path: root/Game/Code/Classes
diff options
authorb1indy <b1indy@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-11-21 20:10:27 +0000
committerb1indy <b1indy@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-11-21 20:10:27 +0000
commit56400002816820a8baede8c34f69156d574c3b96 (patch)
tree8502109418ee0c9e02bcddd21a9774674cfa1724 /Game/Code/Classes
parent1e7ce87e239f909da68dfb46dfa2b825202fcdbe (diff)
backported ffmpeg video stuff (used an older version, so this needs to be testet with wine)
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/1.0.1@623 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 466 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2040965f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+# FFmpeg support for UltraStar deluxe #
+# #
+# Created by b1indy #
+# based on 'An ffmpeg and SDL Tutorial' (http://www.dranger.com/ffmpeg/) #
+//{$define DebugDisplay} // uncomment if u want to see the debug stuff
+//{$define DebugFrames}
+//{$define Info}
+unit UVideo;
+uses SDL,
+ UGraphicClasses,
+ textgl,
+ avcodec,
+ avformat,
+ avutil,
+ math,
+ OpenGL12,
+ SysUtils,
+ {$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ dialogs,
+ {$endif}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ UIni;
+procedure Init;
+procedure FFmpegOpenFile(FileName: pAnsiChar);
+procedure FFmpegClose;
+procedure FFmpegGetFrame(Time: Extended);
+procedure FFmpegDrawGL(Screen: integer);
+procedure FFmpegTogglePause;
+procedure FFmpegSkip(Time: Single);
+ VideoOpened, VideoPaused: Boolean;
+ VideoFormatContext: PAVFormatContext;
+ VideoStreamIndex: Integer;
+ VideoCodecContext: PAVCodecContext;
+ VideoCodec: PAVCodec;
+ AVFrame: PAVFrame;
+ AVFrameRGB: PAVFrame;
+ myBuffer: pByte;
+ VideoTex: glUint;
+ TexX, TexY, dataX, dataY: Cardinal;
+ TexData: array of Byte;
+ ScaledVideoWidth, ScaledVideoHeight: Real;
+ VideoAspect: Real;
+ VideoTextureU, VideoTextureV: Real;
+ VideoTimeBase, VideoTime, LastFrameTime, TimeDifference, NegativeSkipTime: Extended;
+ VideoSkipTime: Single;
+{$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+{$ifNdef win32}
+procedure showmessage( aMessage : String );
+ writeln( aMessage );
+procedure Init;
+ av_register_all;
+ {$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ showmessage( 'AV_Register_ALL' );
+ {$endif}
+ VideoOpened:=False;
+ VideoPaused:=False;
+ glGenTextures(1, PglUint(@VideoTex));
+ SetLength(TexData,0);
+procedure FFmpegOpenFile(FileName: pAnsiChar);
+var errnum, i, x,y: Integer;
+ lStreamsCount : Integer;
+ VideoOpened := False;
+ VideoPaused := False;
+ VideoTimeBase := 0;
+ VideoTime := 0;
+ LastFrameTime := 0;
+ TimeDifference := 0;
+ errnum := av_open_input_file(VideoFormatContext, FileName, Nil, 0, Nil);
+ if(errnum <> 0) then
+ begin
+{$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ case errnum of
+ AVERROR_UNKNOWN: showmessage('failed to open file '+Filename+#13#10+'AVERROR_UNKNOWN');
+ AVERROR_IO: showmessage('failed to open file '+Filename+#13#10+'AVERROR_IO');
+ AVERROR_NUMEXPECTED: showmessage('failed to open file '+Filename+#13#10+'AVERROR_NUMEXPECTED');
+ AVERROR_INVALIDDATA: showmessage('failed to open file '+Filename+#13#10+'AVERROR_INVALIDDATA');
+ AVERROR_NOMEM: showmessage('failed to open file '+Filename+#13#10+'AVERROR_NOMEM');
+ AVERROR_NOFMT: showmessage('failed to open file '+Filename+#13#10+'AVERROR_NOFMT');
+ AVERROR_NOTSUPP: showmessage('failed to open file '+Filename+#13#10+'AVERROR_NOTSUPP');
+ else showmessage('failed to open file '+Filename+#13#10+'Error number: '+inttostr(Errnum));
+ end;
+ Exit;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ VideoStreamIndex:=-1;
+ // Find which stream contains the video
+ if(av_find_stream_info(VideoFormatContext) >= 0) then
+ begin
+ {$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ writeln( 'FFMPEG debug... VideoFormatContext^.nb_streams : '+ inttostr( VideoFormatContext^.nb_streams ) );
+ {$endif}
+ for i:= 0 to MAX_STREAMS-1 do
+ begin
