path: root/Game/Code
diff options
authorjaybinks <jaybinks@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-09-20 10:35:02 +0000
committerjaybinks <jaybinks@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-09-20 10:35:02 +0000
commita1c2876fb12cfc860044f00210f69a9bdc2cf687 (patch)
tree17e99ea9a199279fd28d57b0be189765a6c9ad55 /Game/Code
parent3c41f973b397b718135a7713c7501607812b0192 (diff)
minor fixes for lazarus build..
forgot file... oops.. :) git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@416 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code')
6 files changed, 1383 insertions, 1139 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphic.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphic.pas
index 7c0ef57e..7094c0f9 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphic.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UGraphic.pas
@@ -66,9 +66,8 @@ type
- Screen: PSDL_Surface;
- LoadingThread: PSDL_Thread;
+ Screen: PSDL_Surface;
+ LoadingThread: PSDL_Thread;
Mutex: PSDL_Mutex;
RenderW: integer;
@@ -256,41 +255,44 @@ var
// zaladowanie tekstur
Log.LogStatus('Loading Textures', 'LoadTextures');
Tex_Left[0] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayLeft')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', 0); //brauch man die noch?
Tex_Mid[0] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayMid')), 'BMP', 'Plain', 0); //brauch man die noch?
Tex_Right[0] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayRight')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', 0); //brauch man die noch?
// P1-6
- for P := 1 to 6 do begin
+ for P := 1 to 6 do
+ begin
LoadColor(R, G, B, 'P' + IntToStr(P) + 'Light');
Col := $10000 * Round(R*255) + $100 * Round(G*255) + Round(B*255);
- Tex_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayLeft')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayMid')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayRight')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_plain_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePlainLeft')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_plain_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePlainMid')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_plain_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePlainRight')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_BG_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteBGLeft')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_BG_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteBGMid')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
- Tex_BG_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteBGRight')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayLeft')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayMid')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('GrayRight')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_plain_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePlainLeft')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_plain_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePlainMid')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_plain_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePlainRight')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_BG_Left[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteBGLeft')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_BG_Mid[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteBGMid')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
+ Tex_BG_Right[P] := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteBGRight')), 'PNG', 'Colorized', Col);
Tex_Note_Perfect_Star := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NotePerfectStar')), 'JPG', 'Font Black', 0);
- Tex_Note_Star := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteStar')) , 'JPG', 'Alpha Black Colored', $FFFFFF);
- Tex_Ball := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Ball')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
- Tex_Lyric_Help_Bar := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricHelpBar')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ Tex_Note_Star := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('NoteStar')) , 'JPG', 'Alpha Black Colored', $FFFFFF);
+ Tex_Ball := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('Ball')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
+ Tex_Lyric_Help_Bar := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('LyricHelpBar')), 'BMP', 'Transparent', $FF00FF);
//TimeBar mod
- Tex_TimeProgress := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('TimeBar')));
+ Tex_TimeProgress := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('TimeBar')));
//eoa TimeBar mod
//SingBar Mod
- Tex_SingBar_Back := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('SingBarBack')), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
- Tex_SingBar_Bar := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('SingBarBar')), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
- Tex_SingBar_Front := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('SingBarFront')), 'JPG', 'Font', 0);
+ Tex_SingBar_Back := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('SingBarBack')), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
+ Tex_SingBar_Bar := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('SingBarBar')), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
+ Tex_SingBar_Front := Texture.LoadTexture(pchar(Skin.GetTextureFileName('SingBarFront')), 'JPG', 'Font', 0);
//end Singbar Mod
//Line Bonus PopUp
@@ -370,6 +372,7 @@ begin
Log.LogBenchmark('--> Loading Fonts', 2);
Display := TDisplay.Create;
@@ -378,7 +381,11 @@ begin
Log.LogStatus('Loading Screens', 'Initialize3D');
+ // Show the Loading Screen -------------
// now that we have something to display while loading,
// start thread that loads the rest of ultrastar
// Mutex := SDL_CreateMutex;
@@ -414,7 +421,7 @@ begin
//SDL_WaitThread(LoadingThread, I);
// SDL_DestroyMutex(Mutex);
- Display.ActualScreen^.FadeTo(@ScreenMain);
+ Display.ActualScreen^.FadeTo( @ScreenMain );
Log.LogBenchmark('--> Loading Screens', 2);
@@ -486,12 +493,17 @@ begin
// SDL_SetRefreshrate(85);
// SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 );
if (Ini.FullScreen = 0) and (Not Params.FullScreen) then
+ begin
screen := SDL_SetVideoMode(W, H, (Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL)
- else begin
+ end
+ else
+ begin
screen := SDL_SetVideoMode(W, H, (Depth+1) * 16, SDL_OPENGL or SDL_FULLSCREEN);
- if (screen = nil) then begin
+ if (screen = nil) then
+ begin
Log.LogError('SDL_SetVideoMode Failed', 'Initialize3D');
@@ -512,10 +524,14 @@ procedure LoadLoadingScreen;
ScreenLoading := TScreenLoading.Create;
Display.ActualScreen := @ScreenLoading;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UTexture.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UTexture.pas
index 1bc4c558..364bbcc8 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UTexture.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UTexture.pas
@@ -1,1043 +1,1100 @@
-unit UTexture;
-// Plain (alpha = 1)
-// Transparent
-// Transparent Range
-// Font (white is drawn, black is transparent)
-// Font Outline (Font with darker outline)
-// Font Outline 2 (Font with darker outline)
-// Font Black (black is drawn, white is transparent)
-// Font Gray (gray is drawn, white is transparent)
-// Arrow (for arrows, white is white, gray has color, black is transparent);
-{$I switches.inc}
-uses OpenGL12,
- {$IFDEF win32}
- windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- Math,
- Classes,
- SysUtils,
- ulazjpeg,
- {$ELSE}
- PNGImage,
- {$ENDIF}
- Graphics,
- UCommon,
- UThemes;
- {$IFDEF Win32}
- procedure glGenTextures(n: GLsizei; var textures: GLuint); stdcall; external opengl32;
- {$ELSE}
- {$ifdef darwin}
- const opengl32 = '/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries/libGL.dylib';
- {$ELSE}
- const opengl32 = 'libGL.so' ; // YES Capital GL
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure glGenTextures(n: GLsizei; var textures: GLuint); stdcall; external opengl32;
- {$ENDIF}
- TTexture = record
- TexNum: integer;
- X: real;
- Y: real;
- Z: real; // new
- W: real;
- H: real;
- ScaleW: real; // for dynamic scalling while leaving width constant
- ScaleH: real; // for dynamic scalling while leaving height constant
- Rot: real; // 0 - 2*pi
- Int: real; // intensity
- ColR: real;
- ColG: real;
- ColB: real;
- TexW: real; // used?
- TexH: real; // used?
- TexX1: real;
- TexY1: real;
- TexX2: real;
- TexY2: real;
- Alpha: real;
- Name: string; // 0.5.0: experimental for handling cache images. maybe it's useful for dynamic skins
- end;
- TTextureEntry = record
- Name: string;
- Typ: string;
- // we use normal TTexture, it's easier to implement and if needed - we copy ready data
- Texture: TTexture;
- TextureCache: TTexture; // 0.5.0
- end;
- TTextureDatabase = record
- Texture: array of TTextureEntry;
- end;
- TTextureUnit = class
- Limit: integer;
- CreateCacheMipmap: boolean;
-// function GetNumberFor
- function GetTexture(Name, Typ: string): TTexture; overload;
- function GetTexture(Name, Typ: string; FromCache: boolean): TTexture; overload;
- function FindTexture(Name: string): integer;
- function LoadTexture(FromRegistry: boolean; Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload;
- function LoadTexture(Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload;
- function LoadTexture(Identifier: string): TTexture; overload;
- function CreateTexture(var Data: array of byte; Name: string; W, H: word; Bits: byte): TTexture;
- procedure UnloadTexture(Name: string; FromCache: boolean);
- end;
- lasthue: double;
- Texture: TTextureUnit;
- TextureDatabase: TTextureDatabase;
- PrintScreenData: array[0..1024*768-1] of longword;
- ActTex: GLuint;//integer;
- TexOrigW: integer;
- TexOrigH: integer;
- TexNewW: integer;
- TexNewH: integer;
- TexFitW: integer;
- TexFitH: integer; // new for limit
- TextureD8: array[1..1024*1024] of byte; // 1MB
- TextureD16: array[1..1024*1024, 1..2] of byte; // luminance/alpha tex (2MB)
- TextureD24: array[1..1024*1024, 1..3] of byte; // normal 24-bit tex (3MB)
- TextureD242: array[1..512*512, 1..3] of byte; // normal 24-bit tex (0,75MB)
- TextureD32: array[1..1024*1024, 1..4] of byte; // transparent 32-bit tex (4MB)
- // total 40MB at 2048*2048
- // total 10MB at 1024*1024
- Mipmapping: Boolean;
- CacheMipmap: array[0..256*256*3-1] of byte; // 3KB
-uses ULog, DateUtils, UCovers, StrUtils;
-function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(Name, Typ: string): TTexture;
- Result := GetTexture(Name, Typ, true);
-function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(Name, Typ: string; FromCache: boolean): TTexture;
- T: integer; // texture
- C: integer; // cover
- Data: array of byte;
- // find texture entry
- T := FindTexture(Name);
- if T = -1 then begin
- // create texture entry
- T := Length(TextureDatabase.Texture);
- SetLength(TextureDatabase.Texture, T+1);
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Name := Name;
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Typ := Typ;
- // inform database that no textures have been loaded into memory
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum := -1;
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum := -1;
- end;
- // use preloaded texture
- if (not FromCache) or (FromCache and not Covers.CoverExists(Name)) then begin
- // use full texture
- if TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum = -1 then begin
- // load texture
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture := LoadTexture(false, pchar(Name), 'JPG', pchar(Typ), $0);
- end;
- // use texture
- Result := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture;
- end;
- if FromCache and Covers.CoverExists(Name) then begin
- // use cache texture
- C := Covers.CoverNumber(Name);
- if TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum = -1 then begin
- // load texture
- Covers.PrepareData(Name);
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache := CreateTexture(Covers.Data, Name, Covers.Cover[C].W, Covers.Cover[C].H, 24);
- end;
- // use texture
- Result := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache;
- end;
-function TTextureUnit.FindTexture(Name: string): integer;
- T: integer; // texture
- Result := -1;
- for T := 0 to high(TextureDatabase.Texture) do
- if TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Name = Name then
- Result := T;
-// expects: src, dst: pointers to r,g,b,a
-// hue: new hue within range [0.0-6.0)
-procedure ColorizeCopy(Src, Dst: PByteArray; hue: Double); overload;
- i,j,k: Cardinal;
- clr, hls: array[0..2] of Double;
- delta, f, p, q, t: Double;
- hls[0]:=hue;
- clr[0] := src[0]/255;
- clr[1] := src[1]/255;
- clr[2] := src[2]/255;
- //calculate luminance and saturation from rgb
- hls[1] := maxvalue(clr); //l:=...
