path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UIni.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Classes/UIni.pas')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UIni.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UIni.pas
index a17ba52d..7ab8de99 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UIni.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UIni.pas
@@ -27,11 +27,6 @@ type
Spectrum: integer;
Spectrograph: integer;
MovieSize: integer;
- //LineBonus Mod
- LineBonus: integer;
- //GMA Fix
- GMAFix: integer;
// Sound
MicBoost: integer;
@@ -61,6 +56,14 @@ type
ChannelR: integer;
+ // Advanced
+ LoadAnimation: integer;
+ EffectPerfect: integer;
+ EffectGolden: integer;
+ AskbeforeDel: integer;
+ OnSongClick: integer;
+ LineBonus: integer;
// Controller
Joypad: integer;
@@ -113,11 +116,6 @@ const
IOscilloscope: array[0..2] of string = ('Off', 'Osci', 'Bar');
//IOscilloscope: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
- //Line Bonus MOd
- ILineBonus: array[0..2] of string = ('Off', 'At Score', 'At Notes');
- //GMA Fix
- IGMAFix: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
ISpectrum: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
ISpectrograph: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
IMovieSize: array[0..1] of string = ('Half', 'Full');
@@ -135,6 +133,14 @@ const
IColor: array[0..8] of string = ('Blue', 'Green', 'Pink', 'Red', 'Violet', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Brown', 'Black');
+ // Advanced
+ ILoadAnimation: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ IEffectPerfect: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ IEffectGolden: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ IAskbeforeDel: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
+ IOnSongClick: array[0..2] of string = ('Sing', 'Select Players', 'Open Menu');
+ ILineBonus: array[0..2] of string = ('Off', 'At Score', 'At Notes');
IJoypad: array[0..1] of string = ('Off', 'On');
ILPT: array[0..2] of string = ('Off', 'LCD', 'Lights');
@@ -257,16 +263,6 @@ begin
for Pet := 0 to High(IOscilloscope) do
if Tekst = IOscilloscope[Pet] then Ini.Oscilloscope := Pet;
- // Line Bonus
- Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'LineBonus', 'At Score');
- for Pet := 0 to High(ILineBonus) do
- if Tekst = ILineBonus[Pet] then Ini.LineBonus := Pet;
- //GMA Fix
- Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'GMAFix', 'Off');
- for Pet := 0 to High(IGMAFix) do
- if Tekst = IGMAFix[Pet] then Ini.GMAFix := Pet;
// Spectrum
Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Graphics', 'Spectrum', 'Off');
for Pet := 0 to High(ISpectrum) do
@@ -307,22 +303,6 @@ begin
for Pet := 0 to High(IThreshold) do
if Tekst = IThreshold[Pet] then Ini.Threshold := Pet;
- {// Two Player Mode
- for I := 0 to 7 do begin
- Ini.SoundCard[I, 1] := 2*I + 1;
- Ini.SoundCard[I, 2] := 2*I + 2;
- end;
- Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Sound', 'TwoPlayerMode', ITwoPlayerMode[0]);
- for Pet := 0 to High(ITwoPlayerMode) do
- if Tekst = ITwoPlayerMode[Pet] then Ini.TwoPlayerMode := Pet;
- if Ini.TwoPlayerMode = 1 then begin
- Ini.SoundCard[0, 1] := 1;
- Ini.SoundCard[0, 2] := 3;
- Ini.SoundCard[1, 1] := 2;
- end;}
// Lyrics Font
Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Lyrics', 'LyricsFont', ILyricsFont[1]);
for Pet := 0 to High(ILyricsFont) do
@@ -339,15 +319,6 @@ begin
if Tekst = ISolmization[Pet] then Ini.Solmization := Pet;
// Theme
- {SetLength(ITheme, 0);
- if FileExists('Themes\Singstar.ini') then begin
- SetLength(ITheme, Length(ITheme)+1);
- ITheme[High(ITheme)] := 'Singstar';
- end; {
- if FileExists('Themes\Karin.ini') then begin
- SetLength(ITheme, Length(ITheme)+1);
- ITheme[High(ITheme)] := 'Karin';
- end;}
//Theme List Patch
SetLength(ITheme, 0);
@@ -372,8 +343,7 @@ begin
//No Theme Found
if (Length(ITheme)=0) then
- Log.LogError('Could not find any valid Themes.');
- Halt;
+ Log.CriticalError('Could not find any valid Themes.');
@@ -425,8 +395,6 @@ begin
- Log.LogError(InttoStr(Length(CardList)) + ' Cards Loaded');
// Record - append detected soundcards
for I := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard) do
@@ -455,40 +423,45 @@ begin
