path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas
diff options
authorbrunzelchen <brunzelchen@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-02-19 17:18:42 +0000
committerbrunzelchen <brunzelchen@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-02-19 17:18:42 +0000
commit51ed8fe6f2ea9892e905e81cf5bad3960537eb40 (patch)
treea4dcb099343762dcb7bd7988f73de68c1959d3a5 /Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas
Challenge MOD r7 alpha based on Ultrastar Deluxe v1.0.1a
for changes read Changelog.txt in folder Game git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/1.0.1 Challenge MOD@2107 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas')
1 files changed, 737 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94c58060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UVideo.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+# FFmpeg support for UltraStar deluxe #
+# now uses acinerella #
+# #
+# Created by b1indy, modified by brunzel #
+# based on 'An ffmpeg and SDL Tutorial' (http://www.dranger.com/ffmpeg/) #
+# and acinerella demo (http://sourceforge.net/projects/acinerella/) #
+//{$define Info}
+unit UVideo;
+uses SDL,
+ Classes, //for TFilestream
+ UGraphicClasses,
+ textgl,
+ acinerella,
+ math,
+ gl,
+ glu,
+ SysUtils,
+ {$ifdef DebugDisplay}
+ {$ifdef win32}
+ dialogs,
+ {$endif}
+ {$ENDIF}
+ UIni;
+ TRectCoords = record //from 1.1
+ Left, Right: double;
+ Upper, Lower: double;
+ windowed: boolean;
+ end;
+ TAspectCorrection = (acoStretch, acoCrop, acoLetterBox); //from 1.1
+procedure Init;
+procedure acOpenFile(FileName: pAnsiChar);
+procedure acClose;
+procedure acGetFrame(Time: Extended);
+function acSearch(Time: Extended): integer;
+procedure acDrawGL(Screen: integer);
+procedure acDrawGLi(Screen: integer; Window: TRectCoords; Blend: real);
+procedure acTogglePause;
+procedure acSkip(Gap: Single; Start: Single);
+procedure acSkip2(Gap: Single; Start: Single);
+procedure ToggleAspectCorrection;
+procedure GetVideoRect(var ScreenRect, TexRect: TRectCoords; Window: TRectCoords);
+procedure SetAspectCorrection(aspect: TAspectCorrection);
+procedure ResetAspectCorrection;
+ VideoOpened, VideoPaused: Boolean;
+ VideoTex: glUint;
+ TexData: array of Byte;
+ VideoStreamIndex: Integer;
+ //myBuffer: pByte;
+ TexX, TexY, dataX, dataY: Cardinal;
+ VideoTimeBase, VideoTime, LastFrameTime, TimeDifference, NegativeSkipTime: Extended;
+ ScaledVideoWidth, ScaledVideoHeight: Real;
+ VideoAspect: Real;
+ VideoSkipTime: Single;
+ ActualH, ActualW: Integer;
+ inst: PAc_instance;
+ pack: PAc_package;
+ info: TAc_stream_info;
+ videodecoder: PAc_decoder;
+ fAspect: real; //**< width/height ratio (from 1.1)
+ fAspectCorrection: TAspectCorrection; //from 1.1
+ fs: TFileStream;
+ fName: string;
+ timediff: PChar; //for debug
+ timediff_str: string; //for debug
+ mtime: PChar; //for debug
+ mtime_str: string; //for debug
+ UGraphic, ULog;
+function read_proc(sender: Pointer; buf: PByte; size: integer): integer; cdecl;
+ result := fs.Read(buf^, size);
+function seek_proc(sender: Pointer; pos: int64; whence: integer): int64; cdecl;
+ if whence in [0, 1, 2] then
+ result := fs.Seek(pos, TSeekOrigin(whence))
+ else
+ result := -1;
+procedure Init;
+ videodecoder := nil;
+ VideoOpened:=False;
+ VideoPaused:=False;
+ fName := '';
+ glGenTextures(1, PglUint(@VideoTex));
+ SetLength(TexData,0);
+ fAspectCorrection := TAspectCorrection(Ini.AspectCorrect);
+procedure acOpenFile(FileName: pAnsiChar);
+ I: integer;
+ rTimeBase: Extended;
+ VideoPaused := False;
+ VideoTimeBase := 0;
+ rTimeBase:=0;
+ VideoTime := 0;
+ LastFrameTime := 0;
+ TimeDifference := 0;
+ acClose;
+ if not FileExists(FileName) then
+ Exit; //TODO: error.log
+ fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);
+ fs.Position := 0;
+ inst := ac_init();
+ videodecoder := nil;
+ ac_open(inst, nil, nil, @read_proc, @seek_proc, nil);
+ if not inst^.opened then
+ begin
+ fs.Free;
+ Exit; //TODO: error.log
+ end;
+ //find VideoStreamIndex
+ VideoStreamIndex:=-1;
+ for I := 0 to inst^.stream_count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ac_get_stream_info(inst, I, @info);
+ case info.stream_type of
+ begin
+ if videodecoder = nil then
+ begin
