path: root/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..542fa0b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+unit ULog;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+ Classes;
+ TLog = class
+ public
+ BenchmarkTimeStart: array[0..7] of real;
+ BenchmarkTimeLength: array[0..7] of real;//TDateTime;
+ FileBenchmark: TextFile;
+ FileBenchmarkO: boolean; // opened
+ FileError: TextFile;
+ FileErrorO: boolean; // opened
+ Title: String; //Application Title
+ //Should Log Files be written
+ Enabled: Boolean;
+ constructor Create;
+ // destuctor
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ // benchmark
+ procedure BenchmarkStart(Number: integer);
+ procedure BenchmarkEnd(Number: integer);
+ procedure LogBenchmark(Text: string; Number: integer);
+ // error
+ procedure LogError(Text: string); overload;
+ //Critical Error (Halt + MessageBox)
+ procedure CriticalError(Text: string);
+ // voice
+ procedure LogVoice(SoundNr: integer);
+ // compability
+ procedure LogStatus(Log1, Log2: string);
+ procedure LogError(Log1, Log2: string); overload;
+ procedure LogBuffer(const buf : Pointer; const bufLength : Integer; filename : string);
+ end;
+procedure SafeWriteLn(const msg: string); inline;
+ Log: TLog;
+ {$IFDEF win32}
+ windows,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SysUtils,
+ DateUtils,
+ UMain,
+ URecord,
+ UTime,
+//UIni, // JB - Seems to not be needed.
+ sdl,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ UCommandLine;
+ MessageList: TStringList;
+ ConsoleHandler: TThreadID;
+ ConsoleMutex: PSDL_Mutex;
+ ConsoleCond: PSDL_Cond;
+ * The console-handlers main-function.
+ * TODO: create a quit-event on closing.
+ *}
+function ConsoleHandlerFunc(param: pointer): PtrInt;
+ i: integer;
+ while true do
+ begin
+ SDL_mutexP(ConsoleMutex);
+ while (MessageList.Count = 0) do
+ SDL_CondWait(ConsoleCond, ConsoleMutex);
+ for i := 0 to MessageList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ WriteLn(MessageList[i]);
+ end;
+ MessageList.Clear();
+ SDL_mutexV(ConsoleMutex);
+ end;
+ result := 0;
+ * With FPC console output is not thread-safe.
+ * Using WriteLn() from external threads (like in SDL callbacks)
+ * will damage the heap and crash the program.
+ * Most probably FPC uses thread-local-data (TLS) to lock a mutex on
+ * the console-buffer. This does not work with external lib's threads
+ * because these do not have the TLS data and so it crashes while
+ * accessing unallocated memory.
+ * The solution is to create an FPC-managed thread which has the TLS data
+ * and use it to handle the console-output (hence it is called Console-Handler)
+ * It should be safe to do so, but maybe FPC requires the main-thread to access
+ * the console-buffer only. In this case output should be delegated to it.
+ *
+ * TODO: - check if it is safe if an FPC-managed thread different than the
+ * main-thread accesses the console-buffer in FPC.
+ * - check if Delphi's WriteLn is thread-safe.
+ * - check if we need to synchronize file-output too
+ * - Use TEvent and TCriticalSection instead of the SDL equivalents.
+ * Note: If those two objects use TLS they might crash FPC too.
+ *}
+procedure SafeWriteLn(const msg: string);
+ SDL_mutexP(ConsoleMutex);
+ MessageList.Add(msg);
+ SDL_CondSignal(ConsoleCond);
+ SDL_mutexV(ConsoleMutex);
+ WriteLn(msg);
+constructor TLog.Create;
+ // TODO: check for the main-thread?
