path: root/Game/Code/Classes/UFiles.pas
diff options
authorbrunzelchen <brunzelchen@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-02-19 17:18:42 +0000
committerbrunzelchen <brunzelchen@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-02-19 17:18:42 +0000
commit51ed8fe6f2ea9892e905e81cf5bad3960537eb40 (patch)
treea4dcb099343762dcb7bd7988f73de68c1959d3a5 /Game/Code/Classes/UFiles.pas
Challenge MOD r7 alpha based on Ultrastar Deluxe v1.0.1a
for changes read Changelog.txt in folder Game git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/branches/1.0.1 Challenge MOD@2107 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to 'Game/Code/Classes/UFiles.pas')
1 files changed, 1153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Game/Code/Classes/UFiles.pas b/Game/Code/Classes/UFiles.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f450979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Game/Code/Classes/UFiles.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1153 @@
+unit UFiles;
+uses USongs,
+ SysUtils,
+ ULog,
+ UMusic;
+procedure InitializePaths; //Function sets All Absolute Paths eg. for Songs
+function ReadTXTHeader(var Song: TSong): boolean; //Reads Standard TXT Header
+function AnalyseFile(var Song: TSong): boolean; //Analyse Song File and Read Header
+procedure ClearSong(var Song: TSong); //Clears Song Header values
+//Methodes Loading and Saving Songfiles
+procedure ResetSingTemp;
+procedure ParseNote(NrCzesci: integer; TypeP: char; StartP, DurationP, NoteP: integer; LyricS: string);
+procedure NewSentence(NrCzesciP: integer; Param1, Param2: integer; LoadFullFile: boolean);
+function LoadSong(Name: string; LoadFullFile: boolean): boolean;
+function SaveSong(Song: TSong; Czesc: TCzesci; Name: string; Relative: boolean): boolean;
+procedure FindRefrainStart(var Song: TSong);
+procedure SetMedleyMode;
+ //Absolute Paths
+ GamePath: string;
+ SoundPath: string;
+ SongPath: string;
+ LogPath: string;
+ ThemePath: string;
+ ScreenshotsPath: string;
+ CoversPath: string;
+ LanguagesPath: string;
+ PluginPath: string;
+ PlayListPath: string;
+ SongFile: TextFile; // all procedures in this unit operates on this file
+ FileLineNo: integer; //Line which is readed at Last, for error reporting
+ // variables available for all procedures
+ Base: array[0..1] of integer;
+ Rel: array[0..1] of integer;
+ Mult: integer = 1;
+ MultBPM: integer = 4;
+uses TextGL, UIni, UMain;
+// Function sets all Absolute Paths e.g. Song Path and makes sure the Directorys exist
+procedure InitializePaths;
+ Writeable: Boolean;
+ GamePath := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
+ SoundPath := GamePath + 'Sounds\';
+ SongPath := GamePath + 'Songs\';
+ LogPath := GamePath;
+ ThemePath := GamePath + 'Themes\';
+ ScreenshotsPath := GamePath + 'Screenshots\';
+ CoversPath := GamePath + 'Covers\';
+ LanguagesPath := GamePath + 'Languages\';
+ PluginPath := GamePath + 'Plugins\';
+ PlaylistPath := GamePath + 'Playlists\';
+ Writeable := true;
+ //After Setting Paths, make sure that Paths exist
+ If not DirectoryExists(SoundPath) then
+ Writeable := ForceDirectories(SoundPath);
+ If Writeable And (not DirectoryExists(SongPath)) then
+ Writeable := ForceDirectories(SongPath);
+ If Writeable And (not DirectoryExists(ThemePath)) then
+ Writeable := ForceDirectories(ThemePath);
+ If Writeable And (not DirectoryExists(ScreenshotsPath)) then
+ Writeable := ForceDirectories(ScreenshotsPath);
+ If Writeable And (not DirectoryExists(CoversPath)) then
+ Writeable := ForceDirectories(CoversPath);
+ If Writeable And (not DirectoryExists(LanguagesPath)) then
+ Writeable := ForceDirectories(LanguagesPath);
+ If Writeable And (not DirectoryExists(PluginPath)) then
+ Writeable := ForceDirectories(PluginPath);
+ If Writeable And (not DirectoryExists(PlaylistPath)) then
+ Writeable := ForceDirectories(PlaylistPath);
+ if not Writeable then
+ Log.LogError('Error: Dir is Readonly');
+ DecimalSeparator := ',';
+// Clears Song Header values
