diff options
authorwhiteshark0 <whiteshark0@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-01-12 19:55:25 +0000
committerwhiteshark0 <whiteshark0@b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c>2010-01-12 19:55:25 +0000
commitf29685523465fb0d2d0d6bbe9985cf11207cde23 (patch)
parent20e73de658e9ce9fa21c54298e945a426338879e (diff)
deleted leftovers from old plugin system and party mode
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/ultrastardx/svn/trunk@2080 b956fd51-792f-4845-bead-9b4dfca2ff2c
Diffstat (limited to '')
12 files changed, 1 insertions, 1148 deletions
diff --git a/src/base/UDLLManager.pas b/src/base/UDLLManager.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index d5bb1480..00000000
--- a/src/base/UDLLManager.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
- *
- * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL$
- * $Id$
- *}
-unit UDLLManager;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- ModiSDK,
- UFiles,
- UPath,
- UFilesystem;
- TDLLMan = class
- private
- hLib: THandle;
- P_Init: fModi_Init;
- P_Draw: fModi_Draw;
- P_Finish: fModi_Finish;
- P_RData: pModi_RData;
- public
- Plugins: array of TPluginInfo;
- PluginPaths: array of IPath;
- Selected: ^TPluginInfo;
- constructor Create;
- procedure GetPluginList;
- procedure ClearPluginInfo(No: cardinal);
- function LoadPluginInfo(const Filename: IPath; No: cardinal): boolean;
- function LoadPlugin(No: cardinal): boolean;
- procedure UnLoadPlugin;
- function PluginInit (const TeamInfo: TTeamInfo;
- var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo;
- const Sentences: TSentences;
- const LoadTex: fModi_LoadTex;
- const Print: fModi_Print;
- LoadSound: fModi_LoadSound;
- PlaySound: pModi_PlaySound)
- : boolean;
- function PluginDraw (var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo; const CurSentence: cardinal): boolean;
- function PluginFinish (var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo): byte;
- procedure PluginRData (handle: HSTREAM; buffer: Pointer; len: dword; user: dword);
- end;
- DLLMan: TDLLMan;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
- DLLExt = '.dll';
-{$ELSEIF Defined(DARWIN)}
- DLLExt = '.dylib';
-{$ELSEIF Defined(UNIX)}
- DLLExt = '.so';
- windows,
- {$ELSE}
- dynlibs,
- {$ENDIF}
- UPathUtils,
- ULog,
- SysUtils;
-constructor TDLLMan.Create;
- inherited;
- SetLength(Plugins, 0);
- SetLength(PluginPaths, Length(Plugins));
- GetPluginList;
-procedure TDLLMan.GetPluginList;
- Iter: IFileIterator;
- FileInfo: TFileInfo;
- Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(PluginPath.Append('*' + DLLExt), 0);
- while (Iter.HasNext) do
- begin
- SetLength(Plugins, Length(Plugins)+1);
- SetLength(PluginPaths, Length(Plugins));
- FileInfo := Iter.Next;
- if LoadPluginInfo(FileInfo.Name, High(Plugins)) then // loaded succesful
- begin
- PluginPaths[High(PluginPaths)] := FileInfo.Name;
- end
- else // error loading
- begin
- SetLength(Plugins, Length(Plugins)-1);
- SetLength(PluginPaths, Length(Plugins));
- end;
- end;
-procedure TDLLMan.ClearPluginInfo(No: cardinal);
-// set to party modi plugin
- Plugins[No].Typ := 8;
- Plugins[No].Name := 'unknown';
- Plugins[No].NumPlayers := 0;
- Plugins[No].Creator := 'Nobody';
- Plugins[No].PluginDesc := 'NO_PLUGIN_DESC';
- Plugins[No].LoadSong := true;
- Plugins[No].ShowScore := true;
- Plugins[No].ShowBars := true;
- Plugins[No].ShowNotes := true;
- Plugins[No].LoadVideo := true;
- Plugins[No].LoadBack := true;
- Plugins[No].TeamModeOnly := true;
- Plugins[No].GetSoundData := true;
- Plugins[No].Dummy := true;
- Plugins[No].BGShowFull := true;
- Plugins[No].BGShowFull_O := true;
- Plugins[No].ShowRateBar := true;
- Plugins[No].ShowRateBar_O := true;
- Plugins[No].EnLineBonus := true;
- Plugins[No].EnLineBonus_O := true;
-function TDLLMan.LoadPluginInfo(const Filename: IPath; No: cardinal): boolean;
- hLibg: THandle;
- Info: pModi_PluginInfo;
-// I: integer;
- Result := true;
-// clear plugin info
- ClearPluginInfo(No);
-// workaround plugins loaded 2 times
- for i := low(pluginpaths) to high(pluginpaths) do
- if (pluginpaths[i] = filename) then
- exit;
-// load libary
- hLibg := LoadLibrary(PChar(PluginPath.Append(Filename).ToNative));
-// if loaded
- if (hLibg <> 0) then
- begin
-// load info procedure
- @Info := GetProcAddress(hLibg, PChar('PluginInfo'));
-// if loaded
- if (@Info <> nil) then
- begin
-// load plugininfo
- Info(Plugins[No]);
- Result := true;
- end
- else