- delta := hls[1] - minvalue(clr);
- if hls[1] = 0.0 then
- hls[2] := 0.0
- else
- hls[2] := delta/hls[1]; //v:=...
- // calc new rgb from our hls (h from color, l ans s from pixel)
-// if (hls[1]<>0.0) and (hls[2]<>0.0) then // only if colorizing makes sense
- begin
- k:=trunc(hls[0]);
- f:=hls[0]-k;
- p:=hls[1]*(1.0-hls[2]);
- q:=hls[1]*(1.0-(hls[2]*f));
- t:=hls[1]*(1.0-(hls[2]*(1.0-f)));
- case k of
- 0: begin clr[0]:=hls[1]; clr[1]:=t; clr[2]:=p; end;
- 1: begin clr[0]:=q; clr[1]:=hls[1]; clr[2]:=p; end;
- 2: begin clr[0]:=p; clr[1]:=hls[1]; clr[2]:=t; end;
- 3: begin clr[0]:=p; clr[1]:=q; clr[2]:=hls[1]; end;
- 4: begin clr[0]:=t; clr[1]:=p; clr[2]:=hls[1]; end;
- 5: begin clr[0]:=hls[1]; clr[1]:=p; clr[2]:=q; end;
- end;
- // and store new rgb back into the image
- dst[0]:=floor(255*clr[0]);
- dst[1]:=floor(255*clr[1]);
- dst[2]:=floor(255*clr[2]);
- dst[3]:=src[3];
- end;
-// expects: src: $rrggbb
-// dst: pointer to r,g,b,a
-// hue: new hue within range [0.0-6.0)
-procedure ColorizeCopy(Src: Cardinal; Dst: PByteArray; hue: Double); overload;
- i,j,k: Cardinal;
- clr, hls: array[0..2] of Double;
- delta, f, p, q, t: Double;
- hls[0]:=hue;
- clr[0]:=((src shr 16) and $ff)/255;
- clr[1]:=((src shr 8) and $ff)/255;
- clr[2]:=(src and $ff)/255;
- //calculate luminance and saturation from rgb
- hls[1]:=maxvalue(clr); //l:=...
- delta:=hls[1]-minvalue(clr);
- if hls[1]=0.0 then hls[2]:=0.0 else hls[2]:=delta/hls[1]; //v:=...
- // calc new rgb from our hls (h from color, l ans s from pixel)
-// if (hls[1]<>0.0) and (hls[2]<>0.0) then // only if colorizing makes sense
- begin
- k:=trunc(hls[0]);
- f:=hls[0]-k;
- p:=hls[1]*(1.0-hls[2]);
- q:=hls[1]*(1.0-(hls[2]*f));
- t:=hls[1]*(1.0-(hls[2]*(1.0-f)));
- case k of
- 0: begin clr[0]:=hls[1]; clr[1]:=t; clr[2]:=p; end;
- 1: begin clr[0]:=q; clr[1]:=hls[1]; clr[2]:=p; end;
- 2: begin clr[0]:=p; clr[1]:=hls[1]; clr[2]:=t; end;
- 3: begin clr[0]:=p; clr[1]:=q; clr[2]:=hls[1]; end;
- 4: begin clr[0]:=t; clr[1]:=p; clr[2]:=hls[1]; end;
- 5: begin clr[0]:=hls[1]; clr[1]:=p; clr[2]:=q; end;
- end;
- // and store new rgb back into the image
- dst[0]:=floor(255*clr[0]);
- dst[1]:=floor(255*clr[1]);
- dst[2]:=floor(255*clr[2]);
- dst[3]:=255;
- end;
-//returns hue within range [0.0-6.0)
-function col2h(Color:Cardinal):double;
- clr,hls: array[0..2] of double;
- delta: double;
- clr[0]:=((Color and $ff0000) shr 16)/255;
- clr[1]:=((Color and $ff00) shr 8)/255;
- clr[2]:=(Color and $ff)/255;
- hls[1]:=maxvalue(clr);
- delta:=hls[1]-minvalue(clr);
- if clr[0]=hls[1] then hls[0]:=(clr[1]-clr[2])/delta
- else if clr[1]=hls[1] then hls[0]:=2.0+(clr[2]-clr[0])/delta
- else if clr[2]=hls[1] then hls[0]:=4.0+(clr[0]-clr[1])/delta;
- if hls[0]<0.0 then hls[0]:=hls[0]+6.0;
- if hls[0]=6.0 then hls[0]:=0.0;
- col2h:=hls[0];
-function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(FromRegistry: boolean; Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture;
- Res: TResourceStream;
- TextureB: TBitmap;
- TextureJ: TJPEGImage;
- TexturePNG: TPNGObject;
- {$ENDIF}
- TextureAlpha: array of byte;
- AlphaPtr: PByte;
- TransparentColor: TColor;
- PixelColor: TColor;
- Position: integer;
- Position2: integer;
- Pix: integer;
- ColInt: real;
- PPix: PByteArray;
- TempA: integer;
- Error: integer;
- SkipX: integer;
- myAlpha: Real;
- myRGBABitmap: array of byte;
- RGBPtr: PByte;
- myHue: Double;
- {$IFNDEF FPC} // TODO : JB_lazarus eeeew this is a nasty one...
- // but lazarus implementation scanlines is different :(
- // need to implement as per
- // http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=18512
- // http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=10797
- // http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Developing_with_Graphics
- Log.BenchmarkStart(4);
- Mipmapping := true;
- if FromRegistry then begin
- try
- Res := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, Identifier, Format);
- except
- beep;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- // filetype "detection"
- if (not FromRegistry) and (FileExists(Identifier)) then begin
- Format:='';
- Format := PAnsichar(UpperCase(RightStr(ExtractFileExt(Identifier),3)));
- end;
-// else Format:='JPG';
-// if not ((Format='BMP')or(Format='JPG')or(Format='PNG')) then Format:='JPG';
- if FromRegistry or ((not FromRegistry) and FileExists(Identifier)) then begin
- TextureB := TBitmap.Create;
- if Format = 'BMP' then
- begin
- if FromRegistry then
- TextureB.LoadFromStream(Res)
- else
- TextureB.LoadFromFile(Identifier);
- end
- else
- if Format = 'JPG' then
- begin
- TextureJ := TJPEGImage.Create;
- if FromRegistry then
- TextureJ.LoadFromStream(Res)
- else
- begin
- if FileExists(Identifier) then
- TextureJ.LoadFromFile(Identifier)
- else
- Exit;
- end;
- TextureB.Assign(TextureJ);
- TextureJ.Free;
- end
- else if Format = 'PNG' then
- begin
- // TODO : JB_lazarus - fix this for lazarus..
