path: root/Game/Code/Classes
diff options
authorjaybinks <jaybinks@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-10-11 12:02:20 +0000
committerjaybinks <jaybinks@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-10-11 12:02:20 +0000
commit44554c7908f7e2405a249331f00a35703f5939c2 (patch)
treebd1a5d2be22e4b4494e0b66331dbfb16dcceb3c5 /Game/Code/Classes
parent0d997f8433e982584a0ab67a6d630d12f4314759 (diff)
Added IAudioPlayback Interface and implementation for BASS.
Created "AudioPlayback" Global Singleton, which removed the need for the "Music" Global variable. This was done because global singleton objects are a recognized better "design pattern" achieving the same thing as global variables, but in a nicer way. I will be working to a) separate IAudioPlayback in to separate "Playback" and "Input" Interfaces b) build a FFMpeg class that implements IAudioPlayback git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@504 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to '')
7 files changed, 795 insertions, 805 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas
index a8404355..473e9017 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UDraw.pas
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ var
lTmpB : real;
if (Player[NrGracza].ScoreTotalI >= 0) then begin
- glColor4f(1, 1, 1, sqrt((1+sin(Music.Position * 3))/4)/ 2 + 0.5 );
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, sqrt((1+sin( AudioPlayback.Position * 3))/4)/ 2 + 0.5 );
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/ULyrics.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/ULyrics.pas
index 4fd360b7..e4ac2024 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/ULyrics.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/ULyrics.pas
@@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ interface
{$I switches.inc}
-uses OpenGL12, UTexture, UThemes, UMusic;
+uses OpenGL12,
+ UTexture,
+ UThemes,
+ UMusic;
TLyricWord = record
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UMain.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UMain.pas
index 41676bf3..40b91be7 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UMain.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UMain.pas
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ begin
// beat click
if (Ini.BeatClick = 1) and ((Czas.AktBeatC + Czesci[0].Resolution + Czesci[0].NotesGAP) mod Czesci[0].Resolution = 0) then
- Music.PlayClick;
+ AudioPlayback.PlayClick;
// debug system on LPT
if ((Czas.AktBeatC + Czesci[0].Resolution + Czesci[0].NotesGAP) mod Czesci[0].Resolution = 0) then begin
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ begin
if (Czesci[0].Czesc[Czesci[0].Akt].Nuta[Pet].Start = Czas.AktBeatC) then begin
// click assist
if Ini.ClickAssist = 1 then
- Music.PlayClick;
+ AudioPlayback.PlayClick;
//LPT_2 := 0;
if ParamStr(1) <> '-doublelights' then
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UMusic.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UMusic.pas
index 3c43615b..934e14e3 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UMusic.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UMusic.pas
@@ -8,145 +8,8 @@ interface
{$MODE Delphi}
-uses Classes,
- {$IFDEF win32}
- windows,
- {$ENDIF}
- UCommon,
- Messages,
- SysUtils,
- Forms,
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- bass,
- {$ENDIF}
- ULog,
- USongs;
-procedure InitializeSound;
- TSoundCard = record
- Name: string;
- Source: array of string;
- end;
- TFFTData = array [0..256] of Single;
- TCustomSoundEntry = record
- Filename : String;
- Handle : hStream;
- end;
- IAudioPlayback = Interface
- procedure InitializePlayback;
- procedure SetVolume(Volume: integer);
- procedure SetMusicVolume(Volume: integer);
- procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
- function Open(Name: string): boolean; // true if succeed
- procedure Play;
- procedure Pause; //Pause Mod
- procedure Stop;
- procedure Rewind;
- procedure MoveTo(Time: real);
- procedure Close;
- function Finished: boolean;
- function Length: real;
- function Position: real;
- procedure PlayStart;
- procedure PlayBack;
- procedure PlaySwoosh;
- procedure PlayChange;
- procedure PlayOption;
- procedure PlayClick;
- procedure PlayDrum;
- procedure PlayHihat;
- procedure PlayClap;
- procedure PlayShuffle;
- procedure StopShuffle;
- function LoadSoundFromFile(var hStream: hStream; Name: string): boolean;
- //Custom Sounds
- function LoadCustomSound(const Filename: String): Cardinal;
- procedure PlayCustomSound(const Index: Cardinal);
- end;
- TMusic = class( TInterfacedObject, IAudioPlayback )
- private
- BassStart: hStream; // Wait, I've replaced this with BASS
- BassBack: hStream; // It has almost all features we need
- BassSwoosh: hStream;
- BassChange: hStream; // Almost? It aleady has them all :)
- BassOption: hStream;
- BassClick: hStream;
- BassDrum: hStream;
- BassHihat: hStream;
- BassClap: hStream;
- BassShuffle: hStream;
- //Custom Sounds
- CustomSounds: array of TCustomSoundEntry;
