{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game
* UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
program ultrastardx;
{$R '..\icons\ultrastardx-icon.res' '..\icons\ultrastardx-icon.rc'}
{$MODE Delphi}
{$I switches.inc}
// Set global application-type (GUI/CONSOLE) switch for Windows.
// CONSOLE is the default for FPC, GUI for Delphi, so we have
// to specify one of the two in any case.
{$IFDEF Unix}
cthreads, // THIS MUST be the first used unit in FPC if Threads are used!!
// (see http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Multithreaded_Application_Tutorial)
// cwstring crashes in FPC 2.2.2 so do not use the cwstring stuff
cwstring, // Enable Unicode support. MacOSX misses some references to iconv.
ctypes in 'lib\ctypes\ctypes.pas', // FPC compatibility types for C libs
//Includes - 3rd Party Libraries
moduleloader in 'lib\JEDI-SDL\SDL\Pas\moduleloader.pas',
gl in 'lib\JEDI-SDL\OpenGL\Pas\gl.pas',
glu in 'lib\JEDI-SDL\OpenGL\Pas\glu.pas',
glext in 'lib\JEDI-SDL\OpenGL\Pas\glext.pas',
sdl in 'lib\JEDI-SDL\SDL\Pas\sdl.pas',
sdl_image in 'lib\JEDI-SDL\SDL_Image\Pas\sdl_image.pas',
sdlutils in 'lib\JEDI-SDL\SDL\Pas\sdlutils.pas',
UMediaCore_SDL in 'media\UMediaCore_SDL.pas',
zlib in 'lib\zlib\zlib.pas',
png in 'lib\libpng\png.pas',
{$IFDEF UseFreetype}
freetype in 'lib\freetype\freetype.pas',
UFont in 'base\UFont.pas',
UTextEncoding in 'base\UTextEncoding.pas',
{$IFDEF UseBass}
bass in 'lib\bass\delphi\bass.pas',
UAudioCore_Bass in 'media\UAudioCore_Bass.pas',
{$IFDEF UsePortaudio}
portaudio in 'lib\portaudio\portaudio.pas',
UAudioCore_Portaudio in 'media\UAudioCore_Portaudio.pas',
{$IFDEF UsePortmixer}
portmixer in 'lib\portmixer\portmixer.pas',
{$IFDEF UseFFmpeg}
avcodec in 'lib\ffmpeg\avcodec.pas',
avformat in 'lib\ffmpeg\avformat.pas',
avutil in 'lib\ffmpeg\avutil.pas',
rational in 'lib\ffmpeg\rational.pas',
opt in 'lib\ffmpeg\opt.pas',
avio in 'lib\ffmpeg\avio.pas',
mathematics in 'lib\ffmpeg\mathematics.pas',
UMediaCore_FFmpeg in 'media\UMediaCore_FFmpeg.pas',
{$IFDEF UseSWScale}
swscale in 'lib\ffmpeg\swscale.pas',
{$IFDEF UseSRCResample}
samplerate in 'lib\samplerate\samplerate.pas',
{$IFDEF UseProjectM}
projectM in 'lib\projectM\projectM.pas',
// FPC compatibility file for Allocate/DeallocateHWnd
WinAllocation in 'lib\other\WinAllocation.pas',
midiout in 'lib\midi\midiout.pas',
CIRCBUF in 'lib\midi\CIRCBUF.PAS',
MidiType in 'lib\midi\MidiType.PAS',
MidiDefs in 'lib\midi\MidiDefs.PAS',
MidiCons in 'lib\midi\MidiCons.PAS',
MidiFile in 'lib\midi\MidiFile.PAS',
Delphmcb in 'lib\midi\Delphmcb.PAS',
DirWatch in 'lib\other\DirWatch.pas',
PseudoThread in 'macosx\PseudoThread.pas',
SQLiteTable3 in 'lib\SQLite\SQLiteTable3.pas',
SQLite3 in 'lib\SQLite\SQLite3.pas',
//Includes - Lua Support
ULua in 'lib\Lua\ULua.pas',
ULuaGl in 'lua\ULuaGl.pas',
ULuaLog in 'lua\ULuaLog.pas',
ULuaTextGL in 'lua\ULuaTextGL.pas',
ULuaTexture in 'lua\ULuaTexture.pas',
UHookableEvent in 'lua\UHookableEvent.pas',
ULuaCore in 'lua\ULuaCore.pas',
ULuaUsdx in 'lua\ULuaUsdx.pas',
//Includes - Menu System
UDisplay in 'menu\UDisplay.pas',
UMenu in 'menu\UMenu.pas',
UMenuStatic in 'menu\UMenuStatic.pas',
UMenuText in 'menu\UMenuText.pas',