+procedure ClearSong(var Song: TSong);
+ //Main Information
+ Song.Title := '';
+ Song.Artist := '';
+ //Sortings:
+ Song.Genre := 'Unknown';
+ Song.Edition := 'Unknown';
+ Song.Language := 'Unknown'; //Language Patch
+ //Required Information
+ Song.Mp3 := '';
+ Song.BPM := 0;
+ Song.GAP := 0;
+ Song.Start := 0;
+ Song.Finish := 0;
+ //Additional Information
+ Song.Background := '';
+ Song.Cover := '';
+ Song.Video := '';
+ Song.VideoGAP := 0;
+ Song.NotesGAP := 0;
+ Song.Resolution := 4;
+ Song.Creator := '';
+ Song.Medley.Source:=msNone;
+ Song.PreviewStart := 0;
+ SetLength(Song.CustomTags, 0);
+// Reads Standard TXT Header
+function ReadTXTHeader(var Song: TSong): boolean;
+ Line, Identifier, Value: String;
+ Temp: word;
+ Done: byte;
+ MedleyFlags: byte; //bit-vector for medley/preview tags
+ lWarnIfTagsNotFound : Boolean;
+ { adds a custom header tag to the song
+ if there is no ':' in the read line, Tag should be empty
+ and the whole line should be in Content } //from usdx 1.1
+ procedure AddCustomTag(const Tag, Content: String);
+ var Len: Integer;
+ begin
+ Len := Length(Song.CustomTags);
+ SetLength(Song.CustomTags, Len + 1);
+ Song.CustomTags[Len].Tag := Tag;
+ Song.CustomTags[Len].Content := Content;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+ Done := 0;
+ MedleyFlags := 0;
+ lWarnIfTagsNotFound := ( lowercase( Song.Filename ) <> 'license.txt' ) AND
+ ( lowercase( Song.Filename ) <> 'readme.txt' ) ;
+ //Read first Line
+ ReadLn (SongFile, Line);
+ if (Length(Line)<=0) then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('File Starts with Empty Line: ' + Song.FileName);
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ //Read Lines while Line starts with #
+ While (Length(Line) = 0) OR (Line[1] = '#') do
+ begin
+ //Increase Line Number
+ Inc (FileLineNo);
+ Temp := Pos(':', Line);
+ //Line has a Seperator-> Headerline
+ if (Temp <> 0) then
+ begin
+ //Read Identifier and Value
+ Identifier := Uppercase(Trim(Copy(Line, 2, Temp - 2))); //Uppercase is for Case Insensitive Checks
+ Value := Trim(Copy(Line, Temp + 1,Length(Line) - Temp));
+ //Check the Identifier (If Value is given)
+ if (Length(Value) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ //-----------
+ //Required Attributes
+ //-----------
+ //Title
+ if (Identifier = 'TITLE') then
+ begin
+ Song.Title := Value;
+ //Add Title Flag to Done
+ Done := Done or 1;
+ end
+ //Artist
+ else if (Identifier = 'ARTIST') then
+ begin
+ Song.Artist := Value;
+ //Add Artist Flag to Done
+ Done := Done or 2;
+ end
+ //MP3 File //Test if Exists
+ else if (Identifier = 'MP3') AND (FileExists(Song.Path + Value)) then
+ begin
+ Song.Mp3 := Value;
+ //Add Mp3 Flag to Done
+ Done := Done or 4;
+ end
+ //Beats per Minute
+ else if (Identifier = 'BPM') then
+ begin
+ // Replace . with ,
+ if (Pos('.', Value) <> 0) then
+ Value[Pos('.', Value)] := ',';
+ SetLength(Song.BPM, 1);
+ Song.BPM[0].StartBeat := 0;
+ Song.BPM[0].BPM := StrtoFloatDef(Value, 0) * Mult * MultBPM;
+ if Song.BPM[0].BPM <> 0 then
+ begin
+ //Add BPM Flag to Done
+ Done := Done or 8;
+ end;
+ end
+ //---------
+ //Additional Header Information
+ //---------
+ // Video Gap
+ else if (Identifier = 'GAP') then
+ begin
+ // Replace . with ,
+ if (Pos('.', Value) <> 0) then
+ Value[Pos('.', Value)] := ',';
+ Song.GAP := StrtoFloatDef (Value, 0);
+ end
+ //Cover Picture
+ else if (Identifier = 'COVER') then
+ begin
+ Song.Cover := Value;
+ end
+ //Background Picture
+ else if (Identifier = 'BACKGROUND') then
+ begin
+ Song.Background := Value;
+ end
+ // Video File
+ else if (Identifier = 'VIDEO') then
+ begin
+ if (FileExists(Song.Path + Value)) then
+ Song.Video := Value
+ else
+ Log.LogError('Can''t find Video File in Song: ' + Song.Path + Song.FileName);
+ end
+ // Video Gap
+ else if (Identifier = 'VIDEOGAP') then
+ begin
+ // Replace . with ,
+ if (Pos('.', Value) <> 0) then
+ Value[Pos('.', Value)] := ',';
+ Song.VideoGAP := StrtoFloatDef (Value, 0);
+ end
+ //Genre Sorting
+ else if (Identifier = 'GENRE') then
+ begin
