path: root/Game/Code/Classes/URecord.pas
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1 files changed, 530 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/URecord.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/URecord.pas
index ab351f6e..8ae0978a 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/URecord.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/URecord.pas
@@ -1,325 +1,535 @@
-unit URecord;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses Classes,
- Math,
- SysUtils,
- UCommon,
- UMusic,
- UIni;
-// http://www.poltran.com
- TSound = class
- BufferNew: TMemoryStream; // buffer for newest sample
- BufferArray: array[1..4096] of smallint; // (Signal) newest 4096 samples
- BufferLong: array of TMemoryStream; // full buffer
- Num: integer;
- n: integer; // length of Signal to analyze
- // pitch detection
- SzczytJest: boolean; // czy jest szczyt
- pivot : integer; // Position of summit (top) on horizontal pivot
- TonDokl: real; // ton aktualnego szczytu
- Ton: integer; // ton bez ulamka
- TonGamy: integer; // ton w gamie. wartosci: 0-11
- Skala: real; // skala FFT
- // procedures
- procedure ProcessNewBuffer;
- procedure AnalyzeBuffer; // use to analyze sound from buffers to get new pitch
- procedure AnalyzeByAutocorrelation; // we call it to analyze sound by checking Autocorrelation
- function AnalyzeAutocorrelationFreq(Freq: real): real; // use this to check one frequency by Autocorrelation
- end;
- TSoundCardInput = record
- Name: string;
- end;
- TGenericSoundCard = class
- // here can be the soundcard information - whole database from which user will select recording source
- Description: string; // soundcard name/description
- Input: array of TSoundCardInput; // soundcard input(-source)s
- InputSelected: integer; // unused. What is this good for?
- MicInput: integer; // unused. What is this good for?
- //SampleRate: integer; // TODO: for sample-rate conversion (for devices that do not support 44.1kHz)
- CaptureSoundLeft: TSound; // sound(-buffer) used for left channel capture data
- CaptureSoundRight: TSound; // sound(-buffer) used for right channel capture data
- end;
- TAudioInputProcessor = class
- Sound: array of TSound;
- SoundCard: array of TGenericSoundCard;
- constructor Create;
- // handle microphone input
- procedure HandleMicrophoneData(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Cardinal;
- InputDevice: TGenericSoundCard);
- function volume( aChannel : byte ): byte;
- end;
- smallintarray = array [0..maxInt shr 1-1] of smallInt;
- psmallintarray = ^smallintarray;
- function AudioInputProcessor(): TAudioInputProcessor;
-uses UMain;
- singleton_AudioInputProcessor : TAudioInputProcessor = nil;
-// FIXME: Race-Conditions between Callback-thread and main-thread
-// on BufferArray (maybe BufferNew also).
-// Use SDL-mutexes to solve this problem.
-function AudioInputProcessor(): TAudioInputProcessor;
+unit URecord;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses Classes,
+ Math,
+ SysUtils,
+ UCommon,
+ UMusic,
+ UIni;
+ TSound = class
+ private
+ BufferNew: TMemoryStream; // buffer for newest samples
+ public
+ BufferArray: array[0..4095] of smallint; // newest 4096 samples
+ BufferLong: array of TMemoryStream; // full buffer
+ Index: integer; // index in TAudioInputProcessor.Sound[] (TODO: Remove if not used)
+ AnalysisBufferSize: integer; // number of samples to analyze
+ // pitch detection
+ ToneValid: boolean; // true if Tone contains a valid value (otherwise it contains noise)
+ //Peak: integer; // position of peak on horizontal pivot (TODO: Remove if not used)
+ //ToneAccuracy: real; // tone accuracy (TODO: Remove if not used)
+ Tone: integer; // TODO: should be a non-unified full range tone (e.g. C2<>C3). Range: 0..NumHalftones-1
+ // Note: at the moment it is the same as ToneUnified
+ ToneUnified: integer; // tone unified to one octave (e.g. C2=C3=C4). Range: 0-11
+ //Scale: real; // FFT scale (TODO: Remove if not used)
+ // procedures
+ procedure ProcessNewBuffer;
+ procedure AnalyzeBuffer; // use to analyze sound from buffers to get new pitch
+ procedure AnalyzeByAutocorrelation; // we call it to analyze sound by checking Autocorrelation
+ function AnalyzeAutocorrelationFreq(Freq: real): real; // use this to check one frequency by Autocorrelation
+ end;
+ TAudioInputDeviceSource = record
+ Name: string;
+ end;
+ // soundcard input-devices information
+ TAudioInputDevice = class
+ public
+ CfgIndex: integer; // index of this device in Ini.InputDeviceConfig
+ Description: string; // soundcard name/description
+ Source: array of TAudioInputDeviceSource; // soundcard input(-source)s
+ SourceSelected: integer; // unused. What is this good for?
