path: root/src/lib/midi/Midiin.pas
diff options
authortobigun <tobigun@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-10-10 22:59:33 +0000
committertobigun <tobigun@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-10-10 22:59:33 +0000
commit35187604cef84864a908972d07361a5bd57e29ca (patch)
treedc95a8b1abeabd3a466729056ab8d37aaa6e72ea /src/lib/midi/Midiin.pas
parent58c1daf3692d4c5c534750a4fda97e087b0f0cbb (diff)
parent02bd10f0798829ab69d2028b988cb2a54eae292a (diff)
rename trunk to 1.1svn/1.1github/svn/1.1
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/1.1@2662 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 720 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/midi/Midiin.pas b/src/lib/midi/Midiin.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a055669a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/midi/Midiin.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+{ $Header: /MidiComp/Midiin.pas 2 10/06/97 7:33 Davec $ }
+{ Written by David Churcher <dchurcher@cix.compulink.co.uk>,
+ released to the public domain. }
+unit MidiIn;
+ Properties:
+ DeviceID: Windows numeric device ID for the MIDI input device.
+ Between 0 and NumDevs-1.
+ Read-only while device is open, exception when changed while open
+ MIDIHandle: The input handle to the MIDI device.
+ 0 when device is not open
+ Read-only, runtime-only
+ MessageCount: Number of input messages waiting in input buffer
+ Capacity: Number of messages input buffer can hold
+ Defaults to 1024
+ Limited to (64K/event size)
+ Read-only when device is open (exception when changed while open)
+ SysexBufferSize: Size in bytes of each sysex buffer
+ Defaults to 10K
+ Minimum 0K (no buffers), Maximum 64K-1
+ SysexBufferCount: Number of sysex buffers
+ Defaults to 16
+ Minimum 0 (no buffers), Maximum (avail mem/SysexBufferSize)
+ Check where these buffers are allocated?
+ SysexOnly: True to ignore all non-sysex input events. May be changed while
+ device is open. Handy for patch editors where you have lots of short MIDI
+ events on the wire which you are always going to ignore anyway.
+ DriverVersion: Version number of MIDI device driver. High-order byte is
+ major version, low-order byte is minor version.
+ ProductName: Name of product (e.g. 'MPU 401 In')
+ MID and PID: Manufacturer ID and Product ID, see
+ "Manufacturer and Product IDs" in MMSYSTEM.HLP for list of possible values.
+ Methods:
+ GetMidiEvent: Read Midi event at the head of the FIFO input buffer.
+ Returns a TMyMidiEvent object containing MIDI message data, timestamp,
+ and sysex data if applicable.
+ This method automatically removes the event from the input buffer.
+ It makes a copy of the received sysex buffer and puts the buffer back
+ on the input device.
+ The TMyMidiEvent object must be freed by calling MyMidiEvent.Free.
+ Open: Opens device. Note no input will appear until you call the Start
+ method.
+ Close: Closes device. Any pending system exclusive output will be cancelled.
+ Start: Starts receiving MIDI input.
+ Stop: Stops receiving MIDI input.
+ Events:
+ OnMidiInput: Called when MIDI input data arrives. Use the GetMidiEvent to
+ get the MIDI input data.
+ OnOverflow: Called if the MIDI input buffer overflows. The caller must
+ clear the buffer before any more MIDI input can be received.
+ Notes:
+ Buffering: Uses a circular buffer, separate pointers for next location
+ to fill and next location to empty because a MIDI input interrupt may
+ be adding data to the buffer while the buffer is being read. Buffer
+ pointers wrap around from end to start of buffer automatically. If
+ buffer overflows then the OnBufferOverflow event is triggered and no
+ further input will be received until the buffer is emptied by calls
+ to GetMidiEvent.
+ Sysex buffers: There are (SysexBufferCount) buffers on the input device.
+ When sysex events arrive these buffers are removed from the input device and
+ added to the circular buffer by the interrupt handler in the DLL. When the sysex events
+ are removed from the circular buffer by the GetMidiEvent method the buffers are
+ put back on the input. If all the buffers are used up there will be no
+ more sysex input until at least one sysex event is removed from the input buffer.
+ In other words if you're expecting lots of sysex input you need to set the
+ SysexBufferCount property high enough so that you won't run out of
+ input buffers before you get a chance to read them with GetMidiEvent.
+ If the synth sends a block of sysex that's longer than SysexBufferSize it
+ will be received as separate events.
