path: root/Lua/src/lua/ULuaCore.pas
diff options
authorwhiteshark0 <whiteshark0@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2009-04-17 16:45:41 +0000
committerwhiteshark0 <whiteshark0@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2009-04-17 16:45:41 +0000
commita7d1d94cbae98f8cd804f453d24bd8036e314518 (patch)
tree0f59b9ac6d4bd4dff2c9469b21370bcd5d606efd /Lua/src/lua/ULuaCore.pas
parent44d215e69d768b32c26f62b711baaf41b36fe1ea (diff)
lua plugin interface implemented
it offers some basic environment to the loaded plugins see ./game/plugins/PluginDescription.odt for further explantation. git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/experimental@1674 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'Lua/src/lua/ULuaCore.pas')
1 files changed, 864 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lua/src/lua/ULuaCore.pas b/Lua/src/lua/ULuaCore.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f9188c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lua/src/lua/ULuaCore.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
+{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
+ *
+ * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL: https://ultrastardx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ultrastardx/branches/experimental/Lua/src/lua/ULuaGl.pas $
+ * $Id: ULuaGl.pas 1555 2009-01-11 18:19:42Z Hawkear $
+ *}
+unit ULuaCore;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses SysUtils, ULua, UHookableEvent;
+ { this exception is raised when the lua panic function
+ is called. Only in case we use call instead of pcall.
+ it has the lua error string in its message attribute }
+ ELuaException = class(Exception);
+ { record represents item of Eventlist of TLuaCore }
+ PEventListItem = ^TEventListItem;
+ TEventListItem = record
+ Event: THookableEvent;
+ Next: PEventListItem;
+ end;
+ { record represents a module }
+ TLuaModule = record
+ Name: String;
+ Functions: Array of luaL_reg; //modules functions, w/ trailing nils this time
+ end;
+ TLuaPlugin_Status = (psNone, psRunning, psClosed, psErrorOnLoad, psErrorOnCall, psErrorInInit, psErrorOnRun);
+ { class represents a loaded plugin }
+ TLuaPlugin = class
+ private
+ iId: Integer;
+ Filename: WideString;
+ State: Plua_State; //< all functions of this plugin are called with this Lua state
+ bPaused: Boolean; //< If true no lua functions from this state are called
+ ErrorCount: Integer; //< counts the errors that occured during function calls of this plugin
+ sName: String;
+ sVersion: String;
+ sAuthor: String;
+ sURL: String;
+ sStatus: TLuaPlugin_Status;
+ public
+ constructor Create(Filename: WideString; Id: Integer);
+ property Id: Integer read iId;
+ property Name: String read sName;
+ property Version: String read sVersion;
+ property Author: String read sAuthor;
+ property Url: String read sUrl;
+ property Status: TLuaPlugin_Status read sStatus;
+ property CountErrors: Integer read ErrorCount;
+ property LuaState: Plua_State read State;
+ procedure Load;
+ procedure Register(Name, Version, Author, Url: String);
+ function HasRegistred: Boolean;
+ procedure PausePlugin(doPause: Boolean);
+ property Paused: boolean read bPaused write PausePlugin;
+ { calls the lua function in the global w/ the given name.
+ the arguments to the function have to be pushed to the stack
+ before calling this function.
+ the arguments and the function will be removed from stack
+ results will not be removed.