+ MicInput: integer; // unused. What is this good for?
+ SampleRate: integer; // capture sample-rate (e.g. 44.1kHz -> 44100)
+ CaptureChannel: array[0..1] of TSound; // sound(-buffers) used for left/right channel's capture data
+ procedure Start(); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure Stop(); virtual; abstract;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TAudioInputProcessor = class
+ Sound: array of TSound;
+ Device: array of TAudioInputDevice;
+ constructor Create;
+ // handle microphone input
+ procedure HandleMicrophoneData(Buffer: Pointer; Size: Cardinal;
+ InputDevice: TAudioInputDevice);
+ function Volume( aChannel : byte ): byte;
+ end;
+ TAudioInputBase = class( TInterfacedObject, IAudioInput )
+ private
+ Started: boolean;
+ protected
+ function UnifyDeviceName(const name: string; deviceIndex: integer): string;
+ function UnifyDeviceSourceName(const name: string; const deviceName: string): string;
+ public
+ function GetName: String; virtual; abstract;
+ function InitializeRecord: boolean; virtual; abstract;
+ procedure CaptureStart;
+ procedure CaptureStop;
+ end;
+ SmallIntArray = array [0..maxInt shr 1-1] of smallInt;
+ PSmallIntArray = ^SmallIntArray;
+ function AudioInputProcessor(): TAudioInputProcessor;
+ ULog,
+ UMain;
+ CaptureFreq = 44100;
+ BaseToneFreq = 65.4064; // lowest (half-)tone to analyze (C2 = 65.4064 Hz)
+ NumHalftones = 36; // C2-B4 (for Whitney and my high voice)
+ singleton_AudioInputProcessor : TAudioInputProcessor = nil;
+// FIXME: Race-Conditions between Callback-thread and main-thread
+// on BufferArray (maybe BufferNew also).
+// Use SDL-mutexes to solve this problem.
+{ Global }
+function AudioInputProcessor(): TAudioInputProcessor;
if singleton_AudioInputProcessor = nil then
singleton_AudioInputProcessor := TAudioInputProcessor.create();
result := singleton_AudioInputProcessor;
-procedure TSound.ProcessNewBuffer;
- S: integer;
- L: integer;
- A: integer;
- // process BufferArray
- S := 0;
- L := BufferNew.Size div 2;
- if L > n then begin
- S := L - n;
- L := n;
- end;
- // copy to array
- for A := L+1 to n do
- BufferArray[A-L] := BufferArray[A];
- BufferNew.Seek(2*S, soBeginning);
- BufferNew.ReadBuffer(BufferArray[1+n-L], 2*L);
- // process BufferLong
- if Ini.SavePlayback = 1 then
- begin
- BufferNew.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- BufferLong[0].CopyFrom(BufferNew, BufferNew.Size);
- end;
-procedure TSound.AnalyzeBuffer;
- AnalyzeByAutocorrelation;
-procedure TSound.AnalyzeByAutocorrelation;
- T: integer; // tone
- F: real; // freq
- Wages: array[0..35] of real; // wages
- MaxT: integer; // max tone
- MaxW: real; // max wage
- V: real; // volume
- MaxV: real; // max volume
- S: integer; // Signal
- Threshold: real; // threshold
- SzczytJest := false;
- // find maximum volume of first 1024 words of signal
- MaxV := 0;
- for S := 1 to 1024 do // 0.5.2: fix. was from 0 to 1023
- begin
- V := Abs(BufferArray[S]) / $10000;
- if V > MaxV then
- MaxV := V;
- end;
- // prepare to analyze
- MaxW := 0;
- // analyze all 12 halftones
- for T := 0 to 35 do // to 11, then 23, now 35 (for Whitney and my high voice)
- begin
- F := 130.81 * Power(1.05946309436, T)/2; // let's analyze below 130.81
- Wages[T] := AnalyzeAutocorrelationFreq(F);
- if Wages[T] > MaxW then
- begin // this frequency has better wage
- MaxW := Wages[T];
- MaxT := T;
- end;
- end; // for T
- Threshold := 0.1;
- case Ini.Threshold of
- 0: Threshold := 0.05;