- Log.LogError('Could not load plugin "' + Filename.ToNative + '": Info procedure not found');
- FreeLibrary (hLibg);
- end
- else
- Log.LogError('Could not load plugin "' + Filename.ToNative + '": Libary not loaded');
-function TDLLMan.LoadPlugin(No: cardinal): boolean;
- Result := true;
-// load libary
- hLib := LoadLibrary(PChar(PluginPath.Append(PluginPaths[No]).ToNative));
-// if loaded
- if (hLib <> 0) then
- begin
-// load info procedure
- @P_Init := GetProcAddress (hLib, 'Init');
- @P_Draw := GetProcAddress (hLib, 'Draw');
- @P_Finish := GetProcAddress (hLib, 'Finish');
-// if loaded
- if (@P_Init <> nil) and (@P_Draw <> nil) and (@P_Finish <> nil) then
- begin
- Selected := @Plugins[No];
- Result := true;
- end
- else
- begin
- Log.LogError('Could not load plugin "' + PluginPaths[No].ToNative + '": Procedures not found');
- end;
- end
- else
- Log.LogError('Could not load plugin "' + PluginPaths[No].ToNative + '": Libary not loaded');
-procedure TDLLMan.UnLoadPlugin;
- if (hLib <> 0) then
- FreeLibrary (hLib);
-// Selected := nil;
- @P_Init := nil;
- @P_Draw := nil;
- @P_Finish := nil;
- @P_RData := nil;
-function TDLLMan.PluginInit (const TeamInfo: TTeamInfo;
- var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo;
- const Sentences: TSentences;
- const LoadTex: fModi_LoadTex;
- const Print: fModi_Print;
- LoadSound: fModi_LoadSound;
- PlaySound: pModi_PlaySound)
- : boolean;
- Methods: TMethodRec;
- Methods.LoadTex := LoadTex;
- Methods.Print := Print;
- Methods.LoadSound := LoadSound;
- Methods.PlaySound := PlaySound;
- if (@P_Init <> nil) then
- Result := P_Init (TeamInfo, PlayerInfo, Sentences, Methods)
- else
- Result := true
-function TDLLMan.PluginDraw (var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo; const CurSentence: cardinal): boolean;
- if (@P_Draw <> nil) then
- Result := P_Draw (PlayerInfo, CurSentence)
- else
- Result := true
-function TDLLMan.PluginFinish (var Playerinfo: TPlayerinfo): byte;
- if (@P_Finish <> nil) then
- Result := P_Finish (PlayerInfo)
- else
- Result := 0;
-procedure TDLLMan.PluginRData (handle: HStream; buffer: Pointer; len: dword; user: dword);
-if (@P_RData <> nil) then
- P_RData (handle, buffer, len, user);
diff --git a/src/base/UDraw.pas b/src/base/UDraw.pas
index 47863f62..ada0bdb6 100644
--- a/src/base/UDraw.pas
+++ b/src/base/UDraw.pas
@@ -35,11 +35,9 @@ interface
- ModiSDK,
procedure SingDraw;
-procedure SingModiDraw (PlayerInfo: TPlayerInfo);
procedure SingDrawBackground;
procedure SingDrawOscilloscope(X, Y, W, H: real; NrSound: integer);
procedure SingDrawNoteLines(Left, Top, Right: real; Space: integer);
@@ -86,7 +84,6 @@ uses
- UDLLManager,
@@ -904,259 +901,6 @@ begin
-// q'n'd for using the game mode dll's
-procedure SingModiDraw (PlayerInfo: TPlayerInfo);
- NR: TRecR;
- // positions
- if Ini.SingWindow = 0 then
- begin
- NR.Left := 120;
- end
- else
- begin
- NR.Left := 20;
- end;
- NR.Right := 780;
- NR.Width := NR.Right - NR.Left;
- NR.WMid := NR.Width / 2;
- NR.Mid := NR.Left + NR.WMid;
- // time bar
- SingDrawTimeBar();
- if DLLMan.Selected.ShowNotes then
- begin
- if PlayersPlay = 1 then
- SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
- if (PlayersPlay = 2) or (PlayersPlay = 4) then
- begin
- SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P1_NotesB - 105, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
- SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, Skin_P2_NotesB - 105, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 15);
- end;
- if (PlayersPlay = 3) or (PlayersPlay = 6) then
- begin
- SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, 120, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
- SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, 245, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
- SingDrawNoteLines(NR.Left + 10*ScreenX, 370, NR.Right + 10*ScreenX, 12);
- end;
- end;
- // Draw Lyrics
- //ScreenSingModi.Lyrics.Draw(LyricsState.MidBeat);
- // TODO: Lyrics helper
- // oscilloscope | the thing that moves when you yell into your mic (imho)
- if (((Ini.Oscilloscope = 1) and (DLLMan.Selected.ShowRateBar_O)) and (not DLLMan.Selected.ShowRateBar)) then
- begin
- if PlayersPlay = 1 then
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
- if PlayersPlay = 2 then
- begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 4 then
- begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then
- begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 0);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 1);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then
- begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(190 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 2);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(425 + 10*ScreenX, 55, 180, 40, 3);
- end;
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 3 then
- begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 6 then
- begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then
- begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 0);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 1);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 2);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then
- begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope( 75 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 3);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[4].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(370 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 4);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[5].Enabled then
- SingDrawOscilloscope(670 + 10*ScreenX, 95, 100, 20, 5);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-// resize the notes according to the difficulty level
- case Ini.Difficulty of
- 0:
- begin
- NotesH := 11; // 9
- NotesW := 6; // 5
- end;
- 1:
- begin
- NotesH := 8; // 7
- NotesW := 4; // 4
- end;
- 2:
- begin
- NotesH := 5;
- NotesW := 3;
- end;
- end;
- if (DLLMAn.Selected.ShowNotes and DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong) then
- begin
- if (PlayersPlay = 1) and PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 0, 15);
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 2 then
- begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 0, 15);
- end;
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 1, 15);
- end;
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 3 then
- begin
- NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
- NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].Enabled then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Width - 40, 0, 12);
- end;
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].Enabled then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Width - 40, 1, 12);
- end;
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].Enabled then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Width - 40, 2, 12);
- end;
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 4 then
- begin
- if ScreenAct = 1 then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 1, 15);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 2, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 3, 15);
- end;
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Right - 20, 0, 15);
- if ScreenAct = 1 then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 0, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 1, 15);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P1_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 2, 15);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, Skin_P2_NotesB, NR.Width - 40, 3, 15);
- end;
- end;
- if PlayersPlay = 6 then
- begin
- NotesW := NotesW * 0.8;
- NotesH := NotesH * 0.8;
- if ScreenAct = 1 then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 2, 12);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 3, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 4, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerBGLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 5, 12);
- end;
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- SingDrawLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Right - 20, 0, 12);
- if ScreenAct = 1 then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Width - 40, 0, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Width - 40, 1, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Width - 40, 2, 12);
- end;
- if ScreenAct = 2 then
- begin
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 120+95, NR.Width - 40, 3, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 245+95, NR.Width - 40, 4, 12);
- SingDrawPlayerLine(NR.Left + 20, 370+95, NR.Width - 40, 5, 12);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
{//SingBar Mod
procedure SingDrawSingbar(X, Y, W, H: real; Percent: integer);
diff --git a/src/base/UGraphic.pas b/src/base/UGraphic.pas
index f658c800..784e5493 100644
--- a/src/base/UGraphic.pas
+++ b/src/base/UGraphic.pas
