path: root/unicode/src/base/UPath.pas
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authortobigun <tobigun@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2009-07-23 19:18:31 +0000
committertobigun <tobigun@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2009-07-23 19:18:31 +0000
commit230d5ed9b8cd6ed6d8a85a53e614a3bbd6ccddb3 (patch)
tree42e36cd0c88d5fb73c2ce52664c20aceb12300a1 /unicode/src/base/UPath.pas
parentceaaf48e88ba705e47cbf491720f05fda814e33b (diff)
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/experimental@1886 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'unicode/src/base/UPath.pas')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/unicode/src/base/UPath.pas b/unicode/src/base/UPath.pas
index fc8c028e..c74d1a16 100644
--- a/unicode/src/base/UPath.pas
+++ b/unicode/src/base/UPath.pas
@@ -45,6 +45,15 @@ type
IPath = interface;
+ * TUnicodeMemoryStream
+ *}
+ TUnicodeMemoryStream = class(TMemoryStream)
+ public
+ procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: IPath);
+ procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: IPath);
+ end;
+ {**
* TBinaryFileStream (inherited from THandleStream)
@@ -60,22 +69,61 @@ type
- * TUnicodeMemoryStream
+ * TTextFileStream
- TUnicodeMemoryStream = class(TMemoryStream)
+ TTextFileStream = class(TStream)
+ protected
+ fLineBreak: RawByteString;
+ fFilename: IPath;
+ fMode: word;
+ function ReadLine(var Success: boolean): RawByteString; overload; virtual; abstract;
- procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: IPath);
- procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: IPath);
- end;
+ constructor Create(Filename: IPath; Mode: Word);
- TTextFileStream = class(TBinaryFileStream)
+ function ReadString(): RawByteString; virtual; abstract;
function ReadLine(var Line: UTF8String): boolean; overload;
function ReadLine(var Line: AnsiString): boolean; overload;
- procedure Write(Str: RawByteString);
- procedure WriteLine(Line: RawByteString = '');
+ procedure WriteString(const Str: RawByteString); virtual;
+ procedure WriteLine(const Line: RawByteString); virtual;
+ property LineBreak: RawByteString read fLineBreak write fLineBreak;
+ property Filename: IPath read fFilename;
+ * TMemTextStream
+ *}
+ TMemTextFileStream = class(TTextFileStream)
+ private
+ fStream: TMemoryStream;
+ protected
+ function GetSize: Int64; override;
+ {**
+ * Copies fStream.Memory from StartPos to EndPos-1 to the result string;
+ *}
+ function CopyMemString(StartPos: int64; EndPos: int64): RawByteString;
+ public
+ constructor Create(Filename: IPath; Mode: Word);
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
+ function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
+ function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
+ function Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64; override;
+ function ReadLine(var Success: boolean): RawByteString; override;
+ function ReadString(): RawByteString; override;
+ end;
+ {**
+ TUnicodeIniStream = class()
+ end;
+ *}
+ {**
* pdKeep: Keep path as is, neither remove or append a delimiter
* pdAppend: Append a delimiter if path does not have a trailing one
* pdRemove: Remove a trailing delimiter from the path
@@ -85,8 +133,44 @@ type
IPathDynArray = array of IPath;
- * IPath
- * The Path's pathname is immutable and cannot be changed after creation.
+ * An IPath represents a filename, a directory or a filesystem path in general.
+ * It hides some of the operating system's specifics like path delimiters
+ * and encodings and provides an easy to use interface to handle them.
+ * Internally all paths are stored with the same path delimiter (PathDelim)
+ * and encoding (UTF-8). The transformation is already done AT THE CREATION of
+ * the IPath and hence calls to e.g. IPath.Equal() will not distinguish between
+ * Unix and Windows style paths.
+ *
+ * Create new paths with one of the Path() functions.
+ * If you need a string representation use IPath.ToNative/ToUTF8/ToWide.
+ * Note that due to the path-delimiter and encoding transformation the string
+ * might have changed. Path('one\test/path').ToUTF8() might return 'one/test/path'.
+ *
+ * It is recommended to use an IPath as long as possible without a string
+ * conversion (IPath.To...()). The whole Delphi (< 2009) and FPC RTL is ANSI
+ * only on Windows. If you would use for example FileExists(MyPath.ToNative)
+ * it would not find a file which contains characters that are not in the
+ * current locale. Same applies to AssignFile(), TFileStream.Create() and
+ * everything else in the RTL that expects a filename.
