path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UDataBase.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UDataBase.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UDataBase.pas
index ee0ca94b..dcf32315 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UDataBase.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UDataBase.pas
@@ -35,106 +35,28 @@ type
TimesSungtot: Word);
AStatResult = Array of TStatResult;
- PDBSongInfo = ^TDBSongInfo;
- TDBSongInfo = record
- FileName: String;
- FolderID: Integer;
- FullPath: String;
- LastChanged: Integer; //TimeStamp
- //Required Information
- Artist: widestring;
- Title: widestring;
- Mp3: widestring;
- //Some Files
- Cover: widestring; //Path to Cover
- CoverID: Integer; //ID of Cover in Covers Cache
- Video: widestring;
- VideoGAP: real;
- //Additional Information
- Start: real; // in seconds
- //Sorting
- Genre: widestring;
- Edition: widestring;
- Language: widestring;
- Year: widestring;
- Creator: widestring;
- TimesPlayed:Word;
- end;
- TSongListInfo = record //SongInfo used by Songscreen
- ID: Integer;
- Title: widestring;
- Artist: widestring;
- Mp3: widestring;
- Video: widestring;
- CoverID: Integer; //Cover ID in CoversCache
- end;
- ASongList = Array of TSongListInfo;
- TSongListFilter = record
- Field: Byte; //FieldID //See constants below
- isSearch: Boolean; //Search Mask(true) or exact Match(False)
- Filter: String;
- end;
- ASongListFilter = Array of TSongListFilter;
TDataBaseSystem = class
ScoreDB: TSqliteDatabase;
sFilename: string;
- UpdateFromVer1: Boolean;
property Filename: String read sFilename;
Destructor Free;
Procedure Init(const Filename: string);
- Function ReadScore(const Song: Integer; const Difficulty: Byte): AScore;
- procedure AddScore(Song: Integer; Level: integer; Name: string; Score: integer);
- procedure WriteScore(Song: Integer);
- Function GetIDbyPath(const Path: String): Integer;
- Function GetIDbyFileName(const Filename: String; FolderID: Integer): Integer;
- Function GetSongData(ID: Integer; const Info: PDBSongInfo): Boolean;
- Function SetSongData(ID: Integer; const Info: PDBSongInfo): Boolean;
- Function AddSong(ID: Integer; const Info: PDBSongInfo): Boolean;
- Function GetLastChangedbyID(const Song: Integer): Integer;
- Function GetLastChangedbyFileName(const Filename: String; FolderID: Integer): Integer;
- Function GetFolderIDbyPath(Path: String): Integer;
- Function GetFolderIDbyName(const Name: String; ParentFolder: Integer): Integer;
- Function GetSongList(var List: ASongList; const Filter: ASongListFilter): Integer;
+ procedure ReadScore(var Song: TSong);
+ procedure AddScore(var Song: TSong; Level: integer; Name: string; Score: integer);
+ procedure WriteScore(var Song: TSong);
Function GetStats(var Stats: AStatResult; const Typ, Count: Byte; const Page: Cardinal; const Reversed: Boolean): Boolean;
Function GetTotalEntrys(const Typ: Byte): Cardinal;
- //Filter FieldIDs
- SLF_Edition = 0;
- SLF_Genre = 1;
- SLF_Language = 2;
- SLF_Folder = 3;
- SLF_Title = 4;
- SLF_Artist = 5;
- SLF_Year = 6;
- SLF_Creator = 7;
- SLF_Video = 8; //Songs w/ Video are returned
- SLF_NoVideo = 9; //Songs w/o Video are returned
- Max_FilterFieldID = SLF_NoVideo;
DataBase: TDataBaseSystem;
@@ -148,9 +70,6 @@ uses
cUS_Scores = 'us_scores';
cUS_Songs = 'us_songs';
- cUS_Info = 'us_info';
- cUS_Directories = 'us_directories';
- cDB_Version = '2.0.0';
//Create - Opens Database and Create Tables if not Exist
@@ -161,79 +80,26 @@ begin
debugWriteln( 'TDataBaseSystem.Init ('+Filename+') @ '+ floattostr( now() ) );
//Open Database
- ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create( Filename );
- sFilename := Filename;
- UpdateFromVer1 := False;
+ ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create( Filename );
+ sFilename := Filename;
- //Check for Database Version
- if not ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Info ) then
- begin
