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1 files changed, 39 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lua/src/base/UParty.pas b/Lua/src/base/UParty.pas
index f042973e..713cfc33 100644
--- a/Lua/src/base/UParty.pas
+++ b/Lua/src/base/UParty.pas
@@ -541,11 +541,50 @@ end;
{ sets the winner(s) of current round
returns true on success }
function TPartyGame.SetRanking(Ranking: AParty_TeamRanking): Boolean;
+ var
+ I, J: Integer;
+ TeamExists: Integer;
+ Len: Integer;
+ Temp: TParty_TeamRanking;
if (bPartyStarted) and (CurRound >= 0) and (CurRound <= High(Rounds)) then
Rounds[CurRound].Ranking := Ranking;
Result := true;
+ // look for teams that don't exist
+ TeamExists := 0;
+ for I := 0 to High(Rounds[CurRound].Ranking) do
+ TeamExists := TeamExists or (1 shl (Rounds[CurRound].Ranking[I].Team-1));
+ // create teams that don't exist
+ Len := Length(Rounds[CurRound].Ranking);
+ for I := 0 to High(Teams) do
+ if (TeamExists and (1 shl I) = 0) then
+ begin
+ Inc(Len);
+ SetLength(Rounds[CurRound].Ranking, Len);
+ Rounds[CurRound].Ranking[Len-1].Team := I + 1;
+ Rounds[CurRound].Ranking[Len-1].Rank := Length(Teams);
+ end;
+ // we may remove rankings from invalid teams here to
+ // but at the moment this is not necessary, because the
+ // functions this function is called from don't create
+ // invalid rankings
+ // bubble sort rankings by team
+ J := High(Rounds[CurRound].Ranking);
+ repeat
+ for I := 0 to J - 1 do
+ if (Rounds[CurRound].Ranking[I].Team > Rounds[CurRound].Ranking[I+1].Team) then
+ begin
+ Temp := Rounds[CurRound].Ranking[I];
+ Rounds[CurRound].Ranking[I] := Rounds[CurRound].Ranking[I+1];
+ Rounds[CurRound].Ranking[I+1] := Temp;
+ end;
+ Dec(J);
+ until J <= 0;
Result := false;