path: root/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 381 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
index 8a702ca7..ee1a74f3 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/TextGL.pas
@@ -1,381 +1,388 @@
-unit TextGL;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-uses OpenGL12,
- SDL,
- UTexture,
- Classes,
- ULog;
-procedure BuildFont; // Build Our Bitmap Font
-procedure KillFont; // Delete The Font
-function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real; // Returns Text Width
-procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
-procedure glPrintLetter(letter: char);
-procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
-procedure glPrint(text: pchar); // Custom GL "Print" Routine
-procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
-procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real); // Sets X And Y
-procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
-procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer); // sets active font style (normal, bold, etc)
-procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean); // sets italic type letter (works for all fonts)
-procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
- TTextGL = record
- X: real;
- Y: real;
- Text: string;
- Size: real;
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- end;
- TFont = record
- Tex: TTexture;
- Width: array[0..255] of byte;
- AspectW: real;
- Centered: boolean;
- Done: real;
- Outline: real;
- Italic: boolean;
- end;
- base: GLuint; // Base Display List For The Font Set
- Fonts: array of TFont;
- ActFont: integer;
- PColR: real; // temps for glPrintDone
- PColG: real;
- PColB: real;
-uses UMain,
- Windows,
- SysUtils,
- LResources,
- {$ENDIF}
- UGraphic;
-procedure BuildFont; // Build Our Bitmap Font
- procedure loadfont( aID : integer; aType, aResourceName : String);
- var
- Rejestr: TResourceStream;
- begin
- Rejestr := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, aResourceName , pchar( aType ) );
- try
- Rejestr.Read(Fonts[ aID ].Width, 256);
- finally
- Rejestr.Free;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- font: HFONT; // Windows Font ID
- h_dc: hdc;
- Pet: integer;
- ActFont := 0;
- SetLength(Fonts, 5);
- Fonts[0].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'Font', 'PNG', 'Font', 0);
- Fonts[0].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[0].AspectW := 0.9;
- Fonts[0].Done := -1;
- Fonts[0].Outline := 0;
- Fonts[1].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontB', 'PNG', 'Font', 0);
- Fonts[1].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[1].AspectW := 1;
- Fonts[1].Done := -1;
- Fonts[1].Outline := 0;
- Fonts[2].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO', 'PNG', 'Font Outline', 0);
- Fonts[2].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[2].AspectW := 0.95;
- Fonts[2].Done := -1;
- Fonts[2].Outline := 5;
- Fonts[3].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO2', 'PNG', 'Font Outline 2', 0);
- Fonts[3].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[3].AspectW := 0.95;
- Fonts[3].Done := -1;
- Fonts[3].Outline := 4;
-{ Fonts[4].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture('FontO', 'BMP', 'Arrow', 0); // for score screen
- Fonts[4].Tex.H := 30;
- Fonts[4].AspectW := 0.95;
- Fonts[4].Done := -1;
- Fonts[4].Outline := 5;}
- loadfont( 0, 'DAT', 'eurostar_regular' );
- loadfont( 1, 'DAT', 'eurostar_regular_bold' );
- loadfont( 2, 'DAT', 'Outline 1' );
- loadfont( 3, 'DAT', 'Outline 2' );
- {$ELSE}
- loadfont( 0, 'FNT', 'Font' );
- loadfont( 1, 'FNT', 'FontB' );
- loadfont( 2, 'FNT', 'FontO' );
- loadfont( 3, 'FNT', 'FontO2' );
- {$ENDIF}
-{ Rejestr := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, 'FontO', 'FNT');
- Rejestr.Read(Fonts[4].Width, 256);
- Rejestr.Free;}
- for Pet := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[1].Width[Pet] := Fonts[1].Width[Pet] div 2;
- for Pet := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[2].Width[Pet] := Fonts[2].Width[Pet] div 2 + 2;
- for Pet := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[3].Width[Pet] := Fonts[3].Width[Pet] + 1;
-{ for Pet := 0 to 255 do
- Fonts[4].Width[Pet] := Fonts[4].Width[Pet] div 2 + 2;}
-procedure KillFont; // Delete The Font
-// glDeleteLists(base, 256); // Delete All 96 Characters
-function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real;
- Letter: char;
-// Log.LogStatus(Text, 'glTextWidth');
- Result := 0;
- while (length(text) > 0) do begin
- Letter := Text[0];
- text := pchar(Copy(text, 2, Length(text)-1));