- If (ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Scores ) And ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Songs )) And (Not ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Directories )) then
- begin //Update from a Ver. 1.0 - 1.0.1a Database
- UpdateFromVer1 := True; //This table should be Updated from before Database ver 2.0
- ScoreDb.ExecSQL('ALTER TABLE `' + cUS_Songs + '` RENAME TO ''' + cUS_Songs + '_old'''); //Rename old Song Table, to achieve old SongIDs
- debugWriteln( 'TDataBaseSystem.Init - Switched to "Update from DB Version 1" Mode' );
- end;
- //Create Info Table
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE `' + cUS_Info + '` ( `Ident` varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY, `Value` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '''');');
- //Write Database Version to Table
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO `' + cUS_Info + '` VALUES (''version'', ''' + cDB_Version + ''');');
- debugWriteln( 'TDataBaseSystem.Init - CREATED US_Info' );
- end;
//Look for Tables => When not exist Create them
- if not ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Directories ) then
- begin
- ScoreDB.execsql('CREATE TABLE `' + cUS_Directories + '` ( `ID` integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', `FullPath` text NOT NULL, `LastChange` int(10) NOT NULL default ''0'');');
- //Add Root Directory
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO `us_directories` VALUES (1, ''root'', '''', ''0'');');
- debugWriteln( 'TDataBaseSystem.Init - CREATED US_Directories' );
- end;
if not ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Scores ) then
- ScoreDB.execsql('CREATE TABLE `'+cUS_Scores+'` (`SongID` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL , `Difficulty` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL , `Player` VARCHAR( 150 ) NOT NULL , `Score` INT( 5 ) NOT NULL );');
+ ScoreDB.execsql('CREATE TABLE `'+cUS_Scores+'` (`SongID` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL , `Difficulty` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL , `Player` VARCHAR( 150 ) NOT NULL , `Score` INT( 5 ) NOT NULL );');
debugWriteln( 'TDataBaseSystem.Init - CREATED US_Scores' );
if not ScoreDB.TableExists( cUS_Songs ) then
- // Old 1.0 Style: ScoreDB.execsql('CREATE TABLE `'+cUS_Songs+'` (`ID` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `Artist` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `TimesPlayed` int(5) NOT NULL );');
- //New: Dataabse 2.0 Style
- ScoreDb.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE `' + cUS_Songs + '` ( ' +
- '`Filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', ' +
- '`FolderID` int(10) NOT NULL default ''0'', ' +
- '`FullPath` text NOT NULL, ' +
- '`LastChanged` int(10) NOT NULL default ''0'', ' +
- '`Artist` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', ' +
- '`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', ' +
- '`Mp3` text NOT NULL, ' +
- '`Cover` text NOT NULL, ' +
- '`CoverID` int(10) NOT NULL default ''0'', ' +
- '`Video` text NOT NULL, ' +
- '`VideoGap` float NOT NULL default ''0'', ' +
- '`Start` float NOT NULL default ''0'', ' +
- '`Genre` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', ' +
- '`Edition` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', ' +
- '`Language` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', ' +
- '`Year` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', ' +
- '`Creator` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '''', ' +
- '`TimesPlayed` int(5) NOT NULL default ''0'');');
- //Delete Score Table to avoid wrong IDS
- ScoreDb.ExecSQL('DELETE FROM `' + cUS_Scores + '`');
+ ScoreDB.execsql('CREATE TABLE `'+cUS_Songs+'` (`ID` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `Artist` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `TimesPlayed` int(5) NOT NULL );');
debugWriteln( 'TDataBaseSystem.Init - CREATED US_Songs' );
+ //Not possible because of String Limitation to 255 Chars //Need to rewrite Wrapper
