diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
225 files changed, 0 insertions, 17020 deletions
diff --git a/ScoreConverter/ScoreConverter.dpr b/ScoreConverter/ScoreConverter.dpr deleted file mode 100644 index 5736b733..00000000 --- a/ScoreConverter/ScoreConverter.dpr +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -program ScoreConverter;
- Forms,
- Umainform in 'Umainform.pas' {mainform},
- UScores in 'UScores.pas',
- UDataBase in '..\Game\Code\Classes\UDataBase.pas',
- USongs in 'USongs.pas';
-{$R *.res}
- Application.Initialize;
- Application.Title := 'Score Converter';
- Application.CreateForm(Tmainform, mainform);
- Application.Run;
diff --git a/ScoreConverter/ScoreConverter.ico b/ScoreConverter/ScoreConverter.ico Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 80319014..00000000 --- a/ScoreConverter/ScoreConverter.ico +++ /dev/null diff --git a/ScoreConverter/ScoreConverter.res b/ScoreConverter/ScoreConverter.res Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 2d3bea87..00000000 --- a/ScoreConverter/ScoreConverter.res +++ /dev/null diff --git a/ScoreConverter/UScores.pas b/ScoreConverter/UScores.pas deleted file mode 100644 index 3e2c4e92..00000000 --- a/ScoreConverter/UScores.pas +++ /dev/null @@ -1,102 +0,0 @@ -unit UScores;
-uses USongs;
-procedure ReadScore(var Song: TSong);
-procedure WriteScore(var Song: TSong);
-procedure AddScore(var Song: TSong; Level: integer; Name: string; Score: integer);
-uses IniFiles, SysUtils;
-procedure ReadScore(var Song: TSong);
- F: TIniFile;
- S: string;
- P: integer;
- Lev: integer;
- LevS: string;
- F := TIniFile.Create(Song.Path + ChangeFileExt(Song.FileName, '.sco'));
- for Lev := 0 to 2 do begin
- case Lev of
- 0: LevS := 'Easy';
- 1: LevS := 'Normal';
- 2: LevS := 'Hard';
- end;
- P := 1;
- S := F.ReadString(LevS + IntToStr(P), 'Name', '');
- while (S <> '') and (P<=5) do begin
- SetLength(Song.Score[Lev], P);
- Song.Score[Lev, P-1].Name := S;
- Song.Score[Lev, P-1].Score := F.ReadInteger(LevS + IntToStr(P), 'Score', 0);
- Inc(P);
- S := F.ReadString(LevS + IntToStr(P), 'Name', '');
- end;
- end;
-procedure AddScore(var Song: TSong; Level: integer; Name: string; Score: integer);
- S: integer;
- S2: integer;
- S := 0;
- while (S <= High(Song.Score[Level])) and (Score <= Song.Score[Level, S].Score) do
- Inc(S);
- // S has the number for new score
- // we create new score
- SetLength(Song.Score[Level], Length(Song.Score[Level]) + 1);
- // we move down old scores
- for S2 := High(Song.Score[Level])-1 downto S do
- Song.Score[Level, S2+1] := Song.Score[Level, S2];
- // we fill new score
- Song.Score[Level, S].Name := Name;
- Song.Score[Level, S].Score := Score;
- if Length(Song.Score[Level]) > 5 then begin
- SetLength(Song.Score[Level], 5);
- end;
-procedure WriteScore(var Song: TSong);
- F: TIniFile;
- S: integer;
- Lev: integer;
- LevS: string;
- FileName: string;
- FileName := Song.Path + ChangeFileExt(Song.FileName, '.sco');
- if (not FileExists(FileName)) or (FileExists(FileName) and DeleteFile(FileName)) then begin
- // file has been deleted -> creating new file
- F := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
- for Lev := 0 to 2 do begin
- case Lev of
- 0: LevS := 'Easy';
- 1: LevS := 'Normal';
- 2: LevS := 'Hard';
- end;
- for S := 0 to high(Song.Score[Lev]) do begin
- F.WriteString(LevS + IntToStr(S+1), 'Name', Song.Score[Lev, S].Name);
- F.WriteInteger(LevS + IntToStr(S+1), 'Score', Song.Score[Lev, S].Score);
- end; // for S
- end; // for Lev
- F.Free;
- end; // if
diff --git a/ScoreConverter/USongs.pas b/ScoreConverter/USongs.pas deleted file mode 100644 index a43ea61e..00000000 --- a/ScoreConverter/USongs.pas +++ /dev/null @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ -unit USongs;
- TScore = record
- Name: string;
- Score: integer;
- Length: string;
- end;
- TSong = record
- Path: string;
- FileName: string;
- Title: string;
- Artist: string;
- Score: array[0..2] of array of TScore;
- end;
- TSongs = class
- LastCount: Integer;
- Song: array of TSong; // array of songs
- function ReadHeader(var rSong: TSong): boolean;
- procedure BrowseDir(Dir: string); // Browse a dir + subdirs for songfiles
- end;
- var Songs: TSongs;
-uses Sysutils, UMainForm, Dialogs;
-function TSongs.ReadHeader(var rSong: TSong): boolean;
- Line, Identifier, Value: String;
- Temp: word;
- Done: byte;
- SongFile: Textfile;
- Result := False;
- //Open File and set File Pointer to the beginning
- AssignFile(SongFile, rSong.Path + rSong.FileName);
- Reset(SongFile);
- //Read Header
- Result := true;
- //Read first Line
- ReadLn (SongFile, Line);
- if (Length(Line)<=0) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- Done := 0;
- //Read Lines while Line starts with #
- While (Line[1] = '#') do
- begin
- Temp := Pos(':', Line);
- //Line has a Seperator-> Headerline
- if (Temp <> 0) then
- begin
- //Read Identifier and Value
- Identifier := Uppercase(Trim(Copy(Line, 2, Temp - 2))); //Uppercase is for Case Insensitive Checks
- Value := Trim(Copy(Line, Temp + 1,Length(Line) - Temp));
- //Check the Identifier (If Value is given)
- if (Length(Value) <> 0) then
- begin
- //-----------
- //Required Attributes
- //-----------
- //Title
- if (Identifier = 'TITLE') then
- begin
- rSong.Title := Value;
- //Add Title Flag to Done
- Done := Done or 1;
- end
- //Artist
- else if (Identifier = 'ARTIST') then
- begin
- rSong.Artist := Value;
- //Add Artist Flag to Done
- Done := Done or 2;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if not EOf(SongFile) then
- ReadLn (SongFile, Line)
- else
- begin
- Result := False;
- break;
- end;
- //End on first empty Line
- if (Length(Line) = 0) then
- break;
- end;
- //Check if all Required Values are given
- if (Done <> 3) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- end;
- //And Close File
- CloseFile(SongFile);
-procedure TSongs.BrowseDir(Dir: string);
- SR: TSearchRec; // for parsing Songs Directory
- SLen: integer;
- if FindFirst(Dir + '*', faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin
- repeat
- if (SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then
- BrowseDir(Dir + Sr.Name + '\');
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- end;
- FindClose(SR);
- if FindFirst(Dir + '*.txt', 0, SR) = 0 then begin
- repeat
- SLen := Length(Song);
- SetLength(Song, SLen + 1);
- Song[SLen].Path := Dir;
- Song[SLen].FileName := SR.Name;
- if (ReadHeader(Song[SLen]) = false) then SetLength(Song, SLen);
- //update Songs Label
- if LastCount <> SLen div 30 then
- begin
- LastCount := SLen div 30;
- MainForm.UpdateLoadedSongs(Dir, SLen);
- end;
- until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- end; // if FindFirst
- FindClose(SR);
diff --git a/ScoreConverter/Umainform.dfm b/ScoreConverter/Umainform.dfm deleted file mode 100644 index a4291e7b..00000000 --- a/ScoreConverter/Umainform.dfm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -object mainform: Tmainform
- Left = 328
- Top = 228
- HorzScrollBar.Visible = False
- VertScrollBar.Visible = False
- BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize]
- BorderStyle = bsSingle
- Caption = 'Ultrastar Deluxe Score Converter'
- ClientHeight = 159
- ClientWidth = 449
- Color = clBtnFace
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- OldCreateOrder = False
- Position = poDesktopCenter
- OnCreate = FormCreate
- PixelsPerInch = 96
- TextHeight = 13
- object Label1: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 8
- Width = 60
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'SongFolder: '
- end
- object lFolder: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 24
- Width = 29
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Folder'
- end
- object Label2: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 48
- Width = 49
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Database:'
- end
- object lDatabase: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 64
- Width = 46
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Database'
- end
- object lDatabase2: TLabel
- Left = 72
- Top = 48
- Width = 54
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'lDatabase2'
- end
- object lFolder2: TLabel
- Left = 72
- Top = 8
- Width = 37
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'lFolder2'
- end
- object lStatus: TLabel
- Left = 0
- Top = 96
- Width = 449
- Height = 13
- Alignment = taCenter
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'lStatus'
- end
- object bFLoad: TButton
- Left = 176
- Top = 8
- Width = 57
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Load'
- TabOrder = 0
- OnClick = bFLoadClick
- end
- object bDLoad: TButton
- Left = 176
- Top = 48
- Width = 57
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Load'
- TabOrder = 1
- OnClick = bDLoadClick
- end
- object bToDB: TButton
- Left = 16
- Top = 112
- Width = 153
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Convert *.SCO to Database'
- Enabled = False
- TabOrder = 2
- OnClick = bToDBClick
- end
- object bFromDB: TButton
- Left = 288
- Top = 112
- Width = 145
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Convert Database to *.SCO'
- Enabled = False
- TabOrder = 3
- OnClick = bFromDBClick
- end
- object pProgress: TProgressBar
- Left = 8
- Top = 136
- Width = 433
- Height = 17
- TabOrder = 4
- end
- object oDatabase: TOpenDialog
- Filter = 'Ultrastar Deluxe Database|ultrastar.db'
- Left = 136
- Top = 48
- end
diff --git a/ScoreConverter/Umainform.pas b/ScoreConverter/Umainform.pas deleted file mode 100644 index c5cc5347..00000000 --- a/ScoreConverter/Umainform.pas +++ /dev/null @@ -1,230 +0,0 @@ -unit Umainform;
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
- Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, UDataBase, ShellAPI, ShlObj, USongs;
- Tmainform = class(TForm)
- Label1: TLabel;
- lFolder: TLabel;
- bFLoad: TButton;
- Label2: TLabel;
- lDatabase: TLabel;
- bDLoad: TButton;
- lDatabase2: TLabel;
- lFolder2: TLabel;
- bToDB: TButton;
- bFromDB: TButton;
- pProgress: TProgressBar;
- oDatabase: TOpenDialog;
- lStatus: TLabel;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure bDLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
- function BrowseDialog (const Title: string; const Flag: integer): string;
- procedure bFLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure UpdateLoadedSongs(Path: String; Count: integer);
- procedure bToDBClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure bFromDBClick(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private-Deklarationen }
- public
- { Public-Deklarationen }
- end;
- mainform: Tmainform;
- DBLoaded: Boolean;
- SFLoaded: Boolean;
-uses UScores;
-{$R *.dfm}
-function Tmainform.BrowseDialog
- (const Title: string; const Flag: integer): string;
- lpItemID : PItemIDList;
- BrowseInfo : TBrowseInfo;
- DisplayName : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
- TempPath : array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
- Result:='';
- FillChar(BrowseInfo, sizeof(TBrowseInfo), #0);
- with BrowseInfo do begin
- hwndOwner := Application.Handle;
- pszDisplayName := @DisplayName;
- lpszTitle := PChar(Title);
- ulFlags := Flag;
- end;
- lpItemID := SHBrowseForFolder(BrowseInfo);
- if lpItemId <> nil then begin
- SHGetPathFromIDList(lpItemID, TempPath);
- Result := TempPath;
- GlobalFreePtr(lpItemID);
- end;
-procedure Tmainform.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- Database := TDataBaseSystem.Create;
- Songs := TSongs.Create;
- lStatus.Caption := 'Welcome to USD Score Converter';
- lFolder2.Caption := 'No Songs loaded';
- lFolder.Caption := '';
- lDataBase2.Caption := 'No Database loaded';
- lDataBase.Caption := '';
-procedure Tmainform.bDLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
- if oDatabase.Execute then
- begin
- try
- Database.Init(oDataBase.FileName);
- lDataBase2.Caption := 'Database loaded';
- lDataBase.Caption := oDataBase.FileName;
- DBLoaded := True;
- except
- lDataBase2.Caption := 'No Database loaded';
- lDataBase.Caption := '';
- DBLoaded := False;
- end;
- end;
- bToDB.Enabled := DBLoaded and SFLoaded;
- bFromDB.Enabled := bToDB.Enabled;
-procedure Tmainform.bFLoadClick(Sender: TObject);
- Path: String;
- Path := BrowseDialog('Select UltraStar SongFolder', BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS);
- if Path <> '' then
- begin
- SetLength(Songs.Song, 0);
- try
- Songs.BrowseDir(Path + '\');
- lFolder2.Caption := Inttostr(Length(Songs.Song)) + ' Songs loaded';
- lFolder.Caption := Path;
- SFLoaded := True;
- except
- lFolder2.Caption := 'No Songs loaded';
- lFolder.Caption := '';
- SFLoaded := False;
- end;
- end;
- bToDB.Enabled := DBLoaded and SFLoaded;
- bFromDB.Enabled := bToDB.Enabled;
-procedure Tmainform.UpdateLoadedSongs(Path: String; Count: integer);
- lFolder2.Caption := Inttostr(Count) + ' Songs loaded';
- lFolder.Caption := Path;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
-procedure Tmainform.bToDBClick(Sender: TObject);
- I, J, K: Integer;
- LastI: integer;
- if (Messagebox(0, PChar('If the same directory is added more than one time the Score-File will be useless. Contìnue ?'), PChar(Mainform.Caption), MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO) = IDYes) then
- begin
- pProgress.Max := high(Songs.Song);
- pProgress.Position := 0;
- // Go through all Songs
- For I := 0 to high(Songs.Song) do
- begin
- try
- //Read Scores from .SCO File
- ReadScore (Songs.Song[I]);
- //Go from Easy to Difficult
- For J := 0 to 2 do
- begin
- //Go through all Score Entrys with Difficulty J
- For K := 0 to high(Songs.Song[I].Score[J]) do
- begin
- //Add to DataBase
- DataBase.AddScore(Songs.Song[I], J, Songs.Song[I].Score[J][K].Name, Songs.Song[I].Score[J][K].Score);
- end;
- end;
- except
- showmessage ('Error Converting Score From Song: ' + Songs.Song[I].Path + Songs.Song[I].FileName);
- end;
- //Update ProgressBar
- J := I div 30;
- if (LastI <> J) then
- begin
- LastI := J;
- pProgress.Position := I;
- lStatus.Caption := 'Adding Songscore: ' + Songs.Song[I].Artist + ' - ' + Songs.Song[I].Title;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- end;
- pProgress.Position := pProgress.Max;
- lStatus.Caption := 'Finished';
- end;
-procedure Tmainform.bFromDBClick(Sender: TObject);
- I, J: Integer;
- LastI: integer;
- anyScoreinthere: boolean;
- if (Messagebox(0, PChar('All Score Entrys in the Song Directory having an equivalent will be Overwritten. Contìnue ?'), PChar(Mainform.Caption), MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO) = IDYes) then
- begin
- pProgress.Max := high(Songs.Song);
- pProgress.Position := 0;
- // Go through all Songs
- For I := 0 to high(Songs.Song) do
- begin
- try
- //Not Write ScoreFile when there are no Scores for this File
- anyScoreinthere := false;
- //Read Scores from DB File
- Database.ReadScore (Songs.Song[I]);
- //Go from Easy to Difficult
- For J := 0 to 2 do
- begin
- anyScoreinthere := anyScoreinthere or (Length(Songs.Song[I].Score[J]) > 0);
- end;
- if AnyScoreinThere then
- WriteScore(Songs.Song[I]);
- except
- showmessage ('Error Converting Score From Song: ' + Songs.Song[I].Path + Songs.Song[I].FileName);
- end;
- //Update ProgressBar
- J := I div 30;
- if (LastI <> J) then
- begin
- LastI := J;
- pProgress.Position := I;
- lStatus.Caption := 'Writing ScoreFile: ' + Songs.Song[I].Artist + ' - ' + Songs.Song[I].Title;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- end;
- pProgress.Position := pProgress.Max;
- lStatus.Caption := 'Finished';
- end;
diff --git a/Skins/Classic/Star.ini b/Skins/Classic/Star.ini deleted file mode 100644 index 336af00c..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/Star.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ -;0.5.1
-;experimental version
-;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
-;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
-Creator=UltraStar Deluxe Team
-# # # M A I N # # #
-Button = [main]Button.jpg
-ButtonF = [main]ButtonEditor.jpg
-MainBar = [main]Bar.jpg
-Logo = [main]Logo.jpg
-#LoadingBG = #Placeholder for new Classic Skins
-#MainBG =
-#SongBG =
-#ScoresBG =
-#Top5BG =
-#OptionsBG =
-#PartyBG =
-#Icons on screen
-MainIcon = [icon]Star.jpg
-MainSearch = [icon]Search.jpg
-IconOption = [icon]Options.jpg
-IconSongMenu = [icon]SongMenu.jpg
-ScoreIcon = [icon]Score.jpg
