path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UFiles.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UFiles.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UFiles.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61fdab03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UFiles.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+unit UFiles;
+uses USongs, SysUtils, ULog, UMusic;
+//procedure InitializePaths; //Function sets All Absolute Paths eg. for Songs
+function ReadTXTHeader(var Song: TSong): boolean; //Reads Standard TXT Header
+function AnalyseFile(var Song: TSong): boolean; //Analyse Song File and Read Header
+procedure ClearSong(var Song: TSong); //Clears Song Header values
+//procedure CzyscNuty;
+//function WczytajCzesci(Name: string): boolean;
+//function SaveSong(Song: TSong; Czesc: TCzesci; Name: string; Relative: boolean): boolean;
+//function SaveSongDebug(Song: TSong; Czesc: TCzesci; Name: string; Relative: boolean): boolean;
+ {//Absolute Paths
+ GamePath: string;
+ SoundPath: string;
+ SongPath: string;
+ LogPath: string;
+ ThemePath: string;
+ ScreenshotsPath: string;
+ CoversPath: string;
+ LanguagesPath: string; //}
+ SongFile: TextFile; // all procedures in this unit operates on this file
+ FileLineNo: integer; //Line which is readed at Last, for error reporting
+ {// variables available for all procedures
+ Base: array[0..1] of integer;
+ Rel: array[0..1] of integer;//}
+ Mult: integer = 1;
+ MultBPM: integer = 4;
+uses TextGL, UIni, UMain, UPliki;
+ //Function sets All Absolute Paths eg. for Songs
+{procedure InitializePaths;
+ GamePath := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
+ SoundPath := GamePath + 'Sounds\';
+ SongPath := GamePath + 'Songs\';
+ LogPath := GamePath;
+ ThemePath := GamePath + 'Themes\';
+ ScreenshotsPath := GamePath + 'Screenshots\';
+ CoversPath := GamePath + 'Covers\';
+ LanguagesPath := GamePath + 'Languages\';
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+ //Clears Song Header values
+procedure ClearSong(var Song: TSong);
+ //Main Information
+ Song.Title := '';
+ Song.Artist := '';
+ //Sortings:
+ Song.Genre := 'Unknown';
+ Song.Edition := 'Unknown';
+ Song.Language := 'Unknown'; //Language Patch
+ //Required Information
+ Song.Mp3 := '';
+ Song.BPM := 0;
+ Song.GAP := 0;
+ Song.Start := 0;
+ Song.Finish := 0;
+ //Additional Information
+ Song.Background := '';
+ Song.Video := '';
+ Song.VideoGAP := 0;
+ Song.NotesGAP := 0;
+ Song.Resolution := 4;
+ Song.Creator := '';
+ //Reads Standard TXT Header
+function ReadTXTHeader(var Song: TSong): boolean;
+Line, Identifier, Value: String;
+Temp: word;
+Done: byte;
+ Result := true;
+ //Read first Line
+ ReadLn (SongFile, Line);
+ if (Length(Line)<=0) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('File Starts with Empty Line: ' + Song.FileName);
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ //Read Lines while Line starts with #
+ While (Line[1] = '#') do
+ begin
+ //Increase Line Number
+ Inc (FileLineNo);
+ Temp := Pos(':', Line);
+ //Line has a Seperator-> Headerline
+ if (Temp <> 0) then
+ begin
+ //Read Identifier and Value
+ Identifier := Uppercase(Trim(Copy(Line, 2, Temp - 2))); //Uppercase is for Case Insensitive Checks
+ Value := Trim(Copy(Line, Temp + 1,Length(Line) - Temp));
+ //Check the Identifier (If Value is given)
+ if (Length(Value) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ //-----------
+ //Required Attributes
+ //-----------
+ //Title
+ if (Identifier = 'TITLE') then
+ begin
+ Song.Title := Value;
+ //Add Title Flag to Done
+ Done := Done or 1;
+ end
+ //Artist
+ else if (Identifier = 'ARTIST') then
+ begin
+ Song.Artist := Value;
+ //Add Artist Flag to Done