+ Song.Genre := Value;
+ end
+ //Edition Sorting
+ else if (Identifier = 'EDITION') then
+ begin
+ Song.Edition := Value;
+ end
+ //Creator Tag
+ else if (Identifier = 'CREATOR') then
+ begin
+ Song.Creator := Value;
+ end
+ //Language Sorting
+ else if (Identifier = 'LANGUAGE') then
+ begin
+ Song.Language := Value;
+ end
+ // Song Start
+ else if (Identifier = 'START') then
+ begin
+ // Replace . with ,
+ if (Pos('.', Value) <> 0) then
+ Value[Pos('.', Value)] := ',';
+ Song.Start := StrtoFloatDef(Value, 0);
+ end
+ // Song Ending
+ else if (Identifier = 'END') then
+ begin
+ TryStrtoInt(Value, Song.Finish);
+ end
+ // Resolution
+ else if (Identifier = 'RESOLUTION') then
+ begin
+ TryStrtoInt(Value, Song.Resolution);
+ end
+ // Notes Gap
+ else if (Identifier = 'NOTESGAP') then
+ begin
+ TryStrtoInt(Value, Song.NotesGAP);
+ end
+ // Relative Notes
+ else if (Identifier = 'RELATIVE') AND (uppercase(Value) = 'YES') then
+ begin
+ Song.Relative := True;
+ end
+ // PreviewStart
+ else if (Identifier = 'PREVIEWSTART') then
+ begin
+ Song.PreviewStart := StrToFloatDef(Value, 0);
+ if (Song.PreviewStart>0) then
+ MedleyFlags := MedleyFlags or 1;
+ end
+ // MedleyStartBeat
+ else if (Identifier = 'MEDLEYSTARTBEAT') and not Song.Relative then
+ begin
+ if TryStrtoInt(Value, Song.Medley.StartBeat) then
+ MedleyFlags := MedleyFlags or 2;
+ end
+ // MedleyEndBeat
+ else if (Identifier = 'MEDLEYENDBEAT') and not Song.Relative then
+ begin
+ if TryStrtoInt(Value, Song.Medley.EndBeat) then
+ MedleyFlags := MedleyFlags or 4;
+ end
+ // unsupported tag
+ else
+ begin
+ AddCustomTag(Identifier, Value);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if not EOf(SongFile) then
+ ReadLn (SongFile, Line)
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ if lWarnIfTagsNotFound then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('File Incomplete or not Ultrastar TxT: ' + Song.FileName);
+ end;
+ break;
+ end;
+ {//End on first empty Line
+ if (Length(Line) = 0) then
+ break;}
+ end;
+ //Check if all Required Values are given
+ if (Done <> 15) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ If lWarnIfTagsNotFound then
+ begin
+ if (Done and 8) = 0 then //No BPM Flag
+ Log.LogError('BPM Tag Missing: ' + Song.FileName)
+ else if (Done and 4) = 0 then //No MP3 Flag
+ Log.LogError('MP3 Tag/File Missing: ' + Song.FileName)
+ else if (Done and 2) = 0 then //No Artist Flag
+ Log.LogError('Artist Tag Missing: ' + Song.FileName)
+ else if (Done and 1) = 0 then //No Title Flag
+ Log.LogError('Title Tag Missing: ' + Song.FileName)
+ else //unknown Error
+ Log.LogError('File Incomplete or not Ultrastar TxT: ' + Song.FileName);
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin //check medley tags
+ if (MedleyFlags and 6)=6 then //MedleyStartBeat and MedleyEndBeat are both set
+ begin
+ if Song.Medley.StartBeat >= Song.Medley.EndBeat then
+ MedleyFlags := MedleyFlags - 6;
+ end;
+ if ((MedleyFlags and 1)=0) or (Song.PreviewStart<=0) then //PreviewStart is not set or <=0
+ begin
+ if (MedleyFlags and 2)=2 then
+ Song.PreviewStart := GetTimeFromBeat(Song.Medley.StartBeat) //fallback to MedleyStart
+ else
+ Song.PreviewStart := 0; //else set it to 0, it will be set in FindRefrainStart
+ end;
+ if (MedleyFlags and 6)=6 then
+ begin
+ Song.Medley.Source := msTag;
+ //calculate fade time
+ Song.Medley.FadeIn_time := DEFAULT_FADE_IN_TIME;
+ Song.Medley.FadeOut_time := DEFAULT_FADE_OUT_TIME;
+ end else
+ Song.Medley.Source := msNone;
+ end;
+// Analyse Song File and Read Header
+function AnalyseFile(var Song: TSong): boolean;
+Result := False;
+{try }
+ //Reset LineNo
+ FileLineNo := 0;
+ //Open File and set File Pointer to the beginning
+ AssignFile(SongFile, Song.Path + Song.FileName);
+ Reset(SongFile);
+ //Clear old Song Header
+ ClearSong(Song);
+ //Read Header
+ Result := ReadTxTHeader(Song);
+ //And Close File
+ CloseFile(SongFile);
+ CloseFile(SongFile);
+ Result := False;
+ //Error Reporting
+ Log.LogError('An Error occured reading Line ' + inttostr(FileLineNo) + ' from SongHeader: ' + Song.FileName);