-PartyIcon = [icon]Party.jpg
-StatIcon = [icon]Stats.jpg
-SongCD = [icon]cd.jpg
-IconQuestion = [icon]question.jpg
-IconError = [icon]error.jpg
-VideoIcon = [icon]video.jpg
-# # # M A I N S C R E E N # # #
-ButtonSolo = [mainbutton]Solo.jpg
-ButtonMulti = [mainbutton]Multi.jpg
-ButtonEditor = [mainbutton]Solo.jpg
-ButtonStats = [mainbutton]Stats.jpg
-ButtonOptions = [mainbutton]Options.jpg
-ButtonExit = [mainbutton]Exit.jpg
-# # # S O N G S E L E C E T # # #
-SongSelection = [song]selection.jpg
-SongFade = [song]BGFade.jpg
-SongEqualizerBG= [song]EqualizerBG.jpg
-SongCover = [main]songCover.jpg
-# # # S I N G # # #
-#the bar where the lyrics reside
-LyricBar = [sing]textBar.jpg
-#this one slides in, to tell you that singing starts immediately
-LyricHelpBar = [sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
-#the time progress bar (not skinned in this theme :P )
-TimeBar1 = [sing]timeBarBG.jpg
-#the bar behind the timestuff
-TimeBar2 = [sing]timeBar.jpg
-#linebonus, the thing that pop ups at the score
-LineBonusBack = [sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg
-#Singbar (the thing beneath the scores)
-SingBarBack = [sing]singBarBack.jpg
-SingBarBar = [sing]singBarBar.jpg
-SingBarFront = [sing]singBarFront.jpg
-#Background for scores
-ScoreBG = [sing]scoreBg.jpg
-#Background for the P1, P2 and so on
-P = [sing]p.jpg
-#Pointer for lyrics
-Ball = [sing]LyricsBall.bmp
-# # # S C O R E / T O P 5 # # #
-ScoreBox = [score]Box.jpg
-ScoreLevel = [score]level.jpg
-ScoreLevelRound = [score]levelRound.jpg
-ScoreLine = [score]line.jpg
-PlayerNumberBox = [main]playerNumberBox.jpg
-# # # P A R T Y # # #
-Joker =[party]Joker.jpg
-PartyPlayerButton =[party]playerButton.jpg
-PartyTeamButton1 =[party]roundTeamButton.jpg
-PartyTeamButton2 =[party]playerTeamButton.jpg
-PartyTeamButton3 =[party]winTeamButton1.jpg
-PartyTeamButton4 =[party]winTeamButton2.jpg
-PartyTeamButton5 =[party]winTeamButton3.jpg
-PartyRoundBG1 =[party]roundBG1.jpg
-PartyRoundBG2 =[party]roundBG2.jpg
-PartyRoundBG3 =[party]roundBG3.jpg
-PartyRoundBG4 =[party]roundBG4.jpg
-HDL_Pointer =[party]pointer.bmp
-PartyTeamPoints =[party]teamPoints.jpg
-PartyScoreDeco =[party]scoreDecoration.jpg
-PartyScoreBG1 =[party]scoreBG1.jpg
-PartyScoreBG2 =[party]scoreBG2.jpg
-PartyWinDeco1 =[party]winDecoration.jpg
-PartyWinDeco2 =[party]winDecoration.jpg
-PartyWinDeco3 =[party]winDecoration.jpg
-# # # S T A T S # # #
-StatMainBG1 = [stat]mainBG1.jpg
-StatMainBG2 = [stat]mainBG2.jpg
-StatMainBG3 = [stat]mainBG3.jpg
-StatDetailBG1 = [stat]detailBG1.jpg
-# # # N A V I # # #
-ButtonP = [button]p.jpg
-ButtonE = [button]e.jpg
-ButtonM = [button]m.jpg
-ButtonJ = [button]j.jpg
-ButtonAlt = [button]alt.jpg
-ButtonAZ = [button]az.jpg
-ButtonEnter = [button]enter.jpg
-ButtonNavi = [button]navi.jpg
-ButtonEsc = [button]esc.jpg
-Button13 = [button]13.jpg
-JumpToBG = [menu]JumptoBg.jpg
-SongMenuBG = [menu]songMenuBg.jpg
-SongMenuBorder = [menu]songMenuBorder.jpg
-SongMenuButton = [menu]songMenuButtonBG.jpg
-SongMenuSelectBG = [menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg
-PopUpBG = [menu]popUpBG.jpg
-PopUpFG = [menu]popUpFG.jpg
-# # # N O T E S # # #
-GrayLeft = [sing]notesLeft.bmp
-GrayMid = [sing]notesMid.bmp
-GrayRight = [sing]notesRight.bmp
-NoteBGLeft = [sing]notesBgLeft.bmp
-NoteBGMid = [sing]notesBgMid.bmp
-NoteBGRight = [sing]notesBgRight.bmp
-# # # E F F E C T S # # #
-NoteStar = [effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg
-NotePerfectStar = [effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg
-# # # dirty helpers # # #
-Rectangle = [helper]rectangle.jpg
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[button]13.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[button]13.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 5787bb24..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[button]13.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[button]alt.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[button]alt.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index ec3e630f..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[button]alt.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[button]az.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[button]az.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index b486604e..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[button]az.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[button]e.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[button]e.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 7b247260..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[button]e.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[button]enter.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[button]enter.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 16ee885a..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[button]enter.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[button]esc.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[button]esc.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 7c40487a..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[button]esc.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[button]j.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[button]j.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index b6eed56c..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[button]j.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[button]m.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[button]m.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index ebb7156e..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[button]m.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[button]navi.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[button]navi.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 41b44525..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[button]navi.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[button]p.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[button]p.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index d2d60c02..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[button]p.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 1b31d267..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 189a22a3..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[helper]rectangle.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[helper]rectangle.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index e03f98fc..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[helper]rectangle.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[icon]Star.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[icon]Star.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index ee98f9d7..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[icon]Star.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[icon]error.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[icon]error.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 5802e312..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[icon]error.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[icon]question.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[icon]question.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index e78fe6a8..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[icon]question.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[icon]stats.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[icon]stats.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index cd5e03fb..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[icon]stats.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[icon]video.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[icon]video.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 12d71add..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[icon]video.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[main]Bar.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[main]Bar.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 2453cc3b..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[main]Bar.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[main]Bar1.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[main]Bar1.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 4e9693e3..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[main]Bar1.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[main]Button.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[main]Button.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index e6191a95..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[main]Button.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[main]Button2.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[main]Button2.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index e3e9679a..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[main]Button2.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[main]Button3.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[main]Button3.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 3ac1f442..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[main]Button3.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[main]ButtonEditor.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[main]ButtonEditor.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 32e455ef..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[main]ButtonEditor.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[main]Logo.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[main]Logo.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 1902cb02..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[main]Logo.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[main]songCover.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[main]songCover.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 426bf22d..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[main]songCover.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[main]square.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[main]square.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 8af62b71..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[main]square.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Exit.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Exit.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 55494e65..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Exit.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Multi.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Multi.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index ad5980d7..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Multi.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Options.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Options.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 5e1bff71..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Options.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Solo.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Solo.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index a7e3d82a..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Solo.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Stats.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Stats.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 71cc13ad..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[mainbutton]Stats.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[menu]PopUpBg.JPG b/Skins/Classic/[menu]PopUpBg.JPG Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 1a23a90c..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[menu]PopUpBg.JPG +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[menu]PopUpFg.JPG b/Skins/Classic/[menu]PopUpFg.JPG Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 530d4cf9..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[menu]PopUpFg.JPG +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[menu]jumpToBg.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[menu]jumpToBg.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index d0cd1da8..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[menu]jumpToBg.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[menu]songMenuBg.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[menu]songMenuBg.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index e4242fc5..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[menu]songMenuBg.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[menu]songMenuBorder.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[menu]songMenuBorder.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 11dd0604..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[menu]songMenuBorder.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[menu]songMenuButtonBG.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[menu]songMenuButtonBG.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 53f0da59..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[menu]songMenuButtonBG.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[menu]songMenuSelectBG.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[menu]songMenuSelectBG.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index cd3041e2..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[menu]songMenuSelectBG.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[party]Joker.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[party]Joker.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 78b66936..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[party]Joker.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[party]playerButton.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[party]playerButton.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 15a34c66..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[party]playerButton.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[party]playerTeamButton.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[party]playerTeamButton.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 2faf9c4b..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[party]playerTeamButton.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[party]pointer.bmp b/Skins/Classic/[party]pointer.bmp Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 88bbcc3d..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[party]pointer.bmp +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[party]roundBG1.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[party]roundBG1.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 464aabea..00000000 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differdeleted file mode 100644 index f558425d..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[party]scoreBG1.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[party]scoreBG2.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[party]scoreBG2.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 47239d85..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[party]scoreBG2.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[party]scoreDecoration.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[party]scoreDecoration.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 49204e19..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[party]scoreDecoration.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[party]teamPoints.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[party]teamPoints.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 96855bc9..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[party]teamPoints.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[party]winDecoration.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[party]winDecoration.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 1d48ddb3..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[party]winDecoration.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[party]winTeamButton1.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[party]winTeamButton1.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 10c8d80f..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[party]winTeamButton1.