+ if result is false there was an error calling the function
+ if ReportErrors is true the errorstring is popped from stack
+ and written to error.log otherwise it is left on stack}
+ function CallFunctionByName(Name: String; const nArgs: Integer = 0; const nResults: Integer = 0; const ReportErrors: Boolean = True): Boolean;
+ procedure ClearStack;
+ procedure Unload; //< Destroys the Luastate, and frees as much mem as possible, w/o destroying the class and important information
+ destructor Destroy;
+ end;
+ { class managing the plugins w/ their LuaStates, the events and modules
+ it also offers the usdx table to the plugins w/ some basic functionality
+ like self unload or hook getting}
+ TLuaCore = class
+ private
+ EventList: PEventListItem; //< pointer to first registred Event, ordered by name
+ EventHandles: Array of String; //< Index is Events handle, value is events name. if length(value) is 0 handle is considered unregistred
+ Plugins: Array of TLuaPlugin;
+ protected
+ Modules: Array of TLuaModule; //< modules that has been registred, has to be proctected because fucntions of this unit need to get access
+ function GetModuleIdByName(Name: String): Integer; //returns id of given module, or -1 if module is not found
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy;
+ procedure BrowseDir(Dir: WideString); //< searches for files w/ extension .usdx in the specified dir and tries to load them w/ lua
+ procedure LoadPlugin(Filename: WideString); //< tries to load filename w/ lua and creates the default usdx lua environment for the plugins state
+ function GetPluginByName(Name: String): TLuaPlugin;
+ function GetPluginById(Id: Integer): TLuaPlugin;
+ { this function adds a module loader for your functions
+ name is the name the script needs to write in its require()
+ Functions is an array of lua calling compatible functions
+ w/o trailing nils! }
+ procedure RegisterModule(Name: String; const Functions: Array of luaL_reg);
+ function RegisterEvent(Event: THookableEvent): Integer; //< adds the event to eventlist and returns its handle
+ procedure UnRegisterEvent(hEvent: Integer); //< removes the event from eventlist by handle
+ function GetEventbyName(Name: String): THookableEvent; //< tries to find the event w/ the given name in the list
+ function GetEventbyHandle(hEvent: Integer): THookableEvent; //< tries to find the event w/ the given handle
+ procedure PrepareState(L: Plua_State);
+ procedure DumpPlugins; //< prints plugin runtime information w/ Log.LogStatus
+ end;
+//some luastyle functions to call from lua scripts
+{ register global, used by plugins to identify
+ register(plugin name, plugin version, [plugin author], [plugin homepage])
+ can only be called once since the global "register" is niled by the function
+ returns true on success. (name does not exist)}
+function TLuaPlugin_Register (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
+{ moduleloader for usdx.* modules
+ stored in package.loaders[3]
+ package.loaders[3] (module name)
+ returns a function to load the requested module or a error
+ description(string) when the module is not found }
+function TLuaCore_ModuleLoader (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
+{ loads module specified by a cfunction upvalue to
+ usdx.modulename and returns it.
+ loadmodule(module name) }
+function TLuaCore_LoadModule (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
+{ custom lua panic function
+ it writes error string to error.log and raises an ELuaException
+ that may be caught }
+function TLua_CustomPanic (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
+ LuaCore: TLuaCore;
+uses ULog, UPlatform;
+constructor TLuaCore.Create;
+ inherited;
+ //init EventList w/ nil
+ EventList := nil;
+destructor TLuaCore.Destroy;
+ Cur: PEventListItem;
+ Prev: PEventListItem;
+ SetLength(EventHandles, 0);
+ //delete event list
+ Cur := EventList;
+ While(Cur <> nil) do
+ begin
+ Prev := Cur;
+ Cur := Prev.Next;
+ Dispose(Prev);
+ end;
+ inherited;
+{ searches for files w/ extension .usdx in the specified
+ dir and tries to load them w/ lua }
+procedure TLuaCore.BrowseDir(Dir: WideString);
+ var
+ Files: TDirectoryEntryArray;
+ I: Integer;
+ try
+ Files := Platform.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, '.usdx', true)