+ VideoStreamIndex:=I;
+ inst^.output_format := AC_OUTPUT_RGB24;
+ videodecoder := ac_create_decoder(inst, I);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if(VideoStreamIndex < 0) then
+ begin
+ if videodecoder <> nil then
+ ac_free_decoder(videodecoder);
+ ac_close(inst);
+ ac_free(inst);
+ fs.Free;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ VideoOpened:=True;
+ fName := FileName;
+ TexX := videodecoder^.stream_info.additional_info.video_info.frame_width;
+ TexY := videodecoder^.stream_info.additional_info.video_info.frame_height;
+ dataX := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexX))));
+ dataY := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(TexY))));
+ SetLength(TexData,TexX*TexY*3);
+ // calculate some information for video display
+ VideoAspect:=videodecoder^.stream_info.additional_info.video_info.pixel_aspect;
+ if (VideoAspect = 0) then
+ VideoAspect:=TexX/TexY
+ else
+ VideoAspect:=VideoAspect*TexX/TexY;
+ fAspect := VideoAspect;
+ VideoTimeBase:=info.additional_info.video_info.frames_per_second;
+ //from 1.1
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, VideoTex);
+ glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, dataX, dataY, 0,
+procedure acClose;
+ if VideoOpened then begin
+ if videodecoder <> nil then
+ ac_free_decoder(videodecoder);
+ videodecoder:=nil;
+ ac_close(inst);
+ ac_free(inst);
+ inst := nil;
+ fs.Free;
+ fs:=nil;
+ SetLength(TexData,0);
+ VideoOpened:=False;
+ fName := '';
+ end;
+procedure acTogglePause;
+ if VideoPaused then VideoPaused:=False
+ else VideoPaused:=True;
+procedure acSkip2(Gap: Single; Start: Single);
+ seek_target: uint64;
+ VideoSkiptime:=Gap;
+ NegativeSkipTime:=Start+Gap;
+ if Start+Gap > 0 then
+ begin
+ VideoTime:=Start+Gap;
+ //ac_seek(videodecoder, 0, Floor((Start+Gap)*1000));
+ ac_seek(videodecoder, -1, Floor((Start+Gap)*1000));
+ //acSearch(Gap+Start);
+ {if (ac_seek(videodecoder, -1, Floor((Start+Gap)*1000))=0) then
+ if (ac_seek(videodecoder, 0, Floor((Start+Gap)*1000))=0) then
+ begin
+ ac_seek(videodecoder, 0, 0);
+ VideoTime:=0;
+ //acSearch(Gap+Start);
+ end; }
+ end else
+ begin
+ ac_seek(videodecoder, 0, 0);
+ VideoTime:=0;
+ end;
+procedure acSkip(Gap: Single; Start: Single);
+ seek_target: uint64;
+ VideoSkiptime:=Gap;
+ NegativeSkipTime:=Start+Gap;
+ if Start+Gap > 0 then
+ begin
+ VideoTime:=0;
+ ac_seek(videodecoder, -1, Floor((Start+Gap)*1000));
+ if (acSearch(Gap+Start)=0) then
+ begin
+ ac_seek(videodecoder, 0, 0);
+ VideoTime:=0;
+ acSearch(Gap+Start);
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ ac_seek(videodecoder, 0, 0);
+ VideoTime:=0;
+ end;
+function acSearch(Time: Extended): integer;
+ FrameFinished: Integer;
+ errnum: Integer;
+ FrameDataPtr: PByteArray;
+ myTime: Extended;
+ DropFrame: Boolean;
+ Result := 0;
+ if not VideoOpened then Exit;
+ if (NegativeSkipTime < 0)and(Time+NegativeSkipTime>=0) then
+ NegativeSkipTime:=0;
+ myTime:=Time+VideoSkipTime;
+ TimeDifference:=myTime-VideoTime;
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ begin
+ timediff_str:= 't-diff: ' + FormatFloat('#0.00', TimeDifference);
+ timediff := Addr(timediff_str[1]);
+ mtime_str:= 'mytime: ' + FormatFloat('#0.00', myTime);
+ mtime := Addr(mtime_str[1]);
+ end;
+ DropFrame:=False;
+ if (VideoTime <> 0) and (TimeDifference <= VideoTimeBase) then begin
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ begin
+ // frame delay debug display
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(200,65,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$00ff00);
+ end;
+ Exit;// we don't need a new frame now
+ end;
+ if TimeDifference >= 2*VideoTimeBase then
+ begin // skip frames
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ begin
+ //frame drop debug display
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(200,105,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$ff0000);
+ end;
+ DropFrame:=True;
+ end;
+ pack := ac_read_package(inst);
+ FrameFinished:=0;
+ // read packets until we have a finished frame (or there are no more packets)
+ while ({(FrameFinished=0) or }(VideoTime < Time-VideoTimeBase)) and (pack <> nil) do
+ begin
+ // if we got a packet from the video stream, then decode it