- Loaded: boolean;
- Loop: boolean;
- function FFMPeg_StreamCreateFile(abool : boolean; aFileName : pchar ): THandle;
- public
- Bass: hStream;
- procedure InitializePlayback;
- procedure InitializeRecord;
- procedure SetVolume(Volume: integer);
- procedure SetMusicVolume(Volume: integer);
- procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
- function Open(Name: string): boolean; // true if succeed
- procedure Rewind;
- procedure MoveTo(Time: real);
- procedure Play;
- procedure Pause; //Pause Mod
- procedure Stop;
- procedure Close;
- function Finished: boolean;
- function Length: real;
- function Position: real;
- procedure PlayStart;
- procedure PlayBack;
- procedure PlaySwoosh;
- procedure PlayChange;
- procedure PlayOption;
- procedure PlayClick;
- procedure PlayDrum;
- procedure PlayHihat;
- procedure PlayClap;
- procedure PlayShuffle;
- procedure StopShuffle;
- procedure CaptureStart;
- procedure CaptureStop;
- procedure CaptureCard(RecordI, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
- procedure StopCard(Card: byte);
- function LoadSoundFromFile(var hStream: hStream; Name: string): boolean;
- //Equalizer
- function GetFFTData: TFFTData;
- //Custom Sounds
- function LoadCustomSound(const Filename: String): Cardinal;
- procedure PlayCustomSound(const Index: Cardinal);
- RecordSystem = 1;
+uses Classes // UCommon
+ ;
TMuzyka = record
@@ -216,621 +79,104 @@ type
Razem: real; // caly czas utworu
- Music: TMusic;
- // muzyka
- Muzyka: TMuzyka;
- // czesci z nutami;
- Czesci: array of TCzesci;
- // czas
- Czas: TCzas;
- fHWND: Thandle;
- TMPModes = (mpNotReady, mpStopped, mpPlaying, mpRecording, mpSeeking,
- mpPaused, mpOpen);
- ModeStr: array[TMPModes] of string = ('Not ready', 'Stopped', 'Playing', 'Recording', 'Seeking', 'Paused', 'Open');
- lclintf,
- {$ENDIF}
- avcodec,
- avformat,
- avutil,
- UGraphic,
- URecord,
- UFiles,
- UIni,
- UMain,
- UThemes;
-procedure InitializeSound;
- Log.LogStatus('Initializing Playback', 'InitializeSound'); Music.InitializePlayback;
- Log.LogStatus('Initializing Record', 'InitializeSound'); Music.InitializeRecord;
-procedure TMusic.InitializePlayback;
- Pet: integer;
- S: integer;
- Log.BenchmarkStart(4);
- Log.LogStatus('Initializing Playback Subsystem', 'Music Initialize');
- Loaded := false;
- Loop := false;
- {$ifdef win32}
- // TODO : JB_Linux ... is this needed ? :)
- fHWND := AllocateHWND( nil); // TODO : JB_lazarus - can we do something different here ?? lazarus didnt like this function
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- if not BASS_Init(1, 44100, 0, fHWND, nil) then
- begin
- // TODO : JB_linux find a way to do this nice..
- Application.MessageBox ('Could not initialize BASS', 'Error');
- {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(4); Log.LogBenchmark('--> Bass Init', 4);
- // config playing buffer
-// BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_BUFFER, 100);
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Sounds', 'Music Initialize');
- Log.BenchmarkStart(4);
- LoadSoundFromFile(BassStart, SoundPath + 'Common Start.mp3');
- LoadSoundFromFile(BassBack, SoundPath + 'Common Back.mp3');
- LoadSoundFromFile(BassSwoosh, SoundPath + 'menu swoosh.mp3');
- LoadSoundFromFile(BassChange, SoundPath + 'select music change music 50.mp3');
- LoadSoundFromFile(BassOption, SoundPath + 'option change col.mp3');
- LoadSoundFromFile(BassClick, SoundPath + 'rimshot022b.mp3');
-// LoadSoundFromFile(BassDrum, SoundPath + 'bassdrumhard076b.mp3');
-// LoadSoundFromFile(BassHihat, SoundPath + 'hihatclosed068b.mp3');
-// LoadSoundFromFile(BassClap, SoundPath + 'claps050b.mp3');
-// LoadSoundFromFile(BassShuffle, SoundPath + 'Shuffle.mp3');
- Log.BenchmarkEnd(4);
- Log.LogBenchmark('--> Loading Sounds', 4);
-procedure TMusic.InitializeRecord;
- S: integer;
- device: integer;
- descr: string;
- input: integer;
- input2: integer;
- flags: integer;
- mic: array[0..15] of integer;
- SC: integer; // soundcard
- SCI: integer; // soundcard input
- if RecordSystem = 1 then begin
- SetLength(Sound, 6 {max players});//Ini.Players+1);
- for S := 0 to High(Sound) do begin //Ini.Players do begin
- Sound[S] := TSound.Create;
- Sound[S].Num := S;
- Sound[S].BufferNew := TMemoryStream.Create;
- SetLength(Sound[S].BufferLong, 1);
- Sound[S].BufferLong[0] := TMemoryStream.Create;
- Sound[S].n := 4*1024;
- end;
- // check for recording devices;
- {device := 0;
- descr := BASS_RecordGetDeviceDescription(device);
- SetLength(SoundCard, 0);
- while (descr <> '') do begin
- SC := High(SoundCard) + 1;
- SetLength(SoundCard, SC+1);
- Log.LogAnalyze('Device #'+IntToStr(device)+': '+ descr);
- SoundCard[SC].Description := Descr;
- // check for recording inputs
- mic[device] := -1; // default to no change
- input := 0;
- BASS_RecordInit(device);
- Log.LogAnalyze('Input #' + IntToStr(Input) + ': ' + BASS_RecordGetInputName(input));
- flags := BASS_RecordGetInput(input);
- SetLength(SoundCard[SC].Input, 0);
- while (flags <> -1) do begin