+ * As a rule of thumb: NEVER use any of the Delphi/FPC RTL filename functions
+ * if the filename parameter is not of a UTF8String or WideString type.
+ *
+ * If you need to open a file use TBinaryStream or TFileStream instead. Many
+ * of the RTL classes offer a LoadFromStream() method so ANSI Open() methods
+ * can be workaround.
+ *
+ * If there is only a ANSI and no IPath/UTF-8/WideString version and you cannot
+ * even pass a stream instead of a filename be aware that even if you know that
+ * a filename is ASCII only, subdirectories in an absolute path might contain
+ * some non-ASCII characters (for example the user's name) and hence might
+ * fail (if the characters are not in the current locale).
+ * It is rare but it happens.
+ *
+ * This interface needs the cwstring unit on Unix (Max OS X / Linux) systems.
+ * Cwstring functions (WideUpperCase, ...) cannot be used by external threads
+ * as FPC uses Thread-Local-Storage for the implementation. As a result do not
+ * call IPath stuff by external threads (e.g. in C callbacks or by SDL-threads).
IPath = interface
@@ -271,6 +355,7 @@ function PATH_NONE(): IPath;
+ RTLConsts,
@@ -426,6 +511,8 @@ end;
function TPathImpl.ToUTF8(UseNativeDelim: boolean): UTF8String;
+ AssertRefCount;
if (UseNativeDelim) then
Result := fName
@@ -583,20 +670,26 @@ end;
function TPathImpl.Append(const Child: RawByteString; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
Result := Append(Path(Child), DelimOption);
function TPathImpl.Append(const Child: WideString; DelimOption: TPathDelimOption): IPath;
+ AssertRefCount;
Result := Append(Path(Child), DelimOption);
function TPathImpl.Equals(const Other: IPath; IgnoreCase: boolean): boolean;
SelfPath, OtherPath: UTF8String;
+ TmpPath: IPath;
- SelfPath := Self.GetAbsolutePath().RemovePathDelim().ToUTF8();
- OtherPath := Other.GetAbsolutePath().RemovePathDelim().ToUTF8();
+ // TODO: remove fpc refcount bug workaround
+ TmpPath := Self.GetAbsolutePath();
+ SelfPath := TmpPath.RemovePathDelim().ToUTF8();
+ TmpPath := Other.GetAbsolutePath();
+ OtherPath := TmpPath.RemovePathDelim().ToUTF8();
if (FileSystem.IsCaseSensitive() and not IgnoreCase) then
Result := (CompareStr(SelfPath, OtherPath) = 0)
@@ -894,26 +987,220 @@ begin
-{ TTextFileStream }
+{ TTextStream }
+constructor TTextFileStream.Create(Filename: IPath; Mode: Word);
+ inherited Create();
+ fMode := Mode;
+ fFilename := Filename;
+ fLineBreak := sLineBreak;
function TTextFileStream.ReadLine(var Line: UTF8String): boolean;
- // TODO
+ Line := ReadLine(Result);
function TTextFileStream.ReadLine(var Line: AnsiString): boolean;
- // TODO
+ Line := ReadLine(Result);
-procedure TTextFileStream.WriteLine(Line: RawByteString);
+procedure TTextFileStream.WriteString(const Str: RawByteString);
+ WriteBuffer(Str[1], Length(Str));
+procedure TTextFileStream.WriteLine(const Line: RawByteString);
+ WriteBuffer(Line[1], Length(Line));
+ WriteBuffer(fLineBreak[1], Length(fLineBreak));
+{ TMemTextStream }
+constructor TMemTextFileStream.Create(Filename: IPath; Mode: Word);
+ FileStream: TBinaryFileStream;
- Self.WriteBuffer(Line[1], Length(Line));
+ inherited Create(Filename, Mode);
+ fStream := TMemoryStream.Create();
+ // load data to memory in read mode
+ if ((Mode and 3) in [fmOpenRead, fmOpenReadWrite]) then
+ begin
+ FileStream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
+ try
+ fStream.LoadFromStream(FileStream);
+ finally
+ FileStream.Free;
+ end;
+ end
+ // check if file exists for write-mode
+ else if ((Mode and 3) = fmOpenWrite) and (not Filename.IsFile) then
+ begin
+ raise EFOpenError.CreateResFmt(@SFOpenError,
