path: root/Game/Code/lib/acinerella/acinerella.pas
diff options
authorbrunzelchen <brunzelchen@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-02-19 17:18:42 +0000
committerbrunzelchen <brunzelchen@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-02-19 17:18:42 +0000
commit51ed8fe6f2ea9892e905e81cf5bad3960537eb40 (patch)
treea4dcb099343762dcb7bd7988f73de68c1959d3a5 /Game/Code/lib/acinerella/acinerella.pas
Challenge MOD r7 alpha based on Ultrastar Deluxe v1.0.1a
for changes read Changelog.txt in folder Game git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/1.0.1 Challenge MOD@2107 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/lib/acinerella/acinerella.pas')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/lib/acinerella/acinerella.pas b/Game/Code/lib/acinerella/acinerella.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..678a1ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/lib/acinerella/acinerella.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+ This file is part of Acinerella.
+ Acinerella is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Acinerella is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Acinerella. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+{Pascal header translation for the Acinerella media decoder system. Acinerella
+ wraps around FFMpeg and allows easy use in other programming languages.}
+unit acinerella;
+ {$ALIGN 8}
+ {$ALIGN 4}
+ {$IFDEF WIN32}
+ ac_dll = 'acinerella.dll';
+ {$ELSE}
+ ac_dll = 'libacinerella.so';
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$MESSAGE Error 'Plattform not supported by Acinerella.'}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {Defines the type of an Acinerella media stream. Currently only video and
+ audio streams are supported, subtitle and data streams will be marked as
+ "unknown".}
+ TAc_stream_type = (
+ {The type of the media stream is not known. This kind of stream can not be
+ decoded.}
+ {This media stream is a video stream.}
+ {This media stream is an audio stream.}
+ );
+ {Defines the type of an Acinerella media decoder.}
+ TAc_decoder_type = (
+ {This decoder is used to decode a video stream.}
+ {This decoder is used to decode an audio stram.}
+ );
+ {Defines the format video/image data is outputted in}
+ TAc_output_format = (
+ AC_OUTPUT_RGB24 = 0,
+ AC_OUTPUT_BGR24 = 1,
+ );
+ TAc_infostr = array[0..511] of Char;
+ TAc_infostr2 = array[0..31] of Char;
+ {Contains information about the whole file/stream that has been opened. Default
+ values are "" for strings and -1 for integer values.}
+ TAc_file_info = record
+ title: TAc_infostr;
+ author: TAc_infostr;
+ copyright: TAc_infostr;
+ comment: TAc_infostr;
+ album: TAc_infostr;
+ year: integer;
+ track: integer;
+ genre: TAc_infostr2;
+ duration: int64;
+ bitrate: integer;
+ end;
+ {TAc_instance represents an Acinerella instance. Each instance can open and
+ decode one file at once. There can be only 26 Acinerella instances opened at
+ once.}
+ TAc_instance = record
+ {If true, the instance currently opened a media file.}
+ opened: boolean;
+ {Contains the count of streams the media file has. This value is available
+ after calling the ac_open function.}
+ stream_count: integer;
+ {Set this value to change the image output format}
+ output_format: TAc_output_format;
+ {Contains information about the opened stream/file}
+ info: TAc_file_info;
+ end;
+ {Pointer on the Acinerella instance record.}
+ PAc_instance = ^TAc_instance;
+ {Contains information about an Acinerella audio stream.}
+ TAc_audio_stream_info = record
+ {Samples per second. Default values are 44100 or 48000.}
+ samples_per_second: integer;
+ {Bits per sample. Can be 8 or 16 Bit.}
+ bit_depth: integer;
+ {Count of channels in the audio stream.}
+ channel_count: integer;
+ end;
+ {Contains information about an Acinerella video stream.}
+ TAc_video_stream_info = record
+ {The width of one frame.}
+ frame_width: integer;
+ {The height of one frame.}
+ frame_height: integer;
+ {The width of one pixel. 1.07 for 4:3 format, 1,42 for the 16:9 format}
+ pixel_aspect: single;
+ {Frames per second that should be played.}
+ frames_per_second: double;
+ end;
+ {Contains additional info about the video stream. Use "video_info" when the stream
+ is an video stream, "audio_info" when the stream is an audio stream.}
+ TAd_additional_info = record
+ case byte of
+ 0: (video_info: TAc_video_stream_info);
+ 1: (audio_info: TAc_audio_stream_info);
+ end;
+ {Contains information about an Acinerella stream.}
+ TAc_stream_info = record
+ {Contains the type of the stream.}
+ stream_type: TAc_stream_type;
+ {Additional info about the stream}
+ additional_info: TAd_additional_info;
+ end;
+ {Pointer on TAc_stream_info}
+ PAc_stream_info = ^TAc_stream_info;
+ {Contains information about an Acinerella video/audio decoder.}