+// Resets the temporary Sentence Arrays for each Player and some other Variables
+procedure ResetSingTemp;
+ Pet: integer;
+ SetLength(Czesci, Length(Player));
+ SetLength(AktSong.BPM, 0);
+ for Pet := 0 to High(Player) do begin
+ SetLength(Czesci[Pet].Czesc, 1);
+ SetLength(Czesci[Pet].Czesc[0].Nuta, 0);
+ Czesci[Pet].Czesc[0].Lyric := '';
+ Czesci[Pet].Czesc[0].LyricWidth := 0;
+ Player[pet].Score := 0;
+ Player[pet].IlNut := 0;
+ Player[pet].HighNut := -1;
+ end;
+ //Reset Path and Filename Values to Prevent Errors in Editor
+ AktSong.Path := '';
+ AktSong.FileName := '';
+// Parses Note Infos and save them to Array
+procedure ParseNote(NrCzesci: integer; TypeP: char; StartP, DurationP, NoteP: integer; LyricS: string);
+ Space: boolean;
+ case Ini.Solmization of
+ 1: // european
+ begin
+ case (NoteP mod 12) of
+ 0..1: LyricS := ' do ';
+ 2..3: LyricS := ' re ';
+ 4: LyricS := ' mi ';
+ 5..6: LyricS := ' fa ';
+ 7..8: LyricS := ' sol ';
+ 9..10: LyricS := ' la ';
+ 11: LyricS := ' si ';
+ end;
+ end;
+ 2: // japanese
+ begin
+ case (NoteP mod 12) of
+ 0..1: LyricS := ' do ';
+ 2..3: LyricS := ' re ';
+ 4: LyricS := ' mi ';
+ 5..6: LyricS := ' fa ';
+ 7..8: LyricS := ' so ';
+ 9..10: LyricS := ' la ';
+ 11: LyricS := ' shi ';
+ end;
+ end;
+ 3: // american
+ begin
+ case (NoteP mod 12) of
+ 0..1: LyricS := ' do ';
+ 2..3: LyricS := ' re ';
+ 4: LyricS := ' mi ';
+ 5..6: LyricS := ' fa ';
+ 7..8: LyricS := ' sol ';
+ 9..10: LyricS := ' la ';
+ 11: LyricS := ' ti ';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ with Czesci[NrCzesci].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesci].High] do begin
+ SetLength(Nuta, Length(Nuta) + 1);
+ IlNut := IlNut + 1;
+ HighNut := HighNut + 1;
+ Muzyka.IlNut := Muzyka.IlNut + 1;
+ Nuta[HighNut].Start := StartP;
+ if IlNut = 1 then begin
+ StartNote := Nuta[HighNut].Start;
+ if Czesci[NrCzesci].Ilosc = 1 then
+ Start := -100;
+// Start := Nuta[HighNut].Start;
+ end;
+ Nuta[HighNut].Dlugosc := DurationP;
+ Muzyka.DlugoscNut := Muzyka.DlugoscNut + Nuta[HighNut].Dlugosc;
+ // back to the normal system with normal, golden and now freestyle notes
+ case TypeP of
+ 'F': Nuta[HighNut].Wartosc := 0;
+ ':': Nuta[HighNut].Wartosc := 1;
+ '*': Nuta[HighNut].Wartosc := 2;
+ end;
+ Czesci[NrCzesci].Wartosc := Czesci[NrCzesci].Wartosc + Nuta[HighNut].Dlugosc * Nuta[HighNut].Wartosc;
+ Nuta[HighNut].Ton := NoteP;
+ if Nuta[HighNut].Ton < Base[NrCzesci] then Base[NrCzesci] := Nuta[HighNut].Ton;
+ Nuta[HighNut].TonGamy := Nuta[HighNut].TonGamy mod 12;
+ Nuta[HighNut].Tekst := Copy(LyricS, 2, 100);
+ Lyric := Lyric + Nuta[HighNut].Tekst;
+ if TypeP = 'F' then
+ Nuta[HighNut].FreeStyle := true;
+ Koniec := Nuta[HighNut].Start + Nuta[HighNut].Dlugosc;
+ end; // with
+// Called when a new Sentence is found in the TXT File
+procedure NewSentence(NrCzesciP: integer; Param1, Param2: integer; LoadFullFile: boolean);
+I: Integer;
+ // stara czesc //Alter Satz //Update Old Part
+ Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].BaseNote := Base[NrCzesciP];
+ if LoadFullFile then
+ Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].LyricWidth := glTextWidth(PChar(Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Lyric));
+ //Total Notes Patch
+ Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].TotalNotes := 0;
+ for I := low(Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Nuta) to high(Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Nuta) do
+ begin
+ Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].TotalNotes := Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].TotalNotes + Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Nuta[I].Dlugosc * Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Nuta[I].Wartosc;
+ end;
+ //Total Notes Patch End
+ // nowa czesc //Neuer Satz //Update New Part
+ SetLength(Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc, Czesci[NrCzesciP].Ilosc + 1);
+ Czesci[NrCzesciP].High := Czesci[NrCzesciP].High + 1;
