diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 235 insertions, 281 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpi b/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpi
index ef82c2c4..c48a0e88 100644
--- a/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpi
+++ b/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpi
@@ -1,124 +1,76 @@
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- </PublishOptions>
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- <local>
- <FormatVersion Value="1"/>
- <LaunchingApplication PathPlusParams="/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -T 'Lazarus Run Output' -e $(LazarusDir)/tools/runwait.sh $(TargetCmdLine)"/>
- </local>
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- <Filename Value="USDXResCompiler.lpr"/>
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- <Filename Value="USDXResCompiler.lpr"/>
- <Caret Line="45" Column="39" TopLine="25"/>
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- <Filename Value="USDXResCompiler.lpr"/>
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- <Filename Value="USDXResCompiler.lpr"/>
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- <CompilerPath Value="$(CompPath)"/>
- </Other>
- </CompilerOptions>
- <Debugging>
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- <Source Value="USDXResCompiler.lpr"/>
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- </Item1>
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- <Source Value="USDXResCompiler.lpr"/>
- <Line Value="18"/>
- </Item2>
- </BreakPoints>
- </Debugging>
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+ <RunParams>
+ <local>
+ <FormatVersion Value="1"/>
+ <LaunchingApplication PathPlusParams="/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -T 'Lazarus Run Output' -e $(LazarusDir)/tools/runwait.sh $(TargetCmdLine)"/>
+ </local>
+ </RunParams>
+ <RequiredPackages Count="1">
+ <Item1>
+ <PackageName Value="lcl"/>
+ </Item1>
+ </RequiredPackages>
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+ </Unit1>
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+ <CompilerOptions>
+ <Version Value="5"/>
+ <CodeGeneration>
+ <Generate Value="Faster"/>
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+ <CompilerPath Value="$(CompPath)"/>
+ </Other>
+ </CompilerOptions>
+ <Debugging>
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+ <Item1>
+ <Source Value="USDXResCompiler.lpr"/>
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+ </Item1>
+ <Item2>
+ <Source Value="USDXResCompiler.lpr"/>
+ <Line Value="18"/>
+ </Item2>
+ </BreakPoints>
+ </Debugging>
diff --git a/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpr b/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpr
index 6fc98efc..8e6e7921 100644
--- a/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpr
+++ b/Tools/USDXResCompiler.lpr
@@ -1,157 +1,159 @@
-program USDXResCompiler;
-{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- Classes,
- SysUtils,
- LResources;
- lResourceFile : TMemoryStream;
-procedure AddFile( aResName, aResType, aFile : string );
- lTmpStream : TmemoryStream;
- if aFile[1] = '"' then
- begin
- aFile := copy( aFile, 2, length( aFile ) - 2 );
- end;
- if not fileexists( aFile ) then
- begin
- writeln( 'SKIPED' + ' ( '+aFile+' ) File not found' );
- exit;
- end;
- lTmpStream := TmemoryStream.create();
- try
- lTmpStream.loadfromfile( aFile );
- lTmpStream.position := 0;
- BinaryToLazarusResourceCode(lTmpStream, lResourceFile, aResName, aResType);
- writeln( 'ADDED - ' + aResType + ' : ' + aResName + ' ( '+aFile+' )' );
- finally
- freeandnil( lTmpStream );
- end;
-procedure addresourceline( aRCLine : String );
- lName : String;
- lType : String;
- lFile : String;
- lTmp ,
- lTmp2 : Integer;
- if trim( aRCLine ) = '' then
- exit;
- if aRCLine[1] = '#' then
- exit;
- if ( aRCLine[1] = '/' ) AND
- ( aRCLine[2] = '/' ) THEN
- exit;
- // find 2nd column... and put it in lTmp
- lTmp := pos( ' ', aRcLine );
- lTmp2 := pos( #9, aRcLine );
- if lTmp2 < lTmp then
- lTmp := lTmp2;
- // Name = Start to lTmp
- lName := trim( copy( aRcLine, 1, lTmp ) );
- // Type = lTmp to first "
- lTmp2 := pos( '"', aRcLine );
- lType := trim( copy( aRcLine, lTmp, lTmp2-lTmp ) );
