path: root/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas
index 2693ed48..27c79a71 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ type
Length: string;
- TSong = class
+ {TSong = class
FileLineNo : integer; //Line which is readed at Last, for error reporting
procedure ParseNote(LineNumber: integer; TypeP: char; StartP, DurationP, NoteP: integer; LyricS: string);
@@ -111,6 +111,76 @@ type
function Analyse(): boolean;
function AnalyseXML(): boolean;
procedure clear();
+ end; }
+ AScore = Array[0..4] of TScore;
+ {*******************
+ New TSong Class.
+ Containing some Methods for DB communication
+ but none for Song laoding, saving, these should be
+ implemented by child classes
+ *******************}
+ TSong = class
+ protected
+ SongID: Integer; //ID of this Song in the Song Database
+ FolderID: Integer; //ID of the Folder containing this Song
+ FileName: String; //Filename of this Song w/o Path
+ FullPath: String; //Path + Filename
+ Procedure ResetAttributes; virtual; //Reset all Attributes of this object
+ Procedure ReadHeader; virtual; //Reads Fileheader (Implemented by Child only)
+ Procedure ReadFile; virtual; //Reads complete File (Header + Notes) (Implemented by Child only)
+ Procedure WriteFile; virtual; //Writes complete File (Header + Notes) (Implemented by Child only)
+ Procedure ReadFromDB; virtual; //Reads all available Information from DB
+ Function CheckDB: Integer; virtual; //Checks DB for Song. Result > 0 SongExists (ID Returned)
+ Function UpdateDB: Integer; virtual;//Writes all Header Information set in this Song Object to DB. Returns ID (Required when Updated first Time)
+ public
+ //Required Information
+ Title: widestring;
+ Artist: widestring;
+ Mp3: widestring; //Full Path to MP3
+ Text: widestring;
+ Creator: widestring;
+ Resolution: integer;
+ BPM: array of TBPM;
+ GAP: real; // in miliseconds
+ Base : array[0..1] of integer;
+ Rel : array[0..1] of integer;
+ Mult : integer;
+ MultBPM : integer;
+ //Some Files
+ Cover: widestring; //Full Path to Cover
+ CoverID: Integer; //ID of Cover in Covers Cache
+ Background: widestring; //Full Path to BG
+ Video: widestring; //Full Path to Video
+ VideoGAP: real;
+ //Additional Information
+ NotesGAP: integer;
+ Start: real; // in seconds
+ Finish: integer; // in miliseconds
+ Relative: boolean;
+ //Sorting
+ Genre: widestring;
+ Edition: widestring;
+ Language: widestring;
+ constructor Create(const Path: String = ''; const FolderID: Integer = 0);
+ Procedure LoadbyFile(const Path: String);
+ Procedure LoadbyID(const ID: Integer);
+ Procedure SavetoFile(const Filename: String = '');
+ Function Score(const Difficulty: Byte): AScore;
+ Procedure Clear;
@@ -121,7 +191,120 @@ uses
UMusic, //needed for Lines
UMain; //needed for Player
-constructor TSong.create( const aFileName : WideString );
+constructor TSong.Create(const Path: String = ''; const FolderID: Integer = 0);
+ If (Length(Path) > 0) AND (FolderID > 0) then
+ begin //Read Song Infos from File or DB
+ FullPath := Path;
+ FileName := ExtractFileName(Path);
+ Self.FolderID := FolderID;
+ SongID := CheckDB;
+ If (SongID = 0) then //Check if File has changed
+ begin
+ ResetAttributes;
+ ReadHeader;
+ SongID := UpdateDB;
+ //Get CoverID from Covers by Covers.AddCover(Coverscache checks if the Cover requires update
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ResetAttributes;
+ end;
+Procedure TSong.LoadbyFile(const Path: String);
+ //Call all Functions to Load From File
+ //Set Song and Folder ID and Update DB if required
+ //Get CoverID from Covers by Covers.AddCover(Coverscache checks if the Cover requires update
+Procedure TSong.LoadbyID(const ID: Integer);
+ //Call all Functions to Load Song by ID
+ //Read all Information from file
+ //Get CoverID from Covers by Covers.AddCover(Coverscache checks if the Cover requires update
+Procedure TSong.SavetoFile(const Filename: String = '');
+ //Save HeaderInformation and Notes to File. If File = '' use File that was read from
+Function TSong.Score(const Difficulty: Byte): AScore;
+ //Return Score of Difficulty(0..2) Easy to Difficult
+Procedure TSong.Clear;
+ ResetAttributes;
+// Reset all Attributes of this object
+Procedure TSong.ResetAttributes;
+ //to do
+// Reads Fileheader (Implemented by Child only)
+Procedure TSong.ReadHeader;
+ //Implented in Childs only!
+// Reads complete File (Header + Notes) (Implemented by Child only)
+Procedure TSong.ReadFile;
+ //Implented in Childs only!
+// Writes complete File (Header + Notes) (Implemented by Child only)
+Procedure TSong.WriteFile;
+ //Implented in Childs only!
+// Reads all available Information from DB
+Procedure TSong.ReadFromDB;
+ // to- do
+// Checks DB for Song. Result > 0 SongExists (ID Returned)
+Function TSong.CheckDB: Integer;
+ // to- do
+// Writes all Header Information set in this Song Object to DB. Returns ID (Required when Updated first Time)
+Function TSong.UpdateDB: Integer;
+ // to- do
+{constructor TSong.create( const aFileName : WideString );
Mult := 1;
@@ -323,7 +506,7 @@ begin
Read(SongFile, TempC);
- end; // while}
+ end; // while} {
for Count := 0 to High(Lines) do begin
Lines[Count].Line[High(Lines[Count].Line)].LastLine := True;
@@ -667,10 +850,10 @@ begin
//Required Attributes
if ((Identifier = 'MP3') or (Identifier = 'BACKGROUND') or (Identifier = 'COVER') or (Identifier = 'VIDEO')) then
Value := Utf8Encode(Value);
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF} {
if (Identifier = 'TITLE') then
@@ -947,11 +1130,11 @@ begin
//Required Information
Mp3 := '';
+ {$IFDEF FPC} {
setlength( BPM, 0 );
- {$ELSE}
+ {$ELSE} {
BPM := nil;
- {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF} {
GAP := 0;
Start := 0;
@@ -1007,6 +1190,6 @@ begin
//Read Header
Result := self.ReadXMLHeader( FileName );
+end; }