+ TODO: Component derived from this one that handles >64K sysex blocks cleanly
+ and can stream them to disk.
+ Midi Time Code (MTC) and Active Sensing: The DLL is currently hardcoded
+ to filter these short events out, so that we don't spend all our time
+ processing them.
+ TODO: implement a filter property to select the events that will be filtered
+ out.
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+ {$H+} // use long strings
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ Messages,
+ Windows,
+ MMSystem,
+ WinAllocation,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ MidiDefs,
+ MidiType,
+ MidiCons,
+ Circbuf,
+ Delphmcb;
+ MidiInputState = (misOpen, misClosed, misCreating, misDestroying);
+ EMidiInputError = class(Exception);
+ {-------------------------------------------------------------------}
+ TMidiInput = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ Handle: THandle; { Window handle used for callback notification }
+ FDeviceID: Word; { MIDI device ID }
+ FMIDIHandle: HMIDIIn; { Handle to input device }
+ FState: MidiInputState; { Current device state }
+ FError: Word;
+ FSysexOnly: Boolean;
+ { Stuff from MIDIINCAPS }
+ FDriverVersion: MMVERSION;
+ FProductName: string;
+ FMID: Word; { Manufacturer ID }
+ FPID: Word; { Product ID }
+ { Queue }
+ FCapacity: Word; { Buffer capacity }
+ PBuffer: PCircularBuffer; { Low-level MIDI input buffer created by Open method }
+ FNumdevs: Word; { Number of input devices on system }
+ { Events }
+ FOnMIDIInput: TNotifyEvent; { MIDI Input arrived }
+ FOnOverflow: TNotifyEvent; { Input buffer overflow }
+ { TODO: Some sort of error handling event for MIM_ERROR }
+ { Sysex }
+ FSysexBufferSize: Word;
+ FSysexBufferCount: Word;
+ MidiHdrs: Tlist;
+ PCtlInfo: PMidiCtlInfo; { Pointer to control info for DLL }
+ protected
+ procedure Prepareheaders;
+ procedure UnprepareHeaders;
+ procedure AddBuffers;
+ procedure SetDeviceID(DeviceID: Word);
+ procedure SetProductName(NewProductName: string);
+ function GetEventCount: Word;
+ procedure SetSysexBufferSize(BufferSize: Word);
+ procedure SetSysexBufferCount(BufferCount: Word);
+ procedure SetSysexOnly(bSysexOnly: Boolean);
+ function MidiInErrorString(WError: Word): string;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property MIDIHandle: HMIDIIn read FMIDIHandle;
+ property DriverVersion: MMVERSION read FDriverVersion;
+ property MID: Word read FMID; { Manufacturer ID }
+ property PID: Word read FPID; { Product ID }
+ property Numdevs: Word read FNumdevs;
+ property MessageCount: Word read GetEventCount;
+ { TODO: property to select which incoming messages get filtered out }
+ procedure Open;
+ procedure Close;
+ procedure Start;
+ procedure Stop;
+ { Get first message in input queue }
+ function GetMidiEvent: TMyMidiEvent;
+ procedure MidiInput(var Message: TMessage);
+ { Some functions to decode and classify incoming messages would be good }
+ published
+ { TODO: Property editor with dropdown list of product names }
+ property ProductName: string read FProductName write SetProductName;
+ property DeviceID: Word read FDeviceID write SetDeviceID default 0;
+ property Capacity: Word read FCapacity write FCapacity default 1024;
+ property Error: Word read FError;
+ property SysexBufferSize: Word
+ read FSysexBufferSize
+ write SetSysexBufferSize
+ default 10000;
+ property SysexBufferCount: Word
+ read FSysexBufferCount
+ write SetSysexBufferCount
+ default 16;
+ property SysexOnly: Boolean
+ read FSysexOnly
+ write SetSysexOnly
+ default False;
+ { Events }
+ property OnMidiInput: TNotifyEvent read FOnMidiInput write FOnMidiInput;
+ property OnOverflow: TNotifyEvent read FOnOverflow write FOnOverflow;
+ end;
+procedure Register;
+uses Controls,
+ Graphics;
+(* Not used in Delphi 3
+{ This is the callback procedure in the external DLL.
+ It's used when midiInOpen is called by the Open method.