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[party]winTeamButton2.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[party]winTeamButton2.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index fbd85056..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[party]winTeamButton2.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[party]winTeamButton3.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[party]winTeamButton3.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index e8dd9566..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[party]winTeamButton3.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[score]box.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[score]box.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index b37f7e46..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[score]box.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[score]level.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[score]level.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index e47280cb..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[score]level.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[score]levelround.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[score]levelround.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index dbc5b5af..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[score]levelround.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[score]line.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[score]line.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 2fd951aa..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[score]line.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]LyricsBall.bmp b/Skins/Classic/[sing]LyricsBall.bmp Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 5b7d7943..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]LyricsBall.bmp +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 58d93130..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp b/Skins/Classic/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 24fa2b52..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp b/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 776e567c..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesBgMid.bmp b/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesBgMid.bmp Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 759ac8a3..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesBgMid.bmp +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesBgRight.bmp b/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesBgRight.bmp Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 9b1ffc18..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesBgRight.bmp +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesLeft.bmp b/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesLeft.bmp Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index c819849b..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesLeft.bmp +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesMid.bmp b/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesMid.bmp Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 2fdce32d..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesMid.bmp +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesRight.bmp b/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesRight.bmp Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 3241beeb..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]notesRight.bmp +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]p.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[sing]p.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 5217c6b1..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]p.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]scoreBg.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[sing]scoreBg.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 01d3ca75..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]scoreBg.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]singBarBack.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[sing]singBarBack.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index d7dcd791..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]singBarBack.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]singBarBar.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[sing]singBarBar.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 4fd9bde9..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]singBarBar.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]singBarFront.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[sing]singBarFront.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index eec27b79..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]singBarFront.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[sing]textBar.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[sing]textBar.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index e2734bce..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[sing]textBar.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[song]BGFade.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[song]BGFade.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 1d6b80ff..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[song]BGFade.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[song]EqualizerBG.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[song]EqualizerBG.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 54ff27f2..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[song]EqualizerBG.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[song]selection.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[song]selection.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index b6c0065e..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[song]selection.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[stat]detailBG1.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[stat]detailBG1.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 120dc483..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[stat]detailBG1.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[stat]mainBG1.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[stat]mainBG1.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index a937b24a..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[stat]mainBG1.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[stat]mainBG2.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[stat]mainBG2.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 201d49b8..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[stat]mainBG2.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Classic/[stat]mainBG3.jpg b/Skins/Classic/[stat]mainBG3.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 812a8d78..00000000 --- a/Skins/Classic/[stat]mainBG3.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/Blue.ini b/Skins/Deluxe/Blue.ini deleted file mode 100644 index f752b289..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/Blue.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -;0.5.1
-;experimental version
-;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
-;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
-# # # M A I N # # #
-Button = [main]button.png
-ButtonF = [main]buttonf.jpg
-MainBar = [main]mainBar.png
-SelectBG = [main]selectbg.png
-LoadingBG = [bg-load]blue.jpg
-MainBG = [bg-main]blue.jpg
-SongBG = [bg-main]blue.jpg
-ScoreScreenBG = [bg-main]blue.jpg
-Top5BG = [bg-main]blue.jpg
-OptionsBG = [bg-main]blue.jpg
-PartyBG = [bg-main]blue.jpg
-#Icons on screen
-SongCD = [icon]cd.png
-MainIcon = [icon]main.png
-MainSearch = [icon]search.png
-IconOption = [icon]options.png
-IconSongMenu = [icon]songmenu.png
-ScoreIcon = [icon]score.png
-PartyIcon = [icon]party.png
-StatIcon = [icon]stats.png
-VideoIcon = [icon]video.png
-IconError = [icon]error.png
-IconQuestion = [icon]question.png
-# # # S O N G S E L E C E T # # #
-SongSelection1 = [main]songSelection1.png
-SongSelection2 = [main]songSelection2.png
-SongCover = [main]songCover.jpg
-# # # S I N G # # #
-#the bar where the lyrics reside
-LyricBar = [sing]textBar.png
-#this one slides in, to tell you that singing starts immediately
-LyricHelpBar = [sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
-#the bar behind the timestuff
-TimeBar1 = [sing]timeBarBG.png
-#the time progress bar (not skinned in this theme :P )
-TimeBar = [sing]timeBar.jpg
-#linebonus, the thing that pop ups at the score
-LineBonusBack = [sing]lineBonusPopUp.png
-#Singbar (the thing beneath the scores)
-SingBarBack = [sing]singBarBack.png
-SingBarBar = [sing]singBarBar.png
-SingBarFront = [sing]singBarFront.png
-#Background for scores
-ScoreBG = [sing]scoreBg.png
-#Background for the P1, P2 and so on
-P = [sing]p.png
-#Pointer for lyrics
-Ball = [sing]LyricsBall.bmp
-# # # S C O R E / T O P 5 # # #
-ScoreBox = [score]box.png
-ScoreGlassBox = [score]glass_box.png
-ScoreLevel = [score]level.png
-ScoreLevelRound = [score]levelround.png
-ScoreLevel_Dark = [score]level_dark.png
-ScoreLevel_Dark_Round = [score]level_dark_round.png
-ScoreLevel_Light = [score]level_light.png
-ScoreLevel_Light_Round = [score]level_light_round.png
-ScoreLevel_Lightest = [score]level_lightest.png
-ScoreLevel_Lightest_Round = [score]level_lightest_round.png
-# Boxes near the text, that show what color is for which bar
-ScoreBar_box_lightest = [score]bar_box_lightest.png
-ScoreBar_box_light = [score]bar_box_light.png
-ScoreBar_box_dark = [score]bar_box_dark.png
-ScoreEndCap = [score]endcap.png
-ScoreLine = [score]line.png
-PlayerNumberBox = [main]playerNumberBox.jpg
-PlayerIDBox01 = [sing.player1]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox02 = [sing.player2]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox03 = [sing.player3]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox04 = [sing.player4]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox05 = [sing.player5]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox06 = [sing.player6]lyric_active.png
-# these icons are part of the tango icon set
-# licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license
-# http://tango.freedesktop.org
-Rating_0 = [score]rating_0.png
-Rating_1 = [score]rating_1.png
-Rating_2 = [score]rating_2.png
-Rating_3 = [score]rating_3.png
-Rating_4 = [score]rating_4.png
-Rating_5 = [score]rating_5.png
-Rating_6 = [score]rating_6.png
-# thank you girls and guys!!!
-# # # P A R T Y # # #
-Joker =[party]Joker.png
-PartyPlayerButton =[party]playerButton.png
-PartyTeamButton1 =[party]roundTeamButton.png
-PartyTeamButton2 =[party]playerTeamButton.png
-PartyTeamButton3 =[party]winTeamButton1.png
-PartyTeamButton4 =[party]winTeamButton2.png
-PartyTeamButton5 =[party]winTeamButton3.png
-PartyRoundBG1 =[party]roundBG1.png
-PartyRoundBG2 =[party]roundBG2.png
-PartyRoundBG3 =[party]roundBG3.png
-PartyRoundBG4 =[party]roundBG4.png
-HDL_Pointer =[party]pointer.bmp
-PartyTeamPoints =[party]teamPoints.png
-PartyScoreDeco =[party]scoreDecoration.png
-PartyScoreBG1 =[party]scoreBG1.png
-PartyScoreBG2 =[party]scoreBG2.png
-PartyWinDeco1 =[party]winDecoration.png
-PartyWinDeco2 =[party]winDecoration.png
-PartyWinDeco3 =[party]winDecoration.png
-# # # S T A T S # # #
-StatMainBG1 = [stat]mainBG1.png
-StatMainBG2 = [stat]mainBG2.png
-StatMainBG3 = [stat]mainBG3.png
-StatDetailBG1 = [stat]detailBG1.png
-# # # N A V I # # #
-ButtonP = [button]p.png
-ButtonM = [button]m.png
-ButtonJ = [button]j.png
-ButtonAlt = [button]alt.png
-ButtonAZ = [button]az.png
-ButtonEnter = [button]enter.png
-ButtonNavi = [button]navi.png
-ButtonEsc = [button]esc.png
-Button13 = [button]13.png
-Leiste1 = [special]bar1.png
-Leiste2 = [special]bar2.png
-JumpToBG = [menu]jumpToBg.png
-SongMenuBG = [menu]songMenuBg.png
-SongMenuSelectBG = [menu]songMenuSelectBg.png
-PopUpBG = [menu]popUpBG.png
-# # # N O T E S # # #
-# sung notes - colorized with playercolors
-GrayLeft = [sing]notesLeft.png
-GrayMid = [sing]notesMid.png
-GrayRight = [sing]notesRight.png
-# unsung notes - colorized with playercolors
-NotePlainLeft = [sing]notesPlainLeft.png
-NotePlainMid = [sing]notesPlainMid.png
-NotePlainRight = [sing]notesPlainRight.png
-# the glow around unsung/sung notes - colorized with playercolors
-NoteBGLeft = [sing]notesBgLeft.png
-NoteBGMid = [sing]notesBgMid.png
-NoteBGRight = [sing]notesBgRight.png
-# # # E F F E C T S # # #
-NoteStar = [effect]goldenNoteStar.png
-NotePerfectStar = [effect]perfectNoteStar.png
-# # # dirty helpers # # #
-Rectangle = [helper]rectangle.jpg
-ButtonFade = [helper]buttonFade.png
diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/Fall.ini b/Skins/Deluxe/Fall.ini deleted file mode 100644 index be195124..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/Fall.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -;0.5.1
-;experimental version
-;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
-;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
-# # # M A I N # # #
-Button = [main]button.png
-ButtonF = [main]buttonf.jpg
-MainBar = [main]mainBar.png
-SelectBG = [main]selectbg.png
-LoadingBG = [bg-load]fall.jpg
-MainBG = [bg-main]fall.jpg
-SongBG = [bg-main]fall.jpg
-ScoreScreenBG = [bg-main]fall.jpg
-Top5BG = [bg-main]fall.jpg
-OptionsBG = [bg-main]fall.jpg
-PartyBG = [bg-main]fall.jpg
-#Icons on screen
-SongCD = [icon]cd.png
-MainIcon = [icon]main.png
-MainSearch = [icon]search.png
-IconOption = [icon]options.png
-IconSongMenu = [icon]songmenu.png
-ScoreIcon = [icon]score.png
-PartyIcon = [icon]party.png
-StatIcon = [icon]stats.png
-VideoIcon = [icon]video.png
-IconError = [icon]error.png
-IconQuestion = [icon]question.png
-# # # S O N G S E L E C E T # # #
-SongSelection1 = [main]songSelection1.png
-SongSelection2 = [main]songSelection2.png
-SongCover = [main]songCover.jpg
-# # # S I N G # # #
-#the bar where the lyrics reside
-LyricBar = [sing]textBar.png
-#this one slides in, to tell you that singing starts immediately
-LyricHelpBar = [sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
-#the bar behind the timestuff
-TimeBar1 = [sing]timeBarBG.png
-#the time progress bar (not skinned in this theme :P )
-TimeBar = [sing]timeBar.jpg
-#linebonus, the thing that pop ups at the score
-LineBonusBack = [sing]lineBonusPopUp.png
-#Singbar (the thing beneath the scores)
-SingBarBack = [sing]singBarBack.png
-SingBarBar = [sing]singBarBar.png
-SingBarFront = [sing]singBarFront.png
-#Background for scores
-ScoreBG = [sing]scoreBg.png
-#Background for the P1, P2 and so on
-P = [sing]p.png
-#Pointer for lyrics
-Ball = [sing]LyricsBall.bmp
-# # # S C O R E / T O P 5 # # #
-ScoreBox = [score]box.png
-ScoreGlassBox = [score]glass_box.png
-ScoreLevel = [score]level.png
-ScoreLevelRound = [score]levelRound.png
-ScoreLevel_Dark = [score]level_dark.png
-ScoreLevel_Dark_Round = [score]level_dark_round.png
-ScoreLevel_Light = [score]level_light.png
-ScoreLevel_Light_Round = [score]level_light_round.png
-ScoreLevel_Lightest = [score]level_lightest.png
-ScoreLevel_Lightest_Round = [score]level_lightest_round.png
-# Boxes near the text, that show what color is for which bar
-ScoreBar_box_lightest = [score]bar_box_lightest.png
-ScoreBar_box_light = [score]bar_box_light.png
-ScoreBar_box_dark = [score]bar_box_dark.png
-ScoreEndCap = [score]endcap.png
-ScoreLine = [score]line.png
-PlayerNumberBox = [main]playerNumberBox.jpg
-PlayerIDBox01 = [sing.player1]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox02 = [sing.player2]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox03 = [sing.player3]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox04 = [sing.player4]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox05 = [sing.player5]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox06 = [sing.player6]lyric_active.png
-# these icons are part of the tango icon set
-# licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license
-# http://tango.freedesktop.org
-Rating_0 = [score]rating_0.png
-Rating_1 = [score]rating_1.png
-Rating_2 = [score]rating_2.png
-Rating_3 = [score]rating_3.png
-Rating_4 = [score]rating_4.png
-Rating_5 = [score]rating_5.png
-Rating_6 = [score]rating_6.png
-# thank you girls and guys!!!