+ except
+ Log.LogError('Couldn''t deal with directory/file: ' + Dir + ' in TLuaCore.BrowseDir')
+ end;
+ for I := 0 to High(Files) do
+ if (Files[I].IsDirectory) then
+ BrowseDir(Dir + Files[i].Name) //browse recursive
+ else if (Files[I].IsFile) then
+ LoadPlugin(Dir + Files[i].Name);
+{ tries to load filename w/ lua and creates the default
+ usdx lua environment for the plugins state }
+procedure TLuaCore.LoadPlugin(Filename: WideString);
+ var
+ Len: Integer;
+ Len := Length(Plugins);
+ SetLength(Plugins, Len + 1);
+ Plugins[Len] := TLuaPlugin.Create(Filename, Len);
+ Plugins[Len].Load;
+{ returns Plugin on success nil on failure }
+function TLuaCore.GetPluginByName(Name: String): TLuaPlugin;
+ var
+ I: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ Name := lowercase(Name);
+ For I := 0 to High(Plugins) do
+ If (lowercase(Plugins[I].Name) = Name) then
+ begin
+ Result := GetPluginById(I);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+{ returns Plugin on success nil on failure }
+function TLuaCore.GetPluginById(Id: Integer): TLuaPlugin;
+ If (Id >= 0) AND (Id <= High(Plugins)) then
+ Result := Plugins[Id]
+ Else
+ Result := nil;
+{ this function adds a module loader for your functions
+ name is the name the script needs to write in its require()
+ Functions is an array of lua calling compatible functions
+ w/o trailing nils! }
+procedure TLuaCore.RegisterModule(Name: String; const Functions: Array of luaL_reg);
+ var
+ Len: Integer;
+ FuncLen: Integer;
+ I: Integer;
+ Len := Length(Modules);
+ SetLength(Modules, Len + 1);
+ Modules[Len].Name := Name;
+ FuncLen := Length(Functions);
+ SetLength(Modules[Len].Functions, FuncLen + 1);
+ For I := 0 to FuncLen-1 do
+ Modules[Len].Functions[I] := Functions[I];
+ Modules[Len].Functions[FuncLen].name := nil;
+ Modules[Len].Functions[FuncLen].func := nil;
+{ adds the event to eventlist and returns its handle
+ called by THookableEvent on creation }
+function TLuaCore.RegisterEvent(Event: THookableEvent): Integer;
+ Cur, Prev, Item: PEventListItem;
+ If (Event <> nil) and (Length(Event.Name) > 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := Length(EventHandles);
+ SetLength(EventHandles, Result + 1); //get Handle and copy it to result
+ EventHandles[Result] := Event.Name;
+ //create eventlist item
+ New(Item);
+ Item.Event := Event;
+ //search for a place for this event in alphabetical order
+ Prev := nil;
+ Cur := EventList;
+ While (Cur <> nil) and (CompareStr(Cur.Event.Name, EventHandles[Result]) < 0) do
+ begin
+ Prev := Cur;
+ Cur := Prev.Next;
+ end;
+ //found the place => add new item
+ if (Prev <> nil) then
+ Prev.Next := Item
+ else //first item
+ EventList := Item;
+ Item.Next := Cur;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := -1;
+{ removes the event from eventlist by handle }
+procedure TLuaCore.UnRegisterEvent(hEvent: Integer);
+ var
+ Cur, Prev: PEventListItem;
+ If (hEvent >= 0) AND (hEvent <= High(EventHandles)) AND (Length(EventHandles[hEvent]) > 0) then
+ begin //hEvent in bounds and not already deleted
+ //delete from eventlist
+ Prev := nil;
+ Cur := EventList;
+ While (Cur <> nil) and (CompareStr(Cur.Event.Name, EventHandles[hEvent]) < 0) do
+ begin
+ Prev := Cur;
+ Cur := Prev.Next;
+ end;
+ If (Cur <> nil) and (Cur.Event.Name = EventHandles[hEvent]) then
+ begin //delete if found
+ Prev.Next := Cur.Next; // remove from list
+ Dispose(Cur); // free memory
+ end;
+ //delete from handle array
+ EventHandles[hEvent] := '';
+ end;
+{ tries to find the event w/ the given name in the list }
+function TLuaCore.GetEventbyName(Name: String): THookableEvent;
+ var
+ Cur: PEventListItem;
+ Result := nil;
+ if (Length(Name) > 0) then
+ begin
+ //search in eventlist
+ Cur := EventList;
+ While (Cur <> nil) and (CompareStr(Cur.Event.Name, Name) < 0) do
+ begin
+ Cur := Cur.Next;
+ end;
+ If (Cur <> nil) and (Cur.Event.Name = Name) then
+ begin //we found what we want to find
+ Result := Cur.Event;
+ end;
+ end;
+{ tries to find the event w/ the given handle }
+function TLuaCore.GetEventbyHandle(hEvent: Integer): THookableEvent;
+ If (hEvent >= 0) AND (hEvent <= High(EventHandles)) AND (Length(EventHandles[hEvent]) > 0) then
+ begin //hEvent in bounds and not already deleted
+ Result := GetEventByName(EventHandles[hEvent]);
+ end
+ else
