path: root/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas
diff options
authortobigun <tobigun@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2008-08-30 18:12:06 +0000
committertobigun <tobigun@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2008-08-30 18:12:06 +0000
commit5f11f9f3e328f6818a42f0a3405404612399c64e (patch)
tree66f4cfcde3c1d4b0564ba47aceeb2d04082a7dfb /Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas
parentd4ec88adaa7a93d1970c116ae3d621ff05683681 (diff)
Removed outdated 1.1 branch contents
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/1.1@1331 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 726 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 39220f1c..00000000
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/USong.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
-unit USong;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- Windows,
- {$ELSE}
- syscall,
- {$ENDIF}
- baseunix,
- UnixType,
- {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils,
- Classes,
- UPlatform,
- ULog,
- UTexture,
- UCommon,
- cthreads,
- {$ENDIF}
- PseudoThread,
- {$ENDIF}
- UCatCovers;
- TSingMode = ( smNormal, smPartyMode, smPlaylistRandom );
- TBPM = record
- BPM: real;
- StartBeat: real;
- end;
- TScore = record
- Name: widestring;
- Score: integer;
- Length: string;
- end;
- TSong = class
- FileLineNo : integer; //Line which is readed at Last, for error reporting
- procedure ParseNote(NrCzesci: integer; TypeP: char; StartP, DurationP, NoteP: integer; LyricS: string);
- procedure NewSentence(NrCzesciP: integer; Param1, Param2: integer);
- function ReadTXTHeader( const aFileName : WideString ): boolean;
- public
- Path: widestring;
- Folder: widestring; // for sorting by folder
- fFileName,
- FileName: widestring;
- // sorting methods
- Category: array of widestring; // I think I won't need this
- Genre: widestring;
- Edition: widestring;
- Language: widestring; // 0.5.0: new
- Title: widestring;
- Artist: widestring;
- Text: widestring;
- Creator: widestring;
- Cover: widestring;
- CoverTex: TTexture;
- Mp3: widestring;
- Background: widestring;
- Video: widestring;
- VideoGAP: real;
- VideoLoaded: boolean; // 0.5.0: true if the video has been loaded
- NotesGAP: integer;
- Start: real; // in seconds
- Finish: integer; // in miliseconds
- Relative: boolean;
- Resolution: integer;
- BPM: array of TBPM;
- GAP: real; // in miliseconds
- Score: array[0..2] of array of TScore;
- // these are used when sorting is enabled
- Visible: boolean; // false if hidden, true if visible
- Main: boolean; // false for songs, true for category buttons
- OrderNum: integer; // has a number of category for category buttons and songs
- OrderTyp: integer; // type of sorting for this button (0=name)
- CatNumber: integer; // Count of Songs in Category for Cats and Number of Song in Category for Songs
- SongFile: TextFile; // all procedures in this unit operates on this file
- Base : array[0..1] of integer;
- Rel : array[0..1] of integer;
- Mult : integer;
- MultBPM : integer;
- constructor create ( const aFileName : WideString );
- function LoadSong: boolean;
- function Analyse(): boolean;
- procedure clear();
- end;
- TextGL,
- UIni,
- UMusic, // needed for Czesci .. ( whatever that is )
- UMain; //needed for Player
-constructor TSong.create( const aFileName : WideString );
- Mult := 1;
- MultBPM := 4;
- fFileName := aFileName;
- if fileexists( aFileName ) then
- begin
- self.Path := ExtractFilePath( aFileName );
- self.Folder := ExtractFilePath( aFileName );
- self.FileName := ExtractFileName( aFileName );
- if ReadTXTHeader( aFileName ) then
- begin
- LoadSong();
- end
- else
- begin
- Log.LogError('Error Loading SongHeader, abort Song Loading');
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
-function TSong.LoadSong(): boolean;
- TempC: char;
- Tekst: string;
- CP: integer; // Current Player (0 or 1)
- Pet: integer;
- Both: boolean;
- Param1: integer;
- Param2: integer;
- Param3: integer;
- ParamS: string;
- I: Integer;
- Result := false;
- if not FileExists(Path + PathDelim + FileName) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('File not found: "' + Path + PathDelim + FileName + '"', 'TSong.LoadSong()');
- exit;
- end;
- MultBPM := 4; // multiply beat-count of note by 4
- Mult := 1; // accuracy of measurement of note
- Base[0] := 100; // high number
- Czesci[0].Wartosc := 0;
- self.Relative := false;
- Rel[0] := 0;
- CP := 0;
- Both := false;
- if Length(Player) = 2 then
- Both := true;
- try
- // Open song file for reading.....