+ Czesci[NrCzesciP].Ilosc := Czesci[NrCzesciP].Ilosc + 1;
+ Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].HighNut := -1;
+ if not AktSong.Relative then
+ Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Start := Param1;
+ if AktSong.Relative then begin
+ Czesci[NrCzesciP].Czesc[Czesci[NrCzesciP].High].Start := Param1;
+ Rel[NrCzesciP] := Rel[NrCzesciP] + Param2;
+ end;
+ Base[NrCzesciP] := 100; // high number
+// Load a Song
+function LoadSong(Name: string; LoadFullFile: boolean): boolean;
+ TempC: char;
+ Tekst: string;
+ CP: integer; // Current Player (0 or 1)
+ Pet: integer;
+ Both: boolean;
+ Param1: integer;
+ Param2: integer;
+ Param3: integer;
+ ParamS: string;
+ I: Integer;
+ isNewSentence: boolean;
+ Result := false;
+ if not FileExists(Name) then begin
+ Log.LogError('File not found: "' + Name + '"', 'LoadSong');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ try
+ MultBPM := 4; // 4 - mnoznik dla czasu nut
+ Mult := 1; // 4 - dokladnosc pomiaru nut
+ Base[0] := 100; // high number
+// Base[1] := 100; // high number
+ Czesci[0].Wartosc := 0;
+// Czesci[1].Wartosc := 0; // here was the error in 0.3.2
+ if LoadFullFile then
+ AktSong.Relative := false;
+ Rel[0] := 0;
+// Rel[1] := 0;
+ CP := 0;
+ Both := false;
+ if Length(Player) = 2 then Both := true;
+ FileMode := fmOpenRead;
+ AssignFile(SongFile, Name);
+ if LoadFullFile then
+ begin
+ Reset(SongFile);
+ //Clear old Song Header
+ ClearSong(AktSong);
+ if (AktSong.Path = '') then
+ AktSong.Path := ExtractFilePath(Name);
+ if (AktSong.FileName = '') then
+ AktSong.Filename := ExtractFileName(Name);
+ //Read Header
+ Result := ReadTxTHeader(AktSong);
+ if not Result then
+ begin
+ CloseFile(SongFile);
+ FileMode := fmOpenReadWrite;
+ Log.LogError('Error Loading SongHeader, abort Song Loading. File: ' + Name);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := False;
+ Reset(SongFile);
+ FileLineNo := 0;
+ //Search for Note Begining
+ repeat
+ ReadLn(SongFile, Tekst);
+ Inc(FileLineNo);
+ if (EoF(SongFile)) then
+ begin //Song File Corrupted - No Notes
+ CloseFile(SongFile);
+ FileMode := fmOpenReadWrite;
+ Log.LogError('Could not load txt File, no Notes found: ' + Name);
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Read(SongFile, TempC);
+ until ((TempC = ':') or (TempC = 'F') or (TempC = '*'));
+ SetLength(Czesci, 2);
+ for Pet := 0 to High(Czesci) do begin
+ SetLength(Czesci[Pet].Czesc, 1);
+ Czesci[Pet].High := 0;
+ Czesci[Pet].Ilosc := 1;
+ Czesci[Pet].Akt := 0;
+ Czesci[Pet].Resolution := AktSong.Resolution;
+ Czesci[Pet].NotesGAP := AktSong.NotesGAP;
+ Czesci[Pet].Czesc[0].IlNut := 0;
+ Czesci[Pet].Czesc[0].HighNut := -1;
+ end;
+// TempC := ':';
+// TempC := Tekst[1]; // read from backup variable, don't use default ':' value
+ isNewSentence := false;
+ while (TempC <> 'E') AND (not EOF(SongFile)) do begin
+ if (TempC = ':') or (TempC = '*') or (TempC = 'F') then begin
+ // wczytuje nute
+ Read(SongFile, Param1);
+ Read(SongFile, Param2);
+ Read(SongFile, Param3);
+ Read(SongFile, ParamS);
+ // dodaje nute
+ if not Both then
+ // P1
+ ParseNote(0, TempC, (Param1+Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS)
+ else begin
+ // P1 + P2
+ ParseNote(0, TempC, (Param1+Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS);
+ ParseNote(1, TempC, (Param1+Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2 * Mult, Param3, ParamS);
+ end;
+ isNewSentence := false;
+ end; // if
+ if TempC = '-' then begin
+ if isNewSentence then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('Double sentence break in file: "' + Name + '" (LoadSong)');
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // reads sentence
+ Read(SongFile, Param1);
+ if AktSong.Relative then Read(SongFile, Param2); // read one more data for relative system
+ // new sentence
+ if not Both then
+ // P1
+ NewSentence(0, (Param1 + Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2, LoadFullFile)
+ else begin
+ // P1 + P2
+ NewSentence(0, (Param1 + Rel[0]) * Mult, Param2, LoadFullFile);
