# $Id$ namespace eval urgent { variable options variable state custom::defgroup Urgent \ [::msgcat::mc "Urgency hinting.\ This plugin provides an ability to set the so called\ \"urgency flag\" as a special hint to the window manager\ on Tkabber's chat windows when new messages arrive.\ ICCCM compliant window managers may use this hint\ to somehow draw the user's attention to such a window."] \ -group Plugins custom::defvar options(enabled) 1 \ [::msgcat::mc "Set the urgency hint on Tkabber's chat\ window when a new message is received."] \ -type boolean \ -group Urgent custom::defvar options(handle_personal_messages) 1 \ [::msgcat::mc "React on messages addressed to us."] \ -type boolean \ -group Urgent custom::defvar options(handle_normal_messages) 0 \ [::msgcat::mc "React on messages in MUC rooms\ which are not addressed to us."] \ -type boolean \ -group Urgent custom::defvar options(handle_server_messages) 0 \ [::msgcat::mc "React on messages generated by the server."] \ -type boolean \ -group Urgent } proc urgent::is_delayed {xml} { foreach xelem $xml { ::jlib::wrapper:splitxml $xelem tag vars isempty chdata children switch -- [::jlib::wrapper:getattr $vars xmlns] { urn:xmpp:delay - jabber:x:delay { return 1 } } } return 0 } proc urgent::chat_message_notify {chatid from type body extras} { variable options if {!$options(enabled)} return set delayed [is_delayed $extras] if {$delayed} return switch -- $type { groupchat { if {[string equal [chat::get_jid $chatid] $from]} { if {$options(handle_server_messages)} { set_urgency_hint $chatid } } else { set mynick [chat::get_nick [chat::get_connid $chatid] \ [chat::our_jid $chatid] $type] if {[check_message $mynick $body]} { if {$options(handle_personal_messages)} { set_urgency_hint $chatid } } else { if {$options(handle_normal_messages)} { set_urgency_hint $chatid } } } } chat { # Handle special tag indicating history messages: foreach xelem $extras { ::jlib::wrapper:splitxml $xelem tag vars ? ? ? set xmlns [::jlib::wrapper:getattr $vars xmlns] if {[string equal $tag ""] && \ [string equal $xmlns tkabber:x:nolog]} { return } } if {$from == "" && $options(handle_server_messages)} { set_urgency_hint $chatid } elseif {$options(handle_personal_messages)} { set_urgency_hint $chatid } } } } proc urgent::xclientwinid {tkwin} { set data [exec xwininfo -children -id [winfo id $tkwin]] if {[regexp {Parent window id: (\S+)} $data -> id]} { return $id } else { error [format "Failed to parse `xwininfo` output\ for Tk window \"%s\"" $tkwin] } } proc urgent::root_xwinid {xwinid _chatid} { return $xwinid } proc urgent::chat_xwinid {chatid} { set tkwin [chat::winid $chatid] tkwait visibility $tkwin ;# seems to be needed by xwininfo xclientwinid $tkwin } proc urgent::initialize {chatid type} { variable state set state(active,$chatid) false } proc urgent::record_xwinid {chatid _type} { variable state set state(xwinid,$chatid) [xwinid $chatid] } proc urgent::cleanup {chatid} { variable state unset state(xwinid,$chatid) unset state(active,$chatid) } proc urgent::set_urgency_hint {chatid} { variable options variable state if {!$state(active,$chatid)} { exec $options(program) -set $state(xwinid,$chatid) & set state(active,$chatid) true } } proc urgent::clear_urgency_hint {winid} { set chatid [chat::winid_to_chatid $winid] if {$chatid == ""} return variable options variable state if {$state(active,$chatid)} { set state(active,$chatid) false exec $options(program) -clear $state(xwinid,$chatid) & } } namespace eval urgent { variable options if {![info exists options(program)]} { set options(program) [file join \ [file dirname [info script]] urgent] } if {![file executable $options(program)]} { puts stderr [::msgcat::mc "Urgency hint setting program \"%s\"\ is not available or not executable by the current user.\ The \"urgent\" plugin is disabled. Consult its README file." \ $options(program)] set options(enabled) 0 } hook::add finload_hook [namespace code { if {$::ifacetk::options(use_tabbar)} { interp alias {} [namespace current]::xwinid \ {} [namespace current]::root_xwinid [xclientwinid .] } else { interp alias {} [namespace current]::xwinid \ {} [namespace current]::chat_xwinid } }] hook::add open_chat_pre_hook [namespace current]::initialize hook::add open_chat_post_hook [namespace current]::record_xwinid 40 hook::add close_chat_post_hook [namespace current]::cleanup hook::add draw_message_hook [namespace current]::chat_message_notify 19 hook::add got_focus_hook [namespace current]::clear_urgency_hint } # vim:ts=8:sw=4:sts=4:noet