
- if (FileOutputEnabled and not LogFileOpened) then
- begin
- AssignFile(LogFile, LogPath + 'Error.log');
- {$I-}
- Rewrite(LogFile);
- if IOResult = 0 then
- LogFileOpened := true;
- {$I+}
- //If File is opened write Date to Error File
- if (LogFileOpened) then
- begin
- WriteLn(LogFile, Title + ' Error Log');
- WriteLn(LogFile, 'Date: ' + DatetoStr(Now) + ' Time: ' + TimetoStr(Now));
- WriteLn(LogFile, '-------------------');
- Flush(LogFile);
- end;
- end;
- if LogFileOpened then
- begin
- try
- WriteLn(LogFile, Text);
- Flush(LogFile);
- except
- LogFileOpened := false;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TLog.SetLogLevel(Level: integer);
- LogLevel := Level;
-function TLog.GetLogLevel(): integer;
- Result := LogLevel;
-procedure TLog.LogMsg(const Text: string; Level: integer);
- LogMsg: string;
- // TODO: what if (LogFileLevel < LogLevel)? Log to file without printing to
- // console or do not log at all? At the moment nothing is logged.
- if (Level <= LogLevel) then
- begin
- if (Level <= LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL_MAX) then
- LogMsg := 'CRITICAL: ' + Text
- else if (Level <= LOG_LEVEL_ERROR_MAX) then
- LogMsg := 'ERROR: ' + Text
- else if (Level <= LOG_LEVEL_WARN_MAX) then
- LogMsg := 'WARN: ' + Text
- else if (Level <= LOG_LEVEL_STATUS_MAX) then
- LogMsg := 'STATUS: ' + Text
- else if (Level <= LOG_LEVEL_INFO_MAX) then
- LogMsg := 'INFO: ' + Text
- else
- LogMsg := 'DEBUG: ' + Text;
- // output log-message
- if (Level <= LogLevel) then
- begin
- DebugWriteLn(LogMsg);
- end;
- // write message to log-file
- if (Level <= LogFileLevel) then
- begin
- LogToFile(LogMsg);
- end;
- end;
- // exit application on criticial errors (cannot be turned off)
- if (Level <= LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL_MAX) then
- begin
- // Show information (window)
- ShowMessage(Text, mtError);
- Halt;
- end;
-procedure TLog.LogMsg(const Msg, Context: string; Level: integer);
- LogMsg(Msg + ' ['+Context+']', Level);
-procedure TLog.LogDebug(const Msg, Context: string);
- LogMsg(Msg, Context, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG);
-procedure TLog.LogInfo(const Msg, Context: string);
- LogMsg(Msg, Context, LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
-procedure TLog.LogStatus(const Msg, Context: string);
- LogMsg(Msg, Context, LOG_LEVEL_STATUS);
-procedure TLog.LogWarn(const Msg, Context: string);
- LogMsg(Msg, Context, LOG_LEVEL_WARN);
-procedure TLog.LogError(const Msg, Context: string);
- LogMsg(Msg, Context, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);
-procedure TLog.LogError(const Text: string);
- LogMsg(Text, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);
-procedure TLog.CriticalError(const Text: string);
-procedure TLog.LogCritical(const Msg, Context: string);
- LogMsg(Msg, Context, LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL);
-procedure TLog.LogVoice(SoundNr: integer);
- FS: TFileStream;
- FileName: string;
- Num: integer;
- for Num := 1 to 9999 do begin
- FileName := IntToStr(Num);
- while Length(FileName) < 4 do
- FileName := '0' + FileName;
- FileName := LogPath + 'Voice' + FileName + '.raw';
- if not FileExists(FileName) then
- break
- end;
- FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
- AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- FS.CopyFrom(AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong, AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong.Size);
- FS.Free;
-procedure TLog.LogBuffer(const buf: Pointer; const bufLength: Integer; const filename: string);
- f : TFileStream;
- f := nil;
- try
- f := TFileStream.Create( filename, fmCreate);
- f.Write( buf^, bufLength);
- f.Free;
- except
- on e : Exception do begin
- Log.LogError('TLog.LogBuffer: Failed to log buffer into file "' + filename + '". ErrMsg: ' + e.Message);
- f.Free;
- end;
- end;
+unit ULog;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ Classes;
+ * LOG_LEVEL_[TYPE] defines the "minimum" index for logs of type TYPE. Each
+ * level greater than this BUT less or equal than LOG_LEVEL_[TYPE]_MAX is of this type.
+ * This means a level "LOG_LEVEL_ERROR >= Level <= LOG_LEVEL_ERROR_MAX" e.g.
+ * "Level := LOG_LEVEL_ERROR+2" is considered an error level.
+ * This is nice for debugging if you have more or less important debug messages.
+ * For example you can assign LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG+10 for the more important ones and
+ * LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG+20 for less important ones and so on. By changing the log-level
+ * you can hide the less important ones.
+ *)
+ // define level that Log(File)Level is initialized with
+ TLog = class
+ private
+ LogFile: TextFile;
+ LogFileOpened: boolean;
+ BenchmarkFile: TextFile;
+ BenchmarkFileOpened: boolean;
+ LogLevel: integer;
+ // level of messages written to the log-file
+ LogFileLevel: integer;
+ procedure LogToFile(const Text: string);
+ public
+ BenchmarkTimeStart: array[0..31] of real;
+ BenchmarkTimeLength: array[0..31] of real;//TDateTime;
+ Title: String; //Application Title
+ // Write log message to log-file
+ FileOutputEnabled: Boolean;
+ constructor Create;
+ // destuctor
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ // benchmark
+ procedure BenchmarkStart(Number: integer);
+ procedure BenchmarkEnd(Number: integer);
+ procedure LogBenchmark(const Text: string; Number: integer);
+ procedure SetLogLevel(Level: integer);
+ function GetLogLevel(): integer;
+ procedure LogMsg(const Text: string; Level: integer); overload;
+ procedure LogMsg(const Msg, Context: string; Level: integer); overload; {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ procedure LogDebug(const Msg, Context: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ procedure LogInfo(const Msg, Context: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ procedure LogStatus(const Msg, Context: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ procedure LogWarn(const Msg, Context: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ procedure LogError(const Text: string); overload; {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ procedure LogError(const Msg, Context: string); overload; {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ //Critical Error (Halt + MessageBox)
+ procedure LogCritical(const Msg, Context: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ procedure CriticalError(const Text: string); {$IFDEF HasInline}inline;{$ENDIF}
+ // voice
+ procedure LogVoice(SoundNr: integer);
+ // buffer
+ procedure LogBuffer(const buf : Pointer; const bufLength : Integer; const filename : string);
+ end;
+procedure DebugWriteln(const aString: String);
+ Log: TLog;
+ SysUtils,
+ DateUtils,
+ URecord,
+ UMain,
+ UTime,
+ UCommon,
+ UCommandLine;
+ * Write to console if in debug mode (Thread-safe).
+ * If debug-mode is disabled nothing is done.
+ *)
+procedure DebugWriteln(const aString: string);
+ if Params.Debug then
+ begin
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ConsoleWriteLn(aString);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+constructor TLog.Create;
+ inherited;
+ FileOutputEnabled := true;
+destructor TLog.Destroy;
+ if BenchmarkFileOpened then
+ CloseFile(BenchmarkFile);
+ //if AnalyzeFileOpened then
+ // CloseFile(AnalyzeFile);
+ if LogFileOpened then
+ CloseFile(LogFile);
+ inherited;
+procedure TLog.BenchmarkStart(Number: integer);
+ BenchmarkTimeStart[Number] := USTime.GetTime; //Time;
+procedure TLog.BenchmarkEnd(Number: integer);
+ BenchmarkTimeLength[Number] := USTime.GetTime {Time} - BenchmarkTimeStart[Number];
+procedure TLog.LogBenchmark(const Text: string; Number: integer);
+ Minutes: integer;
+ Seconds: integer;
+ Miliseconds: integer;
+ MinutesS: string;
+ SecondsS: string;
+ MilisecondsS: string;
+ ValueText: string;
+ if (FileOutputEnabled and Params.Benchmark) then
+ begin
+ if not BenchmarkFileOpened then
+ begin
+ BenchmarkFileOpened := true;
+ AssignFile(BenchmarkFile, LogPath + 'Benchmark.log');
+ {$I-}
+ Rewrite(BenchmarkFile);
+ if IOResult = 0 then
+ BenchmarkFileOpened := true;
+ {$I+}
+ //If File is opened write Date to Benchmark File
+ If (BenchmarkFileOpened) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(BenchmarkFile, Title + ' Benchmark File');
+ WriteLn(BenchmarkFile, 'Date: ' + DatetoStr(Now) + ' Time: ' + TimetoStr(Now));
+ WriteLn(BenchmarkFile, '-------------------');
+ Flush(BenchmarkFile);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if BenchmarkFileOpened then
+ begin
+ Miliseconds := Trunc(Frac(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) * 1000);
+ Seconds := Trunc(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) mod 60;
+ Minutes := Trunc((BenchmarkTimeLength[Number] - Seconds) / 60);
+// ValueText := FloatToStr(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]);
+{ ValueText := FloatToStr(
+ SecondOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) + MilliSecondOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number])/1000
+ );
+ if MinuteOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) >= 1 then
+ ValueText := IntToStr(MinuteOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number])) + ':' + ValueText;
+ WriteLn(FileBenchmark, Text + ': ' + ValueText + ' seconds');}
+ if (Minutes = 0) and (Seconds = 0) then begin
+ MilisecondsS := IntToStr(Miliseconds);
+ ValueText := MilisecondsS + ' miliseconds';
+ end;
+ if (Minutes = 0) and (Seconds >= 1) then begin
+ MilisecondsS := IntToStr(Miliseconds);
+ while Length(MilisecondsS) < 3 do
+ MilisecondsS := '0' + MilisecondsS;
+ SecondsS := IntToStr(Seconds);
+ ValueText := SecondsS + ',' + MilisecondsS + ' seconds';
+ end;
+ if Minutes >= 1 then begin
+ MilisecondsS := IntToStr(Miliseconds);
+ while Length(MilisecondsS) < 3 do
+ MilisecondsS := '0' + MilisecondsS;
+ SecondsS := IntToStr(Seconds);
+ while Length(SecondsS) < 2 do
+ SecondsS := '0' + SecondsS;
+ MinutesS := IntToStr(Minutes);
+ ValueText := MinutesS + ':' + SecondsS + ',' + MilisecondsS + ' minutes';
+ end;
+ WriteLn(BenchmarkFile, Text + ': ' + ValueText);
+ Flush(BenchmarkFile);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TLog.LogToFile(const Text: string);
+ if (FileOutputEnabled and not LogFileOpened) then
+ begin
+ AssignFile(LogFile, LogPath + 'Error.log');
+ {$I-}
+ Rewrite(LogFile);
+ if IOResult = 0 then
+ LogFileOpened := true;
+ {$I+}
+ //If File is opened write Date to Error File
+ if (LogFileOpened) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(LogFile, Title + ' Error Log');
+ WriteLn(LogFile, 'Date: ' + DatetoStr(Now) + ' Time: ' + TimetoStr(Now));
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '-------------------');
+ Flush(LogFile);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if LogFileOpened then
+ begin
+ try
+ WriteLn(LogFile, Text);
+ Flush(LogFile);
+ except
+ LogFileOpened := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TLog.SetLogLevel(Level: integer);
+ LogLevel := Level;
+function TLog.GetLogLevel(): integer;
+ Result := LogLevel;
+procedure TLog.LogMsg(const Text: string; Level: integer);
+ LogMsg: string;
+ // TODO: what if (LogFileLevel < LogLevel)? Log to file without printing to
+ // console or do not log at all? At the moment nothing is logged.
+ if (Level <= LogLevel) then
+ begin
+ if (Level <= LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL_MAX) then
+ LogMsg := 'CRITICAL: ' + Text
+ else if (Level <= LOG_LEVEL_ERROR_MAX) then
+ LogMsg := 'ERROR: ' + Text
+ else if (Level <= LOG_LEVEL_WARN_MAX) then
+ LogMsg := 'WARN: ' + Text
+ else if (Level <= LOG_LEVEL_STATUS_MAX) then
+ LogMsg := 'STATUS: ' + Text
+ else if (Level <= LOG_LEVEL_INFO_MAX) then
+ LogMsg := 'INFO: ' + Text
+ else
+ LogMsg := 'DEBUG: ' + Text;
+ // output log-message
+ if (Level <= LogLevel) then
+ begin
+ DebugWriteLn(LogMsg);
+ end;
+ // write message to log-file
+ if (Level <= LogFileLevel) then
+ begin
+ LogToFile(LogMsg);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // exit application on criticial errors (cannot be turned off)
+ if (Level <= LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL_MAX) then
+ begin
+ // Show information (window)
+ ShowMessage(Text, mtError);
+ Halt;
+ end;
+procedure TLog.LogMsg(const Msg, Context: string; Level: integer);
+ LogMsg(Msg + ' ['+Context+']', Level);
+procedure TLog.LogDebug(const Msg, Context: string);
+ LogMsg(Msg, Context, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG);
+procedure TLog.LogInfo(const Msg, Context: string);
+ LogMsg(Msg, Context, LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
+procedure TLog.LogStatus(const Msg, Context: string);
+ LogMsg(Msg, Context, LOG_LEVEL_STATUS);
+procedure TLog.LogWarn(const Msg, Context: string);
+ LogMsg(Msg, Context, LOG_LEVEL_WARN);
+procedure TLog.LogError(const Msg, Context: string);
+ LogMsg(Msg, Context, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);
+procedure TLog.LogError(const Text: string);
+ LogMsg(Text, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);
+procedure TLog.CriticalError(const Text: string);
+procedure TLog.LogCritical(const Msg, Context: string);
+ LogMsg(Msg, Context, LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL);
+procedure TLog.LogVoice(SoundNr: integer);
+ FS: TFileStream;
+ FileName: string;
+ Num: integer;
+ for Num := 1 to 9999 do begin
+ FileName := IntToStr(Num);
+ while Length(FileName) < 4 do
+ FileName := '0' + FileName;
+ FileName := LogPath + 'Voice' + FileName + '.raw';
+ if not FileExists(FileName) then
+ break
+ end;
+ FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong.Seek(0, soBeginning);
+ FS.CopyFrom(AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong, AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong.Size);
+ FS.Free;
+procedure TLog.LogBuffer(const buf: Pointer; const bufLength: Integer; const filename: string);
+ f : TFileStream;
+ f := nil;
+ try
+ f := TFileStream.Create( filename, fmCreate);
+ f.Write( buf^, bufLength);
+ f.Free;
+ except
+ on e : Exception do begin
+ Log.LogError('TLog.LogBuffer: Failed to log buffer into file "' + filename + '". ErrMsg: ' + e.Message);
+ f.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/ULyrics.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/ULyrics.pas
index 05d7682e..dff7dec1 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/ULyrics.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/ULyrics.pas
@@ -1,753 +1,753 @@
-unit ULyrics;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- gl,
- glext,
- UTexture,
- UThemes,
- UMusic;
- TLyricWord = record
- X: Real; // left corner
- Width: Real; // width
- Start: Cardinal; // start of the word in quarters (beats)
- Length: Cardinal; // length of the word in quarters
- Text: String; // text
- Freestyle: Boolean; // is freestyle?
- end;
- ALyricWord = array of TLyricWord;
- PLyricLine = ^TLyricLine;
- TLyricLine = record
- Text: String; // text
- Tex: glUInt; // texture of the text
- Width: Real; // width
- Size: Byte; // fontsize
- Words: ALyricWord; // words in this line
- CurWord: Integer; // current active word idx (only valid if line is active)
- Start: Cardinal; // start of this line in quarters
- Length: Cardinal; // length in quarters
- HasFreestyle: Boolean; // one or more word are freestyle?
- CountFreestyle: Integer; // how often there is a change from freestyle to non freestyle in this line
- Players: Byte; // players that should sing that line (bitset, Player1: 1, Player2: 2, Player3: 4)
- Done: Boolean; // is sentence already sung?
- LastLine: Boolean; // is this the last line ob the song?
- end;
- TLyricEngine = class
- private
- EoLastSentence: Real; // end of the previous sentence (in beats)
- LastDrawBeat: Real;
- UpperLine: TLyricLine; // first line displayed (top)
- LowerLine: TLyricLine; // second lind displayed (bottom)
- QueueLine: TLyricLine; // third line (queue and will be displayed when next line is finished)
- PUpperLine, PLowerLine, PQueueLine: PLyricLine;
- IndicatorTex: TTexture; // texture for lyric indikator
- BallTex: TTexture; // texture of the ball for the lyric effect
- inQueue: Boolean; // is line in queue
- LCounter: Word; // line counter
- // duet mode - textures for player icons
- PlayerIconTex: array[0..5] of // player idx
- array [0..1] of // enabled disabled
- TTexture;
- //Some helper Procedures for Lyric Drawing
- procedure DrawLyrics (Beat: Real);
- procedure DrawLyricsLine(const X, W, Y: Real; Size: Byte; const Line: PLyricLine; Beat: Real);
- procedure DrawPlayerIcon(const Player: Byte; const Enabled: Boolean; const X, Y, Size, Alpha: Real);
- procedure DrawBall(const XBall, YBall, Alpha:Real);
- public
- // positions, line specific settings
- UpperLineX: Real; //X Start Pos of UpperLine
- UpperLineW: Real; //Width of UpperLine with Icon(s) and Text
- UpperLineY: Real; //Y Start Pos of UpperLine
- UpperLineSize: Byte; //Max Size of Lyrics Text in UpperLine
- LowerLineX: Real; //X Start Pos of LowerLine
- LowerLineW: Real; //Width of LowerLine with Icon(s) and Text
- LowerLineY: Real; //Y Start Pos of LowerLine
- LowerLineSize: Byte; //Max Size of Lyrics Text in LowerLine
- // display propertys
- LineColor_en: TRGBA; //Color of Words in an Enabled Line
- LineColor_dis: TRGBA; //Color of Words in a Disabled Line
- LineColor_act: TRGBA; //Color of teh active Word
- FontStyle: Byte; //Font for the Lyric Text
- FontReSize: Boolean; //ReSize Lyrics if they don't fit Screen
- { // currently not used
- FadeInEffect: Byte; //Effect for Line Fading in: 0: No Effect; 1: Fade Effect; 2: Move Upwards from Bottom to Pos
- FadeOutEffect: Byte; //Effect for Line Fading out: 0: No Effect; 1: Fade Effect; 2: Move Upwards
- }
- UseLinearFilter:Boolean; //Should Linear Tex Filter be used
- // song specific settings
- BPM: Real;
- Resolution: Integer;
- // properties to easily read options of this class
- property LineinQueue: Boolean read inQueue; // line in queue?
- property LineCounter: Word read LCounter; // lines that were progressed so far (after last clear)
- Procedure AddLine(Line: PLine); // adds a line to the queue, if there is space
- Procedure Draw (Beat: Real); // draw the current (active at beat) lyrics
- Procedure Clear (const cBPM: Real = 0; // clears all cached song specific information
- const cResolution: Integer = 0);
- Constructor Create; overload;
- Constructor Create(ULX,ULY,ULW,ULS,LLX,LLY,LLW,LLS:Real); overload;
- Procedure LoadTextures;
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
-uses SysUtils,
- USkins,
- TextGL,
- UGraphic,
- UDisplay,
- math,
- UIni;
-//Helper procs to use TRGB in Opengl ...maybe this should be somewhere else
-procedure glColorRGB(Color: TRGB); overload;
- glColor3f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B);
-procedure glColorRGB(Color: TRGB; Alpha: Real); overload;
- glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Alpha);
-procedure glColorRGB(Color: TRGBA); overload;
- glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Color.A);
-procedure glColorRGB(Color: TRGBA; Alpha: Real); overload;
- glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Min(Color.A, Alpha));
-// Create - Constructor, just get Memory
-Constructor TLyricEngine.Create;
- inherited;
- BPM := 0;
- Resolution := 0;
- LCounter := 0;
- inQueue := False;
- UpperLine.Done := True;
- LowerLine.Done := True;
- QueueLine.Done := True;
- PUpperline:=@UpperLine;
- PLowerLine:=@LowerLine;
- PQueueLine:=@QueueLine;
- UseLinearFilter := True;
- LastDrawBeat:=0;
-Constructor TLyricEngine.Create(ULX,ULY,ULW,ULS,LLX,LLY,LLW,LLS:Real);
- Create;
- UpperLineX := ULX;
- UpperLineW := ULW;
- UpperLineY := ULY;
- UpperLineSize := Trunc(ULS);
- LowerLineX := LLX;
- LowerLineW := LLW;
- LowerLineY := LLY;
- LowerLineSize := Trunc(LLS);
- LoadTextures;
-// Destroy - Frees Memory
-Destructor TLyricEngine.Destroy;
- inherited;
-// Clear - Clears all cached Song specific Information
-Procedure TLyricEngine.Clear (const cBPM: Real; const cResolution: Integer);
- BPM := cBPM;
- Resolution := cResolution;
- LCounter := 0;
- inQueue := False;
- UpperLine.Done := True;
- LowerLine.Done := True;
- QueueLine.Done := True;
- PUpperline:=@UpperLine;
- PLowerLine:=@LowerLine;
- PQueueLine:=@QueueLine;
- LastDrawBeat:=0;
-// LoadTextures - Load Player Textures and Create Lyric Textures
-Procedure TLyricEngine.LoadTextures;
- I: Integer;
- function CreateLineTex: glUint;
- var
- PTexData: Pointer;
- begin
- try
- // get memory
- GetMem(pTexData, 1024*64*4);
- // generate and bind Texture
- glGenTextures(1, @Result);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Result);
- // get texture memeory
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, 1024, 64, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pTexData);
- if UseLinearFilter then
- begin
- end;
- finally
- // free unused memory
- FreeMem(pTexData);
- end;
- end;
- // lyric indicator (bar that indicates when the line start)
- IndicatorTex := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricHelpBar'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, $FF00FF);
- // ball for current word hover in ball effect
- BallTex := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Ball'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- // duet mode: load player icon
- For I := 0 to 5 do
- begin
- PlayerIconTex[I][0] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricIcon_P' + InttoStr(I+1)), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- PlayerIconTex[I][1] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricIconD_P' + InttoStr(I+1)), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
- end;
- // create line textures
- UpperLine.Tex := CreateLineTex;
- LowerLine.Tex := CreateLineTex;
- QueueLine.Tex := CreateLineTex;
-// AddLine - Adds LyricLine to queue
-Procedure TLyricEngine.AddLine(Line: PLine);
- LyricLine: PLyricLine;
- countNotes: Cardinal;
- Viewport: Array[0..3] of Integer;
- PosX: Real;
- I: Integer;
- function CalcWidth(LyricLine: PLyricLine): Real;
- begin
- Result := glTextWidth(PChar(LyricLine.Text));
- Result := Result + (LyricLine.CountFreestyle * 10);
- // if the line ends with a freestyle not, then leave the place to finish to draw the text italic
- if (LyricLine.Words[High(LyricLine.Words)].Freestyle) then
- Result := Result + 12;
- end;
- // only add lines, if there is space
- If not LineinQueue then
- begin
- // set pointer to line to write
- If (LineCounter = 0) then
- LyricLine := PUpperLine
- else if (LineCounter = 1) then
- LyricLine := PLowerLine
- else
- begin
- LyricLine := PQueueLine;
- //now there is a queued line
- inQueue := True;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin // rotate lines (round-robin-like)
- LyricLine := PUpperLine;
- PUpperLine := PLowerLine;
- PLowerLine := PQueueLine;
- PQueueLine := LyricLine;
- end;
- // sentence has notes?
- If Line = nil then
- begin
- // reset all values, if the new line is nil (lines after the last line)
- LyricLine.Start := 0;
- LyricLine.Length := 0;
- LyricLine.CurWord := -1;
- LyricLine.LastLine := False;
- LyricLine.Width := 0;
- SetLength(LyricLine.Words, 0);
- end
- else if Length(Line.Note) > 0 then
- begin
- // copy values from SongLine to LyricLine
- CountNotes := High(Line.Note);
- LyricLine.Start := Line.Note[0].Start;
- LyricLine.Length := Line.Note[CountNotes].Start + Line.Note[CountNotes].Length - LyricLine.Start;
- LyricLine.CurWord := -1;
- LyricLine.LastLine := Line.LastLine;
- // default values - set later
- LyricLine.HasFreestyle := False;
- LyricLine.CountFreestyle := 0;
- LyricLine.Text := '';
- // duet mode: players of that line
- LyricLine.Players := 127;
- //copy words
- SetLength(LyricLine.Words, CountNotes + 1);
- For I := 0 to CountNotes do
- begin
- LyricLine.Words[I].Start := Line.Note[I].Start;
- LyricLine.Words[I].Length := Line.Note[I].Length;
- LyricLine.Words[I].Text := Line.Note[I].Text;
- LyricLine.Words[I].Freestyle := Line.Note[I].NoteType = ntFreestyle;
- LyricLine.HasFreestyle := LyricLine.HasFreestyle OR LyricLine.Words[I].Freestyle;
- LyricLine.Text := LyricLine.Text + LyricLine.Words[I].Text;
- if (I > 0) AND LyricLine.Words[I-1].Freestyle AND not LyricLine.Words[I].Freestyle then
- Inc(LyricLine.CountFreestyle);
- end;
- // set font params
- SetFontStyle(FontStyle);
- SetFontPos(0, 0);
- LyricLine.Size := UpperLineSize;
- SetFontSize(LyricLine.Size);
- SetFontItalic(False);
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
- // change fontsize to fit the screen
- LyricLine.Width := CalcWidth(LyricLine);
- while (LyricLine.Width > UpperLineW) do
- begin
- Dec(LyricLine.Size);
- if (LyricLine.Size <=1) then
- Break;
- SetFontSize(LyricLine.Size);
- LyricLine.Width := CalcWidth(LyricLine);
- end;
- // create LyricTexture - prepare OpenGL
- glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @ViewPort);
- glClearColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
- glViewPort(0,0,800,600);
- // set word positions and line size
- PosX := 0;
- for I := 0 to High(LyricLine.Words) do
- begin
- with LyricLine.Words[I] do
- begin
- SetFontItalic(Freestyle);
- X := PosX;
- //Draw Lyrics
- SetFontPos(PosX, 0);
- glPrint(PChar(Text));
- Width := glTextWidth(PChar(Text));
- if (I < High(LyricLine.Words)) AND Freestyle AND not LyricLine.Words[I+1].Freestyle then
- Width := Width + 10
- else
- if (I = High(LyricLine.Words)) AND Freestyle then
- Width := Width + 12;
- PosX := PosX + Width;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- // create LyricTexture - prepare OpenGL
- glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @ViewPort);
- glClearColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
- glViewPort(0,0,800,600);
- end;
- //for debugging, is this used anymore?
- //Display.ScreenShot;
- //Copy to Texture
- glEnable(GL_ALPHA);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, LyricLine.Tex);
- glCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 0, 600-64, 1024, 64, 0);
- glDisable(GL_ALPHA);
- //Clear Buffer
- glClearColor(0,0,0,0);
- glViewPort(ViewPort[0], ViewPort[1], ViewPort[2], ViewPort[3]);
- //Increase the Counter
- Inc(LCounter);
-// Draw - Procedure Draws Lyrics; Beat is curent Beat in Quarters
-// Draw just manage the Lyrics, drawing is done by a call of DrawLyrics
-Procedure TLyricEngine.Draw (Beat: Real);
- DrawLyrics(Beat);
- LastDrawBeat := Beat;
-// DrawLyrics(private) - Helper for Draw; main Drawing procedure
-procedure TLyricEngine.DrawLyrics (Beat: Real);
- DrawLyricsLine(UpperLineX, UpperLineW, UpperlineY, 15, PUpperline, Beat);
- DrawLyricsLine(LowerLineX, LowerLineW, LowerlineY, 15, PLowerline, Beat);
-// DrawPlayerIcon(private) - Helper for Draw; Draws a Playericon
-procedure TLyricEngine.DrawPlayerIcon(const Player: Byte; const Enabled: Boolean; const X, Y, Size, Alpha: Real);
-var IEnabled: Byte;
- Case Enabled of
- True: IEnabled := 0;
- False: IEnabled := 1;
- end;
- try
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, PlayerIconTex[Player][IEnabled].TexNum);
- glColor4f(1,1,1,Alpha);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y + Size);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X + Size, Y + Size);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X + Size, Y);
- glEnd;
- finally
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- end;
-// DrawBall(private) - Helper for Draw; Draws the Ball over the LyricLine if needed
-procedure TLyricEngine.DrawBall(const XBall, YBall, Alpha:Real);
- try
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, BallTex.TexNum);
- glColor4f(1,1,1, Alpha);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(XBall - 10, YBall);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(XBall - 10, YBall + 20);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(XBall + 10, YBall + 20);
- glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(XBall + 10, YBall);
- glEnd;
- finally
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- end;
-// DrawLyricsLine(private) - Helper for Draw; Draws one LyricLine
-procedure TLyricEngine.DrawLyricsLine(const X, W, Y: Real; Size: Byte; const Line: PLyricLine; Beat: Real);
- CurWordStart, CurWordEnd: Real; // screen coordinates of current word and the rest of the sentence
- FreestyleDiff: Integer; // difference between top and bottom coordiantes for freestyle lyrics
- Progress: Real; // progress of singing the current word
- LyricX: Real; // left
- LyricX2: Real; // right
- LyricY: Real; // top
- LyricsHeight: Real; // height the lyrics are displayed
- Alpha: Real; // alphalevel to fade out at end
- {// duet mode
- IconSize: Real; // size of player icons
- IconAlpha: Real; // alpha level of player icons
- }
- // lines with a width lower than 0, have not to be draw
- if Line^.Width <= 0 then
- exit;
- // this is actually a bit more than the real font size
- // it helps adjusting the "zoom-center"
- LyricsHeight:=30.5 * (Line^.Size/10);
- {
- // duet mode
- IconSize := (2 * Size);
- IconAlpha := Frac(Beat/(Resolution*4));
- DrawPlayerIcon (0, True, X, Y + (42 - IconSize) / 2 , IconSize, IconAlpha);
- DrawPlayerIcon (1, True, X + IconSize + 1, Y + (42 - IconSize) / 2, IconSize, IconAlpha);
- DrawPlayerIcon (2, True, X + (IconSize + 1)*2, Y + (42 - IconSize) / 2, IconSize, IconAlpha);
- }
- LyricX := X+W/2 - Line^.Width/2;
- LyricX2 := LyricX + Line^.Width;
- // maybe center smaller lines
- //LyricY := Y;
- LyricY := Y + ((Size / Line.Size - 1) * LyricsHeight) / 2;
- Alpha := 1;
- // word in the sentence is active?
- if (Line^.Start < Beat) then
- begin
- // if this line just got active, then CurWord is still -1
- // this means, we should try to make the first word active
- // then we check if the current active word is still meant to be active
- // if not, we proceed to the next word
- if Line^.CurWord = -1 then
- Line^.CurWord:=0;
- if (Line^.CurWord < High(Line^.Words)) AND (Beat >= (Line^.Words[Line^.CurWord + 1].Start)) then
- Line^.CurWord:=Line^.CurWord+1;
- FreestyleDiff := 0;
- // last word of this line finished, but this line did not hide
- if (Line^.CurWord > High(Line^.Words)) then
- begin
- CurWordStart := Line^.Words[High(Line^.Words)].X + Line^.Words[High(Line^.Words)].Width;
- CurWordEnd := CurWordStart;
- // fade out last line
- if Line^.LastLine then
- begin
- Alpha := 1 - (Beat - (Line^.Words[High(Line^.Words)].Start + Line^.Words[High(Line^.Words)].Length)) / 15;
- if (Alpha < 0) then
- Alpha := 0;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- with Line^.Words[Line^.CurWord] do
- begin
- Progress := (Beat - Start) / Length;
- if Progress >= 1 then
- Progress := 1;
- if Progress <= 0 then
- Progress := 0;
- CurWordStart:=X;
- CurWordEnd:=X+Width;
- // Slide Effect
- // simply paint the active texture to the current position
- if Ini.LyricsEffect = 2 then
- begin
- CurWordStart := CurWordStart + Width * progress;
- CurWordEnd := CurWordStart;
- end;
- if (Line^.CurWord < High(Line^.Words)) AND Freestyle AND not Line^.Words[Line^.CurWord + 1].Freestyle then
- begin
- FreestyleDiff := 2;
- end
- else
- if Freestyle then
- begin
- FreestyleDiff := 12;
- CurWordStart := CurWordStart - 1;
- CurWordEnd := CurWordEnd - 2;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Line^.Tex);
- // draw sentence up to current word
- if (Ini.LyricsEffect = 3) or (Ini.LyricsEffect = 4) then
- // ball lyric effect - only highlight current word and not that ones before in this line
- glColorRGB(LineColor_en, Alpha)
- else
- glColorRGB(LineColor_act, Alpha);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX, LyricY);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(LyricX, LyricY + LyricsHeight);
- glTexCoord2f(CurWordStart/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordStart, LyricY + LyricsHeight);
- glTexCoord2f((CurWordStart+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordStart+FreestyleDiff, LyricY);
- glEnd;
- // draw rest of sentence
- glColorRGB(LineColor_en);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f((CurWordEnd+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordEnd+FreestyleDiff, LyricY);
- glTexCoord2f(CurWordEnd/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordEnd, LyricY + LyricsHeight);
- glTexCoord2f(Line^.Width/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(LyricX2, LyricY + LyricsHeight);
- glTexCoord2f(Line^.Width/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX2, LyricY);
- glEnd;
- // draw active word:
- // type 0: simple lyric effect
- // type 3: ball lyric effect
- // type 4: shift lyric effect
- // only change the color of the current word
- if (Ini.LyricsEffect = 0) or (Ini.LyricsEffect = 3) or (Ini.LyricsEffect = 4) then
- begin
- { // maybe fade in?
- glColor4f(LineColor_en.r,LineColor_en.g,LineColor_en.b,1-progress);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(CurWordStart/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordStart, Y);
- glTexCoord2f(CurWordStart/1024, 0); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordStart, Y + 64);
- glTexCoord2f(CurWordEnd/1024, 0); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordEnd, Y + 64);
- glTexCoord2f(CurWordEnd/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordEnd, Y);
- glEnd;
- }
- if (Ini.LyricsEffect = 4) then
- LyricY := LyricY - 8 * (1-progress);
- glColor3f(LineColor_act.r,LineColor_act.g,LineColor_act.b);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f((CurWordStart+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordStart+FreestyleDiff, LyricY);
- glTexCoord2f(CurWordStart/1024, 0); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordStart, LyricY + 64);
- glTexCoord2f(CurWordEnd/1024, 0); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordEnd, LyricY + 64);
- glTexCoord2f((CurWordEnd+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordEnd+FreestyleDiff, LyricY);
- glEnd;
- if (Ini.LyricsEffect = 4) then
- LyricY := LyricY + 8 * (1-progress);
- end
- // draw active word:
- // type 1: zoom lyric effect
- // change color and zoom current word
- else if Ini.LyricsEffect = 1 then
- begin
- glPushMatrix;
- glTranslatef(LyricX+CurWordStart+(CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2,LyricY+LyricsHeight/2,0);
- glScalef(1.0+(1-progress)/2,1.0+(1-progress)/2,1.0);
- glColor4f(LineColor_en.r,LineColor_en.g,LineColor_en.b,1-progress);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f((CurWordStart+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f(-(CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2+FreestyleDiff, -LyricsHeight/2);
- glTexCoord2f(CurWordStart/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(-(CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2, + LyricsHeight/2);
- glTexCoord2f(CurWordEnd/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f((CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2, + LyricsHeight/2);
- glTexCoord2f((CurWordEnd+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f((CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2+FreestyleDiff, -LyricsHeight/2);
- glEnd;
- glColor4f(LineColor_act.r,LineColor_act.g,LineColor_act.b,1);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f((CurWordStart+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f(-(CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2+FreestyleDiff, -LyricsHeight/2);
- glTexCoord2f(CurWordStart/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(-(CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2, + LyricsHeight/2);
- glTexCoord2f(CurWordEnd/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f((CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2, + LyricsHeight/2);
- glTexCoord2f((CurWordEnd+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f((CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2+FreestyleDiff, -LyricsHeight/2);
- glEnd;
- glPopMatrix;
- end;
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- if Ini.LyricsEffect = 3 then
- DrawBall(LyricX + CurWordStart + (CurWordEnd - CurWordStart) * progress, LyricY - 15 - 15*sin(progress * pi), Alpha);
- end
- else
- begin
- // draw complete inactive sentence if line hasn't started but is already shown
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Line^.Tex);
- glColorRGB(LineColor_dis);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX, LyricY);
- glTexCoord2f(0, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(LyricX, LyricY + LyricsHeight);
- glTexCoord2f(Line^.Width/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(LyricX2, LyricY + LyricsHeight);
- glTexCoord2f(Line^.Width/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX2, LyricY);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- end;
+unit ULyrics;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ gl,
+ glext,
+ UTexture,
+ UThemes,
+ UMusic;
+ TLyricWord = record
+ X: Real; // left corner
+ Width: Real; // width
+ Start: Cardinal; // start of the word in quarters (beats)
+ Length: Cardinal; // length of the word in quarters
+ Text: String; // text
+ Freestyle: Boolean; // is freestyle?
+ end;
+ ALyricWord = array of TLyricWord;
+ PLyricLine = ^TLyricLine;
+ TLyricLine = record
+ Text: String; // text
+ Tex: glUInt; // texture of the text
+ Width: Real; // width
+ Size: Byte; // fontsize
+ Words: ALyricWord; // words in this line
+ CurWord: Integer; // current active word idx (only valid if line is active)
+ Start: Cardinal; // start of this line in quarters
+ Length: Cardinal; // length in quarters
+ HasFreestyle: Boolean; // one or more word are freestyle?
+ CountFreestyle: Integer; // how often there is a change from freestyle to non freestyle in this line
+ Players: Byte; // players that should sing that line (bitset, Player1: 1, Player2: 2, Player3: 4)
+ Done: Boolean; // is sentence already sung?
+ LastLine: Boolean; // is this the last line ob the song?
+ end;
+ TLyricEngine = class
+ private
+ EoLastSentence: Real; // end of the previous sentence (in beats)
+ LastDrawBeat: Real;
+ UpperLine: TLyricLine; // first line displayed (top)
+ LowerLine: TLyricLine; // second lind displayed (bottom)
+ QueueLine: TLyricLine; // third line (queue and will be displayed when next line is finished)
+ PUpperLine, PLowerLine, PQueueLine: PLyricLine;
+ IndicatorTex: TTexture; // texture for lyric indikator
+ BallTex: TTexture; // texture of the ball for the lyric effect
+ inQueue: Boolean; // is line in queue
+ LCounter: Word; // line counter
+ // duet mode - textures for player icons
+ PlayerIconTex: array[0..5] of // player idx
+ array [0..1] of // enabled disabled
+ TTexture;
+ //Some helper Procedures for Lyric Drawing
+ procedure DrawLyrics (Beat: Real);
+ procedure DrawLyricsLine(const X, W, Y: Real; Size: Byte; const Line: PLyricLine; Beat: Real);
+ procedure DrawPlayerIcon(const Player: Byte; const Enabled: Boolean; const X, Y, Size, Alpha: Real);
+ procedure DrawBall(const XBall, YBall, Alpha:Real);
+ public
+ // positions, line specific settings
+ UpperLineX: Real; //X Start Pos of UpperLine
+ UpperLineW: Real; //Width of UpperLine with Icon(s) and Text
+ UpperLineY: Real; //Y Start Pos of UpperLine
+ UpperLineSize: Byte; //Max Size of Lyrics Text in UpperLine
+ LowerLineX: Real; //X Start Pos of LowerLine
+ LowerLineW: Real; //Width of LowerLine with Icon(s) and Text
+ LowerLineY: Real; //Y Start Pos of LowerLine
+ LowerLineSize: Byte; //Max Size of Lyrics Text in LowerLine
+ // display propertys
+ LineColor_en: TRGBA; //Color of Words in an Enabled Line
+ LineColor_dis: TRGBA; //Color of Words in a Disabled Line
+ LineColor_act: TRGBA; //Color of teh active Word
+ FontStyle: Byte; //Font for the Lyric Text
+ FontReSize: Boolean; //ReSize Lyrics if they don't fit Screen
+ { // currently not used
+ FadeInEffect: Byte; //Effect for Line Fading in: 0: No Effect; 1: Fade Effect; 2: Move Upwards from Bottom to Pos
+ FadeOutEffect: Byte; //Effect for Line Fading out: 0: No Effect; 1: Fade Effect; 2: Move Upwards
+ }
+ UseLinearFilter:Boolean; //Should Linear Tex Filter be used
+ // song specific settings
+ BPM: Real;
+ Resolution: Integer;
+ // properties to easily read options of this class
+ property LineinQueue: Boolean read inQueue; // line in queue?
+ property LineCounter: Word read LCounter; // lines that were progressed so far (after last clear)
+ Procedure AddLine(Line: PLine); // adds a line to the queue, if there is space
+ Procedure Draw (Beat: Real); // draw the current (active at beat) lyrics
+ Procedure Clear (const cBPM: Real = 0; // clears all cached song specific information
+ const cResolution: Integer = 0);
+ Constructor Create; overload;
+ Constructor Create(ULX,ULY,ULW,ULS,LLX,LLY,LLW,LLS:Real); overload;
+ Procedure LoadTextures;
+ Destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+uses SysUtils,
+ USkins,
+ TextGL,
+ UGraphic,
+ UDisplay,
+ math,
+ UIni;
+//Helper procs to use TRGB in Opengl ...maybe this should be somewhere else
+procedure glColorRGB(Color: TRGB); overload;
+ glColor3f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B);
+procedure glColorRGB(Color: TRGB; Alpha: Real); overload;
+ glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Alpha);
+procedure glColorRGB(Color: TRGBA); overload;
+ glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Color.A);
+procedure glColorRGB(Color: TRGBA; Alpha: Real); overload;
+ glColor4f(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B, Min(Color.A, Alpha));
+// Create - Constructor, just get Memory
+Constructor TLyricEngine.Create;
+ inherited;
+ BPM := 0;
+ Resolution := 0;
+ LCounter := 0;
+ inQueue := False;
+ UpperLine.Done := True;
+ LowerLine.Done := True;
+ QueueLine.Done := True;
+ PUpperline:=@UpperLine;
+ PLowerLine:=@LowerLine;
+ PQueueLine:=@QueueLine;
+ UseLinearFilter := True;
+ LastDrawBeat:=0;
+Constructor TLyricEngine.Create(ULX,ULY,ULW,ULS,LLX,LLY,LLW,LLS:Real);
+ Create;
+ UpperLineX := ULX;
+ UpperLineW := ULW;
+ UpperLineY := ULY;
+ UpperLineSize := Trunc(ULS);
+ LowerLineX := LLX;
+ LowerLineW := LLW;
+ LowerLineY := LLY;
+ LowerLineSize := Trunc(LLS);
+ LoadTextures;
+// Destroy - Frees Memory
+Destructor TLyricEngine.Destroy;
+ inherited;
+// Clear - Clears all cached Song specific Information
+Procedure TLyricEngine.Clear (const cBPM: Real; const cResolution: Integer);
+ BPM := cBPM;
+ Resolution := cResolution;
+ LCounter := 0;
+ inQueue := False;
+ UpperLine.Done := True;
+ LowerLine.Done := True;
+ QueueLine.Done := True;
+ PUpperline:=@UpperLine;
+ PLowerLine:=@LowerLine;
+ PQueueLine:=@QueueLine;
+ LastDrawBeat:=0;
+// LoadTextures - Load Player Textures and Create Lyric Textures
+Procedure TLyricEngine.LoadTextures;
+ I: Integer;
+ function CreateLineTex: glUint;
+ var
+ PTexData: Pointer;
+ begin
+ try
+ // get memory
+ GetMem(pTexData, 1024*64*4);
+ // generate and bind Texture
+ glGenTextures(1, @Result);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Result);
+ // get texture memeory
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, 1024, 64, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pTexData);
+ if UseLinearFilter then
+ begin
+ end;
+ finally
+ // free unused memory
+ FreeMem(pTexData);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // lyric indicator (bar that indicates when the line start)
+ IndicatorTex := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricHelpBar'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, $FF00FF);
+ // ball for current word hover in ball effect
+ BallTex := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Ball'), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+ // duet mode: load player icon
+ For I := 0 to 5 do
+ begin
+ PlayerIconTex[I][0] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricIcon_P' + InttoStr(I+1)), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+ PlayerIconTex[I][1] := Texture.LoadTexture(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricIconD_P' + InttoStr(I+1)), TEXTURE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT, 0);
+ end;
+ // create line textures
+ UpperLine.Tex := CreateLineTex;
+ LowerLine.Tex := CreateLineTex;
+ QueueLine.Tex := CreateLineTex;
+// AddLine - Adds LyricLine to queue
+Procedure TLyricEngine.AddLine(Line: PLine);
+ LyricLine: PLyricLine;
+ countNotes: Cardinal;
+ Viewport: Array[0..3] of Integer;
+ PosX: Real;
+ I: Integer;
+ function CalcWidth(LyricLine: PLyricLine): Real;
+ begin
+ Result := glTextWidth(PChar(LyricLine.Text));
+ Result := Result + (LyricLine.CountFreestyle * 10);
+ // if the line ends with a freestyle not, then leave the place to finish to draw the text italic
+ if (LyricLine.Words[High(LyricLine.Words)].Freestyle) then
+ Result := Result + 12;
+ end;
+ // only add lines, if there is space
+ If not LineinQueue then
+ begin
+ // set pointer to line to write
+ If (LineCounter = 0) then
+ LyricLine := PUpperLine
+ else if (LineCounter = 1) then
+ LyricLine := PLowerLine
+ else
+ begin
+ LyricLine := PQueueLine;
+ //now there is a queued line
+ inQueue := True;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin // rotate lines (round-robin-like)
+ LyricLine := PUpperLine;
+ PUpperLine := PLowerLine;
+ PLowerLine := PQueueLine;
+ PQueueLine := LyricLine;
+ end;
+ // sentence has notes?