+ NewSentence(1, (Param1 + Rel[1]) * Mult, Param2, LoadFullFile);
+ end;
+ isNewSentence := true;
+ end; // if
+ if TempC = 'B' then begin
+ SetLength(AktSong.BPM, Length(AktSong.BPM) + 1);
+ Read(SongFile, AktSong.BPM[High(AktSong.BPM)].StartBeat);
+ AktSong.BPM[High(AktSong.BPM)].StartBeat := AktSong.BPM[High(AktSong.BPM)].StartBeat + Rel[0];
+ Read(SongFile, Tekst);
+ AktSong.BPM[High(AktSong.BPM)].BPM := StrToFloat(Tekst);
+ AktSong.BPM[High(AktSong.BPM)].BPM := AktSong.BPM[High(AktSong.BPM)].BPM * Mult * MultBPM;
+ end;
+ if not Both then begin
+ Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].BaseNote := Base[CP];
+ if LoadFullFile then
+ Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].LyricWidth := glTextWidth(PChar(Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].Lyric));
+ //Total Notes Patch
+ Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].TotalNotes := 0;
+ for I := low(Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].Nuta) to high(Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].Nuta) do
+ begin
+ Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].TotalNotes := Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].TotalNotes + Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].Nuta[I].Dlugosc * Czesci[CP].Czesc[Czesci[CP].High].Nuta[I].Wartosc;
+ end;
+ //Total Notes Patch End
+ end else begin
+ for Pet := 0 to High(Czesci) do begin
+ Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].BaseNote := Base[Pet];
+ if LoadFullFile then
+ Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].LyricWidth := glTextWidth(PChar(Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].Lyric));
+ //Total Notes Patch
+ Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].TotalNotes := 0;
+ for I := low(Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].Nuta) to high(Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].Nuta) do
+ begin
+ Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].TotalNotes := Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].TotalNotes + Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].Nuta[I].Dlugosc * Czesci[Pet].Czesc[Czesci[Pet].High].Nuta[I].Wartosc;
+ end;
+ //Total Notes Patch End
+ end;
+ end;
+ Read(SongFile, TempC);
+ Inc(FileLineNo);
+ end; // while}
+ CloseFile(SongFile);
+ FileMode := fmOpenReadWrite;
+ except
+ try
+ CloseFile(SongFile);
+ FileMode := fmOpenReadWrite;
+ except
+ end;
+ Result := false;
+ Log.LogError('Error Loading File: "' + Name + '" in Line ' + inttostr(FileLineNo+1));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+// Saves a Song
+function SaveSong(Song: TSong; Czesc: TCzesci; Name: string; Relative: boolean): boolean;
+ C: integer;
+ N: integer;
+ S: string;
+ B: integer;
+ RelativeSubTime: integer;
+ NoteState: String;
+ procedure WriteCustomTags; //from 1.1 (modified)
+ var
+ I: integer;
+ Line: String;
+ begin
+ for I := 0 to High(Song.CustomTags) do
+ begin
+ Line := Song.CustomTags[I].Content;
+ if (Length(Song.CustomTags[I].Tag) > 0) then
+ Line := Song.CustomTags[I].Tag + ':' + Line;
+ WriteLn(SongFile, '#' + Line);
+ end;
+ end;
+// Relative := true; // override (idea - use shift+S to save with relative)
+ Result := true;
+ AssignFile(SongFile, Name);
+ Rewrite(SongFile);
+ WriteLn(SongFile, '#TITLE:' + Song.Title + '');
+ WriteLn(SongFile, '#ARTIST:' + Song.Artist);
+ if Song.Creator <> '' then WriteLn(SongFile, '#CREATOR:' + Song.Creator);
+ if Song.Edition <> 'Unknown' then WriteLn(SongFile, '#EDITION:' + Song.Edition);
+ if Song.Genre <> 'Unknown' then WriteLn(SongFile, '#GENRE:' + Song.Genre);
+ if Song.Language <> 'Unknown' then WriteLn(SongFile, '#LANGUAGE:' + Song.Language);
+ WriteLn(SongFile, '#MP3:' + Song.Mp3);
+ if Song.Cover <> '' then WriteLn(SongFile, '#COVER:' + Song.Cover);
+ if Song.Background <> '' then WriteLn(SongFile, '#BACKGROUND:' + Song.Background);
+ if Song.Video <> '' then WriteLn(SongFile, '#VIDEO:' + Song.Video);
+ if Song.VideoGAP <> 0 then WriteLn(SongFile, '#VIDEOGAP:' + FloatToStr(Song.VideoGAP));