+ Result := nil;
+{ prepares the given already opened Lua state with the
+ basic usdx environment, e.g.: base and package Modules,
+ usdx moduleloaders and usdx table }
+procedure TLuaCore.PrepareState(L: Plua_State);
+ //load basic lib functionality
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_base);
+ lua_call(L, 0, 0);
+ lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L)); //pop the results
+ //load module functionality
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_package);
+ lua_call(L, 0, 0);
+ lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L)); //pop the results
+ { adds the loader for the other standard lib to package.preload table
+ plugins can call e.g. require('math') if they need math functionality }
+ // we need 3 free stack slots
+ lua_checkstack(L, 3);
+ // get package table
+ lua_getglobal (L, PChar('package'));
+ // get package.preload table
+ lua_getfield (L, -1, PChar('preload'));
+ {**** add string lib }
+ // push loader function
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_string);
+ // set package.preload.x loader
+ lua_setfield (L, -2, PChar('string'));
+ {**** add table lib }
+ // push loader function
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_table);
+ // set package.preload.x loader
+ lua_setfield (L, -2, PChar('table'));
+ {**** add math lib }
+ // push loader function
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_math);
+ // set package.preload.x loader
+ lua_setfield (L, -2, PChar('math'));
+ {**** add os lib }
+ // push loader function
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_os);
+ // set package.preload.x loader
+ lua_setfield (L, -2, PChar('os'));
+ //pop package.preload table from stack
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ // get package.loaders table
+ lua_getfield (L, -1, PChar('loaders'));
+ {**** Move C-Library and all-in-one module loader backwards,
+ slot 3 is free now }
+ // get package.loaders[4] function
+ lua_getfield (L, -1, '4');
+ // and move it to package.loaders[5]
+ lua_setfield (L, -2, '5');
+ // get package.loaders[3] function
+ lua_getfield (L, -1, '3');
+ // and move it to package.loaders[4]
+ lua_setfield (L, -2, '4');
+ {**** now we add the core module to package.loaders[3] }
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, TLuaCore_ModuleLoader);
+ // and move it to package.loaders[3]
+ lua_setfield (L, -2, '3');
+ //pop both package and package.loaders tables from stack
+ lua_pop(L, 2);
+{ returns id of given module, or -1 if module is not found }
+function TLuaCore.GetModuleIdByName(Name: String): Integer;
+ var
+ I: Integer;
+ Result := -1;
+ for I := 0 to High(Modules) do
+ if (Modules[I].Name = Name) then
+ begin
+ Result := I;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+{ moduleloader for usdx.* modules
+ stored in package.loaders[3]
+ package.loaders[3] (module name)
+ returns a function to load the requested module or an error
+ description(string) when the module is not found }
+function TLuaCore_ModuleLoader (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
+ var
+ Name: String;
+ ID: Integer;
+ Result := 1; //we will return one value in every case (or never return in case of an error)
+ if (lua_gettop(L) >= 1) then
+ begin
+ // pop all arguments but the first
+ if (lua_gettop(L) > 1) then
+ lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L)-1);
+ if (lua_IsString(L, 1)) then
+ begin //we got the name => go get it
+ Name := lua_toString(L, 1);
+ //we need at least 6 letters
+ //and first 5 letters have to be usdx.
+ if (Length(Name) > 5) and (copy(Name, 1, 5)='usdx.') then
+ begin
+ ID := LuaCore.GetModuleIdByName(copy(Name, 6, Length(Name) - 5));
+ If (ID >= 0) then
+ begin //found the module -> return loader function
+ lua_pushinteger(L, Id);
+ lua_pushcclosure(L, TLuaCore_LoadModule, 1);
+ //the function is the result, so we leave it on stack
+ end
+ else
+ lua_pushString(L, PChar('usdx module "' + Name + '" couldn''t be found'));
+ end
+ else
+ lua_pushString(L, PChar('module doesn''t have "usdx." prefix'));
+ end
+ else
+ luaL_argerror(L, 1, PChar('string expected'));
+ end
+ else
+ luaL_error(L, PChar('no modulename specified in usdx moduleloader'));
+{ loads module specified by a cfunction upvalue to
+ usdx.modulename and returns it.