- SCI := High(SoundCard[SC].Input) + 1;
- SetLength(SoundCard[SC].Input, SCI+1);
- Log.LogAnalyze('Input #' + IntToStr(Input) + ': ' + BASS_RecordGetInputName(input));
- SoundCard[SC].Input[SCI].Name := BASS_RecordGetInputName(Input);
- if (flags and BASS_INPUT_TYPE_MASK) = BASS_INPUT_TYPE_MIC then begin
- mic[device] := input; // auto set microphone
- end;
- Inc(Input);
- flags := BASS_RecordGetInput(input);
- end;
- if mic[device] <> -1 then begin
- Log.LogAnalyze('Found the mic at input ' + IntToStr(Mic[device]))
- end else begin
- Log.LogAnalyze('Mic not found');
- mic[device] := 0; // setting to the first one (for kxproject)
- end;
- SoundCard[SC].InputSeleceted := Mic[Device];
- BASS_RecordFree;
- inc(Device);
- descr := BASS_RecordGetDeviceDescription(Device);
- end; // while}
- end; // if
-procedure TMusic.SetVolume(Volume: integer);
- //Old Sets Wave Volume
- //BASS_SetVolume(Volume);
- //New: Sets Volume only for this Application
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.SetMusicVolume(Volume: Integer);
- //Max Volume Prevention
- if Volume > 100 then
- Volume := 100;
- //Set Volume
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelSetAttributes (Bass, -1, Volume, -101);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
- Loop := Enabled;
-function TMusic.Open(Name: string): boolean;
- Loaded := false;
- if FileExists(Name) then
- begin
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- Bass := Bass_StreamCreateFile(false, pchar(Name), 0, 0, 0);
- {$ENDIF}
- Loaded := true;
- //Set Max Volume
- SetMusicVolume (100);
- end;
- Result := Loaded;
-procedure TMusic.Rewind;
- if Loaded then begin
- end;
-procedure TMusic.MoveTo(Time: real);
- bytes: integer;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- bytes := BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes(Bass, Time);
- BASS_ChannelSetPosition(Bass, bytes);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.Play;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- if Loaded then
- begin
- if Loop then
- BASS_ChannelPlay(Bass, True); // start from beginning... actually bass itself does not loop, nor does this TMusic Class
- BASS_ChannelPlay(Bass, False); // for setting position before playing
+ TSoundCard = record
+ Name: string;
+ Source: array of string;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.Pause; //Pause Mod
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- if Loaded then begin
- BASS_ChannelPause(Bass); // Pauses Song
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.Stop;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- Bass_ChannelStop(Bass);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.Close;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- Bass_StreamFree(Bass);
- {$ENDIF}
-function TMusic.Length: real;
- bytes: integer;
- Result := 60;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- bytes := BASS_ChannelGetLength(Bass);
- Result := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(Bass, bytes);
- {$ENDIF}
-function TMusic.Position: real;
- bytes: integer;
- Result := 0;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- bytes := BASS_ChannelGetPosition(BASS);
- Result := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(BASS, bytes);
- {$ENDIF}
+ TFFTData = array [0..256] of Single;
-function TMusic.Finished: boolean;
- Result := false;
+ hStream = Cardinal;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- if BASS_ChannelIsActive(BASS) = BASS_ACTIVE_STOPPED then
- begin
- Result := true;
+ TCustomSoundEntry = record
+ Filename : String;
+ Handle : hStream;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayStart;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassStart, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayBack;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassBack, True);// then
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlaySwoosh;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassSwoosh, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayChange;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassChange, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayOption;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassOption, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayClick;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassClick, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayDrum;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassDrum, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayHihat;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassHihat, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayClap;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassClap, True);
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.PlayShuffle;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelPlay(BassShuffle, True);
- {$ENDIF}
+ IAudioPlayback = Interface
+ procedure InitializePlayback;
+ procedure InitializeRecord;
+ procedure SetVolume(Volume: integer);
