path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas
diff options
authorwhiteshark0 <whiteshark0@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-03-21 19:19:04 +0000
committerwhiteshark0 <whiteshark0@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-03-21 19:19:04 +0000
commit5ed6620bad808381fce94f2cd67ee911b4d45bff (patch)
treebfe0fe2041260620f88f8161922ee90c034d7d73 /Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@1 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1837 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29647db6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UThemes.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1837 @@
+unit UThemes;
+uses IniFiles, SysUtils, Classes;
+ TRGB = record
+ R: single;
+ G: single;
+ B: single;
+ end;
+ {TSkin = record
+ GrayLeft: string;
+ GrayMid: string;
+ GrayRight: string;
+ NoteBGLeft: string;
+ NoteBGMid: string;
+ NoteBGRight: string;
+ NoteStar: string;
+ Ball: string;
+ //SingBar Mod
+ SingBarBack: string;
+ SingBarBar: string;
+ SingBarFront: string;
+ //end Singbar Mod
+ //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod
+ SingLineBonusBack: string;
+ //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod
+ WelcomeBG: string;
+ Background: string;
+ ScoreBG: string;
+ MainStart: string;
+ MainEditor: string;
+ MainOptions: string;
+ MainExit: string;
+ MainBar: string;
+ Cursor: string;
+ SongFade: string;
+ SongCover: string;
+ SongSelection: string;
+ SelectSong: string;
+ Button: string;
+ Bar: string;
+ P: string;
+ Arrow: string;
+ Arrow2: string;
+ ButtonF: string;
+ Star: string;
+ Line: string;
+// ThemePath: string;
+ SkinReg: boolean;
+ SkinName: string;
+ SkinPath: string;
+ SkinColor: integer;
+ end;}
+ TThemeBackground = record
+ Tex: string;
+ end;
+ TThemeStatic = record
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ Z: real;
+ W: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ Color: string;
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ Tex: string;
+ Typ: string;
+ TexX1: real;
+ TexY1: real;
+ TexX2: real;
+ TexY2: real;
+ end;
+ AThemeStatic = array of TThemeStatic;
+ TThemeText = record
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ Color: string;
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ Font: integer;
+ Size: integer;
+ Align: integer;
+ Text: string;
+ end;
+ AThemeText = array of TThemeText;
+ TThemeButton = record
+ Text: AThemeText;
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ W: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ Color: string;
+ ColR: real;
+ ColG: real;
+ ColB: real;
+ Int: real;
+ DColor: string;
+ DColR: real;
+ DColG: real;
+ DColB: real;
+ DInt: real;
+ Tex: string;
+ Typ: string;
+ //Reflection Mod
+ Reflection: Boolean;
+ end;
+ TThemeSelect = record
+ Tex: string;
+ TexSBG: string;
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ W: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ Text: string;
+ ColR, ColG, ColB, Int: real;
+ DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real;
+ TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt: real;
+ TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt: real;
+ SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt: real;
+ SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt: real;
+ STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt: real;
+ STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
+ SkipX: integer;
+ end;
+ TThemeSelectSlide = record
+ Tex: string;
+ TexSBG: string;
+ X: integer;
+ Y: integer;
+ W: integer;
+ H: integer;
+ Text: string;
+ ColR, ColG, ColB, Int: real;
+ DColR, DColG, DColB, DInt: real;
+ TColR, TColG, TColB, TInt: real;
+ TDColR, TDColG, TDColB, TDInt: real;
+ SBGColR, SBGColG, SBGColB, SBGInt: real;
+ SBGDColR, SBGDColG, SBGDColB, SBGDInt: real;
+ STColR, STColG, STColB, STInt: real;
+ STDColR, STDColG, STDColB, STDInt: real;
+ SkipX: integer;
+ end;
+ TThemeBasic = class
+ Background: TThemeBackground;
+ Text: AThemeText;
+ Static: AThemeStatic;
+ end;
+ TThemeLoading = class(TThemeBasic)
+ end;
+ TThemeMain = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonSolo: TThemeButton;
+// ButtonMulti: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonEditor: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonOptions: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ TextDescription: TThemeText;
+ TextDescriptionLong: TThemeText;
+ Description: array[0..4] of string;
+ DescriptionLong: array[0..4] of string;
+ end;
+ TThemeName = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonPlayer: array[1..6] of TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeLevel = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonEasy: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonMedium: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonHard: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeSong = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextArtist: TThemeText;
+ TextTitle: TThemeText;
+ TextNumber: TThemeText;
+ //Show Cat in TopLeft Mod
+ TextCat: TThemeText;
+ StaticCat: TThemeStatic;
+ //Cover Mod
+ Cover: record
+ Reflections: Boolean;
+ X: Integer;
+ Y: Integer;
+ Z: Integer;
+ W: Integer;
+ H: Integer;
+ Style: Integer;
+ end;
+ //Equalizer Mod
+ Equalizer: record
+ Visible: Boolean;
+ Direction: Boolean;
+ Alpha: real;
+ X: Integer;
+ Y: Integer;
+ Z: Real;
+ W: Integer;
+ H: Integer;
+ Space: Integer;
+ Bands: Integer;
+ Length: Integer;
+ ColR, ColG, ColB: Real;
+ end;
+ //Party Mode
+ StaticTeam1Joker1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Joker2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Joker3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Joker4: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam1Joker5: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker4: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2Joker5: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker4: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3Joker5: TThemeStatic;
+ end;
+ TThemeSing = class(TThemeBasic)
+ StaticP1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP1ScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP1: TThemeText;
+ TextP1Score: TThemeText;
+ StaticP2R: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP2RScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP2R: TThemeText;
+ TextP2RScore: TThemeText;
+ StaticP2M: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP2MScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP2M: TThemeText;
+ TextP2MScore: TThemeText;
+ StaticP3R: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticP3RScoreBG: TThemeStatic; //Static for ScoreBG
+ TextP3R: TThemeText;
+ TextP3RScore: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemeScore = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextArtist: TThemeText;
+ TextTitle: TThemeText;
+ PlayerStatic: array[1..6] of AThemeStatic;
+ TextName: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextNotes: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextNotesScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextLineBonus: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextLineBonusScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextGoldenNotes: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextGoldenNotesScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextTotal: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ TextTotalScore: array[1..6] of TThemeText;
+ StaticBoxLightest: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticBoxLight: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticBoxDark: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticBackLevel: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticBackLevelRound: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticLevel: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+ StaticLevelRound: array[1..6] of TThemeStatic;
+// Description: array[0..5] of string;}
+ end;
+ TThemeTop5 = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextLevel: TThemeText;
+ TextArtistTitle: TThemeText;
+ StaticNumber: AThemeStatic;
+ TextNumber: AThemeText;
+ TextName: AThemeText;
+ TextScore: AThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptions = class(TThemeBasic)
