path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UAudio_portaudio.pas
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 427 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UAudio_portaudio.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UAudio_portaudio.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 47e54981..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UAudio_portaudio.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-unit UAudio_Portaudio;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses Classes,
- {$IFDEF win32}
- windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- Messages,
- SysUtils,
- Forms,
- {$ENDIF}
- portaudio,
- {$IFDEF UsePortmixer}
- portmixer,
- {$ENDIF}
- ULog,
- UMusic;
- lclintf,
- {$ENDIF}
- URecord,
- UIni,
- UMain,
- UCommon,
- UThemes;
- TPaHostApiIndex = PaHostApiIndex;
- TPaDeviceIndex = PaDeviceIndex;
- PPaStream = ^PaStreamPtr;
- PPaStreamCallbackTimeInfo = ^PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo;
- TPaStreamCallbackFlags = PaStreamCallbackFlags;
- TPaHostApiTypeId = PaHostApiTypeId;
- PPaHostApiInfo = ^PaHostApiInfo;
- PPaDeviceInfo = ^PaDeviceInfo;
- TPaError = PaError;
- TPaStreamParameters = PaStreamParameters;
- TAudio_Portaudio = class( TInterfacedObject, IAudioInput )
- private
- function GetPreferredApiIndex(): TPaHostApiIndex;
- public
- function GetName: String;
- procedure InitializeRecord;
- procedure CaptureStart;
- procedure CaptureStop;
- procedure CaptureCard(Card: byte; CaptureSoundLeft, CaptureSoundRight: TSound);
- procedure StopCard(Card: byte);
- end;
- TPortaudioSoundCard = class(TGenericSoundCard)
- RecordStream: PPaStream;
- DeviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex;
- end;
-function MicrophoneCallback(input: Pointer; output: Pointer; frameCount: Longword;
- timeInfo: PPaStreamCallbackTimeInfo; statusFlags: TPaStreamCallbackFlags;
- inputDevice: Pointer): Integer; cdecl; forward;
- singleton_MusicPortaudio : IAudioInput;
- sampleRate: Double = 44100.;
-{* the default API used by Portaudio is the least common denominator
- * and might lack efficiency. ApiPreferenceOrder defines the order of
- * preferred APIs to use. The first API-type in the list is tried first. If it's
- * not available the next is tried, ...
- * If none of the preferred APIs was found the default API is used.
- * Pascal doesn't permit zero-length static arrays, so you can use paDefaultApi
- * as an array's only member if you do not have any preferences.
- * paDefaultApi also terminates a preferences list but this is optional.
- *}
- paDefaultApi = -1;
- ApiPreferenceOrder:
-{$IF Defined(WIN32)}
- // Note1: Portmixer has no mixer support for paASIO and paWASAPI at the moment
- // Note2: Windows Default-API is MME
- //array[0..0] of TPaHostApiTypeId = ( paDirectSound, paMME );
- array[0..0] of TPaHostApiTypeId = ( paDirectSound );
-{$ELSEIF Defined(LINUX)}
- // Note1: Portmixer has no mixer support for paJACK at the moment
- // Note2: Not tested, but ALSA might be better than OSS.
- array[0..1] of TPaHostApiTypeId = ( paALSA, paOSS );
-{$ELSEIF Defined(DARWIN)}
- // Note: Not tested.