+ procedure SetMusicVolume(Volume: integer);
+ procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
+ function Open(Name: string): boolean; // true if succeed
+ procedure Rewind;
+ procedure MoveTo(Time: real);
+ procedure Play;
+ procedure Pause; //Pause Mod
+ procedure Stop;
+ procedure Close;
+ function Finished: boolean;
+ function Length: real;
+ function Position: real;
+ procedure PlayStart;
+ procedure PlayBack;
+ procedure PlaySwoosh;
+ procedure PlayChange;
+ procedure PlayOption;
+ procedure PlayClick;
+ procedure PlayDrum;
+ procedure PlayHihat;
+ procedure PlayClap;
+ procedure PlayShuffle;
+ procedure StopShuffle;
+ procedure CaptureStart;
+ procedure CaptureStop;
+ procedure CaptureCard(RecordI, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
+ procedure StopCard(Card: byte);
+ function LoadSoundFromFile(var hStream: hStream; Name: string): boolean;
-procedure TMusic.StopShuffle;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_ChannelStop(BassShuffle);
- {$ENDIF}
+ //Equalizer
+ function GetFFTData: TFFTData;
-procedure TMusic.CaptureStart;
- S: integer;
- SC: integer;
- P1: integer;
- P2: integer;
- for S := 0 to High(Sound) do
- Sound[S].BufferLong[0].Clear;
- for SC := 0 to High(Ini.CardList) do begin
- P1 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL;
- P2 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR;
- if P1 > PlayersPlay then P1 := 0;
- if P2 > PlayersPlay then P2 := 0;
- if (P1 > 0) or (P2 > 0) then
- CaptureCard(SC, P1, P2);
+ //Custom Sounds
+ function LoadCustomSound(const Filename: String): Cardinal;
+ procedure PlayCustomSound(const Index: Cardinal );
-procedure TMusic.CaptureStop;
- SC: integer;
- P1: integer;
- P2: integer;
- for SC := 0 to High(Ini.CardList) do begin
- P1 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL;
- P2 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR;
- if P1 > PlayersPlay then P1 := 0;
- if P2 > PlayersPlay then P2 := 0;
- if (P1 > 0) or (P2 > 0) then StopCard(SC);
- end;
+ // muzyka
+ Muzyka: TMuzyka;
+ // czesci z nutami;
+ Czesci: array of TCzesci;
-//procedure TMusic.CaptureCard(RecordI, SoundNum, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
-procedure TMusic.CaptureCard(RecordI, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
- Error: integer;
- ErrorMsg: string;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- if not BASS_RecordInit(RecordI) then
- begin
- Error := BASS_ErrorGetCode;
- ErrorMsg := IntToStr(Error);
- if Error = BASS_ERROR_DX then ErrorMsg := 'No DX5';
- if Error = BASS_ERROR_ALREADY then ErrorMsg := 'The device has already been initialized';
- if Error = BASS_ERROR_DEVICE then ErrorMsg := 'The device number specified is invalid';
- if Error = BASS_ERROR_DRIVER then ErrorMsg := 'There is no available device driver';
- {Log.LogAnalyze('Error initializing record [' + IntToStr(RecordI) + ', '
- + IntToStr(PlayerLeft) + ', '+ IntToStr(PlayerRight) + ']: '
- + ErrorMsg);}
- Log.LogError('Error initializing record [' + IntToStr(RecordI) + ', '
- + IntToStr(PlayerLeft) + ', '+ IntToStr(PlayerRight) + ']: '
- + ErrorMsg);
- Log.LogError('Music -> CaptureCard: Error initializing record: ' + ErrorMsg);
- end
- else
- begin
- Recording.SoundCard[RecordI].BassRecordStream := BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, MakeLong(0, 20) , @GetMicrophone, PlayerLeft + PlayerRight*256);
- end;
+ // czas
+ Czas: TCzas;
- {$ENDIF}
-procedure TMusic.StopCard(Card: byte);
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- BASS_RecordSetDevice(Card);
- BASS_RecordFree;
- {$ENDIF}
-function TMusic.LoadSoundFromFile(var hStream: hStream; Name: string): boolean;
- L: Integer;
- if FileExists(Name) then
- begin
- Log.LogStatus('Loading Sound: "' + Name + '"', 'LoadSoundFromFile');
- try
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- hStream := BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, pchar(Name), 0, 0, 0);
- {$ELSE}
- hStream := FFMPeg_StreamCreateFile(False, pchar(Name) );
- {$ENDIF}
- //Add CustomSound
- L := High(CustomSounds) + 1;
- SetLength (CustomSounds, L + 1);
- CustomSounds[L].Filename := Name;
- CustomSounds[L].Handle := hStream;
- except
- Log.LogError('Failed to open using BASS', 'LoadSoundFromFile');
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- Log.LogError('Sound not found: "' + Name + '"', 'LoadSoundFromFile');
- exit;
- end;
+procedure InitializeSound;
+function AudioPlayback(): IAudioPlayback;
-function TMusic.GetFFTData: TFFTData;
-Data: TFFTData;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
- //Get Channel Data Mono and 256 Values
- BASS_ChannelGetData(Bass, @Result, BASS_DATA_FFT512);
- //Result := Data;
- {$ENDIF}
+ uLog,
+ UMusic_BASS;
-function TMusic.LoadCustomSound(const Filename: String): Cardinal;
- S: hStream;
- I: Integer;
- F: String;
- //Search for Sound in already loaded Sounds
- F := UpperCase(SoundPath + FileName);
- For I := 0 to High(CustomSounds) do
- begin
- if (UpperCase(CustomSounds[I].Filename) = F) then
- begin