+ ButtonGame: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonGraphics: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonSound: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonLyrics: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonThemes: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonRecord: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ TextDescription: TThemeText;
+ Description: array[0..6] of string;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsGame = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectPlayers: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectDifficulty: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectLanguage: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectTabs: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectSorting: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectDebug: TThemeSelect;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsGraphics = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectFullscreen: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectSlideResolution: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectDepth: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectOscilloscope: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectLineBonus: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectMovieSize: TThemeSelect;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsSound = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectMicBoost: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectClickAssist: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectBeatClick: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectThreshold: TThemeSelect;
+ //SelectTwoPlayerMode: TThemeSelect;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsLyrics = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectLyricsFont: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectLyricsEffect: TThemeSelect;
+ SelectSolmization: TThemeSelect;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsThemes = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectTheme: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSkin: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectColor: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemeOptionsRecord = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectSlideCard: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSlideInput: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSlideChannelL: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectSlideChannelR: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ ButtonExit: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ //ScreenSong Menue
+ TThemeSongMenu = class(TThemeBasic)
+ Button1: TThemeButton;
+ Button2: TThemeButton;
+ Button3: TThemeButton;
+ Button4: TThemeButton;
+ SelectSlide3: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ TextMenu: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ //Party Screens
+ TThemePartyNewRound = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextRound1: TThemeText;
+ TextRound2: TThemeText;
+ TextRound3: TThemeText;
+ TextRound4: TThemeText;
+ TextRound5: TThemeText;
+ TextRound6: TThemeText;
+ TextRound7: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner1: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner2: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner3: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner4: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner5: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner6: TThemeText;
+ TextWinner7: TThemeText;
+ TextNextRound: TThemeText;
+ TextNextRoundNo: TThemeText;
+ TextNextPlayer1: TThemeText;
+ TextNextPlayer2: TThemeText;
+ TextNextPlayer3: TThemeText;
+ StaticRound1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound3: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound4: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound5: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound6: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticRound7: TThemeStatic;
+ TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
+ StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
+ ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
+ end;
+ TThemePartyScore = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
+ StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
+ TextWinner: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemePartyWin = class(TThemeBasic)
+ TextScoreTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextScoreTeam3: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam1: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam2: TThemeText;
+ TextNameTeam3: TThemeText;
+ StaticTeam1: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam2: TThemeStatic;
+ StaticTeam3: TThemeStatic;
+ TextWinner: TThemeText;
+ end;
+ TThemePartyOptions = class(TThemeBasic)
+ SelectLevel: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayList: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayList2: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectRounds: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectTeams: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayers1: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayers2: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ SelectPlayers3: TThemeSelectSlide;
+ {ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;}
+ end;
+ TThemePartyPlayer = class(TThemeBasic)
+ Team1Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player1Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player2Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player3Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player4Name: TThemeButton;
+ Team2Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player5Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player6Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player7Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player8Name: TThemeButton;
+ Team3Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player9Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player10Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player11Name: TThemeButton;
+ Player12Name: TThemeButton;
+ {ButtonNext: TThemeButton;
+ ButtonPrev: TThemeButton;}
+ end;
+ TTheme = class
+ ThemeIni: TIniFile;
+ {$ELSE}
+ ThemeIni: TMemIniFile;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Loading: TThemeLoading;
+ Main: TThemeMain;
+ Name: TThemeName;
+ Level: TThemeLevel;
+ Song: TThemeSong;
+ Sing: TThemeSing;
+ Score: TThemeScore;
+ Top5: TThemeTop5;
+ Options: TThemeOptions;
+ OptionsGame: TThemeOptionsGame;
+ OptionsGraphics: TThemeOptionsGraphics;
+ OptionsSound: TThemeOptionsSound;
+ OptionsLyrics: TThemeOptionsLyrics;
+ OptionsThemes: TThemeOptionsThemes;
+ OptionsRecord: TThemeOptionsRecord;
+ //Menu
+ SongMenu: TThemeSongMenu;
+ //Party Screens:
+ PartyNewRound: TThemePartyNewRound;
+ PartyScore: TThemePartyScore;
+ PartyWin: TThemePartyWin;
+ PartyOptions: TThemePartyOptions;
+ PartyPlayer: TThemePartyPlayer;
+ constructor Create(FileName: string); overload; // Initialize theme system
+ constructor Create(FileName: string; Color: integer); overload; // Initialize theme system with color
+ function LoadTheme(FileName: string; sColor: integer): boolean; // Load some theme settings from file
+ procedure LoadColors;
+ procedure ThemeLoadBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadBackground(var ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadText(var ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadTexts(var ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadStatic(var ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadStatics(var ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadButton(var ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadSelect(var ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeLoadSelectSlide(var ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSave(FileName: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveBackground(ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveStatics(ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveText(ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveTexts(ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
+ procedure ThemeSaveButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string);
+ end;
+ TColor = record
