path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UHelp.pas
diff options
authorbrunzelchen <brunzelchen@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-02-19 17:18:42 +0000
committerbrunzelchen <brunzelchen@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-02-19 17:18:42 +0000
commit51ed8fe6f2ea9892e905e81cf5bad3960537eb40 (patch)
treea4dcb099343762dcb7bd7988f73de68c1959d3a5 /Game/Code/Classes/UHelp.pas
Challenge MOD r7 alpha based on Ultrastar Deluxe v1.0.1a
for changes read Changelog.txt in folder Game git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/1.0.1 Challenge MOD@2107 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Classes/UHelp.pas')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UHelp.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UHelp.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4691858c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UHelp.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+unit UHelp;
+ IniFiles,
+ ULog,
+ SysUtils;
+ TKeymap = record
+ Key: array of string; //key-combination translated
+ Text: string; //description text
+ end;
+ TSection = record
+ name: string;
+ Keys: array of TKeymap;
+ end;
+ TSub = record
+ title: string;
+ text: array of string;
+ end;
+ TKeyNames = record
+ Key: array of string;
+ end;
+ TTextResultSection = record
+ name: string;
+ Keys: array of TKeyNames;
+ KeyDescription: array of string;
+ end;
+ TTextResult = record
+ Title: String;
+ Description: String;
+ Subs: array of TSub;
+ Sections: array of TTextResultSection;
+ end;
+ TKeys = record
+ Key: string;
+ Translation: string;
+ end;
+ TEntry = record
+ ID: string;
+ Title: string;
+ Description: string;
+ Subs: array of TSub;
+ Sections: array of TSection;
+ end;
+ TLanguageList = record
+ Name: string;
+ end;
+ THelp = class
+ private
+ ScrollPos: double;
+ Entry: array of TEntry;
+ SEntry: array of TEntry;
+ AEntry: TEntry;
+ List: array of TLanguageList;
+ Implode_Glue1, Implode_Glue2: String;
+ public
+ MaxLines: integer;
+ constructor Create;
+ procedure LoadList;
+ procedure ChangeLanguage(Language: String);
+ //procedure LoadKeys;
+ function SetHelpID(ID: String):boolean;
+ function GetHelpStr(): TTextResult;
+ procedure SetScrollPos(pos: double);
+ function GetScrollPos(): double;
+ end;
+ Help: THelp;
+uses UFiles, SDL, Classes, ULanguage;
+//Create - Construct Class then LoadList + Standard Language + Set Standard Implode Glues
+constructor THelp.Create;
+ I, J, K: Integer;
+ LoadList;
+ MaxLines := 0;
+ //LoadKeys;
+ //Set Implode Glues for Backward Compatibility
+ Implode_Glue1 := ', ';
+ Implode_Glue2 := ' and ';
+ if (Length(List) = 0) then //No Language Files Loaded -> Abort Loading
+ Log.CriticalError('Could not load any Language File (Help System)');
+ //Standard Language (If a Language File is Incomplete)
+ //Then use English Language
+ for I := 0 to high(List) do //Search for English Language
+ begin
+ //English Language Found -> Load
+ if Uppercase(List[I].Name) = 'ENGLISH' then
+ begin
+ ChangeLanguage('English');
+ SetLength(SEntry, Length(Entry));
+ for J := low(Entry) to high(Entry) do
+ begin
+ SetLength(SEntry[J].Sections, Length(Entry[J].Sections));
+ SEntry[J].ID := Entry[J].ID;
+ SEntry[J].Title := Entry[J].Title;
+ SEntry[J].Description := Entry[J].Description;
+ for K := low(Entry[J].Sections) to high(Entry[J].Sections) do
