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-rw-r--r-- | Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas | 266 |
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas index abb59e4b..d66bd142 100644 --- a/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas +++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphicClasses.pas @@ -2,6 +2,272 @@ unit UGraphicClasses; interface
+ TParticle = Class
+ X, Y : Real; //Position
+ Frame : Byte; //act. Frame
+ Tex : Cardinal; //Tex num from Textur Manager
+ Live : Byte; //How many Cycles before Kill
+ RecIndex : Integer; //To which rectangle belongs this particle
+ Constructor Create(cX,cY: Real; cTex: Cardinal; cLive: Byte; cFrame : integer; RecArrayIndex : Integer);
+ procedure Draw;
+ end;
+ RectanglePositions = Record
+ xTop, yTop, xBottom, yBottom : Real;
+ TotalStarCount : Integer;
+ CurrentStarCount : Integer;
+ end;
+ PerfectNotePositions = Record
+ xPos, yPos : Real;
+ end;
+ TEffectManager = Class
+ Particle : array of TParticle;
+ LastTime : Cardinal;
+ RecArray : Array of RectanglePositions;
+ PerfNoteArray : Array of PerfectNotePositions;
+ constructor Create;
+ procedure Draw;
+ function Spawn(X, Y: Real; Tex: Cardinal; Live: Byte; StartFrame : Integer; RecArrayIndex : Integer): Cardinal;
+ procedure SpawnRec();
+ procedure Kill(index: Cardinal);
+ procedure KillAll();
+ procedure SaveGoldenStarsRec(Xtop, Ytop, Xbottom, Ybottom: Real);
+ procedure SpawnNotePerfect(xPos,yPos : real);
+ procedure SavePerfectNotePos(Xtop, Ytop: Real);
+ end;
+var GoldenRec : TEffectManager;
+uses sysutils, Windows,OpenGl12, UThemes, USkins, UGraphic, UDrawTexture, UTexture, math, dialogs;
+Constructor TParticle.Create(cX,cY: Real; cTex: Cardinal; cLive: Byte; cFrame : integer; RecArrayIndex : Integer);
+ X := cX;
+ Y := cY;
+ Tex := cTex;
+ Live := cLive;
+ Frame:= cFrame;
+ RecIndex := RecArrayIndex;
+procedure TParticle.Draw;
+ W, H: real;
+ Alpha : real;
+ W := 20;
+ H := 20;
+ Alpha := (-cos((Frame+1)*2*pi/16)+1); //Fade Eyecandy
+ glColor4f(0.99, 1, 0.6, Alpha);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Note_Star.TexNum);
+ begin
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame, 0); glVertex2f(X-W, Y-H);
+ glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame + (1/16), 0); glVertex2f(X-W, Y+H);
+ glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame + (1/16), 1); glVertex2f(X+W, Y+H);
+ glTexCoord2f((1/16) * Frame, 1); glVertex2f(X+W, Y-H);
+ glEnd;
+ end;
+ glcolor4f(1,1,1,1);
+constructor TEffectManager.Create;
+ LastTime := GetTickCount;
+procedure TEffectManager.Draw;
+ I: Integer;
+ CurrentTime: Cardinal;
+ DelayBetweenFrames : Integer = 100;
+ CurrentTime := GetTickCount;
+ //Manage particle life
+ if (CurrentTime > (LastTime + DelayBetweenFrames)) then
+ begin
+ LastTime := CurrentTime;
+ for I := 0 to high(Particle) do
+ begin
+ Particle[I].Frame := (Particle[I].Frame + 1 ) mod 16;
+ //Live = 0 => Live forever
+ if (Particle[I].Live > 0) then
+ begin
+ Dec(Particle[I].Live);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ I := 0;
+ //Kill dead particles
+ while (I <= High(Particle)) do
+ begin
+ if (Particle[I].Live <= 0) then
+ begin
+ kill(I);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ inc(I);
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Draw
+ for I := 0 to high(Particle) do
+ begin
+ Particle[I].Draw;
+ end;
+function TEffectManager.Spawn(X, Y: Real; Tex: Cardinal; Live: Byte; StartFrame : Integer; RecArrayIndex : Integer): Cardinal;
+ Result := Length(Particle);
+ SetLength(Particle, (Result + 1));
+ Particle[Result] := TParticle.Create(X, Y, Tex, Live, StartFrame, RecArrayIndex);
+procedure TEffectManager.SpawnRec();
+ Xkatze, Ykatze : Real;
+ RandomFrame : Integer;
+ P : Integer; // P as seen on TV as Positionman
+//Spawn a random amount of stars within the given coordinates