- 1: Threshold := 0.1;
- 2: Threshold := 0.15;
- 3: Threshold := 0.2;
- end;
- if MaxV >= Threshold then
- begin // found acceptable volume // 0.1
- SzczytJest := true;
- TonGamy := MaxT mod 12;
- Ton := MaxT mod 12;
- end;
-function TSound.AnalyzeAutocorrelationFreq(Freq: real): real; // result medium difference
- Count: real;
- Src: integer;
- Dst: integer;
- Move: integer;
- Il: integer; // how many counts were done
- // we use Signal as source
- Count := 0;
- Il := 0;
- Src := 1;
- Move := Round(44100/Freq);
- Dst := Src + Move;
- // ver 2 - compare in vertical
- while (Dst < n) do
- begin // process up to n (4KB) of Signal
- Count := Count + Abs(BufferArray[Src] - BufferArray[Dst]) / $10000;
- Inc(Src);
- Inc(Dst);
- Inc(Il);
- end;
- Result := 1 - Count / Il;
- * Handle captured microphone input data.
- * Params:
- * Buffer - buffer of signed 16bit interleaved stereo PCM-samples.
- * Interleaved means that a right-channel sample follows a left-
- * channel sample and vice versa (0:left[0],1:right[0],2:left[1],...).
- * Length - number of bytes in Buffer
- * Input - Soundcard-Input used for capture
- *}
-procedure TAudioInputProcessor.HandleMicrophoneData(Buffer: Pointer; Length: Cardinal; InputDevice: TGenericSoundCard);
- L: integer;
- S: integer;
- PB: pbytearray;
- PSI: psmallintarray;
- I: integer;
- Skip: integer;
- Boost: byte;
- // set boost
- case Ini.MicBoost of
- 0: Boost := 1;
- 1: Boost := 2;
- 2: Boost := 4;
- 3: Boost := 8;
- end;
- // boost buffer
- L := Length div 2; // number of samples
- PSI := Buffer;
- for S := 0 to L-1 do
- begin
- I := PSI^[S] * Boost;
- // TODO : JB - This will clip the audio... cant we reduce the "Boot" if the data clips ??
- if I > 32767 then
- I := 32767; // 0.5.0: limit
- if I < -32768 then
- I := -32768; // 0.5.0: limit
- PSI^[S] := I;
- end;
- // 2 players USB mic, left channel
- if InputDevice.CaptureSoundLeft <> nil then
- begin
- L := Length div 4; // number of samples
- PB := Buffer;
- InputDevice.CaptureSoundLeft.BufferNew.Clear; // 0.5.2: problem on exiting
- for S := 0 to L-1 do
- begin
- InputDevice.CaptureSoundLeft.BufferNew.Write(PB[S*4], 2);
- end;
- InputDevice.CaptureSoundLeft.ProcessNewBuffer;
- end;
- // 2 players USB mic, right channel
- Skip := 2;
- if InputDevice.CaptureSoundRight <> nil then
- begin
- L := Length div 4; // number of samples
- PB := Buffer;
- InputDevice.CaptureSoundRight.BufferNew.Clear;
- for S := 0 to L-1 do
- begin
- InputDevice.CaptureSoundRight.BufferNew.Write(PB[Skip + S*4], 2);
- end;
- InputDevice.CaptureSoundRight.ProcessNewBuffer;
- end;
-constructor TAudioInputProcessor.Create;
- S: integer;
- SetLength(Sound, 6 {max players});//Ini.Players+1);
- for S := 0 to High(Sound) do
- begin //Ini.Players do begin
- Sound[S] := TSound.Create;
- Sound[S].Num := S;
- Sound[S].BufferNew := TMemoryStream.Create;
- SetLength(Sound[S].BufferLong, 1);
- Sound[S].BufferLong[0] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Sound[S].n := 4*1024;
- end;
-function TAudioInputProcessor.volume( aChannel : byte ): byte;
- lCount : Integer;
- lMaxVol : double;
- lMaxVol := AudioInputProcessor.Sound[aChannel].BufferArray[1];
- for lCount := 2 to AudioInputProcessor.Sound[aChannel].n div 1 do
- begin
- if AudioInputProcessor.Sound[aChannel].BufferArray[lCount] > lMaxVol then
- lMaxVol := AudioInputProcessor.Sound[aChannel].BufferArray[lCount];
- end;
- result := trunc( ( 255 / 32767 ) * trunc( lMaxVol ) );
