path: root/Game/Code/Classes/URecord.pas
diff options
authorjaybinks <jaybinks@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-09-20 06:36:58 +0000
committerjaybinks <jaybinks@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2007-09-20 06:36:58 +0000
commitdb82b7e30a1b58b56fdb4bfc6089b47200ca1da1 (patch)
treeca00bcb8355baf814762e3dfb4932020632667e2 /Game/Code/Classes/URecord.pas
parent77ac0ce6d082dfc0bfd2c9a7efaa304aadfe3683 (diff)
Ultrastar-DX now compiles in linux
(using lazarus) Bass etc is commented out.. but it compiles, and im working through the runtime errors. git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@408 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Classes/URecord.pas')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 347 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/URecord.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/URecord.pas
index 03c87a35..d22e20d3 100644
--- a/Game/Code/Classes/URecord.pas
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/URecord.pas
@@ -1,347 +1,359 @@
-unit URecord;
-uses Classes,
- Math,
- SysUtils,
- UMusic,
- UIni,
- TSound = class
- BufferNew: TMemoryStream; // buffer for newest sample
- BufferArray: array[1..4096] of smallint; // (Signal) newest 4096 samples
- BufferLong: array of TMemoryStream; // full buffer
- Num: integer;
- n: integer; // length of Signal to analyze
- // pitch detection
- SzczytJest: boolean; // czy jest szczyt
- Szczyt: integer; // pozycja szczytu na osi poziomej
- TonDokl: real; // ton aktualnego szczytu
- Ton: integer; // ton bez ulamka
- TonGamy: integer; // ton w gamie. wartosci: 0-11
- Skala: real; // skala FFT
- // procedures
- procedure ProcessNewBuffer;
- procedure AnalizujBufor; // use to analyze sound from buffers to get new pitch
- procedure AnalizujByAutocorrelation; // we call it to analyze sound by checking Autocorrelation
- function AnalyzeAutocorrelationFreq(Freq: real): real; // use this to check one frequency by Autocorrelation
- end;
- TSoundCardInput = record
- Name: string;
- end;
- TSoundCard = record
- // here can be the soundcard information - whole database from which user will select recording source
- Description: string;
- Input: array of TSoundCardInput;
- InputSelected: integer;
- MicInput: Integer;
- // bass record
- BassRecordStream: hStream;
- end;
- TRecord = class
- SoundCard: array of TSoundCard;
- constructor Create;
- end;
- smallintarray = array [0..maxInt shr 1-1] of smallInt;
- psmallintarray = ^smallintarray;
- // procedures - bass record
- function GetMicrophone(handle: HSTREAM; buffer: Pointer; len: DWORD; user: DWORD): boolean; stdcall;
- Sound: array of TSound;
- SoundCard: array of TSoundCard;
- Poz: integer;
- Recording: TRecord;
-uses UMain;
-procedure TSound.ProcessNewBuffer;
- S: integer;
- L: integer;
- A: integer;
- // process BufferArray
- S := 0;
- L := BufferNew.Size div 2;
- if L > n then begin
- S := L - n;
- L := n;
- end;
- // copy to array
- for A := L+1 to n do
- BufferArray[A-L] := BufferArray[A];
- BufferNew.Seek(2*S, soBeginning);