+ Name: string;
+ end;
+function ColorExists(Name: string): integer;
+procedure LoadColor(var R, G, B: real; ColorName: string);
+function GetSystemColor(Color: integer): TRGB;
+function ColorSqrt(RGB: TRGB): TRGB;
+ //Skin: TSkin;
+ Theme: TTheme;
+ Color: array of TColor;
+ ULanguage,
+USkins, UIni;
+constructor TTheme.Create(FileName: string);
+ Create(FileName, 0);
+constructor TTheme.Create(FileName: string; Color: integer);
+ Loading := TThemeLoading.Create;
+ Main := TThemeMain.Create;
+ Name := TThemeName.Create;
+ Level := TThemeLevel.Create;
+ Song := TThemeSong.Create;
+ Sing := TThemeSing.Create;
+ Score := TThemeScore.Create;
+ Top5 := TThemeTop5.Create;
+ Options := TThemeOptions.Create;
+ OptionsGame := TThemeOptionsGame.Create;
+ OptionsGraphics := TThemeOptionsGraphics.Create;
+ OptionsSound := TThemeOptionsSound.Create;
+ OptionsLyrics := TThemeOptionsLyrics.Create;
+ OptionsThemes := TThemeOptionsThemes.Create;
+ OptionsRecord := TThemeOptionsRecord.Create;
+ SongMenu := TThemeSongMenu.Create;
+ //Party Screens
+ PartyNewRound := TThemePartyNewRound.Create;
+ PartyWin := TThemePartyWin.Create;
+ PartyScore := TThemePartyScore.Create;
+ PartyOptions := TThemePartyOptions.Create;
+ PartyPlayer := TThemePartyPlayer.Create;
+ LoadTheme(FileName, Color);
+ {Skin.GrayLeft := 'Left Gray.bmp';
+ Skin.GrayMid := 'Mid Gray.bmp';
+ Skin.GrayRight := 'Right Gray.bmp';
+ Skin.NoteBGLeft := 'Note BG Left.bmp';
+ Skin.NoteBGMid := 'Note BG Mid.bmp';
+ Skin.NoteBGRight := 'Note BG Right.bmp';
+ Skin.NoteStar := 'Note Star.jpg';
+ //SingBar Mod
+ Skin.SingBarBack := 'Sing Bar Back.jpg';
+ Skin.SingBarBar := 'Sing Bar Bar.jpg';
+ Skin.SingBarFront := 'Sing Bar Front.jpg';
+ //end Singbar Mod
+ //PhrasenBonus - Line Bonus Mod
+ Skin.SingLineBonusBack := 'Line Bonus PopUp.jpg';
+{ Skin.WelcomeBG := SkinPath + 'Welcome BG.jpg';
+// Skin.Background := SkinPath + 'Background.jpg';
+ Skin.ScoreBG := SkinPath + 'Score BG.jpg';
+// Skin.GameStart := SkinPath + 'Game Start.jpg';
+// Skin.Editor := SkinPath + 'Editor.jpg';
+// Skin.Options := SkinPath + 'Options.jpg';
+// Skin.Exit := SkinPath + 'Exit.jpg';
+ Skin.MainStart := SkinPath + 'Main Solo.jpg';
+ Skin.MainEditor := SkinPath + 'Main Multi.jpg';
+ Skin.MainOptions := SkinPath + 'Main Options.jpg';
+ Skin.MainExit := SkinPath + 'Main Exit.jpg';
+ Skin.MainBar := SkinPath + 'Main Bar.jpg';
+ Skin.Cursor := SkinPath + 'Main Cursor.jpg';
+ Skin.SongFade := SkinPath + 'Song Fade.jpg';}{
+ Skin.SongCover := 'Song Cover.jpg';
+ {Skin.SongSelection := SkinPath + 'Song Selection.jpg';
+ Skin.SelectSong := SkinPath + 'Select Song.jpg';}{
+// Skin.Button := SkinPath + 'MusicWheelItem song.jpg';
+ Skin.Bar := 'Bar.jpg';
+{ Skin.P := SkinPath + 'P.jpg';
+ Skin.Arrow := SkinPath + 'Arrow.jpg';
+ Skin.Arrow2 := SkinPath + 'Arrow 2.jpg';}{
+ Skin.ButtonF := 'Button.jpg';
+ Skin.Ball := 'Ball3.bmp';
+{ Skin.Star := SkinPath + 'Star.bmp';
+ Skin.Line := SkinPath + 'Line.jpg';}
+function TTheme.LoadTheme(FileName: string; sColor: integer): boolean;
+ I: integer;
+ Path: string;
+ Result := false;
+ if FileExists(FileName) then begin
+ Result := true;
+ ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme', 'Name', '') <> '' then begin
+ {Skin.SkinName := ThemeIni.ReadString('Theme', 'Name', 'Singstar');
+ Skin.SkinPath := 'Skins\' + Skin.SkinName + '\';
+ Skin.SkinReg := false; }
+ Skin.Color := sColor;
+ Skin.LoadSkin(ISkin[Ini.SkinNo]);
+ LoadColors;
+// ThemeIni.Free;
+// ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create('Themes\Singstar\Main.ini');
+ // Loading
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Loading, 'Loading');
+ // Main
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Main, 'Main');
+ ThemeLoadText(Main.TextDescription, 'MainTextDescription');
+ ThemeLoadText(Main.TextDescriptionLong, 'MainTextDescriptionLong');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonSolo, 'MainButtonSolo');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonEditor, 'MainButtonEditor');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonOptions, 'MainButtonOptions');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Main.ButtonExit, 'MainButtonExit');
+ //Score Text Translation Start
+ Main.Description[0] := Language.Translate('SING_SING');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[0] := Language.Translate('SING_SING_DESC');
+ Main.Description[1] := Language.Translate('SING_EDITOR');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[1] := Language.Translate('SING_EDITOR_DESC');
+ Main.Description[2] := Language.Translate('SING_GAME_OPTIONS');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[2] := Language.Translate('SING_GAME_OPTIONS_DESC');
+ Main.Description[3] := Language.Translate('SING_EXIT');
+ Main.DescriptionLong[3] := Language.Translate('SING_EXIT_DESC');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ //Score Text Translation End
+ Main.TextDescription.Text := Main.Description[0];
+ Main.TextDescriptionLong.Text := Main.DescriptionLong[0];
+ // Name
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Name, 'Name');
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ ThemeLoadButton(Name.ButtonPlayer[I], 'NameButtonPlayer'+IntToStr(I));
+ // Level
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Level, 'Level');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonEasy, 'LevelButtonEasy');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonMedium, 'LevelButtonMedium');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Level.ButtonHard, 'LevelButtonHard');
+ // Song
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Song, 'Song');
+ ThemeLoadText(Song.TextArtist, 'SongTextArtist');
+ ThemeLoadText(Song.TextTitle, 'SongTextTitle');
+ ThemeLoadText(Song.TextNumber, 'SongTextNumber');
+ //Show Cat in TopLeft Mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticCat, 'SongStaticCat');
+ ThemeLoadText(Song.TextCat, 'SongTextCat');
+ //Load Cover Pos and Size from Theme Mod
+ Song.Cover.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'X', 400);
+ Song.Cover.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Y', 100);
+ Song.Cover.Z := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Z', 250);
+ Song.Cover.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'W', 200);
+ Song.Cover.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'H', 200);
+ Song.Cover.Style := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Style', 5);
+ Song.Cover.Reflections := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongCover', 'Reflections', 0) = 1);
+ //Load Cover Pos and Size from Theme Mod End
+ //Load Equalizer Pos and Size from Theme Mod
+ Song.Equalizer.Visible := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Visible', 0) = 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.Direction := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Direction', 0) = 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.Alpha := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Alpha', 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.Space := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Space', 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'X', 650);
+ Song.Equalizer.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Y', 430);
+ Song.Equalizer.Z := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Z', 1);
+ Song.Equalizer.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'PieceW', 8);
+ Song.Equalizer.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'PieceH', 8);
+ Song.Equalizer.Bands := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Bands', 5);
+ Song.Equalizer.Length := ThemeIni.ReadInteger('SongEqualizer', 'Length', 12);
+ //Party Mode
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker4');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam1Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam1Joker5');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker4');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam2Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam2Joker5');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker1, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker2, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker3, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker4, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker4');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Song.StaticTeam3Joker5, 'SongStaticTeam3Joker5');