- FileMode := fmOpenRead;
- AssignFile(SongFile, fFileName);
- Reset(SongFile);
- //Clear old Song Header
- if (self.Path = '') then
- self.Path := ExtractFilePath(FileName);
- if (self.FileName = '') then
- self.Filename := ExtractFileName(FileName);
- Result := False;
- Reset(SongFile);
- FileLineNo := 0;
- //Search for Note Begining
- repeat
- ReadLn(SongFile, Tekst);
- Inc(FileLineNo);
- if (EoF(SongFile)) then
- begin //Song File Corrupted - No Notes
- CloseFile(SongFile);
- Log.LogError('Could not load txt File, no Notes found: ' + FileName);
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- Read(SongFile, TempC);
- until ((TempC = ':') or (TempC = 'F') or (TempC = '*'));
- SetLength(Czesci, 2);
- for Pet := 0 to High(Czesci) do begin
- SetLength(Czesci[Pet].Czesc, 1);
- Czesci[Pet].High := 0;
- Czesci[Pet].Ilosc := 1;
- Czesci[Pet].Akt := 0;
- Czesci[Pet].Resolution := self.Resolution;
- Czesci[Pet].NotesGAP := self.NotesGAP;
- Czesci[Pet].Czesc[0].IlNut := 0;
- Czesci[Pet].Czesc[0].HighNut := -1;
- end;
- // TempC := ':';
- // TempC := Tekst[1]; // read from backup variable, don't use default ':' value
- while (TempC <> 'E') AND (not EOF(SongFile)) do
- begin
- if (TempC = ':') or (TempC = '*') or (TempC = 'F') then begin
- // read notes
- Read(SongFile, Param1);
- Read(SongFile, Param2);
- Read(SongFile, Param3);
- Read(SongFile, ParamS);
- // add notes
- if not Both then
- // P1
- ParseNote(0, TempC, (Param1+Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS)
- else begin
- // P1 + P2
- ParseNote(0, TempC, (Param1+Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS);
- ParseNote(1, TempC, (Param1+Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS);
- end;
- end; // if
- if TempC = '-' then
- begin
- // reads sentence
- Read(SongFile, Param1);
- if self.Relative then Read(SongFile, Param2); // read one more data for relative system
- // new sentence
- if not Both then
- // P1
- NewSentence(0, (Param1 + Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2)
- else begin
- // P1 + P2
- NewSentence(0, (Param1 + Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2);
- NewSentence(1, (Param1 + Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2);
- end;
- end; // if
- if TempC = 'B' then
- begin
- SetLength(self.BPM, Length(self.BPM) + 1);
- Read(SongFile, self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].StartBeat);
- self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].StartBeat := self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].StartBeat + Rel[0];
- Read(SongFile, Tekst);
- self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].BPM := StrToFloat(Tekst);
- self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].BPM := self.BPM[High(self.BPM)].BPM * Mult * MultBPM;
- end;
- if not Both then
- begin
- Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].BaseNote := Base[CP];
- Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].LyricWidth := glTextWidth(PChar(Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].Lyric));
- //Total Notes Patch
- Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].TotalNotes := 0;
- for I := low(Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].Nuta) to high(Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].Nuta) do
- begin
- Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].TotalNotes := Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].TotalNotes + Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].Nuta[I].Dlugosc * Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].Nuta[I].Wartosc;