- // File = " to end of line
- lFile := trim( copy( aRcLine, lTmp2, maxint ) );
- writeln( aRcLine );
- writeln( lName );
- writeln( lType );
- writeln( lFile );
- writeln( '' );
- AddFile( lName , lType , lFile );
- lRCFile : TStringList;
- iCount : Integer;
- if not fileexists( paramstr(1) ) then
- begin
- writeln( 'MUST Specify Delphi format RC File' );
- exit;
- end;
- lRCFile := TStringList.create();
- lResourceFile := TMemoryStream.create();
- try
- lRCFile.loadfromfile( paramstr(1) );
- if trim( lRCFile.text ) = '' then
- exit;
- for iCount := 0 to lRCFile.count -1 do
- begin
- addresourceline( lRCFile[ iCount ] );
- end;
- AddFile( 'Font', 'TEX', '..\Fonts\Normal\eurostar_regular.png' );
- AddFile( 'Font', 'FNT', '..\Fonts\Normal\eurostar_regular.dat' );
- AddFile( 'FontB', 'TEX', '..\Fonts\Bold\eurostar_regular_bold.png' );
- AddFile( 'FontB', 'FNT', '..\Fonts\Bold\eurostar_regular_bold.dat' );
- AddFile( 'FontO', 'TEX', '..\Fonts\Outline 1\Outline 1.PNG' );
- AddFile( 'FontO', 'FNT', '..\Fonts\Outline 1\Outline 1.dat' );
- AddFile( 'FontO2', 'TEX', '..\Fonts\Outline 2\Outline 2.PNG' );
- AddFile( 'FontO2', 'FNT', '..\Fonts\Outline 2\Outline 2.dat' );
- AddFile( 'MAINICON', 'ICON', '..\Graphics\ustar-icon_v01.ico' );
- AddFile( 'CRDTS_BG', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\credits_v5_bg.png' );
- AddFile( 'CRDTS_OVL', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\credits_v5_overlay.png' );
- AddFile( 'CRDTS_blindguard', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_blindguard.png' );
- AddFile( 'CRDTS_blindy', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_blindy.png' );
- AddFile( 'CRDTS_canni', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_canni.png' );
- AddFile( 'CRDTS_commandio', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_commandio.png' );
- AddFile( 'CRDTS_lazyjoker', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_lazyjoker.png' );
- AddFile( 'CRDTS_mog', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_mog.png' );
- AddFile( 'CRDTS_mota', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_mota.png' );
- AddFile( 'CRDTS_skillmaste', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_skillmaster.png' );
- AddFile( 'CRDTS_whiteshark', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_whiteshark.png' );
- AddFile( 'INTRO_L01', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-01.png' );
- AddFile( 'INTRO_L02', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-02.png' );
- AddFile( 'INTRO_L03', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-03.png' );
- AddFile( 'INTRO_L04', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-04.png' );
- AddFile( 'INTRO_L05', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-05.png' );
- AddFile( 'INTRO_L06', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-06.png' );
- AddFile( 'INTRO_L07', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-07.png' );
- AddFile( 'INTRO_L08', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-08.png' );
- AddFile( 'INTRO_L09', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-09.png' );
- AddFile( 'OUTRO_BG', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\outro-bg.png' );
- AddFile( 'OUTRO_ESC', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\outro-esc.png' );
- AddFile( 'OUTRO_EXD', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\outro-exit-dark.png' );
- finally
- lResourceFile.SaveToFile( 'UltraStar.lrs' );
- freeandnil( lResourceFile );
- freeandnil( lRCFile );
- end;
+program USDXResCompiler;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ LResources;
+ lResourceFile : TMemoryStream;
+procedure AddFile( aResName, aResType, aFile : string );
+ lTmpStream : TmemoryStream;
+ if aFile[1] = '"' then
+ begin
+ aFile := copy( aFile, 2, length( aFile ) - 2 );
+ end;
+ if not fileexists( aFile ) then
+ begin
+ writeln( 'SKIPED' + ' ( '+aFile+' ) File not found' );
+ exit;
+ end;
+ lTmpStream := TmemoryStream.create();
+ try
+ lTmpStream.loadfromfile( aFile );
+ lTmpStream.position := 0;
+ BinaryToLazarusResourceCode(lTmpStream, lResourceFile, aResName, aResType);
+ writeln( 'ADDED - ' + aResType + ' : ' + aResName + ' ( '+aFile+' )' );