+ There are special requirements and restrictions for this callback
+ procedure (see midiInOpen in MMSYSTEM.HLP) so it's impractical to
+ make it an object method }
+function midiHandler(
+ hMidiIn: HMidiIn;
+ wMsg: UINT;
+ dwInstance: DWORD;
+ dwParam1: DWORD;
+ dwParam2: DWORD): Boolean; stdcall; external 'DELMID32.DLL';
+constructor TMidiInput.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ FState := misCreating;
+ FSysexOnly := False;
+ FNumDevs := midiInGetNumDevs;
+ MidiHdrs := nil;
+ { Set defaults }
+ if (FNumDevs > 0) then
+ SetDeviceID(0);
+ FCapacity := 1024;
+ FSysexBufferSize := 4096;
+ FSysexBufferCount := 16;
+ { Create the window for callback notification }
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ Handle := AllocateHwnd(MidiInput);
+ end;
+ FState := misClosed;
+{ Close the device if it's open }
+destructor TMidiInput.Destroy;
+ if (FMidiHandle <> 0) then
+ begin
+ Close;
+ FMidiHandle := 0;
+ end;
+ if (PCtlInfo <> nil) then
+ GlobalSharedLockedFree(PCtlinfo^.hMem, PCtlInfo);
+ DeallocateHwnd(Handle);
+ inherited Destroy;
+{ Convert the numeric return code from an MMSYSTEM function to a string
+ using midiInGetErrorText. TODO: These errors aren't very helpful
+ (e.g. "an invalid parameter was passed to a system function") so
+ sort out some proper error strings. }
+function TMidiInput.MidiInErrorString(WError: Word): string;
+ errorDesc: PChar;
+ errorDesc := nil;
+ try
+ errorDesc := StrAlloc(MAXERRORLENGTH);
+ if midiInGetErrorText(WError, errorDesc, MAXERRORLENGTH) = 0 then
+ result := StrPas(errorDesc)
+ else
+ result := 'Specified error number is out of range';
+ finally
+ if errorDesc <> nil then StrDispose(errorDesc);
+ end;
+{ Set the sysex buffer size, fail if device is already open }
+procedure TMidiInput.SetSysexBufferSize(BufferSize: Word);
+ if FState = misOpen then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create('Change to SysexBufferSize while device was open')
+ else
+ { TODO: Validate the sysex buffer size. Is this necessary for WIN32? }
+ FSysexBufferSize := BufferSize;
+{ Set the sysex buffer count, fail if device is already open }
+procedure TMidiInput.SetSysexBuffercount(Buffercount: Word);
+ if FState = misOpen then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create('Change to SysexBuffercount while device was open')
+ else
+ { TODO: Validate the sysex buffer count }
+ FSysexBuffercount := Buffercount;
+{ Set the Sysex Only flag to eliminate unwanted short MIDI input messages }
+procedure TMidiInput.SetSysexOnly(bSysexOnly: Boolean);
+ FSysexOnly := bSysexOnly;
+ { Update the interrupt handler's copy of this property }
+ if PCtlInfo <> nil then
+ PCtlInfo^.SysexOnly := bSysexOnly;
+{ Set the Device ID to select a new MIDI input device
+ Note: If no MIDI devices are installed, throws an 'Invalid Device ID' exception }
+procedure TMidiInput.SetDeviceID(DeviceID: Word);
+ MidiInCaps: TMidiInCaps;
+ if FState = misOpen then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create('Change to DeviceID while device was open')
+ else
+ if (DeviceID >= midiInGetNumDevs) then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create('Invalid device ID')
+ else
+ begin
+ FDeviceID := DeviceID;
+ { Set the name and other MIDIINCAPS properties to match the ID }
+ FError :=
+ midiInGetDevCaps(DeviceID, @MidiInCaps, sizeof(TMidiInCaps));
+ if Ferror <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create(MidiInErrorString(FError));
+ FProductName := StrPas(MidiInCaps.szPname);
+ FDriverVersion := MidiInCaps.vDriverVersion;
+ FMID := MidiInCaps.wMID;
+ FPID := MidiInCaps.wPID;
+ end;
+{ Set the product name and put the matching input device number in FDeviceID.
+ This is handy if you want to save a configured input/output device
+ by device name instead of device number, because device numbers may
+ change if users add or remove MIDI devices.