-# # # P A R T Y # # #
-Joker =[party]Joker.png
-PartyPlayerButton =[party]playerButton.png
-PartyTeamButton1 =[party]roundTeamButton.png
-PartyTeamButton2 =[party]playerTeamButton.png
-PartyTeamButton3 =[party]winTeamButton1.png
-PartyTeamButton4 =[party]winTeamButton2.png
-PartyTeamButton5 =[party]winTeamButton3.png
-PartyRoundBG1 =[party]roundBG1.png
-PartyRoundBG2 =[party]roundBG2.png
-PartyRoundBG3 =[party]roundBG3.png
-PartyRoundBG4 =[party]roundBG4.png
-HDL_Pointer =[party]pointer.bmp
-PartyTeamPoints =[party]teamPoints.png
-PartyScoreDeco =[party]scoreDecoration.png
-PartyScoreBG1 =[party]scoreBG1.png
-PartyScoreBG2 =[party]scoreBG2.png
-PartyWinDeco1 =[party]winDecoration.png
-PartyWinDeco2 =[party]winDecoration.png
-PartyWinDeco3 =[party]winDecoration.png
-# # # S T A T S # # #
-StatMainBG1 = [stat]mainBG1.png
-StatMainBG2 = [stat]mainBG2.png
-StatMainBG3 = [stat]mainBG3.png
-StatDetailBG1 = [stat]detailBG1.png
-# # # N A V I # # #
-ButtonP = [button]p.png
-ButtonM = [button]m.png
-ButtonJ = [button]j.png
-ButtonAlt = [button]alt.png
-ButtonAZ = [button]az.png
-ButtonEnter = [button]enter.png
-ButtonNavi = [button]navi.png
-ButtonEsc = [button]esc.png
-Button13 = [button]13.png
-Leiste1 = [special]bar1.png
-Leiste2 = [special]bar2.png
-JumpToBG = [menu]jumpToBg.png
-SongMenuBG = [menu]songMenuBg.png
-SongMenuSelectBG = [menu]songMenuSelectBg.png
-PopUpBG = [menu]popUpBG.png
-# # # N O T E S # # #
-# sung notes - colorized with playercolors
-GrayLeft = [sing]notesLeft.png
-GrayMid = [sing]notesMid.png
-GrayRight = [sing]notesRight.png
-# unsung notes - colorized with playercolors
-NotePlainLeft = [sing]notesPlainLeft.png
-NotePlainMid = [sing]notesPlainMid.png
-NotePlainRight = [sing]notesPlainRight.png
-# the glow around unsung/sung notes - colorized with playercolors
-NoteBGLeft = [sing]notesBgLeft.png
-NoteBGMid = [sing]notesBgMid.png
-NoteBGRight = [sing]notesBgRight.png
-# # # E F F E C T S # # #
-NoteStar = [effect]goldenNoteStar.png
-NotePerfectStar = [effect]perfectNoteStar.png
-# # # dirty helpers # # #
-Rectangle = [helper]rectangle.jpg
-ButtonFade = [helper]buttonFade.png
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/Summer.ini b/Skins/Deluxe/Summer.ini deleted file mode 100644 index 2e03a934..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/Summer.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -;0.5.1
-;experimental version
-;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
-;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
-# # # M A I N # # #
-Button = [main]button.png
-ButtonF = [main]buttonf.jpg
-MainBar = [main]mainBar.png
-SelectBG = [main]selectbg.png
-LoadingBG = [bg-load]summer.jpg
-MainBG = [bg-main]summer.jpg
-SongBG = [bg-main]summer.jpg
-ScoreScreenBG = [bg-main]summer.jpg
-Top5BG = [bg-main]summer.jpg
-OptionsBG = [bg-main]summer.jpg
-PartyBG = [bg-main]summer.jpg
-#Icons on screen
-SongCD = [icon]cd.png
-MainIcon = [icon]main.png
-MainSearch = [icon]search.png
-IconOption = [icon]options.png
-IconSongMenu = [icon]songmenu.png
-ScoreIcon = [icon]score.png
-PartyIcon = [icon]party.png
-StatIcon = [icon]stats.png
-VideoIcon = [icon]video.png
-IconError = [icon]error.png
-IconQuestion = [icon]question.png
-# # # S O N G S E L E C E T # # #
-SongSelection1 = [main]songSelection1.png
-SongSelection2 = [main]songSelection2.png
-SongCover = [main]songCover.jpg
-# # # S I N G # # #
-#the bar where the lyrics reside
-LyricBar = [sing]textBar.png
-#this one slides in, to tell you that singing starts immediately
-LyricHelpBar = [sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
-#the bar behind the timestuff
-TimeBar1 = [sing]timeBarBG.png
-#the time progress bar (not skinned in this theme :P )
-TimeBar = [sing]timeBar.jpg
-#linebonus, the thing that pop ups at the score
-LineBonusBack = [sing]lineBonusPopUp.png
-#Singbar (the thing beneath the scores)
-SingBarBack = [sing]singBarBack.png
-SingBarBar = [sing]singBarBar.png
-SingBarFront = [sing]singBarFront.png
-#Background for scores
-ScoreBG = [sing]scoreBg.png
-#Background for the P1, P2 and so on
-P = [sing]p.png
-#Pointer for lyrics
-Ball = [sing]LyricsBall.bmp
-# # # S C O R E / T O P 5 # # #
-ScoreBox = [score]box.png
-ScoreGlassBox = [score]glass_box.png
-ScoreLevel = [score]level.png
-ScoreLevelRound = [score]levelRound.png
-ScoreLevel_Dark = [score]level_dark.png
-ScoreLevel_Dark_Round = [score]level_dark_round.png
-ScoreLevel_Light = [score]level_light.png
-ScoreLevel_Light_Round = [score]level_light_round.png
-ScoreLevel_Lightest = [score]level_lightest.png
-ScoreLevel_Lightest_Round = [score]level_lightest_round.png
-# Boxes near the text, that show what color is for which bar
-ScoreBar_box_lightest = [score]bar_box_lightest.png
-ScoreBar_box_light = [score]bar_box_light.png
-ScoreBar_box_dark = [score]bar_box_dark.png
-ScoreEndCap = [score]endcap.png
-ScoreLine = [score]line.png
-PlayerNumberBox = [main]playerNumberBox.jpg
-PlayerIDBox01 = [sing.player1]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox02 = [sing.player2]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox03 = [sing.player3]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox04 = [sing.player4]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox05 = [sing.player5]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox06 = [sing.player6]lyric_active.png
-# these icons are part of the tango icon set
-# licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license
-# http://tango.freedesktop.org
-Rating_0 = [score]rating_0.png
-Rating_1 = [score]rating_1.png
-Rating_2 = [score]rating_2.png
-Rating_3 = [score]rating_3.png
-Rating_4 = [score]rating_4.png
-Rating_5 = [score]rating_5.png
-Rating_6 = [score]rating_6.png
-# thank you girls and guys!!!
-# # # P A R T Y # # #
-Joker =[party]Joker.png
-PartyPlayerButton =[party]playerButton.png
-PartyTeamButton1 =[party]roundTeamButton.png
-PartyTeamButton2 =[party]playerTeamButton.png
-PartyTeamButton3 =[party]winTeamButton1.png
-PartyTeamButton4 =[party]winTeamButton2.png
-PartyTeamButton5 =[party]winTeamButton3.png
-PartyRoundBG1 =[party]roundBG1.png
-PartyRoundBG2 =[party]roundBG2.png
-PartyRoundBG3 =[party]roundBG3.png
-PartyRoundBG4 =[party]roundBG4.png
-HDL_Pointer =[party]pointer.bmp
-PartyTeamPoints =[party]teamPoints.png
-PartyScoreDeco =[party]scoreDecoration.png
-PartyScoreBG1 =[party]scoreBG1.png
-PartyScoreBG2 =[party]scoreBG2.png
-PartyWinDeco1 =[party]winDecoration.png
-PartyWinDeco2 =[party]winDecoration.png
-PartyWinDeco3 =[party]winDecoration.png
-# # # S T A T S # # #
-StatMainBG1 = [stat]mainBG1.png
-StatMainBG2 = [stat]mainBG2.png
-StatMainBG3 = [stat]mainBG3.png
-StatDetailBG1 = [stat]detailBG1.png
-# # # N A V I # # #
-ButtonP = [button]p.png
-ButtonM = [button]m.png
-ButtonJ = [button]j.png
-ButtonAlt = [button]alt.png
-ButtonAZ = [button]az.png
-ButtonEnter = [button]enter.png
-ButtonNavi = [button]navi.png
-ButtonEsc = [button]esc.png
-Button13 = [button]13.png
-Leiste1 = [special]bar1.png
-Leiste2 = [special]bar2.png
-JumpToBG = [menu]jumpToBg.png
-SongMenuBG = [menu]songMenuBg.png
-SongMenuSelectBG = [menu]songMenuSelectBg.png
-PopUpBG = [menu]popUpBG.png
-# # # N O T E S # # #
-# sung notes - colorized with playercolors
-GrayLeft = [sing]notesLeft.png
-GrayMid = [sing]notesMid.png
-GrayRight = [sing]notesRight.png
-# unsung notes - colorized with playercolors
-NotePlainLeft = [sing]notesPlainLeft.png
-NotePlainMid = [sing]notesPlainMid.png
-NotePlainRight = [sing]notesPlainRight.png
-# the glow around unsung/sung notes - colorized with playercolors
-NoteBGLeft = [sing]notesBgLeft.png
-NoteBGMid = [sing]notesBgMid.png
-NoteBGRight = [sing]notesBgRight.png
-# # # E F F E C T S # # #
-NoteStar = [effect]goldenNoteStar.png
-NotePerfectStar = [effect]perfectNoteStar.png
-# # # dirty helpers # # #
-Rectangle = [helper]rectangle.jpg
-ButtonFade = [helper]buttonFade.png
diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/Winter.ini b/Skins/Deluxe/Winter.ini deleted file mode 100644 index a26bfea6..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/Winter.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;0.5.1
-;experimental version
-;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
-;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
-# # # M A I N # # #
-Button = [main]button.png
-ButtonF = [main]buttonf.jpg
-MainBar = [main]mainBar.png
-SelectBG = [main]selectbg.png
-LoadingBG = [bg-load]winter.jpg
-MainBG = [bg-main]winter.jpg
-SongBG = [bg-main]winter.jpg
-ScoreScreenBG = [bg-main]winter.jpg
-Top5BG = [bg-main]winter.jpg
-OptionsBG = [bg-main]winter.jpg
-PartyBG = [bg-main]winter.jpg
-#Icons on screen
-SongCD = [icon]cd.png
-MainIcon = [icon]main.png
-MainSearch = [icon]search.png
-IconOption = [icon]options.png
-IconSongMenu = [icon]songmenu.png
-ScoreIcon = [icon]score.png
-PartyIcon = [icon]party.png
-StatIcon = [icon]stats.png
-VideoIcon = [icon]video.png
-IconError = [icon]error.png
-IconQuestion = [icon]question.png
-# # # S O N G S E L E C E T # # #
-SongSelection1 = [main]songSelection1.png
-SongSelection2 = [main]songSelection2.png
-SongCover = [main]songCover.jpg
-# # # S I N G # # #
-#the bar where the lyrics reside
-LyricBar = [sing]textBar.png
-#this one slides in, to tell you that singing starts immediately
-LyricHelpBar = [sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp
-#the bar behind the timestuff
-TimeBar1 = [sing]timeBarBG.png
-#the time progress bar (not skinned in this theme :P )
-TimeBar = [sing]timeBar.jpg
-#linebonus, the thing that pop ups at the score
-LineBonusBack = [sing]lineBonusPopUp.png
-#Singbar (the thing beneath the scores)
-SingBarBack = [sing]singBarBack.png
-SingBarBar = [sing]singBarBar.png
-SingBarFront = [sing]singBarFront.png
-#Background for scores
-ScoreBG = [sing]scoreBg.png
-#Background for the P1, P2 and so on
-P = [sing]p.png
-#Pointer for lyrics
-Ball = [sing]LyricsBall.bmp
-# # # S C O R E / T O P 5 # # #
-ScoreBox = [score]box.png
-ScoreGlassBox = [score]glass_box.png
-ScoreLevel = [score]level.png
-ScoreLevelRound = [score]levelRound.png
-ScoreLevel_Dark = [score]level_dark.png
-ScoreLevel_Dark_Round = [score]level_dark_round.png
-ScoreLevel_Light = [score]level_light.png
-ScoreLevel_Light_Round = [score]level_light_round.png
-ScoreLevel_Lightest = [score]level_lightest.png
-ScoreLevel_Lightest_Round = [score]level_lightest_round.png
-# Boxes near the text, that show what color is for which bar
-ScoreBar_box_lightest = [score]bar_box_lightest.png
-ScoreBar_box_light = [score]bar_box_light.png
-ScoreBar_box_dark = [score]bar_box_dark.png
-ScoreEndCap = [score]endcap.png
-ScoreLine = [score]line.png
-PlayerNumberBox = [main]playerNumberBox.jpg
-PlayerIDBox01 = [sing.player1]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox02 = [sing.player2]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox03 = [sing.player3]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox04 = [sing.player4]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox05 = [sing.player5]lyric_active.png
-PlayerIDBox06 = [sing.player6]lyric_active.png
-# these icons are part of the tango icon set
-# licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license
-# http://tango.freedesktop.org
-Rating_0 = [score]rating_0.png
-Rating_1 = [score]rating_1.png
-Rating_2 = [score]rating_2.png
-Rating_3 = [score]rating_3.png
-Rating_4 = [score]rating_4.png
-Rating_5 = [score]rating_5.png
-Rating_6 = [score]rating_6.png
-# thank you girls and guys!!!