+ Done := Done or 2;
+ end
+ //MP3 File //Test if Exists
+ else if (Identifier = 'MP3') AND (FileExists(Song.Path + Value)) then
+ begin
+ Song.Mp3 := Value;
+ //Add Mp3 Flag to Done
+ Done := Done or 4;
+ end
+ //Beats per Minute
+ else if (Identifier = 'BPM') then
+ begin
+ // Replace . with ,
+ if (Pos('.', Value) <> 0) then
+ Value[Pos('.', Value)] := ',';
+ SetLength(Song.BPM, 1);
+ Song.BPM[0].StartBeat := 0;
+ Song.BPM[0].BPM := StrtoFloatDef(Value, 0) * Mult * MultBPM;
+ if Song.BPM[0].BPM <> 0 then
+ begin
+ //Add BPM Flag to Done
+ Done := Done or 8;
+ end;
+ end
+ //---------
+ //Additional Header Information
+ //---------
+ //Cover Picture
+ else if (Identifier = 'COVER') then
+ begin
+ Song.Cover := Value;
+ end
+ //Background Picture
+ else if (Identifier = 'BACKGROUND') then
+ begin
+ Song.Background := Value;
+ end
+ // Video File
+ else if (Identifier = 'VIDEO') then
+ begin
+ Song.Video := Value;
+ end
+ // Video Gap
+ else if (Identifier = 'VIDEOGAP') then
+ begin
+ // Replace . with ,
+ if (Pos('.', Value) <> 0) then
+ Value[Pos('.', Value)] := ',';
+ Song.VideoGAP := StrtoFloatDef (Value, 0);
+ end
+ //Genre Sorting
+ else if (Identifier = 'GENRE') then
+ begin
+ Song.Genre := Value;
+ end
+ //Edition Sorting
+ else if (Identifier = 'EDITION') then
+ begin
+ Song.Edition := Value;
+ end
+ //Creator Tag
+ else if (Identifier = 'CREATOR') then
+ begin
+ Song.Creator := Value;
+ end
+ //Language Sorting
+ else if (Identifier = 'LANGUAGE') then
+ begin
+ Song.Language := Value;
+ end
+ // Song Start
+ else if (Identifier = 'START') then
+ begin
+ // Replace . with ,
+ if (Pos('.', Value) <> 0) then
+ Value[Pos('.', Value)] := ',';
+ Song.Start := StrtoFloatDef(Value, 0);
+ end
+ // Song Ending
+ else if (Identifier = 'END') then
+ begin
+ TryStrtoInt(Value, Song.Finish);
+ end
+ // Resolution
+ else if (Identifier = 'RESOLUTION') then
+ begin
+ TryStrtoInt(Value, Song.Resolution);
+ end
+ // Notes Gap
+ else if (Identifier = 'NOTESGAP') then
+ begin
+ TryStrtoInt(Value, Song.NotesGAP);
+ end
+ // Relative Notes
+ else if (Identifier = 'RELATIVE') AND (uppercase(Value) = 'YES') then
+ begin
+ Song.Relative := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if not EOf(SongFile) then
+ ReadLn (SongFile, Line)
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Log.LogError('File Incomplete or not Ultrastar TxT: ' + Song.FileName);
+ break;
+ end;
+ //End on first empty Line
+ if (Length(Line) = 0) then
+ break;
+ end;
+ //Check if all Required Values are given
+ if (Done <> 15) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ if (Done and 8) = 0 then //No BMP Flag
+ Log.LogError('BMP Tag Missing: ' + Song.FileName)
+ else if (Done and 4) = 0 then //No MP3 Flag
+ Log.LogError('MP3 Tag/File Missing: ' + Song.FileName)
+ else if (Done and 2) = 0 then //No Artist Flag
+ Log.LogError('Artist Tag Missing: ' + Song.FileName)
+ else if (Done and 1) = 0 then //No Title Flag
+ Log.LogError('Title Tag Missing: ' + Song.FileName)
+ else //unknown Error
+ Log.LogError('File Incomplete or not Ultrastar TxT: ' + Song.FileName);
+ end;
+ //Analyse Song File and Read Header
+function AnalyseFile(var Song: TSong): boolean;
+Result := False;
+{try }
+ //Reset LineNo
+ FileLineNo := 0;
+ //Open File and set File Pointer to the beginning
+ AssignFile(SongFile, Song.Path + Song.FileName);
+ Reset(SongFile);
+ //Clear old Song Header
+ ClearSong(Song);
+ //Read Header
+ Result := ReadTxTHeader(Song);
+ //And Close File
+ CloseFile(SongFile);
+ CloseFile(SongFile);
+ Result := False;
+ //Error Reporting
+ Log.LogError('An Error occured reading Line ' + inttostr(FileLineNo) + ' from SongHeader: ' + Song.FileName);
+end. \ No newline at end of file