path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UCore.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Classes/UCore.pas')
1 files changed, 523 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UCore.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UCore.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e76c9c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UCore.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+unit UCore;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses uPluginDefs,
+ uCoreModule,
+ UHooks,
+ UServices,
+ UModules;
+ TCore
+ Class manages all CoreModules, teh StartUp, teh MainLoop and the shutdown process
+ Also it does some Error Handling, and maybe sometime multithreaded Loading ;)
+ TModuleListItem = record
+ Module: TCoreModule; //Instance of the Modules Class
+ Info: TModuleInfo; //ModuleInfo returned by Modules Modulinfo Proc
+ NeedsDeInit: Boolean; //True if Module was succesful inited
+ end;
+ TCore = class
+ private
+ //Some Hook Handles. See Plugin SDKs Hooks.txt for Infos
+ hLoadingFinished: THandle;
+ hMainLoop: THandle;
+ hTranslate: THandle;
+ hLoadTextures: THandle;
+ hExitQuery: THandle;
+ hExit: THandle;
+ hDebug: THandle;
+ hError: THandle;
+ sReportError: THandle;
+ sReportDebug: THandle;
+ sShowMessage: THandle;
+ sRetranslate: THandle;
+ sReloadTextures: THandle;
+ sGetModuleInfo: THandle;
+ sGetApplicationHandle: THandle;
+ Modules: Array [0..High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD)] of TModuleListItem;
+ //Cur + Last Executed Setting and Getting ;)
+ iCurExecuted: Integer;
+ iLastExecuted: Integer;
+ Procedure SetCurExecuted(Value: Integer);
+ //Function Get all Modules and Creates them
+ Function GetModules: Boolean;
+ //Loads Core and all Modules
+ Function Load: Boolean;
+ //Inits Core and all Modules
+ Function Init: Boolean;
+ //DeInits Core and all Modules
+ Function DeInit: Boolean;
+ //Load the Core
+ Function LoadCore: Boolean;
+ //Init the Core
+ Function InitCore: Boolean;
+ //DeInit the Core
+ Function DeInitCore: Boolean;
+ //Called one Time per Frame
+ Function MainLoop: Boolean;
+ public
+ Hooks: THookManager; //Teh Hook Manager ;)
+ Services: TServiceManager;//The Service Manager
+ Name: String; //Name of this Application
+ Version: LongWord; //Version of this ". For Info Look PluginDefs Functions
+ LastErrorReporter:String; //Who Reported the Last Error String
+ LastErrorString: String; //Last Error String reported
+ property CurExecuted: Integer read iCurExecuted write SetCurExecuted; //ID of Plugin or Module curently Executed
+ property LastExecuted: Integer read iLastExecuted;
+ //---------------
+ //Main Methods to control the Core:
+ //---------------
+ Constructor Create(const cName: String; const cVersion: LongWord);
+ //Starts Loading and Init Process. Then Runs MainLoop. DeInits on Shutdown
+ Procedure Run;
+ //Method for other Classes to get Pointer to a specific Module
+ Function GetModulebyName(const Name: String): PCoreModule;
+ //--------------
+ // Hook and Service Procs:
+ //--------------
+ Function ShowMessage(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Shows a Message (lParam: PChar Text, wParam: Symbol)
+ Function ReportError(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Shows a Message (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
+ Function ReportDebug(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Shows a Message (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
+ Function Retranslate(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Calls Translate hook
+ Function ReloadTextures(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Calls LoadTextures hook
+ Function GetModuleInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TModuleInfo to address at lparam
+ Function GetApplicationHandle(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer; //Returns Application Handle
+ end;
+ Core: TCore;
+uses {$IFDEF win32}
+ Windows,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SysUtils;
+// Create - Creates Class + Hook and Service Manager
+Constructor TCore.Create(const cName: String; const cVersion: LongWord);
+ Name := cName;
+ Version := cVersion;
+ iLastExecuted := 0;
+ iCurExecuted := 0;
+ LastErrorReporter := '';
+ LastErrorString := '';
+ Hooks := THookManager.Create(50);