+ //Color
+ I := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString('SongEqualizer', 'Color', 'Black'));
+ if I >= 0 then begin
+ Song.Equalizer.ColR := Color[I].RGB.R;
+ Song.Equalizer.ColG := Color[I].RGB.G;
+ Song.Equalizer.ColB := Color[I].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ //Load Equalizer Pos and Size from Theme Mod End
+ // Sing
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Sing, 'Sing');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1, 'SingP1Static');
+ //ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG, 'SingP1Static2');//ScoreBG
+ //end ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1, 'SingP1Text');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP1Score, 'SingP1TextScore');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2R, 'SingP2RStatic');
+ //ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG, 'SingP2RStatic2');
+ //end ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2R, 'SingP2RText');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2RScore, 'SingP2RTextScore');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2M, 'SingP2MStatic');
+ //ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG, 'SingP2MStatic2');
+ //end ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2M, 'SingP2MText');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP2MScore, 'SingP2MTextScore');
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3R, 'SingP3RStatic');
+ //ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG, 'SingP3RStatic2');
+ //end ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP3R, 'SingP3RText');
+ ThemeLoadText(Sing.TextP3RScore, 'SingP3RTextScore');
+ // Score
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Score, 'Score');
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextArtist, 'ScoreTextArtist');
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTitle, 'ScoreTextTitle');
+ for I := 1 to 6 do begin
+ ThemeLoadStatics(Score.PlayerStatic[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Static');
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextName[I], 'ScoreTextName' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextScore[I], 'ScoreTextScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextNotes[I], 'ScoreTextNotes' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextLineBonus[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonus' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextLineBonusScore[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonusScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextGoldenNotes[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotes' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTotal[I], 'ScoreTextTotal' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadText(Score.TextTotalScore[I], 'ScoreTextTotalScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxLightest[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxLightest' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxLight[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxLight' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBoxDark[I], 'ScoreStaticBoxDark' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBackLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevel' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticBackLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticLevel' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeLoadStatic(Score.StaticLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
+ end;
+ // Top5
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Top5, 'Top5');
+ ThemeLoadText(Top5.TextLevel, 'Top5TextLevel');
+ ThemeLoadText(Top5.TextArtistTitle, 'Top5TextArtistTitle');
+ ThemeLoadStatics(Top5.StaticNumber, 'Top5StaticNumber');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextNumber, 'Top5TextNumber');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextName, 'Top5TextName');
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Top5.TextScore, 'Top5TextScore');
+ // Options
+ ThemeLoadBasic(Options, 'Options');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonGame, 'OptionsButtonGame');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonGraphics, 'OptionsButtonGraphics');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonSound, 'OptionsButtonSound');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonLyrics, 'OptionsButtonLyrics');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonThemes, 'OptionsButtonThemes');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonRecord, 'OptionsButtonRecord');
+ ThemeLoadButton(Options.ButtonExit, 'OptionsButtonExit');
+ Options.Description[0] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_GAME');
+ Options.Description[1] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS');
+ Options.Description[2] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_SOUND');
+ Options.Description[3] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_LYRICS');
+ Options.Description[4] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_THEMES');
+ Options.Description[5] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_RECORD');
+ Options.Description[6] := Language.Translate('SING_OPTIONS_EXIT');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ThemeLoadText(Options.TextDescription, 'OptionsTextDescription');
+ Options.TextDescription.Text := Options.Description[0];
+ // Options Game
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsGame, 'OptionsGame');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectPlayers, 'OptionsGameSelectPlayers');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectDifficulty, 'OptionsGameSelectDifficulty');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGame.SelectLanguage, 'OptionsGameSelectSlideLanguage');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectTabs, 'OptionsGameSelectTabs');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGame.SelectSorting, 'OptionsGameSelectSlideSorting');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGame.SelectDebug, 'OptionsGameSelectDebug');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsGame.ButtonExit, 'OptionsGameButtonExit');
+ // Options Graphics
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsGraphics, 'OptionsGraphics');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectFullscreen, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectFullscreen');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsGraphics.SelectSlideResolution, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectSlideResolution');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectDepth, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectDepth');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectOscilloscope, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectOscilloscope');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectLineBonus, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectLineBonus');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsGraphics.SelectMovieSize, 'OptionsGraphicsSelectMovieSize');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsGraphics.ButtonExit, 'OptionsGraphicsButtonExit');
+ // Options Sound
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsSound, 'OptionsSound');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectMicBoost, 'OptionsSoundSelectMicBoost');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectClickAssist, 'OptionsSoundSelectClickAssist');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectBeatClick, 'OptionsSoundSelectBeatClick');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectThreshold, 'OptionsSoundSelectThreshold');
+ //ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsSound.SelectTwoPlayerMode, 'OptionsSoundSelectTwoPlayerMode');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsSound.ButtonExit, 'OptionsSoundButtonExit');
+ // Options Lyrics
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsLyrics, 'OptionsLyrics');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsFont, 'OptionsLyricsSelectLyricsFont');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectLyricsEffect, 'OptionsLyricsSelectLyricsEffect');
