path: root/Installer/UltraStarDeluxe.nsi
diff options
authorjaybinks <jaybinks@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-11-01 11:34:43 +0000
committerjaybinks <jaybinks@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-11-01 11:34:43 +0000
commitee4020d458bf0922f4f18c3b52161b55592f6ba9 (patch)
tree5b518bc2a842a0c8fc95f082abcae4f70cfbb0ad /Installer/UltraStarDeluxe.nsi
parentf94239d4119164656d95dbf70321a5b17738a924 (diff)
changes for jira:USDX-141
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/1.01@545 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 598 deletions
diff --git a/Installer/UltraStarDeluxe.nsi b/Installer/UltraStarDeluxe.nsi
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a64f888..00000000
--- a/Installer/UltraStarDeluxe.nsi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
-; --------------------------------------------------------------
-; UltraStar Deluxe - Installation Wizard with NSIS (USDXIWWNSIS)
-; --------------------------------------------------------------
-!include "MUI.nsh" ; Include the macros for the Modern User Interface
-SetCompressor bzip2
-; XPStyle on
-; ------------------------------------------------------
-; Declaration of Variables (Change to whatever you want)
-; ------------------------------------------------------
-!define version "1.01" ; Current version of UltraStar Deluxe
-!define p_name "UltraStar Deluxe" ; Just the name of the program
-!define publisher "USDX Team" ; Publisher
-!define homepage "http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org/" ; Project Homepage
-!define icon_inst ".\ustar.ico" ; Icon for Installation
-!define icon_uninst ".\ustar.ico" ; Icon for Uninstallation
-!define bmp_header ".\header.bmp" ; Bitmap of the Installation Header (Size: 150x57 px)
-!define bmp_side ".\left-164x314.bmp" ; Bitmap on the left side of Welcome & Finish Page (Size: 164x314 px)
-!define mui_ini ".\ioSpecial.ini" ; Installation Options for Welcome & Finish Page
-!define license_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background Color for Licence agreement
-!define bmp_check ".\modern.bmp" ; Bitmap of Checks at Components Selection Page
-!define directory_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background Color for Directory textbox
-!define smp_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background of Startmenu List and Textbox
-;!define dets_bgcolor "FFFFFF" ; Background Color of Details Screen while files are being extracted
-!define file_license ".\License.txt" ; Choose the file with the license agreement
-!define eng_sec1_desc "These are the basic files needed by UltraStar Deluxe" ; English Description of Base components
-!define ger_sec1_desc "Dies sind die von UltraStar Deluxe benötigten Grunddateien" ; German Description of Base components
-!define eng_sec2_desc "This will add the example song Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 from the CreativeCommons database" ; English Description of the Example Song
-!define ger_sec2_desc "Dies fügt den Beispielsong Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 aus der CreativeCommons Datenbank hinzu" ; German Description of the Example Song
-!define eng_sec1 "Base components" ; English Name of the component section1
-!define ger_sec1 "Basiskomponenten" ; German Name of the component section1
-!define eng_sec2 "Example Song" ; English Name of the component section2
-!define ger_sec2 "Beispielsong" ; German Name of the component section2
-; -------------------------------
-; Strings for Installation Wizard
-; -------------------------------
-!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TITLE "$(wp_title)"
-!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "$(wp_text)"
-;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT "$(fp_showreadme)"
-!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK "$(fp_link)"
-!define MUI_UNCONFIRMPAGE_TEXT_TOP "UltraStar Deluxe - $(sm_uninstall)"
-;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN .\Ultrastar.exe ; Do not work as i expected :(
-;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME .\documentation.pdf ;
-!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK_LOCATION http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org
-!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_TEXT "$(fp_text)"
-; The other (multi) language Strings are at the bottom of this file
-; --------------------------------------------------
-; Do not change anything from here on ...