+ //GetCurrentThreadThreadId();
+ MessageList := TStringList.Create();
+ ConsoleMutex := SDL_CreateMutex();
+ ConsoleCond := SDL_CreateCond();
+ ConsoleHandler := BeginThread(@ConsoleHandlerFunc);
+destructor TLog.Destroy;
+ if FileBenchmarkO then CloseFile(FileBenchmark);
+// if FileAnalyzeO then CloseFile(FileAnalyze);
+ if FileErrorO then CloseFile(FileError);
+procedure TLog.BenchmarkStart(Number: integer);
+ BenchmarkTimeStart[Number] := USTime.GetTime; //Time;
+procedure TLog.BenchmarkEnd(Number: integer);
+ BenchmarkTimeLength[Number] := USTime.GetTime {Time} - BenchmarkTimeStart[Number];
+procedure TLog.LogBenchmark(Text: string; Number: integer);
+ Minutes: integer;
+ Seconds: integer;
+ Miliseconds: integer;
+ MinutesS: string;
+ SecondsS: string;
+ MilisecondsS: string;
+ ValueText: string;
+ if Enabled AND (Params.Benchmark) then begin
+ if not FileBenchmarkO then begin
+ FileBenchmarkO := true;
+ AssignFile(FileBenchmark, LogPath + 'Benchmark.log');
+ {$I-}
+ Rewrite(FileBenchmark);
+ if IOResult = 0 then FileBenchmarkO := true;
+ {$I+}
+ //If File is opened write Date to Benchmark File
+ If (FileBenchmarkO) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(FileBenchmark, Title + ' Benchmark File');
+ WriteLn(FileBenchmark, 'Date: ' + DatetoStr(Now) + ' Time: ' + TimetoStr(Now));
+ WriteLn(FileBenchmark, '-------------------');
+ Flush(FileBenchmark);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if FileBenchmarkO then begin
+ Miliseconds := Trunc(Frac(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) * 1000);
+ Seconds := Trunc(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) mod 60;
+ Minutes := Trunc((BenchmarkTimeLength[Number] - Seconds) / 60);
+// ValueText := FloatToStr(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]);
+{ ValueText := FloatToStr(
+ SecondOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) + MilliSecondOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number])/1000
+ );
+ if MinuteOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number]) >= 1 then
+ ValueText := IntToStr(MinuteOf(BenchmarkTimeLength[Number])) + ':' + ValueText;
+ WriteLn(FileBenchmark, Text + ': ' + ValueText + ' seconds');}
+ if (Minutes = 0) and (Seconds = 0) then begin
+ MilisecondsS := IntToStr(Miliseconds);
+ ValueText := MilisecondsS + ' miliseconds';
+ end;
+ if (Minutes = 0) and (Seconds >= 1) then begin
+ MilisecondsS := IntToStr(Miliseconds);
+ while Length(MilisecondsS) < 3 do MilisecondsS := '0' + MilisecondsS;
+ SecondsS := IntToStr(Seconds);
+ ValueText := SecondsS + ',' + MilisecondsS + ' seconds';
+ end;
+ if Minutes >= 1 then begin
+ MilisecondsS := IntToStr(Miliseconds);
+ while Length(MilisecondsS) < 3 do MilisecondsS := '0' + MilisecondsS;
+ SecondsS := IntToStr(Seconds);
+ while Length(SecondsS) < 2 do SecondsS := '0' + SecondsS;
+ MinutesS := IntToStr(Minutes);
+ ValueText := MinutesS + ':' + SecondsS + ',' + MilisecondsS + ' minutes';
+ end;
+ WriteLn(FileBenchmark, Text + ': ' + ValueText);
+ Flush(FileBenchmark);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TLog.LogError(Text: string);
+ if Enabled AND (not FileErrorO) then begin
+ //FileErrorO := true;
+ AssignFile(FileError, LogPath + 'Error.log');
+ {$I-}
+ Rewrite(FileError);
+ if IOResult = 0 then FileErrorO := true;
+ {$I+}
+ //If File is opened write Date to Error File
+ If (FileErrorO) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(FileError, Title + ' Error Log');
+ WriteLn(FileError, 'Date: ' + DatetoStr(Now) + ' Time: ' + TimetoStr(Now));
+ WriteLn(FileError, '-------------------');
+ Flush(FileError);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if FileErrorO then begin
+ try
+ WriteLn(FileError, Text);
+ Flush(FileError);
+ except
+ FileErrorO := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SafeWriteLn('Error: ' + Text);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TLog.LogVoice(SoundNr: integer);
+ FileVoice: File;
+ FS: TFileStream;
+ FileName: string;
+ Num: integer;
+ BL: integer;
+ for Num := 1 to 9999 do begin
+ FileName := IntToStr(Num);
+ while Length(FileName) < 4 do FileName := '0' + FileName;
+ FileName := LogPath + 'Voice' + FileName + '.raw';
+ if not FileExists(FileName) then break
+ end;
+ FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ for BL := 0 to High(AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong) do begin
+ AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong[BL].Seek(0, soBeginning);
+ FS.CopyFrom(AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong[BL], AudioInputProcessor.Sound[SoundNr].BufferLong[BL].Size);
+ end;
+ FS.Free;
+procedure TLog.LogStatus(Log1, Log2: string);
+ //Just for Debugging
+ //Comment for Release
+ //LogError(Log2 + ': ' + Log1);
+ //If Debug => Write to Console Output
+ // SafeWriteLn(Log2 + ': ' + Log1);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TLog.LogError(Log1, Log2: string);
+ LogError(Log1 + ' ['+Log2+']');
+procedure TLog.CriticalError(Text: string);
+ //Write Error to Logfile:
+ LogError (Text);
+ //Show Errormessage
+ Messagebox(0, PChar(Text), PChar(Title), MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK);
+ {$ELSE}
+ // TODO - JB_Linux handle critical error so user can see message.
+ SafeWriteLn( 'Critical ERROR :' );
+ SafeWriteLn( Text );
+ {$ENDIF}
+ //Exit Application
+ Halt;
+procedure TLog.LogBuffer(const buf: Pointer; const bufLength: Integer; filename: string);
+ f : TFileStream;
+ f := nil;
+ try
+ f := TFileStream.Create( filename, fmCreate);
+ f.Write( buf^, bufLength);
+ f.Free;
+ except
+ on e : Exception do begin
+ Log.LogError('TLog.LogBuffer: Failed to log buffer into file "' + filename + '". ErrMsg: ' + e.Message);
+ f.Free;
+ end;
+ end;