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ uses
{Party Screens}
- UScreenSingModi,
diff --git a/src/base/UMain.pas b/src/base/UMain.pas
index 7b082c57..aefbf9f0 100644
--- a/src/base/UMain.pas
+++ b/src/base/UMain.pas
@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ uses
- UDLLManager,
diff --git a/src/base/UNote.pas b/src/base/UNote.pas
index 8e5b709a..6eb99df9 100644
--- a/src/base/UNote.pas
+++ b/src/base/UNote.pas
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ uses
- UDLLManager,
diff --git a/src/screens/UScreenMain.pas b/src/screens/UScreenMain.pas
index b342281c..8bdfe419 100644
--- a/src/screens/UScreenMain.pas
+++ b/src/screens/UScreenMain.pas
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ uses
- UDLLManager,
@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ begin
Ord('M'): begin
- if (Ini.Players >= 1) and (Length(DLLMan.Plugins) >= 1) then
+ if (Ini.Players >= 1) and (Party.ModesAvailable) then
FadeTo(@ScreenPartyOptions, SoundLib.Start);
diff --git a/src/screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.pas b/src/screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.pas
index b52efd21..6a1c8e69 100644
--- a/src/screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.pas
+++ b/src/screens/UScreenPartyNewRound.pas
@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ uses
- UDLLManager,
diff --git a/src/screens/UScreenPartyOptions.pas b/src/screens/UScreenPartyOptions.pas
index 3dce9954..998d3655 100644
--- a/src/screens/UScreenPartyOptions.pas
+++ b/src/screens/UScreenPartyOptions.pas
@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ uses
- UDLLManager,
diff --git a/src/screens/UScreenPartyRounds.pas b/src/screens/UScreenPartyRounds.pas
index 146b8beb..5211e32c 100644
--- a/src/screens/UScreenPartyRounds.pas
+++ b/src/screens/UScreenPartyRounds.pas
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ uses
- UDLLManager,
diff --git a/src/screens/UScreenSingModi.pas b/src/screens/UScreenSingModi.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 48d1e9a1..00000000
--- a/src/screens/UScreenSingModi.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
- *
- * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL$
- * $Id$
- *}
-unit UScreenSingModi;
- {$MODE Delphi}
-{$I switches.inc}
- UMenu,
- UMusic,
- SDL,
- SysUtils,
- UFiles,
- UTime,
- USongs,
- UIni,
- ULog,
- UTexture,
- ULyrics,
- TextGL,
- gl,
- UPath,
- UThemes,
- UScreenSing,
- ModiSDK;
- TScreenSingModi = class(TScreenSing)
- protected
- public
- Winner: byte; //Who Wins
- PlayerInfo: TPlayerInfo;
- TeamInfo: TTeamInfo;
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure OnShow; override;
- //procedure onShowFinish; override;
- function ParseInput(PressedKey: cardinal; CharCode: UCS4Char; PressedDown: boolean): boolean; override;
- function Draw: boolean; override;
- procedure Finish; override;
- end;
- TCustomSoundEntry = record
- Filename : IPath;
- Stream : TAudioPlaybackStream;
- end;
- //Custom Sounds
- CustomSounds: array of TCustomSoundEntry;
-//Procedured for Plugin
-function LoadTex(const Name: PChar; Typ: TTextureType): TsmallTexture;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
-//function Translate (const Name: PChar): PChar;
-// {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
-//Procedure to Print Text
-procedure Print(const Style, Size: byte; const X, Y: real; const Text: PChar);
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
-//Procedure that loads a Custom Sound
-function LoadSound(const Name: PChar): cardinal;
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
-//Plays a Custom Sound
-procedure PlaySound(const Index: cardinal);
- {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
-function ToSentences(Const Lines: TLines): TSentences;
- Classes,
- Math,
- UDLLManager,
- UDraw,
- UGraphic,
- UGraphicClasses,
- ULanguage,
- UNote,
- UPathUtils,
- URecord,
- USkins;
-// Method for input parsing. If false is returned, GetNextWindow
-// should be checked to know the next window to load;
-function TScreenSingModi.ParseInput(PressedKey: cardinal; CharCode: UCS4Char; PressedDown: boolean): boolean;
- Result := true;
- if (PressedDown) then
- begin // Key Down
- case PressedKey of
- begin
- Finish;
- AudioPlayback.PlaySound(SoundLib.Back);
- FadeTo(@ScreenPartyScore);
- end;
- else
- Result := inherited ParseInput(PressedKey, CharCode, PressedDown);
- end;
- end;
-constructor TScreenSingModi.Create;
- inherited Create;
