path: root/Game/Code/Classes/USong_Txt.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Classes/USong_Txt.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 436 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/USong_Txt.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/USong_Txt.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index a0259baf..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/USong_Txt.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-unit USong_Txt;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- Classes,
- SysUtils,
- USong_TextFile;
- {*******************
- Child of the new TSong class.
- implements methods to load a song form a txt file (ultrastar file format)
- *******************}
- TSong_Txt = class(TSong_TextFile)
- public
- Procedure ReadHeader; override; //Reads Fileheader (Implemented by Child only)
- Procedure ReadFile; override; //Reads complete File (Header + Notes) (Implemented by Child only)
- Procedure WriteFile; override; //Writes complete File (Header + Notes) (Implemented by Child only)
- end;
- UMusic,
- UMain,
- UPlatform,
- ULog;
- TTags = (ArtistTag, TitleTag, Mp3Tag, BPMTag);
-// Reads Fileheader
-Procedure TSong_Txt.ReadHeader;
- started: Boolean;
- line, key, value: String;
- FloatValue: Real;
- FoundTags: Set of TTags;
- // splits a headerline in key an value
- // returns true on success and false if this is not a valid headerline
- Function SplitHeaderLine(const Line: String; var Key, Value: String): Boolean;
- var
- idx: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- idx := Pos(':', Line);
- if idx > 0 then
- begin
- Key := Uppercase(Trim(Copy(Line, 2, idx - 2))); //Uppercase is for Case Insensitive Checks
- Value := Trim(Copy(Line, idx + 1,Length(Line) - idx));
- if (Length(Key) > 0) AND (Length(Value) > 0) then
- Result := True
- end;
- end;
- function song_StrToFloat(const aValue : String): Extended;
- var
- lValue: String;
- begin
- lValue := aValue;
- if (Pos(',', lValue) <> 0) then
- lValue[Pos(',', lValue)] := '.';
- Result := StrToFloatDef(lValue, 0);
- end;
- if not OpenSongFile then
- exit;
- started := False;
- FoundTags := [];
- while isDataAvailable do
- begin
- line := GetNextLine();
- // break if header has finished
- if started AND ((Length(line) > 0) AND (not (line[1] = '#'))) then
- break;
- // skip invalid lines at beginning
- if (not started) AND (line[1] = '#') then
- started := True;
- // parse line
- if started then
- begin
- if (Length(line) > 0) AND not SplitHeaderLine(line, key, value) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('Invalide line in Header of file: ' + FilePath + FileName);
- Log.LogError('Line: ' + line);
- break;
- end;
- if ((Key = 'MP3') or (Key = 'BACKGROUND') or (Key = 'COVER') or (Key = 'VIDEO')) then
- Value := Utf8Encode(Value);
- {$ENDIF}
- //Title
- if (Key = 'TITLE') then
- begin
- Title := Value;
- FoundTags := FoundTags + [TitleTag];
- continue;
- end;
- //Artist
- if (Key = 'ARTIST') then
- begin
- Artist := Value;
- FoundTags := FoundTags + [ArtistTag];
- continue;
- end;
- //MP3 File //Test if Exists
- if (Key = 'MP3') then
- begin
- if FileExists(FilePath + Value) then
- begin
- Mp3 := FilePath + Value;
- FoundTags := FoundTags + [Mp3Tag];
- end
- else
- Log.LogError('Can''t find MP3 File: ' + FilePath + Value + ' in Song: ' + FilePath + FileName);
- continue;
- end;
- //Beats per Minute
- if (Key = 'BPM') then
- begin
- FloatValue := song_StrtoFloat( Value ) * Mult * MultBPM;
- if FloatValue <> 0 then
- begin
- SetLength(BPM, 1);
- BPM[0].StartBeat := 0;
- BPM[0].BPM := floatValue;
- FoundTags := FoundTags + [BPMTag];
- end;
- continue;
- end;
- //---------
- //Additional Header Information
- //---------
- // Gap
- if (Key = 'GAP') then
- begin
- GAP := song_StrtoFloat( Value );
- continue;
- end;
- //Cover Picture
- if (Key = 'COVER') then
- begin
- if FileExists(FilePath + Value) then
- Cover := FilePath + Value
- else
- Log.LogError('Can''t find Cover File: ' + FilePath + Value + ' in Song: ' + FilePath + FileName);
- continue;
- end;
- //Background Picture
- if (Key = 'BACKGROUND') then
- begin
- if FileExists(FilePath + Value) then
- Background := FilePath + Value
- else
- Log.LogError('Can''t find Background File: ' + FilePath + Value + ' in Song: ' + FilePath + FileName);
- continue;
- end;
- // Video File
- if (Key = 'VIDEO') then
- begin
- if FileExists(FilePath + Value) then
- Video := FilePath + Value
- else
- Log.LogError('Can''t find Video File: ' + FilePath + Value + ' in Song: ' + FilePath + FileName);