+ if Song.Resolution <> 4 then WriteLn(SongFile, '#RESOLUTION:' + IntToStr(Song.Resolution));
+ if Song.NotesGAP <> 0 then WriteLn(SongFile, '#NOTESGAP:' + IntToStr(Song.NotesGAP));
+ if Song.Start <> 0 then WriteLn(SongFile, '#START:' + FloatToStr(Song.Start));
+ if Song.Finish <> 0 then WriteLn(SongFile, '#END:' + IntToStr(Song.Finish));
+ if Song.PreviewStart<> 0 then WriteLn(SongFile, '#PREVIEWSTART:'+ FloatToStr(Song.PREVIEWSTART));
+ if (Song.Medley.Source=msTag) and not Relative then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(SongFile, '#MedleyStartBeat:' + IntToStr(Song.Medley.StartBeat));
+ WriteLn(SongFile, '#MedleyEndBeat:' + IntToStr(Song.Medley.EndBeat));
+ end;
+ if Relative then WriteLn(SongFile, '#RELATIVE:yes');
+ WriteLn(SongFile, '#BPM:' + FloatToStr(Song.BPM[0].BPM / 4));
+ WriteLn(SongFile, '#GAP:' + FloatToStr(Song.GAP));
+ RelativeSubTime := 0;
+ for B := 1 to High(AktSong.BPM) do
+ WriteLn(SongFile, 'B ' + FloatToStr(AktSong.BPM[B].StartBeat) + ' ' + FloatToStr(AktSong.BPM[B].BPM/4));
+ // write custom header tags (from 1.1)
+ WriteCustomTags;
+ for C := 0 to Czesc.High do begin
+ for N := 0 to Czesc.Czesc[C].HighNut do begin
+ with Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N] do begin
+ //Golden + Freestyle Note Patch
+ case Czesc.Czesc[C].Nuta[N].Wartosc of
+ 0: NoteState := 'F ';
+ 1: NoteState := ': ';
+ 2: NoteState := '* ';
+ end; // case
+ S := NoteState + IntToStr(Start-RelativeSubTime) + ' ' + IntToStr(Dlugosc) + ' ' + IntToStr(Ton) + ' ' + Tekst;
+ WriteLn(SongFile, S);
+ end; // with
+ end; // N
+ if C < Czesc.High then begin // don't write end of last sentence
+ if not Relative then
+ S := '- ' + IntToStr(Czesc.Czesc[C+1].Start)
+ else begin
+ S := '- ' + IntToStr(Czesc.Czesc[C+1].Start - RelativeSubTime) +
+ ' ' + IntToStr(Czesc.Czesc[C+1].Start - RelativeSubTime);
+ RelativeSubTime := Czesc.Czesc[C+1].Start;
+ end;
+ WriteLn(SongFile, S);
+ end;
+ end; // C
+ WriteLn(SongFile, 'E');
+ CloseFile(SongFile);
+{* new procedure for preview
+ tries find out the beginning of a refrain
+ and the end... *}
+procedure FindRefrainStart(var Song: TSong);
+ MEDLEY_MIN_DURATION = 40; //minimum duration of a medley-song in seconds
+ TSeries = record
+ start: integer; //Start sentence of series
+ end_: integer; //End sentence of series
+ len: integer; //Length of sentence series
+ end;
+ I, J, K, num_lines: integer;
+ sentences: array of String;
+ series: array of TSeries;
+ temp_series: TSeries;
+ max: integer;
+ len_lines, len_notes: integer;
+ found_end: boolean;
+ if AktSong.Medley.Source = msTag then //will be deleted soon
+ Exit;
+ //relative is not supported for medley by now!
+ if AktSong.Relative then
+ begin
+ Log.LogError('Song '+Song.Artist+'-'+Song.Title+' contains #Relative, this is not supported by medley-function!');
+ Song.Medley.Source := msNone;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ num_lines := Length(Czesci[0].Czesc);
+ SetLength(sentences, num_lines);
+ //build sentences array
+ for I := 0 to num_lines - 1 do
+ begin
+ sentences[I] := '';
+ for J := 0 to Length(Czesci[0].Czesc[I].Nuta) - 1 do
+ begin
+ if not Czesci[0].Czesc[I].Nuta[J].FreeStyle then
+ sentences[I] := sentences[I] + Czesci[0].Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Tekst;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //find equal sentences series
+ SetLength(series, 0);
+ for I := 0 to num_lines - 2 do
+ begin
+ for J := I+1 to num_lines - 1 do
+ begin
+ if sentences[I]=sentences[J] then
+ begin
+ temp_series.start := I;
+ temp_series.end_ := I;
+ if (J+J-I-1>num_lines-1) then
+ max:=num_lines-1-J
+ else
+ max:=J-I-1;
+ for K := 1 to max do
+ begin
+ if sentences[I+K]=sentences[J+K] then
+ temp_series.end_ := I+K
+ else
+ break;
+ end;
+ temp_series.len := temp_series.end_ - temp_series.start + 1;
+ SetLength(series, Length(series)+1);
+ series[Length(series)-1] := temp_series;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ //search for longest sequence