+ ThemeLoadSelect(OptionsLyrics.SelectSolmization, 'OptionsLyricsSelectSolmization');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsLyrics.ButtonExit, 'OptionsLyricsButtonExit');
+ // Options Themes
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsThemes, 'OptionsThemes');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectTheme, 'OptionsThemesSelectTheme');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectSkin, 'OptionsThemesSelectSkin');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsThemes.SelectColor, 'OptionsThemesSelectColor');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsThemes.ButtonExit, 'OptionsThemesButtonExit');
+ // Options Record
+ ThemeLoadBasic(OptionsRecord, 'OptionsRecord');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideCard, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideCard');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideInput, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideInput');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelL, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideChannelL');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(OptionsRecord.SelectSlideChannelR, 'OptionsRecordSelectSlideChannelR');
+ ThemeLoadButton(OptionsRecord.ButtonExit, 'OptionsRecordButtonExit');
+ //Song Menu
+ ThemeLoadBasic (SongMenu, 'SongMenu');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button1, 'SongMenuButton1');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button2, 'SongMenuButton2');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button3, 'SongMenuButton3');
+ ThemeLoadButton(SongMenu.Button4, 'SongMenuButton4');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(SongMenu.SelectSlide3, 'SongMenuSelectSlide3');
+ ThemeLoadText(SongMenu.TextMenu, 'SongMenuTextMenu');
+ //Party Screens:
+ //Party NewRound
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyNewRound, 'PartyNewRound');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound1, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound2, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound3, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound4, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound4');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound5, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound5');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound6, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound6');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextRound7, 'PartyNewRoundTextRound7');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner1, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner2, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner3, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner4, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner4');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner5, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner5');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner6, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner6');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextWinner7, 'PartyNewRoundTextWinner7');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextRound, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextRound');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextRoundNo, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextRoundNo');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer1, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer2, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNextPlayer3, 'PartyNewRoundTextNextPlayer3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound4, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound4');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound5, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound5');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound6, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound6');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticRound7, 'PartyNewRoundStaticRound7');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundTextScoreTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyNewRound.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundTextNameTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam1, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam2, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyNewRound.StaticTeam3, 'PartyNewRoundStaticTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadButton (PartyNewRound.ButtonNext, 'PartyNewRoundButtonNext');
+ //Party Score
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyScore, 'PartyScore');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyScoreTextScoreTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyScoreTextNameTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam1, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam2, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyScore.StaticTeam3, 'PartyScoreStaticTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyScore.TextWinner, 'PartyScoreTextWinner');
+ //Party Win
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyWin, 'PartyWin');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam1, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam2, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextScoreTeam3, 'PartyWinTextScoreTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam1, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam2, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextNameTeam3, 'PartyWinTextNameTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam1, 'PartyWinStaticTeam1');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam2, 'PartyWinStaticTeam2');
+ ThemeLoadStatic (PartyWin.StaticTeam3, 'PartyWinStaticTeam3');
+ ThemeLoadText (PartyWin.TextWinner, 'PartyWinTextWinner');
+ //Party Options
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyOptions, 'PartyOptions');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectLevel, 'PartyOptionsSelectLevel');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayList, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayList');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayList2, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayList2');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectRounds, 'PartyOptionsSelectRounds');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectTeams, 'PartyOptionsSelectTeams');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers1, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers1');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers2, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers2');
+ ThemeLoadSelectSlide(PartyOptions.SelectPlayers3, 'PartyOptionsSelectPlayers3');
+ {ThemeLoadButton (ButtonNext, 'ButtonNext');
+ ThemeLoadButton (ButtonPrev, 'ButtonPrev');}
+ //Party Player
+ ThemeLoadBasic(PartyPlayer, 'PartyPlayer');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team1Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam1Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player1Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer1Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player2Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer2Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player3Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer3Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player4Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer4Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team2Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam2Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player5Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer5Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player6Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer6Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player7Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer7Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player8Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer8Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Team3Name, 'PartyPlayerTeam3Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player9Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer9Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player10Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer10Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player11Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer11Name');