- TexturePNG := TPNGObject.Create;
- if FromRegistry then
- TexturePNG.LoadFromStream(Res)
- else
- begin
- if FileExists(Identifier) then
- TexturePNG.LoadFromFile(Identifier)
- else
- Exit;
- end;
- TextureB.Assign(TexturePNG);
- // transparent png hack start (part 1 of 2)
- if ((Typ = 'Transparent') or (Typ = 'Colorized')) and (TexturePNG.TransparencyMode = ptmPartial) then
- begin
- setlength(TextureAlpha, TextureB.Width*TextureB.Height);
- setlength(MyRGBABitmap,TextureB.Width*TextureB.Height*4);
- if (TexturePNG.Header.ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA) or
- (TexturePNG.Header.ColorType = COLOR_RGBALPHA) then
- begin
- // i would have preferred english variables here but i use Position because i'm lazy
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height - 1 do
- begin
- AlphaPtr := PByte(TexturePNG.AlphaScanline[Position]);
- RGBPtr:=PByte(TexturePNG.Scanline[Position]);
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width - 1 do
- begin
- TextureAlpha[Position*TextureB.Width+Position2]:= AlphaPtr^;
- MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TextureB.Width+Position2)*4]:= RGBPtr^;
- Inc(RGBPtr);
- MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TextureB.Width+Position2)*4+1]:= RGBPtr^;
- Inc(RGBPtr);
- MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TextureB.Width+Position2)*4+2]:= RGBPtr^;
- Inc(RGBPtr);
- MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TextureB.Width+Position2)*4+3]:= AlphaPtr^;
-// Inc(RGBPtr);
- Inc(AlphaPtr);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- setlength(TextureAlpha,0); // just no special transparency for unimplemented transparency types (ptmBit)
- // transparent png hack end
- TexturePNG.Free;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- if FromRegistry then Res.Free;
- if (TextureB.Width > 1024) or (TextureB.Height > 1024) then begin // will be fixed in 0.5.1 and dynamically extended to 8192x8192 depending on the driver
- Log.LogError('Image ' + Identifier + ' is too big (' + IntToStr(TextureB.Width) + 'x' + IntToStr(TextureB.Height) + ')');
- Result.TexNum := -1;
- end else begin
- glGenTextures(1, ActTex);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ActTex);
- if Typ = 'Plain' then begin
- // dimensions
- TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
- TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
- TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
- TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
- // copy and process pixeldata
- TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
-{ if (TextureB.PixelFormat = pf8bit) then begin
- for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
- for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
- Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
- TextureD24[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1] := Pix;
- TextureD24[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 2] := Pix div 256;
- TextureD24[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 3] := Pix div (256*256);
- end;
- end;
- end;}
- if (TexOrigW <= Limit) and (TexOrigW <= Limit) then begin
- if (TextureB.PixelFormat = pf24bit) then begin
- for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
- TextureD24[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1] := PPix[Position2*3+2];
- TextureD24[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 2] := PPix[Position2*3+1];
- TextureD24[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 3] := PPix[Position2*3];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end else begin
- // limit
- TexFitW := 4 * (TexOrigW div 4); // fix for bug in gluScaleImage
- TexFitH := TexOrigH;
- if (TextureB.PixelFormat = pf24bit) then begin
- for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
- TextureD24[Position*TexFitW + Position2+1, 1] := PPix[Position2*3+2];
- TextureD24[Position*TexFitW + Position2+1, 2] := PPix[Position2*3+1];
- TextureD24[Position*TexFitW + Position2+1, 3] := PPix[Position2*3];
- end;
- end;
- end;
- gluScaleImage(GL_RGB, TexFitW, TexFitH, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24,
- Limit, Limit, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24); // takes some time
- TexNewW := Limit;
- TexNewH := Limit;
- TexOrigW := Limit;
- TexOrigH := Limit;
- end;
- // creating cache mipmap
- if CreateCacheMipmap then begin
- if (TexOrigW <> TexNewW) or (TexOrigH <> TexNewH) then begin
- // texture only uses some of it's space. there's a need for resize to fit full size
- // and get best quality
- TexFitW := 4 * (TexOrigW div 4); // 0.5.0: fix for bug in gluScaleImage
- SkipX := (TexOrigW div 2) mod 2; // 0.5.0: try to center image
- TexFitH := TexOrigH;
- for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
- TextureD242[Position*TexFitW + Position2+1, 1] := PPix[(Position2+SkipX)*3+2];
- TextureD242[Position*TexFitW + Position2+1, 2] := PPix[(Position2+SkipX)*3+1];
- TextureD242[Position*TexFitW + Position2+1, 3] := PPix[(Position2+SkipX)*3];
- end;
- end;
- gluScaleImage(GL_RGB, TexFitW, TexFitH, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD242,
- Covers.W, Covers.H, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @CacheMipmap[0]); // takes some time
- end else begin
- // texture fits perfectly
- gluScaleImage(GL_RGB, TexOrigW, TexOrigH, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24,
- Covers.W, Covers.H, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @CacheMipmap[0]); // takes some time
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, TexNewW, TexNewH, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24);
- if Mipmapping then begin
- Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, TexNewW, TexNewH, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24);
- if Error > 0 then beep;
- end
- end;
- if Typ = 'Transparent' then begin
- // dimensions
- TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
- TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
- TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
- TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
- TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
- TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
- // copy and process pixeldata
- for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
- for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
- Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
- // ,- part of transparent png hack
- if ((Pix = $fefefe) or (Pix = Col)) and (length(TextureAlpha)=0) then begin //Small fix, that caused artefacts to be drawn (#fe == dec254)
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2 + 1, 1] := 0;
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2 + 1, 2] := 0;
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2 + 1, 3] := 0;
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2 + 1, 4] := 0;
- end else if (Format = 'PNG') and (length(TextureAlpha) <> 0) then begin
- myAlpha:=TextureAlpha[Position*TexOrigW+Position2];
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1] := MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TexOrigW+Position2)*4+2];
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 2] := MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TexOrigW+Position2)*4+1];
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 3] := MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TexOrigW+Position2)*4];
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW+Position2+1,4]:=MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TexOrigW+Position2)*4+3];
- end else begin
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1] := (Pix and $ff);
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 2] := ((Pix shr 8) and $ff);
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 3] := ((Pix shr 16) and $ff);
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 4] := 255;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- setlength(TextureAlpha,0);
- setlength(MyRGBABitmap,0);
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TexNewW, TexNewH, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
-{ if Mipmapping then begin
- Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- if Error > 0 then beep;
- end;}
- end;
-// The new awesomeness of colorized pngs starts here
-// We're the first who had this feature, so give credit when you copy+paste :P
- if Typ = 'Colorized' then begin
- // dimensions
- TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
- TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
- TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
- TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
- TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
- TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
- myHue:=col2h(Col);
- // copy and process pixeldata
- for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
- for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
- Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
- if (Format = 'PNG') and (length(MyRGBABitmap) <> 0) then
- ColorizeCopy(@MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TexOrigW+Position2)*4],
- @TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1],
- myHue)
- else
- ColorizeCopy(Pix,
- @TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1],
- myHue);
- end;
- end;
- setlength(TextureAlpha,0);
- setlength(MyRGBABitmap,0);
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TexNewW, TexNewH, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- end;
-// eoa COLORIZE
- if Typ = 'Transparent Range' then begin
- // dimensions
- TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
- TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
- TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
- TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
- TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
- TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
- // copy and process pixeldata
- for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
- for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
- Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1] := Pix;
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 2] := Pix div 256;
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 3] := Pix div (256*256);
- TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 4] := 256 - Pix div 256;
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TexNewW, TexNewH, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
-{ if Mipmapping then begin
- Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- if Error > 0 then beep;
- end;}
- end;
- if Typ = 'Font' then begin
- TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
- TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := 255;
- TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := Pix;
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
- if Mipmapping then begin
- Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
- if Error > 0 then beep;
- end;
- end;
- if Typ = 'Font Outline' then begin
- TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
- Col := Pix;
- if Col < 127 then Col := 127;
- TempA := Pix;
- if TempA >= 95 then TempA := 255;
- if TempA >= 31 then TempA := 255;
- if Pix < 95 then TempA := (Pix * 256) div 96;
- TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Col;
- TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := TempA;
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
- if Mipmapping then begin
- Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
- if Error > 0 then beep;
- end;
- end;
- if Typ = 'Font Outline 2' then begin
- TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
- Col := Pix;
- if Col < 31 then Col := 31;
- TempA := Pix;
- if TempA >= 31 then TempA := 255;
- if Pix < 31 then TempA := Pix * (256 div 32);
- TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Col;
- TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := TempA;
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
- if Mipmapping then begin
- Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
- if Error > 0 then beep;
- end;
- end;
- if Typ = 'Font Black' then begin
- // normalnie 0,125s bez niczego 0,015s - 0,030s z pix 0,125s <-- ???
