path: root/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas
index d6021811..60f5f0bf 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas
@@ -126,23 +126,28 @@ type
SongID: Integer; //ID of this Song in the Song Database
FolderID: Integer; //ID of the Folder containing this Song
FileName: String; //Filename of this Song w/o Path
- FullPath: String; //Path + Filename
- Procedure ResetAttributes; virtual; //Reset all Attributes of this object
- Procedure ReadHeader; virtual; //Reads Fileheader (Implemented by Child only)
- Procedure ReadFile; virtual; //Reads complete File (Header + Notes) (Implemented by Child only)
- Procedure WriteFile; virtual; //Writes complete File (Header + Notes) (Implemented by Child only)
- Procedure ReadFromDB; virtual; //Reads all available Information from DB
- Function CheckDB: Integer; virtual; //Checks DB for Song. Result > 0 SongExists (ID Returned)
- Function UpdateDB: Integer; virtual;//Writes all Header Information set in this Song Object to DB. Returns ID (Required when Updated first Time)
- public
+ FilePath: String; //Path of this Song
+ Procedure ResetAttributes; virtual; //Reset all Attributes of this object
+ Procedure ReadHeader; virtual; abstract; //Reads Fileheader (Implemented by Child only)
+ Procedure ReadFile; virtual; abstract; //Reads complete File (Header + Notes) (Implemented by Child only)
+ Procedure WriteFile; virtual; abstract; //Writes complete File (Header + Notes) (Implemented by Child only)
+ Procedure ReadFromDB; virtual; //Reads all available Information from DB
+ Function CheckDB: Integer; virtual; //Checks DB for Song. Result > 0 SongExists (ID Returned)
+ Function UpdateDB: Integer; virtual; //Writes all Header Information set in this Song Object to DB. Returns ID (Required when Updated first Time)
+ // procedures to manage the lyrics
+ Procedure ResetLyrics;
+ Procedure AddLyricLine(const PlayerID: Integer; const StartBeat: Integer; const RelativeBeat: Integer = -1);
+ Procedure AddNote(const PlayerID: Integer; const NoteType: Char; const NoteStart, NoteLength, NoteTone: Integer; const NoteText: WideString);
+ Function SolmizatLyrics(const NoteTone: Integer; const NoteText: WideString): WideString;
+ public
//Required Information
Title: widestring;
Artist: widestring;
Mp3: widestring; //Full Path to MP3
- Text: widestring;
Creator: widestring;
Resolution: integer;
@@ -150,7 +155,6 @@ type
GAP: real; // in miliseconds
Base : array[0..1] of integer;
- Rel : array[0..1] of integer;
Mult : integer;
MultBPM : integer;
@@ -189,14 +193,16 @@ implementation
- UMusic, //needed for Lines
- UMain; //needed for Player
+ UMusic; //needed for Lines
+ RelativPosition: array [0..1] of Integer;
constructor TSong.Create(const Path: String = ''; const FolderID: Integer = 0);
If (Length(Path) > 0) AND (FolderID > 0) then
begin //Read Song Infos from File or DB
- FullPath := Path;
+ FilePath := ExtractFilePath(Path);
FileName := ExtractFileName(Path);
Self.FolderID := FolderID;
SongID := CheckDB;
@@ -249,36 +255,43 @@ end;
Procedure TSong.ResetAttributes;
- //to do
-// Reads Fileheader (Implemented by Child only)
-Procedure TSong.ReadHeader;
- //Implented in Childs only!
+ SongID := 0;
+ FolderID := 0;
+ FileName := '';
+ FilePath := '';
+ Title := '';
+ Artist := '';
+ Mp3 := '';
+ SetLength(BPM, 0);
+ Creator := '';
+ Resolution := 0;
+ GAP := 0;
+ Base[0] := 100;
+ Base[1] := 100;
+ Mult := 1;
+ MultBPM := 4;
+ Cover := '';
+ CoverID := 0;
+ Background := '';
+ Video := '';
+ VideoGAP := 0;
+ NotesGAP := 0;
+ Start := 0;
+ Finish := 0;
+ Relative := False;
+ Genre := '';
+ Edition := '';
+ Language := '';
-// Reads complete File (Header + Notes) (Implemented by Child only)
-Procedure TSong.ReadFile;
- //Implented in Childs only!
-// Writes complete File (Header + Notes) (Implemented by Child only)
-Procedure TSong.WriteFile;
- //Implented in Childs only!