+ [FileName.GetAbsolutePath.ToNative]);
+ end;
-procedure TTextFileStream.Write(Str: RawByteString);
+destructor TMemTextFileStream.Destroy();
+ FileStream: TBinaryFileStream;
+ SaveMode: word;
- Self.WriteBuffer(Str[1], Length(Str));
+ // save changes in write mode (= not read-only mode)
+ if ((fMode and 3) <> fmOpenRead) then
+ begin
+ if (fMode = fmCreate) then
+ SaveMode := fmCreate
+ else
+ SaveMode := fmOpenWrite;
+ FileStream := TBinaryFileStream.Create(fFilename, SaveMode);
+ try
+ fStream.SaveToStream(FileStream);
+ finally
+ FileStream.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ fStream.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TMemTextFileStream.GetSize: Int64;
+ Result := fStream.Size;
+function TMemTextFileStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
+ Result := fStream.Read(Buffer, Count);
+function TMemTextFileStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
+ Result := fStream.Write(Buffer, Count);
+function TMemTextFileStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
+ Result := fStream.Seek(Offset, Origin);
+function TMemTextFileStream.Seek(const Offset: Int64; Origin: TSeekOrigin): Int64;
+ Result := fStream.Seek(Offset, Origin);
+function TMemTextFileStream.CopyMemString(StartPos: int64; EndPos: int64): RawByteString;
+ LineLength: cardinal;
+ Temp: RawByteString;
+ LineLength := EndPos - StartPos;
+ if (LineLength > 0) then
+ begin
+ // set string length to line-length (+ zero-terminator)
+ SetLength(Temp, LineLength);
+ StrLCopy(PAnsiChar(Temp),
+ @PAnsiChar(fStream.Memory)[StartPos],
+ LineLength);
+ Result := Temp;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ end;
+function TMemTextFileStream.ReadString(): RawByteString;
+ TextPtr: PAnsiChar;
+ CurPos, StartPos, FileSize: Int64;
+ TextPtr := PAnsiChar(fStream.Memory);
+ CurPos := Position;
+ FileSize := Size;
+ StartPos := -1;
+ while (CurPos < FileSize) do
+ begin
+ // check for whitespace (tab, lf, cr, space)
+ if (TextPtr[CurPos] in [#9, #10, #13, ' ']) then
+ begin
+ // check if we are at the end of a string
+ if (StartPos > -1) then
+ Break;
+ end
+ else if (StartPos = -1) then // start of string found
+ begin
+ StartPos := CurPos;
+ end;
+ Inc(CurPos);
+ end;
+ if (StartPos = -1) then
+ Result := ''
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := CopyMemString(StartPos, CurPos);
+ fStream.Position := CurPos;
+ end;
+ * Implementation of ReadLine(). We need separate versions for UTF8String
+ * and AnsiString as "var" parameter types have to fit exactly.
+ * To avoid a var-parameter here, the internal version the Line parameter is
+ * used as return value.
+ *}
+function TMemTextFileStream.ReadLine(var Success: boolean): RawByteString;
+ TextPtr: PAnsiChar;
+ CurPos, FileSize: int64;
+ TextPtr := PAnsiChar(fStream.Memory);
+ CurPos := fStream.Position;
+ FileSize := Size;
+ // check for EOF
+ if (CurPos >= FileSize) then
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ Success := false;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Success := true;
+ while (CurPos < FileSize) do
+ begin
+ if (TextPtr[CurPos] in [#10, #13]) then
+ begin
+ // copy text line
+ Result := CopyMemString(fStream.Position, CurPos);
+ // handle windows style #13#10 (\r\n) newlines
+ if (TextPtr[CurPos] = #13) and
+ (CurPos+1 < FileSize) and
+ (TextPtr[CurPos+1] = #10) then
+ begin
+ Inc(CurPos);
+ end;
+ // update stream pos
+ fStream.Position := CurPos+1;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Inc(CurPos);
+ end;
+ Result := CopyMemString(fStream.Position, CurPos);
+ fStream.Position := FileSize;
{ TUnicodeMemoryStream }