+ ThemeLoadButton(PartyPlayer.Player12Name, 'PartyPlayerPlayer12Name');
+ {ThemeLoadButton(ButtonNext, 'PartyPlayerButtonNext');
+ ThemeLoadButton(ButtonPrev, 'PartyPlayerButtonPrev');}
+ end;
+ ThemeIni.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
+ ThemeLoadBackground(Theme.Background, Name);
+ ThemeLoadTexts(Theme.Text, Name + 'Text');
+ ThemeLoadStatics(Theme.Static, Name + 'Static');
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadBackground(var ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
+ ThemeBackground.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name + 'Background', 'Tex', '');
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadText(var ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeText.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeText.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeText.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 0);
+ ThemeText.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 0);
+ ThemeText.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 0);
+ ThemeText.Font := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Font', 0);
+ ThemeText.Size := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Size', 0);
+ ThemeText.Align := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Align', 0);
+ ThemeText.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
+ {$ELSE}
+ ThemeText.Text := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', '');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ThemeText.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeText.Color);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeText.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeText.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeText.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadTexts(var ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
+ T: integer;
+ T := 1;
+ while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(T)) do begin
+ SetLength(ThemeText, T);
+ ThemeLoadText(ThemeText[T-1], Name + IntToStr(T));
+ Inc(T);
+ end;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadStatic(var ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeStatic.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
+ ThemeStatic.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.Z := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Z', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.Typ := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Type', '');
+ ThemeStatic.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeStatic.Color);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeStatic.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeStatic.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeStatic.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ ThemeStatic.TexX1 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexX1', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.TexY1 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexY1', 0);
+ ThemeStatic.TexX2 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexX2', 1);
+ ThemeStatic.TexY2 := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TexY2', 1);
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadStatics(var ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ S: integer;
+ S := 1;
+ while ThemeIni.SectionExists(Name + IntToStr(S)) do begin
+ SetLength(ThemeStatic, S);
+ ThemeLoadStatic(ThemeStatic[S-1], Name + IntToStr(S));
+ Inc(S);
+ end;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadButton(var ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ TLen: integer;
+ T: integer;
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeButton.Tex := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
+ ThemeButton.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeButton.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeButton.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeButton.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
+ ThemeButton.Typ := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Type', '');
+ //Reflection Mod
+ ThemeButton.Reflection := (ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Reflection', 0) = 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 1);
+ ThemeButton.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColR', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColG', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColB', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
+ ThemeButton.Color := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', '');
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeButton.Color);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeButton.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeButton.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeButton.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ ThemeButton.DColor := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', '');
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeButton.DColor);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeButton.DColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeButton.DColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeButton.DColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ TLen := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Texts', 0);
+ SetLength(ThemeButton.Text, TLen);
+ for T := 1 to TLen do
+ ThemeLoadText(ThemeButton.Text[T-1], Name + 'Text' + IntToStr(T));
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadSelect(var ThemeSelect: TThemeSelect; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeSelect.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
+ {$ELSE}
+ ThemeSelect.Text := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', '');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ThemeSelect.Tex := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
+ ThemeSelect.TexSBG := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TexSBG', '');
+ ThemeSelect.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeSelect.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeSelect.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeSelect.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
+ ThemeSelect.SkipX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SkipX', 0);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.ColR, ThemeSelect.ColG, ThemeSelect.ColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.DColR, ThemeSelect.DColG, ThemeSelect.DColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.TColR, ThemeSelect.TColG, ThemeSelect.TColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.TInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.TDColR, ThemeSelect.TDColG, ThemeSelect.TDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.TDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TDInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.SBGColR, ThemeSelect.SBGColG, ThemeSelect.SBGColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.SBGInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.SBGDColR, ThemeSelect.SBGDColG, ThemeSelect.SBGDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.SBGDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGDInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.STColR, ThemeSelect.STColG, ThemeSelect.STColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.STInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelect.STDColR, ThemeSelect.STDColG, ThemeSelect.STDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelect.STDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STDInt', 1);
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.ThemeLoadSelectSlide(var ThemeSelectS: TThemeSelectSlide; Name: string);
+ C: integer;
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeSelectS.Text := Language.Translate(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', ''));
+ {$ELSE}
+ ThemeSelectS.Text := ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Text', '');
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ThemeSelectS.Tex := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Tex', '');