+ If Line = nil then
+ begin
+ // reset all values, if the new line is nil (lines after the last line)
+ LyricLine.Start := 0;
+ LyricLine.Length := 0;
+ LyricLine.CurWord := -1;
+ LyricLine.LastLine := False;
+ LyricLine.Width := 0;
+ SetLength(LyricLine.Words, 0);
+ end
+ else if Length(Line.Note) > 0 then
+ begin
+ // copy values from SongLine to LyricLine
+ CountNotes := High(Line.Note);
+ LyricLine.Start := Line.Note[0].Start;
+ LyricLine.Length := Line.Note[CountNotes].Start + Line.Note[CountNotes].Length - LyricLine.Start;
+ LyricLine.CurWord := -1;
+ LyricLine.LastLine := Line.LastLine;
+ // default values - set later
+ LyricLine.HasFreestyle := False;
+ LyricLine.CountFreestyle := 0;
+ LyricLine.Text := '';
+ // duet mode: players of that line
+ LyricLine.Players := 127;
+ //copy words
+ SetLength(LyricLine.Words, CountNotes + 1);
+ For I := 0 to CountNotes do
+ begin
+ LyricLine.Words[I].Start := Line.Note[I].Start;
+ LyricLine.Words[I].Length := Line.Note[I].Length;
+ LyricLine.Words[I].Text := Line.Note[I].Text;
+ LyricLine.Words[I].Freestyle := Line.Note[I].NoteType = ntFreestyle;
+ LyricLine.HasFreestyle := LyricLine.HasFreestyle OR LyricLine.Words[I].Freestyle;
+ LyricLine.Text := LyricLine.Text + LyricLine.Words[I].Text;
+ if (I > 0) AND LyricLine.Words[I-1].Freestyle AND not LyricLine.Words[I].Freestyle then
+ Inc(LyricLine.CountFreestyle);
+ end;
+ // set font params
+ SetFontStyle(FontStyle);
+ SetFontPos(0, 0);
+ LyricLine.Size := UpperLineSize;
+ SetFontSize(LyricLine.Size);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ // change fontsize to fit the screen
+ LyricLine.Width := CalcWidth(LyricLine);
+ while (LyricLine.Width > UpperLineW) do
+ begin
+ Dec(LyricLine.Size);
+ if (LyricLine.Size <=1) then
+ Break;
+ SetFontSize(LyricLine.Size);
+ LyricLine.Width := CalcWidth(LyricLine);
+ end;
+ // create LyricTexture - prepare OpenGL
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @ViewPort);
+ glClearColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ glViewPort(0,0,800,600);
+ // set word positions and line size
+ PosX := 0;
+ for I := 0 to High(LyricLine.Words) do
+ begin
+ with LyricLine.Words[I] do
+ begin
+ SetFontItalic(Freestyle);
+ X := PosX;
+ //Draw Lyrics
+ SetFontPos(PosX, 0);
+ glPrint(PChar(Text));
+ Width := glTextWidth(PChar(Text));
+ if (I < High(LyricLine.Words)) AND Freestyle AND not LyricLine.Words[I+1].Freestyle then
+ Width := Width + 10
+ else
+ if (I = High(LyricLine.Words)) AND Freestyle then
+ Width := Width + 12;
+ PosX := PosX + Width;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // create LyricTexture - prepare OpenGL
+ glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, @ViewPort);
+ glClearColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ glViewPort(0,0,800,600);
+ end;
+ //for debugging, is this used anymore?
+ //Display.ScreenShot;
+ //Copy to Texture
+ glEnable(GL_ALPHA);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, LyricLine.Tex);
+ glCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, 0, 600-64, 1024, 64, 0);
+ glDisable(GL_ALPHA);
+ //Clear Buffer
+ glClearColor(0,0,0,0);
+ glViewPort(ViewPort[0], ViewPort[1], ViewPort[2], ViewPort[3]);
+ //Increase the Counter
+ Inc(LCounter);
+// Draw - Procedure Draws Lyrics; Beat is curent Beat in Quarters
+// Draw just manage the Lyrics, drawing is done by a call of DrawLyrics
+Procedure TLyricEngine.Draw (Beat: Real);
+ DrawLyrics(Beat);
+ LastDrawBeat := Beat;
+// DrawLyrics(private) - Helper for Draw; main Drawing procedure
+procedure TLyricEngine.DrawLyrics (Beat: Real);
+ DrawLyricsLine(UpperLineX, UpperLineW, UpperlineY, 15, PUpperline, Beat);
+ DrawLyricsLine(LowerLineX, LowerLineW, LowerlineY, 15, PLowerline, Beat);
+// DrawPlayerIcon(private) - Helper for Draw; Draws a Playericon
+procedure TLyricEngine.DrawPlayerIcon(const Player: Byte; const Enabled: Boolean; const X, Y, Size, Alpha: Real);
+var IEnabled: Byte;
+ Case Enabled of
+ True: IEnabled := 0;
+ False: IEnabled := 1;
+ end;
+ try
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, PlayerIconTex[Player][IEnabled].TexNum);
+ glColor4f(1,1,1,Alpha);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(X, Y);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(X, Y + Size);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(X + Size, Y + Size);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(X + Size, Y);
+ glEnd;
+ finally
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ end;
+// DrawBall(private) - Helper for Draw; Draws the Ball over the LyricLine if needed
+procedure TLyricEngine.DrawBall(const XBall, YBall, Alpha:Real);
+ try
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, BallTex.TexNum);
+ glColor4f(1,1,1, Alpha);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(XBall - 10, YBall);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(XBall - 10, YBall + 20);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(XBall + 10, YBall + 20);
+ glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(XBall + 10, YBall);
+ glEnd;
+ finally
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ end;
+// DrawLyricsLine(private) - Helper for Draw; Draws one LyricLine
+procedure TLyricEngine.DrawLyricsLine(const X, W, Y: Real; Size: Byte; const Line: PLyricLine; Beat: Real);
+ CurWordStart, CurWordEnd: Real; // screen coordinates of current word and the rest of the sentence
+ FreestyleDiff: Integer; // difference between top and bottom coordiantes for freestyle lyrics
+ Progress: Real; // progress of singing the current word
+ LyricX: Real; // left
+ LyricX2: Real; // right
+ LyricY: Real; // top
+ LyricsHeight: Real; // height the lyrics are displayed
+ Alpha: Real; // alphalevel to fade out at end
+ {// duet mode
+ IconSize: Real; // size of player icons
+ IconAlpha: Real; // alpha level of player icons
+ }
+ // lines with a width lower than 0, have not to be draw
+ if Line^.Width <= 0 then
+ exit;
+ // this is actually a bit more than the real font size
+ // it helps adjusting the "zoom-center"
+ LyricsHeight:=30.5 * (Line^.Size/10);
+ {
+ // duet mode
+ IconSize := (2 * Size);
+ IconAlpha := Frac(Beat/(Resolution*4));
+ DrawPlayerIcon (0, True, X, Y + (42 - IconSize) / 2 , IconSize, IconAlpha);
+ DrawPlayerIcon (1, True, X + IconSize + 1, Y + (42 - IconSize) / 2, IconSize, IconAlpha);
+ DrawPlayerIcon (2, True, X + (IconSize + 1)*2, Y + (42 - IconSize) / 2, IconSize, IconAlpha);
+ }
+ LyricX := X+W/2 - Line^.Width/2;
+ LyricX2 := LyricX + Line^.Width;
+ // maybe center smaller lines
+ //LyricY := Y;
+ LyricY := Y + ((Size / Line.Size - 1) * LyricsHeight) / 2;
+ Alpha := 1;
+ // word in the sentence is active?
+ if (Line^.Start < Beat) then
+ begin
+ // if this line just got active, then CurWord is still -1
+ // this means, we should try to make the first word active
+ // then we check if the current active word is still meant to be active
+ // if not, we proceed to the next word
+ if Line^.CurWord = -1 then
+ Line^.CurWord:=0;
+ if (Line^.CurWord < High(Line^.Words)) AND (Beat >= (Line^.Words[Line^.CurWord + 1].Start)) then
+ Line^.CurWord:=Line^.CurWord+1;
+ FreestyleDiff := 0;
+ // last word of this line finished, but this line did not hide
+ if (Line^.CurWord > High(Line^.Words)) then
+ begin
+ CurWordStart := Line^.Words[High(Line^.Words)].X + Line^.Words[High(Line^.Words)].Width;
+ CurWordEnd := CurWordStart;
+ // fade out last line
+ if Line^.LastLine then
+ begin
+ Alpha := 1 - (Beat - (Line^.Words[High(Line^.Words)].Start + Line^.Words[High(Line^.Words)].Length)) / 15;
+ if (Alpha < 0) then
+ Alpha := 0;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ with Line^.Words[Line^.CurWord] do
+ begin
+ Progress := (Beat - Start) / Length;
+ if Progress >= 1 then
+ Progress := 1;
+ if Progress <= 0 then
+ Progress := 0;
+ CurWordStart:=X;
+ CurWordEnd:=X+Width;
+ // Slide Effect
+ // simply paint the active texture to the current position
+ if Ini.LyricsEffect = 2 then
+ begin
+ CurWordStart := CurWordStart + Width * progress;
+ CurWordEnd := CurWordStart;
+ end;
+ if (Line^.CurWord < High(Line^.Words)) AND Freestyle AND not Line^.Words[Line^.CurWord + 1].Freestyle then
+ begin
+ FreestyleDiff := 2;
+ end
+ else
+ if Freestyle then
+ begin
+ FreestyleDiff := 12;
+ CurWordStart := CurWordStart - 1;
+ CurWordEnd := CurWordEnd - 2;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Line^.Tex);
+ // draw sentence up to current word
+ if (Ini.LyricsEffect = 3) or (Ini.LyricsEffect = 4) then
+ // ball lyric effect - only highlight current word and not that ones before in this line
+ glColorRGB(LineColor_en, Alpha)
+ else
+ glColorRGB(LineColor_act, Alpha);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX, LyricY);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(LyricX, LyricY + LyricsHeight);
+ glTexCoord2f(CurWordStart/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordStart, LyricY + LyricsHeight);
+ glTexCoord2f((CurWordStart+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordStart+FreestyleDiff, LyricY);
+ glEnd;
+ // draw rest of sentence
+ glColorRGB(LineColor_en);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f((CurWordEnd+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordEnd+FreestyleDiff, LyricY);
+ glTexCoord2f(CurWordEnd/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordEnd, LyricY + LyricsHeight);
+ glTexCoord2f(Line^.Width/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(LyricX2, LyricY + LyricsHeight);
+ glTexCoord2f(Line^.Width/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX2, LyricY);
+ glEnd;
+ // draw active word:
+ // type 0: simple lyric effect
+ // type 3: ball lyric effect
+ // type 4: shift lyric effect
+ // only change the color of the current word
+ if (Ini.LyricsEffect = 0) or (Ini.LyricsEffect = 3) or (Ini.LyricsEffect = 4) then
+ begin
+ { // maybe fade in?
+ glColor4f(LineColor_en.r,LineColor_en.g,LineColor_en.b,1-progress);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(CurWordStart/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordStart, Y);
+ glTexCoord2f(CurWordStart/1024, 0); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordStart, Y + 64);
+ glTexCoord2f(CurWordEnd/1024, 0); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordEnd, Y + 64);
+ glTexCoord2f(CurWordEnd/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordEnd, Y);
+ glEnd;
+ }
+ if (Ini.LyricsEffect = 4) then
+ LyricY := LyricY - 8 * (1-progress);
+ glColor3f(LineColor_act.r,LineColor_act.g,LineColor_act.b);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f((CurWordStart+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordStart+FreestyleDiff, LyricY);
+ glTexCoord2f(CurWordStart/1024, 0); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordStart, LyricY + 64);
+ glTexCoord2f(CurWordEnd/1024, 0); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordEnd, LyricY + 64);
+ glTexCoord2f((CurWordEnd+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX+CurWordEnd+FreestyleDiff, LyricY);
+ glEnd;
+ if (Ini.LyricsEffect = 4) then
+ LyricY := LyricY + 8 * (1-progress);
+ end
+ // draw active word:
+ // type 1: zoom lyric effect
+ // change color and zoom current word
+ else if Ini.LyricsEffect = 1 then
+ begin
+ glPushMatrix;
+ glTranslatef(LyricX+CurWordStart+(CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2,LyricY+LyricsHeight/2,0);
+ glScalef(1.0+(1-progress)/2,1.0+(1-progress)/2,1.0);
+ glColor4f(LineColor_en.r,LineColor_en.g,LineColor_en.b,1-progress);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f((CurWordStart+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f(-(CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2+FreestyleDiff, -LyricsHeight/2);
+ glTexCoord2f(CurWordStart/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(-(CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2, + LyricsHeight/2);
+ glTexCoord2f(CurWordEnd/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f((CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2, + LyricsHeight/2);
+ glTexCoord2f((CurWordEnd+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f((CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2+FreestyleDiff, -LyricsHeight/2);
+ glEnd;
+ glColor4f(LineColor_act.r,LineColor_act.g,LineColor_act.b,1);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f((CurWordStart+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f(-(CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2+FreestyleDiff, -LyricsHeight/2);
+ glTexCoord2f(CurWordStart/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(-(CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2, + LyricsHeight/2);
+ glTexCoord2f(CurWordEnd/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f((CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2, + LyricsHeight/2);
+ glTexCoord2f((CurWordEnd+FreestyleDiff)/1024, 1); glVertex2f((CurWordEnd-CurWordStart)/2+FreestyleDiff, -LyricsHeight/2);
+ glEnd;
+ glPopMatrix;
+ end;
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ if Ini.LyricsEffect = 3 then
+ DrawBall(LyricX + CurWordStart + (CurWordEnd - CurWordStart) * progress, LyricY - 15 - 15*sin(progress * pi), Alpha);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // draw complete inactive sentence if line hasn't started but is already shown
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Line^.Tex);
+ glColorRGB(LineColor_dis);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX, LyricY);
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(LyricX, LyricY + LyricsHeight);
+ glTexCoord2f(Line^.Width/1024, 1-LyricsHeight/64); glVertex2f(LyricX2, LyricY + LyricsHeight);
+ glTexCoord2f(Line^.Width/1024, 1); glVertex2f(LyricX2, LyricY);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UMedia_dummy.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UMedia_dummy.pas
index abd8c1e0..62a94aef 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UMedia_dummy.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UMedia_dummy.pas
@@ -1,230 +1,230 @@
-unit UMedia_dummy;
-{< #############################################################################
-# FFmpeg support for UltraStar deluxe #
-# #
-# Created by b1indy #
-# based on 'An ffmpeg and SDL Tutorial' (http://www.dranger.com/ffmpeg/) #
-# #
-# http://www.mail-archive.com/fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org/msg09949.html #
-# http://www.nabble.com/file/p11795857/mpegpas01.zip #
-# #
-############################################################################## }
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- SysUtils,
- math,
- UMusic;
- singleton_dummy : IVideoPlayback;
- TMedia_dummy = class( TInterfacedObject, IVideoPlayback, IVideoVisualization, IAudioPlayback, IAudioInput )
- private
- DummyOutputDeviceList: TAudioOutputDeviceList;
- public
- constructor create();
- function GetName: string;
- procedure init();
- function Open(const aFileName : string): boolean; // true if succeed
- procedure Close;
- procedure Play;
- procedure Pause;
- procedure Stop;
- procedure SetPosition(Time: real);
- function GetPosition: real;
- procedure GetFrame(Time: Extended);
- procedure DrawGL(Screen: integer);
- // IAudioInput
- function InitializeRecord: boolean;
- function FinalizeRecord: boolean;
- procedure CaptureStart;
- procedure CaptureStop;
- procedure GetFFTData(var data: TFFTData);
- function GetPCMData(var data: TPCMData): Cardinal;
- // IAudioPlayback
- function InitializePlayback: boolean;
- function FinalizePlayback: boolean;
- function GetOutputDeviceList(): TAudioOutputDeviceList;
- procedure FadeIn(Time: real; TargetVolume: single);
- procedure SetAppVolume(Volume: single);
- procedure SetVolume(Volume: single);
- procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
- procedure Rewind;
- function Finished: boolean;
- function Length: real;
- function OpenSound(const Filename: string): TAudioPlaybackStream;
- procedure PlaySound(stream: TAudioPlaybackStream);
- procedure StopSound(stream: TAudioPlaybackStream);
- end;
-function Tmedia_dummy.GetName: string;
- result := 'dummy';
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.GetFrame(Time: Extended);
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.DrawGL(Screen: integer);
-constructor Tmedia_dummy.create();
- inherited;
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.init();
-function Tmedia_dummy.Open(const aFileName : string): boolean; // true if succeed
- result := false;
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.Close;
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.Play;
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.Pause;
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.Stop;
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.SetPosition(Time: real);
-function Tmedia_dummy.GetPosition: real;
- result := 0;
-// IAudioInput
-function Tmedia_dummy.InitializeRecord: boolean;
- result := true;
-function Tmedia_dummy.FinalizeRecord: boolean;
- result := true;
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.CaptureStart;
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.CaptureStop;
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.GetFFTData(var data: TFFTData);
-function Tmedia_dummy.GetPCMData(var data: TPCMData): Cardinal;
- result := 0;
-// IAudioPlayback
-function Tmedia_dummy.InitializePlayback: boolean;
- SetLength(DummyOutputDeviceList, 1);
- DummyOutputDeviceList[0] := TAudioOutputDevice.Create();
- DummyOutputDeviceList[0].Name := '[Dummy Device]';
- result := true;
-function Tmedia_dummy.FinalizePlayback: boolean;
- result := true;
-function Tmedia_dummy.GetOutputDeviceList(): TAudioOutputDeviceList;
- Result := DummyOutputDeviceList;
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.SetAppVolume(Volume: single);
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.SetVolume(Volume: single);
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.FadeIn(Time: real; TargetVolume: single);
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.Rewind;
-function Tmedia_dummy.Finished: boolean;
- result := false;
-function Tmedia_dummy.Length: real;
- Result := 60;
-function Tmedia_dummy.OpenSound(const Filename: string): TAudioPlaybackStream;
- result := nil;
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.PlaySound(stream: TAudioPlaybackStream);
-procedure Tmedia_dummy.StopSound(stream: TAudioPlaybackStream);
- singleton_dummy := Tmedia_dummy.create();
- AudioManager.add( singleton_dummy );
- AudioManager.Remove( singleton_dummy );
+unit UMedia_dummy;
+{< #############################################################################
+# FFmpeg support for UltraStar deluxe #
+# #
+# Created by b1indy #
+# based on 'An ffmpeg and SDL Tutorial' (http://www.dranger.com/ffmpeg/) #
+# #
+# http://www.mail-archive.com/fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org/msg09949.html #
+# http://www.nabble.com/file/p11795857/mpegpas01.zip #
+# #
+############################################################################## }
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ SysUtils,
+ math,
+ UMusic;
+ singleton_dummy : IVideoPlayback;
+ TMedia_dummy = class( TInterfacedObject, IVideoPlayback, IVideoVisualization, IAudioPlayback, IAudioInput )
+ private
+ DummyOutputDeviceList: TAudioOutputDeviceList;
+ public
+ constructor create();
+ function GetName: string;
+ procedure init();
+ function Open(const aFileName : string): boolean; // true if succeed
+ procedure Close;
+ procedure Play;
+ procedure Pause;
+ procedure Stop;
+ procedure SetPosition(Time: real);
+ function GetPosition: real;
+ procedure GetFrame(Time: Extended);
+ procedure DrawGL(Screen: integer);
+ // IAudioInput
+ function InitializeRecord: boolean;
+ function FinalizeRecord: boolean;
+ procedure CaptureStart;
+ procedure CaptureStop;
+ procedure GetFFTData(var data: TFFTData);
+ function GetPCMData(var data: TPCMData): Cardinal;
+ // IAudioPlayback
+ function InitializePlayback: boolean;
+ function FinalizePlayback: boolean;
+ function GetOutputDeviceList(): TAudioOutputDeviceList;
+ procedure FadeIn(Time: real; TargetVolume: single);
+ procedure SetAppVolume(Volume: single);
+ procedure SetVolume(Volume: single);
+ procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
+ procedure Rewind;
+ function Finished: boolean;
+ function Length: real;
+ function OpenSound(const Filename: string): TAudioPlaybackStream;
+ procedure PlaySound(stream: TAudioPlaybackStream);
+ procedure StopSound(stream: TAudioPlaybackStream);
+ end;
+function Tmedia_dummy.GetName: string;
+ result := 'dummy';
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.GetFrame(Time: Extended);
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.DrawGL(Screen: integer);
+constructor Tmedia_dummy.create();
+ inherited;
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.init();
+function Tmedia_dummy.Open(const aFileName : string): boolean; // true if succeed
+ result := false;
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.Close;
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.Play;
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.Pause;
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.Stop;
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.SetPosition(Time: real);
+function Tmedia_dummy.GetPosition: real;
+ result := 0;
+// IAudioInput
+function Tmedia_dummy.InitializeRecord: boolean;
+ result := true;
+function Tmedia_dummy.FinalizeRecord: boolean;
+ result := true;
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.CaptureStart;
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.CaptureStop;
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.GetFFTData(var data: TFFTData);
+function Tmedia_dummy.GetPCMData(var data: TPCMData): Cardinal;
+ result := 0;
+// IAudioPlayback
+function Tmedia_dummy.InitializePlayback: boolean;
+ SetLength(DummyOutputDeviceList, 1);
+ DummyOutputDeviceList[0] := TAudioOutputDevice.Create();
+ DummyOutputDeviceList[0].Name := '[Dummy Device]';
+ result := true;
+function Tmedia_dummy.FinalizePlayback: boolean;
+ result := true;
+function Tmedia_dummy.GetOutputDeviceList(): TAudioOutputDeviceList;
+ Result := DummyOutputDeviceList;
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.SetAppVolume(Volume: single);
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.SetVolume(Volume: single);
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.FadeIn(Time: real; TargetVolume: single);
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.Rewind;
+function Tmedia_dummy.Finished: boolean;
+ result := false;
+function Tmedia_dummy.Length: real;
+ Result := 60;
+function Tmedia_dummy.OpenSound(const Filename: string): TAudioPlaybackStream;
+ result := nil;
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.PlaySound(stream: TAudioPlaybackStream);
+procedure Tmedia_dummy.StopSound(stream: TAudioPlaybackStream);
+ singleton_dummy := Tmedia_dummy.create();
+ AudioManager.add( singleton_dummy );
+ AudioManager.Remove( singleton_dummy );
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UModules.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UModules.pas
index fe623343..554a24c4 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UModules.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UModules.pas
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-unit UModules;
-{$I switches.inc}
- UModules
- Unit Contains all used Modules in its uses clausel
- and a const with an array of all Modules to load
- UCoreModule,
- UPluginLoader;
- CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD: Array[0..2] of cCoreModule = (
- TPluginLoader, //First because it has to look if there are Module replacements (Feature o/t Future)
- TCoreModule, //Remove this later, just a dummy
- TtehPlugins //Represents the Plugins. Last because they may use CoreModules Services etc.
- );
+unit UModules;
+{$I switches.inc}
+ UModules
+ Unit Contains all used Modules in its uses clausel
+ and a const with an array of all Modules to load
+ UCoreModule,
+ UPluginLoader;
+ CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD: Array[0..2] of cCoreModule = (
+ TPluginLoader, //First because it has to look if there are Module replacements (Feature o/t Future)
+ TCoreModule, //Remove this later, just a dummy
+ TtehPlugins //Represents the Plugins. Last because they may use CoreModules Services etc.
+ );
end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UParty.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UParty.pas
index 5b9d2400..aac304f4 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UParty.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UParty.pas
@@ -1,618 +1,618 @@
-unit UParty;
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses UPartyDefs, UCoreModule, UPluginDefs;
- ARounds = Array [0..252] of Integer; //0..252 needed for
- PARounds = ^ARounds;
- TRoundInfo = record
- Modi: Cardinal;
- Winner: Byte;
- end;
- TeamOrderEntry = record
- Teamnum: Byte;
- Score: Byte;
- end;
- TeamOrderArray = Array[0..5] of Byte;
- TUS_ModiInfoEx = record
- Info: TUS_ModiInfo;
- Owner: Integer;
- TimesPlayed: Byte; //Helper for setting Round Plugins
- end;
- TPartySession = class (TCoreModule)
- private
- bPartyMode: Boolean; //Is this Party or Singleplayer
- CurRound: Byte;
- Modis: Array of TUS_ModiInfoEx;
- Teams: TTeamInfo;
- function IsWinner(Player, Winner: Byte): boolean;
- procedure GenScores;
- function GetRandomPlugin(TeamMode: Boolean): Cardinal;
- function GetRandomPlayer(Team: Byte): Byte;
- public
- //Teams: TTeamInfo;
- Rounds: array of TRoundInfo;
- //TCoreModule methods to inherit
- Constructor Create; override;
- Procedure Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo); override;
- Function Load: Boolean; override;
- Function Init: Boolean; override;
- Procedure DeInit; override;
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- //Register Modi Service
- Function RegisterModi(nothin: TwParam; pModiInfo: TlParam): integer; //Registers a new Modi. wParam: Pointer to TUS_ModiInfo
- //Start new Party
- Function StartParty(NumRounds: TwParam; PAofIRounds: TlParam): integer; //Starts new Party Mode. Returns Non Zero on Success
- Function GetCurModi(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Returns Pointer to Cur. Modis TUS_ModiInfo (to Use with Singscreen)
- Function StopParty(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Stops Party Mode. Returns 1 If Partymode was enabled before.
- Function NextRound(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Increases CurRound by 1; Returns num of Round or -1 if last Round is already played
- Function CallModiInit(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Calls CurModis Init Proc. If an Error occurs, Returns Nonzero. In this Case a New Plugin was Selected. Please renew Loading
- Function CallModiDeInit(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Calls DeInitProc and does the RoundEnding
- Function GetTeamInfo(wParam: TwParam; pTeamInfo: TlParam): integer; //Writes TTeamInfo Record to Pointer at lParam. Returns Zero on Success
- Function SetTeamInfo(wParam: TwParam; pTeamInfo: TlParam): integer; //Read TTeamInfo Record from Pointer at lParam. Returns Zero on Success
- Function GetTeamOrder(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Returns Team Order. Structure: Bits 1..3: Team at Place1; Bits 4..6: Team at Place2 ...
- Function GetWinnerString(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //wParam is Roundnum. If (Pointer = nil) then Return Length of the String. Otherwise Write the String to Address at lParam
- end;
- StandardModi = 0; //Modi ID that will be played in non party Mode
-uses UCore, UGraphic, UMain, ULanguage, ULog, SysUtils;
- TPluginLoader
- Implentation
-// Function that gives some Infos about the Module to the Core
-Procedure TPartySession.Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo);
- pInfo^.Name := 'TPartySession';
- pInfo^.Version := MakeVersion(1,0,0,chr(0));
- pInfo^.Description := 'Manages Party Modi and Party Game';
-// Just the Constructor
-Constructor TPartySession.Create;
- inherited;
- //UnSet PartyMode
- bPartyMode := False;
-//Is Called on Loading.
-//In this Method only Events and Services should be created
-//to offer them to other Modules or Plugins during the Init process
-//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
-Function TPartySession.Load: Boolean;
- //Add Register Party Modi Service
- Result := True;
- Core.Services.AddService('Party/RegisterModi', nil, Self.RegisterModi);
- Core.Services.AddService('Party/StartParty', nil, Self.StartParty);
- Core.Services.AddService('Party/GetCurModi', nil, Self.GetCurModi);
-//Is Called on Init Process
-//In this Method you can Hook some Events and Create + Init
-//your Classes, Variables etc.
-//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
-Function TPartySession.Init: Boolean;
- //Just set Prvate Var to true.
- Result := true;
-//Is Called if this Module has been Inited and there is a Exit.
-//Deinit is in backwards Initing Order
-Procedure TPartySession.DeInit;
- //Force DeInit
-//Is Called if this Module will be unloaded and has been created
-//Should be used to Free Memory
-Destructor TPartySession.Destroy;
- //Just save some Memory if it wasn't done now..
- SetLength(Modis, 0);
- inherited;
-// Registers a new Modi. wParam: Pointer to TUS_ModiInfo
-// Service for Plugins
-Function TPartySession.RegisterModi(nothin: TwParam; pModiInfo: TlParam): integer;
- Len: Integer;
- Info: PUS_ModiInfo;
- Info := PModiInfo;
- //Copy Info if cbSize is correct
- If (Info.cbSize = SizeOf(TUS_ModiInfo)) then
- begin
- Len := Length(Modis);
- SetLength(Modis, Len + 1);
- Modis[Len].Info := Info^;
- end
- else
- Core.ReportError(Integer(PChar('Plugins try to Register Modi with wrong Pointer, or wrong TUS_ModiInfo Record.')), PChar('TPartySession'));
-// Returns a Number of a Random Plugin
-Function TPartySession.GetRandomPlugin(TeamMode: Boolean): Cardinal;
- LowestTP: Byte;
- NumPwithLTP: Word;
- I: Integer;
- R: Word;
- Result := StandardModi; //If there are no matching Modis, Play StandardModi
- LowestTP := high(Byte);
- NumPwithLTP := 0;
- //Search for Plugins not often played yet
- For I := 0 to high(Modis) do
- begin
- if (Modis[I].TimesPlayed < lowestTP) And (((Modis[I].Info.LoadingSettings AND MLS_TeamOnly) <> 0) = TeamMode) then
- begin
- lowestTP := Modis[I].TimesPlayed;
- NumPwithLTP := 1;
- end
- else if (Modis[I].TimesPlayed = lowestTP) And (((Modis[I].Info.LoadingSettings AND MLS_TeamOnly) <> 0) = TeamMode) then
- begin
- Inc(NumPwithLTP);
- end;
- end;
- //Create Random No
- R := Random(NumPwithLTP);
- //Search for Random Plugin
- For I := 0 to high(Modis) do
- begin
- if (Modis[I].TimesPlayed = lowestTP) And (((Modis[I].Info.LoadingSettings AND MLS_TeamOnly) <> 0) = TeamMode) then
- begin
- //Plugin Found
- if (R = 0) then
- begin
- Result := I;
- Inc(Modis[I].TimesPlayed);
- Break;
- end;
- Dec(R);
- end;
- end;
-// Starts new Party Mode. Returns Non Zero on Success
-Function TPartySession.StartParty(NumRounds: TwParam; PAofIRounds: TlParam): integer;
- I: Integer;
- aiRounds: PARounds;
- TeamMode: Boolean;
- Result := 0;
- If (Teams.NumTeams >= 1) AND (NumRounds < High(Byte)-1) then
- begin
- bPartyMode := false;
- aiRounds := PAofIRounds;
- Try
- //Is this Teammode(More then one Player per Team) ?
- TeamMode := True;
- For I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
- TeamMode := TeamMode AND (Teams.Teaminfo[I].NumPlayers > 1);
- //Set Rounds
- SetLength(Rounds, NumRounds);
- For I := 0 to High(Rounds) do
- begin //Set Plugins
- If (aiRounds[I] = -1) then
- Rounds[I].Modi := GetRandomPlugin(TeamMode)
- Else If (aiRounds[I] >= 0) AND (aiRounds[I] <= High(Modis)) AND (TeamMode OR ((Modis[aiRounds[I]].Info.LoadingSettings AND MLS_TeamOnly) = 0)) then
- Rounds[I].Modi := aiRounds[I]
- Else
- Rounds[I].Modi := StandardModi;
- Rounds[I].Winner := High(Byte); //Set Winner to Not Played
- end;
- CurRound := High(Byte); //Set CurRound to not defined
- //Return teh true and Set PartyMode
- bPartyMode := True;
- Result := 1;
- Except
- Core.ReportError(Integer(PChar('Can''t start PartyMode.')), PChar('TPartySession'));
- end;
- end;
-// Returns Pointer to Cur. ModiInfoEx (to Use with Singscreen)
-Function TPartySession.GetCurModi(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- If (bPartyMode) AND (CurRound <= High(Rounds)) then
- begin //If PartyMode is enabled:
- //Return the Plugin of the Cur Round
- Result := Integer(@Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi]);
- end
- else
- begin //Return StandardModi
- Result := Integer(@Modis[StandardModi]);
- end;
-// Stops Party Mode. Returns 1 If Partymode was enabled before. And -1 if Change was not possible
-Function TPartySession.StopParty(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Result := -1;
- If (bPartyMode) then
- begin
- // to-do : Whit�: Check here if SingScreen is not Shown atm.
- bPartyMode := False;
- Result := 1;
- end
- else
- Result := 0;
-//GetRandomPlayer - Gives back a Random Player to Play next Round
-function TPartySession.GetRandomPlayer(Team: Byte): Byte;
- I, R: Integer;
- lowestTP: Byte;
- NumPwithLTP: Byte;
- LowestTP := high(Byte);
- NumPwithLTP := 0;
- Result := 0;
- //Search for Players that have not often played yet
- For I := 0 to Teams.Teaminfo[Team].NumPlayers-1 do
- begin
- if (Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Playerinfo[I].TimesPlayed < lowestTP) then
- begin
- lowestTP := Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Playerinfo[I].TimesPlayed;
- NumPwithLTP := 1;
- end
- else if (Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Playerinfo[I].TimesPlayed = lowestTP) then
- begin
- Inc(NumPwithLTP);
- end;
- end;
- //Create Random No
- R := Random(NumPwithLTP);
- //Search for Random Player
- For I := 0 to Teams.Teaminfo[Team].NumPlayers-1 do
- begin
- if Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Playerinfo[I].TimesPlayed = lowestTP then
- begin
- //Player Found
- if (R = 0) then
- begin
- Result := I;
- Break;
- end;
- Dec(R);
- end;
- end;
-// NextRound - Increases CurRound by 1; Returns num of Round or -1 if last Round is already played
-Function TPartySession.NextRound(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
-var I: Integer;
- If ((CurRound < high(Rounds)) OR (CurRound = high(CurRound))) then
- begin //everythings OK! -> Start the Round, maaaaan
- Inc(CurRound);
- //Set Players to play this Round
- for I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
- Teams.Teaminfo[I].CurPlayer := GetRandomPlayer(I);
- end
- else
- Result := -1;
-//IsWinner - Returns True if the Players Bit is set in the Winner Byte
-function TPartySession.IsWinner(Player, Winner: Byte): boolean;
- Bit: Byte;
- Bit := 1 shl Player;
- Result := ((Winner AND Bit) = Bit);
-//GenScores - Inc Scores for Cur. Round
-procedure TPartySession.GenScores;
- I: Byte;
- for I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
- begin
- if isWinner(I, Rounds[CurRound].Winner) then
- Inc(Teams.Teaminfo[I].Score);
- end;
-// CallModiInit - Calls CurModis Init Proc. If an Error occurs, Returns Nonzero. In this Case a New Plugin was Selected. Please renew Loading
-Function TPartySession.CallModiInit(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- If (not bPartyMode) then
- begin //Set Rounds if not in PartyMode
- SetLength(Rounds, 1);
- Rounds[0].Modi := StandardModi;
- Rounds[0].Winner := High(Byte);
- CurRound := 0;
- end;
- Try
- //Core.
- Except
- on E : Exception do
- begin
- Core.ReportError(Integer(PChar('Error starting Modi: ' + Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.Name + ' ErrorStr: ' + E.Message)), PChar('TPartySession'));
- If (Rounds[CurRound].Modi = StandardModi) then
- begin
- Core.ReportError(Integer(PChar('Can''t start StandardModi, will exit now!')), PChar('TPartySession'));
- Halt;
- end
- Else //Select StandardModi
- begin
- Rounds[CurRound].Modi := StandardModi
- end;
- end;
- End;
-// CallModiDeInit - Calls DeInitProc and does the RoundEnding
-Function TPartySession.CallModiDeInit(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- I: Integer;
- MaxScore: Word;
- If (bPartyMode) then
- begin
- //Get Winner Byte!
- if (@Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.ModiDeInit <> nil) then //get Winners from Plugin
- Rounds[CurRound].Winner := Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.ModiDeInit(Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.ID)
- else
- begin //Create winners by Score :/
- Rounds[CurRound].Winner := 0;
- MaxScore := 0;
- for I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
- begin
- // to-do : recode Percentage stuff
- //PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Percentage := PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score div 9999;
- if (Player[I].ScoreTotalInt > MaxScore) then
- begin
- MaxScore := Player[I].ScoreTotalInt;
- Rounds[CurRound].Winner := 1 shl I;
- end
- else if (Player[I].ScoreTotalInt = MaxScore) AND (Player[I].ScoreTotalInt <> 0) then
- begin
- Rounds[CurRound].Winner := Rounds[CurRound].Winner or (1 shl I);
- end;
- end;
- //When nobody has Points -> Everybody loose
- if (MaxScore = 0) then
- Rounds[CurRound].Winner := 0;
- end;
- //Generate teh Scores
- GenScores;
- //Inc Players TimesPlayed
- If ((Modis[Rounds[CurRound-1].Modi].Info.LoadingSettings AND MLS_IncTP) = MLS_IncTP) then
- begin
- For I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
- Inc(Teams.TeamInfo[I].Playerinfo[Teams.TeamInfo[I].CurPlayer].TimesPlayed);
- end;
- end
- else if (@Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.ModiDeInit <> nil) then
- Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.ModiDeInit(Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.ID);
-// GetTeamInfo - Writes TTeamInfo Record to Pointer at lParam. Returns Zero on Success
-Function TPartySession.GetTeamInfo(wParam: TwParam; pTeamInfo: TlParam): integer;
-var Info: ^TTeamInfo;
- Result := -1;
- Info := pTeamInfo;
- If (Info <> nil) then
- begin
- Try
- // to - do : Check Delphi memory management in this case
- //Not sure if i had to copy PChars to a new address or if delphi manages this o0
- Info^ := Teams;
- Result := 0;
- Except
- Result := -2;
- End;
- end;
-// SetTeamInfo - Read TTeamInfo Record from Pointer at lParam. Returns Zero on Success
-Function TPartySession.SetTeamInfo(wParam: TwParam; pTeamInfo: TlParam): integer;
- TeamInfobackup: TTeamInfo;
- Info: ^TTeamInfo;
- Result := -1;
- Info := pTeamInfo;
- If (Info <> nil) then
- begin
- Try
- TeamInfoBackup := Teams;
- // to - do : Check Delphi memory management in this case
- //Not sure if i had to copy PChars to a new address or if delphi manages this o0
- Teams := Info^;
- Result := 0;
- Except
- Teams := TeamInfoBackup;
- Result := -2;
- End;
- end;
-// GetTeamOrder - Returns Team Order. Structure: Bits 1..3: Team at Place1; Bits 4..6: Team at Place2 ...
-Function TPartySession.GetTeamOrder(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- I, J: Integer;
- ATeams: array [0..5] of TeamOrderEntry;
- TempTeam: TeamOrderEntry;
- // to-do : PartyMode: Write this in another way, so that teams with the same scire get the same Placing
- //Fill Team Array
- For I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
- begin
- ATeams[I].Teamnum := I;
- ATeams[I].Score := Teams.Teaminfo[I].Score;
- end;
- //Sort Teams
- for J := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
- for I := 1 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
- if ATeams[I].Score > ATeams[I-1].Score then
- begin
- TempTeam := ATeams[I-1];
- ATeams[I-1] := ATeams[I];
- ATeams[I] := TempTeam;
- end;
- //Copy to Result
- Result := 0;
- For I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
- Result := Result or (ATeams[I].TeamNum Shl I*3);
-// GetWinnerString - wParam is Roundnum. If (Pointer = nil) then Return Length of the String. Otherwise Write the String to Address at lParam
-Function TPartySession.GetWinnerString(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Winners: Array of String;
- I: Integer;
- ResultStr: String;
- S: ^String;
- ResultStr := Language.Translate('PARTY_NOBODY');
- if (wParam <= High(Rounds)) then
- begin
- if (Rounds[wParam].Winner <> 0) then
- begin
- if (Rounds[wParam].Winner = 255) then
- begin
- ResultStr := Language.Translate('PARTY_NOTPLAYEDYET');
- end
- else
- begin
- SetLength(Winners, 0);
- for I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
- begin
- if isWinner(I, Rounds[wParam].Winner) then
- begin
- SetLength(Winners, Length(Winners) + 1);
- Winners[high(Winners)] := Teams.TeamInfo[I].Name;
- end;
- end;
- ResultStr := Language.Implode(Winners);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //Now Return what we have got
- If (lParam = nil) then
- begin //ReturnString Length
- Result := Length(ResultStr);
- end
- Else
- begin //Return String
- Try
- S := lParam;
- S^ := ResultStr;
- Result := 0;
- Except
- Result := -1;
- End;
- end;
+unit UParty;
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses UPartyDefs, UCoreModule, UPluginDefs;
+ ARounds = Array [0..252] of Integer; //0..252 needed for
+ PARounds = ^ARounds;
+ TRoundInfo = record
+ Modi: Cardinal;
+ Winner: Byte;
+ end;
+ TeamOrderEntry = record
+ Teamnum: Byte;
+ Score: Byte;
+ end;
+ TeamOrderArray = Array[0..5] of Byte;
+ TUS_ModiInfoEx = record
+ Info: TUS_ModiInfo;
+ Owner: Integer;
+ TimesPlayed: Byte; //Helper for setting Round Plugins
+ end;
+ TPartySession = class (TCoreModule)
+ private
+ bPartyMode: Boolean; //Is this Party or Singleplayer
+ CurRound: Byte;
+ Modis: Array of TUS_ModiInfoEx;
+ Teams: TTeamInfo;
+ function IsWinner(Player, Winner: Byte): boolean;
+ procedure GenScores;
+ function GetRandomPlugin(TeamMode: Boolean): Cardinal;
+ function GetRandomPlayer(Team: Byte): Byte;
+ public
+ //Teams: TTeamInfo;
+ Rounds: array of TRoundInfo;
+ //TCoreModule methods to inherit
+ Constructor Create; override;
+ Procedure Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo); override;
+ Function Load: Boolean; override;
+ Function Init: Boolean; override;
+ Procedure DeInit; override;
+ Destructor Destroy; override;
+ //Register Modi Service
+ Function RegisterModi(nothin: TwParam; pModiInfo: TlParam): integer; //Registers a new Modi. wParam: Pointer to TUS_ModiInfo
+ //Start new Party
+ Function StartParty(NumRounds: TwParam; PAofIRounds: TlParam): integer; //Starts new Party Mode. Returns Non Zero on Success
+ Function GetCurModi(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Returns Pointer to Cur. Modis TUS_ModiInfo (to Use with Singscreen)
+ Function StopParty(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Stops Party Mode. Returns 1 If Partymode was enabled before.
+ Function NextRound(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Increases CurRound by 1; Returns num of Round or -1 if last Round is already played
+ Function CallModiInit(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Calls CurModis Init Proc. If an Error occurs, Returns Nonzero. In this Case a New Plugin was Selected. Please renew Loading
+ Function CallModiDeInit(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Calls DeInitProc and does the RoundEnding
+ Function GetTeamInfo(wParam: TwParam; pTeamInfo: TlParam): integer; //Writes TTeamInfo Record to Pointer at lParam. Returns Zero on Success
+ Function SetTeamInfo(wParam: TwParam; pTeamInfo: TlParam): integer; //Read TTeamInfo Record from Pointer at lParam. Returns Zero on Success
+ Function GetTeamOrder(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Returns Team Order. Structure: Bits 1..3: Team at Place1; Bits 4..6: Team at Place2 ...
+ Function GetWinnerString(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //wParam is Roundnum. If (Pointer = nil) then Return Length of the String. Otherwise Write the String to Address at lParam
+ end;
+ StandardModi = 0; //Modi ID that will be played in non party Mode
+uses UCore, UGraphic, UMain, ULanguage, ULog, SysUtils;
+ TPluginLoader
+ Implentation
+// Function that gives some Infos about the Module to the Core
+Procedure TPartySession.Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo);
+ pInfo^.Name := 'TPartySession';
+ pInfo^.Version := MakeVersion(1,0,0,chr(0));
+ pInfo^.Description := 'Manages Party Modi and Party Game';
+// Just the Constructor
+Constructor TPartySession.Create;
+ inherited;
+ //UnSet PartyMode
+ bPartyMode := False;
+//Is Called on Loading.
+//In this Method only Events and Services should be created
+//to offer them to other Modules or Plugins during the Init process
+//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
+Function TPartySession.Load: Boolean;
+ //Add Register Party Modi Service
+ Result := True;
+ Core.Services.AddService('Party/RegisterModi', nil, Self.RegisterModi);
+ Core.Services.AddService('Party/StartParty', nil, Self.StartParty);
+ Core.Services.AddService('Party/GetCurModi', nil, Self.GetCurModi);
+//Is Called on Init Process
+//In this Method you can Hook some Events and Create + Init
+//your Classes, Variables etc.
+//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
+Function TPartySession.Init: Boolean;
+ //Just set Prvate Var to true.
+ Result := true;
+//Is Called if this Module has been Inited and there is a Exit.
+//Deinit is in backwards Initing Order
+Procedure TPartySession.DeInit;
+ //Force DeInit
+//Is Called if this Module will be unloaded and has been created
+//Should be used to Free Memory
+Destructor TPartySession.Destroy;
+ //Just save some Memory if it wasn't done now..
+ SetLength(Modis, 0);
+ inherited;
+// Registers a new Modi. wParam: Pointer to TUS_ModiInfo
+// Service for Plugins
+Function TPartySession.RegisterModi(nothin: TwParam; pModiInfo: TlParam): integer;
+ Len: Integer;
+ Info: PUS_ModiInfo;
+ Info := PModiInfo;
+ //Copy Info if cbSize is correct
+ If (Info.cbSize = SizeOf(TUS_ModiInfo)) then
+ begin
+ Len := Length(Modis);
+ SetLength(Modis, Len + 1);
+ Modis[Len].Info := Info^;
+ end
+ else
+ Core.ReportError(Integer(PChar('Plugins try to Register Modi with wrong Pointer, or wrong TUS_ModiInfo Record.')), PChar('TPartySession'));
+// Returns a Number of a Random Plugin
+Function TPartySession.GetRandomPlugin(TeamMode: Boolean): Cardinal;
+ LowestTP: Byte;
+ NumPwithLTP: Word;
+ I: Integer;
+ R: Word;
+ Result := StandardModi; //If there are no matching Modis, Play StandardModi
+ LowestTP := high(Byte);
+ NumPwithLTP := 0;
+ //Search for Plugins not often played yet
+ For I := 0 to high(Modis) do
+ begin
+ if (Modis[I].TimesPlayed < lowestTP) And (((Modis[I].Info.LoadingSettings AND MLS_TeamOnly) <> 0) = TeamMode) then
+ begin
+ lowestTP := Modis[I].TimesPlayed;
+ NumPwithLTP := 1;
+ end
+ else if (Modis[I].TimesPlayed = lowestTP) And (((Modis[I].Info.LoadingSettings AND MLS_TeamOnly) <> 0) = TeamMode) then
+ begin
+ Inc(NumPwithLTP);
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Create Random No
+ R := Random(NumPwithLTP);
+ //Search for Random Plugin
+ For I := 0 to high(Modis) do
+ begin
+ if (Modis[I].TimesPlayed = lowestTP) And (((Modis[I].Info.LoadingSettings AND MLS_TeamOnly) <> 0) = TeamMode) then
+ begin
+ //Plugin Found
+ if (R = 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := I;
+ Inc(Modis[I].TimesPlayed);
+ Break;
+ end;
+ Dec(R);
+ end;
+ end;
+// Starts new Party Mode. Returns Non Zero on Success
+Function TPartySession.StartParty(NumRounds: TwParam; PAofIRounds: TlParam): integer;
+ I: Integer;
+ aiRounds: PARounds;
+ TeamMode: Boolean;
+ Result := 0;
+ If (Teams.NumTeams >= 1) AND (NumRounds < High(Byte)-1) then
+ begin
+ bPartyMode := false;
+ aiRounds := PAofIRounds;
+ Try
+ //Is this Teammode(More then one Player per Team) ?