-; ... expect you are mog and know what you are doing
-; --------------------------------------------------
-Name "${p_name} V.${version}"
-Brandingtext "${p_name} Installation"
-OutFile "Install ${p_name} V.${version}.exe"
-InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\${p_name}"
-ShowInstDetails show
-ShowUnInstDetails show
-!define PRODUCT_NAME "${p_name}"
-!define PRODUCT_VERSION "${version}"
-!define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "${publisher}"
-!define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE "${homepage}"
-!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"
-; Modern User Interface (MUI) Stuff
-!define MUI_ICON "${icon_inst}" ; Icon for Installation
-!define MUI_UNICON "${icon_uninst}" ; Icon for Uninstallation
-!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "${bmp_header}" ; Header Bitmap of the installation (Size: 150x57 px)
-!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_UNBITMAP "${bmp_header}" ; Header Bitmap of the uninstallation (Size: 150x57 px)
-!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "${bmp_side}" ; Left Side Bitmap of Welcome & Finish Page while Installation (Size: 164x314 px)
-!define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "${bmp_side}" ; Left Side Bitmap of Welcome & Finish Page while Uninstallation (Size: 164x314 px)
-!define MUI_BGCOLOR "FFFFFF" ; RGB Background color (for header, welcome & finish page)
-!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_INI "${mui_ini}" ; Installation Options for Welcome & Finish Page (Installation)
-!define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_INI "${mui_ini}" ; Installation Options for Welcome & Finish Page (Uninstallation)
-!define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_BGCOLOR "${license_bgcolor}" ; Background Color of Licence agreement
-!define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_CHECKBITMAP "${bmp_check}" ; Bitmap of Checks at Components Selection Page
-!define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_BGCOLOR "${directory_bgcolor}" ; RGB Background Color for Directory textbox
-!define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_BGCOLOR "${smp_bgcolor}" ; RGB Background of Startmenu List and Textbox
-;!define MUI_INSTFILESPAGE_COLORS "${dets_bgcolor}" ; Background Color of Details Screen while files are being extracted
-!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE ; Allows user to check the log file of installation (Comment out if unwanted)
-!define MUI_UNFINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE ; Allows user to check the log file of uninstallation (Comment out if unwanted)
-!define MUI_ABORTWARNING_TEXT $(str_abort) ; Abort Warning message
-!define MUI_ABORTWARNING_CANCEL_DEFAULT ; Default: Cancel abort (Comment out if unwanted)
-;Language Dialog Box Settings
-;!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"
-; --------------------------------------------------
-; Begin of the installation routine
-; --------------------------------------------------
-; Pages for MUI Installation
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "${file_license}"
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
-; Start menu page
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU Application $ICONS_GROUP
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
-; Pages for MUI Uninstallation
-!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME
-!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
-!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH
-; Language files
-!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
-!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"
-; ---------------------------------------------------------
-; Section1: Main components of UltraStar Deluxe
-; ---------------------------------------------------------
-LangString DESC_Section1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec1_desc}" ; Adds the description to section1
-LangString DESC_Section1 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec1_desc}"
-LangString sec1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec1}" ; Name of section1
-LangString sec1 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec1}"
-Section $(sec1) Section1
- SectionIn RO ; readonly
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR
- SetOverwrite try
-; Create required directories:
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Covers"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Languages"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Plugins"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Skins"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Songs"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Sounds"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Themes"
-; Extract files to the directories:
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\bass.dll"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\Changelog.german.txt"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\Changelog.txt"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\documentation.pdf"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\License.txt"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\ReadMe.txt"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\SDL.dll"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\smpeg.dll"
- File "..\InstallerDependencies\sqlite3.dll"
- File "..\ScoreConverter.exe"
- File "..\Ultrastar.exe"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Covers\"
- File "..\Covers\Covers.ini"
- File "..\Covers\NoCover.jpg"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Languages\"
- File "..\Languages\Dutch.ini"
- File "..\Languages\English.ini"
- File "..\Languages\French.ini"
- File "..\Languages\German.ini"
- File "..\Languages\readme.txt"
- File "..\Languages\Swedish.ini"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins\"
- File "..\Plugins\Blind.dll"
- File "..\Plugins\Duell.dll"
- File "..\Plugins\Hold_The_Line.dll"
- File "..\Plugins\Until5000.dll"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Skins\Classic\"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\Star.ini"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]13.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]alt.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]az.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]e.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]enter.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]esc.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]j.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]m.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]navi.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[button]p.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]error.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]question.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]Star.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]stats.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[icon]video.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Exit.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Multi.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Options.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Solo.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[mainbutton]Stats.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Bar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Bar1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Button.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Button2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Button3.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]ButtonEditor.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]Logo.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]songCover.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[main]square.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuBorder.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuButtonBG.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[menu]songMenuSelectBG.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]Joker.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]playerButton.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]pointer.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]winDecoration.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[score]box.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[score]level.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[score]levelround.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[score]line.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]p.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[sing]textBar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[song]BGFade.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[song]EqualizerBG.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[song]selection.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Classic\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe\"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\Blue.ini"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\Fall.ini"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\Summer.ini"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\Winter.ini"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]blue.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]fall.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]summer.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-load]winter.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]blue.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]fall.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]summer.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[bg-main]winter.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]13.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]alt.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]az.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]enter.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]esc.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]j.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]m.