-function ToSentences(Const Lines: TLines): TSentences;
- I, J: integer;
- Result.Current := Lines.Current;
- Result.High := Lines.High;
- Result.Number := Lines.Number;
- Result.Resolution := Lines.Resolution;
- Result.NotesGAP := Lines.NotesGAP;
- Result.TotalLength := Lines.ScoreValue;
- SetLength(Result.Sentence, Length(Lines.Line));
- for I := low(Result.Sentence) to high(Result.Sentence) do
- begin
- Result.Sentence[I].Start := Lines.Line[I].Start;
- Result.Sentence[I].StartNote := Lines.Line[I].Note[0].Start;
- Result.Sentence[I].Lyric := Lines.Line[I].Lyric;
- Result.Sentence[I].End_ := Lines.Line[I].End_;
- Result.Sentence[I].BaseNote := Lines.Line[I].BaseNote;
- Result.Sentence[I].HighNote := Lines.Line[I].HighNote;
- Result.Sentence[I].TotalNotes := Lines.Line[I].TotalNotes;
- SetLength(Result.Sentence[I].Note, Length(Lines.Line[I].Note));
- for J := low(Result.Sentence[I].Note) to high(Result.Sentence[I].Note) do
- begin
- Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Color := Lines.Line[I].Note[J].Color;
- Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Start := Lines.Line[I].Note[J].Start;
- Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Length := Lines.Line[I].Note[J].Length;
- Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Tone := Lines.Line[I].Note[J].Tone;
- //Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].Text := Lines.Line[I].Note[J].Text;
- Result.Sentence[I].Note[J].FreeStyle := (Lines.Line[I].Note[J].NoteType = ntFreestyle);
- end;
- end;
-procedure TScreenSingModi.OnShow;
- I: integer;
- inherited;
- PlayersPlay := TeamInfo.NumTeams;
- if DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong then //Start with Song
- begin
- inherited;
- end
- else //Start Without Song
- begin
- AudioInput.CaptureStart;
- end;
-//Set Playerinfo
- PlayerInfo.NumPlayers := PlayersPlay;
- for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do
- begin
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Name := PChar(Ini.Name[I]);
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score := 0;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar := 50;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Enabled := true;
- end;
- for I := PlayerInfo.NumPlayers to high(PlayerInfo.Playerinfo) do
- begin
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score:= 0;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar := 0;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Enabled := false;
- end;
- {Case PlayersPlay of
- 1: begin
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosX := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosY := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.H;
- end;
- 2,4: begin
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosX := Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.X;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosY := Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.H;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].PosX := Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.X;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].PosY := Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Texture.H;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].PosX := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].PosY := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.H;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].PosX := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].PosY := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.H;
- end;
- 3,6: begin
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosX := Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.X;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[0].PosY := Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.H;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].PosX := Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.X;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[3].PosY := Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Texture.H;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].PosX := Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.X;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[1].PosY := Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.H;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[4].PosX := Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.X;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[4].PosY := Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Texture.H;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].PosX := Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.X;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[2].PosY := Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.H;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[5].PosX := Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.X;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[5].PosY := Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.Y + Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Texture.H;