- end;
- //Total Notes Patch End
- end else begin
- for Pet := 0 to High(Czesci) do begin
- Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].BaseNote := Base[Pet];
- Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].LyricWidth := glTextWidth(PChar(Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].Lyric));
- //Total Notes Patch
- Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].TotalNotes := 0;
- for I := low(Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].Nuta) to high(Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].Nuta) do
- begin
- Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].TotalNotes := Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].TotalNotes + Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].Nuta[I].Dlugosc * Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].Nuta[I].Wartosc;
- end;
- //Total Notes Patch End
- end;
- end;
- Read(SongFile, TempC);
- Inc(FileLineNo);
- end; // while}
- CloseFile(SongFile);
- except
- try
- CloseFile(SongFile);
- except
- end;
- Log.LogError('Error Loading File: "' + fFileName + '" in Line ' + inttostr(FileLineNo));
- exit;
- end;
- Result := true;
-function TSong.ReadTXTHeader(const aFileName : WideString): boolean;
- Line, Identifier, Value: String;
- Temp : word;
- Done : byte;
- Result := true;
- Done := 0;
- //Read first Line
- ReadLn (SongFile, Line);
- if (Length(Line)<=0) then
- begin
- Log.LogError('File Starts with Empty Line: ' + aFileName);
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- //Read Lines while Line starts with # or its empty
- While ( Length(Line) = 0 ) OR
- ( Line[1] = '#' ) DO
- begin
- //Increase Line Number
- Inc (FileLineNo);
- Temp := Pos(':', Line);
- //Line has a Seperator-> Headerline
- if (Temp <> 0) then
- begin
- //Read Identifier and Value
- Identifier := Uppercase(Trim(Copy(Line, 2, Temp - 2))); //Uppercase is for Case Insensitive Checks
- Value := Trim(Copy(Line, Temp + 1,Length(Line) - Temp));
- //Check the Identifier (If Value is given)
- if (Length(Value) <> 0) then
- begin
- //-----------
- //Required Attributes
- //-----------
- if ((Identifier = 'MP3') or (Identifier = 'BACKGROUND') or (Identifier = 'COVER') or (Identifier = 'VIDEO')) then
- Value := Utf8Encode(Value);
- {$ENDIF}
- //Title
- if (Identifier = 'TITLE') then
- begin
- self.Title := Value;
- //Add Title Flag to Done
- Done := Done or 1;
- end
- //Artist
- else if (Identifier = 'ARTIST') then
- begin
- self.Artist := Value;
- //Add Artist Flag to Done
- Done := Done or 2;
- end
- //MP3 File //Test if Exists
- else if (Identifier = 'MP3') AND
- (FileExists(self.Path + Value)) then
- begin
- self.Mp3 := Value;
- //Add Mp3 Flag to Done
- Done := Done or 4;
- end
- //Beats per Minute
- else if (Identifier = 'BPM') then
- begin
- // Replace . with ,
- if (Pos('.', Value) <> 0) then
- Value[Pos('.', Value)] := ',';
- SetLength(self.BPM, 1);
- self.BPM[0].StartBeat := 0;
- self.BPM[0].BPM := StrtoFloatDef(Value, 0) * Mult * MultBPM;
- if self.BPM[0].BPM <> 0 then
- begin
- //Add BPM Flag to Done
- Done := Done or 8;
- end;
- end
- //---------
- //Additional Header Information
- //---------
- // Video Gap
- else if (Identifier = 'GAP') then
- begin
- // Replace . with ,
- if (Pos('.', Value) <> 0) then
- Value[Pos('.', Value)] := ',';
- self.GAP := StrtoFloatDef (Value, 0);
- end