+ Services := TServiceManager.Create;
+//Starts Loading and Init Process. Then Runs MainLoop. DeInits on Shutdown
+Procedure TCore.Run;
+ noError: Boolean;
+ //Get Modules
+ Try
+ noError := GetModules;
+ Except
+ noError := False;
+ end;
+ //Loading
+ if (noError) then
+ begin
+ Try
+ noError := Load;
+ Except
+ noError := False;
+ end;
+ if (noError) then
+ begin //Init
+ Try
+ noError := Init;
+ Except
+ noError := False;
+ end;
+ If noError then
+ begin
+ //Call Translate Hook
+ noError := (Hooks.CallEventChain(hTranslate, 0, 0) = 0);
+ If noError then
+ begin //Calls LoadTextures Hook
+ noError := (Hooks.CallEventChain(hLoadTextures, 0, 0) = 0);
+ if noError then
+ begin //Calls Loading Finished Hook
+ noError := (Hooks.CallEventChain(hLoadingFinished, 0, 0) = 0);
+ If noError then
+ begin
+ //Start MainLoop
+ While noError do
+ begin
+ noError := MainLoop;
+ // to-do : Call Display Draw here
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ If (LastErrorString <> '') then
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar('Error calling LoadingFinished Hook: ' + LastErrorString))
+ else
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar('Error calling LoadingFinished Hook'));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ If (LastErrorString <> '') then
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar('Error loading textures: ' + LastErrorString))
+ else
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar('Error loading textures'));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ If (LastErrorString <> '') then
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar('Error translating: ' + LastErrorString))
+ else
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar('Error translating'));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ If (LastErrorString <> '') then
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar('Error initing Modules: ' + LastErrorString))
+ else
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar('Error initing Modules'));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ If (LastErrorString <> '') then
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar('Error loading Modules: ' + LastErrorString))
+ else
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar('Error loading Modules'));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ If (LastErrorString <> '') then
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar('Error Getting Modules: ' + LastErrorString))
+ else
+ Self.ShowMessage(CORE_SM_ERROR, PChar('Error Getting Modules'));
+ end;
+ //DeInit
+ DeInit;
+//Called one Time per Frame
+Function TCore.MainLoop: Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+//Function Get all Modules and Creates them
+Function TCore.GetModules: Boolean;
+ I: Integer;
+ Result := False;
+ try
+ For I := 0 to high(Modules) do
+ begin
+ Modules[I].NeedsDeInit := False;
+ Modules[I].Module := CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD[I].Create;
+ Modules[I].Module.Info(@Modules[I].Info);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ except
+ ReportError(Integer(PChar('Can''t get module #' + InttoStr(I) + ' "' + Modules[I].Info.Name + '"')), PChar('Core'));
+ end;
+//Loads Core and all Modules
+Function TCore.Load: Boolean;
+ I: Integer;
+ Result := LoadCore;
+ I := 0;
+ While ((Result = True) AND (I <= High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD))) do
+ begin
+ try
+ Result := Modules[I].Module.Load;
+ except
+ Result := False;
+ ReportError(Integer(PChar('Error loading module #' + InttoStr(I) + ' "' + Modules[I].Info.Name + '"')), PChar('Core'));
+ end;
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+//Inits Core and all Modules
+Function TCore.Init: Boolean;
+ I: Integer;
+ Result := InitCore;
+ I := 0;
+ While ((Result = True) AND (I <= High(CORE_MODULES_TO_LOAD))) do
+ begin
+ try
+ Result := Modules[I].Module.Init;
+ except
+ Result := False;
+ ReportError(Integer(PChar('Error initing module #' + InttoStr(I) + ' "' + Modules[I].Info.Name + '"')), PChar('Core'));
+ end;
+ Modules[I].NeedsDeInit := Result;
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+//DeInits Core and all Modules
+Function TCore.DeInit: Boolean;
+ I: Integer;
+label Continue;
+ Continue:
+ Try
+ While (I >= 0) do
+ begin
+ If (Modules[I].NeedsDeInit) then
+ Modules[I].Module.DeInit;