- {for I := 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard) do begin
+ //Advanced Settings
- B := false;
- I2 := 0;
- while ((B = false) and (I2 <= High(CardList))) do
- if CardList[I2].Name = Recording.SoundCard[I].Description then B := true
- else Inc(I2);
+ // LoadAnimation
+ Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Advanced', 'LoadAnimation', 'On');
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ILoadAnimation) do
+ if Tekst = ILoadAnimation[Pet] then Ini.LoadAnimation := Pet;
+ // EffectPerfect
+ Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Advanced', 'EffectPerfect', 'On');
+ for Pet := 0 to High(IEffectPerfect) do
+ if Tekst = IEffectPerfect[Pet] then Ini.EffectPerfect := Pet;
+ // EffectGolden
+ Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Advanced', 'EffectGolden', 'On');
+ for Pet := 0 to High(IEffectGolden) do
+ if Tekst = IEffectGolden[Pet] then Ini.EffectGolden := Pet;
+ // AskbeforeDel
+ Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Advanced', 'AskbeforeDel', 'On');
+ for Pet := 0 to High(IAskbeforeDel) do
+ if Tekst = IAskbeforeDel[Pet] then Ini.AskbeforeDel := Pet;
+ // OnSongClick
+ Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Advanced', 'OnSongClick', 'Sing');
+ for Pet := 0 to High(IOnSongClick) do
+ if Tekst = IOnSongClick[Pet] then Ini.OnSongClick := Pet;
+ // Linebonus
+ Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Advanced', 'LineBonus', 'At Score');
+ for Pet := 0 to High(ILineBonus) do
+ if Tekst = ILineBonus[Pet] then Ini.LineBonus := Pet;
- // if the card wasn't detected in ini file, append it to the ini list
- if B = false then begin
- I3 := Length(CardList);
- SetLength(CardList, I3+1);
- CardList[I3].Name := Recording.SoundCard[I].Description;
- CardList[I3].Input := 0;
- CardList[I3].ChannelL := 0;
- CardList[I3].ChannelR := 0;
- if Length(CardList) = 1 then CardList[I].ChannelL := 1; // default for new users
- //CardList[I].Input := 2;
- end;
- end; }
- Log.LogError(InttoStr(Length(CardList)) + ' Cards Detected');
// Joypad
Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Controller', 'Joypad', IJoypad[0]);
for Pet := 0 to High(IJoypad) do
if Tekst = IJoypad[Pet] then Ini.Joypad := Pet;
- {// SoundCard
- for I := 0 to 7 do begin
- Ini.SoundCard[I, 1] := IniFile.ReadInteger('SoundCards', 'SoundCard'+IntToStr(I+1)+'L', Ini.SoundCard[I, 1]);
- Ini.SoundCard[I, 2] := IniFile.ReadInteger('SoundCards', 'SoundCard'+IntToStr(I+1)+'R', Ini.SoundCard[I, 2]);
- end; }
// LCD
Tekst := IniFile.ReadString('Devices', 'LPT', ILPT[0]);
for Pet := 0 to High(ILPT) do
@@ -564,14 +537,6 @@ begin
Tekst := IOscilloscope[Ini.Oscilloscope];
IniFile.WriteString('Graphics', 'Oscilloscope', Tekst);
- //Line Bonus
- Tekst := ILineBonus[Ini.LineBonus];
- IniFile.WriteString('Graphics', 'LineBonus', Tekst);
- //GMA Fix
- Tekst := IGMAFix[Ini.GMAFix];
- IniFile.WriteString('Graphics', 'GMAFix', Tekst);
// Spectrum
Tekst := ISpectrum[Ini.Spectrum];
IniFile.WriteString('Graphics', 'Spectrum', Tekst);
@@ -604,10 +569,6 @@ begin
Tekst := ISavePlayback[Ini.SavePlayback];
IniFile.WriteString('Sound', 'SavePlayback', Tekst);
- {// Two Player Mode
- Tekst := ITwoPlayerMode[Ini.TwoPlayerMode];
- IniFile.WriteString('Sound', 'TwoPlayerMode', Tekst); }
// Lyrics Font
Tekst := ILyricsFont[Ini.LyricsFont];
IniFile.WriteString('Lyrics', 'LyricsFont', Tekst);
@@ -651,6 +612,33 @@ begin
Log.LogError(InttoStr(Length(CardList)) + ' Cards Saved');
+ //Advanced Settings
+ //LoadAnimation
+ Tekst := ILoadAnimation[Ini.LoadAnimation];
+ IniFile.WriteString('Advanced', 'LoadAnimation', Tekst);
+ //EffectPerfect
+ Tekst := IEffectPerfect[Ini.EffectPerfect];
+ IniFile.WriteString('Advanced', 'EffectPerfect', Tekst);
+ //EffectGolden
+ Tekst := IEffectGolden[Ini.EffectGolden];
+ IniFile.WriteString('Advanced', 'EffectGolden', Tekst);
+ //AskbeforeDel
+ Tekst := IAskbeforeDel[Ini.AskbeforeDel];
+ IniFile.WriteString('Advanced', 'AskbeforeDel', Tekst);
+ //OnSongClick
+ Tekst := IOnSongClick[Ini.OnSongClick];
+ IniFile.WriteString('Advanced', 'OnSongClick', Tekst);
+ //Line Bonus
+ Tekst := ILineBonus[Ini.LineBonus];
+ IniFile.WriteString('Advanced', 'LineBonus', Tekst);
// Joypad
Tekst := IJoypad[Ini.Joypad];
IniFile.WriteString('Controller', 'Joypad', Tekst);