// Reads all available Information from DB
Procedure TSong.ReadFromDB;
@@ -304,6 +317,154 @@ begin
// to- do
+Procedure TSong.ResetLyrics;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to High(Lines) do
+ begin
+ SetLength(Lines[i].Line, 0);
+ Lines[i].High := -1;
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to High(RelativPosition) do
+ begin
+ RelativPosition[i] := 0;
+ end;
+Procedure TSong.AddLyricLine(const PlayerID: Integer; const StartBeat: Integer; const RelativeBeat: Integer = -1);
+ NewLineIdx: Integer;
+ NewLineIdx := High(Lines[PlayerID].Line) + 1;
+ with Lines[PlayerID] do
+ begin
+ // recent added line is not the last of the song
+ if (NewLineIdx > 0) then
+ Lines[PlayerID].Line[NewLineIdx - 1].LastLine := False;
+ // if last line, has no notes, ignore the new line (except for the RelativeBeat)
+ if (NewLineIdx < 1) OR (Lines[PlayerID].Line[NewLineIdx - 1].HighNote > -1) then
+ begin
+ // create lyric line and update references
+ SetLength(Line, NewLineIdx);
+ High := NewLineIdx;
+ Number := Number + 1;
+ with Line[High] do
+ begin
+ // default values
+ TotalNotes := 0;
+ HighNote := -1;
+ LastLine := True;
+ BaseNote := 100;
+ // set start beat count of this new line
+ Start := (RelativPosition[PlayerID] + StartBeat) * Mult;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Relative then
+ begin
+ if RelativeBeat >= 0 then
+ // if this is a relativ song, we have to update the relativ offset
+ RelativPosition[PlayerID] := (RelativPosition[PlayerID] + RelativeBeat) * Mult
+ else
+ RelativPosition[PlayerID] := (RelativPosition[PlayerID] + StartBeat) * Mult;
+ end;
+ end;
+Procedure TSong.AddNote(const PlayerID: Integer; const NoteType: Char; const NoteStart, NoteLength, NoteTone: Integer; const NoteText: WideString);
+ if (High(Lines[PlayerID].Line) < 0) then
+ AddLyricLine(PlayerID, NoteStart, 0);
+ with Lines[PlayerID].Line[Lines[PlayerID].High] do begin
+ // array of Notes expand to have space for new Note
+ HighNote := HighNote + 1;
+ TotalNotes := TotalNotes + 1;
+ SetLength(Note, HighNote + 1);
+ with Note[HighNote] do
+ begin
+ Start := (RelativPosition[PlayerID] + NoteStart) * Mult;
+ Length := NoteLength * Mult;
+ Tone := NoteTone;
+ Text := SolmizatLyrics(NoteTone, NoteText);
+ Lyric := Lyric + Text;
+ // identify lowest note of line
+ if Tone < BaseNote then
+ BaseNote := Tone;
+ end;
+ case NoteType of
+ 'F': Note[HighNote].NoteType := ntFreestyle;
+ ':': Note[HighNote].NoteType := ntNormal;
+ '*': Note[HighNote].NoteType := ntGolden;
+ end;
+ // calculate total score value
+ if (Note[HighNote].NoteType = ntNormal) then
+ begin
+ // normal notes
+ Lines[PlayerID].ScoreValue := Lines[PlayerID].ScoreValue + Note[HighNote].Length;
+ TotalNotes := TotalNotes + Note[HighNote].Length;
+ end
+ else if (Note[HighNote].NoteType = ntGolden) then
+ begin
+ // golden notes
+ Lines[PlayerID].ScoreValue := Lines[PlayerID].ScoreValue + (Note[HighNote].Length * 2);
+ TotalNotes := TotalNotes + (Note[HighNote].Length * 2);
+ end;
+ // finish of the line
+ End_ := Note[HighNote].Start + Note[HighNote].Length;
+ end; // with
+Function TSong.SolmizatLyrics(const NoteTone: Integer; const NoteText: WideString): WideString;
+ Result := NoteText;
+ case Ini.Solmization of
+ 1: // european
+ case (NoteTone mod 12) of
+ 0..1: Result := 'do ';
+ 2..3: Result := 're ';
+ 4: Result := 'mi ';
+ 5..6: Result := 'fa ';
+ 7..8: Result := 'sol ';
+ 9..10: Result := 'la ';
+ 11: Result := 'si ';
+ end;
+ 2: // japanese
+ case (NoteTone mod 12) of
+ 0..1: Result := 'do ';
+ 2..3: Result := 're ';
+ 4: Result := 'mi ';
+ 5..6: Result := 'fa ';
+ 7..8: Result := 'so ';
+ 9..10: Result := 'la ';
+ 11: Result := 'shi ';
+ end;
+ 3: // american
+ case (NoteTone mod 12) of
+ 0..1: Result := 'do ';
+ 2..3: Result := 're ';
+ 4: Result := 'mi ';
+ 5..6: Result := 'fa ';
+ 7..8: Result := 'sol ';
+ 9..10: Result := 'la ';
+ 11: Result := 'ti ';