+ Dec(I);
+ end;
+ Except
+ end;
+ If (I >= 0) then
+ GoTo Continue;
+ DeInitCore;
+//Load the Core
+Function TCore.LoadCore: Boolean;
+ hLoadingFinished := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/LoadingFinished');
+ hMainLoop := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/MainLoop');
+ hTranslate := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/Translate');
+ hLoadTextures := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/LoadTextures');
+ hExitQuery := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/ExitQuery');
+ hExit := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/Exit');
+ hDebug := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/NewDebugInfo');
+ hError := Hooks.AddEvent('Core/NewError');
+ sReportError := Services.AddService('Core/ReportError', nil, Self.ReportError);
+ sReportDebug := Services.AddService('Core/ReportDebug', nil, Self.ReportDebug);
+ sShowMessage := Services.AddService('Core/ShowMessage', nil, Self.ShowMessage);
+ sRetranslate := Services.AddService('Core/Retranslate', nil, Self.Retranslate);
+ sReloadTextures := Services.AddService('Core/ReloadTextures', nil, Self.ReloadTextures);
+ sGetModuleInfo := Services.AddService('Core/GetModuleInfo', nil, Self.GetModuleInfo);
+ sGetApplicationHandle := Services.AddService('Core/GetApplicationHandle', nil, Self.GetApplicationHandle);
+ //A little Test
+ Hooks.AddSubscriber('Core/NewError', HookTest);
+ result := true;
+//Init the Core
+Function TCore.InitCore: Boolean;
+ //Dont Init s.th. atm.
+ result := true;
+//DeInit the Core
+Function TCore.DeInitCore: Boolean;
+ // to-do : write TService-/HookManager.Free and call it here
+//Method for other Classes to get Pointer to a specific Module
+Function TCore.GetModulebyName(const Name: String): PCoreModule;
+var I: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ For I := 0 to high(Modules) do
+ If (Modules[I].Info.Name = Name) then
+ begin
+ Result := @Modules[I].Module;
+ Break;
+ end;
+// Shows a MessageDialog (lParam: PChar Text, wParam: Symbol)
+Function TCore.ShowMessage(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+var Params: Cardinal;
+ Result := -1;
+ If (lParam<>nil) then
+ begin
+ Params := MB_OK;
+ Case wParam of
+ CORE_SM_ERROR: Params := Params or MB_ICONERROR;
+ end;
+ //Anzeigen:
+ Result := Messagebox(0, lParam, PChar(Name), Params);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // to-do : write ShowMessage for other OSes
+// Calls NewError HookChain (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
+Function TCore.ReportError(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ //Update LastErrorReporter and LastErrorString
+ LastErrorReporter := String(PChar(lParam));
+ LastErrorString := String(PChar(Pointer(wParam)));
+ Hooks.CallEventChain(hError, wParam, lParam);
+// Calls NewDebugInfo HookChain (wParam: Pchar(Message), lParam: PChar(Reportername))
+Function TCore.ReportDebug(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Hooks.CallEventChain(hDebug, wParam, lParam);
+// Calls Translate hook
+Function TCore.Retranslate(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Hooks.CallEventChain(hTranslate, 1, nil);
+// Calls LoadTextures hook
+Function TCore.ReloadTextures(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Hooks.CallEventChain(hLoadTextures, 1, nil);
+// If lParam = nil then get length of Moduleinfo Array. If lparam <> nil then write array of TModuleInfo to address at lparam
+Function TCore.GetModuleInfo(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ if (Pointer(lParam) = nil) then
+ begin
+ Result := Length(Modules);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Try
+ For Result := 0 to High(Modules) do
+ begin
+ AModuleInfo(Pointer(lParam))[Result].Name := Modules[Result].Info.Name;
+ AModuleInfo(Pointer(lParam))[Result].Version := Modules[Result].Info.Version;
+ AModuleInfo(Pointer(lParam))[Result].Description := Modules[Result].Info.Description;
+ end;
+ Except
+ Result := -1;
+ end;
+ end;
+// Returns Application Handle
+Function TCore.GetApplicationHandle(wParam: TwParam; lParam: TlParam): integer;
+ Result := hInstance;
+// Called when setting CurExecuted
+Procedure TCore.SetCurExecuted(Value: Integer);
+ //Set Last Executed
+ iLastExecuted := iCurExecuted;
+ //Set Cur Executed
+ iCurExecuted := Value;