+ {$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ writeln( 'FFMPEG debug... found stream '+ inttostr(i) + ' stream val ' + inttostr( integer(VideoFormatContext^.streams[i] ) ) );
+ {$endif}
+ try
+ if assigned( VideoFormatContext ) AND
+ assigned( VideoFormatContext^.streams[i] ) AND
+ assigned( VideoFormatContext^.streams[i]^.codec ) THEN
+ begin
+ {$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ writeln( 'FFMPEG debug... found stream '+ inttostr(i) + ' code val ' + inttostr( integer(VideoFormatContext^.streams[i].codec ) ) );
+ writeln( 'FFMPEG debug... found stream '+ inttostr(i) + ' code Type ' + inttostr( integer(VideoFormatContext^.streams[i].codec^.codec_type ) ) );
+ {$endif}
+ if(VideoFormatContext^.streams[i]^.codec^.codec_type=CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) then
+ begin
+ {$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ writeln( 'FFMPEG debug, found CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO stream' );
+ {$endif}
+ VideoStreamIndex:=i;
+ end
+ else
+ end;
+ except
+ // TODO : JB_Linux ... this is excepting at line 108... ( Was 111 previously.. so its prob todo with streams[i]^.codec ..
+ {$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ writeln( 'FFMPEG error, finding video stream' );
+ {$endif}
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if(VideoStreamIndex >= 0) then
+ begin
+ VideoCodecContext:=VideoFormatContext^.streams[VideoStreamIndex]^.codec;
+ VideoCodec:=avcodec_find_decoder(VideoCodecContext^.codec_id);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+{$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ showmessage('found no video stream');
+ av_close_input_file(VideoFormatContext);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if(VideoCodec<>Nil) then
+ begin
+ errnum:=avcodec_open(VideoCodecContext, VideoCodec);
+ end else begin
+{$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ showmessage('no matching codec found');
+ avcodec_close(VideoCodecContext);
+ av_close_input_file(VideoFormatContext);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if(errnum >=0) then
+ begin
+{$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ showmessage('Found a matching Codec:'+#13#10#13#10+
+ 'Width='+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.width)+
+ ', Height='+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.height)+#13#10+
+ 'Aspect: '+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.sample_aspect_ratio.num)+'/'+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.sample_aspect_ratio.den)+#13#10+
+ 'Framerate: '+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.time_base.num)+'/'+inttostr(VideoCodecContext^.time_base.den));
+ // allocate space for decoded frame and rgb frame
+ AVFrame:=avcodec_alloc_frame;
+ AVFrameRGB:=avcodec_alloc_frame;
+ end;
+ myBuffer:=Nil;
+ if(AVFrame <> Nil) and (AVFrameRGB <> Nil) then
+ begin
+ myBuffer:=av_malloc(avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB24, VideoCodecContext^.width,
+ VideoCodecContext^.height));
+ end;
+ if myBuffer <> Nil then errnum:=avpicture_fill(PAVPicture(AVFrameRGB), myBuffer, PIX_FMT_RGB24,
+ VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height)
+ else begin
+{$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ showmessage('failed to allocate video buffer');
+ av_free(AVFrameRGB);
+ av_free(AVFrame);
+ avcodec_close(VideoCodecContext);
+ av_close_input_file(VideoFormatContext);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if errnum >=0 then
+ begin
+ VideoOpened:=True;
+ TexX := VideoCodecContext^.width;
+ TexY := VideoCodecContext^.height;
+ dataX := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexX))));
+ dataY := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexY))));
+ SetLength(TexData,dataX*dataY*3);
+ // calculate some information for video display
+ VideoAspect:=VideoCodecContext^.sample_aspect_ratio.num/VideoCodecContext^.sample_aspect_ratio.den;
+ if (VideoAspect = 0) then
+ VideoAspect:=VideoCodecContext^.width/VideoCodecContext^.height
