path: root/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas
index 8be7a8ca..737364e8 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/ULog.pas
@@ -49,11 +49,235 @@ type
procedure LogError(Log1, Log2: string); overload;
+ TPerfLog = record
+ starttime: integer;
+ stoptime: integer;
+ cycle: array of record
+ starttime: integer;
+ stoptime: integer;
+ comment: array of record
+ timestamp: integer;
+ text: string;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ TPerformanceLog = class
+ private
+ active: boolean;
+ PerfLog: TPerflog;
+ public
+ procedure StartNewLog;
+ procedure StopLogging;
+ procedure CycleStart;
+ procedure CycleEnd;
+ procedure AddComment(comment: string);
+ property isActive: boolean read active;
+ end;
- Log: TLog;
+ Log: TLog;
+ PerfLog: TPerformanceLog;
-uses UFiles, SysUtils, DateUtils, URecord, UTime, UIni, Windows, UCommandLine;
+uses UFiles, SysUtils, DateUtils, URecord, UTime, UIni, Windows, UCommandLine, SDL;
+procedure TPerformanceLog.StartNewLog;
+ SetLength(PerfLog.cycle, 0);
+ PerfLog.starttime := SDL_GetTicks();
+ PerfLog.stoptime := -1;
+ active := true;
+procedure TPerformanceLog.StopLogging;
+ i, j: integer;
+ LogFile: TextFile;
+ CsvFile: TextFile;
+ TimeTemp: integer;
+ pos: integer;
+ FileName: string;
+ FileNameCSV:string;
+ Num: integer;
+ Year, Month, Day: word;
+ Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: word;
+ timestamp: integer;
+ datestr: string;
+ timestr: string;
+ function Fill(w: word): string;
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ if (w<10) then
+ Result := '0';
+ Result := Result + IntToStr(w);
+ end;
+ function duration(t1, t2: integer): integer; //ms
+ begin
+ result := round(t2-t1);
+ end;
+ if not active then
+ exit;
+ Timetemp := SDL_GetTicks();
+ PerfLog.stoptime := TimeTemp;
+ pos := Length(PerfLog.cycle);
+ if (pos>0) then
+ begin
+ if (PerfLog.cycle[pos-1].stoptime<0) then
+ PerfLog.cycle[pos-1].stoptime := TimeTemp;
+ end;
+ timestamp := DateTimeToUnix(Now());
+ DecodeDate(UnixToDateTime(timestamp), Year, Month, Day);
+ DecodeTime(UnixToDateTime(timestamp), Hour, Min, Sec, MSec);
+ datestr := IntToStr(Year) + Fill(Month) + Fill(Day);
+ timestr := Fill(Hour) + Fill(Min) + Fill(Sec);
+ FileName := GamePath + 'PerfLog_' + datestr + '-' + timestr + '.log';
+ if FileExists(FileName) then
+ begin
+ for Num := 1 to 9999 do
+ begin
+ FileName := IntToStr(Num);
+ while Length(FileName) < 4 do FileName := '0' + FileName;
+ FileName := GamePath + 'PerfLog_' + datestr + '-' + timestr + '_' + FileName + '.log';
+ if not FileExists(FileName) then break
+ end;
+ end;
+ AssignFile(LogFile, FileName);
+ {$I-}
+ Rewrite(LogFile);
+ if IOResult <> 0 then exit;
+ {$I+}
+ FileNameCSV := GamePath + 'PerfLog_' + datestr + '-' + timestr + '.csv';
+ if FileExists(FileNameCSV) then
+ begin
+ for Num := 1 to 9999 do
+ begin
+ FileNameCSV := IntToStr(Num);
+ while Length(FileNameCSV) < 4 do FileNameCSV := '0' + FileNameCSV;
+ FileNameCSV := GamePath + 'PerfLog_' + datestr + '-' + timestr + '_' + FileNameCSV + '.csv';
+ if not FileExists(FileNameCSV) then break
+ end;
+ end;
+ AssignFile(CsvFile, FileNameCSV);
+ {$I-}
+ Rewrite(CsvFile);
+ if IOResult <> 0 then exit;
+ {$I+}
+ //If File is opened write Date to File
+ WriteLn(LogFile, 'Performance Log');
+ WriteLn(LogFile, 'Date: ' + IntToStr(Year) + '-' + Fill(Month) + '-' + Fill(Day) +
+ ' Time: ' + Fill(Hour) + ':' + Fill(Min) + ':' + Fill(Sec));
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '');
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '# Start : ' + IntToStr(duration(PerfLog.starttime, PerfLog.starttime)));
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '# End : ' + IntToStr(duration(PerfLog.starttime, PerfLog.stoptime)));
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '# Duration : ' + IntToStr(duration(PerfLog.starttime, PerfLog.stoptime)));
+ Flush(LogFile);
+ for i := 0 to Length(PerfLog.cycle) - 1 do
+ begin
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '');
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '');
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '#----------------------------------------------------------------');
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '# Cycle-Nr.: ' + IntToStr(i+1));
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '# Start : ' + IntToStr(duration(PerfLog.starttime, PerfLog.cycle[i].starttime)));
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '# End : ' + IntToStr(duration(PerfLog.starttime, PerfLog.cycle[i].stoptime)));
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '# Duration : ' + IntToStr(duration(PerfLog.cycle[i].starttime, PerfLog.cycle[i].stoptime)));
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '#----------------------------------------------------------------');
+ WriteLn(CsvFile, IntToStr(duration(PerfLog.starttime, PerfLog.cycle[i].starttime))+';'+
+ IntToStr(duration(PerfLog.cycle[i].starttime, PerfLog.cycle[i].stoptime)));
+ for j := 0 to Length(PerfLog.cycle[i].comment) - 1 do
+ begin
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '# Comment ' + IntToStr(j) + ': ' + PerfLog.cycle[i].comment[j].text);
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '# time: ' + IntToStr(duration(PerfLog.starttime, PerfLog.cycle[i].comment[j].timestamp)));
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '#');
+ end;
+ WriteLn(LogFile, '#-----------------------------------------------------------------');
+ end;
+ Flush(LogFile);
+ Flush(CsvFile);
+ active := false;
+procedure TPerformanceLog.CycleStart;
+ pos: integer;
+ TimeTemp: integer;
+ if not active then
+ exit;
+ TimeTemp := SDL_GetTicks();
+ pos := Length(PerfLog.cycle);
+ if (pos>0) then
+ begin
+ if (PerfLog.cycle[pos-1].stoptime<0) then
+ PerfLog.cycle[pos-1].stoptime := TimeTemp;
+ end;
+ SetLength(PerfLog.cycle, pos+1);
+ PerfLog.cycle[pos].starttime := TimeTemp;
+ PerfLog.cycle[pos].stoptime := -1;
+ SetLength(PerfLog.cycle[pos].comment, 0);
+procedure TPerformanceLog.CycleEnd;
+ pos: integer;
+ if not active then
+ exit;
+ pos := Length(PerfLog.cycle)-1;
+ if (pos>=0) then
+ PerfLog.cycle[pos].stoptime := SDL_GetTicks();
+procedure TPerformanceLog.AddComment(comment: string);
+ pos: integer;
+ posc: integer;
+ if not active then
+ exit;
+ pos := Length(PerfLog.cycle)-1;
+ if (pos<0) then
+ exit;
+ posc := Length(PerfLog.cycle[pos].comment);
+ SetLength(PerfLog.cycle[pos].comment, posc+1);
+ PerfLog.cycle[pos].comment[posc].text := comment;
+ PerfLog.cycle[pos].comment[posc].timestamp := SDL_GetTicks();
destructor TLog.Free;