+ SEntry[J].Sections[K] := Entry[J].Sections[K];
+ end;
+ SetLength(List, 0);
+ Break;
+ end;
+ if (I = high(List)) then
+ Log.LogError('English Languagefile missing! No standard Translation loaded (Help System)');
+ end;
+ //Standard Language END
+//LoadList - Parse the Help Dir searching Translations
+procedure THelp.LoadList;
+ SR: TSearchRec; // for parsing directory
+ SetLength(List, 0);
+ if FindFirst(LanguagesPath + '*.ini', 0, SR) = 0 then begin
+ repeat
+ SetLength(List, Length(List)+1);
+ SR.Name := ChangeFileExt(SR.Name, '');
+ List[High(List)].Name := SR.Name;
+ until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
+ SysUtils.FindClose(SR);
+ end; // if FindFirst
+//ChangeLanguage - Load the specified LanguageFile
+procedure THelp.ChangeLanguage(Language: String);
+ IniFile: TIniFile;
+ E: integer; // entry
+ S: TStringList;
+ SL : TStringList;
+ num: Integer;
+ I, J: Integer;
+ Keys: array of TKeys;
+ tempStr: string;
+ ActSection: integer;
+ ActSub: integer;
+ ActKey: integer;
+ ActSubEntry: integer;
+ function GetIDStr(ID: integer):string;
+ var
+ S: string;
+ begin
+ S := IntToStr(ID);
+ while (Length(S)<3) do S := '0' + S;
+ Result := 'ID_' + S;
+ end;
+ function GetKeyTranslation(Key: string):string;
+ var
+ I: Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := 'Error';
+ for I := 0 to Length(Keys) - 1 do
+ begin
+ if Keys[I].Key=Key then
+ begin
+ Result := Keys[I].Translation;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ IniFile := TIniFile.Create(LanguagesPath + Language + '.ini');
+ SetLength(Keys, 0);
+ //read keys
+ S := TStringList.Create;
+ IniFile.ReadSectionValues('Keymap', S);
+ SetLength(Keys, S.Count);
+ for E := 0 to high(Keys) do
+ begin
+ if S.Names[E] = 'IMPLODE_GLUE1' then
+ Implode_Glue1 := S.ValueFromIndex[E]+ ' '
+ else if S.Names[E] = 'IMPLODE_GLUE2' then
+ Implode_Glue2 := ' ' + S.ValueFromIndex[E] + ' ';
+ Keys[E].Key := S.Names[E];
+ Keys[E].Translation := S.ValueFromIndex[E];
+ end;
+ SetLength(Entry, 0);
+ num := IniFile.ReadInteger('config', 'NumIDs', 0);
+ if num>0 then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Entry, num);
+ for I:=1 to num do
+ begin
+ Entry[I-1].ID:= GetIDStr(I);
+ Entry[I-1].Title := IniFile.ReadString(GetIDStr(I), 'Title', 'error title: ' + GetIDStr(I));
+ Entry[I-1].Description := IniFile.ReadString(GetIDStr(I), 'Description', 'error description: ' + GetIDStr(I));
+ //read subs, sections and keymapping
+ S := TStringList.Create;
+ IniFile.ReadSectionValues(GetIDStr(I), S);
+ ActSub := -1;
+ ActSubEntry := -1;
+ ActSection := -1;
+ ActKey := -1;
+ //SetLength(Entry[I-1].Keys, S.Count-2);
+ for E := 0 to S.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ if S.Names[E] = 'IMPLODE_GLUE1' then
+ Implode_Glue1 := S.ValueFromIndex[E]+ ' '
+ else if S.Names[E] = 'IMPLODE_GLUE2' then
+ Implode_Glue2 := ' ' + S.ValueFromIndex[E] + ' ';
+ if (S.Names[E] <> 'Title') and (S.Names[E] <> 'Description') then
+ begin
+ tempStr := S.Names[E];
+ SL:=TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ ExtractStrings(['_'], [], PChar(tempStr), SL);
+ //check new Sub
+ if SL[0]='SUB' then
+ begin
+ inc(ActSub);
+ ActSubEntry := -1;
+ SetLength(Entry[I-1].Subs, ActSub+1);
+ Entry[I-1].Subs[ActSub].title := S.ValueFromIndex[E];
+ end
+ //check sub entry
+ else if SL[0]='ENT' then
+ begin
+ inc(ActSubEntry);