+ TeamMode := True;
+ For I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
+ TeamMode := TeamMode AND (Teams.Teaminfo[I].NumPlayers > 1);
+ //Set Rounds
+ SetLength(Rounds, NumRounds);
+ For I := 0 to High(Rounds) do
+ begin //Set Plugins
+ If (aiRounds[I] = -1) then
+ Rounds[I].Modi := GetRandomPlugin(TeamMode)
+ Else If (aiRounds[I] >= 0) AND (aiRounds[I] <= High(Modis)) AND (TeamMode OR ((Modis[aiRounds[I]].Info.LoadingSettings AND MLS_TeamOnly) = 0)) then
+ Rounds[I].Modi := aiRounds[I]
+ Else
+ Rounds[I].Modi := StandardModi;
+ Rounds[I].Winner := High(Byte); //Set Winner to Not Played
+ end;
+ CurRound := High(Byte); //Set CurRound to not defined
+ //Return teh true and Set PartyMode
+ bPartyMode := True;
+ Result := 1;
+ Except
+ Core.ReportError(Integer(PChar('Can''t start PartyMode.')), PChar('TPartySession'));
+ end;
+ end;
+// Returns Pointer to Cur. ModiInfoEx (to Use with Singscreen)
+Function TPartySession.GetCurModi(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ If (bPartyMode) AND (CurRound <= High(Rounds)) then
+ begin //If PartyMode is enabled:
+ //Return the Plugin of the Cur Round
+ Result := Integer(@Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi]);
+ end
+ else
+ begin //Return StandardModi
+ Result := Integer(@Modis[StandardModi]);
+ end;
+// Stops Party Mode. Returns 1 If Partymode was enabled before. And -1 if Change was not possible
+Function TPartySession.StopParty(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Result := -1;
+ If (bPartyMode) then
+ begin
+ // to-do : Whit�: Check here if SingScreen is not Shown atm.
+ bPartyMode := False;
+ Result := 1;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+//GetRandomPlayer - Gives back a Random Player to Play next Round
+function TPartySession.GetRandomPlayer(Team: Byte): Byte;
+ I, R: Integer;
+ lowestTP: Byte;
+ NumPwithLTP: Byte;
+ LowestTP := high(Byte);
+ NumPwithLTP := 0;
+ Result := 0;
+ //Search for Players that have not often played yet
+ For I := 0 to Teams.Teaminfo[Team].NumPlayers-1 do
+ begin
+ if (Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Playerinfo[I].TimesPlayed < lowestTP) then
+ begin
+ lowestTP := Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Playerinfo[I].TimesPlayed;
+ NumPwithLTP := 1;
+ end
+ else if (Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Playerinfo[I].TimesPlayed = lowestTP) then
+ begin
+ Inc(NumPwithLTP);
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Create Random No
+ R := Random(NumPwithLTP);
+ //Search for Random Player
+ For I := 0 to Teams.Teaminfo[Team].NumPlayers-1 do
+ begin
+ if Teams.Teaminfo[Team].Playerinfo[I].TimesPlayed = lowestTP then
+ begin
+ //Player Found
+ if (R = 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := I;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ Dec(R);
+ end;
+ end;
+// NextRound - Increases CurRound by 1; Returns num of Round or -1 if last Round is already played
+Function TPartySession.NextRound(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+var I: Integer;
+ If ((CurRound < high(Rounds)) OR (CurRound = high(CurRound))) then
+ begin //everythings OK! -> Start the Round, maaaaan
+ Inc(CurRound);
+ //Set Players to play this Round
+ for I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
+ Teams.Teaminfo[I].CurPlayer := GetRandomPlayer(I);
+ end
+ else
+ Result := -1;
+//IsWinner - Returns True if the Players Bit is set in the Winner Byte
+function TPartySession.IsWinner(Player, Winner: Byte): boolean;
+ Bit: Byte;
+ Bit := 1 shl Player;
+ Result := ((Winner AND Bit) = Bit);
+//GenScores - Inc Scores for Cur. Round
+procedure TPartySession.GenScores;
+ I: Byte;
+ for I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
+ begin
+ if isWinner(I, Rounds[CurRound].Winner) then
+ Inc(Teams.Teaminfo[I].Score);
+ end;
+// CallModiInit - Calls CurModis Init Proc. If an Error occurs, Returns Nonzero. In this Case a New Plugin was Selected. Please renew Loading
+Function TPartySession.CallModiInit(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ If (not bPartyMode) then
+ begin //Set Rounds if not in PartyMode
+ SetLength(Rounds, 1);
+ Rounds[0].Modi := StandardModi;
+ Rounds[0].Winner := High(Byte);
+ CurRound := 0;
+ end;
+ Try
+ //Core.
+ Except
+ on E : Exception do
+ begin
+ Core.ReportError(Integer(PChar('Error starting Modi: ' + Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.Name + ' ErrorStr: ' + E.Message)), PChar('TPartySession'));
+ If (Rounds[CurRound].Modi = StandardModi) then
+ begin
+ Core.ReportError(Integer(PChar('Can''t start StandardModi, will exit now!')), PChar('TPartySession'));
+ Halt;
+ end
+ Else //Select StandardModi
+ begin
+ Rounds[CurRound].Modi := StandardModi
+ end;
+ end;
+ End;
+// CallModiDeInit - Calls DeInitProc and does the RoundEnding
+Function TPartySession.CallModiDeInit(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ I: Integer;
+ MaxScore: Word;
+ If (bPartyMode) then
+ begin
+ //Get Winner Byte!
+ if (@Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.ModiDeInit <> nil) then //get Winners from Plugin
+ Rounds[CurRound].Winner := Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.ModiDeInit(Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.ID)
+ else
+ begin //Create winners by Score :/
+ Rounds[CurRound].Winner := 0;
+ MaxScore := 0;
+ for I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
+ begin
+ // to-do : recode Percentage stuff
+ //PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Percentage := PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score div 9999;
+ if (Player[I].ScoreTotalInt > MaxScore) then
+ begin
+ MaxScore := Player[I].ScoreTotalInt;
+ Rounds[CurRound].Winner := 1 shl I;
+ end
+ else if (Player[I].ScoreTotalInt = MaxScore) AND (Player[I].ScoreTotalInt <> 0) then
+ begin
+ Rounds[CurRound].Winner := Rounds[CurRound].Winner or (1 shl I);
+ end;
+ end;
+ //When nobody has Points -> Everybody loose
+ if (MaxScore = 0) then
+ Rounds[CurRound].Winner := 0;
+ end;
+ //Generate teh Scores
+ GenScores;
+ //Inc Players TimesPlayed
+ If ((Modis[Rounds[CurRound-1].Modi].Info.LoadingSettings AND MLS_IncTP) = MLS_IncTP) then
+ begin
+ For I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
+ Inc(Teams.TeamInfo[I].Playerinfo[Teams.TeamInfo[I].CurPlayer].TimesPlayed);
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (@Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.ModiDeInit <> nil) then
+ Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.ModiDeInit(Modis[Rounds[CurRound].Modi].Info.ID);
+// GetTeamInfo - Writes TTeamInfo Record to Pointer at lParam. Returns Zero on Success
+Function TPartySession.GetTeamInfo(wParam: TwParam; pTeamInfo: TlParam): integer;
+var Info: ^TTeamInfo;
+ Result := -1;
+ Info := pTeamInfo;
+ If (Info <> nil) then
+ begin
+ Try
+ // to - do : Check Delphi memory management in this case
+ //Not sure if i had to copy PChars to a new address or if delphi manages this o0
+ Info^ := Teams;
+ Result := 0;
+ Except
+ Result := -2;
+ End;
+ end;
+// SetTeamInfo - Read TTeamInfo Record from Pointer at lParam. Returns Zero on Success
+Function TPartySession.SetTeamInfo(wParam: TwParam; pTeamInfo: TlParam): integer;
+ TeamInfobackup: TTeamInfo;
+ Info: ^TTeamInfo;
+ Result := -1;
+ Info := pTeamInfo;
+ If (Info <> nil) then
+ begin
+ Try
+ TeamInfoBackup := Teams;
+ // to - do : Check Delphi memory management in this case
+ //Not sure if i had to copy PChars to a new address or if delphi manages this o0
+ Teams := Info^;
+ Result := 0;
+ Except
+ Teams := TeamInfoBackup;
+ Result := -2;
+ End;
+ end;
+// GetTeamOrder - Returns Team Order. Structure: Bits 1..3: Team at Place1; Bits 4..6: Team at Place2 ...
+Function TPartySession.GetTeamOrder(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ I, J: Integer;
+ ATeams: array [0..5] of TeamOrderEntry;
+ TempTeam: TeamOrderEntry;
+ // to-do : PartyMode: Write this in another way, so that teams with the same scire get the same Placing
+ //Fill Team Array
+ For I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
+ begin
+ ATeams[I].Teamnum := I;
+ ATeams[I].Score := Teams.Teaminfo[I].Score;
+ end;
+ //Sort Teams
+ for J := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
+ for I := 1 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
+ if ATeams[I].Score > ATeams[I-1].Score then
+ begin
+ TempTeam := ATeams[I-1];
+ ATeams[I-1] := ATeams[I];
+ ATeams[I] := TempTeam;
+ end;
+ //Copy to Result
+ Result := 0;
+ For I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
+ Result := Result or (ATeams[I].TeamNum Shl I*3);
+// GetWinnerString - wParam is Roundnum. If (Pointer = nil) then Return Length of the String. Otherwise Write the String to Address at lParam
+Function TPartySession.GetWinnerString(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Winners: Array of String;
+ I: Integer;
+ ResultStr: String;
+ S: ^String;
+ ResultStr := Language.Translate('PARTY_NOBODY');
+ if (wParam <= High(Rounds)) then
+ begin
+ if (Rounds[wParam].Winner <> 0) then
+ begin
+ if (Rounds[wParam].Winner = 255) then
+ begin
+ ResultStr := Language.Translate('PARTY_NOTPLAYEDYET');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ SetLength(Winners, 0);
+ for I := 0 to Teams.NumTeams-1 do
+ begin
+ if isWinner(I, Rounds[wParam].Winner) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Winners, Length(Winners) + 1);
+ Winners[high(Winners)] := Teams.TeamInfo[I].Name;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ResultStr := Language.Implode(Winners);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Now Return what we have got
+ If (lParam = nil) then
+ begin //ReturnString Length
+ Result := Length(ResultStr);
+ end
+ Else
+ begin //Return String
+ Try
+ S := lParam;
+ S^ := ResultStr;
+ Result := 0;
+ Except
+ Result := -1;
+ End;
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformWindows.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformWindows.pas
index 18cbebcb..3f9eb56b 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformWindows.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformWindows.pas
@@ -1,226 +1,226 @@
-unit UPlatformWindows;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses Classes,
- UPlatform;
- TPlatformWindows = class( TInterfacedObject, IPlatform)
- public
- Function DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter : WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs : Boolean) : TDirectoryEntryArray;
- function TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle : String) : Boolean;
- function GetGamePath: WideString;
- function FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: widestring): widestring;
- procedure Halt;
- function GetLogPath : WideString;
- function GetGameSharedPath : WideString;
- function GetGameUserPath : WideString;
- end;
-uses SysUtils,
- Windows;
- TSearchRecW = record
- Time: Integer;
- Size: Integer;
- Attr: Integer;
- Name: WideString;
- ExcludeAttr: Integer;
- FindHandle: THandle;
- FindData: TWin32FindDataW;
- end;
-function FindFirstW(const Path: WideString; Attr: Integer; var F: TSearchRecW): Integer; forward;
-function FindNextW(var F: TSearchRecW): Integer; forward;
-procedure FindCloseW(var F: TSearchRecW); forward;
-function FindMatchingFileW(var F: TSearchRecW): Integer; forward;
-function DirectoryExistsW(const Directory: widestring): Boolean; forward;
-function FindFirstW(const Path: widestring; Attr: Integer; var F: TSearchRecW): Integer;
- faSpecial = faHidden or faSysFile or faVolumeID or faDirectory;
- F.ExcludeAttr := not Attr and faSpecial;
-{$IFDEF Delphi}
- F.FindHandle := FindFirstFileW(PWideChar(Path), F.FindData);
- F.FindHandle := FindFirstFileW(PWideChar(Path), @F.FindData);
- if F.FindHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- begin
- Result := FindMatchingFileW(F);
- if Result <> 0 then FindCloseW(F);
- end else
- Result := GetLastError;
-function FindNextW(var F: TSearchRecW): Integer;
-{$IFDEF Delphi}
- if FindNextFileW(F.FindHandle, F.FindData) then
- if FindNextFileW(F.FindHandle, @F.FindData) then
- Result := FindMatchingFileW(F)
- else
- Result := GetLastError;
-procedure FindCloseW(var F: TSearchRecW);
- if F.FindHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- begin
- Windows.FindClose(F.FindHandle);
- end;
-function FindMatchingFileW(var F: TSearchRecW): Integer;
- LocalFileTime: TFileTime;
- with F do
- begin
- while FindData.dwFileAttributes and ExcludeAttr <> 0 do
-{$IFDEF Delphi}
- if not FindNextFileW(FindHandle, FindData) then
- if not FindNextFileW(FindHandle, @FindData) then
- begin
- Result := GetLastError;
- Exit;
- end;
- FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FindData.ftLastWriteTime, LocalFileTime);
- FileTimeToDosDateTime(LocalFileTime, LongRec(Time).Hi, LongRec(Time).Lo);
- Size := FindData.nFileSizeLow;
- Attr := FindData.dwFileAttributes;
- Name := FindData.cFileName;
- end;
- Result := 0;
-function DirectoryExistsW(const Directory: widestring): Boolean;
- Code: Integer;
- Code := GetFileAttributesW(PWideChar(Directory));
- Result := (Code <> -1) and (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY and Code <> 0);
-//Start more than One Time Prevention
-function TPlatformWindows.TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle : String) : Boolean;
- hWnd: THandle;
- I: Integer;
- Result := false;
- hWnd:= FindWindow(nil, PChar(WndTitle));
- //Programm already started
- if (hWnd <> 0) then
- begin
- I := Messagebox(0, PChar('Another Instance of Ultrastar is already running. Continue ?'), PChar(WndTitle), MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO);
- if (I = IDYes) then
- begin
- I := 1;
- repeat
- Inc(I);
- hWnd := FindWindow(nil, PChar(WndTitle + ' Instance ' + InttoStr(I)));
- until (hWnd = 0);
- WndTitle := WndTitle + ' Instance ' + InttoStr(I);
- end
- else
- Result := true;
- end;
-Function TPlatformWindows.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter : WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs : Boolean) : TDirectoryEntryArray;
- i : Integer;
- SR : TSearchRecW;
- lAttrib : Integer;
- i := 0;
- Filter := LowerCase(Filter);
- if FindFirstW(Dir + '*', faAnyFile or faDirectory, SR) = 0 then
- repeat
- if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
- begin
- lAttrib := FileGetAttr(Dir + SR.name);
- if ReturnAllSubDirs and ((lAttrib and faDirectory) <> 0) then
- begin
- SetLength( Result, i + 1);
- Result[i].Name := SR.name;
- Result[i].IsDirectory := true;
- Result[i].IsFile := false;
- i := i + 1;
- end
- else if (Length(Filter) = 0) or (Pos( Filter, LowerCase(SR.Name)) > 0) then
- begin
- SetLength( Result, i + 1);
- Result[i].Name := SR.Name;
- Result[i].IsDirectory := false;
- Result[i].IsFile := true;
- i := i + 1;
- end;
- end;
- until FindNextW(SR) <> 0;
- FindCloseW(SR);
-function TPlatformWindows.GetGamePath: WideString;
- // Windows and Linux use this:
- Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
-procedure TPlatformWindows.Halt;
- System.Halt; // Application.terminate does NOT do the same thing..
-function TPlatformWindows.GetLogPath : WideString;
- result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
-function TPlatformWindows.GetGameSharedPath : WideString;
- result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
-function TPlatformWindows.GetGameUserPath : WideString;
- result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
-function TPlatformWindows.FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: widestring): widestring;
- SR: TSearchRec; // for parsing song directory
- Result := '';
- if SysUtils.FindFirst(Dir + Mask, faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin
- Result := SR.Name;
- end; // if
- SysUtils.FindClose(SR);
+unit UPlatformWindows;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses Classes,
+ UPlatform;
+ TPlatformWindows = class( TInterfacedObject, IPlatform)
+ public
+ Function DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter : WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs : Boolean) : TDirectoryEntryArray;
+ function TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle : String) : Boolean;
+ function GetGamePath: WideString;
+ function FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: widestring): widestring;
+ procedure Halt;
+ function GetLogPath : WideString;
+ function GetGameSharedPath : WideString;
+ function GetGameUserPath : WideString;
+ end;
+uses SysUtils,
+ Windows;
+ TSearchRecW = record
+ Time: Integer;
+ Size: Integer;
+ Attr: Integer;
+ Name: WideString;
+ ExcludeAttr: Integer;
+ FindHandle: THandle;
+ FindData: TWin32FindDataW;
+ end;
+function FindFirstW(const Path: WideString; Attr: Integer; var F: TSearchRecW): Integer; forward;
+function FindNextW(var F: TSearchRecW): Integer; forward;
+procedure FindCloseW(var F: TSearchRecW); forward;
+function FindMatchingFileW(var F: TSearchRecW): Integer; forward;
+function DirectoryExistsW(const Directory: widestring): Boolean; forward;
+function FindFirstW(const Path: widestring; Attr: Integer; var F: TSearchRecW): Integer;
+ faSpecial = faHidden or faSysFile or faVolumeID or faDirectory;
+ F.ExcludeAttr := not Attr and faSpecial;
+{$IFDEF Delphi}
+ F.FindHandle := FindFirstFileW(PWideChar(Path), F.FindData);
+ F.FindHandle := FindFirstFileW(PWideChar(Path), @F.FindData);
+ if F.FindHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
+ begin
+ Result := FindMatchingFileW(F);
+ if Result <> 0 then FindCloseW(F);
+ end else
+ Result := GetLastError;
+function FindNextW(var F: TSearchRecW): Integer;
+{$IFDEF Delphi}
+ if FindNextFileW(F.FindHandle, F.FindData) then
+ if FindNextFileW(F.FindHandle, @F.FindData) then
+ Result := FindMatchingFileW(F)
+ else
+ Result := GetLastError;
+procedure FindCloseW(var F: TSearchRecW);
+ if F.FindHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
+ begin
+ Windows.FindClose(F.FindHandle);
+ end;
+function FindMatchingFileW(var F: TSearchRecW): Integer;
+ LocalFileTime: TFileTime;
+ with F do
+ begin
+ while FindData.dwFileAttributes and ExcludeAttr <> 0 do
+{$IFDEF Delphi}
+ if not FindNextFileW(FindHandle, FindData) then
+ if not FindNextFileW(FindHandle, @FindData) then
+ begin
+ Result := GetLastError;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FindData.ftLastWriteTime, LocalFileTime);
+ FileTimeToDosDateTime(LocalFileTime, LongRec(Time).Hi, LongRec(Time).Lo);
+ Size := FindData.nFileSizeLow;
+ Attr := FindData.dwFileAttributes;
+ Name := FindData.cFileName;
+ end;
+ Result := 0;
+function DirectoryExistsW(const Directory: widestring): Boolean;
+ Code: Integer;
+ Code := GetFileAttributesW(PWideChar(Directory));
+ Result := (Code <> -1) and (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY and Code <> 0);
+//Start more than One Time Prevention
+function TPlatformWindows.TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle : String) : Boolean;
+ hWnd: THandle;
+ I: Integer;
+ Result := false;
+ hWnd:= FindWindow(nil, PChar(WndTitle));
+ //Programm already started
+ if (hWnd <> 0) then
+ begin
+ I := Messagebox(0, PChar('Another Instance of Ultrastar is already running. Continue ?'), PChar(WndTitle), MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO);
+ if (I = IDYes) then
+ begin
+ I := 1;
+ repeat
+ Inc(I);
+ hWnd := FindWindow(nil, PChar(WndTitle + ' Instance ' + InttoStr(I)));
+ until (hWnd = 0);
+ WndTitle := WndTitle + ' Instance ' + InttoStr(I);
+ end
+ else
+ Result := true;
+ end;
+Function TPlatformWindows.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter : WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs : Boolean) : TDirectoryEntryArray;
+ i : Integer;
+ SR : TSearchRecW;
+ lAttrib : Integer;
+ i := 0;
+ Filter := LowerCase(Filter);
+ if FindFirstW(Dir + '*', faAnyFile or faDirectory, SR) = 0 then
+ repeat
+ if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
+ begin
+ lAttrib := FileGetAttr(Dir + SR.name);
+ if ReturnAllSubDirs and ((lAttrib and faDirectory) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength( Result, i + 1);
+ Result[i].Name := SR.name;
+ Result[i].IsDirectory := true;
+ Result[i].IsFile := false;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end
+ else if (Length(Filter) = 0) or (Pos( Filter, LowerCase(SR.Name)) > 0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength( Result, i + 1);
+ Result[i].Name := SR.Name;
+ Result[i].IsDirectory := false;
+ Result[i].IsFile := true;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ until FindNextW(SR) <> 0;
+ FindCloseW(SR);
+function TPlatformWindows.GetGamePath: WideString;
+ // Windows and Linux use this:
+ Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
+procedure TPlatformWindows.Halt;
+ System.Halt; // Application.terminate does NOT do the same thing..
+function TPlatformWindows.GetLogPath : WideString;
+ result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
+function TPlatformWindows.GetGameSharedPath : WideString;
+ result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
+function TPlatformWindows.GetGameUserPath : WideString;
+ result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
+function TPlatformWindows.FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: widestring): widestring;
+ SR: TSearchRec; // for parsing song directory
+ Result := '';
+ if SysUtils.FindFirst(Dir + Mask, faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin
+ Result := SR.Name;
+ end; // if
+ SysUtils.FindClose(SR);
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UPluginInterface.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UPluginInterface.pas
index 6a83d7c3..77693d0f 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UPluginInterface.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UPluginInterface.pas
@@ -1,156 +1,156 @@
-unit uPluginInterface;
- uPluginInterface
- Unit fills a TPluginInterface Structur with Method Pointers
- Unit Contains all Functions called directly by Plugins
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses uPluginDefs;
-// Methods for Plugin
- {******** Hook specific Methods ********}
- {Function Creates a new Hookable Event and Returns the Handle
- or 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)}
- Function CreateHookableEvent (EventName: PChar): THandle; stdcall;
- {Function Destroys an Event and Unhooks all Hooks to this Event.
- 0 on success, not 0 on Failure}
- Function DestroyHookableEvent (hEvent: THandle): integer; stdcall;
- {Function start calling the Hook Chain
- 0 if Chain is called until the End, -1 if Event Handle is not valid
- otherwise Return Value of the Hook that breaks the Chain}
- Function NotivyEventHooks (hEvent: THandle; wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
- {Function Hooks an Event by Name.
- Returns Hook Handle on Success, otherwise 0}
- Function HookEvent (EventName: PChar; HookProc: TUS_Hook): THandle; stdcall;
- {Function Removes the Hook from the Chain
- Returns 0 on Success}
- Function UnHookEvent (hHook: THandle): Integer; stdcall;
- {Function Returns Non Zero if a Event with the given Name Exists,
- otherwise 0}
- Function EventExists (EventName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
- {******** Service specific Methods ********}
- {Function Creates a new Service and Returns the Services Handle
- or 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)}
- Function CreateService (ServiceName: PChar; ServiceProc: TUS_Service): THandle; stdcall;
- {Function Destroys a Service.
- 0 on success, not 0 on Failure}
- Function DestroyService (hService: THandle): integer; stdcall;
- {Function Calls a Services Proc
- Returns Services Return Value or SERVICE_NOT_FOUND on Failure}
- Function CallService (ServiceName: PChar; wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
- {Function Returns Non Zero if a Service with the given Name Exists,
- otherwise 0}
- Function ServiceExists (ServiceName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
-uses UCore;
-{******** Hook specific Methods ********}
-// Function Creates a new Hookable Event and Returns the Handle
-// or 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)
-Function CreateHookableEvent (EventName: PChar): THandle; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Hooks.AddEvent(EventName);
-// Function Destroys an Event and Unhooks all Hooks to this Event.
-// 0 on success, not 0 on Failure
-Function DestroyHookableEvent (hEvent: THandle): integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Hooks.DelEvent(hEvent);
-// Function start calling the Hook Chain
-// 0 if Chain is called until the End, -1 if Event Handle is not valid
-// otherwise Return Value of the Hook that breaks the Chain
-Function NotivyEventHooks (hEvent: THandle; wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Hooks.CallEventChain(hEvent, wParam, lParam);
-// Function Hooks an Event by Name.
-// Returns Hook Handle on Success, otherwise 0
-Function HookEvent (EventName: PChar; HookProc: TUS_Hook): THandle; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Hooks.AddSubscriber(EventName, HookProc);
-// Function Removes the Hook from the Chain
-// Returns 0 on Success
-Function UnHookEvent (hHook: THandle): Integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Hooks.DelSubscriber(hHook);
-// Function Returns Non Zero if a Event with the given Name Exists,
-// otherwise 0
-Function EventExists (EventName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Hooks.EventExists(EventName);
- {******** Service specific Methods ********}
-// Function Creates a new Service and Returns the Services Handle
-// or 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)
-Function CreateService (ServiceName: PChar; ServiceProc: TUS_Service): THandle; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Services.AddService(ServiceName, ServiceProc);
-// Function Destroys a Service.
-// 0 on success, not 0 on Failure
-Function DestroyService (hService: THandle): integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Services.DelService(hService);
-// Function Calls a Services Proc
-// Returns Services Return Value or SERVICE_NOT_FOUND on Failure
-Function CallService (ServiceName: PChar; wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Services.CallService(ServiceName, wParam, lParam);
-// Function Returns Non Zero if a Service with the given Name Exists,
-// otherwise 0
-Function ServiceExists (ServiceName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
- Result := Core.Services.ServiceExists(ServiceName);
+unit uPluginInterface;
+ uPluginInterface
+ Unit fills a TPluginInterface Structur with Method Pointers
+ Unit Contains all Functions called directly by Plugins
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses uPluginDefs;
+// Methods for Plugin
+ {******** Hook specific Methods ********}
+ {Function Creates a new Hookable Event and Returns the Handle
+ or 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)}
+ Function CreateHookableEvent (EventName: PChar): THandle; stdcall;
+ {Function Destroys an Event and Unhooks all Hooks to this Event.
+ 0 on success, not 0 on Failure}
+ Function DestroyHookableEvent (hEvent: THandle): integer; stdcall;
+ {Function start calling the Hook Chain
+ 0 if Chain is called until the End, -1 if Event Handle is not valid
+ otherwise Return Value of the Hook that breaks the Chain}
+ Function NotivyEventHooks (hEvent: THandle; wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
+ {Function Hooks an Event by Name.
+ Returns Hook Handle on Success, otherwise 0}
+ Function HookEvent (EventName: PChar; HookProc: TUS_Hook): THandle; stdcall;
+ {Function Removes the Hook from the Chain
+ Returns 0 on Success}
+ Function UnHookEvent (hHook: THandle): Integer; stdcall;
+ {Function Returns Non Zero if a Event with the given Name Exists,
+ otherwise 0}
+ Function EventExists (EventName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
+ {******** Service specific Methods ********}
+ {Function Creates a new Service and Returns the Services Handle
+ or 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)}
+ Function CreateService (ServiceName: PChar; ServiceProc: TUS_Service): THandle; stdcall;
+ {Function Destroys a Service.
+ 0 on success, not 0 on Failure}
+ Function DestroyService (hService: THandle): integer; stdcall;
+ {Function Calls a Services Proc
+ Returns Services Return Value or SERVICE_NOT_FOUND on Failure}
+ Function CallService (ServiceName: PChar; wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
+ {Function Returns Non Zero if a Service with the given Name Exists,
+ otherwise 0}
+ Function ServiceExists (ServiceName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
+uses UCore;
+{******** Hook specific Methods ********}
+// Function Creates a new Hookable Event and Returns the Handle
+// or 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)
+Function CreateHookableEvent (EventName: PChar): THandle; stdcall;
+ Result := Core.Hooks.AddEvent(EventName);
+// Function Destroys an Event and Unhooks all Hooks to this Event.
+// 0 on success, not 0 on Failure
+Function DestroyHookableEvent (hEvent: THandle): integer; stdcall;
+ Result := Core.Hooks.DelEvent(hEvent);
+// Function start calling the Hook Chain
+// 0 if Chain is called until the End, -1 if Event Handle is not valid
+// otherwise Return Value of the Hook that breaks the Chain
+Function NotivyEventHooks (hEvent: THandle; wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
+ Result := Core.Hooks.CallEventChain(hEvent, wParam, lParam);
+// Function Hooks an Event by Name.
+// Returns Hook Handle on Success, otherwise 0
+Function HookEvent (EventName: PChar; HookProc: TUS_Hook): THandle; stdcall;
+ Result := Core.Hooks.AddSubscriber(EventName, HookProc);
+// Function Removes the Hook from the Chain
+// Returns 0 on Success
+Function UnHookEvent (hHook: THandle): Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := Core.Hooks.DelSubscriber(hHook);
+// Function Returns Non Zero if a Event with the given Name Exists,
+// otherwise 0
+Function EventExists (EventName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := Core.Hooks.EventExists(EventName);
+ {******** Service specific Methods ********}
+// Function Creates a new Service and Returns the Services Handle
+// or 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)
+Function CreateService (ServiceName: PChar; ServiceProc: TUS_Service): THandle; stdcall;
+ Result := Core.Services.AddService(ServiceName, ServiceProc);
+// Function Destroys a Service.
+// 0 on success, not 0 on Failure
+Function DestroyService (hService: THandle): integer; stdcall;
+ Result := Core.Services.DelService(hService);
+// Function Calls a Services Proc
+// Returns Services Return Value or SERVICE_NOT_FOUND on Failure
+Function CallService (ServiceName: PChar; wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; stdcall;
+ Result := Core.Services.CallService(ServiceName, wParam, lParam);
+// Function Returns Non Zero if a Service with the given Name Exists,
+// otherwise 0
+Function ServiceExists (ServiceName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := Core.Services.ServiceExists(ServiceName);
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UServices.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UServices.pas
index 6a73521d..aa85625c 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UServices.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UServices.pas
@@ -1,356 +1,356 @@
-unit UServices;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- {$ASMMODE Intel}
-uses uPluginDefs,
- SysUtils;
- TServiceManager
- Class for saving, managing and calling of Services.
- Saves all Services and their Procs
- TServiceName = String[60];
- PServiceInfo = ^TServiceInfo;
- TServiceInfo = record
- Self: THandle; //Handle of this Service
- Hash: Integer; //4 Bit Hash of the Services Name
- Name: TServiceName; //Name of this Service
- Owner: Integer; //If < 0 [-(DLLMan Pluginindex + 1)]; 0 - undefined, On Error Full shutdown, If < 0 [ModuleIndex - 1]
- Next: PServiceInfo; //Pointer to the Next Service in teh list
- //Here is s/t tricky
- //To avoid writing of Wrapping Functions to offer a Service from a Class
- //We save a Normal Proc or a Method of a Class
- Case isClass: boolean of
- False: (Proc: TUS_Service); //Proc that will be called on Event
- True: (ProcOfClass: TUS_Service_of_Object);
- end;
- TServiceManager = class
- private
- //Managing Service List
- FirstService: PServiceInfo;
- LastService: PServiceInfo;
- //Some Speed improvement by caching the last 4 called Services
- //Most of the time a Service is called multiple times
- ServiceCache: Array[0..3] of PServiceInfo;
- NextCacheItem: Byte;
- //Next Service added gets this Handle:
- NextHandle: THandle;
- public
- Constructor Create;
- Function AddService(const ServiceName: PChar; const Proc: TUS_Service = nil; const ProcofClass: TUS_Service_of_Object = nil): THandle;
- Function DelService(const hService: THandle): integer;
- Function CallService(const ServiceName: PChar; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Function NametoHash(const ServiceName: TServiceName): Integer;
- Function ServiceExists(const ServiceName: PChar): Integer;
- end;
- ServiceManager: TServiceManager;
- ULog,
- UCore;
-// Create - Creates Class and Set Standard Values
-Constructor TServiceManager.Create;
- inherited;
- FirstService := nil;
- LastService := nil;
- ServiceCache[0] := nil;
- ServiceCache[1] := nil;
- ServiceCache[2] := nil;
- ServiceCache[3] := nil;
- NextCacheItem := 0;
- NextHandle := 1;
- debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Succesful created!');
- {$ENDIF}
-// Function Creates a new Service and Returns the Services Handle,
-// 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)
-Function TServiceManager.AddService(const ServiceName: PChar; const Proc: TUS_Service; const ProcofClass: TUS_Service_of_Object): THandle;
- Cur: PServiceInfo;
- Result := 0;
- If (@Proc <> nil) or (@ProcOfClass <> nil) then
- begin
- If (ServiceExists(ServiceName) = 0) then
- begin //There is a Proc and the Service does not already exist
- //Ok Add it!
- //Get Memory
- GetMem(Cur, SizeOf(TServiceInfo));
- //Fill it with Data
- Cur.Next := nil;
- If (@Proc = nil) then
- begin //Use the ProcofClass Method
- Cur.isClass := True;
- Cur.ProcOfClass := ProcofClass;
- end
- else //Use the normal Proc
- begin
- Cur.isClass := False;
- Cur.Proc := Proc;
- end;
- Cur.Self := NextHandle;
- //Zero Name
- Cur.Name := #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0;
- Cur.Name := String(ServiceName);
- Cur.Hash := NametoHash(Cur.Name);
- //Add Owner to Service
- Cur.Owner := Core.CurExecuted;
- //Add Service to the List
- If (FirstService = nil) then
- FirstService := Cur;
- If (LastService <> nil) then
- LastService.Next := Cur;
- LastService := Cur;
- debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Service added: ''' + ServiceName + ''', Handle: ' + InttoStr(Cur.Self));
- {$ENDIF}
- //Inc Next Handle
- Inc(NextHandle);
- end
- else debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Try to readd Service: ' + ServiceName);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
-// Function Destroys a Service, 0 on success, not 0 on Failure
-Function TServiceManager.DelService(const hService: THandle): integer;
- Last, Cur: PServiceInfo;
- I: Integer;
- Result := -1;
- Last := nil;
- Cur := FirstService;
- //Search for Service to Delete
- While (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- If (Cur.Self = hService) then
- begin //Found Service => Delete it
- //Delete from List
- If (Last = nil) then //Found first Service
- FirstService := Cur.Next
- Else //Service behind the first
- Last.Next := Cur.Next;
- //IF this is the LastService, correct LastService
- If (Cur = LastService) then
- LastService := Last;
- //Search for Service in Cache and delete it if found
- For I := 0 to High(ServiceCache) do
- If (ServiceCache[I] = Cur) then
- begin
- ServiceCache[I] := nil;
- end;
- debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Removed Service succesful: ' + Cur.Name);
- {$ENDIF}
- //Free Memory
- Freemem(Cur, SizeOf(TServiceInfo));
- //Break the Loop
- Break;
- end;
- //Go to Next Service
- Last := Cur;
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- end;
-// Function Calls a Services Proc
-// Returns Services Return Value or SERVICE_NOT_FOUND on Failure
-Function TServiceManager.CallService(const ServiceName: PChar; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- SExists: Integer;
- Service: PServiceInfo;
- CurExecutedBackup: Integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
- SExists := ServiceExists(ServiceName);
- If (SExists <> 0) then
- begin
- //Backup CurExecuted
- CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
- Service := Pointer(SExists);
- If (Service.isClass) then
- //Use Proc of Class
- Result := Service.ProcOfClass(wParam, lParam)
- Else
- //Use normal Proc
- Result := Service.Proc(wParam, lParam);
- //Restore CurExecuted
- Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
- end;
- debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Service ''' + ServiceName + ''' called. Result: ' + InttoStr(Result));
- {$ENDIF}
-// Generates the Hash for the given Name
-Function TServiceManager.NametoHash(const ServiceName: TServiceName): Integer;
-// FIXME: check if the non-asm version is fast enough and use it by default if so
-{$IF Defined(CPUX86_64)}
- { CL: Counter; RAX: Result; RDX: Current Memory Address }
- Mov RCX, 14
- Mov RDX, ServiceName {Save Address of String that should be "Hashed"}
- Mov RAX, [RDX]
- @FoldLoop: ADD RDX, 4 {jump 4 Byte(32 Bit) to the next tile }
- ADD RAX, [RDX] {Add the Value of the next 4 Byte of the String to the Hash}
- LOOP @FoldLoop {Fold again if there are Chars Left}
-{$ELSEIF Defined(CPU386) or Defined(CPUI386)}
- { CL: Counter; EAX: Result; EDX: Current Memory Address }
- Mov ECX, 14 {Init Counter, Fold 14 Times to get 4 Bytes out of 60}
- Mov EDX, ServiceName {Save Address of String that should be "Hashed"}
- Mov EAX, [EDX]
- @FoldLoop: ADD EDX, 4 {jump 4 Byte(32 Bit) to the next tile }
- ADD EAX, [EDX] {Add the Value of the next 4 Byte of the String to the Hash}
- LOOP @FoldLoop {Fold again if there are Chars Left}
- i: integer;
- ptr: ^integer;
- ptr := @ServiceName;
- Result := 0;
- for i := 1 to 14 do
- begin
- Result := Result + ptr^;
- Inc(ptr);
- end;
-// Function Returns Non Zero if a Service with the given Name Exists, otherwise 0
-Function TServiceManager.ServiceExists(const ServiceName: PChar): Integer;
- Name: TServiceName;
- Hash: Integer;
- Cur: PServiceInfo;
- I: Byte;
- Result := 0;
- // to-do : Write a Metbod (in ASM) to Zero and Add in one turn (faster then this dirty hack ;)
- //Zero Name:
- Name := #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0;
- //Add Service Name
- Name := String(ServiceName);
- Hash := NametoHash(Name);
- //First of all Look for the Service in Cache
- For I := 0 to High(ServiceCache) do
- begin
- If (ServiceCache[I] <> nil) AND (ServiceCache[I].Hash = Hash) then
- begin
- If (ServiceCache[I].Name = Name) then
- begin //Found Service in Cache
- Result := Integer(ServiceCache[I]);
- debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Found Service in Cache: ''' + ServiceName + '''');
- {$ENDIF}
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- If (Result = 0) then
- begin
- Cur := FirstService;
- While (Cur <> nil) do
- begin
- If (Cur.Hash = Hash) then
- begin
- If (Cur.Name = Name) then
- begin //Found the Service
- Result := Integer(Cur);
- debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Found Service in List: ''' + ServiceName + '''');
- {$ENDIF}
- //Add to Cache
- ServiceCache[NextCacheItem] := Cur;
- NextCacheItem := (NextCacheItem + 1) AND 3;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- Cur := Cur.Next;
- end;
- end;
+unit UServices;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ {$ASMMODE Intel}
+uses uPluginDefs,
+ SysUtils;
+ TServiceManager
+ Class for saving, managing and calling of Services.
+ Saves all Services and their Procs
+ TServiceName = String[60];
+ PServiceInfo = ^TServiceInfo;
+ TServiceInfo = record
+ Self: THandle; //Handle of this Service
+ Hash: Integer; //4 Bit Hash of the Services Name
+ Name: TServiceName; //Name of this Service
+ Owner: Integer; //If < 0 [-(DLLMan Pluginindex + 1)]; 0 - undefined, On Error Full shutdown, If < 0 [ModuleIndex - 1]
+ Next: PServiceInfo; //Pointer to the Next Service in teh list
+ //Here is s/t tricky
+ //To avoid writing of Wrapping Functions to offer a Service from a Class
+ //We save a Normal Proc or a Method of a Class
+ Case isClass: boolean of
+ False: (Proc: TUS_Service); //Proc that will be called on Event
+ True: (ProcOfClass: TUS_Service_of_Object);
+ end;
+ TServiceManager = class
+ private
+ //Managing Service List
+ FirstService: PServiceInfo;
+ LastService: PServiceInfo;
+ //Some Speed improvement by caching the last 4 called Services
+ //Most of the time a Service is called multiple times
+ ServiceCache: Array[0..3] of PServiceInfo;
+ NextCacheItem: Byte;
+ //Next Service added gets this Handle:
+ NextHandle: THandle;
+ public
+ Constructor Create;
+ Function AddService(const ServiceName: PChar; const Proc: TUS_Service = nil; const ProcofClass: TUS_Service_of_Object = nil): THandle;
+ Function DelService(const hService: THandle): integer;
+ Function CallService(const ServiceName: PChar; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Function NametoHash(const ServiceName: TServiceName): Integer;
+ Function ServiceExists(const ServiceName: PChar): Integer;
+ end;
+ ServiceManager: TServiceManager;
+ ULog,
+ UCore;
+// Create - Creates Class and Set Standard Values
+Constructor TServiceManager.Create;
+ inherited;
+ FirstService := nil;
+ LastService := nil;
+ ServiceCache[0] := nil;
+ ServiceCache[1] := nil;
+ ServiceCache[2] := nil;
+ ServiceCache[3] := nil;
+ NextCacheItem := 0;
+ NextHandle := 1;
+ debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Succesful created!');
+ {$ENDIF}
+// Function Creates a new Service and Returns the Services Handle,
+// 0 on Failure. (Name already exists)
+Function TServiceManager.AddService(const ServiceName: PChar; const Proc: TUS_Service; const ProcofClass: TUS_Service_of_Object): THandle;
+ Cur: PServiceInfo;
+ Result := 0;
+ If (@Proc <> nil) or (@ProcOfClass <> nil) then
+ begin
+ If (ServiceExists(ServiceName) = 0) then
+ begin //There is a Proc and the Service does not already exist
+ //Ok Add it!
+ //Get Memory
+ GetMem(Cur, SizeOf(TServiceInfo));
+ //Fill it with Data
+ Cur.Next := nil;
+ If (@Proc = nil) then
+ begin //Use the ProcofClass Method
+ Cur.isClass := True;
+ Cur.ProcOfClass := ProcofClass;
+ end
+ else //Use the normal Proc
+ begin
+ Cur.isClass := False;
+ Cur.Proc := Proc;
+ end;
+ Cur.Self := NextHandle;
+ //Zero Name
+ Cur.Name := #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0;
+ Cur.Name := String(ServiceName);
+ Cur.Hash := NametoHash(Cur.Name);
+ //Add Owner to Service
+ Cur.Owner := Core.CurExecuted;
+ //Add Service to the List
+ If (FirstService = nil) then
+ FirstService := Cur;
+ If (LastService <> nil) then
+ LastService.Next := Cur;
+ LastService := Cur;
+ debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Service added: ''' + ServiceName + ''', Handle: ' + InttoStr(Cur.Self));
+ {$ENDIF}
+ //Inc Next Handle
+ Inc(NextHandle);
+ end
+ else debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Try to readd Service: ' + ServiceName);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+// Function Destroys a Service, 0 on success, not 0 on Failure
+Function TServiceManager.DelService(const hService: THandle): integer;
+ Last, Cur: PServiceInfo;
+ I: Integer;
+ Result := -1;
+ Last := nil;
+ Cur := FirstService;
+ //Search for Service to Delete
+ While (Cur <> nil) do
+ begin
+ If (Cur.Self = hService) then
+ begin //Found Service => Delete it
+ //Delete from List
+ If (Last = nil) then //Found first Service
+ FirstService := Cur.Next
+ Else //Service behind the first
+ Last.Next := Cur.Next;
+ //IF this is the LastService, correct LastService
+ If (Cur = LastService) then
+ LastService := Last;
+ //Search for Service in Cache and delete it if found
+ For I := 0 to High(ServiceCache) do
+ If (ServiceCache[I] = Cur) then
+ begin
+ ServiceCache[I] := nil;
+ end;
+ debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Removed Service succesful: ' + Cur.Name);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ //Free Memory
+ Freemem(Cur, SizeOf(TServiceInfo));
+ //Break the Loop
+ Break;
+ end;
+ //Go to Next Service
+ Last := Cur;
+ Cur := Cur.Next;
+ end;
+// Function Calls a Services Proc
+// Returns Services Return Value or SERVICE_NOT_FOUND on Failure
+Function TServiceManager.CallService(const ServiceName: PChar; const wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ SExists: Integer;
+ Service: PServiceInfo;
+ CurExecutedBackup: Integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
+ SExists := ServiceExists(ServiceName);
+ If (SExists <> 0) then
+ begin
+ //Backup CurExecuted
+ CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
+ Service := Pointer(SExists);
+ If (Service.isClass) then
+ //Use Proc of Class
+ Result := Service.ProcOfClass(wParam, lParam)
+ Else
+ //Use normal Proc
+ Result := Service.Proc(wParam, lParam);
+ //Restore CurExecuted
+ Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
+ end;
+ debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Service ''' + ServiceName + ''' called. Result: ' + InttoStr(Result));
+ {$ENDIF}
+// Generates the Hash for the given Name
+Function TServiceManager.NametoHash(const ServiceName: TServiceName): Integer;
+// FIXME: check if the non-asm version is fast enough and use it by default if so
+{$IF Defined(CPUX86_64)}
+ { CL: Counter; RAX: Result; RDX: Current Memory Address }
+ Mov RCX, 14
+ Mov RDX, ServiceName {Save Address of String that should be "Hashed"}
+ Mov RAX, [RDX]
+ @FoldLoop: ADD RDX, 4 {jump 4 Byte(32 Bit) to the next tile }
+ ADD RAX, [RDX] {Add the Value of the next 4 Byte of the String to the Hash}
+ LOOP @FoldLoop {Fold again if there are Chars Left}
+{$ELSEIF Defined(CPU386) or Defined(CPUI386)}
+ { CL: Counter; EAX: Result; EDX: Current Memory Address }
+ Mov ECX, 14 {Init Counter, Fold 14 Times to get 4 Bytes out of 60}
+ Mov EDX, ServiceName {Save Address of String that should be "Hashed"}
+ Mov EAX, [EDX]
+ @FoldLoop: ADD EDX, 4 {jump 4 Byte(32 Bit) to the next tile }
+ ADD EAX, [EDX] {Add the Value of the next 4 Byte of the String to the Hash}
+ LOOP @FoldLoop {Fold again if there are Chars Left}
+ i: integer;
+ ptr: ^integer;
+ ptr := @ServiceName;
+ Result := 0;
+ for i := 1 to 14 do
+ begin
+ Result := Result + ptr^;
+ Inc(ptr);
+ end;
+// Function Returns Non Zero if a Service with the given Name Exists, otherwise 0
+Function TServiceManager.ServiceExists(const ServiceName: PChar): Integer;
+ Name: TServiceName;
+ Hash: Integer;
+ Cur: PServiceInfo;
+ I: Byte;
+ Result := 0;
+ // to-do : Write a Metbod (in ASM) to Zero and Add in one turn (faster then this dirty hack ;)
+ //Zero Name:
+ Name := #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0 + #0;
+ //Add Service Name
+ Name := String(ServiceName);
+ Hash := NametoHash(Name);
+ //First of all Look for the Service in Cache
+ For I := 0 to High(ServiceCache) do
+ begin
+ If (ServiceCache[I] <> nil) AND (ServiceCache[I].Hash = Hash) then
+ begin
+ If (ServiceCache[I].Name = Name) then
+ begin //Found Service in Cache
+ Result := Integer(ServiceCache[I]);
+ debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Found Service in Cache: ''' + ServiceName + '''');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ If (Result = 0) then
+ begin
+ Cur := FirstService;
+ While (Cur <> nil) do
+ begin
+ If (Cur.Hash = Hash) then
+ begin
+ If (Cur.Name = Name) then
+ begin //Found the Service
+ Result := Integer(Cur);
+ debugWriteln('ServiceManager: Found Service in List: ''' + ServiceName + '''');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ //Add to Cache
+ ServiceCache[NextCacheItem] := Cur;
+ NextCacheItem := (NextCacheItem + 1) AND 3;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Cur := Cur.Next;
+ end;
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/USingNotes.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/USingNotes.pas
index f0754105..3b268d10 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/USingNotes.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/USingNotes.pas
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-unit USingNotes;
-{$I switches.inc}
-{ Dummy Unit atm
- For further expantation
- Placeholder for Class that will handle the Notes Drawing}
+unit USingNotes;
+{$I switches.inc}
+{ Dummy Unit atm
+ For further expantation
+ Placeholder for Class that will handle the Notes Drawing}
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UTextClasses.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UTextClasses.pas
index 9dce207e..fb74f34e 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UTextClasses.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UTextClasses.pas
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-unit UTextClasses;
-{$I switches.inc}
- gl,
- SDL,
- UTexture,
- Classes,
- SDL_ttf,
- ULog;
-// okay i just outline what should be here, so we can create a nice and clean implementation of sdl_ttf
-// based up on this uml: http://jnr.sourceforge.net/fusion_images/www_FRS.png
-// thanks to Bob Pendelton and Koshmaar!