+ if Length(series)>0 then
+ begin
+ max := 0;
+ for I := 0 to Length(series) - 1 do
+ begin
+ if series[I].len > series[max].len then
+ max := I;
+ end;
+ end;
+ len_lines := length(Czesci[0].Czesc);
+ if (Length(series)>0) and (series[max].len > 3) then
+ begin
+ Song.Medley.StartBeat := Czesci[0].Czesc[series[max].start].Nuta[0].Start;
+ len_notes := length(Czesci[0].Czesc[series[max].end_].Nuta);
+ Song.Medley.EndBeat := Czesci[0].Czesc[series[max].end_].Nuta[len_notes-1].Start +
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[series[max].end_].Nuta[len_notes-1].Dlugosc;
+ found_end := false;
+ //set end if duration > MEDLEY_MIN_DURATION
+ if GetTimeFromBeat(Song.Medley.StartBeat)+ MEDLEY_MIN_DURATION >
+ GetTimeFromBeat(Song.Medley.EndBeat) then
+ begin
+ found_end := true;
+ end;
+ //estimate the end: just go MEDLEY_MIN_DURATION
+ //ahead an set to a line end (if possible)
+ if not found_end then
+ begin
+ for I := series[max].start+1 to len_lines-1 do
+ begin
+ len_notes := length(Czesci[0].Czesc[I].Nuta);
+ for J := 0 to len_notes - 1 do
+ begin
+ if GetTimeFromBeat(Song.Medley.StartBeat)+ MEDLEY_MIN_DURATION >
+ GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Start+
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[I].Nuta[J].Dlugosc) then
+ begin
+ found_end := true;
+ Song.Medley.EndBeat := Czesci[0].Czesc[I].Nuta[len_notes-1].Start+
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[I].Nuta[len_notes-1].Dlugosc;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if found_end then
+ begin
+ Song.Medley.Source := msCalculated;
+ //calculate fade time
+ Song.Medley.FadeIn_time := DEFAULT_FADE_IN_TIME; //TODO in INI
+ Song.Medley.FadeOut_time := DEFAULT_FADE_OUT_TIME; //TODO in INI
+ end;
+ end;
+ //set PreviewStart if not set
+ if Song.PreviewStart=0 then
+ begin
+ len_notes := length(Czesci[0].Czesc[len_lines-1].Nuta);
+ if Song.Medley.Source = msCalculated then
+ Song.PreviewStart := GetTimeFromBeat(Song.Medley.StartBeat);{
+ else
+ Song.PreviewStart := (GetTimeFromBeat(Czesci[0].Czesc[len_lines-1].Nuta[len_notes-1].start+
+ Czesci[0].Czesc[len_lines-1].Nuta[len_notes-1].Dlugosc))/4; //TODO}
+ end;
+//sets a song to medley-mod:
+//converts all unneeded notes into freestyle
+//updates score values
+procedure SetMedleyMode;
+ pl, line, note: integer;
+ cut_line: array of integer;
+ foundcut: array of boolean;
+ start: integer;
+ end_: integer;
+ start := AktSong.Medley.StartBeat;
+ end_ := AktSong.Medley.EndBeat;
+ SetLength(cut_line, Length(Czesci));
+ SetLength(foundcut, Length(Czesci));
+ for pl := 0 to Length(Czesci) - 1 do
+ begin
+ foundcut[pl] := false;
+ cut_line[pl] := high(Integer);
+ Czesci[pl].Wartosc := 0;
+ for line := 0 to Length(Czesci[pl].Czesc) - 1 do
+ begin
+ Czesci[pl].Czesc[line].TotalNotes := 0;
+ for note := 0 to Length(Czesci[pl].Czesc[line].Nuta) - 1 do
+ begin
+ if Czesci[pl].Czesc[line].Nuta[note].Start < start then //check start
+ Czesci[pl].Czesc[line].Nuta[note].FreeStyle := true
+ else if Czesci[pl].Czesc[line].Nuta[note].Start>= end_ then //check end
+ begin
+ Czesci[pl].Czesc[line].Nuta[note].FreeStyle := true;
+ if not foundcut[pl] then
+ begin
+ if (note=0) then
+ cut_line[pl] := line
+ else
+ cut_line[pl] := line+1;
+ end;
+ foundcut[pl] := true;
+ end else
+ begin
+ //add this notes value ("notes length" * "notes scorefactor") to the current songs entire value
+ Inc(Czesci[pl].Wartosc, Czesci[pl].Czesc[line].Nuta[note].Dlugosc * Czesci[pl].Czesc[line].Nuta[note].Wartosc);
+ //and to the current lines entire value
+ Inc(Czesci[pl].Czesc[line].TotalNotes, Czesci[pl].Czesc[line].Nuta[note].Dlugosc * Czesci[pl].Czesc[line].Nuta[note].Wartosc);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ for pl := 0 to Length(Czesci) - 1 do
+ begin
+ if (foundcut[pl]) and (Length(Czesci[pl].Czesc)>cut_line[pl]) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Czesci[pl].Czesc, cut_line[pl]);
+ Czesci[pl].high := cut_line[pl]-1;
+ end;
+ end;
+end. \ No newline at end of file