+ if (videodecoder^.stream_index = pack^.stream_index) then
+ begin
+ FrameFinished := ac_decode_package(pack, videodecoder);
+ VideoTime := videodecoder^.timecode;
+ ac_free_package(pack);
+ if ((VideoTime < Time-VideoTimeBase) {or (FrameFinished=0)}) then
+ pack := ac_read_package(inst);
+ end else
+ begin
+ ac_free_package(pack);
+ pack := ac_read_package(inst);
+ //TimeDifference:=myTime-VideoTime;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (pack<>nil) then
+ ac_free_package(pack);
+ // if we did not get an new frame, there's nothing more to do
+ if Framefinished=0 then
+ begin
+// GoldenRec.Spawn(220,15,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$0000ff);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ errnum:=1; //TODO!!
+ if errnum >=0 then begin
+ FrameDataPtr:=Pointer(videodecoder^.buffer);
+ Result := 1;
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, VideoTex);
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, TexX, TexY, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @FrameDataPtr[0]);
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ begin
+ //frame decode debug display
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(200,85,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$ffff00);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure acGetFrame(Time: Extended);
+ FrameFinished: Integer;
+ errnum, x, y: Integer;
+ FrameDataPtr: PByteArray;
+ linesize: integer;
+ myTime: Extended;
+ DropFrame: Boolean;
+ droppedFrames: Integer;
+ I, J: Integer;
+ if not VideoOpened then Exit;
+ if VideoPaused then Exit;
+ if (NegativeSkipTime < 0)and(Time+NegativeSkipTime>=0) then NegativeSkipTime:=0;
+ myTime:=Time+VideoSkipTime;
+ TimeDifference:=myTime-VideoTime;
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ begin
+ timediff_str:= 't-diff: ' + FormatFloat('#0.00', TimeDifference);
+ timediff := Addr(timediff_str[1]);
+ mtime_str:= 'mytime: ' + FormatFloat('#0.00', myTime);
+ mtime := Addr(mtime_str[1]);
+ end;
+ DropFrame:=False;
+ if (VideoTime <> 0) and (TimeDifference <= VideoTimeBase) then begin
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ begin
+ // frame delay debug display
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(200,65,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$00ff00);
+ end;
+ Exit;// we don't need a new frame now
+ end;
+ if TimeDifference >= (FRAMEDROPCOUNT-1)*VideoTimeBase then begin // skip frames
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ begin
+ //frame drop debug display
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(200,105,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$ff0000);
+ end;
+ DropFrame:=True;
+ end;
+ pack := ac_read_package(inst);
+ FrameFinished:=0;
+ // read packets until we have a finished frame (or there are no more packets)
+ while (FrameFinished=0) and (pack <> nil) do
+ begin
+ // if we got a packet from the video stream, then decode it
+ if (videodecoder^.stream_index = pack^.stream_index) then
+ begin
+ FrameFinished := ac_decode_package(pack, videodecoder);
+ ac_free_package(pack);
+ if (FrameFinished=0) then
+ pack := ac_read_package(inst);
+ end else
+ begin
+ ac_free_package(pack);
+ pack := ac_read_package(inst);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if DropFrame then
+ begin
+ //acSearch(Time);
+ for droppedFrames:=1 to FRAMEDROPCOUNT do
+ begin
+ pack := ac_read_package(inst);
+ FrameFinished:=0;
+ // read packets until we have a finished frame (or there are no more packets)
+ while (FrameFinished=0) and (pack <> nil) do
+ begin
+ // if we got a packet from the video stream, then decode it
+ if (videodecoder^.stream_index = pack^.stream_index) then
+ begin
+ FrameFinished := ac_decode_package(pack, videodecoder);
+ ac_free_package(pack);
+ if (FrameFinished=0) then
+ pack := ac_read_package(inst);
+ end else
+ begin
+ ac_free_package(pack);
+ pack := ac_read_package(inst);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // if we did not get an new frame, there's nothing more to do
+ if Framefinished=0 then
+ begin
+// GoldenRec.Spawn(220,15,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$0000ff);
+ acClose;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ errnum:=1; //TODO!!