+ else
+ VideoAspect:=VideoAspect*VideoCodecContext^.width/VideoCodecContext^.height;
+ if VideoAspect >= 4/3 then
+ begin
+ ScaledVideoWidth:=800.0;
+ ScaledVideoHeight:=800.0/VideoAspect;
+ end else
+ begin
+ ScaledVideoHeight:=600.0;
+ ScaledVideoWidth:=600.0*VideoAspect;
+ end;
+ VideoTimeBase:=VideoCodecContext^.time_base.num/VideoCodecContext^.time_base.den;
+ // hack to get reasonable timebase for divx
+{$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ showmessage('framerate: '+inttostr(floor(1/videotimebase))+'fps');
+ if VideoTimeBase < 0.02 then // 0.02 <-> 50 fps
+ begin
+ VideoTimeBase:=VideoCodecContext^.time_base.den/VideoCodecContext^.time_base.num;
+ while VideoTimeBase > 50 do VideoTimeBase:=VideoTimeBase/10;
+ VideoTimeBase:=1/VideoTimeBase;
+ end;
+{$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ showmessage('corrected framerate: '+inttostr(floor(1/videotimebase))+'fps');
+ if ((VideoAspect*VideoCodecContext^.width*VideoCodecContext^.height)>200000) then
+ showmessage('you are trying to play a rather large video'+#13#10+
+ 'be prepared to experience some timing problems');
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure FFmpegClose;
+ if VideoOpened then begin
+ av_free(myBuffer);
+ av_free(AVFrameRGB);
+ av_free(AVFrame);
+ avcodec_close(VideoCodecContext);
+ av_close_input_file(VideoFormatContext);
+ SetLength(TexData,0);
+ VideoOpened:=False;
+ end;
+procedure FFmpegTogglePause;
+ if VideoPaused then VideoPaused:=False
+ else VideoPaused:=True;
+procedure FFmpegSkip(Time: Single);
+ VideoSkiptime:=Time;
+ NegativeSkipTime:=Time;
+ if VideoSkipTime > 0 then begin
+ av_seek_frame(VideoFormatContext,-1,Floor((VideoSkipTime)*1000000),0);
+ VideoTime:=VideoSkipTime;
+ end;
+procedure FFmpegGetFrame(Time: Extended);
+ FrameFinished: Integer;
+ AVPacket: TAVPacket;
+ errnum, x, y: Integer;
+ FrameDataPtr: PByteArray;
+ linesize: integer;
+ myTime: Extended;
+ DropFrame: Boolean;
+ droppedFrames: Integer;
+ if not VideoOpened then Exit;
+ if VideoPaused then Exit;
+ if (NegativeSkipTime < 0)and(Time+NegativeSkipTime>=0) then NegativeSkipTime:=0;
+ myTime:=Time+VideoSkipTime;
+ TimeDifference:=myTime-VideoTime;
+ DropFrame:=False;
+{ showmessage('Time: '+inttostr(floor(Time*1000))+#13#10+
+ 'VideoTime: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTime*1000))+#13#10+
+ 'TimeBase: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTimeBase*1000))+#13#10+
+ 'TimeDiff: '+inttostr(floor(TimeDifference*1000)));
+ if (VideoTime <> 0) and (TimeDifference <= VideoTimeBase) then begin
+{$ifdef DebugFrames}
+ // frame delay debug display
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(200,15,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$00ff00);
+{ showmessage('not getting new frame'+#13#10+
+ 'Time: '+inttostr(floor(Time*1000))+#13#10+
+ 'VideoTime: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTime*1000))+#13#10+
+ 'TimeBase: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTimeBase*1000))+#13#10+
+ 'TimeDiff: '+inttostr(floor(TimeDifference*1000)));
+ Exit;// we don't need a new frame now
+ end;
+ VideoTime:=VideoTime+VideoTimeBase;
+ TimeDifference:=myTime-VideoTime;
+ if TimeDifference >= (FRAMEDROPCOUNT-1)*VideoTimeBase then begin // skip frames
+{$ifdef DebugFrames}
+ //frame drop debug display
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(200,55,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$ff0000);
+// showmessage('skipping frames'+#13#10+
+// 'TimeBase: '+inttostr(floor(VideoTimeBase*1000))+#13#10+
+// 'TimeDiff: '+inttostr(floor(TimeDifference*1000))+#13#10+
+// 'Time2Skip: '+inttostr(floor((Time-LastFrameTime)*1000)));
+// av_seek_frame(VideoFormatContext,VideoStreamIndex,Floor(Time*VideoTimeBase),0);
+{ av_seek_frame(VideoFormatContext,-1,Floor((myTime+VideoTimeBase)*1500000),0);
+ VideoTime:=floor(myTime/VideoTimeBase)*VideoTimeBase;}
+ VideoTime:=VideoTime+FRAMEDROPCOUNT*VideoTimeBase;
+ DropFrame:=True;
+ end;
+ av_init_packet(AVPacket);