- //Cover Picture
- else if (Identifier = 'COVER') then
- self.Cover := Value
- //Background Picture
- else if (Identifier = 'BACKGROUND') then
- self.Background := Value
- // Video File
- else if (Identifier = 'VIDEO') then
- begin
- if (FileExists(self.Path + Value)) then
- self.Video := Value
- else
- Log.LogError('Can''t find Video File in Song: ' + aFileName);
- end
- // Video Gap
- else if (Identifier = 'VIDEOGAP') then
- begin
- // Replace . with ,
- if (Pos('.', Value) <> 0) then
- Value[Pos('.', Value)] := ',';
- self.VideoGAP := StrtoFloatDef (Value, 0);
- end
- //Genre Sorting
- else if (Identifier = 'GENRE') then
- self.Genre := Value
- //Edition Sorting
- else if (Identifier = 'EDITION') then
- self.Edition := Value
- //Creator Tag
- else if (Identifier = 'CREATOR') then
- self.Creator := Value
- //Language Sorting
- else if (Identifier = 'LANGUAGE') then
- self.Language := Value
- // Song Start
- else if (Identifier = 'START') then
- begin
- // Replace . with ,
- if (Pos('.', Value) <> 0) then
- Value[Pos('.', Value)] := ',';
- self.Start := StrtoFloatDef(Value, 0);
- end
- // Song Ending
- else if (Identifier = 'END') then
- TryStrtoInt(Value, self.Finish)
- // Resolution
- else if (Identifier = 'RESOLUTION') then
- TryStrtoInt(Value, self.Resolution)
- // Notes Gap
- else if (Identifier = 'NOTESGAP') then
- TryStrtoInt(Value, self.NotesGAP)
- // Relative Notes
- else if (Identifier = 'RELATIVE') AND (uppercase(Value) = 'YES') then
- self.Relative := True;
- end;
- end;
- if not EOf(SongFile) then
- ReadLn (SongFile, Line)
- else
- begin
- Result := False;
- Log.LogError('File Incomplete or not Ultrastar TxT (A): ' + aFileName);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if self.Cover = '' then
- self.Cover := platform.FindSongFile(Path, '*[CO].jpg');
- //Check if all Required Values are given
- if (Done <> 15) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (Done and 8) = 0 then //No BPM Flag
- Log.LogError('BPM Tag Missing: ' + self.FileName)
- else if (Done and 4) = 0 then //No MP3 Flag
- Log.LogError('MP3 Tag/File Missing: ' + self.FileName)
- else if (Done and 2) = 0 then //No Artist Flag
- Log.LogError('Artist Tag Missing: ' + self.FileName)
- else if (Done and 1) = 0 then //No Title Flag
- Log.LogError('Title Tag Missing: ' + self.FileName)
- else //unknown Error
- Log.LogError('File Incomplete or not Ultrastar TxT (B - '+ inttostr(Done) +'): ' + aFileName);
- end;
-procedure TSong.ParseNote(NrCzesci: integer; TypeP: char; StartP, DurationP, NoteP: integer; LyricS: string);
- Space: boolean;
- case Ini.Solmization of
- 1: // european
- begin
- case (NoteP mod 12) of
- 0..1: LyricS := ' do ';
- 2..3: LyricS := ' re ';
- 4: LyricS := ' mi ';
- 5..6: LyricS := ' fa ';
- 7..8: LyricS := ' sol ';
- 9..10: LyricS := ' la ';
- 11: LyricS := ' si ';
- end;
- end;
- 2: // japanese
- begin
- case (NoteP mod 12) of
- 0..1: LyricS := ' do ';
- 2..3: LyricS := ' re ';
- 4: LyricS := ' mi ';
- 5..6: LyricS := ' fa ';
- 7..8: LyricS := ' so ';
- 9..10: LyricS := ' la ';
- 11: LyricS := ' shi ';
- end;
- end;
- 3: // american
- begin
- case (NoteP mod 12) of
- 0..1: LyricS := ' do ';
- 2..3: LyricS := ' re ';
- 4: LyricS := ' mi ';
- 5..6: LyricS := ' fa ';
- 7..8: LyricS := ' sol ';
- 9..10: LyricS := ' la ';
- 11: LyricS := ' ti ';
- end;
- end;
- end; // case
- with Czesci[NrCzesci].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesci].High] do begin
- SetLength(Nuta, Length(Nuta) + 1);