+ Exception if input device with matching name not found,
+ or if input device is open }
+procedure TMidiInput.SetProductName(NewProductName: string);
+ MidiInCaps: TMidiInCaps;
+ testDeviceID: Word;
+ testProductName: string;
+ if FState = misOpen then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create('Change to ProductName while device was open')
+ else
+ { Don't set the name if the component is reading properties because
+ the saved Productname will be from the machine the application was compiled
+ on, which may not be the same for the corresponding DeviceID on the user's
+ machine. The FProductname property will still be set by SetDeviceID }
+ if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ begin
+ for testDeviceID := 0 to (midiInGetNumDevs - 1) do
+ begin
+ FError :=
+ midiInGetDevCaps(testDeviceID, @MidiInCaps, sizeof(TMidiInCaps));
+ if Ferror <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create(MidiInErrorString(FError));
+ testProductName := StrPas(MidiInCaps.szPname);
+ if testProductName = NewProductName then
+ begin
+ FProductName := NewProductName;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if FProductName <> NewProductName then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create('MIDI Input Device ' +
+ NewProductName + ' not installed ')
+ else
+ SetDeviceID(testDeviceID);
+ end;
+ end;
+{ Get the sysex buffers ready }
+procedure TMidiInput.PrepareHeaders;
+ ctr: Word;
+ MyMidiHdr: TMyMidiHdr;
+ if (FSysexBufferCount > 0) and (FSysexBufferSize > 0)
+ and (FMidiHandle <> 0) then
+ begin
+ Midihdrs := TList.Create;
+ for ctr := 1 to FSysexBufferCount do
+ begin
+ { Initialize the header and allocate buffer memory }
+ MyMidiHdr := TMyMidiHdr.Create(FSysexBufferSize);
+ { Store the address of the MyMidiHdr object in the contained MIDIHDR
+ structure so we can get back to the object when a pointer to the
+ MIDIHDR is received.
+ E.g. see TMidiOutput.Output method }
+ MyMidiHdr.hdrPointer^.dwUser := DWORD(MyMidiHdr);
+ { Get MMSYSTEM's blessing for this header }
+ FError := midiInPrepareHeader(FMidiHandle, MyMidiHdr.hdrPointer,
+ sizeof(TMIDIHDR));
+ if Ferror <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create(MidiInErrorString(FError));
+ { Save it in our list }
+ MidiHdrs.Add(MyMidiHdr);
+ end;
+ end;
+{ Clean up from PrepareHeaders }
+procedure TMidiInput.UnprepareHeaders;
+ ctr: Word;
+ if (MidiHdrs <> nil) then { will be Nil if 0 sysex buffers }
+ begin
+ for ctr := 0 to MidiHdrs.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ FError := midiInUnprepareHeader(FMidiHandle,
+ TMyMidiHdr(MidiHdrs.Items[ctr]).hdrPointer,
+ sizeof(TMIDIHDR));
+ if Ferror <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create(MidiInErrorString(FError));
+ TMyMidiHdr(MidiHdrs.Items[ctr]).Free;
+ end;
+ MidiHdrs.Free;
+ MidiHdrs := nil;
+ end;
+{ Add sysex buffers, if required, to input device }
+procedure TMidiInput.AddBuffers;
+ ctr: Word;
+ if MidiHdrs <> nil then { will be Nil if 0 sysex buffers }
+ begin
+ if MidiHdrs.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ for ctr := 0 to MidiHdrs.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ FError := midiInAddBuffer(FMidiHandle,
+ TMyMidiHdr(MidiHdrs.Items[ctr]).hdrPointer,
+ sizeof(TMIDIHDR));
+ if FError <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create(MidiInErrorString(FError));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TMidiInput.Open;
+ hMem: THandle;
+ try
+ { Create the buffer for the MIDI input messages }
+ if (PBuffer = nil) then
+ PBuffer := CircBufAlloc(FCapacity);
+ { Create the control info for the DLL }
+ if (PCtlInfo = nil) then
+ begin
+ PCtlInfo := GlobalSharedLockedAlloc(Sizeof(TMidiCtlInfo), hMem);
+ PctlInfo^.hMem := hMem;
+ end;
+ PctlInfo^.pBuffer := PBuffer;
+ Pctlinfo^.hWindow := Handle; { Control's window handle }
+ PCtlInfo^.SysexOnly := FSysexOnly;
+ FError := midiInOpen(@FMidiHandle, FDeviceId,
+ DWORD(@midiHandler),
+ DWORD(PCtlInfo),
+ if (FError <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR) then
+ { TODO: use CreateFmtHelp to add MIDI device name/ID to message }