- //array[0..0] of TPaHostApiTypeId = ( paCoreAudio );
- array[0..0] of TPaHostApiTypeId = ( paDefaultApi );
- array[0..0] of TPaHostApiTypeId = ( paDefaultApi );
-function TAudio_Portaudio.GetName: String;
- result := 'Portaudio';
-function TAudio_Portaudio.GetPreferredApiIndex(): TPaHostApiIndex;
- i: integer;
- result := -1;
- // select preferred sound-API
- for i:= 0 to High(ApiPreferenceOrder) do
- begin
- if(ApiPreferenceOrder[i] <> paDefaultApi) then begin
- // check if API is available
- result := Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex(ApiPreferenceOrder[i]);
- if(result >= 0) then
- break;
- end;
- end;
- // None of the preferred APIs is available -> use default
- if(result < 0) then begin
- result := Pa_GetDefaultHostApi();
- end;
-// TODO: should be a function with boolean return type
-procedure TAudio_Portaudio.InitializeRecord;
- i: integer;
- apiIndex: TPaHostApiIndex;
- apiInfo: PPaHostApiInfo;
- deviceName: string;
- deviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex;
- deviceInfo: PPaDeviceInfo;
- inputCnt: integer;
- inputName: string;
- SC: integer; // soundcard
- SCI: integer; // soundcard input
- err: TPaError;
- errMsg: string;
- paSoundCard: TPortaudioSoundCard;
- inputParams: TPaStreamParameters;
- stream: PPaStream;
- {$IFDEF UsePortmixer}
- mixer: PPxMixer;
- {$ENDIF}
- // TODO: call Pa_Terminate() on termination
- err := Pa_Initialize();
- if(err <> paNoError) then begin
- Log.CriticalError('Portaudio.InitializeRecord: ' + Pa_GetErrorText(err));
- //Log.LogError('Portaudio.InitializeRecord: ' + Pa_GetErrorText(err));
- // result := false;
- Exit;
- end;
- apiIndex := GetPreferredApiIndex();
- apiInfo := Pa_GetHostApiInfo(apiIndex);
- SC := 0;
- // init array-size to max. input-devices count
- SetLength(Recording.SoundCard, apiInfo^.deviceCount); // fix deviceCountL
- for i:= 0 to High(Recording.SoundCard) do
- begin
- // convert API-specific device-index to global index
- deviceIndex := Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(apiIndex, i);
- deviceInfo := Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex);
- // current device is no input device -> skip
- if(deviceInfo^.maxInputChannels <= 0) then
- continue;
- // TODO: free object on termination
- paSoundCard := TPortaudioSoundCard.Create();
- Recording.SoundCard[SC] := paSoundCard;
- // retrieve device-name
- deviceName := deviceInfo^.name;
- paSoundCard.Description := deviceName;
- paSoundCard.DeviceIndex := deviceIndex;
- // setup desired input parameters
- with inputParams do begin
- device := deviceIndex;
- channelCount := 2;
- sampleFormat := paInt16;
- suggestedLatency := deviceInfo^.defaultLowInputLatency;
- hostApiSpecificStreamInfo := nil;
- end;
- // check if device supports our input-format
- err := Pa_IsFormatSupported(@inputParams, nil, sampleRate);
- if(err <> 0) then begin
- // format not supported -> skip
- errMsg := Pa_GetErrorText(err);
- Log.LogError('Portaudio.InitializeRecord, device: "'+ deviceName +'" '
- + '('+ errMsg +')');
- paSoundCard.Free();
- continue;
- end;
- // TODO: retry with mono if stereo is not supported
- // TODO: retry with input-latency set to 20ms (defaultLowInputLatency might
- // not be set correctly in OSS)
- err := Pa_OpenStream(stream, @inputParams, nil, sampleRate,
- paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, paNoFlag, @MicrophoneCallback, nil);
- if(err <> paNoError) then begin
- // unable to open device -> skip
- errMsg := Pa_GetErrorText(err);
- Log.LogError('Portaudio.InitializeRecord, device: "'+ deviceName +'" '
- + '('+ errMsg +')');
- paSoundCard.Free();
- continue;
- end;
- {$IFDEF UsePortmixer}
- // use default mixer
- mixer := Px_OpenMixer(stream, 0);
- // get input count
- inputCnt := Px_GetNumInputSources(mixer);
- SetLength(paSoundCard.Input, inputCnt);
- // get input names
- for SCI := 0 to inputCnt-1 do
- begin
- inputName := Px_GetInputSourceName(mixer, SCI);
- paSoundCard.Input[SCI].Name := inputName;
- end;
- Px_CloseMixer(mixer);
- {$ELSE} // !UsePortmixer
- //Pa_StartStream(stream);
- // TODO: check if callback was called (this problem may occur on some devices)
- //Pa_StopStream(stream);
- Pa_CloseStream(stream);
- // create a standard input source
- SetLength(paSoundCard.Input, 1);
- paSoundCard.Input[0].Name := 'Standard';
- {$ENDIF}
- // use default input source
- paSoundCard.InputSelected := 0;
- Inc(SC);
- end;
- // adjust size to actual input-device count
- SetLength(Recording.SoundCard, SC);
- Log.LogStatus('#Soundcards: ' + inttostr(SC), 'Portaudio');
- {
- SoundCard[SC].InputSelected := Mic[Device];
- }
-// TODO: code is used by all IAudioInput implementors
-// -> move to a common superclass (TAudioInput_Generic?)