+ if errnum >=0 then begin
+ FrameDataPtr:=Pointer(videodecoder^.buffer);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, VideoTex);
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, TexX, TexY, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, @FrameDataPtr[0]);
+ VideoTime := videodecoder^.timecode;
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ begin
+ //frame decode debug display
+ GoldenRec.Spawn(200,85,1,16,0,-1,ColoredStar,$ffff00);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure ToggleAspectCorrection();
+ case fAspectCorrection of
+ acoCrop : fAspectCorrection := acoStretch;
+ acoStretch : fAspectCorrection := acoLetterBox;
+ acoLetterBox : fAspectCorrection := acoCrop;
+ end;
+ //Ini.AspectCorrect := integer(fAspectCorrection);
+ //Ini.Save;
+procedure SetAspectCorrection(aspect: TAspectCorrection);
+ fAspectCorrection := aspect;
+procedure ResetAspectCorrection;
+ case Ini.AspectCorrect of
+ integer(acoCrop) : fAspectCorrection := acoCrop;
+ integer(acoStretch) : fAspectCorrection := acoStretch;
+ integer(acoLetterBox) : fAspectCorrection := acoLetterBox;
+ end;
+procedure GetVideoRect(var ScreenRect, TexRect: TRectCoords; Window: TRectCoords);
+ ScreenAspect: double; // aspect of screen resolution
+ ScaledVideoWidth, ScaledVideoHeight: double;
+ rW, rH: double;
+ // Three aspects to take into account:
+ // 1. Screen/display resolution (e.g. 1920x1080 -> 16:9)
+ // 2. Render aspect (fixed to 800x600 -> 4:3)
+ // 3. Movie aspect (video frame aspect stored in fAspect)
+ if (Window.windowed) then
+ begin
+ rW := Window.Right-Window.Left;
+ rH := Window.Lower-Window.Upper;
+ ScreenAspect := rW/rH;
+ end else
+ begin
+ rW := RenderW;
+ rH := RenderH;
+ ScreenAspect := (ScreenW/Screens) / ScreenH;
+ end;
+ case fAspectCorrection of
+ acoStretch: begin
+ ScaledVideoWidth := rW;
+ ScaledVideoHeight := rH;
+ end;
+ acoCrop: begin
+ if (ScreenAspect >= fAspect) then
+ begin
+ ScaledVideoWidth := rW;
+ ScaledVideoHeight := rH * ScreenAspect/fAspect;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ScaledVideoHeight := rH;
+ ScaledVideoWidth := rW * fAspect/ScreenAspect;
+ end;
+ end;
+ acoLetterBox: begin
+ if (ScreenAspect <= fAspect) then
+ begin
+ ScaledVideoWidth := rW;
+ ScaledVideoHeight := rH * ScreenAspect/fAspect;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ ScaledVideoHeight := rH;
+ ScaledVideoWidth := rW * fAspect/ScreenAspect;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ raise Exception.Create('Unhandled aspect correction!');
+ end;
+ ScreenRect.Left := (rW - ScaledVideoWidth) / 2 + Window.Left;
+ ScreenRect.Right := ScreenRect.Left + ScaledVideoWidth;
+ ScreenRect.Upper := (rH - ScaledVideoHeight) / 2 + Window.Upper;
+ ScreenRect.Lower := ScreenRect.Upper + ScaledVideoHeight;
+ // texture contains right/lower (power-of-2) padding.
+ // Determine the texture coords of the video frame.