- // dimensions
- TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
- TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
- TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
- TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
- TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
- TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
- // copy and process pixeldata
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := PPix[Position2*3];
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := 255;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := 255;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := 255;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := 255 - (Pix mod 256);
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- end;
- if Typ = 'Alpha Black Colored' then begin
- TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
- TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
- TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
- TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
- TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
- TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
- // copy and process pixeldata
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := PPix[Position2*3];
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := (Col div $10000) and $FF;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := (Col div $100) and $FF;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Col and $FF;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := 255 - (Pix mod 256);
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- end;
- if Typ = 'Font Gray' then begin
- // dimensions
- TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
- TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
- TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
- TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
- TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
- TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
- // copy and process pixeldata
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := 127;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := 127;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := 127;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := 255 - (Pix mod 256);
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
-{ if Mipmapping then begin
- Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- if Error > 0 then beep;
- end;}
- end;
- if Typ = 'Arrow' then begin
- TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
- // transparency
- if Pix >= 127 then TempA := 255;
- if Pix < 127 then TempA := Pix * 2;
- // ColInt = color intensity
- if Pix < 127 then ColInt := 1;
- if Pix >= 127 then ColInt := 2 - Pix / 128;
- //0.75, 0.6, 0.25
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Round(ColInt * 0.75 * 255 + (1 - ColInt) * 255);
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := Round(ColInt * 0.6 * 255 + (1 - ColInt) * 255);
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Round(ColInt * 0.25 * 255 + (1 - ColInt) * 255);
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := TempA;
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- if Mipmapping then begin
- Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- if Error > 0 then beep;
- end;
- end;
- if Typ = 'Note Plain' then begin
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- // Skin Patch
- // 0-191= Fade Black to Col, 192= Col, 193-254 Fade Col to White, 255= White
- case PPix[Position2*3] of
- 0..191: Pix := $10000 * ((((Col div $10000) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + $100 * ((((Col div $100) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + (((Col and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf);
- 192: Pix := Col;
- 193..254: Pix := Col + ($10000 * ((($FF - ((Col div $10000) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4) ) div $FF) + $100 * ((($FF - ((Col div $100) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF) + ((($FF - (Col and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF));
- 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
- end;
-// 0.5.0. Original
-// case PPix[Position2*3] of
-// 128: Pix := $10000 * ((Col div $10000) div 2) + $100 * (((Col div $100) and $FF) div 2) + (Col and $FF) div 2;
-// 192: Pix := Col;
-// 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
-// end;
- TextureD24[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Pix div $10000;
- TextureD24[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := (Pix div $100) and $FF;
- TextureD24[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Pix and $FF;
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24);
- end;
- if Typ = 'Note Transparent' then begin
- for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
- PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
- for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
- TempA := 255;
- //Skin Patch
- // 0= Transparent, 1-191= Fade Black to Col, 192= Col, 193-254 Fade Col to White, 255= White
- case PPix[Position2*3] of
- 0: TempA := 0;
- 1..191: Pix := $10000 * ((((Col div $10000) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + $100 * ((((Col div $100) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + (((Col and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf);
- 192: Pix := Col;
- 193..254: Pix := Col + ($10000 * ((($FF - ((Col div $10000) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4) ) div $FF) + $100 * ((($FF - ((Col div $100) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF) + ((($FF - (Col and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF));
- 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
- end;
-// 0.5.0 Original
-// case PPix[Position2*3] of
-// 0: TempA := 0;
-// 128: Pix := $10000 * ((Col div $10000) div 2) + $100 * (((Col div $100) and $FF) div 2) + (Col and $FF) div 2;
-// 192: Pix := Col;
-// 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
-// end;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Pix div $10000;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := (Pix div $100) and $FF;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Pix and $FF;
- TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := TempA;
- end;
- end;
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
- end;
- TextureB.Free;
- Result.X := 0;
- Result.Y := 0;
- Result.W := 0;
- Result.H := 0;
- Result.ScaleW := 1;
- Result.ScaleH := 1;
- Result.Rot := 0;
- Result.TexNum := ActTex;
- Result.TexW := TexOrigW / TexNewW;
- Result.TexH := TexOrigH / TexNewH;
- Result.Int := 1;
- Result.ColR := 1;
- Result.ColG := 1;
- Result.ColB := 1;
- Result.Alpha := 1;
- // 0.4.2 new test - default use whole texure, taking TexW and TexH as const and changing these
- Result.TexX1 := 0;
- Result.TexY1 := 0;
- Result.TexX2 := 1;
- Result.TexY2 := 1;
- // 0.5.0
- Result.Name := Identifier;
- end;
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(4);
- if Log.BenchmarkTimeLength[4] >= 1 then
- Log.LogBenchmark('**********> Texture Load Time Warning - ' + Format + '/' + Identifier + '/' + Typ, 4);
- end; // logerror
- {$ENDIF}
-{procedure ResizeTexture(s: pbytearray; d: pbytearray);
- Position: integer;
- Position2: integer;
- for Position := 0 to TexNewH*4-1 do
- for Position2 := 0 to TexNewW-1 do
- d[Position*TexNewW + Position2] := 0;
- for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
- for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
- d[(Position*TexNewW + Position2)*4] := Paleta[s[Position*TexOrigW + Position2], 1];
- d[(Position*TexNewW + Position2)*4+1] := Paleta[s[Position*TexOrigW + Position2], 2];
- d[(Position*TexNewW + Position2)*4+2] := Paleta[s[Position*TexOrigW + Position2], 3];
- d[(Position*TexNewW + Position2)*4+3] := Paleta[s[Position*TexOrigW + Position2], 4];
- end;
- end;
-{procedure SetTexture(p: pointer);
- glGenTextures(1, Tekstur);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tekstur);
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TexNewW, TexNewH, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p);
-function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture;
- Result := LoadTexture(false, Identifier, Format, Typ, Col);
-// Result := LoadTexture(SkinReg, Identifier, Format, Typ, Col); // default to SkinReg
-function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(Identifier: string): TTexture;
- Result := LoadTexture(false, pchar(Identifier), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
-function TTextureUnit.CreateTexture(var Data: array of byte; Name: string; W, H: word; Bits: byte): TTexture;
- Position: integer;
- Position2: integer;
- Pix: integer;
- ColInt: real;
- PPix: PByteArray;
- TempA: integer;
- Error: integer;
- Mipmapping := false;
- glGenTextures(1, ActTex); // ActText = new texture number
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ActTex);
- glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, W, H, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @Data[0]);
- if Mipmapping then begin
- Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, W, H, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @Data[0]);
- if Error > 0 then beep;
- end;
- Result.X := 0;
- Result.Y := 0;
- Result.W := 0;
- Result.H := 0;
- Result.ScaleW := 1;
- Result.ScaleH := 1;
- Result.Rot := 0;
- Result.TexNum := ActTex;
- Result.TexW := 1;
- Result.TexH := 1;
- Result.Int := 1;
- Result.ColR := 1;
- Result.ColG := 1;
- Result.ColB := 1;
- Result.Alpha := 1;
- // 0.4.2 new test - default use whole texure, taking TexW and TexH as const and changing these
- Result.TexX1 := 0;
- Result.TexY1 := 0;
- Result.TexX2 := 1;
- Result.TexY2 := 1;
- // 0.5.0
- Result.Name := Name;
-procedure TTextureUnit.UnloadTexture(Name: string; FromCache: boolean);
- T: integer;
- TexNum: GLuint;
- T := FindTexture(Name);
- if not FromCache then begin
- TexNum := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum;
- if TexNum >= 0 then begin
- glDeleteTextures(1, @TexNum);
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum := -1;
-// Log.LogError('Unload texture no '+IntToStr(TexNum));
- end;
- end else begin
- TexNum := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum;
- if TexNum >= 0 then begin
- glDeleteTextures(1, @TexNum);
- TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum := -1;
-// Log.LogError('Unload texture cache no '+IntToStr(TexNum));
- end;
- end;
+unit UTexture;
+// Plain (alpha = 1)
+// Transparent
+// Transparent Range
+// Font (white is drawn, black is transparent)
+// Font Outline (Font with darker outline)
+// Font Outline 2 (Font with darker outline)
+// Font Black (black is drawn, white is transparent)
+// Font Gray (gray is drawn, white is transparent)
+// Arrow (for arrows, white is white, gray has color, black is transparent);
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses OpenGL12,
+ {$IFDEF win32}
+ windows,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Math,
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ ulazjpeg,
+ {$ELSE}
+ PNGImage,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Graphics,
+ UCommon,
+ UThemes;
+ {$IFDEF Win32}
+ procedure glGenTextures(n: GLsizei; var textures: GLuint); stdcall; external opengl32;
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$ifdef darwin}
+ const opengl32 = '/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries/libGL.dylib';
+ {$ELSE}
+ const opengl32 = 'libGL.so' ; // YES Capital GL
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure glGenTextures(n: GLsizei; var textures: GLuint); stdcall; external opengl32;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TTexture = record
+ TexNum: integer;
+ X: real;
+ Y: real;
+ Z: real; // new
+ W: real;
+ H: real;
+ ScaleW: real; // for dynamic scalling while leaving width constant
+ ScaleH: real; // for dynamic scalling while leaving height constant
+ Rot: real; // 0 - 2*pi
+ Int: real; // intensity
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ TexW: real; // used?
+ TexH: real; // used?