- Result := Result + Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)] * Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H / 30 * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
- end; // while
-procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Done := Done;
- PColR := ColR;
- PColG := ColG;
- PColB := ColB;
- glPrintCut(text);
- Fonts[ActFont].Done := -1;
-procedure glPrintLetter(Letter: char);
- TexX, TexY: real;
- TexR, TexB: real;
- FWidth: real;
- PL, PT: real;
- PR, PB: real;
- XItal: real; // X shift for italic type letter
- with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do begin
- FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
- W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
-// H := 30;
- // set texture positions
- TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
- TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
- TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
- TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
- // set vector positions
- PL := X - Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW /2;
- PT := Y;
- PR := PL + W + Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
- PB := PT + H;
- if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
- XItal := 0
- else
- XItal := 12;
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT);
- glEnd;
- X := X + W;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- end; // with
-procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
- TexX, TexY: real;
- TexR, TexB: real;
- TexTemp: real;
- FWidth: real;
- PL, PT: real;
- PR, PB: real;
- OutTemp: real;
- XItal: real;
- with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do begin
- FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
- W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
-// H := 30;
- OutTemp := Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
- // set texture positions
- TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
- TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
- TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
- TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
- TexTemp := TexX + Start * (TexR - TexX);
- TexR := TexX + Finish * (TexR - TexX);
- TexX := TexTemp;
- // set vector positions
- PL := X - OutTemp / 2 + OutTemp * Start;
- PT := Y;
- PR := PL + (W + OutTemp) * (Finish - Start);
- PB := PT + H;
- if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
- XItal := 0
- else
- XItal := 12;
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
- glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
- glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT); // not tested with XItal
- glEnd;
- X := X + W * (Finish - Start);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- end; // with
-procedure glPrint(text: pchar); // Custom GL "Print" Routine
- Letter: char;
- if (Text = '') then // If There's No Text
- Exit; // Do Nothing
- while (length(text) > 0) do begin
- // cut
- Letter := Text[0];
- Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
- // print
- glPrintLetter(Letter);
- end; // while
-procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
- Letter: char;
- PToDo: real;
- PTotWidth: real;
- PDoingNow: real;
- S: string;
- if (Text = '') then // If There's No Text
- Exit; // Do Nothing
- PTotWidth := glTextWidth(Text);
- PToDo := Fonts[ActFont].Done;
- while (length(text) > 0) do begin
- // cut
- Letter := Text[0];
- Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
- // analyze
- S := Letter;
- PDoingNow := glTextWidth(pchar(S)) / PTotWidth;
- // drawing
- if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow <= PToDo) then
- glPrintLetter(Letter);
- if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow > PToDo) then begin
- glPrintLetterCut(Letter, 0, PToDo / PDoingNow);
- glColor3f(PColR, PColG, PColB);
- glPrintLetterCut(Letter, PToDo / PDoingNow, 1);
- end;
- if (PToDo <= 0) then
- glPrintLetter(Letter);
- PToDo := PToDo - PDoingNow;
- end; // while
-procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.X := X;
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.Y := Y;
-procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H := 30 * (Size/10);
-procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer);
- ActFont := Style;
-procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean);
- Fonts[ActFont].Italic := Enable;
-procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
- Fonts[ActFont].AspectW := Aspect;
- {$I UltraStar.lrs}
+unit TextGL;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+uses OpenGL12,
+ SDL,
+ UTexture,
+ Classes,
+ ULog;