- end;
- end; }
- // play music (I)
- //Music.CaptureStart;
- //Music.MoveTo(AktSong.Start);
- //Init Plugin
- if not DLLMan.PluginInit(TeamInfo, PlayerInfo, ToSentences(Lines[0]), LoadTex, Print, LoadSound, PlaySound) then
- begin
- //Fehler
- Log.LogError('Could not Init Plugin');
- Halt;
- end;
- // Set Background (Little Workaround, maybe change sometime)
- if (DLLMan.Selected.LoadBack) and (DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong) then
- ScreenSing.Tex_Background := Tex_Background;
- Winner := 0;
- //Set Score Visibility
- Scores.Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- {if PlayersPlay = 1 then
- begin
- Text[TextP1Score].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- end;
- if (PlayersPlay = 2) or (PlayersPlay = 4) then
- begin
- Text[TextP1TwoPScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- Static[StaticP1TwoPScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- Text[TextP2RScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- end;
- if (PlayersPlay = 3) or (PlayersPlay = 6) then
- begin
- Text[TextP1ThreePScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- Static[StaticP1ThreePScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- Text[TextP2MScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- Static[StaticP2MScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- Text[TextP3RScore].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- Static[StaticP3RScoreBG].Visible := DLLMan.Selected.ShowScore;
- end; }
-function TScreenSingModi.Draw: boolean;
- Min: integer;
- Sec: integer;
- TextStr: string;
- S, I: integer;
- T: integer;
- CurLyricsTime: real;
- Result := false;
- //Set Playerinfo
- PlayerInfo.NumPlayers := PlayersPlay;
- for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do
- begin
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Name := PChar(Player[I].Name);
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Enabled then
- begin
- if (Player[I].ScoreTotalInt <= MAX_SONG_SCORE) then
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score:= Player[I].ScoreTotalInt;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar := Round(Scores.Players[I].RBPos * 100);
- end;
- end;
- Background.Draw;
- // draw background picture (if any, and if no visualizations)
- // when we don't check for visualizations the visualizations would
- // be overdrawn by the picture when {UNDEFINED UseTexture} in UVisualizer
- if (DllMan.Selected.LoadSong) and (DllMan.Selected.LoadBack) and (not fShowVisualization) then
- SingDrawBackground;
- // set player names (for 2 screens and only Singstar skin)
- if ScreenAct = 1 then
- begin
- Text[TextP1].Text := 'P1';
- Text[TextP1TwoP].Text := 'P1'; // added for ps3 skin
- Text[TextP1ThreeP].Text := 'P1'; // added for ps3 skin
- Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P2';
- Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P2';
- Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P3';
- end
- Else if ScreenAct = 2 then
- begin
- case PlayersPlay of
- 4: begin
- Text[TextP1TwoP].Text := 'P3';
- Text[TextP2R].Text := 'P4';
- end;
- 6: begin
- Text[TextP1ThreeP].Text := 'P4';
- Text[TextP2M].Text := 'P5';
- Text[TextP3R].Text := 'P6';
- end;
- end; // case
- end; // if
- // stereo <- and where iss P2M? or P3?
- Static[StaticP1].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
- Text[TextP1].X := Text[TextP1].X + 10*ScreenX;
- {Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
- Text[TextP1Score].X := Text[TextP1Score].X + 10*ScreenX;}
- Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
- Text[TextP2R].X := Text[TextP2R].X + 10*ScreenX;
- for S := 1 to 1 do
- Static[S].Texture.X := Static[S].Texture.X + 10*ScreenX;
- for T := 0 to 1 do
- Text[T].X := Text[T].X + 10*ScreenX;
- if DLLMan.Selected.LoadSong then
- begin
- // update static menu with time ...