+ end;
+ end; // case Ini.Solmization
{constructor TSong.create( const aFileName : WideString );
@@ -998,126 +1159,6 @@ begin
-procedure TSong.ParseNote(LineNumber: integer; TypeP: char; StartP, DurationP, NoteP: integer; LyricS: string);
-// Space: boolean; // Auto Removed, Unused Variable
- case Ini.Solmization of
- 1: // european
- begin
- case (NoteP mod 12) of
- 0..1: LyricS := ' do ';
- 2..3: LyricS := ' re ';
- 4: LyricS := ' mi ';
- 5..6: LyricS := ' fa ';
- 7..8: LyricS := ' sol ';
- 9..10: LyricS := ' la ';
- 11: LyricS := ' si ';
- end;
- end;
- 2: // japanese
- begin
- case (NoteP mod 12) of
- 0..1: LyricS := ' do ';
- 2..3: LyricS := ' re ';
- 4: LyricS := ' mi ';
- 5..6: LyricS := ' fa ';
- 7..8: LyricS := ' so ';
- 9..10: LyricS := ' la ';
- 11: LyricS := ' shi ';
- end;
- end;
- 3: // american
- begin
- case (NoteP mod 12) of
- 0..1: LyricS := ' do ';
- 2..3: LyricS := ' re ';
- 4: LyricS := ' mi ';
- 5..6: LyricS := ' fa ';
- 7..8: LyricS := ' sol ';
- 9..10: LyricS := ' la ';
- 11: LyricS := ' ti ';
- end;
- end;
- end; // case
- with Lines[LineNumber].Line[Lines[LineNumber].High] do begin
- SetLength(Note, Length(Note) + 1);
- IlNut := IlNut + 1;
- HighNote := HighNote + 1;
- Melody.IlNut := Melody.IlNut + 1;
- Note[HighNote].Start := StartP;
- if IlNut = 1 then begin
- StartNote := Note[HighNote].Start;
- if Lines[LineNumber].Number = 1 then
- Start := -100;
-// Start := Note[HighNote].Start;
- end;
- Note[HighNote].Length := DurationP;
- Melody.NoteLength := Melody.NoteLength + Note[HighNote].Length;
- // back to the normal system with normal, golden and now freestyle notes
- case TypeP of
- 'F': Note[HighNote].NoteType := 0;
- ':': Note[HighNote].NoteType := 1;
- '*': Note[HighNote].NoteType := 2;
- end;
- Lines[LineNumber].NoteType := Lines[LineNumber].NoteType + Note[HighNote].Length * Note[HighNote].NoteType;
- Note[HighNote].Tone := NoteP;
- if Note[HighNote].Tone < Base[LineNumber] then Base[LineNumber] := Note[HighNote].Tone;
- Note[HighNote].ToneGamus := Note[HighNote].ToneGamus mod 12;
- Note[HighNote].Text := Copy(LyricS, 2, 100);
- Lyric := Lyric + Note[HighNote].Text;
- if TypeP = 'F' then
- Note[HighNote].FreeStyle := true;
- End_ := Note[HighNote].Start + Note[HighNote].Length;
- end; // with
-procedure TSong.NewSentence(LineNumberP: integer; Param1, Param2: integer);
-I: Integer;
- // stara czesc //Alter Satz //Update Old Part
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].BaseNote := Base[LineNumberP];
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].LyricWidth := glTextWidth(PChar(Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Lyric));
- //Total Notes Patch
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].TotalNotes := 0;
- for I := low(Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Note) to high(Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Note) do
- begin
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].TotalNotes := Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].TotalNotes + Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Note[I].Length * Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Note[I].NoteType;
- end;
- //Total Notes Patch End
- // nowa czesc //Neuer Satz //Update New Part
- SetLength(Lines[LineNumberP].Line, Lines[LineNumberP].Number + 1);
- Lines[LineNumberP].High := Lines[LineNumberP].High + 1;
- Lines[LineNumberP].Number := Lines[LineNumberP].Number + 1;
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].HighNote := -1;
- if self.Relative then
- begin
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Start := Param1;
- Rel[LineNumberP] := Rel[LineNumberP] + Param2;
- end
- else
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].Start := Param1;
- Lines[LineNumberP].Line[Lines[LineNumberP].High].LastLine := False;
- Base[LineNumberP] := 100; // high number
procedure TSong.clear();
//Main Information