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create(MidiInErrorString(FError));
+ { Get sysex buffers ready }
+ PrepareHeaders;
+ { Add them to the input }
+ AddBuffers;
+ FState := misOpen;
+ except
+ if PBuffer <> nil then
+ begin
+ CircBufFree(PBuffer);
+ PBuffer := nil;
+ end;
+ if PCtlInfo <> nil then
+ begin
+ GlobalSharedLockedFree(PCtlInfo^.hMem, PCtlInfo);
+ PCtlInfo := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TMidiInput.GetMidiEvent: TMyMidiEvent;
+ thisItem: TMidiBufferItem;
+ if (FState = misOpen) and
+ CircBufReadEvent(PBuffer, @thisItem) then
+ begin
+ Result := TMyMidiEvent.Create;
+ with thisItem do
+ begin
+ Result.Time := Timestamp;
+ if (Sysex = nil) then
+ begin
+ { Short message }
+ Result.MidiMessage := LoByte(LoWord(Data));
+ Result.Data1 := HiByte(LoWord(Data));
+ Result.Data2 := LoByte(HiWord(Data));
+ Result.Sysex := nil;
+ Result.SysexLength := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ { Long Sysex message }
+ begin
+ Result.MidiMessage := MIDI_BEGINSYSEX;
+ Result.Data1 := 0;
+ Result.Data2 := 0;
+ Result.SysexLength := Sysex^.dwBytesRecorded;
+ if Sysex^.dwBytesRecorded <> 0 then
+ begin
+ { Put a copy of the sysex buffer in the object }
+ GetMem(Result.Sysex, Sysex^.dwBytesRecorded);
+ StrMove(Result.Sysex, Sysex^.lpData, Sysex^.dwBytesRecorded);
+ end;
+ { Put the header back on the input buffer }
+ FError := midiInPrepareHeader(FMidiHandle, Sysex,
+ sizeof(TMIDIHDR));
+ if Ferror = 0 then
+ FError := midiInAddBuffer(FMidiHandle,
+ Sysex, sizeof(TMIDIHDR));
+ if Ferror <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create(MidiInErrorString(FError));
+ end;
+ end;
+ CircbufRemoveEvent(PBuffer);
+ end
+ else
+ { Device isn't open, return a nil event }
+ Result := nil;
+function TMidiInput.GetEventCount: Word;
+ if FState = misOpen then
+ Result := PBuffer^.EventCount
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+procedure TMidiInput.Close;
+ if FState = misOpen then
+ begin
+ FState := misClosed;
+ { MidiInReset cancels any pending output.
+ Note that midiInReset causes an MIM_LONGDATA callback for each sysex
+ buffer on the input, so the callback function and Midi input buffer
+ should still be viable at this stage.
+ All the resulting MIM_LONGDATA callbacks will be completed by the time
+ MidiInReset returns, though. }
+ FError := MidiInReset(FMidiHandle);
+ if Ferror <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create(MidiInErrorString(FError));
+ { Remove sysex buffers from input device and free them }
+ UnPrepareHeaders;
+ { Close the device (finally!) }
+ FError := MidiInClose(FMidiHandle);
+ if Ferror <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create(MidiInErrorString(FError));
+ FMidiHandle := 0;
+ if (PBuffer <> nil) then
+ begin
+ CircBufFree(PBuffer);
+ PBuffer := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TMidiInput.Start;
+ if FState = misOpen then
+ begin
+ FError := MidiInStart(FMidiHandle);
+ if Ferror <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create(MidiInErrorString(FError));
+ end;
+procedure TMidiInput.Stop;
+ if FState = misOpen then
+ begin
+ FError := MidiInStop(FMidiHandle);
+ if Ferror <> MMSYSERR_NOERROR then
+ raise EMidiInputError.Create(MidiInErrorString(FError));
+ end;
+procedure TMidiInput.MidiInput(var Message: TMessage);
+{ Triggered by incoming message from DLL.
+ Note DLL has already put the message in the queue }
+ case Message.Msg of
+ mim_data:
+ { Trigger the user's MIDI input event, if they've specified one and
+ we're not in the process of closing the device. The check for
+ GetEventCount > 0 prevents unnecessary event calls where the user has
+ already cleared all the events from the input buffer using a GetMidiEvent
+ loop in the OnMidiInput event handler }
+ if Assigned(FOnMIDIInput) and (FState = misOpen)
+ and (GetEventCount > 0) then
+ FOnMIDIInput(Self);
+ mim_Overflow: { input circular buffer overflow }
+ if Assigned(FOnOverflow) and (FState = misOpen) then
+ FOnOverflow(Self);
+ end;
+procedure Register;
+ RegisterComponents('Synth', [TMIDIInput]);