+ TexRect.Left := 0;
+ TexRect.Right := TexX / dataX;
+ TexRect.Upper := 0;
+ TexRect.Lower := TexY / dataY;
+procedure acDrawGL(Screen: integer);
+ Window: TRectCoords;
+ Window.Left := 0;
+ Window.Right := RenderW;
+ Window.Upper := 0;
+ Window.Lower := RenderH;
+ Window.windowed := false;
+ acDrawGLi(Screen, Window, 1);
+procedure acDrawGLi(Screen: integer; Window: TRectCoords; Blend: real);
+ text: string;
+ test: PChar;
+ ScreenRect, TexRect: TRectCoords;
+ // have a nice black background to draw on (even if there were errors opening the vid)
+ if (Screen=1) and not Window.windowed then begin
+ glClearColor(0,0,0,0);
+ end;
+ // exit if there's nothing to draw
+ if not VideoOpened then Exit;
+ // if we're still inside negative skip, then exit
+ //if (NegativeSkipTime < 0) then Exit;
+ GetVideoRect(ScreenRect, TexRect, Window);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glScissor(round((Window.Left)*(ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW+(ScreenW/Screens)*(Screen-1)),
+ round((RenderH-Window.Lower)*ScreenH/RenderH),
+ round((Window.Right-Window.Left)*(ScreenW/Screens)/RenderW),
+ round((Window.Lower-Window.Upper)*ScreenH/RenderH));
+ glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Blend);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, VideoTex);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ // upper-left coord
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Left, TexRect.Upper);
+ glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Left, ScreenRect.Upper);
+ // lower-left coord
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Left, TexRect.Lower);
+ glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Left, ScreenRect.Lower);
+ // lower-right coord
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Right, TexRect.Lower);
+ glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Right, ScreenRect.Lower);
+ // upper-right coord
+ glTexCoord2f(TexRect.Right, TexRect.Upper);
+ glVertex2f(ScreenRect.Right, ScreenRect.Upper);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ if (Ini.MovieSize < 1) then //HalfSize BG
+ begin
+ // draw fading bars over top and bottom of background/video
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ (* black top *)
+ glColor4f(0,0,0,1);
+ glVertex2f(0, 0);
+ glVertex2f(800,0);
+ glVertex2f(800,110);
+ glVertex2f(0,110);
+ (* top gradient *)
+ glVertex2f(0, 110);
+ glVertex2f(800,110);
+ glColor4f(0,0,0,0);
+ glVertex2f(800,130);
+ glVertex2f(0,130);
+ (* bottom gradient *)
+ glColor4f(0,0,0,0);
+ glVertex2f(0, 600-130);
+ glVertex2f(800,600-130);
+ glColor4f(0,0,0,1);
+ glVertex2f(800,600-110);
+ glVertex2f(0,600-110);
+ (* black bottom *)
+ glVertex2f(0, 600-110);
+ glVertex2f(800,600-110);
+ glVertex2f(800,600);
+ glVertex2f(0,600);
+ glEnd;
+ glDisable(GL_BLEND);
+ end;
+// info-stuff
+{$ifdef Info}
+ if VideoSkipTime+videodecoder^.timecode+VideoTimeBase < 0 then begin
+ glColor4f(0.7, 1, 0.3, 1);
+ SetFontStyle (1);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
+ SetFontSize(9);
+ SetFontPos (300, 0);
+ glPrint('Delay due to negative VideoGap');
+ glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
+ end;
+ if Ini.Debug = 1 then
+ begin
+ glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ glbegin(gl_quads);
+ glVertex2f(0, 50);
+ glVertex2f(0, 140);
+ glVertex2f(250, 140);
+ glVertex2f(250, 50);
+ glEnd;
+ glColor4f(1,1,1,1);
+ SetFontStyle (1);
+ SetFontItalic(False);
+ SetFontSize(9);
+ SetFontPos (5, 50);
+ text:= 'vtime: ' + FormatFloat('#0.00', VideoTime);
+ test := Addr(text[1]);
+ glPrint(test);
+ SetFontPos (5, 70);
+ //text:= 'vtime: ' + FormatFloat('#0.00', videodecoder^.timecode);
+ //test := Addr(text[1]);
+ glPrint(timediff);
+ SetFontPos (5, 90);
+ glPrint(mtime);
+ SetFontPos (5, 110);
+ case fAspectCorrection of
+ acoCrop : glPrint('Crop');
+ acoStretch : glPrint('Stretch');
+ acoLetterBox : glPrint('LetterBox');
+ end;
+ end;