- BufferNew.ReadBuffer(BufferArray[1+n-L], 2*L);
- // process BufferLong
- if Ini.SavePlayback = 1 then
- begin
- BufferNew.Seek(0, soBeginning);
- BufferLong[0].CopyFrom(BufferNew, BufferNew.Size);
- end;
-procedure TSound.AnalizujBufor;
- AnalizujByAutocorrelation;
-procedure TSound.AnalizujByAutocorrelation;
- T: integer; // tone
- F: real; // freq
- Wages: array[0..35] of real; // wages
- MaxT: integer; // max tone
- MaxW: real; // max wage
- V: real; // volume
- MaxV: real; // max volume
- S: integer; // Signal
- Threshold: real; // threshold
- SzczytJest := false;
- // find maximum volume of first 1024 words of signal
- MaxV := 0;
- for S := 1 to 1024 do // 0.5.2: fix. was from 0 to 1023
- begin
- V := Abs(BufferArray[S]) / $10000;
- if V > MaxV then
- MaxV := V;
- end;
- // prepare to analyze
- MaxW := 0;
- // analyze all 12 halftones
- for T := 0 to 35 do // to 11, then 23, now 35 (for Whitney and my high voice)
- begin
- F := 130.81*Power(1.05946309436, T)/2; // let's analyze below 130.81
- Wages[T] := AnalyzeAutocorrelationFreq(F);
- if Wages[T] > MaxW then
- begin // this frequency has better wage
- MaxW := Wages[T];
- MaxT := T;
- end;
- end; // for T
- Threshold := 0.1;
- case Ini.Threshold of
- 0: Threshold := 0.05;
- 1: Threshold := 0.1;
- 2: Threshold := 0.15;
- 3: Threshold := 0.2;
- end;
- if MaxV >= Threshold then
- begin // found acceptable volume // 0.1
- SzczytJest := true;
- TonGamy := MaxT mod 12;
- Ton := MaxT mod 12;
- end;
-function TSound.AnalyzeAutocorrelationFreq(Freq: real): real; // result medium difference
- Count: real;
- Src: integer;
- Dst: integer;
- Move: integer;
- Il: integer; // how many counts were done
- // we use Signal as source
- Count := 0;
- Il := 0;
- Src := 1;
- Move := Round(44100/Freq);
- Dst := Src + Move;
- // ver 2 - compare in vertical
- while (Dst < n) do
- begin // process up to n (4KB) of Signal
- Count := Count + Abs(BufferArray[Src] - BufferArray[Dst]) / $10000;
- Inc(Src);
- Inc(Dst);
- Inc(Il);
- end;
- Result := 1 - Count / Il;
-function GetMicrophone(handle: HSTREAM; buffer: Pointer; len: DWORD; user: DWORD): boolean; stdcall;
- L: integer;
- S: integer;
- PB: pbytearray;
- PSI: psmallintarray;
- I: integer;
- Skip: integer;
- P1: integer;
- P2: integer;
- Boost: byte;
- // set boost
- case Ini.MicBoost of
- 0: Boost := 1;
- 1: Boost := 2;
- 2: Boost := 4;
- 3: Boost := 8;
- end;
- // boost buffer
- L := Len div 2; // number of samples
- PSI := Buffer;
- for S := 0 to L-1 do
- begin
- I := PSI^[S] * Boost;
- if I > 32767 then I := 32767; // 0.5.0: limit
- if I < -32768 then I := -32768; // 0.5.0: limit
- PSI^[S] := I;
- end;
- // decode user
- P1 := (user and 255) - 1;
- P2 := (user div 256) - 1;
- // 2 players USB mic, left channel
- if P1 >= 0 then
- begin
- L := Len div 4; // number of samples
- PB := Buffer;
- Sound[P1].BufferNew.Clear; // 0.5.2: problem on exiting
- for S := 1 to L do
- begin
- Sound[P1].BufferNew.Write(PB[(S-1)*4], 2);
- end;
- Sound[P1].ProcessNewBuffer;
- end;
- // 2 players USB mic, right channel
- Skip := 2;
- if P2 >= 0 then
- begin
- L := Len div 4; // number of samples