-// (1) let's start with a glyph, this represents one character in a word
- TGlyph = record
- character : Char; // unsigned char, uchar is something else in delphi
- glyphsSolid[8] : GlyphTexture; // fast, but not that
- glyphsBlended[8] : GlyphTexture; // slower than solid, but it look's more pretty
-//this class has a method, which should be a deconstructor (mog is on his way to understand the principles of oop :P)
- deconstructor procedure ReleaseTextures();
-// (2) okay, we now need the stuff that's even beneath this glyph - we're right at the birth of text in here :P
- GlyphTexture = record
- textureID : GLuint; // we need this for caching the letters, if the texture wasn't created before create it, should be very fast because of this one
- width,
- height : Cardinal;
- charWidth,
- charHeight : Integer;
- advance : Integer; // don't know yet for what this one is
-// after the glyph is done, we now start to build whole words - this one is pretty important, and does most of the work we need
- TGlyphsContainer = record
- glyphs array of TGlyph;
- FontName array of string;
- refCount : uChar; // unsigned char, uchar is something else in delphi
- font : PTTF_font;
- size,
- lineSkip : Cardinal; // vertical distance between multi line text output
- descent : Integer;
+unit UTextClasses;
+{$I switches.inc}
+ gl,
+ SDL,
+ UTexture,
+ Classes,
+ SDL_ttf,
+ ULog;
+// okay i just outline what should be here, so we can create a nice and clean implementation of sdl_ttf
+// based up on this uml: http://jnr.sourceforge.net/fusion_images/www_FRS.png
+// thanks to Bob Pendelton and Koshmaar!
+// (1) let's start with a glyph, this represents one character in a word
+ TGlyph = record
+ character : Char; // unsigned char, uchar is something else in delphi
+ glyphsSolid[8] : GlyphTexture; // fast, but not that
+ glyphsBlended[8] : GlyphTexture; // slower than solid, but it look's more pretty
+//this class has a method, which should be a deconstructor (mog is on his way to understand the principles of oop :P)
+ deconstructor procedure ReleaseTextures();
+// (2) okay, we now need the stuff that's even beneath this glyph - we're right at the birth of text in here :P
+ GlyphTexture = record
+ textureID : GLuint; // we need this for caching the letters, if the texture wasn't created before create it, should be very fast because of this one
+ width,
+ height : Cardinal;
+ charWidth,
+ charHeight : Integer;
+ advance : Integer; // don't know yet for what this one is
+// after the glyph is done, we now start to build whole words - this one is pretty important, and does most of the work we need
+ TGlyphsContainer = record
+ glyphs array of TGlyph;
+ FontName array of string;
+ refCount : uChar; // unsigned char, uchar is something else in delphi
+ font : PTTF_font;
+ size,
+ lineSkip : Cardinal; // vertical distance between multi line text output
+ descent : Integer;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas
index 805bf51a..e38e08c2 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas
@@ -1,2283 +1,2283 @@
-unit UThemes;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- ULog,
- IniFiles,
- SysUtils,
- Classes,
- UTexture;
- TRGB = record
- R: single;
- G: single;
- B: single;
- end;
- TRGBA = record
- R, G, B, A: Double;
- end;
- TThemeBackground = record
- Tex: string;
- end;
- TThemeStatic = record
- X: integer;
- Y: integer;
- Z: real;
- W: integer;
- H: integer;
- Color: string;
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- Tex: string;
- Typ: TTextureType;
- TexX1: real;
- TexY1: real;
- TexX2: real;
- TexY2: real;
- //Reflection
- Reflection: boolean;
- Reflectionspacing: Real;
- end;
- AThemeStatic = array of TThemeStatic;
- TThemeText = record
- X: integer;
- Y: integer;
- W: integer;
- Color: string;
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- Font: integer;
- Size: integer;
- Align: integer;
- Text: string;
- //Reflection
- Reflection: boolean;
- ReflectionSpacing: Real;
- end;
- AThemeText = array of TThemeText;
- TThemeButton = record
- Text: AThemeText;
- X: integer;
- Y: integer;
- Z: Real;
- W: integer;
- H: integer;
- Color: string;
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- Int: real;
- DColor: string;
- DColR: real;
- DColG: real;
- DColB: real;
- DInt: real;
- Tex: string;
- Typ: TTextureType;
- Visible: Boolean;
- //Reflection Mod
- Reflection: boolean;
- Reflectionspacing: Real;
- //Fade Mod
- SelectH: integer;
- SelectW: integer;
- Fade: boolean;
- FadeText: boolean;
- DeSelectReflectionspacing : Real;
- FadeTex: string;
- FadeTexPos: integer;
- //Button Collection Mod
- Parent: Byte; //Number of the Button Collection this Button is assigned to. IF 0: No Assignement
- end;
- //Button Collection Mod
- TThemeButtonCollection = record
- Style: TThemeButton;
- ChildCount: Byte; //No of assigned Childs
- FirstChild: Byte; //No of Child on whose Interaction Position the Button should be
- end;
- AThemeButtonCollection = array of TThemeButtonCollection;
- PAThemeButtonCollection = ^AThemeButtonCollection;
- TThemeSelect = record
- Tex: string;
- TexSBG: string;
- X: integer;
- Y: integer;
- W: integer;
- H: integer;
- Text: string;
- ColR, ColG, ColB, Int: real;
- DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real;
- TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt: real;
- TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt: real;
- SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt: real;
- SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt: real;
- STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt: real;
- STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
- SkipX: integer;
- end;
- TThemeSelectSlide = record
- Tex: string;
- TexSBG: string;
- X: integer;
- Y: integer;
- W: integer;
- H: integer;
- Z: real;
- TextSize: integer;
- //SBGW Mod
- SBGW: integer;
- Text: string;
- ColR, ColG, ColB, Int: real;
- DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real;
- TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt: real;
- TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt: real;
- SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt: real;
- SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt: real;
- STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt: real;
- STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
- SkipX: integer;
- end;
- PThemeBasic = ^TThemeBasic;
- TThemeBasic = class
- Background: TThemeBackground;
- Text: AThemeText;
- Static: AThemeStatic;
- //Button Collection Mod
- ButtonCollection: AThemeButtonCollection;
- end;
- TThemeLoading = class(TThemeBasic)
- StaticAnimation: TThemeStatic;
- TextLoading: TThemeText;
- end;
- TThemeMain = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonSolo: TThemeButton;
- ButtonMulti: TThemeButton;
- ButtonStat: TThemeButton;
- ButtonEditor: TThemeButton;
- ButtonOptions: TThemeButton;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- TextDescription: TThemeText;
- TextDescriptionLong: TThemeText;
- Description: array[0..5] of string;
- DescriptionLong: array[0..5] of string;
- end;
- TThemeName = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonPlayer: array[1..6] of TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeLevel = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonEasy: TThemeButton;
- ButtonMedium: TThemeButton;
- ButtonHard: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeSong = class(TThemeBasic)
- TextArtist: TThemeText;
- TextTitle: TThemeText;
- TextNumber: TThemeText;
- //Video Icon Mod
- VideoIcon: TThemeStatic;
- //Show Cat in TopLeft Mod
- TextCat: TThemeText;
- StaticCat: TThemeStatic;
- //Cover Mod
- Cover: record
- Reflections: Boolean;
- X: Integer;
- Y: Integer;
- Z: Integer;
- W: Integer;
- H: Integer;
- Style: Integer;
- end;
- //Equalizer Mod
- Equalizer: record
- Visible: Boolean;
- Direction: Boolean;
- Alpha: real;
- X: Integer;
- Y: Integer;
- Z: Real;
- W: Integer;
- H: Integer;
- Space: Integer;
- Bands: Integer;
- Length: Integer;
- ColR, ColG, ColB: Real;
- end;
- //Party and Non Party specific Statics and Texts
- StaticParty: AThemeStatic;
- TextParty: AThemeText;
- StaticNonParty: AThemeStatic;
- TextNonParty: AThemeText;
- //Party Mode
- StaticTeam1Joker1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1Joker2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1Joker3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1Joker4: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1Joker5: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Joker1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Joker2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Joker3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Joker4: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Joker5: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Joker1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Joker2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Joker3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Joker4: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Joker5: TThemeStatic;
- end;
- TThemeSing = class(TThemeBasic)
- //TimeBar mod
- StaticTimeProgress: TThemeStatic;
- TextTimeText : TThemeText;
- //eoa TimeBar mod
- StaticP1: TThemeStatic;
- TextP1: TThemeText;
- StaticP1ScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
- TextP1Score: TThemeText;
- //moveable singbar mod
- StaticP1SingBar: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP1ThreePSingBar: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP1TwoPSingBar: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP2RSingBar: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP2MSingBar: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP3SingBar: TThemeStatic;
- //eoa moveable singbar
- //added for ps3 skin
- //game in 2/4 player modi
- StaticP1TwoP: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP1TwoPScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
- TextP1TwoP: TThemeText;
- TextP1TwoPScore: TThemeText;
- //game in 3/6 player modi
- StaticP1ThreeP: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP1ThreePScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
- TextP1ThreeP: TThemeText;
- TextP1ThreePScore: TThemeText;
- //eoa
- StaticP2R: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP2RScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
- TextP2R: TThemeText;
- TextP2RScore: TThemeText;
- StaticP2M: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP2MScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
- TextP2M: TThemeText;
- TextP2MScore: TThemeText;
- StaticP3R: TThemeStatic;
- StaticP3RScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
- TextP3R: TThemeText;
- TextP3RScore: TThemeText;
- //Linebonus Translations
- LineBonusText: Array [0..8] of String;
- //Pause Popup
- PausePopUp: TThemeStatic;
- end;
- TThemeScore = class(TThemeBasic)
- TextArtist: TThemeText;
- TextTitle: TThemeText;
- TextArtistTitle: TThemeText;
- PlayerStatic: array[1..6] of AThemeStatic;
- PlayerTexts: array[1..6] of AThemeText;
- TextName: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextNotes: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextNotesScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextLineBonus: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextLineBonusScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextGoldenNotes: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextGoldenNotesScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextTotal: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- TextTotalScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
- StaticBoxLightest: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticBoxLight: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticBoxDark: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticRatings: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticBackLevel: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticBackLevelRound: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticLevel: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
- StaticLevelRound: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
-// Description: array[0..5] of string;}
- end;
- TThemeTop5 = class(TThemeBasic)
- TextLevel: TThemeText;
- TextArtistTitle: TThemeText;
- StaticNumber: AThemeStatic;
- TextNumber: AThemeText;
- TextName: AThemeText;
- TextScore: AThemeText;
- end;
- TThemeOptions = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonGame: TThemeButton;
- ButtonGraphics: TThemeButton;
- ButtonSound: TThemeButton;
- ButtonLyrics: TThemeButton;
- ButtonThemes: TThemeButton;
- ButtonRecord: TThemeButton;
- ButtonAdvanced: TThemeButton;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- TextDescription: TThemeText;
- Description: array[0..7] of string;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsGame = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectPlayers: TThemeSelect;
- SelectDifficulty: TThemeSelect;
- SelectLanguage: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectTabs: TThemeSelect;
- SelectSorting: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectDebug: TThemeSelect;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsGraphics = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectFullscreen: TThemeSelect;
- SelectSlideResolution: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectDepth: TThemeSelect;
- SelectOscilloscope: TThemeSelect;
- SelectLineBonus: TThemeSelect;
- SelectMovieSize: TThemeSelect;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsSound = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectMicBoost: TThemeSelect;
- SelectClickAssist: TThemeSelect;
- SelectBeatClick: TThemeSelect;
- SelectThreshold: TThemeSelect;
- //Song Preview
- SelectSlidePreviewVolume: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectSlidePreviewFading: TThemeSelectSlide;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsLyrics = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectLyricsFont: TThemeSelect;
- SelectLyricsEffect: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectSolmization: TThemeSelect;
- SelectNoteLines: TThemeSelect;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsThemes = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectTheme: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectSkin: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectColor: TThemeSelectSlide;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsRecord = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectSlideCard: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectSlideInput: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectSlideChannel: TThemeSelectSlide;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- TThemeOptionsAdvanced = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectLoadAnimation: TThemeSelect;
- SelectEffectSing: TThemeSelect;
- SelectScreenFade: TThemeSelect;
- SelectLineBonus: TThemeSelect;
- SelectAskbeforeDel: TThemeSelect;
- SelectOnSongClick: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectPartyPopup: TThemeSelect;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- end;
- //Error- and Check-Popup
- TThemeError = class(TThemeBasic)
- Button1: TThemeButton;
- TextError: TThemeText;
- end;
- TThemeCheck = class(TThemeBasic)
- Button1: TThemeButton;
- Button2: TThemeButton;
- TextCheck: TThemeText;
- end;
- //ScreenSong Menue
- TThemeSongMenu = class(TThemeBasic)
- Button1: TThemeButton;
- Button2: TThemeButton;
- Button3: TThemeButton;
- Button4: TThemeButton;
- SelectSlide3: TThemeSelectSlide;
- TextMenu: TThemeText;
- end;
- TThemeSongJumpTo = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonSearchText: TThemeButton;
- SelectSlideType: TThemeSelectSlide;
- TextFound: TThemeText;
- //Translated Texts
- Songsfound: String;
- NoSongsfound: String;
- CatText: String;
- IType: array [0..2] of String;
- end;
- //Party Screens
- TThemePartyNewRound = class(TThemeBasic)
- TextRound1: TThemeText;
- TextRound2: TThemeText;
- TextRound3: TThemeText;
- TextRound4: TThemeText;
- TextRound5: TThemeText;
- TextRound6: TThemeText;
- TextRound7: TThemeText;
- TextWinner1: TThemeText;
- TextWinner2: TThemeText;
- TextWinner3: TThemeText;
- TextWinner4: TThemeText;
- TextWinner5: TThemeText;
- TextWinner6: TThemeText;
- TextWinner7: TThemeText;
- TextNextRound: TThemeText;
- TextNextRoundNo: TThemeText;
- TextNextPlayer1: TThemeText;
- TextNextPlayer2: TThemeText;
- TextNextPlayer3: TThemeText;
- StaticRound1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticRound2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticRound3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticRound4: TThemeStatic;
- StaticRound5: TThemeStatic;
- StaticRound6: TThemeStatic;
- StaticRound7: TThemeStatic;
- TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
- TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
- TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
- TextTeam1Players: TThemeText;
- TextTeam2Players: TThemeText;
- TextTeam3Players: TThemeText;
- StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticNextPlayer1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticNextPlayer2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticNextPlayer3: TThemeStatic;
- end;
- TThemePartyScore = class(TThemeBasic)
- TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
- TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
- TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
- StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1BG: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1Deco: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2BG: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Deco: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3BG: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Deco: TThemeStatic;
- DecoTextures: record
- ChangeTextures: Boolean;
- FirstTexture: String;
- FirstTyp: TTextureType;
- FirstColor: String;
- SecondTexture: String;
- SecondTyp: TTextureType;
- SecondColor: String;
- ThirdTexture: String;
- ThirdTyp: TTextureType;
- ThirdColor: String;
- end;
- TextWinner: TThemeText;
- end;
- TThemePartyWin = class(TThemeBasic)
- TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
- TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
- TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
- TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
- StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1BG: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam1Deco: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2BG: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam2Deco: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3BG: TThemeStatic;
- StaticTeam3Deco: TThemeStatic;
- TextWinner: TThemeText;
- end;
- TThemePartyOptions = class(TThemeBasic)
- SelectLevel: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectPlayList: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectPlayList2: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectRounds: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectTeams: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectPlayers1: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectPlayers2: TThemeSelectSlide;
- SelectPlayers3: TThemeSelectSlide;
- {ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
- ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;}
- end;
- TThemePartyPlayer = class(TThemeBasic)
- Team1Name: TThemeButton;
- Player1Name: TThemeButton;
- Player2Name: TThemeButton;
- Player3Name: TThemeButton;
- Player4Name: TThemeButton;
- Team2Name: TThemeButton;
- Player5Name: TThemeButton;
- Player6Name: TThemeButton;
- Player7Name: TThemeButton;
- Player8Name: TThemeButton;
- Team3Name: TThemeButton;
- Player9Name: TThemeButton;
- Player10Name: TThemeButton;
- Player11Name: TThemeButton;
- Player12Name: TThemeButton;
- {ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
- ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;}
- end;
- //Stats Screens
- TThemeStatMain = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonScores: TThemeButton;
- ButtonSingers: TThemeButton;
- ButtonSongs: TThemeButton;
- ButtonBands: TThemeButton;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- TextOverview: TThemeText;
- end;
- TThemeStatDetail = class(TThemeBasic)
- ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
- ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;
- ButtonReverse: TThemeButton;
- ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
- TextDescription: TThemeText;
- TextPage: TThemeText;
- TextList: AThemeText;
- Description: array[0..3] of string;
- DescriptionR: array[0..3] of string;
- FormatStr: array[0..3] of string;
- PageStr: String;
- end;
- //Playlist Translations
- TThemePlaylist = record
- CatText: string;
- end;
- TTheme = class
- private
- ThemeIni: TIniFile;
- {$ELSE}
- ThemeIni: TMemIniFile;
- {$ENDIF}
- LastThemeBasic: TThemeBasic;
- procedure create_theme_objects();
- public
- Loading: TThemeLoading;
- Main: TThemeMain;
- Name: TThemeName;
- Level: TThemeLevel;
- Song: TThemeSong;
- Sing: TThemeSing;
- Score: TThemeScore;
- Top5: TThemeTop5;
- Options: TThemeOptions;
- OptionsGame: TThemeOptionsGame;
- OptionsGraphics: TThemeOptionsGraphics;
- OptionsSound: TThemeOptionsSound;
- OptionsLyrics: TThemeOptionsLyrics;
- OptionsThemes: TThemeOptionsThemes;
- OptionsRecord: TThemeOptionsRecord;
- OptionsAdvanced: TThemeOptionsAdvanced;
- //error and check popup
- ErrorPopup: TThemeError;
- CheckPopup: TThemeCheck;
- //ScreenSong extensions
- SongMenu: TThemeSongMenu;
- SongJumpto: TThemeSongJumpTo;
- //Party Screens:
- PartyNewRound: TThemePartyNewRound;
- PartyScore: TThemePartyScore;
- PartyWin: TThemePartyWin;
- PartyOptions: TThemePartyOptions;
- PartyPlayer: TThemePartyPlayer;
- //Stats Screens:
- StatMain: TThemeStatMain;
- StatDetail: TThemeStatDetail;
- Playlist: TThemePlaylist;
- ILevel: array[0..2] of String;
- constructor Create(FileName: string); overload; // Initialize theme system
- constructor Create(FileName: string; Color: integer); overload; // Initialize theme system with color
- function LoadTheme(FileName: string; sColor: integer): boolean; // Load some theme settings from file
- procedure LoadColors;
- procedure ThemeLoadBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadBackground(var ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadText(var ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadTexts(var ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadStatic(var ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadStatics(var ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadButton(var ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string; const Collections: PAThemeButtonCollection = nil);
- procedure ThemeLoadButtonCollection(var Collection: TThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadButtonCollections(var Collections: AThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadSelect(var ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeLoadSelectSlide(var ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSave(FileName: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveBackground(ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveStatics(ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveText(ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveTexts(ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
- procedure ThemeSaveButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string);
- end;
- TColor = record
- Name: string;
- end;
-function ColorExists(Name: string): integer;
-procedure LoadColor(var R, G, B: real; ColorName: string);
-function GetSystemColor(Color: integer): TRGB;
-function ColorSqrt(RGB: TRGB): TRGB;
- //Skin: TSkin;
- Theme: TTheme;
- Color: array of TColor;
- UCommon,
- ULanguage,
- USkins,
- UIni;
-constructor TTheme.Create(FileName: string);
- Create(FileName, 0);
-constructor TTheme.Create(FileName: string; Color: integer);
- inherited Create();
- Loading := TThemeLoading.Create;
- Main := TThemeMain.Create;
- Name := TThemeName.Create;
- Level := TThemeLevel.Create;
- Song := TThemeSong.Create;
- Sing := TThemeSing.Create;
- Score := TThemeScore.Create;
- Top5 := TThemeTop5.Create;
- Options := TThemeOptions.Create;
- OptionsGame := TThemeOptionsGame.Create;
- OptionsGraphics := TThemeOptionsGraphics.Create;
- OptionsSound := TThemeOptionsSound.Create;
- OptionsLyrics := TThemeOptionsLyrics.Create;
- OptionsThemes := TThemeOptionsThemes.Create;
- OptionsRecord := TThemeOptionsRecord.Create;
- OptionsAdvanced := TThemeOptionsAdvanced.Create;
- ErrorPopup := TThemeError.Create;
- CheckPopup := TThemeCheck.Create;
- SongMenu := TThemeSongMenu.Create;
- SongJumpto := TThemeSongJumpto.Create;
- //Party Screens
- PartyNewRound := TThemePartyNewRound.Create;
- PartyWin := TThemePartyWin.Create;
- PartyScore := TThemePartyScore.Create;
- PartyOptions := TThemePartyOptions.Create;
- PartyPlayer := TThemePartyPlayer.Create;
- //Stats Screens:
- StatMain := TThemeStatMain.Create;
- StatDetail := TThemeStatDetail.Create;
- LoadTheme(FileName, Color);
-function TTheme.LoadTheme(FileName: string; sColor: integer): boolean;
- I: integer;
- Path: string;
- Result := false;
- create_theme_objects();
- Log.LogStatus('Loading: '+ FileName, 'TTheme.LoadTheme');
- FileName := AdaptFilePaths( FileName );
- if not FileExists(FileName) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('Theme does not exist ('+ FileName +')', 'TTheme.LoadTheme');
- end;
- if FileExists(FileName) then
- begin
- Result := true;
- ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
- {$ELSE}
- ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
- {$ENDIF}
- if ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme', 'Name', '') <> '' then
- begin
- {Skin.SkinName := ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme', 'Name', 'Singstar');
- Skin.SkinPath := 'Skins\' + Skin.SkinName + '\';
- Skin.SkinReg := false; }
- Skin.Color := sColor;
- Skin.LoadSkin(ISkin[Ini.SkinNo]);
- LoadColors;
-// ThemeIni.Free;
-// ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create('Themes\Singstar\Main.ini');
- // Loading
- ThemeLoadBasic(Loading, 'Loading');
- ThemeLoadText(Loading.TextLoading, 'LoadingTextLoading');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Loading.StaticAnimation, 'LoadingStaticAnimation');
- // Main
- ThemeLoadBasic(Main, 'Main');
- ThemeLoadText(Main.TextDescription, 'MainTextDescription');
- ThemeLoadText(Main.TextDescriptionLong, 'MainTextDescriptionLong');
- ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonSolo, 'MainButtonSolo');
- ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonMulti, 'MainButtonMulti');
- ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonStat, 'MainButtonStats');
- ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonEditor, 'MainButtonEditor');
- ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonOptions, 'MainButtonOptions');
- ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonExit, 'MainButtonExit');
- //Main Desc Text Translation Start
- Main.Description[0] := Language.Translate('SING_SING');
- Main.DescriptionLong[0] := Language.Translate('SING_SING_DESC');
- Main.Description[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MULTI');
- Main.DescriptionLong[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MULTI_DESC');
- Main.Description[2] := Language.Translate('SING_STATS');
- Main.DescriptionLong[2] := Language.Translate('SING_STATS_DESC');
- Main.Description[3] := Language.Translate('SING_EDITOR');
- Main.DescriptionLong[3] := Language.Translate('SING_EDITOR_DESC');
- Main.Description[4] := Language.Translate('SING_GAME_OPTIONS');
- Main.DescriptionLong[4] := Language.Translate('SING_GAME_OPTIONS_DESC');
- Main.Description[5] := Language.Translate('SING_EXIT');
- Main.DescriptionLong[5] := Language.Translate('SING_EXIT_DESC');
- //Main Desc Text Translation End
- Main.TextDescription.Text := Main.Description[0];
- Main.TextDescriptionLong.Text := Main.DescriptionLong[0];
- // Name
- ThemeLoadBasic(Name, 'Name');
- for I := 1 to 6 do
- ThemeLoadButton(Name.ButtonPlayer[I], 'NameButtonPlayer'+IntToStr(I));
- // Level
- ThemeLoadBasic(Level, 'Level');
- ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonEasy, 'LevelButtonEasy');
- ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonMedium, 'LevelButtonMedium');
- ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonHard, 'LevelButtonHard');
- // Song
- ThemeLoadBasic(Song, 'Song');
- ThemeLoadText(Song.TextArtist, 'SongTextArtist');
- ThemeLoadText(Song.TextTitle, 'SongTextTitle');
- ThemeLoadText(Song.TextNumber, 'SongTextNumber');
- //Video Icon Mod
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.VideoIcon, 'SongVideoIcon');
- //Show Cat in TopLeft Mod
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticCat, 'SongStaticCat');
- ThemeLoadText(Song.TextCat, 'SongTextCat');
- //Load Cover Pos and Size from Theme Mod
- Song.Cover.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'X', 300);
- Song.Cover.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Y', 190);
- Song.Cover.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'W', 300);
- Song.Cover.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'H', 200);
- Song.Cover.Style := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Style', 4);
- Song.Cover.Reflections := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Reflections', 0) = 1);
- //Load Cover Pos and Size from Theme Mod End
- //Load Equalizer Pos and Size from Theme Mod
- Song.Equalizer.Visible := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Visible', 0) = 1);
- Song.Equalizer.Direction := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Direction', 0) = 1);
- Song.Equalizer.Alpha := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Alpha', 1);
- Song.Equalizer.Space := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Space', 1);
- Song.Equalizer.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'X', 0);
- Song.Equalizer.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Y', 0);
- Song.Equalizer.Z := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Z', 1);
- Song.Equalizer.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'PieceW', 8);
- Song.Equalizer.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'PieceH', 8);
- Song.Equalizer.Bands := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Bands', 5);
- Song.Equalizer.Length := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Length', 12);
- //Color
- I := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString('SongEqualizer', 'Color', 'Black'));
- if I >= 0 then begin
- Song.Equalizer.ColR := Color[I].RGB.R;
- Song.Equalizer.ColG := Color[I].RGB.G;
- Song.Equalizer.ColB := Color[I].RGB.B;
- end
- else begin
- Song.Equalizer.ColR := 0;
- Song.Equalizer.ColG := 0;
- Song.Equalizer.ColB := 0;
- end;
- //Load Equalizer Pos and Size from Theme Mod End
- //Party and Non Party specific Statics and Texts
- ThemeLoadStatics (Song.StaticParty, 'SongStaticParty');
- ThemeLoadTexts (Song.TextParty, 'SongTextParty');
- ThemeLoadStatics (Song.StaticNonParty, 'SongStaticNonParty');
- ThemeLoadTexts (Song.TextNonParty, 'SongTextNonParty');
- //Party Mode
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker1');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker2');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker3');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker4');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker5');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker1');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker2');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker3');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker4');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker5');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker1');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker2');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker3');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker4');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker5');
- // Sing
- ThemeLoadBasic(Sing, 'Sing');
- //TimeBar mod
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticTimeProgress, 'SingTimeProgress');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextTimeText, 'SingTimeText');
- //eoa TimeBar mod
- //moveable singbar mod
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1SingBar, 'SingP1SingBar');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPSingBar, 'SingP1TwoPSingBar');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePSingBar, 'SingP1ThreePSingBar');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2RSingBar, 'SingP2RSingBar');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2MSingBar, 'SingP2MSingBar');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3SingBar, 'SingP3SingBar');
- //eoa moveable singbar
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1, 'SingP1Static');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1, 'SingP1Text');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG, 'SingP1Static2');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1Score, 'SingP1TextScore');
- //Added for ps3 skin
- //This one is shown in 2/4P mode
- //if it exists, otherwise the one Player equivaltents are used
- if (ThemeIni.SectionExists('SingP1TwoPTextScore')) then
- begin
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPStatic');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPText');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG, 'SingP1TwoPStatic2');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1TwoPScore, 'SingP1TwoPTextScore');
- end
- else
- begin
- Sing.StaticP1TwoP := Sing.StaticP1;
- Sing.TextP1TwoP := Sing.TextP1;
- Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG := Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG;
- Sing.TextP1TwoPScore := Sing.TextP1Score;
- end;
- //This one is shown in 3/6P mode
- //if it exists, otherwise the one Player equivaltents are used
- if (ThemeIni.SectionExists('SingP1TwoPTextScore')) then
- begin
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePStatic');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePText');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG, 'SingP1ThreePStatic2');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1ThreePScore, 'SingP1ThreePTextScore');
- end
- else
- begin
- Sing.StaticP1ThreeP := Sing.StaticP1;
- Sing.TextP1ThreeP := Sing.TextP1;
- Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG := Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG;
- Sing.TextP1ThreePScore := Sing.TextP1Score;
- end;
- //eoa
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2R, 'SingP2RStatic');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2R, 'SingP2RText');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG, 'SingP2RStatic2');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2RScore, 'SingP2RTextScore');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2M, 'SingP2MStatic');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2M, 'SingP2MText');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG, 'SingP2MStatic2');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2MScore, 'SingP2MTextScore');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3R, 'SingP3RStatic');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP3R, 'SingP3RText');
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG, 'SingP3RStatic2');
- ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP3RScore, 'SingP3RTextScore');
- //Line Bonus Texts
- Sing.LineBonusText[0] := Language.Translate('POPUP_AWFUL');
- Sing.LineBonusText[1] := Sing.LineBonusText[0];
- Sing.LineBonusText[2] := Language.Translate('POPUP_POOR');
- Sing.LineBonusText[3] := Language.Translate('POPUP_BAD');
- Sing.LineBonusText[4] := Language.Translate('POPUP_NOTBAD');
- Sing.LineBonusText[5] := Language.Translate('POPUP_GOOD');
- Sing.LineBonusText[6] := Language.Translate('POPUP_GREAT');
- Sing.LineBonusText[7] := Language.Translate('POPUP_AWESOME');
- Sing.LineBonusText[8] := Language.Translate('POPUP_PERFECT');
- //PausePopup
- ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.PausePopUp, 'PausePopUpStatic');
- // Score
- ThemeLoadBasic(Score, 'Score');
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextArtist, 'ScoreTextArtist');
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTitle, 'ScoreTextTitle');
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextArtistTitle, 'ScoreTextArtistTitle');
- for I := 1 to 6 do begin
- ThemeLoadStatics(Score.PlayerStatic[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Static');
- ThemeLoadTexts(Score.PlayerTexts[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Text');
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextName[I], 'ScoreTextName' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextScore[I], 'ScoreTextScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextNotes[I], 'ScoreTextNotes' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextLineBonus[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonus' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextLineBonusScore[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonusScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextGoldenNotes[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotes' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTotal[I], 'ScoreTextTotal' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTotalScore[I], 'ScoreTextTotalScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxLightest[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxLightest' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxLight[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxLight' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxDark[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxDark' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBackLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevel' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBackLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticLevel' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticRatings[I], 'ScoreStaticRatingPicture' + IntToStr(I));
- end;
- // Top5
- ThemeLoadBasic(Top5, 'Top5');
- ThemeLoadText(Top5.TextLevel, 'Top5TextLevel');
- ThemeLoadText(Top5.TextArtistTitle, 'Top5TextArtistTitle');
- ThemeLoadStatics(Top5.StaticNumber, 'Top5StaticNumber');
- ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextNumber, 'Top5TextNumber');
- ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextName, 'Top5TextName');
- ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextScore, 'Top5TextScore');
- // Options
- ThemeLoadBasic(Options, 'Options');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonGame, 'OptionsButtonGame');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonGraphics, 'OptionsButtonGraphics');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonSound, 'OptionsButtonSound');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonLyrics, 'OptionsButtonLyrics');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonThemes, 'OptionsButtonThemes');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonRecord, 'OptionsButtonRecord');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonAdvanced, 'OptionsButtonAdvanced');
- ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonExit, 'OptionsButtonExit');
- Options.Description[0] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_GAME_DESC');
- Options.Description[1] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_DESC');
- Options.Description[2] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_DESC');
- Options.Description[3] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS_DESC');
- Options.Description[4] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_THEMES_DESC');
- Options.Description[5] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_DESC');
- Options.Description[6] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_DESC');
- Options.Description[7] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_EXIT');
- ThemeLoadText(Options.TextDescription, 'OptionsTextDescription');
- Options.TextDescription.Text := Options.Description[0];
- // Options Game
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsGame, 'OptionsGame');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectPlayers, 'OptionsGameSelectPlayers');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectDifficulty, 'OptionsGameSelectDifficulty');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGame.SelectLanguage, 'OptionsGameSelectSlideLanguage');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectTabs, 'OptionsGameSelectTabs');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGame.SelectSorting, 'OptionsGameSelectSlideSorting');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectDebug, 'OptionsGameSelectDebug');
- ThemeLoadButton(OptionsGame.ButtonExit, 'OptionsGameButtonExit');
- // Options Graphics
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsGraphics, 'OptionsGraphics');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectFullscreen, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectFullscreen');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGraphics.SelectSlideResolution, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectSlideResolution');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectDepth, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectDepth');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectOscilloscope, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectOscilloscope');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectLineBonus, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectLineBonus');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectMovieSize, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectMovieSize');
- ThemeLoadButton(OptionsGraphics.ButtonExit, 'OptionsGraphicsButtonExit');
- // Options Sound
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsSound, 'OptionsSound');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectMicBoost, 'OptionsSoundSelectMicBoost');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectClickAssist, 'OptionsSoundSelectClickAssist');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectBeatClick, 'OptionsSoundSelectBeatClick');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectThreshold, 'OptionsSoundSelectThreshold');
- //Song Preview
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsSound.SelectSlidePreviewVolume, 'OptionsSoundSelectSlidePreviewVolume');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsSound.SelectSlidePreviewFading, 'OptionsSoundSelectSlidePreviewFading');
- ThemeLoadButton(OptionsSound.ButtonExit, 'OptionsSoundButtonExit');
- // Options Lyrics
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsLyrics, 'OptionsLyrics');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsFont, 'OptionsLyricsSelectLyricsFont');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsEffect, 'OptionsLyricsSelectLyricsEffect');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectSolmization, 'OptionsLyricsSelectSolmization');
- ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectNoteLines, 'OptionsLyricsSelectNoteLines');
- ThemeLoadButton(OptionsLyrics.ButtonExit, 'OptionsLyricsButtonExit');
- // Options Themes
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsThemes, 'OptionsThemes');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectTheme, 'OptionsThemesSelectTheme');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectSkin, 'OptionsThemesSelectSkin');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectColor, 'OptionsThemesSelectColor');
- ThemeLoadButton(OptionsThemes.ButtonExit, 'OptionsThemesButtonExit');
- // Options Record
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsRecord, 'OptionsRecord');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideCard, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideCard');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideInput');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannel, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideChannel');
- ThemeLoadButton(OptionsRecord.ButtonExit, 'OptionsRecordButtonExit');
- //Options Advanced
- ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsAdvanced, 'OptionsAdvanced');
- ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectLoadAnimation, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectLoadAnimation');
- ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectScreenFade, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectScreenFade');
- ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectEffectSing, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectEffectSing');
- ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectLineBonus, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectLineBonus');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide (OptionsAdvanced.SelectOnSongClick, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectSlideOnSongClick');
- ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectAskbeforeDel, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectAskbeforeDel');
- ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectPartyPopup, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectPartyPopup');
- ThemeLoadButton (OptionsAdvanced.ButtonExit, 'OptionsAdvancedButtonExit');
- //error and check popup
- ThemeLoadBasic (ErrorPopup, 'ErrorPopup');
- ThemeLoadButton(ErrorPopup.Button1, 'ErrorPopupButton1');
- ThemeLoadText (ErrorPopup.TextError,'ErrorPopupText');
- ThemeLoadBasic (CheckPopup, 'CheckPopup');
- ThemeLoadButton(CheckPopup.Button1, 'CheckPopupButton1');
- ThemeLoadButton(CheckPopup.Button2, 'CheckPopupButton2');
- ThemeLoadText(CheckPopup.TextCheck , 'CheckPopupText');
- //Song Menu
- ThemeLoadBasic (SongMenu, 'SongMenu');
- ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button1, 'SongMenuButton1');
- ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button2, 'SongMenuButton2');
- ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button3, 'SongMenuButton3');
- ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button4, 'SongMenuButton4');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(SongMenu.SelectSlide3, 'SongMenuSelectSlide3');
- ThemeLoadText(SongMenu.TextMenu, 'SongMenuTextMenu');
- //Song Jumpto
- ThemeLoadBasic (SongJumpto, 'SongJumpto');
- ThemeLoadButton(SongJumpto.ButtonSearchText, 'SongJumptoButtonSearchText');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(SongJumpto.SelectSlideType, 'SongJumptoSelectSlideType');
- ThemeLoadText(SongJumpto.TextFound, 'SongJumptoTextFound');
- //Translations
- SongJumpto.IType[0] := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE1');
- SongJumpto.IType[1] := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE2');
- SongJumpto.IType[2] := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE3');
- SongJumpto.SongsFound := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_SONGSFOUND');
- SongJumpto.NoSongsFound := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_NOSONGSFOUND');
- SongJumpto.CatText := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_CATTEXT');
- //Party Screens:
- //Party NewRound
- ThemeLoadBasic(PartyNewRound, 'PartyNewRound');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound1, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound2, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound3, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound3');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound4, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound4');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound5, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound5');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound6, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound6');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound7, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound7');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner1, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner2, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner3, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner3');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner4, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner4');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner5, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner5');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner6, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner6');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner7, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner7');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextRound, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextRound');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextRoundNo, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextRoundNo');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer1, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer2, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer3, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound1');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound2');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound4, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound4');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound5, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound5');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound6, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound6');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound7, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound7');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam3');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam3');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextTeam1Players, 'PartyNewRoundTextTeam1Players');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextTeam2Players, 'PartyNewRoundTextTeam2Players');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextTeam3Players, 'PartyNewRoundTextTeam3Players');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam1');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam2');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticNextPlayer1');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticNextPlayer2');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticNextPlayer3');
- //Party Score
- ThemeLoadBasic(PartyScore, 'PartyScore');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam3');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1BG, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1BG');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1Deco, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1Deco');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2BG, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2BG');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2Deco, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2Deco');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3BG, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3BG');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3Deco, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3Deco');
- //Load Party Score DecoTextures Object
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.ChangeTextures := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ChangeTextures', 0) = 1);
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstTexture := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'FirstTexture', '');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstTyp := ParseTextureType(ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'FirstTyp', ''), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED);
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstColor := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'FirstColor', 'Black');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondTexture := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'SecondTexture', '');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondTyp := ParseTextureType(ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'SecondTyp', ''), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED);
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondColor := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'SecondColor', 'Black');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdTexture := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ThirdTexture', '');
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdTyp := ParseTextureType(ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ThirdTyp', ''), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED);
- PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdColor := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ThirdColor', 'Black');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextWinner, 'PartyScoreTextWinner');
- //Party Win
- ThemeLoadBasic(PartyWin, 'PartyWin');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam3');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam1');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam2');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1BG, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1BG');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1Deco, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1Deco');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2BG, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2BG');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2Deco, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2Deco');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3BG, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3BG');
- ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3Deco, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3Deco');
- ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextWinner, 'PartyWinTextWinner');
- //Party Options
- ThemeLoadBasic(PartyOptions, 'PartyOptions');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectLevel, 'PartyOptionsSelectLevel');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayList, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayList');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayList2, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayList2');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectRounds, 'PartyOptionsSelectRounds');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectTeams, 'PartyOptionsSelectTeams');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers1, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers1');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers2, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers2');
- ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers3, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers3');
- {ThemeLoadButton (ButtonNext, 'ButtonNext');
- ThemeLoadButton (ButtonPrev, 'ButtonPrev');}
- //Party Player
- ThemeLoadBasic(PartyPlayer, 'PartyPlayer');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team1Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam1Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player1Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer1Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player2Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer2Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player3Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer3Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player4Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer4Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team2Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam2Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player5Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer5Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player6Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer6Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player7Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer7Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player8Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer8Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team3Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam3Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player9Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer9Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player10Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer10Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player11Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer11Name');
- ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player12Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer12Name');
- {ThemeLoadButton(ButtonNext, 'PartyPlayerButtonNext');
- ThemeLoadButton(ButtonPrev, 'PartyPlayerButtonPrev');}
- ThemeLoadBasic(StatMain, 'StatMain');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonScores, 'StatMainButtonScores');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonSingers, 'StatMainButtonSingers');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonSongs, 'StatMainButtonSongs');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonBands, 'StatMainButtonBands');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonExit, 'StatMainButtonExit');
- ThemeLoadText (StatMain.TextOverview, 'StatMainTextOverview');
- ThemeLoadBasic(StatDetail, 'StatDetail');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonNext, 'StatDetailButtonNext');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonPrev, 'StatDetailButtonPrev');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonReverse, 'StatDetailButtonReverse');
- ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonExit, 'StatDetailButtonExit');
- ThemeLoadText (StatDetail.TextDescription, 'StatDetailTextDescription');
- ThemeLoadText (StatDetail.TextPage, 'StatDetailTextPage');
- ThemeLoadTexts(StatDetail.TextList, 'StatDetailTextList');
- //Translate Texts
- StatDetail.Description[0] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SCORES');
- StatDetail.Description[1] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SINGERS');
- StatDetail.Description[2] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SONGS');
- StatDetail.Description[3] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_BANDS');
- StatDetail.DescriptionR[0] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SCORES_REVERSED');
- StatDetail.DescriptionR[1] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SINGERS_REVERSED');
- StatDetail.DescriptionR[2] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SONGS_REVERSED');
- StatDetail.DescriptionR[3] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_BANDS_REVERSED');
- StatDetail.FormatStr[0] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_SCORES');
- StatDetail.FormatStr[1] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_SINGERS');
- StatDetail.FormatStr[2] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_SONGS');
- StatDetail.FormatStr[3] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_BANDS');
- StatDetail.PageStr := Language.Translate('STAT_PAGE');
- //Playlist Translations
- Playlist.CatText := Language.Translate('PLAYLIST_CATTEXT');
- //Level Translations
- //Fill ILevel
- ILevel[0] := Language.Translate('SING_EASY');
- ILevel[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MEDIUM');
- ILevel[2] := Language.Translate('SING_HARD');
- end;
- ThemeIni.Free;
- end;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
- ThemeLoadBackground(Theme.Background, Name);
- ThemeLoadTexts(Theme.Text, Name + 'Text');
- ThemeLoadStatics(Theme.Static, Name + 'Static');
- ThemeLoadButtonCollections(Theme.ButtonCollection, Name + 'ButtonCollection');
- LastThemeBasic := Theme;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadBackground(var ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
- ThemeBackground.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name + 'Background', 'Tex', '');
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadText(var ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
- C: integer;
- ThemeText.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
- ThemeText.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
- ThemeText.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
- ThemeText.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 0);
- ThemeText.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 0);
- ThemeText.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 0);
- ThemeText.Font := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Font', 0);
- ThemeText.Size := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Size', 0);
- ThemeText.Align := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Align', 0);
- ThemeText.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
- ThemeText.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
- //Reflection
- ThemeText.Reflection := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Reflection', 0)) = 1;
- ThemeText.Reflectionspacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ReflectionSpacing', 15);
- C := ColorExists(ThemeText.Color);
- if C >= 0 then begin
- ThemeText.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
- ThemeText.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
- ThemeText.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadTexts(var ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
- T: integer;
- T := 1;
- while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(T)) do begin
- SetLength(ThemeText, T);
- ThemeLoadText(ThemeText[T-1], Name + IntToStr(T));
- Inc(T);
- end;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadStatic(var ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
- C: integer;
- ThemeStatic.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
- ThemeStatic.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
- ThemeStatic.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
- ThemeStatic.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat (Name, 'Z', 0);
- ThemeStatic.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
- ThemeStatic.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
- ThemeStatic.Typ := ParseTextureType(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Type', ''), TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN);
- ThemeStatic.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
- C := ColorExists(ThemeStatic.Color);
- if C >= 0 then begin
- ThemeStatic.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
- ThemeStatic.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
- ThemeStatic.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;
- ThemeStatic.TexX1 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexX1', 0);
- ThemeStatic.TexY1 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexY1', 0);
- ThemeStatic.TexX2 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexX2', 1);
- ThemeStatic.TexY2 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexY2', 1);
- //Reflection Mod
- ThemeStatic.Reflection := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Reflection', 0) = 1);
- ThemeStatic.ReflectionSpacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ReflectionSpacing', 15);
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadStatics(var ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
- S: integer;
- S := 1;
- while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(S)) do begin
- SetLength(ThemeStatic, S);
- ThemeLoadStatic(ThemeStatic[S-1], Name + IntToStr(S));
- Inc(S);
- end;
-//Button Collection Mod
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButtonCollection(var Collection: TThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
-var T: Integer;
- //Load Collection Style
- ThemeLoadButton(Collection.Style, Name);
- //Load Other Attributes
- T := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'FirstChild', 0);
- if (T > 0) And (T < 256) then
- Collection.FirstChild := T
- else
- Collection.FirstChild := 0;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButtonCollections(var Collections: AThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
- I: integer;
- I := 1;
- while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(I)) do begin
- SetLength(Collections, I);
- ThemeLoadButtonCollection(Collections[I-1], Name + IntToStr(I));
- Inc(I);
- end;
-//End Button Collection Mod
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButton(var ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string; const Collections: PAThemeButtonCollection);
- C: integer;
- TLen: integer;
- T: integer;
- Collections2: PAThemeButtonCollection;
- if not ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name) then
- begin
- ThemeButton.Visible := False;
- exit;
- end;
- ThemeButton.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
- ThemeButton.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'X', 0);
- ThemeButton.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'Y', 0);
- ThemeButton.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat (Name, 'Z', 0);
- ThemeButton.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'W', 0);
- ThemeButton.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'H', 0);
- ThemeButton.Typ := ParseTextureType(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Type', ''), TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN);
- //Reflection Mod
- ThemeButton.Reflection := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Reflection', 0) = 1);
- ThemeButton.ReflectionSpacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ReflectionSpacing', 15);
- ThemeButton.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 1);
- ThemeButton.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 1);
- ThemeButton.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 1);
- ThemeButton.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
- ThemeButton.DColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColR', 1);
- ThemeButton.DColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColG', 1);
- ThemeButton.DColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColB', 1);
- ThemeButton.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
- ThemeButton.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