- IlNut := IlNut + 1;
- HighNut := HighNut + 1;
- Muzyka.IlNut := Muzyka.IlNut + 1;
- Nuta[HighNut].Start := StartP;
- if IlNut = 1 then begin
- StartNote := Nuta[HighNut].Start;
- if Czesci[NrCzesci].Ilosc = 1 then
- Start := -100;
-// Start := Nuta[HighNut].Start;
- end;
- Nuta[HighNut].Dlugosc := DurationP;
- Muzyka.DlugoscNut := Muzyka.DlugoscNut + Nuta[HighNut].Dlugosc;
- // back to the normal system with normal, golden and now freestyle notes
- case TypeP of
- 'F': Nuta[HighNut].Wartosc := 0;
- ':': Nuta[HighNut].Wartosc := 1;
- '*': Nuta[HighNut].Wartosc := 2;
- end;
- Czesci[NrCzesci].Wartosc := Czesci[NrCzesci].Wartosc + Nuta[HighNut].Dlugosc * Nuta[HighNut].Wartosc;
- Nuta[HighNut].Ton := NoteP;
- if Nuta[HighNut].Ton < Base[NrCzesci] then Base[NrCzesci] := Nuta[HighNut].Ton;
- Nuta[HighNut].TonGamy := Nuta[HighNut].TonGamy mod 12;
- Nuta[HighNut].Tekst := Copy(LyricS, 2, 100);
- Lyric := Lyric + Nuta[HighNut].Tekst;
- if TypeP = 'F' then
- Nuta[HighNut].FreeStyle := true;
- Koniec := Nuta[HighNut].Start + Nuta[HighNut].Dlugosc;
- end; // with
-procedure TSong.NewSentence(NrCzesciP: integer; Param1, Param2: integer);
-I: Integer;
- // stara czesc //Alter Satz //Update Old Part
- Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].BaseNote := Base[NrCzesciP];
- Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].LyricWidth := glTextWidth(PChar(Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Lyric));
- //Total Notes Patch
- Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].TotalNotes := 0;
- for I := low(Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Nuta) to high(Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Nuta) do
- begin
- Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].TotalNotes := Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].TotalNotes + Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Nuta[I].Dlugosc * Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Nuta[I].Wartosc;
- end;
- //Total Notes Patch End
- // nowa czesc //Neuer Satz //Update New Part
- SetLength(Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc, Czesci[NrCzesciP].Ilosc + 1);
- Czesci[NrCzesciP].High := Czesci[NrCzesciP].High + 1;
- Czesci[NrCzesciP].Ilosc := Czesci[NrCzesciP].Ilosc + 1;
- Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].HighNut := -1;
- if self.Relative then
- begin
- Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Start := Param1;
- Rel[NrCzesciP] := Rel[NrCzesciP] + Param2;
- end
- else
- Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Start := Param1;
- Base[NrCzesciP] := 100; // high number
-procedure TSong.clear();
- //Main Information
- Title := '';
- Artist := '';
- //Sortings:
- Genre := 'Unknown';
- Edition := 'Unknown';
- Language := 'Unknown'; //Language Patch
- //Required Information
- Mp3 := '';
- setlength( BPM, 0 );
- {$ELSE}
- BPM := 0;
- {$ENDIF}
- GAP := 0;
- Start := 0;
- Finish := 0;
- //Additional Information
- Background := '';
- Cover := '';
- Video := '';
- VideoGAP := 0;
- NotesGAP := 0;
- Resolution := 4;
- Creator := '';
-function TSong.Analyse(): boolean;
- Result := False;
- //Reset LineNo
- FileLineNo := 0;
- //Open File and set File Pointer to the beginning
- AssignFile(SongFile, self.Path + self.FileName);
- try
- Reset(SongFile);
- //Clear old Song Header
- self.clear;
- //Read Header
- Result := self.ReadTxTHeader( FileName )
- //And Close File
- finally
- CloseFile(SongFile);
- end;