+procedure BuildFont; // Build Our Bitmap Font
+procedure KillFont; // Delete The Font
+function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real; // Returns Text Width
+procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
+procedure glPrintLetter(letter: char);
+procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
+procedure glPrint(text: pchar); // Custom GL "Print" Routine
+procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
+procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real); // Sets X And Y
+procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
+procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer); // sets active font style (normal, bold, etc)
+procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean); // sets italic type letter (works for all fonts)
+procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
+ TTextGL = record
+ X: real;
+ Y: real;
+ Text: string;
+ Size: real;
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ end;
+ TFont = record
+ Tex: TTexture;
+ Width: array[0..255] of byte;
+ AspectW: real;
+ Centered: boolean;
+ Done: real;
+ Outline: real;
+ Italic: boolean;
+ end;
+ base: GLuint; // Base Display List For The Font Set
+ Fonts: array of TFont;
+ ActFont: integer;
+ PColR: real; // temps for glPrintDone
+ PColG: real;
+ PColB: real;
+uses UMain,
+ {$IFDEF win32}
+ windows,
+ {$ELSE}
+ lclintf,
+ lcltype,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ SysUtils,
+ LResources,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ UGraphic;
+procedure BuildFont; // Build Our Bitmap Font
+ procedure loadfont( aID : integer; aType, aResourceName : String);
+ var
+ Rejestr: TResourceStream;
+ begin
+ Rejestr := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, aResourceName , pchar( aType ) );
+ try
+ Rejestr.Read(Fonts[ aID ].Width, 256);
+ finally
+ Rejestr.Free;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ font: HFONT; // Windows Font ID
+ h_dc: hdc;
+ Pet: integer;
+ ActFont := 0;
+ SetLength(Fonts, 5);
+ Fonts[0].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'Font', 'PNG', 'Font', 0);
+ Fonts[0].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[0].AspectW := 0.9;
+ Fonts[0].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[0].Outline := 0;
+ Fonts[1].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontB', 'PNG', 'Font', 0);
+ Fonts[1].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[1].AspectW := 1;
+ Fonts[1].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[1].Outline := 0;
+ Fonts[2].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO', 'PNG', 'Font Outline', 0);
+ Fonts[2].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[2].AspectW := 0.95;
+ Fonts[2].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[2].Outline := 5;
+ Fonts[3].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(true, 'FontO2', 'PNG', 'Font Outline 2', 0);
+ Fonts[3].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[3].AspectW := 0.95;
+ Fonts[3].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[3].Outline := 4;
+{ Fonts[4].Tex := Texture.LoadTexture('FontO', 'BMP', 'Arrow', 0); // for score screen
+ Fonts[4].Tex.H := 30;
+ Fonts[4].AspectW := 0.95;
+ Fonts[4].Done := -1;
+ Fonts[4].Outline := 5;}
+ loadfont( 0, 'DAT', 'eurostar_regular' );
+ loadfont( 1, 'DAT', 'eurostar_regular_bold' );
+ loadfont( 2, 'DAT', 'Outline 1' );
+ loadfont( 3, 'DAT', 'Outline 2' );
+ {$ELSE}
+ loadfont( 0, 'FNT', 'Font' );
+ loadfont( 1, 'FNT', 'FontB' );
+ loadfont( 2, 'FNT', 'FontO' );
+ loadfont( 3, 'FNT', 'FontO2' );
+ {$ENDIF}
+{ Rejestr := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, 'FontO', 'FNT');
+ Rejestr.Read(Fonts[4].Width, 256);
+ Rejestr.Free;}
+ for Pet := 0 to 255 do
+ Fonts[1].Width[Pet] := Fonts[1].Width[Pet] div 2;
+ for Pet := 0 to 255 do
+ Fonts[2].Width[Pet] := Fonts[2].Width[Pet] div 2 + 2;
+ for Pet := 0 to 255 do
+ Fonts[3].Width[Pet] := Fonts[3].Width[Pet] + 1;
+{ for Pet := 0 to 255 do
+ Fonts[4].Width[Pet] := Fonts[4].Width[Pet] div 2 + 2;}
+procedure KillFont; // Delete The Font
+// glDeleteLists(base, 256); // Delete All 96 Characters
+function glTextWidth(text: pchar): real;
+ Letter: char;
+// Log.LogStatus(Text, 'glTextWidth');
+ Result := 0;
+ while (length(text) > 0) do begin
+ Letter := Text[0];
+ text := pchar(Copy(text, 2, Length(text)-1));
+ Result := Result + Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)] * Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H / 30 * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ end; // while