+{ TAudioInputDevice }
+destructor TAudioInputDevice.Destroy;
+ i: integer;
+ Stop();
+ Source := nil;
+ for i := 0 to High(CaptureChannel) do
+ CaptureChannel[i] := nil;
+ inherited Destroy;
+{ TSound }
+procedure TSound.ProcessNewBuffer;
+ SkipCount: integer;
+ NumSamples: integer;
+ SampleIndex: integer;
+ // process BufferArray
+ SkipCount := 0;
+ NumSamples := BufferNew.Size div 2;
+ // check if we have more new samples than we can store
+ if NumSamples > Length(BufferArray) then
+ begin
+ // discard the oldest of the new samples
+ SkipCount := NumSamples - Length(BufferArray);
+ NumSamples := Length(BufferArray);
+ end;
+ // move old samples to the beginning of the array (if necessary)
+ for SampleIndex := NumSamples to High(BufferArray) do
+ BufferArray[SampleIndex-NumSamples] := BufferArray[SampleIndex];
+ // skip samples if necessary
+ BufferNew.Seek(2*SkipCount, soBeginning);
+ // copy samples
+ BufferNew.ReadBuffer(BufferArray[Length(BufferArray)-NumSamples], 2*NumSamples);
+ // save capture-data to BufferLong if neccessary
+ if Ini.SavePlayback = 1 then
+ begin
+ BufferNew.Seek(0, soBeginning);
+ BufferLong[0].CopyFrom(BufferNew, BufferNew.Size);
+ end;
+procedure TSound.AnalyzeBuffer;
+ AnalyzeByAutocorrelation;
+procedure TSound.AnalyzeByAutocorrelation;
+ ToneIndex: integer;
+ Freq: real;
+ Wages: array[0..NumHalftones-1] of real;
+ MaxTone: integer;
+ MaxWage: real;
+ Volume: real;
+ MaxVolume: real;
+ SampleIndex: integer;
+ Threshold: real;
+ HalftoneBase = 1.05946309436; // 2^(1/12) -> HalftoneBase^12 = 2 (one octave)
+ ToneValid := false;
+ // find maximum volume of first 1024 samples
+ MaxVolume := 0;
+ for SampleIndex := 0 to 1023 do
+ begin
+ Volume := Abs(BufferArray[SampleIndex]) /
+ -Low(Smallint); // was $10000 (65536) before but must be 32768
+ if Volume > MaxVolume then
+ MaxVolume := Volume;
+ end;
+ // prepare to analyze
+ MaxWage := 0;
+ // analyze halftones
+ for ToneIndex := 0 to NumHalftones-1 do
+ begin
+ Freq := BaseToneFreq * Power(HalftoneBase, ToneIndex);
+ Wages[ToneIndex] := AnalyzeAutocorrelationFreq(Freq);
+ if Wages[ToneIndex] > MaxWage then
+ begin
+ // this frequency has better wage
+ MaxWage := Wages[ToneIndex];
+ MaxTone := ToneIndex;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Threshold := 0.2;
+ case Ini.Threshold of
+ 0: Threshold := 0.1;
+ 1: Threshold := 0.2;
+ 2: Threshold := 0.3;
+ 3: Threshold := 0.4;
+ end;
+ // check if signal has an acceptable volume (ignore background-noise)
+ if MaxVolume >= Threshold then
+ begin
+ ToneValid := true;
+ ToneUnified := MaxTone mod 12;
+ Tone := MaxTone mod 12;
+ end;
+function TSound.AnalyzeAutocorrelationFreq(Freq: real): real; // result medium difference
+ Dist: real; // distance (0=equal .. 1=totally different) between correlated samples
+ AccumDist: real; // accumulated distances
+ SampleIndex: integer; // index of sample to analyze
+ CorrelatingSampleIndex: integer; // index of sample one period ahead
+ SamplesPerPeriod: integer; // samples in one period
+ SampleIndex := 0;
+ SamplesPerPeriod := Round(CaptureFreq/Freq);
+ CorrelatingSampleIndex := SampleIndex + SamplesPerPeriod;
+ AccumDist := 0;
+ // compare correlating samples
+ while (CorrelatingSampleIndex < AnalysisBufferSize) do
+ begin
+ // calc distance (correlation: 1-dist) to corresponding sample in next period
+ Dist := Abs(BufferArray[SampleIndex] - BufferArray[CorrelatingSampleIndex]) /
+ High(Word); // was $10000 (65536) before but must be 65535