+ TexX1: real;
+ TexY1: real;
+ TexX2: real;
+ TexY2: real;
+ Alpha: real;
+ Name: string; // 0.5.0: experimental for handling cache images. maybe it's useful for dynamic skins
+ end;
+ TTextureEntry = record
+ Name: string;
+ Typ: string;
+ // we use normal TTexture, it's easier to implement and if needed - we copy ready data
+ Texture: TTexture;
+ TextureCache: TTexture; // 0.5.0
+ end;
+ TTextureDatabase = record
+ Texture: array of TTextureEntry;
+ end;
+ TTextureUnit = class
+ private
+ function LoadBitmap( aSourceStream : TStream; aBMP : TBitMap ): boolean;
+ public
+ Limit: integer;
+ CreateCacheMipmap: boolean;
+// function GetNumberFor
+ function GetTexture(Name, Typ: string): TTexture; overload;
+ function GetTexture(Name, Typ: string; FromCache: boolean): TTexture; overload;
+ function FindTexture(Name: string): integer;
+ function LoadTexture(FromRegistry: boolean; Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload;
+ function LoadTexture(Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture; overload;
+ function LoadTexture(Identifier: string): TTexture; overload;
+ function CreateTexture(var Data: array of byte; Name: string; W, H: word; Bits: byte): TTexture;
+ procedure UnloadTexture(Name: string; FromCache: boolean);
+ end;
+ lasthue: double;
+ Texture: TTextureUnit;
+ TextureDatabase: TTextureDatabase;
+ PrintScreenData: array[0..1024*768-1] of longword;
+ ActTex: GLuint;//integer;
+ TexOrigW: integer;
+ TexOrigH: integer;
+ TexNewW: integer;
+ TexNewH: integer;
+ TexFitW: integer;
+ TexFitH: integer; // new for limit
+ TextureD8: array[1..1024*1024] of byte; // 1MB
+ TextureD16: array[1..1024*1024, 1..2] of byte; // luminance/alpha tex (2MB)
+ TextureD24: array[1..1024*1024, 1..3] of byte; // normal 24-bit tex (3MB)
+ TextureD242: array[1..512*512, 1..3] of byte; // normal 24-bit tex (0,75MB)
+ TextureD32: array[1..1024*1024, 1..4] of byte; // transparent 32-bit tex (4MB)
+ // total 40MB at 2048*2048
+ // total 10MB at 1024*1024
+ Mipmapping: Boolean;
+ CacheMipmap: array[0..256*256*3-1] of byte; // 3KB
+uses ULog, DateUtils, UCovers, StrUtils;
+function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(Name, Typ: string): TTexture;
+ Result := GetTexture(Name, Typ, true);
+function TTextureUnit.GetTexture(Name, Typ: string; FromCache: boolean): TTexture;
+ T: integer; // texture
+ C: integer; // cover
+ Data: array of byte;
+ // find texture entry
+ T := FindTexture(Name);
+ if T = -1 then begin
+ // create texture entry
+ T := Length(TextureDatabase.Texture);
+ SetLength(TextureDatabase.Texture, T+1);
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Name := Name;
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Typ := Typ;
+ // inform database that no textures have been loaded into memory
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum := -1;
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum := -1;
+ end;
+ // use preloaded texture
+ if (not FromCache) or (FromCache and not Covers.CoverExists(Name)) then begin
+ // use full texture
+ if TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum = -1 then begin
+ // load texture
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture := LoadTexture(false, pchar(Name), 'JPG', pchar(Typ), $0);
+ end;
+ // use texture
+ Result := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture;
+ end;
+ if FromCache and Covers.CoverExists(Name) then begin
+ // use cache texture
+ C := Covers.CoverNumber(Name);
+ if TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum = -1 then begin
+ // load texture
+ Covers.PrepareData(Name);
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache := CreateTexture(Covers.Data, Name, Covers.Cover[C].W, Covers.Cover[C].H, 24);
+ end;
+ // use texture
+ Result := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache;
+ end;
+function TTextureUnit.FindTexture(Name: string): integer;
+ T: integer; // texture
+ Result := -1;
+ for T := 0 to high(TextureDatabase.Texture) do
+ if TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Name = Name then
+ Result := T;
+// expects: src, dst: pointers to r,g,b,a
+// hue: new hue within range [0.0-6.0)
+procedure ColorizeCopy(Src, Dst: PByteArray; hue: Double); overload;
+ i,j,k: Cardinal;
+ clr, hls: array[0..2] of Double;
+ delta, f, p, q, t: Double;
+ hls[0]:=hue;
+ clr[0] := src[0]/255;
+ clr[1] := src[1]/255;
+ clr[2] := src[2]/255;
+ //calculate luminance and saturation from rgb
+ hls[1] := maxvalue(clr); //l:=...
+ delta := hls[1] - minvalue(clr);
+ if hls[1] = 0.0 then
+ hls[2] := 0.0
+ else
+ hls[2] := delta/hls[1]; //v:=...
+ // calc new rgb from our hls (h from color, l ans s from pixel)
+// if (hls[1]<>0.0) and (hls[2]<>0.0) then // only if colorizing makes sense
+ begin
+ k:=trunc(hls[0]);
+ f:=hls[0]-k;
+ p:=hls[1]*(1.0-hls[2]);
+ q:=hls[1]*(1.0-(hls[2]*f));
+ t:=hls[1]*(1.0-(hls[2]*(1.0-f)));
+ case k of
+ 0: begin clr[0]:=hls[1]; clr[1]:=t; clr[2]:=p; end;
+ 1: begin clr[0]:=q; clr[1]:=hls[1]; clr[2]:=p; end;
+ 2: begin clr[0]:=p; clr[1]:=hls[1]; clr[2]:=t; end;
+ 3: begin clr[0]:=p; clr[1]:=q; clr[2]:=hls[1]; end;
+ 4: begin clr[0]:=t; clr[1]:=p; clr[2]:=hls[1]; end;
+ 5: begin clr[0]:=hls[1]; clr[1]:=p; clr[2]:=q; end;
+ end;
+ // and store new rgb back into the image
+ dst[0]:=floor(255*clr[0]);
+ dst[1]:=floor(255*clr[1]);
+ dst[2]:=floor(255*clr[2]);
+ dst[3]:=src[3];
+ end;
+// expects: src: $rrggbb
+// dst: pointer to r,g,b,a
+// hue: new hue within range [0.0-6.0)
+procedure ColorizeCopy(Src: Cardinal; Dst: PByteArray; hue: Double); overload;
+ i,j,k: Cardinal;
+ clr, hls: array[0..2] of Double;
+ delta, f, p, q, t: Double;
+ hls[0]:=hue;
+ clr[0]:=((src shr 16) and $ff)/255;
+ clr[1]:=((src shr 8) and $ff)/255;
+ clr[2]:=(src and $ff)/255;
+ //calculate luminance and saturation from rgb
+ hls[1]:=maxvalue(clr); //l:=...
+ delta:=hls[1]-minvalue(clr);
+ if hls[1]=0.0 then hls[2]:=0.0 else hls[2]:=delta/hls[1]; //v:=...
+ // calc new rgb from our hls (h from color, l ans s from pixel)
+// if (hls[1]<>0.0) and (hls[2]<>0.0) then // only if colorizing makes sense
+ begin
+ k:=trunc(hls[0]);
+ f:=hls[0]-k;
+ p:=hls[1]*(1.0-hls[2]);
+ q:=hls[1]*(1.0-(hls[2]*f));
+ t:=hls[1]*(1.0-(hls[2]*(1.0-f)));
+ case k of
+ 0: begin clr[0]:=hls[1]; clr[1]:=t; clr[2]:=p; end;
+ 1: begin clr[0]:=q; clr[1]:=hls[1]; clr[2]:=p; end;
+ 2: begin clr[0]:=p; clr[1]:=hls[1]; clr[2]:=t; end;
+ 3: begin clr[0]:=p; clr[1]:=q; clr[2]:=hls[1]; end;
+ 4: begin clr[0]:=t; clr[1]:=p; clr[2]:=hls[1]; end;
+ 5: begin clr[0]:=hls[1]; clr[1]:=p; clr[2]:=q; end;
+ end;
+ // and store new rgb back into the image
+ dst[0]:=floor(255*clr[0]);
+ dst[1]:=floor(255*clr[1]);
+ dst[2]:=floor(255*clr[2]);
+ dst[3]:=255;
+ end;
+//returns hue within range [0.0-6.0)
+function col2h(Color:Cardinal):double;
+ clr,hls: array[0..2] of double;
+ delta: double;
+ clr[0]:=((Color and $ff0000) shr 16)/255;
+ clr[1]:=((Color and $ff00) shr 8)/255;
+ clr[2]:=(Color and $ff)/255;
+ hls[1]:=maxvalue(clr);
+ delta:=hls[1]-minvalue(clr);
+ if clr[0]=hls[1] then hls[0]:=(clr[1]-clr[2])/delta
+ else if clr[1]=hls[1] then hls[0]:=2.0+(clr[2]-clr[0])/delta
+ else if clr[2]=hls[1] then hls[0]:=4.0+(clr[0]-clr[1])/delta;
+ if hls[0]<0.0 then hls[0]:=hls[0]+6.0;
+ if hls[0]=6.0 then hls[0]:=0.0;
+ col2h:=hls[0];
+function TTextureUnit.LoadBitmap( aSourceStream : TStream; aBMP : TBitMap ): boolean;
+ aSourceStream.position := 0;
+ boolean := aBMP.LoadFromStream( aSourceStream ) > 0;
+function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(FromRegistry: boolean; Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture;
+ Res: TResourceStream;
+ TextureB: TBitmap;
+ TextureJ: TJPEGImage;
+ TexturePNG: TPNGObject;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TextureAlpha: array of byte;
+ AlphaPtr: PByte;
+ TransparentColor: TColor;
+ PixelColor: TColor;
+ Position: integer;
+ Position2: integer;
+ Pix: integer;
+ ColInt: real;
+ PPix: PByteArray;
+ TempA: integer;
+ Error: integer;
+ SkipX: integer;
+ myAlpha: Real;
+ myRGBABitmap: array of byte;
+ RGBPtr: PByte;
+ myHue: Double;
+ lTextureStream : TStream;
+ Log.LogStatus( 'From Resource - ' + inttostr( integer( FromRegistry ) ) , Identifier +' '+ Format +' '+ Typ );
+ // TODO : JB_lazarus eeeew this is a nasty one...