-# # # P A R T Y # # #
-Joker =[party]Joker.png
-PartyPlayerButton =[party]playerButton.png
-PartyTeamButton1 =[party]roundTeamButton.png
-PartyTeamButton2 =[party]playerTeamButton.png
-PartyTeamButton3 =[party]winTeamButton1.png
-PartyTeamButton4 =[party]winTeamButton2.png
-PartyTeamButton5 =[party]winTeamButton3.png
-PartyRoundBG1 =[party]roundBG1.png
-PartyRoundBG2 =[party]roundBG2.png
-PartyRoundBG3 =[party]roundBG3.png
-PartyRoundBG4 =[party]roundBG4.png
-HDL_Pointer =[party]pointer.bmp
-PartyTeamPoints =[party]teamPoints.png
-PartyScoreDeco =[party]scoreDecoration.png
-PartyScoreBG1 =[party]scoreBG1.png
-PartyScoreBG2 =[party]scoreBG2.png
-PartyWinDeco1 =[party]winDecoration.png
-PartyWinDeco2 =[party]winDecoration.png
-PartyWinDeco3 =[party]winDecoration.png
-# # # S T A T S # # #
-StatMainBG1 = [stat]mainBG1.png
-StatMainBG2 = [stat]mainBG2.png
-StatMainBG3 = [stat]mainBG3.png
-StatDetailBG1 = [stat]detailBG1.png
-# # # N A V I # # #
-ButtonP = [button]p.png
-ButtonM = [button]m.png
-ButtonJ = [button]j.png
-ButtonAlt = [button]alt.png
-ButtonAZ = [button]az.png
-ButtonEnter = [button]enter.png
-ButtonNavi = [button]navi.png
-ButtonEsc = [button]esc.png
-Button13 = [button]13.png
-Leiste1 = [special]bar1.png
-Leiste2 = [special]bar2.png
-JumpToBG = [menu]jumpToBg.png
-SongMenuBG = [menu]songMenuBg.png
-SongMenuSelectBG = [menu]songMenuSelectBg.png
-PopUpBG = [menu]popUpBG.png
-# # # N O T E S # # #
-# sung notes - colorized with playercolors
-GrayLeft = [sing]notesLeft.png
-GrayMid = [sing]notesMid.png
-GrayRight = [sing]notesRight.png
-# unsung notes - colorized with playercolors
-NotePlainLeft = [sing]notesPlainLeft.png
-NotePlainMid = [sing]notesPlainMid.png
-NotePlainRight = [sing]notesPlainRight.png
-# the glow around unsung/sung notes - colorized with playercolors
-NoteBGLeft = [sing]notesBgLeft.png
-NoteBGMid = [sing]notesBgMid.png
-NoteBGRight = [sing]notesBgRight.png
-# # # E F F E C T S # # #
-NoteStar = [effect]goldenNoteStar.png
-NotePerfectStar = [effect]perfectNoteStar.png
-# # # dirty helpers # # #
-Rectangle = [helper]rectangle.jpg
-ButtonFade = [helper]buttonFade.png
diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-load]blue.jpg b/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-load]blue.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index bea672c4..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-load]blue.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-load]fall.jpg b/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-load]fall.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index d205a4e4..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-load]fall.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-load]summer.jpg b/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-load]summer.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index af7fdaa7..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-load]summer.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-load]winter.jpg b/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-load]winter.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 826c22a7..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-load]winter.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-main]blue.jpg b/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-main]blue.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 67c4cbbe..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-main]blue.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-main]fall.jpg b/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-main]fall.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index e4736d99..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-main]fall.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-main]summer.jpg b/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-main]summer.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 9939dfcd..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-main]summer.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-main]winter.jpg b/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-main]winter.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 75cefa82..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[bg-main]winter.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]13.png b/Skins/Deluxe/[button]13.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index c7ad98cd..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]13.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]alt.png b/Skins/Deluxe/[button]alt.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index a7c08b31..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]alt.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]az.png b/Skins/Deluxe/[button]az.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 09158c47..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]az.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]enter.png b/Skins/Deluxe/[button]enter.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index a51bd574..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]enter.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]esc.png b/Skins/Deluxe/[button]esc.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 817b9bea..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]esc.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]j.png b/Skins/Deluxe/[button]j.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 22f05306..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]j.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]m.png b/Skins/Deluxe/[button]m.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index a9783355..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]m.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[button]navi.png 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100644 index 415004db..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[special]bar1.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[special]bar2.png b/Skins/Deluxe/[special]bar2.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 13c1c242..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[special]bar2.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[stat]detailBG1.png b/Skins/Deluxe/[stat]detailBG1.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 8abdcfec..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[stat]detailBG1.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[stat]mainBG1.png b/Skins/Deluxe/[stat]mainBG1.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 3f5a4190..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[stat]mainBG1.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[stat]mainBG2.png b/Skins/Deluxe/[stat]mainBG2.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index b88ecaf8..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[stat]mainBG2.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Skins/Deluxe/[stat]mainBG3.png b/Skins/Deluxe/[stat]mainBG3.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 28c39392..00000000 --- a/Skins/Deluxe/[stat]mainBG3.png +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Sounds/credits-outro-tune.mp3 b/Sounds/credits-outro-tune.mp3 Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index fc23561c..00000000 --- a/Sounds/credits-outro-tune.mp3 +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Sounds/wome-credits-tune.mp3 b/Sounds/wome-credits-tune.mp3 Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 564e8d6f..00000000 --- a/Sounds/wome-credits-tune.mp3 +++ /dev/null diff --git a/Themes/Classic.ini b/Themes/Classic.ini deleted file mode 100644 index 763771a8..00000000 --- a/Themes/Classic.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7345 +0,0 @@ -;0.5.1 Mod
-;experimental version
-;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
-;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
-US_Version=USD 101
-White = 255 255 255
-GrayLightest = 223 223 223
-GrayLight = 191 191 191
-Gray = 127 127 127
-GrayDark = 63 63 63
-Black = 0 0 0
-Gold = 255 223 31
-Silver = 223 223 223
-Bronze = 205 127 50
-Texts =2
-Fade = 1
-X =400
-Y =290
-Color =GrayDark
-Font =1
-Align =1
-Size =14
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-Y =583
-Font =0
-Size =6
-Texts =3
-X =30
-Y =170
-Font =1
-Size =22
-X =226
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =380
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =540
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =63
-Y =233
-Font =1
-Size =10
-X =63
-Y =265
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Tex =Logo
-X =30
-Y =270
-W =740
-H =283
-Color =ColorDark
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =MainIcon
-X =30
-Y =235
-W =32
-H =32
-Color =ColorDark
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =ButtonNavi
-X =196
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =Black
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =ButtonEnter
-X =350
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =Black
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =ButtonE
-X =510
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =Black
-Type=Font Black
-X =472
-Y =220
-W =58
-H =56
-Tex =ButtonSolo
-Color =ColorDark
-Int = 1
-DColor = GrayLightest
-DInt = 0.5
-Type=Font Black
-X =532
-Y =220
-W =58
-H =56
-Tex =ButtonMulti
-Color =ColorDark
-Int = 1
-DColor = GrayLightest
-DInt = 0.5
-Type=Font Black
-X =592
-Y =220
-W =58
-H =56
-Tex =ButtonStats
-Color =ColorDark
-Int = 1
-DColor = GrayLightest
-DInt = 0.5
-Type=Font Black
-X =592
-Y =220
-W =58
-H =56
-Tex =ButtonEditor
-Color =ColorDark
-Int = 1
-DColor = GrayLightest
-DInt = 0.5
-Type=Font Black
-X =652
-Y =220
-W =58
-H =56
-Tex =ButtonOptions
-Color =ColorDark
-Int = 1
-DColor = White
-DInt = 0.5
-Type=Font Black
-X =712
-Y =220
-W =58
-H =56
-Tex =ButtonExit
-Color =ColorDark
-Int = 1
-DColor = White
-DInt = 0.5
-Type=Font Black
-Texts =3
-Color =Black
-X =384
-Y =104
-W =32
-H =32
-Tex =VideoIcon
-Type=Font Black
-X =0
-Y =100
-W =800
-H =350
-Tex =SongFade
-Type=Font Black
-X =20
-Y =500
-W =32
-H =32
-Color =ColorDark
-Tex =MainIcon
-Type=Font Black
-X =270
-Y =120
-W =260
-H =240
-Z =0.45
-Color =Gray
-Tex =SongSelection
-Type=Font Black
-X =378
-Y =463
-Z = 0.8
-W =44
-H =28
-Color =Black
-Tex =SongEqualizerBG
-Type=Font Black
-X =400
-Y =360
-Font =0
-Size =9
-Align =1
-X =400
-Y =390
-Font =0
-Size =9
-Align =1
-X =400
-Y =425
-Font =1
-Size =7
-Align =1
-X =67
-Y =524
-Font =1
-Size =7
-Align =0
-#Tex =
-#X =12
-#Y =7
-#W =85
-#H =85
-#Variable statics and texts for song-screen in sing- and partymode
-# There can be an unlimited Number of Statics and Texts, As long
-# as the numbers are in order.
-# Statics that are shown in PartyMode Only are Named_
-# SongStaticParty[No]
-# Texts that are shown in PartyMode Only are Named_
-# SongTextParty[No]
-# Statics that are shown in Normal Mode Only are Named_
-# SongStaticNonParty[No]
-# Texts that are shown in Normal Mode Only are Named_
-# SongTextNonParty[No]
-#Here are the ones for singmode
-X =120
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =156
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =298
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =414
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =585
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-#Texts Non Party
-X =30
-Y =455
-Font =1
-Size =15
-X =50
-Y =500
-Font =1
-Size =8
-X =144
-Y =556
-Font =1
-Size =5
-X =186
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =328
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =444
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =615
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-#and theese are the ones for partymode
-X =187
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =363
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =525
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-#Texts for Party Mode
-X =30
-Y =455
-Font =1
-Size =15
-X =50
-Y =500
-Font =1
-Size =8
-X =217
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =393
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =555
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-#variable statics end
-# Jokers, 5 for each team, only shown in party Mode
-Tex =Joker
-X =20
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =70
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =120
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =170
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =220
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =280
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =330
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =380
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =430
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =480
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =540
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =590
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =640
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =690
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Joker
-X =740
-Y =30
-W =50
-H =50
-Type=Font Black
-Texts =1
-X =43
-Y =17
-Font =1
-Size =6
-Color =Black
-Tex =LyricBar
-X =10
-Y =490
-W =780
-H =105
-Color =GrayLightest
-Type=Font Black
-;Time BG
-Tex =LyricBar
-X =12
-Y =5
-W =328
-H =42
-Color =GrayLightest
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =Rectangle
-X =140
-Y =21
-W =190
-H =10
-X =140
-Y =21
-W =190
-H =10
-X =100
-Y =14
-Font =1
-Size =8
-Color =White
-Tex =Bar
-X =20
-Y =10
-W =46
-H =30
-Color =Black
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =P
-X =16
-Y =55
-W =45
-H =50
-Color =P1Dark
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =ScoreBG
-X =75
-Y =55
-W =100
-H =40
-Color =P1Dark
-Text =P1
-X =27
-Y =65
-Font =1
-Size =8
-Color =White
-Text =00000
-X =90
-Y =60
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Color =White
-X =75
-Y =95
-W =100
-H =8
-X =75
-Y =95
-W =100
-H =8
-X =75
-Y =95
-W =100
-H =8
-Tex =P
-X =739
-Y =55
-W =45
-H =50
-Color =P2Dark
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =ScoreBG
-X =620
-Y =55
-W =100
-H =40
-Color =P2Dark
-Text =P2
-X =750
-Y =65
-Font =1
-Size =8
-Color =White
-Text =00000
-X =635
-Y =60
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Color =White
-X =620
-Y =95
-W =100
-H =8
-Tex =P
-X =311
-Y =55
-W =45
-H =50
-Color =P2Dark
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =ScoreBG
-X =370
-Y =55
-W =100
-H =40
-Color =P2Dark
-Text =P2
-X =321
-Y =65
-Font =1
-Size =8
-Color =White
-Text =00000
-X =385
-Y =60
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Color =White
-X =370
-Y =95
-W =100
-H =8
-Tex =P
-X =611
-Y =55
-W =45
-H =50
-Color =P3Dark
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =ScoreBG
-X =670
-Y =55
-W =100
-H =40
-Color =P3Dark
-Text =P3
-X =621
-Y =65
-Font =1
-Size =8
-Color =White
-Text =00000
-X =685
-Y =60
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Color =White
-X =670
-Y =95
-W =100
-H =8
-Texts =1
-X =90
-Y =500
-Color =GrayDark
-Font =1
-Size =17
-Tex =ButtonEnter
-X =350
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =380
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =450
-Y =500
-Font =0
-Size =9
-Text =Artist
-X =450
-Y =525
-Font =0
-Size =9
-Text =Title
-X =200
-Y =160
-Font =1
-Size =12
-Text =P1
-Color =P1Dark
-X =50
-Y =160
-Font =1
-Size =12
-Text =P1
-Color =P1Dark
-X =510
-Y =160
-Font =1
-Size =12
-Text =P2
-Color =P2Dark
-X =250
-Y =110
-Font =1
-Size =9
-Text =Tone Deaf
-X =100
-Y =110
-Font =1
-Size =9
-Text =Tone Deaf
-X =560
-Y =110
-Font =1
-Size =9
-Text =Tone Deaf
-X =235
-Y =220
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =85
-Y =220
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =545
-Y =220
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =440
-Y =220
-Font =1
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0000
-X =290
-Y =220
-Font =1
-Size =10
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-Text =0000
-X =750
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-Font =1
-Size =10
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-Text =0000
-X =235
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-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =85
-Y =260
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =545
-Y =260
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =440
-Y =260
-Font =1
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0000
-X =290
-Y =260
-Font =1
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0000
-X =750
-Y =260
-Font =1
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0000
-X =235
-Y =300
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =85
-Y =300
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =545
-Y =300
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =440
-Y =300
-Font =1
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0000
-X =290
-Y =300
-Font =1
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0000
-X =750
-Y =300
-Font =1
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0000
-X =200
-Y =370
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =50
-Y =370
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =510
-Y =370
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =440
-Y =360
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-Align =2
-Text =00000
-X =290
-Y =360
-Font =1
-Size =15
-Align =2
-Text =00000
-X =750
-Y =360
-Font =1
-Size =15
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-Text =00000
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =200
-Y =205
-W =240
-H =6
-Color =GrayDark
-Type =Font Black
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =200
-Y =345
-W =240
-H =6
-Type =Font Black
-Color =GrayDark
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =200
-Y =410
-W =240
-H =6
-Type =Font Black
-Color =GrayDark
-Tex =ScoreBox
-X =200
-Y =220
-W =30
-H =30
-Color =P1Lightest
-Tex =ScoreBox
-X =200
-Y =300
-W =30
-H =30
-Color =P1Dark
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =50
-Y =205
-W =240
-H =6
-Type =Font Black
-Color =GrayDark
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =50
-Y =345