+ AccumDist := AccumDist + Dist;
+ Inc(SampleIndex);
+ Inc(CorrelatingSampleIndex);
+ end;
+ // return "inverse" average distance (=correlation)
+ Result := 1 - AccumDist / AnalysisBufferSize;
+{ TAudioInputProcessor }
+ * Handle captured microphone input data.
+ * Params:
+ * Buffer - buffer of signed 16bit interleaved stereo PCM-samples.
+ * Interleaved means that a right-channel sample follows a left-
+ * channel sample and vice versa (0:left[0],1:right[0],2:left[1],...).
+ * Length - number of bytes in Buffer
+ * Input - Soundcard-Input used for capture
+ *}
+procedure TAudioInputProcessor.HandleMicrophoneData(Buffer: Pointer; Size: Cardinal; InputDevice: TAudioInputDevice);
+ NumSamples: integer; // number of samples
+ SampleIndex: integer;
+ Value: integer;
+ ByteBuffer: PByteArray; // buffer handled as array of bytes
+ SampleBuffer: PSmallIntArray; // buffer handled as array of samples
+ Offset: integer;
+ Boost: byte;
+ ChannelCount: integer;
+ ChannelIndex: integer;
+ CaptureChannel: TSound;
+ SampleSize: integer;
+ // set boost
+ case Ini.MicBoost of
+ 0: Boost := 1;
+ 1: Boost := 2;
+ 2: Boost := 4;
+ 3: Boost := 8;
+ end;
+ // boost buffer
+ NumSamples := Size div 2;
+ SampleBuffer := Buffer;
+ for SampleIndex := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
+ begin
+ Value := SampleBuffer^[SampleIndex] * Boost;
+ // TODO : JB - This will clip the audio... cant we reduce the "Boost" if the data clips ??
+ if Value > High(Smallint) then
+ Value := High(Smallint);
+ if Value < Low(Smallint) then
+ Value := Low(Smallint);
+ SampleBuffer^[SampleIndex] := Value;
+ end;
+ // number of channels
+ ChannelCount := Length(InputDevice.CaptureChannel);
+ // size of one sample
+ SampleSize := ChannelCount * SizeOf(SmallInt);
+ // samples per channel
+ NumSamples := Size div SampleSize;
+ // interpret buffer as buffer of bytes
+ ByteBuffer := Buffer;
+ // process channels
+ for ChannelIndex := 0 to High(InputDevice.CaptureChannel) do
+ begin
+ CaptureChannel := InputDevice.CaptureChannel[ChannelIndex];
+ if (CaptureChannel <> nil) then
+ begin
+ Offset := ChannelIndex * SizeOf(SmallInt);
+ // TODO: remove BufferNew and write to BufferArray directly
+ CaptureChannel.BufferNew.Clear;
+ for SampleIndex := 0 to NumSamples-1 do
+ begin
+ CaptureChannel.BufferNew.Write(ByteBuffer^[Offset + SampleIndex*SampleSize],
+ SizeOf(SmallInt));
+ end;
+ CaptureChannel.ProcessNewBuffer();
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TAudioInputProcessor.Create;
+ i: integer;
+ SetLength(Sound, 6 {max players});//Ini.Players+1);
+ for i := 0 to High(Sound) do
+ begin
+ Sound[i] := TSound.Create;
+ Sound[i].Index := i;
+ Sound[i].BufferNew := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ SetLength(Sound[i].BufferLong, 1);
+ Sound[i].BufferLong[0] := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ Sound[i].AnalysisBufferSize := Min(4*1024, Length(Sound[i].BufferArray));
+ end;
+function TAudioInputProcessor.Volume( aChannel : byte ): byte;
+ lSampleIndex: Integer;
+ lMaxVol : Word;
+ with AudioInputProcessor.Sound[aChannel] do
+ begin
+ lMaxVol := BufferArray[0];
+ for lSampleIndex := 1 to High(BufferArray) do
+ begin
+ if Abs(BufferArray[lSampleIndex]) > lMaxVol then
+ lMaxVol := Abs(BufferArray[lSampleIndex]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := trunc( ( 255 / -Low(Smallint) ) * lMaxVol );
+{ TAudioInputBase }
+ * Start capturing on all used input-device.