- C := ColorExists(ThemeButton.Color);
- if C >= 0 then begin
- ThemeButton.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
- ThemeButton.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
- ThemeButton.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;
- ThemeButton.DColor := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', '');
- C := ColorExists(ThemeButton.DColor);
- if C >= 0 then begin
- ThemeButton.DColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
- ThemeButton.DColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
- ThemeButton.DColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;
- ThemeButton.Visible := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Visible', 1) = 1);
- //Fade Mod
- ThemeButton.SelectH := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'SelectH', ThemeButton.H);
- ThemeButton.SelectW := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'SelectW', ThemeButton.W);
- ThemeButton.DeSelectReflectionspacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DeSelectReflectionSpacing', ThemeButton.Reflectionspacing);
- ThemeButton.Fade := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Fade', 0) = 1);
- ThemeButton.FadeText := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'FadeText', 0) = 1);
- ThemeButton.FadeTex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'FadeTex', '');
- ThemeButton.FadeTexPos:= ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'FadeTexPos', 0);
- if (ThemeButton.FadeTexPos > 4) Or (ThemeButton.FadeTexPos < 0) then
- ThemeButton.FadeTexPos := 0;
- //Button Collection Mod
- T := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Parent', 0);
- //Set Collections to Last Basic Collections if no valid Value
- if (Collections = nil) then
- Collections2 := @LastThemeBasic.ButtonCollection
- else
- Collections2 := Collections;
- //Test for valid Value
- if (Collections2 <> nil) AND (T > 0) AND (T <= Length(Collections2^)) then
- begin
- Inc(Collections2^[T-1].ChildCount);
- ThemeButton.Parent := T;
- end
- else
- ThemeButton.Parent := 0;
- //Read ButtonTexts
- TLen := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Texts', 0);
- SetLength(ThemeButton.Text, TLen);
- for T := 1 to TLen do
- ThemeLoadText(ThemeButton.Text[T-1], Name + 'Text' + IntToStr(T));
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadSelect(var ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; Name: string);
- C: integer;
- ThemeSelect.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
- ThemeSelect.Tex := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
- ThemeSelect.TexSBG := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TexSBG', '');
- ThemeSelect.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
- ThemeSelect.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
- ThemeSelect.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
- ThemeSelect.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
- ThemeSelect.SkipX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SkipX', 0);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.ColR, ThemeSelect.ColG, ThemeSelect.ColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
- ThemeSelect.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.DColR, ThemeSelect.DColG, ThemeSelect.DColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.TColR, ThemeSelect.TColG, ThemeSelect.TColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.TInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.TDColR, ThemeSelect.TDColG, ThemeSelect.TDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TDColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.TDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TDInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.SBGColR, ThemeSelect.SBGColG, ThemeSelect.SBGColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.SBGInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.SBGDColR, ThemeSelect.SBGDColG, ThemeSelect.SBGDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGDColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.SBGDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGDInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.STColR, ThemeSelect.STColG, ThemeSelect.STColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.STInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelect.STDColR, ThemeSelect.STDColG, ThemeSelect.STDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STDColor', ''));
- ThemeSelect.STDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STDInt', 1);
-procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadSelectSlide(var ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; Name: string);
- C: integer;
- ThemeSelectS.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.Tex := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
- ThemeSelectS.TexSBG := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TexSBG', '');
- ThemeSelectS.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Z', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.TextSize := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'TextSize', 10);
- ThemeSelectS.SkipX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SkipX', 0);
- ThemeSelectS.SBGW := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SBGW', 450);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.ColR, ThemeSelectS.ColG, ThemeSelectS.ColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.DColR, ThemeSelectS.DColG, ThemeSelectS.DColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.TColR, ThemeSelectS.TColG, ThemeSelectS.TColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.TInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.TDColR, ThemeSelectS.TDColG, ThemeSelectS.TDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TDColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.TDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TDInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.SBGColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.SBGInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.SBGDColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGDColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.SBGDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGDInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.STColR, ThemeSelectS.STColG, ThemeSelectS.STColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.STInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STInt', 1);
- LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.STDColR, ThemeSelectS.STDColG, ThemeSelectS.STDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STDColor', ''));
- ThemeSelectS.STDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STDInt', 1);
-procedure TTheme.LoadColors;
- SL: TStringList;
- C: integer;
- S: string;
- Col: integer;
- SL := TStringList.Create;
- ThemeIni.ReadSection('Colors', SL);
- // normal colors
- SetLength(Color, SL.Count);
- for C := 0 to SL.Count-1 do begin
- Color[C].Name := SL.Strings[C];
- S := ThemeIni.ReadString('Colors', SL.Strings[C], '');
- Color[C].RGB.R := StrToInt(Copy(S, 1, Pos(' ' , S)-1))/255;
- Delete(S, 1, Pos(' ', S));
- Color[C].RGB.G := StrToInt(Copy(S, 1, Pos(' ' , S)-1))/255;
- Delete(S, 1, Pos(' ', S));
- Color[C].RGB.B := StrToInt(S)/255;
- end;
- // skin color
- SetLength(Color, SL.Count + 3);
- C := SL.Count;
- Color[C].Name := 'ColorDark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(Skin.Color); //Ini.Color);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'ColorLight';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'ColorLightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- // players colors
- SetLength(Color, Length(Color)+18);
- // P1
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P1Dark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(0); // 0 - blue
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P1Light';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P1Lightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- // P2
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P2Dark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(3); // 3 - red
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P2Light';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P2Lightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- // P3
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P3Dark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(1); // 1 - green
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P3Light';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P3Lightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- // P4
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P4Dark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(4); // 4 - brown
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P4Light';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P4Lightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- // P5
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P5Dark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(5); // 5 - yellow
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P5Light';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P5Lightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- // P6
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P6Dark';
- Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(6); // 6 - violet
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P6Light';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- C := C+1;
- Color[C].Name := 'P6Lightest';
- Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
- SL.Free;
-function ColorExists(Name: string): integer;
- C: integer;
- Result := -1;
- for C := 0 to High(Color) do
- if Color[C].Name = Name then Result := C;
-procedure LoadColor(var R, G, B: real; ColorName: string);
- C: integer;
- C := ColorExists(ColorName);
- if C >= 0 then begin
- R := Color[C].RGB.R;
- G := Color[C].RGB.G;
- B := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;
-function GetSystemColor(Color: integer): TRGB;
- case Color of
- 0: begin
- // blue
- Result.R := 71/255;
- Result.G := 175/255;
- Result.B := 247/255;
- end;
- 1: begin
- // green
- Result.R := 63/255;
- Result.G := 191/255;
- Result.B := 63/255;
- end;
- 2: begin
- // pink
- Result.R := 255/255;
-{ Result.G := 63/255;
- Result.B := 192/255;}
- Result.G := 175/255;
- Result.B := 247/255;
- end;
- 3: begin
- // red
- Result.R := 247/255;
- Result.G := 71/255;
- Result.B := 71/255;
- end;
- //'Violet', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Brown', 'Black'
- //New Theme-Color Patch
- 4: begin
- // violet
- Result.R := 230/255;
- Result.G := 63/255;
- Result.B := 230/255;
- end;
- 5: begin
- // orange
- Result.R := 255/255;
- Result.G := 144/255;
- Result.B := 0;
- end;
- 6: begin
- // yellow
- Result.R := 230/255;
- Result.G := 230/255;
- Result.B := 95/255;
- end;
- 7: begin
- // brown
- Result.R := 192/255;
- Result.G := 127/255;
- Result.B := 31/255;
- end;
- 8: begin
- // black
- Result.R := 0;
- Result.G := 0;
- Result.B := 0;
- end;
- //New Theme-Color Patch End
- end;
-function ColorSqrt(RGB: TRGB): TRGB;
- Result.R := sqrt(RGB.R);
- Result.G := sqrt(RGB.G);
- Result.B := sqrt(RGB.B);
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSave(FileName: string);
- I: integer;
- ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
- {$ELSE}
- ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
- {$ENDIF}
- ThemeSaveBasic(Loading, 'Loading');
- ThemeSaveBasic(Main, 'Main');
- ThemeSaveText(Main.TextDescription, 'MainTextDescription');
- ThemeSaveText(Main.TextDescriptionLong, 'MainTextDescriptionLong');
- ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonSolo, 'MainButtonSolo');
- ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonEditor, 'MainButtonEditor');
- ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonOptions, 'MainButtonOptions');
- ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonExit, 'MainButtonExit');
- ThemeSaveBasic(Name, 'Name');
- for I := 1 to 6 do
- ThemeSaveButton(Name.ButtonPlayer[I], 'NameButtonPlayer' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveBasic(Level, 'Level');
- ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonEasy, 'LevelButtonEasy');
- ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonMedium, 'LevelButtonMedium');
- ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonHard, 'LevelButtonHard');
- ThemeSaveBasic(Song, 'Song');
- ThemeSaveText(Song.TextArtist, 'SongTextArtist');
- ThemeSaveText(Song.TextTitle, 'SongTextTitle');
- ThemeSaveText(Song.TextNumber, 'SongTextNumber');
- //Show CAt in Top Left Mod
- ThemeSaveText(Song.TextCat, 'SongTextCat');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Song.StaticCat, 'SongStaticCat');
- ThemeSaveBasic(Sing, 'Sing');
- //TimeBar mod
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticTimeProgress, 'SingTimeProgress');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextTimeText, 'SingTimeText');
- //eoa TimeBar mod
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1, 'SingP1Static');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1, 'SingP1Text');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG, 'SingP1Static2');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1Score, 'SingP1TextScore');
- //moveable singbar mod
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1SingBar, 'SingP1SingBar');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPSingBar, 'SingP1TwoPSingBar');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePSingBar, 'SingP1ThreePSingBar');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2RSingBar, 'SingP2RSingBar');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2MSingBar, 'SingP2MSingBar');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3SingBar, 'SingP3SingBar');
- //eoa moveable singbar
- //Added for ps3 skin
- //This one is shown in 2/4P mode
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPStatic');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPText');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG, 'SingP1TwoPStatic2');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1TwoPScore, 'SingP1TwoPTextScore');
- //This one is shown in 3/6P mode
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePStatic');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePText');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG, 'SingP1ThreePStatic2');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1ThreePScore, 'SingP1ThreePTextScore');
- //eoa
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2R, 'SingP2RStatic');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2R, 'SingP2RText');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG, 'SingP2RStatic2');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2RScore, 'SingP2RTextScore');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2M, 'SingP2MStatic');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2M, 'SingP2MText');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG, 'SingP2MStatic2');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2MScore, 'SingP2MTextScore');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3R, 'SingP3RStatic');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP3R, 'SingP3RText');
- ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG, 'SingP3RStatic2');
- ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP3RScore, 'SingP3RTextScore');
- ThemeSaveBasic(Score, 'Score');
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextArtist, 'ScoreTextArtist');
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTitle, 'ScoreTextTitle');
- for I := 1 to 6 do begin
- ThemeSaveStatics(Score.PlayerStatic[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Static');
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextName[I], 'ScoreTextName' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextScore[I], 'ScoreTextScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextNotes[I], 'ScoreTextNotes' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextLineBonus[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonus' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextLineBonusScore[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonusScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextGoldenNotes[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotes' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTotal[I], 'ScoreTextTotal' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTotalScore[I], 'ScoreTextTotalScore' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticBackLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevel' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticBackLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticLevel' + IntToStr(I));
- ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
- end;
- ThemeSaveBasic(Top5, 'Top5');
- ThemeSaveText(Top5.TextLevel, 'Top5TextLevel');
- ThemeSaveText(Top5.TextArtistTitle, 'Top5TextArtistTitle');
- ThemeSaveStatics(Top5.StaticNumber, 'Top5StaticNumber');
- ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextNumber, 'Top5TextNumber');
- ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextName, 'Top5TextName');
- ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextScore, 'Top5TextScore');
- ThemeIni.Free;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Texts', Length(Theme.Text));
- ThemeSaveBackground(Theme.Background, Name + 'Background');
- ThemeSaveStatics(Theme.Static, Name + 'Static');
- ThemeSaveTexts(Theme.Text, Name + 'Text');
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveBackground(ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
- if ThemeBackground.Tex <> '' then
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeBackground.Tex)
- else begin
- ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name);
- end;
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeStatic.X);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeStatic.Y);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'W', ThemeStatic.W);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'H', ThemeStatic.H);
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeStatic.Tex);
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Type', TextureTypeToStr(ThemeStatic.Typ));
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeStatic.Color);
- ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexX1', ThemeStatic.TexX1);
- ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexY1', ThemeStatic.TexY1);
- ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexX2', ThemeStatic.TexX2);
- ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexY2', ThemeStatic.TexY2);
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveStatics(ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
- S: integer;
- for S := 0 to Length(ThemeStatic)-1 do
- ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic[S], Name + {'Static' +} IntToStr(S+1));
- ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name + {'Static' + }IntToStr(S+1));
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveText(ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeText.X);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeText.Y);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Font', ThemeText.Font);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Size', ThemeText.Size);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Align', ThemeText.Align);
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Text', ThemeText.Text);
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeText.Color);
- ThemeIni.WriteBool(Name, 'Reflection', ThemeText.Reflection);
- ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'ReflectionSpacing', ThemeText.ReflectionSpacing);
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveTexts(ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
- T: integer;
- for T := 0 to Length(ThemeText)-1 do
- ThemeSaveText(ThemeText[T], Name + {'Text' + }IntToStr(T+1));
- ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name + {'Text' + }IntToStr(T+1));
-procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string);
- T: integer;
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeButton.Tex);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeButton.X);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeButton.Y);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'W', ThemeButton.W);
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'H', ThemeButton.H);
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Type', TextureTypeToStr(ThemeButton.Typ));
- ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Texts', Length(ThemeButton.Text));
- ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeButton.Color);
-{ ThemeButton.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 1);
- ThemeButton.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 1);
- ThemeButton.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 1);
- ThemeButton.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
- ThemeButton.DColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColR', 1);
- ThemeButton.DColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColG', 1);
- ThemeButton.DColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColB', 1);
- ThemeButton.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);}
-{ C := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
- if C >= 0 then begin
- ThemeButton.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
- ThemeButton.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
- ThemeButton.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;
- C := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
- if C >= 0 then begin
- ThemeButton.DColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
- ThemeButton.DColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
- ThemeButton.DColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
- end;}
- for T := 0 to High(ThemeButton.Text) do
- ThemeSaveText(ThemeButton.Text[T], Name + 'Text' + IntToStr(T+1));
-procedure TTheme.create_theme_objects();
- freeandnil( Loading );
- Loading := TThemeLoading.Create;
- freeandnil( Main );
- Main := TThemeMain.Create;
- freeandnil( Name );
- Name := TThemeName.Create;
- freeandnil( Level );
- Level := TThemeLevel.Create;
- freeandnil( Song );
- Song := TThemeSong.Create;
- freeandnil( Sing );
- Sing := TThemeSing.Create;
- freeandnil( Score );
- Score := TThemeScore.Create;
- freeandnil( Top5 );
- Top5 := TThemeTop5.Create;
- freeandnil( Options );
- Options := TThemeOptions.Create;
- freeandnil( OptionsGame );
- OptionsGame := TThemeOptionsGame.Create;
- freeandnil( OptionsGraphics );
- OptionsGraphics := TThemeOptionsGraphics.Create;
- freeandnil( OptionsSound );
- OptionsSound := TThemeOptionsSound.Create;
- freeandnil( OptionsLyrics );
- OptionsLyrics := TThemeOptionsLyrics.Create;
- freeandnil( OptionsThemes );
- OptionsThemes := TThemeOptionsThemes.Create;
- freeandnil( OptionsRecord );
- OptionsRecord := TThemeOptionsRecord.Create;
- freeandnil( OptionsAdvanced );
- OptionsAdvanced := TThemeOptionsAdvanced.Create;
- freeandnil( ErrorPopup );
- ErrorPopup := TThemeError.Create;
- freeandnil( CheckPopup );
- CheckPopup := TThemeCheck.Create;
- freeandnil( SongMenu );
- SongMenu := TThemeSongMenu.Create;
- freeandnil( SongJumpto );
- SongJumpto := TThemeSongJumpto.Create;
- //Party Screens
- freeandnil( PartyNewRound );
- PartyNewRound := TThemePartyNewRound.Create;
- freeandnil( PartyWin );
- PartyWin := TThemePartyWin.Create;
- freeandnil( PartyScore );
- PartyScore := TThemePartyScore.Create;
- freeandnil( PartyOptions );
- PartyOptions := TThemePartyOptions.Create;
- freeandnil( PartyPlayer );
- PartyPlayer := TThemePartyPlayer.Create;
- //Stats Screens:
- freeandnil( StatMain );
- StatMain := TThemeStatMain.Create;
- freeandnil( StatDetail );
- StatDetail := TThemeStatDetail.Create;
- end;
+unit UThemes;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ ULog,
+ IniFiles,
+ SysUtils,
+ Classes,
+ UTexture;
+ TRGB = record
+ R: single;
+ G: single;
+ B: single;
+ end;
+ TRGBA = record
+ R, G, B, A: Double;
+ end;
+ TThemeBackground = record
+ Tex: string;
+ end;
+ TThemeStatic = record
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ Z: real;
+ W: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ Color: string;
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ Tex: string;
+ Typ: TTextureType;
+ TexX1: real;
+ TexY1: real;
+ TexX2: real;
+ TexY2: real;
+ //Reflection
+ Reflection: boolean;
+ Reflectionspacing: Real;
+ end;
+ AThemeStatic = array of TThemeStatic;
+ TThemeText = record
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ W: integer;
+ Color: string;
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ Font: integer;
+ Size: integer;
+ Align: integer;
+ Text: string;
+ //Reflection
+ Reflection: boolean;
+ ReflectionSpacing: Real;
+ end;
+ AThemeText = array of TThemeText;
+ TThemeButton = record
+ Text: AThemeText;
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ Z: Real;
+ W: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ Color: string;
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ Int: real;
+ DColor: string;
+ DColR: real;
+ DColG: real;
+ DColB: real;
+ DInt: real;
+ Tex: string;
+ Typ: TTextureType;
+ Visible: Boolean;
+ //Reflection Mod
+ Reflection: boolean;
+ Reflectionspacing: Real;
+ //Fade Mod
+ SelectH: integer;
+ SelectW: integer;
+ Fade: boolean;
+ FadeText: boolean;
+ DeSelectReflectionspacing : Real;
+ FadeTex: string;
+ FadeTexPos: integer;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ Parent: Byte; //Number of the Button Collection this Button is assigned to. IF 0: No Assignement
+ end;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ TThemeButtonCollection = record
+ Style: TThemeButton;
+ ChildCount: Byte; //No of assigned Childs
+ FirstChild: Byte; //No of Child on whose Interaction Position the Button should be
+ end;
+ AThemeButtonCollection = array of TThemeButtonCollection;
+ PAThemeButtonCollection = ^AThemeButtonCollection;
+ TThemeSelect = record
+ Tex: string;
+ TexSBG: string;
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ W: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ Text: string;
+ ColR, ColG, ColB, Int: real;
+ DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real;
+ TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt: real;
+ TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt: real;
+ SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt: real;
+ SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt: real;
+ STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt: real;
+ STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
+ SkipX: integer;
+ end;
+ TThemeSelectSlide = record
+ Tex: string;
+ TexSBG: string;
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ W: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ Z: real;
+ TextSize: integer;
+ //SBGW Mod
+ SBGW: integer;
+ Text: string;
+ ColR, ColG, ColB, Int: real;
+ DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real;
+ TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt: real;
+ TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt: real;
+ SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt: real;
+ SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt: real;
+ STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt: real;
+ STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
+ SkipX: integer;
+ end;
+ PThemeBasic = ^TThemeBasic;
+ TThemeBasic = class
+ Background: TThemeBackground;
+ Text: AThemeText;
+ Static: AThemeStatic;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ ButtonCollection: AThemeButtonCollection;
+ end;
+ TThemeLoading = class(TThemeBasic)
+ StaticAnimation: TThemeStatic;
+ TextLoading: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemeMain = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonSolo: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonMulti: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonStat: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonEditor: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonOptions: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ TextDescription: TThemeText;
+ TextDescriptionLong: TThemeText;
+ Description: array[0..5] of string;
+ DescriptionLong: array[0..5] of string;
+ end;
+ TThemeName = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonPlayer: array[1..6] of TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeLevel = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonEasy: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonMedium: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonHard: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeSong = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextArtist: TThemeText;
+ TextTitle: TThemeText;
+ TextNumber: TThemeText;
+ //Video Icon Mod
+ VideoIcon: TThemeStatic;
+ //Show Cat in TopLeft Mod
+ TextCat: TThemeText;
+ StaticCat: TThemeStatic;
+ //Cover Mod
+ Cover: record
+ Reflections: Boolean;
+ X: Integer;
+ Y: Integer;
+ Z: Integer;
+ W: Integer;
+ H: Integer;
+ Style: Integer;
+ end;
+ //Equalizer Mod
+ Equalizer: record
+ Visible: Boolean;
+ Direction: Boolean;
+ Alpha: real;
+ X: Integer;
+ Y: Integer;
+ Z: Real;
+ W: Integer;
+ H: Integer;
+ Space: Integer;
+ Bands: Integer;
+ Length: Integer;
+ ColR, ColG, ColB: Real;
+ end;
+ //Party and Non Party specific Statics and Texts
+ StaticParty: AThemeStatic;
+ TextParty: AThemeText;
+ StaticNonParty: AThemeStatic;
+ TextNonParty: AThemeText;
+ //Party Mode
+ StaticTeam1Joker1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Joker2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Joker3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Joker4: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Joker5: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker4: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker5: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker4: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker5: TThemeStatic;
+ end;
+ TThemeSing = class(TThemeBasic)
+ //TimeBar mod
+ StaticTimeProgress: TThemeStatic;
+ TextTimeText : TThemeText;
+ //eoa TimeBar mod
+ StaticP1: TThemeStatic;
+ TextP1: TThemeText;
+ StaticP1ScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP1Score: TThemeText;
+ //moveable singbar mod
+ StaticP1SingBar: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP1ThreePSingBar: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP1TwoPSingBar: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP2RSingBar: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP2MSingBar: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP3SingBar: TThemeStatic;
+ //eoa moveable singbar
+ //added for ps3 skin
+ //game in 2/4 player modi
+ StaticP1TwoP: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP1TwoPScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP1TwoP: TThemeText;
+ TextP1TwoPScore: TThemeText;
+ //game in 3/6 player modi
+ StaticP1ThreeP: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP1ThreePScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP1ThreeP: TThemeText;
+ TextP1ThreePScore: TThemeText;
+ //eoa
+ StaticP2R: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP2RScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP2R: TThemeText;
+ TextP2RScore: TThemeText;
+ StaticP2M: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP2MScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP2M: TThemeText;
+ TextP2MScore: TThemeText;
+ StaticP3R: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP3RScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP3R: TThemeText;
+ TextP3RScore: TThemeText;
+ //Linebonus Translations
+ LineBonusText: Array [0..8] of String;
+ //Pause Popup
+ PausePopUp: TThemeStatic;
+ end;
+ TThemeScore = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextArtist: TThemeText;
+ TextTitle: TThemeText;
+ TextArtistTitle: TThemeText;
+ PlayerStatic: array[1..6] of AThemeStatic;
+ PlayerTexts: array[1..6] of AThemeText;
+ TextName: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextNotes: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextNotesScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextLineBonus: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextLineBonusScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextGoldenNotes: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextGoldenNotesScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextTotal: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextTotalScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ StaticBoxLightest: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticBoxLight: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticBoxDark: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRatings: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticBackLevel: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticBackLevelRound: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticLevel: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticLevelRound: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+// Description: array[0..5] of string;}
+ end;
+ TThemeTop5 = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextLevel: TThemeText;
+ TextArtistTitle: TThemeText;
+ StaticNumber: AThemeStatic;
+ TextNumber: AThemeText;
+ TextName: AThemeText;
+ TextScore: AThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptions = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonGame: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonGraphics: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonSound: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonLyrics: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonThemes: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonRecord: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonAdvanced: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ TextDescription: TThemeText;
+ Description: array[0..7] of string;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsGame = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectPlayers: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectDifficulty: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectLanguage: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectTabs: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectSorting: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectDebug: TThemeSelect;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsGraphics = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectFullscreen: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectSlideResolution: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectDepth: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectOscilloscope: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectLineBonus: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectMovieSize: TThemeSelect;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsSound = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectMicBoost: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectClickAssist: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectBeatClick: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectThreshold: TThemeSelect;
+ //Song Preview
+ SelectSlidePreviewVolume: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSlidePreviewFading: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsLyrics = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectLyricsFont: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectLyricsEffect: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSolmization: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectNoteLines: TThemeSelect;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsThemes = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectTheme: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSkin: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectColor: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsRecord = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectSlideCard: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSlideInput: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSlideChannel: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsAdvanced = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectLoadAnimation: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectEffectSing: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectScreenFade: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectLineBonus: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectAskbeforeDel: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectOnSongClick: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPartyPopup: TThemeSelect;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ //Error- and Check-Popup
+ TThemeError = class(TThemeBasic)
+ Button1: TThemeButton;
+ TextError: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemeCheck = class(TThemeBasic)
+ Button1: TThemeButton;
+ Button2: TThemeButton;
+ TextCheck: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ //ScreenSong Menue
+ TThemeSongMenu = class(TThemeBasic)
+ Button1: TThemeButton;
+ Button2: TThemeButton;
+ Button3: TThemeButton;
+ Button4: TThemeButton;
+ SelectSlide3: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ TextMenu: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemeSongJumpTo = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonSearchText: TThemeButton;
+ SelectSlideType: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ TextFound: TThemeText;
+ //Translated Texts
+ Songsfound: String;
+ NoSongsfound: String;
+ CatText: String;
+ IType: array [0..2] of String;
+ end;
+ //Party Screens
+ TThemePartyNewRound = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextRound1: TThemeText;
+ TextRound2: TThemeText;
+ TextRound3: TThemeText;
+ TextRound4: TThemeText;
+ TextRound5: TThemeText;
+ TextRound6: TThemeText;
+ TextRound7: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner1: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner2: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner3: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner4: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner5: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner6: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner7: TThemeText;
+ TextNextRound: TThemeText;
+ TextNextRoundNo: TThemeText;
+ TextNextPlayer1: TThemeText;
+ TextNextPlayer2: TThemeText;
+ TextNextPlayer3: TThemeText;
+ StaticRound1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound4: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound5: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound6: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound7: TThemeStatic;
+ TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
+ TextTeam1Players: TThemeText;
+ TextTeam2Players: TThemeText;
+ TextTeam3Players: TThemeText;
+ StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticNextPlayer1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticNextPlayer2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticNextPlayer3: TThemeStatic;
+ end;
+ TThemePartyScore = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
+ StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1BG: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Deco: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2BG: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Deco: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3BG: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Deco: TThemeStatic;
+ DecoTextures: record
+ ChangeTextures: Boolean;
+ FirstTexture: String;
+ FirstTyp: TTextureType;
+ FirstColor: String;
+ SecondTexture: String;
+ SecondTyp: TTextureType;
+ SecondColor: String;
+ ThirdTexture: String;
+ ThirdTyp: TTextureType;
+ ThirdColor: String;
+ end;
+ TextWinner: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemePartyWin = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
+ StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1BG: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Deco: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2BG: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Deco: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3BG: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Deco: TThemeStatic;
+ TextWinner: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemePartyOptions = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectLevel: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayList: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayList2: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectRounds: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectTeams: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayers1: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayers2: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayers3: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ {ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;}
+ end;
+ TThemePartyPlayer = class(TThemeBasic)
+ Team1Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player1Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player2Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player3Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player4Name: TThemeButton;
+ Team2Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player5Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player6Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player7Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player8Name: TThemeButton;
+ Team3Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player9Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player10Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player11Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player12Name: TThemeButton;
+ {ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;}
+ end;
+ //Stats Screens
+ TThemeStatMain = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonScores: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonSingers: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonSongs: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonBands: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ TextOverview: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemeStatDetail = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonReverse: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ TextDescription: TThemeText;
+ TextPage: TThemeText;
+ TextList: AThemeText;
+ Description: array[0..3] of string;
+ DescriptionR: array[0..3] of string;
+ FormatStr: array[0..3] of string;
+ PageStr: String;
+ end;
+ //Playlist Translations
+ TThemePlaylist = record
+ CatText: string;
+ end;
+ TTheme = class
+ private
+ ThemeIni: TIniFile;
+ {$ELSE}
+ ThemeIni: TMemIniFile;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ LastThemeBasic: TThemeBasic;
+ procedure create_theme_objects();
+ public
+ Loading: TThemeLoading;
+ Main: TThemeMain;
+ Name: TThemeName;
+ Level: TThemeLevel;
+ Song: TThemeSong;
+ Sing: TThemeSing;
+ Score: TThemeScore;
+ Top5: TThemeTop5;
+ Options: TThemeOptions;
+ OptionsGame: TThemeOptionsGame;
+ OptionsGraphics: TThemeOptionsGraphics;
+ OptionsSound: TThemeOptionsSound;
+ OptionsLyrics: TThemeOptionsLyrics;
+ OptionsThemes: TThemeOptionsThemes;
+ OptionsRecord: TThemeOptionsRecord;
+ OptionsAdvanced: TThemeOptionsAdvanced;
+ //error and check popup
+ ErrorPopup: TThemeError;
+ CheckPopup: TThemeCheck;
+ //ScreenSong extensions
+ SongMenu: TThemeSongMenu;
+ SongJumpto: TThemeSongJumpTo;
+ //Party Screens:
+ PartyNewRound: TThemePartyNewRound;
+ PartyScore: TThemePartyScore;
+ PartyWin: TThemePartyWin;
+ PartyOptions: TThemePartyOptions;
+ PartyPlayer: TThemePartyPlayer;
+ //Stats Screens:
+ StatMain: TThemeStatMain;
+ StatDetail: TThemeStatDetail;
+ Playlist: TThemePlaylist;
+ ILevel: array[0..2] of String;
+ constructor Create(FileName: string); overload; // Initialize theme system
+ constructor Create(FileName: string; Color: integer); overload; // Initialize theme system with color
+ function LoadTheme(FileName: string; sColor: integer): boolean; // Load some theme settings from file
+ procedure LoadColors;
+ procedure ThemeLoadBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadBackground(var ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadText(var ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadTexts(var ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadStatic(var ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadStatics(var ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadButton(var ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string; const Collections: PAThemeButtonCollection = nil);
+ procedure ThemeLoadButtonCollection(var Collection: TThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadButtonCollections(var Collections: AThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadSelect(var ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadSelectSlide(var ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSave(FileName: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveBackground(ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveStatics(ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveText(ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveTexts(ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string);
+ end;
+ TColor = record
+ Name: string;
+ end;
+function ColorExists(Name: string): integer;
+procedure LoadColor(var R, G, B: real; ColorName: string);
+function GetSystemColor(Color: integer): TRGB;
+function ColorSqrt(RGB: TRGB): TRGB;
+ //Skin: TSkin;
+ Theme: TTheme;
+ Color: array of TColor;
+ UCommon,
+ ULanguage,
+ USkins,
+ UIni;
+constructor TTheme.Create(FileName: string);
+ Create(FileName, 0);
+constructor TTheme.Create(FileName: string; Color: integer);
+ inherited Create();
+ Loading := TThemeLoading.Create;
+ Main := TThemeMain.Create;
+ Name := TThemeName.Create;
+ Level := TThemeLevel.Create;
+ Song := TThemeSong.Create;
+ Sing := TThemeSing.Create;
+ Score := TThemeScore.Create;
+ Top5 := TThemeTop5.Create;
+ Options := TThemeOptions.Create;
+ OptionsGame := TThemeOptionsGame.Create;
+ OptionsGraphics := TThemeOptionsGraphics.Create;
+ OptionsSound := TThemeOptionsSound.Create;
+ OptionsLyrics := TThemeOptionsLyrics.Create;
+ OptionsThemes := TThemeOptionsThemes.Create;
+ OptionsRecord := TThemeOptionsRecord.Create;
+ OptionsAdvanced := TThemeOptionsAdvanced.Create;
+ ErrorPopup := TThemeError.Create;
+ CheckPopup := TThemeCheck.Create;
+ SongMenu := TThemeSongMenu.Create;
+ SongJumpto := TThemeSongJumpto.Create;
+ //Party Screens
+ PartyNewRound := TThemePartyNewRound.Create;
+ PartyWin := TThemePartyWin.Create;
+ PartyScore := TThemePartyScore.Create;
+ PartyOptions := TThemePartyOptions.Create;
+ PartyPlayer := TThemePartyPlayer.Create;
+ //Stats Screens:
+ StatMain := TThemeStatMain.Create;
+ StatDetail := TThemeStatDetail.Create;
+ LoadTheme(FileName, Color);
+function TTheme.LoadTheme(FileName: string; sColor: integer): boolean;
+ I: integer;
+ Path: string;
+ Result := false;
+ create_theme_objects();
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading: '+ FileName, 'TTheme.LoadTheme');
+ FileName := AdaptFilePaths( FileName );
+ if not FileExists(FileName) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('Theme does not exist ('+ FileName +')', 'TTheme.LoadTheme');
+ end;
+ if FileExists(FileName) then
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme', 'Name', '') <> '' then
+ begin
+ {Skin.SkinName := ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme', 'Name', 'Singstar');
+ Skin.SkinPath := 'Skins\' + Skin.SkinName + '\';
+ Skin.SkinReg := false; }
+ Skin.Color := sColor;
+ Skin.LoadSkin(ISkin[Ini.SkinNo]);
+ LoadColors;
+// ThemeIni.Free;
+// ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create('Themes\Singstar\Main.ini');
+ // Loading
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Loading, 'Loading');
+ ThemeLoadText(Loading.TextLoading, 'LoadingTextLoading');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Loading.StaticAnimation, 'LoadingStaticAnimation');
+ // Main
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Main, 'Main');
+ ThemeLoadText(Main.TextDescription, 'MainTextDescription');
+ ThemeLoadText(Main.TextDescriptionLong, 'MainTextDescriptionLong');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonSolo, 'MainButtonSolo');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonMulti, 'MainButtonMulti');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonStat, 'MainButtonStats');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonEditor, 'MainButtonEditor');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonOptions, 'MainButtonOptions');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonExit, 'MainButtonExit');
+ //Main Desc Text Translation Start
+ Main.Description[0] := Language.Translate('SING_SING');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[0] := Language.Translate('SING_SING_DESC');
+ Main.Description[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MULTI');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MULTI_DESC');
+ Main.Description[2] := Language.Translate('SING_STATS');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[2] := Language.Translate('SING_STATS_DESC');
+ Main.Description[3] := Language.Translate('SING_EDITOR');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[3] := Language.Translate('SING_EDITOR_DESC');
+ Main.Description[4] := Language.Translate('SING_GAME_OPTIONS');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[4] := Language.Translate('SING_GAME_OPTIONS_DESC');
+ Main.Description[5] := Language.Translate('SING_EXIT');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[5] := Language.Translate('SING_EXIT_DESC');
+ //Main Desc Text Translation End
+ Main.TextDescription.Text := Main.Description[0];
+ Main.TextDescriptionLong.Text := Main.DescriptionLong[0];
+ // Name
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Name, 'Name');
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ ThemeLoadButton(Name.ButtonPlayer[I], 'NameButtonPlayer'+IntToStr(I));
+ // Level
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Level, 'Level');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonEasy, 'LevelButtonEasy');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonMedium, 'LevelButtonMedium');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonHard, 'LevelButtonHard');
+ // Song
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Song, 'Song');
+ ThemeLoadText(Song.TextArtist, 'SongTextArtist');
+ ThemeLoadText(Song.TextTitle, 'SongTextTitle');
+ ThemeLoadText(Song.TextNumber, 'SongTextNumber');
+ //Video Icon Mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.VideoIcon, 'SongVideoIcon');
+ //Show Cat in TopLeft Mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticCat, 'SongStaticCat');
+ ThemeLoadText(Song.TextCat, 'SongTextCat');
+ //Load Cover Pos and Size from Theme Mod
+ Song.Cover.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'X', 300);
+ Song.Cover.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Y', 190);
+ Song.Cover.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'W', 300);
+ Song.Cover.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'H', 200);
+ Song.Cover.Style := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Style', 4);
+ Song.Cover.Reflections := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Reflections', 0) = 1);
+ //Load Cover Pos and Size from Theme Mod End
+ //Load Equalizer Pos and Size from Theme Mod
+ Song.Equalizer.Visible := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Visible', 0) = 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.Direction := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Direction', 0) = 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.Alpha := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Alpha', 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.Space := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Space', 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'X', 0);
+ Song.Equalizer.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Y', 0);
+ Song.Equalizer.Z := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Z', 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'PieceW', 8);
+ Song.Equalizer.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'PieceH', 8);
+ Song.Equalizer.Bands := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Bands', 5);
+ Song.Equalizer.Length := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Length', 12);
+ //Color
+ I := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString('SongEqualizer', 'Color', 'Black'));
+ if I >= 0 then begin
+ Song.Equalizer.ColR := Color[I].RGB.R;
+ Song.Equalizer.ColG := Color[I].RGB.G;
+ Song.Equalizer.ColB := Color[I].RGB.B;
+ end
+ else begin
+ Song.Equalizer.ColR := 0;
+ Song.Equalizer.ColG := 0;
+ Song.Equalizer.ColB := 0;
+ end;
+ //Load Equalizer Pos and Size from Theme Mod End
+ //Party and Non Party specific Statics and Texts
+ ThemeLoadStatics (Song.StaticParty, 'SongStaticParty');
+ ThemeLoadTexts (Song.TextParty, 'SongTextParty');
+ ThemeLoadStatics (Song.StaticNonParty, 'SongStaticNonParty');
+ ThemeLoadTexts (Song.TextNonParty, 'SongTextNonParty');
+ //Party Mode
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker4');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker5');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker4');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker5');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker4');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker5');
+ // Sing
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Sing, 'Sing');
+ //TimeBar mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticTimeProgress, 'SingTimeProgress');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextTimeText, 'SingTimeText');
+ //eoa TimeBar mod
+ //moveable singbar mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1SingBar, 'SingP1SingBar');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPSingBar, 'SingP1TwoPSingBar');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePSingBar, 'SingP1ThreePSingBar');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2RSingBar, 'SingP2RSingBar');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2MSingBar, 'SingP2MSingBar');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3SingBar, 'SingP3SingBar');
+ //eoa moveable singbar
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1, 'SingP1Static');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1, 'SingP1Text');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG, 'SingP1Static2');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1Score, 'SingP1TextScore');
+ //Added for ps3 skin
+ //This one is shown in 2/4P mode
+ //if it exists, otherwise the one Player equivaltents are used
+ if (ThemeIni.SectionExists('SingP1TwoPTextScore')) then
+ begin
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPStatic');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPText');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG, 'SingP1TwoPStatic2');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1TwoPScore, 'SingP1TwoPTextScore');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Sing.StaticP1TwoP := Sing.StaticP1;
+ Sing.TextP1TwoP := Sing.TextP1;
+ Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG := Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG;
+ Sing.TextP1TwoPScore := Sing.TextP1Score;
+ end;
+ //This one is shown in 3/6P mode
+ //if it exists, otherwise the one Player equivaltents are used
+ if (ThemeIni.SectionExists('SingP1TwoPTextScore')) then
+ begin
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePStatic');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePText');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG, 'SingP1ThreePStatic2');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1ThreePScore, 'SingP1ThreePTextScore');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Sing.StaticP1ThreeP := Sing.StaticP1;
+ Sing.TextP1ThreeP := Sing.TextP1;
+ Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG := Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG;
+ Sing.TextP1ThreePScore := Sing.TextP1Score;
+ end;
+ //eoa
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2R, 'SingP2RStatic');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2R, 'SingP2RText');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG, 'SingP2RStatic2');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2RScore, 'SingP2RTextScore');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2M, 'SingP2MStatic');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2M, 'SingP2MText');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG, 'SingP2MStatic2');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2MScore, 'SingP2MTextScore');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3R, 'SingP3RStatic');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP3R, 'SingP3RText');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG, 'SingP3RStatic2');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP3RScore, 'SingP3RTextScore');
+ //Line Bonus Texts
+ Sing.LineBonusText[0] := Language.Translate('POPUP_AWFUL');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[1] := Sing.LineBonusText[0];
+ Sing.LineBonusText[2] := Language.Translate('POPUP_POOR');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[3] := Language.Translate('POPUP_BAD');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[4] := Language.Translate('POPUP_NOTBAD');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[5] := Language.Translate('POPUP_GOOD');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[6] := Language.Translate('POPUP_GREAT');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[7] := Language.Translate('POPUP_AWESOME');
+ Sing.LineBonusText[8] := Language.Translate('POPUP_PERFECT');
+ //PausePopup
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.PausePopUp, 'PausePopUpStatic');
+ // Score
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Score, 'Score');
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextArtist, 'ScoreTextArtist');
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTitle, 'ScoreTextTitle');
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextArtistTitle, 'ScoreTextArtistTitle');
+ for I := 1 to 6 do begin
+ ThemeLoadStatics(Score.PlayerStatic[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Static');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Score.PlayerTexts[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Text');
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextName[I], 'ScoreTextName' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextScore[I], 'ScoreTextScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextNotes[I], 'ScoreTextNotes' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextLineBonus[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonus' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextLineBonusScore[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonusScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextGoldenNotes[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotes' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTotal[I], 'ScoreTextTotal' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTotalScore[I], 'ScoreTextTotalScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxLightest[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxLightest' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxLight[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxLight' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxDark[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxDark' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBackLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevel' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBackLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticLevel' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticRatings[I], 'ScoreStaticRatingPicture' + IntToStr(I));
+ end;
+ // Top5
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Top5, 'Top5');
+ ThemeLoadText(Top5.TextLevel, 'Top5TextLevel');
+ ThemeLoadText(Top5.TextArtistTitle, 'Top5TextArtistTitle');
+ ThemeLoadStatics(Top5.StaticNumber, 'Top5StaticNumber');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextNumber, 'Top5TextNumber');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextName, 'Top5TextName');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextScore, 'Top5TextScore');
+ // Options
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Options, 'Options');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonGame, 'OptionsButtonGame');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonGraphics, 'OptionsButtonGraphics');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonSound, 'OptionsButtonSound');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonLyrics, 'OptionsButtonLyrics');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonThemes, 'OptionsButtonThemes');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonRecord, 'OptionsButtonRecord');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonAdvanced, 'OptionsButtonAdvanced');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonExit, 'OptionsButtonExit');
+ Options.Description[0] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_GAME_DESC');
+ Options.Description[1] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS_DESC');
+ Options.Description[2] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_SOUND_DESC');
+ Options.Description[3] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS_DESC');
+ Options.Description[4] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_THEMES_DESC');
+ Options.Description[5] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_RECORD_DESC');
+ Options.Description[6] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_DESC');
+ Options.Description[7] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_EXIT');
+ ThemeLoadText(Options.TextDescription, 'OptionsTextDescription');
+ Options.TextDescription.Text := Options.Description[0];
+ // Options Game
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsGame, 'OptionsGame');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectPlayers, 'OptionsGameSelectPlayers');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectDifficulty, 'OptionsGameSelectDifficulty');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGame.SelectLanguage, 'OptionsGameSelectSlideLanguage');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectTabs, 'OptionsGameSelectTabs');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGame.SelectSorting, 'OptionsGameSelectSlideSorting');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectDebug, 'OptionsGameSelectDebug');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsGame.ButtonExit, 'OptionsGameButtonExit');
+ // Options Graphics
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsGraphics, 'OptionsGraphics');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectFullscreen, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectFullscreen');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGraphics.SelectSlideResolution, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectSlideResolution');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectDepth, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectDepth');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectOscilloscope, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectOscilloscope');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectLineBonus, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectLineBonus');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectMovieSize, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectMovieSize');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsGraphics.ButtonExit, 'OptionsGraphicsButtonExit');
+ // Options Sound
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsSound, 'OptionsSound');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectMicBoost, 'OptionsSoundSelectMicBoost');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectClickAssist, 'OptionsSoundSelectClickAssist');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectBeatClick, 'OptionsSoundSelectBeatClick');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectThreshold, 'OptionsSoundSelectThreshold');
+ //Song Preview
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsSound.SelectSlidePreviewVolume, 'OptionsSoundSelectSlidePreviewVolume');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsSound.SelectSlidePreviewFading, 'OptionsSoundSelectSlidePreviewFading');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsSound.ButtonExit, 'OptionsSoundButtonExit');
+ // Options Lyrics
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsLyrics, 'OptionsLyrics');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsFont, 'OptionsLyricsSelectLyricsFont');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsEffect, 'OptionsLyricsSelectLyricsEffect');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectSolmization, 'OptionsLyricsSelectSolmization');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectNoteLines, 'OptionsLyricsSelectNoteLines');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsLyrics.ButtonExit, 'OptionsLyricsButtonExit');
+ // Options Themes
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsThemes, 'OptionsThemes');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectTheme, 'OptionsThemesSelectTheme');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectSkin, 'OptionsThemesSelectSkin');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectColor, 'OptionsThemesSelectColor');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsThemes.ButtonExit, 'OptionsThemesButtonExit');
+ // Options Record
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsRecord, 'OptionsRecord');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideCard, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideCard');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideInput');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannel, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideChannel');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsRecord.ButtonExit, 'OptionsRecordButtonExit');