+ finally
+ freeandnil( lTmpStream );
+ end;
+procedure addresourceline( aRCLine : String );
+ lName : String;
+ lType : String;
+ lFile : String;
+ lTmp ,
+ lTmp2 : Integer;
+ if trim( aRCLine ) = '' then
+ exit;
+ if aRCLine[1] = '#' then
+ exit;
+ if ( aRCLine[1] = '/' ) AND
+ ( aRCLine[2] = '/' ) THEN
+ exit;
+ // find 2nd column... and put it in lTmp
+ lTmp := pos( ' ', aRcLine );
+ lTmp2 := pos( #9, aRcLine );
+ if lTmp2 < lTmp then
+ lTmp := lTmp2;
+ // Name = Start to lTmp
+ lName := trim( copy( aRcLine, 1, lTmp ) );
+ // Type = lTmp to first "
+ lTmp2 := pos( '"', aRcLine );
+ lType := trim( copy( aRcLine, lTmp, lTmp2-lTmp ) );
+ // File = " to end of line
+ lFile := trim( copy( aRcLine, lTmp2, maxint ) );
+ lFile := StringReplace( lFile, '\', PathDelim ,[rfReplaceAll] );
+ writeln( aRcLine );
+ writeln( lName );
+ writeln( lType );
+ writeln( lFile );
+ writeln( '' );
+ AddFile( lName , lType , lFile );
+ lRCFile : TStringList;
+ iCount : Integer;
+ if not fileexists( paramstr(1) ) then
+ begin
+ writeln( 'MUST Specify Delphi format RC File' );
+ exit;
+ end;
+ lRCFile := TStringList.create();
+ lResourceFile := TMemoryStream.create();
+ try
+ lRCFile.loadfromfile( paramstr(1) );
+ if trim( lRCFile.text ) = '' then
+ exit;
+ for iCount := 0 to lRCFile.count -1 do
+ begin
+ addresourceline( lRCFile[ iCount ] );
+ end;
+ AddFile( 'Font', 'TEX', '..\Fonts\Normal\eurostar_regular.png' );
+ AddFile( 'Font', 'FNT', '..\Fonts\Normal\eurostar_regular.dat' );
+ AddFile( 'FontB', 'TEX', '..\Fonts\Bold\eurostar_regular_bold.png' );
+ AddFile( 'FontB', 'FNT', '..\Fonts\Bold\eurostar_regular_bold.dat' );
+ AddFile( 'FontO', 'TEX', '..\Fonts\Outline 1\Outline 1.PNG' );
+ AddFile( 'FontO', 'FNT', '..\Fonts\Outline 1\Outline 1.dat' );
+ AddFile( 'FontO2', 'TEX', '..\Fonts\Outline 2\Outline 2.PNG' );
+ AddFile( 'FontO2', 'FNT', '..\Fonts\Outline 2\Outline 2.dat' );
+ AddFile( 'MAINICON', 'ICON', '..\Graphics\ustar-icon_v01.ico' );
+ AddFile( 'CRDTS_BG', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\credits_v5_bg.png' );
+ AddFile( 'CRDTS_OVL', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\credits_v5_overlay.png' );
+ AddFile( 'CRDTS_blindguard', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_blindguard.png' );
+ AddFile( 'CRDTS_blindy', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_blindy.png' );
+ AddFile( 'CRDTS_canni', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_canni.png' );
+ AddFile( 'CRDTS_commandio', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_commandio.png' );
+ AddFile( 'CRDTS_lazyjoker', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_lazyjoker.png' );
+ AddFile( 'CRDTS_mog', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_mog.png' );
+ AddFile( 'CRDTS_mota', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_mota.png' );
+ AddFile( 'CRDTS_skillmaste', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_skillmaster.png' );
+ AddFile( 'CRDTS_whiteshark', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\names_whiteshark.png' );
+ AddFile( 'INTRO_L01', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-01.png' );
+ AddFile( 'INTRO_L02', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-02.png' );
+ AddFile( 'INTRO_L03', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-03.png' );
+ AddFile( 'INTRO_L04', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-04.png' );
+ AddFile( 'INTRO_L05', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-05.png' );
+ AddFile( 'INTRO_L06', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-06.png' );
+ AddFile( 'INTRO_L07', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-07.png' );
+ AddFile( 'INTRO_L08', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-08.png' );
+ AddFile( 'INTRO_L09', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\intro-l-09.png' );
+ AddFile( 'OUTRO_BG', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\outro-bg.png' );
+ AddFile( 'OUTRO_ESC', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\outro-esc.png' );
+ AddFile( 'OUTRO_EXD', 'TEX', '..\Graphics\outro-exit-dark.png' );
+ finally
+ lResourceFile.SaveToFile( 'UltraStar.lrs' );
+ freeandnil( lResourceFile );
+ freeandnil( lRCFile );
+ end;