UMenuButton in 'menu\UMenuButton.pas',
UMenuInteract in 'menu\UMenuInteract.pas',
UMenuSelectSlide in 'menu\UMenuSelectSlide.pas',
UMenuEqualizer in 'menu\UMenuEqualizer.pas',
UDrawTexture in 'menu\UDrawTexture.pas',
UMenuButtonCollection in 'menu\UMenuButtonCollection.pas',
UMenuBackground in 'menu\UMenuBackground.pas',
UMenuBackgroundNone in 'menu\UMenuBackgroundNone.pas',
UMenuBackgroundColor in 'menu\UMenuBackgroundColor.pas',
UMenuBackgroundTexture in 'menu\UMenuBackgroundTexture.pas',
UMenuBackgroundVideo in 'menu\UMenuBackgroundVideo.pas',
UMenuBackgroundFade in 'menu\UMenuBackgroundFade.pas',
//Includes - base
UConfig in 'base\UConfig.pas',
UCommon in 'base\UCommon.pas',
UGraphic in 'base\UGraphic.pas',
UTexture in 'base\UTexture.pas',
ULanguage in 'base\ULanguage.pas',
UMain in 'base\UMain.pas',
UDraw in 'base\UDraw.pas',
URecord in 'base\URecord.pas',
UTime in 'base\UTime.pas',
TextGL in 'base\TextGL.pas',
USong in 'base\USong.pas',
UXMLSong in 'base\UXMLSong.pas',
USongs in 'base\USongs.pas',
UIni in 'base\UIni.pas',
UImage in 'base\UImage.pas',
ULyrics in 'base\ULyrics.pas',
UEditorLyrics in 'base\UEditorLyrics.pas',
USkins in 'base\USkins.pas',
UThemes in 'base\UThemes.pas',
ULog in 'base\ULog.pas',
UJoystick in 'base\UJoystick.pas',
UDataBase in 'base\UDataBase.pas',
UCovers in 'base\UCovers.pas',
UCatCovers in 'base\UCatCovers.pas',
UFiles in 'base\UFiles.pas',
UGraphicClasses in 'base\UGraphicClasses.pas',
UDLLManager in 'base\UDLLManager.pas',
UPlaylist in 'base\UPlaylist.pas',
UCommandLine in 'base\UCommandLine.pas',
URingBuffer in 'base\URingBuffer.pas',
USingScores in 'base\USingScores.pas',
USingNotes in 'base\USingNotes.pas',
//Includes - Plugin Support
{UPluginDefines in 'pluginsupport\UPluginDefines.pas',
UPartyDefines in 'pluginsupport\UPartyDefines.pas',
UPartyMode in 'pluginsupport\UPartyMode.pas',
UPartyManager in 'pluginsupport\UPartyManager.pas',
UPartyModePlugin in 'pluginsupport\UPartyModePlugin.pas',
UPluginLoader in 'pluginsupport\UPluginLoader.pas', }
UModules in 'base\UModules.pas', //List of Modules to Load
UHooks in 'base\UHooks.pas', //Hook Managing
UServices in 'base\UServices.pas', //Service Managing
UCore in 'base\UCore.pas', //Core, Maybe remove this
UCoreModule in 'base\UCoreModule.pas', //^
UPluginInterface in 'base\UPluginInterface.pas', //Interface offered by Core to Plugins
UPluginLoader in 'base\UPluginLoader.pas', //New Plugin Loader Module
UParty in 'base\UParty.pas', // TODO: rewrite Party Manager as Module, reomplent ability to offer party Mody by Plugin
//Includes - Platform
UPlatform in 'base\UPlatform.pas',
{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
UPlatformWindows in 'base\UPlatformWindows.pas',
UPlatformMacOSX in 'base/UPlatformMacOSX.pas',
{$ELSEIF Defined(UNIX)}
UPlatformLinux in 'base\UPlatformLinux.pas',
//Includes - Media
UMusic in 'base\UMusic.pas',
UAudioPlaybackBase in 'media\UAudioPlaybackBase.pas',
{$IF Defined(UsePortaudioPlayback) or Defined(UseSDLPlayback)}
UFFT in 'lib\fft\UFFT.pas',
UAudioPlayback_Softmixer in 'media\UAudioPlayback_SoftMixer.pas',
UAudioConverter in 'media\UAudioConverter.pas',
//Pluggable media modules
// The modules are prioritized as in the include list below.