+ loadmodule(module name) }
+function TLuaCore_LoadModule (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
+ var
+ Id: Integer;
+ if (not lua_isnoneornil(L, lua_upvalueindex(1))) then
+ begin
+ Id := lua_ToInteger(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
+ luaL_register(L, PChar('usdx.' + LuaCore.Modules[Id].Name), @LuaCore.Modules[Id].Functions[0]);
+ Result := 1; //return table
+ end
+ else
+ luaL_error(L, PChar('no upvalue found in LuaCore_LoadModule'));
+{ prints plugin runtime information w/ Log.LogStatus }
+procedure TLuaCore.DumpPlugins;
+ function PluginStatusToString(Status: TLuaPlugin_Status): String;
+ begin
+ Case Status of
+ psNone: Result := 'not loaded';
+ psRunning: Result := 'running';
+ psClosed: Result := 'closed';
+ psErrorOnLoad: Result := 'error during load';
+ psErrorOnCall: Result := 'error during call';
+ psErrorInInit: Result := 'error in plugin_init()';
+ psErrorOnRun: Result := 'error on function call';
+ else Result := 'unknown';
+ end;
+ end;
+ var
+ I: Integer;
+ //print table header
+ Log.LogError(' # ' + #09 + ' name ' + #09 + ' version ' + #09 + ' status ' + #09 + ' paused ' + #09 + ' #errors ', 'plugins');
+ For I := 0 to High(Plugins) do
+ Log.LogError(' ' + IntToStr(Plugins[I].Id) + ' ' + #09 +
+ ' ' + Plugins[I].Name + ' ' + #09 +
+ ' ' + Plugins[I].Version + ' ' + #09 +
+ ' ' + PluginStatusToString(Plugins[I].Status) + ' ' + #09 +
+ ' ' + BoolToStr(Plugins[I].Paused, true) + ' ' + #09 +
+ ' ' + IntToStr(Plugins[I].CountErrors) + ' ', 'plugins');
+ If (High(Plugins)<0) then
+ Log.LogError(' no plugins loaded ');
+// Implementation of TLuaPlugin
+constructor TLuaPlugin.Create(Filename: WideString; Id: Integer);
+ inherited Create;
+ Self.iId := Id;
+ Self.Filename := Filename;
+ // set some default attributes
+ Self.bPaused := False;
+ Self.ErrorCount := 0;
+ Self.sName := 'not registred';
+ Self.sStatus := psNone;
+destructor TLuaPlugin.Destroy;
+ Unload;
+ inherited;
+{ does the main loading part
+ can not be called by create, because Plugins[Id] isn't defined there }
+procedure TLuaPlugin.Load;
+ // create Lua state for this plugin
+ State := luaL_newstate;
+ //set our custom panic function if s/t went wrong along the init
+ //we don't expect
+ lua_atPanic(State, TLua_CustomPanic);
+ if (luaL_loadfile(State, PChar(String(Self.Filename))) = 0) then
+ begin // file loaded successful
+ { note: we run the file here, but the environment isn't
+ set up now. it just causes the functions to
+ register in globals and runs the code in the file
+ body. At least there should be no code, it could
+ neither use functions from baselibs nor load libs
+ with require, this code would be useless. }
+ if (lua_pcall(State, 0, 0, 0) = 0) then
+ begin // file called successful
+ //let the core prepare our state
+ LuaCore.PrepareState(State);
+ // set register function
+ lua_checkstack(State, 2);
+ lua_pushinteger(State, Id);
+ lua_pushcclosure(State, TLuaPlugin_Register, 1);
+ lua_setglobal(State, PChar('register'));
+ // now run the plugin_init function
+ // plugin_init() if false or nothing is returned plugin init is aborted
+ if (CallFunctionByName('plugin_init', 0, 1)) then
+ begin
+ If (HasRegistred) AND (lua_toBoolean(State, 1)) then
+ begin
+ sStatus := psRunning;
+ ClearStack;
+ end
+ else
+ Unload;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ sStatus := psErrorInInit;
+ Log.LogError('error in plugin_init: ' + Filename, 'lua');
+ Unload;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ sStatus := psErrorOnLoad;
+ Log.LogError('unable to call file: ' + Filename, 'lua');
+ Unload;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ sStatus := psErrorOnLoad;
+ Log.LogError('unable to load file: ' + Filename, 'lua');
+ Unload;
+ end;
+procedure TLuaPlugin.Register(Name, Version, Author, Url: String);
+ sName := Name;
+ sVersion := Version;
+ sAuthor := Author;
+ sURL := Url;
+{ returns true if plugin has called register }
+function TLuaPlugin.HasRegistred: Boolean;
+ Result := (Self.sName = 'not registred');
+procedure TLuaPlugin.PausePlugin(doPause: Boolean);
+ bPaused := doPause;
+{ calls the lua function in the global w/ the given name.
+ the arguments to the function have to be pushed to the stack
+ before calling this function.
+ the arguments and the function will be removed from stack
+ results will not be removed.