+//RandomRange(0,14) <- this one starts at a random frame, 16 is our last frame - would be senseless to start a particle with 16, cause it would be dead at the next frame
+for P:= 0 to high(RecArray) do
+ begin
+ while (RecArray[P].TotalStarCount > RecArray[P].CurrentStarCount) do
+ begin
+ Xkatze := RandomRange(Ceil(RecArray[P].xTop), Ceil(RecArray[P].xBottom));
+ Ykatze := RandomRange(Ceil(RecArray[P].yTop), Ceil(RecArray[P].yBottom));
+ RandomFrame := RandomRange(0,14);
+ Spawn(Xkatze, Ykatze, Tex_Note_Star.TexNum, 16 - RandomFrame, RandomFrame, P);
+ inc(RecArray[P].CurrentStarCount);
+ end;
+ end;
+ draw;
+procedure TEffectManager.SpawnNotePerfect(xPos,yPos : real);
+ Xkatze, Ykatze : Real;
+ RandomFrame : Integer;
+ P : Integer; // P as seen on TV as Positionman
+//Spawn a random amount of stars within the given coordinates
+//RandomRange(0,14) <- this one starts at a random frame, 16 is our last frame - would be senseless to start a particle with 16, cause it would be dead at the next frame
+for P:= 0 to 2 do
+ begin
+ Xkatze := RandomRange(ceil(xPos) - 5 , ceil(xPos) + 10);
+ Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(yPos) - 5 , ceil(yPos) + 10);
+ RandomFrame := RandomRange(0,14);
+ Spawn(Xkatze, Ykatze, Tex_Note_Star.TexNum, 16 - RandomFrame, RandomFrame, -1);
+ end;
+ draw;
+procedure TEffectManager.Kill(Index: Cardinal);
+ LastParticleIndex : Cardinal;
+// We put the last element of the array on the place where our element_to_delete resides and then we shorten the array - cool, hu? :P
+LastParticleIndex := high(Particle);
+if not(LastParticleIndex = -1) then
+ begin
+ Try
+ Finally
+ if not(Particle[Index].RecIndex = -1) then
+ dec(RecArray[Particle[Index].RecIndex].CurrentStarCount);
+ Particle[Index].Destroy;
+ Particle[Index] := Particle[LastParticleIndex];
+ SetLength(Particle, LastParticleIndex);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TEffectManager.KillAll();
+//It's the kill all kennies rotuine
+ while Length(Particle) > 0 do
+ Kill(0);
+ SetLength(RecArray,0);
+ SetLength(PerfNoteArray,0);
+procedure TEffectManager.SaveGoldenStarsRec(Xtop, Ytop, Xbottom, Ybottom: Real);
+ P : Integer; // P like used in Positions
+ NewIndex : Integer;
+ For P := 0 to high(RecArray) do // Do we already have that "new" position?
+ begin
+ if ((ceil(RecArray[P].xTop) = ceil(Xtop)) and (ceil(RecArray[P].yTop) = ceil(Ytop))) then
+ exit; // it's already in the array, so we don't have to create a new one
+ end;
+// we got a new position, add the new positions to our array
+ NewIndex := Length(RecArray);
+ SetLength(RecArray, NewIndex + 1);
+ RecArray[NewIndex].xTop := Xtop;
+ RecArray[NewIndex].yTop := Ytop;
+ RecArray[NewIndex].xBottom := Xbottom;
+ RecArray[NewIndex].yBottom := Ybottom;
+ RecArray[NewIndex].TotalStarCount := ceil(Xbottom - Xtop) div 12 + 3;
+ RecArray[NewIndex].CurrentStarCount := 0;
+procedure TEffectManager.SavePerfectNotePos(Xtop, Ytop: Real);
+ P : Integer; // P like used in Positions
+ NewIndex : Integer;
+ RandomFrame : Integer;
+ Xkatze, Ykatze : Integer;
+ For P := 0 to high(PerfNoteArray) do // Do we already have that "new" position?
+ begin
+ if ((ceil(PerfNoteArray[P].xPos) = ceil(Xtop)) and (ceil(PerfNoteArray[P].yPos) = ceil(Ytop))) then
+ exit; // it's already in the array, so we don't have to create a new one
+ end;
+// we got a new position, add the new positions to our array
+ NewIndex := Length(PerfNoteArray);
+ SetLength(PerfNoteArray, NewIndex + 1);
+ PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].xPos := Xtop;
+ PerfNoteArray[NewIndex].yPos := Ytop;
+ for P:= 0 to 2 do
+ begin
+ Xkatze := RandomRange(ceil(Xtop) - 5 , ceil(Xtop) + 10);
+ Ykatze := RandomRange(ceil(Ytop) - 5 , ceil(Ytop) + 10);
+ RandomFrame := RandomRange(0,14);
+ Spawn(Xkatze, Ykatze, Tex_Note_Star.TexNum, 16 - RandomFrame, RandomFrame, -1);
+ end;