+ {if not ScoreDB.TableExists('US_SongCache') then
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE `US_SongCache` (`Path` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Filename` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Artist` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Folder` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Genre` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Edition` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Language` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Creator` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Cover` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Background` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `Video` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `VideoGap` FLOAT NOT NULL , `Gap` FLOAT NOT NULL , `Start` FLOAT NOT NULL , `Finish` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL , `BPM` INT( 5 ) NOT NULL , `Relative` BOOLEAN NOT NULL , `NotesGap` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL);');}
@@ -257,102 +123,109 @@ end;
//ReadScore - Read Scores into SongArray
-Function TDataBaseSystem.ReadScore(const Song: Integer; const Difficulty: Byte): AScore;
+procedure TDataBaseSystem.ReadScore(var Song: TSong);
TableData: TSqliteTable;
- I: Integer;
+ Difficulty: Integer;
- if (assigned( ScoreDB )) AND (Difficulty < 2) then
- begin
+ if not assigned( ScoreDB ) then
+ exit;
- //ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create(sFilename);
+ //ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create(sFilename);
+ try
- try
- //Search Song in DB
- TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable('SELECT `Player`, `Score` FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'` WHERE (`SongID` = ''' + InttoStr(Song) + ''') AND (`Difficulty` = ''' + InttoStr(Difficulty) + ''') ORDER BY `Score` DESC LIMIT 5');
- I := 0;
- while not TableData.Eof do //Go through all Entrys
- begin //Add one Entry to Array
- Result[I].Name :=
- TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Player']);
- Result[I].Score :=
- StrtoInt(TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Score']));
- TableData.Next;
- Inc(I);
- end; // While not TableData.EOF
- If (I < 5) then
- Result[1].Score := 0; //Place ending Zero
- except
- Result[0].Name := 'Error Reading ScoreDB';
- Result[0].Score := -1;
- Result[1].Score := 0;
+ //Search Song in DB
+ TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable('SELECT `Difficulty`, `Player`, `Score` FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'` WHERE `SongID` = (SELECT `ID` FROM `us_songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '" LIMIT 1) ORDER BY `Score` DESC LIMIT 15');
+ //Empty Old Scores
+ SetLength (Song.Score[0], 0);
+ SetLength (Song.Score[1], 0);
+ SetLength (Song.Score[2], 0);
+ while not TableData.Eof do //Go through all Entrys
+ begin //Add one Entry to Array
+ Difficulty := StrToIntDef(TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Difficulty']), -1);
+ if (Difficulty >= 0) AND (Difficulty <= 2) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Song.Score[Difficulty], Length(Song.Score[Difficulty]) + 1);
+ Song.Score[Difficulty, high(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Name :=
+ TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Player']);
+ Song.Score[Difficulty, high(Song.Score[Difficulty])].Score :=
+ StrtoInt(TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Score']));
+ TableData.Next;
+ end; // While not TableData.EOF
- finally
- //ScoreDb.Free;
+ except
+ for Difficulty := 0 to 2 do
+ begin
+ SetLength(Song.Score[Difficulty], 1);
+ Song.Score[Difficulty, 1].Name := 'Error Reading ScoreDB';
+ end;
+ finally
+ //ScoreDb.Free;
//AddScore - Add one new Score to DB
-procedure TDataBaseSystem.AddScore(Song: Integer; Level: integer; Name: string; Score: integer);
+procedure TDataBaseSystem.AddScore(var Song: TSong; Level: integer; Name: string; Score: integer);
ID: Integer;