+ //Options Advanced
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsAdvanced, 'OptionsAdvanced');
+ ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectLoadAnimation, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectLoadAnimation');
+ ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectScreenFade, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectScreenFade');
+ ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectEffectSing, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectEffectSing');
+ ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectLineBonus, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectLineBonus');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide (OptionsAdvanced.SelectOnSongClick, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectSlideOnSongClick');
+ ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectAskbeforeDel, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectAskbeforeDel');
+ ThemeLoadSelect (OptionsAdvanced.SelectPartyPopup, 'OptionsAdvancedSelectPartyPopup');
+ ThemeLoadButton (OptionsAdvanced.ButtonExit, 'OptionsAdvancedButtonExit');
+ //error and check popup
+ ThemeLoadBasic (ErrorPopup, 'ErrorPopup');
+ ThemeLoadButton(ErrorPopup.Button1, 'ErrorPopupButton1');
+ ThemeLoadText (ErrorPopup.TextError,'ErrorPopupText');
+ ThemeLoadBasic (CheckPopup, 'CheckPopup');
+ ThemeLoadButton(CheckPopup.Button1, 'CheckPopupButton1');
+ ThemeLoadButton(CheckPopup.Button2, 'CheckPopupButton2');
+ ThemeLoadText(CheckPopup.TextCheck , 'CheckPopupText');
+ //Song Menu
+ ThemeLoadBasic (SongMenu, 'SongMenu');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button1, 'SongMenuButton1');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button2, 'SongMenuButton2');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button3, 'SongMenuButton3');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button4, 'SongMenuButton4');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(SongMenu.SelectSlide3, 'SongMenuSelectSlide3');
+ ThemeLoadText(SongMenu.TextMenu, 'SongMenuTextMenu');
+ //Song Jumpto
+ ThemeLoadBasic (SongJumpto, 'SongJumpto');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongJumpto.ButtonSearchText, 'SongJumptoButtonSearchText');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(SongJumpto.SelectSlideType, 'SongJumptoSelectSlideType');
+ ThemeLoadText(SongJumpto.TextFound, 'SongJumptoTextFound');
+ //Translations
+ SongJumpto.IType[0] := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE1');
+ SongJumpto.IType[1] := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE2');
+ SongJumpto.IType[2] := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_TYPE3');
+ SongJumpto.SongsFound := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_SONGSFOUND');
+ SongJumpto.NoSongsFound := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_NOSONGSFOUND');
+ SongJumpto.CatText := Language.Translate('SONG_JUMPTO_CATTEXT');
+ //Party Screens:
+ //Party NewRound
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyNewRound, 'PartyNewRound');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound1, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound2, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound3, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound4, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound4');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound5, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound5');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound6, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound6');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound7, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound7');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner1, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner2, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner3, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner4, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner4');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner5, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner5');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner6, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner6');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner7, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner7');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextRound, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextRound');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextRoundNo, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextRoundNo');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer1, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer2, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer3, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound4, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound4');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound5, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound5');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound6, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound6');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound7, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound7');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextTeam1Players, 'PartyNewRoundTextTeam1Players');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextTeam2Players, 'PartyNewRoundTextTeam2Players');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextTeam3Players, 'PartyNewRoundTextTeam3Players');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticNextPlayer1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticNextPlayer2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticNextPlayer3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticNextPlayer3');
+ //Party Score
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyScore, 'PartyScore');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1BG, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1BG');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1Deco, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1Deco');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2BG, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2BG');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2Deco, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2Deco');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3BG, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3BG');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3Deco, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3Deco');
+ //Load Party Score DecoTextures Object
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.ChangeTextures := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ChangeTextures', 0) = 1);
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstTexture := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'FirstTexture', '');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstTyp := ParseTextureType(ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'FirstTyp', ''), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED);
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.FirstColor := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'FirstColor', 'Black');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondTexture := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'SecondTexture', '');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondTyp := ParseTextureType(ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'SecondTyp', ''), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED);
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.SecondColor := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'SecondColor', 'Black');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdTexture := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ThirdTexture', '');
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdTyp := ParseTextureType(ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ThirdTyp', ''), TEXTURE_TYPE_COLORIZED);
+ PartyScore.DecoTextures.ThirdColor := ThemeIni.ReadString('PartyScoreDecoTextures', 'ThirdColor', 'Black');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextWinner, 'PartyScoreTextWinner');
+ //Party Win
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyWin, 'PartyWin');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1BG, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1BG');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1Deco, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1Deco');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2BG, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2BG');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2Deco, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2Deco');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3BG, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3BG');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3Deco, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3Deco');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextWinner, 'PartyWinTextWinner');
+ //Party Options
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyOptions, 'PartyOptions');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectLevel, 'PartyOptionsSelectLevel');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayList, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayList');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayList2, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayList2');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectRounds, 'PartyOptionsSelectRounds');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectTeams, 'PartyOptionsSelectTeams');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers1, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers1');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers2, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers2');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers3, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers3');
+ {ThemeLoadButton (ButtonNext, 'ButtonNext');
+ ThemeLoadButton (ButtonPrev, 'ButtonPrev');}
+ //Party Player
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyPlayer, 'PartyPlayer');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team1Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam1Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player1Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer1Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player2Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer2Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player3Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer3Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player4Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer4Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team2Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam2Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player5Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer5Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player6Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer6Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player7Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer7Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player8Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer8Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team3Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam3Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player9Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer9Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player10Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer10Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player11Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer11Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player12Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer12Name');
+ {ThemeLoadButton(ButtonNext, 'PartyPlayerButtonNext');
+ ThemeLoadButton(ButtonPrev, 'PartyPlayerButtonPrev');}
+ ThemeLoadBasic(StatMain, 'StatMain');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonScores, 'StatMainButtonScores');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonSingers, 'StatMainButtonSingers');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonSongs, 'StatMainButtonSongs');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonBands, 'StatMainButtonBands');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatMain.ButtonExit, 'StatMainButtonExit');
+ ThemeLoadText (StatMain.TextOverview, 'StatMainTextOverview');
+ ThemeLoadBasic(StatDetail, 'StatDetail');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonNext, 'StatDetailButtonNext');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonPrev, 'StatDetailButtonPrev');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonReverse, 'StatDetailButtonReverse');
+ ThemeLoadButton(StatDetail.ButtonExit, 'StatDetailButtonExit');
+ ThemeLoadText (StatDetail.TextDescription, 'StatDetailTextDescription');
+ ThemeLoadText (StatDetail.TextPage, 'StatDetailTextPage');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(StatDetail.TextList, 'StatDetailTextList');
+ //Translate Texts
+ StatDetail.Description[0] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SCORES');
+ StatDetail.Description[1] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SINGERS');
+ StatDetail.Description[2] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SONGS');
+ StatDetail.Description[3] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_BANDS');
+ StatDetail.DescriptionR[0] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SCORES_REVERSED');
+ StatDetail.DescriptionR[1] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SINGERS_REVERSED');
+ StatDetail.DescriptionR[2] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_SONGS_REVERSED');
+ StatDetail.DescriptionR[3] := Language.Translate('STAT_DESC_BANDS_REVERSED');
+ StatDetail.FormatStr[0] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_SCORES');
+ StatDetail.FormatStr[1] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_SINGERS');
+ StatDetail.FormatStr[2] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_SONGS');
+ StatDetail.FormatStr[3] := Language.Translate('STAT_FORMAT_BANDS');
+ StatDetail.PageStr := Language.Translate('STAT_PAGE');
+ //Playlist Translations
+ Playlist.CatText := Language.Translate('PLAYLIST_CATTEXT');
+ //Level Translations
+ //Fill ILevel
+ ILevel[0] := Language.Translate('SING_EASY');
+ ILevel[1] := Language.Translate('SING_MEDIUM');
+ ILevel[2] := Language.Translate('SING_HARD');
+ end;
+ ThemeIni.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
+ ThemeLoadBackground(Theme.Background, Name);
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Theme.Text, Name + 'Text');
+ ThemeLoadStatics(Theme.Static, Name + 'Static');
+ ThemeLoadButtonCollections(Theme.ButtonCollection, Name + 'ButtonCollection');
+ LastThemeBasic := Theme;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadBackground(var ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
+ ThemeBackground.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name + 'Background', 'Tex', '');
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadText(var ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ ThemeText.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeText.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeText.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeText.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 0);
+ ThemeText.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 0);
+ ThemeText.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 0);
+ ThemeText.Font := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Font', 0);
+ ThemeText.Size := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Size', 0);
+ ThemeText.Align := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Align', 0);
+ ThemeText.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
+ ThemeText.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
+ //Reflection
+ ThemeText.Reflection := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Reflection', 0)) = 1;
+ ThemeText.Reflectionspacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ReflectionSpacing', 15);
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeText.Color);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeText.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeText.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeText.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadTexts(var ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
+ T: integer;
+ T := 1;
+ while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(T)) do begin
+ SetLength(ThemeText, T);
+ ThemeLoadText(ThemeText[T-1], Name + IntToStr(T));
+ Inc(T);
+ end;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadStatic(var ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ ThemeStatic.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
+ ThemeStatic.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat (Name, 'Z', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.Typ := ParseTextureType(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Type', ''), TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN);
+ ThemeStatic.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeStatic.Color);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeStatic.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeStatic.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeStatic.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ ThemeStatic.TexX1 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexX1', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.TexY1 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexY1', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.TexX2 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexX2', 1);
+ ThemeStatic.TexY2 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexY2', 1);
+ //Reflection Mod
+ ThemeStatic.Reflection := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Reflection', 0) = 1);
+ ThemeStatic.ReflectionSpacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ReflectionSpacing', 15);
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadStatics(var ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ S: integer;
+ S := 1;
+ while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(S)) do begin
+ SetLength(ThemeStatic, S);
+ ThemeLoadStatic(ThemeStatic[S-1], Name + IntToStr(S));
+ Inc(S);
+ end;
+//Button Collection Mod
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButtonCollection(var Collection: TThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
+var T: Integer;
+ //Load Collection Style
+ ThemeLoadButton(Collection.Style, Name);
+ //Load Other Attributes
+ T := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'FirstChild', 0);
+ if (T > 0) And (T < 256) then
+ Collection.FirstChild := T
+ else
+ Collection.FirstChild := 0;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButtonCollections(var Collections: AThemeButtonCollection; Name: string);
+ I: integer;
+ I := 1;
+ while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(I)) do begin
+ SetLength(Collections, I);
+ ThemeLoadButtonCollection(Collections[I-1], Name + IntToStr(I));
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+//End Button Collection Mod
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButton(var ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string; const Collections: PAThemeButtonCollection);
+ C: integer;
+ TLen: integer;
+ T: integer;
+ Collections2: PAThemeButtonCollection;
+ if not ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name) then
+ begin
+ ThemeButton.Visible := False;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ThemeButton.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
+ ThemeButton.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeButton.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeButton.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat (Name, 'Z', 0);
+ ThemeButton.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeButton.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'H', 0);
+ ThemeButton.Typ := ParseTextureType(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Type', ''), TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN);
+ //Reflection Mod
+ ThemeButton.Reflection := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Reflection', 0) = 1);
+ ThemeButton.ReflectionSpacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ReflectionSpacing', 15);
+ ThemeButton.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 1);
+ ThemeButton.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColR', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColG', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColB', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
+ ThemeButton.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeButton.Color);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeButton.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeButton.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeButton.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ ThemeButton.DColor := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', '');
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeButton.DColor);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeButton.DColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeButton.DColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeButton.DColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ ThemeButton.Visible := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Visible', 1) = 1);
+ //Fade Mod
+ ThemeButton.SelectH := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'SelectH', ThemeButton.H);
+ ThemeButton.SelectW := ThemeIni.ReadInteger (Name, 'SelectW', ThemeButton.W);
+ ThemeButton.DeSelectReflectionspacing := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DeSelectReflectionSpacing', ThemeButton.Reflectionspacing);
+ ThemeButton.Fade := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Fade', 0) = 1);
+ ThemeButton.FadeText := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'FadeText', 0) = 1);
+ ThemeButton.FadeTex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'FadeTex', '');
+ ThemeButton.FadeTexPos:= ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'FadeTexPos', 0);
+ if (ThemeButton.FadeTexPos > 4) Or (ThemeButton.FadeTexPos < 0) then
+ ThemeButton.FadeTexPos := 0;
+ //Button Collection Mod
+ T := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Parent', 0);
+ //Set Collections to Last Basic Collections if no valid Value
+ if (Collections = nil) then
+ Collections2 := @LastThemeBasic.ButtonCollection
+ else
+ Collections2 := Collections;
+ //Test for valid Value
+ if (Collections2 <> nil) AND (T > 0) AND (T <= Length(Collections2^)) then
+ begin
+ Inc(Collections2^[T-1].ChildCount);
+ ThemeButton.Parent := T;
+ end
+ else
+ ThemeButton.Parent := 0;
+ //Read ButtonTexts
+ TLen := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Texts', 0);
+ SetLength(ThemeButton.Text, TLen);
+ for T := 1 to TLen do
+ ThemeLoadText(ThemeButton.Text[T-1], Name + 'Text' + IntToStr(T));
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadSelect(var ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ ThemeSelect.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.Tex := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
+ ThemeSelect.TexSBG := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TexSBG', '');
+ ThemeSelect.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeSelect.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeSelect.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeSelect.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
+ ThemeSelect.SkipX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SkipX', 0);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.ColR, ThemeSelect.ColG, ThemeSelect.ColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.DColR, ThemeSelect.DColG, ThemeSelect.DColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.TColR, ThemeSelect.TColG, ThemeSelect.TColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.TInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.TDColR, ThemeSelect.TDColG, ThemeSelect.TDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.TDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TDInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.SBGColR, ThemeSelect.SBGColG, ThemeSelect.SBGColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.SBGInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.SBGDColR, ThemeSelect.SBGDColG, ThemeSelect.SBGDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.SBGDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGDInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.STColR, ThemeSelect.STColG, ThemeSelect.STColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.STInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.STDColR, ThemeSelect.STDColG, ThemeSelect.STDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.STDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STDInt', 1);
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadSelectSlide(var ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ ThemeSelectS.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.Tex := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
+ ThemeSelectS.TexSBG := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TexSBG', '');
+ ThemeSelectS.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Z', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.TextSize := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'TextSize', 10);
+ ThemeSelectS.SkipX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SkipX', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.SBGW := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SBGW', 450);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.ColR, ThemeSelectS.ColG, ThemeSelectS.ColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.DColR, ThemeSelectS.DColG, ThemeSelectS.DColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.TColR, ThemeSelectS.TColG, ThemeSelectS.TColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.TInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.TDColR, ThemeSelectS.TDColG, ThemeSelectS.TDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.TDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TDInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.SBGColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.SBGInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.SBGDColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.SBGDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGDInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.STColR, ThemeSelectS.STColG, ThemeSelectS.STColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.STInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.STDColR, ThemeSelectS.STDColG, ThemeSelectS.STDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.STDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STDInt', 1);
+procedure TTheme.LoadColors;
+ SL: TStringList;
+ C: integer;
+ S: string;
+ Col: integer;
+ SL := TStringList.Create;
+ ThemeIni.ReadSection('Colors', SL);
+ // normal colors
+ SetLength(Color, SL.Count);
+ for C := 0 to SL.Count-1 do begin
+ Color[C].Name := SL.Strings[C];
+ S := ThemeIni.ReadString('Colors', SL.Strings[C], '');
+ Color[C].RGB.R := StrToInt(Copy(S, 1, Pos(' ' , S)-1))/255;
+ Delete(S, 1, Pos(' ', S));
+ Color[C].RGB.G := StrToInt(Copy(S, 1, Pos(' ' , S)-1))/255;
+ Delete(S, 1, Pos(' ', S));
+ Color[C].RGB.B := StrToInt(S)/255;
+ end;
+ // skin color
+ SetLength(Color, SL.Count + 3);
+ C := SL.Count;
+ Color[C].Name := 'ColorDark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(Skin.Color); //Ini.Color);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'ColorLight';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'ColorLightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // players colors
+ SetLength(Color, Length(Color)+18);
+ // P1
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P1Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(0); // 0 - blue
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P1Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P1Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P2
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P2Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(3); // 3 - red
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P2Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P2Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P3
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P3Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(1); // 1 - green
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P3Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P3Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P4
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P4Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(4); // 4 - brown
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P4Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P4Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P5
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P5Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(5); // 5 - yellow
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P5Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P5Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P6
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P6Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(6); // 6 - violet
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P6Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P6Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ SL.Free;
+function ColorExists(Name: string): integer;
+ C: integer;
+ Result := -1;
+ for C := 0 to High(Color) do
+ if Color[C].Name = Name then Result := C;
+procedure LoadColor(var R, G, B: real; ColorName: string);
+ C: integer;
+ C := ColorExists(ColorName);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ R := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ G := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ B := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+function GetSystemColor(Color: integer): TRGB;
+ case Color of
+ 0: begin
+ // blue
+ Result.R := 71/255;
+ Result.G := 175/255;
+ Result.B := 247/255;
+ end;
+ 1: begin
+ // green
+ Result.R := 63/255;
+ Result.G := 191/255;
+ Result.B := 63/255;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ // pink
+ Result.R := 255/255;
+{ Result.G := 63/255;
+ Result.B := 192/255;}
+ Result.G := 175/255;
+ Result.B := 247/255;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ // red
+ Result.R := 247/255;
+ Result.G := 71/255;
+ Result.B := 71/255;
+ end;
+ //'Violet', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Brown', 'Black'
+ //New Theme-Color Patch
+ 4: begin
+ // violet
+ Result.R := 230/255;
+ Result.G := 63/255;
+ Result.B := 230/255;
+ end;
+ 5: begin
+ // orange
+ Result.R := 255/255;
+ Result.G := 144/255;
+ Result.B := 0;
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ // yellow
+ Result.R := 230/255;
+ Result.G := 230/255;
+ Result.B := 95/255;
+ end;
+ 7: begin
+ // brown
+ Result.R := 192/255;
+ Result.G := 127/255;
+ Result.B := 31/255;
+ end;
+ 8: begin
+ // black
+ Result.R := 0;
+ Result.G := 0;
+ Result.B := 0;
+ end;
+ //New Theme-Color Patch End
+ end;
+function ColorSqrt(RGB: TRGB): TRGB;
+ Result.R := sqrt(RGB.R);
+ Result.G := sqrt(RGB.G);
+ Result.B := sqrt(RGB.B);
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSave(FileName: string);
+ I: integer;
+ ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Loading, 'Loading');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Main, 'Main');
+ ThemeSaveText(Main.TextDescription, 'MainTextDescription');
+ ThemeSaveText(Main.TextDescriptionLong, 'MainTextDescriptionLong');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonSolo, 'MainButtonSolo');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonEditor, 'MainButtonEditor');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonOptions, 'MainButtonOptions');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonExit, 'MainButtonExit');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Name, 'Name');
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ ThemeSaveButton(Name.ButtonPlayer[I], 'NameButtonPlayer' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Level, 'Level');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonEasy, 'LevelButtonEasy');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonMedium, 'LevelButtonMedium');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonHard, 'LevelButtonHard');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Song, 'Song');
+ ThemeSaveText(Song.TextArtist, 'SongTextArtist');
+ ThemeSaveText(Song.TextTitle, 'SongTextTitle');
+ ThemeSaveText(Song.TextNumber, 'SongTextNumber');
+ //Show CAt in Top Left Mod
+ ThemeSaveText(Song.TextCat, 'SongTextCat');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Song.StaticCat, 'SongStaticCat');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Sing, 'Sing');
+ //TimeBar mod
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticTimeProgress, 'SingTimeProgress');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextTimeText, 'SingTimeText');
+ //eoa TimeBar mod
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1, 'SingP1Static');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1, 'SingP1Text');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG, 'SingP1Static2');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1Score, 'SingP1TextScore');
+ //moveable singbar mod
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1SingBar, 'SingP1SingBar');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPSingBar, 'SingP1TwoPSingBar');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePSingBar, 'SingP1ThreePSingBar');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2RSingBar, 'SingP2RSingBar');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2MSingBar, 'SingP2MSingBar');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3SingBar, 'SingP3SingBar');
+ //eoa moveable singbar
+ //Added for ps3 skin
+ //This one is shown in 2/4P mode
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPStatic');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1TwoP, 'SingP1TwoPText');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1TwoPScoreBG, 'SingP1TwoPStatic2');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1TwoPScore, 'SingP1TwoPTextScore');
+ //This one is shown in 3/6P mode
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePStatic');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1ThreeP, 'SingP1ThreePText');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ThreePScoreBG, 'SingP1ThreePStatic2');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1ThreePScore, 'SingP1ThreePTextScore');
+ //eoa
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2R, 'SingP2RStatic');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2R, 'SingP2RText');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG, 'SingP2RStatic2');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2RScore, 'SingP2RTextScore');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2M, 'SingP2MStatic');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2M, 'SingP2MText');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG, 'SingP2MStatic2');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2MScore, 'SingP2MTextScore');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3R, 'SingP3RStatic');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP3R, 'SingP3RText');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG, 'SingP3RStatic2');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP3RScore, 'SingP3RTextScore');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Score, 'Score');
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextArtist, 'ScoreTextArtist');
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTitle, 'ScoreTextTitle');
+ for I := 1 to 6 do begin
+ ThemeSaveStatics(Score.PlayerStatic[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Static');
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextName[I], 'ScoreTextName' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextScore[I], 'ScoreTextScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextNotes[I], 'ScoreTextNotes' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextLineBonus[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonus' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextLineBonusScore[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonusScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextGoldenNotes[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotes' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTotal[I], 'ScoreTextTotal' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTotalScore[I], 'ScoreTextTotalScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticBackLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevel' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticBackLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticLevel' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
+ end;
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Top5, 'Top5');
+ ThemeSaveText(Top5.TextLevel, 'Top5TextLevel');
+ ThemeSaveText(Top5.TextArtistTitle, 'Top5TextArtistTitle');
+ ThemeSaveStatics(Top5.StaticNumber, 'Top5StaticNumber');
+ ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextNumber, 'Top5TextNumber');
+ ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextName, 'Top5TextName');
+ ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextScore, 'Top5TextScore');
+ ThemeIni.Free;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Texts', Length(Theme.Text));
+ ThemeSaveBackground(Theme.Background, Name + 'Background');
+ ThemeSaveStatics(Theme.Static, Name + 'Static');
+ ThemeSaveTexts(Theme.Text, Name + 'Text');
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveBackground(ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
+ if ThemeBackground.Tex <> '' then
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeBackground.Tex)
+ else begin
+ ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name);
+ end;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeStatic.X);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeStatic.Y);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'W', ThemeStatic.W);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'H', ThemeStatic.H);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeStatic.Tex);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Type', TextureTypeToStr(ThemeStatic.Typ));
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeStatic.Color);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexX1', ThemeStatic.TexX1);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexY1', ThemeStatic.TexY1);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexX2', ThemeStatic.TexX2);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexY2', ThemeStatic.TexY2);
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveStatics(ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ S: integer;
+ for S := 0 to Length(ThemeStatic)-1 do
+ ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic[S], Name + {'Static' +} IntToStr(S+1));
+ ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name + {'Static' + }IntToStr(S+1));
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveText(ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeText.X);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeText.Y);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Font', ThemeText.Font);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Size', ThemeText.Size);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Align', ThemeText.Align);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Text', ThemeText.Text);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeText.Color);
+ ThemeIni.WriteBool(Name, 'Reflection', ThemeText.Reflection);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'ReflectionSpacing', ThemeText.ReflectionSpacing);
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveTexts(ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
+ T: integer;
+ for T := 0 to Length(ThemeText)-1 do
+ ThemeSaveText(ThemeText[T], Name + {'Text' + }IntToStr(T+1));
+ ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name + {'Text' + }IntToStr(T+1));
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string);
+ T: integer;
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeButton.Tex);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeButton.X);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeButton.Y);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'W', ThemeButton.W);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'H', ThemeButton.H);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Type', TextureTypeToStr(ThemeButton.Typ));
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Texts', Length(ThemeButton.Text));
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeButton.Color);
+{ ThemeButton.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 1);
+ ThemeButton.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColR', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColG', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColB', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);}
+{ C := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeButton.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeButton.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeButton.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeButton.DColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeButton.DColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeButton.DColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;}
+ for T := 0 to High(ThemeButton.Text) do
+ ThemeSaveText(ThemeButton.Text[T], Name + 'Text' + IntToStr(T+1));
+procedure TTheme.create_theme_objects();
+ freeandnil( Loading );
+ Loading := TThemeLoading.Create;
+ freeandnil( Main );
+ Main := TThemeMain.Create;
+ freeandnil( Name );
+ Name := TThemeName.Create;
+ freeandnil( Level );
+ Level := TThemeLevel.Create;
+ freeandnil( Song );
+ Song := TThemeSong.Create;
+ freeandnil( Sing );
+ Sing := TThemeSing.Create;
+ freeandnil( Score );
+ Score := TThemeScore.Create;
+ freeandnil( Top5 );
+ Top5 := TThemeTop5.Create;
+ freeandnil( Options );
+ Options := TThemeOptions.Create;
+ freeandnil( OptionsGame );
+ OptionsGame := TThemeOptionsGame.Create;
+ freeandnil( OptionsGraphics );
+ OptionsGraphics := TThemeOptionsGraphics.Create;
+ freeandnil( OptionsSound );
+ OptionsSound := TThemeOptionsSound.Create;
+ freeandnil( OptionsLyrics );
+ OptionsLyrics := TThemeOptionsLyrics.Create;
+ freeandnil( OptionsThemes );
+ OptionsThemes := TThemeOptionsThemes.Create;
+ freeandnil( OptionsRecord );
+ OptionsRecord := TThemeOptionsRecord.Create;
+ freeandnil( OptionsAdvanced );
+ OptionsAdvanced := TThemeOptionsAdvanced.Create;
+ freeandnil( ErrorPopup );
+ ErrorPopup := TThemeError.Create;
+ freeandnil( CheckPopup );
+ CheckPopup := TThemeCheck.Create;
+ freeandnil( SongMenu );
+ SongMenu := TThemeSongMenu.Create;
+ freeandnil( SongJumpto );
+ SongJumpto := TThemeSongJumpto.Create;
+ //Party Screens
+ freeandnil( PartyNewRound );
+ PartyNewRound := TThemePartyNewRound.Create;
+ freeandnil( PartyWin );
+ PartyWin := TThemePartyWin.Create;
+ freeandnil( PartyScore );
+ PartyScore := TThemePartyScore.Create;
+ freeandnil( PartyOptions );
+ PartyOptions := TThemePartyOptions.Create;
+ freeandnil( PartyPlayer );
+ PartyPlayer := TThemePartyPlayer.Create;
+ //Stats Screens:
+ freeandnil( StatMain );
+ StatMain := TThemeStatMain.Create;
+ freeandnil( StatDetail );
+ StatDetail := TThemeStatDetail.Create;
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas
index b03f29bf..bef77728 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas
@@ -1,857 +1,857 @@
- # FFmpeg support for UltraStar deluxe #
- # #
- # Created by b1indy #
- # based on 'An ffmpeg and SDL Tutorial' (http://www.dranger.com/ffmpeg/) #
- # with modifications by Jay Binks <jaybinks@gmail.com> #
- # #
- # http://www.mail-archive.com/fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org/msg09949.html #
- # http://www.nabble.com/file/p11795857/mpegpas01.zip #
- # #
- ##############################################################################}
-unit UVideo;
-//{$define DebugDisplay} // uncomment if u want to see the debug stuff
-//{$define DebugFrames}
-//{$define VideoBenchmark}
-//{$define Info}
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- TODO: look into av_read_play
-// use BGR-format for accelerated colorspace conversion with swscale
- SDL,
- textgl,
- avcodec,
- avformat,
- avutil,
- avio,
- rational,
- {$IFDEF UseSWScale}
- swscale,
- {$ENDIF}
- math,
- gl,
- glext,
- SysUtils,
- UCommon,
- UConfig,
- ULog,
- UMusic,
- UGraphicClasses,
- UGraphic;
- TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg = class( TInterfacedObject, IVideoPlayback )
- private
- fVideoOpened,
- fVideoPaused: Boolean;
- VideoStream: PAVStream;
- VideoStreamIndex : Integer;
- VideoFormatContext: PAVFormatContext;
- VideoCodecContext: PAVCodecContext;
- VideoCodec: PAVCodec;
- AVFrame: PAVFrame;
- AVFrameRGB: PAVFrame;
- FrameBuffer: PByte;
- {$IFDEF UseSWScale}
- SoftwareScaleContext: PSwsContext;
- {$ENDIF}
- fVideoTex: GLuint;
- TexWidth, TexHeight: Cardinal;
- VideoAspect: Real;
- VideoTimeBase, VideoTime: Extended;
- fLoopTime: Extended;
- EOF: boolean;
- Loop: boolean;
- procedure Reset();
- function DecodeFrame(var AVPacket: TAVPacket; out pts: double): boolean;
- function FindStreamIDs( const aFormatCtx : PAVFormatContext; out aFirstVideoStream, aFirstAudioStream : integer ): boolean;
- procedure SynchronizeVideo(pFrame: PAVFrame; var pts: double);
- public
- constructor Create();
- function GetName: String;
- procedure Init();
- function Open(const aFileName : string): boolean; // true if succeed
- procedure Close;
- procedure Play;
- procedure Pause;
- procedure Stop;
- procedure SetPosition(Time: real);
- function GetPosition: real;
- procedure GetFrame(Time: Extended);
- procedure DrawGL(Screen: integer);
- end;
- singleton_VideoFFMpeg : IVideoPlayback;
-function FFMpegErrorString(Errnum: integer): string;
- case Errnum of
- else Result := 'AVERROR_#'+inttostr(Errnum);
- end;
-// These are called whenever we allocate a frame buffer.
-// We use this to store the global_pts in a frame at the time it is allocated.
-function PtsGetBuffer(pCodecCtx: PAVCodecContext; pFrame: PAVFrame): integer; cdecl;
- pts: Pint64;
- VideoPktPts: Pint64;
- Result := avcodec_default_get_buffer(pCodecCtx, pFrame);
- VideoPktPts := pCodecCtx^.opaque;
- if (VideoPktPts <> nil) then
- begin
- // Note: we must copy the pts instead of passing a pointer, because the packet
- // (and with it the pts) might change before a frame is returned by av_decode_video.
- pts := av_malloc(sizeof(int64));
- pts^ := VideoPktPts^;
- pFrame^.opaque := pts;
- end;
-procedure PtsReleaseBuffer(pCodecCtx: PAVCodecContext; pFrame: PAVFrame); cdecl;
- if (pFrame <> nil) then
- av_freep(@pFrame^.opaque);
- avcodec_default_release_buffer(pCodecCtx, pFrame);
- * TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
-function TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.GetName: String;
- result := 'FFMpeg_Video';
- @param(aFormatCtx is a PAVFormatContext returned from av_open_input_file )
- @param(aFirstVideoStream is an OUT value of type integer, this is the index of the video stream)
- @param(aFirstAudioStream is an OUT value of type integer, this is the index of the audio stream)
- @returns(@true on success, @false otherwise)
-function TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.FindStreamIDs(const aFormatCtx: PAVFormatContext; out aFirstVideoStream, aFirstAudioStream: integer): boolean;
- i : integer;
- st : PAVStream;
- // Find the first video stream
- aFirstAudioStream := -1;
- aFirstVideoStream := -1;
- {$IFDEF DebugDisplay}
- debugwriteln('aFormatCtx.nb_streams : ' + inttostr(aFormatCtx.nb_streams));
- {$ENDIF}
- for i := 0 to aFormatCtx.nb_streams-1 do
- begin
- st := aFormatCtx.streams[i];
- if (st.codec.codec_type = CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) and
- (aFirstVideoStream < 0) then
- begin
- aFirstVideoStream := i;
- end;
- if (st.codec.codec_type = CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) and
- (aFirstAudioStream < 0) then
- begin
- aFirstAudioStream := i;
- end;
- end;
- // return true if either an audio- or video-stream was found
- result := (aFirstAudioStream > -1) or
- (aFirstVideoStream > -1) ;
-procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.SynchronizeVideo(pFrame: PAVFrame; var pts: double);
- FrameDelay: double;
- if (pts <> 0) then
- begin
- // if we have pts, set video clock to it
- VideoTime := pts;
- end else
- begin
- // if we aren't given a pts, set it to the clock
- pts := VideoTime;
- end;
- // update the video clock
- FrameDelay := av_q2d(VideoCodecContext^.time_base);
- // if we are repeating a frame, adjust clock accordingly
- FrameDelay := FrameDelay + pFrame^.repeat_pict * (FrameDelay * 0.5);
- VideoTime := VideoTime + FrameDelay;
-function TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.DecodeFrame(var AVPacket: TAVPacket; out pts: double): boolean;
- FrameFinished: Integer;
- VideoPktPts: int64;
- pbIOCtx: PByteIOContext;
- errnum: integer;
- Result := false;
- FrameFinished := 0;
- if EOF then
- Exit;
- // read packets until we have a finished frame (or there are no more packets)
- while (FrameFinished = 0) do
- begin
- errnum := av_read_frame(VideoFormatContext, AVPacket);
- if (errnum < 0) then
- begin
- // failed to read a frame, check reason
- pbIOCtx := VideoFormatContext^.pb;
- {$ELSE}
- pbIOCtx := @VideoFormatContext^.pb;
- {$IFEND}
- // check for end-of-file (eof is not an error)
- if (url_feof(pbIOCtx) <> 0) then
- begin
- EOF := true;
- Exit;
- end;
- // check for errors
- if (url_ferror(pbIOCtx) <> 0) then
- Exit;
- // url_feof() does not detect an EOF for some mov-files (e.g. deluxe.mov)
- // so we have to do it this way.
- if ((VideoFormatContext^.file_size <> 0) and
- (pbIOCtx^.pos >= VideoFormatContext^.file_size)) then
- begin
- EOF := true;
- Exit;
- end;
- // no error -> wait for user input
- SDL_Delay(100);
- continue;
- end;
- // if we got a packet from the video stream, then decode it
- if (AVPacket.stream_index = VideoStreamIndex) then
- begin
- // save pts to be stored in pFrame in first call of PtsGetBuffer()
- VideoPktPts := AVPacket.pts;
- VideoCodecContext^.opaque := @VideoPktPts;
- // decode packet
- avcodec_decode_video(VideoCodecContext, AVFrame,
- frameFinished, AVPacket.data, AVPacket.size);
- // reset opaque data
- VideoCodecContext^.opaque := nil;
- // update pts
- if (AVPacket.dts <> AV_NOPTS_VALUE) then
- begin
- pts := AVPacket.dts;
- end
- else if ((AVFrame^.opaque <> nil) and
- (Pint64(AVFrame^.opaque)^ <> AV_NOPTS_VALUE)) then
- begin
- pts := Pint64(AVFrame^.opaque)^;
- end
- else
- begin
- pts := 0;
- end;
- pts := pts * av_q2d(VideoStream^.time_base);
- // synchronize on each complete frame
- if (frameFinished <> 0) then
- SynchronizeVideo(AVFrame, pts);
- end;
- // free the packet from av_read_frame
- av_free_packet( @AVPacket );
- end;
- Result := true;
-procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.GetFrame(Time: Extended);
- AVPacket: TAVPacket;
- errnum: Integer;
- myTime: Extended;
- TimeDifference: Extended;
- DropFrameCount: Integer;
- pts: double;
- i: Integer;
- if not fVideoOpened then
- Exit;
- if fVideoPaused then
- Exit;
- // current time, relative to last loop (if any)
- myTime := Time - fLoopTime;
- // time since the last frame was returned
- TimeDifference := myTime - VideoTime;
- {$IFDEF DebugDisplay}
- DebugWriteln('Time: '+inttostr(floor(Time*1000)) + sLineBreak +
- 'VideoTime: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTime*1000)) + sLineBreak +
- 'TimeBase: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTimeBase*1000)) + sLineBreak +
- 'TimeDiff: '+inttostr(floor(TimeDifference*1000)));
- {$endif}
- // check if a new frame is needed
- if (VideoTime <> 0) and (TimeDifference < VideoTimeBase) then
- begin
- {$ifdef DebugFrames}
- // frame delay debug display
- GoldenRec.Spawn(200,15,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$00ff00);
- {$endif}
- {$IFDEF DebugDisplay}
- DebugWriteln('not getting new frame' + sLineBreak +
- 'Time: '+inttostr(floor(Time*1000)) + sLineBreak +
- 'VideoTime: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTime*1000)) + sLineBreak +
- 'TimeBase: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTimeBase*1000)) + sLineBreak +
- 'TimeDiff: '+inttostr(floor(TimeDifference*1000)));
- {$endif}
- // we do not need a new frame now
- Exit;
- end;
- // update video-time to the next frame
- VideoTime := VideoTime + VideoTimeBase;
- TimeDifference := myTime - VideoTime;
- // check if we have to skip frames
- if (TimeDifference >= FRAME_DROPCOUNT*VideoTimeBase) then
- begin
- {$IFDEF DebugFrames}
- //frame drop debug display
- GoldenRec.Spawn(200,55,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$ff0000);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF DebugDisplay}
- DebugWriteln('skipping frames' + sLineBreak +
- 'TimeBase: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTimeBase*1000)) + sLineBreak +
- 'TimeDiff: '+inttostr(floor(TimeDifference*1000)));
- {$endif}
- // update video-time
- DropFrameCount := Trunc(TimeDifference / VideoTimeBase);
- VideoTime := VideoTime + DropFrameCount*VideoTimeBase;
- // skip half of the frames, this is much smoother than to skip all at once
- for i := 1 to DropFrameCount (*div 2*) do
- DecodeFrame(AVPacket, pts);
- end;
- {$IFDEF VideoBenchmark}
- Log.BenchmarkStart(15);
- {$ENDIF}
- if (not DecodeFrame(AVPacket, pts)) then
- begin
- if Loop then
- begin
- // Record the time we looped. This is used to keep the loops in time. otherwise they speed
- SetPosition(0);
- fLoopTime := Time;
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- // otherwise we convert the pixeldata from YUV to RGB
- {$IFDEF UseSWScale}
- errnum := sws_scale(SoftwareScaleContext, @(AVFrame.data), @(AVFrame.linesize),
- 0, VideoCodecContext^.Height,
- @(AVFrameRGB.data), @(AVFrameRGB.linesize));
- {$ELSE}
- errnum := img_convert(PAVPicture(AVFrameRGB), PIXEL_FMT_FFMPEG,
- PAVPicture(AVFrame), VideoCodecContext^.pix_fmt,
- VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height);
- {$ENDIF}
- if (errnum < 0) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('Image conversion failed', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.GetFrame');
- Exit;
- end;
- {$IFDEF VideoBenchmark}
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(15);
- Log.BenchmarkStart(16);
- {$ENDIF}
- // TODO: data is not padded, so we will need to tell OpenGL.
- // Or should we add padding with avpicture_fill? (check which one is faster)
- //glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fVideoTex);
- glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0,
- VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height,
- {$ifdef DebugFrames}
- //frame decode debug display
- GoldenRec.Spawn(200, 35, 1, 16, 0, -1, ColoredStar, $ffff00);
- {$endif}
- {$IFDEF VideoBenchmark}
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(16);
- Log.LogBenchmark('FFmpeg', 15);
- Log.LogBenchmark('Texture', 16);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.DrawGL(Screen: integer);
- TexVideoRightPos, TexVideoLowerPos: Single;
- ScreenLeftPos, ScreenRightPos: Single;
- ScreenUpperPos, ScreenLowerPos: Single;
- ScaledVideoWidth, ScaledVideoHeight: Single;
- ScreenMidPosX, ScreenMidPosY: Single;
- ScreenAspect, RenderAspect: Single;
- // have a nice black background to draw on (even if there were errors opening the vid)
- if (Screen = 1) then
- begin
- glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
- end;
- // exit if there's nothing to draw
- if (not fVideoOpened) then
- Exit;
- {$IFDEF VideoBenchmark}
- Log.BenchmarkStart(15);
- {$ENDIF}
- ScreenAspect := ScreenW / ScreenH;
- RenderAspect := RenderW / RenderH;
- ScaledVideoWidth := RenderW;
- ScaledVideoHeight := ScaledVideoWidth/VideoAspect * ScreenAspect/RenderAspect;
- // Note: Scaling the width does not look good because the video might contain
- // black borders at the top already
- //ScaledVideoHeight := RenderH;
- //ScaledVideoWidth := ScaledVideoHeight*VideoAspect * RenderAspect/ScreenAspect;
- // center the video
- ScreenMidPosX := RenderW/2;
- ScreenMidPosY := RenderH/2;
- ScreenLeftPos := ScreenMidPosX - ScaledVideoWidth/2;
- ScreenRightPos := ScreenMidPosX + ScaledVideoWidth/2;
- ScreenUpperPos := ScreenMidPosY - ScaledVideoHeight/2;
- ScreenLowerPos := ScreenMidPosY + ScaledVideoHeight/2;
- // the video-texture contains empty borders because its width and height must be
- // a power of 2. So we have to determine the texture coords of the video.
- TexVideoRightPos := VideoCodecContext^.width / TexWidth;
- TexVideoLowerPos := VideoCodecContext^.height / TexHeight;
- // we could use blending for brightness control, but do we need this?
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- // TODO: disable other stuff like lightning, etc.
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fVideoTex);
- glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- // upper-left coord
- glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
- glVertex2f(ScreenLeftPos, ScreenUpperPos);
- // lower-left coord
- glTexCoord2f(0, TexVideoLowerPos);
- glVertex2f(ScreenLeftPos, ScreenLowerPos);
- // lower-right coord
- glTexCoord2f(TexVideoRightPos, TexVideoLowerPos);
- glVertex2f(ScreenRightPos, ScreenLowerPos);
- // upper-right coord
- glTexCoord2f(TexVideoRightPos, 0);
- glVertex2f(ScreenRightPos, ScreenUpperPos);
- glEnd;
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- {$IFDEF VideoBenchmark}
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(15);
- Log.LogBenchmark('DrawGL', 15);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF Info}
- if (fVideoSkipTime+VideoTime+VideoTimeBase < 0) then
- begin
- glColor4f(0.7, 1, 0.3, 1);
- SetFontStyle (1);
- SetFontItalic(False);
- SetFontSize(9);
- SetFontPos (300, 0);
- glPrint('Delay due to negative VideoGap');
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF DebugFrames}
- glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- glbegin(GL_QUADS);
- glVertex2f(0, 0);
- glVertex2f(0, 70);
- glVertex2f(250, 70);
- glVertex2f(250, 0);
- glEnd;
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
- SetFontStyle (1);
- SetFontItalic(False);
- SetFontSize(9);
- SetFontPos (5, 0);
- glPrint('delaying frame');
- SetFontPos (5, 20);
- glPrint('fetching frame');
- SetFontPos (5, 40);
- glPrint('dropping frame');
- {$ENDIF}
-constructor TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Create();
- inherited;
- Reset();
- av_register_all();
-procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Init();
- glGenTextures(1, PGLuint(@fVideoTex));
-procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Reset();
- // close previously opened video
- Close();
- fVideoOpened := False;
- fVideoPaused := False;
- VideoTimeBase := 0;
- VideoTime := 0;
- VideoStream := nil;
- VideoFormatContext := nil;
- VideoCodecContext := nil;
- VideoStreamIndex := -1;
- AVFrame := nil;
- AVFrameRGB := nil;
- FrameBuffer := nil;
- EOF := false;
- // TODO: do we really want this by default?
- Loop := true;
- fLoopTime := 0;
-function TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open(const aFileName : string): boolean; // true if succeed
- errnum: Integer;
- err: GLenum;
- AudioStreamIndex: integer;
- procedure CleanOnError();
- begin
- if (VideoCodecContext <> nil) then
- avcodec_close(VideoCodecContext);
- if (VideoFormatContext <> nil) then
- av_close_input_file(VideoFormatContext);
- av_free(AVFrameRGB);
- av_free(AVFrame);
- av_free(FrameBuffer);
- end;
- Result := false;
- Reset();
- errnum := av_open_input_file(VideoFormatContext, pchar( aFileName ), nil, 0, nil);
- if (errnum <> 0) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('Failed to open file "'+aFileName+'" ('+FFMpegErrorString(errnum)+')');
- Exit;
- end;
- // update video info
- if (av_find_stream_info(VideoFormatContext) < 0) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('No stream info found', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
- CleanOnError();
- Exit;
- end;
- Log.LogInfo('VideoStreamIndex : ' + inttostr(VideoStreamIndex), 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
- // find video stream
- FindStreamIDs(VideoFormatContext, VideoStreamIndex, AudioStreamIndex);
- if (VideoStreamIndex < 0) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('No video stream found', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
- CleanOnError();
- Exit;
- end;
- VideoStream := VideoFormatContext^.streams[VideoStreamIndex];
- VideoCodecContext := VideoStream^.codec;
- VideoCodec := avcodec_find_decoder(VideoCodecContext^.codec_id);
- if (VideoCodec = nil) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('No matching codec found', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
- CleanOnError();
- Exit;
- end;
- // set debug options
- VideoCodecContext^.debug_mv := 0;
- VideoCodecContext^.debug := 0;
- // detect bug-workarounds automatically
- VideoCodecContext^.workaround_bugs := FF_BUG_AUTODETECT;
- // error resilience strategy (careful/compliant/agressive/very_aggressive)
- //VideoCodecContext^.error_resilience := FF_ER_CAREFUL; //FF_ER_COMPLIANT;
- // allow non spec compliant speedup tricks.
- //VideoCodecContext^.flags2 := VideoCodecContext^.flags2 or CODEC_FLAG2_FAST;
- errnum := avcodec_open(VideoCodecContext, VideoCodec);
- if (errnum < 0) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('No matching codec found', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
- CleanOnError();
- Exit;
- end;
- // register custom callbacks for pts-determination
- VideoCodecContext^.get_buffer := PtsGetBuffer;
- VideoCodecContext^.release_buffer := PtsReleaseBuffer;
- {$ifdef DebugDisplay}
- DebugWriteln('Found a matching Codec: '+ VideoCodecContext^.Codec.Name + sLineBreak +
- sLineBreak +
- ' Width = '+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.width) +
- ', Height='+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.height) + sLineBreak +
- ' Aspect : '+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.sample_aspect_ratio.num) + '/' +
- inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.sample_aspect_ratio.den) + sLineBreak +
- ' Framerate : '+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.time_base.num) + '/' +
- inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.time_base.den));
- {$endif}
- // allocate space for decoded frame and rgb frame
- AVFrame := avcodec_alloc_frame();
- AVFrameRGB := avcodec_alloc_frame();
- FrameBuffer := av_malloc(avpicture_get_size(PIXEL_FMT_FFMPEG,
- VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height));
- if ((AVFrame = nil) or (AVFrameRGB = nil) or (FrameBuffer = nil)) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('Failed to allocate buffers', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
- CleanOnError();
- Exit;
- end;
- // TODO: pad data for OpenGL to GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT
- // (otherwise video will be distorted if width/height is not a multiple of the alignment)
- errnum := avpicture_fill(PAVPicture(AVFrameRGB), FrameBuffer, PIXEL_FMT_FFMPEG,
- VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height);
- if (errnum < 0) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('avpicture_fill failed: ' + FFMpegErrorString(errnum), 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
- CleanOnError();
- Exit;
- end;
- // calculate some information for video display
- VideoAspect := av_q2d(VideoCodecContext^.sample_aspect_ratio);
- if (VideoAspect = 0) then
- VideoAspect := VideoCodecContext^.width /
- VideoCodecContext^.height
- else
- VideoAspect := VideoAspect * VideoCodecContext^.width /
- VideoCodecContext^.height;
- VideoTimeBase := 1/av_q2d(VideoStream^.r_frame_rate);
- // hack to get reasonable timebase (for divx and others)
- if (VideoTimeBase < 0.02) then // 0.02 <-> 50 fps
- begin
- VideoTimeBase := av_q2d(VideoStream^.r_frame_rate);
- while (VideoTimeBase > 50) do
- VideoTimeBase := VideoTimeBase/10;
- VideoTimeBase := 1/VideoTimeBase;
- end;
- Log.LogInfo('VideoTimeBase: ' + floattostr(VideoTimeBase), 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
- Log.LogInfo('Framerate: '+inttostr(floor(1/VideoTimeBase))+'fps', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
- {$IFDEF UseSWScale}
- // if available get a SWScale-context -> faster than the deprecated img_convert().
- // SWScale has accelerated support for PIX_FMT_RGB32/PIX_FMT_BGR24/PIX_FMT_BGR565/PIX_FMT_BGR555.
- // Note: PIX_FMT_RGB32 is a BGR- and not an RGB-format (maybe a bug)!!!
- // The BGR565-formats (GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5) is way too slow because of its
- // bad OpenGL support. The BGR formats have MMX(2) implementations but no speed-up
- // could be observed in comparison to the RGB versions.
- SoftwareScaleContext := sws_getContext(
- VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height,
- integer(VideoCodecContext^.pix_fmt),
- VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height,
- integer(PIXEL_FMT_FFMPEG),
- SWS_FAST_BILINEAR, nil, nil, nil);
- if (SoftwareScaleContext = nil) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('Failed to get swscale context', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
- CleanOnError();
- Exit;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- TexWidth := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(VideoCodecContext^.width))));
- TexHeight := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(VideoCodecContext^.height))));
- // we retrieve a texture just once with glTexImage2D and update it with glTexSubImage2D later.