+ TAc_decoder = record
+ {Pointer on the Acinerella instance}
+ pAcInstance: pAc_instance;
+ {Contains the type of the decoder.}
+ dec_type: TAc_decoder_type;
+ {The timecode of the currently decoded picture in seconds.}
+ timecode: double;
+ video_clock: double;
+ {Contains information about the stream the decoder is attached to.}
+ stream_info: TAc_stream_info;
+ {The index of the stream the decoder is attached to.}
+ stream_index: integer;
+ {Pointer to the buffer which contains the data.}
+ buffer: PByte;
+ {Size of the data in the buffer.}
+ buffer_size: integer;
+ end;
+ {Pointer on TAc_decoder.}
+ PAc_decoder = ^TAc_decoder;
+ {Contains information about an Acinerella package.}
+ TAc_package = record
+ {The data of the package. This data may not be accessible, because
+ currently FFMpeg doesn't reserve this memory area using the Acinerella
+ memory manager.}
+ data: PByte;
+ {The size of the package data.}
+ size: integer;
+ {The stream the package belongs to.}
+ stream_index: integer;
+ end;
+ {Pointer on TAc_package}
+ PAc_package = ^TAc_package;
+ {Callback function used to ask the application to read data. Should return
+ the number of bytes read or an value smaller than zero if an error occured.}
+ TAc_read_callback = function(sender: Pointer; buf: PByte; size: integer): integer; cdecl;
+ {Callback function used to ask the application to seek. return 0 if succeed , -1 on failure.}
+ TAc_seek_callback = function(sender: Pointer; pos: int64; whence: integer): int64; cdecl;
+ {Callback function that is used to notify the application when the data stream
+ is opened or closed. For example the file pointer should be resetted to zero
+ when the "open" function is called.}
+ TAc_openclose_callback = function(sender: Pointer): integer; cdecl;
+{Initializes an Acinerella instance.}
+function ac_init(): PAc_instance; cdecl; external ac_dll;
+{Frees an Acinerella instance.}
+procedure ac_free(inst: PAc_instance); cdecl; external ac_dll;
+{Opens a media file.
+ @param(inst specifies the Acinerella Instance the stream should be opened for)
+ @param(sender specifies a pointer that is sent to all callback functions to
+ allow you to do object orientated programming. May be NULL.)
+ @param(open_proc specifies the callback function that is called, when the
+ media file is opened. May be NULL.)
+ @param(close_proc specifies the callback function that is called when the media
+ file is closed. May be NULL.)}
+function ac_open(
+ inst: PAc_instance;
+ sender: Pointer;
+ open_proc: TAc_openclose_callback;
+ read_proc: TAc_read_callback;
+ seek_proc: TAc_seek_callback;
+ close_proc: TAc_openclose_callback): integer; cdecl; external ac_dll;
+{Closes an opened media file.}
+procedure ac_close(inst: PAc_instance);cdecl; external ac_dll;
+{Stores information in "pInfo" about stream number "nb".}
+procedure ac_get_stream_info(
+ inst: PAc_instance; nb: integer; pinfo: PAc_stream_info); cdecl; external ac_dll;
+{Reads a package from an opened media file.}
+function ac_read_package(inst: PAc_instance): PAc_package; cdecl; external ac_dll;
+{Frees a package that has been read.}
+procedure ac_free_package(package: PAc_package); cdecl; external ac_dll;
+{Creates an decoder for the specified stream number. Returns NIL if no decoder
+ could be found.}
+function ac_create_decoder(pacInstance: PAc_instance; nb: integer): PAc_decoder; cdecl; external ac_dll;
+{Frees an created decoder.}
+procedure ac_free_decoder(pDecoder: PAc_decoder); cdecl; external ac_dll;
+{Decodes a package using the specified decoder. The decodec data is stored in the
+ "buffer" property of the decoder.}
+function ac_decode_package(pPackage: PAc_package; pDecoder: PAc_decoder): integer; cdecl; external ac_dll;
+{Seeks to the given target position in the file. The seek funtion is not able to seek a single audio/video stream
+but seeks the whole file forward. The deocder parameter is only used as an timecode reference.
+The parameter "dir" specifies the seek direction: 0 for forward, -1 for backward.
+The target_pos paremeter is in milliseconds. Returns 1 if the functions succeded.}
+function ac_seek(pDecoder: PAc_decoder; dir: integer; target_pos: int64): integer; cdecl; external ac_dll;
+{Connect the library memory management to the host application. This happens
+ automatically when the application gets initialized and nobody has to care
+ about it.}
+function ac_mem_mgr(
+ ptr_malloc: Pointer;
+ ptr_realloc: Pointer;
+ ptr_free: Pointer): PAc_instance; cdecl; external ac_dll;
+function malloc(size: integer): Pointer; cdecl;
+ result := GetMemory(size);
+function realloc(ptr: Pointer; size: integer): pointer; cdecl;
+ result := ReallocMemory(ptr, size);
+procedure free(ptr: Pointer); cdecl;
+ FreeMemory(ptr);
+ ac_mem_mgr(@malloc, @realloc, @free);