-W =240
-H =6
-Type =Font Black
-Color =GrayDark
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =50
-Y =410
-W =240
-H =6
-Type =Font Black
-Color =GrayDark
-Tex =ScoreBox
-X =50
-Y =220
-W =30
-H =30
-Color =P1Lightest
-Tex =ScoreBox
-X =50
-Y =300
-W =30
-H =30
-Color =P1Dark
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =510
-Y =205
-W =240
-H =6
-Type =Font Black
-Color =GrayDark
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =510
-Y =345
-W =240
-H =6
-Type =Font Black
-Color =GrayDark
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =510
-Y =410
-W =240
-H =6
-Type =Font Black
-Color =GrayDark
-Tex =ScoreBox
-X =510
-Y =220
-W =30
-H =30
-Color =P2Lightest
-Tex =ScoreBox
-X =510
-Y =300
-W =30
-H =30
-Color =P2Dark
-Tex =ScoreLevel
-X =460
-Y =140
-W =120
-H =300
-Color =P1Lightest
-Type =Font Black
-Tex =ScoreLevelRound
-X =460
-Y =110
-W =120
-H =30
-Color =P1Lightest
-Type =Font Black
-Tex =ScoreLevel
-X =460
-Y =410
-W =120
-H =30
-Color =P1Light
-Type =Font Black
-Tex =ScoreLevelRound
-X =460
-Y =380
-W =120
-H =30
-Color =P1Light
-Type =Font Black
-Tex =ScoreLevel
-X =290
-Y =140
-W =120
-H =300
-Color =P1Lightest
-Type =Font Black
-Tex =ScoreLevelRound
-X =290
-Y =110
-W =120
-H =30
-Color =P1Lightest
-Type =Font Black
-Tex =ScoreLevel
-X =290
-Y =410
-W =120
-H =30
-Color =P1Light
-Type =Font Black
-Tex =ScoreLevelRound
-X =290
-Y =380
-W =120
-H =30
-Color =P1Light
-Type =Font Black
-Tex =ScoreLevel
-X =390
-Y =140
-W =120
-H =300
-Color =P2Lightest
-Type =Font Black
-Tex =ScoreLevelRound
-X =390
-Y =110
-W =120
-H =30
-Color =P2Lightest
-Type =Font Black
-Tex =ScoreLevel
-X =390
-Y =410
-W =120
-H =30
-Color =P2Light
-Type =Font Black
-Tex =ScoreLevelRound
-X =390
-Y =380
-W =120
-H =30
-Color =P2Light
-Type =Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Text=Tone Deaf
-Text=Tone Deaf
-Text=Tone Deaf
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Texts = 3
-X = 50
-Y = 170
-Font = 1
-Size = 25
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =ButtonNavi
-X =196
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-Tex =ButtonEnter
-X =350
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-Tex =ButtonEsc
-X =510
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =226
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =380
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =540
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X = 70
-Y = 248
-Font = 1
-Size = 10
-X = 40
-Y = 310
-W = 180
-H = 70
-Tex = Button
-Color = ColorDark
-Int = 1
-DColor = White
-DInt = 0.5
-Type = Font Black
-X =16
-Y =15
-X = 220
-Y = 310
-W = 180
-H = 70
-Tex = Button
-Color = ColorDark
-Int = 1
-DColor = White
-DInt = 0.5
-Type = Font Black
-X =16
-Y =15
-X = 400
-Y = 310
-W = 180
-H = 70
-Tex = Button
-Color = ColorDark
-Int = 1
-DColor = White
-DInt = 0.5
-Type = Font Black
-X =16
-Y =15
-X = 580
-Y = 310
-W = 180
-H = 70
-Tex = Button
-Color = ColorDark
-Int = 1
-DColor = White
-DInt = 0.5
-Type = Font Black
-X =16
-Y =15
-X = 40
-Y = 380
-W = 180
-H = 70
-Tex = Button
-Color = ColorDark
-Int = 1
-DColor = White
-DInt = 0.5
-Type = Font Black
-X =16
-Y =15
-X = 220
-Y = 380
-W = 180
-H = 70
-Tex = Button
-Color = ColorDark
-Int = 1
-DColor = White
-DInt = 0.5
-Type = Font Black
-X =16
-Y =15
-X = 400
-Y = 380
-W = 180
-H = 70
-Tex = Button
-Color = ColorDark
-Int = 1
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-Font =1
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-SBGColor = ColorDark
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-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex = MainBar
-TexSBG = MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 140
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex = MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex = MainBar
-TexSBG = MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex = MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 305
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 360
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 415
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Font Black
-Texts = 3
-X =275
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =435
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =305
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =465
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X = 50
-Y = 10
-ColR = 0.7
-ColG = 0.7
-ColB = 0.7
-Font = 1
-Size = 25
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 85
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 140
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 305
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 360
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Font Black
-Texts = 3
-X =275
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =435
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =305
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =465
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X = 50
-Y = 10
-ColR = 0.7
-ColG = 0.7
-ColB = 0.7
-Font = 1
-Size = 25
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 85
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 140
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 305
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 305
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 360
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 415
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Font Black
-Texts = 3
-X =275
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =435
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =305
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =465
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X = 50
-Y = 10
-ColR = 0.7
-ColG = 0.7
-ColB = 0.7
-Font = 1
-Size = 25
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 85
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 140
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Font Black
-Texts = 5
-X =275
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =435
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =305
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =465
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X = 50
-Y = 10
-ColR = 0.7
-ColG = 0.7
-ColB = 0.7
-Font = 1
-Size = 25
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 85
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 140
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Font Black
-Texts = 3
-X =275
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =435
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =305
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =465
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X = 50
-Y = 10
-ColR = 0.7
-ColG = 0.7
-ColB = 0.7
-Font = 1
-Size = 25
-Tex = MainBar
-TexSBG = MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 85
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex = MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex = MainBar
-TexSBG = MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 140
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex = MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex = MainBar
-TexSBG = MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex = MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex = MainBar
-TexSBG = MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex = MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 305
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex = MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Font Black
-Texts = 3
-X =275
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =435
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =305
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =465
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X = 50
-Y = 10
-ColR = 0.7
-ColG = 0.7
-ColB = 0.7
-Font = 1
-Size = 25
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 85
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 140
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 305
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 360
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =MainBar
-X = 40
-Y = 415
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 470
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Font Black
-Tex =ButtonEnter
-X =350
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =380
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =100
-Y =50
-Color =Gray
-Font =1
-Size =20
-Align =0
-Type=Font Black
-X =630
-Y =65
-Color =White
-Font =1
-Size =10
-Align =1
-Text =easy
-X =100
-Y =120
-Color =Black
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =0
-Text =artist - title
-X =170
-Y =200
-Color =GrayDark
-Font =1
-Size =14
-Align =0
-Text =1. Player1
-X =150
-Y =290
-Color =GrayDark
-Font =0
-Size =11
-Align =0
-Text =2. Player2
-X =150
-Y =340
-Color =GrayDark
-Font =0
-Size =11
-Align =0
-Text =3. Player3
-X =150
-Y =390
-Color =GrayDark
-Font =0
-Size =11
-Align =0
-Text =4. Player4
-X =150
-Y =440
-Color =GrayDark
-Font =0
-Size =11
-Align =0
-Text =5. Player5
-X =680
-Y =195
-Color =GrayDark
-Font =1
-Size =17
-Align =2
-Text =00000
-X =680
-Y =290
-Color =GrayDark
-Font =1
-Size =14
-Align =2
-Text =00000
-X =680
-Y =340
-Color =GrayDark
-Font =1
-Size =14
-Align =2
-Text =00000
-X =680
-Y =390
-Color =GrayDark
-Font =1
-Size =14
-Align =2
-Text =00000
-X =680
-Y =440
-Color =GrayDark
-Font =1
-Size =14
-Align =2
-Text =00000
-X =130
-Y =202
-Color =White
-Font =1
-Size =11
-Align =1
-Text =1
-X =120
-Y =293
-Color =White
-Font =1
-Size =9
-Align =1
-Text =2
-X =120
-Y =343
-Color =White
-Font =1
-Size =9
-Align =1
-Text =3
-X =120
-Y =393
-Color =White
-Font =1
-Size =9
-Align =1
-Text =4
-X =120
-Y =443
-Color =White
-Font =1
-Size =9
-Align =1
-Text =5
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =ButtonNavi
-X =196
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-Tex =ButtonEnter
-X =350
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-Tex =ButtonEsc
-X =510
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =226
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =380
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =540
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Int = 1
-DColor = White
-DInt = 0.5
-Type=Font Black
-Int = 1
-DColor = White
-DInt = 0.5
-Type=Font Black
-Int = 1
-DColor = White
-DInt = 0.5
-Tex =ButtonNavi
-X =176
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-Tex =ButtonAZ
-X =330
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-Tex =ButtonEnter
-X =532
-Y =553
-W =22
-H =22
-Color =White
-X =206
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =360
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =562
-Y =553
-Font =1
-Size =7
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Texts =7
-X =0
-Y =549
-W =252
-H =28
-Color =Gray
-X =254
-Y =549
-W =548
-H =28
-Color =Gray
-X =37
-Y =72
-W =27
-H =27
-Color =ColorDark
-Tex =MainIcon
-Type=Font Black
-X =40
-Y =4
-Font = 1
-Size = 22
-Color =GrayLight
-X =62
-Y =67
-Font =1
-Size =9
-Align =0
-X =398
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =450
-Y =552
-Font =1
-Size =7
-X =460
-Y =100
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =10
-X =600
-Y =100
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =10
-X =448
-Y =350
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =18
-X =30
-Y =137
-Font =0
-Size =7
-Text=Dummytext, Player2, Player3, Player4
-X =30
-Y =218
-Font =0
-Size =7
-Text=Dummytext, Player2, Player3, Player4
-X =30
-Y =299
-Font =0
-Size =7
-Text=Dummytext, Player2, Player3, Player4
-Tex =PartyRoundBG1
-X =450
-Y =103
-W = 330
-H = 24
-Color =Gray
-Type=Font Black
-X =420
-Y =553
-W =26
-H =22
-Color =White
-Tex =PartyRoundBG3
-X =250
-Y =350
-W = 300
-H = 50
-Color =Gray
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =PartyRoundBG4
-X =50
-Y =495
-W = 700
-H = 30
-Color =GrayLight
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =PartyTeamButton1
-X =20
-Y =110
-W =400
-H =50
-Color =P1Dark
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =PartyTeamButton1
-X =20
-Y =191
-W =400
-H =50
-Color =P2Dark
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =PartyTeamButton1
-X =20
-Y =272
-W =400
-H =50
-Color =P3Dark
-Type=Font Black
-Type=Font Black
-Color =P1Light
-Type=Font Black
-Color =P2Light
-Type=Font Black
-Color =P3Light
-X =460
-Y =133
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =8
-Text =Round 1
-X =460
-Y =162
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =8
-Text =Round 2
-X =460
-Y =191
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =8
-Text =Round 3
-X =460
-Y =220
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =8
-Text =Round 4
-X =460
-Y =249
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =8
-Text =Round 5
-X =460
-Y =278
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =8
-Text =Round 6
-X =460
-Y =307
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =8
-Text =Round 7
-X =600
-Y =133
-Color =White
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-DColor =P2Light
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-DColor =P3Light
-X =79
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-DColor =P3Light
-X =79
-Y =12
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-# # # # Song Extensions # # # #
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-# # # # Song Jump to Menu # # # #
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-# # # # Statistic Screens # # # #
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-Y = 332
-Font = 0
-Size = 8
-X = 45
-Y = 370
-Font = 0
-Size = 8
-X = 45
-Y = 408
-Font = 0
-Size = 8
-X = 45
-Y = 446
-Font = 0
-Size = 8
-X = 45
-Y = 484
-Font = 0
-Size = 8
-X =40
-Y =71
-W =32
-H =32
-Color =ColorDark
-Tex =MainIcon
-Type=Font Black
-X =40
-Y =120
-W =520
-H =24
-Color =ColorLight
-Type=Font Black
-X =40
-Y =144
-W =520
-H =379
-Color =ColorDark
-Type=Font Black
-X =40
-Y =523
-W =520
-H =20
-Color =ColorLight
-Type=Font Black
-X =40
-Y =6
-Font =1
-Size =22
-# # # # OnScreen PopUp Error / Question Messages # # # #
-X = 192
-Y = 327
-W = 128
-H = 50
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = White
-Type=Font Black
-Z = 1
-X =64
-Y =13
-Font =0
-Size =8
-X = 480
-Y = 327
-W = 128
-H = 50
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = White
-Type=Font Black
-Z = 1
-X =64
-Y =13
-Font =0
-Size =8
-X =400
-Y =226
-W =500
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Tex =PopUpBG
-X =99
-Y =224
-W =602
-H =152
-Z =1
-Color =White
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =PopUpFG
-X =99
-Y =224
-W =602
-H =152
-Z =1
-Color =Black
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =IconQuestion
-X =124
-Y =235
-W =44
-H =44
-Z =1
-Color =Black
-Type=Font Black
-X = 366
-Y = 342
-W =22
-H =22
-Tex =ButtonEnter
-Color = White
-DColor = White
-Z = 1
-X =32
-Y =0
-Font =0
-Size =10
-X =400
-Y =226
-W =500
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Tex =PopUpBG
-X =99
-Y =224
-W =602
-H =152
-Z =1
-Color =White
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =PopUpFG
-X =99
-Y =224
-W =602
-H =152
-Z =1
-Color =Black
-Type=Font Black
-Tex =IconError
-X =124
-Y =235
-W =44
-H =44
-Z =1
-Color =Black
-Type=Font Black
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Themes/Deluxe.ini b/Themes/Deluxe.ini deleted file mode 100644 index 78dc101f..00000000 --- a/Themes/Deluxe.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7880 +0,0 @@ -;1.10 Mod
-;experimental version
-;if you are using this as a sample for your theme
-;don't be suprised it doesn't work good with newer releases
-Creator=Ultrastar Deluxe Team
-US_Version=USD 110
-White = 255 255 255
-LightBlue = 119 187 210
-DarkBlue = 28 126 171
-LightRed = 170 146 146
-DarkRed = 155 113 113
-LightGreen = 136 168 136
-DarkGreen = 106 152 104
-LightPurple = 155 136 168
-DarkPurple = 145 104 152
-LightOrange = 168 155 136
-DarkOrange = 151 131 76
-LightYellow = 168 168 136
-DarkYellow = 150 151 76
-Turkis = 13 186 167
-GrayLightest = 223 223 223
-GrayLight = 191 191 191
-Gray = 127 127 127
-GrayDark = 63 63 63
-Black = 0 0 0
-GrayPopup = 51 51 51
-Gold = 255 223 31
-Silver = 223 223 223
-Bronze = 205 127 50
-Red = 255 0 0
-Texts =2
-Fade = 1
-X =30
-Y =550
-Color =Black
-Font =0
-Align =0
-Size =10
-X =790
-Y =556
-Font =0
-Size =6
-Texts =2
-X =0
-Y =549
-W =252
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =254
-Y =549
-W =548
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =260
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =290
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =388
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =238
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =418
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =180
-Y =270
-W =150
-H =50
-Tex =Button
-Color =DarkBlue
-DColor = LightBlue
-X =75
-Y =10
-X =335
-Y =270
-W =150
-H =50
-Tex =Button
-Color =DarkBlue
-DColor = LightBlue
-X =75
-Y =10
-X =490
-Y =270
-W =150
-H =50
-Tex =Button
-Color =DarkBlue
-DColor = LightBlue
-X =75
-Y =10
-X =495
-Y =310
-W =140
-H =30
-Tex =Rectangle
-Color =LightBlue
-DColor = DarkBlue
-X =70
-Y =3
-X =495
-Y =345
-W =140
-H =30
-Tex =Rectangle
-Color =LightBlue
-DColor = DarkBlue
-X =70
-Y =3
-X =495
-Y =380
-W =140
-H =30
-Tex =Rectangle
-Color =LightBlue
-DColor = DarkBlue
-X =70
-Y =3
-X =645
-Y =270
-W =150
-H =50
-Tex =Button
-Color =DarkBlue
-DColor = LightBlue
-X =75
-Y =10
-Texts =3
-X =249
-Y =487
-W =32
-H =32
-Tex =VideoIcon
-X =0
-Y =549
-W =252
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =254
-Y =549
-W =548
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =200
-Y =120
-W =300
-H =200
-Color =LightBlue
-Tex =SongSelection1
-X =248
-Y =320
-W =200
-H =200
-Color =LightBlue
-Tex =SongSelection2
-X =70
-Y =53
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =0
-X =350
-Y =320
-W = 190
-Font =1
-Size =9
-Align =1
-X =350
-Y =380
-W = 190
-Font =0
-Size =9
-Align =1
-X =440
-Y =495
-Font =0
-Size =8
-Align =2
-#Variable statics and texts for song-screen in sing- and partymode
-# There can be an unlimited Number of Statics and Texts, As long
-# as the numbers are in order.