+ FrameFinished:=0;
+ // read packets until we have a finished frame (or there are no more packets)
+ while (FrameFinished=0) and (av_read_frame(VideoFormatContext, AVPacket)>=0) do
+ begin
+ // if we got a packet from the video stream, then decode it
+ if (AVPacket.stream_index=VideoStreamIndex) then
+ errnum:=avcodec_decode_video(VideoCodecContext, AVFrame, frameFinished,
+ AVPacket.data, AVPacket.size);
+ // release internal packet structure created by av_read_frame
+ av_free_packet(AVPacket);
+ end;
+ if DropFrame then
+ for droppedFrames:=1 to FRAMEDROPCOUNT do begin
+ FrameFinished:=0;
+ // read packets until we have a finished frame (or there are no more packets)
+ while (FrameFinished=0) and (av_read_frame(VideoFormatContext, AVPacket)>=0) do
+ begin
+ // if we got a packet from the video stream, then decode it
+ if (AVPacket.stream_index=VideoStreamIndex) then
+ errnum:=avcodec_decode_video(VideoCodecContext, AVFrame, frameFinished,
+ AVPacket.data, AVPacket.size);
+ // release internal packet structure created by av_read_frame
+ av_free_packet(AVPacket);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // if we did not get an new frame, there's nothing more to do
+ if Framefinished=0 then begin
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(220,15,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$0000ff);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // otherwise we convert the pixeldata from YUV to RGB
+ errnum:=img_convert(PAVPicture(AVFrameRGB), PIX_FMT_RGB24,
+ PAVPicture(AVFrame), VideoCodecContext^.pix_fmt,
+ VideoCodecContext^.width, VideoCodecContext^.height);
+ if errnum >=0 then begin
+ // copy RGB pixeldata to our TextureBuffer
+ // (line by line)
+ FrameDataPtr:=Pointer(AVFrameRGB^.data[0]);
+ linesize:=AVFrameRGB^.linesize[0];
+ for y:=0 to TexY-1 do begin
+ System.Move(FrameDataPtr[y*linesize],TexData[3*y*dataX],linesize);
+ end;
+ // generate opengl texture out of whatever we got
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, VideoTex);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, dataX, dataY, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TexData);
+{$ifdef DebugFrames}
+ //frame decode debug display
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(200,35,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$ffff00);
+ end;
+procedure FFmpegDrawGL(Screen: integer);
+ // have a nice black background to draw on (even if there were errors opening the vid)
+ if Screen=1 then begin
+ glClearColor(0,0,0,0);
+ end;
+ // exit if there's nothing to draw
+ if not VideoOpened then Exit;
+ // if we're still inside negative skip, then exit
+ if (NegativeSkipTime < 0) then Exit;
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, VideoTex);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glTexCoord2f( 0, 0); glVertex2f(400-ScaledVideoWidth/2, 300-ScaledVideoHeight/2);
+ glTexCoord2f( 0, TexY/dataY); glVertex2f(400-ScaledVideoWidth/2, 300+ScaledVideoHeight/2);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX/dataX, TexY/dataY); glVertex2f(400+ScaledVideoWidth/2, 300+ScaledVideoHeight/2);
+ glTexCoord2f(TexX/dataX, 0); glVertex2f(400+ScaledVideoWidth/2, 300-ScaledVideoHeight/2);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+{$ifdef Info}
+ if VideoSkipTime+VideoTime+VideoTimeBase < 0 then begin
+ glColor4f(0.7, 1, 0.3, 1);
+ SetFontStyle (1);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
+ SetFontSize(9);
+ SetFontPos (300, 0);
+ glPrint('Delay due to negative VideoGap');
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ end;
+{$ifdef DebugFrames}
+ glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glVertex2f(0, 0);
+ glVertex2f(0, 70);
+ glVertex2f(250, 70);
+ glVertex2f(250, 0);
+ glEnd;
+ glColor4f(1,1,1,1);
+ SetFontStyle (1);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
+ SetFontSize(9);
+ SetFontPos (5, 0);
+ glPrint('delaying frame');
+ SetFontPos (5, 20);
+ glPrint('fetching frame');
+ SetFontPos (5, 40);
+ glPrint('dropping frame');