- CurLyricsTime := LyricsState.GetCurrentTime();
- Min := Round(CurLyricsTime) div 60;
- Sec := Round(CurLyricsTime) mod 60;
- Text[TextTimeText].Text := '';
- if Min < 10 then Text[TextTimeText].Text := '0';
- Text[TextTimeText].Text := Text[TextTimeText].Text + IntToStr(Min) + ':';
- if Sec < 10 then Text[TextTimeText].Text := Text[TextTimeText].Text + '0';
- Text[TextTimeText].Text := Text[TextTimeText].Text + IntToStr(Sec);
- end;
- // update and draw movie
-{ if ShowFinish and CurrentSong.VideoLoaded and DllMan.Selected.LoadVideo then
- begin
- UpdateSmpeg; // this only draws
- end;}
- // update and draw movie
- if (ShowFinish and (VideoLoaded or fShowVisualization) and DllMan.Selected.LoadVideo) then
- begin
- if assigned(fCurrentVideoPlaybackEngine) then
- begin
- // Just call this once
- // when Screens = 2
- if (ScreenAct = 1) then
- fCurrentVideoPlaybackEngine.GetFrame(CurrentSong.VideoGAP + LyricsState.GetCurrentTime());
- fCurrentVideoPlaybackEngine.DrawGL(ScreenAct);
- end;
- end;
- // draw static menu (FG)
- DrawFG;
- if ShowFinish then
- begin
- if DllMan.Selected.LoadSong then
- begin
- if (not AudioPlayback.Finished) and ((CurrentSong.Finish = 0) or (LyricsState.GetCurrentTime*1000 <= CurrentSong.Finish)) then
- begin
- //Pause Mod:
- if not Paused then
- Sing(Self); // analyze song
- end
- else
- begin
- if not FadeOut then
- begin
- Finish;
- FadeOut := true;
- FadeTo(@ScreenPartyScore);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // draw custom items
- SingModiDraw(PlayerInfo); // always draw
- //GoldenNoteStarsTwinkle Mod
- GoldenRec.SpawnRec;
- //GoldenNoteStarsTwinkle Mod
- //Draw Score
- Scores.Draw;
- //Update PlayerInfo
- for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do
- begin
- if PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Enabled then
- begin
- //PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar := Player[I].ScorePercent;
- PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score := Player[I].ScoreTotalInt;
- end;
- end;
- if ((ShowFinish) and (not Paused)) then
- begin
- if not DLLMan.PluginDraw(Playerinfo, Lines[0].Current) then
- begin
- if not FadeOut then
- begin
- Finish;
- FadeOut := true;
- FadeTo(@ScreenPartyScore);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //Change PlayerInfo/Changeables
- for I := 0 to PlayerInfo.NumPlayers-1 do
- begin
- if (Player[I].ScoreTotalInt <> PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score) then
- begin
- //Player[I].ScoreTotal := Player[I].ScoreTotal + (PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score - Player[I].ScoreTotalI);
- Player[I].ScoreTotalInt := PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Score;
- end;
- {if (PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar <> Player[I].ScorePercent) then
- Player[I].ScorePercentTarget := PlayerInfo.Playerinfo[I].Bar; }
- end;
- // back stereo
- Static[StaticP1].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
- Text[TextP1].X := Text[TextP1].X - 10*ScreenX;
- {Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP1ScoreBG].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
- Text[TextP1Score].X := Text[TextP1Score].X - 10*ScreenX;}
- Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2R].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
- Text[TextP2R].X := Text[TextP2R].X - 10*ScreenX;
- {Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X := Static[StaticP2RScoreBG].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