+ // but lazarus implementation scanlines is different :(
+ // need to implement as per
+ // http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=18512
+ // http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=10797
+ // http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Developing_with_Graphics
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(4);
+ Mipmapping := true;
+ if FromRegistry then
+ begin
+ try
+// Res := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, Identifier, Format);
+ lTextureStream := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, Identifier, Format);
+ // TODO : Where does the format come from
+ except
+ Log.LogStatus( 'ERROR Could not load from resource' , Identifier +' '+ Format +' '+ Typ );
+ beep;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if ( FileExists(Identifier) ) then
+ begin
+ // Get the File Extension...
+ Format := PAnsichar(UpperCase(RightStr(ExtractFileExt(Identifier),3)));
+ lTextureStream := TFileStream.create( Identifier , fmOpenRead );
+ end;
+ end;
+ if FromRegistry or
+ ((not FromRegistry) and FileExists(Identifier)) then
+ begin
+ TextureB := TBitmap.Create;
+ if Format = 'BMP' then
+ begin
+ LoadBitmap( aSourceStream : TStream; TextureB );
+ if FromRegistry then
+ TextureB.LoadFromStream(Res)
+ else
+ TextureB.LoadFromFile(Identifier);
+ end
+ else
+ if Format = 'JPG' then
+ begin
+ TextureJ := TJPEGImage.Create;
+ if FromRegistry then
+ TextureJ.LoadFromStream(Res)
+ else
+ begin
+ if FileExists(Identifier) then
+ TextureJ.LoadFromFile(Identifier)
+ else
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ TextureB.Assign(TextureJ);
+ TextureJ.Free;
+ end
+ else if Format = 'PNG' then
+ begin
+ // TODO : JB_lazarus - fix this for lazarus..
+ TexturePNG := TPNGObject.Create;
+ if FromRegistry then
+ TexturePNG.LoadFromStream(Res)
+ else
+ begin
+ if FileExists(Identifier) then
+ TexturePNG.LoadFromFile(Identifier)
+ else
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ TextureB.Assign(TexturePNG);
+ // transparent png hack start (part 1 of 2)
+ if ((Typ = 'Transparent') or (Typ = 'Colorized')) and (TexturePNG.TransparencyMode = ptmPartial) then
+ begin
+ setlength(TextureAlpha, TextureB.Width*TextureB.Height);
+ setlength(MyRGBABitmap,TextureB.Width*TextureB.Height*4);
+ if (TexturePNG.Header.ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA) or
+ (TexturePNG.Header.ColorType = COLOR_RGBALPHA) then
+ begin
+ // i would have preferred english variables here but i use Position because i'm lazy
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height - 1 do
+ begin
+ AlphaPtr := PByte(TexturePNG.AlphaScanline[Position]);
+ RGBPtr:=PByte(TexturePNG.Scanline[Position]);
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width - 1 do
+ begin
+ TextureAlpha[Position*TextureB.Width+Position2]:= AlphaPtr^;
+ MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TextureB.Width+Position2)*4]:= RGBPtr^;
+ Inc(RGBPtr);
+ MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TextureB.Width+Position2)*4+1]:= RGBPtr^;
+ Inc(RGBPtr);
+ MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TextureB.Width+Position2)*4+2]:= RGBPtr^;
+ Inc(RGBPtr);
+ MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TextureB.Width+Position2)*4+3]:= AlphaPtr^;
+// Inc(RGBPtr);
+ Inc(AlphaPtr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end else
+ setlength(TextureAlpha,0); // just no special transparency for unimplemented transparency types (ptmBit)
+ // transparent png hack end
+ TexturePNG.Free;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ if FromRegistry then Res.Free;
+ if (TextureB.Width > 1024) or (TextureB.Height > 1024) then begin // will be fixed in 0.5.1 and dynamically extended to 8192x8192 depending on the driver
+ Log.LogError('Image ' + Identifier + ' is too big (' + IntToStr(TextureB.Width) + 'x' + IntToStr(TextureB.Height) + ')');
+ Result.TexNum := -1;
+ end else begin
+ glGenTextures(1, ActTex);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ActTex);
+ if Typ = 'Plain' then
+ begin
+ // dimensions
+ TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
+ TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
+ TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
+ TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
+ // copy and process pixeldata
+ TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+{ if (TextureB.PixelFormat = pf8bit) then begin
+ for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
+ for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
+ Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
+ TextureD24[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1] := Pix;
+ TextureD24[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 2] := Pix div 256;
+ TextureD24[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 3] := Pix div (256*256);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;}
+ if (TexOrigW <= Limit) and (TexOrigW <= Limit) then begin
+ if (TextureB.PixelFormat = pf24bit) then begin
+ for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
+ TextureD24[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1] := PPix[Position2*3+2];
+ TextureD24[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 2] := PPix[Position2*3+1];
+ TextureD24[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 3] := PPix[Position2*3];
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ // limit
+ TexFitW := 4 * (TexOrigW div 4); // fix for bug in gluScaleImage
+ TexFitH := TexOrigH;
+ if (TextureB.PixelFormat = pf24bit) then begin
+ for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
+ TextureD24[Position*TexFitW + Position2+1, 1] := PPix[Position2*3+2];
+ TextureD24[Position*TexFitW + Position2+1, 2] := PPix[Position2*3+1];
+ TextureD24[Position*TexFitW + Position2+1, 3] := PPix[Position2*3];
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ gluScaleImage(GL_RGB, TexFitW, TexFitH, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24,
+ Limit, Limit, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24); // takes some time
+ TexNewW := Limit;
+ TexNewH := Limit;
+ TexOrigW := Limit;
+ TexOrigH := Limit;
+ end;
+ // creating cache mipmap
+ if CreateCacheMipmap then begin
+ if (TexOrigW <> TexNewW) or (TexOrigH <> TexNewH) then begin
+ // texture only uses some of it's space. there's a need for resize to fit full size
+ // and get best quality
+ TexFitW := 4 * (TexOrigW div 4); // 0.5.0: fix for bug in gluScaleImage
+ SkipX := (TexOrigW div 2) mod 2; // 0.5.0: try to center image
+ TexFitH := TexOrigH;
+ for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
+ TextureD242[Position*TexFitW + Position2+1, 1] := PPix[(Position2+SkipX)*3+2];
+ TextureD242[Position*TexFitW + Position2+1, 2] := PPix[(Position2+SkipX)*3+1];
+ TextureD242[Position*TexFitW + Position2+1, 3] := PPix[(Position2+SkipX)*3];
+ end;
+ end;
+ gluScaleImage(GL_RGB, TexFitW, TexFitH, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD242,
+ Covers.W, Covers.H, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @CacheMipmap[0]); // takes some time
+ end else begin
+ // texture fits perfectly
+ gluScaleImage(GL_RGB, TexOrigW, TexOrigH, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24,
+ Covers.W, Covers.H, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @CacheMipmap[0]); // takes some time
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, TexNewW, TexNewH, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24);
+ if Mipmapping then begin
+ Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, TexNewW, TexNewH, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24);
+ if Error > 0 then beep;
+ end
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Transparent' then begin
+ // dimensions
+ TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
+ TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
+ TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
+ TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
+ TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
+ TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
+ // copy and process pixeldata
+ for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
+ for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
+ Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
+ // ,- part of transparent png hack
+ if ((Pix = $fefefe) or (Pix = Col)) and (length(TextureAlpha)=0) then begin //Small fix, that caused artefacts to be drawn (#fe == dec254)
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2 + 1, 1] := 0;
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2 + 1, 2] := 0;
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2 + 1, 3] := 0;
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2 + 1, 4] := 0;
+ end else if (Format = 'PNG') and (length(TextureAlpha) <> 0) then begin
+ myAlpha:=TextureAlpha[Position*TexOrigW+Position2];
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1] := MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TexOrigW+Position2)*4+2];
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 2] := MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TexOrigW+Position2)*4+1];
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 3] := MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TexOrigW+Position2)*4];
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW+Position2+1,4]:=MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TexOrigW+Position2)*4+3];
+ end else begin
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1] := (Pix and $ff);
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 2] := ((Pix shr 8) and $ff);
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 3] := ((Pix shr 16) and $ff);
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 4] := 255;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ setlength(TextureAlpha,0);
+ setlength(MyRGBABitmap,0);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TexNewW, TexNewH, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+{ if Mipmapping then begin
+ Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ if Error > 0 then beep;
+ end;}
+ end;
+// The new awesomeness of colorized pngs starts here
+// We're the first who had this feature, so give credit when you copy+paste :P
+ if Typ = 'Colorized' then begin
+ // dimensions
+ TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
+ TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
+ TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
+ TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
+ TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
+ TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
+ myHue:=col2h(Col);
+ // copy and process pixeldata
+ for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
+ for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
+ Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
+ if (Format = 'PNG') and (length(MyRGBABitmap) <> 0) then
+ ColorizeCopy(@MyRGBABitmap[(Position*TexOrigW+Position2)*4],
+ @TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1],
+ myHue)
+ else
+ ColorizeCopy(Pix,
+ @TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1],
+ myHue);
+ end;
+ end;
+ setlength(TextureAlpha,0);
+ setlength(MyRGBABitmap,0);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TexNewW, TexNewH, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ end;
+// eoa COLORIZE
+ if Typ = 'Transparent Range' then begin
+ // dimensions
+ TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
+ TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
+ TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
+ TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
+ TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
+ TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
+ // copy and process pixeldata
+ for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
+ for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
+ Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 1] := Pix;
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 2] := Pix div 256;
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 3] := Pix div (256*256);
+ TextureD32[Position*TexNewW + Position2+1, 4] := 256 - Pix div 256;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TexNewW, TexNewH, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+{ if Mipmapping then begin
+ Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ if Error > 0 then beep;
+ end;}
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Font' then
+ begin
+ TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
+ TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := 255;
+ TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := Pix;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
+ if Mipmapping then begin
+ Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
+ if Error > 0 then beep;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Font Outline' then
+ begin
+ TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
+ Col := Pix;
+ if Col < 127 then Col := 127;
+ TempA := Pix;
+ if TempA >= 95 then TempA := 255;
+ if TempA >= 31 then TempA := 255;
+ if Pix < 95 then TempA := (Pix * 256) div 96;
+ TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Col;
+ TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := TempA;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
+ if Mipmapping then begin
+ Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
+ if Error > 0 then beep;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Font Outline 2' then
+ begin
+ TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
+ Col := Pix;
+ if Col < 31 then Col := 31;
+ TempA := Pix;
+ if TempA >= 31 then TempA := 255;
+ if Pix < 31 then TempA := Pix * (256 div 32);
+ TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Col;
+ TextureD16[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := TempA;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
+ if Mipmapping then begin
+ Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 2, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD16);
+ if Error > 0 then beep;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Font Black' then
+ begin
+ // normalnie 0,125s bez niczego 0,015s - 0,030s z pix 0,125s <-- ???