+ ThemeSelectS.TexSBG := {Skin.SkinPath + }ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TexSBG', '');
+ ThemeSelectS.X := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'X', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.Y := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'Y', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.W := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'W', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.H := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'H', 0);
+ ThemeSelectS.SkipX := ThemeIni.ReadInteger(Name, 'SkipX', 0);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.ColR, ThemeSelectS.ColG, ThemeSelectS.ColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.DColR, ThemeSelectS.DColG, ThemeSelectS.DColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.TColR, ThemeSelectS.TColG, ThemeSelectS.TColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.TInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.TDColR, ThemeSelectS.TDColG, ThemeSelectS.TDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'TDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.TDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'TDInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.SBGColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.SBGInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.SBGDColR, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColG, ThemeSelectS.SBGDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'SBGDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.SBGDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'SBGDInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.STColR, ThemeSelectS.STColG, ThemeSelectS.STColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.STInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STInt', 1);
+ LoadColor(ThemeSelectS.STDColR, ThemeSelectS.STDColG, ThemeSelectS.STDColB, ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'STDColor', ''));
+ ThemeSelectS.STDInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'STDInt', 1);
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.LoadColors;
+ SL: TStringList;
+ C: integer;
+ S: string;
+ Col: integer;
+ SL := TStringList.Create;
+ ThemeIni.ReadSection('Colors', SL);
+ // normal colors
+ SetLength(Color, SL.Count);
+ for C := 0 to SL.Count-1 do begin
+ Color[C].Name := SL.Strings[C];
+ S := ThemeIni.ReadString('Colors', SL.Strings[C], '');
+ Color[C].RGB.R := StrToInt(Copy(S, 1, Pos(' ' , S)-1))/255;
+ Delete(S, 1, Pos(' ', S));
+ Color[C].RGB.G := StrToInt(Copy(S, 1, Pos(' ' , S)-1))/255;
+ Delete(S, 1, Pos(' ', S));
+ Color[C].RGB.B := StrToInt(S)/255;
+ end;
+ // skin color
+ SetLength(Color, SL.Count + 3);
+ C := SL.Count;
+ Color[C].Name := 'ColorDark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(Skin.Color); //Ini.Color);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'ColorLight';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'ColorLightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // players colors
+ SetLength(Color, Length(Color)+18);
+ // P1
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P1Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(0); // 0 - blue
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P1Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P1Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P2
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P2Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(3); // 3 - red
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P2Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P2Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P3
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P3Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(1); // 1 - green
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P3Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P3Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P4
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P4Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(4); // 4 - brown
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P4Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P4Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P5
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P5Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(5); // 5 - yellow
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P5Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P5Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ // P6
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P6Dark';
+ Color[C].RGB := GetSystemColor(6); // 6 - violet
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P6Light';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ C := C+1;
+ Color[C].Name := 'P6Lightest';
+ Color[C].RGB := ColorSqrt(Color[C-1].RGB);
+ SL.Free;
+function ColorExists(Name: string): integer;
+ C: integer;
+ Result := -1;
+ for C := 0 to High(Color) do
+ if Color[C].Name = Name then Result := C;
+procedure LoadColor(var R, G, B: real; ColorName: string);
+ C: integer;
+ C := ColorExists(ColorName);
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ R := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ G := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ B := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+function GetSystemColor(Color: integer): TRGB;
+ case Color of
+ 0: begin
+ // blue
+ Result.R := 71/255;
+ Result.G := 175/255;
+ Result.B := 247/255;
+ end;
+ 1: begin
+ // green
+ Result.R := 63/255;
+ Result.G := 191/255;
+ Result.B := 63/255;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ // pink
+ Result.R := 255/255;
+{ Result.G := 63/255;
+ Result.B := 192/255;}
+ Result.G := 175/255;
+ Result.B := 247/255;
+ end;
+ 3: begin
+ // red
+ Result.R := 247/255;
+ Result.G := 71/255;
+ Result.B := 71/255;
+ end;
+ //'Violet', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Brown', 'Black'
+ //New Theme-Color Patch
+ 4: begin
+ // violet
+ Result.R := 230/255;
+ Result.G := 63/255;
+ Result.B := 230/255;
+ end;
+ 5: begin
+ // orange
+ Result.R := 255/255;
+ Result.G := 144/255;
+ Result.B := 0;
+ end;
+ 6: begin
+ // yellow
+ Result.R := 230/255;
+ Result.G := 230/255;
+ Result.B := 95/255;
+ end;
+ 7: begin
+ // brown
+ Result.R := 192/255;
+ Result.G := 127/255;
+ Result.B := 31/255;
+ end;
+ 8: begin
+ // black
+ Result.R := 0;
+ Result.G := 0;
+ Result.B := 0;
+ end;
+ //New Theme-Color Patch End
+ end;
+ // pink
+// Col := clRed;
+// Color[C].ColR := (32 + Col and $FF) / (255 + 32);
+// Color[C].ColG := (32 + Col div 256 and $FF) / (255 + 32);
+// Color[C].ColB := (32 + Col div (256*256) and $FF) / (255 + 32);
+ // purple
+// Color[C].ColR := 220/255;
+// Color[C].ColG := 95/255;
+// Color[C].ColB := 220/255;}
+function ColorSqrt(RGB: TRGB): TRGB;
+ Result.R := sqrt(RGB.R);
+ Result.G := sqrt(RGB.G);
+ Result.B := sqrt(RGB.B);
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSave(FileName: string);
+ I: integer;
+ ThemeIni := TIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ThemeIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FileName);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Loading, 'Loading');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Main, 'Main');
+ ThemeSaveText(Main.TextDescription, 'MainTextDescription');
+ ThemeSaveText(Main.TextDescriptionLong, 'MainTextDescriptionLong');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonSolo, 'MainButtonSolo');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonEditor, 'MainButtonEditor');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonOptions, 'MainButtonOptions');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Main.ButtonExit, 'MainButtonExit');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Name, 'Name');
+ for I := 1 to 6 do
+ ThemeSaveButton(Name.ButtonPlayer[I], 'NameButtonPlayer' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Level, 'Level');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonEasy, 'LevelButtonEasy');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonMedium, 'LevelButtonMedium');
+ ThemeSaveButton(Level.ButtonHard, 'LevelButtonHard');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Song, 'Song');
+ ThemeSaveText(Song.TextArtist, 'SongTextArtist');
+ ThemeSaveText(Song.TextTitle, 'SongTextTitle');
+ ThemeSaveText(Song.TextNumber, 'SongTextNumber');