- Text[TextP2RScore].X := Text[TextP2RScore].X - 10*ScreenX;}
- for S := 1 to 1 do
- Static[S].Texture.X := Static[S].Texture.X - 10*ScreenX;
- for T := 0 to 1 do
- Text[T].X := Text[T].X - 10*ScreenX;
- Result := true;
-procedure TScreenSingModi.Finish;
-inherited Finish;
-Winner := DllMan.PluginFinish(PlayerInfo);
-//Log.LogError('Winner: ' + InttoStr(Winner));
-function LoadTex(const Name: PChar; Typ: TTextureType): TsmallTexture;
- TexName: IPath;
- Ext: UTF8String;
- Tex: TTexture;
- //Get texture Name
- TexName := Skin.GetTextureFileName(string(Name));
- //Get File Typ
- Ext := TexName.GetExtension().ToUTF8;
- if (UpperCase(Ext) = '.JPG') then
- Ext := 'JPG'
- else
- Ext := 'BMP';
- Tex := Texture.LoadTexture(false, TexName, UTexture.TTextureType(Typ), 0);
- Result.TexNum := Tex.TexNum;
- Result.W := Tex.W;
- Result.H := Tex.H;
-function Translate (const Name: PChar): PChar; stdcall;
- Result := PChar(Language.Translate(string(Name)));
-end; }
-//Procedure to Print Text
-procedure Print(const Style, Size: byte; const X, Y: real; const Text: PChar);
- SetFontItalic ((Style and 128) = 128);
- SetFontStyle(Style and 7);
- // used by Hold_The_Line / TeamDuell
- SetFontSize(Size);
- SetFontPos (X, Y);
- glPrint (Language.Translate(string(Text)));
-//Procedure that loads a Custom Sound
-function LoadSound(const Name: PChar): cardinal;
- Stream: TAudioPlaybackStream;
- i: integer;
- Filename: IPath;
- SoundFile: IPath;
- //Search for Sound in already loaded Sounds
- SoundFile := SoundPath.Append(Name);
- for i := 0 to High(CustomSounds) do
- begin
- if (SoundFile.Equals(CustomSounds[i].Filename, true)) then
- begin
- Result := i;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Stream := AudioPlayback.OpenSound(SoundFile);
- if (Stream = nil) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- Exit;
- end;
- SetLength(CustomSounds, Length(CustomSounds)+1);
- CustomSounds[High(CustomSounds)].Stream := Stream;
- Result := High(CustomSounds);
-//Plays a Custom Sound
-procedure PlaySound(const Index: cardinal);
- if (Index <= High(CustomSounds)) then
- AudioPlayback.PlaySound(CustomSounds[Index].Stream);
diff --git a/src/screens/UScreenSong.pas b/src/screens/UScreenSong.pas
index 5bc42a68..f1fdba4d 100644
--- a/src/screens/UScreenSong.pas
+++ b/src/screens/UScreenSong.pas
@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ uses
- UDLLManager,
diff --git a/src/ultrastardx.dpr b/src/ultrastardx.dpr
index a0ee7c20..76ff995f 100644
--- a/src/ultrastardx.dpr
+++ b/src/ultrastardx.dpr
@@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ uses
UCatCovers in 'base\UCatCovers.pas',
UFiles in 'base\UFiles.pas',
UGraphicClasses in 'base\UGraphicClasses.pas',
- UDLLManager in 'base\UDLLManager.pas',
UPlaylist in 'base\UPlaylist.pas',
UCommandLine in 'base\UCommandLine.pas',
URingBuffer in 'base\URingBuffer.pas',
@@ -332,7 +331,6 @@ uses
UScreenPopup in 'screens\UScreenPopup.pas',
//Includes - Screens PartyMode
- UScreenSingModi in 'screens\UScreenSingModi.pas',
UScreenPartyNewRound in 'screens\UScreenPartyNewRound.pas',
UScreenPartyScore in 'screens\UScreenPartyScore.pas',
UScreenPartyPlayer in 'screens\UScreenPartyPlayer.pas',
@@ -340,12 +338,6 @@ uses
UScreenPartyRounds in 'screens\UScreenPartyRounds.pas',
UScreenPartyWin in 'screens\UScreenPartyWin.pas',
- //------------------------------
- //Includes - Modi SDK
- //------------------------------
- ModiSDK in '..\plugins\SDK\ModiSDK.pas', //Old SDK, will be deleted soon