+ if result is false there was an error calling the function,
+ if ReportErrors is true the errorstring is popped from stack
+ and written to error.log otherwise it is left on stack}
+function TLuaPlugin.CallFunctionByName(Name: String; const nArgs: Integer; const nResults: Integer; const ReportErrors: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := false;
+ if not bPaused then
+ begin
+ // we need at least one stack slot free
+ lua_checkstack(State, 1);
+ // lua_getglobal(State, PChar(Name)); //this is just a macro:
+ lua_getfield(State, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, PChar(Name));
+ If (lua_isfunction(State, -1)) then
+ begin //we got a function
+ // move function in front of the arguments (if any)
+ if (nArgs > 0) then
+ lua_insert(State, -(nArgs + 1));
+ // call it!
+ if (lua_pcall(State, nArgs, nResults, 0) = 0) then
+ Result := true //called w/o errors
+ else //increase error counter
+ Inc (ErrorCount);
+ end
+ else
+ begin //we have to pop the args and the field we pushed from stack
+ lua_pop(State, nArgs + 1);
+ //leave an errormessage on stack
+ lua_pushstring(State, Pchar('could not find function named ' + Name));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin //we have to pop the args from stack
+ lua_pop(State, nArgs);
+ //leave an errormessage on stack
+ lua_pushstring(State, PChar('plugin paused'));
+ end;
+ if (not Result) AND (ReportErrors) then
+ Log.LogError(lua_toString(State, -1), 'lua/' + sName);
+{ removes all values from stack }
+procedure TLuaPlugin.ClearStack;
+ if (lua_gettop(State) > 0) then
+ lua_pop(State, lua_gettop(State));
+{ Destroys the Luastate, and frees as much mem as possible,
+ w/o destroying the class and important information }
+procedure TLuaPlugin.Unload;
+ if (State <> nil) then
+ begin
+ if (Status in [psRunning, psErrorOnRun]) then
+ CallFunctionByName('plugin_unload', 1, 0, False);
+ ClearStack;
+ lua_close(State);
+ State := nil; //don't forget to nil it ;)
+ if (sStatus = psRunning) then
+ sStatus := psClosed;
+ end;
+function TLuaPlugin_Register (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
+ var
+ Id: Integer;
+ P: TLuaPlugin;
+ Name, Version, Author, Url: String;
+ if (lua_gettop(L) >= 2) then
+ begin // we got at least name and version
+ if (not lua_isNumber(L, lua_upvalueindex(1))) then
+ luaL_Error(L, PChar('upvalue missing'));
+ if (not lua_isString(L, 1)) then
+ luaL_ArgError(L, 1, 'string expected');
+ if (not lua_isString(L, 2)) then
+ luaL_ArgError(L, 1, 'string expected');
+ Id := lua_ToInteger(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
+ //get version and name
+ Name := lua_tostring(L, 1);
+ Version := lua_tostring(L, 2);
+ //get optional parameters
+ if (lua_isString(L, 3)) then //author
+ Author := lua_toString(L, 3)
+ else
+ begin
+ Author := 'unknown';
+ end;
+ // homepage
+ if (lua_isString(L, 4)) then
+ Url := lua_toString(L, 4)
+ else
+ begin
+ Url := '';
+ end;
+ //clear stack
+ if (lua_gettop(L) > 0) then
+ lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L));
+ //call register
+ P := LuaCore.GetPluginById(Id);
+ if (P <> nil) then
+ P.Register(Name, Version, Author, Url)
+ Else
+ luaL_error(L, PChar('wrong id in upstream'));
+ // remove function from global register
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ lua_setglobal(L, PChar('register'));
+ // return true
+ Result := 1;
+ lua_pushboolean(L, True);
+ end
+ else
+ luaL_error(L, PChar('not enough arguments, at least 2 expected. in TLuaPlugin_Register'));
+{ custom lua panic function
+ it writes error string to error.log and raises an ELuaException
+ that may be caught }
+function TLua_CustomPanic (L: Plua_State): Integer; cdecl;
+ var
+ Msg: String;
+ if (lua_isString(L, -1)) then
+ Msg := lua_toString(L, -1)
+ else
+ Msg := 'undefined lua panic';
+ Log.LogError(Msg, 'lua');
+ raise ELuaException.Create(Msg);;
+ Result := 0;
+end. \ No newline at end of file