- PB := Buffer;
- Sound[P2].BufferNew.Clear;
- for S := 1 to L do
- begin
- Sound[P2].BufferNew.Write(PB[Skip + (S-1)*4], 2);
- end;
- Sound[P2].ProcessNewBuffer;
- end;
- Result := true;
-constructor TRecord.Create;
- SC: integer; // soundcard
- SCI: integer; // soundcard input
- Descr: string;
- InputName: PChar;
- Flags: integer;
- No: integer;
- function isDuplicate(Desc: String): Boolean;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- //Check for Soundcard with same Description
- For I := 0 to SC-1 do
- begin
- if (SoundCard[I].Description = Desc) then
- begin
- Result := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // checks for recording devices and puts them into array;
- SetLength(SoundCard, 0);
- SC := 0;
- Descr := BASS_RecordGetDeviceDescription(SC);
- while (Descr <> '') do
- begin
- //If there is another SoundCard with the Same ID, Search an available Name
- if (IsDuplicate(Descr)) then
- begin
- No:= 1; //Count of SoundCards with same Name
- Repeat
- Inc(No)
- Until not IsDuplicate(Descr + ' (' + InttoStr(No) + ')');
- //Set Description
- Descr := Descr + ' (' + InttoStr(No) + ')';
- end;
- SetLength(SoundCard, SC+1);
- SoundCard[SC].Description := Descr;
- //Get Recording Inputs
- SCI := 0;
- BASS_RecordInit(SC);
- InputName := BASS_RecordGetInputName(SCI);
- SetLength(SoundCard[SC].Input, 1);
- SoundCard[SC].Input[SCI].Name := InputName;
- // process each input
- while (InputName <> nil) do
- begin
- Flags := BASS_RecordGetInput(SCI);
- if (SCI >= 1) {AND (Flags AND BASS_INPUT_OFF = 0)} then
- begin
- SetLength(SoundCard[SC].Input, SCI+1);
- SoundCard[SC].Input[SCI].Name := InputName;
- end;
- //Set Mic Index
- if ((Flags and BASS_INPUT_TYPE_MIC) = 1) then
- SoundCard[SC].MicInput := SCI;
- Inc(SCI);
- InputName := BASS_RecordGetInputName(SCI);
- end;
- BASS_RecordFree;
- Inc(SC);
- Descr := BASS_RecordGetDeviceDescription(SC);
- end; // while
+unit URecord;
+{$I switches.inc}
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+uses Classes,
+ Math,
+ SysUtils,
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ bass,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ UCommon,
+ UMusic,
+ UIni;
+ TSound = class
+ BufferNew: TMemoryStream; // buffer for newest sample
+ BufferArray: array[1..4096] of smallint; // (Signal) newest 4096 samples
+ BufferLong: array of TMemoryStream; // full buffer
+ Num: integer;
+ n: integer; // length of Signal to analyze
+ // pitch detection
+ SzczytJest: boolean; // czy jest szczyt
+ Szczyt: integer; // pozycja szczytu na osi poziomej
+ TonDokl: real; // ton aktualnego szczytu
+ Ton: integer; // ton bez ulamka
+ TonGamy: integer; // ton w gamie. wartosci: 0-11
+ Skala: real; // skala FFT
+ // procedures
+ procedure ProcessNewBuffer;
+ procedure AnalizujBufor; // use to analyze sound from buffers to get new pitch
+ procedure AnalizujByAutocorrelation; // we call it to analyze sound by checking Autocorrelation
+ function AnalyzeAutocorrelationFreq(Freq: real): real; // use this to check one frequency by Autocorrelation
+ end;
+ TSoundCardInput = record