- // Benefits: glTexSubImage2D is faster and supports non-power-of-two widths/height.
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fVideoTex);
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, TexWidth, TexHeight, 0,
- fVideoOpened := True;
- Result := true;
-procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Close;
- if fVideoOpened then
- begin
- av_free(FrameBuffer);
- av_free(AVFrameRGB);
- av_free(AVFrame);
- avcodec_close(VideoCodecContext);
- av_close_input_file(VideoFormatContext);
- fVideoOpened := False;
- end;
-procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Play;
-procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Pause;
- fVideoPaused := not fVideoPaused;
-procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Stop;
-procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.SetPosition(Time: real);
- SeekFlags: integer;
- if (Time < 0) then
- Time := 0;
- // TODO: handle loop-times
- //Time := Time mod VideoDuration;
- // backward seeking might fail without AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD
- SeekFlags := AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY;
- if (Time < VideoTime) then
- SeekFlags := SeekFlags or AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD;
- VideoTime := Time;
- EOF := false;
- if (av_seek_frame(VideoFormatContext, VideoStreamIndex, Floor(Time/VideoTimeBase), SeekFlags) < 0) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('av_seek_frame() failed', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.SetPosition');
- end;
-function TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.GetPosition: real;
- // TODO: return video-position in seconds
- result := VideoTime;
- singleton_VideoFFMpeg := TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.create();
- AudioManager.add( singleton_VideoFFMpeg );
- AudioManager.Remove( singleton_VideoFFMpeg );
+ # FFmpeg support for UltraStar deluxe #
+ # #
+ # Created by b1indy #
+ # based on 'An ffmpeg and SDL Tutorial' (http://www.dranger.com/ffmpeg/) #
+ # with modifications by Jay Binks <jaybinks@gmail.com> #
+ # #
+ # http://www.mail-archive.com/fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org/msg09949.html #
+ # http://www.nabble.com/file/p11795857/mpegpas01.zip #
+ # #
+ ##############################################################################}
+unit UVideo;
+//{$define DebugDisplay} // uncomment if u want to see the debug stuff
+//{$define DebugFrames}
+//{$define VideoBenchmark}
+//{$define Info}
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ TODO: look into av_read_play
+// use BGR-format for accelerated colorspace conversion with swscale
+ SDL,
+ textgl,
+ avcodec,
+ avformat,
+ avutil,
+ avio,
+ rational,
+ {$IFDEF UseSWScale}
+ swscale,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ math,
+ gl,
+ glext,
+ SysUtils,
+ UCommon,
+ UConfig,
+ ULog,
+ UMusic,
+ UGraphicClasses,
+ UGraphic;
+ TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg = class( TInterfacedObject, IVideoPlayback )
+ private
+ fVideoOpened,
+ fVideoPaused: Boolean;
+ VideoStream: PAVStream;
+ VideoStreamIndex : Integer;
+ VideoFormatContext: PAVFormatContext;
+ VideoCodecContext: PAVCodecContext;
+ VideoCodec: PAVCodec;
+ AVFrame: PAVFrame;
+ AVFrameRGB: PAVFrame;
+ FrameBuffer: PByte;
+ {$IFDEF UseSWScale}
+ SoftwareScaleContext: PSwsContext;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ fVideoTex: GLuint;
+ TexWidth, TexHeight: Cardinal;
+ VideoAspect: Real;
+ VideoTimeBase, VideoTime: Extended;
+ fLoopTime: Extended;
+ EOF: boolean;
+ Loop: boolean;
+ procedure Reset();
+ function DecodeFrame(var AVPacket: TAVPacket; out pts: double): boolean;
+ function FindStreamIDs( const aFormatCtx : PAVFormatContext; out aFirstVideoStream, aFirstAudioStream : integer ): boolean;
+ procedure SynchronizeVideo(pFrame: PAVFrame; var pts: double);
+ public
+ constructor Create();
+ function GetName: String;
+ procedure Init();
+ function Open(const aFileName : string): boolean; // true if succeed
+ procedure Close;
+ procedure Play;
+ procedure Pause;
+ procedure Stop;
+ procedure SetPosition(Time: real);
+ function GetPosition: real;
+ procedure GetFrame(Time: Extended);
+ procedure DrawGL(Screen: integer);
+ end;
+ singleton_VideoFFMpeg : IVideoPlayback;
+function FFMpegErrorString(Errnum: integer): string;
+ case Errnum of
+ else Result := 'AVERROR_#'+inttostr(Errnum);
+ end;
+// These are called whenever we allocate a frame buffer.
+// We use this to store the global_pts in a frame at the time it is allocated.
+function PtsGetBuffer(pCodecCtx: PAVCodecContext; pFrame: PAVFrame): integer; cdecl;
+ pts: Pint64;
+ VideoPktPts: Pint64;
+ Result := avcodec_default_get_buffer(pCodecCtx, pFrame);
+ VideoPktPts := pCodecCtx^.opaque;
+ if (VideoPktPts <> nil) then
+ begin
+ // Note: we must copy the pts instead of passing a pointer, because the packet
+ // (and with it the pts) might change before a frame is returned by av_decode_video.
+ pts := av_malloc(sizeof(int64));
+ pts^ := VideoPktPts^;
+ pFrame^.opaque := pts;
+ end;
+procedure PtsReleaseBuffer(pCodecCtx: PAVCodecContext; pFrame: PAVFrame); cdecl;
+ if (pFrame <> nil) then
+ av_freep(@pFrame^.opaque);
+ avcodec_default_release_buffer(pCodecCtx, pFrame);
+ * TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
+function TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.GetName: String;
+ result := 'FFMpeg_Video';
+ @param(aFormatCtx is a PAVFormatContext returned from av_open_input_file )
+ @param(aFirstVideoStream is an OUT value of type integer, this is the index of the video stream)
+ @param(aFirstAudioStream is an OUT value of type integer, this is the index of the audio stream)
+ @returns(@true on success, @false otherwise)
+function TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.FindStreamIDs(const aFormatCtx: PAVFormatContext; out aFirstVideoStream, aFirstAudioStream: integer): boolean;
+ i : integer;
+ st : PAVStream;
+ // Find the first video stream
+ aFirstAudioStream := -1;
+ aFirstVideoStream := -1;
+ {$IFDEF DebugDisplay}
+ debugwriteln('aFormatCtx.nb_streams : ' + inttostr(aFormatCtx.nb_streams));
+ {$ENDIF}
+ for i := 0 to aFormatCtx.nb_streams-1 do
+ begin
+ st := aFormatCtx.streams[i];
+ if (st.codec.codec_type = CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) and
+ (aFirstVideoStream < 0) then
+ begin
+ aFirstVideoStream := i;
+ end;
+ if (st.codec.codec_type = CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) and
+ (aFirstAudioStream < 0) then
+ begin
+ aFirstAudioStream := i;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // return true if either an audio- or video-stream was found
+ result := (aFirstAudioStream > -1) or
+ (aFirstVideoStream > -1) ;
+procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.SynchronizeVideo(pFrame: PAVFrame; var pts: double);
+ FrameDelay: double;
+ if (pts <> 0) then
+ begin
+ // if we have pts, set video clock to it
+ VideoTime := pts;
+ end else
+ begin
+ // if we aren't given a pts, set it to the clock
+ pts := VideoTime;
+ end;
+ // update the video clock
+ FrameDelay := av_q2d(VideoCodecContext^.time_base);
+ // if we are repeating a frame, adjust clock accordingly
+ FrameDelay := FrameDelay + pFrame^.repeat_pict * (FrameDelay * 0.5);
+ VideoTime := VideoTime + FrameDelay;
+function TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.DecodeFrame(var AVPacket: TAVPacket; out pts: double): boolean;
+ FrameFinished: Integer;
+ VideoPktPts: int64;
+ pbIOCtx: PByteIOContext;
+ errnum: integer;
+ Result := false;
+ FrameFinished := 0;
+ if EOF then
+ Exit;
+ // read packets until we have a finished frame (or there are no more packets)
+ while (FrameFinished = 0) do
+ begin
+ errnum := av_read_frame(VideoFormatContext, AVPacket);
+ if (errnum < 0) then
+ begin
+ // failed to read a frame, check reason
+ pbIOCtx := VideoFormatContext^.pb;
+ {$ELSE}
+ pbIOCtx := @VideoFormatContext^.pb;
+ {$IFEND}
+ // check for end-of-file (eof is not an error)
+ if (url_feof(pbIOCtx) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ EOF := true;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // check for errors
+ if (url_ferror(pbIOCtx) <> 0) then
+ Exit;
+ // url_feof() does not detect an EOF for some mov-files (e.g. deluxe.mov)
+ // so we have to do it this way.
+ if ((VideoFormatContext^.file_size <> 0) and
+ (pbIOCtx^.pos >= VideoFormatContext^.file_size)) then
+ begin
+ EOF := true;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // no error -> wait for user input
+ SDL_Delay(100);
+ continue;
+ end;
+ // if we got a packet from the video stream, then decode it
+ if (AVPacket.stream_index = VideoStreamIndex) then
+ begin
+ // save pts to be stored in pFrame in first call of PtsGetBuffer()
+ VideoPktPts := AVPacket.pts;
+ VideoCodecContext^.opaque := @VideoPktPts;
+ // decode packet
+ avcodec_decode_video(VideoCodecContext, AVFrame,
+ frameFinished, AVPacket.data, AVPacket.size);
+ // reset opaque data
+ VideoCodecContext^.opaque := nil;
+ // update pts
+ if (AVPacket.dts <> AV_NOPTS_VALUE) then
+ begin
+ pts := AVPacket.dts;
+ end
+ else if ((AVFrame^.opaque <> nil) and
+ (Pint64(AVFrame^.opaque)^ <> AV_NOPTS_VALUE)) then
+ begin
+ pts := Pint64(AVFrame^.opaque)^;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ pts := 0;
+ end;
+ pts := pts * av_q2d(VideoStream^.time_base);
+ // synchronize on each complete frame
+ if (frameFinished <> 0) then
+ SynchronizeVideo(AVFrame, pts);
+ end;
+ // free the packet from av_read_frame
+ av_free_packet( @AVPacket );
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.GetFrame(Time: Extended);
+ AVPacket: TAVPacket;
+ errnum: Integer;
+ myTime: Extended;
+ TimeDifference: Extended;
+ DropFrameCount: Integer;
+ pts: double;
+ i: Integer;
+ if not fVideoOpened then
+ Exit;
+ if fVideoPaused then
+ Exit;
+ // current time, relative to last loop (if any)
+ myTime := Time - fLoopTime;
+ // time since the last frame was returned
+ TimeDifference := myTime - VideoTime;
+ {$IFDEF DebugDisplay}
+ DebugWriteln('Time: '+inttostr(floor(Time*1000)) + sLineBreak +
+ 'VideoTime: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTime*1000)) + sLineBreak +
+ 'TimeBase: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTimeBase*1000)) + sLineBreak +
+ 'TimeDiff: '+inttostr(floor(TimeDifference*1000)));
+ {$endif}
+ // check if a new frame is needed
+ if (VideoTime <> 0) and (TimeDifference < VideoTimeBase) then
+ begin
+ {$ifdef DebugFrames}
+ // frame delay debug display
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(200,15,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$00ff00);
+ {$endif}
+ {$IFDEF DebugDisplay}
+ DebugWriteln('not getting new frame' + sLineBreak +
+ 'Time: '+inttostr(floor(Time*1000)) + sLineBreak +
+ 'VideoTime: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTime*1000)) + sLineBreak +
+ 'TimeBase: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTimeBase*1000)) + sLineBreak +
+ 'TimeDiff: '+inttostr(floor(TimeDifference*1000)));
+ {$endif}
+ // we do not need a new frame now
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // update video-time to the next frame
+ VideoTime := VideoTime + VideoTimeBase;
+ TimeDifference := myTime - VideoTime;
+ // check if we have to skip frames
+ if (TimeDifference >= FRAME_DROPCOUNT*VideoTimeBase) then
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF DebugFrames}
+ //frame drop debug display
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(200,55,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$ff0000);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF DebugDisplay}
+ DebugWriteln('skipping frames' + sLineBreak +
+ 'TimeBase: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTimeBase*1000)) + sLineBreak +
+ 'TimeDiff: '+inttostr(floor(TimeDifference*1000)));
+ {$endif}
+ // update video-time
+ DropFrameCount := Trunc(TimeDifference / VideoTimeBase);
+ VideoTime := VideoTime + DropFrameCount*VideoTimeBase;
+ // skip half of the frames, this is much smoother than to skip all at once
+ for i := 1 to DropFrameCount (*div 2*) do
+ DecodeFrame(AVPacket, pts);
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF VideoBenchmark}
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(15);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if (not DecodeFrame(AVPacket, pts)) then
+ begin
+ if Loop then
+ begin
+ // Record the time we looped. This is used to keep the loops in time. otherwise they speed
+ SetPosition(0);
+ fLoopTime := Time;
+ end;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // otherwise we convert the pixeldata from YUV to RGB
+ {$IFDEF UseSWScale}
+ errnum := sws_scale(SoftwareScaleContext, @(AVFrame.data), @(AVFrame.linesize),
+ 0, VideoCodecContext^.Height,
+ @(AVFrameRGB.data), @(AVFrameRGB.linesize));
+ {$ELSE}
+ errnum := img_convert(PAVPicture(AVFrameRGB), PIXEL_FMT_FFMPEG,
+ PAVPicture(AVFrame), VideoCodecContext^.pix_fmt,
+ VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if (errnum < 0) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('Image conversion failed', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.GetFrame');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF VideoBenchmark}
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(15);
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(16);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // TODO: data is not padded, so we will need to tell OpenGL.
+ // Or should we add padding with avpicture_fill? (check which one is faster)
+ //glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fVideoTex);
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0,
+ VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height,
+ {$ifdef DebugFrames}
+ //frame decode debug display
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(200, 35, 1, 16, 0, -1, ColoredStar, $ffff00);
+ {$endif}
+ {$IFDEF VideoBenchmark}
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(16);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('FFmpeg', 15);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Texture', 16);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.DrawGL(Screen: integer);
+ TexVideoRightPos, TexVideoLowerPos: Single;
+ ScreenLeftPos, ScreenRightPos: Single;
+ ScreenUpperPos, ScreenLowerPos: Single;
+ ScaledVideoWidth, ScaledVideoHeight: Single;
+ ScreenMidPosX, ScreenMidPosY: Single;
+ ScreenAspect, RenderAspect: Single;
+ // have a nice black background to draw on (even if there were errors opening the vid)
+ if (Screen = 1) then
+ begin
+ glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ end;
+ // exit if there's nothing to draw
+ if (not fVideoOpened) then
+ Exit;
+ {$IFDEF VideoBenchmark}
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(15);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ScreenAspect := ScreenW / ScreenH;
+ RenderAspect := RenderW / RenderH;
+ ScaledVideoWidth := RenderW;
+ ScaledVideoHeight := ScaledVideoWidth/VideoAspect * ScreenAspect/RenderAspect;
+ // Note: Scaling the width does not look good because the video might contain
+ // black borders at the top already
+ //ScaledVideoHeight := RenderH;
+ //ScaledVideoWidth := ScaledVideoHeight*VideoAspect * RenderAspect/ScreenAspect;
+ // center the video
+ ScreenMidPosX := RenderW/2;
+ ScreenMidPosY := RenderH/2;
+ ScreenLeftPos := ScreenMidPosX - ScaledVideoWidth/2;
+ ScreenRightPos := ScreenMidPosX + ScaledVideoWidth/2;
+ ScreenUpperPos := ScreenMidPosY - ScaledVideoHeight/2;
+ ScreenLowerPos := ScreenMidPosY + ScaledVideoHeight/2;
+ // the video-texture contains empty borders because its width and height must be
+ // a power of 2. So we have to determine the texture coords of the video.
+ TexVideoRightPos := VideoCodecContext^.width / TexWidth;
+ TexVideoLowerPos := VideoCodecContext^.height / TexHeight;
+ // we could use blending for brightness control, but do we need this?
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ // TODO: disable other stuff like lightning, etc.
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fVideoTex);
+ glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ // upper-left coord
+ glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
+ glVertex2f(ScreenLeftPos, ScreenUpperPos);
+ // lower-left coord
+ glTexCoord2f(0, TexVideoLowerPos);
+ glVertex2f(ScreenLeftPos, ScreenLowerPos);
+ // lower-right coord
+ glTexCoord2f(TexVideoRightPos, TexVideoLowerPos);
+ glVertex2f(ScreenRightPos, ScreenLowerPos);
+ // upper-right coord
+ glTexCoord2f(TexVideoRightPos, 0);
+ glVertex2f(ScreenRightPos, ScreenUpperPos);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ {$IFDEF VideoBenchmark}
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(15);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('DrawGL', 15);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF Info}
+ if (fVideoSkipTime+VideoTime+VideoTimeBase < 0) then
+ begin
+ glColor4f(0.7, 1, 0.3, 1);
+ SetFontStyle (1);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
+ SetFontSize(9);
+ SetFontPos (300, 0);
+ glPrint('Delay due to negative VideoGap');
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF DebugFrames}
+ glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ glbegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glVertex2f(0, 0);
+ glVertex2f(0, 70);
+ glVertex2f(250, 70);
+ glVertex2f(250, 0);
+ glEnd;
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ SetFontStyle (1);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
+ SetFontSize(9);
+ SetFontPos (5, 0);
+ glPrint('delaying frame');
+ SetFontPos (5, 20);
+ glPrint('fetching frame');
+ SetFontPos (5, 40);
+ glPrint('dropping frame');
+ {$ENDIF}
+constructor TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Create();
+ inherited;
+ Reset();
+ av_register_all();
+procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Init();
+ glGenTextures(1, PGLuint(@fVideoTex));
+procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Reset();
+ // close previously opened video
+ Close();
+ fVideoOpened := False;
+ fVideoPaused := False;
+ VideoTimeBase := 0;
+ VideoTime := 0;
+ VideoStream := nil;
+ VideoFormatContext := nil;
+ VideoCodecContext := nil;
+ VideoStreamIndex := -1;
+ AVFrame := nil;
+ AVFrameRGB := nil;
+ FrameBuffer := nil;
+ EOF := false;
+ // TODO: do we really want this by default?
+ Loop := true;
+ fLoopTime := 0;
+function TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open(const aFileName : string): boolean; // true if succeed
+ errnum: Integer;
+ err: GLenum;
+ AudioStreamIndex: integer;
+ procedure CleanOnError();
+ begin
+ if (VideoCodecContext <> nil) then
+ avcodec_close(VideoCodecContext);
+ if (VideoFormatContext <> nil) then
+ av_close_input_file(VideoFormatContext);
+ av_free(AVFrameRGB);
+ av_free(AVFrame);
+ av_free(FrameBuffer);
+ end;
+ Result := false;
+ Reset();
+ errnum := av_open_input_file(VideoFormatContext, pchar( aFileName ), nil, 0, nil);
+ if (errnum <> 0) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('Failed to open file "'+aFileName+'" ('+FFMpegErrorString(errnum)+')');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // update video info
+ if (av_find_stream_info(VideoFormatContext) < 0) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('No stream info found', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
+ CleanOnError();
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Log.LogInfo('VideoStreamIndex : ' + inttostr(VideoStreamIndex), 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
+ // find video stream
+ FindStreamIDs(VideoFormatContext, VideoStreamIndex, AudioStreamIndex);
+ if (VideoStreamIndex < 0) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('No video stream found', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
+ CleanOnError();
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ VideoStream := VideoFormatContext^.streams[VideoStreamIndex];
+ VideoCodecContext := VideoStream^.codec;
+ VideoCodec := avcodec_find_decoder(VideoCodecContext^.codec_id);
+ if (VideoCodec = nil) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('No matching codec found', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
+ CleanOnError();
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // set debug options
+ VideoCodecContext^.debug_mv := 0;
+ VideoCodecContext^.debug := 0;
+ // detect bug-workarounds automatically
+ VideoCodecContext^.workaround_bugs := FF_BUG_AUTODETECT;
+ // error resilience strategy (careful/compliant/agressive/very_aggressive)
+ //VideoCodecContext^.error_resilience := FF_ER_CAREFUL; //FF_ER_COMPLIANT;
+ // allow non spec compliant speedup tricks.
+ //VideoCodecContext^.flags2 := VideoCodecContext^.flags2 or CODEC_FLAG2_FAST;
+ errnum := avcodec_open(VideoCodecContext, VideoCodec);
+ if (errnum < 0) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('No matching codec found', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
+ CleanOnError();
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // register custom callbacks for pts-determination
+ VideoCodecContext^.get_buffer := PtsGetBuffer;
+ VideoCodecContext^.release_buffer := PtsReleaseBuffer;
+ {$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ DebugWriteln('Found a matching Codec: '+ VideoCodecContext^.Codec.Name + sLineBreak +
+ sLineBreak +
+ ' Width = '+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.width) +
+ ', Height='+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.height) + sLineBreak +
+ ' Aspect : '+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.sample_aspect_ratio.num) + '/' +
+ inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.sample_aspect_ratio.den) + sLineBreak +
+ ' Framerate : '+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.time_base.num) + '/' +
+ inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.time_base.den));
+ {$endif}
+ // allocate space for decoded frame and rgb frame
+ AVFrame := avcodec_alloc_frame();
+ AVFrameRGB := avcodec_alloc_frame();
+ FrameBuffer := av_malloc(avpicture_get_size(PIXEL_FMT_FFMPEG,
+ VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height));
+ if ((AVFrame = nil) or (AVFrameRGB = nil) or (FrameBuffer = nil)) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('Failed to allocate buffers', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
+ CleanOnError();
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // TODO: pad data for OpenGL to GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT
+ // (otherwise video will be distorted if width/height is not a multiple of the alignment)
+ errnum := avpicture_fill(PAVPicture(AVFrameRGB), FrameBuffer, PIXEL_FMT_FFMPEG,
+ VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height);
+ if (errnum < 0) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('avpicture_fill failed: ' + FFMpegErrorString(errnum), 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
+ CleanOnError();
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // calculate some information for video display
+ VideoAspect := av_q2d(VideoCodecContext^.sample_aspect_ratio);
+ if (VideoAspect = 0) then
+ VideoAspect := VideoCodecContext^.width /
+ VideoCodecContext^.height
+ else
+ VideoAspect := VideoAspect * VideoCodecContext^.width /
+ VideoCodecContext^.height;
+ VideoTimeBase := 1/av_q2d(VideoStream^.r_frame_rate);
+ // hack to get reasonable timebase (for divx and others)
+ if (VideoTimeBase < 0.02) then // 0.02 <-> 50 fps
+ begin
+ VideoTimeBase := av_q2d(VideoStream^.r_frame_rate);
+ while (VideoTimeBase > 50) do
+ VideoTimeBase := VideoTimeBase/10;
+ VideoTimeBase := 1/VideoTimeBase;
+ end;
+ Log.LogInfo('VideoTimeBase: ' + floattostr(VideoTimeBase), 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
+ Log.LogInfo('Framerate: '+inttostr(floor(1/VideoTimeBase))+'fps', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
+ {$IFDEF UseSWScale}
+ // if available get a SWScale-context -> faster than the deprecated img_convert().
+ // SWScale has accelerated support for PIX_FMT_RGB32/PIX_FMT_BGR24/PIX_FMT_BGR565/PIX_FMT_BGR555.
+ // Note: PIX_FMT_RGB32 is a BGR- and not an RGB-format (maybe a bug)!!!
+ // The BGR565-formats (GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5) is way too slow because of its
+ // bad OpenGL support. The BGR formats have MMX(2) implementations but no speed-up
+ // could be observed in comparison to the RGB versions.
+ SoftwareScaleContext := sws_getContext(
+ VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height,
+ integer(VideoCodecContext^.pix_fmt),
+ VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height,
+ integer(PIXEL_FMT_FFMPEG),
+ SWS_FAST_BILINEAR, nil, nil, nil);
+ if (SoftwareScaleContext = nil) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('Failed to get swscale context', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Open');
+ CleanOnError();
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TexWidth := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(VideoCodecContext^.width))));
+ TexHeight := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(VideoCodecContext^.height))));
+ // we retrieve a texture just once with glTexImage2D and update it with glTexSubImage2D later.
+ // Benefits: glTexSubImage2D is faster and supports non-power-of-two widths/height.
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fVideoTex);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, TexWidth, TexHeight, 0,
+ fVideoOpened := True;
+ Result := true;
+procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Close;
+ if fVideoOpened then
+ begin
+ av_free(FrameBuffer);
+ av_free(AVFrameRGB);
+ av_free(AVFrame);
+ avcodec_close(VideoCodecContext);
+ av_close_input_file(VideoFormatContext);
+ fVideoOpened := False;
+ end;
+procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Play;
+procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Pause;
+ fVideoPaused := not fVideoPaused;
+procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.Stop;
+procedure TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.SetPosition(Time: real);
+ SeekFlags: integer;
+ if (Time < 0) then
+ Time := 0;
+ // TODO: handle loop-times
+ //Time := Time mod VideoDuration;
+ // backward seeking might fail without AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD
+ SeekFlags := AVSEEK_FLAG_ANY;
+ if (Time < VideoTime) then
+ SeekFlags := SeekFlags or AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD;
+ VideoTime := Time;
+ EOF := false;
+ if (av_seek_frame(VideoFormatContext, VideoStreamIndex, Floor(Time/VideoTimeBase), SeekFlags) < 0) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('av_seek_frame() failed', 'TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.SetPosition');
+ end;
+function TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.GetPosition: real;
+ // TODO: return video-position in seconds
+ result := VideoTime;
+ singleton_VideoFFMpeg := TVideoPlayback_ffmpeg.create();
+ AudioManager.add( singleton_VideoFFMpeg );
+ AudioManager.Remove( singleton_VideoFFMpeg );
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UXMLSong.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UXMLSong.pas
index ddcb173a..1a1fe6bc 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UXMLSong.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UXMLSong.pas
@@ -1,573 +1,573 @@
-unit UXMLSong;
-uses Classes;
- TNote = record
- Start: Cardinal;
- Duration: Cardinal;
- Tone: Integer;
- NoteTyp: Byte;
- Lyric: String;
- end;
- ANote = Array of TNote;
- TSentence = record
- Singer: Byte;
- Duration: Cardinal;
- Notes: ANote;
- end;
- ASentence = Array of TSentence;
- TSongInfo = Record
- ID: Cardinal;
- DualChannel: Boolean;
- Header: Record
- Artist: String;
- Title: String;
- Gap: Cardinal;
- BPM: Real;
- Resolution: Byte;
- Edition: String;
- Genre: String;
- Year: String;
- Language: String;
- end;
- CountSentences: Cardinal;
- Sentences: ASentence;
- end;
- TParser = class
- private
- SSFile: TStringList;
- ParserState: Byte;
- CurPosinSong: Cardinal; //Cur Beat Pos in the Song
- CurDuettSinger: Byte; //Who sings this Part?
- BindLyrics: Boolean; //Should the Lyrics be bind to the last Word (no Space)
- FirstNote: Boolean; //Is this the First Note found? For Gap calculating
- Function ParseLine(Line: String): Boolean;
- public
- SongInfo: TSongInfo;
- ErrorMessage: String;
- Edition: String;
- SingstarVersion: String;
- Settings: Record
- DashReplacement: Char;
- end;
- Constructor Create;
- Function ParseConfigforEdition(const Filename: String): String;
- Function ParseSongHeader(const Filename: String): Boolean; //Parse Song Header only
- Function ParseSong (const Filename: String): Boolean; //Parse whole Song
- end;
- PS_None = 0;
- PS_Melody = 1;
- PS_Sentence = 2;
- NT_Normal = 1;
- NT_Freestyle = 0;
- NT_Golden = 2;
- DS_Player1 = 1;
- DS_Player2 = 2;
- DS_Both = 3;
-uses SysUtils, StrUtils;
-Constructor TParser.Create;
- inherited Create;
- ErrorMessage := '';
- DecimalSeparator := '.';
-Function TParser.ParseSong (const Filename: String): Boolean;
-var I: Integer;
- Result := False;
- if FileExists(Filename) then
- begin
- SSFile := TStringList.Create;
- try
- ErrorMessage := 'Can''t open melody.xml file';
- SSFile.LoadFromFile(Filename);
- ErrorMessage := '';
- Result := True;
- I := 0;
- SongInfo.CountSentences := 0;
- CurDuettSinger := DS_Both; //Both is Singstar Standard
- CurPosinSong := 0; //Start at Pos 0
- BindLyrics := True; //Dont start with Space
- FirstNote := True; //First Note found should be the First Note ;)
- SongInfo.Header.Language := '';
- SongInfo.Header.Edition := Edition;
- SongInfo.DualChannel := False;
- ParserState := PS_None;
- SetLength(SongInfo.Sentences, 0);
- While Result And (I < SSFile.Count) do
- begin
- Result := ParseLine(SSFile.Strings[I]);
- Inc(I);
- end;
- finally
- SSFile.Free;
- end;
- end;
-Function TParser.ParseSongHeader (const Filename: String): Boolean;
-var I: Integer;
- Result := False;
- if FileExists(Filename) then
- begin
- SSFile := TStringList.Create;
- SSFile.Clear;
- try
- SSFile.LoadFromFile(Filename);
- If (SSFile.Count > 0) then
- begin
- Result := True;
- I := 0;
- SongInfo.CountSentences := 0;
- CurDuettSinger := DS_Both; //Both is Singstar Standard
- CurPosinSong := 0; //Start at Pos 0
- BindLyrics := True; //Dont start with Space
- FirstNote := True; //First Note found should be the First Note ;)
- SongInfo.ID := 0;
- SongInfo.Header.Language := '';
- SongInfo.Header.Edition := Edition;
- SongInfo.DualChannel := False;
- ParserState := PS_None;
- While (SongInfo.ID < 4) AND Result And (I < SSFile.Count) do
- begin
- Result := ParseLine(SSFile.Strings[I]);
- Inc(I);
- end;
- end
- else
- ErrorMessage := 'Can''t open melody.xml file';
- finally
- SSFile.Free;
- end;
- end
- else
- ErrorMessage := 'Can''t find melody.xml file';
-Function TParser.ParseLine(Line: String): Boolean;
- Tag: String;
- Values: String;
- AValues: Array of Record
- Name: String;
- Value: String;
- end;
- I, J, K: Integer;
- Duration, Tone: Integer;
- Lyric: String;
- NoteType: Byte;
- Procedure MakeValuesArray;
- var Len, Pos, State, StateChange: Integer;
- begin
- Len := -1;
- SetLength(AValues, Len + 1);
- Pos := 1;
- State := 0;
- While (Pos <= Length(Values)) AND (Pos <> 0) do
- begin
- Case State of
- 0: begin //Search for ValueName
- If (Values[Pos] <> ' ') AND (Values[Pos] <> '=') then
- begin
- //Found Something
- State := 1; //State search for '='
- StateChange := Pos; //Save Pos of Change
- Pos := PosEx('=', Values, Pos + 1);
- end
- else Inc(Pos); //When nothing found then go to next char
- end;
- 1: begin //Search for Equal Mark
- //Add New Value
- Inc(Len);
- SetLength(AValues, Len + 1);
- AValues[Len].Name := UpperCase(Copy(Values, StateChange, Pos - StateChange));
- State := 2; //Now Search for starting '"'
- StateChange := Pos; //Save Pos of Change
- Pos := PosEx('"', Values, Pos + 1);
- end;
- 2: begin //Search for starting '"' or ' ' <- End if there was no "
- If (Values[Pos] = '"') then
- begin //Found starting '"'
- State := 3; //Now Search for ending '"'
- StateChange := Pos; //Save Pos of Change
- Pos := PosEx('"', Values, Pos + 1);
- end
- else If (Values[Pos] = ' ') then //Found ending Space
- begin
- //Save Value to Array
- AValues[Len].Value := Copy(Values, StateChange + 1, Pos - StateChange - 1);
- //Search for next Valuename
- State := 0;
- StateChange := Pos;
- Inc(Pos);
- end;
- end;
- 3: begin //Search for ending '"'
- //Save Value to Array
- AValues[Len].Value := Copy(Values, StateChange + 1, Pos - StateChange - 1);
- //Search for next Valuename
- State := 0;
- StateChange := Pos;
- Inc(Pos);
- end;
- end;
- If (State >= 2) then
- begin //Save Last Value
- AValues[Len].Value := Copy(Values, StateChange + 1, Length(Values) - StateChange);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Result := True;
- Line := Trim(Line);
- If (Length(Line) > 0) then
- begin
- I := Pos('<', Line);
- J := PosEx(' ', Line, I+1);
- K := PosEx('>', Line, I+1);
- If (J = 0) then J := K
- Else If (K < J) AND (K <> 0) then J := K; //Use nearest Tagname End indicator
- Tag := UpperCase(copy(Line, I + 1, J - I - 1));
- Values := copy(Line, J + 1, K - J - 1);
- Case ParserState of
- PS_None: begin//Search for Melody Tag
- If (Tag = 'MELODY') then
- begin
- Inc(SongInfo.ID); //Inc SongID when header Information is added
- MakeValuesArray;
- For I := 0 to High(AValues) do
- begin
- If (AValues[I].Name = 'TEMPO') then
- begin
- SongInfo.Header.BPM := StrtoFloatDef(AValues[I].Value, 0);
- If (SongInfo.Header.BPM <= 0) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- ErrorMessage := 'Can''t read BPM from Song';
- end;
- end
- Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'RESOLUTION') then
- begin
- AValues[I].Value := Uppercase(AValues[I].Value);
- //Ultrastar Resolution is "how often a Beat is split / 4"
- If (AValues[I].Value = 'HEMIDEMISEMIQUAVER') then
- SongInfo.Header.Resolution := 64 div 4
- Else If (AValues[I].Value = 'DEMISEMIQUAVER') then
- SongInfo.Header.Resolution := 32 div 4
- Else If (AValues[I].Value = 'SEMIQUAVER') then
- SongInfo.Header.Resolution := 16 div 4
- Else If (AValues[I].Value = 'QUAVER') then
- SongInfo.Header.Resolution := 8 div 4
- Else If (AValues[I].Value = 'CROTCHET') then
- SongInfo.Header.Resolution := 4 div 4
- Else
- begin //Can't understand teh Resolution :/
- Result := False;
- ErrorMessage := 'Can''t read Resolution from Song';
- end;
- end
- Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'GENRE') then
- begin
- SongInfo.Header.Genre := AValues[I].Value;
- end
- Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'YEAR') then
- begin
- SongInfo.Header.Year := AValues[I].Value;
- end
- Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'VERSION') then
- begin
- SingstarVersion := AValues[I].Value;
- end;
- end;
- ParserState := PS_Melody; //In Melody Tag
- end;
- end;
- PS_Melody: begin //Search for Sentence, Artist/Title Info or eo Melody
- If (Tag = 'SENTENCE') then
- begin
- ParserState := PS_Sentence; //Parse in a Sentence Tag now
- //Increase SentenceCount
- Inc(SongInfo.CountSentences);
- BindLyrics := True; //Don't let Txts Begin w/ Space
- //Search for Duett Singer Info
- MakeValuesArray;
- For I := 0 to High(AValues) do
- If (AValues[I].Name = 'SINGER') then
- begin
- AValues[I].Value := Uppercase(AValues[I].Value);
- If (AValues[I].Value = 'SOLO 1') then
- CurDuettSinger := DS_Player1
- Else If (AValues[I].Value = 'SOLO 2') then
- CurDuettSinger := DS_Player2
- Else
- CurDuettSinger := DS_Both; //In case of "Group" or anything that is not identified use Both
- end;
- end
- Else If (Tag = '!--') then
- begin //Comment, this may be Artist or Title Info
- I := Pos(':', Values); //Search for Delimiter
- If (I <> 0) then //If Found check for Title or Artist
- begin
- //Copy Title or Artist Tag to Tag String
- Tag := Uppercase(Trim(Copy(Values, 1, I - 1)));
- If (Tag = 'ARTIST') then
- begin
- SongInfo.Header.Artist := Trim(Copy(Values, I + 1, Length(Values) - I - 2));
- Inc(SongInfo.ID); //Inc SongID when header Information is added
- end
- Else If (Tag = 'TITLE') then
- begin
- SongInfo.Header.Title := Trim(Copy(Values, I + 1, Length(Values) - I - 2));
- Inc(SongInfo.ID); //Inc SongID when header Information is added
- end;
- end;
- end
- //Parsing for weird "Die toten Hosen" Tags
- Else If (Tag = '!--ARTIST:') OR (Tag = '!--ARTIST') then
- begin //Comment, with Artist Info
- I := Pos(':', Values); //Search for Delimiter
- Inc(SongInfo.ID); //Inc SongID when header Information is added
- SongInfo.Header.Artist := Trim(Copy(Values, I + 1, Length(Values) - I - 2));
- end
- Else If (Tag = '!--TITLE:') OR (Tag = '!--TITLE') then
- begin //Comment, with Artist Info
- I := Pos(':', Values); //Search for Delimiter
- Inc(SongInfo.ID); //Inc SongID when header Information is added
- SongInfo.Header.Title := Trim(Copy(Values, I + 1, Length(Values) - I - 2));
- end
- Else If (Tag = '/MELODY') then
- begin
- ParserState := PS_None;
- Exit; //Stop Parsing, Melody iTag ended
- end
- end;
- PS_Sentence: begin //Search for Notes or eo Sentence
- If (Tag = 'NOTE') then
- begin //Found Note
- //Get Values
- MakeValuesArray;
- NoteType := NT_Normal;
- For I := 0 to High(AValues) do
- begin
- If (AValues[I].Name = 'DURATION') then
- begin
- Duration := StrtoIntDef(AValues[I].Value, -1);
- If (Duration < 0) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- ErrorMessage := 'Can''t read duration from Note in Line: "' + Line + '"';
- Exit;
- end;
- end
- Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'MIDINOTE') then
- begin
- Tone := StrtoIntDef(AValues[I].Value, 0);
- end
- Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'BONUS') AND (Uppercase(AValues[I].Value) = 'YES') then
- begin
- NoteType := NT_Golden;
- end
- Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'FREESTYLE') AND (Uppercase(AValues[I].Value) = 'YES') then
- begin
- NoteType := NT_Freestyle;
- end
- Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'LYRIC') then
- begin
- Lyric := AValues[I].Value;
- If (Length(Lyric) > 0) then
- begin
- If (Lyric = '-') then
- Lyric[1] := Settings.DashReplacement;
- If (not BindLyrics) then
- Lyric := ' ' + Lyric;
- If (Length(Lyric) > 2) AND (Lyric[Length(Lyric)-1] = ' ') AND (Lyric[Length(Lyric)] = '-') then
- begin //Between this and the next Lyric should be no space
- BindLyrics := True;
- SetLength(Lyric, Length(Lyric) - 2);
- end
- else
- BindLyrics := False; //There should be a Space
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //Add Note
- I := SongInfo.CountSentences - 1;
- If (Length(Lyric) > 0) then
- begin //Real note, no rest
- //First Note of Sentence
- If (Length(SongInfo.Sentences) < SongInfo.CountSentences) then
- begin
- SetLength(SongInfo.Sentences, SongInfo.CountSentences);
- SetLength(SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes, 0);
- end;
- //First Note of Song -> Generate Gap
- If (FirstNote) then
- begin
- //Calculate Gap
- If (SongInfo.Header.Resolution <> 0) AND (SongInfo.Header.BPM <> 0) then
- SongInfo.Header.Gap := Round(CurPosinSong / (SongInfo.Header.BPM*SongInfo.Header.Resolution) * 60000)
- Else
- begin
- Result := False;
- ErrorMessage := 'Can''t calculate Gap, no Resolution or BPM present.';
- Exit;
- end;
- CurPosinSong := 0; //Start at 0, because Gap goes until here
- Inc(SongInfo.ID); //Add Header Value therefore Inc
- FirstNote := False;
- end;
- J := Length(SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes);
- SetLength(SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes, J + 1);
- SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].Start := CurPosinSong;
- SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].Duration := Duration;
- SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].Tone := Tone;
- SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].NoteTyp := NoteType;
- SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].Lyric := Lyric;
- //Inc Pos in Song
- Inc(CurPosInSong, Duration);
- end
- else
- begin
- //just change pos in Song
- Inc(CurPosInSong, Duration);
- end;
- end
- Else If (Tag = '/SENTENCE') then
- begin //End of Sentence Tag
- ParserState := PS_Melody;
- //Delete Sentence if no Note is Added
- If (Length(SongInfo.Sentences) <> SongInfo.CountSentences) then
- begin
- SongInfo.CountSentences := Length(SongInfo.Sentences);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else //Empty Line -> parsed succesful ;)
- Result := true;
-Function TParser.ParseConfigforEdition(const Filename: String): String;
- txt: TStringlist;
- I: Integer;
- J, K: Integer;
- S: String;
- Result := '';
- txt := TStringlist.Create;
- try
- txt.LoadFromFile(Filename);
- For I := 0 to txt.Count-1 do
- begin
- S := Trim(txt.Strings[I]);
- J := Pos('<PRODUCT_NAME>', S);
- If (J <> 0) then
- begin
- Inc(J, 14);
- K := Pos('</PRODUCT_NAME>', S);
- If (K<J) then K := Length(S) + 1;
- Result := Copy(S, J, K - J);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- Edition := Result;
- finally
- txt.Free;
- end;
+unit UXMLSong;
+uses Classes;
+ TNote = record
+ Start: Cardinal;
+ Duration: Cardinal;
+ Tone: Integer;
+ NoteTyp: Byte;
+ Lyric: String;
+ end;
+ ANote = Array of TNote;
+ TSentence = record
+ Singer: Byte;
+ Duration: Cardinal;
+ Notes: ANote;
+ end;
+ ASentence = Array of TSentence;
+ TSongInfo = Record
+ ID: Cardinal;
+ DualChannel: Boolean;
+ Header: Record
+ Artist: String;
+ Title: String;
+ Gap: Cardinal;
+ BPM: Real;
+ Resolution: Byte;
+ Edition: String;
+ Genre: String;
+ Year: String;
+ Language: String;
+ end;
+ CountSentences: Cardinal;
+ Sentences: ASentence;
+ end;
+ TParser = class
+ private
+ SSFile: TStringList;
+ ParserState: Byte;
+ CurPosinSong: Cardinal; //Cur Beat Pos in the Song
+ CurDuettSinger: Byte; //Who sings this Part?