+ // dimensions
+ TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
+ TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
+ TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
+ TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
+ TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
+ TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
+ // copy and process pixeldata
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := PPix[Position2*3];
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := 255;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := 255;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := 255;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := 255 - (Pix mod 256);
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Alpha Black Colored' then
+ begin
+ TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
+ TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
+ TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
+ TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
+ TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
+ TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
+ // copy and process pixeldata
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := PPix[Position2*3];
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := (Col div $10000) and $FF;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := (Col div $100) and $FF;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Col and $FF;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := 255 - (Pix mod 256);
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Font Gray' then
+ begin
+ // dimensions
+ TexOrigW := TextureB.Width;
+ TexOrigH := TextureB.Height;
+ TexNewW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigW))));
+ TexNewH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexOrigH))));
+ TextureB.Width := TexNewW;
+ TextureB.Height := TexNewH;
+ // copy and process pixeldata
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := TextureB.Canvas.Pixels[Position2, Position];
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := 127;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := 127;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := 127;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := 255 - (Pix mod 256);
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+{ if Mipmapping then begin
+ Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ if Error > 0 then beep;
+ end;}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Arrow' then
+ begin
+ TextureB.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ Pix := PPix[Position2 * 3];
+ // transparency
+ if Pix >= 127 then TempA := 255;
+ if Pix < 127 then TempA := Pix * 2;
+ // ColInt = color intensity
+ if Pix < 127 then ColInt := 1;
+ if Pix >= 127 then ColInt := 2 - Pix / 128;
+ //0.75, 0.6, 0.25
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Round(ColInt * 0.75 * 255 + (1 - ColInt) * 255);
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := Round(ColInt * 0.6 * 255 + (1 - ColInt) * 255);
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Round(ColInt * 0.25 * 255 + (1 - ColInt) * 255);
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := TempA;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ if Mipmapping then begin
+ Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ if Error > 0 then beep;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Note Plain' then
+ begin
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do
+ begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do
+ begin
+ // Skin Patch
+ // 0-191= Fade Black to Col, 192= Col, 193-254 Fade Col to White, 255= White
+ case PPix[Position2*3] of
+ 0..191: Pix := $10000 * ((((Col div $10000) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + $100 * ((((Col div $100) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + (((Col and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf);
+ 192: Pix := Col;
+ 193..254: Pix := Col + ($10000 * ((($FF - ((Col div $10000) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4) ) div $FF) + $100 * ((($FF - ((Col div $100) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF) + ((($FF - (Col and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF));
+ 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
+ end;
+// 0.5.0. Original
+// case PPix[Position2*3] of
+// 128: Pix := $10000 * ((Col div $10000) div 2) + $100 * (((Col div $100) and $FF) div 2) + (Col and $FF) div 2;
+// 192: Pix := Col;
+// 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
+// end;
+ TextureD24[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Pix div $10000;
+ TextureD24[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := (Pix div $100) and $FF;
+ TextureD24[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Pix and $FF;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD24);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ if Typ = 'Note Transparent' then
+ begin
+ for Position := 0 to TextureB.Height-1 do begin
+ PPix := TextureB.ScanLine[Position];
+ for Position2 := 0 to TextureB.Width-1 do begin
+ TempA := 255;
+ //Skin Patch
+ // 0= Transparent, 1-191= Fade Black to Col, 192= Col, 193-254 Fade Col to White, 255= White
+ case PPix[Position2*3] of
+ 0: TempA := 0;
+ 1..191: Pix := $10000 * ((((Col div $10000) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + $100 * ((((Col div $100) and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf) + (((Col and $FF) * PPix[Position2*3]) div $Bf);
+ 192: Pix := Col;
+ 193..254: Pix := Col + ($10000 * ((($FF - ((Col div $10000) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4) ) div $FF) + $100 * ((($FF - ((Col div $100) and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF) + ((($FF - (Col and $FF)) * ((PPix[Position2*3] - $C0) * 4)) div $FF));
+ 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
+ end;
+// 0.5.0 Original
+// case PPix[Position2*3] of
+// 0: TempA := 0;
+// 128: Pix := $10000 * ((Col div $10000) div 2) + $100 * (((Col div $100) and $FF) div 2) + (Col and $FF) div 2;
+// 192: Pix := Col;
+// 255: Pix := $FFFFFF;
+// end;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 1] := Pix div $10000;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 2] := (Pix div $100) and $FF;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 3] := Pix and $FF;
+ TextureD32[Position*TextureB.Width + Position2 + 1, 4] := TempA;
+ end;
+ end;
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TextureB.Width, TextureB.Height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @TextureD32);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ TextureB.Free;
+ Result.X := 0;
+ Result.Y := 0;
+ Result.W := 0;
+ Result.H := 0;
+ Result.ScaleW := 1;
+ Result.ScaleH := 1;
+ Result.Rot := 0;
+ Result.TexNum := ActTex;
+ Result.TexW := TexOrigW / TexNewW;
+ Result.TexH := TexOrigH / TexNewH;
+ Result.Int := 1;
+ Result.ColR := 1;
+ Result.ColG := 1;
+ Result.ColB := 1;
+ Result.Alpha := 1;
+ // 0.4.2 new test - default use whole texure, taking TexW and TexH as const and changing these
+ Result.TexX1 := 0;
+ Result.TexY1 := 0;
+ Result.TexX2 := 1;
+ Result.TexY2 := 1;
+ // 0.5.0
+ Result.Name := Identifier;
+ end;
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(4);
+ if Log.BenchmarkTimeLength[4] >= 1 then
+ Log.LogBenchmark('**********> Texture Load Time Warning - ' + Format + '/' + Identifier + '/' + Typ, 4);
+ end; // logerror
+// {$ENDIF}
+{procedure ResizeTexture(s: pbytearray; d: pbytearray);
+ Position: integer;
+ Position2: integer;
+ for Position := 0 to TexNewH*4-1 do
+ for Position2 := 0 to TexNewW-1 do
+ d[Position*TexNewW + Position2] := 0;
+ for Position := 0 to TexOrigH-1 do begin
+ for Position2 := 0 to TexOrigW-1 do begin
+ d[(Position*TexNewW + Position2)*4] := Paleta[s[Position*TexOrigW + Position2], 1];
+ d[(Position*TexNewW + Position2)*4+1] := Paleta[s[Position*TexOrigW + Position2], 2];
+ d[(Position*TexNewW + Position2)*4+2] := Paleta[s[Position*TexOrigW + Position2], 3];
+ d[(Position*TexNewW + Position2)*4+3] := Paleta[s[Position*TexOrigW + Position2], 4];
+ end;
+ end;
+{procedure SetTexture(p: pointer);
+ glGenTextures(1, Tekstur);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tekstur);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, TexNewW, TexNewH, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, p);
+function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(Identifier, Format, Typ: PChar; Col: LongWord): TTexture;
+ Result := LoadTexture(false, Identifier, Format, Typ, Col);
+// Result := LoadTexture(SkinReg, Identifier, Format, Typ, Col); // default to SkinReg
+function TTextureUnit.LoadTexture(Identifier: string): TTexture;
+ Result := LoadTexture(false, pchar(Identifier), 'JPG', 'Plain', 0);