+ Name: string;
+ end;
+ TSoundCard = record
+ // here can be the soundcard information - whole database from which user will select recording source
+ Description: string;
+ Input: array of TSoundCardInput;
+ InputSelected: integer;
+ MicInput: Integer;
+ // bass record
+ BassRecordStream: hStream;
+ end;
+ TRecord = class
+ SoundCard: array of TSoundCard;
+ constructor Create;
+ end;
+ smallintarray = array [0..maxInt shr 1-1] of smallInt;
+ psmallintarray = ^smallintarray;
+ // procedures - bass record
+ function GetMicrophone(handle: HSTREAM; buffer: Pointer; len: DWORD; user: DWORD): boolean; stdcall;
+ Sound: array of TSound;
+ SoundCard: array of TSoundCard;
+ Poz: integer;
+ Recording: TRecord;
+uses UMain;
+procedure TSound.ProcessNewBuffer;
+ S: integer;
+ L: integer;
+ A: integer;
+ // process BufferArray
+ S := 0;
+ L := BufferNew.Size div 2;
+ if L > n then begin
+ S := L - n;
+ L := n;
+ end;
+ // copy to array
+ for A := L+1 to n do
+ BufferArray[A-L] := BufferArray[A];
+ BufferNew.Seek(2*S, soBeginning);
+ BufferNew.ReadBuffer(BufferArray[1+n-L], 2*L);
+ // process BufferLong
+ if Ini.SavePlayback = 1 then
+ begin
+ BufferNew.Seek(0, soBeginning);
+ BufferLong[0].CopyFrom(BufferNew, BufferNew.Size);
+ end;
+procedure TSound.AnalizujBufor;
+ AnalizujByAutocorrelation;
+procedure TSound.AnalizujByAutocorrelation;
+ T: integer; // tone
+ F: real; // freq
+ Wages: array[0..35] of real; // wages
+ MaxT: integer; // max tone
+ MaxW: real; // max wage
+ V: real; // volume
+ MaxV: real; // max volume
+ S: integer; // Signal
+ Threshold: real; // threshold
+ SzczytJest := false;
+ // find maximum volume of first 1024 words of signal
+ MaxV := 0;
+ for S := 1 to 1024 do // 0.5.2: fix. was from 0 to 1023
+ begin
+ V := Abs(BufferArray[S]) / $10000;
+ if V > MaxV then
+ MaxV := V;
+ end;
+ // prepare to analyze
+ MaxW := 0;
+ // analyze all 12 halftones
+ for T := 0 to 35 do // to 11, then 23, now 35 (for Whitney and my high voice)
+ begin
+ F := 130.81*Power(1.05946309436, T)/2; // let's analyze below 130.81
+ Wages[T] := AnalyzeAutocorrelationFreq(F);
+ if Wages[T] > MaxW then
+ begin // this frequency has better wage
+ MaxW := Wages[T];
+ MaxT := T;
+ end;
+ end; // for T
+ Threshold := 0.1;
+ case Ini.Threshold of
+ 0: Threshold := 0.05;
+ 1: Threshold := 0.1;
+ 2: Threshold := 0.15;
+ 3: Threshold := 0.2;
+ end;
+ if MaxV >= Threshold then
+ begin // found acceptable volume // 0.1
+ SzczytJest := true;
+ TonGamy := MaxT mod 12;
+ Ton := MaxT mod 12;
+ end;
+function TSound.AnalyzeAutocorrelationFreq(Freq: real): real; // result medium difference
+ Count: real;
+ Src: integer;
+ Dst: integer;
+ Move: integer;
+ Il: integer; // how many counts were done
+ // we use Signal as source
+ Count := 0;
+ Il := 0;
+ Src := 1;
+ Move := Round(44100/Freq);
+ Dst := Src + Move;
+ // ver 2 - compare in vertical
+ while (Dst < n) do
+ begin // process up to n (4KB) of Signal
+ Count := Count + Abs(BufferArray[Src] - BufferArray[Dst]) / $10000;
+ Inc(Src);
+ Inc(Dst);
+ Inc(Il);
+ end;
+ Result := 1 - Count / Il;