+ SetLength(Entry[I-1].Subs[ActSub].text, ActSubEntry+1);
+ Entry[I-1].Subs[ActSub].text[ActSubEntry] := S.ValueFromIndex[E];
+ end
+ //check new section
+ else if SL[0]='SEC' then
+ begin
+ inc(ActSection);
+ ActKey := -1;
+ SetLength(Entry[I-1].Sections, ActSection+1);
+ Entry[I-1].Sections[ActSection].name := S.ValueFromIndex[E];
+ end
+ //read keymap
+ else if ActSection=-1 then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('No section in keymapping of ' + GetIDStr(I) + ' in ' + language + '.ini');
+ end else
+ begin
+ inc(ActKey);
+ SetLength(Entry[I-1].Sections[ActSection].Keys, ActKey +1);
+ Entry[I-1].Sections[ActSection].Keys[ActKey].Text := S.ValueFromIndex[E];
+ SetLength(Entry[I-1].Sections[ActSection].Keys[ActKey].Key, SL.Count);
+ for J := 0 to SL.Count-1 do
+ Entry[I-1].Sections[ActSection].Keys[ActKey].Key[J] := GetKeyTranslation(SL[J]);
+ end;
+ Finally
+ SL.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ S.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ IniFile.Free;
+function THelp.SetHelpID(ID: String):boolean;
+ E, J: integer; // entry
+ Result := false;
+ ScrollPos := 0.0;
+ for E := 0 to high(Entry) do
+ begin
+ if ID = Entry[E].ID then
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ AEntry := Entry[E];
+ {
+ SetLength(AEntry.Keys, Length(Entry[E].Keys));
+ AEntry.ID := Entry[E].ID;
+ AEntry.Title := Entry[E].Title;
+ AEntry.Description := Entry[E].Description;
+ for J := low(Entry[E].Keys) to high(Entry[E].Keys) do
+ AEntry.Keys[J] := Entry[E].Keys[J];}
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Standard Language (If a Language File is Incomplete)
+ //Then use Standard Language
+ for E := low(SEntry) to high(SEntry) do
+ begin
+ if ID = SEntry[E].ID then
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ AEntry := SEntry[E];
+ {
+ SetLength(AEntry.Keys, Length(SEntry[E].Keys));
+ AEntry.ID := SEntry[E].ID;
+ AEntry.Title := SEntry[E].Title;
+ AEntry.Description := SEntry[E].Description;
+ for J := low(SEntry[E].Keys) to high(SEntry[E].Keys) do
+ AEntry.Keys[J] := SEntry[E].Keys[J]; }
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //Standard Language END
+function THelp.GetHelpStr(): TTextResult;
+ K, I, J: Integer;
+ w: real;
+ SetLength(Result.Sections, Length(AEntry.Sections));
+ for K := 0 to Length(AEntry.Sections) - 1 do
+ begin
+ SetLength(Result.Sections[K].Keys, Length(AEntry.Sections[K].Keys));
+ SetLength(Result.Sections[K].KeyDescription, Length(AEntry.Sections[K].Keys));
+ Result.Sections[K].name := AEntry.Sections[K].name;
+ for I := 0 to Length(AEntry.Sections[K].Keys)-1 do
+ begin
+ SetLength(Result.Sections[K].Keys[I].Key, Length(AEntry.Sections[K].Keys[I].Key));
+ for J := 0 to Length(AEntry.Sections[K].Keys[I].Key) - 1 do
+ begin
+ Result.Sections[K].Keys[I].Key[J] := '[' + AEntry.Sections[K].Keys[I].Key[J] + ']';
+ end;
+ Result.Sections[K].KeyDescription[I] := AEntry.Sections[K].Keys[I].Text;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetLength(Result.Subs, Length(AEntry.Subs));
+ for K := 0 to Length(AEntry.Subs) - 1 do
+ begin
+ Result.Subs[K].title := AEntry.Subs[K].title;
+ Result.Subs[K].text := AEntry.Subs[K].text;
+ end;
+ Result.Title := AEntry.Title;
+ Result.Description := AEntry.Description;
+procedure THelp.SetScrollPos(pos: double);
+ ScrollPos := pos;
+function THelp.GetScrollPos(): double;
+ Result := ScrollPos;