+function TTextureUnit.CreateTexture(var Data: array of byte; Name: string; W, H: word; Bits: byte): TTexture;
+ Position: integer;
+ Position2: integer;
+ Pix: integer;
+ ColInt: real;
+ PPix: PByteArray;
+ TempA: integer;
+ Error: integer;
+ Mipmapping := false;
+ glGenTextures(1, ActTex); // ActText = new texture number
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ActTex);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, W, H, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @Data[0]);
+ if Mipmapping then begin
+ Error := gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 3, W, H, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @Data[0]);
+ if Error > 0 then beep;
+ end;
+ Result.X := 0;
+ Result.Y := 0;
+ Result.W := 0;
+ Result.H := 0;
+ Result.ScaleW := 1;
+ Result.ScaleH := 1;
+ Result.Rot := 0;
+ Result.TexNum := ActTex;
+ Result.TexW := 1;
+ Result.TexH := 1;
+ Result.Int := 1;
+ Result.ColR := 1;
+ Result.ColG := 1;
+ Result.ColB := 1;
+ Result.Alpha := 1;
+ // 0.4.2 new test - default use whole texure, taking TexW and TexH as const and changing these
+ Result.TexX1 := 0;
+ Result.TexY1 := 0;
+ Result.TexX2 := 1;
+ Result.TexY2 := 1;
+ // 0.5.0
+ Result.Name := Name;
+procedure TTextureUnit.UnloadTexture(Name: string; FromCache: boolean);
+ T: integer;
+ TexNum: GLuint;
+ T := FindTexture(Name);
+ if not FromCache then begin
+ TexNum := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum;
+ if TexNum >= 0 then begin
+ glDeleteTextures(1, @TexNum);
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].Texture.TexNum := -1;
+// Log.LogError('Unload texture no '+IntToStr(TexNum));
+ end;
+ end else begin
+ TexNum := TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum;
+ if TexNum >= 0 then begin
+ glDeleteTextures(1, @TexNum);
+ TextureDatabase.Texture[T].TextureCache.TexNum := -1;
+// Log.LogError('Unload texture cache no '+IntToStr(TexNum));
+ end;
+ end;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/Ulazjpeg.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/Ulazjpeg.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f6d8b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/Ulazjpeg.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+{ Copyright (C) 2003 Mattias Gaertner
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+unit Ulazjpeg;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ SysUtils, Classes, FPImage, IntfGraphics, Graphics, FPReadJPEG, FPWriteJPEG;
+ TJPEGQualityRange = TFPJPEGCompressionQuality;
+ TJPEGPerformance = TJPEGReadPerformance;
+ TJPEGImage = class(TFPImageBitmap)
+ private
+ FPerformance: TJPEGPerformance;
+ FProgressiveEncoding: boolean;
+ FQuality: TJPEGQualityRange;
+ protected
+ procedure InitFPImageReader(ImgReader: TFPCustomImageReader); override;
+ procedure FinalizeFPImageReader(ImgReader: TFPCustomImageReader); override;
+ procedure InitFPImageWriter(ImgWriter: TFPCustomImageWriter); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
+ class function GetDefaultFPReader: TFPCustomImageReaderClass; override;
+ class function GetDefaultFPWriter: TFPCustomImageWriterClass; override;
+ public
+ property CompressionQuality: TJPEGQualityRange read FQuality write FQuality;
+ property ProgressiveEncoding: boolean read FProgressiveEncoding;
+ property Performance: TJPEGPerformance read FPerformance write FPerformance;
+ end;
+ DefaultJPEGMimeType = 'image/jpeg';
+{ TJPEGImage }
+procedure TJPEGImage.InitFPImageReader(ImgReader: TFPCustomImageReader);
+ JPEGReader: TFPReaderJPEG;
+ if ImgReader is TFPReaderJPEG then begin
+ JPEGReader:=TFPReaderJPEG(ImgReader);
+ JPEGReader.Performance:=Performance;
+ end;
+ inherited InitFPImageReader(ImgReader);
+procedure TJPEGImage.FinalizeFPImageReader(ImgReader: TFPCustomImageReader);
+ JPEGReader: TFPReaderJPEG;
+ if ImgReader is TFPReaderJPEG then begin
+ JPEGReader:=TFPReaderJPEG(ImgReader);
+ FProgressiveEncoding:=JPEGReader.ProgressiveEncoding;
+ end;
+ inherited FinalizeFPImageReader(ImgReader);
+procedure TJPEGImage.InitFPImageWriter(ImgWriter: TFPCustomImageWriter);
+ JPEGWriter: TFPWriterJPEG;
+ if ImgWriter is TFPWriterJPEG then begin
+ JPEGWriter:=TFPWriterJPEG(ImgWriter);
+ if JPEGWriter<>nil then ;
+ JPEGWriter.ProgressiveEncoding:=ProgressiveEncoding;
+ JPEGWriter.CompressionQuality:=CompressionQuality;
+ end;
+ inherited InitFPImageWriter(ImgWriter);
+class function TJPEGImage.GetDefaultFPReader: TFPCustomImageReaderClass;
+ Result:=TFPReaderJPEG;
+class function TJPEGImage.GetDefaultFPWriter: TFPCustomImageWriterClass;
+ Result:=TFPWriterJPEG;
+constructor TJPEGImage.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FPerformance:=jpBestQuality;
+ FProgressiveEncoding:=false;
+ FQuality:=75;
+class function TJPEGImage.GetFileExtensions: string;
+ Result:='jpg;jpeg';
diff --git a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.pas b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.pas
index 438b606e..2ccc5c79 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Screens/UScreenLoading.pas
@@ -2,22 +2,33 @@ unit UScreenLoading;
+{$I switches.inc}
- UMenu, SDL, SysUtils, UThemes, OpenGL12;
+ UMenu,
+ SDL,
+ SysUtils,
+ UThemes,
+ OpenGL12;
TScreenLoading = class(TMenu)
Fadeout: boolean;
constructor Create; override;
- function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
- function GetBGTexNum: GLUInt;
- procedure onShow; override;
+ procedure onShow; override;
+ function ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function GetBGTexNum: GLUInt;
-uses UGraphic, UTime;
+uses UGraphic,
+ UTime;
function TScreenLoading.ParseInput(PressedKey: Cardinal; ScanCode: byte; PressedDown: Boolean): Boolean;
diff --git a/Game/Code/UltraStar.lpi b/Game/Code/UltraStar.lpi
index 1b925455..947c694c 100644
--- a/Game/Code/UltraStar.lpi
+++ b/Game/Code/UltraStar.lpi
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<MainUnit Value="0"/>
<IconPath Value="./"/>
<TargetFileExt Value=".exe"/>
- <ActiveEditorIndexAtStart Value="5"/>
+ <ActiveEditorIndexAtStart Value="3"/>
<ProjectVersion Value=""/>
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
<Filename Value="UltraStar.lpr"/>
<IsPartOfProject Value="True"/>
- <CursorPos X="1" Y="5"/>
- <TopLine Value="1"/>
+ <CursorPos X="5" Y="415"/>
+ <TopLine Value="375"/>
<EditorIndex Value="0"/>
- <UsageCount Value="86"/>
+ <UsageCount Value="87"/>
<Loaded Value="True"/>
@@ -57,9 +57,15 @@
<Filename Value="Classes\UTexture.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="UTexture"/>
- <CursorPos X="7" Y="23"/>
- <TopLine Value="2"/>
+ <CursorPos X="72" Y="338"/>
+ <TopLine Value="318"/>
+ <EditorIndex Value="3"/>
<UsageCount Value="15"/>
+ <Bookmarks Count="2">
+ <Item0 X="26" Y="339" ID="1"/>
+ <Item1 X="3" Y="961" ID="2"/>
+ </Bookmarks>
+ <Loaded Value="True"/>
<Filename Value="Classes\UCommandLine.pas"/>
@@ -78,9 +84,11 @@
<Filename Value="Classes\ULog.pas"/>
<UnitName Value="ULog"/>
- <CursorPos X="5" Y="5"/>
- <TopLine Value="13"/>
+ <CursorPos X="25" Y="219"/>
+ <TopLine Value="201"/>
+ <EditorIndex Value="1"/>
<UsageCount Value="13"/>
+ <Loaded Value="True"/>
<Filename Value="Classes\UFiles.pas"/>
@@ -112,8 +120,8 @@
<Filename Value="Classes\UGraphic.pas"/>
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@@ -135,25 +143,21 @@
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@@ -186,8 +190,8 @@
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@@ -226,9 +230,7 @@
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@@ -253,9 +255,11 @@
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@@ -340,7 +344,7 @@
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@@ -361,7 +365,7 @@
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@@ -381,11 +385,9 @@
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@@ -404,8 +406,8 @@
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@@ -564,80 +566,118 @@
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+ <Filename Value="Classes\UTexture.pas"/>
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+ <Filename Value="Classes\UTexture.pas"/>
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+ <Filename Value="Classes\UTexture.pas"/>
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+ </Position21>
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+ <Position23>
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+ <Filename Value="UltraStar.lpr"/>
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+ <Position27>
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diff --git a/Game/Code/UltraStar.lpr b/Game/Code/UltraStar.lpr
index 9793928e..51867b87 100644
--- a/Game/Code/UltraStar.lpr
+++ b/Game/Code/UltraStar.lpr
@@ -402,6 +402,8 @@ begin
//Music.Open(SkinPath + 'Menu Music 3.mp3');
Log.LogStatus('Main Loop', 'Initialization'); MainLoop;
+ Log.LogStatus('Cleanup', 'Done');
//Finish Application