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]navi.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[button]p.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[effect]goldenNoteStar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[effect]perfectNoteStar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[helper]buttonFade.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[helper]rectangle.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]cd.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]error.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]main.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]options.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]party.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]question.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]score.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]search.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]songmenu.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]stats.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[icon]video.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]button.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]buttonf.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]mainBar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]playerNumberBox.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]selectbg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]songCover.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]songSelection1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[main]songSelection2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]jumpToBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]PopUpBg.JPG"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]PopUpFg.JPG"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]songMenuBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[menu]songMenuSelectBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]Joker.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]playerButton.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]playerTeamButton.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]pointer.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG3.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundBG4.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]roundTeamButton.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]scoreBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]scoreBG2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]scoreDecoration.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]teamPoints.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winDecoration1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winTeamButton1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winTeamButton2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[party]winTeamButton3.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]box.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]endcap.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]level.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]levelRound.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[score]Line.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]lineBonusPopUp.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]LyricsBall.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]lyricsHelpBar.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesBgLeft.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesBgMid.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesBgRight.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesLeft.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesMid.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]notesRight.bmp"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]p.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]scoreBg.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]singBarBack.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]singBarBar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]singBarFront.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]textBar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]timeBar.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]timeBar1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[sing]timeBarBG.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[special]bar1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[special]bar2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]detailBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]mainBG1.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]mainBG2.jpg"
- File "..\Skins\Deluxe\[stat]mainBG3.jpg"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Sounds\"
- File "..\Sounds\Common back.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\Common start.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\credits-outro-tune.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\dismissed.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\menu swoosh.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\option change col.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\rimshot022b.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\select music change music 50.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\select music change music.mp3"
- File "..\Sounds\wome-credits-tune.mp3"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Themes\"
- File "..\Themes\Classic.ini"
- File "..\Themes\Deluxe.ini"
-; Create shortcuts
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\
- !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN Application
- CreateDirectory "${p_name}"
-; CreateShortCut "$STARTMENU.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Ultrastar.exe"
-; CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Ultrastar.exe"
-; CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Ultrastar.exe"
-; WriteIniStr "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "${PRODUCT_WEB_SITE}"
- CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP"
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Website.lnk" "http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org/"
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\$(sm_uninstall).lnk" "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\$(sm_shortcut).lnk" "$INSTDIR\Ultrastar.exe"
-; Create Uninstaller:
- WriteUninstaller $INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe
- WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "${p_name}"
- WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
-; ---------------------------------------------------------
-; Section2: Example Song "Dead Smiling Pirates"
-; ---------------------------------------------------------
-LangString DESC_Section2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec2_desc}"
-LangString DESC_Section2 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec2_desc}"
-LangString sec2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "${eng_sec2}"
-LangString sec2 ${LANG_GERMAN} "${ger_sec2}"
-Section /o $(sec2) Section2
- SetOverwrite try
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
- CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]"
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\"
-; CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Songs\"
-; SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Songs\"
-; InetLoad::load "" "$INSTDIR\Songs\demosong.zip"
-; Pop $0
-; StrCmp $0 "OK" dlok
-; MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Download Error, click OK to Continue" /SD IDOK
-; dlok:
-; ZipDLL::extractall "$INSTDIR\Songs\demosong.zip" "$INSTDIR\Songs"
- File "..\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [BG].jpg"
- File "..\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [CO].jpg"
- File "..\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18.ogg"
- File "..\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18.txt"
- File "..\Songs\Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18 [DEMO]\License.txt"
-; ---------------------------------------------------------
-; Section3: Uninstallation Wizard
-; ---------------------------------------------------------
-Section Uninstall
- !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER "Application" $ICONS_GROUP
-; Delete "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Uninstall.lnk"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Deinstallieren.lnk"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Website.lnk"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\UltraStar Deluxe spielen.lnk"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$ICONS_GROUP\Play UltraStar Deluxe.lnk"
-; Delete "$SMPROGRAMS.lnk"
-; Delete "$DESKTOP.lnk"
-; Delete "$STARTMENU.lnk"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\*.*"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Covers"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Languages"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Plugins"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Skins\Classic"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Skins\Deluxe"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Skins"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Songs"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Sounds"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Themes"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Screenshots"
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\Playlists"
- Delete "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
- !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section1} $(DESC_Section1)
- !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section2} $(DESC_Section2)
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Language Strings for Installation / Uninstallation Wizard
-; These Strings can be edited, like the variables at the top
-; BUG: Some of the LangStrings do not work - do not know why :(
-; I commented them out of the whole source. Maybe someone else can fix it
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-LangString str_continue ${LANG_GERMAN} "Dies wird UltraStar Deluxe installieren. Fortsetzen?"