- Result := I;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- if LoadSoundFromFile(S, SoundPath + Filename) then
- Result := High(CustomSounds)
- else
- Result := 0;
+ singleton_AudioPlayback : IAudioPlayback;
-procedure TMusic.PlayCustomSound(const Index: Cardinal);
+function AudioPlayback(): IAudioPlayback;
- {$IFDEF useBASS}
- // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if singleton_AudioPlayback = nil then
+ begin
+ writeln( 'Created AudioPlayback' );
+ singleton_AudioPlayback := TMusic_bass.create();
+ end;
- if Index <= High(CustomSounds) then
- BASS_ChannelPlay(CustomSounds[Index].Handle, True);
- {$ENDIF}
+ result := singleton_AudioPlayback;
-Sorry guys... this is my mess :(
-Im going to try and get ffmpeg to handle audio playback ( at least for linux )
-and Im going to implement it nicly along side BASS, in TMusic ( where I can )
-function TMusic.FFMPeg_StreamCreateFile(abool : boolean; aFileName : pchar ): THandle;
- lFormatCtx : PAVFormatContext;
+procedure InitializeSound;
+ Log.LogStatus('Initializing Playback', 'InitializeSound');
+ AudioPlayback.InitializePlayback;
- if(SDL_OpenAudio(&wanted_spec, &spec) < 0)
- begin
- fprintf(stderr, "SDL_OpenAudio: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
- writeln( 'SDL_OpenAudio' );
- exit;
- end;
- if ( av_open_input_file( lFormatCtx, aFileName, NULL, 0, NULL ) <> 0 )
- begin
- writeln( 'Unable to open file '+ aFileName );
- exit;
- end;
- // Retrieve stream information
- if ( av_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx) < 0 )
- begin
- writeln( 'Unable to Retrieve stream information' );
- exit;
- end;
+ Log.LogStatus('Initializing Record', 'InitializeSound');
+ AudioPlayback.InitializeRecord;
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UMusic_BASS.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UMusic_BASS.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfb6f79c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UMusic_BASS.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+unit UMusic_BASS;
+{$I switches.inc}
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+uses Classes,
+ {$IFDEF win32}
+ windows,
+ {$ENDIF}
+// UCommon,
+ Messages,
+ SysUtils,
+ Forms,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ bass,
+ ULog,
+ UMusic;
+// USongs;
+// Classes;
+ TMusic_bass = class( TInterfacedObject, IAudioPlayback )
+ private
+ BassStart: hStream; // Wait, I've replaced this with BASS
+ BassBack: hStream; // It has almost all features we need
+ BassSwoosh: hStream;
+ BassChange: hStream; // Almost? It aleady has them all :)
+ BassOption: hStream;
+ BassClick: hStream;
+ BassDrum: hStream;
+ BassHihat: hStream;
+ BassClap: hStream;
+ BassShuffle: hStream;
+ //Custom Sounds
+ CustomSounds: array of TCustomSoundEntry;
+ Loaded: boolean;
+ Loop: boolean;
+ fHWND: THandle;
+ public
+ Bass: hStream;
+ procedure InitializePlayback;
+ procedure InitializeRecord;
+ procedure SetVolume(Volume: integer);
+ procedure SetMusicVolume(Volume: integer);
+ procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
+ function Open(Name: string): boolean; // true if succeed
+ procedure Rewind;
+ procedure MoveTo(Time: real);
+ procedure Play;
+ procedure Pause; //Pause Mod
+ procedure Stop;
+ procedure Close;
+ function Finished: boolean;
+ function Length: real;
+ function Position: real;
+ procedure PlayStart;
+ procedure PlayBack;
+ procedure PlaySwoosh;
+ procedure PlayChange;
+ procedure PlayOption;
+ procedure PlayClick;
+ procedure PlayDrum;
+ procedure PlayHihat;
+ procedure PlayClap;
+ procedure PlayShuffle;
+ procedure StopShuffle;
+ procedure CaptureStart;
+ procedure CaptureStop;
+ procedure CaptureCard(RecordI, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
+ procedure StopCard(Card: byte);
+ function LoadSoundFromFile(var hStream: hStream; Name: string): boolean;
+ //Equalizer
+ function GetFFTData: TFFTData;
+ //Custom Sounds
+ function LoadCustomSound(const Filename: String): Cardinal;
+ procedure PlayCustomSound(const Index: Cardinal );
+ RecordSystem = 1;
+ TMPModes = (mpNotReady, mpStopped, mpPlaying, mpRecording, mpSeeking,
+ mpPaused, mpOpen);
+ ModeStr: array[TMPModes] of string = ('Not ready', 'Stopped', 'Playing', 'Recording', 'Seeking', 'Paused', 'Open');
+ lclintf,
+ {$ENDIF}
+// avcodec,
+// avformat,
+// avutil,
+// UGraphic,
+ URecord,
+// UFiles,
+ UIni,
+ UMain,
+ UThemes;
+procedure TMusic_bass.InitializePlayback;
+ Pet: integer;
+ S: integer;
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(4);
+ Log.LogStatus('Initializing Playback Subsystem', 'Music Initialize');
+ Loaded := false;
+ Loop := false;
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ // TODO : JB_Linux ... is this needed ? :)
+ fHWND := AllocateHWND( nil); // TODO : JB_lazarus - can we do something different here ?? lazarus didnt like this function
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if not BASS_Init(1, 44100, 0, fHWND, nil) then
+ begin
+ // TODO : JB_linux find a way to do this nice..