+ BindLyrics: Boolean; //Should the Lyrics be bind to the last Word (no Space)
+ FirstNote: Boolean; //Is this the First Note found? For Gap calculating
+ Function ParseLine(Line: String): Boolean;
+ public
+ SongInfo: TSongInfo;
+ ErrorMessage: String;
+ Edition: String;
+ SingstarVersion: String;
+ Settings: Record
+ DashReplacement: Char;
+ end;
+ Constructor Create;
+ Function ParseConfigforEdition(const Filename: String): String;
+ Function ParseSongHeader(const Filename: String): Boolean; //Parse Song Header only
+ Function ParseSong (const Filename: String): Boolean; //Parse whole Song
+ end;
+ PS_None = 0;
+ PS_Melody = 1;
+ PS_Sentence = 2;
+ NT_Normal = 1;
+ NT_Freestyle = 0;
+ NT_Golden = 2;
+ DS_Player1 = 1;
+ DS_Player2 = 2;
+ DS_Both = 3;
+uses SysUtils, StrUtils;
+Constructor TParser.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ ErrorMessage := '';
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+Function TParser.ParseSong (const Filename: String): Boolean;
+var I: Integer;
+ Result := False;
+ if FileExists(Filename) then
+ begin
+ SSFile := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ ErrorMessage := 'Can''t open melody.xml file';
+ SSFile.LoadFromFile(Filename);
+ ErrorMessage := '';
+ Result := True;
+ I := 0;
+ SongInfo.CountSentences := 0;
+ CurDuettSinger := DS_Both; //Both is Singstar Standard
+ CurPosinSong := 0; //Start at Pos 0
+ BindLyrics := True; //Dont start with Space
+ FirstNote := True; //First Note found should be the First Note ;)
+ SongInfo.Header.Language := '';
+ SongInfo.Header.Edition := Edition;
+ SongInfo.DualChannel := False;
+ ParserState := PS_None;
+ SetLength(SongInfo.Sentences, 0);
+ While Result And (I < SSFile.Count) do
+ begin
+ Result := ParseLine(SSFile.Strings[I]);
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+ finally
+ SSFile.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+Function TParser.ParseSongHeader (const Filename: String): Boolean;
+var I: Integer;
+ Result := False;
+ if FileExists(Filename) then
+ begin
+ SSFile := TStringList.Create;
+ SSFile.Clear;
+ try
+ SSFile.LoadFromFile(Filename);
+ If (SSFile.Count > 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ I := 0;
+ SongInfo.CountSentences := 0;
+ CurDuettSinger := DS_Both; //Both is Singstar Standard
+ CurPosinSong := 0; //Start at Pos 0
+ BindLyrics := True; //Dont start with Space
+ FirstNote := True; //First Note found should be the First Note ;)
+ SongInfo.ID := 0;
+ SongInfo.Header.Language := '';
+ SongInfo.Header.Edition := Edition;
+ SongInfo.DualChannel := False;
+ ParserState := PS_None;
+ While (SongInfo.ID < 4) AND Result And (I < SSFile.Count) do
+ begin
+ Result := ParseLine(SSFile.Strings[I]);
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ ErrorMessage := 'Can''t open melody.xml file';
+ finally
+ SSFile.Free;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ ErrorMessage := 'Can''t find melody.xml file';
+Function TParser.ParseLine(Line: String): Boolean;
+ Tag: String;
+ Values: String;
+ AValues: Array of Record
+ Name: String;
+ Value: String;
+ end;
+ I, J, K: Integer;
+ Duration, Tone: Integer;
+ Lyric: String;
+ NoteType: Byte;
+ Procedure MakeValuesArray;
+ var Len, Pos, State, StateChange: Integer;
+ begin
+ Len := -1;
+ SetLength(AValues, Len + 1);
+ Pos := 1;
+ State := 0;
+ While (Pos <= Length(Values)) AND (Pos <> 0) do
+ begin
+ Case State of
+ 0: begin //Search for ValueName
+ If (Values[Pos] <> ' ') AND (Values[Pos] <> '=') then
+ begin
+ //Found Something
+ State := 1; //State search for '='
+ StateChange := Pos; //Save Pos of Change
+ Pos := PosEx('=', Values, Pos + 1);
+ end
+ else Inc(Pos); //When nothing found then go to next char
+ end;
+ 1: begin //Search for Equal Mark
+ //Add New Value
+ Inc(Len);
+ SetLength(AValues, Len + 1);
+ AValues[Len].Name := UpperCase(Copy(Values, StateChange, Pos - StateChange));
+ State := 2; //Now Search for starting '"'
+ StateChange := Pos; //Save Pos of Change
+ Pos := PosEx('"', Values, Pos + 1);
+ end;
+ 2: begin //Search for starting '"' or ' ' <- End if there was no "
+ If (Values[Pos] = '"') then
+ begin //Found starting '"'
+ State := 3; //Now Search for ending '"'
+ StateChange := Pos; //Save Pos of Change
+ Pos := PosEx('"', Values, Pos + 1);
+ end
+ else If (Values[Pos] = ' ') then //Found ending Space
+ begin
+ //Save Value to Array
+ AValues[Len].Value := Copy(Values, StateChange + 1, Pos - StateChange - 1);
+ //Search for next Valuename
+ State := 0;
+ StateChange := Pos;
+ Inc(Pos);
+ end;
+ end;
+ 3: begin //Search for ending '"'
+ //Save Value to Array
+ AValues[Len].Value := Copy(Values, StateChange + 1, Pos - StateChange - 1);
+ //Search for next Valuename
+ State := 0;
+ StateChange := Pos;
+ Inc(Pos);
+ end;
+ end;
+ If (State >= 2) then
+ begin //Save Last Value
+ AValues[Len].Value := Copy(Values, StateChange + 1, Length(Values) - StateChange);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ Line := Trim(Line);
+ If (Length(Line) > 0) then
+ begin
+ I := Pos('<', Line);
+ J := PosEx(' ', Line, I+1);
+ K := PosEx('>', Line, I+1);
+ If (J = 0) then J := K
+ Else If (K < J) AND (K <> 0) then J := K; //Use nearest Tagname End indicator
+ Tag := UpperCase(copy(Line, I + 1, J - I - 1));
+ Values := copy(Line, J + 1, K - J - 1);
+ Case ParserState of
+ PS_None: begin//Search for Melody Tag
+ If (Tag = 'MELODY') then
+ begin
+ Inc(SongInfo.ID); //Inc SongID when header Information is added
+ MakeValuesArray;
+ For I := 0 to High(AValues) do
+ begin
+ If (AValues[I].Name = 'TEMPO') then
+ begin
+ SongInfo.Header.BPM := StrtoFloatDef(AValues[I].Value, 0);
+ If (SongInfo.Header.BPM <= 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ ErrorMessage := 'Can''t read BPM from Song';
+ end;
+ end
+ Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'RESOLUTION') then
+ begin
+ AValues[I].Value := Uppercase(AValues[I].Value);
+ //Ultrastar Resolution is "how often a Beat is split / 4"
+ If (AValues[I].Value = 'HEMIDEMISEMIQUAVER') then
+ SongInfo.Header.Resolution := 64 div 4
+ Else If (AValues[I].Value = 'DEMISEMIQUAVER') then
+ SongInfo.Header.Resolution := 32 div 4
+ Else If (AValues[I].Value = 'SEMIQUAVER') then
+ SongInfo.Header.Resolution := 16 div 4
+ Else If (AValues[I].Value = 'QUAVER') then
+ SongInfo.Header.Resolution := 8 div 4
+ Else If (AValues[I].Value = 'CROTCHET') then
+ SongInfo.Header.Resolution := 4 div 4
+ Else
+ begin //Can't understand teh Resolution :/
+ Result := False;
+ ErrorMessage := 'Can''t read Resolution from Song';
+ end;
+ end
+ Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'GENRE') then
+ begin
+ SongInfo.Header.Genre := AValues[I].Value;
+ end
+ Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'YEAR') then
+ begin
+ SongInfo.Header.Year := AValues[I].Value;
+ end
+ Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'VERSION') then
+ begin
+ SingstarVersion := AValues[I].Value;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ParserState := PS_Melody; //In Melody Tag
+ end;
+ end;
+ PS_Melody: begin //Search for Sentence, Artist/Title Info or eo Melody
+ If (Tag = 'SENTENCE') then
+ begin
+ ParserState := PS_Sentence; //Parse in a Sentence Tag now
+ //Increase SentenceCount
+ Inc(SongInfo.CountSentences);
+ BindLyrics := True; //Don't let Txts Begin w/ Space
+ //Search for Duett Singer Info
+ MakeValuesArray;
+ For I := 0 to High(AValues) do
+ If (AValues[I].Name = 'SINGER') then
+ begin
+ AValues[I].Value := Uppercase(AValues[I].Value);
+ If (AValues[I].Value = 'SOLO 1') then
+ CurDuettSinger := DS_Player1
+ Else If (AValues[I].Value = 'SOLO 2') then
+ CurDuettSinger := DS_Player2
+ Else
+ CurDuettSinger := DS_Both; //In case of "Group" or anything that is not identified use Both
+ end;
+ end
+ Else If (Tag = '!--') then
+ begin //Comment, this may be Artist or Title Info
+ I := Pos(':', Values); //Search for Delimiter
+ If (I <> 0) then //If Found check for Title or Artist
+ begin
+ //Copy Title or Artist Tag to Tag String
+ Tag := Uppercase(Trim(Copy(Values, 1, I - 1)));
+ If (Tag = 'ARTIST') then
+ begin
+ SongInfo.Header.Artist := Trim(Copy(Values, I + 1, Length(Values) - I - 2));
+ Inc(SongInfo.ID); //Inc SongID when header Information is added
+ end
+ Else If (Tag = 'TITLE') then
+ begin
+ SongInfo.Header.Title := Trim(Copy(Values, I + 1, Length(Values) - I - 2));
+ Inc(SongInfo.ID); //Inc SongID when header Information is added
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ //Parsing for weird "Die toten Hosen" Tags
+ Else If (Tag = '!--ARTIST:') OR (Tag = '!--ARTIST') then
+ begin //Comment, with Artist Info
+ I := Pos(':', Values); //Search for Delimiter
+ Inc(SongInfo.ID); //Inc SongID when header Information is added
+ SongInfo.Header.Artist := Trim(Copy(Values, I + 1, Length(Values) - I - 2));
+ end
+ Else If (Tag = '!--TITLE:') OR (Tag = '!--TITLE') then
+ begin //Comment, with Artist Info
+ I := Pos(':', Values); //Search for Delimiter
+ Inc(SongInfo.ID); //Inc SongID when header Information is added
+ SongInfo.Header.Title := Trim(Copy(Values, I + 1, Length(Values) - I - 2));
+ end
+ Else If (Tag = '/MELODY') then
+ begin
+ ParserState := PS_None;
+ Exit; //Stop Parsing, Melody iTag ended
+ end
+ end;
+ PS_Sentence: begin //Search for Notes or eo Sentence
+ If (Tag = 'NOTE') then
+ begin //Found Note
+ //Get Values
+ MakeValuesArray;
+ NoteType := NT_Normal;
+ For I := 0 to High(AValues) do
+ begin
+ If (AValues[I].Name = 'DURATION') then
+ begin
+ Duration := StrtoIntDef(AValues[I].Value, -1);
+ If (Duration < 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ ErrorMessage := 'Can''t read duration from Note in Line: "' + Line + '"';
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end
+ Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'MIDINOTE') then
+ begin
+ Tone := StrtoIntDef(AValues[I].Value, 0);
+ end
+ Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'BONUS') AND (Uppercase(AValues[I].Value) = 'YES') then
+ begin
+ NoteType := NT_Golden;
+ end
+ Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'FREESTYLE') AND (Uppercase(AValues[I].Value) = 'YES') then
+ begin
+ NoteType := NT_Freestyle;
+ end
+ Else If (AValues[I].Name = 'LYRIC') then
+ begin
+ Lyric := AValues[I].Value;
+ If (Length(Lyric) > 0) then
+ begin
+ If (Lyric = '-') then
+ Lyric[1] := Settings.DashReplacement;
+ If (not BindLyrics) then
+ Lyric := ' ' + Lyric;
+ If (Length(Lyric) > 2) AND (Lyric[Length(Lyric)-1] = ' ') AND (Lyric[Length(Lyric)] = '-') then
+ begin //Between this and the next Lyric should be no space
+ BindLyrics := True;
+ SetLength(Lyric, Length(Lyric) - 2);
+ end
+ else
+ BindLyrics := False; //There should be a Space
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Add Note
+ I := SongInfo.CountSentences - 1;
+ If (Length(Lyric) > 0) then
+ begin //Real note, no rest
+ //First Note of Sentence
+ If (Length(SongInfo.Sentences) < SongInfo.CountSentences) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(SongInfo.Sentences, SongInfo.CountSentences);
+ SetLength(SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes, 0);
+ end;
+ //First Note of Song -> Generate Gap
+ If (FirstNote) then
+ begin
+ //Calculate Gap
+ If (SongInfo.Header.Resolution <> 0) AND (SongInfo.Header.BPM <> 0) then
+ SongInfo.Header.Gap := Round(CurPosinSong / (SongInfo.Header.BPM*SongInfo.Header.Resolution) * 60000)
+ Else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ ErrorMessage := 'Can''t calculate Gap, no Resolution or BPM present.';
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ CurPosinSong := 0; //Start at 0, because Gap goes until here
+ Inc(SongInfo.ID); //Add Header Value therefore Inc
+ FirstNote := False;
+ end;
+ J := Length(SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes);
+ SetLength(SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes, J + 1);
+ SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].Start := CurPosinSong;
+ SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].Duration := Duration;
+ SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].Tone := Tone;
+ SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].NoteTyp := NoteType;
+ SongInfo.Sentences[I].Notes[J].Lyric := Lyric;
+ //Inc Pos in Song
+ Inc(CurPosInSong, Duration);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ //just change pos in Song
+ Inc(CurPosInSong, Duration);
+ end;
+ end
+ Else If (Tag = '/SENTENCE') then
+ begin //End of Sentence Tag
+ ParserState := PS_Melody;
+ //Delete Sentence if no Note is Added
+ If (Length(SongInfo.Sentences) <> SongInfo.CountSentences) then
+ begin
+ SongInfo.CountSentences := Length(SongInfo.Sentences);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else //Empty Line -> parsed succesful ;)
+ Result := true;
+Function TParser.ParseConfigforEdition(const Filename: String): String;
+ txt: TStringlist;
+ I: Integer;
+ J, K: Integer;
+ S: String;
+ Result := '';
+ txt := TStringlist.Create;
+ try
+ txt.LoadFromFile(Filename);
+ For I := 0 to txt.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ S := Trim(txt.Strings[I]);
+ J := Pos('<PRODUCT_NAME>', S);
+ If (J <> 0) then
+ begin
+ Inc(J, 14);
+ K := Pos('</PRODUCT_NAME>', S);
+ If (K<J) then K := Length(S) + 1;
+ Result := Copy(S, J, K - J);
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Edition := Result;
+ finally
+ txt.Free;
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/uPluginLoader.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/uPluginLoader.pas
index f4b6a87a..b2142702 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/uPluginLoader.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/uPluginLoader.pas
@@ -1,775 +1,775 @@
-unit UPluginLoader;
- UPluginLoader
- Unit contains to Classes
- TPluginLoader: Class Searching for and Loading the Plugins
- TtehPlugins: Class that represents the Plugins in Modules chain
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- UPluginDefs,
- UCoreModule;
- TPluginListItem = record
- Info: TUS_PluginInfo;
- State: Byte; //State of this Plugin: 0 - undefined; 1 - Loaded; 2 - Inited / Running; 4 - Unloaded; 254 - Loading aborted by Plugin; 255 - Unloaded because of Error
- Path: String; //Path to this Plugin
- NeedsDeInit: Boolean; //If this is Inited correctly this should be true
- hLib: THandle; //Handle of Loaded Libary
- Procs: record //Procs offered by Plugin. Don't call this directly use wrappers of TPluginLoader
- Load: Func_Load;
- Init: Func_Init;
- DeInit: Proc_DeInit;
- end;
- end;
- {*********************
- TPluginLoader
- Class Searches for Plugins and Manages loading and unloading
- *********************}
- PPluginLoader = ^TPluginLoader;
- TPluginLoader = class (TCoreModule)
- private
- LoadingProcessFinished: Boolean;
- sUnloadPlugin: THandle;
- sLoadPlugin: THandle;
- sGetPluginInfo: THandle;
- sGetPluginState: THandle;
- procedure FreePlugin(Index: Cardinal);
- public
- PluginInterface: TUS_PluginInterface;
- Plugins: array of TPluginListItem;
- //TCoreModule methods to inherit
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo); override;
- function Load: Boolean; override;
- function Init: Boolean; override;
- procedure DeInit; override;
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- //New Methods
- procedure BrowseDir(Path: String); //Browses the Path at _Path_ for Plugins
- function PluginExists(Name: String): integer; //If Plugin Exists: Index of Plugin, else -1
- procedure AddPlugin(Filename: String);//Adds Plugin to the Array
- function CallLoad(Index: Cardinal): integer;
- function CallInit(Index: Cardinal): integer;
- procedure CallDeInit(Index: Cardinal);
- //Services offered
- function LoadPlugin(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | lParam (if wParam = nil) ID of the Plugin
- function UnloadPlugin(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | lParam (if wParam = nil) ID of the Plugin
- function GetPluginInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //If wParam = -1 then (If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TUS_PluginInfo to address at lparam) else (Get PluginInfo of Plugin with Index(wParam) to Address at lParam)
- function GetPluginState(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //If wParam = -1 then (If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TUS_PluginInfo to address at lparam) else (Return PluginInfo of Plugin with Index(wParam))
- end;
- {*********************
- TtehPlugins
- Class Represents the Plugins in Module Chain.
- It Calls the Plugins Procs and Funcs
- *********************}
- TtehPlugins = class (TCoreModule)
- private
- PluginLoader: PPluginLoader;
- public
- //TCoreModule methods to inherit
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo); override;
- function Load: Boolean; override;
- function Init: Boolean; override;
- procedure DeInit; override;
- end;
- PluginFileExtension = '.dll';
- {$ENDIF}
- PluginFileExtension = '.so';
- {$ENDIF}
- PluginFileExtension = '.dylib';
- {$ENDIF}
- UCore,
- UPluginInterface,
- windows,
- dynlibs,
- UMain,
- SysUtils;
- TPluginLoader
- Implentation
-// function that gives some Infos about the Module to the Core
-procedure TPluginLoader.Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo);
- pInfo^.Name := 'TPluginLoader';
- pInfo^.Version := MakeVersion(1,0,0,chr(0));
- pInfo^.Description := 'Searches for Plugins, loads and unloads them';
-// Just the Constructor
-constructor TPluginLoader.Create;
- inherited;
- //Init PluginInterface
- //Using Methods from UPluginInterface
- PluginInterface.CreateHookableEvent := CreateHookableEvent;
- PluginInterface.DestroyHookableEvent := DestroyHookableEvent;
- PluginInterface.NotivyEventHooks := NotivyEventHooks;
- PluginInterface.HookEvent := HookEvent;
- PluginInterface.UnHookEvent := UnHookEvent;
- PluginInterface.EventExists := EventExists;
- PluginInterface.CreateService := @CreateService;
- PluginInterface.DestroyService := DestroyService;
- PluginInterface.CallService := CallService;
- PluginInterface.ServiceExists := ServiceExists;
- //UnSet Private Var
- LoadingProcessFinished := False;
-//Is Called on Loading.
-//In this Method only Events and Services should be created
-//to offer them to other Modules or Plugins during the Init process
-//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
-function TPluginLoader.Load: Boolean;
- Result := True;
- try
- //Start Searching for Plugins
- BrowseDir(PluginPath);
- except
- Result := False;
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Error Browsing and Loading.')), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
-//Is Called on Init Process
-//In this Method you can Hook some Events and Create + Init
-//your Classes, Variables etc.
-//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
-function TPluginLoader.Init: Boolean;
- //Just set Prvate Var to true.
- LoadingProcessFinished := True;
- Result := True;
-//Is Called if this Module has been Inited and there is a Exit.
-//Deinit is in backwards Initing Order
-procedure TPluginLoader.DeInit;
- I: integer;
- //Force DeInit
- //If some Plugins aren't DeInited for some Reason o0
- for I := 0 to High(Plugins) do
- begin
- if (Plugins[I].State < 4) then
- FreePlugin(I);
- end;
- //Nothing to do here. Core will remove the Hooks
-//Is Called if this Module will be unloaded and has been created
-//Should be used to Free Memory
-Destructor TPluginLoader.Destroy;
- //Just save some Memory if it wasn't done now..
- SetLength(Plugins, 0);
- inherited;
-// Browses the Path at _Path_ for Plugins
-procedure TPluginLoader.BrowseDir(Path: String);
- SR: TSearchRec;
- //Search for other Dirs to Browse
- if FindFirst(Path + '*', faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin
- repeat
- if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
- BrowseDir(Path + Sr.Name + PathDelim);
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- end;
- FindClose(SR);
- //Search for Plugins at Path
- if FindFirst(Path + '*' + PluginFileExtension, 0, SR) = 0 then
- begin
- repeat
- AddPlugin(Path + SR.Name);
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- end;
- FindClose(SR);
-// If Plugin Exists: Index of Plugin, else -1
-function TPluginLoader.PluginExists(Name: String): integer;
- I: integer;
- Result := -1;
- if (Length(Name) <= 32 { =>Length(TUS_PluginInfo.Name)}) then
- begin
- for I := 0 to High(Plugins) do
- if (Plugins[I].Info.Name = Name) then
- begin //Found the Plugin
- Result := I;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
-// Adds Plugin to the Array
-procedure TPluginLoader.AddPlugin(Filename: String);
- hLib: THandle;
- PInfo: Proc_PluginInfo;
- Info: TUS_PluginInfo;
- PluginID: integer;
- if (FileExists(Filename)) then
- begin //Load Libary
- hLib := LoadLibrary(PChar(Filename));
- if (hLib <> 0) then
- begin //Try to get Address of the Info Proc
- PInfo := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Info'));
- if (@PInfo <> nil) then
- begin
- Info.cbSize := SizeOf(TUS_PluginInfo);
- try //Call Info Proc
- PInfo(@Info);
- except
- Info.Name := '';
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Error getting Plugin Info: ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- //Is Name set ?
- if (Trim(Info.Name) <> '') then
- begin
- PluginID := PluginExists(Info.Name);
- if (PluginID > 0) and (Plugins[PluginID].State >=4) then
- PluginID := -1;
- if (PluginID = -1) then
- begin
- //Add new item to array
- PluginID := Length(Plugins);
- SetLength(Plugins, PluginID + 1);
- //Fill with Info:
- Plugins[PluginID].Info := Info;
- Plugins[PluginID].State := 0;
- Plugins[PluginID].Path := Filename;
- Plugins[PluginID].NeedsDeInit := False;
- Plugins[PluginID].hLib := hLib;
- //Try to get Procs
- Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Load := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Load'));
- Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Init := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Init'));
- Plugins[PluginID].Procs.DeInit := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_DeInit'));
- if (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Load = nil) OR (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Init = nil) OR (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.DeInit = nil) then
- begin
- Plugins[PluginID].State := 255;
- FreeLibrary(hLib);
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Can''t get Plugin Procs from Libary: "' + Info.Name + '" ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- //Emulate loading process if this Plugin is loaded to late
- if (LoadingProcessFinished) then
- begin
- CallLoad(PluginID);
- CallInit(PluginID);
- end;
- end
- else if (LoadingProcessFinished = False) then
- begin
- if (Plugins[PluginID].Info.Version < Info.Version) then
- begin //Found newer Version of this Plugin
- Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Found a newer Version of Plugin: ' + String(Info.Name))), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- //Unload Old Plugin
- UnloadPlugin(PluginID, nil);
- //Fill with new Info
- Plugins[PluginID].Info := Info;
- Plugins[PluginID].State := 0;
- Plugins[PluginID].Path := Filename;
- Plugins[PluginID].NeedsDeInit := False;
- Plugins[PluginID].hLib := hLib;
- //Try to get Procs
- Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Load := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Load'));
- Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Init := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Init'));
- Plugins[PluginID].Procs.DeInit := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_DeInit'));
- if (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Load = nil) OR (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Init = nil) OR (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.DeInit = nil) then
- begin
- FreeLibrary(hLib);
- Plugins[PluginID].State := 255;
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Can''t get Plugin Procs from Libary: "' + Info.Name + '" ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- end
- else
- begin //Newer Version already loaded
- FreeLibrary(hLib);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- FreeLibrary(hLib);
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Plugin with this Name already exists: ' + String(Info.Name))), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- FreeLibrary(hLib);
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('No name reported: ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- FreeLibrary(hLib);
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Can''t find Info procedure: ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- end
- else
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Can''t load Plugin Libary: ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
-// Calls Load Func of Plugin with the given Index
-function TPluginLoader.CallLoad(Index: Cardinal): integer;
- Result := -2;
- if(Index < Length(Plugins)) then
- begin
- if (@Plugins[Index].Procs.Load <> nil) and (Plugins[Index].State = 0) then
- begin
- try
- Result := Plugins[Index].Procs.Load(@PluginInterface);
- except
- Result := -3;
- End;
- if (Result = 0) then
- Plugins[Index].State := 1
- else
- begin
- FreePlugin(Index);
- Plugins[Index].State := 255;
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Error calling Load function from Plugin: ' + String(Plugins[Index].Info.Name))), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- end;
- end;
-// Calls Init Func of Plugin with the given Index
-function TPluginLoader.CallInit(Index: Cardinal): integer;
- Result := -2;
- if(Index < Length(Plugins)) then
- begin
- if (@Plugins[Index].Procs.Init <> nil) and (Plugins[Index].State = 1) then
- begin
- try
- Result := Plugins[Index].Procs.Init(@PluginInterface);
- except
- Result := -3;
- End;
- if (Result = 0) then
- begin
- Plugins[Index].State := 2;
- Plugins[Index].NeedsDeInit := True;
- end
- else
- begin
- FreePlugin(Index);
- Plugins[Index].State := 255;
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Error calling Init function from Plugin: ' + String(Plugins[Index].Info.Name))), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- end;
- end;
- end;
-// Calls DeInit Proc of Plugin with the given Index
-procedure TPluginLoader.CallDeInit(Index: Cardinal);
- if(Index < Length(Plugins)) then
- begin
- if (Plugins[Index].State < 4) then
- begin
- if (@Plugins[Index].Procs.DeInit <> nil) and (Plugins[Index].NeedsDeInit) then
- try
- Plugins[Index].Procs.DeInit(@PluginInterface);
- except
- End;
- //Don't forget to remove Services and Subscriptions by this Plugin
- Core.Hooks.DelbyOwner(-1 - Index);
- FreePlugin(Index);
- end;
- end;
-// Frees all Plugin Sources (Procs and Handles) - Helper for Deiniting Functions
-procedure TPluginLoader.FreePlugin(Index: Cardinal);
- Plugins[Index].State := 4;
- Plugins[Index].Procs.Load := nil;
- Plugins[Index].Procs.Init := nil;
- Plugins[Index].Procs.DeInit := nil;
- if (Plugins[Index].hLib <> 0) then
- FreeLibrary(Plugins[Index].hLib);
-// wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | wParam (if lParam = nil) ID of the Plugin
-function TPluginLoader.LoadPlugin(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Index: integer;
- sFile: String;
- Result := -1;
- sFile := '';
- //lParam is ID
- if (lParam = nil) then
- begin
- Index := wParam;
- end
- else
- begin //lParam is PChar
- try
- sFile := String(PChar(lParam));
- Index := PluginExists(sFile);
- if (Index < 0) And FileExists(sFile) then
- begin //Is Filename
- AddPlugin(sFile);
- Result := Plugins[High(Plugins)].State;
- end;
- except
- Index := -2;
- end;
- end;
- if (Index >= 0) and (Index < Length(Plugins)) then
- begin
- AddPlugin(Plugins[Index].Path);
- Result := Plugins[Index].State;
- end;
-// wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | wParam (if lParam = nil) ID of the Plugin
-function TPluginLoader.UnloadPlugin(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
- Index: integer;
- sName: String;
- Result := -1;
- //lParam is ID
- if (lParam = nil) then
- begin
- Index := wParam;
- end
- else
- begin //wParam is PChar
- try
- sName := String(PChar(lParam));
- Index := PluginExists(sName);
- except
- Index := -2;
- end;
- end;
- if (Index >= 0) and (Index < Length(Plugins)) then
- CallDeInit(Index)
-// if wParam = -1 then (if lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. if lparam <> nil then write array of TUS_PluginInfo to address at lparam) else (Get PluginInfo of Plugin with Index(wParam) to Address at lParam)
-function TPluginLoader.GetPluginInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
-var I: integer;
- Result := 0;
- if (wParam > 0) then
- begin //Get Info of 1 Plugin
- if (lParam <> nil) and (wParam < Length(Plugins)) then
- begin
- try
- Result := 1;
- PUS_PluginInfo(lParam)^ := Plugins[wParam].Info;
- except
- End;
- end;
- end
- else if (lParam = nil) then
- begin //Get Length of Plugin (Info) Array
- Result := Length(Plugins);
- end
- else //Write PluginInfo Array to Address in lParam
- begin
- try
- for I := 0 to high(Plugins) do
- PAUS_PluginInfo(lParam)^[I] := Plugins[I].Info;
- Result := Length(Plugins);
- except
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Could not write PluginInfo Array')), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- End;
- end;
-// if wParam = -1 then (if lParam = nil then get length of Plugin State Array. if lparam <> nil then write array of Byte to address at lparam) else (Return State of Plugin with Index(wParam))
-function TPluginLoader.GetPluginState(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
-var I: integer;
- Result := -1;
- if (wParam > 0) then
- begin //Get State of 1 Plugin
- if (wParam < Length(Plugins)) then
- begin
- Result := Plugins[wParam].State;
- end;
- end
- else if (lParam = nil) then
- begin //Get Length of Plugin (Info) Array
- Result := Length(Plugins);
- end
- else //Write PluginInfo Array to Address in lParam
- begin
- try
- for I := 0 to high(Plugins) do
- Byte(Pointer(integer(lParam) + I)^) := Plugins[I].State;
- Result := Length(Plugins);
- except
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Could not write PluginState Array')), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
- End;
- end;
- TtehPlugins
- Implentation
-// function that gives some Infos about the Module to the Core
-procedure TtehPlugins.Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo);
- pInfo^.Name := 'TtehPlugins';
- pInfo^.Version := MakeVersion(1,0,0,chr(0));
- pInfo^.Description := 'Module executing the Plugins!';
-// Just the Constructor
-constructor TtehPlugins.Create;
- inherited;
- PluginLoader := nil;
-//Is Called on Loading.
-//In this Method only Events and Services should be created
-//to offer them to other Modules or Plugins during the Init process
-//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
-function TtehPlugins.Load: Boolean;
- i: integer; //Counter
- CurExecutedBackup: integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
- //Get Pointer to PluginLoader
- PluginLoader := PPluginLoader(Core.GetModulebyName('TPluginLoader'));
- if (PluginLoader = nil) then
- begin
- Result := false;
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Could not get Pointer to PluginLoader')), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := true;
- //Backup CurExecuted
- CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
- //Start Loading the Plugins
- for i := 0 to High(PluginLoader.Plugins) do
- begin
- Core.CurExecuted := -1 - i;
- try
- //Unload Plugin if not correctly Executed
- if (PluginLoader.CallLoad(i) <> 0) then
- begin
- PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
- PluginLoader.Plugins[i].State := 254; //Plugin asks for unload
- Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Plugin Selfabort during loading process: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- end
- else
- begin
- Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Plugin loaded succesful: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- end;
- except
- //Plugin could not be loaded.
- // => Show Error Message, then ShutDown Plugin
- on E: Exception do
- begin
- PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
- PluginLoader.Plugins[i].State := 255; //Plugin causes Error
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Plugin causes Error during loading process: ' + PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name + ', ErrorMsg: "' + E.Message + '"')), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //Reset CurExecuted
- Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
- end;
-//Is Called on Init Process
-//In this Method you can Hook some Events and Create + Init
-//your Classes, Variables etc.
-//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
-function TtehPlugins.Init: Boolean;
- i: integer; //Counter
- CurExecutedBackup: integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
- Result := true;
- //Backup CurExecuted
- CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
- //Start Loading the Plugins
- for i := 0 to High(PluginLoader.Plugins) do
- try
- Core.CurExecuted := -1 - i;
- //Unload Plugin if not correctly Executed
- if (PluginLoader.CallInit(i) <> 0) then
- begin
- PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
- PluginLoader.Plugins[i].State := 254; //Plugin asks for unload
- Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Plugin Selfabort during init process: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- end
- else
- Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Plugin inited succesful: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- except
- //Plugin could not be loaded.
- // => Show Error Message, then ShutDown Plugin
- PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
- PluginLoader.Plugins[i].State := 255; //Plugin causes Error
- Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Plugin causes Error during init process: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
- end;
- //Reset CurExecuted
- Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
-//Is Called if this Module has been Inited and there is a Exit.
-//Deinit is in backwards Initing Order
-procedure TtehPlugins.DeInit;
- i: integer; //Counter
- CurExecutedBackup: integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
- //Backup CurExecuted
- CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
- //Start Loop
- for i := 0 to High(PluginLoader.Plugins) do
- begin
- try
- //DeInit Plugin
- PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
- except
- end;
- end;
- //Reset CurExecuted
- Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
+unit UPluginLoader;
+ UPluginLoader
+ Unit contains to Classes
+ TPluginLoader: Class Searching for and Loading the Plugins
+ TtehPlugins: Class that represents the Plugins in Modules chain
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ UPluginDefs,
+ UCoreModule;
+ TPluginListItem = record
+ Info: TUS_PluginInfo;
+ State: Byte; //State of this Plugin: 0 - undefined; 1 - Loaded; 2 - Inited / Running; 4 - Unloaded; 254 - Loading aborted by Plugin; 255 - Unloaded because of Error
+ Path: String; //Path to this Plugin
+ NeedsDeInit: Boolean; //If this is Inited correctly this should be true
+ hLib: THandle; //Handle of Loaded Libary
+ Procs: record //Procs offered by Plugin. Don't call this directly use wrappers of TPluginLoader
+ Load: Func_Load;
+ Init: Func_Init;
+ DeInit: Proc_DeInit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ {*********************
+ TPluginLoader
+ Class Searches for Plugins and Manages loading and unloading
+ *********************}
+ PPluginLoader = ^TPluginLoader;
+ TPluginLoader = class (TCoreModule)
+ private
+ LoadingProcessFinished: Boolean;
+ sUnloadPlugin: THandle;
+ sLoadPlugin: THandle;
+ sGetPluginInfo: THandle;
+ sGetPluginState: THandle;
+ procedure FreePlugin(Index: Cardinal);
+ public
+ PluginInterface: TUS_PluginInterface;
+ Plugins: array of TPluginListItem;
+ //TCoreModule methods to inherit
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo); override;
+ function Load: Boolean; override;
+ function Init: Boolean; override;
+ procedure DeInit; override;
+ Destructor Destroy; override;
+ //New Methods
+ procedure BrowseDir(Path: String); //Browses the Path at _Path_ for Plugins
+ function PluginExists(Name: String): integer; //If Plugin Exists: Index of Plugin, else -1
+ procedure AddPlugin(Filename: String);//Adds Plugin to the Array
+ function CallLoad(Index: Cardinal): integer;
+ function CallInit(Index: Cardinal): integer;
+ procedure CallDeInit(Index: Cardinal);
+ //Services offered
+ function LoadPlugin(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | lParam (if wParam = nil) ID of the Plugin
+ function UnloadPlugin(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | lParam (if wParam = nil) ID of the Plugin
+ function GetPluginInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //If wParam = -1 then (If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TUS_PluginInfo to address at lparam) else (Get PluginInfo of Plugin with Index(wParam) to Address at lParam)
+ function GetPluginState(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //If wParam = -1 then (If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TUS_PluginInfo to address at lparam) else (Return PluginInfo of Plugin with Index(wParam))
+ end;
+ {*********************
+ TtehPlugins
+ Class Represents the Plugins in Module Chain.
+ It Calls the Plugins Procs and Funcs
+ *********************}
+ TtehPlugins = class (TCoreModule)
+ private
+ PluginLoader: PPluginLoader;
+ public
+ //TCoreModule methods to inherit
+ constructor Create; override;
+ procedure Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo); override;
+ function Load: Boolean; override;
+ function Init: Boolean; override;
+ procedure DeInit; override;
+ end;
+ PluginFileExtension = '.dll';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ PluginFileExtension = '.so';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ PluginFileExtension = '.dylib';
+ {$ENDIF}
+ UCore,
+ UPluginInterface,
+ windows,
+ dynlibs,
+ UMain,
+ SysUtils;
+ TPluginLoader
+ Implentation
+// function that gives some Infos about the Module to the Core
+procedure TPluginLoader.Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo);
+ pInfo^.Name := 'TPluginLoader';
+ pInfo^.Version := MakeVersion(1,0,0,chr(0));
+ pInfo^.Description := 'Searches for Plugins, loads and unloads them';
+// Just the Constructor
+constructor TPluginLoader.Create;
+ inherited;
+ //Init PluginInterface
+ //Using Methods from UPluginInterface
+ PluginInterface.CreateHookableEvent := CreateHookableEvent;
+ PluginInterface.DestroyHookableEvent := DestroyHookableEvent;
+ PluginInterface.NotivyEventHooks := NotivyEventHooks;
+ PluginInterface.HookEvent := HookEvent;
+ PluginInterface.UnHookEvent := UnHookEvent;
+ PluginInterface.EventExists := EventExists;
+ PluginInterface.CreateService := @CreateService;
+ PluginInterface.DestroyService := DestroyService;
+ PluginInterface.CallService := CallService;
+ PluginInterface.ServiceExists := ServiceExists;
+ //UnSet Private Var
+ LoadingProcessFinished := False;
+//Is Called on Loading.
+//In this Method only Events and Services should be created
+//to offer them to other Modules or Plugins during the Init process
+//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
+function TPluginLoader.Load: Boolean;
+ Result := True;
+ try
+ //Start Searching for Plugins
+ BrowseDir(PluginPath);
+ except
+ Result := False;
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Error Browsing and Loading.')), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ end;
+//Is Called on Init Process
+//In this Method you can Hook some Events and Create + Init
+//your Classes, Variables etc.
+//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
+function TPluginLoader.Init: Boolean;
+ //Just set Prvate Var to true.
+ LoadingProcessFinished := True;
+ Result := True;
+//Is Called if this Module has been Inited and there is a Exit.
+//Deinit is in backwards Initing Order
+procedure TPluginLoader.DeInit;
+ I: integer;
+ //Force DeInit
+ //If some Plugins aren't DeInited for some Reason o0
+ for I := 0 to High(Plugins) do
+ begin
+ if (Plugins[I].State < 4) then
+ FreePlugin(I);
+ end;
+ //Nothing to do here. Core will remove the Hooks
+//Is Called if this Module will be unloaded and has been created
+//Should be used to Free Memory
+Destructor TPluginLoader.Destroy;
+ //Just save some Memory if it wasn't done now..
+ SetLength(Plugins, 0);
+ inherited;
+// Browses the Path at _Path_ for Plugins
+procedure TPluginLoader.BrowseDir(Path: String);
+ SR: TSearchRec;
+ //Search for other Dirs to Browse
+ if FindFirst(Path + '*', faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin
+ repeat
+ if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
+ BrowseDir(Path + Sr.Name + PathDelim);
+ until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
+ end;
+ FindClose(SR);
+ //Search for Plugins at Path
+ if FindFirst(Path + '*' + PluginFileExtension, 0, SR) = 0 then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ AddPlugin(Path + SR.Name);
+ until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
+ end;
+ FindClose(SR);
+// If Plugin Exists: Index of Plugin, else -1
+function TPluginLoader.PluginExists(Name: String): integer;
+ I: integer;
+ Result := -1;
+ if (Length(Name) <= 32 { =>Length(TUS_PluginInfo.Name)}) then
+ begin
+ for I := 0 to High(Plugins) do
+ if (Plugins[I].Info.Name = Name) then
+ begin //Found the Plugin
+ Result := I;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+// Adds Plugin to the Array
+procedure TPluginLoader.AddPlugin(Filename: String);
+ hLib: THandle;
+ PInfo: Proc_PluginInfo;
+ Info: TUS_PluginInfo;
+ PluginID: integer;
+ if (FileExists(Filename)) then
+ begin //Load Libary
+ hLib := LoadLibrary(PChar(Filename));
+ if (hLib <> 0) then
+ begin //Try to get Address of the Info Proc
+ PInfo := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Info'));
+ if (@PInfo <> nil) then
+ begin
+ Info.cbSize := SizeOf(TUS_PluginInfo);
+ try //Call Info Proc
+ PInfo(@Info);
+ except
+ Info.Name := '';
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Error getting Plugin Info: ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ end;
+ //Is Name set ?
+ if (Trim(Info.Name) <> '') then
+ begin
+ PluginID := PluginExists(Info.Name);
+ if (PluginID > 0) and (Plugins[PluginID].State >=4) then
+ PluginID := -1;
+ if (PluginID = -1) then
+ begin
+ //Add new item to array
+ PluginID := Length(Plugins);
+ SetLength(Plugins, PluginID + 1);
+ //Fill with Info:
+ Plugins[PluginID].Info := Info;
+ Plugins[PluginID].State := 0;
+ Plugins[PluginID].Path := Filename;
+ Plugins[PluginID].NeedsDeInit := False;
+ Plugins[PluginID].hLib := hLib;
+ //Try to get Procs
+ Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Load := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Load'));
+ Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Init := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Init'));
+ Plugins[PluginID].Procs.DeInit := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_DeInit'));
+ if (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Load = nil) OR (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Init = nil) OR (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.DeInit = nil) then
+ begin
+ Plugins[PluginID].State := 255;
+ FreeLibrary(hLib);
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Can''t get Plugin Procs from Libary: "' + Info.Name + '" ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ end;
+ //Emulate loading process if this Plugin is loaded to late
+ if (LoadingProcessFinished) then
+ begin
+ CallLoad(PluginID);
+ CallInit(PluginID);
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (LoadingProcessFinished = False) then
+ begin
+ if (Plugins[PluginID].Info.Version < Info.Version) then
+ begin //Found newer Version of this Plugin
+ Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Found a newer Version of Plugin: ' + String(Info.Name))), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ //Unload Old Plugin
+ UnloadPlugin(PluginID, nil);
+ //Fill with new Info
+ Plugins[PluginID].Info := Info;
+ Plugins[PluginID].State := 0;
+ Plugins[PluginID].Path := Filename;
+ Plugins[PluginID].NeedsDeInit := False;
+ Plugins[PluginID].hLib := hLib;
+ //Try to get Procs
+ Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Load := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Load'));
+ Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Init := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_Init'));
+ Plugins[PluginID].Procs.DeInit := GetProcAddress (hLib, PChar('USPlugin_DeInit'));
+ if (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Load = nil) OR (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.Init = nil) OR (@Plugins[PluginID].Procs.DeInit = nil) then
+ begin
+ FreeLibrary(hLib);
+ Plugins[PluginID].State := 255;
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Can''t get Plugin Procs from Libary: "' + Info.Name + '" ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin //Newer Version already loaded
+ FreeLibrary(hLib);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FreeLibrary(hLib);
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Plugin with this Name already exists: ' + String(Info.Name))), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FreeLibrary(hLib);
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('No name reported: ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FreeLibrary(hLib);
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Can''t find Info procedure: ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Can''t load Plugin Libary: ' + Filename)), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ end;
+// Calls Load Func of Plugin with the given Index
+function TPluginLoader.CallLoad(Index: Cardinal): integer;
+ Result := -2;
+ if(Index < Length(Plugins)) then
+ begin
+ if (@Plugins[Index].Procs.Load <> nil) and (Plugins[Index].State = 0) then
+ begin
+ try
+ Result := Plugins[Index].Procs.Load(@PluginInterface);
+ except
+ Result := -3;
+ End;
+ if (Result = 0) then
+ Plugins[Index].State := 1
+ else
+ begin
+ FreePlugin(Index);
+ Plugins[Index].State := 255;
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Error calling Load function from Plugin: ' + String(Plugins[Index].Info.Name))), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+// Calls Init Func of Plugin with the given Index
+function TPluginLoader.CallInit(Index: Cardinal): integer;
+ Result := -2;
+ if(Index < Length(Plugins)) then
+ begin
+ if (@Plugins[Index].Procs.Init <> nil) and (Plugins[Index].State = 1) then
+ begin
+ try
+ Result := Plugins[Index].Procs.Init(@PluginInterface);
+ except
+ Result := -3;
+ End;
+ if (Result = 0) then
+ begin
+ Plugins[Index].State := 2;
+ Plugins[Index].NeedsDeInit := True;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FreePlugin(Index);
+ Plugins[Index].State := 255;
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Error calling Init function from Plugin: ' + String(Plugins[Index].Info.Name))), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+// Calls DeInit Proc of Plugin with the given Index
+procedure TPluginLoader.CallDeInit(Index: Cardinal);
+ if(Index < Length(Plugins)) then
+ begin
+ if (Plugins[Index].State < 4) then
+ begin
+ if (@Plugins[Index].Procs.DeInit <> nil) and (Plugins[Index].NeedsDeInit) then
+ try
+ Plugins[Index].Procs.DeInit(@PluginInterface);
+ except
+ End;
+ //Don't forget to remove Services and Subscriptions by this Plugin
+ Core.Hooks.DelbyOwner(-1 - Index);
+ FreePlugin(Index);
+ end;
+ end;
+// Frees all Plugin Sources (Procs and Handles) - Helper for Deiniting Functions
+procedure TPluginLoader.FreePlugin(Index: Cardinal);
+ Plugins[Index].State := 4;
+ Plugins[Index].Procs.Load := nil;
+ Plugins[Index].Procs.Init := nil;
+ Plugins[Index].Procs.DeInit := nil;
+ if (Plugins[Index].hLib <> 0) then
+ FreeLibrary(Plugins[Index].hLib);
+// wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | wParam (if lParam = nil) ID of the Plugin
+function TPluginLoader.LoadPlugin(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Index: integer;
+ sFile: String;
+ Result := -1;
+ sFile := '';
+ //lParam is ID
+ if (lParam = nil) then
+ begin
+ Index := wParam;
+ end
+ else
+ begin //lParam is PChar
+ try
+ sFile := String(PChar(lParam));
+ Index := PluginExists(sFile);
+ if (Index < 0) And FileExists(sFile) then
+ begin //Is Filename
+ AddPlugin(sFile);
+ Result := Plugins[High(Plugins)].State;
+ end;
+ except
+ Index := -2;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Index >= 0) and (Index < Length(Plugins)) then
+ begin
+ AddPlugin(Plugins[Index].Path);
+ Result := Plugins[Index].State;
+ end;
+// wParam PChar(PluginName/PluginPath) | wParam (if lParam = nil) ID of the Plugin
+function TPluginLoader.UnloadPlugin(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Index: integer;
+ sName: String;
+ Result := -1;
+ //lParam is ID
+ if (lParam = nil) then
+ begin
+ Index := wParam;
+ end
+ else
+ begin //wParam is PChar
+ try
+ sName := String(PChar(lParam));
+ Index := PluginExists(sName);
+ except
+ Index := -2;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Index >= 0) and (Index < Length(Plugins)) then
+ CallDeInit(Index)
+// if wParam = -1 then (if lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. if lparam <> nil then write array of TUS_PluginInfo to address at lparam) else (Get PluginInfo of Plugin with Index(wParam) to Address at lParam)
+function TPluginLoader.GetPluginInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+var I: integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ if (wParam > 0) then
+ begin //Get Info of 1 Plugin
+ if (lParam <> nil) and (wParam < Length(Plugins)) then
+ begin
+ try
+ Result := 1;
+ PUS_PluginInfo(lParam)^ := Plugins[wParam].Info;
+ except
+ End;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (lParam = nil) then
+ begin //Get Length of Plugin (Info) Array
+ Result := Length(Plugins);
+ end
+ else //Write PluginInfo Array to Address in lParam
+ begin
+ try
+ for I := 0 to high(Plugins) do
+ PAUS_PluginInfo(lParam)^[I] := Plugins[I].Info;
+ Result := Length(Plugins);
+ except
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Could not write PluginInfo Array')), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ End;
+ end;
+// if wParam = -1 then (if lParam = nil then get length of Plugin State Array. if lparam <> nil then write array of Byte to address at lparam) else (Return State of Plugin with Index(wParam))
+function TPluginLoader.GetPluginState(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+var I: integer;
+ Result := -1;
+ if (wParam > 0) then
+ begin //Get State of 1 Plugin
+ if (wParam < Length(Plugins)) then
+ begin
+ Result := Plugins[wParam].State;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (lParam = nil) then
+ begin //Get Length of Plugin (Info) Array
+ Result := Length(Plugins);
+ end
+ else //Write PluginInfo Array to Address in lParam
+ begin
+ try
+ for I := 0 to high(Plugins) do
+ Byte(Pointer(integer(lParam) + I)^) := Plugins[I].State;
+ Result := Length(Plugins);
+ except
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Could not write PluginState Array')), PChar('TPluginLoader'));
+ End;
+ end;
+ TtehPlugins
+ Implentation
+// function that gives some Infos about the Module to the Core
+procedure TtehPlugins.Info(const pInfo: PModuleInfo);
+ pInfo^.Name := 'TtehPlugins';
+ pInfo^.Version := MakeVersion(1,0,0,chr(0));
+ pInfo^.Description := 'Module executing the Plugins!';
+// Just the Constructor
+constructor TtehPlugins.Create;
+ inherited;
+ PluginLoader := nil;
+//Is Called on Loading.
+//In this Method only Events and Services should be created
+//to offer them to other Modules or Plugins during the Init process
+//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
+function TtehPlugins.Load: Boolean;
+ i: integer; //Counter
+ CurExecutedBackup: integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
+ //Get Pointer to PluginLoader
+ PluginLoader := PPluginLoader(Core.GetModulebyName('TPluginLoader'));
+ if (PluginLoader = nil) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Could not get Pointer to PluginLoader')), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ //Backup CurExecuted
+ CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
+ //Start Loading the Plugins
+ for i := 0 to High(PluginLoader.Plugins) do
+ begin
+ Core.CurExecuted := -1 - i;
+ try
+ //Unload Plugin if not correctly Executed
+ if (PluginLoader.CallLoad(i) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
+ PluginLoader.Plugins[i].State := 254; //Plugin asks for unload
+ Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Plugin Selfabort during loading process: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Plugin loaded succesful: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
+ end;
+ except
+ //Plugin could not be loaded.
+ // => Show Error Message, then ShutDown Plugin
+ on E: Exception do
+ begin
+ PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
+ PluginLoader.Plugins[i].State := 255; //Plugin causes Error
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Plugin causes Error during loading process: ' + PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name + ', ErrorMsg: "' + E.Message + '"')), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Reset CurExecuted
+ Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
+ end;
+//Is Called on Init Process
+//In this Method you can Hook some Events and Create + Init
+//your Classes, Variables etc.
+//If False is Returned this will cause a Forced Exit
+function TtehPlugins.Init: Boolean;
+ i: integer; //Counter
+ CurExecutedBackup: integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
+ Result := true;
+ //Backup CurExecuted
+ CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
+ //Start Loading the Plugins
+ for i := 0 to High(PluginLoader.Plugins) do
+ try
+ Core.CurExecuted := -1 - i;
+ //Unload Plugin if not correctly Executed
+ if (PluginLoader.CallInit(i) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
+ PluginLoader.Plugins[i].State := 254; //Plugin asks for unload
+ Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Plugin Selfabort during init process: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
+ end
+ else
+ Core.ReportDebug(integer(PChar('Plugin inited succesful: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
+ except
+ //Plugin could not be loaded.
+ // => Show Error Message, then ShutDown Plugin
+ PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
+ PluginLoader.Plugins[i].State := 255; //Plugin causes Error
+ Core.ReportError(integer(PChar('Plugin causes Error during init process: ' + String(PluginLoader.Plugins[i].Info.Name))), PChar('TtehPlugins'));
+ end;
+ //Reset CurExecuted
+ Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;
+//Is Called if this Module has been Inited and there is a Exit.
+//Deinit is in backwards Initing Order
+procedure TtehPlugins.DeInit;
+ i: integer; //Counter
+ CurExecutedBackup: integer; //backup of Core.CurExecuted Attribute
+ //Backup CurExecuted
+ CurExecutedBackup := Core.CurExecuted;
+ //Start Loop
+ for i := 0 to High(PluginLoader.Plugins) do
+ begin
+ try
+ //DeInit Plugin
+ PluginLoader.CallDeInit(i);
+ except
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Reset CurExecuted
+ Core.CurExecuted := CurExecutedBackup;