-# Statics that are shown in PartyMode Only are Named_
-# SongStaticParty[No]
-# Texts that are shown in PartyMode Only are Named_
-# SongTextParty[No]
-# Statics that are shown in Normal Mode Only are Named_
-# SongStaticNonParty[No]
-# Texts that are shown in Normal Mode Only are Named_
-# SongTextNonParty[No]
-#Here are the ones for singmode
-X =40
-Y =22
-W =27
-H =27
-Color =White
-Tex =SongCD
-X =260
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =300
-Y =552
-W =32
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =425
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =515
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =679
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-#Texts Non Party
-X =70
-Y =6
-Font =0
-Size =20
-X =238
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =288
-Y =556
-Font =1
-Size =5
-X =330
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =450
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =540
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =705
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-#and theese are the ones for partymode
-X =40
-Y =22
-W =27
-H =27
-Color =White
-Tex =PartyIcon
-X =260
-Y =552
-W =32
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =400
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =540
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =24
-Color =White
-#Texts for Party Mode
-X =70
-Y =6
-ColR = 0.7
-ColG = 0.7
-ColB = 0.7
-Font = 0
-Size = 20
-Color =White
-X =238
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =288
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =426
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =570
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-#variable statics end
-# Jokers, 5 for each team, only shown in party Mode
-Tex =Joker
-X =480
-Y =400
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =530
-Y =400
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =580
-Y =400
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =630
-Y =400
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =680
-Y =400
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =480
-Y =450
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =530
-Y =450
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =580
-Y =450
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =630
-Y =450
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =680
-Y =450
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =480
-Y =500
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =530
-Y =500
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =580
-Y =500
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =630
-Y =500
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Tex =Joker
-X =680
-Y =500
-W =40
-H =40
-Z =0.98
-Texts =1
-X =20
-Y =577
-Font =1
-Size =6
-Color =White
-X =10
-Y =492
-W =780
-H =85
-Color =White
-Tex =TimeBar1
-X =10
-Y =577
-W =780
-H =20
-Color =White
-X =87
-Y =584
-W =633
-H =6
-X =736
-Y =577
-Font =1
-Size =6
-Color =White
-# O N E P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
-Tex =P
-X =20
-Y =297
-W =30
-H =28
-Text =P1
-X =25
-Y =302
-Font =1
-Size =6
-Color =White
-Tex =ScoreBG
-X =680
-Y =282
-W =100
-H =36
-Color =P1Dark
-Text =00000
-X =690
-Y =284
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Color =White
-X =680
-Y =316
-W =100
-H =8
-# T W O P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
-#Player One
-Tex =P
-X =20
-Y =117
-W =30
-H =28
-Color =P1Dark
-Text =P1
-X =25
-Y =122
-Font =1
-Size =6
-Color =White
-Tex =ScoreBG
-X =680
-Y =102
-W =100
-H =36
-Color =P1Dark
-Text =00000
-X =690
-Y =104
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Color =White
-X =680
-Y =136
-W =100
-H =13
-#Player Two
-Tex =P
-X =20
-Y =297
-W =30
-H =28
-Text =P2
-X =24
-Y =302
-Font =1
-Size =6
-Color =White
-Tex =ScoreBG
-X =680
-Y =282
-W =100
-H =36
-Text =00000
-X =690
-Y =284
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Color =White
-X =680
-Y =316
-W =100
-H =8
-# T H R E E P L A Y E R M O D E # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
-#Player One
-X =16
-Y =59
-W =50
-H =54
-Text =P1
-X =27
-Y =66
-Font =1
-Size =8
-Color =White
-X =75
-Y =61
-W =100
-H =36
-Text =00000
-X =85
-Y =63
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Color =White
-X =75
-Y =95
-W =100
-H =8
-#Player Two
-X =311
-Y =59
-W =50
-H =54
-Text =P2
-X =321
-Y =66
-Font =1
-Size =8
-Color =White
-Tex =ScoreBG
-X =370
-Y =61
-W =100
-H =36
-Text =00000
-X =380
-Y =63
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Color =White
-X =370
-Y =95
-W =100
-H =8
-#Player Three
-Tex =P
-X =611
-Y =59
-W =50
-H =54
-Text =P3
-X =621
-Y =66
-Font =1
-Size =8
-X =670
-Y =61
-W =100
-H =36
-Text =00000
-X =680
-Y =63
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Color =White
-X =670
-Y =95
-W =100
-H =8
-Texts =1
-X =70
-Y =6
-Font =0
-Size =20
-X =70
-Y =53
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =0
-X =40
-Y =22
-W =27
-H =27
-Color =White
-Tex =ScoreIcon
-X =0
-Y =549
-W =252
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =254
-Y =549
-W =548
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =238
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =260
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =290
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-#end of main stuff
-# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # One Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
-X =150
-Y =260
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Text =P1
-Color =White
-X =235
-Y =260
-X =150
-Y =430
-Font =1
-Size =9
-Text =Tone Deaf
-X =150
-Y =340
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =440
-Y =340
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0
-X =150
-Y =370
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =440
-Y =370
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0
-X =150
-Y =400
-Font =0
-Size =9
-X =440
-Y =400
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0
-X =180
-Y =460
-Font =0
-Size =14
-X =440
-Y =460
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =2
-Text =0
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =148
-Y =368
-W =295
-H =1
-Color =White
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =148
-Y =398
-W =295
-H =1
-Color =White
-Type =Colorized
-#small boxes
-Tex =ScoreBox
-X =200
-Y =220
-W =30
-H =30
-Color =P1Lightest
-Type= colorized
-Tex =ScoreBox
-X =200
-Y =260
-W =30
-H =30
-Color =P1Light
-Tex =ScoreBox
-X =200
-Y =300
-W =30
-H =30
-Color =P1Dark
-Tex =PlayerNumberBox
-X =150
-Y =467
-W =25
-H =25
-Type =Colorized
-Color =P1Dark
-X =154
-Y =472
-W =30
-H =30
-Font =1
-Size =5
-Tex =ScoreLevel
-X =450
-Y =160
-W =90
-H =300
-Color =P1Lightest
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreLevelRound
-X =450
-Y =130
-W =90
-H =8
-Color =P1Lightest
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreLevel
-X =450
-Y =410
-W =90
-H =30
-Color =P1Light
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreLevelRound
-X =450
-Y =380
-W =90
-H =8
-Color =P1Light
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreEndCap
-X =469
-Y =460
-W =95
-H =30
-Color =P1Dark
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =468
-Y =460
-W =114
-H =2
-Color =White
-Type =Colorized
-# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Two Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
-# P L A Y E R O N E
-X =42
-Y =290
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Text =P1
-Color =White
-X =180
-Y =165
-Font =0
-Size =9
-Text =Tone Deaf
-X =72
-Y =322
-Font =0
-Size =10
-X =282
-Y =322
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0000
-Tex =ScoreBar_box_light
-X =45
-Y =358
-W =22
-H =20
-X =72
-Y =352
-Font =0
-Size =10
-X =282
-Y =352
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0000
-Tex =ScoreBar_box_lightest
-X =45
-Y =390
-W =22
-H =20
-Color =P1Lightest
-X =72
-Y =383
-Font =0
-Size =10
-X =282
-Y =383
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =2
-Text =0000
-X =82
-Y =456
-Font =0
-Size =10
-X =283
-Y =448
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =2
-Text =00000
-# Lines
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =45
-Y =351
-W =237
-H =1
-Type =Colorized
-Color =White
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =45
-Y =382
-W =237
-H =1
-Type =Colorized
-Color =White
-X =45
-Y =455
-W =26
-H =23
-Tex =ScoreLevel
-X =298
-Y =168
-W =95
-H =310
-Color =P1Lightest
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreLevelRound
-X =298
-Y =138
-W =95
-H =8
-Color =P1Lightest
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreLevel
-X =298
-Y =400
-W =95
-H =10
-Color =P1Dark
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreLevelRound
-X =298
-Y =392
-W =95
-H =8
-Color =P1Dark
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreEndCap
-X =294
-Y =478
-W =110
-H =30
-Color =P1Dark
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreGlassBox
-X =294
-Y =148
-W =113
-H =331
-z =0.9
-Color =White
-Type =Transparent
-# P L A Y E R T W O
-X =758
-Y =290
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Text =P2
-Color =White
-X =545
-Y =165
-H =75
-W =75
-X =583
-Y =235
-Font =0
-Size =9
-Text =Tone Deaf
-X =728
-Y =322
-Font =0
-Size =10
-X =518
-Y =322
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =0
-Text =0000
-Tex =ScoreBar_box_light
-X =733
-Y =358
-W =22
-H =20
-X =728
-Y =352
-Font =0
-Size =10
-X =518
-Y =352
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =0
-Text =0000
-Tex =ScoreBar_box_lightest
-X =733
-Y =390
-W =22
-H =20
-Color =P2Lightest
-X =728
-Y =383
-Font =0
-Size =10
-X =518
-Y =383
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =0
-Text =0000
-X =718
-Y =456
-Font =0
-Size =10
-X =517
-Y =448
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =0
-Text =00000
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =518
-Y =351
-W =237
-H =1
-Type =Colorized
-Color =White
-Tex =ScoreLine
-X =518
-Y =382
-W =237
-H =1
-Type =Colorized
-Color =White
-X =729
-Y =455
-W =26
-H =23
-Tex =ScoreLevel
-X =409
-Y =168
-W =95
-H =310
-Color =P2Lightest
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreLevelRound
-X =409
-Y =138
-W =95
-H =8
-Color =P2Lightest
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreLevel
-X =409
-Y =400
-W =95
-H =10
-Color =P2Dark
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreLevelRound
-X =409
-Y =392
-W =95
-H =8
-Color =P2Dark
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreEndCap
-X =405
-Y =478
-W =110
-H =30
-Color =P2Dark
-Type =Colorized
-Tex =ScoreGlassBox
-X =405
-Y =148
-W =113
-H =331
-z =0.91
-Color =White
-Type =Transparent
-# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Three Player Score # # # # # # # # # # # #
-# P L A Y E R O N E
-Text=Tone Deaf
-Tex =PlayerNumberBox
-X =20
-Y =370
-W =25
-H =25
-Type =Colorized
-Color =P1Dark
-X =24
-Y =376
-W =30
-H =30
-Font =1
-Size =5
-# P L A Y E R T W O
-Text=Tone Deaf
-Tex =PlayerNumberBox
-X =280
-Y =370
-W =25
-H =25
-Type =Colorized
-Color =P2Dark
-X =284
-Y =376
-W =30
-H =30
-Font =1
-Size =5
-# P L A Y E R T H R E E
-Text=Tone Deaf
-Tex =PlayerNumberBox
-X =540
-Y =370
-W =25
-H =25
-Type =Colorized
-Color =P3Dark
-X =544
-Y =376
-W =30
-H =30
-Font =1
-Size =5
-Texts = 6
-Fade = 2
-X =40
-Y =22
-W =27
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-X =410
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-X =100
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-X = 40
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-H = 70
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-TColor = White
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-SBGColor = ColorDark
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-STColor = White
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-X = 40
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-H = 70
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-X = 40
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-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
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-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 305
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
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-DColor = Gray
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-X = 40
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-H = 70
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-DColor = Gray
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-SBGTex =MainBar
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-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 415
-W = 230
-H = 70
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-X =254
-Y =549
-W =548
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-X =260
-Y =552
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-W =32
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-Font =0
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-X = 40
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-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
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-SBGColor = ColorDark
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-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
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-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 140
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-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
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-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 305
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 360
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Colorized
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-X =40
-Y =22
-W =27
-H =27
-Color =White
-Tex =IconOption
-X =0
-Y =549
-W =252
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =254
-Y =549
-W =548
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =260
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =388
-Y =552
-W =32
-H =23
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-X =70
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-Y =552
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-Size =7
-X =70
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-Size =7
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-X = 40
-Y = 85
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
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-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
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-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 140
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
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-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
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-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
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-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
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-STColor = White