+ Application.MessageBox ('Could not initialize BASS', 'Error');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(4); Log.LogBenchmark('--> Bass Init', 4);
+ // config playing buffer
+// BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_BUFFER, 100);
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Sounds', 'Music Initialize');
+ Log.BenchmarkStart(4);
+ LoadSoundFromFile(BassStart, SoundPath + 'Common Start.mp3');
+ LoadSoundFromFile(BassBack, SoundPath + 'Common Back.mp3');
+ LoadSoundFromFile(BassSwoosh, SoundPath + 'menu swoosh.mp3');
+ LoadSoundFromFile(BassChange, SoundPath + 'select music change music 50.mp3');
+ LoadSoundFromFile(BassOption, SoundPath + 'option change col.mp3');
+ LoadSoundFromFile(BassClick, SoundPath + 'rimshot022b.mp3');
+// LoadSoundFromFile(BassDrum, SoundPath + 'bassdrumhard076b.mp3');
+// LoadSoundFromFile(BassHihat, SoundPath + 'hihatclosed068b.mp3');
+// LoadSoundFromFile(BassClap, SoundPath + 'claps050b.mp3');
+// LoadSoundFromFile(BassShuffle, SoundPath + 'Shuffle.mp3');
+ Log.BenchmarkEnd(4);
+ Log.LogBenchmark('--> Loading Sounds', 4);
+procedure TMusic_bass.InitializeRecord;
+ S: integer;
+ device: integer;
+ descr: string;
+ input: integer;
+ input2: integer;
+ flags: integer;
+ mic: array[0..15] of integer;
+ SC: integer; // soundcard
+ SCI: integer; // soundcard input
+ if RecordSystem = 1 then begin
+ SetLength(Sound, 6 {max players});//Ini.Players+1);
+ for S := 0 to High(Sound) do begin //Ini.Players do begin
+ Sound[S] := TSound.Create;
+ Sound[S].Num := S;
+ Sound[S].BufferNew := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ SetLength(Sound[S].BufferLong, 1);
+ Sound[S].BufferLong[0] := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ Sound[S].n := 4*1024;
+ end;
+ // check for recording devices;
+ {device := 0;
+ descr := BASS_RecordGetDeviceDescription(device);
+ SetLength(SoundCard, 0);
+ while (descr <> '') do begin
+ SC := High(SoundCard) + 1;
+ SetLength(SoundCard, SC+1);
+ Log.LogAnalyze('Device #'+IntToStr(device)+': '+ descr);
+ SoundCard[SC].Description := Descr;
+ // check for recording inputs
+ mic[device] := -1; // default to no change
+ input := 0;
+ BASS_RecordInit(device);
+ Log.LogAnalyze('Input #' + IntToStr(Input) + ': ' + BASS_RecordGetInputName(input));
+ flags := BASS_RecordGetInput(input);
+ SetLength(SoundCard[SC].Input, 0);
+ while (flags <> -1) do begin
+ SCI := High(SoundCard[SC].Input) + 1;
+ SetLength(SoundCard[SC].Input, SCI+1);
+ Log.LogAnalyze('Input #' + IntToStr(Input) + ': ' + BASS_RecordGetInputName(input));
+ SoundCard[SC].Input[SCI].Name := BASS_RecordGetInputName(Input);
+ if (flags and BASS_INPUT_TYPE_MASK) = BASS_INPUT_TYPE_MIC then begin
+ mic[device] := input; // auto set microphone
+ end;
+ Inc(Input);
+ flags := BASS_RecordGetInput(input);
+ end;
+ if mic[device] <> -1 then begin
+ Log.LogAnalyze('Found the mic at input ' + IntToStr(Mic[device]))
+ end else begin
+ Log.LogAnalyze('Mic not found');
+ mic[device] := 0; // setting to the first one (for kxproject)
+ end;
+ SoundCard[SC].InputSeleceted := Mic[Device];
+ BASS_RecordFree;
+ inc(Device);
+ descr := BASS_RecordGetDeviceDescription(Device);
+ end; // while}
+ end; // if
+procedure TMusic_bass.SetVolume(Volume: integer);
+ //Old Sets Wave Volume
+ //BASS_SetVolume(Volume);
+ //New: Sets Volume only for this Application
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.SetMusicVolume(Volume: Integer);
+ //Max Volume Prevention
+ if Volume > 100 then
+ Volume := 100;
+ if Volume < 0 then
+ Volume := 0;
+ //Set Volume
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelSetAttributes (Bass, -1, Volume, -101);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.SetLoop(Enabled: boolean);
+ Loop := Enabled;
+function TMusic_bass.Open(Name: string): boolean;
+ Loaded := false;
+ if FileExists(Name) then
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ Bass := Bass_StreamCreateFile(false, pchar(Name), 0, 0, 0);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Loaded := true;
+ //Set Max Volume
+ SetMusicVolume (100);
+ end;
+ Result := Loaded;
+procedure TMusic_bass.Rewind;
+ if Loaded then begin
+ end;
+procedure TMusic_bass.MoveTo(Time: real);
+ bytes: integer;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ bytes := BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes(Bass, Time);
+ BASS_ChannelSetPosition(Bass, bytes);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.Play;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if Loaded then
+ begin
+ if Loop then
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(Bass, True); // start from beginning... actually bass itself does not loop, nor does this TMusic_bass Class
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(Bass, False); // for setting position before playing
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.Pause; //Pause Mod
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if Loaded then begin
+ BASS_ChannelPause(Bass); // Pauses Song
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.Stop;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ Bass_ChannelStop(Bass);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.Close;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ Bass_StreamFree(Bass);
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TMusic_bass.Length: real;
+ bytes: integer;
+ Result := 60;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ bytes := BASS_ChannelGetLength(Bass);
+ Result := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(Bass, bytes);