// This means the first entry has highest priority, the last lowest.
{$IFDEF UseFFmpegVideo}
UVideo in 'media\UVideo.pas',
{$IFDEF UseProjectM}
// must be after UVideo, so it will not be the default video module
UVisualizer in 'media\UVisualizer.pas',
UAudioInput_Bass in 'media\UAudioInput_Bass.pas',
{$IFDEF UseBASSDecoder}
// prefer Bass to FFmpeg if possible
UAudioDecoder_Bass in 'media\UAudioDecoder_Bass.pas',
{$IFDEF UseBASSPlayback}
UAudioPlayback_Bass in 'media\UAudioPlayback_Bass.pas',
{$IFDEF UseSDLPlayback}
UAudioPlayback_SDL in 'media\UAudioPlayback_SDL.pas',
{$IFDEF UsePortaudioInput}
UAudioInput_Portaudio in 'media\UAudioInput_Portaudio.pas',
{$IFDEF UsePortaudioPlayback}
UAudioPlayback_Portaudio in 'media\UAudioPlayback_Portaudio.pas',
{$IFDEF UseFFmpegDecoder}
UAudioDecoder_FFmpeg in 'media\UAudioDecoder_FFmpeg.pas',
// fallback dummy, must be last
UMedia_dummy in 'media\UMedia_dummy.pas',
//Includes - Screens
UScreenLoading in 'screens\UScreenLoading.pas',
UScreenWelcome in 'screens\UScreenWelcome.pas',
UScreenMain in 'screens\UScreenMain.pas',
UScreenName in 'screens\UScreenName.pas',
UScreenLevel in 'screens\UScreenLevel.pas',
UScreenSong in 'screens\UScreenSong.pas',
UScreenSing in 'screens\UScreenSing.pas',
UScreenScore in 'screens\UScreenScore.pas',
UScreenOptions in 'screens\UScreenOptions.pas',
UScreenOptionsGame in 'screens\UScreenOptionsGame.pas',
UScreenOptionsGraphics in 'screens\UScreenOptionsGraphics.pas',
UScreenOptionsSound in 'screens\UScreenOptionsSound.pas',
UScreenOptionsLyrics in 'screens\UScreenOptionsLyrics.pas',
UScreenOptionsThemes in 'screens\UScreenOptionsThemes.pas',
UScreenOptionsRecord in 'screens\UScreenOptionsRecord.pas',
UScreenOptionsAdvanced in 'screens\UScreenOptionsAdvanced.pas',
UScreenEditSub in 'screens\UScreenEditSub.pas',
UScreenEdit in 'screens\UScreenEdit.pas',
UScreenEditConvert in 'screens\UScreenEditConvert.pas',
UScreenEditHeader in 'screens\UScreenEditHeader.pas',
UScreenOpen in 'screens\UScreenOpen.pas',
UScreenTop5 in 'screens\UScreenTop5.pas',
UScreenSongMenu in 'screens\UScreenSongMenu.pas',
UScreenSongJumpto in 'screens\UScreenSongJumpto.pas',
UScreenStatMain in 'screens\UScreenStatMain.pas',
UScreenStatDetail in 'screens\UScreenStatDetail.pas',
UScreenCredits in 'screens\UScreenCredits.pas',
UScreenPopup in 'screens\UScreenPopup.pas',
//Includes - Screens PartyMode
UScreenSingModi in 'screens\UScreenSingModi.pas',
UScreenPartyNewRound in 'screens\UScreenPartyNewRound.pas',
UScreenPartyScore in 'screens\UScreenPartyScore.pas',
UScreenPartyPlayer in 'screens\UScreenPartyPlayer.pas',
UScreenPartyOptions in 'screens\UScreenPartyOptions.pas',
UScreenPartyWin in 'screens\UScreenPartyWin.pas',
//Includes - Modi SDK
ModiSDK in '..\plugins\SDK\ModiSDK.pas', //Old SDK, will be deleted soon
UPluginDefs in '..\plugins\SDK\UPluginDefs.pas', //New SDK, not only Modis
UPartyDefs in '..\plugins\SDK\UPartyDefs.pas', //Headers to register Party Modes