+ //Show CAt in Top Left Mod
+ ThemeSaveText(Song.TextCat, 'SongTextCat');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Song.StaticCat, 'SongStaticCat');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Sing, 'Sing');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1, 'SingP1Static');
+ //ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP1ScoreBG, 'SingP1Static2');
+ //end ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1, 'SingP1Text');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP1Score, 'SingP1TextScore');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2R, 'SingP2RStatic');
+ //ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2RScoreBG, 'SingP2RStatic2');
+ //end ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2R, 'SingP2RText');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2RScore, 'SingP2RTextScore');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2M, 'SingP2MStatic');
+ //ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP2MScoreBG, 'SingP2MStatic2');
+ //end ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2M, 'SingP2MText');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP2MScore, 'SingP2MTextScore');
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3R, 'SingP3RStatic');
+ //ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Sing.StaticP3RScoreBG, 'SingP3RStatic2');
+ //end ScoreBG Mod
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP3R, 'SingP3RText');
+ ThemeSaveText(Sing.TextP3RScore, 'SingP3RTextScore');
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Score, 'Score');
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextArtist, 'ScoreTextArtist');
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTitle, 'ScoreTextTitle');
+ for I := 1 to 6 do begin
+ ThemeSaveStatics(Score.PlayerStatic[I], 'ScorePlayer' + IntToStr(I) + 'Static');
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextName[I], 'ScoreTextName' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextScore[I], 'ScoreTextScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextNotes[I], 'ScoreTextNotes' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextLineBonus[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonus' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextLineBonusScore[I], 'ScoreTextLineBonusScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextGoldenNotes[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotes' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextGoldenNotesScore[I], 'ScoreTextGoldenNotesScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTotal[I], 'ScoreTextTotal' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveText(Score.TextTotalScore[I], 'ScoreTextTotalScore' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticBackLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevel' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticBackLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticBackLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticLevel[I], 'ScoreStaticLevel' + IntToStr(I));
+ ThemeSaveStatic(Score.StaticLevelRound[I], 'ScoreStaticLevelRound' + IntToStr(I));
+ end;
+ ThemeSaveBasic(Top5, 'Top5');
+ ThemeSaveText(Top5.TextLevel, 'Top5TextLevel');
+ ThemeSaveText(Top5.TextArtistTitle, 'Top5TextArtistTitle');
+ ThemeSaveStatics(Top5.StaticNumber, 'Top5StaticNumber');
+ ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextNumber, 'Top5TextNumber');
+ ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextName, 'Top5TextName');
+ ThemeSaveTexts(Top5.TextScore, 'Top5TextScore');
+ ThemeIni.Free;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveBasic(Theme: TThemeBasic; Name: string);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Texts', Length(Theme.Text));
+ ThemeSaveBackground(Theme.Background, Name + 'Background');
+ ThemeSaveStatics(Theme.Static, Name + 'Static');
+ ThemeSaveTexts(Theme.Text, Name + 'Text');
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveBackground(ThemeBackground: TThemeBackground; Name: string);
+ if ThemeBackground.Tex <> '' then
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeBackground.Tex)
+ else begin
+ ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name);
+ end;
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic: TThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeStatic.X);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeStatic.Y);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'W', ThemeStatic.W);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'H', ThemeStatic.H);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeStatic.Tex);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Type', ThemeStatic.Typ);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeStatic.Color);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexX1', ThemeStatic.TexX1);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexY1', ThemeStatic.TexY1);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexX2', ThemeStatic.TexX2);
+ ThemeIni.WriteFloat(Name, 'TexY2', ThemeStatic.TexY2);
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveStatics(ThemeStatic: AThemeStatic; Name: string);
+ S: integer;
+ for S := 0 to Length(ThemeStatic)-1 do
+ ThemeSaveStatic(ThemeStatic[S], Name + {'Static' +} IntToStr(S+1));
+ ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name + {'Static' + }IntToStr(S+1));
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveText(ThemeText: TThemeText; Name: string);
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeText.X);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeText.Y);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Font', ThemeText.Font);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Size', ThemeText.Size);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Align', ThemeText.Align);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Text', ThemeText.Text);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeText.Color);
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveTexts(ThemeText: AThemeText; Name: string);
+ T: integer;
+ for T := 0 to Length(ThemeText)-1 do
+ ThemeSaveText(ThemeText[T], Name + {'Text' + }IntToStr(T+1));
+ ThemeIni.EraseSection(Name + {'Text' + }IntToStr(T+1));
+procedure TTheme.ThemeSaveButton(ThemeButton: TThemeButton; Name: string);
+ T: integer;
+ DecimalSeparator := '.';
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Tex', ThemeButton.Tex);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'X', ThemeButton.X);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Y', ThemeButton.Y);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'W', ThemeButton.W);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'H', ThemeButton.H);
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Type', ThemeButton.Typ);
+ ThemeIni.WriteInteger(Name, 'Texts', Length(ThemeButton.Text));
+ ThemeIni.WriteString(Name, 'Color', ThemeButton.Color);
+{ ThemeButton.ColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColR', 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColG', 1);
+ ThemeButton.ColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'ColB', 1);
+ ThemeButton.Int := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'Int', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColR := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColR', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColG := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColG', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DColB := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DColB', 1);
+ ThemeButton.DInt := ThemeIni.ReadFloat(Name, 'DInt', 1);}
+{ C := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'Color', ''));
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeButton.ColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeButton.ColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeButton.ColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;
+ C := ColorExists(ThemeIni.ReadString(Name, 'DColor', ''));
+ if C >= 0 then begin
+ ThemeButton.DColR := Color[C].RGB.R;
+ ThemeButton.DColG := Color[C].RGB.G;
+ ThemeButton.DColB := Color[C].RGB.B;
+ end;}
+ for T := 0 to High(ThemeButton.Text) do
+ ThemeSaveText(ThemeButton.Text[T], Name + 'Text' + IntToStr(T+1));
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';