path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UScores.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UScores.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UScores.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1243868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UScores.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+unit UScores;
+uses USongs, SQLiteTable3;
+procedure InitScore(const Filename: string);
+procedure ReadScore(var Song: TSong);
+procedure WriteScore(var Song: TSong);
+procedure AddScore(var Song: TSong; Level: integer; Name: string; Score: integer);
+ScoreDB: TSqliteDatabase;
+sFilename: string;
+uses IniFiles, SysUtils;
+procedure InitScore(const Filename: string);
+ //TableData: TSqliteTable;
+ //Open Database
+ ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create(Filename);
+ sFilename := Filename;
+ try
+ //Look for Tables => When not exist Create them
+ if not ScoreDB.TableExists('US_Scores') then
+ ScoreDB.execsql('CREATE TABLE `US_Scores` (`SongID` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL , `Difficulty` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL , `Player` VARCHAR( 150 ) NOT NULL , `Score` INT( 5 ) NOT NULL );');
+ if not ScoreDB.TableExists('US_Songs') then
+ ScoreDB.execsql('CREATE TABLE `US_Songs` (`ID` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `Artist` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL );');
+ finally
+ //ScoreDB.Free;
+ end;
+procedure ReadScore(var Song: TSong);
+ TableData: TSqliteTable;
+ Dif: Byte;
+ //ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create(sFilename);
+ try
+ try
+ //Search Song in DB
+ TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable('SELECT `Difficulty`, `Player`, `Score` FROM `us_scores` WHERE `SongID` = (SELECT `ID` FROM `us_songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '" LIMIT 1) ORDER BY `Score` DESC LIMIT 15');
+ //Empty Old Scores
+ SetLength (Song.Score[0], 0);
+ SetLength (Song.Score[1], 0);
+ SetLength (Song.Score[2], 0);
+ while not TableData.Eof do//Go through all Entrys
+ begin//Add one Entry to Array
+ Dif := StrtoInt(TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Difficulty']));
+ if (Dif>=0) AND (Dif<=2) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Song.Score[Dif], Length(Song.Score[Dif]) + 1);
+ Song.Score[Dif, high(Song.Score[Dif])].Name := TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Player']);
+ Song.Score[Dif, high(Song.Score[Dif])].Score:= StrtoInt(TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Score']));
+ end;
+ TableData.Next;
+ end;
+ except //Im Fehlerfall
+ for Dif := 0 to 2 do
+ begin
+ SetLength(Song.Score[Dif], 1);
+ Song.Score[Dif, 1].Name := 'Error Reading ScoreDB';
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ //ScoreDb.Free;
+ end;
+procedure AddScore(var Song: TSong; Level: integer; Name: string; Score: integer);
+ID: Integer;
+TableData: TSqliteTable;
+ //ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create(sFilename);
+ try
+ ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `US_Songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '"');
+ if ID = 0 then //Song doesn't exist -> Create
+ begin
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL ('INSERT INTO `US_Songs` ( `ID` , `Artist` , `Title` ) VALUES (NULL , "' + Song.Artist + '", "' + Song.Title + '");');
+ ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `US_Songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '"');
+ if ID = 0 then //Could not Create Table
+ exit;
+ end;
+ //Create new Entry
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO `US_Scores` ( `SongID` , `Difficulty` , `Player` , `Score` ) VALUES ("' + InttoStr(ID) + '", "' + InttoStr(Level) + '", "' + Name + '", "' + InttoStr(Score) + '");');
+ //Delete Last Position when there are more than 5 Entrys
+ if ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT COUNT(`SongID`) FROM `US_Scores` WHERE `SongID` = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'"') > 5 then
+ begin
+ TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable('SELECT `Player`, `Score` FROM `US_Scores` WHERE SongID = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'" ORDER BY `Score` ASC LIMIT 1');
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('DELETE FROM `US_Scores` WHERE SongID = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'" AND `Player` = "' + TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Player']) + '" AND `Score` = "' + TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Score']) + '"');
+ end;
+ finally
+ //ScoreDB.Free;
+ end;
+//Not used with new SQLLite DB System
+procedure WriteScore(var Song: TSong);
+ F: TIniFile;
+ S: integer;
+ Lev: integer;
+ LevS: string;
+ FileName: string;}
+ {FileName := Song.Path + ChangeFileExt(Song.FileName, '.sco');
+ if (not FileExists(FileName)) or (FileExists(FileName) and DeleteFile(FileName)) then begin
+ // file has been deleted -> creating new file
+ F := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ for Lev := 0 to 2 do begin
+ case Lev of
+ 0: LevS := 'Easy';
+ 1: LevS := 'Normal';
+ 2: LevS := 'Hard';
+ end;
+ for S := 0 to high(Song.Score[Lev]) do begin
+ F.WriteString(LevS + IntToStr(S+1), 'Name', Song.Score[Lev, S].Name);
+ F.WriteInteger(LevS + IntToStr(S+1), 'Score', Song.Score[Lev, S].Score);
+ end; // for S
+ end; // for Lev
+ F.Free;
+ end; // if}