path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformLinux.pas
diff options
authormogguh <mogguh@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2008-02-13 19:58:44 +0000
committermogguh <mogguh@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2008-02-13 19:58:44 +0000
commit949fea202f6c963ad6c8a40040e1e9e6f909161b (patch)
tree9f6f683d203d55e41e5b7483b4038103d471ce76 /Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformLinux.pas
parent1a7da68ae6e1368dae25821b15318bd1d2d9f88e (diff)
parentefe5b06fd5715f550334692d28c2218896b62ce1 (diff)
First multi platform version, works on Linux and Windows
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/1.1@855 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformLinux.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformLinux.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0883b0f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UPlatformLinux.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+unit UPlatformLinux;
+ {$MODE Delphi}
+{$I switches.inc}
+uses Classes, UPlatform;
+ TPlatformLinux = class(TInterfacedObject, IPlatform)
+ function get_homedir(): string;
+ public
+ function DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter : WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs : Boolean) : TDirectoryEntryArray;
+ function TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle : String) : Boolean;
+ function FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: widestring): widestring;
+ procedure Halt;
+ function GetLogPath : WideString;
+ function GetGameSharedPath : WideString;
+ function GetGameUserPath : WideString;
+ end;
+// check for version of FPC >= 2.2.0
+ {$IF (FPC_VERSION > 2) or ((FPC_VERSION = 2) and (FPC_RELEASE >= 2))}
+ {$IFEND}
+ libc,
+ uCommandLine,
+ BaseUnix,
+ oldlinux,
+ SysUtils,
+ UConfig;
+Function TPlatformLinux.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter : WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs : Boolean) : TDirectoryEntryArray;
+ i : Integer;
+ TheDir : pDir;
+ ADirent : pDirent;
+ Entry : Longint;
+ //info : oldlinux.stat;
+ lAttrib : integer;
+ i := 0;
+ Filter := LowerCase(Filter);
+ TheDir := FpOpenDir( Dir );
+ if Assigned(TheDir) then
+ repeat
+ ADirent := FpReadDir(TheDir^);
+ If Assigned(ADirent) and (ADirent^.d_name <> '.') and (ADirent^.d_name <> '..') then
+ begin
+ lAttrib := FileGetAttr(Dir + ADirent^.d_name);
+ if ReturnAllSubDirs and ((lAttrib and faDirectory) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength( Result, i + 1);
+ Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name;
+ Result[i].IsDirectory := true;
+ Result[i].IsFile := false;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end
+ else if (Length(Filter) = 0) or (Pos( Filter, LowerCase(ADirent^.d_name)) > 0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength( Result, i + 1);
+ Result[i].Name := ADirent^.d_name;
+ Result[i].IsDirectory := false;
+ Result[i].IsFile := true;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Until ADirent = nil;
+ FpCloseDir(TheDir^);
+Function TPlatformLinux.DirectoryFindFiles(Dir, Filter : WideString; ReturnAllSubDirs : Boolean) : TDirectoryEntryArray;
+ i : Integer;
+ TheDir : oldlinux.pdir;
+ ADirent : oldlinux.pDirent;
+ Entry : Longint;
+ info : oldlinux.stat;
+ lAttrib : integer;
+ i := 0;
+ Filter := LowerCase(Filter);
+ TheDir := oldlinux.opendir( Dir );
+ if Assigned(TheDir) then
+ repeat
+ ADirent := oldlinux.ReadDir(TheDir);
+ If Assigned(ADirent) and (ADirent^.name <> '.') and (ADirent^.name <> '..') then
+ begin
+ lAttrib := FileGetAttr(Dir + ADirent^.name);
+ if ReturnAllSubDirs and ((lAttrib and faDirectory) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength( Result, i + 1);
+ Result[i].Name := ADirent^.name;
+ Result[i].IsDirectory := true;
+ Result[i].IsFile := false;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end
+ else if (Length(Filter) = 0) or (Pos( Filter, LowerCase(ADirent^.name)) > 0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength( Result, i + 1);
+ Result[i].Name := ADirent^.name;
+ Result[i].IsDirectory := false;
+ Result[i].IsFile := true;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Until ADirent = nil;
+ oldlinux.CloseDir(TheDir);
+function TPlatformLinux.GetLogPath : WideString;
+ if FindCmdLineSwitch( cUseLocalPaths ) then
+ result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))
+ else
+{$IFDEF UseLocalDirs}
+ result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))
+ result := LogPath+'/';
+ forcedirectories( result );
+function TPlatformLinux.GetGameSharedPath : WideString;
+ if FindCmdLineSwitch( cUseLocalPaths ) then
+ result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))
+ else
+{$IFDEF UseLocalDirs}
+ result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))
+ result := SharedPath+'/';
+function TPlatformLinux.GetGameUserPath : WideString;
+ if FindCmdLineSwitch( cUseLocalPaths ) then
+ result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))
+ else
+{$IFDEF UseLocalDirs}
+ result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))
+ result := get_homedir()+'/.'+PathSuffix+'/';
+function TPlatformLinux.get_homedir(): string;
+ pPasswdEntry : Ppasswd;
+ lUserName : String;
+ pPasswdEntry := getpwuid( getuid() );
+ result := pPasswdEntry^.pw_dir;
+// FIXME: just a dirty-fix to make the linux build work again.
+// This i the same as the corresponding function for MacOSX.
+// Maybe this should be TPlatformBase.Halt()
+procedure TPlatformLinux.Halt;
+ halt();
+function TPlatformLinux.TerminateIfAlreadyRunning(var WndTitle : String) : Boolean;
+ // Linux and Mac don't check for running apps at the moment
+ Result := false;
+// FIXME: just a dirty-fix to make the linux build work again.
+// This i the same as the corresponding function for windows
+// (and MacOSX?).
+// Maybe this should be TPlatformBase.FindSongFile()
+function TPlatformLinux.FindSongFile(Dir, Mask: widestring): widestring;
+ SR: TSearchRec; // for parsing song directory
+ Result := '';
+ if SysUtils.FindFirst(Dir + Mask, faDirectory, SR) = 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := SR.Name;
+ end; // if
+ SysUtils.FindClose(SR);