-LangString str_continue ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install UltraStar Deluxe. Continue?"
-LangString str_abort ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Are you sure to abort Installation?"
-LangString str_abort ${LANG_GERMAN} "Wollen Sie die Installation wirklich abbrechen?"
-LangString uninst_begin ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will uninstall UltraStar Deluxe completely (with Songs!). Continue ?"
-LangString uninst_begin ${LANG_GERMAN} "Dies wird UltraStar Deluxe vollständig deinstallieren (inkl. Songs!). Fortfahren?"
-LangString uninst_success ${LANG_ENGLISH} "We are sad because the uninstallation finished successfully! Hope you enjoyed UltraStar Deluxe."
-LangString uninst_success ${LANG_GERMAN} "Wir sind traurig, da die Deinstallation erfolgreich verlief. Wir hoffen du hast UltraStar Deluxe genossen."
-LangString str_header ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Custom options for Installation"
-LangString str_header ${LANG_GERMAN} "Eigene Optionen zur Installation"
-LangString str_header_subtitle ${LANG_ENGLISH} ""
-LangString str_header_subtitle ${LANG_GERMAN} ""
-LangString sm_shortcut ${LANG_GERMAN} "UltraStar Deluxe spielen" ; Name for start Icon in startmenu
-LangString sm_shortcut ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Play UltraStar Deluxe"
-LangString sm_uninstall ${LANG_GERMAN} "Deinstallieren" ; Name for uninstall icon in startmenu
-LangString sm_uninstall ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Uninstall"
-LangString wp_title ${LANG_GERMAN} "Willkommen zur Installationsroutine von UltraStar Deluxe" ; Title String in Welcome Page
-LangString wp_title ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Welcome to the UltraStar Deluxe Setup Wizard"
-LangString wp_text ${LANG_GERMAN} "Dieser Assistent wird Sie durch die Installation von UltraStar Deluxe begleiten. UltraStar Deluxe ist ein kostenloses quelloffenes Karaokespiel, welches Singstar ähnelt. Diese Installationsroutine enthält den Bonus Song 'Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18' aus der CreativeCommons Datenbank, der optional installiert werden kann.\n\r\n\rDas UltraStar Deluxe Team wünscht viel Spaß\n\rProjekthomepage: http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org\n\rProject Forum: http://forum.ultrastardeluxe.org"
-LangString wp_text ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This wizard will guide you through the Installation of UltraStar Deluxe. UltraStar Deluxe is a free open source Karaoke game, which can be compared with Singstar. These Installation Wizard includes the bonus track 'Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18' from the CreativeCommons database and which can be installed seperatly.\n\r\n\rThe UltraStar Deluxe Team wishes you fun\n\rProject website: http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org\n\rProject Forum: http://forum.ultrastardeluxe.org"
-LangString fp_showreadme ${LANG_GERMAN} "Dokumentation ansehen (PDF)" ; "Show Readme" String in Finish Page
-LangString fp_showreadme ${LANG_ENGLISH} "See documentation (PDF)"
-LangString fp_text ${LANG_GERMAN} "UltraStar wurde erfolgreich auf Ihrem System installiert.\n\rBesuchen Sie unsere Projektwebseite um die neusten Updates und News zu erhalten."
-LangString fp_text ${LANG_ENGLISH} "UltraStar was installed successfully on you system.\n\rVisit out project website to get latest news and updates."
-LangString fp_link ${LANG_GERMAN} "Projektwebseite" ; Link to developers website - String in Finish Page
-LangString fp_link ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Project website"
-LangString uncp_text ${LANG_GERMAN} "Willkommen beim Deinstallations-Assistent für UltraStar Deluxe"
-LangString uncp_text ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Welcome to the UltraStar Deluxe Uninstall Wizard"
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Functions for the beginning of the installation and uninstallation
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Function for Installation
-Function .onInit
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
- ; MessageBox MB_YESNO $(str_continue) IDYES continue
- ; Abort ; Do not work as I expected :(
- ; continue:
-; Function for Uninstallation
-Function un.onInit
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
- ; MessageBox MB_YESNO "$(uninst_begin)" IDYES continue
- ; Abort ; causes uninstaller to quit.
- ; continue:
-FunctionEnd \ No newline at end of file