TableData: TSqliteTable;
- if assigned( ScoreDB ) then
+ if not assigned( ScoreDB ) then
+ exit;
+ //ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create(sFilename);
+ try
+ //Prevent 0 Scores from being added
+ if (Score > 0) then
- //ScoreDB := TSqliteDatabase.Create(sFilename);
- try
- //Prevent 0 Scores from being added
- if (Score > 0) then
- begin
- {ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `'+cUS_Songs+'` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '"');
- if ID = 0 then //Song doesn't exist -> Create
- begin
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL ('INSERT INTO `'+cUS_Songs+'` ( `ID` , `Artist` , `Title` , `TimesPlayed` ) VALUES (NULL , "' + Song.Artist + '", "' + Song.Title + '", "0");');
- ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `US_Songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '"');
- if ID = 0 then //Could not Create Table
- exit;
- end; }
- //Create new Entry
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO `'+cUS_Scores+'` ( `SongID` , `Difficulty` , `Player` , `Score` ) VALUES ("' + InttoStr(Song) + '", "' + InttoStr(Level) + '", "' + Name + '", "' + InttoStr(Score) + '");');
- //Delete Last Position when there are more than 5 Entrys
- if ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT COUNT(`SongID`) FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'` WHERE `SongID` = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'"') > 5 then
- begin
- TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable('SELECT `Player`, `Score` FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'` WHERE SongID = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'" ORDER BY `Score` ASC LIMIT 1');
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL('DELETE FROM `US_Scores` WHERE SongID = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'" AND `Player` = "' + TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Player']) + '" AND `Score` = "' + TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Score']) + '"');
- end;
+ ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `'+cUS_Songs+'` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '"');
+ if ID = 0 then //Song doesn't exist -> Create
+ begin
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL ('INSERT INTO `'+cUS_Songs+'` ( `ID` , `Artist` , `Title` , `TimesPlayed` ) VALUES (NULL , "' + Song.Artist + '", "' + Song.Title + '", "0");');
+ ID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `US_Songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '"');
+ if ID = 0 then //Could not Create Table
+ exit;
+ end;
+ //Create new Entry
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO `'+cUS_Scores+'` ( `SongID` , `Difficulty` , `Player` , `Score` ) VALUES ("' + InttoStr(ID) + '", "' + InttoStr(Level) + '", "' + Name + '", "' + InttoStr(Score) + '");');
- end;
- finally
- //ScoreDB.Free;
+ //Delete Last Position when there are more than 5 Entrys
+ if ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT COUNT(`SongID`) FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'` WHERE `SongID` = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'"') > 5 then
+ begin
+ TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable('SELECT `Player`, `Score` FROM `'+cUS_Scores+'` WHERE SongID = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'" ORDER BY `Score` ASC LIMIT 1');
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL('DELETE FROM `US_Scores` WHERE SongID = "' + InttoStr(ID) + '" AND `Difficulty` = "' + InttoStr(Level) +'" AND `Player` = "' + TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Player']) + '" AND `Score` = "' + TableData.FieldAsString(TableData.FieldIndex['Score']) + '"');
+ end;
+ finally
+ //ScoreDB.Free;
//WriteScore - Not needed with new System; But used for Increment Played Count
-procedure TDataBaseSystem.WriteScore(Song: Integer);
+procedure TDataBaseSystem.WriteScore(var Song: TSong);
if not assigned( ScoreDB ) then
- begin
- try