+function GetMicrophone(handle: HSTREAM; buffer: Pointer; len: DWORD; user: DWORD): boolean; stdcall;
+ L: integer;
+ S: integer;
+ PB: pbytearray;
+ PSI: psmallintarray;
+ I: integer;
+ Skip: integer;
+ P1: integer;
+ P2: integer;
+ Boost: byte;
+ // set boost
+ case Ini.MicBoost of
+ 0: Boost := 1;
+ 1: Boost := 2;
+ 2: Boost := 4;
+ 3: Boost := 8;
+ end;
+ // boost buffer
+ L := Len div 2; // number of samples
+ PSI := Buffer;
+ for S := 0 to L-1 do
+ begin
+ I := PSI^[S] * Boost;
+ if I > 32767 then I := 32767; // 0.5.0: limit
+ if I < -32768 then I := -32768; // 0.5.0: limit
+ PSI^[S] := I;
+ end;
+ // decode user
+ P1 := (user and 255) - 1;
+ P2 := (user div 256) - 1;
+ // 2 players USB mic, left channel
+ if P1 >= 0 then
+ begin
+ L := Len div 4; // number of samples
+ PB := Buffer;
+ Sound[P1].BufferNew.Clear; // 0.5.2: problem on exiting
+ for S := 1 to L do
+ begin
+ Sound[P1].BufferNew.Write(PB[(S-1)*4], 2);
+ end;
+ Sound[P1].ProcessNewBuffer;
+ end;
+ // 2 players USB mic, right channel
+ Skip := 2;
+ if P2 >= 0 then
+ begin
+ L := Len div 4; // number of samples
+ PB := Buffer;
+ Sound[P2].BufferNew.Clear;
+ for S := 1 to L do
+ begin
+ Sound[P2].BufferNew.Write(PB[Skip + (S-1)*4], 2);
+ end;
+ Sound[P2].ProcessNewBuffer;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+constructor TRecord.Create;
+ SC: integer; // soundcard
+ SCI: integer; // soundcard input
+ Descr: string;
+ InputName: PChar;
+ Flags: integer;
+ No: integer;
+ function isDuplicate(Desc: String): Boolean;
+ var
+ I: Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ //Check for Soundcard with same Description
+ For I := 0 to SC-1 do
+ begin
+ if (SoundCard[I].Description = Desc) then
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // TODO : JB_linux - Reimplement recording, without bass for linux
+ {$IFDEF useBASS}
+ // checks for recording devices and puts them into array;
+ SetLength(SoundCard, 0);
+ SC := 0;
+ Descr := BASS_RecordGetDeviceDescription(SC);
+ while (Descr <> '') do
+ begin
+ //If there is another SoundCard with the Same ID, Search an available Name
+ if (IsDuplicate(Descr)) then
+ begin
+ No:= 1; //Count of SoundCards with same Name
+ Repeat
+ Inc(No)
+ Until not IsDuplicate(Descr + ' (' + InttoStr(No) + ')');
+ //Set Description
+ Descr := Descr + ' (' + InttoStr(No) + ')';
+ end;
+ SetLength(SoundCard, SC+1);
+ SoundCard[SC].Description := Descr;
+ //Get Recording Inputs
+ SCI := 0;
+ BASS_RecordInit(SC);
+ InputName := BASS_RecordGetInputName(SCI);
+ SetLength(SoundCard[SC].Input, 1);
+ SoundCard[SC].Input[SCI].Name := InputName;
+ // process each input
+ while (InputName <> nil) do
+ begin
+ Flags := BASS_RecordGetInput(SCI);
+ if (SCI >= 1) {AND (Flags AND BASS_INPUT_OFF = 0)} then
+ begin
+ SetLength(SoundCard[SC].Input, SCI+1);
+ SoundCard[SC].Input[SCI].Name := InputName;
+ end;
+ //Set Mic Index
+ if ((Flags and BASS_INPUT_TYPE_MIC) = 1) then
+ SoundCard[SC].MicInput := SCI;
+ Inc(SCI);
+ InputName := BASS_RecordGetInputName(SCI);
+ end;
+ BASS_RecordFree;
+ Inc(SC);
+ Descr := BASS_RecordGetDeviceDescription(SC);
+ end; // while
+ {$ENDIF}