- continue;
- end;
- // Video Gap
- if (Key = 'VIDEOGAP') then
- begin
- VideoGAP := song_StrtoFloat(Value);
- continue;
- end;
- //Genre Sorting
- if (Key = 'GENRE') then
- begin
- Genre := Value;
- continue;
- end;
- //Edition Sorting
- if (Key = 'EDITION') then
- begin
- Edition := Value;
- continue;
- end;
- //Creator Tag
- if (Key = 'CREATOR') then
- begin
- Creator := Value;
- continue;
- end;
- //Language Sorting
- if (Key = 'LANGUAGE') then
- begin
- Language := Value;
- continue;
- end;
- // Song Start
- if (Key = 'START') then
- begin
- Start := song_StrtoFloat( Value );
- continue;
- end;
- // Song Ending
- if (Key = 'END') then
- begin
- TryStrtoInt(Value, Finish);
- continue;
- end;
- // Resolution
- if (Key = 'RESOLUTION') then
- begin
- TryStrtoInt(Value, Resolution);
- continue;
- end;
- // Notes Gap
- if (Key = 'NOTESGAP') then
- begin
- TryStrtoInt(Value, NotesGAP);
- continue;
- end;
- // Relative Notes
- if (Key = 'RELATIVE') AND (uppercase(Value) = 'YES') then
- begin
- Relative := True;
- continue;
- end;
- end; // if started
- end; // while
- if Cover = '' then
- begin
- Cover := platform.FindSongFile(FilePath, '*[CO].jpg');
- end;
- // check if all required infos are given
- if not (BPMTag in FoundTags) then
- Log.LogError('BPM Tag missing: ' + FilePath + FileName);
- if not (MP3Tag in FoundTags) then
- Log.LogError('MP3 Tag missing or invalid file: ' + FilePath + FileName);
- if not (ArtistTag in FoundTags) then
- Log.LogError('Artist Tag missing: ' + FilePath + FileName);
- if not (TitleTag in FoundTags) then
- Log.LogError('Title Tag missing: ' + FilePath + FileName);
- CloseSongFile();
-// Reads complete File (Header + Notes)
-Procedure TSong_Txt.ReadFile;
- Line: String;
- NotesRead: Boolean;
- Values: TStringList;
- Procedure ParseDelimited(const StringList: TStringList; const Value: String; const Delimiter: String; const MaxParts: Integer);
- var
- idx: Integer;
- Source: String;
- Delta: Integer;
- begin
- Delta := Length(Delimiter);
- Source := Value;
- StringList.BeginUpdate;
- StringList.Clear;
- try
- while ((Pos(Delimiter, Source) > 0) OR ((MaxParts > 0) AND (StringList.count+1 >= MaxParts))) do
- begin
- idx := Pos(Delimiter, Source);
- StringList.Add(Copy(Source,0,idx-1));
- Source := Copy(Source,idx+Delta, MaxInt);
- end;
- if (Length(Source) > 0) then
- StringList.Add(Source);
- finally
- StringList.EndUpdate;
- end;
- end;
- // read Header
- Self.ReadHeader;
- OpenSongFile();
- ResetLyrics;
- NotesRead := False;
- while isDataAvailable do
- begin
- line := GetNextLine();
- // end of song
- if (line[1] = 'E') then
- break;
- // skip invalid lines
- if (line[1] <> ':') OR (line[1] <> 'F') OR (line[1] <> '*') OR (line[1] <> '-') OR (line[1] <> 'B') then
- continue;
- // aktuelle Zeile in einzelne Werte aufteilen
- Values := TStringList.Create;
- try
- ParseDelimited(Values, line, ' ', 5);
- try
- if (line[1] = '-') then
- if (not NotesRead) then
- // skip newline if no notes before
- continue
- else
- begin
- // new lyric line
- // param count: 1 (relative: 2)
- if (Values.Count > 2) then
- // relativ offset
- begin
- // P1
- AddLyricLine(0, StrToInt(Values[1]), StrToInt(Values[2]));
- // P2
- if Length(Player) = 2 Then
- AddLyricLine(1, StrToInt(Values[1]), StrToInt(Values[2]))
- end
- else
- begin
- AddLyricLine(0, StrToInt(Values[1]));
- // P2
- if Length(Player) = 2 then
- AddLyricLine(1, StrToInt(Values[1]))
- end;
- end;
- // new BPM set
- if (line[1] = 'B') then
- begin
- // param count: 2
- AddBPM(StrToInt(Values[1]), StrToFloat(Values[2]));
- end;
- if (line[1] = ':') OR (line[1] = '*') OR (line[1] = 'F') then
- begin
- // param count: 4
- if (Values.Count < 5) then
- Log.LogError('Error parsing line: ' + line, 'Not enough arguments.')
- else
- begin
- // Check for ZeroNote
- if StrToInt(Values[2]) = 0 then
- Log.LogError('Found ZeroNote: "' + line + '" -> Note ignored!')
- else
- begin
- // P1
- AddNote(0, line[1], StrToInt(Values[1]), StrToInt(Values[2]), StrToInt(Values[3]), Values[4]);
- // P2
- if Length(Player) = 2 then
- AddNote(1, line[1], StrToInt(Values[1]), StrToInt(Values[2]), StrToInt(Values[3]), Values[4]);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- except
- on E : Exception do
- Log.LogError('Error parsing line: ' + line, E.ClassName + ': ' + E.Message);
- end;
- finally
- Values.Free();
- end;
- end;
- CloseSongFile();
-// Writes complete File (Header + Notes)
-Procedure TSong_Txt.WriteFile;
-end. \ No newline at end of file