- //Increase TimesPlayed
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL ('UPDATE `'+cUS_Songs+'` SET `TimesPlayed` = `TimesPlayed` + ''1'' WHERE `ID` = ''' + InttoStr(Song) + ''';');
- except
+ exit;
+ try
+ //Increase TimesPlayed
+ ScoreDB.ExecSQL ('UPDATE `'+cUS_Songs+'` SET `TimesPlayed` = `TimesPlayed` + "1" WHERE `Title` = "' + Song.Title + '" AND `Artist` = "' + Song.Artist + '";');
+ except
- end;
@@ -496,103 +369,4 @@ begin
-Function TDataBaseSystem.GetIDbyPath(const Path: String): Integer;
-Function TDataBaseSystem.GetIDbyFileName(const Filename: String; FolderID: Integer): Integer;
- try
- Result := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `' + cUS_Songs + '` WHERE (`Filename` = ''' + Filename + ''') AND (`FolderID` = ''' + InttoStr(FolderID) + ''')');
- except
- Result := 0;
- end;
-Function TDataBaseSystem.GetSongData(ID: Integer; const Info: PDBSongInfo): Boolean;
- TableData: TSqliteTable;
- Result := True;
- try
- TableData := ScoreDB.GetTable('SELECT Filename`, `FolderID`, `FullPath`, `LastChanged`, `Artist`, `Title`, `Mp3`, `Cover`, `CoverID`, `Video`, `VideoGap`, `Start`, `Genre`, `Edition`, `Language`, `Year`, `Creator`, `TimesPlayed` FROM `' + cUS_Songs + '` WHERE `ID` = ''' + InttoStr(ID) + ''' ');
- If (TableData.RowCount > 0) then //All Fieldnames are listed to ensure Field order
- begin //
- Info^.FileName := TableData.Fields[0];
- Info^.FolderID := StrToIntDef(TableData.Fields[1], -1);
- Info^.FullPath := TableData.Fields[2];
- Info^.LastChanged := StrToIntDef(TableData.Fields[3], 0);
- Info^.Artist := TableData.Fields[4];
- Info^.Title := TableData.Fields[5];
- Info^.Mp3 := TableData.Fields[6];
- Info^.Cover := TableData.Fields[7];
- Info^.CoverID := StrToIntDef(TableData.Fields[8], -1);
- Info^.Video := TableData.Fields[9];
- Info^.VideoGAP := StrToFloatDef(TableData.Fields[10], 0);
- Info^.Start := StrToFloatDef(TableData.Fields[11], 0);
- Info^.Genre := TableData.Fields[12];
- Info^.Edition := TableData.Fields[13];
- Info^.Language := TableData.Fields[14];
- Info^.Year := TableData.Fields[15];
- Info^.Creator := TableData.Fields[16];
- Info^.TimesPlayed := StrToIntDef(TableData.Fields[17], 0);
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
-Function TDataBaseSystem.AddSong(ID: Integer; const Info: PDBSongInfo): Boolean;
- OldID: Integer;
- Result := True;
- try
- ScoreDB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO `us_songs` ( `ID` , `Filename` , `FolderID` , `FullPath` , `LastChanged` , `Artist` , `Title` , `Mp3` , `Cover` , `CoverID` , `Video` , `VideoGap` , `Start` , `Genre` , `Edition` , `Language` , `Year` , `Creator` , `TimesPlayed` ) ' +
- 'VALUES ( '''', '''+ Info^.FileName +''', '''+ InttoStr(Info^.FolderID) +''', '''+ Info^.FullPath +''', '''+ InttoStr(Info^.LastChanged) +''', '''+ Info^.Artist +''', '''+ Info^.Title +''', '''+ Info^.Mp3 +''', '''+ Info^.Cover +''', '''+ InttoStr(Info^.CoverID) +''', '''+ Info^.Video + ''', '''+ FloattoStr(Info^.VideoGAP) + ''', '''+ FloattoStr(Info^.Start) +''', '''+ Info^.Genre +''', '''+ Info^.Edition +''', '''+ Info^.Language +''', '''+ Info^.Year +''', '''+ Info^.Creator +''', ''0'');');
- //Version 1.0 to 2.0 Update
- If UpdateFromVer1 then
- begin //Search for Song w/ same Artist and Title in Old DB
- OldID := ScoreDB.GetTableValue('SELECT `ID` FROM `US_Songs` WHERE `Artist` = "' + Info^.Artist + '" AND `Title` = "' + Info^.Title + '"');
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
-Function TDataBaseSystem.SetSongData(ID: Integer; const Info: PDBSongInfo): Boolean;
-Function TDataBaseSystem.GetLastChangedbyID(const Song: Integer): Integer;
-Function TDataBaseSystem.GetLastChangedbyFileName(const Filename: String; FolderID: Integer): Integer;
-Function TDataBaseSystem.GetFolderIDbyPath(Path: String): Integer;
-Function TDataBaseSystem.GetFolderIDbyName(const Name: String; ParentFolder: Integer): Integer;
-Function TDataBaseSystem.GetSongList(var List: ASongList; const Filter: ASongListFilter): Integer;