-procedure TAudio_Portaudio.CaptureStart;
- S: integer;
- SC: integer;
- PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: integer;
- CaptureSoundLeft, CaptureSoundRight: TSound;
- for S := 0 to High(Recording.Sound) do
- Recording.Sound[S].BufferLong[0].Clear;
- for SC := 0 to High(Ini.CardList) do begin
- PlayerLeft := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL-1;
- PlayerRight := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR-1;
- if PlayerLeft >= PlayersPlay then PlayerLeft := -1;
- if PlayerRight >= PlayersPlay then PlayerRight := -1;
- if (PlayerLeft > -1) or (PlayerRight > -1) then begin
- if (PlayerLeft > -1) then
- CaptureSoundLeft := Recording.Sound[PlayerLeft]
- else
- CaptureSoundLeft := nil;
- if (PlayerRight > -1) then
- CaptureSoundRight := Recording.Sound[PlayerRight]
- else
- CaptureSoundRight := nil;
- CaptureCard(SC, CaptureSoundLeft, CaptureSoundRight);
- end;
- end;
-// TODO: code is used by all IAudioInput implementors
-// -> move to a common superclass (TAudioInput_Generic?)
-procedure TAudio_Portaudio.CaptureStop;
- SC: integer;
- PlayerLeft: integer;
- PlayerRight: integer;
- for SC := 0 to High(Ini.CardList) do begin
- PlayerLeft := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL-1;
- PlayerRight := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR-1;
- if PlayerLeft >= PlayersPlay then PlayerLeft := -1;
- if PlayerRight >= PlayersPlay then PlayerRight := -1;
- if (PlayerLeft > -1) or (PlayerRight > -1) then
- StopCard(SC);
- end;
- * Portaudio input capture callback.
- *}
-function MicrophoneCallback(input: Pointer; output: Pointer; frameCount: Longword;
- timeInfo: PPaStreamCallbackTimeInfo; statusFlags: TPaStreamCallbackFlags;
- inputDevice: Pointer): Integer; cdecl;
- Recording.HandleMicrophoneData(input, frameCount*4, inputDevice);
- result := paContinue;
- * Start input-capturing on Soundcard specified by Card.
- * Params:
- * Card - soundcard index in Recording.SoundCard array
- * CaptureSoundLeft - sound(-buffer) used for left channel capture data
- * CaptureSoundRight - sound(-buffer) used for right channel capture data
- *}
-procedure TAudio_Portaudio.CaptureCard(Card: byte; CaptureSoundLeft, CaptureSoundRight: TSound);
- Error: TPaError;
- ErrorMsg: string;
- inputParams: TPaStreamParameters;
- deviceInfo: PPaDeviceInfo;
- stream: PPaStream;
- paSoundCard: TPortaudioSoundCard;
- paSoundCard := TPortaudioSoundCard(Recording.SoundCard[Card]);
- paSoundCard.CaptureSoundLeft := CaptureSoundLeft;
- paSoundCard.CaptureSoundRight := CaptureSoundRight;
- // get input latency info
- deviceInfo := Pa_GetDeviceInfo(paSoundCard.DeviceIndex);
- // set input stream parameters
- with inputParams do begin
- device := paSoundCard.DeviceIndex;
- channelCount := 2;
- sampleFormat := paInt16;
- suggestedLatency := deviceInfo^.defaultLowInputLatency;
- hostApiSpecificStreamInfo := nil;
- end;
- Log.LogStatus(inttostr(paSoundCard.DeviceIndex), 'Portaudio');
- Log.LogStatus(floattostr(deviceInfo^.defaultLowInputLatency), 'Portaudio');
- // open input stream
- Error := Pa_OpenStream(stream, @inputParams, nil, sampleRate,
- paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, paNoFlag,
- @MicrophoneCallback, Pointer(paSoundCard));
- if(Error <> paNoError) then begin
- ErrorMsg := Pa_GetErrorText(Error);
- Log.CriticalError('TAudio_Portaudio.CaptureCard('+ IntToStr(Card) +'): Error opening stream: ' + ErrorMsg);
- //Halt;
- end;
- paSoundCard.RecordStream := stream;
- // start capture
- Error := Pa_StartStream(stream);
- if(Error <> paNoError) then begin
- Pa_CloseStream(stream);
- ErrorMsg := Pa_GetErrorText(Error);
- Log.CriticalError('TAudio_Portaudio.CaptureCard('+ IntToStr(Card) +'): Error starting stream: ' + ErrorMsg);
- //Halt;
- end;
- * Stop input-capturing on Soundcard specified by Card.
- * Params:
- * Card - soundcard index in Recording.SoundCard array
- *}
-procedure TAudio_Portaudio.StopCard(Card: byte);
- stream: PPaStream;
- paSoundCard: TPortaudioSoundCard;
- paSoundCard := TPortaudioSoundCard(Recording.SoundCard[Card]);
- stream := paSoundCard.RecordStream;
- if(stream <> nil) then begin
- Pa_StopStream(stream);
- Pa_CloseStream(stream);
- end;
- singleton_MusicPortaudio := TAudio_Portaudio.create();
- AudioManager.add( singleton_MusicPortaudio );
- AudioManager.Remove( singleton_MusicPortaudio );