+procedure glPrintDone(text: pchar; Done: real; ColR, ColG, ColB: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Done := Done;
+ PColR := ColR;
+ PColG := ColG;
+ PColB := ColB;
+ glPrintCut(text);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Done := -1;
+procedure glPrintLetter(Letter: char);
+ TexX, TexY: real;
+ TexR, TexB: real;
+ FWidth: real;
+ PL, PT: real;
+ PR, PB: real;
+ XItal: real; // X shift for italic type letter
+ with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do begin
+ FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
+ W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+// H := 30;
+ // set texture positions
+ TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+ TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
+ TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+ TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
+ // set vector positions
+ PL := X - Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW /2;
+ PT := Y;
+ PR := PL + W + Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ PB := PT + H;
+ if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
+ XItal := 0
+ else
+ XItal := 12;
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT);
+ glEnd;
+ X := X + W;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ end; // with
+procedure glPrintLetterCut(letter: char; Start, Finish: real);
+ TexX, TexY: real;
+ TexR, TexB: real;
+ TexTemp: real;
+ FWidth: real;
+ PL, PT: real;
+ PR, PB: real;
+ OutTemp: real;
+ XItal: real;
+ with Fonts[ActFont].Tex do begin
+ FWidth := Fonts[ActFont].Width[Ord(Letter)];
+ W := FWidth * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+// H := 30;
+ OutTemp := Fonts[ActFont].Outline * (H/30) * Fonts[ActFont].AspectW;
+ // set texture positions
+ TexX := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 - FWidth/1024 - Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+ TexY := (ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 + 2/1024; // 2/1024
+ TexR := (ord(Letter) mod 16) * 1/16 + 1/32 + FWidth/1024 + Fonts[ActFont].Outline/1024;
+ TexB := (1 + ord(Letter) div 16) * 1/16 - 2/1024;
+ TexTemp := TexX + Start * (TexR - TexX);
+ TexR := TexX + Finish * (TexR - TexX);
+ TexX := TexTemp;
+ // set vector positions
+ PL := X - OutTemp / 2 + OutTemp * Start;
+ PT := Y;
+ PR := PL + (W + OutTemp) * (Finish - Start);
+ PB := PT + H;
+ if Fonts[ActFont].Italic = false then
+ XItal := 0
+ else
+ XItal := 12;
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, TexNum);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexY); glVertex2f(PL+XItal, PT);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX, TexB); glVertex2f(PL, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexB); glVertex2f(PR, PB);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexR, TexY); glVertex2f(PR+XItal, PT); // not tested with XItal
+ glEnd;
+ X := X + W * (Finish - Start);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ end; // with
+procedure glPrint(text: pchar); // Custom GL "Print" Routine
+ Letter: char;
+ if (Text = '') then // If There's No Text
+ Exit; // Do Nothing
+ while (length(text) > 0) do begin
+ // cut
+ Letter := Text[0];
+ Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
+ // print
+ glPrintLetter(Letter);
+ end; // while
+procedure glPrintCut(text: pchar);
+ Letter: char;
+ PToDo: real;
+ PTotWidth: real;
+ PDoingNow: real;
+ S: string;
+ if (Text = '') then // If There's No Text
+ Exit; // Do Nothing
+ PTotWidth := glTextWidth(Text);
+ PToDo := Fonts[ActFont].Done;
+ while (length(text) > 0) do begin
+ // cut
+ Letter := Text[0];
+ Text := pchar(Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text)-1));
+ // analyze
+ S := Letter;
+ PDoingNow := glTextWidth(pchar(S)) / PTotWidth;
+ // drawing
+ if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow <= PToDo) then
+ glPrintLetter(Letter);
+ if (PToDo > 0) and (PDoingNow > PToDo) then begin
+ glPrintLetterCut(Letter, 0, PToDo / PDoingNow);
+ glColor3f(PColR, PColG, PColB);
+ glPrintLetterCut(Letter, PToDo / PDoingNow, 1);
+ end;
+ if (PToDo <= 0) then
+ glPrintLetter(Letter);
+ PToDo := PToDo - PDoingNow;
+ end; // while
+procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Tex.X := X;
+ Fonts[ActFont].Tex.Y := Y;
+procedure SetFontSize(Size: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Tex.H := 30 * (Size/10);
+procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer);
+ ActFont := Style;
+procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean);
+ Fonts[ActFont].Italic := Enable;
+procedure SetFontAspectW(Aspect: real);
+ Fonts[ActFont].AspectW := Aspect;
+{$IFDEF win32}
+ {$I UltraStar.lrs}