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TMusic_bass.Position: real;
+ bytes: integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ bytes := BASS_ChannelGetPosition(BASS);
+ Result := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(BASS, bytes);
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TMusic_bass.Finished: boolean;
+ Result := false;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if BASS_ChannelIsActive(BASS) = BASS_ACTIVE_STOPPED then
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.PlayStart;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassStart, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.PlayBack;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassBack, True);// then
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.PlaySwoosh;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassSwoosh, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.PlayChange;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassChange, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.PlayOption;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassOption, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.PlayClick;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassClick, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.PlayDrum;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassDrum, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.PlayHihat;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassHihat, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.PlayClap;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassClap, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.PlayShuffle;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(BassShuffle, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.StopShuffle;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_ChannelStop(BassShuffle);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.CaptureStart;
+ S: integer;
+ SC: integer;
+ P1: integer;
+ P2: integer;
+ for S := 0 to High(Sound) do
+ Sound[S].BufferLong[0].Clear;
+ for SC := 0 to High(Ini.CardList) do begin
+ P1 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL;
+ P2 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR;
+ if P1 > PlayersPlay then P1 := 0;
+ if P2 > PlayersPlay then P2 := 0;
+ if (P1 > 0) or (P2 > 0) then
+ CaptureCard(SC, P1, P2);
+ end;
+procedure TMusic_bass.CaptureStop;
+ SC: integer;
+ P1: integer;
+ P2: integer;
+ for SC := 0 to High(Ini.CardList) do begin
+ P1 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelL;
+ P2 := Ini.CardList[SC].ChannelR;
+ if P1 > PlayersPlay then P1 := 0;
+ if P2 > PlayersPlay then P2 := 0;
+ if (P1 > 0) or (P2 > 0) then StopCard(SC);
+ end;
+//procedure TMusic_bass.CaptureCard(RecordI, SoundNum, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
+procedure TMusic_bass.CaptureCard(RecordI, PlayerLeft, PlayerRight: byte);
+ Error: integer;
+ ErrorMsg: string;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if not BASS_RecordInit(RecordI) then
+ begin
+ Error := BASS_ErrorGetCode;
+ ErrorMsg := IntToStr(Error);
+ if Error = BASS_ERROR_DX then ErrorMsg := 'No DX5';
+ if Error = BASS_ERROR_ALREADY then ErrorMsg := 'The device has already been initialized';
+ if Error = BASS_ERROR_DEVICE then ErrorMsg := 'The device number specified is invalid';
+ if Error = BASS_ERROR_DRIVER then ErrorMsg := 'There is no available device driver';
+ {Log.LogAnalyze('Error initializing record [' + IntToStr(RecordI) + ', '
+ + IntToStr(PlayerLeft) + ', '+ IntToStr(PlayerRight) + ']: '
+ + ErrorMsg);}
+ Log.LogError('Error initializing record [' + IntToStr(RecordI) + ', '
+ + IntToStr(PlayerLeft) + ', '+ IntToStr(PlayerRight) + ']: '
+ + ErrorMsg);
+ Log.LogError('Music -> CaptureCard: Error initializing record: ' + ErrorMsg);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Recording.SoundCard[RecordI].BassRecordStream := BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, MakeLong(0, 20) , @GetMicrophone, PlayerLeft + PlayerRight*256);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure TMusic_bass.StopCard(Card: byte);
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ BASS_RecordSetDevice(Card);
+ BASS_RecordFree;
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TMusic_bass.LoadSoundFromFile(var hStream: hStream; Name: string): boolean;
+ L: Integer;
+ if FileExists(Name) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogStatus('Loading Sound: "' + Name + '"', 'LoadSoundFromFile');
+ try
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ hStream := BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, pchar(Name), 0, 0, 0);
+ {$ELSE}
+ hStream := FFMPeg_StreamCreateFile(False, pchar(Name) );
+ {$ENDIF}
+ //Add CustomSound
+ L := High(CustomSounds) + 1;
+ SetLength (CustomSounds, L + 1);
+ CustomSounds[L].Filename := Name;
+ CustomSounds[L].Handle := hStream;
+ except
+ Log.LogError('Failed to open using BASS', 'LoadSoundFromFile');
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('Sound not found: "' + Name + '"', 'LoadSoundFromFile');
+ exit;
+ end;
+function TMusic_bass.GetFFTData: TFFTData;
+Data: TFFTData;
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ //Get Channel Data Mono and 256 Values
+ BASS_ChannelGetData(Bass, @Result, BASS_DATA_FFT512);
+ //Result := Data;
+ {$ENDIF}
+function TMusic_bass.LoadCustomSound(const Filename: String): Cardinal;
+ S: hStream;
+ I: Integer;
+ F: String;