+ *}
+procedure TAudioInputBase.CaptureStart;
+ S: integer;
+ DeviceIndex: integer;
+ ChannelIndex: integer;
+ Device: TAudioInputDevice;
+ DeviceCfg: PInputDeviceConfig;
+ DeviceUsed: boolean;
+ Player: integer;
+ if (Started) then
+ CaptureStop();
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(1);
+ // reset buffers
+ for S := 0 to High(AudioInputProcessor.Sound) do
+ AudioInputProcessor.Sound[S].BufferLong[0].Clear;
+ // start capturing on each used device
+ for DeviceIndex := 0 to High(AudioInputProcessor.Device) do begin
+ Device := AudioInputProcessor.Device[DeviceIndex];
+ if not assigned(Device) then
+ continue;
+ DeviceCfg := @Ini.InputDeviceConfig[Device.CfgIndex];
+ DeviceUsed := false;
+ // check if device is used
+ for ChannelIndex := 0 to High(DeviceCfg.ChannelToPlayerMap) do
+ begin
+ Player := DeviceCfg.ChannelToPlayerMap[ChannelIndex]-1;
+ if (Player < 0) or (Player >= PlayersPlay) then
+ begin
+ Device.CaptureChannel[ChannelIndex] := nil;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Device.CaptureChannel[ChannelIndex] := AudioInputProcessor.Sound[Player];
+ DeviceUsed := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // start device if used
+ if (DeviceUsed) then begin
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(2);
+ Device.Start();
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(2);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('Device.Start', 2) ;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(1);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('CaptureStart', 1) ;
+ Started := true;
+ * Stop input-capturing on all soundcards.
+ *}
+procedure TAudioInputBase.CaptureStop;
+ DeviceIndex: integer;
+ Player: integer;
+ Device: TAudioInputDevice;
+ DeviceCfg: PInputDeviceConfig;
+ for DeviceIndex := 0 to High(AudioInputProcessor.Device) do begin
+ Device := AudioInputProcessor.Device[DeviceIndex];
+ if not assigned(Device) then
+ continue;
+ Device.Stop();
+ end;
+ Started := false;
+function TAudioInputBase.UnifyDeviceName(const name: string; deviceIndex: integer): string;
+ count: integer; // count of devices with this name
+ function IsDuplicate(const name: string): boolean;
+ var
+ i: integer;
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ // search devices with same description
+ For i := 0 to deviceIndex-1 do
+ begin
+ if (AudioInputProcessor.Device[i].Description = name) then
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ count := 1;
+ result := name;
+ // if there is another device with the same ID, search for an available name
+ while (IsDuplicate(result)) do
+ begin
+ Inc(count);
+ // set description
+ result := name + ' ('+IntToStr(count)+')';
+ end;
+ * Unifies an input-device's source name.
+ * Note: the description member of the device must already be set when
+ * calling this function.
+ *}
+function TAudioInputBase.UnifyDeviceSourceName(const name: string; const deviceName: string): string;
+ Descr: string;
+ result := name;
+ // Under MacOSX the SingStar Mics have an empty
+ // InputName. So, we have to add a hard coded
+ // Workaround for this problem
+ if (name = '') and (Pos( 'USBMIC Serial#', deviceName) > 0) then
+ begin
+ result := 'Microphone';
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}