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-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 305
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
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-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
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-SBGColor = ColorDark
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-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 305
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
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-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
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-SBGColor = ColorDark
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-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 360
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 415
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Colorized
-Texts = 1
-X =40
-Y =22
-W =27
-H =27
-Color =White
-Tex =IconOption
-X =0
-Y =549
-W =252
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =254
-Y =549
-W =548
-H =28
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-X =260
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =388
-Y =552
-W =32
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-X =70
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-Size =7
-X =70
-Y =53
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-Size =7
-X =418
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-Font =0
-Size =7
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-X = 40
-Y = 85
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
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-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 140
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Colorized
-Texts = 5
-X =40
-Y =22
-W =27
-H =27
-Color =White
-Tex =IconOption
-X =0
-Y =549
-W =252
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =254
-Y =549
-W =548
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =260
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =388
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-W =32
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =70
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-Size =7
-X =70
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-Size =7
-X =418
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-Size =7
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-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 85
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 140
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Colorized
-Texts = 5
-X =40
-Y =22
-W =27
-H =27
-Color =White
-Tex =IconOption
-X =0
-Y =549
-W =252
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =254
-Y =549
-W =548
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =260
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =388
-Y =552
-W =32
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =70
-Y =6
-Font =0
-Size =20
-X =238
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =70
-Y =53
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =0
-X =294
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =418
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-Tex = MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 85
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex = MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex = MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 140
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex = MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex = MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex = MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex = MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex = MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 305
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex = MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Colorized
-Texts = 5
-X =40
-Y =22
-W =27
-H =27
-Color =White
-Tex =IconOption
-X =0
-Y =549
-W =252
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =254
-Y =549
-W =548
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =260
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =388
-Y =552
-W =32
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =70
-Y =6
-Font =0
-Size =20
-X =238
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =70
-Y =53
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =0
-X =294
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =418
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-#########unused at the moment#########
-#Tex =MainBar
-#TexSBG =SelectBG
-#X = 40
-#Y = 85
-#W = 230
-#H = 70
-#SkipX = 50
-#Color = ColorDark
-#DColor = Gray
-#TColor = White
-#TDColor = White
-#SBGTex =MainBar
-#SBGColor = ColorDark
-#SBGDColor = Gray
-#STColor = White
-#STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 85
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 140
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 195
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 250
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 305
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-Tex =MainBar
-TexSBG =SelectBG
-X = 40
-Y = 360
-W = 230
-H = 70
-SkipX = 50
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-TColor = White
-TDColor = White
-SBGTex =MainBar
-SBGColor = ColorDark
-SBGDColor = Gray
-STColor = White
-STDColor = GrayDark
-X = 40
-Y = 415
-W = 230
-H = 70
-Tex =MainBar
-Color = ColorDark
-DColor = Gray
-Type = Colorized
-X =70
-Y =6
-Font =0
-Size =20
-X =70
-Y =53
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =0
-Text =artist - title
-X =70
-Y =73
-Font =0
-Size =10
-X =270
-Y =73
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =10
-Align =1
-Text =easy
-X =40
-Y =22
-W =27
-H =27
-Color =White
-Tex =ScoreIcon
-X =0
-Y =549
-W =252
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =254
-Y =549
-W =548
-H =28
-Color =White
-X =238
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =260
-Y =552
-W =24
-H =23
-Color =White
-X =290
-Y =552
-Font =0
-Size =7
-X =150
-Y =190
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =0
-Text =1. Player1
-X =150
-Y =240
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =0
-Text =2. Player2
-X =150
-Y =290
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =0
-Text =3. Player3
-X =150
-Y =340
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =0
-Text =4. Player4
-X =150
-Y =390
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =0
-Text =5. Player5
-X =680
-Y =190
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =2
-Text =00000
-X =680
-Y =240
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =2
-Text =00000
-X =680
-Y =290
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =2
-Text =00000
-X =680
-Y =340
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =2
-Text =00000
-X =680
-Y =390
-Color =White
-Font =0
-Size =14
-Align =2
-Text =00000
-X =120
-Y =193
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-Font =1
-Size =9
-Align =1
-Text =1
-X =120
-Y =243
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-Font =1
-Size =9
-Align =1
-Text =2
-X =120
-Y =293
-Color =White
-Font =1
-Size =9
-Align =1
-Text =3
-X =120
-Y =343
-Color =White
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-X =75
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-Tex =Button
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-DColor = LightBlue
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-X =589
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-Font = 0
-Size = 7
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-Font = 0
-Size = 7
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-Font = 0
-Size = 7
-X = 45
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-Font = 0
-Size = 7
-X = 45
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-Font = 0
-Size = 7
-X = 45
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-Font = 0
-Size = 7
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-Font = 0
-Size = 7
-X = 45
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-Font = 0
-Size = 7
-X = 45
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-Font = 0
-Size = 7
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-H =28
-Color =White
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-Y =549
-W =548
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-Color =White
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-W =24
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-Color =White
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-Y =552
-W =32
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-Color =White
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-Size =7
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diff --git a/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpi b/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpi deleted file mode 100644 index cf94486e..00000000 --- a/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpi +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -<?xml version="1.0"?>
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- <local>
- <FormatVersion Value="1"/>
- <LaunchingApplication PathPlusParams="\usr\X11R6\bin\xterm -T 'Lazarus Run Output' -e $(LazarusDir)\tools\runwait.sh $(TargetCmdLine)"/>
- </local>
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diff --git a/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpr b/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpr deleted file mode 100644 index 8e6e7921..00000000 --- a/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpr +++ /dev/null @@ -1,159 +0,0 @@ -program USDXResCompiler; - -{$mode objfpc}{$H+} - -uses - Classes, - SysUtils, - LResources; - -var - lResourceFile : TMemoryStream; - -procedure AddFile( aResName, aResType, aFile : string ); -var - lTmpStream : TmemoryStream; -begin - if aFile[1] = '"' then - begin - aFile := copy( aFile, 2, length( aFile ) - 2 ); - end; - - if not fileexists( aFile ) then - begin - writeln( 'SKIPED' + ' ( '+aFile+' ) File not found' ); - exit; - end; - - lTmpStream := TmemoryStream.create(); - try - lTmpStream.loadfromfile( aFile ); - lTmpStream.position := 0; - - BinaryToLazarusResourceCode(lTmpStream, lResourceFile, aResName, aResType); - writeln( 'ADDED - ' + aResType + ' : ' + aResName + ' ( '+aFile+' )' ); - finally - freeandnil( lTmpStream ); - end; -end; - -procedure addresourceline( aRCLine : String ); -var - lName : String; - lType : String; - lFile : String; - lTmp , - lTmp2 : Integer; -begin - if trim( aRCLine ) = '' then - exit; - - if aRCLine[1] = '#' then - exit; - - if ( aRCLine[1] = '/' ) AND - ( aRCLine[2] = '/' ) THEN - exit; - - // find 2nd column... and put it in lTmp - lTmp := pos( ' ', aRcLine ); - lTmp2 := pos( #9, aRcLine ); - if lTmp2 < lTmp then - lTmp := lTmp2; - - // Name = Start to lTmp - lName := trim( copy( aRcLine, 1, lTmp ) ); - - // Type = lTmp to first " - lTmp2 := pos( '"', aRcLine ); - lType := trim( copy( aRcLine, lTmp, lTmp2-lTmp ) ); - - // File = " to end of line - lFile := trim( copy( aRcLine, lTmp2, maxint ) ); - - lFile := StringReplace( lFile, '\', PathDelim ,[rfReplaceAll] ); - -(* - writeln( aRcLine ); - writeln( lName ); - writeln( lType ); - writeln( lFile ); - writeln( '' ); -*) - AddFile( lName , lType , lFile ); - -end; - - -var - lRCFile : TStringList; - iCount : Integer; -begin - if not fileexists( paramstr(1) ) then - begin - writeln( 'MUST Specify Delphi format RC File' ); - exit; - end; - - lRCFile := TStringList.create(); - lResourceFile := TMemoryStream.create(); - try - lRCFile.loadfromfile( paramstr(1) ); - - if trim( lRCFile.text ) = '' then - exit; - - for iCount := 0 to lRCFile.count -1 do - begin - addresourceline( lRCFile[ iCount ] ); - end; - -(* - AddFile( 'Font', 'TEX', '..\Fonts\Normal\eurostar_regular.png' ); - AddFile( 'Font', 'FNT', '..\Fonts\Normal\eurostar_regular.dat' ); - - AddFile( 'FontB', 'TEX', '..\Fonts\Bold\eurostar_regular_bold.png' ); - AddFile( 'FontB', 'FNT', '..\Fonts\Bold\eurostar_regular_bold.dat' ); - - AddFile( 'FontO', 'TEX', '..\Fonts\Outline 1\Outline 1.PNG' ); - AddFile( 'FontO', 'FNT', '..\Fonts\Outline 1\Outline 1.dat' ); - - AddFile( 'FontO2', 'TEX', '..\Fonts\Outline 2\Outline 2.PNG' ); - AddFile( 'FontO2', 'FNT', '..\Fonts\Outline 2\Outline 2.dat' ); - - AddFile( 'MAINICON', 'ICON', '..\Graphics\ustar-icon_v01.ico' ); - - - AddFile( 'CRDTS_BG', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\credits_v5_bg.png' ); - AddFile( 'CRDTS_OVL', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\credits_v5_overlay.png' ); - AddFile( 'CRDTS_blindguard', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_blindguard.png' ); - AddFile( 'CRDTS_blindy', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_blindy.png' ); - AddFile( 'CRDTS_canni', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_canni.png' ); - AddFile( 'CRDTS_commandio', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_commandio.png' ); - AddFile( 'CRDTS_lazyjoker', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_lazyjoker.png' ); - AddFile( 'CRDTS_mog', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_mog.png' ); - AddFile( 'CRDTS_mota', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_mota.png' ); - AddFile( 'CRDTS_skillmaste', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_skillmaster.png' ); - AddFile( 'CRDTS_whiteshark', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_whiteshark.png' ); - AddFile( 'INTRO_L01', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-01.png' ); - AddFile( 'INTRO_L02', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-02.png' ); - AddFile( 'INTRO_L03', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-03.png' ); - AddFile( 'INTRO_L04', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-04.png' ); - AddFile( 'INTRO_L05', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-05.png' ); - AddFile( 'INTRO_L06', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-06.png' ); - AddFile( 'INTRO_L07', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-07.png' ); - AddFile( 'INTRO_L08', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-08.png' ); - AddFile( 'INTRO_L09', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-09.png' ); - AddFile( 'OUTRO_BG', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\outro-bg.png' ); - AddFile( 'OUTRO_ESC', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\outro-esc.png' ); - AddFile( 'OUTRO_EXD', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\outro-exit-dark.png' ); -*) - - finally - lResourceFile.SaveToFile( 'UltraStar.lrs' ); - freeandnil( lResourceFile ); - - freeandnil( lRCFile ); - end; -end. - diff --git a/Tools/linux-build.sh b/Tools/linux-build.sh deleted file mode 100755 index fd1b28b6..00000000 --- a/Tools/linux-build.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -clear -fpc -S2cgi -OG1 -gl -vewnhi -l -Filib/JEDI-SDLv1.0/SDL/Pas/ -Fu/usr/lib/lazarus/components/images/lib/i386-linux/ -Fu/usr/lib/lazarus/lcl/units/i386-linux/ -Fu/usr/lib/lazarus/lcl/units/i386-linux/gtk2/ -Fu/usr/lib/lazarus/packager/units/i386-linux/ -Fu. -dLCL -dLCLgtk2 USDXResCompiler.lpr - |