+ //Search for Sound in already loaded Sounds
+ F := UpperCase(SoundPath + FileName);
+ For I := 0 to High(CustomSounds) do
+ begin
+ if (UpperCase(CustomSounds[I].Filename) = F) then
+ begin
+ Result := I;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if LoadSoundFromFile(S, SoundPath + Filename) then
+ Result := High(CustomSounds)
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+procedure TMusic_bass.PlayCustomSound(const Index: Cardinal );
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // TODO : jb_linux replace with something other than bass
+ if Index <= High(CustomSounds) then
+ BASS_ChannelPlay(CustomSounds[Index].Handle, True);
+ {$ENDIF}
+Sorry guys... this is my mess :(
+Im going to try and get ffmpeg to handle audio playback ( at least for linux )
+and Im going to implement it nicly along side BASS, in TMusic_bass ( where I can )
+function TMusic_bass.FFMPeg_StreamCreateFile(abool : boolean; aFileName : pchar ): THandle;
+ lFormatCtx : PAVFormatContext;
+ if(SDL_OpenAudio(&wanted_spec, &spec) < 0)
+ begin
+ fprintf(stderr, "SDL_OpenAudio: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
+ writeln( 'SDL_OpenAudio' );
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if ( av_open_input_file( lFormatCtx, aFileName, NULL, 0, NULL ) <> 0 )
+ begin
+ writeln( 'Unable to open file '+ aFileName );
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // Retrieve stream information
+ if ( av_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx) < 0 )
+ begin
+ writeln( 'Unable to Retrieve stream information' );
+ exit;
+ end;
+end; *}
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UTime.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UTime.pas
index edd65b7e..87d17ee5 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UTime.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UTime.pas
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ interface
{$MODE Delphi}
{$UNDEF DebugDisplay}
@@ -22,7 +21,6 @@ procedure CountMidTime;
USTime: TTime;
- TimeFreq: int64;
TimeNew: int64;
TimeOld: int64;
TimeSkip: real;
@@ -32,16 +30,8 @@ var
- {$IFDEF win32}
- windows,
- {$ELSE}
- libc,
- time,
- {$ENDIF}
- sysutils,
- {$IFDEF SDLTimer}
+// sysutils,
- {$ENDIF}
@@ -65,18 +55,7 @@ end;
procedure CountSkipTimeSet;
- {$IFDEF SDLTimer}
- TimeNew := SDL_GetTicks(); // / cSDLCorrectionRatio
- TimeFreq := 0;
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF win32}
- QueryPerformanceFrequency(TimeFreq);
- QueryPerformanceCounter(TimeNew);
- {$ELSE}
- TimeNew := CurrentSec100OfDay(); // TODO - JB_Linux will prob need looking at
- TimeFreq := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ TimeNew := SDL_GetTicks();
{$IFDEF DebugDisplay}
Writeln( 'CountSkipTimeSet : ' + inttostr(trunc(TimeNew)) );
@@ -86,26 +65,9 @@ end;
procedure CountSkipTime;
- TimeOld := TimeNew;
- {$IFDEF SDLTimer}
- TimeNew := SDL_GetTicks();
- TimeSkip := (TimeNew-TimeOld) / cSDLCorrectionRatio;
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF win32}
- QueryPerformanceCounter(TimeNew);
- if ( TimeNew-TimeOld > 0 ) AND
- ( TimeFreq > 0 ) THEN
- begin
- TimeSkip := (TimeNew-TimeOld)/TimeFreq;
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- TimeNew := CurrentSec100OfDay(); // TODO - JB_Linux will prob need looking at
- TimeSkip := (TimeNew-TimeOld);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ TimeOld := TimeNew;
+ TimeNew := SDL_GetTicks();
+ TimeSkip := (TimeNew-TimeOld) / cSDLCorrectionRatio;
{$IFDEF DebugDisplay}
Writeln( 'TimeNew : ' + inttostr(trunc(TimeNew)) );
@@ -116,43 +78,20 @@ end;
procedure CountMidTime;
- {$IFDEF SDLTimer}
- TimeMidTemp := SDL_GetTicks();
- TimeMid := (TimeMidTemp - TimeNew) / cSDLCorrectionRatio;
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF win32}
- QueryPerformanceCounter(TimeMidTemp);
- TimeMid := (TimeMidTemp-TimeNew)/TimeFreq;
- {$ELSE}
- TimeMidTemp := CurrentSec100OfDay();
- TimeMid := (TimeMidTemp-TimeNew); // TODO - JB_Linux will prob need looking at
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ TimeMidTemp := SDL_GetTicks();
+ TimeMid := (TimeMidTemp - TimeNew) / cSDLCorrectionRatio;
{$IFDEF DebugDisplay}
- Writeln( 'TimeNew : ' + inttostr(trunc(TimeNew)) );
+ Writeln( 'TimeNew : ' + inttostr(trunc(TimeNew)) );
Writeln( 'CountMidTime : ' + inttostr(trunc(TimeMid)) );
function TTime.GetTime: real;
- TimeTemp: int64;
- {$IFDEF SDLTimer}
- TimeTemp := SDL_GetTicks();
- Result := TimeTemp / cSDLCorrectionRatio; // TODO - JB_Linux will prob need looking at
- {$ELSE}
- {$IFDEF win32}
- QueryPerformanceCounter(TimeTemp);
- Result := TimeTemp / TimeFreq;
- {$ELSE}
- TimeTemp := CurrentSec100OfDay();
- Result := TimeTemp; // TODO - JB_Linux will prob need looking at
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
+ Result := SDL_GetTicks() / cSDLCorrectionRatio;
{$IFDEF DebugDisplay}
Writeln( 'GetTime : ' + inttostr(trunc(Result)) );
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas
index 2dd745fd..ed1e5fe3 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas
@@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ begin
writeln( 'VideoStreamIndex : ' + inttostr(VideoStreamIndex) );
writeln( 'AudioStreamIndex : ' + inttostr(AudioStreamIndex) );
aCodecCtx := VideoFormatContext.streams[ AudioStreamIndex ].codec;
WantedAudioCodecContext.freq := aCodecCtx^.sample_rate;
@@ -222,7 +221,7 @@ begin
WantedAudioCodecContext.userdata := aCodecCtx;
if(SDL_OpenAudio(WantedAudioCodecContext, AudioCodecContext) < 0) then
writeln( 'Could not do SDL_OpenAudio' );